Review of Attempt 1 CD

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Review of attempt 1

Started on Sunday, 3 February 2013, 02:20 PM Completed on Sunday, 3 February 2013, 02:54 PM Time taken 34 mins 8 secs 50 out of a maximum of 50 (100%) Grade Question 1 Marks: 1/1 SITUATION: Public Health nurses have significant roles in ensuring the health of the family. Every effort should be made to provide packages of health services to the family for a better and quality life. Living in an earthquake prone area is an example of what component of disaster risk? Choose one answer. a. Susceptibility b. Hazards c. Vulnerability d. Emergency Susceptibility is the factor which allows a hazard to cause an emergency an example of this is living in an earthquake prone area. Emergency is any occurrence which requires immediate response. Hazards are any phenomenon which has the potential to cause disruption or damage to humans and their environment. Vulnerability are factors that allows a hazard to cause a disaster. Reference: Cuevas, F. P. et. al. (2007) DOH Book: Public Health Nursing In The Philippines.10th ed. Manila & Department of Health.Page 330 Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 2 Marks: 1/1 SITUATION: Public Health nurses have significant roles in ensuring the health of the family. Every effort should be made to provide packages of health services to the family for a better and quality life. It is the foremost intervention in attaining reproductive health. Choose one answer. a. Family Planning

b. Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition c. Prevention and Management of Reproductive Tract Infections d. Education and Counseling on Sexuality and Sexual Health Family planning is the foremost intervention in attaining reproductive health. It allows the couple to freely decide on the number and proper spacing of births. Reference: Cuevas, Frances P., et. al. (2007) DOHs Public health nursing in the Philippines. 10th edition, Page 171 Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 3 Marks: 1/1 SITUATION: Public Health nurses have significant roles in ensuring the health of the family. Every effort should be made to provide packages of health services to the family for a better and quality life. Which of the following is the ultimate goal of Philippine reproductive health? Choose one answer. a. Increase access to reproductive health information and services b. Reduce maternal mortality rate c. Better quality life among Filipinos through universal access to quality RH care d. Reversing the spread of STDs The Philippine reproductive health has the ultimate/overall goal of achieving Better quality of life among Filipinos. REFERENCE: Administrative Order no. 43 series of 2000, Reproductive Health Policy, Department of Health Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 4 Marks: 1/1 SITUATION: Public Health nurses have significant roles in ensuring the health of the family. Every effort should be made to provide packages of health services to the family for a better and quality life.

Irene, a primi mother on her third trimester of pregnancy came for her third prenatal visit. Her succeeding prenatal visits after 8th month of pregnancy till delivery would be: Choose one answer. a. Once a month b. Every two days c. Every two weeks d. Every week A standard prenatal visit after 8th month of pregnancy till delivery is every two weeks. Reference: Cuevas, Frances P., et. al. (2007) DOHs Public health nursing in the Philippines. 10th edition, Page 120 Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 5 Marks: 1/1 SITUATION: Public Health nurses have significant roles in ensuring the health of the family. Every effort should be made to provide packages of health services to the family for a better and quality life. All are elements of reproductive health, except: Choose one answer. a. Family Planning b. Violence against men c. Prevention and treatment of STD d. Prevention and treatment of infection and sexual disorders The elements of Reproductive health include: a. Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition b. Family Planning c. Prevention and Management of Abortion Complication d. Prevention and Treatment of reproductive Tract Infections (RTIs) including STDs, HIV and AIDS e. Education and counseling on Sexuality and Sexual Health f. Breast and reproductive Tract Cancers and Other Gynecological Conditions g. Mens Reproductive Health h. Adolescent Reproductive Health i. Violence Against Women

j. Prevention and Treatment of Infertility and Sexual Disorder Reference: Cuevas, Frances P., et. al. (2007) DOHs Public health nursing in the Philippines. 10th edition, Page 171 Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 6 Marks: 1/1 SITUATION: Public Health nurses have significant roles in ensuring the health of the family. Every effort should be made to provide packages of health services to the family for a better and quality life. The goal 2000 Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos is to improve the nutritional status, productivity and quality of life of the population, through adoption of desirable practices and healthy lifestyle. There are ten nutritional guidelines under this program and the 3rd guideline focuses on: Choose one answer. a. Promoting exclusive breastfeeding from birth up to 4-6 months b. Promoting the use of iodized salt to prevent iodine deficiency c. Giving advice on proper feeding of children d. Preventing food-borne diseases The ten nutritional guidelines under the program are: Guideline No. 1: Intended to give the message that no single food provides all the nutrients the body needs. Guideline No. 2: Promoting exclusive breastfeeding from birth up to 4-6 months (option B) Guideline No.3: Gives advice on proper feeding of children. It also includes regular weighing to monitor the growth of the children (option C) Guideline No.4: Eating of fish, meat poultry products and beans Guideline No.5: Eating more vegetables Guideline No.6: Eat food cooked in edible oil Guideline No.7: Consume milk and milk products Guideline No.8: Using of iodized salt to prevent iodine deficiency

