Landmine: - Mine Affected Countries
Landmine: - Mine Affected Countries
Landmine: - Mine Affected Countries
INTRODUCTION One of the most deadly legacies of this century is the use of landmines in warfare. Anti-personnel landmines continue to have tragic, unintended consequences years after a battle and even the entire war has ended. These mines continue to be functional for many decades, causing further damage, injury and death. Currently there are over 100 million landmines buried around the world. There also 10 new mines being placed for every mine that is successfully cleared. Fig. 1 shows the mine affected countries around the world, and it can be seen that the most affected areas are in the Asian and African regions. Landmines are basically explosive devices that are designed to explode when triggered by pressure or a tripwire. These devices are typically found on or just below the surface of the ground. Landmines are easy to make, cheap and effective weapons that can be deployed easily over large areas to prevent enemy movements.
Mines are typically placed in the ground by hand, but there are also mechanical minelayers that can drop and bury mines at specific intervals. While more than 350 varieties of mines exist, they can be broken into two categories: Anti-personnel (AP) mines and Antitank (AT) mines. The basic function of both of these types of landmines is
the same, but there are a couple of key differences between them. Anti-tank mines are typically larger and contain several times more explosive material than anti-personnel mines. There is enough explosive in an anti-tank mine to destroy a tank or truck, as well as kill people in or around the vehicle. Additionally, more pressure is usually required for an anti-tank mine to detonate. These devices are typically found on or just below the surface of the ground. Mine action programmes have traditionally relied on manual practices, procedures and drills, which are slow and labour intensive. As shown in Fig. 4 a wide variety of conditions must be taken into account. In many situations, a manual approach may be the most appropriate and effective means of detecting and destroying landmines. However, there is a growing acceptance that a more universal application of technology may enable mine detection, ground preparation and mine clearance, as well as other elements of mine action, to be conducted more cost effectively, quickly, and with less risk.
Current Technologies Various techniques are used for the detection of landmines. There are five main areas the current technologies fall under. The five areas are: 1) Metal Detector Technologies 2) Electromagnetic Methods 3) Acoustic/Seismic Methods 4) Biological Methods 5) Mechanical Methods Here, we will concentrate on the technology called Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) which comes under electromagnetic method.
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) detects buried objects by emitting radio waves into the ground and then analyzing the return signals generated by reflections of the waves at the boundaries of materials with different indexes of refraction caused by differences in electrical properties. The lowest frequencies offer the best penetration, but wideband techniques appear to be necessary in order to get the best detail and the best signal-to-noise ratio. The lightweight and easy to operate GPR systems are complimentary to conventional metal detectors. They can find mines with wide variety of types of casing and also can generate an image of the mine, or another buried object based on dielectric constant variations. This ultra wide band radar provides centimeter resolution to locate even small targets. There are two distinct types of GPR, time-domain and frequency domain. Time domain or impulse GPR transmits discrete pulses of nanosecond duration and digitizes the returns at GHz sample rates. Frequency domain GPR systems transmit single frequencies either uniquely, as a series of frequency steps, or as a chirp. The amplitude and phase of the return signal is measured. The resulting data is converted to the time domain. GPR operates by detecting the dielectric contrasts in the soils, which allows it to locate even non metallic mines. In this discussion we deal with buried anti-tank (AT) and anti-personnel (AP) landmines which require close approach or contact to activate. AT mines range from about 15 to 35 cm in size. They are typically buried up to 40cm deep, but they can also be deployed on the surface of a road to block a column of machinery. AP mines range from about 5 to 15cm in size. AT mines which are designed to impede the progress of destroy vehicles and AP mines which are designed to kill and maim people.
The impulse GPR system developed in the International Research Centre for Telecommunications-transmission and Radar (IRCTR). Impulse GPR system comprises an Impulse generator, Transmitter, Receiver, Pulse extender, A/D converter, Processor and Visual display.
The pulse generator delivered by SATIS Co. produces 0.8 ns monocycle pulses. The unique feature of this generator is its small trailing oscillations, which are below 2.4% of maximum amplitude during the first 2 ns and below 0.5% afterwards. The advantage of a monocycle in comparison with a mono pulse is that the frequency spectrum of the first one decreases to zero at low frequencies, which cannot be efficiently transmitted via the antenna system, while the frequency spectrum of the second one has a global maximum there. As a result, the magnitude of the field radiated by an antenna system fed by a monocycle is considerably larger than the magnitude of the field radiated by the antenna system fed by a monopulse with the same magnitude. The generator spectrum covers a wide frequency band from 500MHz till 2GHz on 3dB level. At frequencies below 1GHz, attenuation losses in the ground are small and considerable penetration depth can be achieved. However, landmines detection requires down-range resolution of the order of several centimeters, which can be achieved using frequencies above 1GHz. It was found experimentally that the 0.8ns monocycle satisfies penetration and resolution requirements. This output signal from 0.8ns generator is shown in figure. The spectrum of this pulse has a maximum at frequencies where the attenuation losses in the ground start to increase. So the spectral content of the monocycle below this maximum penetrates deep into the ground and the spectral content above this maximum provides sufficient down-range resolution.
