PTCB Guidebook 08-30-12
PTCB Guidebook 08-30-12
PTCB Guidebook 08-30-12
PTCB Board of Governors Paul Abramowitz, PharmD, FASHP, Treasurer Carmen Catizone, MS, RPh, Chair, Certification Council Everett McAllister, RPh, MPA, Secretary Thomas Menighan, RPh, Chair Scott Meyers, MS, RPh, Vice Chair Larry Wagenknecht, RPh
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................................... - 4 CERTIFICATION OVERVIEW ......................................................................................................................................................... - 4 The Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) ....................................................................................................- 4 Definition of Certification/ Adoption by state licensing boards: ....................................................................................- 4 The CPhT Credential .......................................................................................................................................................- 4 The Benefits of PTCB Certification ..................................................................................................................................- 4 GENERAL POLICIES ................................................................................................................................................................... - 5 Privacy Policy ..................................................................................................................................................................- 5 Nondiscrimination Policy ................................................................................................................................................- 5 Code of Conduct .............................................................................................................................................................- 5 Conduct Case Process/Conduct Complaints ...................................................................................................................- 7 Certification Appeal Process/Certification Program Matters .........................................................................................- 9 OVERVIEW OF THE PTCB EXAMINATION ........................................................................................................................ - 11 The Pharmacy Technician Certification Examination (PTCE) ........................................................................................- 11 Examination Content how it was developed: ............................................................................................................- 11 Content Outline ............................................................................................................................................................- 11 Construction of the Examination ..................................................................................................................................- 11 Passing Score ................................................................................................................................................................- 12 Scaled Scores and Equating ..........................................................................................................................................- 12 Studying for the Examination .......................................................................................................................................- 12 APPLYING FOR THE PTCB EXAMINATION ....................................................................................................................... - 12 Eligibility Requirements ................................................................................................................................................- 13 Submitting an Online Application .................................................................................................................................- 13 Authorization Period ....................................................................................................................................................- 14 Candidates with Special Circumstances .......................................................................................................................- 14 Examination Fee and Payment Methods......................................................................................................................- 14 AFTER APPLYING FOR AN EXAMINATION ...................................................................................................................... - 15 Scheduling an Examination Appointment with Pearson VUE .......................................................................................- 15 Pearson Professional Center (PPC) Locations ...............................................................................................................- 15 DANTES (Military Applicants Only) ...............................................................................................................................- 15 Updating Your Contact Information .............................................................................................................................- 15 Changing Your Examination Appointment ...................................................................................................................- 16 Withdrawing from the Examination .............................................................................................................................- 16 Retake Policy ................................................................................................................................................................- 17 Reset Policy...................................................................................................................................................................- 18 Medical or Personal Emergencies ................................................................................................................................- 18 Missing an Appointment ..............................................................................................................................................- 18 EXAMINATION DAY ....................................................................................................................................................... - 19 Identification Requirements .........................................................................................................................................- 19 Personal Items ..............................................................................................................................................................- 19 Pearson Professional Center (PPC) Rules and Procedures ............................................................................................- 20 Inclement Weather/Local or National Emergencies .....................................................................................................- 20 Taking the Examination at a Pearson Professional Center (PPC) .................................................................................- 20 AFTER TAKING THE EXAMINATION ................................................................................................................................ - 21 -
Receiving Examination Scores ......................................................................................................................................- 21 Confidentiality of Examination Scores ..........................................................................................................................- 22 Request a Review of Your Examination Score ..............................................................................................................- 22 RECERTIFICATION .......................................................................................................................................................... - 23 Steps to Recertify..........................................................................................................................................................- 23 Audits ...........................................................................................................................................................................- 23 Recertification Application Processing .........................................................................................................................- 23 Recertification Fees ......................................................................................................................................................- 24 Failure to Recertify .......................................................................................................................................................- 24 REINSTATEMENT ........................................................................................................................................................... - 24 Steps to Reinstate .........................................................................................................................................................- 24 Failure to Reinstate ......................................................................................................................................................- 25 Reinstatement Fees ......................................................................................................................................................- 25 CONTINUING EDUCATION (CE) REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................ - 25 Acceptable CEs .............................................................................................................................................................- 26 CE Documentation ........................................................................................................................................................- 26 Locating CE Providers ...................................................................................................................................................- 26 APPENDIX A: PTCB EXAMINATION CONTENT OUTLINE .................................................................................................. - 27 APPENDIX B: REQUEST FOR SCORE REPORT AND CERTIFICATE ...................................................................................... - 37 APPENDIX C: REQUEST A REVIEW OF YOUR EXAMINATION SCORE FORM ..................................................................... - 38 APPENDIX D: UNIVERSAL CONTINUING EDUCATION FORM ........................................................................................... - 39 APPENDIX E: USEFUL CONTACT INFORMATION ............................................................................................................. - 40 -
Certification Overview
The Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) The Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) was established in January 1995 and is governed by five organizations: The American Pharmacists Association; the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists; the Illinois Council of Health-System Pharmacists; the Michigan Pharmacists Association; and the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy. PTCB is a national certification program that enables pharmacy technicians to work more effectively with pharmacists to offer safe and effective patient care and service. PTCB develops, maintains, promotes and administers a National Commission of Certifying Agencies (NCCA) accredited certification program for pharmacy technicians. The PTCB examination was developed by PTCB to determine whether individuals have mastered the knowledge and skills necessary to practice as a pharmacy technician. Definition of Certification/ Adoption by state licensing boards: Certification is the process by which a non-governmental association or agency grants recognition to an individual who has met certain predetermined qualifications specified by that association or agency.
PTCB certification is valid nationwide. However, regulations to work in a pharmacy as a pharmacy technician vary from state to state. Contact the state board of pharmacy in the state in which you wish to practice or visit the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy to see if your state endorses PTCB as a license to practice.
The CPhT Credential Individuals who meet all eligibility requirements and pass the Pharmacy Technician Certification Examination (PTCE) may use the designation CPhT (Certified Pharmacy Technician) after their name. Certification is valid for two years. To continue to use the designation, individuals must recertify every two years by completing 20 hours of continuing education or by retaking the PTCE. Please refer to the section on Recertification, which provides complete information on the recertification process. The Benefits of PTCB Certification
Pharmacy technicians who want to work more effectively with pharmacists to offer better patient care and service take the PTCE to become nationally certified. One of the benefits of PTCB certification is that better job and promotion opportunities exist for individuals who are nationally certified. Pharmacists know that PTCB-certified technicians have met predetermined qualifications and been tested on their competency on the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to function as a pharmacy technician.
General Policies
Privacy Policy PTCB is committed to protecting privacy. If a person becomes a Certified Pharmacy Technician (CPhT), recertifies or purchases a PTCB product online, PTCB will collect personal information including but not limited to name, address, email address, phone number, fax number, credit/debit card information, company, and title. We may also collect or receive the following additional information at registration or in the testing process, as necessary or appropriate: language, date of birth, employment information, previous examination history, education information, and source of financing for the examination. For candidate verification and identification purposes, we may collect all or part of a government-issued identification number and mother's maiden name. When a computer based certification test is administered, we may collect and score test responses and then derive a test score and generate a report about certification test results. Depending upon the test sponsor and/or test security requirements, we may collect signature, photographic image, fingerprint, and/or palm vein image digitally at a test center and may audio- and video-tape test takers. When existing demographic information in our database is incorrect or incomplete, that information will be updated.
PTCB may statistically aggregate in non-person-specific form test responses and other information collected in the certification process. Such aggregated non-person-specific information may be used for quality control, operations management, security and marketing purposes and to enhance, develop or improve certification, and recertification, testing services, tests and related products and services. By registering for a test through PTCB, consent is given to this non-person-specific data aggregation and the use and transmission of this aggregated statistical data as outlined above. Information received by PTCB concerning certification candidates and certificants will be maintained in a confidential and secure manner. In appropriate circumstances, and upon request, PTCB may release personal information concerning a candidate or certificant to government regulatory agencies, including State Boards of Pharmacy, or as otherwise authorized by law or PTCB policies. PTCB also may release a certification candidates or certificants Pharmacy Technician Certification Examination (PTCE) score information to the individuals sponsoring employer and/or examination training provider, upon receipt of a valid, signed, written or electronic authorization from the individual, and consistent with policy requirements.
Nondiscrimination Policy No individual shall be excluded from the opportunity to participate in the PTCB certification or recertification program on the basis of ethnic origin, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability, marital status or sexual orientation. Code of Conduct PTCB is dedicated to providing and implementing appropriate standards designed to serve pharmacy technicians, employers, pharmacists, and patients. First and foremost, PTCB certificants and candidates give priority to the health interests and protection of the public, and act in a manner that promotes integrity and reflects positively on the work of pharmacy technicians, consistent with appropriate ethical and legal standards.
As pharmacy technicians, and under the supervision of a licensed pharmacist, PTCB certificants and candidates have the obligation to: maintain high standards of integrity and conduct; accept responsibility for their actions; continually seek to improve their performance in the workplace; practice with fairness and honesty; and, encourage others to act in an ethical manner consistent with the standards and responsibilities set forth below. Pharmacy technicians assist pharmacists in dispensing medications and remain accountable to supervising pharmacists with regard to all pharmacy activities, and will act consistent with all applicable laws and regulations. A. Responsibilities Relating to Legal Requirements.
