PRO II Tutorial Good
PRO II Tutorial Good
PRO II Tutorial Good
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Trademarks PRO/II and Invensys SIMSCI-ESSCOR are trademarks of Invensys plc, its subsidiaries and affiliates. AMSIM is a trademark of DBR Schlumberger Canada Limited. RATEFRAC
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Table of Contents
Introduction .........................................................................................5 What can PRO/II do? ..........................................................................5 Simulation Status Conventions ...........................................................5 How is this Tutorial Organized? ..........................................................6 Where to Start?...................................................................................6 Where to Find Additional Help? ..........................................................6 Description of the Problem..................................................................6 How to Proceed? ................................................................................8
Index.............................................................................. 76
What can PRO/II do?
PRO/II is a comprehensive process simulation program that runs as a Windows compliant application under Windows 98, Windows 2003, Windows ME, Windows NT (4.0), Windows 2000, or Windows XP. All its powerful simulation features, familiar to process engineers worldwide, are combined with the ease of the PROVISION Windows interface. Steady-state process flow sheets that include process units such as rigorous distillation columns, compressors, reactors, heat exchangers, mixers, and so on, may be built and simulated using PRO/II. It is designed to meet all your simulation needs, from simple single-unit models to complete plants of almost any complexity.
Where to Start?
PRO/II users, at all levels of experience, will benefit greatly from working with this tutorial. If you are a first-time user, you should work using this Tutorial Guide. Although not recommended, experienced users may skip the Tutorial Guide and move on to the Users Guide.
June 2005
Note: Both Sessions 1 and 2 assume that ENGLISH units of measure were selected as the default units for input and output data.
How to Proceed?
Lets get started with using PRO/II. Session 1 simulates only three process units of the flow sheet shown in Figure 1-1. By working through this exercise, you will gain familiarity with the basic features of the simulator. You can complete the simulation of the entire flow sheet by continuing with Session 2, which demonstrates advanced features of PRO/II and introduces some of the PFD tools. Finally, Session 3 explores some of the tools to analyze the results of the simulation. Some users may wish to jump right in and skip some (or all) of this tutorial. At any time, whenever you are comfortable using the program, feel free to leave the tutorial and begin working on your own simulations.
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Session 1: Separator
Three process units -the separator, liquid pressure valve, and expander will be simulated in this first tutorial session. The reduced plant process flow sheet for this session is shown in Figure 1-1. The composition of the feed to the flash drum is identical to the feed stream, to the gas-gas heat exchanger in Figure 1-1. This feed composition is given in Table I-2 (above).
Starting PRO/II 1. 2. From the Windows Start menu, navigate to Programs, SIMSCI, PROII71. Left-click the mouse while the mouse cursor is positioned on the PROII 7.1 menu item.
An empty Untitled [Flowsheet] process flow diagram (PFD) window appears for laying down your process simulation as shown in Figure 1-2. The toolbar appears below the
menu bar and above the main PFD window. Using the toolbar icons reduces the number of mouse actions required for a selection.
The floating PFD palette, for adding streams and units, appears first at the right of the flow sheet window. The floating PFD palette may be moved anywhere on the desktop by clicking on its title bar, holding the left mouse button down, and dragging it to its new location. The floating Run palette can be relocated in the same manner.
Process Units Start building the process flow sheet for this session by laying down each process unit and stream, one by one, on the PFD. Use Figure 1-3 as a guide. 1. 2. 3. 4. For separator F1, move the mouse cursor to the floating PFD palette and click Flash icon. To add the unit, click anywhere on the main PFD window. Scroll down the PFD palette to select an expander (EX1) and place it on the PFD. Repeat the procedure for valve (V1).
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Moving icons around on the main PFD window is easy. 5. 6. 7. Place the cursor on an icon, press and hold the left mouse button, and drag it to a new location. Release the mouse button to drop the icon at the position of the mouse cursor. Connect the unit operations by adding process streams to the PFD. Process streams define the heat and material flow of the simulation.
Process Streams To add process streams: 1. Click Streams on the floating PFD palette. The cursor changes to an arrow with an S attached. You can now add streams to your flow sheet. Notice that all possible OUTLET ports appear on each unit as soon as Streams is selected. The required outlet ports are colored red, while the optional ones are green.
Add streams by clicking at the origin of the stream (often an outlet port). To lay down an external feed stream, click on an unoccupied part of the PFD. The cursor remains attached to the stream, which is now anchored to the origin point. Click again at the destination of the stream (often an inlet port on a unit icon). Continue until all streams have been added to the PFD as shown in Figure 1-4.
