Description: Tags: Gao02350
Description: Tags: Gao02350
Description: Tags: Gao02350
March 2002
Additional Steps
Would Increase
Borrowers' Awareness
of Electronic Debiting
and Reduce Federal
Administrative Costs
Subsidy costs are the net present value, at the time a direct loan is disbursed, of the cash
flows for loan disbursement, repayments of principal, and payments of interest and other
payments by or to the government over the life of the loan after adjusting for estimated
defaults, prepayments, fees, penalties, and other recoveries. Present value is the worth of
the future stream of returns or costs in terms of money paid immediately—prevailing
interest rates provide the basis for converting future amounts into their “money now”
AFSA also provides student loan servicing for banks and secondary markets under the
Federal Family Education Loan Program—the largest federal student loan program.
Borrowers have the right to prepay their loans.3 If a borrower repays any
amount in excess of the amount due, the excess amount is a prepayment.
Loan repayments, including prepayments, are credited first to any accrued
charges or collection costs and then to outstanding interest and principal.
Because prepayments generally reduce a borrower’s principal balance
outstanding, the amount of interest that accrues in subsequent months is
also reduced, decreasing the amount of interest the borrower pays over
the life of the loan. Borrowers who pay by check can easily make
repayments in excess of the amount due, for example, by rounding up
their repayment, but EDA borrowers have to take extra steps to prepay
because only the scheduled repayment amounts are withdrawn from EDA
borrowers’ accounts. In practice, the amount due without regard to the
0.25 percent discount is withdrawn. Therefore, EDA borrowers do not
receive a reduction in the amount they repay each month, but more of
20 U.S.C. 1077(a)(2)(F)
While more than twice as many borrowers have enrolled in the EDA
While More than program than originally assumed, the percentage of EDA borrowers who
Twice as Many have continued to make prepayments remains unknown. In developing its
cost justification of the EDA program, Education assumed that a certain
Borrowers Enrolled in percentage of borrowers would likely enroll in the program and that a
EDA than Education certain percentage of these borrowers would continue to prepay their
Assumed, the Extent loans. Education based these assumptions on reported private sector
experiences with electronic debit repayments and on conventions
to Which They Have economists use in the absence of data. Education lacks data showing
Continued to Prepay borrowers’ prepayment patterns before and after enrolling in the program,
thus it cannot determine the extent to which its assumption has
Their Loans Is materialized.
Unknown Education’s assumption that 5 percent of direct loan borrowers would
enroll in the EDA program was an estimate based on the experiences of
large, national private sector guaranteed loan lenders’ programs similar to
EDA. As of September 2001, the actual percentage of EDA enrollees is
closer to 12 percent, which, according to Education’s cost justification,
would increase the savings to the government to over $19 million.4 Table 2
shows government savings at the originally assumed 5 percent enrollment
rate and our estimates of the savings that Education’s cost justification
model would project if higher EDA enrollment rates were to materialize,
keeping the prepayment assumption constant.
As of September 2001, 424,209 borrowers were enrolled in EDA.
Borrowers Are Not Education has not taken steps to inform EDA borrowers that—even with a
Informed about Cost reduced interest rate—they could pay more interest over the life of the
Implications of EDA loan. This could happen if prior to enrolling in EDA, they made
repayments that exceeded the scheduled amount due, but after enrolling
Participation paid only the amount due. When borrowers establish an EDA, there is no
place on the application form to designate an amount in addition to the
scheduled payment to be withdrawn each month. To continue their
prepayments, such borrowers would have to send a check for any
prepayment or make arrangements to continue making prepayments
through EDA.
Borrowers Are Not The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, requires that student loan
Systematically Informed of borrowers be informed that they may prepay all or part of their loans at
Their Prepayment Options any time without penalty, but it does not require the disclosure of specific
prepayment options. In documents such as the master promissory note
and borrower publications, Education informs borrowers that they may
prepay their loans. In May 2001, after we began our work, Education
added information to the direct loan servicing Web site indicating where
EDA borrowers wishing to prepay their loans could send supplemental
payments. While this information may help borrowers with Internet
access, Education has not disclosed this information in EDA brochures,
the EDA application, or the confirmation notice sent to borrowers who
establish EDAs. Further, Education does not inform EDA borrowers that
they may make routine prepayments, by contacting the direct loan servicer
at any time and increasing the amount withdrawn from their bank account
each month.
FDLP schools are responsible for ensuring that borrowers who are graduating,
withdrawing, or otherwise ceasing to attend school at least half time, receive exit
EDA account account
Service accounts $0.909 $0.909
Post payments 0.475 0.475
Generate and mail bills 0.000 0.063
Envelopes used in billing 0.000 0.054
Postage 0.000 0.270
Total $1.384 $1.771
Includes two envelopes per statement mailed. Beginning in May 2001, the cost of envelopes was
reduced from $0.094 to $0.074. In July 2001, the cost of envelopes was further reduced to $0.054.
Treasury Achieved Savings In fiscal year 2001, we estimate Treasury, which has an interagency
by Processing Loan agreement with Education to process direct loan payments, saved about
Payments Electronically $1.2 million as a result of EDA. These savings are based on the dollar
volume of payments received. Treasury estimates that processing
payments electronically costs less than 1 percent of the cost of processing
paper payments. For example, it costs about $16 to process $1 million
through EDA; processing the same amount in paper payments costs about
$1,897. According to officials from Treasury’s Financial Management
Service, Treasury processes payments for federal agencies to ensure
efficient and timely processing of payments, and because Treasury can
achieve economies of scale by providing this service throughout the
federal government.
If you or your staff have any questions or wish to discuss this material
further, please call me at (202) 512-8403 or Jeff Appel at (202) 512-9915.
Other staff who made key contributions to this report include Barbara
Alsip, Joel Marus, Scott McNabb, and Debra Prescott.
Cornelia M. Ashby
Director, Education, Workforce and
Income Security Issues
Page 16 GAO-02-350 Direct Student Loans
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