Promoting Human Rights and Human Dignity in An Axial Age
Promoting Human Rights and Human Dignity in An Axial Age
Promoting Human Rights and Human Dignity in An Axial Age
Promoting Human Rights and Human Dignity in an Axial Age Michael L. Penn, Aditi Malik, Tri Nguyen, & Atilla Cidam
2 Abstract Concern for human dignity animates much contemporary work designed to advance the protection of human rights. Yet the concept of human dignity remains elusive. In this paper we suggest that human dignity is tied to the unique ontological status of human beings and that the emergence of humanitys concern for human rights and human dignity during the twentieth century parallels an emerging consciousness of the essential oneness of the human race. We go further to relate the protection of human dignity to the moral life of humanity as a species, adumbrate the threat to human dignity that is embodied in the doctrine of materialism, and suggest that the desire to protect human dignity is an essential aspect of the accelerating maturation of the human race as we pass through a second axial period in human history. I. Introduction In 1953 the German philosopher, Karl Jaspers, wrote The Origin and Goal of History. In that important book, Jaspers described the period between 800 and 200 B.C.E., which he called the Axial Age, in the following way: In this age were born the fundamental categories within which we still think today, and the beginnings of the world religions, by which human beings still live, were created. The step into universality was taken in every sense. As a result of this process, hitherto unconsciously accepted ideas, customs and conditions were subjected to examination, questioned and liquidated. Everything was swept into the vortex. In so far as the traditional substance still possessed vitality and reality, its manifestations were clarified and thereby transmuted.1 The Axial Age brought the mythical age to an end and there appeared on the horizon of human consciousness a series of reverberations that were to shake the foundations of human thinking. This period of history saw some very extraordinary people appear. These include Confucius and Lao Tze in China, the Buddha in India, the Prophets of Israel in Mesopotamia, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle in Greece, and the extraordinary visionary -- Zoroaster -- in Persia. The Axial Age was remarkable because it was a time of great upheaval and suffering, a time of tremendous violence, instability, and social disruption. The violence was facilitated by new technologies of death associated with horsemanship and the invention of the chariot. But the Axial Age was also a time when we experienced very radical shifts in the architecture, the content, and the processes of human thought. It was as though humanity, as a species, acquired the conceptual tools and the social pressures that would compel it to build a new mind. Since the mind is the reservoir from which civilization flows, the Axial Age gave birth to new forms of civilization.2
3 A) A Second Axial Age in Human Aspirations and Values We invoke the memory of the Axial Age at this time because for a little more than a century and a half we have been living in another axial period in the history of the world. As compared to earlier eras, the rate of growth and change has accelerated greatly and we have begun to see old systems of thought, old ways of organizing society, old ways of relating to racially, culturally and religiously different people begin to weaken and totter under the weight of their own obsolescence. Alongside unprecedented degrees of suffering and exploitation, we have seen a flowering of human aspiration for freedom, for an end to conflict and violence, for greater sharing of the worlds resources. We have seen an explosion of knowledge about the condition of the world and this expansion of awareness makes it possible for us to address problems the likes of which we have never considered before. Nowhere is change greater than as relates to relations among and between peoples of different cultures, races, classes, and nations. The global scope and ethical core of the changes underway are captured succinctly in humanitys growing concern for human development and human rights. B) Shifting Values During any axial period human consciousness must be liberated from obsolete values, moribund ways of seeing, and maladaptive habits of thought. Whether from humanitarian, environmental, or political perspectives, a worldview that is demonstrating, in ever-greater measure, its own inadequacy is the doctrine of materialism. The doctrine of materialism, which was fathered by nineteenth century European thought, took on the status of a religious creed by its proponents during the second half of the twentieth century. Its simple assertion was that all of realityincluding human realityis essentially material in nature, and that the goal and purpose of human life is basically the satisfaction of material needs and desires. Institutions of commerce, governance, and education exist in order to protect and facilitate this quest, and humanitys collective concern should be an ongoing refinement of the systems that are aimed at carrying out this task. The doctrine of materialism acquired enormous influence through the exploits of American capitalist culture, and was invested by Marxism with a degree of credibility that would distinguish that short lived but powerful system. As has been noted by the Universal House of Justice, If leaders of thought were to be candid in their assessment of the evidence readily available, it is here (in the doctrine of materialism) that one would find the root cause of such apparently unrelated problems as the pollution of the environment, economic dislocation, ethnic violence, spreading public apathy, the massive increase in crime, and epidemics that ravage whole populations. The failure of materialism rests in its inability to satisfy humanitys most basic
