Book 1 Constitution and Procedures

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Book 1 Constitution and Procedures

This edition contains all current laws and bylaws approved and in effect on the date shown below. There may be interpretations which may affect this edition. Please check the World Archery website ( for a listing of all interpretations which may be in force. This version supersedes all previous versions.

Chapter 1 Constitution
1.1. Name
1.1.1. The name of the Federation shall be World Archery Federation and shall be abbreviated WA.

1.2. Status
1.2.1. World Archery is a non-profit association under the Swiss Civil Code.

1.3. Objectives
1.3.1. The objectives of World Archery shall be: To promote and encourage Archery throughout the World in conformity with the Olympic principles; To define and promote World Archery goals; To frame and interpret World Archery Rules; To arrange for the organisation of World Championships as Congress may establish in any discipline; To confirm and maintain: World Records; Olympic & Paralympic Games Records; To maintain results from: World Archery Championships and World Archery International Events; Olympic Games; Paralympic Games.

1.4. Membership
1.4.1. Members of World Archery shall be: Member Associations; Continental Associations; Associate International Federations; Associate Members. 1.4.2. Member Associations shall be National Archery Associations, one only from each country or territory. The name of a Member Association shall identify its country or territory. Member Associations and Continental Associations shall recognise World Archery as the International Federation for Archery representing the World Archery objectives. Members shall be bound by its Rules, shall submit to its jurisdiction in World Archery matters and shall undertake to promote its goals. Members, their officers and athletes, shall be bound by the Constitution and Rules including the Code of Ethics and Conduct. No discrimination shall be allowed against any country, association or person on grounds of gender, disability, race, religion or politics. 1.4.3. Associate International Federations shall recognise World Archery as the International Federation representing World Archery matters internationally. They shall be bound by their agreement of co-operation with World Archery and shall submit to World Archery jurisdiction in World Archery matters and shall promote its goals. 1.4.4. World Archery recognises one Continental Association for each of the following five areas: Africa; The Americas; Asia; Europe; Oceania.

All Member Associations are automatically members of the Continental Association based on NOC's respective continental organisations, except as otherwise determined by the Executive Board. The responsibilities of a Continental Association shall be: To promote and encourage Archery throughout its area in conformity with the Olympic and World Archery principles and goals; To assist World Archery in areas of event management, development and education; To arrange for the organisation of Continental Championships and International Events in any discipline; To confirm and maintain Continental Records; To maintain results of Continental Championships. World Archery may delegate additional responsibilities to a Continental Association, as it deems in the best interest of World Archery. To determine the exact nature of the responsibilities, World Archery shall meet independently with each Continental Association in even years in order to develop a joint agreement regarding priorities, objectives, activities and budget. 1.4.5. Associate Members may be individuals, institutions or companies wishing to contribute substantially to World Archerys activity in promoting Archery. They may attend Congress and speak, but have no vote. 1.4.6. Associate International Federations may be federations practising other forms of Archery and wishing to contribute substantially to World Archerys activity in promoting International Archery. They may attend Congress and may speak, but have no vote.

1.5. Affiliation
1.5.1. Applications for Member Association and Associate International Federation shall be accompanied by: A copy of the applicants current Constitution; A statement accepting the World Archery Constitution, including the Code of Ethics and Conduct, for their association and its members; The membership fee for the current year; A proposal for an agreement of cooperation in the case of an Associate International Federation. 1.5.2. The Executive Committee shall evaluate the application. Upon the Executive Committee's finding the membership application for a Member Association or an Associate International Federation to be in order, they shall announce it to all Member Associations and the Executive Board. If no objections are raised in writing within 60 days of this announcement, temporary membership shall be granted until the next Congress, when final membership shall be submitted to a vote. If there are any serious objections, the Executive Committee shall determine whether or not to award temporary membership. If the Executive Committee is satisfied that a request by an expelled Member Association for re-affiliation, following an expulsion for the nonpayment of the membership fees or a period of inactivity, is in order, the request shall be submitted to the Executive Board for decision. Approval of the re-affiliation may be subject to certain conditions by the Executive Committee. The decision by the Executive Board shall need a confirmation by the next Congress. The Executive Board's decision shall be communicated to all Member Associations. This procedure does not apply to expulsions following a decision under 1.15. Sanctions.

1.5.3. Congress may decline membership for a Member Association and an Associate International Federation, in which case any fee paid shall be returned. 1.5.4. The application for Associate Member affiliation shall be in writing and accompanied by: A statement accepting the Constitution including the Code of Ethics and Conduct; The membership fee for the current year. Upon the Executive Committee's finding the membership application for an Associate Member to be in order, it shall grant final membership and announce it to all Members and the Executive Board.

1.6. Organisation
1.6.1. World Archery is governed through laws and bylaws. Changes to the laws may only be made by Congress. Changes to bylaws, after reference to the appropriate Permanent Committees, are decided by the Executive Board. 1.6.2. Congress is the senior body of World Archery and has all powers that are not otherwise granted to others under this Constitution.

1.6.3. Congress elects the following offices of World Archery: The President; The First Vice President; The Vice Presidents; The Executive Board; The Board of Justice and Ethics; The Permanent Committees with the exception of the Athletes Committee, and the Chief Classifier of the Para-Archery Committee. The Finance & Audit Board is appointed by the President and approved by Congress. 1.6.4. The President, the First Vice President and one Vice President form the Executive Committee. 1.6.5. Persons elected to World Archery offices shall serve a term of four years unless otherwise specified. 1.6.6. No person shall be elected to more than one office of World Archery at any one time. 1.6.7. Officers whose terms are expiring are eligible for re-election. The President, two Vice Presidents and three Executive Board members shall be elected and the Finance & Audit Board appointed at the Congress held the year after the Summer Olympic Games. The First Vice President, another Vice President, four other Executive Board members and the Board of Justice and Ethics shall be elected at the Congress held three years after the Summer Olympic Games. The Permanent Committees shall be elected as follows: At the Congress held the year after the Summer Olympic Games: The Technical Committee; The Target Archery Committee; The Medical & Sport Sciences Committee; The Para-Archery Committee. At the Congress held three years after the Summer Olympic Games: The C&R Committee; The Field Archery Committee; The Judges Committee; The Coaches Committee. At the World Archery Championships prior to the Summer Olympics and at the World Archery Field Championships in the Summer Olympic's year, the Athletes Committee shall be elected by the athletes among the nominations received from Member Associations (for the election procedure see Book 1-Constitution and Procedures).

1.7. Congress
(See also Appendix 1-Congress Procedures.) 1.7.1. Congress is formed by the delegations of Members, by the Executive Board and by the Permanent Committees. Delegations are qualified to attend Congress only if the Member they represent is in good standing (see definition of good standing in Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Article 3.1.6. ). 1.7.2. Each Member Association shall be allowed one voting delegate and no more than two other delegates. Continental Associations and Associate International Federations may be represented by no more than two delegates. Associate Members may be represented by no more than one delegate. 1.7.3. Each Member Association shall have one vote. The vote of a Member Association may be cast by proxy only by another Member Association. No Member Association may carry more than one proxy. Each Member Association shall submit written authority signed by the President of the Member Association naming its voting delegate and an alternative voting delegate, before the meeting starts. Each proxy shall be in writing, signed by the President of the Member Association from which it is given and the Member Association which has accepted the proxy, and it shall be submitted to the Secretary General prior to the start of the meeting. No Member Association may give a proxy unless that Association is in good standing. 1.7.4. A Congress session shall be valid if at least 25% of the Member Associations qualified to attend are present at the beginning of the session. 1.7.5. The President or the chairperson of Congress in session shall have a casting vote in the event of a tie. Other members of the Executive Board and the Secretary General shall not serve as voting delegates or carry proxies. 1.7.6. Congress shall discuss and decide on all matters that have been placed on the Agenda. Only the Congress held in the year after the Summer Olympic Games is entitled to consider Motions and Proposal for laws and their amendments relating to competition rules.

1.7.7. Congress decisions are final and can only be changed by the vote of a following Congress. Changes to the Constitution and competition rules shall require a 2/3 majority of the votes cast "for" or "against"; whereas changes to other chapters shall be decided by a simple majority of the votes cast "for" or "against". Elections shall be held following the procedure outlined in Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Article 6.7. . 1.7.8. The President shall preside at all meetings of Congress at which he is present. In the absence of the President, the First Vice President shall preside, or, if neither is present, a member of the Executive Board other than the Secretary General. If none of these is present, then a voting delegate shall be elected as chairperson. 1.7.9. The Executive Committee shall convene the Ordinary Congress immediately before or after every World Archery Championships and in the same geographic location. However, Congress shall be held every two years in case the World Archery Championships do not take place. 1.7.10. The Executive Committee shall convene an Extraordinary Congress on the written request of the Executive Board or a simple majority of the Member Associations. 1.7.11. The notice convening an Extraordinary Congress shall state clearly the purpose of the meeting. Only the matters specified in such notice may be considered at such Extraordinary Congress. 1.7.12. Motions and Proposals for changing the laws may be submitted to the Secretary General only by Member Associations, Continental Associations, the President or the Executive Board. (For procedure, see Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Article 6.4. .) This submission shall be made at least 240 days prior to Congress.

1.7.13. Motions and Proposals for changing the bylaws may be submitted to the Secretary General only by Member Associations, Continental Associations, the President, the Executive Board or the Permanent Committees from within their respective terms of reference. (For procedure, see Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Article 6.6. .) 1.7.14. The Secretary General shall distribute all motions and proposals for changing the laws to the relevant Permanent Committees for review, collation and recommendations. This distribution shall be within five working days. The Committees recommendations on submitted Motions and Proposals shall be sent to the Secretary General, along with any Motions or Proposals from the Permanent Committees within their respective terms of reference 215 days prior to Congress. The Secretary General shall distribute these Motions and Proposals to all Member Associations, Continental Associations and Members of the Executive Board 200 days prior to the Congress.

1.7.15. Amendments may be submitted by Member Associations, Continental Associations, the President, the Executive Board, or Permanent Committees within their terms of reference. Any amendments to motions and proposals for changing the laws shall be sent to the Secretary General. The deadline for submission is 140 days prior to Congress. 80 days prior to Congress, the Secretary General shall collate and distribute to all Members, the Executive Board, the Honorary Officers, the Board of Justice and Ethics and the Permanent Committees: The Congress Agenda; The Finance & Audit Board's report, the audited income and expenditure account and balance sheet, the financial programs and the Auditor's report; The Annual Report, including World Archery goals; The Motions, Proposals and Amendments, including comments by the relevant committees; The Permanent Committees' reports; The list of nominations for offices received by that date.

1.7.16. The chairperson of Congress has the right to submit compromise motions. 1.7.17. The Secretary General shall announce to all Member Associations the positions to be elected at Congress. The nomination forms shall be distributed 180 days prior to Congress.

1.7.18. Nominations for offices shall be submitted only by Member Associations. One person cannot be a candidate for more than two positions. The person nominating a candidate shall include a written statement by the nominee that he belongs to a Member Association and is willing to accept such office, if elected. Those nominations sent to the Secretary General and postmarked at least 90 days prior to the date of the Congress shall be distributed in accordance with Article 1.7.15. . Nominations with a postmark of fewer than 90 days prior to the date of Congress shall be received by the Secretary General at least 21 days before the start of the Congress.

1.7.19. Congress Sessions shall be recorded and the Minutes distributed. The Secretary General shall, within six months of the end of the Congress, distribute the Minutes to all Members, the Honorary Officers, the Executive Board and the Permanent Committees. Every participant in Congress may request to have his words reported in full. In this case he shall provide a written and signed text before the end of the Session at which he has spoken.