Guideline No.9: Preventing food-borne diseases (option D) Guideline No.10: Promoting healthy lifestyle Reference: Cuevas, F. P. et. al. (2007) DOH Book: Public Health Nursing In The Philippines.10th ed. Manila & Department of Health.Page 214 Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 7 Marks: 1/1 SITUATION: Public Health nurses have significant roles in ensuring the health of the family. Every effort should be made to provide packages of health services to the family for a better and quality life. The rights in food safety are the following, except: Choose one answer. a. Right source b. Right preparation c. Right food d. Right cooking The four rights in food safety are right source, right preparation, right cooking and right storage. Reference: Cuevas, F. P. et. al. (2007) DOH Book: Public Health Nursing In The Philippines.10th ed. Manila & Department of Health. Page 316 Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 8 Marks: 1/1 SITUATION: Public Health nurses have significant roles in ensuring the health of the family. Every effort should be made to provide packages of health services to the family for a better and quality life. Level I type of toilet facility is best exemplified by: Choose one answer. a. Tank disposal facilities b. Water carriage type with water sealed

c. Septic tanks d. Pour flush toilets Level I toilet facilities are divided into two categories: Non water carriage and toilet facilities requiring small amount of water like pour flush toilets and aqua prives. Option Tank disposal facilities and Water carriage type with water sealed are Level II toilet facility. Septic tanks is level III toilet facility. Reference: Cuevas, F. P. et. al. (2007) DOH Book: Public Health Nursing In The Philippines.10th ed. Manila & Department of Health. Page 314 Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 9 Marks: 1/1 In the FHSIS, the target client list will be transmitted to the next facility in the form of: Choose one answer. a. Evaluation form b. Reporting forms c. Output record d. Family treatment record There are four components of the Field Health Services and Information System or FHSIS: the family treatment record, target client list, reporting forms and output reports. The data generated from the target client list will be transmitted monthly/quarterly/annually through the use of FHSIS reporting forms. The bulk of the data are activities which are undertaken or are the responsibility of the midwives and the nurses within the facility. Reference: Cuevas, Frances P., et. al. (2007) DOHs Public health nursing in the Philippines. 10th edition, Page 82 Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 10 Marks: 1/1 SITUATION: Public Health nurses have significant roles in ensuring the health of the family. Every effort should be made to provide packages of health services to the family for a better and quality life. Which one is not a contraindication to immunizations? Choose one answer.

a. DPT to a child who has had convulsions within three days of previous dose b. Moderate fever and malnutrition c. Reconstituted freeze-dried vaccine with normal saline d. Live vaccines to immunosuppressed Moderate fever, malnutrition, mild respiratory infection, cough, diarrhea and vomiting are not contraindications to vaccination. Freeze dried vaccines should never, ever be reconstituted to anything other than the diluent supplied with them. Reference: Cuevas, Frances P., et. al. (2007) DOHs Public health nursing in the Philippines. 10th edition, Page 143 Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 11 Marks: 1/1 SITUATION: Public Health nurses have significant roles in ensuring the health of the family. Every effort should be made to provide packages of health services to the family for a better and quality life. The Four As in helping smokers to quit are: Choose one answer. a. Ask, Advice, Assist, Arrange b. Advice, Assist, Arrange, Approve c. Arrange, Ask, Advice, Assist d. Ask, Advice, Assist, Approve WHO developed a strategy in helping smokers to quit. This involves the four As Ask, Advice, Assist and Arrange. Ask-Assess smoking status Advice- Advise to stop smoking and that smoking can cause disease and even death Assist- Develop a quit plan with the smoker Arrange- Arrange follow-up Reference: Cuevas, F. P. et. al. (2007) DOH Book: Public Health Nursing In the Philippines.10th ed. Manila & Department of Health. Page 219

Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 12 Marks: 1/1 The theme of Primary Health Care is Health in the Hands of the People by 2020. The key term is: Choose one answer. a. Thrust b. Self esteem c. Self confidence d. Self Reliance The theme of PHC is characterized by partnership and empowerment of the people that shall permeate as the core strategy. It includes the full participation and active involvement of the community towards the development of self-reliant people, capable of achieving an acceptable level of health and well-being. Reference: Cuevas, Frances P., et. al. (2007) DOHs Public health nursing in the Philippines. 10th edition, Page 30 Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 13 Marks: 1/1 SITUATION: Public Health nurses have significant roles in ensuring the health of the family. Every effort should be made to provide packages of health services to the family for a better and quality life. Amira brought her two months old infant to the clinic for immunization. She asked you when her child can be considered fully immunized. A child is said to be Fully Immunized Child when a child receives: Choose one answer. a. One dose of BCG, 3 doses of OPV, 3 doses of DPT, 2 doses of HB and one dose of measles before a childs first birthday b. One dose of BCG, 3 doses of OPV, 3 doses of DPT, 3 doses of HB and one dose of measles before a childs first birthday. c. One dose of BCG, 3 doses of OPV, 3 doses of DPT, 3 doses of HB and one dose of measles before five years old. d. One dose of BCG, 4 doses of OPV, 3 doses of DPT, 2 doses of HB and one dose of MMR before a childs first birthday

A child is said to be Fully Immunized Child when a child receives One dose of BCG, 3 doses of OPV, 3 doses of DPT, 3 doses of HB and one dose of measles before a childs first birthday. Reference: Cuevas, Frances P., et. al. (2007) DOHs Public health nursing in the Philippines. 10th edition, Page 149 Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 14 Marks: 1/1 Under the restructured health care delivery system, a physician, a public health nurse and midwives compose the: Choose one answer. a. Frontliners b. Intermediate level health workers c. Grassroot health workers d. Barangay Health Workers Intermediate level health workers include a physician, a public health nurse and midwives, rural sanitary inspectors. Option B, C and D refer to the village or baranggay health workers who are the trained community health workers, traditional birth attendants or healer. Reference: Cuevas, Frances P., et. al. (2007) DOHs Public health nursing in the Philippines. 10th edition, Page 32 Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 15 Marks: 1/1 SITUATION: Public Health nurses have significant roles in ensuring the health of the family. Every effort should be made to provide packages of health services to the family for a better and quality life. This program of DOH was previously known as Quality Assurance Program (QAP) with the goal of making DOH and Local Government Units (LGUs) active partners in providing quality services: Choose one answer. a. Sentrong Sigla b. FOURmula ONE for health

c. Pharma 50 d. Garatisadong Pambata Also known as Centers of Vitality Movement its long term goal is to institutionalize within the health sector the leadership, processes, knowledge, attitudes, skills and organizations to generate continuous quality improvement in the healthcare; (A) The National Drug Policy-Pharmaceutical Management Unit (NDP-PMU 50) or Pharma 50 is the name of the department of Health (DOH) undertaking to effect the SONA pledge of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. The primary goal of the project is to ensure that affordable, high quality, safe and effective drugs and medicines are always available, especially to the poor. Reference: Cuevas, F. P. et. al. (2007) DOH Book: Public Health Nursing In The Philippines.10th ed. Manila & Department of Health. Page 321 Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 16 Marks: 1/1 SITUATION: Public Health nurses have significant roles in ensuring the health of the family. Every effort should be made to provide packages of health services to the family for a better and quality life. The Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) is formulated by virtue of: Choose one answer. a. EO 51 b. LOI 949 c. PPD 996 d. RA 6675 The Expanded Program of Immunization (EPI) was started in July 1976 by virtue of PD 996, a compulsory immunization of children below 8-year-old. Reference: Cuevas, F. P. et. al. (2007) DOH Book: Public Health Nursing In The Philippines.10th ed. Manila & Department of Health. Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 17 Marks: 1/1

SITUATION: Public Health nurses have significant roles in ensuring the health of the family. Every effort should be made to provide packages of health services to the family for a better and quality life. Project NARS launched by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo are jointly implemented by the following, except: Choose one answer. a. Department of Labor and Employment b. Department of Health c. Professional Regulation Commission, Board of Nursing d. Commission on Higher Education NARS is a Training cum Deployment Project, jointly implemented by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), the Department of Health (DOH) and the Professional Regulation Commission, Board of Nursing (PRC-BON), designed to mobilize unemployed registered nurses to the 1,000 poorest municipalities of the country to improve the delivery of health care services. Reference: Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 18 Marks: 1/1 SITUATION: Public Health nurses have significant roles in ensuring the health of the family. Every effort should be made to provide packages of health services to the family for a better and quality life. The International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) defines reproductive health as: Choose one answer. a. Reproductive health is the exercise of reproductive right with responsibility b. Reproductive health is a branch of science in the field of sexual behavior c. State of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease in all matters to the reproductive system d. Reproductive health pertains to sexual health The International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) defines reproductive health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease in all matters to the reproductive system and to its functions and processes.