Each certificant/candidate must: 1. Act consistent with all legal requirements relating to pharmacy technician practice, including Federal, State, and local laws and regulations. 2. Refrain from any behavior that violates legal or ethical standards, including all criminal laws, Federal laws and agency regulations, and State laws and regulatory agency rules. B. Responsibilities to PTCB/Compliance with Organizational Policies and Rules.
Each certificant/candidate must: 1. Act consistent with all applicable PTCB Policies and requirements. 2. Provide accurate, truthful, and complete information to PTCB. 3. Maintain the security and confidentiality of PTCB Examination information and materials, including the prevention of unauthorized disclosure of test items and format and other confidential information. 4. Cooperate with PTCB concerning conduct review matters, including the submission of all required information in a timely, truthful and accurate manner. 5. Report to PTCB apparent violations of this Code upon a reasonable and clear factual basis. C. Responsibilities to the Public and Employers.
Each certificant/candidate must: 1. 2. Deliver competent, safe, and appropriate pharmacy and related services. Recognize practice limitations and provide services only when qualified and authorized by a supervising pharmacist and consistent with applicable laws and regulations. The certificant/candidate is responsible for determining the limits of his/her own abilities based on legal requirements, training, knowledge, skills, experience, and other relevant considerations.
Maintain and respect the confidentiality of sensitive information obtained in the course of all work and pharmacy-related activities, as directed by the supervising pharmacist and consistent with legal requirements, unless: the information is reasonably understood to pertain to unlawful activity; a court or governmental agency lawfully directs the release of the information; the patient or the employer expressly authorizes the release of specific information; or, the failure to release such information would likely result in death or serious physical harm to employees and/or patients. Use pharmacy technician credentials properly, and provide truthful and accurate representations concerning education, experience, competency, and the performance of services. Provide truthful and accurate representations to the public and employers. Follow appropriate health and safety procedures with respect to all pharmacyrelated activities and duties. Protect the public, employees, and employers from conditions where injury and damage are reasonably foreseeable. Disclose to patients or employers significant circumstances that could be construed as a conflict of interest or an appearance of impropriety. Avoid conduct that could cause a conflict of interest with the interests of a patient or employer. Assure that a real or perceived conflict of interest does not compromise legitimate interests of a patient or employer, and does not influence or interfere with workrelated judgments.
5. 6.
Conduct Case Process/Conduct Complaints The Conduct Case Procedures (Procedures) will be used to process all matters concerning possible violations of the standards in the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) Code of Conduct. This Policy applies to individuals certified by PTCB (certificants) and all individuals seeking PTCB certification (candidates). The Procedures represent an informal process for the resolution of all PTCB conduct matters. A party may choose to be represented by an attorney during a conduct matter at his/her own expense.
Complete versions of the Conduct Case Procedures and the Code of Conduct are published on the PTCB Internet site located at In order to initiate a conduct review matter, the individual or organization submitting a charge (complainant) must complete a Conduct Charge Statement form, available at or by
contacting PTCB at (800) 363-8012. In addition, PTCB may initiate a Conduct Complaint as the result of information received from a government or public source, such as a State Board of Pharmacy. The PTCB Resolution Officer will review the information received and determine if the information in the Charge Statement, or received from the government or public source, supports a Complaint. If so, a Conduct Complaint and Investigation Notice (Conduct Complaint) is issued to the certificant/candidate who is the subject of the Complaint. COMPLAINT REVIEW PROCESS A certificant/candidate who is the subject of a Conduct Complaint is required to provide a complete and accurate response to each of the allegations in the Conduct Complaint. In this Complaint Response, the certificant/candidate may choose to have the case resolved either by the Resolution Officer based on the written materials, or by the Conduct Review Committee (CRC) following a telephone hearing. During the course of the case review, each party will be offered the opportunity to provide additional information, and to respond to information presented by the other party. At the conclusion of the review period, the Resolution Officer or CRC will issue a decision based on the information and material provided by the parties. CONDUCT REVIEW COMMITTEE The Conduct Review Committee is composed of at least three (3) current Certified Pharmacy Technicians (CPhTs) and two (2) Pharmacists. Each Conduct Complaint hearing will be conducted by a panel of three (3) Conduct Review Committee members. PRELIMINARY ACTIONS AND ORDERS While a conduct case is under review, PTCB may issue preliminary actions or orders under certain circumstances. For example, PTCB may ask a certificant to accept a voluntary suspension until the Conduct Case is resolved. Similarly, PTCB may issue a suspension order, or require a certificant to meet certain conditions related to the case. CONDUCT CASE DECISIONS Following the completion of a Conduct Complaint review, the Resolution Officer or the CRC will issue a Final Decision and Order (Decision). If Conduct Code violations are found, this Decision may include a range of disciplinary actions including: ineligibility for certification/re-certification; certification conditions; public or private reprimand; certification suspension; or, revocation of certification. APPEALS OF CONDUCT CASE DECISIONS Following the issuance of an adverse Conduct Case Decision, a certificant/candidate may appeal all or a portion of the Decision. The appeal must explain the reason(s) that the certificant/candidate believes the Decision should be reversed or modified. If accepted, the appeal will be referred to the Conduct Appeals Committee (CAC), which will review the appeal and issue an Appeal Decision. CLOSING OF CONDUCT CASES/ REAPPLICATION AND REINSTATEMENT PROCESS A Conduct Case will be closed when: (a) a Charge Statement has been rejected as the basis for a Conduct Complaint, and all related appeal rights have ended; (b) a final Decision has been issued by the Resolution Officer, Conduct Review Committee, or the Conduct Appeals Committee, and all related
appeal rights have ended; or, (c) a Conduct Complaint has been terminated or withdrawn by the complainant(s). Under specific circumstances, a candidate/certificant who has been the subject of certification suspension or revocation may request that PTCB reinstate certification, or permit a certification reapplication. In addition, certificants subject to probation orders may be reinstated to full certification following the expiration of the probation term, so long as all conditions have been satisfied. QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE CASE PROCEDURES Certificants/candidates with any questions concerning the Conduct Case Procedures should submit the question(s) by email to [email protected] or by mail to 2215 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington DC 20037. EFFECTIVE DATE The PTCB Code of Conduct and Conduct Case Procedures will become effective as of September 23, 2011.
Certification Appeal Process/Certification Program Matters The Certification Appeal Procedures (Appeal Procedures or Policy) will be used to review and resolve appeals and challenges concerning PTCB program actions related to certification requirements and eligibility standards. The Appeal Procedures serve as an informal process for the resolution of all complaints concerning PTCB determinations related to certification eligibility, examination, and other certification and recertification matters. This Policy applies to individuals certified by PTCB (certificants) and all individuals seeking PTCB certification (candidates).
The Appeal Procedures provide three (3) levels of review concerning the appeal of an adverse action: an informal review and determination by the Executive Director or Associate Executive Director; an appeal to the Certification Council Appeals Committee; and, a limited right of appeal to the Board of Governors. A complete version of the Certification Appeal Procedures is published on the PTCB website at CERTIFICATION PROGRAM ACTIONS Certificants and candidates may appeal the following adverse actions by the PTCB Certification Program: (1) the candidate was found to be ineligible for certification due to a failure to satisfy one or more certification requirement(s), or was otherwise ineligible for certification; (2) the candidate was prohibited from taking or completing the Pharmacy Technician Certification Examination (PTCE); or, (3) the certificant was denied recertification for failure to satisfy one or more recertification requirement(s), or was otherwise ineligible for recertification. INFORMAL REVIEW BY PTCB EXECUTIVE STAFF A certificant/candidate, who is the subject of an adverse Certification Program action, may appeal to the Executive Director by submitting a written Request for Review. The Request for Review explains the reasons that the certificant/candidate believes the adverse action is incorrect and should be changed, and includes copies of all supporting documents. The PTCB Executive Director or Associate Executive Director (Executive Staff) will conduct an informal review of the Request, and will either uphold,
modify, or take other appropriate action regarding, the adverse action. The appeal also may be referred to the Certification Council Appeals Committee for review and resolution.
APPEALS TO CERTIFICATION COUNCIL APPEALS COMMITTEE Appeals of Executive Staff determinations will be reviewed and resolved by the Certification Council Appeals Committee (Appeals Committee). The Appeals Committee includes at least two (2) current Certified Pharmacy Technicians (CPhTs) in good standing. An appeal to the Appeals Committee explains the reason(s) that the initial Executive Staff Decision is incorrect, and should be reversed or modified. APPEALS COMMITTEE HEARING AND DECISION Once a complete written appeal is received, the Appeals Committee will notify the certificant/candidate of the appeal schedule. A certificant/candidate may request an informal hearing by telephone conference to present information to the Appeals Committee. Following the close of a hearing, the Appeals Committee will review the record and issue an Appeals Decision (Decision) to the certificant/candidate, which will include the relevant factual information and the Committee appeal determinations. LIMITED FINAL APPEALS TO THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS Final appeals of Appeals Committee Decisions may be reviewed and resolved by the PTCB Board of Governors in limited circumstances, as explained in Appeal Procedures Section I. All final Board appeal requests must be submitted to the Certification Council Chair. If the appeal is accepted by the Certification Council Chair, the Board of Governors will review the appeal record and issue a Final Decision. The certificant/candidate may request to appear before the Board of Governors concerning the final appeal. FINALIZING AND CLOSING APPEALS A Certification Appeal matter will be closed when: (1) the finalized appeal has been decided or resolved by the Executive Director or Associate Executive Director, the Appeals Committee, or the Board of Governors, and the time period to submit a further appeal under the Appeal Procedures has passed; (2) an appeal request to the Board of Governors has been denied by the Certification Council Chair; or, (3) the appeal has been withdrawn or terminated by the certificant/candidate. QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE CERTIFICATION APPEAL PROCEDURES Certificants/candidates with any questions concerning the Certification Appeal Procedures should submit the question(s) by email to [email protected] or by mail to 2215 Constitution Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20037. EFFECTIVE DATE The PTCB Certification Appeal Procedures will become effective as of February 17, 2012.
