Fetal Positions
Fetal Positions
Fetal Positions
Babies are often quite active before birth — not just extending their arms and legs, but
turning their entire bodies. By the time labor begins, most babies have settled into a
position that allows them to be delivered headfirst through the birth canal. That
doesn't always happen, though.
Take this visual tour to see the most common fetal positions, including a few that may
lead to a Caesarean (C-section) delivery.
Facing downward
This baby is in the occiput anterior position, the most preferable — and common —
fetal position. With the face down and turned slightly to the side, the smallest part of
the baby's head leads the way through the birth canal. The back of the baby's head is
ready to enter the pelvis.
Facing upward
This baby is in the occiput posterior position, with the face up toward the mother's
abdomen. In this position, a baby can't extend his or her head out from under the
pubic bone — which makes delivery more difficult. Labor pain may be concentrated
in the lower back.
Most babies eventually turn on their own, if there's enough room. Sometimes,
changing positions can help rotate the baby. Your health care provider may suggest
getting on your hands and knees with your buttocks in the air. If that doesn't work,
your health care provider may try to rotate the baby manually by reaching through
your vagina and using his or her hand as a wedge. Sometimes, forceps can be used to
help the baby rotate.
Buttocks first
This baby is in the frank breech presentation — head facing the top of the uterus and
buttocks facing the birth canal with both legs folded up over the body. Also known as
the pike position, it's the most common type of breech presentation. C-section is
usually the safest way to deliver these babies.
Feet first
This baby is in a complete breech presentation — head facing the top of the uterus,
legs crossed and feet facing the birth canal. It's also known as the cannonball position.
Babies in this presentation are nearly always delivered by C-section due to potential
problems with the umbilical cord.
Dangling feet
This baby is in another breech position, a footling presentation. One or both feet
dangle below the buttocks, leading into the birth canal. These babies are nearly
always delivered by C-section.
Lying sideways
This baby is in a transverse lie — positioned horizontally across the uterus, rather
than vertically. If one of the baby's shoulders is pointing toward the birth canal, it's
known as a shoulder presentation. Although many babies lie sideways early in
pregnancy, few babies begin labor in this position. For the few who do, a C-section is
Less than 1 percent of babies begin labor in a sideways position. If the position lasts,
the baby must be delivered through Caesarean section.