1.8. President
1.8.1. The President represents World Archery, presides over the Congress, the Executive Board and the Executive Committee meetings. 1.8.2. At every Congress, the President shall present a report on the administration and activities of the Federation and a program of activities for the period up to the next Congress. 1.8.3. In the event of an emergency situation at any Championships, the President has the temporary authority to make any rule changes that he deems necessary to protect the best interests of World Archery. 1.8.4. The President may delegate a Vice President or, if that is impractical, another officer of World Archery to represent the Federation at significant events or meetings. 1.8.5. The President shall designate the chairpersons of the Permanent Committees from among their members. 1.8.6. If the President ceases to hold this office or in the event of his inability or refusal to act, the First Vice President shall perform the duties of the President up until the next Congress. If the First Vice President is not able to hold this office, the Executive Board shall elect one of the Vice Presidents as acting President up until the next Congress. 1.8.7. The President is an ex officio member of all committees.

1.9. The Vice Presidents

1.9.1. There shall be one First Vice President and three Vice Presidents. 1.9.2. The First Vice President shall represent the President if he is unable to attend a function and has appointed no other delegate. 1.9.3. Each Vice President shall oversee various aspects of World Archery as determined by the President. 1.9.4. If the First Vice President ceases to hold this office or in the event of his inability or refusal to act, the Executive Board shall elect one of the Vice Presidents to perform the duties of the First Vice President up until next Congress. If the First Vice President is elected President at a Congress, or there is a vacancy for the title at that Congress, an election for a new First Vice President shall immediately take place. Nominees for the position shall be the Vice President(s) not up for election and nominees for a Vice President position at that Congress, unless they deny such a nomination.

1.10. The Secretary General

1.10.1. The Secretary General is the officer responsible for the correct and efficient functioning of World Archery's administration. 1.10.2. The Secretary General is appointed by the Executive Committee, approved by the Executive Board and paid for from World Archery funds. 1.10.3. The Secretary General participates in all activities of the Executive Committee and the Executive Board with no voting rights. The role of the Secretary General is as follows: To assist the President in representing World Archery in the Olympic Family, and other International Sports Organisations; To supervise the World Archery Office; To prepare for Congress, Executive Board and Executive Committee meetings (including the agenda and associated documents); To prepare the yearly budget and other financial information necessary for Congress, Executive Board and Executive Committee meetings; To maintain and distribute minutes of Congress, Executive Board and Executive Committee meetings; To distribute relevant information to Member Associations and the Executive Board timely; To edit and approve the official publications; To process temporary affiliations; To maintain records and results; To distribute performance awards;

To appoint an ex officio member from the staff to a Committee, with no voting rights when necessary.

1.10.4. The Secretary General shall prepare annually a detailed budget for the Executive Board's approval. 1.10.5. The Secretary General shall present a report and audited accounts to the Executive Board annually and to the Congress every two years. 1.10.6. The Secretary General is an ex officio member of the C&R Committee. 1.10.7. If the Secretary General ceases to hold his office, or in the event of his inability or refusal to act, the Executive Committee shall appoint an acting Secretary General to serve, subject to the Executive Boards approval.

1.11. The Finance & Audit Board

1.11.1. The Finance & Audit Board of three members, subject to the authority of the President, shall review the finances. Members shall have a financial qualification or have relevant accounting or financial experience over the previous five years before their appointment. The chairperson of the Audit Board shall be designated by the President. The primary tasks are: The review of financial information necessary for Congress, the Executive Board and the Executive Committee meetings; The review of income and expenditure accounts, and the quarterly management accounts; The review of the annual budget before it is presented to the Executive Board; Considering matters which relate to finance as it deems appropriate; Bringing to the attention of the Executive Committee and to the Executive Board matters relating to finance.

1.11.2. The Finance & Audit Board shall present a report to the Executive Board annually and to Congress every two years.

1.12. The Executive Board

1.12.1. The Executive Board is made up of: The President; The First Vice President; Three Vice Presidents; Seven other members; The chairperson of the Athletes Committee. And the following ex officio members with full participation rights but no vote: The Secretary General; The chairperson of the C&R Committee. There shall be no more than two members from the same Member Association except for the ex officio members. 1.12.2. The Executive Board is the governing body of World Archery between Congresses. The Executive Board shall meet at least once a year. The Executive Board may meet physically or through the use of any other simultaneous, recorded communication tool. The Executive Board may call an extraordinary Congress where necessary.

1.12.3. An extraordinary meeting of the Executive Board shall be convened at the request of either the Executive Committee, or a majority of the total number of Executive Board members. The Secretary General shall send the notice of the meeting to all Executive Board members at least 10 days before the meeting and include the agenda of the meeting.

1.12.4. The quorum for an Executive Board meeting or vote shall be the majority of its members with voting powers. 1.12.5. The Executive Board decisions shall be made by a simple majority of votes expressed. The Executive Board may make its decisions by postal, electronic or faxed vote. Votes reaching the Secretary General after the date specified shall not be considered. In case of a tie, the chairperson of the Executive Board shall cast the deciding vote.

1.12.6. The primary duties of the Executive Board are the governance and supervision of the affairs of World Archery in line with its objectives and goals as determined by Congress which include but are not limited to: Approve a budget allocating funds for the implementation of World Archery activities;

Consider for approval the annual financial report; Approve the appointment to the position of Secretary General and any additional positions to the World Archery Office; Appoint Technical Delegates; Appoint Judges for duty at the Olympic Games on the recommendation of the Judges Committee; Review the implementation of the rule changes; Decide on sanctions proposed by the Board of Justice & Ethics; Decide on appeals against denial of renewals of Judge status; Decide on doping matters according to ANTI-DOPING RULE VIOLATIONS, Article 47.5.3. in Book 6, ANTI-DOPING RULE VIOLATIONS, Article 49.1. in Book 6, ANTI-DOPING RULE VIOLATIONS, Article 49.2. in Book 6 and ANTI-DOPING RULE VIOLATIONS, Article 49.3. in Book 6 and ensure that Member Associations comply with the Anti-Doping Rules and the World Anti-Doping Code; Approve bylaw changes. 1.12.7. Should any vacancies occur in the Executive Board (other than the President or First Vice President), or should Executive Board members fail to respond to Executive Board matters for a period of six consecutive months or fail to attend two consecutive Executive Board meetings after a written warning issued by the Secretary General, the Executive Committee shall declare those members inactive and shall refer to the Congress records to fill the vacancy with the individual who received the next highest number of votes, but was not elected to the Executive Board, provided that the person recorded at least 35% of the votes cast in the first ballot. If that individual does not meet that criterion, is no longer member of a Member Association or is unwilling to serve, the Executive Board shall appoint the replacement member. The replacement shall only serve until the next Congress. 1.12.8. The Minutes of Executive Board meetings (including the budget) shall be published and circulated to all Members and officers.

1.13. The Executive Committee

1.13.1. The following officers of the Executive Board shall form the Executive Committee: The President; The First Vice President; One Vice President. The Vice President shall be appointed by the Executive Board on an annual basis. Any two of these shall form a quorum. The Secretary General shall support the Executive Committee. 1.13.2. Each decision shall be made by a simple majority. 1.13.3. The Executive Committee shall handle all routine business. 1.13.4. The Executive Committee shall ensure proper books of accounts are kept. 1.13.5. The Executive Committee shall appoint an Anti-Doping Administrator. 1.13.6. The Executive Committee shall nominate the Anti-Doping Panel (see ANTI-DOPING RULE VIOLATIONS, Article 45.1.1. in Book 6). 1.13.7. The Executive Committee shall appoint the Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) panel (see ANTI-DOPING RULE VIOLATIONS, Article 41.4.4. in Book 6). 1.13.8. The Executive Committee may provisionally suspend an athlete in case of an Anti-Doping Rule violation (see ANTI-DOPING RULE VIOLATIONS, 44.4. Provisional Suspensions in Book 6). 1.13.9. Should the Vice President member of the Executive Committee cease to hold this office, or in the event of his inability or refusal to act during his term, as soon as possible the Executive Board shall appoint another Vice President as member of the Executive Committee for the remainder of the term.

1.14. The Board of Justice and Ethics

(See Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Appendix 3-PROCEDURE FOR THE BOARD OF JUSTICE AND ETHICS.) 1.14.1. Congress shall elect a Board of Justice and Ethics of five members to investigate alleged breaches of the World Archery Constitution and Rules, including its Code of Ethics and Conduct by any members of the World Archery Family. However, the Board of Justice and Ethics does not consider Anti-Doping Rules violations which are under the responsibility of the Anti-Doping Panel. 1.14.2. Each member of the Board of Justice and Ethics shall belong to different Member Association.

1.14.3. The Board of Justice and Ethics elects its chairperson and deputy chairperson. 1.14.4. Cases can be submitted through the Secretary General to the Board of Justice and Ethics by: The President; The Executive Board; The Executive Committee; Member Associations; Continental Associations; Judges or Juries of Appeal, for cases arising in tournaments under their supervision. 1.14.5. The Board of Justice and Ethics shall ensure procedural fairness for all parties involved.

1.15. Sanctions
(Except Anti-Doping Rules violations.) 1.15.1. The Board of Justice and Ethics shall submit a detailed report on each examined case that shall also propose: Dismissal of the case as irrelevant; Acquittal; Sanctions to be imposed. 1.15.2. Sanctions can be: Public reprimand; Withdrawal of record recognition; Withdrawal of awards and prizes; Temporary or partial suspension; Expulsion; Any combination of the above. 1.15.3. An expelled Member of World Archery or one or more of its Members may re-apply for membership after two years have elapsed. This application shall be considered by the next Congress. 1.15.4. Applications submitted according to Article 1.15.3. shall be dealt with by the Executive Board, which shall circulate it with a recommendation to all Member Associations and submit the application for decision by Congress. 1.15.5. The costs of the investigation of a case may be charged to the party found guilty. 1.15.6. Decisions on the Board of Justice and Ethics recommendations shall be taken by the Executive Board. In cases brought against elected officers for alleged misuse of office, or if the expulsion of a Member of World Archery is recommended, the recommendation shall be circulated to all Member Associations and submitted for decision by Congress. For cases where Congress decision is requested, the Executive Board can impose a provisional suspension prior to the matter's being considered by Congress. 1.15.7. Executive Board, or Congress decisions, as the case may be, are final but subject to 1.30. Court of Arbitration for Sport. 1.15.8. All sanctions shall be communicated to the parties concerned, to all Members and to all World Archery Judges within 10 days from the date of a decision.

1.16. The Permanent Committees

1.16.1. There shall be the following Permanent Committees: The C&R Committee; The Technical Committee; The Target Archery Committee; The Field Archery Committee; The Judges Committee; The Medical & Sport Sciences Committee; The Athletes Committee; The Coaches Committee; The Para-Archery Committee. 1.16.2. The chairpersons of the Permanent Committees shall be designated by the President. Between the meetings of Congress, the Permanent Committees are responsible and accountable to the Executive Board. After their election, the Committees shall submit to the Executive Board their program and their proposals to implement World Archery goals for the period leading to the next Congress. They shall submit a report for adoption at every Congress. The chairperson of each Committee shall submit to the Executive Board once a year, a plan of committee activities related to World Archery goals and a suggested budget to be approved by the Executive Board.

