Iman (Faith) - The Kalima

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The Kalima [Phrase], La ilaha illallah, Muhammadur Rasulullah

Allah the Exalted has said:

Surely I am Allah, there is no god but I, therefore serve Me (Quran, 20:14);

Allah! There is no deity save Him, the Alive, the Eternal... (Quran, 2:255);

And We sent no messenger before thee but We inspired him, (saying): There is no god save
Me (Allah), so worship Me.

(Quran, 21:25);

Obey Allah and obey His messenger; but if ye turn away, then the duty of Our messenger
is only to convey (the message) plainly. (Quran, 64:12);

Whoso obeyeth the Apostle obeyeth God (Quran, 4:80);

and: whatsoever the Messenger giveth you, take it. And whatsoever he forbiddeth,
abstain (from it). And keep your duty to Allah (Quran, 59:7).

The words of this blessed Kalima and its translation

The Kalima consists of two parts, the first being La ilaha illallah and the second,
Muhammadur Rasulullah. The translation of the Kalima: There is no god but Allah, and
Muhammad - ,'= - _'- ''
is the Messenger of Allah.

The Kalima is a sacred pledge between man and his Creator, in which man
acknowledges that Allah is He who is possessed of all the attributes of
perfection and majesty, is beyond contingency, beyond having associates or
peers, beyond resembling anything, and beyond any attribute or state which
does not befit His Glory and Magnitude. For He is the Unique Divinity, the One,
the Self-Sufficient, who neither begets nor is begotten, who has no likeness. There
is no god but Him, Transcendent is He. Nothing shares in His Essence,
Attributes, or actions; to Him belong Sovereignty and all praise, and He has
power over all things.
Through sound belief and certainty in its [the Kalimas]
meaning, and by submission to it, one attains to faith or iman.
In addition to
acting in accordance with it, when one affirms with sincerity that there is no god but
Allah, and Muhammad '- ,'= - _'- is the Messenger of Allah, Islam results. By
joining sound belief with submission to its authority there dawns in the heart the
reality of excellence or ihsan.
To further elucidate, by affirming both parts of the
Kalima, one admits before Allah that one is His sincere and faithful slave. That
one will live every aspect of his or her life, from the most sacred to the most

'- ,'= - _'- (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) translated as Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him is said by Muslims
when the Prophet Muhammads '- ,'= - _'- name is heard or uttered, out of love and reverence for him.

mundane, in accordance with the Blessed Way [Sunna] of the Messenger of Allah
- ,'= - _'- '' which is a clarification and explanation of the Commandments of
Allah, i.e. the Sharia [Islamic Sacred Law].


Allah the Exalted has said:

Know that there is no god save Allah (Quran, 47:19).

The purpose of this Kalima is twofold. (i) That one achieves yaqin [certainty] of
the fact that whatever happens, happens with the Will of Allah; that Allah is
capable of doing without any help whatsoever from creation anything and
everything. Thereby achieving certainty that the ghayr of Allah, that is creation,
cannot do anything without Allahs Will. To become consciously aware of the
fact that Allah is al-Musabbib al-asbab [the Cause of causes]. To be certain that
whatever is happening through a cause is not in reality originating from it, but
rather, is happening only because Allah has willed it. For example, water is
dependant on the hukm [command] of Allah to quench thirst. Also, to cure,
medication is contingent on Allahs hukm. Likewise, the human heart depends on
the hukm of Allah to pulsate and nourish cells throughout the body. Similarly,
without Allah commanding it to, the universe is devoid of any power or ability
to exist.

This part of the purpose of the Kalima is known as yaqinon ki tabdili or the
transformation of certainties [from al-khalq (the creation) to al-Khaliq (the Creator)].

And (ii) to bring about certainty in ones heart that success in both temporal
and eternal worlds is completely contingent on following the Blessed Way
[Sunna] of the Messenger of Allah '- ,'= - _'-, for Allah has said Say [O
Muhammad _'- '- ,'= - , to mankind]: If ye love Allah, follow me; Allah will love you
This certainty must be supported by the yaqin that any way other than the Sunna
of the Messenger of Allah _'- - '- ,'= , is, and leads to, failure. Allah the Exalted
has said, "Truly, you have in the Messenger of Allah a most beautiful example for whoever seeks Allah
and the Last Day..."
This second part of the purpose of the Kalima is called tariqon
ki tabdili or the transformation of ways.

Some of the merits or virtues of the blessed Kalima:

Abu Bakr -= - _- narrates that the Messenger of Allah '- ,'= - _'- said: He
who accepts from me the Kalima, which I presented to my uncle (Abu Talib at the time of his death) and he
rejected it, this (acceptance) will be a means for his salvation.

Talha ibne Ubaidullah -= - _- narrates that the Messenger of Allah ,'= - _'-
'- said: Indeed, I know a Kalima which if recited by a dying man, will be a means of solace for his
departing soul and will be a light for him on the Day of Resurrection (this Kalima is La ilaha illallah).

Anas -= - _- narrated (in a long narration) that the Prophet ,'= - _'- '- said:
Each and every such person will be liberated from the Fire, who had said La ilaha illallah, and in his heart,
there was goodness (iman) equal to the weight of a grain of barley. After them, every such person will be
liberated from the Fire who had said La ilaha illallah, and in his heart, there was goodness (iman) equal to
the weight of a grain of wheat. After that, everyone will be liberated from the Fire who had said La ilaha
illallah, and in his heart, there was goodness (iman) equal to the weight of a particle of dust.