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Construction of the Examination The methods used to construct the PTCB Examination adhere to the procedures for certification examinations recommended in the Standards for Educational and Psychological Tests (APA, NCME, AERA; 1999), and in the guidelines published by the National Organization for Competency Assurance (NOCA) and the Council on Licensure, Enforcement, and Regulation (CLEAR). In 2006, PTCB received the National Commission for Certification Agencies (NCCA) accreditation for the PTCB certification program by demonstrating the programs compliance with NCCA standards, which demonstrate best practice in certification exams.
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The examination is constructed and do not present bias to any candidate with the assistance of Professional Examination Service (PES). PTCBs Certification Council prepares the actual test questions under the direction of psychometric experts at PES. The PTCB Certification Council consists of pharmacists, CPhTs and pharmacy technician educators drawn from various practice settings and geographic areas. Each question is carefully written, referenced, and validated to determine its relevance and accuracy. All questions and examinations are reviewed by the Certification Council to ensure that they are current and reflect the published content outline.
Passing Score A panel of content experts established a passing score for the PTCE using industry best practices. The method used by the panel, as directed by a psychometrician, is known as the modified-Angoff method. This method requires that field experts (panel members) evaluate individual test items and estimate the percentage of qualified pharmacy technicians that would be able to answer correctly. These estimates were analyzed for consistency and averaged to produce the passing score. The passing score and all candidate results are reported as scaled scores. The passing scaled score for the PTCE is 650. The range of possible PTCE scores is 300 to 900. Scaled Scores and Equating The use of scaled scores is necessary because different forms of the PTCE are administered every year, and these forms may fluctuate slightly in difficulty. PTCB uses multiple forms containing different items to minimize item exposure and ensure the continuing relevance of test items. To ensure that the results of candidates taking two different forms are equivalent, PTCB uses a process known as statistical equating. Statistical equating is a process by which scores on different forms of the PTCE are calibrated onto a common scale. Equating ensures that candidates of comparable proficiency will be likely to obtain approximately the same scaled scores regardless of fluctuations in the overall difficulty level from one examination form to another. Studying for the Examination Candidates should prepare thoroughly prior to taking the PTCB Examination. To help prepare for the examination, candidates should review the content outline and test blueprint. Familiarity with the material contained in basic pharmacy technician training manuals or books may be helpful. Your supervising pharmacist may also be helpful in designing a study plan. PTCB does not endorse, recommend, or sponsor any review course, manuals, or books for the PTCB Examination.
To familiarize candidates with PTCB Examination test question formats and provide an indication of readiness for the examination, PTCB has developed the following three online practice examinations: the Official PTCB Practice Exam, the Official PTCB Practice Calculations Exam, and the Official PTCB Medication Usage and Administration Practice Exam. The cost to take each exam is $29. For more information or to take a practice exam, visit
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candidates agree to be bound by PTCB Policies and Procedures as explained in the Certification Guidelines and Requirements and also must declare whether or not they meet the Eligibility Requirements for PTCB certification.
Eligibility Requirements In order to be eligible for PTCB Certification, a candidate must satisfy the following requirements: High school diploma or equivalent educational diploma (e.g., a GED or foreign diploma). Passing score on the Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam (PTCE). Full disclosure of all criminal and State Board of Pharmacy registration or licensure actions. Compliance with all applicable PTCB Certification policies.
A candidate may be disqualified for PTCB Certification upon the disclosure or discovery of: Criminal conduct involving the candidate; State Board of Pharmacy registration or licensure action involving the candidate; Violation of a PTCB Certification policy, including but not limited to the Code of Conduct. Note: PTCB audits a sample of applications and may contact you for supporting documentation.
Submitting an Online Application Please follow the instructions listed below to apply online for the PTCB Examination: 1. Visit and click on the link to Certify then Apply Online for the examination. As a first time candidate, you will be prompted to create an account before you can apply for the examination. If you have previously applied and created an account, please log in to your account at the prompt. 2. Complete the application according to the instructions and confirm that all the information you entered is correct. 3. If your employer or educational institution is sponsoring you, meaning that they are paying your examination fees, be sure to indicate this where prompted and do not submit payment yourself. 4. Before clicking the submit button, verify that your name as entered on the application matches exactly the unexpired, government-issued photo ID that you will be presenting at the Pearson Professional Center on examination day. If the names do not match, you will not be permitted to test. 5. Print the Thank You page for your records. 6. Contact PES Customer Service at (877) 782-2888 if you do not receive an auto-generated email confirming successful transmission of the online application within 24 hours of submission. 7. Schedule your examination appointment with Pearson VUE as soon as you receive your Authorization to Test (ATT) letter. You have 90 days to schedule and test. You will receive an Authorization to Test (ATT) letter via email if you provided an email address. The ATT letter will be sent by regular mail if you did not provide an email address. Please retain this letter for future reference since it contains information you may need in order to schedule your examination appointment with Pearson VUE and it also serves as your receipt for fees paid. A copy of the ATT letter can also be accessed online by logging into your account at If you have paid by credit card, you can schedule an examination appointment
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immediately by clicking on the link at the end of the application. If you wish to apply at a later date, visit or call (866) 902-0593.
Authorization Period When candidates have been deemed eligible and completed an application, they will have a 90-day authorization period in which to schedule an appointment and take the examination. The length of the authorization period for sponsored candidates is determined by the sponsor. The authorization period will be listed in the candidates Authorization to Test (ATT) letter. If the authorization period expires before a candidate takes the examination, candidates will forfeit all fees and must reapply if they wish to take the examination. The authorization period begins immediately for candidates who submit an online application unless accommodations are requested, in which case the authorization period begins upon approval of the accommodations request. The authorization period begins for candidates who submit paper applications when the applications are processed.
Candidates with Special Circumstances In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, PTCB will consider special testing accommodations for individuals with disabilities recognized by the ADA. Requests for special accommodations must be made at the time of application. Candidates must submit documentation explaining the disability and the specific accommodation(s) that is required. Candidates must also submit a letter on official letterhead from a suitably licensed professional (e.g., physician, psychologist, physical therapist, etc.) with the professionals recommendation of the accommodation(s) required and/or evidence of a prior diagnosis or accommodation(s) provided. All candidates who require special accommodations must check the appropriate box on the online application. The official letter should be sent within seven (7) business days of application submission to PES at the address listed below:
Professional Examination Service c/o PTCB (701) Testing Office 475 Riverside Drive, 6th Floor New York, NY 10115 Requests for special testing accommodations will be reviewed and approved by PTCB. If you do not notify PES of needed accommodations at the time of the application, the accommodations will not be available at the time of the exam. If you have questions regarding the provisions of a testing accommodation, please contact PES at (877) 782-2888. An ATT letter will be sent to candidates if their request for special testing accommodations is approved by PTCB. The candidates authorization period will not begin until the accommodations are approved and an ATT letter is issued. The candidate will be notified by mail if the accommodations are not approved or if additional information is needed. Candidates with approved accommodations must call Pearson VUEs accommodations hotline to schedule an exam appointment at (800) 466-0450.
Examination Fee and Payment Methods Examination fees are due at the time of application submission. The examination fee is $129.00. If your exam fee is being paid by your employer or training organization see Sponsor System below.
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Candidates can pay the examination fee by credit card (American Express, Discover, MasterCard, or VISA ) or by e-check. Candidates paying by e-check will need to include the name on the account, the banks name, the account number, and the routing number. Applications for candidates paying by echeck will be incomplete for approximately 7 to 10 business days or until the funds have been received. PTCB Sponsor System Do not proceed with the PTCB application if a sponsor is paying for your examination fee. Please contact your manager or training department to learn more about your companys application process. Companies and organizations that wish to sponsor exam candidates may use PTCBs online sponsorship tools. If you would like more information on sponsorship, please contact us at [email protected].
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denied admission into the test center, and 2) the score report and certificate will not display your name correctly. To correct minor changes in your name as printed on the ATT letter (e.g., incorrect middle initial, missing hyphen, misspelling, etc.), email PES Customer Service at [email protected] and provide them with the correction(s) at least ten (10) business days before your scheduled appointment. For security reasons, name changes cannot be made online after the application has been submitted. To change your name because of a legal name change (e.g., marriage, divorce), you must submit the original documentation (e.g., marriage license, divorce decree) with embossed (raised) seal to PES by mail so that it is received at least ten (10) business days before your scheduled examination appointment. If you are unable to submit the documentation within this timeframe, please contact PES Customer Service at (877) 782-2888. When submitting a name change, make sure that you have an unexpired government-issued photo ID that matches the requested name. Candidates without valid ID in the name provided on their application will not be admitted to take the examination and will forfeit all fees. Once certified, technicians who require a replacement certificate due to a change in legal name, loss, damage to a certificate, or other reason, should follow the instruction on the request form in Appendix B. Please note that certificates are the property of PTCB, and when a replacement certificate is received PTCB requires technicians destroy or return the certificate being replaced. If a certificate is lost, technicians must notify PTCB of the loss. Address Changes: If your address changes at any time after you submitted an application, please notify PES immediately since score reports and certificates are mailed to the address listed on your application. All candidates can update their address information online via the registration portal by going to and clicking on the link to apply online. You will need the username and password you selected when you submitted your application in order to make an address change. Candidates who applied via the paper application will need the auto assigned username and password printed on their ATT letters. If you do not have access to a computer or internet service, fax your address change to PES Customer Service at (917) 305-9875.