1.16.3. There shall not be more than two members of a Committee from the same Member Association. 1.16.4. The term of office is four years. 1.16.5. Should any vacancy occur in a Committee, the Executive Committee, in consultation with the relevant Committee, shall appoint a new member. Should a member of any Permanent Committee fail to respond to committee matters for a period of six consecutive months, the Executive Committee, after a written warning by the Secretary General, shall declare that member inactive and appoint a new member to enable that Committee to fulfil its duties. The appointment shall be made in consultation with the remaining active members of the relevant Committee. The additional member's term of office shall last until the next Congress. 1.16.6. The chairperson, in co-operation with all other members, is responsible for seeing that the tasks of his Committee are being properly performed. 1.16.7. Committees shall reply to questions concerning the interpretation of rules within their respective terms of reference. 1.16.8. Questions can be submitted by Member Associations, members of the Executive Board or by other Permanent Committees through the Secretary General who shall forward them to the appropriate committee(s). If a question covers a matter relevant to more than one committee, those committees shall examine it together, with the co-ordination of the chairperson of the C&R Committee.

1.16.9. All replies by Committees shall be submitted to the C&R Committee which shall check they are not contrary to existing rules or Congress decisions and shall forward the replies to the Secretary General for immediate distribution to all Members, the Executive Board, the Permanent Committees and to all World Archery Judges. 1.16.10. These interpretations shall be accepted by World Archery until confirmed or amended at the next Congress and shall be incorporated into the Constitution and Rules as appropriate.

1.17. Terms of reference for the Permanent Committees

1.17.1. A C&R Committee of three deals with matters regarding the Constitution and Rules covering Eligibility, Championships, Tournaments, Records and Awards. The Committee shall prepare updated Constitution and Rules including all the rule changes and any approved interpretations; It shall clarify the wording of the rules, correct mistakes and omissions and adjust the wording of motions without changing the intention of the presenter; It shall amend, delete or create bylaws as necessary to implement motions approved by Congress. 1.17.2. A Technical Committee of five deals with matters concerning archery equipment. The Technical Committee shall work in coordination with other relevant Committees. 1.17.3. A Target Archery Committee of three deals with the following matters concerning Target Archery: Organisation and safety; Shooting rules; Field layout; Development of Target Archery; Information about Target Archery; Athletes uniform. 1.17.4. A Field Archery Committee of three deals with the following matters concerning Field Archery: Organisation and safety; Shooting rules; Course safety; Development of Field Archery; Information about Field Archery; Athletes uniform. 1.17.5. A Judges Committee (see Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Appendix 4-ORGANISATION AND PROCEDURE FOR THE JUDGES COMMITTEE) of three deals with the matters concerning judging. This Committee is also responsible for: Organising and implementing the education of new World Archery Judges and the training of

approved World Archery Judges through courses and seminars; Examining applications of candidates and the re-appointment of Judges; Keeping an up-to-date list of World Archery Judges; Appointing Judges and the Director of Shooting for World Championships and other International Events where World Archery assigns Judges; Recommending to the Executive Board Judges and the Director of Shooting for the Olympic Games. 1.17.6. A Medical & Sport Sciences Committee of five deals with all medical issues relating to participation in archery. At least three members, including the chairperson, shall be doctors of medicine. 1.17.7. An Athletes Committee of six shall bring to the attention of the relevant other Committees matters which, as athletes, they consider to require attention. Candidates for the Athletes Committee shall have represented their Member Association as an athlete on at least one occasion during the previous four years, at the time of the election. 1.17.8. A Coaches Committee of three shall bring to the attention of the relevant Committees matters which, as coaches, they consider to require attention. Candidates for the Coaches Committee shall have represented a Member Association in a coaching or team captain capacity on at least one occasion during the previous four years, at the time of the election. 1.17.9. A Para-Archery Committee of five (four elected and one appointed) deals with all matters concerning athletes with disabilities and shall work in coordination with other relevant Committees. The Committee is also responsible for: Classification of athletes with disabilities; Rounds, equipment and rules specific to athletes with disabilities. The Chief Para-Archery Classifier shall be appointed by the Executive Board upon recommendation of the Para-Archery Committee and shall be a member of the Committee.

1.18. Procedure for Permanent Committees

1.18.1. The Secretary General shall circulate to all members of the appropriate Committee(s) questions received (in accordance with Article 1.16.8. and Article 1.16.9. ) and motions and proposals for changing laws and bylaws. The chairperson shall upon receipt of all replies from Committee members, decide if further consultation is necessary or if a reply can be drafted. Draft replies shall be circulated to the other members of the Committee for approval, and the approved text transmitted to the Secretary General for circulation. Draft replies from Permanent Committees shall be given to the C&R Committee to ensure the replies are consistent with the laws and bylaws before being distributed by the Secretary General. Motions and proposals for changing laws and bylaws shall be referred by the Secretary General to the appropriate Committee(s) for action in accordance with Article 1.7.14. and Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Article 6.6. .

1.19. Ad Hoc Committees

1.19.1. Ad Hoc Committees shall be created by the Executive Board to meet any specific tasks, duties, or new initiatives as deemed appropriate. Such committees shall report to the Executive Board at least annually. The President shall appoint the chairperson of the committee. Ad-hoc Committee members shall be appointed by the Executive Board and reviewed on an annual basis.

1.20. Honorary Officers

1.20.1. Congress may elect Honorary Officers who have distinguished themselves by their work for World Archery.

1.21. Board of Trustees

1.21.1. The Board of Trustees is formed by the Honorary Officers and the members of the C&R Committee. The President shall appoint the chairperson.

1.22. Awards
(See Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Appendix 5-GUIDELINES FOR WORLD ARCHERY PLAQUETTES.) 1.22.1. World Archery may award Bronze, Silver or Gold Plaquettes in recognition of distinguished service to International Archery. 1.22.2. Proposals for Plaquette awards come from Member Associations or from Executive Board members. 1.22.3. Bronze Plaquettes shall be awarded by the Executive Board. Silver and Gold Plaquettes shall be awarded by Congress. All proposals shall be addressed to the Secretary General at least six months before the date of the relevant Executive Board or Congress meeting. Information on the achievements of the person proposed for the award, indicating in detail his actions promoting World Archery shall accompany the proposal. All proposals shall be reviewed by the Board of Trustees who shall submit recommendations to the Executive Board or Congress, as appropriate. A recipient of a Plaquette can be awarded another Plaquette both of a higher and lower value.

1.22.4. The Executive Board may give other awards to persons outside World Archery for outstanding services to World Archery.

1.23. Membership fees and penalties

1.23.1. The financial year of World Archery runs from 1 January to 31 December in any year. 1.23.2. Congress shall decide the amount of the yearly membership fee to be paid by each Member Association and the currency in which it shall be paid. 1.23.3. Membership fees are due by 31 January for that year. 1.23.4. Congress may establish amounts to be paid by Member Associations. 1.23.5. Membership fees for Associate Members shall be decided by the Executive Committee for each individual application.

1.24. Revenue from World Archery Events

1.24.1. World Archery shall have the sole right to arrange and to receive all revenue from all commercial promotion, media coverage and reproduction of World Championships. World Archery may assign or delegate these rights to a Member Association or other organisation at its sole discretion. A Member Association responsible for staging any such competition shall ensure that no arrangements in respect to television, film, new media (e.g. internet), photographic coverage or advertising associated with these competitions or their locations shall preclude World Archery from executing its own agreements at its sole discretion. 1.24.2. World Archery shall have sole intellectual property rights (trademark, design, or copyright). These rights are: Any design, symbol, logo or text adopted by World Archery from time to time as an official mark, legend, as the mascot or emblem of a specific competition staged under the authority of World Archery. This mark or legend or mascot or emblem shall not be reproduced or displayed without the prior written consent of World Archery; Cups, sculptures, designs, pictures or other items intended to be used as prizes or trophies in any competition or other event staged under the authority of World Archery. They may not be reproduced or displayed without the prior written consent of World Archery; Any competition rules, codes of conduct or training material related to archery and issued by World Archery which shall not be reproduced in the original languages or in translation without the prior written consent of World Archery. World Archery shall have the right to require payment of royalties in respect of any such reproduction. World Archery may arrange commercial promotion and reproduction of any of the above and may transfer its rights to any other entity. Any revenue or profit arising from such promotion or reproduction or transfer shall be the sole property of World Archery.

1.25. Auditing
1.25.1. The income and expenditure account and balance sheet are to be audited yearly based on the standards foreseen in Swiss association law for an organisation of the size of World Archery. 1.25.2. Auditor(s) shall be appointed by the Executive Committee and the appointment confirmed by Congress.

1.25.3. The auditor(s) shall be properly qualified and member(s) of a body of accountants recognised for this purpose in the country concerned. 1.25.4. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event applicable law contains any auditing related requirements which conflict with the above provisions of this article, the Executive Board is authorised to make revisions to the provisions of this article to as necessary to comply with such law.

1.26. Emblem, Flag and Fanfare

1.26.1. The official emblem of World Archery has been adopted by Congress. It belongs to World Archery and is protected by copyright. 1.26.2. The World Archery flag shall be light blue in colour (pantone 306U) with the World Archery emblem in colour surmounted by the letters World Archery centrally placed. 1.26.3. Member Associations may fly the World Archery flag only at tournaments recognised for World Records or Performance Awards and may display it at Member Associations' Congresses. 1.26.4. World Archery has its official fanfare (see Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Appendix 7-WORLD ARCHERY FANFARE).

1.27. Office and Archives

1.27.1. The official headquarters of World Archery is in Switzerland. The official address of World Archery is Maison du Sport International, Avenue de Rhodanie 54, 1007 Lausanne, Switzerland. An Executive Office may be set up elsewhere if proposed by the Executive Committee and approved by the Executive Board. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for keeping orderly files and archives and for transmitting them in their entirety to the succeeding Executive Committee.

1.28. Official Language

1.28.1. The official language is English. Working languages, besides the official language, may be adopted for Congress.

1.29. Official Publications

1.29.1. The Executive Committee is responsible for official publications and their distribution. These include: Up-to-date editions of the Constitution and Rules; A circular called World Archery Information which shall be issued at least six times a year; Up-to-date list of World Records; Up-to-date editions of the Directory; Up-to-date editions of Organisers Manuals consistent with the Constitution and Rules.

1.30. Court of Arbitration for Sport

1.30.1. An appeal may be made against a ratified recommendation of the Board of Justice and Ethics, against decisions concerning anti-doping rules violations (see ANTI-DOPING RULE VIOLATIONS, APPEALS in Book 6) or the equivalent highest internal tribunal of Member Associations. These appeals can only be made for decisions not related to the application of the competition rules as contained in Books 2 to 5 of the Constitution and Rules. Any appeal shall be made exclusively to the Court of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne, Switzerland, which shall resolve the dispute definitively in accordance with the Code of Sports related arbitration. The maximum time limit for the appeal is 21 days after the receipt of the original decision.

1.31. Responsibility
1.31.1. World Archery shall in no circumstances be liable for damages resulting from injury to spectators or to members of any Member Association, or from the damage to or loss of property, during participation in or attendance at any championship, tournament or other function organised, sponsored or recognised by World Archery.

1.32. Resignation from Membership

1.32.1. A Member may resign from World Archery by sending it in a registered letter to the Secretary General. 1.32.2. The membership fee for the current year is to be paid in full whatever the date of resignation.

1.33. Signature of World Archery

1.33.1. In non-financial matters, World Archery is bound by the signature of the President or the Secretary General. 1.33.2. For financial transactions, World Archery is bound by the signatures of any two of the following persons: the President, the First Vice President and the Secretary General, except as otherwise provided by the Financial Policy as approved by the Executive Board from time to time. 1.33.3. World Archery shall recognise only documents signed by the President, the Secretary General or equivalent of the respective Member.

1.34. Dissolution of World Archery

1.34.1. In the event of World Archery's being dissolved for any reason, the assets of World Archery shall be divided equally among Member Associations at the time of such occurrence. 1.34.2. Money due to World Archery, but not paid by any Member Association shall be deducted from its share before any distribution is made.