4 needs and aspirations. To the contrary, the doctrine of materialism has led to the confusion of means with ends. It has nurtured the proclivity to sacrifice the highest value, which must be regarded as the development of the capacities that animate the human spirit, for other values -- such as economic flourishing for some segment of the population, pleasurable experiences for some portion of the human community, or the triumph of one or another ideology, whatever the cost to human lives. Notwithstanding the material suffering brought upon humanity as a consequence of the influence of materialism, the greatest threat of materialism is the threat that it poses to human dignity. When we seek to protect human dignity we are concerned with guarding the human race from that which would degrade, debase or dishonor its members; we seek to protect the noble station into which all are born and toward which all may rise. And while dignityas the literature and discourse on human rights suggestsis inherent and inalienable to all human beings, as the horrific violence of the twentieth century has shown, human dignity must be protected against pernicious ideologies that justify the sacrifice of human security and development to some poorly conceived idea. Thus, if the enormous potentialities of this axial age are to be realized, the corrosive influence of materialism on human dignity will need to be addressed. This paper is, in part, an attempt to attend to this concern. Our overall purpose is to demonstrate that modern conceptualizations of human rights and human dignity embody a universal notion of what it means to be human; that the global spread of such a notion is the hallmark of the spirit of this new age and serves as the defining feature of this axial period. We seek further to show that contemporary conceptualizations of human rights and human dignity are in tension with the doctrine of materialism because they are grounded in the recognition that the protection of civilization, in all of its forms, depends not merely on the machinery required for material development, but upon the protection and cultivation of the unique moral, intellectual and spiritual capacities that are embodied in the notion of the human spirit. We begin our discourse by reflecting on the great moral and conceptual achievement of the century just ended. II. The Twentieth Century and the Dawn of the Consciousness of the Oneness of Humankind The twentieth century was the most turbulent century in the history of the human race. Referring to this period, the Universal House of Justice wrote: Let us acknowledge at the outset the magnitude of the ruin that the human race has brought upon itself during the period of history under review. The loss of life alone has been beyond counting. The disintegration of basic institutions of social order, the violation indeed, the abandonment of standards of decency, the betrayal of the life of the mind through surrender to ideologies as squalid as they have been empty, the invention and deployment of monstrous
5 weapons of mass annihilation, the bankrupting of entire nations and the reduction of masses of human beings to hopeless poverty, the reckless destruction of the environment of the planet such are only the more obvious in a catalogue of horrors unknown to even the darkest of ages past.3,4 Notwithstanding the devastation visited upon the human race during the twentieth century, that century has also been referred to as the century of light. The light that marked the twentieth century as a turning point in the history of humankind was the dawn of the consciousness of the oneness of humanity. In the early decades of that century the Persian philosopher and humanitarian, Abdul-Bah wrote: In cycles gone by, though harmony was established, yet, owing to the absence of means, the unity of all mankind could not have been achieved. Continents remained widely divided, nay even among the peoples of one and the same continent association and interchange of thought were wellnigh impossible. Consequently intercourse, understanding and unity amongst all the peoples and kindreds of the earth were unattainable. In this day, however, means of communication have multiplied, and the five continents of the earth have virtually merged into one. And for everyone it is now easy to travel to any land, to associate and exchange views with its peoples, and to become familiar, through publications, with the conditions, the religious beliefs and the thoughts of all men. In like manner all the members of the human family, whether peoples or governments, cities or villages, have become increasingly interdependent. For none is self-sufficiency any longer possible, inasmuch as political ties unite all peoples and nations, and the bonds of trade and industry, of agriculture and education, are being strengthened every day. Hence the unity of all mankind can in this day be achieved. Verily this is none other but one of the wonders of this wondrous age, this glorious century. Of this past ages have been deprived, for this centurythe century of lighthath been endowed with unique and unprecedented glory, power and illumination5 In 2003 the scientific journal, Nature, published an edited volume containing twenty-one discoveries reported in the journal during the twentieth century that changed science and the world. The journal titled their volume, A Century of Nature, and opened it with the 1925 paper reporting Raymond Darts discovery of Austalopithecus africanus. Darts discovery in physical anthropology was revolutionary because it was the first in a chain of discoveries that would provide empirical evidence for the monogenesis of all people. In other words, Darts discovery linked all human beings as members of a single species whose biological heritage could be traced to a common ancestor. Thus at a time when biological racism had spread across the world and had begun to erode confidence in the essential oneness of the human race, Darts finding in the first quarter of the 20th