Abu Qatadah -= - _- narrates from his father that the Messenger of Allah _'-
,'= - '- said: He who bears witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that
Muhammad '- ,'= - _'- is the Messenger of Allah, and his tongue frequently recites it while his heart
is contented with it, the Fire shall not burn him.

Muadh ibne Jabal -= - _- narrates that the Prophet '- ,'= - _'- said: Anyone
who dies, bearing witness with certainty of his heart that there is none worthy of worship but Allah and that I
am His Messenger, will be forgiven by Allah.

The following words are from Key to the Garden by Habib Ahmad Mashhur al-

We shall now point some of the merits of this noble phrase [of Tawhid], and the subtleties
and exalted secrets contained in its invocation. One of these was referred to by the Prophet
'- ,'= - _'- when he said, He whose last words in the world are La ilaha illallah shall
enter the Garden. And he '- ,'= - _'- said, The people of La ilaha illallah shall suffer
no desolation in their graves. It is as though I can see them coming out of their graves,
shaking the dust off their heads, saying, Praise be to God, who has removed sadness from us; our
Lord is indeed Forgiving, Thankful (Quran 35:34). And he '- ,'= - _'- said, The best
invocation is La ilaha illallah. And he '- ,'= - _'- said, The best thing that I and the
Prophets before me ever said is La ilaha illallah. And [the Prophet] '- ,'= - _'- said
that his Lord declared, Truly, I am God; There is no god but Me. Whosoever affirms My
Oneness enters My fortress, and whosoever enters My fortress shall be safe from My
chastisement. And he '- ,'= - _'- said Renew your faith. How should we renew our
faith? he was asked. He said: Say La ilaha illallah many times. And he '- ,'= - _'- said,
Subhan Allah is half the balance; al-Hamdulillah fills it; and there is no veil between La ilaha
illallah and God until it reaches Him. And he '- ,'= - _'- said, The one who testifies
that there is no god but God, that Muhammad is the Messenger of God, that Jesus was the
servant of God and was His word cast into Mary, and a spirit from Him, that the Garden is
real and the Fire is real, shall enter the Garden according to his deeds. And in Imam
Muslims version: God renders the Fire forbidden for a person who affirms that there is no
god but God and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God. And he '- ,'= - _'- said,
Anyone who says La ilaha illallah with sincere single-heartedness shall enter the Garden.
He was asked, O Messenger of God, what does sincere single-heartedness consist of? And
he answered, It restrains him from the things which God has forbidden. And he said,
Make those of you who are dying repeat La ilaha illallah, for it wipes away all preceding

sins. And he said to Muadh [ibn Jabal], O Muadh, no one affirms single-heartedly that
there is no god but God and that Muhammad is His Messenger but that God renders the
Fire forbidden to him. And he '- ,'= - _'- said, God has forbidden to the Fire anyone
who says La ilaha illallah for His sake. And he said to Abu Hurayra (may God be pleased
with him), Go, and whoever you find on the other side of this wall who affirms La ilaha
illallah with certainty in his heart, give him glad tidings that he shall enter the Garden.
A bedouin once came to the Prophet '- ,'= - _'- and said, O Messenger of God! What
are the two inevitable things? And he replied, Whoever dies without having associated
anything with God shall enter the Garden, and whoever dies associating something with
God shall enter the Fire. It is said that Moses ,'= `-' said, O Lord, teach me something
with which I can remember and pray to You. And He said, O Moses, say La ilaha illallah.
Lord! he replied, All Your servants say that. [God] said, O Moses! If the seven
heavens and their inhabitants, and the seven earths were in one hand of a balance, and La
ilaha illallah was in the other, La ilaha illallah would outweigh them all. And the Prophet
'- ,'= - _'- once asked Muadh ibn Jabal, Do you know what is Gods right over His
servants, and what right His servants have over God? And he replied, God and His
Messenger know best. Gods right over His servants, he told him, is that they should
worship Him and not associate anything with Him. And the right of His servants over Him
is that He will not torment anyone who does not associate anything with Him. O
Messenger of God! Muadh said, Shall I not give people the good news? And he told him,
Do not, for they would rely on it.
And the Prophet '- ,'= - _'- said, Gabriel once came to me and said, Give your
nation the good news that he who dies not having associated anything with God shall enter
the Garden. I then said, O Gabriel! Even if one had committed theft and adultery? Yes!
he said. And I asked, Even if he had committed theft and adultery? Yes! he said. And I
asked, Even if he had committed theft and adultery? And he replied, Yes, even if he used
to drink wine.

Achievement of objective

Allah the Exalted has said:

Help one another to righteousness and piety; do not help one another to sin and enmity...
(Quran, 5:2).

In this age of materialism and nihilism: religion, faith, spirituality and the unseen
have become, in the minds of most, invented ideas of pre-modern man. The
majority of Muslims, although not nearly as affected by the post-modern
condition as concerns Aqidah [Creed], are not in any way immune to the
continuous onslaught of materialism they are faced with each day. In light of
this, for one to achieve the abovementioned objective of engendering the
certainty that our individual and collective success lies in following the blessed
Sunna, has increasingly become an uphill task. Keeping this in view, one must
endeavor to perform tadhkira [reminders] of Allah with all his attributes, His
Messenger '- ,'= - _'-, his life and struggles, the Companions, their lives and
sacrifices, the brevity of ones temporal existence, the imminence of death, the
grave, the Day of Reckoning, the Garden, the Fire, and the eternal expanse of the
Final Abode, consistently and continually, for Allah, Almighty and Glorious is
He, has said, remind for reminding truly benefits believers.

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