MBASyll 07

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Anna University Chennai Centre for Distance Education Chennai 600 025.

. MBA Curriculum & Syllabus- 2007 MBA Curriculum - 2007 Semester I Code No DBA 1601 DBA 1602 DBA 1603 DBA 1604 DBA 1605 DBA 1606 DBA 1607 Course Title Management Concepts Statistics For Management Economic Foundation of Business Environment Organizational Behaviour Communication Skills Accounting For Management Legal Aspects of Business Marks 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Semester II Code No DBA 1651 DBA 1652 DBA 1653 DBA 1654 DBA 1655 DBA 1656 DBA 1657 Course Title Production Management Marketing Management Human Resource Management Financial Management Management Information System Quality Management Research Methods In Business Marks 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Semester III Code No DBA 1701 DBA 1702 DBA 1703 DBA 1704 E1 E2 E3 Course Title Applied Operational Research for Management International Business Management Strategic Management Professional Ethics Elective I Elective II Elective III Marks 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Semester IV

Code No E4 E5 E6 DBA 1770

Course Title Elective IV Elective V Elective VI Project Work List of Electives for General Management

Marks 100 100 100 400

Code No

Course Title Area of Specialisation 1 - Marketing - Electives


DBA 1721 DBA 1722

Services Marketing Consumer Behaviour

100 100

Area of Specialisation 2 - Finance - Electives DBA 1723 DBA 1724 Security Analysis and Portfolio Management Merchant Banking and Financial Services 100 100

Area of Specialisation 3 - Human Resource Electives DBA 1725 DBA 1726 Managerial Behaviour and Effectiveness Strategic Human Management and Development 100 100

Area of Specialisation 4 - Systems Electives DBA 1727 DBA 1728 E-Commerce Technology and Management Software Project and Quality Management 100 100

Area of Specialisation 5 - Operations Management Electives DBA 1729 DBA 1730 Facilities Location and Process Design Supply Chain Management 100 100


Any three from among the above five areas of specialization are to be chosen by the students. (The total number of electives will be six ).

List of Electives for Technology Management Code No Course Title Marks

DBA 1731 DBA 1732 DBA 1733 DBA 1734 DBA 1735 DBA 1736

Strategic Technology Planning Managing Technology Change Technology Commercialisation Technology Transfer Knowledge Management Emerging Trends In Technology Management

100 100 100 100 100 100

List of Electives for Retail Management Code No Course Title Marks

DBA 1737 DBA 1738 DBA 1739 DBA 1740 DBA 1741 DBA 1742

Retail Management Concepts and Environment Retail Sales Promotion Retail Accounting and Finance Retail Shopper Behaviour Retail Information Management Retail Outlet and Brand Management

100 100 100 100 100 100

List of Electives for Human Resourse Management Code No Course Title Marks

DBA 1743 DBA 1744 DBA 1745 DBA 1746 DBA 1747

Managerial Behaviour and Effectiveness Strategic Human Management and Development HRM in Knowledge Based Organisations Human Resources Accounting and Audit Training - Needs Analysis & Measuring The Effectiveness

100 100 100 100

100 100

DBA 1748

Industrial Relations and Labour Welfare

List of Electives for Financial Services Management Code No Course Title Marks

DBA 1749 DBA 1750 DBA 1751 DBA 1752 DBA 1753 DBA 1754

Indian Financial System Security Analysis and Portfolio Management Hire Purchase, Leasing and Venture Capital Risk Management International Financial Market and Services Financial Derivatives

100 100 100 100 100 100

List of Electives for Health Services Management

Code No

Course Title


DBA 1755 DBA 1756 DBA 1757 DBA 1758 DBA 1759 DBA 1760

Health Economics Management of Hospital Services Hospital Information System Legal Aspects of Health Care Financial Management in Hospitals Human Resource Management in Hospitals

100 100 100 100 100 100


UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT - Evolution of Management thoughts Contribution of Selected Management Thinkers Various approaches to management contemporary management practice Managing in global environment Managerial functions. UNIT II PLANNING Importance of planning Types of planning decision making process Approaches to decision making Decision models Pay off Matrices Decision trees Break Even Analysis. UNIT III ORGANISING Departmentation Span of Control Delegation Centralisation and Decentralisation Commitees Line and Staff relationships Recent trends in organisation structures. UNIT IV STAFFING -Process of Recruitment, Selection, Induction Training Motivation Leading Leadership styles and qualities Communication process and barriers. UNIT V CONTROLLING - Managements control systems techniques Types of control. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Stephen P. Robbins and David A. Decenzo, Fundamentals of Management, Pearson Education, Third Edition, 2001. 2. J.S.Chandan, Management Concepts and Strategies, Vikas Publishing House, 2002. REFERENCES: 1. Tim Hannagan, Management Concepts and Practices, Macmillan India Ltd., 1997. 2. Hellriegel, Jackson and Slocum, Management: A Competency-Based Approach, South Western, 9th edition, 2002. 3. Stewart Black and Lyman W. Porter, Management Meeting New Challenges, Prentice Hall, 2000. 4. Koontz, Essentials of Management, Tata McGraw-Hill, 5th Edition, 2001. 5. Bateman Snell, Management: Competing in the new era, McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2002.

DBA 1602


UNIT I PROBABILITY - Basic definitions and rules for probability, conditional probability, independent of events, Bayes theorem, random variables, Probability distributions: Binomial, Poisson, Uniform and Normal distributions. UNIT II SAMPLING DISTRIBUTION AND ESTIMATION - Introduction to sampling distributions, sampling techniques, sampling distribution of mean and proportion, application of central limit theorem. Estimation: Point and Interval estimates for population parameters of large sample and small samples, determining the sample size. UNIT III TESTING OF HYPOTHESIS - Hypothesis testing: one sample and two samples tests for means and proportions of large samples (z-test), one sample and two sample tests for means of small samples (t-test), F-test for two sample standard deviations, Chi-square test for single samples standard deviation. Chi-square tests for independence of attributes and goodness of fit. UNIT IV NON-PARAMETRIC METHODS - Sign test for paired data. Rank sum test: Mann Whitney U test and Kruskal Wallis test. One sample run test, rank correlation. UNIT V CORRELATION, REGRESSION AND TIME SERIES ANALYSIS - Correlation analysis, estimation of regression line. Time series analysis: Variations in time series, trend analysis, cyclical variations, seasonal variations and irregular variations. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Levin R.I. and Rubin D.S., "Statistics for management", 7th edition, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2001. 2. Aczel A.D. and Sounderpandian J., "Complete Business Statistics", 5th edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2004. 3. Anderson D.R., Sweeney D.J. and Williams T.A., "Statistics for business and economics", 8th edition, Thomson (South Western) Asia Pte. Ltd., Singapore, 2002. REFERENCES: 1. Levine D.M., Krehbiel T.C. and Berenson M.L., "Business Statistics: A First Course", Pearson Education Asia, 2nd edition, New Delhi, 2002. 2. Hooda R.P., "Statistics for Business and Economics", 2nd edition, Macmillan India Ltd., 2001. 3. Morse L.B., "Statistics for Business and Economics", HarperCollins college Publishers, New York, 1993. 4. Bowerman B.L., Connel R.T.O and Hand M.L., "Business Statistics in Practice", 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill / Irwin, 2001. 5. Gupta S.C. and Kapoor V.K., "Fundamentals of MathematicalStatistics",Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi, 2002.



UNIT I NATURE AND SCOPE OF MACRO ECONOMIC ISSUES - Macro economic variables national income, investment, savings, employment, inflation, balance of payment, exchange rate circular flow of income national income concepts measurement of national income role of economic planning Indian economic planning. UNIT II ANALYSIS OF NATIONAL INCOME - Determination of national income Keynesian perspective - multiplier accelerator business cycle the role of fiscal policy Indian fiscal policy and experiences. UNIT III ANALYSIS OF MONEY MARKET - Demand and supply of money money market equilibrium the role of money - monetary policy Indian perspectives. UNIT IV INTEGRATION OF COMMODITY AND MONEY MARKET - Analysis of inflation and unemployment the role of economic policies Indian experiences. UNIT V ANALYSIS OF EXTERNAL SECTOR - International trade trade multiplier linkage model the role of trade policy analysis of performance of Indian economy in external sector. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Ahuja H.L., Economic Environment of Business, Macroeconomic analysis, S.Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2005. 2. Gupta, G.S. Macroeconomics, Theory and Applications, Tata McGraw-Hill publishing company Ltd., New Delhi, 2001. REFERENCES: 1. Samuelson, Paul A., and Nordhaus, W.D., Economics, Tata McGraw-Hill publishing company Ltd., New Delhi 2004. 2. Ruddar Datt and K.P.M.Sundharam, Indian Economy, S.Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2003. 3. Government of India (Ministry of Finance), Economic Survey (Latest issue), New Delhi.



UNIT I FOCUS AND PURPOSE - Definition, need and importance of organizational behaviour nature and scope frame work organizational behaviour models. UNIT II INDIVIDUAL BEHAVIOUR - Personality types factors influencing personality theories learning types of learners the learning process learning theories organizational behaviour modification. Attitudes characteristics components formation measurement. Perceptions importance factors influencing perception interpersonal perception. Motivation importance types effects on work behavior. UNIT III GROUP BEHAVIOUR - Organization structure formation groups in organizations influence group dynamics emergence of informal leaders and working norms group decision making techniques interpersonal relations communication control. UNIT IV LEADERSHIP AND POWER - Meaning importance leadership styles theories leaders Vs managers sources of power power centers power and politics. UNIT V DYNAMICS OF ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOURS -Organizational climate factors affecting organizational climate importance. Job satisfaction determinants measurements influence on behavior. Organizational change importance stability Vs change proactive Vs reactive change the change process resistance to change managing change. Organizational development characteristics objectives team building. Organizational effectiveness perspective effectiveness Vs efficiency approaches the time dimension achieving organizational effectiveness. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Stephen P.Robins, Organisational Behavior, Prentice Hall of India, 9th edition, 2001. 2. Hellriegel, Slocum and Woodman, Organisational Behavior, South-Western, Thomson Learning, 9th edition, 2001. REFERENCES: 1. Schermerhorn, Hunt and Osborn, Organisational behavior, John Wiley, 7th edition, 2001. 2. Jit S.Chand, Organisational Behavior, Vikas publishing House Pvt. Ltd. 2nd edition, 2001. 3. Fred Luthans, Organisational Behavior, McGraw Hill Book Co., 1998. 4. New Strom & Davis, Organisational behaviour, McGraw Hill, 2001. 5. Jaffa Harris and Sandra Hartman, Organisational Behaviour, Jaico, 2002.



UNIT I COMMUNICATION IN BUSINESS - Systems approach, forms of business communication, management and communication, factors facilitating communication. UNIT II COMMUNICATION PROCESS - Interpersonal perception, selective attention, feedback, variables, listening, barriers to listening, persuasion, attending and conducting interviews, participating in discussions, debates and conferences, presentation skills, paralinguistic features, oral fluency development. UNIT III BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE - Business letter. Memos, minutes, agendas, enquiries, orders, sales letters, notice, tenders, letters of application, letter of complaints. UNIT IV TECHNICAL REPORTS - Format, Choice of vocabulary, coherence and cohesion, paragraph writing, organization. UNIT V PROJECT REPORTS - Project proposal, project reports, appraisal reports. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Sharan J.Genrson and Steven M.Gerson "Technical Writing Process and Product" Pearson Education 2000. 2. Raymond V.Lesikar, John D. Pettit and Mary E.Flatley Lesikass Basic Communication Tata McGraw Will 8th Edition 1999. 3. Stevel. E. Pauley, Daniel G.Riordan Technical Report Writing Today AITBS Publishing & Distributors, India 5th edition 2000. 4. Robert L.Shurter, Effective letters in business Thrid Ed. 1983. REFERENCES: 1. McGraith Basic Managerial Skills for all Prentice Hall of India 6th Edition 2002. 2. Halliday, M.A.Ky R.Hasan, Cohesion in English, Longman, London 1976.