6 century affirmed in the strongest terms possible that the oneness of humanity was no expression of vague and pious hope, but was rather an empirically validated fact. In the young science of psychology the principle of the oneness of humankind was to be demonstrated in the discovery of universal principles that govern the nature and development of the human brain and mind, and that shape human response to justice and love -- as well as injustice, cruelty, trauma and violence. Today, all of the natural and social sciences that take as their focus the human being affirm the essential oneness of the human species. In the realm of ideals and collective aspirations, the principle of the oneness of humankind would incarnate itself in a practical way in 1945 with the establishment of the United Nations. The Preamble to the UN Charter affirms faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small. Following in December of 1948, ratification of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights provided the first globally agreed upon covenant that would enshrine international commitment to the principle of the essential oneness of humankind. At the heart of the document was the inspiring conviction that each human person is born into the world as a trust of the whole and that notwithstanding our diversity we constitute a single human family. In addition to the birth and evolution of the human rights movement, as Frances Fukuyama has argued, the twentieth century saw the victory of liberal democracy. 1 And while many scholars dispute Fukuyamas conclusion that the collapse of the Soviet Union and the triumph of democracy signified the end of history,2 it would be reasonable to argue that during the twentieth century the liberal democratic movement won many friends.3 Indeed, democratization efforts continue to spread across the world today.6 Underlying the growing popularity of this system of governance is the recognition that democratic rule is more in harmony with the protection of human rights than authoritarian, oligarchic, or monarchic regimes. Part of the appeal of democracy is that it shows respect for human dignity by empowering human beings to develop their innate capacities and affords opportunities for the use of those capacities in the governance of human affairs.4 See: Fukuyama, F. (1992). The end of history and the last man. New York: Penguin. See, for example: Susan Marks. (1997). The end of history? Reflection on some international legal theses. The European Journal of International Law, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 449-477. 3 See: Beth Simmons, Frank Dobbin and Geoffrey Garrett (2007). The global diffusion of markets and democracy. Cambridge University Press. 4 For discussions of this theme, see: Jan Aarte Scholte (2002). Civil society and democracy in global governance. Global Governance, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 281-304; and Paul R. Abramson & Ronald F. Inglehart (1995). Value change in global perspective. University of Michigan Press; and Beth A. Simmons, Frank Dobbin, and Geoffrey
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7 A) Protection of Human Dignity Requires Recognition of the Oneness of Humankind We have argued elsewhere that the universal capacities that define and distinguish the human species are embodied in the notion of the human spirit. 7 These capacities consist of the capacity to know, the capacity to love, and the capacity to will. When awakened and nurtured, the capacity to know stirs humanity in its ceaseless search for knowledge and wisdom; the capacity to will motivates us to pursue that which is thought to be good; and the capacity to love animates our attraction to beauty and our longing for connection to nature, to one another, and to that which is sacred. Human development results, essentially, from the cultivation and refinement of these capacities. As these capacities unfold and express themselves in the life of the community, we see the emergence and efflorescence of the sciences, arts, and systems of ethics and jurisprudence upon which civilization depends. We also witness the incarnation in human action, and in the functioning of human institutions, those virtues that redound to human honor and dignity, and which give order and harmony to the social world. We have suggested that the health and prosperity of humankind depends upon the actualization of these capacities; that these capacities constitute humanity's intrinsic value; and that the protection and development of these capacities is the ultimate goal of all morally authentic relationships and all legitimate systems of community and governance. The development and protection of the human spirit thus serves as an appropriate focus for adjudicating the moral legitimacy of any human act, any social policy, or any cultural practice. For these reasons the protection, development, and refinement of the human spirit provides the essential focus for all human rights endeavors. In addition, over the course of the twentieth century efforts to protect the human spirit have come to focus increasingly on the preservation of human dignity. The reason for this is a growing recognition that human dignity is tied inextricably to the capacities that animate the human spirit and that the protection and development of the human spirit is the only sure way for advancing the prosperity of humankind in the fullest sense of the term. When we speak of human dignity, we are concerned with the dignity that goes hand in hand with being a human being. As we have suggested, the widespread notion that all human beings constitute a single race, and thus share common needs and aspirations is, historically speaking, a new idea. Prior to the twentieth century, the concept of human dignity was largely tied to social address and was a matter of social permission. In the minds of the masses, human dignity was very much linked to hierarchy and ones racial, gender, or economic status in comparison to the status of others.8 At the end of the second World War, as a consequence of the hubris and inhumanity of the Nazis, the concept of human dignity began to center upon the inherent value Garrett (2006). Introduction: The international diffusion of liberalism. International Organization, Vol. 60, No. 4, pp. 781-810.
