MedPAN South Project Newsletter (Dec 2012)

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WWF MedPAn south Project teAM , MPA ForuM, AntAlyA, turkey.

WWF MediterrAneAn





MedPAN South Project - INterNAl NewSletter

Working together for more effective Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean coNgrAtulAtIoNS!
We would like to congratulate the entire MedPAN South team and our partners for another challenging but very successful year! We look forward to continuing to work together, as much remains to be done. Thank you for your hard work and dedication. As you know, the MedPAN South Project will close in March 2013, however all field activities should be completed by December 31, 2012. These are the next steps towards project closure: Technical and Financial reports (for the period October-December 2012) are due no later than January 15, 2013. If additional activities are planned for 2013, final reports will be due in February; Local Project coordinators will be contacted in January for additional information needed to complete the final project reports; The final project report will be completed by March 31, 2013.

As of 31 December 2012, Magali Mabari, the MedPAN South Communication Officer, ends her term with WWF Mediterranean. Magali has been a great asset for the whole team, structuring and developing communication activities both at the regional and pilot project levels. Thanks to Magalis creativity we have developed innovative and outstanding videos to tell the stories and the successes of the project. Magali led the development of the campaign to promote MPAs, which gathered over 25,000 signatures in 4 months! Magali will move to a full-time position with the MedPAN Association, thus remaining part of our family, so we look forward to continuing to work with you. Magali, we thank you for your dedication, passion, creativity, but above all for your friendship and team playing. You will be missed!

cAPAcIty buIldINg ProgrAMMe
The last mentor training was held in Ortigia (Sicily) hosted by the MPA Plemmirio in early October. The training subject was designing MPA networks. Unfortunately four mentors could not attend this last training. Training evaluations are completed and will be sent out shortly (Annex 1). The regional strategy and capacity building program for the Mediterranean has been translated into French (see Annex 2).
For further information contact Giuseppe di Carlo [email protected]

On 25 September, during the Algerian Marine Day, an awareness raising event was organised in collaboration with the Environment Department of the Wilaya for local students, who discovered for the first time the underwater trail of National Park of Taza. Croatia On 24-25 October, the Conference on the management of Croatian national and nature parks at sea: The future of marine protected areas in the Adriatic was held in Split as project closing event. The conference was attended by both practitioners and government authorities that confirmed their endorsement of the management plans developed in the project. The management plan for Telaica National Park was approved by the Ministry of Environment and the State Institute for Nature Protection, while the management plan for Lastovo National Park is awaiting approval. A feasibility study on the organization and sustainable development of nautical tourism at Lastovo Islands National Park was conducted to support the development of future management of the tourism sector of the area. Libya A training workshop on stakeholder engagement is planned for early 2013, while a socio-economic assessment of Ain-El-Gazhela is planned for December 2013. Tunisia Two masters theses about Cap Negro-Cap Serrat MPA were

finalised on Development and optimization of the monitoring programme for physical-chemical water quality for Cap Negro - Cap Serrat and Fish Assemblage Survey Technique: FAST. In September, a training session on Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation by using MIRADI software was organised for key stakeholders in Tunisia. This was the first time that this world-wide training activity was delivered using the French version of the software. Two local NGOs (Association Locale de Dveloppement Intgr et Durable and Association Tunisienne pour le Dveloppement de la Pche Artisanale) implemented a number activities to raise the awareness of fishermen and farmers living in the Cap NegroCap Serrat MPA about sustainable management of natural resources. In November, two field trips were organised at Cap NegroCap Serrat MPA for journalists and Facebook fans of WWF. This innovative communication activity was very successful in informing the general public about the biodiversity and cultural richness of the area and what WWF is doing to protect this important ecosystem.
Michel Gunther / WWF-cAnon

PIlot ProjectS hIghlIghtS

Algeria On 2 October the management plan of the National Park of Taza was approved at the local level by the Wilaya. The plan integrates the new marine zone within the terrestrial park and includes new zoning boundaries and regulations. A publication was released: Le banc des Kabiles au cur de la consultation et de la concertation pour lamnagement et la protection du territoire terrestre et marine du Parc national de Taza, Jijel, summarizing the experience of the pilot project of developing a consultation and collaboration process with fishermen and local administration for the development of the zoning and management plan of the future MPA. A survey targeting the fishermen in Taza was launched to collect data about cetaceans using the marine area of the park.