UNIT I FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING 1.1 Introduction to Financial, cost and management accounting, generally accepted accounting principles, conventions and concepts. The balance sheet and related concepts, the profit and loss account and related concepts/ Introduction to inflation accounting, introduction to human resources accounting. 1.2 Accounting Mechanics - Basic records, preparation of financial statements, revenue recognition and measurement, matching revenues and expenses, Inventory pricing and valuation, Fixed assets and depreciation accounting, intangible assets. 1.3 Analysis of financial statements - Financial ratio analysis, cash flow and funds flow statement analysis UNIT II COST ACCOUNTING AND MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING 2.1 Cost Accounts - Accounting for manufacturing operations, classification of manufacturing costs, Accounting for manufacturing costs. Cost Accounting Systems: Job order costing, Process costing, Activity Based costing, Costing and the value chain, Target costing, Cost-Volume Profit Analysis, Standard cost system. 2.2 Management Accounting: Relevant Cost for decision making, Incremental analysis, Special order decision, Production constraint decisions, Make or buy decisions, sell, scrap or rebuild decisions, Joint product decision, Responsibility accounting and performance evaluation. Budget: As a planning and control tool. TEXT BOOKS: 1. M.Y.Khan & P.K.Jain Management Accounting, Tata McGraw Hill publishing company Ltd., 2004. 2. M.A.Sahaf Management Accounting (Principles & Pratice): Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.

REFERENCES: 1. R.S.N.Pillai & Bagavathi Managemnt Accounting S.Chand & Co. Ltd., New Delhi, (2002). 2. R.Narayanaswamy Financial Accounting A managerial perspective Prentice Hall India Pvt., Ltd., New Delhi. 3. Bhattacharya S.K.John Dearden Accounting for Managemnt text and cases Vikas publishing house, New Delhi, 2000. 4. Charles T.Hornegren Introduction to management accounting Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 2001.



UNIT I MERCANTILE AND COMMERCIAL LAW The Indian Contract Act 1872 - Essential of a valid contract, Void Agreements, Formation of a contract, performance of contracts, breach of contract and its remedies, Quasi contracts. The Sale of Goods Act 1930 - Sales contract, transfer of title and risk of loss, warranties in sales contract, performance of sales contracts, conditional sales and rights of an unpaid seller. Negotiable instruments Act 1881 - Nature and requisites of negotiable instruments, transfer of negotiable instruments and liability of parties, enforcement of secondary liability, holder in due course, special rules for cheques and drafts, discharge of negotiable instruments. Agency - Nature of agency How created, Agents authority and liability of principal and third party: Rights and duties of principal, agents and Third party, liability of principal or agents torts, termination of agency. UNIT II COMPANY LAW - Major principles Nature and types of companies, Formation, Memorandum and Articles of Association, Prospectus, Power, duties and liabilities of Directors, winding up of companies, Corporate Governance. UNIT III INDUSTRIAL LAW - An Overview of Factories Act, Payment of Wages Act, Payment of Bonus Act, Minimum Wages Act, Industrial Disputes Act. UNIT IV INCOME TAX ACT AND SALES TAX ACT - Corporate Tax Planning, Overview of Sales Tax Act, including Value Added Tax. UNIT V CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT AND INTRODUCTION OF CYBER LAWS. TEXT BOOKS: 1. N.D.Kapoor, Elements of mercantile law Sultanchand and company, New Delhi Latest edition. 2. Sen & Mitra Commercial and Industrial law The world press, Pvt. Ltd., Calcutta 1996. REFERENCES: 1. P.P.S.Gogna, Mercantile Law, S.Chand & Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 1999. 2. Dr.Vinod K.Singhania Direct Taxes Planning and Management (Latest edition). 3. Respective Bare Acts.


UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO PRODUCTION AND OPERATION MANAGEMENT - Production and Operations Management (POM) Need, History, System, Types, functions and communication in POM. Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Services Systems. Global /trade operations and supply network applications. UNIT II MATERIAL AND INVENTORY MANAGEMENT - Material Management (MM) Handling Technology (Robots, Automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS) and methods (JIT, / Kanban, ABC Systems).Independent Demand Inventory Models Fixed order system, Basic EOQ, EBQ Models, Quantity discount models. Dependent Demand Inventory models MRP and MRP II systems Introduction to ERP, e-business and e-operations strategies. UNIT III PLANNING AND FORECASTING - Introduction to Strategic, Tactical, Operational, Aggregate and Capacity Planning. Planning Product design and development Applications of CAD, Expert systems, Standardisation, Group Technology (GT) and Research and Development. Forecasting Types, Methods (Qualitative and Quantitative), Types of variation in data, Minimising forecasting errors and selection of forecasting methods. UNIT IV SCHEDULING AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT METHODS - Johnsons Algorithm for job sequencing (n job thro 2 machines, n jobs thro 3 machines, n jobs thro m machines and 2 jobs thro m machines) Use of Gantt charts, Queuing analysis and Critical Ratios as methods for job scheduling. PERT / CPM Drawing the network, computation of processing time, floats and critical path. Resource leveling techniques. UNIT V FACILITY, LAYOUT LOCATION AND WORK MEASUREMENT - Facility Location Decisions (FLcD) Selections of country, region and site. Facility Layout Decision (FlyD) Types (Fixed Position, and Production, Process, Flexible), Methodologies (Distance Minimising, Computer software systems (CRAFT, CORELAP, ALDEP), Line Balancing and performance ratios, work measurement methods (WM) - Time study, methods-time measurement, Work Sampling, White color measurement and learning curves, Using WM to increase productivity. TEXT BOOKS: 1. R.Paneer Selvam, Production and Operations Management, Prentice Hall of India, 2002. 2. Sang M Lee and Marc J Schniederjans, Operation Management, All India Publishers and Distributors, First Indian edition 1997. 3. Robert H. Lowson, Strategic operations Management (The new competitive advantage), Vikas Publishing House, First Indian reprint 2003.

REFERENCES: 1. Thomas E Morton, Production and operations management, Vikas Publishing House, First Indian reprint 2003. 2. Mahapatra P B, Computer Aided Production Management, Prentice Hall of India, 2001. 3. Martand T Telsang, Production Management, S Chand and Company, First edition 2005.



UNIT I INTRODUCTION - Marketing conceptual frame work marketing environment customer oriented organization marketing interface with other functional areas, marketing in a globalised environment. UNIT II MARKETING MIX - Product planning and development product life cycle brand management, developing new product market segmentation targeting and positioning, developing marketing mix, pricing decisions channel design and management retailing and wholesaling promotion methods. Advertisement and personal selling, public relations. UNIT III BUYER BEHAVIOUR - Understanding Industrial and individual buyer behavior influencing factors responding to buyer behaviour building customer satisfaction marketing to organizations and marketing of services. UNIT IV MARKETING RESEARCH - Types, process tools and techniques application of marketing research product launching, demand estimation, advertising, brand preferences, customer satisfaction, retail stores image, customer perception, distribution, customer relationship, competitor analysis and related aspects preparation of marketing research report sample case studies. UNIT V IMPACT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ON MARKETING DECISIONS - Online marketing web based marketing programmes emerging now trends and challenges to marketers. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Phlip Kortler: Marketing management (Millenium edidtion), prentice hall of India P (ltd), New Delhi 2001. 2. Zikmand dAmico, Marketing South western, Thomson Learning, 2000. REFERENCES: 1. Micheal R.Czinkota & Masaaki Kotabe, Marketing management, Vikas Thomson learning 2000. 2. Douglas, J.Darymple marketing management John Wiley & Sons, 2000. 3. NAG, marketing successfully A professional perceptive, macmilan 2001. 4. Boyd Walker, Marketing Management, McGraw Hill, 2002. 5. Aakar Day, Kumar, Essential of Marketing Research. 6. Keith Flether, Marketing Management and Information Technology Prentice Hall, 1998. 7. R.L.Varshney, S.L.Gupta, marketing management Indian perspective, Sultan Chand 2000.



UNIT I PERSPECTIVES IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - Evolution of human resource management the importance of the human factor objectives of human resource management role of human resource manager human resource policies computer applications in human resource management. UNIT II THE CONCEPT OF BEST FIT EMPLOYEE - Importance of human resource planning forecasting human resource requirement internal and external sources. Selection processscreening tests - validation interview - medical examination recruitment introduction importance practices socialization benefits. UNIT III TRAINING AND EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT - Types of training, methods, purpose, benefits and resistance. Executive development programmes common practices - benefits self development knowledge management. UNIT IV SUSTAINING EMPLOYEE INTEREST - Compensation plan reward motivation theories of motivation career management development, mentor protege relationships. UNIT V PERFORMANCE EVALUATION AND CONTROL PROCESS Method of performance evaluation feedback industry practices. Promotion, demotion, transfer and separation implication of job change. The control process importance methods requirement of effective control systems grievances causes implications redressal methods. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Decenzo and Robbins, Human Resource Management, Wilsey, 6th edition, 2001. 2. Biswajeet Pattanayak, Human Resource Management, Prentice Hall of India, 2001. REFERENCES: 1. Human Resource Management, Eugence Mckenna and Nic Beach, Pearson Education Limited, 2002. 2. Dessler Human Resource Management, Pearson Education Limited, 2002. 3. Mamoria C.B. and Mamoria S.Personnel Management, Himalaya Publishing Company, 1997. 4. Wayne Cascio, Managing Human Resource, McGraw Hill, 1998. 5. Ivancevich, Human Resource Management, McGraw Hill 2002.



UNIT I FOUNDATIONS OF FINANCE - Financial management An overview, time value of money. Introduction to the concept of risk and return of a single asset and of a portfolio, valuation of bonds and shares option valuation. UNIT II INVESTMENT DECISIONS - Capital Budgeting: Principles and techniques, Nature of capital budgeting, Identifying relevant cash flows, Evaluation Techniques, Payback, Accounting Rate of Return, Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Profitability Index, Comparison of DCF techniques, Project selection under capital rationing, Inflation and capital budgeting. Concept and measurement of cost of capital, Specific costs and overall cost of capital. UNIT III FINANCING AND DIVIDEND DECISION - Financial and operating leverage, capital structure, Cost of capital and revaluation, designing capital structure. Dividend policy, Aspects of dividend policy, practical consideration, forms of dividend policy, practical considerations, forms of dividends, share splits. UNIT IV WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT - Principles of working capital: Concepts, need; Determinants, issues and estimation of working capital, Accounts Receivables Management and factoring, Inventory management, Cash management, Working capital finance, Trade credit, Bank finance and Commercial paper. UNIT V LONG TERM SOURCES OF FINANCE - Indian capital and stock market, New issues market. Long term finance: Shares debentures and term loans, lease, hire purchase, project financing, venture capital financing. TEXT BOOKS: 1. I.M.Pandey - Financial Management, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 8th edition, 1999. 2. M.Y. Khan and P.K.Jain - Financial Management, Text, Problems and Cases - Tata McGraw Hill Publishing company Ltd., 4th edition, 2004. REFERENCES: 1. Aswat Damodaran, Corporate Finance Theory and Practice, John Wiley & Sons, 2000. 2. Hrishikes Bhattacharya Working Capital Management, Strategies and Techniques, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi 2001. 3. James C.Vanhorne Financial Management and policy Pearson Education Asia (low priced edition), (latest edition)



UNIT I INTRODUCTION: Information system establishing the framework business model information system architecture evolution of information systems. UNIT II SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT: Modern information system system development life cycle structured methodologies designing computer based method, procedures control, designing structured programs. UNIT III INFORMATION SYSTEM: Functional areas, Finance, marketing, production, personnel levels, Concepts of DSS, EIS, ES comparison, concepts and knowledge representation managing international information system. UNIT IV IMPLEMENTATION AND CONTROL: Testing security coding techniques detection of error validation cost benefit analysis assessing the value and risk of information systems. UNIT V SYSTEM AUDIT: Software engineering qualities design, production, service, software specification, software metrics, software quality assurance systems methodology objectives Time and Logic, Knowledge and Human dimension software life cycle models verification and validation. TEXT BOOK: 1. Kenneth C. Laudon and Jane Price Laudon, Management Information Systems Managing the digital firm, Pearson Education Asia. REFERENCES: 1. Gordon B.Davis, Management Information System: Conceptual Foundations, Structure and Development, McGraw Hill, 1974. 2. Joyce J. Elam, Case series for Management Information System Silmon and Schuster, Custom Publishing 1996. 3. Steven Alter, Information system A Management Perspective Addison Wesley, 1999. 4. James AN O Brein, Management Information Systems, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1999. 5. Turban Mc Lean, Wetherbe, Information Technology Management making connection for strategic advantage John Wiley, 1999. 6. Ralph M.Stair and George W.Reynolds - Principles of Information Systems A Managerial Approach Learning, 2001.



UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO QUALITY MANAGEMENT Definitions TQM framework, benefits, awareness and obstacles. Quality vision, mission and policy statements. Customer Focus customer perception of quality, Translating needs into requirements, customer retention. Dimensions of product and service quality. Cost of quality. UNIT II PRINCIPLES AND PHILOSOPHIES OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT Overview of the contributions of Walter Shewhart, Deming, Juran, Crosby, Masaaki Imai, Feigenbaum, Ishikawa, Taguchi, and Shingeo. Concepts of Quality circle, Japanese 5S principles and 8D methodology. UNIT III STATISTICAL PROCESS CONTROL AND PROCESS CAPABILITY Meaning and significance of statistical process control (SPC) construction of control charts for variables and attributes. Process capability meaning, significance and measurement Six sigma concepts of process capability. Reliability concepts definitions, reliability in series and parallel, product life characteristics curve. Total productive maintenance (TMP) relevance to TQM, Terotecchnology. Business process re-engineering (BPR) principles, applications, reengineering process, benefits and limitations. UNIT IV TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES FOR QUALITY MANAGEMENT Quality functions development (QFD) Benefits, Voice of customer, information organization, House of Quality (HOQ), building a HOQ, QFD process. Failure mode effect analysis (FMEA) requirements of reliability, failure rate, FMEA stages, design, process and documentation. Taguchi techniques introduction, loss function, parameter and tolerance design, signal to noise ratio. Seven old (statistical) tools. Seven new management tools. Benchmarking and POKA YOKE. UNIT V QUALITY SYSTEMS ORGANIZING AND IMPLEMENTATION Introduction to IS/ISO 9004:2000 quality management systems guidelines for performance improvements. Quality Audits. TQM culture, Leadership quality council, employee involvement, motivation, empowerment, recognition and reward.

Information technology computers and quality functions, internet and electronic communications. Information quality issues. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Dale H.Besterfield et al, Total Quality Management, Third edition, Pearson Education (First Indian Reprints 2004). 2. Shridhara Bhat K, Total Quality Management Text and Cases, First Edition 2002, Himalaya Publishing House. REFERENCES: 1. William J.Kolarii, Creating Quality, Mcgraw Hill, 1995. 2. Poornima M.Charantimath., Total Quality Management, Pearson Education, First Indian Reprint 2003. 3. Rose J.E. Total Quality Management, Kogan Page India Pvt Ltd, 1993. 4. Indian standard Quality Management Systems Guidelines for performance improvement (Fifth Revision), Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.



UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO RESEARCH: The hallmarks of scientific research the building blocks of science in research the research process for applied and basic research the need for theoretical frame work hypothesis development hypothesis testing with quantitative data. The research design. The purpose of the study: Exploratory, Descriptive, Hypothesis testing (Analytical and Predictive) cross sectional and longitudinal studies. UNIT II EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: The laboratory and the field experiment internal and external validity factors affecting internal validity. Measurement of variables scales and measurement of variables development scales - rating scale and concept in scales being developed. Stability measures. UNIT III DATA COLLECTION METHOD: Interviewing, questionnaires etc. Secondary sources of data collection. Guidelines for questionnaire design electronic questionnaire design and surveys. Special data source: Focus groups, Static and dynamic data-collection methods and when to use each. Sampling techniques and confidence in determining sample size. Hypothesis testing determination of optimal sample size. UNIT IV A REFRESHER ON SOME MULTIVARIATE STATISTICAL TECHNIQUES: Factor analysis cluster analysis discriminant analysis multiple regression & Correlation canonical correlation application of SPSS package. UNIT V THE RESEARCH REPORT: The purpose of the written report concept of audience Basics of written reports. The integral parts of a report the title of a report. The table of contents, the synopsis, the introductory section, method of sections of a report, result section discussion section recommendation and implementation section. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Donald R.Cooper and Ramcis S.Schindler, Business Research Methods,Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2000. 2. C.R.Kothari, Research Methodology, Wishva Prakashan, New Delhi, 2001. REFERENCES: 1. Sekaran, Research Methods for Business, John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York, 2000. 2. Donald H.Mc.Burney, Research Methods, Thomson Asia Pvt. ltd. Singapore 2002. 3. G.W.Ticehurst and A.J.Veal, Business Research Methods, Longman, 1999. 4. Ranjit Kumar, Research Methodology, Sage Publication, London, New Delhi, 1999. 5. Raymond-Alain Thietart, et,al., Doing Management Research, Sage Publication, London, 1999.

III SEMESTER DBA 1701 APPLIED OPERATIONAL RESEARCH FOR MANAGEMENT UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO LINEAR PROGRAMMING (LP) Introduction to applications of operations research in functional areas of management. Linear programming- Formulation, Solution by graphical and simplex methods (primal penalty, two phase), Special cases, Dual simplex method, Principles of duality, Sensitivity analysis. UNIT II LINEAR PROGRAMMING EXTENSIONS Transportation models (minimizing and

maximizing cases) Balanced and unbalanced cases Initial basic feasible solution by N-W corner rule, least cost and Vogels approximation methods. Check for optimality. Solution by MODI /Stepping stone method. Cases of degeneracy. Transshipment models. UNIT III INTEGER LINEAR PROGRAMMING AND GAME THEORY Solution to pure and

mixed integer programming problem by Branch and bound and cutting plane algorithms. Game theory-Two person zero sum games-saddle point, Dominance Rule, Convex Linear combination (averages), methods of matrices, graphical and LP solutions. UNIT IV DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING, SIMULATION AND DECISION THEORY Dynamic

programming (DP) Deterministic cases Maximizing and minimizing problems. DP techniques for LP problems. Decision making under risk Decision trees Decision making under uncertainty. Application of simulation techniques for decision making. UNIT V QUEUING THEORY AND REPLACEMENT MODELS Queuing theory single and

multi-channel models Infinite number of customers and infinite calling source. Replacement models Individual replacement models (with and without time value of money) Group replacement models. REFERENCES 1. Paneerselvam R., Operations Research, Prentice Hall of India, Fourth print, August 2003. 2. TulsianP.C, Vishal Pandey, Quantitative Techniques (Theory and problems), Pearson Education (Asia), First Indian Reprint, 2002

DBA 1702


UNIT I INTRODUCTION Definition Trade and investment flow Economic theories Forms of international business Trade policy Export promotion Export Procedures and documents FOREX management Exchange rate determination Exchange risk Managing exchange rate. UNIT II INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Globalization of business Economic, political and cultural environment of India Regional trade blocks Inter-religion trade among regional groups. UNIT III GLOBAL STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Structural design of MNEs Approaches to control The role of information systems-Performance measurement Mechanics of measurement Various performance indicators Evaluation and evaluation systems. UNIT IV CONFLICT IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND NEGOTIATIONS Factors causing conflict Conflict resolution actions The role of negotiations in international business The role of international agencies in conflict resolution. REFERENCES 1. John.D.Daniels and Lee H.Radebaugh,International Business, Pearson Education Asia, New Delhi, 2000. 2. Richard M.Hodgetts and Fred Luthans, International Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2003 3. Charles W.L.Hills,International Business, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2005 4. Francis Cherunilam, International Business, wheeler publication. 5. Anand k sundaram and I.Stewart Black, The international Business Environment, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2001. 6. Michael R.Czinkota, Ikka A.Ronkainen and Michael M.moffett, International Business, Thompson, Asia, Bangalore, 2003. 7. Don Ball and Wendell McCulloch,International Business, Irwin McGraw hill, NewYork, 1999. 8. Roger Benett,International Business, Pitman publishing, New Delhi, 2000. 9. Vyuptakeshgaram, International Business, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2006.

DBA 1703


UNIT I STRATEGIC AND PROCESS Conceptual framework for strategic management, the concept of strategy and strategy formation process A formal Strategic planning process, corporate governance and social responsibility. UNIT II COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE External environment Porters five forces model-Strategic groups competitive changes during industry evolution globalization and industry structureNational context and competitive advantage resources Capabilities and competencies- core competencies Low cost and differentiation generic, buildings blocks of competitive advantage Distinctive competencies-Resources and capabilities durability of competitive advantage avoiding failures and sustaining competitive advantage. UNIT III STRATEGIES Building competitive advantage through functional level strategies Business level strategy-strategy in the global environment Corporate strategy Vertical integration Diversification and strategic alliances Building and restructuring the corporation Choice of strategies Balance score Card. UNIT IV STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION & EVALUATION Designing organizational structure Designing strategic control systems Matching structure and control to strategy Implementing strategic change politics-Power and conflict Techniques of strategic evaluation & control. UNIT V OTHER STRATEGIC ISSUES Managing technology and innovation Entrepreneurial ventures and small business strategic issues for non-profit organizations. Cases in strategic management. REFERENCES 1. Charles integrated W.l.Hill & Gareth R.Jones Strategic Management Theory, An

approach Houghton Miflin Company, Princeton New Jersey, All India

Publisher and Distributors, Chennai, 1998. 2. Thomas l. Wheelen, J.David Hunger Strategic Management Addison Wesley Longman Singapore Pvt. Ltd., 6th edition, 2000. 3. Arnoldo C.Hax, Nicholas S.Majluf The strategy concept and process A Pragmatic Approach Pearson Education Publishing Company, Second Edition, 2005. 4. Azhar kazmi Business Policy & Strategic Management Tata McGraw Hill Publishing company Ltd., New Delhi- Second Edition, 1998. 5. Harvard Business Review Business Policy parts I & II Harvard Business School. 6. Saloner, Shepard, Podolny Strategic Management John Wiley 2001. 7. Lawrence G.Hrebiniak,Making strategy work, Person Publishing Company, 2005. 8. Gupta, Gollakota & Srinivasan business Policy and strategic Management Concepts and Application Prentice Hall of India, 2005.

DBA 1704


UNIT I INTRODUCTION Meaning of Professional ethics - Code of professional ethics - Myths about professional ethics- Characteristics of an ethical organization For and against ethical accountability of organizations. UNIT II ETHICAL DECISIONS Ethical principles - Framework for ethical decision making Sources of ethical standards Ethics and situational leadership Ethics in managing internal affairs. UNIT III ETHICS IN PRACTICES Engineering Research- Price fixation- Sales promotion and advertising Market -competition Business environment Legal- Accounting ManagerialOnline business Resource utilization. UNIT IV ETHICS IN RELATIONSHIP BUILDING Customers Investors Suppliers Employees Competitors Stake holders Community Government National and international affairs Cross cultural issues in ethical practices. UNIT V ETHICS AND LEGAL ASPECTS Legal remedies available to unethical business practices Introduction to Information Act- Consumer Protection Act- Competition Act-Case Studies. REFERENCES 1. The Ethical Organisation,Alan Kitson and Robert Campbell, Palgravy,2006 2. Business Ethics Concepts and Cases; Manuel G.Velasquez-Prentice Hall of India. 3. Business Ethics An Indian Perspective; Bajaj and Raj Agrawal-Biztantra. 4. Managerial Ethics; Poonam Sharma-Sage Publication.

DBA 1721


UNIT I INTRODUCTION Service economy Evolution and growth of service sector nature and scope of services Characteristics- Classification Service market potentials-Expanded marketing mix for services Service quality Introduction to gaps model and SERVQUAL dimensions. UNIT II FOCUS ON CUSTOMERS Assessing service marketing opportunities Customer expectations and perceptions of services Customer behaviour specific to usage of services Service markets segmentation Market targeting and selection. UNIT III SERVICE DESIGN Levels of service product Service life cycle New service development Service blueprinting - -Physical evidence and service scope Competitive differentiation of services Service positioning strategies-Developing positioning maps-Pricing of services Methods and specific issues. UNIT IV SERVICE DELIVERY People in services Services process distributing service direct distribution, Channel functions, channels selection, impact of information technology-designing communications mix for promoting services- building service customer relationships and service recovery role of internal marketing in service delivery. UNIT V MARKETING STRATEGIES FOR DIFFERENT SERVICES Formulating service marketing strategies for health, hospitality, tourism, logistics financial, information technology, educational, entertainment and public utility services. REFERENCES 1. Kenneth and E clow, Services Marketing Operation Management

StrategyBiztantra, New Delhi, 2004.