Chapter 2 Eligibility code for athletes and team officials

2.1. Admission
2.1.1. Athletes who wish to participate in Championships, Games, International and National Tournaments, which are recognised or controlled by World Archery or a Member Association, in one or more of the various disciplines recognised by World Archery, shall be affiliated with a Member Association. 2.1.2. To be eligible to participate in the World Championships, World Record and Performance Award Tournaments and such other events as World Archery may recognise and specify, athletes shall comply with the Eligibility Code. 2.1.3. To be eligible to participate in the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Regional or Area Games, an athlete shall comply with the Olympic Charter (see Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Appendix 6-OLYMPIC CHARTER) and the Eligibility Code. 2.1.4. Participation in events organised by any individual or association not affiliated to World Archery is permitted. The Executive Committee reserves the right to prohibit participation in any event which it determines is prejudicial to the best interest of World Archery. Notice of any such prohibitions shall be given to Member Associations prior to such event. 2.1.5. No athlete or official who has been declared ineligible may, during the period of ineligibility, participate in any capacity in an event or activity authorised or organised by World Archery or any Member Association.

2.2. Eligibility Code

(See Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Appendix 6-OLYMPIC CHARTER.) 2.2.1. Athletes and officials shall respect the spirit of fair play and non-violence, and behave accordingly on the field of play. 2.2.2. Athletes shall refrain from using substances and procedures prohibited by the laws of World Archery, IOC, IPC and WADA, and together with the officials shall respect and comply in all aspects with the World Archery Anti-Doping Rules and the World Anti-Doping Code. 2.2.3. An athlete may allow his person, name, picture or sport performances to be used for advertising purposes and may accept prizes or money without any restriction or limit (see Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Appendix 6-OLYMPIC CHARTER). 2.2.4. Athletes shall comply with the requirements of World Archery sponsorship contracts during World Championships. 2.2.5. Tobacco and alcohol advertising and sponsorship are forbidden at World Championships. 2.2.6. Athletes may wear advertising in addition to the normal manufacturer trademarks of the articles worn. The manufacturers trademark is the registered mark of the company which produced the item. If a company has an item made for it under contract, the label of the item, if appropriate to the item, shall correspond to its trademark. 2.2.7. Athletes may have advertising on their personal and technical equipment (e.g. bows, bags, etc.) in addition to the item's normal trademark. All advertising referred to Article 2.2.6. and Article 2.2.7. above shall not exceed 400cm2 per item. Athletes' numbers are not covered by this article. All trademarks referred to in Article 2.2.6. and Article 2.2.7. 30cm2 except trademarks on bows and stabilizers. above shall not exceed The official insignia, flag or emblem of the country or Member Association they represent has no restriction as to size and is not counted as advertising.

2.2.8. Provisions under Article 2.2.5. , Article 2.2.6. , Article 2.2.7. , Article and Article are also to be observed by all team officials present on the field of play. 2.2.9. For eligibility rules applicable to Para-Archery events, see 21. Para-Archery in Book 3.

2.3. Medical Provisions

(See Book 6-Anti-Doping Rules in Book 6.) 2.3.1. Athletes competing in or preparing for Championships, Games, International and National Tournaments recognised or controlled by World Archery shall agree to submit to a duly authorised doping control or any other medical test or examination decided by World Archery. In the exceptional event that the gender of a competing athlete is questioned, the Medical & Sport Science Committee or the IOC shall have the authority to take all appropriate measures for the determination of the gender of an athlete. The inquiry and proceedings shall be kept confidential. However in the case where the gender challenge is upheld, the appropriate parties shall be informed of the result.

2.3.2. The World Archery medical provisions are intended to safeguard the health of the athlete, and to promote the ethical concepts as foreseen by fair play, the Olympic spirit and medical practice. World Archery adopts the Olympic Movement Medical Code, as it may be amended from time to time. The Medical & Sport Science Committee shall follow and implement the principles laid down in such Code as suitable to World Archery purposes. Updated version of the Olympic Movement Medical Code is available on Commissions/Medical.

2.3.3. All participants in World Championships and International Tournaments have a right to medical care, to at least the standard received in their home country.

2.4. National Teams

2.4.1. To be eligible to participate as a member of a National Team in International Events, an athlete shall have a valid passport from the country of which he is a National Team Member and shall not have represented any other Member Association as a National Team Member for at least one year before the date of the competition. 2.4.2. If an athlete wants to compete for a National Team other than the one for which he holds a valid passport, he shall have resided in the new country for at least one year before the date of the competition and shall have the written permission of the Member Association, if any, of the country from which he has a valid passport. 2.4.3. An athlete who has changed his nationality, or acquired a new nationality, may not represent the National Team of his new Member Association until one year after such a change or acquisition. 2.4.4. An athlete who has a valid passport of two or more countries at the same time may represent either of them, as he chooses. He shall, however, meet the conditions laid down in Article 2.4.1. to Article 2.4.3. above. 2.5. Athletes are not eligible to compete in World Archery events if they do not meet the requirements laid down above.

Appendix 1 Congress Procedures

1.1. The length of time Congress takes shall depend on the complexity of the agenda. 1.2. These procedures may, under special circumstances, be suspended. Any suspension shall require a motion proposing it and the reasons therefore. The motion shall need to be passed with a 2/3 majority. The Constitutional article L.1.7 cannot under any circumstance be included in any such motion.

Congress Venue
2.1. The Congress venue is the responsibility of the organizers. Arrangements shall be made in cooperation with and the approval of the Executive Committee.
2.1.1. The Congress hall shall be large enough to accommodate seating facilities for the Executive Board at the main table, preferably on a raised platform. The delegates shall be seated at tables in rows. Nameplates shall be placed on the tables for the Executive Board. Member Associations shall have a plate with the accepted three-letter acronym of each country. The countries are placed in alphabetical order. Permanent Committees shall be grouped together unless members are also representing a Member Association in which case this seating position shall take preference. 2.1.2. Technical facilities shall be provided in the hall. They include a number of microphones (to be determined in consultation with the Executive Committee), and recording facilities. 2.1.3. The World Archery Flag shall be displayed, preferably on the wall behind the Executive Board. The special emblem for the occasion (World Championships) may be placed in front of the platform or on the side walls. 2.1.4. A World Archery office shall be provided in consultation with the Executive Committee. There shall be the normal facilities made available for the office including computer and photocopying facilities for preparing the Congress Minutes and other communications. 2.1.5. The Organizing Committee shall ensure that there are sufficient rooms for the small group meetings to discuss the Goals of World Archery.

3.1. Congress is made up of various groups of persons: 3.1.1. Executive Board 3.1.2. Member Associations, Continental Associations, Associate International Federations and Associate Members. Delegates may have an interpreter, if necessary, who carries out no other duties, and is in addition to the maximum number of delegates allowed.

3.1.3. Member Associations may nominate a proxy provided that the proxy holder is a Member in good standing. Official Proxy forms shall be received in the World Archery Office at least 30 days before the start of Congress. World Archery shall check the legality of the proxy which can be withdrawn by the Member Association giving the proxy if they attend Congress.

3.1.4. Permanent Committee members. 3.1.5. Honorary Officers are always welcome in Congress. Guest speaker(s) may be invited to address the Congress. Technical personnel shall be appointed by the Organizing Committee in liaison with the Executive Committee. Photographers and reporters from the press and television may enter at the beginning of a meeting. The Secretary General shall tell them when they shall leave the hall. World Archery Officers and all delegates present in Congress shall sign an

attendance register.

3.1.6. Only Members in good standing may attend Congress. In good standing means having paid their membership fees up to and including that of the current year, and any other invoices in the deadlines established by the Executive Board.

Congress Documents
4.1. The Executive Committee is responsible for providing the following Congress documents:
4.1.1. Agendas, Motions, Reports, Interpretations, current Goals and the Minutes shall be issued in advance according to the Constitution; 4.1.2. Committee Reports. Additional Reports may be presented in Congress only with the agreement of the Executive Committee; 4.1.3. Lists of candidates, including their curriculum vitae, nominated by Member Associations for the elections; 4.1.4. Ballot papers; 4.1.5. Any other documents that may be specially called for.

The Agenda
5.1. The purpose of the Agenda is to ensure the business of Congress is dealt with in proper order and that no item of importance is omitted, as well as giving the delegates advance information of what is to be placed before the Congress. 5.2. The order of the items on the Agenda is arranged at the discretion of the President and the Secretary General. The following items are usually placed on the Agenda in the following order:
5.2.1. Opening of the Congress; 5.2.2. Report of attendance; 5.2.3. Apologies for absence; 5.2.4. The President's opening remarks; 5.2.5. Small group discussions on World Archery Goals; These small groups shall be arranged by the Secretary General and advised to delegates on registration; Each group shall have a person to chair the group and another person to take notes of any recommendations to change the Goals. These people shall be appointed by the President; The recommendations shall be collated by the World Archery office staff, with other assistance as necessary, and circulated to Executive Board members and delegates as soon as possible. 5.2.6. Nomination of scrutineers; 5.2.7. Confirmation of the Minutes; 5.2.8. Matters arising from the Minutes; 5.2.9. The President's report; 5.2.10. Decision on proposed sanctions of the Board of Justice and Ethics; 5.2.11. The Financial report and statement; 5.2.12. Motions and amendments (if applicable); 5.2.13. Proposals and amendments to proposals (if applicable); 5.2.14. Committee reports and interpretations; 5.2.15. Presentation of the recommendations of the discussion groups on World Archery Goals for Congresss guidance and consideration by the Executive Board; 5.2.16. Elections of Officers; 5.2.17. Elections of Committees; 5.2.18. Any other business; including questions arising from Congress matters not covered by the Agenda that delegates may request permission to raise. These should be in writing and handed to the Secretary General before Congress; 5.2.19. Vote of thanks; 5.2.20. Closure of the Congress.

5.3. Items on the Agenda should generally be taken in the order they are listed. The President may amend the order provided the reasons are explained. 5.4. A date for Congress decisions to come into effect shall be agreed by Congress and allow sufficient time for all Member Associations to be officially advised before that date. (See Appendix 1-Congress

Procedures, Article 6.4.8. )

Procedure during Congress

6.1. The President
The President is the senior Officer and as such the President's dignity and precedence should always be upheld and respected by everyone in Congress. When the President takes the floor, delegates shall take their seats. Issues with respect to the procedures during Congress shall be clarified by the C&R chairperson and voted on by Congress if necessary. For issues not covered in the Constitution and Rules or these procedures the President's ruling shall be final.

6.2. The Delegates

All delegates in Congress have the right to speak.
6.2.1. A delegate shall signify his wish to speak by raising a hand. 6.2.2. Should several delegates request to speak at the same time, the President shall call them at his discretion. 6.2.3. A delegate, when speaking, should usually rise in his place or walk to the podium. Each speaker shall always address the President. 6.2.4. Every speaker shall start by giving his name followed by the Member represented or by indicating his status as Vice President, Executive Board or Committee Member. 6.2.5. A delegate when speaking shall not be interrupted except by another delegate rising to a "point of order" or by the President. 6.2.6. A delegate when speaking shall keep to the subject under discussion. 6.2.7. Going into Committee Congress may resolve to move into Committee for special matters. This is referred to as being "in Committee", which allows for less formality and delegates are not restricted to one speech only. Discussions are not to be minuted and recording shall be suspended. While "in Committee" a statement or proposal shall be decided on the matter being discussed, and this shall be announced when Congress is resumed and shall be minuted.

