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DNA Tribes Digest April 30, 2009

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DNA Tribes Digest April 30, 2009 Copyright 2009 DNA Tribes. All rights reserved. To request an email subscription to DNA Tribes Digest, email [email protected] with the subject Subscribe. To unsubscribe from DNA Tribes Digest, email [email protected] with the subject Unsubscribe.

Table of Contents:
Introduction......................................................................................................................... 1 Genetic Relationships along the Pacific Rim of Asia......................................................... 2 The Japanese Region................................................................................................... 2 The Ami of Taiwan..................................................................................................... 5 The Atayal of Taiwan ................................................................................................. 7 The Philippines ........................................................................................................... 8 The Chamoru of Guam ............................................................................................. 10 Conclusion ................................................................................................................ 12 Getting the Most from Your Testing ................................................................................ 13

Hello, and welcome to the April 2009 issue of DNA Tribes Digest. In mainland East Asia, substantial genetic continuity is observed throughout a large core zone that includes the North Chinese, South Chinese, Tibetan, and (to some extent) Southeast Asian genetic regions. However, we have seen in previous articles that outside this core East Asian zone, genetic patterns from other continents become more prominent: in the Altaian region to the west (where Northern European contributions are observed1); in the Arctic region to the north (where American Indian contributions are observed2); and in the Malay Archipelago to the south (where links to Australia and Polynesia are observed3). In this issue, we will explore genetic relationships among populations and regions along the Pacific Rim of Asia, at the outer geographical periphery of the East Asian family of regions. As we have seen elsewhere in the world, some of these populations and regions retain genetic patterns characteristic of neighboring or even distant parts of the world. Best regards and Happy Mothers Day, Lucas Martin DNA Tribes

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DNA Tribes Digest April 30, 2009

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DNA Tribes Digest April 30, 2009

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Genetic Relationships along the Pacific Rim of Asia

In this study, we examined genetic relationships among populations and regions in the Pacific Rim of Asia, beginning with the Japanese region, continuing counter-clockwise to Taiwan, then to the Philippines, and finishing in Guam. For each region and population studied, genetic contributions from all other world regions were estimated.

Figure 1: Locations of Asia-Pacific populations surveyed in this article.

The Japanese Region

Background: The Japanese genetic region characterizes modern populations of the Japanese Archipelago, a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean east of the Korean Peninsula and Manchuria. The English name Japan is derived from the Chinese term Riben (meaning Suns Origin), similar in meaning to the native Japanese term Nippon. Japan has been settled since at least 35,000 BC, and early Paleolithic (Old Stone Age) artifacts found in Japan from this period include the earliest examples of tool technologies not

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found elsewhere in the world until the beginning of the Neolithic (New Stone Age) tens of thousands of years later. Beginning approximately 14,000 BC, a culture known as the Jmon (meaning cord-patterned, after a style of pottery) emerged in Japan based on a semi-sedentary economy that combined hunting and gathering with some agricultural practices and produced unique handmade pottery (some of the earliest known pottery in the world). Jmon artifacts are similar to other early findings near the Amur River in Manchuria to the west of Japan, suggesting an early link with this part of mainland Asia (the North Chinese genetic region identified by DNA Tribes analysis). It is thought that early Japanese populations expanded during this time, when global temperatures and sea levels were somewhat higher than today, and then contracted when the climate cooled. Later, indigenous Jmon cultural development was influenced by new Yayoi cultures that expanded from Kysh (the southernmost Japanese island) beginning around 500 BC, bringing new bronze and iron technologies and rice paddy farming, perhaps introduced to Japan via eastern China and southern Korea. These new Yayoi cultures appear to have existed side by side and then blended with Jmon practices, expanding northwards to establish the foundations of the new Japanese culture that has continued to the present day. Today, the Japanese people speak a unique language that is written using a combination of pictorial characters (similar to written Chinese) as well as adapted syllabic scripts representing sounds. In addition to the predominant Japanese ethnic group descended from the fusion of Jmon and Yayoi cultures described above, northern parts of Japan are also home to the Ainu people. The Ainu are thought to be descended from indigenous Jmon peoples, with some additional ancestry from neighboring Nivkh (formerly known as Gilyak) peoples of Sakhalin Island and eastern Manchuria. According to Ainu Yukar (traditional oral literature), the Ainu (or Utari, comrades) have lived in Japan for a hundred thousand years before the Children of the Sun (modern Japanese) came. The Ainu speak a unique language and are known for customs such as lip tattooing for women and growing long beards for men. Ainu have also been noted for physical features such as abundant facial and body hair and projecting facial bones (also associated with Jmon era skeletons). Ainu religious practices traditionally included reverence for nature, including certain animals such as the bear, striped owl, and killer whale (orca). Although Ainu specific reference data are not presently available, this study will evaluate genetic characteristics of modern Japanese populations, who are thought to be descended from the fusion of Jmon and Yayoi populations. Genetic analysis: Genetic contributions to Japan from 35 world regions4 presently identified by DNA Tribes analysis were estimated. Results are illustrated in Figure 2 and summarized in Table 1 below.