2. Chiristropher H.lovelock, Jochen wirtz,Services Marketing , Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2004. 3. Halen Woodroffe,Services Marketing , McMillan Publishing Co, New Delhi, 2003. 4. Nimit Chowdhary and Monika Choudhary, Text book of Marketing of Services , the Indian experience, Macmillan Publishing Co, New Delhi,2005. 5. Christian Gronroos,Services Management and Marketing a CRM Approach, John Wiley and sons England 2001. 6. Bhattacharjee,services Management, An Indian RespectiveJaico Publishing House, Chennai, 2005.

DBA 1723


UNIT I INVESTMENT SETTING Investment setting Securities Sources of investment information -Security market indications Security contract regulation Act -investors protection. UNIT II CAPITAL MARKETS Overview of capital market, Institutional structure in capital market, Reforms and status of capital market, New issue market and problems, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), Debt market. UNIT III FUNDAMENTAL ANALYSIS Economic analysis - Economic forecasting and stock investment DecisionsForecasting techniques. Industry analysis-Industry classification. Economy and industry analysis. Industry life cycle Company analysis measuring earnings-Forecasting earnings Applied valuation techniques Graham and Dodds investor ratios. UNIT IV TECHNICAL ANALYSIS Fundamental analysis Vs Technical analysis- Charting methods Market indicators- Trend reversals Patterns moving average exponential moving average-Oscillators-ROC Momentum MACD RSI- Statistics. UNIT V PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT Portfolio Theory Portfolio construction Diagnostic management-Performance Evaluation Portfolio revision Mutual funds. REFERENCES 1. Donald E.Fisher & Ronald J.Jordan,Security Analysis &Portfolio Management, Prentice hall of India Private Ltd., Delhi 2000. 2. V.A.Avadhani Securities Analysis and Portfolio Management, Himalaya Publishing House, 1997. 3. V.K.Bhalla,Investment Management, S.Chand &Company Ltd., Seventh Edition, 2000. 4. Punithavathy Pandian,Security Analysis & Portfolio Management-Vikas Publishing House Pvt., Ltd., 2001

DBA 1725


UNIT I DEFINING THE MANAGERIAL JOB Defining dimensions of managerial jobs methods Model Time dimensions in managerial jobs Effective and ineffective job behaviour Functional and level difference in managerial job behaviour. UNIT II DESIGNING THE MANAGERIAL JOB Identifying managerial talent Selection and recruitment Managerial skills development-pay and rewards Managerial motivation Effective management criteria performance appraisal measures balanced scoreboard Feedback Career management current Practices. UNIT III THE CONCEPT OF MANAGERIAL EFFECTIVENESS Definition The person, process, product approaches Bridging the Gap-Measuring Managerial Effectiveness Current Industrial and Government practices in the Management of managerial effectiveness-the effective manager as an optimizer. UNIT IV ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES IN MANAGERIAL EFFECTIVENESS Organizational processes-Organizational climate-Leader-Group influences Job challenge Competition Managerial styles. UNIT V DEVELOPING THE WINNING EDGE Organizational and managerial efforts Selfdevelopment Negotiation skills Development of the competitive spirit -Knowledge

management- Forecasting creativity. REFERENCES 1. Peter Drucker,Management, Harper Row, 2000. 2. Milkovich and Newman,compenstion, McGraw-Hill international, 2000. 3. Blanchard and Thacker, effective Training Systems, Strategies and practices Pearson 2005. 4. Dubin, Leadership, Research Findings, Practices & skills, Biztantra, 2005. 5. Mathis Jackson Human,resource Management, Thomson Southwestern, 2005.

DBA 1727


UNIT I FUNDAMENTAL OF E-COMMERCE Dividing forces benefits and limitations of ecommerce- Basics of data mining, data warehousing and network infrastructure requirements Overview of IP, TCP, HTML, OLAP and cryptography. UNIT II BUSINESS APPLICATIONS IN E-COMMERCE Retailing in E-commerce Market research on internet customers e-commerce for services sector-Advertising in e-commerce B2B e-commerce. UNIT III E-COMMERCE INFRASTRUCTURE Intranet, internet & extranetStructure,

Architecture, Applications & Business models. UNIT IV E -COMMERCE PAYMENTS AND SECURITY - E-payments and protocols-Security schemes against internet fraud. Principles of e-fund transfer, credit and debit card usages, Echeck and unified payment systems. UNIT V LEGAL AND PRIVACY ISSUES IN E-COMMERCE - Legal, ethics and privacy issues Protection needs and methodology Consumer protection, Cyber laws, contracts and warranties, Taxation and Encryption polices. REFERENCES 1. Efaim Turban et al.Electronic Commerce A Managerial Perspective, Pearson Education Asia, 2002. 2. Kalakota et al, Frontiers of Electronic Commerce, Addison Welsley, 2001. 3. Sandeep Krishnamurthy,E-Commerce Management Text and Cases, Thomson Learning, 2003 4. Greenstein Firsman,Electronic Commerce, Tata McGraw Hill, 1999. 5. Nabil Adam et al,Electronic Commerce Technical, Business and Legal Issues. Prentice Hall.1998.

DBA 1729


UNIT I INTRODUCTION - Facilities requirements, need for layout study types of layout, Model classification, Criterion selection, Model validation, design process. UNIT II PLANT LAYOUT - Layout problem, Plant layout procedures Various approaches, Flow and activity analysis, designing the layout. UNIT III PLANT LOCATION - Plant location analysis Factors, Costs, location decisions Simple problems in single facility location problems, multi facility location problems, Network location problems. UNIT IV PROCESS MANAGEMENT AND STRATEGY - The process view of organizations, Performance measures, Product attribute and process competencies, Process design, planning, and control, Strategic positioning and operational effectiveness, Strategic fit, Matching products and processes, Operational frontier and trade-offs. UNIT V PROCESS FLOW - Process flow, Key measures, Flow time, Flow rate, inventory analysis, Process flow chart, Flow chart, Flow time measurement, Flow-rate and Capacity analysis, Managing flow variability, Process integrationLean operations; Process

Synchronization and improvement. REFERENCES 1. Richard Francis, L.Leon McGinnis, F.Jr., John White, A., Facility Layout and Location An Analytical Approach, Prentice Hall of India, 2nd Ed. 2. Ravi Eitan Anupindi, Sunil Chopra, Sudhakar Deshmukh, Jan A.Van Mieghem, and

Zemel,Managing Business Process Flows: Principles of Operations Management

Pearson Education, 2006. 3. G.Halevi and R.D.Weill,Principles of Process Planning Chappman and Hall, Madras 1995.

DBA 1731


UNIT I AN OVERVIEW OF TECHNOLOGY PLANNING - Technology and Society Technology in business context Strategic technology process Plan Vision, Mission and Objectives UNIT II TECHNOLOGY AND INDUSTRY - Technology origin and evolution Tailoring technology to fit specific industry requirements Organization redesign Organizational reengineering Financial considerations for technology Planning. UNIT III TECHNOLOGY FORECASTING - Technology Forecasting Need Methodologies: Trend Analysis, Analogy, Delphi, Soft System Methodology, Mathematical Models, Simulation, System dynamic, S-curve, Role of Technology Information Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC). UNIT IV TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATION - Dissemination of technology information and strategic planning - Technology choice and evaluation methods Analysis of alternative technologies - Implementing technology programmes. UNIT V IPR RELATED ISSUES - Intellectual Capital - An introduction to Intellectual Property Right - Patent - Copyrights - Trademarks and other issues. REFERENCES 1. Vijay Kumar Khurana, 2007,Management of Technology and Innovation, Ane books India, Chennai, 2. Robbert Szakonyl, 2006, Handbook of Technology Management Viva books private limited. 3. 4. Gerard H. Gaynor, 1996, Handbook of Technology Management McGraw-Hill. Betz, Frederic, 1996, Strategic Technology Management, New Delhi, McGraw Hill.

DBA 1732


UNIT I TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION - Interface between technology and innovation Technology changes and macro, micro issues- Technology track in select industries. UNIT II VENTURING TECHNOLOGY - Technology Road mapping (TRM) - Internal and external technology venturing - Technology pioneering and competitive advantages - Phases of Technology transition. UNIT III TECHNOLOGY CYCLE - Technology cycle and understanding technologies change Responding to technological changes - Adoption of technology - Overcoming resistance different approaches. UNIT IV CREATIVITY AND TECHNOLOGY - Creativity techniques - Classification and description Innovation process Nurturing innovation - R & D management within the firm Multi-criteria considerations. UNIT V TECHNOLOGY CHANGE - Technology change and Business Strategy Organisational issues Entrepreneurs opportunities and Technology changes Technology change and productivity. REFERENCES 1. Managing Strategic Innovation and Change: A Collection of Readings, edited by Michael Tushman and Philip Anderson (the second edition, 2004) Robbert Szakonyl, 2006 Handbook of Technology Management viva books private, limited. 2. Managing technology for competitive advantage: Intergrating technological and organizational development from strategy to action Twiss B & Goodridge, M.Pitman 1989. 3. Technology Transfer: Making the most of Your Intellectual Property By, SULLIVAN N. Cambridge University Press 1995. 4. A Innovation Management, Strategies, Implementation and Profit by Afuah Oxford University Press 2nd edition. 2003. 5. Mastering The Dynamics of Innovation by UTTERBACK, J. Harvard Business School Press 1994.

DBA 1733


UNIT I COMMERCIALIZATION PROCESS- Technology as asset - Technology and economical changes - Competitive technology strategic options - Types of commercialization Commercialization Process. UNIT II TECHNOLOGY LICENSING - Technology Licensing - Rights of licence holders Financial terms - documentation - cross licenses - Collaboration and public policy. UNIT III TECHNOLOGY NEGOTIATION - Technology Negotiation - Preparation and conduct of negotiations - Technology outsourcing - Socio, economic, political, legal and cultural considerations. UNIT IV TECHNOLOGY PATENTING - Technology patenting - Filing patent applications - Patent classifications - Commercializing patented technology - Arbitration and mediation. UNIT V TECHNOLOGY DIFFUSION - Technology diffusion - WTO implication on Technology Commercialization Global trends in technology commercialization. REFERENCES 1. Corporate Venturing Zeans Block & lan c. Macmillan Harvard Business School Press. 2. A Innovation Management, Strategies, Implementation and Profit by Afuah Oxford University Press 2nd edition. 2003. 3. Mastering The Dynamics of Innovation by UTTERBACK, J. Harvard Business School Press 1994.

DBA 1737


UNIT I RETAILING CONCEPTS - Definition of retailing Characteristics of retailing traditional and non-traditional retailing Applications of information technology in retail management. UNIT II RETAIL INDUSTRY - Global trend in retailing Indian retail industry Drivers to the growth of retail macro and micro environmental influences Creativity in retailing - Emerging trends and challenges. UNIT III RETAIL FORMATS - Different types of retail formats Choice of location Store layout and designs Positioning of retail shops Retail store image Retail service quality Management. UNIT IV RETAIL MARKETING MIX - Merchandise management Service retailing Vs. Product retailing Retail branding - Pricing for retail Promotion Supply chain and logistics Retail marketing strategies. UNIT V RETAIL SHOPPERS BEHAVIOUR - Shopping process Influences of shoppers attitude, perception, personality and life style in retail shopping behaviour Handling complaints Delivering value to retail shoppers. REFERENCES 1. 2. Retail marketing Malcolm Sullivan and Dennis Ad Cock Thomson Retail Management A Strategic Approach Barry Berman and Joel. R.EvansPrentice Hall of India. 3. Integrated Retail Management James R. Ogden and Denise J. Ogden biztantra.

DBA 1738


UNIT I RETAIL PROMOTION MIX - Introduction Components of retail promotion mix Retail formats and promotion strategies Factors influencing promotion strategies Integrated promotion strategies. UNIT II FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS - Estimating retail promotion budget Criteria for budget allotment Market led and manufacturer led promotion budgets Cost benefit analysis of retail sales promotion. UNIT III RETAIL ADVERTISING - Types of advertisements Designing advertisements Media plan Specific features of retail advertisements Measuring retail advertisement effectiveness Online advertising. UNIT IV PUBLICITY AND PERSONAL SELLING - Role of publicity Types of publicity Selection of sales persons Training motivation Performance appraisal Role of call centres and BPOs in sales promotion - Designing Public relation as a promotion technique. UNIT V ONLINE SALES PROMOTION - Viral marketing Designing websites Attracting and retaining online customers Customer Response Management. REFERENCES 1. 2. Retail Management Barry Berman & Joel R.Evans Prentice Hall of India Retail Marketing Malcolm Sullivan & Dennis Adcock Thomson.

