Khatm Ul Awliya

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The Concept of the Seal of Saints. Sheikh ul Akbar Muhiyyudin Ibn al Arabi has in his book Futuhat i makkiya (The M eccan Revelations) written about the concept of Khatm ul Awlia or the Seal of Sa ints. According to him all the Prophets and Saints are from the light of the Sp irit of Muhammed and are its manifestations. The spirit of Muhammad is the begi nning and ending of the entire spiritual hierarchy. Adam (alai) was its first m anifestation and the Prophet Muhammad (Sal) himself was the last and most comple te manifestation of the spirit of Muhammad. Prophet hood reached its height and completion in the Prophet Mohammad (Sal) and therefore in the hierarchy of the Prophets he was the most complete and greatest.

Sheikh Muhiyyudin ibn al Arabi's shrine

In the case of the Seal of Saints what distinguishes the Seal of Saints from all the other Saints and Prophets is that the Spirit of Mohammed is completely and fully manifested in the Seal of the Saints and that he is the final entity of th e spiritual hierarchy to whom the Spirit of Mohammad is directly passed. Unlike the Seal of Prophets where Prophet hood was sealed after the Seal of Prophets i n the case of the Seal of the Saints, sainthood shall continue after the Seal of Saints. Saints will come after him. Sheikh Muhiyyudin Ibn al Arabi means by the Seal that only the Saintship which c omes from the Mohammadan heritage (Irth Muhammadi) has been sealed which means t hat there will be other Saints after the seal of Saints but that they will not b e the immediate Spiritual Inheritors of Mohammad instead they shall be the heirs of the other Prophets or Saints through the channel or mediumship of the Seal o f Saints. Sheikh ul Akbar Muhiyyudin Ibn al Arabi also says that the Seal of Saints like t he seal of Prophets was in existence from pre eternity when Adam (alai) was betw een clay and water. He also says that the internality or the inward aspect (bat in) of the Seal of Saints is the same as that of the Prophet Muhammad (sal) and that all spiritual knowledge come to all other Prophets and Saints through the c hannel and mediumship of the Seal of Saints.

The Identity of the Seal of Saints The information that we have about our Grandsheikh Moulana Abdullah Faiz Dhagist ani is mainly from the lectures of his Grandsheikh who was Sheikh Sharafuddeen D hagistani (Ral) who was also his uncle and also from the lectures from Grandshei

kh Abdullah Faiz Dagistani himself and Moulana Sheik Nazim. Sheikh Sharafuddeen said that as soon as Sheikh Abdullah was born the eye of his heart was open and that Sheikh Abdullah was able to speak of the heavens up to the Throne of Allah Almighty Himself which includes the knowledge of our Earth and the seven heavens as well. This means that he can give the knowledge of all of creation which Al lah Almighty opened for him and for Prophet Muhammad (Sal) and for all of the Sa ints.

Sheikh Sharafudeen ad Dhagistani

At the age of seven Sheikh Abdullah would effortlessly speak about the highest of Spiritual knowledge so much so that when his Grandsheikh Sheikh Sharafuddeen asked him as to how he could speak on these very high knowledge he answered that these words came to him from the Divine Presence itself like they were written in front of him and that he had only to look at those words and speak about it. Sheikh Abdullah could at this age speak on Spiritual knowledge that had never b een opened by anyone before him. Sheikh Abdullah said regarding this that if he was to reveal the deep secrets and Divine Knowledge (ma?rifatullah) that he had in his heart even the Saints would misunderstand him and have him killed.