The antenna system is one of the most critical parts of GPR system, because its performance depends strongly on the antenna system. The antenna system should satisfy a number of demands. The antenna system contains transmitter and receiver. The transmit antenna should: Radiate short ultra-wide band (UWB) pulse with small ringing. Radiate electromagnetic energy within a narrow cone in order to filter out undesirable back scattering from surrounding objects. Produce an optimal footprint on the ground surface and below it. The waveform of the radiated field on the surface and in the ground should be the same. The waveform of the radiated field in the ground should not depend on type of the ground. The receiver antenna should: Allow time windowing to isolate the direct air wave from the ground reflection. Provide sufficient sensitivity in order to receive very weak fields. Receive the field in a local point; effective aperture should not be larger than 1cm2. Be elevated at least 10cm above the ground surface. Additionally a possibility to measure simultaneously backscattered field in two orthogonal polarizations is desirable.
Pulse extender will amplify the ground reflection signal up to the maximum level acquired by A/D converter.
The transmitter sends out a series of electromagnetic pulses then listens with the receiver connected to high speed sampler which in turn feeds A/D Converter. A dielectric anomaly in the soil may cause the signal to be reflected back to a separate receiver antenna. This information is converted from nanoseconds to milliseconds so that it may be digitized by a conventional A/D converter for processing and display. The center frequency and band width of the transmitted pulse can be varied by changing the antenna and are chosen with respect to the required depth of penetration, soil type and size of the object to be detected. In this experiment, we used antennas with a center frequency 1.4GHz and 80% band width. The precision of sampling converter is sufficiently high to do accurate measurements of scattered transient field. This A/D converter 12 bit accuracy. This provides 66 dB linear dynamic ranges. A/D converter converts the signal into digital signal which passes to the processor.
A/D converter converts the signal into digital signal which passes to the processor. Processor filters the signal. This signal shows presence or absence of surrogate mine in the soil. Processor allows passing the presence of mine detecting signal. Processor selects the mine detecting signal and passes to the visual display.
Visual display helps to see the range of targets. It displays the exact position of landmine.
If all mines were cased or had substantial metallic content, all that would be required for detection are metal detectors. The widespread use of plastic landmines necessitates development and deployment of additional detection technologies. Because there is no such thing as a plastic detector, other sensors attempt to exploit ancillary disturbances in the background, such as thermal, chemical, or dielectric.
waste container location and has been actively applied to the problem of landmine detection for nearly 20 years. When parameters such as frequency range, antenna size, antenna separation, and system timing are optimized for detection of mine-sized objects in the near subsurface, GPR is quite effective in detecting both metal and plastic landmines in a variety of soils. The depth of penetration is a function of both the frequency range produced and the soil attenuation. Lower frequency components penetrate further, but it is a higher-frequency component that is necessary to image and resolve smaller targets. Both impulse- based and swept frequency GPR systems have been employed in Army-sponsored research programs. Generally a system with a bandwidth of roughly 1 to 4GHz is effective for detection of landmines. Ultimately, GPR images the dielectric properties of the soils, and any discontinuities appear as a signal. If soil were perfectly homogeneous, a discontinuity caused by a land mine would stand out as an anomaly against the background. Unfortunately, even under near-ideal test track conditions, soil itself is a remarkably inhomogeneous medium, and false alarms are easily generated from the background itself . Because of this, automatic target recognition (ATR) algorithms employed by impulse-based GPR systems typically calculate and remove background and try to detect the hyperbolic signatures that are characteristic in size and shape of landmine targets in GEO-CENTERS 400 Series energy in focusing ground penetrating radar (EFGPR), we employ a fuzzy logic-based algorithm that use prototypes, or feature sets, for landmines, and prototypes than to clutter. At each location in a data set, we look inside a neighborhood of adjacent points, extract a feature set, and calculate if the features set is closer to the mine prototypes .The output is a plan view of the confidence, at each point along a test lane, that there is a lade mine .A blob detector then runs on this confidence plane view, outputting target reports when a blob is of an appropriate size and shape.