Note: As soon as you click a streams origin point, the OUTLET ports disappear. Only the valid INLET ports appear and are colored red. 4. Click Streams again or press the ESC key to exit the streams mode.
Note: By default, the names of the process units and streams are automatically assigned by the program. For example, S1 for the first stream, F1 for the first flash drum unit, V1 for the first valve, and so on. At this point it is worth noting that the unsatisfied data are indicated on the PFD. Units that have unsatisfied internal data (all of them in this flow sheet, at this point) have red identification strings, F1, bordered in red. Streams for which data must be supplied (external feed streams) also have red identifiers, S1, bordered in red. Internal (connecting) and product streams have black identifiers, S2, bordered in black. Note: Units that have unsatisfied connectivity requirements (i.e., missing feeds or an insufficient number of product streams) also have red identifiers bordered in red.
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2. 3. 4.
Note: The red color of the icon border indicates that data entry is required. 2. 3. Click Input at the top of the screen. Next, click Component Selection. (see Figure 1-5). The Component Selection window is displayed.
Enter the first component, Nitrogen, in the Component field. This is illustrated in Figure 1-6.
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Click Add -> to move this component to the List of Selected Components field (see Figure 1-7).
Figure 1-7: Component Selection Window 6. Repeat the previous two steps for each of the other components: METHANE, ETHANE, PROPANE, IBUTANE, NBUTANE, IPENTANE, PENTANE, HEXANE, and HEPTANE (these are the valid library component names). Figure 1-8 illustrates the display after all the components are added.
Note: The border of the List of Selected Components is now blue. This color indicates that data requirements were satisfied with user-supplied data. 7. There are no red-bordered fields, indicating no additional required entries. Click OK to exit this window.
Note: It is possible to select components without typing their names. 8. 9. Click Select from Lists in the Component Selection window. This opens another dialog that groups various components into lists. Choose a list, highlight the desired components in the Component Full Name field, and click Add Components. The highlighted components are added to the simulation. All the components in this example are included in the Most Commonly Used list.
Or 2. Select Input at the top of the screen and choose Thermodynamic Data as shown in Figure 1-9.
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This opens the Thermodynamic Data dialog illustrated in Figure 1-10. It offers many systems of thermodynamic calculation methods. For example, the predefined PengRobinson thermodynamic system uses the Peng-Robinson cubic equation of state to calculate K-values, liquid and vapor phase enthalpies and entropies, and vapor phase densities. It uses API methods to calculate liquid densities. To select a predefined thermodynamic system of methods within the Thermodynamic Data window: 1. 2. Select Most Commonly Used option from the list labeled Category. Select Peng-Robinson from the Primary Method list box, as shown in Figure 110.
Click Add-> to include this method set in the list of Defined Systems (see Figure 1-11).
Note: Since we have included only a single method set, it serves as the Default System (see Figure 1-11). You may set or change the default system whenever more than one method set is included in a simulation.
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Note: PRO/II offers extensive options to modify the predefined method sets. The rather well behaved system of components in the current exercise will be adequately modeled using an unmodified, predefined method set. The Modify button in Figure 1.11 opens up a cascading series of dialogs that allow you to customize any predefined system. The options are extensive, but are beyond the scope of this tutorial. To use this feature, highlight a thermodynamic set in the Defined Systems list and click Modify to open the Modification dialog. To delete a method set from the simulation, highlight it in the Defined Systems list and click Delete. Remember that every simulation requires at least one thermodynamic method set to be listed in the Defined Systems list.
There is no particular order necessary for data entry; start at any unit operation or stream. When specifying stream data for this example problem, only feed stream S1 requires data to be supplied.
Stream Data
As noted above, stream S1 must be adjusted to work properly in our simplified flow sheet. Table 1-3 shows the adjusted data for stream S1.
Double-click stream S1 to open the Stream Data dialog box (Figure 1-12).
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Enter data in the red-bordered data entry fields. Optionally, you may enter the description FEED for this stream.
To enter flow rate and composition data: 1. Click Flowrate and composition.
Select Total Fluid Flowrate in the Fluid Flowrate Specification group box, and specify value 8 for the total stream flow rate as shown in Figure 1-13.