DBA 1739


UNIT I IMPORTANCE OF ACCOUNTS & FINANCE - Role of finance managers in retail environment Sources of Finance Short term Vs Long term finance Working capital management Capital investment decisions. UNIT II RETAIL INVENTORY MANAGEMENT - Inventory budget - Forecasting techniques Inventory order management Material issue management Pricing of inventory ABC and VED analysis UNIT III MERCHANDISE PERFORMANCE - Analyzing merchandise performance Weeks supply method Stock to sales method Preparation of comparative sales statements. UNIT IV PROFIT MEASUREMENTS - Financial performance measure Sales per square metre Sales per employee Elements of cost and profitability Components of retail cost Margins and markups Customer service cost and benefits. UNIT V FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - Financial accounting concepts and principles Accounting records in a retail shops - An overview of Branch and Joint venture accounting Financial Statements Value Added Tax Types of audit and auditing procedure An introduction to accounting software packages. REFERENCES 1. Retail Marketing Peter McGoldrick The McGraw Hill Companies Second Edition. 2. 3. Retail Accounting and Financial Control Robert M. Zimmerman John Wiley & Sons. Accounting for Marketing Richard M.S. Wilson International Thomson Business press. 4. Retail Marketing Management David Gilbert Financial Times & Prentice Hall.

DBA 1743


UNIT I DEFINING THE MANAGERIAL JOB - Defining dimensions of managerial jobs methods Model Time dimensions in managerial jobs Effective and ineffective job behaviour Functional and level difference in managerial job behaviour. UNIT II DESIGNING THE MANAGERIAL JOB - Identifying managerial talent Selection and recruitment Managerial skills development-pay and rewards Managerial motivation Effective management criteria performance appraisal measures balanced scoreboard Feedback Career management current Practices. UNIT III THE CONCEPT OF MANAGERIAL EFFECTIVENESS - Definition The person, process, product approaches Bridging the Gap-Measuring Managerial Effectiveness Current Industrial and Government practices in the Management of managerial effectiveness-the effective manager as an optimizer. UNIT IV ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES IN MANAGERIAL EFFECTIVENESS- Organizational processes-Organizational climate-Leader-Group influences Job challenge Competition Managerial styles. UNIT V DEVELOPING THE WINNING EDGE - Organizational and managerial efforts Selfdevelopment Negotiation skills Development of the competitive spirit -Knowledge

management- Forecasting creativity. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. Peter Drucker,Management, Harper Row, 2000. Milkovich and Newman,compenstion, McGraw-Hill international, 2000. Blanchard and Thacker, effective Training Systems, Strategies and practices Pearson 2005. 4. 5. Dubin, Leadership, Research Findings, Practices & skills, Biztantra, 2005. Mathis Jackson Human Resource Management, Thomson Southwestern, 2005.

DBA 1744 STRATEGIC HUMAN MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT UNIT I HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT - Meaning- Strategic framework for HRM and HRD Vision, Mission and Value-Importance Challenges to organisations HRD functions Roles of HRD professionals HRD needs assessment HRD practices Measures of HRD performance Links to HR, Strategy and business goals HRD program implementation and evaluation Recent trends strategic capability, bench marking and HRD audit. UNIT II E-HRM - E - Employee profile E- selection and recruitment Virtual learning and orientation E-training and development E- performance management and compensation design Development and implementation of HRIS- Designing HR portals Issues in employee privacy Employee surveys online. UNIT III CROSS CULTURAL HRM - Domestic Vs International HRM Cultural dynamics Culture assessment - Cross cultural education and training programs Leadership and strategic HR issues in international assignments Current challenges in outsourcing, cross border M and A-Repatriation etc. Building multicultural organisations- international compensation. UNIT IV CAREER & COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT - Career concepts Roles Career stages Career planning and process Career development models- Career motivation and enrichment Managing career plateaus Designing effective career development systemsCompetencies and career management- Competency mapping models- Equity and competency based compensation. UNIT V EMPLOYEE COACHING & COUNSELING - Need for coaching Role of HR in coaching Coaching and performance- Skills for effective coaching Coaching effectiveness Need for counselling Role of HR in counseling Components of counseling programs Counseling effectiveness Employee health and welfare programs Work stress- Sources Consequencies Stress management techniques Eastern and Western practices- Self management and Emotional intelligence. REFERENCES 1. Jeffrey A Mello, Strategic Human Resource Management, Thomson, Singapore, southwestern 2003. 2. Randy L.Desimone, Jon M. Werner David M. Marris, Human Resource Development, Thomson Southwestern, Singapore, 2002 3. Robert L.Mathis and John H.Jackson, Human Resource Management, Thomson Southwestern, Singapore, 2003. 4. Rosemary Harrison, Employee Development University Press, India ltd, new Delhi, 2003. 5. Srinivas Kandula, Human Resource management in Practice, Prentice Hall of India, 2005, New Delhi, 2004.

DBA 1745


UNIT I INTRODUCTION - Concepts and characteristics of knowledge based organizationKnowledge boundaries-Adopting knowledge based approach- Steps towards knowledge based organization linking human behaviour and knowledge. UNIT II HR MANAGERS IN KNOWLEDGE ORGANIZATION - Differing roles of HR managers in knowledge organizations Opportunities and threats of HRM in knowledge based organizations Knowledge as intellectual capital- Key drivers of knowledge management Linking knowledge to strategy. UNIT III KNOWLEDGE CULTURE - Organization culture Effective knowledge culture Knowledge culture during change- knowledge sharing behaviour managing knowledge workers across different stages of employment- HR strategy applicable to knowledge based organization Effective people centric partnership in knowledge based organization. UNIT IV MANAGING INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL - Fine tuning HR system - Recruitment Retainment Performance and Reward management of intellectual capital in knowledge based organization. UNIT V MANAGING KNOWLEDGE WORKERS- Internal competency building- leadership and coordination in knowledge based organization- Role of HR functions to effectively manage knowledge workers. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. The knowledge management tool kit, Amrit Tiwara-Pearson. ICTs and HRM, Premkumar Zha-Vista International Publishing House, Delhi. Managing IT personnel in Corporate Environment, Pandeep Ahlawal-Deed & Deep Publications Pvt.Ltd, New Delhi. 4. Knowledge Management, Shelde Debowski-John Wiley & Sons.

DBA 1749 INDIAN FINANCIAL SYSTEM UNIT I INTRODUCTION -Indian financial system- Introduction Institutional setup-savings and instruments- Money, Inflation and Interest, Banking and Non-Banking financial intermediariesFinancial markets-classification Financial sector reforms-institutional structure- Discount Finance House of India (DFHI)- SEBI Stock exchange- OTCEI money and Capital markets Characteristics and objectives money market instruments securities market in India Regulatory framework. UNIT II COMMERCIAL BANKS - Commercial banks Functions and roles-Sources and application of funds-asset structure Profitability Regulatory reforms Deposits and advances Lending rates Reserve Bank of India. UNIT III DEVELOPMENT BANKING - Development banking Features, functions and rolesTerm loans- Appraisal- Industrial Development Bank Of India State Financial Corporation Specialized development Finance institutions Investment banking-Merchant banking- Intuitional framework- Venture capital- Credit ranking Factoring services leasing and hire purchase Insurance services. UNIT IV NEW ISSUES MARKET - New issues market- Functions and issue mechanism- Book building Reforms and investor protection Relationship between new issues market and stock exchange. UNIT V MUTUAL FUNDS - Mutual funds in India Regulatory mechanism SEBI mutual fund guidelines Mutual fund schemes IRDA (Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority) regulations Securitisation and assets reconstruction companies. REFERENCE 1. Indian Financial System, M.Y.Khan, Tata Mc graw Hill.

DBA 1750


UNIT I INVESTMENT SETTING - Investment setting Securities Sources of investment information -Security market indications Security contract regulation Act investor protection. UNIT II CAPITAL MARKETS - Overview of capital market, Intuitional structure in capital market, Reforms and state of capital market, new issue market and problems, securities and exchange board of India (SEBI), Debt market. UNIT III FUNDAMENTAL ANALYSIS - Economic analysis - Economic forecasting and stock investment DecisionsForecasting techniques. Industry analysis-Industry classification. Economy and industry analysis. Industry life cycle Company analysis measuring earnings-Forecasting earnings Applied valuation techniques Graham and Dodds investor ratios. UNIT IV TECHNICAL ANALYSIS - Fundamental analysis Vs Technical analysis- Charting

methods Market indicators. Trend reversals Patterns moving average exponential moving average-Oscillators-ROC Momentum MACD RSI- Statistics. UNIT V PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT - Portfolio Theory Portfolio construction Diagnostic management-Performance Evaluation Portfolio revision Mutual funds. REFERENCES 1. Donald E.Fisher & Ronald J.Jordan,Security Analysis &Portfolio Management, Prentice hall of India Private Ltd., Delhi 2000. 2. V.A.Avadhani Securities Analysis and Portfolio Management, Himalaya Publishing House, 1997. 3. V.K.Bhalla,Investment Management, S.Chand &Company Ltd., Seventh Edition, 2000. 4. Punithavathy Pandian,Security Analysis & Portfolio Management-Vikas Publishing House Pvt., Ltd., 2001

DBA 1751 HIRE PURCHASE, LEASING AND VENTURE CAPITAL UNIT I INTRODUCTION - Hire purchase finance- definition Hire purchase Vs installment payment Rights of Hire- Rate of interest Methods of interest calculation Hire purchase Act 1972 Legal and tax aspects Accounting and financial evaluation. UNIT II LEASING - Leasing Definition and characteristics Cash flow of a lease Lease debt equivalence Types of lease Financial lease and operating lease- Leasing process- advantages of leasing Limitations Legal and tax implications of leasing Lease evaluation by leasor and lease. UNIT III VENTURE CAPITAL - Venture capital meaning and definition Features Origin and growth of venture capital- Seed capital and startup financing Key factors for consideration for appraisal Management buy-outs and buy-in stages of venture capital financing-Financial analysis Recommendation of SEBI (Chandrasekar committee) 2000; SEBI venture capital Funds Regulations1996- SEBI Foreign venture capital investors regulations 2000. UNIT IV INVESTMENT PROCESS - Assessing venture capital Choosing a venture capital firmThe investment process Preparing for the investment process term sheet-Investment structureSelection of investment-Syndication Milestones- Equity participation Provisions relating to share capital Transfer restrictions Transfer pre-emption rights and tag along rights structuring the deal/financial instruments Investments, after care valuation of portfolio Structural aspectsexit. UNIT V CORPORATE VENTURING - Corporate venturing Framing and managing the venturing process selecting opportunities- Locating the venture in the organization Developing the business plan Organising and controlling the venture. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. Merchant banking and financial services, Dr.S.Gurusamy, Thomson. Raising Venture Capital, Rupert Pearce ans Simon Barnes, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Corporate Venturing., Zenas Block & Lan.C.Macmillan, Harvard Business School Press.

DBA 1755


UNIT I INTRODUCTION AND ANALYSIS OF DEMAND - Introduction to health economics Basic concepts- Definition of healthcare Products and services-Demand- age profile of population and long term care-supply of healthcare- Market equilibrium-elasticity of demand and supply- Consumer behaviour Demand curve and utility maximization. UNIT II ANALYSIS OF PRODUCTION - Production function- Short run and long run production functions Availability of resources and technology - Healthcare profilers Public and private institutions Privatization of healthcare. UNIT III ANALYSIS OF COST AND SUPPLY - Cost function Short-run and long-run cost function Analysis of cost concepts- Cost minimization Cost of delivering health services Cost-benefit analysis NPV Discounting factor- IRR Approaches to monetary valuation of health outcomes. UNIT IV HEALTHCARE MARKET - Concept of market Domestic and international market for healthcare- Market structure and classification Perfect competition Monopoly Monopolistic competition-Externalities and spill over effect. UNIT V POLICY PERSPECTIVES - Role of government in healthcare services- Health planning in India-Health policy-Five year plans Socio-Economic development and health-Meaning and goal of development-Development paradigms Healthcare management Strategies of India, US and China. REFERENCES 1. Sherman Folland et el., The economics of Health and Health Care, New Delhi, Prentice Hall Inc., 2. Michael Drummond et el., Methods for the Economic evaluation of Health care Programmes Oxford University Press.Government Of India Five-Year Plans. 3. Ramachandrudu, G 1997. Health planning in India APH Publishing Corporation New Delhi. 4. Santerre, R.E. and Healthcare systems and management deep and Deep Publications.