Changing Your Examination Appointment Candidates can reschedule examination appointments. There is no charge for rescheduling examination appointments but appointments must be rescheduled at least one (1) business day (24 hours) before the scheduled test date. For example, if your appointment is at 11:00 am on Monday, you must cancel by 11:00 am the previous Friday. Candidates who do not reschedule their examination appointment within that time frame and who do not appear to take the examination will be considered no-show candidates and will forfeit all fees. To reschedule your appointment, contact Pearson VUE at and click on the Reschedule a Test link or call (866) 902-0593. Withdrawing from the Examination Candidates who cannot reschedule their examination appointment or are unable to test within their 90day authorization period can withdraw from the examination. A processing fee of $25 will be deducted from the refund amount for every withdrawn application. There are no exceptions. Both scheduled and
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unscheduled candidates may withdraw from the PTCB Examination and obtain a partial refund. The steps for withdrawing and obtaining a partial refund are listed below. Step One If you have a scheduled examination appointment, you must first cancel your appointment with Pearson VUE at least one (1) business day (24 hours) before your appointment date to be eligible for a refund. For example, if your appointment is at 11:00 am on Monday, you must cancel by 11:00 am the previous Friday. To cancel your examination appointment, visit Pearson VUE at and click on the Cancel a Test link or call (866) 902-0593. After you have canceled your examination appointment, proceed to Step 2. Candidates who have not scheduled an examination appointment with Pearson VUE should proceed directly to Step 2. Note that all candidates must complete Step 2 to receive a refund. Step Two Candidates can withdraw online via the registration portal by going to and clicking on the link to apply for the exam. Log in using the username and password you selected when you submitted your application. From the main menu, select Withdraw from the Exam and complete the required information. Candidates who applied via the paper application will need the auto assigned username and password printed on their ATT letters. If you need to withdraw and do not have access to a computer or internet service, contact PES Customer Service at (917) 305-9875. The request to withdraw your application must be submitted to Professional Examination Service (PES) on or before the last day of your authorization period in order to be eligible for a partial refund. Refer to your ATT letter to find this date. Requests received after the last day of the authorization period will not be processed. Refunds will be issued approximately 2 to 3 weeks after submission and will be made in the same manner in which the original payment was made. You will forfeit your entire application fee if you fail to cancel with BOTH Pearson VUE and PES.
Retake Policy Candidates who fail the PTCE can retake the examination three times, for a total of four attempts. After the third retake, candidates will need to request permission from PTCB to take the PTCE again. Requests will be reviewed and approved on a case-by-case basis. For the first two retakes, candidates are required to wait 60 days before taking the examination again. For the third retake, candidates are required to wait 6 months before taking the examination again. For example, if a candidate fails the examination (for the first or second time) on May 1, 2009, the candidate can reapply immediately to retake the examination, but his/her 90-day authorization period would not begin until July 1 (60 days after the failure date) and would extend through September 30, 2009. If a candidate fails the examination for the third time on May 1, the candidates 90-day authorization period would not begin until November 1 (6 months after the third failure date).
Candidates who pass the PTCE are not eligible to retake the examination except in extraordinary circumstances. Passing candidates who wish to retake the examination must request permission from PTCB. Requests will be reviewed and approved on a case-by-case basis. Circumstances such as Board of Pharmacy directives, employer requirements or loss of CPhT status due to renewal failure may be
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considered appropriate reasons for approval to retake the examination. If the approval is granted, candidates will still be required to pay the standard examination fee. Note: If a candidate who passed the PTCB Examination is approved and retakes the examination, the most recent examination result applies. For example, if a candidate who passed the PTCB Examination retakes the examination and fails, the failing result applies and the candidate is no longer a certified pharmacy technician (CPhT).
Reset Policy Candidates who do not appear for their examination appointment, are more than thirty (30) minutes late for their appointment, do not have their ID or cannot present valid ID will not be allowed to test and will forfeit all fees. If this occurs, candidates can reapply and pay the examination fee to reset a new authorization period in which to take the examination. Unlike failing candidates, candidates who miss their original examination appointment are not required to wait 60 days before they can retest. As soon as they are eligible and have received their ATT letter, they can schedule an appointment and test within the new authorization period indicated in the letter. Medical or Personal Emergencies A medical emergency is an unplanned medical event that arises less than 24 hours before the candidates scheduled examination appointment. Examples of what PTCB considers to be an emergency include a serious illness, injury or unexpected hospitalization, a death in the immediate family, a serious accident, or a court appearance. Candidates with medical or personal emergencies can request an emergency withdrawal of their application and a refund of their examination fee of $129 by faxing an emergency withdrawal request to PTCB at (202) 429-7596 or by sending a written emergency withdrawal request to:
PTCB Certification Program, 2215 Constitution Avenue, NW Washington, DC 200037-2985
The request must include official documentation of the emergency (e.g., hospital paperwork, police report, or an obituary notice). PTCB recommends that all emergency withdrawal requests be submitted as soon as possible after the emergency. To be considered for an emergency withdrawal, all requests must be received by PTCB no later than 48 hours after the last day of the candidates authorization period. All emergency withdrawal and refund requests will be reviewed and approved by PTCB. If approved, a refund in the amount of $129 will be issued approximately two (2) weeks after approval and will be made in the same manner in which the original payment was made.
Missing an Appointment Candidates who do not appear for their scheduled examination appointment and who do not cancel their appointment with Pearson VUE at least one (1) business day (24 hours) before the appointment date will be considered no-show candidates and will forfeit all fees. If an emergency occurs on the day of your examination appointment that prevents you from taking your test, you may submit a request to PTCB for an emergency withdrawal. Emergency withdrawal requests are handled on a case-by-case basis by PTCB. For more information on what PTCB considers an emergency, please see the above section titled Medical or Personal Emergencies.
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Candidates who do not have a scheduled appointment with Pearson VUE and who do not request a withdrawal on or before the last day of their authorization period will be considered no-show candidates and will forfeit all fees.
Identification Requirements In order to take the PTCB Examination, all candidates must provide positive proof of identity by presenting an unexpired government-issued photo ID or Official ID issued by a government agency (state or federal) to non-drivers (must include photo). Examples of acceptable government-issued ID are a passport, drivers license, learners permit (if it has a photo), or a U.S. Armed Forces ID. The name on the ID must match the name used on the application and printed on the ATT letter and the photo must validate the candidates identity. Candidates who arrive at the test center without an ID or without a valid ID will not be allowed to test and will forfeit all fees. If you think you may have a problem with your ID, please call Pearson VUE at (866) 902-0593 immediately. Personal Items The following items are NOT allowed in the testing room. Electronic devices including o Cell phones o PDAs o Personal calculators (Test Center provided calculators are permitted) o Translators o Any other electronic device Outerwear, e.g. coats or jackets Hats, barrettes and clips larger than inch or hairbands wider than inch Wallets, watches or jewelry wider than inch Backpacks, briefcases, purses or other bags Notes, books or translating devices Pens or pencils Food or drinks Water bottles, inhalers, eye drops or lip balm Weapons of any kind
The following items are allowed in the testing room without prior approval. Religious apparel Comfort Aids o Tissues o Cough drops o Eye glasses, eye patches, magnifying glasses o Hearing aids, ear plugs o Canes, crutches, casts, braces, slings, walkers o Medical devices attached to the body o Wheelchairs and other mobility devices o Pills unwrapped and not in a container
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The presence of any other items in the testing room, including medical equipment, must be requested and approved through the accommodations process described previously.
Pearson Professional Center (PPC) Rules and Procedures The following is a summary of the test center rules and procedures that candidates must abide by at the testing center. The complete rules are available at or by contacting Pearson VUE. These rules and procedures are enforced at all test centers to ensure a fair and standardized test experience for all candidates: All candidates must arrive at the PPC at least 30 minutes prior to their scheduled appointment time. All candidates must provide a signature, present an unexpired government-issued photo ID, and are required to submit a biometric (e.g., fingerprint scan or palm vein scan) before being admitted into the testing room. (PTCB recommends that you also bring your ATT letter with you to the PPC.) No test materials, documents, or memoranda of any sort may be taken into or from the testing room. Candidates may not ask PPC staff or any other individual questions about examination content. No breaks are scheduled during the examination. Candidates who need to leave the testing room to take a break (e.g., to use the restroom), will not be given extra time on the examination. Candidates must reestablish their identity with their government-issued photo ID and biometric ID before re-entering the testing room. Candidates may not leave the test center while the examination is in progress, and may not conduct any telephone conversations while on break. No food or drinks are allowed into the testing room. All personal belongings (e.g., headwear, jackets, purses, bags, briefcases, large jewelry, notebooks, calculators, pagers, cellular phones, recording devices, and photography equipment.) must be placed in a locker provided at the test center. Inclement Weather/Local or National Emergencies In the event of inclement weather or a local or national emergency, please contact Pearson VUE at (866) 902-0593 or go to for appointment status. If the test center is closed and appointments are canceled, candidates should wait two (2) business days before calling to reschedule their appointment. Taking the Examination at a Pearson Professional Center (PPC) Prior to taking the examination, a candidate attestation of confidentiality will be presented on the computer screen: PTCB Confidentiality and Nondisclosure 1. The examination and the test questions are the exclusive property of the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board. 2. This examination and the items contained are protected by copyright law. 3. No part of the examination may be copied or reproduced in part or whole by any means whatsoever, including memorization.