6.3. The Minutes

The Minutes of a previous Congress having been circulated in advance shall be taken as "read". The adoption of the Congress Minutes is usually proposed by the President. Discussion on the Minutes shall be restricted to their accuracy. Any proposed correction in the Minutes shall be carried by a majority of those delegations present at the previous Congress. 6.4. Motions for laws (see Article 1.7.12. ) 6.4.1. Motions are modifications, alterations or revisions of the Constitution and Rules submitted for consideration by Congress. Motions are presented according to the Constitution, and shall be positive and state the new wording to be used. When compiling the agenda, motions are to be arranged in the order according to the part of the Constitution and Rules they seek to change. The delegate presenting the motion is invited to speak first. The motion is then open for discussion. Delegates are requested to speak once only on the same motion, but may, at the President's discretion, be allowed to speak again. The President, may during the discussion, turn to a speaker and request additional information. The delegate who presented the motion shall be given the opportunity to reply as the last speaker before the motion is put to a vote. The President may propose a time limit for each speaker according to prevailing circumstances. Every delegate who wishes to speak should, if at all possible, be given the opportunity to do so. Speakers should at all times refrain from repetition and shall keep to the subject under discussion. Failure to do so may require the President to call the delegate to order, and, if repeated, he may rule the delegate out of order and so prevent the speaker from continuing.

6.4.2. A motion may be withdrawn by the mover before it is distributed by the Secretary General as set out in Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Article . When a motion is before Congress it may be withdrawn only by consent of mover and supported by Congress. 6.4.3. A motion carried by Congress may not be repealed later at the same Congress. 6.4.4. An amendment to a motion is subject to the same general principles as the original motion and shall be presented in accordance with Article 1.7.12. and Article 1.7.15. . An amendment shall be directly relevant to the original motion and shall be positive. More than one amendment may be moved, but only one amendment shall be considered by the Congress at one time. The order in which amendments shall be discussed on the floor of Congress shall be decided by the Secretary General. The amendments shall be placed in logical order based on the position of the original motion. If it appears to the mover of an amendment that the order of its placement alters the intention, the mover may seek to have the order changed and Congress shall determine whether to change it or not.

6.4.5. A delegate may call the question to a vote. If this is carried the presenter of the original motion shall be given the opportunity and right to reply. A vote is then to be taken immediately. 6.4.6. A delegate may move a motion to be postponed and if carried, no further discussion shall take place at that Congress. Any postponed motion may be resubmitted at the following Congress by the submitter. It shall be considered prior to consideration of motions or amendments on the same subject.

6.4.7. Motions or amendments may, at the discretion of the President and with the approval of Congress, be divided into separate parts, provided the intention and meaning remains unchanged. A vote on each separate part shall then take place. 6.4.8. Motions or amendments that have been adopted by Congress come into effect on 1 April of the year following Congress unless a different date is specified. 6.5. Proposals for laws 6.5.1. A proposal does not involve changes to the Constitution and Rules. Proposals express an opinion, a suggestion, an offer, a task, a plan or a request that is being submitted to Congress for consideration. Amendments to proposals may be proposed and dealt with in the same way as motions.

6.5.2. Proposals require a simple majority vote for adoption. 6.6. Procedure for Motions and Proposals for bylaws 6.6.1. New bylaws or amendments to bylaws, including their deletions, may be submitted to the Secretary General by Member Associations, Continental Associations, the President, Executive Board or the Permanent Committees from within their respective terms of reference. The Secretary General shall refer all submissions to the relevant Permanent Committees and the C&R Committee for review and recommendation. The Permanent Committees shall submit their responses to the Secretary General within 21 days of receipt of the submission. The Secretary General shall distribute the submissions with the Committees recommendations to the C&R Committee to verify: That the submitted changes are within a scope of a bylaw, and The bylaw submitted or amended by the Permanent Committee is consistent with the existing Constitution & Rules. The C&R Committee shall reply to the Secretary General, within 21 days of receipt of the response from the Permanent Committee, with its recommendations on the response's compliance with the conditions of B. above.

6.6.2. Executive Board decisions The Executive Committee shall determine if it is necessary to put the suggested bylaws to a mail vote or decide on the suggested bylaw at the next Executive Board meeting. If a mail vote is decided to be necessary, the Executive Board shall make its decision using the majorities required by the Constitution within

14 days of receipt. The Secretary General shall publish the approved new bylaw with its effective start date as established by the Executive Board within 30 days of the Executive Boards decision. Where the Executive Board does not approve the suggested bylaw, the Executive Board shall report such to the original presenter.

6.6.3. Congress shall confirm or reject the bylaw changes at its next session. All bylaws shall be voted on by Congress en bloc except for those where a request for a separate vote is submitted in writing to the Secretary General by Member Associations, Continental Associations, the President or the Executive Board. These requests shall be submitted at least 30 days prior to the publication of the final Congress documents. Where Congress rejects an Executive Board decision on a bylaw, the original situation is reinstated.

6.7. Voting 6.7.1. There is no requirement for a delegate to vote. Voting delegates are representatives of Member Associations and should be free to decide on the various subjects after having heard Congress discussions, therefore instructions that may be given by a Member Association should be guiding rather than binding. When the discussion on a subject is ended, the President shall state in full the wording of the matter before Congress on which a vote is about to be taken. Any decision may be voted upon by show of cards with the exception of: Elected positions which are voted by secret ballot; Any three voting delegates may request a secret ballot; Any votes can be cast electronically.

6.7.2. The number of voting delegates (one for each Member Association) are counted and announced at the beginning of every Congress after the Secretary General has taken the roll call. Voting delegates are named separately on the attendance register. 6.7.3. Majorities (see Article 1.7.7. ): Motions require the respective majorities of the votes cast. An abstention is not counted as a vote cast; Elections require a simple majority of the valid votes of the registered Member Associations at that Congress session (beginning of voting that day). 6.7.4. Procedure for Voting for Officers. Number of votes: Each voting delegate has as many votes as there are positions to be filled; Voting delegates may only vote once for each position to be filled or twice if a proxy vote is being cast; Ballots that have not been filled in correctly do not count. First round of voting: If there is only one position to be filled and if there is only one candidate the vote can be by acclamation; The candidate who achieves a simple majority or more of the valid votes of the registered Member Associations at that Congress Session is elected; If there are more candidates than positions to be filled and not all positions to be filled reach the simple majority as described above, the procedure is as follows. There shall be a second round of voting: Those positions that have been filled and the candidate(s) with less than five votes or the least number of votes shall be withdrawn from the list (if, in the case of a tie for the least number of votes, there shall be an insufficient number of candidates left to fill the positions available, a vote shall be held to break the tie. The candidate with the least number of votes in the tie break shall then be withdrawn from the list); Each voting delegate shall have as many votes as positions remain to be filled; The above procedure shall be repeated until all positions have been filled or until none of the remaining positions have reached a simple majority. In that case Executive Board shall appoint an ad hoc member (not one of the unsuccessful nominees) to fill the position until the next Congress.

6.7.5. Elected Officers shall assume their offices at the closure of the Congress at which they were elected and remain in office until their successors have been duly elected and taken

over their services.


The Code of Ethics and Conduct is based on the IOC Code of Ethics and aims to preserve the highest possible ethical values that govern World Archery, its Officers and the entire World Archery Family. PREAMBLE World Archery and the entire World Archery Family, restate their commitment to the World Archery Constitution and the Olympic Charter and, in particular, its fundamental principles. The World Archery Family affirms its loyalty to the Olympic ideal inspired by Pierre de Coubertin. Consequently, in the performance of the task to which officers are elected or appointed and within the organisation of the World Championships, the Olympic Games and all other International Events, the World Archery Family undertakes to respect, and to ensure respect of the following rules:

1.1. Safeguarding the dignity of the individual is a fundamental requirement of Olympism. 1.2. There shall be no discrimination between participants on the basis of race, gender, ethnic origin, religion, philosophical or political opinion, marital status or other grounds. 1.3. Any doping practices at all levels are strictly prohibited. The provisions against doping in the World Anti-Doping Code shall be scrupulously observed. 1.4. All forms of harassment against participants, be it physical, mental, professional or sexual, are prohibited. 1.5. All accredited persons shall refrain from smoking, using or being under the influence of intoxicating substances (alcohol, cannabinoids, etc.) while being on the field of play and other designated zones. Breach of this rule shall result in loss of accreditation as decided by the President or his representative, or if none, the highest authority present at the event. Depending on the circumstances, the case may be brought to the Board of Justice and Ethics for further action. 1.6. All forms of participation in, or support for, betting related to any International Event, and all forms of promotion of betting related to International Events, are prohibited. 1.7. The entire World Archery Family undertakes to protect the environment.

2.1. The World Archery Family or its representatives shall not, directly or indirectly, solicit, accept or offer any concealed remuneration, commission, benefit or service of any nature connected with the organisation of an International Event, or their function as Officer or Staff. 2.2. Gifts of nominal value, in accordance with prevailing local customs, may be given or accepted by members of the World Archery Family, as a mark of respect or friendship.
2.2.1. Any gifts of a higher value than 150 USD shall be declared in writing to the World Archery Office within 30 days of receipt. 2.2.2. Within 30 days of the receipt of a declaration of a gift at the World Archery Office, The Board of Justice and Ethics shall decide on the final destination for the gift, or that the gift (or the value thereof) shall be returned to its origin.

2.3. The hospitality shown to the members and staff of the World Archery, and the persons accompanying them, should not exceed the standards prevailing in the host country. A member or staff of World Archery shall inform the Board of Justice if he is offered travel arrangements by organisers, Member or Continental Associations (except the one of which the member or staff is a member), which are not anticipated in a co-operative agreement between World Archery and the organiser, Member or Continental Association prior to accepting such travel arrangements. The Board of Justice and Ethics may suggest to the person to decline the invitation if this invitation is contrary to this Rule.

2.4. The World Archery Family shall avoid any conflict of interest between the organisation to which they belong and any other organisation within the Olympic Movement. 2.4.1. A potential conflict of interests occurs when it is reasonable to conclude that a persons opinion or decision, acting alone or within an organisation, may be influenced by relationships that the aforementioned person has, has had or is on the point of having with another person or organisation that could affect the persons opinion or decision. 2.4.2. A conflict of interests occurs when any person who, having failed to announce that there is a potential conflict of interest, expresses an opinion or takes a decision in the circumstances described above in article L.2.4.1. 2.4.3. If a situation of potential conflict of interests, or a case of conflict of interests arises, the parties concerned shall inform the Board of Justice and Ethics, which shall take appropriate measures. However, only conflicts of interests are prohibited. 2.5. The members of the World Archery Family shall use due care and diligence in fulfilling their mission. They shall not act in a manner likely to tarnish the reputation of the Archery and Olympic Movements. 2.6. The World Archery Family shall not be involved with firms or persons whose activity is inconsistent with the principles set out in the Olympic Charter and the present Code. 2.7. The members of the World Archery Family shall neither give, nor accept, instructions to vote or intervene in a given manner within the organisations of World Archery.

3.1. The resources of the World Archery Family may be used only for Archery and Olympic purposes. In cases where the IOC gives financial support to World Archery, the use of these Olympic resources for Olympic purposes shall be clearly demonstrated in the accounts. 3.2. The income and expenditure of the World Archery Family shall be recorded in the accounts, which shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. These accounts shall be audited as instructed in the Constitution. 3.3. The World Archery Family recognises the significant contribution that broadcasters, sponsors, partners and other supporters of sports events make to the development and prestige of the Olympic Games throughout the world. 3.4. However, such support shall be in a form consistent with the rules of sport and the principles defined in the Olympic Charter and the present Code. They shall not interfere in the running of sports institutions. The organisation and staging of sports competitions is the exclusive responsibility of the independent sports organisations recognised by the IOC.