DBA 1756


UNIT I INTRODUCTION - Functional areas in hospital services management Difference types of hospital services Human capital in hospitals- Specific characteristics of hospital servicesPrinciples of hospital planning and execution-Government Private Corporate and public hospital systems in India. UNIT II MANAGING FRONT OFFICE - Front office Administration of outpatient and inpatient Emergency services in hospital-Communication system Admission and discharge procedures. UNIT III RECORDS MANAGEMENT - Significance of record keeping- Types of medical records Management Medical statistics Materials records Creation and management of patient records and personnel records Discharge records Legal and other operational recordsAutomated hospital services management solution. UNIT IV LABORATORY SERVICES AND HOUSE KEEPING - Need for managing laboratoriesClassification, functions and management of laboratories Accreditation of laboratory procedure and process Case studies. Sanitation of hospital environment- Basic and special cleaning Odour control Waste disposal Safety Pest control- Interior decoration outsourcing hospital house keeping services. UNIT V PHARMACY AND INTENSIVE CARE - Location, layout and functions duties of Chief pharmacist Equipment and facilities Pricing Drug information centre. Types of ICU Functions and Objective Daily Scheduling Safety issues and other problems Major responsibilities of nursing service Relationship with non- nursing personnel. REFERENCES 1. Goel, S.L and Kumar 2004. Hospital supportive services Deep and Deep Publications, New Delhi. 2. NHS Guide to good Practices in Hospital Administration National Health Services, London. 3. Syed Amin Tabish Hospital and Health Services Administration Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, New Delhi. 4. G.D.Kunders Designing for Total Quality in Healthcare Prism Books Pvt.Ltd, Bangalore.

DBA 1757


UNIT I INTRODUCTION - Introduction to Healthcare Information - Fundamentals, system concepts, characteristics Types of healthcare informationPlanning, implementing and controlling healthcare information systems UNIT II DATA SYSTEM IN HOSPITAL - Data Sources- Various functional systems like payroll and financial systems, Human resources systems, inventory systems-The Electronic Medical record. UNIT III DATABASE MANAGEMENT - Significance of health data-Types of healthcare dataDatabase approach Data models - Relational data model, Hierarchical Data Model, network data model, distributed processing Data mining and design process UNIT IV INFORMATION MANAGEMENT - Introduction-Functional Types of administrative and clinical information system Functional capabilities of computerized hospital information system Need for computerization in hospitals Healthcare information Regulations, Laws and StandardsLegal aspects of managing healthcare information- security of healthcare information system. UNIT V DELIVERY NETWORK - Definition, changes and challenges and uses Determining the Delivery Network needs Delivery Network model Maintaining computerized healthcare databases, databases on Healthcare Institutions Evaluation of computerized medical records. REFERENCES 1. Bipin C Desai. Introduction to Database design. 2. Koontz ODonnell Essentials of management. 3. Kappor, V.K.Introduction to Electronic Data Processing and MIS. 4. Ball, Marion J etel Strategies and Technologies for Healthcare Information Springer Publication New York.


UNIT I INTRODUCTION - Consumer behaviour concepts dimensions of consumer behaviours application of consumer behaviour knowledge in marketing decisions approaches to the study of consumer behaviour. UNIT II CONSUMER AS AN INDIVIDUAL - Consumer needs and motives personality and consumer behaviour consumer perception learning consumer attitudes attitude formation and change communication and persuasion self image life style analysis. UNIT III CONSUMERS IN THEIR SOCIAL AND CULTURAL - Group dynamics and consumer reference groups Family Social class cultural and sub-cultural aspects cross cultural consumer behaviour. UNIT IV CONSUMER DECISION PROCESS AND POST- PURCHASE BEHAVIOUR - Personal influence and opinion leadership diffusion of innovations consumer decision making process models of consumer decision process Nicosia Howard sheth and Engel Kollat model post purchase behaviour consumer expectation and satisfaction managing dissonance consumer loyalty types of loyalty programmes. UNIT V ADDITIONAL DIMENSIONS - Consumerism consumer protection difficulties

and challenges in predicting consumer behaviour online consumer behaviour organizational and industrial buyer behaviour consumer behaviour in Indian context-emerging issues. REFERENCES 1. Leon G.Schiffman, Leslie Lazar Kanuk, Consumer Behaviour , Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2002. 2. David L.Loudon, Albert J Della Bitta, Consumer Behaviour , McGraw Hill, New Delhi 2002. 3. Jay D.Lindquist and M.Joseph sirgy, Shopper, buyer & consumer Behaviour, Theory and Marketing application, Biztantra Publication, New Delhi 2005. 4. Sheth Mittal, Consumer Behaviour A Managerial Perspective, Thomson Asia (P) Ltd., Singapore 2003. 5. K.K.Srivastava, Consumer Behaviour an Indian Context, Goal Gotia Publishing Co, New Delhi 2002. 6. S.L.Gupta & Sumitra Pal,Consumer Behaviour an Indian Perspectives, Sultan Chand, New Delhi 2001. 7. Ms.Raju, Dominique Xavedel, Consumer behaviour, Concepts Applications and cases vikas publishing house (P) Ltd., New Delhi 2004. 8. Henry Assael, Consumer behaviour strategic approach Biztantra, New Delhi, 2005.

DBA 1724


UNIT I MERCHANT BANKING - Introduction An Overview of Indian Financial System Merchant Banking in India Recent Developments and Challenges ahead Institutional structure Functions of Merchant Banking Legal and Regulatory Frameworks Relevant Provisions of Companies Act- SERA-SEBI guidelines- FEMA etc. Relation with stock Exchanges, OTCEI and NES. UNIT II ISSUE MANAGEMENT - Role of Merchant Banking in Appraisal of projects, Designing Capital Structures and Instruments Issue Pricing Pricing- Preparation of prospectus selection of bankers, Advertising Consultants etc. Role of Registrars Underwriting Arrangements. Dealing with Bankers to the Issue, Underwriters, Registrars, and Brokers. Offer for sale BookBuilding Green Shoe Option E IPO Private Placement- Bought out Deals Placement with Fis, MFs, FIIs, etc. off- Shore Issues. Issue Marketing Advertising Strategies-NRI MarketingPost Issue Activities. UNIT III OTHER FEE BASED MANAGEMENT - Mergers and Acquisitions Portfolio Management Services Credit Syndication Credit Rating Mutual Funds Business Valuation. UNIT IV FUND BASED FINANCIAL SERVICES - Leasing and Hire Purchasing Basics of Leasing and Hire Purchasing Financial Evaluation Tax Implication. UNIT V OTHER FUND BASED FINANCIAL SERVICES - Consumer Credit Credit Cards- Real Estate Financing Bills Discounting Recent Developments in Factoring and Forfeiting Venture Capital. REFERENCES 1. M.Y.Khan, Financial Services Tata McGraw Hill, 3 rd Edition, 2005. 2. Machiraju, Indian Financial System - Vikas Publishing House, 2 nd Edition, 2002. 3. J.C.Verma, A Manual of Merchant Banking , Bharath Publishing House, New Delhi, 2001. 4. K.Sriram, Hand Book of Leasing, Hire Purchase & Factoring, ICFAI, Hyderabad, 1992. 5. Economic Dailies, Relevant Publication of AMFS. 6. Bhalla. V.K.-Management of Financial Services Mnmol, New Delhi 2001. 7. Bhalla V.K.and Dilbag , Singh , International Financial Centers, New Delhi, Anmol,1997. 8. Ennew.C.Trevor Watkins & Mike Wright, Marketing of Financial Services, Heinemann Professional pub., 1990.

DBA 1726 STRATEGIC HUMAN MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT UNIT I HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT - Meaning- Strategic framework for HRM and HRD Vision, Mission and Value-Importance Challenges to organisations HRD functions Roles of HRD professionals HRD needs assessment HRD practices Measures of HRD performance Links to HR, Strategy and business goals HRD program implementation and evaluation Recent trends strategic capability, bench marking and HRD audit. UNIT II E-HRM - E - Employee profile E- selection and recruitment Virtual learning and orientation E-training and development E- performance management and compensation design Development and implementation of HRIS- Designing HR portals Issues in employee privacy Employee surveys online. UNIT III CROSS CULTURAL HRM - Domestic Vs International HRM Cultural dynamics Culture assessment - Cross cultural education and training programs Leadership and strategic HR issues in international assignments Current challenges in outsourcing, cross border M and A-Repatriation etc. Building multicultural organisations- international compensation. UNIT IV CAREER & COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT - Career concepts Roles Career stages Career planning and process Career development models- Career motivation and enrichment Managing career plateaus Designing effective career development systemsCompetencies and career management- Competency mapping models- Equity and competency based compensation. UNIT V EMPLOYEE COACHING & COUNSELING - Need for coaching Role of HR in coaching Coaching and performance- Skills for effective coaching Coaching effectiveness Need for counselling Role of HR in counseling Components of counseling programs Counseling effectiveness Employee health and welfare programs Work stress- Sources Consequences Stress management techniques Eastern and Western practices- Self management and Emotional intelligence. REFERENCES 1. Jeffrey A Mello, Strategic Human Resource Management, Thomson, Singapore, southwestern 2003. 2. Randy L.Desimone, Jon M. Werner David M. Marris, Human Resource Development, Thomson Southwestern, Singapore, 2002 3. Robert L.Mathis and John H.Jackson, Human Resource Management, Thomson Southwestern, Singapore, 2003. 4. Rosemary Harrison, Employee Development University Press, India ltd, new Delhi, 2003. 5. Srinivas Kandula, Human Resource management in Practice, Prentice Hall of India, 2005, New Delhi, 2004.

DBA 1728


UNIT I INTRODUCTION - Product life Cycle, Project Life Cycle Models for software and Process MODELS. UNIT II PROJECT MANAGEMENT PROCESS AND ACTIVITIES - Project Initiation, Project Planning and Tracking, Project Closure. UNIT III ENGINEERING ACTIVITIES - Software requirements gathering, estimation, design and development phase. Project management in the testing and maintenance phrase. UNIT IV INTRODUCTION TO SOFTWARE QUALITY - Software Quality Views & Standards Fundamental measures, size effort, defects. Software quality metrics, complexity metrics. Defect Identification and removal efficiency. Function Points Benchmarking for software quality. UNIT V SOFTWARE QUALITY ASSURANCE - Reliability models for software quality ISO 9000 for software quality CMM, CMMI, PCMM, PSP, and COCOMO-TQM for software quality. REFERENCES 1. Roger S Pressman, Software Engineering A Practitioners Approach, McGraw Hill International Edition, New Delhi 2001. 2. Stephen Kan, Software Quality Metrics and Models, Pearson Education Asia. 3. Walker Royce, Software Project Management - A unified Framework, Pearson Education Asia, New Delhi 2000. 4. Alan Gillies, Software Quality Theory & Management, Thomson Learning, 2003.

DBA 1730


UNIT I INTRODUCTION - Supply Chain Fundamentals, Importance, Decision Phases, Process View. Supplier- Manufacturer Customer chain, Drivers of Supply Chain Performance. Structuring Supply chain Drivers. Overview of Supply Chain Models and Modeling Systems. UNIT II STRATEGIC SOURCING - In-sourcing and out-sourcing Types of purchasing

strategies. Supplier Evaluation, Selection and Measurement. Supplier Quality Management. Creating a world-class supply base. World Wide Sourcing UNIT III SUPPLY CHAIN NETWORK - Distribution Network Design Role, Factors Influencing, Options, Value Addition. Modles for Facility Location and Capacity Location. Impact of uncertainty on Network Design. Network Design decisions using Decision trees. Distribution Center Location Models. Supply Chain Network optimization Models. UNIT IV PLANNING DEMAND, INVENTORY AND SUPPLY - Overview of Demand forecasting in the supply chain. Aggregate planning in the supply chain. Managing Predictable Variability. Managing supply chain cycle inventory. Uncertainty in the supply chain Safety inventory. Determination of Optimal level of product availability. Coordination in the Supply Chain. UNIT V CURRENT TRENDS - E-Business Framework and Role of Supply Chain in e-business and b2b practices. Supply Chain IT Framework internal Supply Chain Management. Fundamentals of transaction management. Supply Chain in IT Practice. Supplier relationship Management. Information Systems development. Packages in Supply Chain eSRM, eLRM, eSCM. Supply Base Management. REFERENCES 1. Sunil Chopra and Peter Meindi, Supply Chain Management Strategy Planning and Operation, Pearson Education, Third Indian Reprint, 2004. 2. Monczka et al., Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, Thomson Learning, Second edition, Second Reprint, 2002. 3. Altekar Rahul V, Supply Chain Management Concept and cases, Prentice Hall India, 2005. 4. Shapiro Jeremy F, Modeling the Supply Chain, Thomson Learning, Second Reprint, 2002. 5. Ballou Ronald H, Business Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Pearson Education, Second Indian Reprint, 2004.