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4. I acknowledge that I will not engage in any training activities designed to prepare individuals to sit for the PTCE for the period of three (3) years after taking this examination. 5. My participating in any irregularity occurring during this examination, such as giving or obtaining unauthorized information or aid, as evidenced by observation or subsequent analysis, may result in termination of my participation, invalidation of the results of my examination, or other appropriate action. 6. Future discussion or disclosure of the contents of the examination orally, in writing, or by any other means is prohibited. 7. I understand that during this examination, I may NOT communicate with other candidates, refer to any materials other than those provided to me, or assist or obtain assistance from any person. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in the invalidation of my examination results as well as other appropriate action. 8. Under penalty of perjury, I declare that the information provided in my examination application and any required accompanying documentation is true and complete. I also declare that I received a high school diploma (or GED certificate) by the application receipt deadline for this examination, and further, that I have never been convicted of a felony. 9. I agree that in the event my answer materials are damaged or lost, any claim I may have will not exceed the amount of the fee for this examination. You must accept the conditions in the agreement or you will not be able to take the examination. A brief tutorial is provided before the start of the examination. The tutorial explains how to mark and unmark answers and how to navigate through the examination. When taking the examination, you can skip questions, change your answers to questions, and mark questions for review so that you can come back to them later. Each question on the PTCB Examination is a multiple-choice type question that lists four choices, only one of which is the correct or best answer. You should read the entire question and all four choices before marking your answer. There is no penalty for guessing, so candidates should answer every question, if time allows. You should answer the easy questions first and mark the more difficult ones to return to later. You are allowed to enter comments on the computer for any question during your exam. PTCB periodically reviews these comments. You may also send written comments to PTCB for review. PTCB wants to improve your testing experience. Please answer the survey questions at the end of the examination about your test-taking experience. Although responses to the survey are not mandatory, candidates are encouraged to answer questions to help PTCB improve the test-taking experience. Responses to the survey are confidential.
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you in the mail. Your official pass or fail result (not the scaled scores) will be available online 1 3 weeks after your test date at Please note that neither Pearson VUE nor Pearson Professional Center are permitted to discuss the results of any examination taken by PTCB candidates. An official score report will be mailed to you in approximately two weeks following the exam. This score report shows your total scaled score and the scaled scores you obtained in each functional area. Scaled scores are provided in each area so you can identify areas of strength and weakness if you fail. Passing candidates will also receive a certificate. You can access your pass or fail status online 1 3 weeks after your test date via the registration portal, by visiting and clicking on the link to apply for the exam. Log in using the username and password you selected when you submitted the application in order to view your pass/fail result. Candidates who applied via the paper application will need the auto assigned username and password printed on their ATT letters. Candidates who do not receive their score report in the mail 3 to 4 weeks after the date indicated on the printed copy of the pass or fail result can request a duplicate copy. This duplicate is free if the request is received within two months of the test date. If the request is received more than two months after the test date, a fee of $25 will be charged for a duplicate report. To request a duplicate copy, use the Request for Score Report and Certificate Form in Appendix B and mail the form to PES, c/o PTCB (701) Program Assistant, 475 Riverside Drive, 6th Floor, New York, NY 10115 or fax the form to PES at (917) 3059875.
Confidentiality of Examination Scores Please refer to PTCBs Privacy Policy. PTCB reserves the right to verify to any individual or organization whether or not an individual is currently certified. Request a Review of Your Examination Score To ensure the accuracy of results, PES performs quality assurance procedures before scoring the electronic examination file containing your answers. It is extremely unlikely that a review of the examination results will result in a change in an examination score.
However, candidates may request that PES manually review their examination score within 90 days of the examination date. Complete and mail the Request a Review of Your Examination Score Form in Appendix C to PES, c/o PTCB (701) Testing Office, 475 Riverside Drive, 6th Floor, New York, NY 10115. Requests received more than 90 days after the test date will be returned. There is a $50 fee to have PES review the examination score.
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Certified Pharmacy Technicians (CPhTs) are required to recertify every two years to maintain their certification. PTCB's recertification requirements correspond with the bi-annual renewal schedule for professional pharmacist licensure as governed by State Boards of Pharmacy. Some employers and/or State Boards of Pharmacy may require CPhTs to maintain their PTCB certification. The purpose of recertification is to ensure that pharmacy technicians stay up-to-date in pharmacy practice through the completion of 20 hours of Continuing Education (CE).
Steps to Recertify The submission window for recertification applications begins 100 days prior to the certification expiration date (see below) and ends at midnight Eastern Standard Time on the certification expiration date. CPhTs are encouraged to apply for recertification early in the submission window to ensure that they receive a new certificate before their certification expires. It takes two to four weeks for certificates to be printed and mailed; therefore, a CPhT who is required by an employer to have a current certificate should submit a recertification four weeks before his or her expiration date.
The application fee (see below) depends on the method of application. CPhTs are encouraged to apply using the Online Recertification Application available by logging into MyPTCB. A Quick-Start Guide to the Online Recertification/Reinstatement Application is available for CPhTs who are new to the process. A Paper Recertification/Reinstatement Application is also available, but is intended primarily for applicants with disabilities or hardship, or applicants who are being audited.
A select number of Certified Pharmacy Technicians (CPhTs) are randomly chosen for an audit of Continuing Education (CE) each recertification period. Those selected to be audited are notified by mail well in advance of their recertification deadline. Pharmacy technicians who are audited during their recertification period must complete and submit the paper recertification application. In addition, pharmacy technicians must submit photocopies of CE Certificates of Participation (and/or the Universal CE Form). Even though pharmacy technicians who are audited will submit the paper application to recertify, they will only pay $40 to recertify. PTCB recommends that you keep documentation of CE credits for at least one year beyond your certification expiration date. PTCB reserves the right to audit CPhTs at any time.
Recertification Application Processing Applications are reviewed by PTCB in the order in which they are received and are typically processed within five business days. Paper applications may take up to two weeks. CPhTs are encouraged to carefully review the criteria for acceptable CEs and contact PTCB ahead of time if there is a question about the acceptability of a certain CE course or program. Applications that contain errors, are unsigned, list inappropriate CEs, provide inadequate CE information (e.g., do not list full course name and provider) or are accompanied by an incorrect payment amount, will be returned to CPhTs via mail for correction and/or clarification. CPhTs will have 30 days to submit corrections. If corrections are not
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made within 30 days, the recertification fee will be forfeited and the technicians certification will lapse. The fee to reprocess a returned application is $10. Corrections cannot be submitted online or via fax.
Recertification Fees
Online Recertification Application Fee: Audit Recertification Application Fee: Paper Recertification Application Fee: $40* $40** $65**
Reprocessing Fee (assessed to all returned applications): $10 *Online application fees may be paid by credit card or echeck. **Paper and audit application fees may be paid by check or money order made payable to PTCB. Please Note: You will be assessed a $25 administration fee if your check is returned by the bank for insufficient funds or if a refund must be processed due to overpayment. Failure to Recertify CPhTs who fail to recertify by their certification expiration date are no longer considered certified by PTCB and must immediately cease using the designation "CPhT" or "Certified Pharmacy Technician". A pharmacy technician whose certification has lapsed may apply within one year of his/her expiration date to have their certification reinstated. A pharmacy technician who fails to reinstate during this oneyear period must petition PTCB to retake the Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam (PTCE), be granted approval, and pass the PTCE in order to regain certification.
Pharmacy technicians who fail to recertify before their deadline may apply for reinstatement of their certification up to one year following their expiration date. Pharmacy technicians who successfully reinstate are again considered "Certified Pharmacy Technicians" and may resume using the "CPhT" designation. The purpose of recertification is to ensure that pharmacy technicians stay up-to-date in pharmacy practice through the completion of 20 hours of Continuing Education (CE). Reinstatement also accomplishes this and provides an opportunity for former CPhTs to regain certified status without retaking the Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam (PTCE).
Steps to Reinstate The submission window for reinstatement applications begins the day after the recertification deadline and ends one year later at midnight Eastern Standard Time. Former CPhTs who successfully reinstate are granted an active certification for the balance of the two-year period that would have been granted had they completed recertification before the deadline. Reinstatement candidates will receive a new
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certificate with an expiration date that is two years from the previous recertification deadline, not two years from the reinstatement date. It takes two to four weeks for certificates to be printed and mailed. Therefore, a former CPhT who is required by an employer to have a current certificate by a certain date should submit an application early enough to allow for processing time. The application fee (see below) is the same for online and paper reinstatement applications. Eligible former CPhTs are encouraged to apply using the Online Reinstatement Application available by logging in to MyPTCB. A Quick-Start Guide to the Online Recertification/Reinstatement Application is available. A Paper Recertification/Reinstatement Application is also available, but is intended primarily for applicants with disabilities or hardship, or applicants who are being audited. Applications are reviewed by PTCB in the order in which they are received and are typically processed within five business days. Paper applications may take up to two weeks. Those applying for reinstatement are encouraged to carefully review the criteria for acceptable CEs and contact PTCB ahead of time if there is a question about the acceptability of a certain CE course or program. Applications that contain errors, list inappropriate CEs, provide inadequate CE information (e.g., do not list full course name and provider) or are accompanied by an incorrect payment amount, will be returned to applicants via mail for correction and/or clarification. Applicants will have 30 days to submit corrections. If corrections are not made within 30 days, the reinstatement fee will be forfeited. The fee to reprocess a returned application is $10.