8 of the human person whatever his or her race, nationality, culture, creed, or station in life. Today, the inherent worth of human beings is the vocabulary that is customarily employed in human rights literature to capture the notion of human dignity. In other words, the notion of human dignity has become tied to the irreducible ontological status of each member of the human race. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights, affirms Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights requires that all persons deprived of their liberty shall be treated with humanity and with respect for the inherent dignity of the human person (Article 10); and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights prescribes that education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and the sense of its dignity (Article 13). Further references to the protection of human dignity appear in a number of international covenants, transnational accords, and national constitutions.9 It was, of course, Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) who, in the 18th Century, introduced in the clearest and most detailed terms, the concept of intrinsic dignity.5 It would take more than two centuries, however, for this idea to find universal expression in humanitys political affairs. The concept of intrinsic dignity has had to compete with conceptions of human beings that sought to associate human dignity with ephemeral standards and socially constructed values -- such as skin color, gender, degree of material culture, level of education, or religious affiliation. III. References to Human Dignity Proliferate Inasmuch as the preservation of human dignity is a prerequisite for safeguarding the healthy development of the human spirit, references to human dignity in official human rights documents have proliferated. A content analysis, undertaken by the current authors, of more than 100 human rights documents penned over the course of the last century reveals more than a dozen ways that the concept of human dignity serves as a basis for advancing human rights claims: 1) Protection of human dignity provides a standard for judging whether a practice (e.g., state sponsored torture; capital punishment; female genital mutilation) or a government policy (e.g., apartheid) ought to enjoy the support or incur the condemnation of the international community; 2) Protection of human dignity provides a basis for condemning all forms of discrimination and a ground for state sponsored responsibility to overcome the pernicious effects of particular doctrines (e.g., the doctrine of inherent racial, ethnic, or gender superiority); 3) Protection of human dignity provides the logical foundation of equal treatment of all people including equality of access to nutrition, health care, education, employment, self-determination, privacy, etc.; Kant, Immanuel (1785). Grounding for the metaphysics of morality. Trans. James W. Ellington. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1981.
9 4) It provides a basis for holding states responsible for the protection of cultural identity (e.g., the protection of a peoples language and their right to use it); 5) It provides guiding principles for policies concerning the treatment of minorities, immigrants and disadvantaged groups; 6) It provides a basis for regulation of the business sector against practices that assault the human spirit (e.g., human trafficking, sexual harassment); 7) It provides special provisions for the protection of those whose circumstances may make it difficult for them to protect themselves (e.g., women and children in armed conflict, those held in detention, the mentally disabled; the elderly); 8) It provides a rationale for defending standards for adjudicating the proper representation of groups in the media; 9) It provides a rationale for providing adequate health care to all persons irrespective of their sexual orientation; 10)It provides justification for the condemnation of forced disappearance; 11)It provides a rationale for why prosecutors, law enforcement officials, and lawyers must show respect for the human spirit as the essential agents of justice; 12)It justifies the condemnation of humiliating and degrading treatment by agents acting on behalf of the state; 13)It provides the reason for having to give due consideration to the legitimacy of biomedical procedures in the pursuit of scientific knowledge; 14)It provides justification for honoring the right to privacy. What is common to all of these usages is the recognition that human rights can be protected only when the moral conditions that are necessary for the development and expression of human capacities are preserved and the ethical standards that are required for the preservation of human dignity are respected. IV. The Impact of an Overly Materialistic Focus Notwithstanding the centrality of concern for human dignity in human rights discourse, as has been noted by Kenneth Pargament and others, for most of the twentieth century academics, development workers and human rights advocates have either ignored humanitys spiritual concerns, viewed them as pathological, or treated them as by-products of processes that can be reduced to more basic underlying psychological, social, and physiological functions.10 Furthermore, as the human rights activist, psychiatrist and educator Dr. Hossain Danesh noted, among the masses of humanity spirituality may well be the most misunderstood aspect of human nature: Some equate spirituality with religiosity or emotionality noted Danesh. Some consider spirituality to be the equivalent of being superstitious or illogical, while others consider spirituality to be found in artistic expression alone. Still others consider anything beyond their comprehension