A map illustrating the genetic world regions presently identified by DNA Tribes analysis can be viewed at: Amazonian, Andean, Arctic, Athabaskan, Central American, Mayan, Mexican, North Amerindian, Ojibwa, Patagonian, and Salishan contributions were listed as American Indian. The Japanese world region was excluded to avoid self-reference.

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Figure 2: Estimated genetic contributions to the Japanese region. Genetic Region Estimated Contribution North Chinese 74.2% Eastern India 10.7% American Indian 7.7% Australian 4.8% 2.6% Other Table 1: Estimated genetic contributions to the Japanese region.

Discussion: Results in Table 1 indicate a predominant genetic contribution of 74.2% from the North Chinese genetic region5. This might reflect connections with Manchurian populations dating to the Jmon and earlier Paleolithic periods, as well as more recent contacts such as those that introduced rice paddy farming and metalworking practices from mainland Asia at the beginning of the Yayoi period. These North Chinese genetic patterns characterize Japanese populations as primarily related to other East Asian peoples.

The North Chinese genetic region is discussed in greater detail in the January 2009 issue of DNA Tribes Digest, available at:

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However, substantial contributions from outside of East Asia are also identified, including Eastern India (10.7%), American Indian (7.7%), and Australian (4.8%) contributions. The Eastern India and Australian contributions might reflect early coastal migrations in Asia, which have been discussed in previous articles of DNA Tribes Digest6. The American Indian contribution might reflect contacts with Alaska and North America, perhaps mediated through far eastern Siberia and the Kamchatka Peninsula to the north of Japan, where peoples such as the Chukchi and Koryak share Arctic genetic characteristics with Yupik and Inuit (Eskimo) peoples of Alaska7. These results indicate that although Japanese populations are primarily related to neighboring peoples of East Asia, they also retain distinctive genetic characteristics that might date to early contacts along the oceanic periphery of Asia.

The Ami of Taiwan

Background: Taiwan, previously known as Formosa (from a Portuguese term meaning beautiful island), is a large island directly east of Guangdong Province, China. Taiwan is thought to have been settled for tens of thousands of years and is home to several aboriginal ethnic groups (together comprising 2% of Taiwans population) who speak Austronesian languages distantly related to Malay and Polynesian languages. The great diversity of Austronesian languages spoken in Taiwan has led some linguists to speculate that Austronesian languages originated in Taiwan before spreading out to more distant parts of the Pacific Ocean8. The shape of Taiwan has been compared to a sweet potato, geographically characterized by a mountainous zone in the eastern part of the island and a plains zone in the more populated west of the island. Beginning in the seventeenth century, Han Chinese began to settle in Taiwan and interact with its aboriginal peoples. In this process, the aboriginal peoples in the western plains who assimilated to Han culture were known to the Chinese as ripe or cooked, and those living in the eastern mountain areas removed from colonial influence as green or raw. Among these green indigenous peoples traditionally living in the mountainous eastern part of Taiwan are the Amis (meaning north) or Pangcah (meaning human), who are the largest indigenous ethnic group in Taiwan today. Amis are known for their matrilineal kinship structure and pottery making, and their use of rice paddy agriculture has supported comparatively large settlements. Today Amis are also prominent in urban parts of Taiwan. Genetic analysis: Genetic contributions to Ami (indigenous Taiwanese) from 36 world regions presently identified by DNA Tribes analysis were estimated . Results are illustrated in Figure 3 and summarized in Table 2 below. Because data available for Ami are limited, this analysis is preliminary only.

For more information, see: (discussing relationships in South Seas populations) and (discussing relationships in populations and regions along the coastal Silk Routes). 7 Relationships between far eastern Siberia and Alaska and North America are explored in the October 2008 issue of DNA Tribes Digest at: 8 For information about genetic relationships about other Austronesian-speaking peoples, see: (discussing Polynesians) and (discussing Malays).