Sheikh Abdullah ad Dhagistani Sheikh Abdullah was ordered by his Sheikh to get married when he was fifteen yea rs old. Six months after this he was ordered into a seclusion by his Grandsheik h for a period of five years. Such was the severity of the training that Sheikh Abdullah received. All in all he is reported to have done at least twenty secl usions during which his spiritual rank increased to great heights never before a ttained by any one before him. The Ocean of Saints Sheikh Abdullah was the Ocean of the Saints so much so that the Light of Prophec y and the Light of Sainthood (wilaya) passed from the heart of Prophet Muhammad (Sal) to the heart of Sheikh Abdullah and it was from the heart of Sheikh Abdull a that like a channel these Lights and knowledge came to all the Saints who live d from the time of Adam (alai) upto now and it shall continue in this manner unt il the coming time of the Day of Judgment. It was Sheikh Abdullah who dressed al l these Saints in all their stations (maqams) and ranks. No light of sainthood was given by Prophet Muhammad (Sal) to any saint except through the heart of She ikh Abdullah. This was the situation even before Sheikh Abdullah was born into this world. Sheikh Sharafuddeen also said that the spiritual reality of Sheikh Abdullah is l ike the reality of Seyyadina Abu Bakr Siddique (ral). Just as Seyyadina Abu Bakr Siddique (ral) was with Prophet Muhammad (sal) from pre eternal times so was Sh eikh Abdullah with Prophet Muhammad (sal). When Allah Almighty made the Light o f Prophet Muhammad (sal) to appear and to manifest, the lights of Seyyadina Abu Bakr Siddique (ral) and the Light of Sheikh Abdullah also appeared at the same t ime and they accompanied Prophet Muhammad (Sal) from the time when no creation w as yet created. This was the time when everything was in the Oceans of Knowledge of Allah Almighty. This means that Sheikh Abdullah was accompanying all the Pro

phets and all the Saints during all the past centuries.

Sheikh Abdullah with Sheikh Nazim Sheikh Sharafuddeen said that as Prophet Muhammad (Sal) is the Seal of the Proph ets so is Sheikh Abdullah the Seal of the Saints. This does not mean that no Sa ints will come after Sheikh Abdullah. There will be other Saints coming after h im. Therefore what the Seal of Saints means is that all the Lights of all the S aints before and after must come through the heart of the Seal of the Saints who is Sheikh Abdullah. All the Saints from the time of Adam (alai) up to the Day of Judgment had to have received their Lights through Sheikh Abdullah and it was Sheikh Abdullah who also dressed them in all their stations (maqam) and ranks. Sheikh Sharafuddeen further said that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sal) has made S heikh Abdullah to be in a station (maqam) and a rank in which not one of the chi ldren of Adam (alai) had the capability to step on and to put their foot in this station (maqam) or rank. Sheikh Abdullah was the one who dove deep into the oce ans of wisdom, secrets and realities of the Divine Oceans of Unity of Allah Almi ghty with the help and support of Prophet Mohammad (Sal) the Seal of Prophets. The Medium and the Channel Sheikh Abdullah was the one who took these secrets, wisdom and realities and gav e them to all the Saints past and present. Sheikh Abdullah is also the one who w as teaching the secrets of the Holy Quran to Sahib uz Zaman Seyyadina Muhammad M ahdi (alai) on the orders of the Prophet Muhammad (Sal) as Sheikh Abdullah had t his promise given to him on the day of promises so as to be able to reveal the s ecrets of the Holy Quran to all creation during the time of Mahdi (alai) by his spiritual reality. The angels and jinns follow Sheikh Abdullah and accompany h im and do what Sheikh Abdullah wants them to do. They will do as he wants by th e order of Allah Almighty and by the order of Prophet Muhammad (Sal).

Grandsheikh Abdullah with Sheikh Nazim

Sheikh Abdullah was so close to Allah Almighty and to the Prophet Muhammad (Sal) that there were no veils between Sheikh Abdullah and the Prophet Mohammad (Sal) and also no veils between Sheikh Abdullah and Allah Almighty. If he was to ask anything from Allah Almighty then it would be granted to him as Allah Almighty w ill say ?what is it that you wish for my sincere servant, I will give it to you. ? The secrets of the Holy Quran are only to be recited now and not to be revealed except during the time of Seyyadina Mahdi (alai) and Esa (alai). It shall be re vealed at the end of time during the period of Mahdi (alai) and Esa (alai) befor e the day of judgment and this shall take place through the channel of the Seal of Saints who is Sheikh Abdullah.