10 to be spiritual.6 Despite the profound confusion that is associated with the concept of spirituality, it is becoming increasingly clear that without tapping into the deep reservoir of humanitys moral and spiritual potential it would be impossible to set in motion social processes that reflect a worldwide commitment to achieving the prosperity of humankind in the fullest sense of the term. The Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity put the issue in the following way: The assumptions directing most of current development planning are essentially materialistic. That is to say, the purpose of development is defined in terms of the successful cultivation in all societies of those means for the achievement of material prosperity that have, through trial and error, already come to characterize certain regions of the world. Modifications in development discourse do indeed occur, accommodating differences of culture and political system and responding to the alarming dangers posed by environmental degradation. Yet the underlying materialistic assumptions remain essentially unchallenged. As the twentieth century draws to a close, it is no longer possible to maintain the belief that the approach to social and economic development to which the materialistic conception of life has given rise is capable of meeting humanity's needs. Optimistic forecasts about the changes it would generate have vanished into the ever-widening abyss that separates the living standards of a small and relatively diminishing minority of the world's inhabitants from the poverty experienced by the vast majority of the globe's population. This unprecedented economic crisis, together with the social breakdown it has helped to engender, reflects a profound error of conception about human nature itself. For the levels of response elicited from human beings by the incentives of the prevailing order are not only inadequate, but seem almost irrelevant in the face of world events. We are being shown that, unless the development of society finds a purpose beyond the mere amelioration of material conditions, it will fail of attaining even these goals.11 The twentieth century revealed an essential complementarity between the empirical and rational demands of science and the ethical conduct required of human beings if our relationships to one another and to nature are to secure life and promote development. At the heart of an approach that has begun to crystalize in the wake of the devastations of the last century is an ethical commitment to the oneness of the human race and the conviction that life and development are sustained by the creation and maintenance of unity within the context of diversity. In contrast to a wholly materialistic perspective, the emerging paradigm affords consideration of ethical and spiritual principles vital to any meaningful discourse on Hossain B. Danesh (1994). The Violence-free family: Building block of a peaceful civilization. Keynote address at the International Symposium for Creating the Violence-Free Family, UNICEF House, New York, May 23, 1994.
11 human needs and human rights. If they are to be comprehensive, if they are to escape the quagmire of superstition, and if they are to be universal in their appeal, these principles must be derived from an integration of knowledge obtained through empirical research, reasoned discourse, and the writings of the worlds wisdom traditions as they constitute the primary reservoir of humanitys ethicospiritual heritage.7 The tradition of human rights and development scholarship that is required for this new age must seek to harvest the greatest insights contained in all of the worlds sacred, philosophical, and empirical traditions. Its epistemological outlook, its methodological openness, and its commitment to rendering scholarship a tool for the advancement of civilization are incompatible with parochial commitments to any particular ideological, methodological or epistemological camp. We must be inspired by a vision of pragmatic scholarship and deep philosophical inquiry into the human condition that has begun to emerge in the light of the pressing needs of the twenty-first century. V. A Comprehensive Approach to Knowledge is at the Foundation of Human Security and Development As has been noted by Hatcher, to succeed, the human enterprise needs knowledge that is both true (accurate) and useful (for the satisfaction of human needs).8 What are the sources of such knowledge? In his ten-volume classic, A Study of History, the English historian, Arnold Toynbee, noted that like all complex systems, human civilizations are subject to the forces of entropy and thus require periodic renewal and reinvigoration.9 The historical record would suggest that such renewal is fueled, not only by paradigm shifts in the sciences which make possible technological revolutions, but by the intervention in history of the luminaries, prophets, avatars, and enlightened ones who have founded the world's great religions and established in their wake new models of social life, greater commitment to the common good, deeper insight into moral and spiritual truths, and greater capacity to express, both individually and collectively, human compassion, wisdom and love. Guatama Buddha, for example, initiated his devotees into the rigors of the eightfold path which consisted of spiritual, intellectual and social disciplines that were designed to expand human awareness, enrich the quality of human compassion and discernment, and render the individual fit for service to humankind. Zoroaster, Lao Tzu, Confucius, the Native American prophet, Deganawidah, and a host of other Soheil Bushrui (2009). The spiritual heritage of the human race. Oneworld Publishers. 8 William S. Hatcher (2004). Minimalism. Juxta Publishing. 9 Arnold Toynbee (1934). A study of history, Volumes I-III. Oxford; see especially Arnold Toynbee (1939). A study of history, Volumes IV-VI. Oxford.