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Figure 3: Estimated genetic contributions to Ami (indigenous Taiwanese).

Genetic Region Estimated Contribution Malay Archipelago 57.8% North Chinese 17.5% South Chinese 13.7% Japanese 11.1% 0.0% Other Table 2: Estimated genetic contributions to Ami (indigenous Taiwanese).

Discussion: Results in Table 2 indicate the largest contribution from the Malay Archipelago (57.8%). This might reflect early relationships among Austronesian-speaking cultures that have spread throughout the Pacific Ocean. However, this also suggests the possibility that Taiwan has been not only an origin point but also a recipient of gene flow from maritime populations living further south, perhaps including contacts pre-dating the spread of Austronesian languages. Also

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identified are North Chinese (17.5%), South Chinese (13.7%), and Japanese (11.1%) contributions, suggesting maritime gene flow from Asian peoples to the north of Taiwan.

The Atayal of Taiwan

Background: The second largest indigenous group in Taiwan living today is the Atayal (meaning genuine person or brave man), whose historical territories are in the mountainous northeastern part of Taiwan. The Atayal language is classified as Austronesian, but is said to be substantially different from all other indigenous languages of Taiwan. In the past, Atayals were feared among Han settlers for their practice of conducting headhunting raids on farm workers, and were later known for a rebellion during the period of Japanese occupation in 1930. The Atayal are also known for their crafts traditions as well as their use of facial tattooing for men and women, a practice also found among the indigenous Ainu of northern Japan discussed above as well as Polynesians and North American Indian cultures such as the Yupik. Genetic analysis: Genetic contributions to Atayal (indigenous Taiwanese) from 36 world regions9 presently identified by DNA Tribes analysis were estimated. Results are illustrated in Figure 4 and summarized in Table 3 below. Because data available for Atayal are limited, this analysis is preliminary only. Discussion: Results in Table 3 indicate genetic contributions not only from East Asian regions (as was seen for the Amis), but also from American Indian and Pacific Ocean regions. The two largest contributions observed are from East Asia: Japanese (32.9%) and Southeast Asian (22.3%), for a total contribution of 55.2% from East Asian genetic region. However, substantial contributions are observed from the Arctic region (18.4%) that characterizes populations of far eastern Siberia as well as coastal Alaska. Also observed is an additional 18.8% contribution from other American Indian genetic regions. This might reflect processes and contacts similar to those that brought American Indian genetic patterns to the Japanese genetic region (perhaps mediated by cultures in contact with the ancestors of the Ainu), as well as other northern parts of Asia10.

A map illustrating the genetic world regions presently identified by DNA Tribes analysis can be viewed at: Amazonian, Andean, Athabaskan, Central American, Mayan, Mexican, North Amerindian, Ojibwa, Patagonian, and Salishan contributions were listed as Other American Indian, and the Arctic contribution was listed separately. 10 These relationships are discussed in greater detail at (discussing links between far eastern Siberia and North America), (discussing the Altaian region of Siberia and the Finno-Ugrian region of northern Europe) , and (discussing further traces of contact with American Indian populations present in Asia). Although researchers usually presume that genetic links between Asian and American Indian populations reflect traces of proto-American Indian populations thought to have migrated from Asia to North America, an alternate (and perhaps more parsimonious) inference suggested by available data might be that some subsequent gene flow has taken place from the Americas to Asia.

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A Polynesian contribution of 7.6% is also identified, which might reflect contacts among Austronesian-speaking peoples discussed above or else earlier maritime contacts among populations surrounding the Pacific Ocean.

Figure 4: Estimated genetic contributions to Atayal (indigenous Taiwanese). Genetic Region Estimated Contribution Japanese 32.9% Southeast Asian 22.3% Other American Indian 18.8% Arctic 18.4% Polynesian 7.6% 0.0% Other Table 3: Estimated genetic contributions to Atayal (indigenous Taiwanese).