REFERENCE: Administrative Order no. 43 series of 2000, Reproductive Health Policy, Department of Health Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 19 Marks: 1/1 SITUATION: Public Health nurses have significant roles in ensuring the health of the family. Every effort should be made to provide packages of health services to the family for a better and quality life. The main objectives of reproductive health are the following, except? Choose one answer. a. Reducing maternal mortality rate b. Increasing access to reproductive health information and services c. Reducing child mortality d. Family planning The main objectives are: increasing access to reproductive health information and services, reducing maternal mortality rate, reducing child mortality and halting and reversing the spread of HIV/AIDS. Option D is an element of reproductive health. Reference: Cuevas, Frances P., et. al. (2007) DOHs Public health nursing in the Philippines. 10th edition, Page 171 Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 20 Marks: 1/1 SITUATION: Public Health nurses have significant roles in ensuring the health of the family. Every effort should be made to provide packages of health services to the family for a better and quality life. Mental health problems have four facets as a public health burden. This one refers to the burden currently affecting persons with mental disorders is: Choose one answer. a. Hidden burden b. Future burden

c. Defined burden d. Undefined burden Defined burden- refers to the burden currently affecting persons with mental disorders Undefined burden- the portion of the burden relating to the impact of mental health problems to persons other than the individual directly affected Hidden burden- refers to the stigma and violation of human rights Future burden- burden in the future referring to the aging population, increasing social problems and unrest from the existing burden. Reference: Cuevas, F. P. et. al. (2007) DOH Book: Public Health Nursing In The Philippines.10th ed. Manila & Department of Health.Page 228 Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 21 Marks: 1/1 SITUATION: Public Health nurses have significant roles in ensuring the health of the family. Every effort should be made to provide packages of health services to the family for a better and quality life. Micronutrient supplementation is vital for pregnant women. What is the recommended dose of Vitamin A for pregnant mothers? Choose one answer. a. 100, 000 IU twice a week starting 4th month b. 10, 000 IU once a week starting 1st month c. 200, 000 IU every month d. 10, 000 IU twice a week starting 4th month 10, 000 IU Vitamin A is given twice a week starting on the 4th month of pregnancy. Do not give Vitamin A supplementation before the 4th month of pregnancy. It might cause congenital problems in the baby. Reference: Cuevas, Frances P., et. al. (2007) DOHs Public health nursing in the Philippines. 10th edition, Page 121 Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 22

Marks: 1/1 SITUATION: Public Health nurses have significant roles in ensuring the health of the family. Every effort should be made to provide packages of health services to the family for a better and quality life. In the new recommended schedule of post partum care visits, when is the 2nd visit done? Choose one answer. a. First 24 hours b. 4 weeks postpartum c. First week postpartum d. 6 weeks postpartum In the new recommended schedule of post partum care visits, first visit is done on the 1st week post partum preferably 3-5 days and the second visit on the 6 weeks post partum. Reference: Cuevas, Frances P., et. al. (2007) DOHs Public health nursing in the Philippines. 10th edition, Page 125 Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 23 Marks: 1/1 An example of secondary prevention strategy would be: Choose one answer. a. Environmental sanitation b. Screening for diabetes c. Sex education for teenagers d. Teaching client how to administer self insulin injection Screening surveys and procedures of any type falls under secondary prevention because this emphasizes early detection of disease making way for prompt intervention. Teaching client how to administer self insulin injection tertiary prevention Environmental sanitation and Sex education for teenagers Primary prevention Reference: Cuevas, Frances P., et. al. (2007) DOHs Public health nursing in the Philippines. 10th edition, Page

Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 24 Marks: 1/1 What mandated the Department of Health (DOH) in its new role as the national authority on health providing technical and other resource assistance to concerned groups? Choose one answer. a. Republic Act 7160 b. Executive Order 119 c. Executive Order 102 d. Republic Act 7164 The Department of Health (DOH) has new roles as the national authority on health provides technical and other resource assistance to concerned groups and this is mandated by the Executive Order 102 and has identified the three general functions of DOH as: a) Leadership in Health, b)Enabler and capacity builder and c)Administrator of specific services. Reference: Cuevas, Frances P., et. al. (2007) DOHs Public health nursing in the Philippines. 10th edition, Page 24 Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 25 Marks: 1/1 SITUATION: Public Health nurses have significant roles in ensuring the health of the family. Every effort should be made to provide packages of health services to the family for a better and quality life. Vaccines most sensitive to heat is/are: Choose one answer. a. OPV and measles b. Measles and OPV c. Hepa-B and OPV d. BCG and OPV OPV and measles vaccines are most sensitive to heat and should be stored at -15 to -250C Reference: Cuevas, Frances P., et. al. (2007) DOHs Public health nursing in the Philippines. 10th edition, Page 151

Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 26 Marks: 1/1 SITUATION: Public Health nurses have significant roles in ensuring the health of the family. Every effort should be made to provide packages of health services to the family for a better and quality life. A protected well or a developed spring with an outlet but without a distribution system is known as what type of approved water supply facility? Choose one answer. a. Individual house connections b. Stand Posts c. Point source d. Water works system Level I or point source is a protected well or A protected well or a developed spring with an outlet but without a distribution system, generally adaptable for rural areas where the house are thinly scattered. Reference: Cuevas, F. P. et. al. (2007) DOH Book: Public Health Nursing In the Philippines.10th ed. Manila & Department of Health. Page 313 Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 27 Marks: 1/1 SITUATION: Public Health nurses have significant roles in ensuring the health of the family. Every effort should be made to provide packages of health services to the family for a better and quality life. EO 51 or the milk code aims to make sure that: Choose one answer. a. All of the above b. Correct information dissemination to the public about breastfeeding and breast milk c. Health workers should recommend breastfeeding to pregnant women or mothers of infants d. Milk manufacturers should acknowledge the superiority of breast milk

All of the above pertains to the goals and scope of the code. - Health workers shall encourage and promote breast feeding and shall make themselves familiar with objective and consistent information on maternal and infant nutrition, and with their responsibilities under this Code. - Information provided by manufacturers and distributors to health professionals regarding products within the scope of this Code shall be restricted to scientific and factual matters, and such information shall not imply or create a belief that bottle-feeding is equivalent or superior to breastfeeding Reference: Cuevas, Frances P., et. al. (2007) DOHs Public health nursing in the Philippines. 10th edition, Page 140 Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 28 Marks: 1/1 Law that provided for the implementation of Primary Health Care in the Philippines: Choose one answer. a. RA 969 b. RA 699 c. LOI 499 d. LOI 949 PHC was declared during the first international conference on primary health care held in Alma Ata USSR on Sept 6-12, 1978 by WHO. This was adopted in the Philippines through the Letter of Instruction (LOI) 949 signed by Pres. Ferdinand Marcos. Reference: Cuevas, Frances P., et. al. (2007) DOHs Public health nursing in the Philippines. 10th edition, Page 30 Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 29 Marks: 1/1 SITUATION: Public Health nurses have significant roles in ensuring the health of the family. Every effort should be made to provide packages of health services to the family for a better and quality life.

The following are some of the stress management techniques that can be used to manage stress, except: Choose one answer. a. Siesta b. Solitary c. Speak to me d. Spirituality The 12 stress management techniques include: a. Spirituality b. Self awareness c. Scheduling: time-management d. Siesta e. Stretching f. Sensation techniques g. Sports h. Socials i. Sounds and songs j. Speak to me- talking to someone when feeling stressed k. Stress Debriefing l. Smile Reference: Cuevas, F. P. et. al. (2007) DOH Book: Public Health Nursing In The Philippines.10th ed. Manila & Department of Health. Page 225 Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 30 Marks: 1/1

SITUATION: Public Health nurses have significant roles in ensuring the health of the family. Every effort should be made to provide packages of health services to the family for a better and quality life. Realizing optimal maternal and child health nutrition is the ultimate concern of the Breastfeeding Program of the Department of Health (DOH). The nurse should explain to a breastfeeding mother that breast milk is exclusively sufficient for ALL of the baby's nutrient needs only up to: Choose one answer. a. 3 months b. 6 months c. 3 years d. 1 year Breast milk is sufficient enough to provide ALL the nutrient needs of the infant for up to 6 months of age. After 6 months, the infants diet may be complemented with appropriate foods excluding milk supplements. Reference: Cuevas, F. P. et. al. (2007) DOH Book: Public Health Nursing In The Philippines.10th ed. Manila & Department of Health. Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 31 Marks: 1/1 Which of the following examples illustrate primary level of prevention: Choose one answer. a. Physical therapy b. Provision of drugs c. Blood pressure monitoring d. Health education Primary level of prevention- health promotion is the main focus. Health education is an example of health promotion campaign. Physical therapy is under tertiary level. Provision of drugs and Blood pressure monitoring are example of secondary level.