4.1. The members of the World Archery Family shall, in all aspects, respect the Constitution and the procedure for cities bidding to host World Archery International Events. Candidate cities shall, inter alia, refrain from approaching another party, or a third authority, with a view to obtaining any financial or political support inconsistent with the provisions of the procedure.


5.1. The members of the World Archery Family shall work to maintain harmonious relations with state authorities, in accordance with the principle of universality and of political neutrality of the Olympic Movement. 5.2. The members of the World Archery Family are free to play a role in the public life of the states to which they belong. They may not, however, engage in any activity or follow any ideology inconsistent with the principles and rules defined in the Olympic Charter or set out in the present Code. 5.3. The members of the World Archery Family shall endeavour to protect the environment in any events they organise. In the context of the International Events, they undertake to uphold generally accepted standards for environmental protection.

6.1. The members of the World Archery Family shall not disclose information entrusted to them in confidence. Disclosure of any information shall not be for personal gain or benefit, nor be undertaken

maliciously to damage the reputation of any person or organisation.


1.1. The Board of Justice and Ethics has five members with equal prerogatives and rights. The chairperson has the task of organising the work of the Board of Justice and Ethics. Action shall be conducted by correspondence unless the chairperson, in consultation with the other members, deems otherwise. 1.2. All Board of Justice and Ethics Members shall reply to the Board of Justice and Ethics correspondence within ten days of its receipt. The chairperson shall establish at the beginning of his term a reasonable delay for all correspondence after which a communication shall be considered not answered. All Board of Justice and Ethics Members are to send a copy of their correspondence on the case to all other members. 1.3. If an action is initiated by a member, or if an action is initiated against a member of the World Archery Family, to which a Board of Justice and Ethics member also belongs, he shall abstain from all proceedings on that matter.

2.1. Any Member or Continental Association or person entitled to do so by Article 1.14.4. may initiate a complaint through the Secretary General. The complaint shall include: Identification of the initiating party; for Member and Continental Associations, the name and signature of the President or the Secretary General, and for other person, his name and function and the address for the correspondence; A clear statement of the allegations indicating the article(s) of the Constitution and Rules in question; Evidence of original documents or properly certified copies; Indication of the material to be provided by and clear identification of witnesses; Any action shall be initiated within one year of the occurrence of the alleged facts. 2.2. The Secretary General shall circulate to all Members of the Board of Justice and Ethics any allegations presented to him in accordance with Article 1.14.4. including all evidence submitted. 2.3. The responding party may submit to the chairperson of the Board of Justice and Ethics, with a copy to the Secretary General, a statement supported by evidence for consideration of the Board of Justice and Ethics within 10 days of receiving the allegations, unless the chairperson decides otherwise. A lack of a response is not to be held against the responding party. A communication that no statement has been submitted within the specified term shall be circulated to all members of the Board of Justice and Ethics.

3.1. Members of the Board of Justice and Ethics shall advise the chairperson whether they consider the evidence submitted by both parties sufficient to judge the allegation(s) or whether more evidence is required. They should also indicate which, if any, witnesses they wish to hear. 3.2. If there is a majority decision that sufficient evidence is available the action shall proceed. 3.3. If there is no such majority, the chairperson of the Board of Justice and Ethics shall request all the extra evidence required by members. This evidence shall be circulated to all members of the Board of Justice and Ethics and to the responding party. 3.4. The responding party may submit a further statement to the chairperson of the Board of Justice and Ethics. This further statement shall be circulated to all members of the Board of Justice and Ethics as in

article 2.4 above. 3.5. Members of the Board of Justice and Ethics shall write to the chairperson stating whether they consider the allegation(s) proved or not proved. DECISION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1. Decision of the Board of Justice and Ethics on the allegation(s) shall be that of a simple majority of the members. A tie vote shall be decided by the casting vote of the chairperson, or, in his absence, by the deputy chairperson. 4.2. In the event that the Board of Justice and Ethics finds the allegation(s) proved, the chairperson shall suggest to other members a sanction for discussion. Based on the responses of members, the chairperson shall then submit the final recommendation to the members for a vote, according to the same voting principles as in article 4.1. 4.3. The chairperson shall notify the Secretary General of the results of the investigation and the possible recommendations for sanctions. 4.4. The Secretary General shall notify the Executive Board of the possible recommendations for sanctions and shall put the action on the agenda of the Executive Board or Congress, as applicable.

5.1. Suspension can be from three months up to two years, from the date of the decision by the Executive Board or Congress. 5.2. A suspension can be general or partial, limited to certain rights or activities, appointments or eligibility to World Archery recognised events. 5.3. For a case where the decision shall be made by Congress, the Executive Board can take a decision of provisional suspension pending the Congress at which the case shall be discussed.


Judges are organised as follows: World Archery Judges, composed of: - World Archery International Judges (World Archery-IJs); - World Archery International Judge Candidates (World Archery-IJCs); - World Archery Youth Judges (World Archery-YJs); Continental Judges (CJs); National Judges (NJs).


2.1. World Archery International Judges (World Archery-IJs) are active Judges, who have an adequate knowledge of English, appointed according to Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Article 14.1. and fulfilling the requirements listed in Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Article 14.2. .
2.1.1. World Archery-IJs are eligible to serve at tournaments under World Archery Rules and with the limitations as specified in Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Article 15.2. , at the Olympic Games. 2.1.2. No Member Association may have more than four World Archery-IJs, except for the cases provided by Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Article 14.1.3. . 2.1.3. The maximum number of World Archery-IJs is defined by the Executive Board in consultation with the Judges Committee.


3.1. All Continental Associations may train and approve Continental Judges (CJs).
3.1.1. CJs are eligible to serve at all tournaments shot under World Archery Rules other than the Olympic Games and World Championships. 3.1.2. Each Continental Association shall accredit its own CJs. 3.1.3. Training and approval procedures shall comply with the instructions of the Judges Committee to ensure consistency in judging in tournaments shot under World Archery Rules. 3.1.4. Applications for CJ shall be submitted to the relevant Continental Association on behalf of the applicants by their Member Associations. Member Associations may only recommend Judges who have been accredited as National Judges for a minimum of two years. 3.1.5. The Continental Associations shall arrange, on a regular basis, seminars for nationally recommended applicants to be examined for CJ status. Member Associations may request these seminars. The seminars shall be run in World Archerys official language or in a language widely spoken in that Continental area. 3.1.6. The Continental Association shall define the length of the accreditation period, the age limit (if any), and the requirements necessary for the renewal.



4.1. CJs who have attended a course organised by the Judges Committee and passed the relevant test (as per Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, 8. FIRST ACCREDITATION FOR WORLD ARCHERY INTERNATIONAL JUDGE

CANDIDATES (World Archery-IJCs)) may obtain the World Archery accreditation as specified in Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, 7. WORLD ARCHERY JUDGES ACCREDITATION (World Archery-IJs and World Archery-IJCs) and be referred to as World Archery International Judge Candidates (World Archery-IJCs). Upon having World Archery accreditation they are eligible to serve at World Championships.





5.1. World Archery Youth Judges (YJs) are active Judges who comply with the requirements of Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, 9. WORLD ARCHERY YOUTH JUDGE ACCREDITATION and who are selected by the World Archery Judges Committee for appointment as World Archery Youth Judges. 5.2. World Archery Youth Judges shall be eligible for appointment to serve at Youth Championships, Youth Olympics and other International Youth Events recognised by World Archery.


6.1. All Member Associations shall train and approve National Judges (NJs).
6.1.1. NJs are eligible to serve at all tournaments unless otherwise provided in the Constitution & Rules. 6.1.2. Each Member Association shall accredit its own NJs. 6.1.3. Training and approval procedures shall comply with the instructions of the Judges Committee to ensure consistency in judging in tournaments conducted under World Archery Rules.


7.1. The Judges Committee is responsible for the accreditation of World Archery Judges.
7.1.1. The period of accreditation is from the end of the World Archery Championships held in the year before the Olympic Games to the end of the next World Archery Championships held in the year before the Olympic Games. The first accreditation starts from the date of approval of the Judges test and expires at the end of that accreditation period. Accreditation may be withdrawn before the expiration of that term according to Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, 13. WITHDRAWAL OF WORLD ARCHERY JUDGE ACCREDITATION. 7.1.2. The Judges Committee shall be responsible for the renewal of accreditation. Once initially accredited, all World Archery Judges activities shall be reviewed and they shall be considered for renewal of accreditation at the end of the accreditation term. 7.1.3. The Judges Committee shall be responsible for regular training and updating of World Archery Judges through the publication of the World Archery Judges Newsletter, the organisation of conferences and seminars, and by means of other appropriate systems. 7.1.4. A member of the Judges Committee (the Judge Observer) shall be present on the competition field at such World Championships, Continental Championships or Games as may from time to time be selected by the Judges Committee as an observer in order to study judging procedures and World Archery Judges performances. These duties shall be carried out in co-operation with the chairperson of the Tournament Judge Commission. The access to the competition area for the Judge Observer shall be agreed with the Technical Delegate, the chairperson of the Tournament Judge Commission and the chairperson of the Organising Committee. The members of the Judges Committee are allowed as observers at the competition venues of all World Archery recognised events. 7.1.5. Judges who have retired or whose accreditation has not been renewed because of inactivity may ask to be re-instated as World Archery-IJs (or World Archery-IJCs, as applicable) following the procedure of Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, 8. FIRST ACCREDITATION FOR WORLD ARCHERY INTERNATIONAL JUDGE CANDIDATES (World Archery-IJCs). 7.1.6. The Judges Committee shall review the application and, depending on the period and the reasons for the inactivity, decide if the applicant shall attend a training seminar or pass a renewal test.






8.1. Member Associations may only recommend experienced NJs to the Judges Committee for the World Archery-IJC test.
8.1.1. The applicants shall have been accredited as a NJ for a minimum of three years. 8.1.2. The applicants shall be accredited as a CJ. 8.1.3. The applicants shall have an adequate knowledge of English. 8.1.4. The applicant shall have served in at least one World Ranking Tournament or in other major tournaments sanctioned by a Continental Association with a positive evaluation of the chairperson of the Tournament Judge Commission. 8.1.5. The applicant shall not be older than 65 years.

8.2. Applications for World Archery-IJC status shall be submitted to World Archery on behalf of the applicants by their Member Associations. Member Associations may obtain application forms from the World Archery Office.
8.2.1. The applications shall be signed by the applicant and the relevant Continental Association. 8.2.2. Applications shall indicate: name of Member Association, name, gender, birth date and nationality of the applicant; the seminar to which the application refers, languages spoken, date when appointed NJ and date when appointed CJ. 8.2.3. The application shall report the applicants experience at tournaments mentioned in Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Article 8.1.4. . 8.2.4. By signing the form, the Continental Association certifies that the applicant received a positive evaluation by the chairperson of the Tournament Judge Commission of the tournaments where he was on duty (see Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Article 8.1.4. ).

