English Yearly Teaching Plan (Form2)
English Yearly Teaching Plan (Form2)
English Yearly Teaching Plan (Form2)
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Talk about ones family Talk about how you spent your holidays Listen to the descriptions of places and answer questions Collect and present information to describe a place Make a scrapbook on an interesting place in Malaysia
Read and locate information on how students spent their holidays Write the descriptions family and friends Write descriptions of places and people
Short Stories Poems Read introductions to stories Talk about events in texts similar to those experienced in your life
Thinking skills Learning how to Learn skill information and communications Technology skills Values and citizenship Education Multiple intelligences Preparation for the real world Knowledge Acquisition
1 2
Talk about job people do Talk about and describe occupations Listen to a job description and complete a questionnaire Conduct an interview to gather information on occupation
Read and locate information about jobs Read a dialogue about a job Play a language game
* PBS Band 1
Read about the people, places and events in a story Short Story : One is one and all alone
Words beginning with/v/and/w/ Words related to certain jobs Words related to objects used in certain job
Thinking skills Learning how to Learn skill information and communications Technology skills Values and citizenship Education Multiple intelligences Preparation for the real world Knowledge Acquisition
1 CHAPTER 3 : 2
Talk about your town or village Ask question politely to get information Listen to descriptions of homes and complete a table Ask question politely based on a chart Talk about your home Conduct an interview to gather information Information quiz
Read opinions and supporting points Write opinions and supporting points
Words related to towns and villages (environment) Words related to sights, sounds, movement and feelings
Thinking skills Learning how to Learn skill information and communications Technology skills Values and citizenship Education Multiple intelligences Preparation for the real world Knowledge Acquisition
1 2
Talk about life in the city Give opinions about living in a city Listen to a newspaper report *complete a report *identify headlines *answer questions
Read and locate information in a text Read a passage to identify problems and solutions Write opinions on problems related to crowded cities Read newspaper and magazine articles Draw tables, charts to present information
*Simple Present Tense to show truth/fact *Conjunctions and, but, so, because
Words related to city life and environment Words related to problems in the city
*PBS Band 2
Thinking skills Learning how to Learn skill information and communications Technology skills Values and citizenship Education Multiple intelligences Preparation for the real world Knowledge Acquisition
Talk about your feeling in various situations Read dialogues Listen to a radio announcement and complete a message Sing a song about friendship
2 3 Write down main idea and supporting details found in paragraphs Write a letter describing a holiday Tell a story about friendship
Dictionary Work * Drama : Rumpelstiltskin Retell events In stories in your own words
Thinking skills Learning how to Learn skill information and communications Technology skills Values and citizenship Education Multiple intelligences Preparation for the real world Knowledge Acquisition
Talk about daily routines Ask questions politely to get information Listen to a poem and fill in the blanks Listen to a text on a timetable - complete a timetable - answer questions Prepare an itinerary for a trip
Thinking skills Learning how to Learn skill information and communications Technology skills Values and citizenship Education Multiple intelligences Preparation for the real world Knowledge Acquisition
Write out school rules Read and locate information in a dialogue between a student and a counselor Write a To do list
* PBS Band 3
Talk about a healthy lifestyle Talk about health routines Ask and answer questions politely Give directions based on a map Listen to a dialogue and identify key ideas Listen to a text and match home remedies with common health problems Make a poster
Dictionary work-matching problems with picture stimuli Read and locate information given in a table Write a dialogue giving advice
Thinking skills Learning how to Learn skill information and communications Technology skills Values and citizenship Education Multiple intelligences Preparation for the real world Knowledge Acquisition
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Talk about health/environmental issues Talk about health/environmental problems Listening activity Bingo Listen to complaints and identify problems Suggest solutions for problems Make a folder
Read and locate information in letter Identify causes and effects of problems Write a composition about a problem
World related to health issues Body language match actions with feelings Words found in letter to editor
Thinking skills Learning how to Learn skill information and communications Technology skills Values and citizenship Education Multiple intelligences Preparation for the real world Knowledge Acquisition
WISE CHOICES People and Social Issues *PBS- Band 4&5 *20/6-Cuti Peristiwa
Listen to a story and give a recount of it orally Make a poster about the shops in your neighborhood Find out more about shoppers and shopping a questionnaire
1 2
Talk about your dreams, hopes and ambitious Talk about qualities needed to achieve success Ask questions politely to get information Listen to a story and answer questions Retell a story Make a scrapbook about someone you admire
Thinking skills Learning how to Learn skill information and communications Technology skills Values and citizenship Education Multiple intelligences Preparation for the real world Knowledge Acquisition
Write a letter to friend about your hopes, plans and ambitious Write a success story
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1 2 3 Gather ideas on recycling Talk about disposing of waste that cannot be recycled Talk about reusing and disposing of waste Listen to a description of a recycling process and answer questions
Read comments on reusing and disposing of waste Read and locate information in a passage on recycling
*PBS-Band 5&6.
Read about how people of different backgroun d live together Talk about living together in harmony
*Subject-Verb Agreement
Thinking skills Learning how to Learn skill information and communications Technology skills Values and citizenship Education Multiple intelligences Preparation for the real world Knowledge Acquisition
Talk about flowers Talk about gardening Listen to clues and identify items in a picture Make cards and pictures using dried flowers and leaves Find out medicinal values of flowers and leaves
Poems Read and practice words in rhymes Talk about qualities of characters in stories/ poems Describe people in a story / poems
Thinking skills Learning how to Learn skill information and communications Technology skills Values and citizenship Education Multiple intelligences Preparation for the real world Knowledge Acquisition
Talk about what happens when trees in the jungle are cut down Talk about what can be done to save our jungles Listen to texts on the Rafflesia and the pitcher plant and answer questions
Words related to Rafflesia Words related to catchments area Words related to tree
Thinking skills Learning how to Learn skill information and communications Technology skills Values and citizenship Education Multiple intelligences Preparation for the real world Knowledge Acquisition
2 3
Talk about life in the future robots doing work Talk about life in the future based on situations Listen to a text and sequence pictures Talk about negative and positive changes in the future Design a futuristic home Design a futuristic car
Say what one thinks about the story, drama and poems
Thinking skills Learning how to Learn skill information and communications Technology skills Values and citizenship Education Multiple intelligences Preparation for the real world Knowledge Acquisition
34 *PBS Band6