Figure 1-13: The Stream Data Flowrate and Composition Window The rate we have entered has the units of pound-moles per hour. However, Table 1-1 indicates that the rate should be eight cubic meters per second. It is simple to change the dimensional units of this field. To change the dimensional units: 1. 2. Click to highlight the rate field (where 8.0000 are displayed). Click UOM (upper-left in this DEW) to open the Convert Units-of-Measure window as shown in Figure 1-14.
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3. 4. 5.
Select Vapor Volume (Vap. Vol.) from the Basis list box. Select m3 from the second column, and sec from the third column. Click Change Units to return to the Stream Data Flowrate and Composition window. Fill in the fields for each component in the Composition Mole list, using the mole percentages listed in Table 1-1 (see Figure 1.15).
Press TAB to move to the next field. For example, enter 7.91 for Nitrogen. Press TAB and enter 73.05 for methane, and so on. Figure 1-15 shows the filled-in values through Pentane. If desired, use the scroll bar to move through the list. After the composition data has been entered, click OK to return to the main Stream Data window.
To specify the feed stream temperature and pressure: 1. 2. For the First Specification data field, select Temperature option, as shown in Figure 1-16. Enter the temperature value of 84.
Choose Pressure from the Second Specification drop-down list box and enter a value of 587.7 (psia). The completed Stream Data window should appear as in Figure 1-17.
Figure 1-17: The Completed Stream Data Entry Window 4. No fields remain bordered in red, so, click OK to return to the PFD view.
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Note: The border of the pressure drop data field is colored green. An entry here is not required because PRO/II automatically assumes a default pressure drop of 0.0 psi if you do not enter either a pressure or a pressure drop value. 2. Click Unit Specification and select Duty as the second specification for the flash drum. A default value of 0.0 is provided by PRO/II for this duty. Note the green border.
Figure 1-18 illustrates the completed Flash Drum main DEW. There are no red-bordered areas left that require data. 3. Click OK to continue.
3. 4. 5.
Supply a name for the simulation data file by typing SESSION1. If desired, use the drop-down navigation window to select a storage directory. Click OK to continue. The main PRO/II PFD window now should look similar to Figure 1-20.
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Note: The unit identifier for the flash drum unit, F1, is no longer bordered in red. This means that all process data required for this unit has been specified. 6. Continue entering data for the other process units.
To provide data for the Valve: 1. Double-click the valve icon on the PFD to bring up the Valve data entry window.
Figure 1-21: The Valve Data Entry Window Optionally, you may enter a description for the unit. For e.g., VALVE. 2. 3. Select the Outlet Pressure option in the Operating Parameter field and enter the value of 125 psia. Click OK to return to the main window. The completed Valve data entry window is shown in Figure 1-21.
To provide data for the Expander: 1. Double-click the expander icon to open the Expander unit data entry window. Optionally, you may enter a description for the unit, e.g., EXPANDER. 2. 3. 4. Select the Outlet Pressure option in the Pressure and Work Specifications field and input a value of 125 psia. Change the Adiabatic Efficiency entry from its default value of 100% to 80% as shown in Figure 1-22. Click OK to continue.
The main PRO/II window will now look like Figure 1-23.
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Note: There are no remaining toolbar icons, unit identifiers, or stream identifiers bordered in red. That means all process data required for this flow sheet have been specified. 5. 6. Save the simulation data file again under the name SESSION1 by selecting Save under the File menu. Run the simulation.
Alternatively, you can more closely control the simulation via the Run palette. To display the Run palette, go to the View menu, highlight Palettes, and click Run. From the Run palette, you can: 1. Click Check Data on the floating Run palette to check if there are any errors in your flow sheet. If there are errors or warnings, the Status button on the Run palette will be outlined in red or yellow. Click Status to bring up the Flowsheet Status window. This window displays the errors or warning messages generated by the flow sheet data. Correct the errors in your flow sheet.
2. 3.
If there are no errors or warnings, the Status button will be outlined in black. To continue to run the simulation from this point: Click Run on the Run palette to begin the calculations.
Once PRO/II completes the output report generation, the stream and unit operation results (in file SESSION1.OUT) automatically appear in a Programmers File Editor window (see Figure 1-24).
Figure 1-24: Viewing Output Reports Using Programmers File Editor Note: The Programmers File Editor program is the default editor for viewing output reports.
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Use the scroll bar to view the output. 2. 3. While in the Programmers File Editor window, select the Print option from the File menu to print the output, if desired. Select the Exit option from the File menu in the Programmers File Editor to close the output report.
A window displaying the stream condition, including the vapor and liquid mole fraction, enthalpy, and the composition in each phase (see Figure 1-25) appears. This information is saved in a file each time the flash tool executes.
