Parnassah Expo

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Helping Yourself By Helping Others

Transforming Lives With Parnassah Initiatives

By Duvi Honig
Firsthand accounts have come our way from both the vendors and the attendees who found jobs of all sorts. People have called us to relate that they partnered up with others and started businesses, while others simply gained chizuk to keep them moving forward. Literally all attendees were helped, each in their own way. Sarah hadnt had a job for a year and a half. She came with small expectations - and she landed a job paying $75,000. Yoni came to assist with business startups, and he ended up landing a high-paying job in human resources for a family member, who will continue to help others find jobs. Chaim came to offer advice and direction for business start-ups, and he ended up getting two large accounts for his own business by networking at the expo. Yehuda was involved in the setup of the expo and was offered a job on the spot by a vendor. Mr. Braun gave a few attendees rides to the expo. During their conversation in the car, they managed to connect and arrange a nice job for one of the attendees. Doniel put tremendous effort and time into arrangements for the expo. It turned out that through his work for the event, he made contact with a large firm that liked his services and hired him as their main provider for all their corporate offices. He was also matzliach in helping another attendee with employment. Although each and every one of One month has passed since the first Parnassah Expo was held in Lakewood, sending waves throughout the community, yet the excitement is still in the air. I get stopped wherever I go by people who wish to share stories of success, whether it is in finding a job, starting or partnering in a business, or networking. Others relate their satisfaction in having found a comfortable place, the Lakewood Learn and Network Kollel Zichron Mordechai Yosef, where they can learn while in a state of transition. Even after they find jobs, our kollel is a place of choice for serious talmidie chachomim and others who have one goal: utilizing their time productively and to the maximum while still taking achrayus for their families. The success our efforts have seen is clearly thanks to the koach of Torah being learned at the kollel each day. What has really hit home is the fact that many of the success stories I am hearing come from the people who offered their time and services to assist others. The Parnassah Expo was attended by some 5,000 individuals, including people from all over the tri-state area and beyond, and some people from Canada too. Our dream had become a reality. We had raised awareness about the plight of parnassah in our communities and we had galvanized thousands to take action. The event was so successful that arrangements are underway for a similar event to be held in New York.

these stories has different details, they all share one theme: These people gave of themselves to help us help the klal and they were immediately rewarded for their chessed. Networking is a most powerful tool of chessed. Its all about giving a little of your time and thus changing the life of another Yid. Parnassah struggles seem to be endless. But we can make a difference. We can ease the financial burdens being carried by countless families that are struggling to pay their bills, pay tuition, and cover their myriad expenses. We hear stories on a regular basis at the kollel. Dovid has a Judaica business and comes to learn at the kollel with great commitment.

Chaim has a marketing business, and by networking through the kollel, he helped Dovid expand his business greatly. Feivel has an invention and Shmuels grandfather is a patent lawyer. The stories dont stop coming. And we must keep them coming. Our avodas hakodesh is unique, as it is Torah and parnassah bemakom echad. Gedolei Torah who have written letters of approbation for our efforts have highlighted that. We created a solution for bnei Torah who are no longer between the koslei bais hamedrash full-time and are seeking to be or are already engaged in supporting their families. Our mission is to establish com-

munity kollelim in as many cities as possible to address the need for mekomos haTorah for those who are spending significant hours in parnassah pursuits. Our goal is to make it as convenient for people as possible, allowing them to attend daily for however long or short their schedules allow, ensuring that they remain connected to the olam haTorah. At the same time, since funds are needed to support a family, we created a program for parnassah assistance. As one of the stalwart supporters of the Learn and Network concept put it, The identity of the program is that of a yeshiva, with a program allowing people access to tools and connections to enable them to pursue their parnassah responsibilities. Torah is and will always be the focus and spotlight of this endeavor. We have reached out to the klal to share this zechus with anyone who wants to take part in it. And what a zechus it is. In addition to supporting a thriving makom Torah, numerous people know how important it is to take initiative to help those who are floundering as they seek to stabilize themselves from a parnassah standpoint. So many people need guidance or feel helpless. When they hear that they have so much to offer and that we can help find someone who appreciates and can utilize their talents and desires, it restores their dignity and pride. The impact of this is inestimable, as it changes the dynamics of marriages and families. But we cant do it without you. We need the support of fellow Yidden who share an understanding of the vital nature of our efforts. It pays to join in helping people find a parnassah, for when Hakadosh Boruch Hu sees you working to help His precious children, He, in turn, repays you for your kindness.



14 Nissan 5772 | April 6, 2012

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