DBA 1734


UNIT I INTRODUCTION - Technology opportunities - Technology scale up - Comparative advantage - Transfer decision making - Choice of technology - Customer diversity and competitive pressure -Conflict of interests - culture shock - Technology Transfer Categories: International - Cross industry - Interfirm Intrafirm. UNIT II TECHNOLOGY FLOW - Technology Process Mapping - Technology flow channelTechnology transfer modes - Technology upgradation - Technology modernization - Adoption of new technologies - Absorption of new technologies - Absorption process - Relocation issues. UNIT III TRANSFER MECHANISMS - Technology Transfer Services - Matching and preselection of prospective business partners - Commercialising innovations Technology transfer negotiations - Technology transfer Offices: - databank - periodicals web based services - technology transfer agreements - Material Transfer Agreements (MTA s) - Business meets, workshops, training programmes, press release. UNIT IV TECHNOLOGY PARTNERING - In-house development - Partnerships with

intermediaries - Sponsored development - Joint development - Collaborative development International networks of technology brokers. UNIT V SUPPORT SERVICES - Assistance in implementing technologies - Intellectual property related issues: rights - litigations royalty audits auctions-Market/feasibility studies - Product marketing - Technology valuation: - methods - Contract negotiation Subcontracting sublicense - Technology investment practices -Arranging financial assistance: sources - option fund angel investment-Finance syndication loan - venture capital and debts grants incentives. REFERENCES 1. Robert Szakonyl, 2006, Handbook of Technology Management Viva Books Private Limited. 2. Gerard H. Gaynor, 1996, Handbook of Technology Management McGraw Hill. 3. Betz, Frederic, 1996, Strategic Technology Management, New Delhi, McGraw Hill. 4. Tarek M. Khalil, 2000, Management of Technology McGraw Hill.

DBA 1735


UNIT I INTRODUCTION - Knowledge Economy Technology and Knowledge Management Knowledge Management Matrix Knowledge Management Strategy Prioritizing knowledge strategies knowledge as a strategic asset. UNIT II KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION AND PROCESSING - Knowledge Attributes

Fundamentals of knowledge formation Tacit and Explicit knowledge Knowledge sourcing, abstraction, conversion and diffusion. UNIT III KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS - Knowledge Management and

organizational learning, architecture important considerations collection and codification of knowledge Repositories, structure and life cycle Knowledge Management infrastructure Knowledge Management applications Collaborative platforms. UNIT IV KNOWLEDGE CULTURE IN ORGANISATIONS - Developing and sustaining knowledge culture Knowledge culture enablers implementing knowledge culture enhancement programs Communities of practice Developing organizational memory. UNIT V KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT LOOKING AHEAD - Knowledge Management tools, techniques Knowledge Management and measurements Knowledge audit Knowledge careers Practical implementation of Knowledge management systems Case studies. REFERENCES 1. Key issues in the New Knowledge Management Joseph M. Firestone and Mark McElroy, Butterworth Hienemann. 2. Knowledge Management Classic and contemporary works Edited by Daryl Morey & others Universities Press India Private Limited. 3. Knowledge Management, Shelda Debowski, John Wiley & Sons. 4. Knowledge Management, Sudhir Warier,Vikas Publishing House Private Limited. 5. Knowledge Management System Theory and practice,Edited by Stwart Barnes Thomson Learning. 6. Handbook on knowledge management,Edited by CW. Hol Sapple Springer. W.

DBA 1736


UNIT I INTRODUCTION - Science and Technology Policy systems Leveraging Knowledge, Learning Organisation and World Class Organisation - Dual use technology - Integrating Road mapping into Technical Planning - Legal aspects of Technology Management. UNIT II CRITICAL FACTORS IN MANAGING TECHNOLOGY - International technology management policy - Flexibility in Management Management of Change Choice of Technology technology sourcing Managing Uncertainty, complexity and chaos - R&D productivity - Business appraisal of technology potentials - Innovation and Design Management UNIT III BUSINESS STRATEGY AND TECHNOLOGY STRATEGY - Global competitiveness Technology strategy and planning Technology Alliances and Joint Ventures - Critical Technology Bridging Marketing technology - Technology intelligence (TI) - Corporate Venturing Integrating Road mapping with Business and Technology UNIT IV TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT IN EMERGING INDUSTRIES-Globalisation of industry Managing technologies in emerging industries: - Knowledge-intensive industries, Biopharm & Biotechnology - IT emerging industries UNIT V TECHNOLOGICAL COMPETITIVENESS IN COUNTRIES - Factory and office & Telecommunications - Nanotechnology & materials science Other

automation - Business Process Reengineering - Quality Management Use of Transferred Technology - Collaborative innovation environment - Collaborative knowledge-intensive industry environment Business and government relations Technological competitiveness in some of the developing and developed countries. REFERENCES 1. Robert Szakonyl, 2006, Handbook of Technology Management Viva Books Private Limited 2. Gerard H. Gaynor, 1996, Handbook of Technology Management McGraw Hill 3. Betz, Frederic, 1996, Strategic Technology Management, New Delhi, McGraw Hill 4. Tarek M. Khalil, 2000, Management of Technology McGraw Hill.

DBA 1740


UNIT I INTRODUCTION - Profile of Indian Retail and Retail shoppers Indian Retail shopping environment Changing trends in shopping behaviour Need and importance of the study of shopping behaviour. UNIT II SHOPPING PROCESS - Dimensions and approaches to retail shopping behaviour Pre shopping, shopping and post shopping behaviour Diffusion of innovations in retail context. UNIT III INTERNAL INFLUENCES ON SHOPPER BEHAVIOUR - Personal attitude,

perceptions, learning, personality, lifestyle and self-image. Inter personal Communications, persuasion, family, group, and stores employees. UNIT IV EXTERNAL INFLUENCES ON SHOPPER BEHAVIOUR - External store location, Shop atmospherics- social, cultural, cross cultural online retail shoppers behaviour- Technology influence on shopper behaviour. UNIT V ADDITIONAL DIMENSIONS - Customer Relationship Management - its impact on retail shoppers behaviour complaint management system lifetime value of retail shoppers Emerging issues. REFERENCES 1. Leon G. Schiffman, Leslie Lazar Kanuk, Consumer Behaviour, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2002. 2. David L.Loudon, Albert J Della Bitta, Consumer Behaviour, McGraw Hill, New Delhi 2002. 3. Jay D. Lindquist and M.Joseph sirgy, Shopper, buyer & consumer Behaviour, Theory and Marketing application, Biztantra Publication, New Delhi 2005. 4. Sheth Mittal, Consumer Behaviour A Managerial Perspective, Thomson Asia (P) Ltd., Singapore, 2003. 5. K.K.Srivastava, Consumer Behaviour in Indian Context, Goal Gotia Publishing Co, New Delhi 2002. 6. S.L. Gupta & Sumitra Pal, Consumer Behaviour an Indian Perspective, Sultan Chand, New Delhi 2001. 7. Ms.Raju, Dominique Xavedel, Consumer behaviour, Concepts Applications and Cases, Vikas publishing house (P) Ltd., New Delhi 2004. 8. Henry Assael, Consumer behaviour strategic approach Biztantra, New Delhi, 2005. 9. H.Peeru Mohamed, CRM A Step by Step Approach, Vikas publications, New Delhi, 2005.

DBA 1741


UNIT I INTRODUCTION - Retail Information management need and importance evolving concepts subsystems of retail information system concepts of information - sources of retail information Humans as information processors system concepts. UNIT II TECHNOLOGY OF INFORMATION SYSTEM - Hardware, software and communication technology - Types of information system retail information system for logistics, supply chain, inventory, CRM, finance, category management, point of sales - information and databases types of data bases -data warehouses data mining virtual reality. UNIT III SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT- Planning for information system analysis of information requirements - resource allocation strategies for determining information requirements- strategic alignments selecting system user interface requirements. System development life cycle stages. UNIT IV IMPLEMENTATION AND CONTROL - Mechanism for successful implementation preparing for Organizational change - process- design, production, service, software specification, software metrics, software quality assurance -Testing detection of error validation evaluation. UNIT V INFORMATION SYSTEM AND RETAIL OUTLETS - Auditing of Retail Information system - Expectation and satisfaction of stake holders Impact of technology obstacles Ethical and legal issues threats of accidents and malfunctions computer crimes methods for minimizing risk -education and training of retail employees. REFERENCES 1. Kenneth C. Laudon and Jane Price Laudon, Management Information systems Managing the digital firm, Pearson Education Asia. 2. Gordon B.Davis, Management Information system: Conceptual Foundations, Structure and Development, McGraw Hill, 1974. 3. Joyce J. Elam, Case series for Management Information System Silmon and Schuster, Custom Publishing 1996. 4. 5. Steven Alter, Information system A Management Perspective Addison Wesley, 1999. James AN O Brein, Management Information Systems, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1999. 6. Turban Mc Lean, Wetherbe, Information Technology Management making connection for strategic advantage John Wiley, 1999. 7. Ralph M.Stair and George W.Reynolds Principles of Information Systems A Managerial Approach Learning, 2001.

DBA 1742


UNIT I INTRODUCTION - Introduction Retail outlet development policy decisions-Strategic importance of retail outlet decisions -Retail outlets mapping and performance managementRetail outlet in different geographical, economic and cultural settings Organized and unorganized retail outlets. UNIT II RETAIL OUTLET MANAGEMENT - Retail outlet survey - Emerging trends in retail outlet atmospherics and retail outlet Retail location strategies Information Technology impact on retail outlet management. UNIT III STRATEGIC BRAND MANAGEMENT - Retail Strategic brand management Retail brand architecture Brand extension Retail co-branding Private labels Characteristics of good brand name. UNIT IV TYPES OF RETAIL BRANDS - Types of retail brands-Retail service brands- Brand promotion techniques Retail brand ambassadors Retail brand equity measurements Retail brand loyalty. UNIT V RETAIL BRAND MANAGERS - Retail brand managers- Role and responsibilities-Retail brand performance audit online retail brands Successful Indian retail brands a review. REFERENCES 1. AJ Lamba , The art of Retailing, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing, 2003. 2. Y.L.R.Moorthi, Brand Management, The Indian Context, Vikas Publishing house (Pvt) Ltd, 2006. 3. Harsh V.Verma, Brand Management Text and Cases, Excel Books, 2006. 4. Swapna Pradhan, Retailing Management Text Cases, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007.

DBA 1746


UNIT I INTRODUCTION - HR as assets- Definition of Human Resource Accounting Introduction to Human Resource Accounting Human Resource accounting concepts, methods and applications Human Resources accounting Vs other accounting. UNIT II HUMAN RESOURCE COSTS- Measuring human resource cost -investment in employees-Replacement costs Determination of Human Resource value Monetary and nonmonetary measurement methods Return on Investment approach. UNIT III HUMAN RESOURCE ACCOUNTING SYSTEM -Developing Human Resource Accounting systems Implementation of Human Resource accounting Integrated of accounting with other accounting systems Recent advancements and future directions in Human Resource Accounting. UNIT IV HUMAN RESOURCE AUDIT -Role of Human Resource audit in business environment - HR Audit objectives Concepts Components Need- benefits Importance MethodologyInstruments HRD scorecard Effectiveness of as an instrument Issues in HR audit Focus of HRD audit. UNIT V HUMAN RESOURCE AUDIT REPORT - HRD audit report Concept Purpose Role of HR managers and auditors Report Design- Preparation of report Use of Human Resource audit report for business improvement Case studies. REFERENCES 1. Eric G. Flamholtz, Human Resource Accounting Advances in Concepts, Methods and Applications,Third Edition. 2. Pramanik.A.K(1993) M.C. Jain, Human Resource Accounting Pointer publishers, Jaipur. 3. Nigam, M.S.Nigam S (1993) Importance of Human Resource in Organisation, Pointer publishers, Jaipur. 4. Prakash J, Khanelwal M C, Jain SC (1993), Human Resource Accounting, Pointer publishers, Jaipur.