Reference: Cuevas, Frances P., et. al. (2007) DOHs Public health nursing in the Philippines. 10th edition, Page 32 Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 32 Marks: 1/1 Jacobson states that CHN is learned practice discipline with ultimate goal of contributing as individual through clients: Choose one answer. a. Optimum level of rehabilitation b. Optimum level of health care c. Optimum of social environment d. Optimum level of functioning Jacobson states that CHN is learned practice discipline with ultimate goal of contributing as individual through clients optimum level of functioning. These are Political, Behavior, Heredity, Health Care Delivery System, Environment and Socio-Economic. Reference: Cuevas, Frances P., et. al. (2007) DOHs Public Health Nursing in the Philippines. 10th Ed., page 5 Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 33 Marks: 1/1 The approach of the DOH in the delivery of health services is thru the Primary Health Care service which is best characterized by: Choose one answer. a. Essential health care made universally accessible to individuals and families in the community b. Joint effort of the DECS and DOH c. Health services at the regional level d. Sentrong Sigla Movement strategy Primary health care is an essential health care made universally accessible to individuals and families in the community by means acceptable to them through their full participation and at a cost that the community and country can afford in every stage of development.

Reference: Cuevas, Frances P., et. al. (2007) DOHs Public health nursing in the Philippines. 10th edition, Page 30 Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 34 Marks: 1/1 Community organizing (CO) was developed to: Choose one answer. a. Empower the people in the community b. Initiate community health action program c. Community needs assessment d. Assess and define needs of the community Community organizing is a key element of the community which may be reactivated to bring social and behavioral changes. This process of change is often termed as empowerment or building capacity of people for future community action. Reference: Cuevas, Frances P., et. al. (2007) DOHs Public health nursing in the Philippines. 10th edition, Page 55 Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 35 Marks: 1/1 The family presents several problems. Which of the following criteria is considered in determining the priority health problem? Choose one answer. a. Health threats b. Support of the family c. Salience d. Modifiability of the problem Modifiability of the problem refers to the probability of reducing, controlling or eradicating the problem. In priority-setting, the nurse makes use of this criteria/criterion. Others include: - Nature of the problem presented

- Preventive Potential - Magnitude of the Problem Reference: Maglaya, Araceli S. (2004). Nursing Practice in the Community. 4th ed. Page 163-169-170 Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 36 Marks: 1/1 SITUATION: Public Health nurses have significant roles in ensuring the health of the family. Every effort should be made to provide packages of health services to the family for a better and quality life. The legal mandate of the Philippine Family Planning Program (PFPP) is: Choose one answer. a. Executive Order 2009 b. Executive Order 119 c. Executive Order 51 d. Executive Order 503 The legal mandate of the Philippine Family Planning Program (PFPP) is the Executive Order 119. The program has a legal mandate emanating from the UN Declaration of human rights which considers Family Planning as a basic human right. Executive Order 503 refers to transfer of liabilities and records from the national government to the LGUs, Executive Order 2009 refers to the Family Code while Executive Order 51 refers to the Milk Code. Reference: Cuevas, F. P. et. al. (2007) DOH Book: Public Health Nursing In The Philippines.10th ed. Manila & Department of Health. Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 37 Marks: 1/1 SITUATION: Public Health nurses have significant roles in ensuring the health of the family. Every effort should be made to provide packages of health services to the family for a better and quality life. The primary disorders detected in newborn screening are: Choose one answer. a. Respiratory disorders