Grandsheikh Abdullah

Seyyadina Muhiyuddin Ibn al Arabi in his book Futuhat i Makkiya says that at las t Allah Almighty will change the blessings and inspirations of the whole world b y His greatest name which is the name which will be opened so that Allah Almight y makes the earth to carry this burden of Allah Almighty. He will open the sec ret of His greatest name at that time. Allah Almighty is going to appoint and to send the Ghauz or the Qutb who?s name is Abdullah to settle in Damascus and he will be like a pillar when Allah Almighty inspires him and looks at him. The Pr ophet Muhammad?s spirituality will be with him at that time. He will be accompan ied by this spirituality. He shall only speak by translating with the spiritual ity of the Prophet Muhammad (Sal) to anyone who is around or beside him. After the passing away of Sheik Abdullah this trust (amana) was dressed on Moulana She ikh Nazim to carry this trust till the coming of Seyyadina Mahdi (alai) and Esa (alai) when the spirituality of Sheikh Abdullah will appear again and will revea l all these secrets.

Sheikh Abdullah Dhagistani Sheikh Abdullah said that he is the one who is serving Allah Almighty and Prophe t Muhammad (Sal) through the Naqshabandi way. He was serving all the children of Adam (alai) up to the time of death and all what he gained during his lifetime as good deeds he has promised to the Prophet Muhammad (Sal) that they be distri buted to his nation who are all the children of Adam (alai). The Sultan ul Ad-dhikr There is a manner in which the Holy Quran is recited that is known as Sultan ul adh-dhikr. This type of recital of the Holy Quran is only done by the highest r anking Saints. This recital of the Holy Quran is done with all the secrets of th e Quran and its inner realities which mean that the person reciting the Holy Qur an in this manner is reciting it with the secrets of everything in existence fro m the very beginning to the very end.

Grandsheikh Abdullah ad Dhagistani

The number of times that the Holy Quran was recited in this manner by the Saints also defers according to the rank and power of the saint reciting it. Shah Bah auddin Naqshaband was able to complete the recital of the Holy Quran in this man ner nine hundred and ninety nine (999) times during his entire life. Sheikh Ahm ed Faruq Sirhindi did this nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine (9,999) ti mes during his life time. Sheikh Sharafuddin was able to do it nineteen thousan d nine hundred and ninety nine (19,999) times. Sheikh Nazim said that with every inhalation Sheikh Abdullah recited the Holy Qu ran in this manner and also with every exhalation in this manner which means tha t he used to complete the recitation of the Holy Quran in this manner twice in e very breath. Such was the spiritual rank and power of Sheikh Abdullah. The Supreme Sacrifice Six months before Sheikh Abdullah passed away which was during the Islamic month

of Muharam in the year of 1973 which was on a Friday he came to the mosque wher e he is buried now and he made the kathm ul khawajagan or the Naqshbandi group z ikr. While doing this Zikr he was crying profusely. He then gave a lecture in w hich he said that on that night the Prophet Muhammad (Sal) told him that the chi ldren of Adam (alai) and his nation specially this last nation are going to be s o weak in their Iman (faith) and so weak in their worshipping. That they will be following their desires and their egos and that they will love this world and t his life. That they will not be following Allah Almighty and the Prophet Muhamma d (Sal) and they will not be following the Saints.

Grandsheikh Abdullah with Sheikh Nazim

The Prophet Muhammad (Sal) said ?So there is no way that they will be saved fr om hell except and unless an Awlia (saint) of the highest rank sacrifices himsel f and takes upon himself all their badness and all their sins. They are running away from Allah Almighty and from me and they are cursing all kinds of religions . If such a saint who belongs to this highest rank sacrifices himself on behalf of them Allah Almighty has given me a promise that he will save all of them and all their unbelief, rejection, sins and badness will be taken over by this high ranking saint.? The Prophet (Sal) further said that he could not say about the future of this hi gh ranking saint and that therefore he could not guarantee what would be the con dition of this high ranking Waliullah who sacrifices himself thereafter. Allah Almighty may send him to hell or paradise as the Prophet Muhammad (Sal) said tha t he did not know what the condition of this great saint is going to be after he so sacrifices himself.

