Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 300: Paper - I

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PAPER - I Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 300

Candidates should attempt Questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any three of the remaining questions selecting at least one question from each Section. SECTION-A

1. Write short notes on any three of the following (Each note should not exceed 200 words): 3x20=60 (a) Sociology and its relationship with economics and political science (b) Social research design (c) Class struggle as conceived by Karl Marx (d) Role of Family in Social Control 2. Discuss Max Weber's ideal types and the role of authority in bureaucracy. 60 3. Elucidate changing structure of family and marriage in modern society. 60 4. How is vertical and horizontal social mobility problematic in society? Suggest solutions. 60

5. Write short notes on any three of the following (Each note should not exceed 200 words): 3x20=60 (a) Social determinants of economic development (b) Power elite in society and the emergence of new elite in power structure (c) Origins of religious beliefs and practices in pre-modern societies (d) Social consequences of science and technology in India 6. Discuss modes of political participation and voting behaviour in India. 60 7. Describe the ideological changes that have ushered in modern society due to social movements in India. 60 8. Discuss mass education as an instrument of social change and modernization. 60
PAPER II Instructions : Same as in Paper I SECTION-A

1. Write short notes on any three of the following in not more than 200 words each 20x3=60 (a) Racial Theories of Origin of caste (b) Characteristics of peasant societies (c) Generation gap (d) Inequality in Education 2. Discuss the paradoxical nature of change in contemporary Indian society. Describe the factors responsible for it. 60 3. Describe the process of emergence of the middle class in India. What role has the middle class played in national development? 60 4. Discuss the social base of political parties in India. What has been its impact on Indian democracy? 60



5. Write short notes on any three of the following in not more than 200 words each: 20x3=60 (a) Pluralism and national unity (b) Religious fundamentalism (c) Self-respect Movement (d) Obstacles to change in Indian society 6. Describe the distinctive features of tribal communities in India. Discuss the factors affecting tribal identity. 60 7. Describe various aspects of urban environment in India and assess the impact of urban development programmes on it. 60 8. Describe the process of social mobility among lower castes and discuss the role of the Backward Classes Movement in strengthening this process. 60

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