Turkey Fishing zones and regulations proposed and agreed on by national and local stakeholders from Ka-Kekova SPA were gazetted in the national fishery legislation by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock. The new zoning plan is already under enforcement by the local Coast Guard. While waiting for a binding

regulation of diving activities, the diving club association KASAD, the Governor of Ka and WWF produced and implemented diving rules for the protection of fragile sea habitats within the SPA borders. The diving clubs have also started to collect 5 from each diver who volunteers to contribute to the installation of mooring buoys in the area. During the summer, a number of

communication activities were launched to reach tourists visiting Kas-Kekova SPA. Posters, signal panels, a photography contest, and news informed tourists of the new MPA regulations and encouraged people visiting the area to act accordingly.
For further information contact Marina Gomei [email protected]

New vIdeoS
Two new videos have been produced, the first focusing on the results of the pilot project in Croatia: youtube/hTQ-huK94nU the second on the benefits of comanagement between fishermen and MPA managers: youtube/OXq05bNWlh8 The booklet is available in English, French and Arabic at:

MedPAN South Project techNIcAl SerIeS

The MedPAN South Project Technical Series includes: tude socio-conomique pour la future aire marine du Parc National de Taza, Algerie (FR) Monitoring of Posidonia oceanica meadows in Croatian Protected Areas (E) Capacity building strategy to enhance the management of MPAs in the Mediterranean Sea (English and French) Scientific field survey report for the development of Marine Protected Areas in Libya (E) Results of marine biodiversity research at Ka-Kekova SPA, Turkey (E) tude sur les mcanismes de financement durables des aires protges Tunisie et ralisation dun business plan pour laire marine et ctire protge de Cap Ngro-Cap Serrat (FR). These reports and related materials are at:
and, with the kind support of

New PublIcAtIoN - MAkINg MArINe Protected AreAS work: leSSoNS leArNed froM the MedIterrANeAN
Launched during the MPA Forum in Antalya, Turkey, this publication is not another compendium of guidelines or recommendations, but is a practical tool for managers, NGOs, and practitioners involved in the management planning process for protected areas. Case studies from 9 MPAs in Algeria, Croatia, Libya, Tunisia, and Turkey provide useful examples on how to address common challenges and showcase solutions based on activities, achievements, and first-hand experiences of the stakeholders involved in the MedPAN South Project. It outlines the steps needed to take an MPA from creation to a fully operational state.


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MedPAN South Project Technical Series: tude socio-conomique pour la future aire marine du Parc National de Taza, Algerie Monitoring of Posidonia oceanica meadows in Croatian Protected Areas Capacity building strategy to enhance the management of MPAs in the Mediterranean Sea Scientific field survey report for the development of Marine Protected Areas in Libya Results of marine biodiversity research at Ka-Kekova SPA, Turkey tude sur les mcanismes de financement durables pour les aires proteges en Tunisie
These reports and related materials can be found at:

Ces rapports et dautres documents sont disponibles sur :

The MedPAN South Project The MedPAN South Project (20092013) is a collaborative effort led by WWF Mediterranean bringing together more than 20 partner organizations to improve the management effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas in the southern and eastern Mediterranean region. Le Projet MedPAN Sud (2009-2012) est le rsultat dun effort collectif qui rassemble plus de 20 organisations partenaires pour amliorer lefficacit de la gestion des aires marines protges dans le sud et lest de la Mditerrane et pour soutenir la cration de nouvelles AMPs. The MedPAN South Technical Series The Technical Series of the MedPAN South project is a collection of scientific and technical reports which share, with the MPA community at large, new knowledge acquired on MPAs, specifically for the south and east of the Mediterranean. La Srie technique du projet MedPAN Sud est une collection de rapports scientifiques et techniques produits par les partenaires du projet sur une slection de sujets. La Srie a t lance pour partager les nouvelles connaissances acquises sur les AMPs de la Mditerrane mridionale et orientale au sein de la communaut des gestionnaires dAMPs.

In partnership with

MPA foruM ANtAlyA, turkey

WWF and partners from 15 Mediterranean countries attended the MPA Forum in Antalya, Turkey, from 25 to 28 November. A wide range of events and tools were organized and developed to illustrate the main results of the MedPAN South project and WWFs work on MPAs. Two workshops, one on Marine Spatial Planning and one on lessons learned from MedPAN South, were hosted by WWF during the Forum. A stand representing WWFs work on MPAs in the Mediterranean emphasized the importance and benefits of MPAs - ecological, social and economic. WWF also presented the results of our social media campaign (mediterranean., which gathered over 25,000 signatures (see Annex 3). We thank all of you for your support and help in spreading the word!
WWF MediterrAneAn

the MedPAN South Project NewSletter deceMber 2012

forthcoming events
Meeting MedPAN South closing conference MedPartnership Coordination Committee Brief description Conference to present the results and lessons learned from Kas-Kekova. Where Ankara, Turkey Dates 8 January, 2013 Organizer WWF-Turkey Participants G. Di Carlo, M. Gomei, WWF-Turkey staff


Paris, France

28-30 January, 2013


G. Di Carlo

In preparation for the closure of the project, we should plan activities with partners and prepare any final budget reallocation.

For more information

Project Management: Giuseppe Di Carlo [email protected] + 39 06 8449 7338 Capacity Building Programme: Giuseppe Di Carlo [email protected] + 39 06 8449 7338 Pilot Projects: Marina Gomei [email protected] + 39 06 84497355 Project administration: Giovanna Agostinelli [email protected] + 39 06 8449 7331 Communications: Magali Mabari [email protected] + 33 4 94 275 772

MedPAN South Project

wIth the fINANcIAl SuPPort of:

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1986 Panda symbol WWF - World Wide Fund for nature WWF registered trademark

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