Note: The Programmers File Editor is the default editor for viewing output reports. The Editor item on the Options menu provides a convenient way to change this. Simply
enter the full directory path and file name of any other installed text editor, such as Notepad or WordPad. This completes Session 1 of the tutorial. You may take a break if you want to. If you continue with Session 2, you will learn about other interesting PRO/II features, including the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Displaying different views of a single flow sheet (e.g., full and magnified views) in multiple viewport windows. Using the Specification and Define features. Entering data for a column. Changing the default dimensional units. Modifying the thermodynamic property calculation methods.
Taking Session 2 is not a prerequisite for using PRO/II. You could end your tutorial session here and begin working on your own simulations. Or, you can come back to the tutorial any time, if you decide to continue later.
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PRO/II loads this database file and displays the flow sheet from Session 1 on the PFD. All the data previously entered in all the Data Entry Windows is still there. If the PFD palette is not displayed: Click the PFD Hide/Display button on the toolbar.
To hide or display the Run palette: 1. 2. 3. Select Palettes from the View menu and uncheck the Run option. To bring the Run palette back into view, recheck the Run option from ViewPalettes menu. With Figure I-1 as a guide, add the missing unit operations to the PFD. Select the additional process units - two heat exchangers, a compressor and a column - and place them on the PFD.
Note: To add multiple process units of a particular type, click the unit icon on the PFD palette. Then, hold down the <Shift> key while clicking the PFD. 4. 5. 6. When the column is placed on the PFD, PRO/II displays an additional window that requires you to specify the number of trays. Specify 10 trays. Include a reboiler by making sure a check mark appears in the Reboiler check box. Omit the condenser by clicking the Condenser check box to remove the check mark. The complete window is illustrated in Figure 2-1a.
Figure 2-1a: Column Configuration Window Your PFD should now appear similar to Figure 2-1b. The placement of the unit operation icons that you added probably will be different than shown. If you previously ran Session 1 successfully, the unit operations and streams (that already have been solved) appear in dark blue. Note: The default title of the PFD window is simply Flowsheet, but PRO/II allows you to change it. Position the cursor anywhere in the PFD window. Click the right mouse button to display Set Title . Click Set Title to open the Set Window Title DEW. Enter your new title and press OK. For this tutorial, we will leave the name unchanged.
Figure 2-1b: PFD with Additional Process Units PRO/II allows you to open multiple view windows of the simulation PFD drawing. This feature allows you to easily view process units on large flow sheets. To open a second view of the flow sheet PFD, and to tile both windows horizontally, either:
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1. or 2. 3.
Select New View from the Window menu on the main PRO/II menu bar to bring up the Flowsheet:2 window.
Next, open the Window menu on the main PRO/II menu bar and select Tile Horizontally.
Note: The New View button may not be visible on the toolbar, since not all the available icons will fit if the window has been resized or the toolbar has been modified. It is simple to add, remove, or rearrange items on the tool bar. Click the View menu Toolbar item to open the Toolbar Customization dialog. Make sure New View is in the Selected Items list box. Use the Up, Down, Top, and Bottom buttons to rearrange the items. Toolbar icons display left-to-right, corresponding to the top-to-bottom order of entries in the Selected Items list box. To view the entire PFD in the Flowsheet:1 window, and to focus on the two heat exchangers in the Flowsheet:2 window, follow the steps below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. To select the Flowsheet:1 window, click on its title bar. Click on the toolbar to view the entire flow sheet in window Flowsheet:1.
Select the Flowsheet:2 window by clicking on its title bar. Click on the toolbar of the main PRO/II window. The cursor changes to a magnifying glass. Move the (magnifying glass) cursor to the Flowsheet:2 window. Click and hold down the left mouse button near the two heat exchangers. While holding down the left mouse button, drag the mouse until the two heat exchangers are enclosed in a blue selection rectangle. Release the mouse button. The area bounded by the selection rectangle zooms to fill the entire Flowsheet:2 window (see Figure 2-2).
Click Streams on the floating PFD palette and lay down the following streams: a. b. c. d. e. f. A connector stream from the top of the demethanizer column to the inlet of one side of the first heat exchanger. A connector stream from the outlet of this side of the heat exchanger to the inlet of the compressor unit. A product stream from the outlet of the compressor unit. A connector stream from the second outlet of the first heat exchanger to the inlet of the second heat exchanger. A product stream from the outlet of the second heat exchanger. A product stream from the reboiler of the column unit.