Failure to Reinstate CPhTs who fail to reinstate in the year following the recertification deadline must petition PTCB to retake the PTCE, be granted approval, and pass the PTCE in order to regain certification. Reinstatement Fees
Online Reinstatement Application Fee: Paper Reinstatement Application Fee: $80* $80**
Reprocessing Fee (assessed to all returned applications): $10 *Online application fees may be paid by credit card or echeck. **Paper application fees may be paid by check or money order made payable to PTCB. Please Note: You will be assessed a $25 administration fee if your check is returned by the bank for insufficient funds or if a refund must be processed due to overpayment.
pharmacy technicians routine work duties and responsibilities. Certified Pharmacy Technicians (CPhTs) may make arrangements with their supervising pharmacist for in-service projects. Fifteen of the 20 hours may be earned by completing a relevant college course with a grade of "C" or better. All CEs submitted with a recertification application must have a completion date that falls between the most recent certification date and the current expiration date. Reinstatement candidates can also complete CEs in the one-year period following the certification expiration date.
Acceptable CEs There are many CE providers (see below) some of which offer free online CEs. Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) accredited CEs are recommended, but not required. PTCB does not endorse, recommend, or promote specific CE programs or providers, however acceptable CEs will include pharmacy-related subject matter only. PTCB reserves the right to reject applications that contain CEs deemed not applicable to pharmacy technician practice. Examples of acceptable CE contents include:
Medication distribution Inventory control systems Mathematics Biology Pharmaceuticals sciences Pharmacy law Pharmacology/drug therapy If you are unsure about whether or not PTCB will accept a specific CE activity, you may submit a request for CE pre-approval to PTCB, only during the following months: January-February, May-June, and September-October. Requests should be submitted by mail or fax, and must include a full description of the activity from the provider. Requests received outside of these months will not be reviewed. It is not necessary to have CEs from ACPE accredited providers pre-approved.
CE Documentation Pharmacy technicians should retain documentation of participation for each CE activity in which they engage. Most CE providers give participants a certificate of participation. Acceptable documentation of participation in a college course may be either a transcript or a grade report. For in-service projects or other CEs for which a certificate of participation is not available, the supervising pharmacist or instructor must complete the Universal CE Form (Appendix D).
PTCB reserves the right to audit CPhTs' records of CE participation at any time. PTCB therefore recommends that CPhTs maintain CE documentation for at least one year beyond their certification expiration date
Locating CE Providers PTCB does not endorse, recommend, or promote specific CE programs or providers; however here are some example providers:
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American Pharmacists Association American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Illinois Council of Health-System Pharmacists National Pharmacy Technician Association Pharmacy Technicians Letter Pharmacy Times Power-Pak C.E. RxSchool U.S. Pharmacist
(202) 628-4410 (866) 279-0681 (815) 227-9292 (888) 247-8700 (209) 472-2240 (800) 899-6350 (800) 825-4696 (888) 682-4415 (800) 825-4696
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allergies, medication duplication, and/or drug-disease, drug-drug, drug-laboratory, drug-dietary supplement and/or OTC, and drug-food interactions I. Assist the patient/patients representative in choosing the best payment assistance plan if multiple plans are available to patient J. Process a prescription/medication order 1. Enter prescription/medication order information into patient profile 2. Select the appropriate product(s) for dispensing (for example, brand names, generic substitutes, therapeutic substitutes, formulary restrictions) 3. Obtain pharmaceuticals, durable and non-durable medical equipment, devices, and supplies (including hazardous substances, controlled substances, and investigational products) from inventory 4. Calculate quantity and days supply of finished dosage forms for dispensing 5. Measure or count quantity of finished dosage forms for dispensing 6. Process and handle radiopharmaceuticals 7. Perform calculations for radiopharmaceuticals 8. Process and handle chemotherapeutic medications commercially available in finished dosage forms (for example, Efudex, mercaptopurine) 9. Perform calculations for oral chemotherapeutic medications 10. Process and handle investigational products 11. Package finished dosage forms (for example, blister pack, robotic/automated dispensing, vial) 12. Affix label(s) and auxiliary label(s) to container(s) 13. Assemble patient information materials (for example, drug information sheets, patient package inserts, Health Information Portability and Accountability Act [HIPAA] literature) 14. Check for accuracy during processing of the prescription/medication order (for example, National Drug Code [NDC] number, bar code, and data entry) 15. Verify the data entry, measurements, preparation, and/or packaging of medications produced by other technicians as allowed by law (for example, tech check tech) 16. Prepare prescription or medication order for final check by pharmacist 17. Prepare prescription or medication order for final check by pharmacy technician as allowed by law (for example, tech check tech) 18. Perform Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) required checks for radiopharmaceuticals K. Compound a prescription/medication order: 1. Assemble equipment and/or supplies necessary for compounding the prescription/medication order 2. Calibrate equipment (for example, scale or balance, total parenteral nutrition [TPN] compounder) needed to compound the prescription/medication order 3. Perform calculations required for preparation of compounded IV admixtures 4. Perform calculations for extemporaneous compounds 5. Compound medications (for example, topical preparations, reconstituted antibiotic suspensions) for dispensing according to prescription and/or compounding guidelines 6. Compound medications in anticipation of prescriptions/medication orders (for example, compounding for a specific patient) 7. Prepare sterile products (for example, TPNs, piggybacks, IV solutions, ophthalmic products) 8. Prepare radiopharmaceuticals 9. Prepare chemotherapy
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10. Record preparation and/or ingredients of medications (for example, lot number, control number, expiration date, chemotherapy calculations, type of IV solution) L. Provide prescription/medication to patient/patients representative: 1. Store medication prior to distribution 2. Provide medication and supplemental information (for example, patient package inserts) to patient/patients representative 3. Package and ship pharmaceuticals, durable and non-durable medical equipment, devices, and supplies (including hazardous substances and investigational products) to patient/patients representative 4. Place medication in dispensing system (for example, unit-dose cart, automated systems) 5. Deliver medication to patient-care unit 6. Record distribution of prescription medication 7. Record distribution of controlled substances 8. Record distribution of investigational drugs 9. Record distribution of restricted drugs (for example, isotretinoin, clozapine, thalidomide) 10. Record distribution of prescription/medication to patients home M. Determine charges and obtain reimbursement for products and services N. Communicate with third-party payors to determine or verify coverage O. Communicate with third-party payors to obtain prior authorizations P. Communicate with third-party payors and patients/patients' representatives to rectify rejected third-party claims Q. Identify and resolve problems with rejected claims (for example, incorrect days supply, incorrect ID number) R. Provide supplemental information (for example, disease state information, CDs) as requested/required S. Direct patient/patients representative to pharmacist for counseling T. Perform drug administration functions under appropriate supervision (for example, perform drug/IV rounds, check pumps, anticipate refill of drugs/IVs) U. Process and dispense enteral products II. Maintaining Medication and Inventory Control Systems (22% of exam) A. Identify pharmaceuticals, durable and non-durable medical equipment, devices, and supplies (including hazardous substances and investigational products) to be ordered B. Place routine orders for pharmaceuticals, durable and nondurable medical equipment, devices, and supplies (including hazardous substances and investigational products) in compliance with legal, regulatory, formulary, budgetary, and contractual requirements C. Place emergency orders for pharmaceuticals, durable and non-durable medical equipment, devices, and supplies (including hazardous substances and investigational products) in compliance with legal, regulatory, formulary, budgetary, and contractual requirements D. Receive pharmaceuticals, durable and non-durable medical equipment, devices, and supplies (including hazardous substances and investigational products) and verify against specifications on original purchase orders E. Place pharmaceuticals, durable and non-durable medical equipment, devices, and supplies (including hazardous substances and investigational products) in inventory under proper storage conditions while incorporating error prevention strategies
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F. Perform nonpatient-specific preparation, distribution, and maintenance of pharmaceuticals, durable and non-durable medical equipment, devices, and supplies (including hazardous substances and investigational products) while incorporating error prevention strategies (for example, crash carts, clinic and nursing floor stock, automated dispensing systems) G. Remove from inventory expired/discontinued/slow moving/overstocked pharmaceuticals, durable and nondurable medical equipment, devices, and supplies (including hazardous substances and investigational products) H. Remove from inventory recalled pharmaceuticals, durable and non-durable medical equipment, devices, and supplies (including hazardous substances and investigational products) I. Dispose of or destroy pharmaceuticals or supplies (for example, hazardous substances, investigational products, controlled substances, non-dispensable products) J. Communicate changes in product availability (for example, formulary changes, recalls, shortages) to pharmacy staff, patient/patients representative, physicians, and other healthcare professionals K. Implement and monitor policies and procedures to deter theft and/or drug diversion L. Maintain a record of controlled substances ordered, received, and removed from inventory M. Maintain a record of investigational products ordered, received, and removed from inventory N. Perform required inventories and maintain associated records O. Maintain record-keeping systems for repackaging, non-patient specific compounding, recalls, and returns of pharmaceuticals, durable and non-durable medical equipment, devices, and supplies (including hazardous substances and investigational products) P. Compound non-patient specific medications in anticipation of prescription/medication orders Q. Perform quality assurance tests on compounded medications (for example, end product testing and validation) R. Repackage finished dosage forms for dispensing (for example, unit dose, blister pack, oral syringes) S. Participate in quality assurance programs related to pharmaceuticals, durable and non-durable medical equipment, devices, and supplies (including hazardous substances and investigational products) III. Participating in the Administration and Management of Pharmacy Practice (12% of exam) A. Coordinate written, electronic, and oral communications throughout the practice setting (for example, route phone calls, faxes, verbal and written refill authorizations; disseminate policy and procedure changes) B. Update and maintain patient information (for example, insurance information, demographics, provider information) in accordance with federal regulations and professional standards (for example, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act [HIPAA]) C. Collect productivity information (for example, the number of prescriptions filled, fill times, payments collected, rejected claim status) D. Participate in quality assurance activities (for example, medication error prevention, customer satisfaction surveys, and internal audits of processes) E. Generate quality assurance reports (for example, compile or summarize data collected for evaluation or action plan development, root cause analysis) F. Implement and monitor the practice setting for compliance with federal regulations and professional standards (for example, Materials Safety Data Sheet [MSDS], Occupational Safety Health Administration [OSHA], Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations [JCAHO], United States Pharmacopeia [USP])