8.3. The Judges Committee shall arrange seminars on a regular basis for nationally recommended applicants to be examined for obtaining the World Archery-IJC status. Member Associations may request these seminars, and these requests shall be coordinated by their Continental Associations. The seminars shall be run in English. 8.3.1. A written test shall be given to all eligible applicants at the completion of the seminar. The evaluation of the applicants shall be based on the quality of their oral contribution to the seminar, and on the written test. 8.3.2. The Judges Committee shall notify all registered applicants the results through their Member Associations, with a copy to their Continental Associations. 8.4. The test board shall be present for the entire seminar and shall be formed by two members of the Judges Committee. Failing the availability of two members of the Judges Committee, one of them could be replaced by a member of the C&R Committee, Target Archery Committee or Field Archery Committee. The Judges Committee shall be responsible for such an appointment. 8.5. Applicants passing the seminar test shall remain World Archery-IJCs for at least two years and until they have successfully served at International Events and where World Archery-IJs are in control.
8.5.1. The candidates are subject to the World Archery Judge Renewal procedure. 8.5.2. The procedure to be re-appointed at the end of an accreditation term is the same as for World Archery-IJs and is reported in Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, 10. WORLD ARCHERY JUDGE RENEWAL and following. 8.5.3. The procedures to obtain the World Archery-IJs status is detailed in Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Article 14.1. .


9.1. The World Archery Judges Committee may invite Member Associations to nominate suitable individuals who comply with the requirements of Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Article 9.2. for inclusion in a list of candidates eligible for appointment as World Archery Youth Judges. 9.2. In order to be eligible for consideration for appointment as a World Archery Youth Judge, a candidate shall comply with the following requirements:
9.2.1. Be above the age of 18 years and under the age of 30 years at the time of nomination; 9.2.2. Be an accredited National Judge or have been an athlete on international level (Olympics/World Championships) and be recommended by his or her Member Association; 9.2.3. Have an adequate knowledge of English; 9.2.4. Have attended a course organised by the World Archery Judges Committee and passed the

relevant examination.

9.3. The World Archery Judges Committee may at its absolute discretion, from the list referred to in Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Article 9.1. , appoint World Archery Youth Judges. In making any such appointment, the World Archery Judges Committee may, in addition to any other matter it considers relevant, take into account the existence of any World Archery goals or policies relating to geographical distribution or gender equity. 9.4. The number of persons to be included in the list of candidates (see Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Article 9.1. ) and the number of persons to be appointed as World Archery Youth Judges shall be as determined from time to time by the World Archery Judges Committee, subject to any direction by the World Archery Executive Board.


10.1. Renewal depends on fulfilling the following requirements:
10.1.1. Regularly responding to the mandatory case studies contained in each issue of the World Archery Judges Newsletter; 10.1.2. Making themselves available for at least one Judge duty where the Judges Committee is responsible for appointing Judges every two years; 10.1.3. Completing and returning, within the deadline announced, the "Judge renewal application to the World Archery Office at least 60 days before accreditation expires. The application shall be supported by the Member Association and the Continental Association of the applicant; 10.1.4. Pass a renewal evaluation run by the Judges Committee. The evaluation consists of three parts: A written open-book test to be taken in the second half of the year before the accreditation expires. This part is aimed to verify that the Judge has up-to-date knowledge of the World Archery Rules and that the Judge is able to enforce them in real situations and according to the Judges Committee's approved procedures; The analysis of the reports by the chairperson of the Tournament Judge Commissions where the Judge was on duty and by the Judge Observer when present; this part is aimed to verify the actual performance of the Judge in competition; A written timed close-book test to be taken at the first conference of participation within the accreditation period. This part is aimed to verify that the judges has an ability to handle stress situations in line with the rules and established judging procedures. 10.1.5. Being present at minimum one Judge Conference organised or approved by the World Archery Judges Committee within the accreditation period.

10.2. Renewal shall be denied to World Archery-IJs who are determined as being inactive, do not apply for renewal or do not pass the renewal evaluation.
10.2.1. The same applies to World Archery-IJCs. 10.2.2. The Judges for whom the World Archery Judge accreditation has not been renewed shall be notified with a copy to his Member Association and Continental Association.

10.3. An appeal against the denial of renewal may be lodged with the Executive Board.
10.3.1. The person, the Member Association or the Continental Association concerned should direct this request through the Secretary General. 10.3.2. The appeal shall explicitly refer to the procedure that allegedly has not been properly applied. The appeal cannot refer to the technical evaluation for which the Judges Committee is solely responsible. 10.3.3. Upon request, the Judges Committee shall supply to Executive Board, activity records and reports for any person whom the Judges Committee denies renewal.


11.1. The Judge Committee may at any time withdraw or suspend for a period a judges accreditation if in the opinion of the committee he is not handling judging issues to the required standard. He will be notified of the reasons for his accreditaton being withdrawn or suspended. Copies of this letter will be sent to his Member Association and Continental Association.


12.1. The period of accreditation for World Archery Youth Judges shall be as for World Archery International Judges and World Archery Judge Candidates (see Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Article 7.1.1. ). 12.2. No person shall be eligible for renewal as a World Archery Youth Judge after the expiration of the year during which they attain the age of 30 years. 12.3. Appointment as a World Archery Youth Judge shall not confer on the appointee any status or preference other than that of the appointment itself. A World Archery Youth Judge seeking appointment as a World Archery Judge Candidate shall independently comply with the full requirements of this Appendix 4 for any such appointment. 12.4. The requirements for renewal as a World Archery Youth Judge shall be those set out in Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, 10. WORLD ARCHERY JUDGE RENEWAL except that the tournaments for which the candidate shall have offered themselves as set out in Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Article 10.1.2. shall be those set out in Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Article 5.2. .





13.1. Noncompliance with Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Article 10.1.1. and Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Article 10.1.2. .
13.1.1. As soon as a Judge fails to comply with the requirements specified in Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Article 10.1.1. and Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Article 10.1.2. , he shall be notified by the Judges Committee with a "warning of inactivity" with a copy to his Member Association and Continental Association, asking the reasons for his inactivity and for a declaration that he wants to continue as a World Archery Judge. The Judges Committee shall review the case again after 90 days of the notification being sent, taking into consideration the documentation received from the Judge concerned. If the Judges Committee confirms its previous decision of inactivity, the Judge shall be notified that his accreditation is withdrawn effective immediately. Copies of this letter shall be sent to his Member Association and Continental Association. 13.1.2. An appeal against the withdrawal of the World Archery Judge accreditation may be lodged with the Executive Board with the same procedures of Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Article 10.3. .

13.2. Age limit:

13.2.1. The World Archery Judge accreditation expires at the end of the Judges 65th year.

14.1. Appointment to World Archery-IJ.
14.1.1. The upgrading of a World Archery-IJC to World Archery-IJ depends on fulfilling the following requirements: Having a vacant position (as per Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Article 2.1.3. or Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Article 14.1.3. ); the vacancy is announced in the official World Archery Information or on the World Archery website; Receiving a request from the Continental Association with the request signed by the Judge and his Member Association; Fulfilling the criteria for the World Archery-IJ status detailed in Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Article 14.2. . 14.1.2. The World Archery Judges Committee shall select the persons to be appointed according a comparative analysis taking into account: The grade of fulfilling the requirements of Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Article 14.2. ; The existence of World Archery goals or policies concerning the geographical distribution or gender equity. 14.1.3. The limit of Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Article 2.1.2. may be increased up to six: In case of the World Archery-IJ to be appointed is a woman; For Member Associations, to be identified by the Executive Board, as hosting a large number of International Events, and having a large number of active archers.

14.2. Requirements for the World Archery-IJ status.

14.2.1. At the first upgrading process and at the renewal process, the Judges Committee shall verify if the World Archery-IJ fulfilled the requirement listed in this article. If not, he loses the World Archery accreditation. 14.2.2. To maintain the World Archery accreditation, a World Archery-IJ shall fulfil the following requirements:

To have served in tournaments where the Judges Committee is responsible for appointing Judges or other events of an international standard acceptable to the World Archery Judges Committee, in the last four years; To have adequately responded to all of the mandatory case studies contained in each issue of the World Archery Judges Newsletter in the last two years; To have passed the last renewal test; To have received a positive evaluation by the Judge Observer in the previous four years; Be endorsed by the Continental Association.

14.3. To be eligible to serve at the Olympic Games, or to be appointed as the chairperson of the Tournament Judge Commission at World Championships and at Games, a World Archery-IJ shall fulfil the following requirements:
14.3.1. To have been accredited for at least five years; 14.3.2. To have served in Tournaments where the Judges Committee is responsible for appointing Judges or other events of an international standard acceptable to the World Archery Judges Committee, in the last four years; 14.3.3. To have outstandingly responded to all of the mandatory case studies contained in each issue of the World Archery Judges Newsletter in the last two years; 14.3.4. To have received an outstanding evaluation in the renewal test; 14.3.5. To have received an outstanding evaluation by the Judge Observer in the previous two years.

14.4. World Archery Officers

14.4.1. Members of the Judges Committee who are World Archery Judges at the moment of the appointment in the Committee shall be ex officio World Archery Judges. However they are not requested to serve in the Championships except in exceptional cases. After their term of office is over, they could be re-instated at their request in their previous World Archery Judge status regardless of the limitations of Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Article 2.1.2. to Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Article 2.1.3. and of the requirement of the first bullet of Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Article 14.2.2. . 14.4.2. Any elected Officer who is a World Archery Judge is requested to fulfil articles 8 to 13 if he wishes to serve as a World Archery Judge. At his request, he may be considered an ex officio World Archery Judge and shall not be required to fulfil any obligation during his term as Officer, nor can he serve in any tournament as World Archery Judge. At the end of his term of office, he may be re-instated at his request, regardless of the limitations of Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Article 2.1.2. and Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Article 2.1.3. and of the requirement of the first bullet of Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Article 14.2.2. .

15.1. World Championships





15.1.1. All members shall be World Archery Judges, with no more than five World Archery-IJCs. The chairperson shall be a World Archery-IJ fulfilling the requirements of Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Article 14.3. .

15.2. Olympic Games

15.2.1. All members and the chairperson shall be World Archery IJs fulfilling the requirements of Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Article 14.3. .

15.3. Continental Championships

15.3.1. All members shall be World Archery Judges or CJs, with no more than 50% of CJs. The chairperson shall be a World Archery Judge.

15.4. World Ranking Tournaments

15.4.1. At least the chairperson and one member shall be a World Archery Judge.

15.5. Other Games and International Tournaments organised by other International Federations in co-operation with World Archery. 15.5.1. The requirements to be fulfilled shall be decided in agreement with the relevant body of the Organising Federation.

16.1. Confidential reports concerning the performance of Judges.
16.1.1. The chairperson of the Tournament Judge Commission shall submit a report to World Archery on the performance (knowledge, ability and attention to the World Archery Rules and procedures) of

the World Archery Judges of the Commission. These reports are to be considered confidential and may be circulated only within the Judges Committee and archived in the World Archery Office. Guidelines for preparing the report shall be issued by the Judges Committee. 16.1.2. The Judge Observer shall submit a technical report to World Archery as per Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Article 7.1.4. according to guidelines published by the Judges Committee. The Tournament Judge Commission shall be informed of the presence of the Judge Observer from the Judges Committee. These reports are to be archived in the World Archery Office, considered confidential, and circulated within the Judges Committee, the Executive Board and, for the part concerning the individual Judges, to the Judges concerned.

17.1. World Archery awards the following titles: Judge Emeritus (JE); Honorary Judge (HJ); Judges Committee Award (JCA). 17.2. The Judge Emeritus title may be awarded to World Archery-IJs who no longer serve as World Archery Judges, but whom World Archery wishes to honour for their exceptional contribution to judging and the promotion and improvement of judging. 17.3. The Honorary Judge title may be awarded to World Archery-IJs who, having served with honour for 10 years or more, are unable to comply with the requirements for renewal. 17.4. The Judges Committee Award title may be awarded to World Archery-IJs having served with merit for four years or more, after retirement or denial of accreditation.

18.1. All correspondence from World Archery Judges to World Archery and the Judges Committee shall be addressed to the World Archery Office which shall be responsible for distributing the correspondence.