Note: Lay down streams that connect units visible in the different view windows by pulling the stream from one view to the other. This is especially helpful for large flow sheets.
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You can now close the second window, Flowsheet:2, and maximize the Flowsheet:1 window. 1. 2. Double-click the control-menu box of Flowsheet:2 to close it. Click the maximize button of the Flowsheet:1 window to maximize it.
The PFD should look similar to Figure 2-3 after all the units and streams have been added.
As mentioned in Session 1, the composition of the feed stream to the first unit (the gas-gas heat exchanger) is identical in composition to the stream already laid down as the feed to the flash drum, S1. To avoid repeating all data entry steps for the feed to the first process unit, we disconnect this stream from the flash drum unit, and reconnect it to the first heat exchanger by following these steps: 1. Move the mouse to the end of stream S1 attached to the flash drum. The mouse pointer should change from a left arrow to a right arrow, when the pointer is very close to the end of the stream. Click and hold the left mouse button, and move the end of stream S1 to the inlet of the first heat exchanger E1. Release the mouse button. The feed stream should now be reconnected to the heat exchanger E1.
2. 3.
Note: To move the origin of a feed stream (stream S1 for example), click on the arrow for that stream. Hold the left mouse button down and pull the stream to its new horizontal position before releasing the mouse button.
Repeat the steps above to connect the outlet stream from the expander EX1 to tray 1 of the column unit. Again, repeat the same steps to connect the outlet stream from the valve unit to tray 3 of the column, and to connect the outlet of the second heat exchanger to the inlet of the flash drum.
We have now completely built the flow sheet for the total demethanizer/ expander plant as shown in Figure 2-4 below.
Note: There are no stream identifiers bordered in red, since we have merely reconnected the previously defined flash drum feed to the gas-gas heat exchanger. Before you can run this simulation, you need to provide data for the four units whose identifiers are bordered in red the two heat exchangers, the compressor, and the columnand change the temperature and pressure of stream S1.
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3. 4.
Use Process Stream to specify whether the process inlet and outlet streams are on the cold or hot side. Click Process Stream in the Hot Side field. The Heat Exchanger-Process Streams data entry window appears as in Figure 2-7.
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5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Select stream S1 (the reconnected feed stream) to feed the hot side, and stream S9 (the feed to the second heat exchanger) as the hot side product. Select stream S6 (the column overhead) as the feed to the cold side, and stream S7 (the compressor feed) as the cold side product. Return to the main data entry window for unit E1. The hot side inletcold side outlet stream temperature approach is required to be 10F. Select Specification on the Heat Exchanger data entry window. The Heat Exchanger Specifications window shown in Figure 2-8 appears. Select the Hot InletCold Outlet Temperature Approach specification option from the Specification drop-down list box and enter a value of 10F.
10. Return to the main Heat Exchanger data entry window and input a hot side pressure drop value of 10 psi and a cold side pressure drop value of 5 psi in the appropriate Pressure Drop data entry fields (see Figure 2-9).
11. After returning to the PFD, enter data for the second heat exchanger, E2, by repeating the steps above (see Figures 2-10 and 2-11).
12. Optionally, give this heat exchanger the description CHILLER. This heat exchanger is required to further cool the gas feed S9 down to 84F with a pressure drop of 5 psi across the hot side of the exchanger (see Figures 2-10 and 2-11).
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After all the required data has been entered, the data entry window for this exchanger should appear as shown in Figure 2-12.
1. Double-click the compressor icon (C1) to open the main data entry window for this unit (see Figure 2-13).
Enter the compressor adiabatic efficiency as 75% in the Efficiency or Temperature Specification field.
The work done on the compressed gas in unit C1 should equal the work done by the gas in the expander EX1. This specification may be made through the DEFINE feature of PRO/II: 1. 2. 3. Select Work from the Pressure, Work, or Head Specification drop-down list box. Click once in the data entry field directly beside the Pressure, Work or Head Specification drop-down list box. Click Define (see Figure 2-13), which is now active on the data entry window toolbar. This brings up the Definition data entry window (see Figure 2-14).
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4. 5.
Click the check box for Set Up Definition for Compressor Work. Click the red-linked text Parameter to bring up the Parameter window. Select Expander unit EX1 the Constant/Stream/Unit drop-down list box in the Parameter window (see Figure 2-15).
7. 8.
Click the red-linked text Parameter... in the Parameter window to bring up the Parameter Selection window (see Figure 2-16). Select Actual Work from the Parameter data entry field (see Figure 2-16).