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G. Implement and monitor policies and procedures for infection control H. Implement and monitor policies and procedures for the handling, disposal, and destruction of pharmaceuticals and supplies (for example, hazardous substances, investigational products, controlled substances, non-dispensable products, radiopharmaceuticals) I. Perform and record routine sanitation, maintenance, and calibration of equipment (for example, automated dispensing equipment, balances, TPN compounders, and refrigerator/freezer temperatures) J. Update, maintain, and use manual or electronic information systems (for example, patient profiles, prescription records, inventory logs, reference materials) in order to perform job related activities K. Use and maintain automated and point-of-care dispensing technology L. Perform billing and accounting functions for products and services (for example, self-pay, thirdparty adjudication, pharmaceutical discount cards, medication reimbursement) M. Communicate with third-party payers to determine or verify coverage for products and services N. Coordinate and/or participate in staff training and continuing education O. Perform and/or contribute to employee evaluations and competency assessments P. Participate in the establishment, implementation, and monitoring of the practice settings policies and procedures The knowledge base required to perform activities associated with each function of the pharmacy technician are: I. Assisting the Pharmacist in Serving Patients 1. Knowledge of federal, state, and/or practice site regulations, codes of ethics, and standards pertaining to the practice of pharmacy 2. Knowledge of pharmaceutical, medical, and legal developments which impact on the practice of pharmacy 3. Knowledge of state-specific prescription transfer regulations 4 Knowledge of pharmaceutical and medical abbreviations and terminology 5. Knowledge of generic and brand names of pharmaceuticals 6. Knowledge of therapeutic equivalence 7. Knowledge of epidemiology 8. Knowledge of risk factors for disease 9. Knowledge of anatomy and physiology 10. Knowledge of signs and symptoms of disease states 11. Knowledge of standard and abnormal laboratory values 12. Knowledge of drug interactions (such as drug-disease, drug-drug, drug-laboratory, drug-nutrient) 13. Knowledge of strengths/dose, dosage forms, physical appearance, routes of administration, and duration of drug therapy 14. Knowledge of effects of patients age (for example, neonates, geriatrics) on drug and non-drug therapy 15. Knowledge of drug information sources including printed and electronic reference materials 16. Knowledge of pharmacology (for example, mechanism of action) 17. Knowledge of common and severe side or adverse effects, allergies, and therapeutic
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contraindications associated with medications 18. Knowledge of drug indications 19. Knowledge of relative role of drug and non-drug therapy (for example, herbal remedies, lifestyle modification, smoking cessation) 20. Knowledge of practice site policies and procedures regarding prescriptions or medication orders 21 Knowledge of information to be obtained from patient/patients representative (for example, demographic information, allergy, third-party information) 22. Knowledge of required prescription order refill information 23. Knowledge of formula to verify the validity of a prescribers DEA number 24. Knowledge of techniques for detecting forged or altered prescriptions 25. Knowledge of techniques for detecting prescription errors (for example, abnormal doses, early refill, incorrect quantity, incorrect patient ID #, incorrect drug) 26. Knowledge of effects of patients disabilities (for example, visual, physical) on drug and non-drug therapy 27. Knowledge of techniques, equipment, and supplies for drug administration (for example, insulin syringes and IV tubing) 28. Knowledge of non-prescription (over-the-counter [OTC]) formulations 29. Knowledge of monitoring and screening equipment (for example, blood pressure cuffs, glucose monitors) 30. Knowledge of medical and surgical appliances and devices (for example, ostomies, orthopedic devices, pumps) 31. Knowledge of proper storage conditions 32. Knowledge of automated dispensing technology 33. Knowledge of packaging requirements 34. Knowledge of NDC number components 35. Knowledge of purpose for lot numbers and expiration dates 36. Knowledge of information for prescription or medication order labels 37. Knowledge of requirements regarding auxiliary labels 38. Knowledge of requirements regarding patient package inserts 39. Knowledge of special directions and precautions for patient/patients representative regarding preparation and use of medications 40. Knowledge of techniques for assessing patients compliance with prescription or medication order 41. Knowledge of action to be taken in the event of a missed dose 42. Knowledge of requirements for mailing medications 43. Knowledge of delivery systems for distributing medications (for example, pneumatic tube, robotics) 44. Knowledge of requirements for dispensing controlled substances 45. Knowledge of requirements for dispensing investigational drugs 46. Knowledge of record-keeping requirements for medication dispensing 47. Knowledge of automatic stop orders = 48. Knowledge of restricted medication orders 49. Knowledge of quality improvement methods (for example, matching NDC number, double-
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counting narcotics) 50. Knowledge of pharmacy calculations (for example, algebra, ratio and proportions, metric conversions, IV drip rates, IV admixture calculations) 51. Knowledge of measurement systems (for example, metric and avoirdupois) 52. Knowledge of drug stability 53. Knowledge of physical and chemical incompatibilities 54. Knowledge of equipment calibration techniques 55. Knowledge of procedures to prepare IV admixtures 56. Knowledge of procedures to prepare chemotherapy 57. Knowledge of procedures to prepare total parenteral nutrition (TPN) solutions 58. Knowledge of procedures to prepare reconstituted injectable and non-injectable medications 59. Knowledge of specialized procedures to prepare injectable medications (for example, epidurals and patient controlled analgesic [PCA] cassettes) 60. Knowledge of procedures to prepare radiopharmaceuticals 61. Knowledge of procedures to prepare oral dosage forms (for example, tablets, capsules, liquids) in unit-dose or nonunit-dose packaging 62. Knowledge of procedures to compound sterile non-injectable products (for example, eyedrops) 63. Knowledge of procedures to compound non-sterile products (for example, ointments, mixtures, liquids, emulsions) 64. Knowledge of procedures to prepare ready-to-dispense multidose packages (for example, ophthalmics, otics, inhalers, topicals, transdermals) 65. Knowledge of aseptic techniques (for example, laminar flow hood, filters) 66. Knowledge of infection control procedures 67. Knowledge of requirements for handling hazardous products and disposing of hazardous waste 68. Knowledge of documentation requirements for controlled substances, investigational drugs, and hazardous wastes 69. Knowledge of pharmacy-related computer software for documenting the dispensing of prescriptions or medication orders 70. Knowledge of manual systems for documenting the dispensing of prescriptions or medication orders 71. Knowledge of customer service principles 72. Knowledge of communication techniques 73. Knowledge of confidentiality requirements 74. Knowledge of cash handling procedures 75. Knowledge of reimbursement policies and plans 76. Knowledge of legal requirements for pharmacist counseling of patient/patients representative II. Maintaining Medication and Inventory Control Systems 1. Knowledge of drug product laws and regulations and professional standards related to obtaining medication supplies, durable medical equipment, and products (for example, Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act; Controlled Substances Act; Prescription Drug Marketing Act; USP-NF; NRC standards) 2. Knowledge of pharmaceutical industry procedures for obtaining pharmaceuticals 3. Knowledge of purchasing policies, procedures, and practices 4. Knowledge of dosage forms
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Knowledge of formulary or approved stock list Knowledge of par and reorder levels and drug usage Knowledge of inventory receiving process Knowledge of bioavailability standards (for example, generic substitutes) Knowledge of the use of DEA controlled substance ordering forms Knowledge of regulatory requirements regarding record-keeping for repackaged products, recalled products, and refunded products 11. Knowledge of policies, procedures, and practices for inventory systems 12. Knowledge of products used in packaging and repackaging (for example, child-resistant caps and light-protective unit-dose packaging) 13. Knowledge of risk management opportunities (for example, dress code, personal protective equipment [PPE], needle recapping) 14. Knowledge of the FDAs classifications of recalls 15. Knowledge of systems to identify and return expired and unsalable products 16. Knowledge of rules and regulations for the removal and disposal of products 17. Knowledge of legal and regulatory requirements and professional standards governing operations of pharmacies (for example, prepackaging, difference between compounding and manufacturing) 18. Knowledge of legal and regulatory requirements and professional standards (for example, FDA, DEA, state board of pharmacy, JCAHO) for preparing, labeling, dispensing, distributing, and administering medications 19. Knowledge of medication distribution and control systems requirements for the use of medications in various practice settings (for example, automated dispensing systems, bar coding, nursing stations, crash carts) 20. Knowledge of preparation, storage requirements, and documentation for medications compounded in anticipation of prescriptions or medication orders 21. Knowledge of repackaging, storage requirements, and documentation for finished dosage forms prepared in anticipation of prescriptions or medication orders 22. Knowledge of policies, procedures, and practices regarding storage and handling of hazardous materials and wastes (for example, Materials Safety Data Sheet [MSDS]) 23. Knowledge of medication distribution and control systems requirements for controlled substances, investigational drugs, and hazardous materials and wastes 24. Knowledge of the written, oral, and electronic communication channels necessary to ensure appropriate follow-up and problem resolution (for example, product recalls, supplier shorts) 25. Knowledge of quality assurance policies, procedures, and practices for medication and inventory control systems III. Participating in the Administration and Management of Pharmacy Practice 1. Knowledge of the practice settings mission, goals and objectives, organizational structure, and policies and procedures 2. Knowledge of lines of communication throughout the organization 3. Knowledge of principles of resource allocation (for example, scheduling, cross training, work flow) 4. Knowledge of productivity, efficiency, and customer satisfaction measures 5. Knowledge of written, oral, and electronic communication systems