19.1. Judging shall be run by the Tournament Judge Commission.
19.1.1. For International Events there shall be a minimum of one Judge for every seven targets in the Qualification Round of the Target Championships and for every four targets in the Qualification Rounds of the Field Championships. 19.1.2. For other events there shall always be a minimum of one Judge. For every 10 target butts at least one Judge shall be appointed.

19.2. Judges shall be appointed by the Judges Committee.

19.2.1. The Judges Committee shall notify the names of the appointed Judges to the Secretary General and the organisers no later than 90 days before the first day of the competition. The Judges Committee shall receive confirmation of the Judges' availability before making the appointment. 19.2.2. If possible, no more than two Judges shall be appointed from any one Member Association.

19.3. The Judges Committee shall appoint one additional Judge as chairperson.
19.3.1. The Tournament Judge Commission shall co-operate closely with the Technical Delegate. 19.3.2. At Field Championships each Judge shall be connected by communication equipment to the central post (see Article in Book 2).

19.4. The chairperson, on behalf of the Tournament Judge Commission, shall present a report on the tournament to the Secretary General.


20.1. The Judges duties are to ensure that the tournament is conducted according to the Constitution and Rules, and in fairness to all athletes.
20.1.1. They shall check all distances and the correct layout of the range or courses; the dimensions of target faces and target butts; that the faces are set at the correct height from the ground; that all butts are set at a uniform angle. 20.1.2. They shall check all the necessary venue equipment. 20.1.3. They shall check all athletes equipment before the tournament and at any time thereafter during the tournament. 20.1.4. They shall control the conduct of the shooting and scoring.

20.1.5. They shall consult with the Director of Shooting and the Chairperson of the Tournament Judge Commission on questions which arise regarding the shooting. 20.1.6. They shall handle any disputes and appeals which may arise and, where appropriate, pass them on to the Jury of Appeal. 20.1.7. They shall in liaison with the Director of Shooting interrupt the shooting if necessary because of weather conditions, power failures, a serious accident, or other occurrences, but to attempt, if at all possible, that each days program is completed on that day. 20.1.8. They shall consider relevant complaints or requests from Team Captains and, where applicable, take suitable action. Collective decisions shall be made by a simple majority of votes. In case of a tie, the chairperson shall have a tie breaking vote. 20.1.9. They shall deal with questions concerning the conduct of the shooting or the conduct of an athlete. These questions shall be lodged with the Judges without any undue delay and in any event shall be lodged before the prize giving. The ruling of the Judges or Jury of Appeal, as applicable, shall be final. 20.1.10. They shall ensure as far as possible that athletes and officials conform to the Constitution and Rules as well as to decisions and directives the Judges may find it necessary to make.


World Archery awards Plaquettes in the following circumstances: For all Plaquettes the following criteria shall apply: Only current or former members of Member Associations can receive a Plaquette; A Plaquette cannot be awarded to a person that has violated and has been sanctioned for a breach of the Code of Ethics and Conduct; Plaquettes are not to be automatically awarded simply because someone has fulfilled a function that is eligible for a Plaquette. An application for a plaquette shall be filed and approved by the Board of Trustees who shall then recommend the application to the Executive Board or Congress as appropriate; A recipient of a Plaquette can be awarded another Plaquette both of a higher and lower value; The application shall be seconded by another Member Association or Executive Board Member; The Board of Trustees shall apply the criteria below unless otherwise unanimously agreed.

1. Executive Board Members on retirement; 2. Members of Permanent Committees with particular merits on retirement; 3. International Judges having successfully served at several World Archery Events or Games on retirement; 4. Organisers of successful Continental Championships or World Ranking Tournaments; 5. Experts on Development or Olympic Solidarity missions having served regularly and successfully on several missions; 6. Coaches and athletes with particular merits in promoting the image of our sport by top performance and fair play in competition.

1. Vice Presidents on retirement; 2. Organisers of successful World Championships or Archery at the Olympic Games; 3. Technical Delegates of Olympic Games; 4. Officers with particular merits or having served World Archery long and successfully.

1.3. GOLD
1. A President on retirement; 2. Officers for exceptionally outstanding services to World Archery.


Since this appendix is based on the Olympic Charter which is changed in between Congresses of World Archery, this appendix shall be considered as a bylaw to the World Archery Constitution knowing that the Executive Board and Congress are in this respect bound to the decisions of the IOC and that changes shall only be made by the IOC and not by the World Archery Congress.


(From the Olympic Charter 2008 edition) To be eligible for participation in the Olympic Games, a competitor, coach, trainer or official shall comply with the Olympic Charter as well as with the rules of the IF concerned as approved by the International Olympic Committee and the athlete, coach or trainer shall be entered by his NOC. The above persons shall notably: Respect the spirit of fair play and non violence, and behave accordingly; Respect and comply in all aspects with the World Anti-Doping Code.

1. Each IF establishes its sport's own eligibility criteria in accordance with the Olympic Charter. Such criteria shall be submitted to the IOC Executive Board for approval. 2. The application of the eligibility criteria lies with the IF, their affiliated national federations and the National Olympic Committees in the fields of their respective responsibilities. 3. Except as permitted by the IOC Executive Board, no athlete, coach, trainer or official who participates in the Olympic Games may allow his person, name, picture or sports performances to be used for advertising purposes during the Olympic Games. 4. The entry or participation of an athlete in the Olympic Games shall not be conditional on any financial consideration.


(From the Olympic Charter 2008 Edition) 1. The IOC Executive Board determines the principles and conditions under which any form of advertising or other publicity may be authorised. 2. No form of advertising or other publicity shall be allowed in and above the stadia, venues and other competition areas which are considered as part of the Olympic sites. Commercial installations and advertising signs shall not be allowed in the stadia, venues or other sports grounds. 3. No kind of demonstration or political, religious or racial propaganda is permitted in any Olympic sites, venues or other areas.

1. No form of publicity or propaganda, commercial or otherwise, may appear on persons, on sportswear, accessories or, more generally, on any article of clothing or equipment whatsoever worn or used by the athletes or other participants in the Olympic Games, except for the identification as defined in Appendix 1-Congress Procedures, Article 12. below of the manufacturer of the article or equipment concerned, provided that such identification shall not be marked conspicuously for advertising purposes. 5.1. 1. The identification of the manufacturer shall not appear more than once per item of clothing and equipment. 2. Equipment: any manufacturers identification that is greater than 10% of the surface area of the equipment that is exposed during competition shall be deemed to be marked conspicuously. However, there shall be no manufacturers identification greater than 60cm2. 3. Headgear (e.g. hats, helmets, sunglasses, goggles) and gloves: any manufacturers identification over 6cm2 shall be deemed to be marked conspicuously. 4. Clothing (e.g. T-shirts, shorts, sweat tops and sweat pants): any manufacturers identification which is greater than 20cm2 shall be deemed to be marked conspicuously. 5. Shoes: it is acceptable that there appear the normal distinctive design pattern of the manufacturer. The manufacturers name and/or logo may also appear, up to a maximum of 6cm2, either as part of the normal distinctive design pattern or independent of the normal distinctive design pattern.

6. In case of special rules adopted by an International Sports Federation, exceptions to the rules mentioned above may be approved by the IOC Executive Board. Any violation of the provisions of the present clause may result in disqualification or withdrawal of the accreditation of the person concerned. The decisions of the IOC Executive Board regarding this matter shall be final. The numbers worn by competitors may not display publicity of any kind and shall bear the Olympic emblem of the OCOG. 2. To be valid, all contracts of the OCOG containing any element whatsoever of advertising, including the right or license to use the emblem or the mascot of the Olympic Games, shall be in conformity with the Olympic Charter and shall comply with the instructions given by the IOC Executive Board. The same shall apply to contracts relating to the timing equipment, the scoreboards, and to the injection of any identification signal in television programs. Breaches of these regulations come under the authority of the IOC Executive Board. Any mascot created for the Olympic Games shall be considered to be an Olympic emblem, the design of which shall be submitted by the OCOG to the IOC Executive Board for its approval. Such mascot may not be used for commercial purposes in the country of an NOC without the latter's prior written approval. The OCOG shall ensure the protection of the property of the emblem and the mascot of the Olympic Games for the benefit of the IOC, both nationally and internationally. However, the OCOG alone and, after the OCOG has wound up, the NOC of the host country, may exploit such emblem and mascot, as well as other marks, designs, badges, posters, objects and documents connected with the Olympic Games during their preparation, during their holding and during a period terminating not later than the end of the calendar year during which such Olympic Games are held. Upon the expiry of this period, all rights in or relating to such emblem, mascot and other marks, designs, badges, posters, objects and documents shall thereafter belong entirely to the IOC. The OCOC and/or the NOC, as the case may be and to the extent necessary, shall act as trustees (in a fiduciary capacity) for the sole benefit of the IOC in this respect. The provisions of this byelaw also apply, mutatis mutandis, to all contracts signed by the organizing committee of an IOC Session or an Olympic Congress. The uniforms of the athletes and of all persons holding an official position may include the flag or their NOC Olympic emblem or, with the consent of the OCOG, the OCOG Olympic emblem. The IF officials may wear the uniform and the emblem of their federations. The identification on all technical gear, installations and other apparatus, which are neither worn nor used by athletes or other participants at the Olympic Games, including timing equipment and scoreboards, may on no account be larger than 1/10th of the height of the equipment, installation or apparatus in question, and shall not be greater than 10cm high. The word "identification" means the normal display of the name, designation, trademark, logo or any other distinctive sign of the manufacturer of the item, appearing not more than once per item.

Quiver/bags: One identification of the manufacturer per equipment item shall be permitted, not greater than 10% of the surface area of the item, to a maximum size of 60cm2. Arrows: Two identifications of the manufacturer per arrow shall be permitted, not greater than 10% of the surface area of the item, to a maximum size of 60cm2. Bow/Handle/Stabiliser: Identification of the manufacturer may appear on both sides of the bow, of the grip and of the stabiliser, as commercially available the year of the Olympic Games.


(see image 1: World Archery Fanfare)

Image 1: World Archery Fanfare


8.1.1. Nominees shall: Be endorsed by a Member Association. The World Archery Office shall receive the written nomination no later than 30 days prior to the first day of the World Championships where the election is held. Be at least 18 years of age at the time of election. Declare with their nomination which category they wish to represent.

8.2.1. Only athletes participating in the World Championships are eligible to vote. 8.2.2. There shall be no proxy votes. 8.2.3. Each athlete shall vote for the representative from his category (i.e. women compound archers can only vote for women compound candidates). It follows that at the World Archery Championships, the vote shall be for one committee member from each category, there shall be two female and two male committee members. 8.2.4. There shall be a minimum of two candidates per category, if possible. If there is only one candidate then he has to receive more than 50% of the votes cast including abstentions from that category. If the candidate receives less than 50%, then the first non-elected candidate with the highest percentage of votes from all the other categories shall be elected. 8.2.5. At the World Para-Archery Championships and World Archery Field Championships, athletes shall vote without restriction of category. 8.2.6. If there is a tie in the elections, a re-vote may be organised by the Election Committee in consultation with the tied candidates.

8.1.1. There shall be five members of the Athletes Committee (the Committee) elected at the World Archery Championships and one Committee member elected at the World Archery Field Championships in the Olympic year. 8.1.2. The five members who are elected at the World Archery Championships shall consist of one member from each category: one Men Recurve, one Women Recurve, one Men Compound, one Women Compound and one Para-archer. For the member who is elected by the athletes participating at the World Archery Field Championships, the nominees can be from either gender and from any category. 8.1.3. There shall be no more than four male or female members and no less than two male or female members. 8.1.4. Nominees do not have to be present at the World Championships the elections are held.

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