12 great seers have made similar contributions. In the spiritual wake of these luminaries cultures were renewed; and sometimes, new civilizations were born. Billions have come to understand the purpose of human life in ways that have been shaped by their teachings. No attempt to cultivate and protect the human spirit can be successful, therefore, if it ignores the influence and insights of these great teachers. Beyond the influence that they exert on ethics, as it is in every true science, at the core of every authentic religion is a commitment to knowledge and learning. Early Islamic commitment to the advancement of knowledge, for example, was critical in the preservation of Greek philosophy, essential to the advancement of chemistry, mathematics and medicine, and was perhaps unparalleled in the contributions made to art, architecture, and literature. Indeed, many scholars of both the East and West have credited Islam with aiding Europe to emerge from the dark ages. Not a few writers have suggested that Judaism and Christianity made the study of nature, and thus the emergence of modern science, possible as these traditions emphasized the rationality of nature and the fact that she was good. Thus the book of nature was said to be worthy of the human effort to read and understand. Similarly, the Bah writings describe knowledge as wings to mans life, and a ladder for his ascent,12 as one of the wondrous gifts of God13 which all are encouraged to acquire. Concerning the content of learning, the Bah writings affirm that included must be the promotion of the arts, the discovery of new wonders, the expansion of trade, and the development of industry. The methods of civilization and the beautification of the country must also be encouraged14 Bahs are encouraged to acquire the various current branches of knowledge, both spiritual and secular15 and to take into consideration not only the physical and intellectual side of man but also his spiritual and ethical aspects.16 VI. Human Dignity, the Human Spirit, and Human Rights The protection of human dignity requires the recognition that each person possesses inherent value that is independent of any purpose that their labor, or their bodies, or even their minds may serve. Emmanuel Kant, David Velleman and William Hatcher have each suggested that perception of anothers intrinsic value, which is inherently linked to their dignity, is the basis for all genuine human relationships. In Vellemans view, a minimal perception of human dignity generates respect, while a maximal response to it evokes the spirit of love. What respect and love have in common is that in both cases, the individual is seen as possessing inherent value and her goals and aspirations play important roles in determining the course of human affairs. In the realm of human rights law, such concern for another is embodied in the concern for justice.17 In his important essay, Love and Barriers to Love Raymond Bergner argues that the inability to perceive humans in all their uniqueness and dignity is the chief obstacle to love. In quoting Singer, Bergner writes that in true love, The lover takes
13 an interest in the beloved as a person, and not merely as a commodity. He goes further to note that Love is a relationship in which, for the lover, the beloved is another personis, in Martin Bubers terms, a thou and not an it. Loving involves what Martha Nussbaum calls eudaimonistic judgments: the judgment that something is valuable because it empowers a person to lead a good human life and the judgment that an individual is of intrinsic value. The claim is that another has value that does not depend on ones own personal goals and projects. In other words, anothers value is not merely a matter of social utility. Nussbaum further claims that if it is to be ethical, an emotion that takes as its focus another human being must involve this dimension. One may contrast this perspective with an appetite one might feel towards, say, food. Leaving aside consumption of animal products, for most of us, food does not have inherent value. Its only value is that it serves to keep us alive. My interest in food, for example, is only about me, nothing else. In Nussbaums words, it is a push: there is something in me that requires fulfillment and food satisfies the criteria. There is a similarity here to Bergners concept of the imperialist role assigner who loves others only insofar as they fulfill a personal need. No perception of intrinsic value exists, and this absence of real concern for the other insures a me-centered relationship. The global crisis in human trafficking, the exploitation of women and girls that is a common feature of the sex trade and pornographic industries, the high rates of violence perpetrated by governments in order to maintain illegitimate power, and the dehumanizing suffering that results from chronic unemployment in many parts of the world are among the social ills that reflect disregard for human dignity. The significant development with respect to international human rights law is that the value of the human person can now be conceptualized in two different senses. First, human rights initiatives seek to protect the physical security and integrity of the human person by providing access to those political rights that would empower the community to protect itself from the tyranny of the state18; and second, thanks to second19 and third20 generations of human rights, as well as the pioneering work of Amartya Sen, Martha Nussbaum, Johannes Morsink, Jack Donnelly and others, human rights aim, increasingly, to secure the identity of persons as persons.21 Thus, we are coming to recognize that notwithstanding the power of international law to protect against assaults to the physical security and integrity of persons as members of specific groups, the dignity of humankind can be protected if, and only if, the cultivation of the capacities that distinguish and ennoble human life become the focus of our common striving as a species. VII. Summary and Conclusion We have suggested that over the course of the twentieth century a universal concept of human identity began to emerge. Such a notion takes as its focus the human spirit and concern for the protection of the human spirit has empowered the architects of the human rights movement to justify human rights claims. We have suggested