5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
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6. Knowledge of required operational licenses and certificates 7. Knowledge of roles and responsibilities of pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and other pharmacy employees 8. Knowledge of legal and regulatory requirements for personnel, facilities, equipment, and supplies (for example, space requirements, prescription file storage, cleanliness, reference materials, storage of radiopharmaceuticals) 9. Knowledge of professional standards (for example, JCAHO) for personnel, facilities, equipment, and supplies 10. Knowledge of quality improvement standards and guidelines 11. Knowledge of state board of pharmacy regulations 12. Knowledge of storage requirements and expiration dates for equipment and supplies (for example, first-aid items, fire extinguishers) 13. Knowledge of storage and handling requirements for hazardous substances (for example, chemotherapeutics, radiopharmaceuticals) 14. Knowledge of hazardous waste disposal requirements 15. Knowledge of procedures for the treatment of exposure to hazardous substances (for example, eyewash) 16. Knowledge of security systems for the protection of employees, customers, and property 17. Knowledge of laminar flow hood maintenance requirements 18. Knowledge of infection control policies and procedures 19. Knowledge of sanitation requirements (for example, handwashing, cleaning counting trays, countertop, and equipment) 20. Knowledge of equipment calibration and maintenance procedures 21. Knowledge of supply procurement procedures 22. Knowledge of technology used in the preparation, delivery, and administration of medications (for example, robotics, Baker cells, automated TPN equipment, Pyxis, infusion pumps) 23. Knowledge of purpose and function of pharmacy equipment 24. Knowledge of documentation requirements for routine sanitation, maintenance, and equipment calibration 25. Knowledge of the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements (for example, physical accessibility) 26. Knowledge of manual and computer-based systems for storing, retrieving, and using pharmacyrelated pharmacy information (for example, drug interactions, patient profiles, generating labels) 27. Knowledge of security procedures related to data integrity, security, and confidentiality 28. Knowledge of downtime emergency policies and procedures 29. Knowledge of backup and archiving procedures for stored data and documentation 30. Knowledge of legal requirements regarding archiving 31. Knowledge of third-party reimbursement systems 32. Knowledge of healthcare reimbursement systems (for example, home health, respiratory medications, eligibility and reimbursement) Knowledge of billing and accounting policies and procedures 33. Knowledge of billing and accounting policies and procedures 34. Knowledge of information sources used to obtain data in a quality improvement system (for
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example, the patients chart, patient profile, computerized information systems, medication administration record) 35. Knowledge of procedures to document occurrences such as medication errors, adverse effects, and product integrity (for example, FDA Med Watch Program) 36. Knowledge of staff training techniques 37. Knowledge of employee performance evaluation techniques 38. Knowledge of employee performance feedback techniques
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With this form you may request a change in personal information (name and/or address change), a duplicate score report, or a replacement certificate. Please read the information carefully and then check all boxes that apply to your request. Replace Undelivered Score Report and Certificate If you have not received your original score report and certificate within 60 days of the examination, please check the box at the left, fill in your name and address below, and a duplicate score report and certificate will be sent to you. If you have delayed notifying PES of the missing score report and certificate for more than 70 days past the examination date, there is a $25 processing fee. Please return this form and a $25 processing fee (certified check, corporate check, or money order) made payable to Professional Examination Service (PES) at the address listed below. Replace Damaged/Incorrect Certificate If your original PTCB Certificate was damaged in transit or your name is different than it appeared on your application, check the box at the left, fill in your name and address below, and you will receive a duplicate certificate at no charge. You must return the damaged certificate and/or send a letter verifying the correct spelling of your name to PES to receive the duplicate. If the mistake was yours on the original application, replacement certificate may be obtained for a $25 processing fee. Order Replacement Certificate If you have changed your name or lost your certificate, please check the box at the left and fill in your new information in the space provided at the bottom of this form. Name changes require appropriate documentation, such as a copy of marriage certificate, divorce decree, etc. Do not send originals as they cannot be returned. Send this completed form along with any required documentation and a $25 processing fee (certified check, corporate check, or money order) made payable to Professional Examination Service (PES) to the address listed below. Please note that certificates are the property of PTCB, and when a replacement certificate is received PTCB requires technicians destroy or return the certificate being replaced. If a certificate is lost, technicians must notify PTCB of the loss.
Current Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Previous Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Street Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Previous Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________ City: ________________________State: ____________ ZIP Code: ____________________________________________ Telephone: ____________________Certification #:_________________________________________________________ Certification Date: ________________________ Email Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Signature: ___________________________________________________________ Date:__________________________ Send to: Professional Examination Service (PES) c/o PTCB (701), Program Assistant 475 Riverside Drive, 6th Floor New York, NY 10115 or FAX* to: (917) 305-9875
Make payment payable to PES in U.S. Funds. *If requesting a name change, the supporting materials will need to be mailed in.
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Do not submit this form until after you have received your score report. Directions: Use this form to submit a request to PES for a review of your examination score. This request must be received with the appropriate fees and information no later than 90 days after the test date. Please print or type all information on this form. Be sure to provide all information and include correct fees or the request will be returned. You will be notified of any change in your score. Fee: $50. Please enclose a certified check or money order made payable in U.S. dollars to Professional Examination Service. Do not send cash or a personal check. Send To: Professional Examination Service c/o PTCB (701) Testing Office 475 Riverside Drive, 6th Floor New York, NY 10115 Please complete the following with your current name and address: $50 enclosed for review of examination score. Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Street: ________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________________ State: _______________________ Zip Code: ________________ Tel: (________) __________________________ PTCB ID #: _________________________________________ Exam Date: _____________________________ (Month & Year)
If the above information is different from what you provided on your application for the exam, please indicate below:
Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Street: ________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________________ State: ________________________ Zip Code: _______________ Tel: (________) __________________________ Exam Date: ______________________________ (Month & Year) I hereby request PES to review my examination score. Candidates Signature: ___________________________________________________Date: ______________ No Personal Checks Accepted
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CPhTs may use up to ten (10) contact hours of continuing education earned in the practice site for recertification credit. These ten In-Service hours are not to be awarded for working ten hours at the technicians regular duties. To earn these hours, the supervising pharmacist may arrange selected In-Service projects or training for the technician. The supervising pharmacist completes and signs this Universal Continuing Education Form to verify completion of the project. Instructions 1. The supervising pharmacist must complete and sign this Universal Form. 2. Complete all information. Please type or use a black pen so copies are legible. 3. The summary should describe how the project relates to the work of the pharmacy technician. 4. Each project must have at least two learning objectives listed. 5. One form must be completed for each pharmacy technician and for each project. 6. This form may be photocopied but must have an original signature of the pharmacist. 7. Direct all inquiries regarding the use of this form to the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board at [email protected] or call us at (800) 363-8012. Title of Project, Training Program, etc: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Source of Project: _____________________________________________________________________ Summary: ___________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Learning Objectives 1. _________________________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________________________________________
CPhT Name: _____________________________________Certification#: _________________________________ Date of Program Completion: ________________________Contact Hours: ________________________________ Pharmacist Name: ______________________________ Licensed: _____________________________________
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2215 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037-2985 email: [email protected] Phone (800) 363-8012 | Fax (202) 429-7596 Contact PTCB for application requests, national certification program questions, address changes, and recertification information. PES PROFESSIONAL EXAMINATION SERVICE c/o PTCB (701) Testing Office 475 Riverside Drive New York City, New York 10115 Telephone (877) PTCB-888 | Fax (917) 305-9875 Contact PES regarding receipt of application and fees. PEARSON VUE TEST CENTERS & ADMINISTRATION OF THE PTCE Schedule an exam appointment: (866) 902-0593 Accommodations hotline: (800) 466-0450
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