The Philippines
Background: The Philippines (named for King Philip II of Spain) is a nation composed of over seven thousand islands, comprising the Philippine Archipelago. The Philippines is today the worlds twelfth most populous country, with over 90 million inhabitants and a large international diaspora of overseas Filipinos living in the Americas, the Near East, Asia, and Europe. The Philippines have been settled since at least 30,000 BC. The earliest Filipino peoples are thought to have been the ancestors of modern ethnic groups such as the Aeta, who have been described as Negritos or Pugot and are known for their darker pigmentation and smaller stature. It has been speculated that Aeta communities might reflect an early stratum of settlement in

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Island Southeast Asia based on that apparent physical similarity to communities of the Andaman Islands and the Malaysian Semang people (known as Orang asli or original peoples). Another early wave of immigrants is thought to have come from Taiwan approximately 4000 BC, as part of the larger dispersion of Austronesian languages throughout the Malay Archipelago and more distant locations such as Polynesia and Madagascar11. Since that time, populations of the Philippines have maintained contacts with seafaring Malay peoples, who brought successive waves of Hindu, Buddhist, and Islamic culture from more westerly peoples. During this period, the Philippines was ruled by several local maritime kingdoms, including in some cases kingdoms based in other parts of Island Southeast Asia such as the Srivijaya Kingdom based in what is today Indonesia12. More recently, the Philippines was colonized by the Spanish Empire beginning in the 1500s AD. Under the Spanish colonial system, some settlement from Spain and Latin America took place in the Philippines, as well as a larger scale formal adoption of Spanish surnames among native Filipinos that did not necessarily reflect intermarriage. Substantial numbers of Chinese also settled in the Philippines during the same period, in many cases eventually intermarrying and integrating into Filipino society. Today, the two primarily languages spoken in the Philippines are English and Tagalog (also known simply as Filipino), one of the over 180 Austronesian languages spoken throughout the Philippines. Genetic analysis: Genetic contributions to the Philippines from 36 world regions presently identified by DNA Tribes analysis were estimated. Results are illustrated in Figure 5 and summarized in Table 4 below. Discussion: Results in Table 4 indicate the largest genetic contribution as from the Malay Archipelago region13 (72.2%). This is consistent with Filipino origins among Austronesianspeaking peoples and substantial genetic continuity with other parts of Island Southeast Asia. However, contributions were also identified from northerly regions of East Asia, including the North Chinese (16.8%) and Japanese (6.3%) regions. These might reflect additional maritime contacts with populations living to the north of the Philippines, perhaps including contacts during ancient times as well as more recent colonial era settlements. Also identified was a Polynesian contribution of 3.2%, suggesting the possibility of additional contacts with Polynesian peoples beyond those that characterize the Malay Archipelago region as a whole.

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This is described in greater detail in Ibid. 13 Ibid., in which genetic characteristics of the Malay Archipelago as a whole are discussed.

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Figure 5: Estimated genetic contributions to the Philippines. Genetic Region Estimated Contribution Malay Archipelago 72.2% North Chinese 16.8% Japanese 6.3% Polynesian 3.2% 1.5% Other Table 4: Estimated genetic contributions to the Philippines.

The Chamoru of Guam

Background: Guam is one of the Mariana Islands, a small group of volcanic islands located roughly between Japan and New Guinea. More broadly, Guam is considered part of Micronesia, a large part of the Pacific Ocean islands north of both Melanesia (which includes Papua New Guinea as well as smaller islands) and Polynesia. The native people of Guam are known as Chamoru, also known by the Spanish name Chamorros. The Chamoru are thought to be descended from Austronesian-speaking peoples who settled Guam from Island Southeast Asia approximately 2,000 BC. Guam was discovered by the Portuguese explorer Fernando Magellan in 1521, whose crew received supplies from the Chamoru, who then took a Spanish boat. Magellans crew had not expected to give anything in return for the supplies and interpreted this as theft. In response, Magellans conducted an armed raid on the Chamoru, recovering the lost boat but also burning several houses and killing several Chamoru men. For this reason, the Mariana Islands were

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nicknamed the Islas de los Ladrones or Islands of the Thieves. Guam was subsequently used by the Spanish as a way station for voyages between Mexico and the Philippines, and was later acquired by the United States after the Spanish-American War. The Chamoru language is classified as Austronesian, and similarities to other Austronesian languages of the Philippines as well as Polynesia have been observed. Chamoru people today are descended from native populations of Guam, as well as from Spanish who settled during the colonial period and more recent newcomers including Polynesians. Genetic analysis: Genetic contributions to Chamoru from 36 world regions presently identified by DNA Tribes analysis were estimated. Results are illustrated in Figure 6 and summarized in Table 5 below.

Figure 6: Estimated genetic contributions to Chamoru (Guam). Genetic Region Estimated Contribution European 38.6% Malay Archipelago 30.7% Polynesian 19.1% Arctic 11.5% 0.0% Other Table 5: Estimated genetic contributions to Chamorros (Guam).