b. Metabolic disorders c. Hematologic disorders d. Hereditary disorders Newborn Screening (NBS) is a simple procedure to find out a baby has a congenital metabolic disorder that may lead to mental retardation and even death if left untreated. Reference: Cuevas, F. P. et. al. (2007) DOH Book: Public Health Nursing In The Philippines.10th ed. Manila & Department of Health. Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 38 Marks: 1/1 SITUATION: Public Health nurses have significant roles in ensuring the health of the family. Every effort should be made to provide packages of health services to the family for a better and quality life. Certification of potability of an existing water source is issued by: Choose one answer. a. Private laboratories b. Water works system c. National standards for drinking water d. Secretary of health or local health authority The examination of drinking water shall be performed only in private laboratories duly accredited by the Department of health. Certification of potability of an existing water source is issued by the secretary of health or his duly authorized representative (local health authority. Reference: Cuevas, F. P. et. al. (2007) DOH Book: Public Health Nursing In The Philippines.10th ed. Manila & Department of Health. Page 314 Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 39 Marks: 1/1 SITUATION: Public Health nurses have significant roles in ensuring the health of the family. Every effort should be made to provide packages of health services to the family for a better and quality life.

The standard minimum interval between DPT doses: Choose one answer. a. 4 weeks b. 2 months c. 3 weeks d. 6 weeks The standard minimum interval between DPT doses is 4 weeks Reference: Cuevas, Frances P., et. al. (2007) DOHs Public health nursing in the Philippines. 10th edition, Page 149 Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 40 Marks: 1/1 SITUATION: Public Health nurses have significant roles in ensuring the health of the family. Every effort should be made to provide packages of health services to the family for a better and quality life. According to the reproductive health program, proper birth spacing of how many years is recommended? Choose one answer. a. 6-8 years b. 3-5 years c. 2-3 years d. 1-2 years According to the reproductive health program, the goal of attaining the optimum maternal and child health and nutrition can be achieved through the use of safe and effective family planning methods. Proper birth spacing of 3-5 years will give the mother ample time to regain her health and to render proper care to the newborn and older children. Reference: Cuevas, Frances P., et. al. (2007) DOHs Public health nursing in the Philippines. 10th edition, Page 171 Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 41 Marks: 1/1 SITUATION: Public Health nurses have significant roles in ensuring the health of the family. Every effort should be made to provide packages of health services to the family for a better and quality life. Which of the following statement is correct about Project NARS? Choose one answer. a. Inform the community about updates and issues in the DOH and how the people in the community can avail of the basic services. b. Reform the existing system in the rural health unit c. Aims to improve the financial status of the community by creating livelihood projects. d. Designed to mobilized unemployed registered nurses to the 1,000 poorest municipalities of the country to improve the delivery of health care services. NARS is a Training cum Deployment Project, jointly implemented by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), the Department of Health (DOH) and the Professional Regulation Commission, Board of Nursing (PRC-BON), designed to mobilize unemployed registered nurses to the 1,000 poorest municipalities of the country to improve the delivery of health care services. Project NARS is built within the frameworks of the Economic Resiliency Plan of the Arroyo Administration and the Department of Healths Fourmula One for Health. The Project aims to mitigate the impact of the global financial crisis, to save and create as many jobs as possible and expand social protection and help achieve better health service and care for the people, especially those in the poorest municipalities of the country. Project NARS was launched by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo on 9 February 2009 during the Multi- Sectoral Summit on Joining Hands. Reference: Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 42 Marks: 1/1 A key component of primary prevention strategies is: Choose one answer. a. Education b. Clinic visit c. Community organizing d. Family gathering

The key component of primary prevention strategies is health education. This focuses on health promotion and protection against specific health problems and the purpose of which is to decrease the exposure of the individual and community to the disease. Reference: Cuevas, Frances P., et. al. (2007) DOHs Public health nursing in the Philippines. 10th edition, Page 32 Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 43 Marks: 1/1 SITUATION: Public Health nurses have significant roles in ensuring the health of the family. Every effort should be made to provide packages of health services to the family for a better and quality life. This program is the government's response to the growing micronutrient malnutrition, which have been prevalent in the Philippines for the past several years. Choose one answer. a. FOURmula One b. Healthy Lifestyle program c. Food Fortification program d. Sentrong Sigla The Food Fortification program is the government's response to the growing micronutrient malnutrition, which have been prevalent in the Philippines for the past several years. Food Fortification is the addition of Sangkap Pinoy or micronutrients such as Vitamin A, Iron and/or Iodine to food, whether or not they are normally contained in the food, for the purpose of preventing or correcting a demonstrated deficiency with one or more nutrients in the population or specific population groups. Reference: Cuevas, F. P. et. al. (2007) DOH Book: Public Health Nursing In The Philippines.10th ed. Manila & Department of Health. Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 44 Marks: 1/1 SITUATION: Public Health nurses have significant roles in ensuring the health of the family. Every effort should be made to provide packages of health services to the family for a better and quality life.