Figure4. Impulse GPR unit running over a sandbox. The GPR unit is suspended above the ground surface at a height of between 0.5 to 2 cm. Its motion is controlled by a stepper motor unit running along a track at a constant velocity as shown in fig.4. Since the motion of the GPR is controlled by a stepper motor, with constant speed, running on a straight track, these samples corresponds to distances from starting point of the run. GPR images the dielectric properties of the soil and any discontinuities appear as a signal. If the soil were perfectly homogeneous a discontinuity caused by a land mine would stand out as an anomaly against the background. Automatic targets recognition (ATR) algorithms employed by impulse based GPR system. The measurements form a two dimensional matrix, referred to as a radargram or B scan and A scan are used for visual inspection of data on the acquisition computer and in laboratory analysis. A SCAN Impulse GPR produces measurements of electromagnetic field scattered from the subsurface. This is detecting the graph as shown in figure.
A scan is a method for detecting the presence and absence of surrogate mine in clay soil. The electromagnetic field is scattered by the GPR. Scattering pulses are detecting by the graph. This graph is Amplitude Vs Time. This graph is helpful to find the landmine and is used for visual inspection. The normal pulses are showing the absence of mines. The amplitude of the pulses are large as compared to other area. This shows the presence of mine. So we can detect the presence of mine in that clay soil.
Fig5. A scans in the presence (dashed) and absence (solid) of a surrogate mine in clay soil. B SCAN A scan shows the presence of mine but we cannot expect the exact target. This problem is solving in B scan. B scan or Radargram is used to visualize the target of surrogate mine. A sample radargram is shown in figure. This showing the targets at approximately 55 cm and 100 cm. B scan calculating the distance from the soil to the mine. In this sample radargram showing the exact position. A scan and B scan is used for laboratory analysis. A return at a certain position along the distance axis is called an A scan. B scan is a graph which is Time delay Vs Distance. So B scan helps to calculate the penetration length. This graph helps to calculate the distance from ground to the mine.
US army handheld standoff mine detection system that is a self propelled cart with GPR system. As technological development for land mine detection tends to be a vehicular based system. This vehicular based system is shown in figure. 7.
This vehicle is self propelled so it can use in war places. This is a vehicular based system because vehicle can carry the weight and supply the power. This does not mean, though, that handheld systems are limited to metal detectors. There are platforms that are smaller than full vehicles but larger than man deployable devices. This vehicle comprises a pulse generator, transmitter, receiver, pulse extender, A / D converter, processor and a visual display. This vehicle is passing through the soil, the pulse generator produces pulses and the transmitter transmits this signal to the ground. The soil contain the land mine, the receiver receives the ground reflecting signal. The A / D converter converts the signal nanoseconds to milliseconds. This signal is digital signal and this signal amplifies and filtering by the processor. The signal contains presence of land mine, passes to the visual display. This visual display helps to display the exact target of land mine. This helps to calculate the distance from the soil to the mine. This system is very useful to the war places. This vehicle is self propelled so it can make easy detection.
GPR has accurate measurements. GPR locates even small targets. It has been well founded by the defense.
GPR operates by detecting the dielectric soils which allows it to locate even no metallic mines. Biological sensors can only operate for limited periods, but in GPR has no such limits.
The sensor such as GPR is larger and heavier. GPR is more power hungry. GPR can suffer falls alarm rates as high as metal detectors.
Impulse GPR system is using for detecting anti-tank and anti-personal mines. Anti-tank mines are using for destroying the vehicles and anti-personal mines, which are designed to kill and maim people. Currently, very little technology is used in real-world demining activities. Active programs by the U.S Army in both land mine detection sensor development and systems integration are evaluating new technologies, incrementally improving existing technologies, increasing the probability of detection, reducing the false alarm rate, and planning out useable deployment scenarios. Through iterative design, build test cycles, and blind and scored testing at Army mine lanes, steady progress is being made.
References +landmine+detection+techniques&hl=en&gl=in&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESjsZaUL_rT181FH GoIE-SoMy5J0peuzSOoJ1uhuGQX2BioLqnTO2p0zKCcuUneQ6OJMWflq0KE0Mc4u_ZJ1Disopjp-x8zh5Ex_j6v1IIIFGMqVt0yF7Gzhp1czYiZYmQnf0D&sig=AHIEtbSi6F2x2JyT5UZd4IbquVLaNIVYuA
Signal processing techniques for landmine detection using impulse ground penetrating radar IEEE sensors journal, vol. 2, No.1, February 2002. Landmine detection IEEE instrumentation & measurement magazine, December 2002.