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June 4 - 10, 2012

Myanmars first international weekly Volume 32, No. 629 1200 Kyats


Films to probe media law, land grabs

By Nyein Ei Ei Htwe MOVIE director Wine is working on two short documentary films about current event in Myanmar, which he says he will screen at cinemas free of charge once they are completed. Wine told The Myanmar Times that he has been working on the documentaries which explore media law and land confiscations, respectively since January. Press Law is a 17-minute film focusing on media law and the challenges faced by journalists. I made Press Law because I wanted to show the difficulties that journalists in Myanmar face because of our media laws, some of which I feel are unfair to reporters and editors, Wine said, adding that he is finalising the editing of the film. Before I made the documentary, I spent four months studying the current state of the media industry, its historical background, and facts about the media laws from the perspective of journalists, he said, adding that he received funding from a foreign foundation to make the film. The second documentary, as yet untitled, focuses on the difficulties that farmers face when their land is confiscated illegally. To make the documentary about land confiscation, I want to interview people throughout the country, Wine said. If I shoot only farmers from Pyin Oo Lwin and Shan State, Id be afraid that the audience might think that land confiscation cases only occur in those areas. So I want to shoot in places like Kachin State and Rakhine State, as well as around Dawei [in Tanintharyi Region]. He said that because he is still shooting the film, he does not yet know what the backbone of the story will be, nor whether the land confiscation cases he follows will be resolved by the time the film is released. If the cases are not resolved, the film will pose a difficult question to the audience. My motivation for making the documentary is that Im Myanmar and I was born in Myanmar, but I havent seen for myself what difficulties are faced by our farmers, he said.

Farmers take land fight to DHSHD... again

U Win Cho (left), an independent politician, speaks to journalists outside the Department for Human Settlement and Housing Development on Yangons Bogyoke Aung San Road on May 31 after about 35 farmers from Atwin Padan village in Hlaing Tharyar township protested outside the departments office, calling for their farmland to be returned. It was the fourth time the farmers have demonstrated at the office in 2012. The land was confiscated by DHSHD and a private company in 1993 for an industrial zone project that never went ahead. Story, P. 9. Pic: Kaung Htet

Legal reform urgent, says Daw Suu

BANGKOK Daw Aung San Suu Kyi last week urged the government to carry out judicial reform to cement recent political progress and foster clean investment in the country. Addressing world business leaders in Bangkok on June 1, in her first international engagement in more than two decades, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi said Myanmar needed the rule of law more than legal safeguards for foreign investors. Investors in Burma, please be warned even the best investment law would be of no use whatsoever if there is no court clean enough and independent enough to be able to administer these laws justly, she said. Good laws already exist in Burma but we do not have a clean and independent judicial system. Unless we have such a system it is no use having the best laws in the world. Companies are hungrily eyeing resource-rich Myanmar since political reforms prompted some international sanctions to be eased. But in her 15 minute address to the World Economic Forum on East Asia, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi seized the chance to call for an ethical approach from the assembled foreign business chiefs and Asian political leaders. Calling for a healthy scepticism towards reform under the quasicivilian government of President U Thein Sein, she decried a lack of change to the countrys broken legal system and asked delegates to think deeply about what is good for Myanmar. For a moment please dont think too much of the benefit investment will bring to investors. We dont want investment to mean further corruption and greater inequality. Instead she said it was integral to empower civic society and create jobs to defuse a timebomb of high youth unemployment. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has stolen the show at the Bangkok forum, drawing crowds of wellwishers and photographers during her first trip abroad in 24 years. Having spent 15 of the past 22 years under house arrest, she has taken an increasingly global role as Myanmar sheds its pariah status, meeting top world dignitaries in Yangon and encouraging an More page 4

June 4 - 10, 2012

MyanMar tiMes

Right time to end censorship: PSRD

The mining ministry filed a lawsuit against the journal. The case is still ongoing, but a YANGON The head of court has already sided with the Press Scrutiny and the newspaper by saying it Registration Division will did not have to disclose the put down his marker pen for name of the journalist. When the political context good in a month, signalling got freer, people got freer to the end of censorship. PSRD boss U Tint Swe think and we, the censorship said he will release all news board, got headaches to publications from censorship adjust to it, U Tint Swe in the latest significant said, admitting the period r e f o r m f o r a c o u n t r y was sensitive after many emerging from decades of years of distrust. The government has also repression. There will be no press been working for several scrutiny job from the end months on a draft press of June. There will be no law. Details have not been monitoring of local journals and magazines, he said in made public, but some media an interview in his office in organisations have been invited to submit proposals. Yangon. I would say it is the It should cover areas such as journalists right time r i g h t s , rather than professional we are ready. It is the most ethics, and how When we have publishers and parliament and auspicious distributors government working on news possible w i l l b e registered. democratic According to process, how for everyone some official can censorship in the industry sources, it may work at the e same time? that the censor b t ta d o p tee d a he n xt he said. session of L e s s process is parliament in controversial July, and will publications going to be be accompanied were freed by the creation from scrutiny abolished. of a Press last year and Council. editors across People say that the the news media are now eager to have the same Press Council will be like the censorship department. freedom. D e s p i t e a g r a d u a l This is wrong, U Tint Swe relaxation of censorship said, describing it mainly since President U Thein as a conciliatory body Seins government came to between journalists and the power in March 2011, some ministry. The former army officer subjects have remained d i f f i c u l t t o a p p r o a c h , hinted that the dark days p a r t i c u l a r l y f i g h t i n g of censorship were behind between the army and Myanmar the PSRD will Kachin Independence Army be responsible for registering new publications and in Kachin state. But news organisations archiving, but it will no are clearly keen to push the longer be a censorship body and it is a development that boundaries. In March, The Voice he is clearly pleased with. It is the most auspicious said the Auditor-Generals O f f i c e h a d d i s c o v e r e d news possible for everyone misappropriations of funds in the industry that the and fraud in the ministries censor process is going to of mining, information, be abolished, U Tint Swe said. AFP agriculture and industry. By Shwe Yinn Mar Oo