Grandsheikh Abdullah ad Dhagistani

The Prophet (Sal) also said that there is no saint who is of that required highe st rank at the present except sheik Abdullah who could make that sacrifice. The Prophet (Sal) said that he is not in a position to ask any one to do this sacrif ice as he could not guarantee to him as to what Allah Almighty would do to this saint. Immediately Sheikh Abdullah said, ?As you like my beloved Seal of Prophe ts, I am going to sacrifice myself for your nation?. Two or three months after this incident Sheikh Abdullah passed away from this life. The Merciful Pleader Sheikh Abdullah was one of the most generous of people. He loved the poor and o rphans. He not only served the nation of the Prophet Muhammad (Sal) but he serv ed all the children of Adam (alai). He said that he is serving all the children of Adam (alai) and that he will act as their lawyer and pleader on the Day of Ju dgment when Allah Almighty will be the Highest Judge and hold His Court. On that day the Prophet Muhammad (Sal) will act as the intercessor and Sheik Abdullah s hall act as their lawyer or pleader and plead with Allah Almighty on their behal f.

Grandsheikh Abdullah ad Dhagistani

Allah Almighty appointed Sheikh Abdullah to be the lawyer in the court of Allah Almighty not only for the Muslims but for all the children of Adam (alai) as wel l. He will be with them in the Divine Presence of Allah Almighty and his spirit uality will be following every one of the children of Adam (alai). Especially du ring their time of death when their souls come up from their hearts to their thr oats Sheikh Abdullah will spiritually appear to them and make them to except Isl am and make them recite the Shahada Kaleema. He will change all of them to depa rt from this life with the blessings of Allah Almighty and the Prophet Muhammad (Sal) and he will give them the good tidings of this. Their end will not be as people now believe. These are secrets that cannot be revealed until the coming of Seyyadina Mahdi (alai) and Esa (alai). The Returning by Realities Insha Allah Sheikh Abdullah will be returning. He has this promise from the Pro phet (Sal) that he shall return in his reality. The realities of the Prophet (S al) and the realties of all the Prophets and Saints shall return by their realit ies during the time of Mahdi (alai) and Esa (alai). They shall be returning by t heir realities which are by their Lights. The reality of Sheikh Abdullah too sh all be accompanying the realities of Seyyadina Abu Bakr Siddique and Prophet Moh ammad (Sal) till the end of time so as to be with Seyyadina Mahdi (alai) and Esa (alai). Sheikh Abdullah said that on the Day of Judgment when Allah Almighty i s going to fold the heavens and to take the earth by His hands that Sheikh Abdul lah would be the one who would present all this into the hands of Allah Almighty . This would be when the Angel Israfil blows his horn The First Death Sheikh Abdullah said that he had already passed away before during the time of S ultan Abdul Hameed who was the last Caliph of the Ottoman Empire. During this t ime they were conscripting soldiers for the army. It fell to Sheikh Sharafuddin the Grandsheik of Sheikh Abdullah to also join the army. Sheikh Abdullah was ho wever exempt from joining the army as he was the only son in his family. These were the rules at that time. Sheikh Abdullah however said that on behalf of his Grandsheikh Sheikh Sharafuddin that he would sacrifice himself and join the army instead. This meant that Sheik Abdullah would go on behalf of his Grandsheikh Sheikh Sharafuddin to fight on behalf of the Ottoman Empire. When Sheikh Abdull ah was in the battle field in the front lines a bullet struck his heart and sett led in it. He passed away.