14 further that the protection and refinement of the human spirit has been inextricably linked to the protection of human dignity because human dignity derives from the capacities that define and animate the human spirit. These capacities include the capacity to know which takes as its object truth, the capacity to love which takes as its object beauty, and the capacity to will which takes as its object that which is perceived to be good. From these three capacities flow all of the artistic, social, moral, intellectual, and technological resources that render human life both possible and meaningful. For these reasons we argued that preoccupation with the material aspects of society, without due regard to the protection and refinement of the human spirit confuses means with ends, endangers human dignity, and imperils achievement of human rights goals. Throughout our discussion, we sought to advance the thesis that the emergence of the concept of the oneness of humanity represents a new stage in the long evolutionary process in the collective life of humanity and marks a second axial age in the history of humankind. Were we to draw the implications of this concept to its logical conclusion, it would imply a very great leap forward in human rights discourse because it implicates the need to effect a radical change in the structure of human society. The magnitude of the transformation that the oneness of humanity implies has been captured succinctly in one of the writings of Shoghi Effendi with which we now close: Let there be no mistake. The principle of the Oneness of Mankindis no mere outburst of ignorant emotionalism or an expression of vague and pious hope. Its appeal is not to be merely identified with a reawakening of the spirit of brotherhood and good will among men, nor does it aim solely at the fostering of harmonious cooperation among individual peoples and nations. Its implications are deeperIts message is applicable not only to the individual, but concerns itself primarily with the nature of those essential relationships that must bind all the states and nations as members of one human familyIt implies an organic change in the structure of present-day society, a change such as the world has not yet experienced. It constitutes a challenge, at once bold and universal, to outworn shibboleths of national creeds creeds that have had their day and which must, in the ordinary course of eventsgive way to a new gospel, fundamentally different from, and infinitely superior to, what the world has already conceived. It calls for no less than the reconstruction and demilitarization of the whole civilized world a world organically unified in all the essential aspects of its life, its political machinery, its spiritual aspiration, its trade and finance, its script and language, and yet infinite in the diversity of the national characteristics of its federated units. It represents the consummation of human evolution an evolution that has had its earliest beginnings in the birth of family life, its subsequent development in the achievement of tribal solidarity, leading in turn to the constitution of the city-state, and expanding later into the institution of independent and sovereign nationsIt has its indirect
15 manifestations in the gradual diffusion of the spirit of world solidarity which is spontaneously arising out of the welter of a disorganized society.22
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Jaspers, K. (1953). The Origin and Goal of History. Yale University Press, p. 2. It was during the Axial Age that small groups in the Middle East, India, China, and Greece began to reflect upon fundamental questions -- and they began to reflect upon these questions by thinking systematically about them. The human species began to subject its thinking to critical scrutiny and doubt. In this way was philosophy as a discipline born. Superstitious thinking began to loosen some of its grip as philosophers, such as Thales, Anaximander and Anaximenes, began to ask What are the fundamental constituents of the world? Is it made of one kind of substance that appears in many forms (the one) or is it a composition of different kinds of elements (the many)? And they asked these questions as if the answers could be arrived at, not by invoking an ancient myth, but by deep reflection and thoughtful discourse. During this period Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle began to ask questions about the nature of human values What is justice, what is love, how might these great forces be cultivated? What is the best system of governance who should govern and why? What is the basis of identity and what is the nature of a cause? To the east, Confucius in China began to speak about the goals that should animate human society and his ideas were extraordinary for their usefulness, their simple elegance and profundity. In Persia Zoroaster suggested that we live out our lives in a kind of moral ecology and that each person has moral responsibilities to himself and to others. He suggested that the quality of our existence depends upon the way that we discharge these moral responsibilities. Few had thought of humans as moral agents endowed with the capacity to choose a moral course and thereby to enrich their own lives and the lives of others. We tended to think of our destinies as shaped by forces that were largely beyond our control. Thus under the influence of the teachings of Zoroaster new aspirations began to animate human life. In India the Buddha provided a tremendous reservoir of insight into what contributes to human suffering and how existential suffering could be overcome. He prescribed the cultivation of compassion, detachment, and wisdom as antidotes to many forms of suffering and suggested that right speech, right intention, right action, right effort, right mindfulness, right livelihood, and so forth, would serve as potent remedies to suffering. He suggested further that we would be happier if we avoided excesses of all kinds.