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Discussion: Results in Table 5 indicate genetic contributions from several sources, reflecting the early origins of the Chamoru as well as more recent colonial contacts. The largest contribution identified was European (38.6%), most likely reflecting recent intermarriage with Spanish and other European settlers. The Malay Archipelago (30.7%) and Polynesian (19.1%) contributions might reflect older pre-colonial settlements by Austronesian-speaking peoples. However, the Polynesian contribution might also reflect more recent intermarriages with Polynesians. Also identified is an Arctic contribution of 11.5%, similar to Arctic and other American Indian contributions observed in other populations of Asia and the Pacific. This suggests the possibility of early contacts with populations far to the north in eastern Siberia or Alaska, perhaps by way of lands such as Kamchatka, Japan, and smaller islands of Asias Pacific Rim.

In each of the Pacific Rim populations and regions studied, we have observed substantial genetic continuity with neighboring regions. However, results also suggest the possibility that several of these Pacific Rim peoples have had substantial maritime contacts with populations outside of Asia, including contacts with Polynesian and perhaps American Indian peoples.

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Getting the Most from Your Testing

Once your core DNA Tribes 15-Marker or 21-Marker testing is complete, we offer several options to keep your report current and to customize your analysis to deliver the information you want. (Prices are listed as of April 30, 2009 and are subject to change.) Updating Your Analysis: We incorporate new data in our algorithms on a periodic basis. This includes not only new reference data (our uniquely detailed and comprehensive database now includes 896 reference populations in all inhabited continents around the world), but also refinements to our algorithms and enhanced world region definitions. New data also allow us to refine our genetic world region definitions. Based on a rigorous mathematical analysis of hundreds of ethnic and national reference samples, world regions express the actual genetic structure we have identified in world populations. These regional definitions both enhance your own analysis, and provide the necessary picture of world genetic structure to put your own results in a global context. A map illustrating the populations and genetic regions currently identified in our analyses can be viewed at: Once lab testing is complete, your analysis can be updated at any times of your choice for $24.99 through our secure online checkout at: Customizing Your Analysis: DNA Tribes offers several $24.99 Add-On reports to customize your analysis for the information you want: Extended Match Results: This is a comprehensive 23-page listing of your DNA match scores for all 871 reference populations in our database. We recommend this Add-On for customers who enjoy combing through lots of information. Native American Panel: This two-page report lists your DNA match scores for all Native American tribal reference populations in our database. This can provide a closer look to complement Parts B and D of core results for customers who have substantial Native American origins. African Panel: This two-page report lists your DNA match scores for all Sub-Saharan African reference populations in our database. This can provide a closer look to complement Parts B and D of core results for customers who have substantial African origins.

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Central Asian Panel: This two-page report lists your DNA match scores for all Central Asian reference populations in our database, including Turkic populations as well as European Roma (Gypsy) populations. This can provide a closer look to complement Parts B and D of core results for customers who have substantial European, Near Eastern, South Asian, or East Asian origins. Once lab testing is complete, Add-On analyses can be selected at any time of your choice through our secure online checkout at: DNA Tribes Europa: A Detailed Comparison to European Sub-Regions: DNA Tribes Europa provides the most detailed and complete analysis of European autosomal genetic structure available. DNA Tribes Europa provides your DNA match scores for 13 genetic sub-regions of Europe, which is substantially more robust than the individual population matches in Parts B C of core results and more detailed than the European world regions referenced in Part D of core results. More information about DNA Tribes Europa is available at: Expanding Your Analysis with a 21 Marker Upgrade: For customers who have completed 13-marker or 15-marker testing with DNA Tribes, we now offer a 21 Marker Upgrade. This includes lab testing of additional STR marker systems, which provides a closer comparison of your own DNA to world populations for greater accuracy and power of exclusion. The incorporation of additional marker systems can confirm or clarify your initial 13 or 15-marker results, and includes an update to all Add-On analyses previously ordered for your kit. 21 Marker Upgrades are available for $119.99 through our secure online checkout at: Researching Your Results: Each persons DNA Tribes results are one of a kind and express their own unique collection of genetic material inherited from both paternal and maternal ancestors. However, human genetic relationships involve a complex hierarchy of relationships, from individual to family to ethnic group to genetic region to global population structure. Detailed information to allow you to interpret your own results in a broader context is available in our Global Survey at: More detailed background information about genetic relationships among world regions and populations is available in issues of DNA Tribes Digest, which can be found at:

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