Figures 2-17 through 2-19 show the completed Parameter, Definition, and Compressor data entry windows.
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10. Click OK to return to the main Compressor data entry window shown in Figure 219.
11. Click OK to save the data and return to the main PFD window.
Column The red label T1 of the column indicates data entry is required. 1. Double-click any part of the column icon on the PFD to open the main data entry window for this unit.
Note: The Pressure Profile, Feeds and Products, and Performance Specifications buttons on the icon are red, indicating required user input.
2. 3. 4.
to specify the phase and tray location of the feed and product Click streams. The Column Feeds and Products data entry window should appear. Specify that stream S4 (the expander product) is fed to tray 1 and S5 (the valve product) fed to tray 3. Enter a rate of 500 lb-mol/hr for the overhead vapor product S6 from tray 1. Refer Figure 2-21, which shows this window with all the data filled in.
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As soon as you click OK, PRO/II displays the Transfer to Specification dialog (see Figure 2-21A).
This gives you the option to use the overhead rate just entered for stream S6 as a performance specification. We are more interested in the purity of the (liquid) bottoms product (stream S11 in this example). We will enter a performance specification on that stream very soon.
Click NO to reject the option and return to the main Column data entry window.
Click in the main Column data entry window to specify the pressure of the top tray. The Column-Pressure Profile window appears (see Figure 2-22).
Figure 2-22: Column Pressure Profile Data Entry Window 3. Specify a value of 125 psia for the top tray pressure in the Overall Specification
By accepting the default setting of no pressure drop per tray, no other data is required. Figure 2-22 shows the complete window. 4. Click OK to return to the main Column data entry window.
We now need to specify that the methane (C1) to ethane (C2) ratio in the bottoms product equals 0.015.
Click on the main Column data entry window. This opens the Column-Specifications and Variables window.
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2. 3. 4.
Click the check box for Add Specifications and Variables and the Active check box on the right (see Figure 2-23). Click the red-linked text Parameter in the Specifications field to bring up the Parameter window (see Figure 2-24). Select Stream from the Stream/Unit drop-down list box. Select the column bottoms product stream (S11) as in Figure 2-24.
Figure 2-24: Parameter Window 5. 6. 7. Click the red-linked text Parameter to open the Parameter Selection window. Select Flowrate from the Parameter field and choose Selected Components from the Flowrate field. Select METHANE from both the Starting Component and Ending Component drop-down list boxes (see Figure 2-25).
Click the green-linked text = sign in the Specifications field of the Column Specifications and Variables window as shown in Figure 2-27.
10. Click the division sign / in the pop-up box. The resulting window should now appear as shown in Figure 2-28.
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11. Click the red-linked text Parameter in the Specifications field to open the Parameter window. 12. Select Stream from the Constant/Stream/Unit drop-down list box. 13. Next, select stream S11(the bottom product) from the Stream Name drop-down list box as shown in Figure 2-9.
Figure 2-29: Parameter Window 14. Click the red-linked text Parameter... to open the Parameter Selection window.
15. Select Flowrate from the Parameter field, Selected Components from the Flowrate field, and ETHANE from both the Starting Component and Ending Component drop-down list boxes.
16. Click OK to return to the Parameter window, which is now complete (see Figure 2-31).
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18. Click the red-linked text value in the Specifications field of the Column Specifications and Variables window. Enter a value of 0.015 in the data entry field that appears. Press ENTER or Return (on your keyboard). Figure 2-33 shows the completed column purity specification on the bottoms product. Note: No elements of the specification are red.
The column model in PRO/II requires a specific number of degrees of freedom before it can solve successfully. Too many degrees of freedom result in an indeterminate problem that cannot be solved uniquely. Too few degrees of freedom indicate that the problem is over-specified, and cannot solve because all the specifications cannot be met simultaneously. The PROVISION input windows are designed to help ensure that the number of degrees of freedom is correct, so that the model is properly defined. Each specification that is declared removes one degree of freedom. Each variable that is declared adds one degree of freedom. When the number of variables equals the number of specifications, the model is properly defined and can solve to a unique solution. Since this column has one specification, it also requires one variable. Looking at Figure 233, we see that PRO/II has (by default) added the reboiler duty as a variable. This is an acceptable choice for the needs of this simulation, and we will not alter it in this tutorial. If you wish to explore the available variables, click the blue-linked text Column T1 Duty of Heater REBOILER in the Variables field. This opens the Variable window shown in Figure 2-34.