DBA 1747


UNIT I INTRODUCTION - Training, Development and Performance consulting Design of HRD systems Development of HRD strategies Learning and Learning organisations Training Policies organisational climate for training and development a system model. UNIT II TRAINING NEEDS ANALYSIS - Objectives of training needs analysis - Identification of training needs and the process, tools and techniques organisational analysis, task analysis and individual analysis consolidation. UNIT III DESIGN OF TRAINING PROGRAMS - Linking training needs and objectives of various theories of learning and methods of training Learning cycles factors for fixing duration selection of participants choice of trainers course contents inhouse arrangements and outsourcing E learning training for trainers. UNIT IV DELIVERING THE TRAINING PROGRAMS - Conducting the programs ice breaking and games relevance of culture of participants layout facilitating interactions audio visual aids. UNIT V EVALUATION OF TRAINING PROGRAMS - Objectives of evaluation micro and macro levels methods of evaluation reaction, learning, behavior and results Cost benefit analysis Role of trainer and line manager in evaluations Design of Evaluation Kirkpatrics model REFERENCES 1. Human Resources Development Theory and Practice, Tapomoy Deb Ane Books India. 2. Human performance consulting, James. S. Pepitone, Guely publishing Company, Houston. 3. How to write and prepare training materials, Stimson N, Kogan page. 4. Journals of Indian Society for Training and Development, New Delhi.

DBA 1748


UNIT I INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS - Concepts Importance - Industrial Relations Problems in the Public Sector- Growth of Trade Unions- Codes of conduct. UNIT II INDUSTRIAL CONFLICTS - Disputes Impact Causes Strikes - Prevention Industrial Peace Government Machinery- Conciliation Arbitration Adjudication. UNIT III LABOUR WELFARE - Concept Objectives Scope Need- Voluntary Welfare Measures Statutory Welfare Measures- Labour- Welfare Funds- Education and Training Schemes. UNIT IV INDUSTRIAL SAFETY - Causes of Accidents Prevention Safety Provisions Industrial Health and Hygiene-Importance Problems-Occupational Hazards- Diseases Psychological problems- counseling- statutory provisions. UNIT V WELFARE OF SPECIAL CATEGORIES OF LABOUR - Child Labour Female LabourContact Labour Construction Labour Agricultural labour Disabled Welfare of knowledge Social Assistance Social Security- Implications. REFERENCES 1. Mamoria C.B. and Sathish Mamoria , Dynamics of Industrial Relations, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi 1998. 2. Dwivedi. R.S. Human Relations & Organisational Behaviour, Macmillan India Ltd., New Delhi, 1997. 3. Ratna Sen, Industrial Relations in India, Shifting Paradigms, Macmillan India Ltd., New Delhi, 2003. 4. Srivastava, Industrial Relations and Labour laws, Vikas 4 th edition, 2000. 5. C.S.Venkata Ratnam, Globalisation and Labour Management Relations, Response Books, 2001.

DBA 1752


UNIT I INTRODUCTION - Introduction to Risk Management; Nature of risk terms and definitions; Organizing for Risk Management; Objectives of Risk Management; Scope of Risk Management; legal, financial and social benefits of managing risk; The framework for managing risk UNIT II CLASSIFICATION AND CONTROL - Classifications of risk Financial - Strategic Physical Legal; Risk and opportunity; Influences and benefits of a risk management programme; Potential consequences of failing to manage risk; Risk drivers - Internal and external influences on an organization; Risk Measurement and Pooling; Total Loss Distribution; Pooling and Diversification; Risk Control and Treatment; Risk analysis techniques; Barriers in the risk analysis process: UNIT III RISK TRANSFER - Insurance Pricing; Analysis Tools; Demand for Risk Management (Utility Theory); Risk Management and Shareholders; Risk Transfer and Residual Risk Financing. UNIT IV INSURABILITY AND LIABILITY - Insurability of Risk and Insurance Contracts; Legal Liability; Corporate Liability; Liability Issues; Commercial Insurance; Risk

Retention/Reduction; Risk Management and Internal Control. UNIT V FINANCIAL RISK - Financial Risk Management; Futures and Options; Enterprise Risk Management- Risk management applicable to Information system. REFERENCES 1. Neil Deherty, Integrated Risk Management: Techniques and Strategies for Managing Corporate Risk 2. Cristopher.L.Culp, The ART of Risk Management 3. Bharat Ramaswami, Shamika Ravi and S.D.Chopra, Risk Management.

DBA 1753


UNIT I INTRODUCTION - The Internationalization process Foreign direct investment the sequential process market imperfections - transaction cost theory Internationalization and firm specific advantages location specific advantages. UNIT II MARKET FOR FOREIGN EXCHANGE - Definition of foreign exchange market and the exchange rate quotations at the foreign exchange market spot market forward market settlement of transactions in the international market. Indian Forex Market structure exchange rate fixation. UNIT III FORECASTING EXCHANGE RATES - The need and importance for forecasting exchange rates forecasting techniques technical forecasting fundamental forecasting limitations forecasting. UNIT IV CURRENCY FUTURES AND OPTIONS MARKET - Currency futures currency of fundamental forecasting market based

contracts use of currency Futures market. Currency options Currency option strategies Corporate use of currency options. UNIT V MULTINATIONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT- Multinational Financial Management objectives of MNCs difference between domestic and International Financial Management Reasons for increasing importance of International Finance challenges and opportunities before an MNC Financial aspects of merger and acquistion- Input for multinational capital Budgeting complexities of multinational capital budgeting exercise - factors to be considered in multinational capital budgeting. REFERENCES 1. Alan C.Shapiro, Multinational Financial Management Wiley John Wiley & Sons Inc. 2. A.K Seth, International Financial Management, Galgotia Publishing Company. New Delhi. 3. Jeff Madura International Financial Management Thomson Learning. 4. Reid W. Clich, Joshua D Coval International Financial Management Prentice Hall. 5. Adrian Buckley, Multinational Finance, Prentice Hall. 6. Madhu Vij, Multinational Financial Management , Excel Books.

DBA 1754


UNIT I INTRODUCTION - Financial derivatives an introduction; Futures market and contracting; Forward market pricing and trading mechanism; Futures pricing theories and characteristics. UNIT II REGULATIONS - Financial derivatives market in India; Regulation of financial derivatives in India. UNIT III STRATEGIES - Hedging strategy using futures; Stock index futures; Short-term interest rate futures; Long-term interest rate futures; Foreign currency futures; Foreign currency forwards. UNIT IV OPTIONS - Options basics; Option pricing models; trading with options; Hedging with options; currency options; Financial Swaps and Options; Swap markets. UNIT V ACCOUNTING - Accounting treatment of derivative transactions; Management of derivatives exposure; Advanced financial derivatives; Credit derivatives. REFERENCES 1. N.D.Vohra and B.R.Bagri, Futures and Options II Edition; Tata McGraw Hill Ltd. 2. S.L.Gupta, Financial derivatives, theory, concepts and problems, Prentice Hall India, 2006.

DBA 1758


UNIT I INTRODUCTION - Introduction to law Sources of law Contract and antitrust Purpose of contract Types of contracts Legality of object Conditions Remedies Contracts of Adhesion Employment contracts Restraint of trade Civil procedure and trial practice Discovery and examination before trail Memorandum of law Evidence Jury deliberation and determination Damages Appeals Execution of judgments Corporate liability Authority of health care corporation Duties of health care corporations. UNIT II PERSONNEL - Medical staff Organization Privileges Bylaws Reappointments Physician-patient relationship Nursing and law Practice of nursing Nurse licensure Nurse practice roles - Liability by departments and health care professionals Ambulatory care centers Emergency departments Certification of Health care professionals Licensing Health care professionals. UNIT III INFORMATION MANAGEMENT - Introduction Managing information Patient

consent Consent definition Patient self-determination act Proof of consent Refusal of treatment Statutory consent Consent and judicial intervention Defence and failure to inform - Legal reporting requirements Child abuse Communicable diseases Births and deaths Risk management and incident reporting. UNIT IV PROTECTION - Issues of Procreation Circuit and district court decisions Wrongful

birth, life, and conception Patient rights and responsibilities Patient rights Admission Discharge Transfer Patient bill of rights Patient responsibilities Patient Advocacy Acquired immune deficiency syndrome AIDS and health care workers AIDS and the right to know The right to treatment News media and confidentiality Negligence Occupational safety and health act. UNIT V ETHICS - Health care ethics Ethics committee End of life issues Organ donations

Malpractice insurance - Insurance policy Liability of professional Medical Liability Insurance Self insurance Medical staff insurance coverage Labour relations Unions and health care organization Labour rights Patients rights during labour disputes Employment discipline and discharge Public policy issues Interference with employment activities Fairness REFERENCES 1. George D Pozgar, Legal Aspects of Health Care, Ninth edition, Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc, 2004. Delmar

2. Dana C Mcway, Legal Aspects of Health Information Management, Thomson Learning, Second Edition, 2002.

DBA 1759


UNIT I INTRODUCTION - Concept of Business Finance; Role, functions and objectives of finance managers in health care sector; Profit maximization Vs Wealth Maximization, Financial planning for hospitals. UNIT II FINANCIAL ANALYSIS - Financial statements for hospitals - Financial Statement Analysis; Techniques of Financial Statement Analysis; Comparative and Common size Statements; Ratio analysis, funds flow analysis, cash flow analysis. UNIT III INVESTMENT DECISION - Factors influencing investment decisions in hospitals Capital budgeting estimation of cash flows for hospital projects, project selection criteria: payback period, ARR, NPV, IRR, Profitability Index methods Introduction to quantification of risk in capital budgeting, role of obsolescence in capital budgeting. UNIT IV FINANCING AND DIVIDEND DECISIONS - Capital structure Theories leverages, cost of capital and Dividend Decisions. Money market, capital market, various sources of finance for hospitals, methods of floating securities in the market, raising foreign funds, debt finance through term loans, loan financing, foreign currency loan guidelines, SEBI and government guidelines. UNIT V WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT IN HOSPITALS - Cash management, Inventory and receivables management, sources of working capital, risk return trade-off, bank financing for working capital and guidelines for borrowing. REFERENCES 1. William N. Zelman, Michael J. McCue, Alan R. Milikan, Alan R Milikan, Financial Management of Health Care Organizations: An Introduction to Fundamental Tools, Concepts, and Applications, Blackwell Publisher; ISBN: 1557867097; January 1998. 2. Bruce R. Neumann, Keith E. Boles, Management Accounting for Healthcare Organizations Precept Pr; ISBN: 0944496601; 5th edition April 1998 Srinivasan A.V. (ed), Managing a modern Hospital, Chapter 4, Response Books New Delhi, 2000. 3. James C.V. and M.W. John, Fundamentals of financial management, Prentice Hall India, New Delhi, 1995. 4. Pandey I.M., Financial Management, Vikas Publishing, New Delhi, 2006. 5. Eugene. F.Brigham, Michael.C.Ehrhardt, Financial Management theory and practice, Thomson south western, 2006. 6. M.Y.Khan & P.K.Jain, Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing company Ltd, 2007 7. 7. Dr.S.N.Maheshwari, Financial Management Principles and Practice, Sultan & Sons, 2000.


DBA 1760


UNIT I INTRODUCTION - Objectives and importance of Human Resource Management in Hospitals Specific issues of Human Resource Management in Hospitals HR managers role in hospitals. UNIT II HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT MODELS- Human Resource Management applicable to hospitals- Application of REIKI for Human Resource Management in HospitalsStaffing policy in hospitals, Employee selection and training methods. UNIT III PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL- Performance AppraisalPurpose, Appraisal

Methodology, Compensation programs, Employee retention management in hospitals. UNIT IV WORK CULTURE - Managing stress, Conflict in hospital environment influences on work culture and work ethics Quality work life Quality Circle. UNIT V IMPLEMENTING CHANGE - Managing resistance to change overcoming obstacles Managing employee job satisfaction Emerging trends. REFERENCES 1. Decenzo, D. A, Human Resource Management, John Wiley and Sons, New Jersey, 2001 2. Goyal, R.C. Hospital Administration And Human Resource Management, Prentice Hall of India, 2005 3. Ivancevich, J.M, Human Resource Management, Irwin Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi, 1997 4. Dowling, P.J, International HRM, Cincinati, South Western, 2001

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