Grandsheikh Abdullah and Sheikh Nazim

Sheikh Abdullah later said about this incident that he saw the Angel of Death an d that he died and went to the heavens and that he saw everything over there. H e said that he saw the Prophet Muhammad (sal) bowing during the night journey wh en he was ascending to the Divine Presence of Allah Almighty. He said that he a lso made a sajda (prostration) with the Prophet Muhammad (Sal) at that place.

After seven days the Prophet Muhammad (Sal) told Sheikh Abdullah that he must no w return back to his body. He said that his soul must enter into his body again as he had plenty of time of his life left to serve. To this Sheikh Abdullah rep lied ?Oh Rasoolullah, please forgive me, I am in these highest stations and I do n?t like to return back to this life.? Sheik Abdullah said, "At the time before my death I was in the station of annihilating myself in my Sheikh. Then the Prop het Muhammad (Sal) ordered my Grandsheikh Sheikh Sharafuddin . Sheikh Sharafuddi n then ordered me to enter into my body."

Grandsheikh Abdullah ad Daghistani Sheikh Abdullah described how his soul entered into his body which was in a swol len state. When his soul entered into his body he started to cry out ?Allah, Al lah?. At this time some doctors belonging to the Ottoman Empire were passing by the body of Sheikh Abdullah which was lying there with thousands of other bodie s. They saw Sheikh Abdullah and said, ?This person is not breathing well but hi s heart sounds as if it is beating?. So they kept their ears on the heart of Gr andsheikh and saw that it was beating weakly. Then they him carried away from th e battle field and put him into a hospital. The Doctors could not perform an op eration as it was not possible to go into the place where the bullet was embedde d and remove the bullet. Due to this they had to make a cover like a cocoon over it near the heart. The Death of a Martyr This is why Grandsheikh said that he will be meeting Allah Almighty on the day o f judgment with something that gave evidence of and witnessed that Sheik Abdulla h had performed Jihad and died a martyr. That he had fought for the sake of All ah Almighty and Rasoolullah (Sal) and for the sake of ?La ilaha illallah? to be raised all over the world. Allah Almighty then blessed Sheikh Abdullah and gave him good tidings that he shall remain till the end of time up to the time of Se yyadina Esa (alai). But for the reason mentioned earlier due to Sheikh Abdullah sacrificing himself on behalf of the nation of the Prophet Muhammad (Sal) he ha d to pass away. He shall return by his reality and not by his physical body duri ng the end of time because he must accompany the Prophet (Sal) by his reality un til the Day of Judgment. So Sheikh Abdullah shall return by his reality.

The Ziyaram (tomb) of Sheikh Abdullah Daghistani

The Most Pleasing Return to Allah Almighty Sheikh Abdullah said that when he passes away from this life physically and when his Sheikh orders him to leave this life, Allah Almighty shall take his soul wi th his own hands and such lights will shine over his body which can never be des cribed. When his body shall be placed in the grave Allah Almighty shall return his soul and he shall go to the Prophet Muhammad (sal). This is why Moulana She ikh Nazim buried his Grandsheikh Sheikh Abdulla with his own hands and after the burial he ordered everyone to go out of that place. Only Moulana Sheikh Nazim remained with him. Moulana Sheikh Nazim said later that he saw Allah Almighty a nd Prophet Muhammad (sal) returning the soul of Sheikh Abdullah to his body. He said that all the one hundred and twenty four thousand Prophets, and the Sahaba (the companions of the Prophet) and all the Saints (Awliya) came to his grave a nd thereafter the Prophet Muhammad (sal) took him to his Spiritual Station (maqa

m) . These are the secrets that Sheikh Sharafuddeen gave us through his lectures and also the Prophet Muhammad (Sal) gave as good tidings in the Holy Assembly of Pro phet Muhammad (Sal) to the Saints about the last Sultan ul Awlia who is the Seal of Saints. After Sheikh Abdullah passed away we were given Moulana Sheikh Nazim who inherited the secrets and the maqams of Sheikh Abdullah and no one is also able to reach to the rank and maqam of Moulana Sheikh Nazim.

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