19. Click the blue-linked text Duty of Heater REBOILER to view the Parameter Selection window. PRO/II has already selected Heat Duty from the Parameter list and has entered the REBOILER in the Heater field by default (see Figure 2-35).
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20. Press Cancel to return to the Variable window. 21. Press Cancel to return to the Specifications and Variables window. 22. Press Cancel to return to the main column data entry window, as illustrated above in Figure 2-33. No elements are displayed in red, so the column does not require more data. 23. Click OK to save the data and exit the column. The main PRO/II window now is illustrated in Figure 2-36.
Note: There are no remaining toolbar icons, unit identifiers, or stream identifiers bordered in red. This means that all process data required for this flow sheet have been supplied. 24. Save the completed data file under the new name SESSION2. Use the Save As option from the File menu. Run the simulation.
When there are errors, warnings or messages to report a message box will pop up to inform prior to executing the simulation. Should that occur, correct your flow sheet if necessary, or, if there are no errors and you determine the messages to be acceptable, click Continue to proceed with the simulation. on the toolbar.
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The stream and process unit results are automatically shown in a Programmers File Editor window. They have been written to disk storage in the file SESSION2.OUT.
Chapter 4, Building a Flowsheet of the PRO/II Users Guide presents step-by-step procedures for setting and changing the PRO/II global and simulation defaults.
2. 3.
Choose Display... from the pop-up actions menu to open the Stream Style window (Figure 3-2) Choose Circle from the drop-down list box for the Stream Label Border.
Click OK to return to the PFD. You will see the style of the stream label change for the selected stream.
Note: You may select each stream individually or several streams at once. To make changes to multiple streams, simply drag a selection rectangle around the area containing the desired streams before right clicking. To use the circle border as the default border for subsequent streams on the PDF: 1. 2. Choose OptionsDrawing Defaults Stream Display... on the main menu bar. This opens the Stream Style window (Figure 3-3). Choose Circle from the drop-down list box for the Stream Label Border.
This option is available only when the Name option for Stream Label Type is selected.
The default Property List is the Property Label List, which displays the stream name, the temperature, the pressure, and the flow rate of the stream.
June 2005
Figure 3-4a illustrates the PFD drawing after applying the Property Label List to streams S1 and S8.
Figure 3-4a: The PFD Using Stream Property Lists for Stream Labels
Note: The Property Label List is the simplest and smallest of about a dozen predefined stream property lists that can be displayed for streams. These lists should be used selectively, since they can occupy a lot of PFD real estate. If the resolution of the display makes it difficult to read the property lists, use PRO/IIs Zoom feature to enlarge the table. Simply press PgUp to increase the resolution until the size of the text is comfortable to read. Note: It is also possible to create custom stream properties lists. Choose Stream Property Lists from the Options menu on the main PRO/II menu bar. This opens the Define Stream Property List dialog. Analogous tools are available for displaying properties of unit operations.
June 2005
Note: The PRO/II PFD Export feature produces a high quality rendering of the PFD drawing. Only the contents of the PFD window are captured. This is superior to the standard Windows Alt+PrtSc screen capture, which is limited to the display terminal resolution and captures the entire PRO/II program window.
Note: Microsoft Excel must be configured to allow macros before this export feature will work. In Excel, navigate to ToolsMacroSecurity and ensure the security level is set to Medium (preferred) or Low. Next, close Excel to force the change to take effect.
June 2005
You can resize this page or make this page one cell in a grid of pages. To make changes to the page style: 1. Double-click the left mouse button on the page boundary to bring up the Page Setup window, as shown in Figure 3-7a.
As you did for the entire PFD; you can also select pages of the flow sheet PFD and export them to the clipboard. Choose the radio button Selected Page of Flowsheet Drawing from the Export window (see Figure 3-5). Figure 3-8 shows the result of exporting the page from the PFD and pasting it in MS Word.
June 2005
Creating Plots
PRO/II has built-in plotting capability, which can be used to paste Excel plots directly into your reports. In the demethanizer flow sheet, you may want to view the column profiles. To set up your plot options: 1. 2. 3. Select the OptionsPlot Setup... from the main PRO/II window. Choose the running Excel version from the drop-down list box. Click OK to return to the PFD. Select the OutputGenerate Plot from the main PRO/II window to display the PRO/II - Generate Plot window, as shown in Figure 3-9. Select column T1 from the list displayed in the Units for Selection group box. Select the type of plot you want to generate from the Available Plots list.