In Mesopotamia there lived the prophets of Israel who began to speak about the responsibilities of kings and peoples to a higher justice. Do what is just and right, said Jeremiah. Rescue from the hand of his oppressor the one who has been robbed. Do no wrong or violence to the alien, the fatherless or the widow, and do not shed innocent blood in this place. The Jewish prophets were to provide the conceptual fodder for the assertion that Martin Luther King Jr. would make 2500 years later when he affirmed that although the arc of the moral universe is long, it bends towards justice. 3 Universal House of Justice (2000). Century of Light. Haifa, Israel, Bah World Centre, p. 1. 4 According to reliable estimates, World War I alone left 8,528,831 soldiers dead, 21,189,154 wounded, and 7,750, 919 either as prisoners or missing. Another 150 million people would be lost to various ideologies before the centurys end. Abdul-Bah, as quoted in Shoghi Effendis (1980). The Promised Day Has Come. Bah Publishing Trust. p. 119. 6 See, Mandelbaum, M. (2007). Democracy without America: The spontaneous spread of freedom. Foreign Affairs, 86, pp. 119 -130; Abramson, P.R. & Inglehart, R. (1995), Value Change in Global Perspective. University of Michigan. 7 Penn, M.L. & Malik, A. (2010). The protection and development of the human spirit: An expanded focus for human rights discourse. Human Rights Quarterly, 32, pp. 665688. 8 See: Lebech, M. (2004). What is human dignity? Maynooth Philosophical Papers (ed. by M. Lebech), pp. 59-69; and Schachter, O. (Oct. 1983). Human dignity as a normative concept. The American Journal of International Law, Vol. 77, No. 4, pp. 848-854; and Donnelly, J. (June, 1982). Human rights and human dignity: An analytic critique of nonwestern conceptions of human rights. The American Political Science Review, Vol. 76, No. 2, pp. 303-316. 9 We have prepared for the readers consideration a comprehensive account of these references (See Table 1). 10 See, Pargament, K.I., Magyar-Russell, G.M., & Murray-Swank, N.A. (2005). The sacred and the search for significance: Religion as a unique process. Journal of Social Issues, 61, 665-687; and Pargament, K.I. ((2002). Is religion nothing but? Explaining religion versus explaining religion away. Psychological Inquiry, 13, 239-244. 11 Bah International Community Office of Public Information (1995). The Prosperity of Humankind. United Nations: Author. 12 Bahullh, Tablets of Bahullh, p. 51. Wilmette, IL: Bah Publishing Trust. 13 Bahullh, Tablets of Bahullh, p. 39. Wilmette, IL: Bah Publishing Trust. 14 Abdul-Bah, Compilation on the Arts, p. 6. Wilmette, IL: Bah Publishing Trust. 15 Abdul-Bah, Compilation on Education, p. 253. Wilmette, IL: Bah Publishing Trust. 16 Shoghi Effendi, The Importance of Deepening, p. 213. 17 Justice regulates the expression of individual self-interests by requiring that the rights and needs of others be taken into consideration when determining a course of action. In this way, justice embodies the recognition of interdependence and makes community life
possible. In the absence of justice, disunity, conflict and resentments are catalyzed and the social world becomes dangerous and unpredictable. 18 Thus, human security, we argue, is one of the expressions that help human beings realize their human dignity. 19 Speaking broadly, these rights seek to protect economic, social, and cultural rights. 20 Broadly construed, third generation rights include rights to self-determination, the right to participate in ones culture, collective rights, communication rights, the right to a healthy environment, and so forth. 21 At the same time, however, it is important to take note of the fact that within international law, the designation of what constitutes a people is inchoate. Except for the 1970 Friendly Relations Declaration legal definitions of peoples have been few and far between. This has created some conceptual issues in delineating collective standards for the protection of human dignity. 22 Shoghi Effendi (1991). The World Order of Bahaullh, U.S. Bah Publishing Trust, p.206.