To promote equity in health by ensuring the availability and accessibility of affordable safe and effective quality essential drugs to all, with priority for marginalized, undeserved, critical and hard to reach areas. The DOH developed which of the following priority health programs? Choose one answer. a. Herbal medicine b. Sentrong Sigla c. Botika ng Barangay d. Alternative Health care medicine Botika ng barangay was developed and established to promote equity in health by ensuring the availability and accessibility of affordable safe and effective quality essential drugs to all, with priority for marginalized, undeserved, critical and hard to reach areas. Reference: Cuevas, F. P. et. al. (2007) DOH Book: Public Health Nursing In The Philippines.10th ed. Manila & Department of Health.Page 335 Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 45 Marks: 1/1 SITUATION: Public Health nurses have significant roles in ensuring the health of the family. Every effort should be made to provide packages of health services to the family for a better and quality life. The local framework for the reproductive health programs in the Philippines focuses on:

Choose one answer. a. Women throughout their life cycle b. Women, children and adolescents c. Women only in their reproductive and post productive years d. Men and women throughout their life cycles The reproductive health not only addresses the reproductive health needs of women but also of men, adolescents, children and underserved groups. Special attention is given to the marginalized groups especially the poor. REFERENCE: Administrative Order no. 43 series of 2000, Reproductive Health Policy, Department of Health

Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 46 Marks: 1/1 SITUATION: Public Health nurses have significant roles in ensuring the health of the family. Every effort should be made to provide packages of health services to the family for a better and quality life. Neonatal tetanus is one of the public health concerns that we need to address. How many series of tetanus toxoid vaccines should Mrs. Gargantos, 34 weeks pregnant, have before delivery? Choose one answer. a. Three doses of TT b. Five doses of TT c. Two doses of TT d. One dose of TT A series of 2 doses of TT vaccine must be received by a woman one month before delivery to protect the baby from neonatal tetanus and the 3 booster doses to complete the five doses. Reference: Cuevas, Frances P., et. al. (2007) DOHs Public health nursing in the Philippines. 10th edition, Page 120 Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 47 Marks: 1/1 The study of occurrence and distribution of diseases as well as the distribution and determinants of health states or events in specified population is: Choose one answer. a. Epidemiology b. Epidemic c. Epidemiologic triangle d. Vital statistics Epidemiology is the study of occurrence and distribution of diseases as well as the distribution and determinants of health states or events in specified population. Epidemic is the occurrence that is of unusually large number of cases. Epidemiologic triangle is a model that predicts the pattern of disease. Vital statistic is the systematic study of vital events.

Reference: Cuevas, Frances P., et. al. (2007) DOHs Public health nursing in the Philippines. 10th edition, Page 63 Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 48 Marks: 1/1 The emphasis of community health nursing is on: Choose one answer. a. Assessment of health problems b. Use of herbal medicinal plants c. Health promotion and disease prevention d. Diagnosis and treatment of health problems The emphasis of community health nursing in the Philippines today is for the nurses to use their nursing skills in the application of public health functions and social assistance within the context of public health programs designed to for health promotion and disease prevention. Reference: Cuevas, Frances P., et. al. (2007) DOHs Public health nursing in the Philippines. 10th edition, Page 7 Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 49 Marks: 1/1 This refers to the facilities that are capable of performing minor surgeries and perform simple laboratory examinations: Choose one answer. a. Secondary level of care b. Tertiary level of care c. Referral system d. Primary level of care Secondary level of care serves as referral system for the primary health facilities. These are capable of performing minor surgeries and perform simple laboratory examinations. Primary level is usually the first contact between community members as seen in health centers. Tertiary level provides complicated and intensive care cases. Reference: Cuevas, Frances P., et. al. (2007) DOHs Public health nursing in the Philippines. 10th edition, Page 32

Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 50 Marks: 1/1 SITUATION: Public Health nurses have significant roles in ensuring the health of the family. Every effort should be made to provide packages of health services to the family for a better and quality life. This day is designated as immunization day and is adopted in all parts of the country. Choose one answer. a. Wednesday b. Sunday c. Friday d. Tuesday Every Wednesday is designated as immunization day and is adopted in all parts of the country. Reference: Cuevas, Frances P., et. al. (2007) DOHs Public health nursing in the Philippines. 10th edition, Page 149 Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1.

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