To create a plot: 1. 2. 3.
June 2005
4. Click Plot to create the Excel plot. Output is shown in Figure 3-10.
The HTML files are written to the C:\Windows\Temp directory. Your default browser may also allow you to print, save or export the results to other formats.
June 2005
Block Diagrams
For large flow sheets, you may want to organize the flow sheet with subflowsheets. This is done using the PRO/II block diagram feature. To create a block diagram: 1. 2. Drag a selection rectangle around the section of the flow sheet containing the heat exchangers and the compressor, as illustrated in Figure 3-13. Right-click and select the Collapse item from the right mouse menu. The selection will be collapsed into a block diagram (called BD1 by default) as shown in Figure 3-14. within the block diagram in a separate view. Simply double-click on the block diagram to expand the icon. Block diagrams can also be nested.
3. Use the View 2 option, as described in Session 2, to view the unit operations
June 2005
Figure 3-15: View 1 is the top level PFD. BD1-View 1 is the block diagram BD1
This completes Session 3 of the tutorial. In this session, you have learnt some of the features that allow you to transfer your PRO/II results to reports and other applications. Your tutorial session ends here. Good luck working on your own flow sheets.
Adding streams........................................... 11 units................................................ 10 Analyzing data requirements.............. 19 Black-bordered items ........................... 5 Block diagram .................................... 74 Blue-bordered items............................. 5 Building the Flowsheet ................... 9, 33 streams........................................... 11 units................................................ 10 Chiller................................................. 42 Colors status conventions............................ 5 Column............................................... 48 condenser....................................... 33 feeds and products......................... 48 main data entry window.................. 48 overhead ........................................ 48 performance specification............... 50 pressure profile............................... 50 reboiler ........................................... 33 trays ............................................... 33 Component data entry window .......................... 13 selection ......................................... 14 composition .......................................... 9 Composition data entry window .......................... 22 defining stream............................... 21 Compressor ....................................... 44 adiabatic efficiency ......................... 44 define ............................................. 44 main data entry window.................. 44 specification.................................... 44 work................................................ 44 Connect units ................................................12 Correcting PFD diagram .....................13 Creating Plots .....................................71 Database file .PRI...............................33 Defining component list ......................13 Defining thermodynamic method set ..16 Dimensional units setting local units ............................22 Displaying multiple windows ...............34 Displaying stream properties ..............63 Displaying Stream Results in HTML ..........................................73 Expander adiabatic efficiency .........................28 main data entry window ..................28 outlet pressure ................................28 Expander plant .....................................6 Exporting PFD to clipboard.................65 Feed ports ..........................................11 Feed stream composition.....................................21 main data entry window ..................20 specification ....................................23 Feeds .................................................13 Flash drum duty .................................................25 main data entry window ..................25 pressure drop..................................25 Flash hot-key ..................See Flash Tool Flash Tool...........................................31 Floating PFD palette...........................10 Flow rate data entry window...........................21 modifying units of measure .............22 Flowsheet .............................................9 Flowsheet errors.................................29
June 2005
Gas-gas heat exchanger.................... 39 Gray-bordered items ............................ 5 Green-bordered items .......................... 5 Heat exchangers ................................ 39 hot product temperature ................. 41 main data entry window.................. 40 specifications.................................. 41 specifying process streams ............ 40 Library components............................ 15 Linked text.......................................... 45 Messages window........................ 30, 60 Modifying simulation defaults ............. 60 Modifying stream data........................ 38 Notepad ............................................. 32 Opening a file ..................................... 33 Page outline ....................................... 67 Page setup ......................................... 68 Palette.......................... See PFD palette Peng-Robinson .................................. 16 PFD palette ........................................ 36 Plot options ........................................ 71 Printing reports................................... 30 Process flow diagram........................... 6 Process unit description ...................................... 25 placing on PFD............................... 10
Producing stream report .....................66 program ................................................8 Reconnecting streams........................37 results...................................................8 Reviewing simulation results ........30, 60 Running the simulation .................29, 59 Saving the simulation .........................26 Starting a new simulation .....................9 Stream border style ............................61 Streams main data entry window ..................20 mode...............................................12 products ....................................12, 19 Streams data ................................19, 20 Thermodynamic method sets .............16 Unit Operation Column ...........................................48 Unit operations data .....................19, 25 Unsatisfied connectivity ......................13 Unsatisfied data..................................12 Valve main data entry window ..................27 outlet pressure ................................27 Viewing output reports........................60 Viewports multiple windows.............................34