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen (left) speaks to ASEAN defence ministers in Phnom Penh on May 29. Pic: AFP

A rock and a hard place

POOR Cambodia. Just when everything appeared hunky dory for its much hyped role as this years ASEAN chairman, Phnom Penh suddenly gets sucked into a conflict of terrifying proportions. It is a dispute that Cambodia can neither mediate nor avoid upsetting all sides, including its principal financier, China. The problem relates to sovereignty rights over the waters that border more than half the countries of ASEAN and which are home to lucrative fish stocks and potentially huge oil and gas reserves. The body of water is generally referred to as the South China Sea but ironically in Chinese it is called the Southern Ocean, with no reference to the country that claims the whole lot. Of the other claimants, the two who assert rights over the largest areas and who have challenged China most vigorously are the Philippines and Vietnam. They have their own name for the territory: Manila refers to it as the West Philippine Sea, while Hanoi calls it the East Sea. These two ASEAN nations, whose stance Cambodia, as the groups chairman, should defend, are on a collision course with China and they have already drawn Phnom Penh into the firing line. During the first week of April, eight Chinese fishing boats entered the Scarborough Shoal, a wide lagoon rich in fish and lying off the southern Philippine province of Zambales. The shoal is well inside the Philippine Exclusive Economic Zone, but it also falls within Chinas brazen nine-dash line that marks its claim to the whole of the South China Sea. Manila dispatched a naval vessel to arrest the fishing boats, but this action was rebuffed by two Chinese surveillance ships and the fishermen escaped. Soon afterwards, three more Chinese navy ships arrived to defend their nations claim to the area, and Beijing spurned a Philippine offer to let the International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea rule on the dispute. In effect, Beijings maritime might appeared to have resolved the incident in its favour. But perhaps not: Manila and its allies have started to fight back. On April 27, the Philippines and the United States completed a 10-day joint maritime exercise off Palawan Island, not far from the disputed Scarborough Shoal. Part of the exercise involved recapturing oil and gas rigs that had been occupied by a mock enemy. Stretching credulity to the limit, both Manila and Washington insisted that the invading enemy was not intended to represent China. Naturally, Beijing was sceptical and warned that such moves could lead the South China Sea issue down a fork in the road towards military confrontation. As well, it explicitly cautioned other ASEAN allies like India and Russia against attempting any resource exploitation in the disputed waters. India angrily retorted that no country has unilateral control over the worlds seas and that it would continue oil exploration in the area in partnership with Vietnam. Likewise, Russia ignored Beijings warning, and through its major energy company Gazprom, signed an agreement with Vietnam to develop two blocks off the countrys coast. Meanwhile, Hanoi backed Manilas proposal at this months regional summit in Phnom Penh to resolve all territorial issues multilaterally within ASEAN. China adamantly opposes this and insists that sovereignty disputes should be resolved bilaterally. So poor Cambodia is caught in the middle between China, its major political and economic backer, and its fellow ASEAN colleagues, whom it should support as chairman of the group. This festering but seemingly intractable conundrum was embarrassingly evident at the regional summit held in Phnom Penh in early April. There, contrary to the Cambodian foreign ministrys public stance made at Beijings insistence that the South China Sea would be kept off the agenda, it was intensely discussed by the leaders. And despite what Cambodia may say, it will unquestionably be debated even more intensely and more embarrassingly at the ministerial meetings in July and the leaders summit in November. Prepare for fireworks.

The Mail Box

Dear editor, I WAS wondering if The Myanmar Times planned to start running a column similar to the excellently written and highly informative Perspectives piece run daily on Page 2 of The New Light of Myanmar. These inspirational gems of astuteness demonstrate a refreshing originality of thought that one would expect to encounter only while conversing (telepathically of course) with super-intelligent entities from somewhere beyond the Sun. As an avid reader of the Perspectives column, I have learned in recent days, for example, that the rapid IT advancement has shrunk the world letting us discover the new things and that human resources development is a must for the development of a country. Furthermore, I have been edified with the knowledge that diseases are the worst enemies of good health and that basically, repeating a lesson or subject by rote is one of the most fundamental ways to learning any lesson for students. It is also worth noting that I have recently procured a mobile phone, prompted to do so by the astonishing news that, by using such devices, we can make contacts with others easily by calling or sending messages even without electricity (electricity being a luxury that has, of late, been in short supply). Perhaps your writers and editors are not yet up to the challenge of matching Perspectives, but if you can get even halfway there it would increase the probability that I would read The Myanmar Times. Perspectively Yours, Ko Phyo Myo
Got something to say? We want to hear from you. Address all correspondence to the Editor, The Myanmar Times (English). We endeavour to respond to all correspondencei n a timely manner. Address: 379-383, Bo Aung Kyaw Street, Kyauktada township, Yangon. Telephone: (+951) 392-928, 253-642 Fax: (+951) 392-706 Email: [email protected]


MyanMar tiMes June 4 - 10, 2012

Minister urges Kayin farmers to secure land from agribusinesses

By Soe Than Lynn THE Kayin State Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation has urged farmers to prepare land ownership documentation in order to avoid land disputes with agribusinesses, a growing issue in Myanmar. The parliaments approved the farmland law and vacant land law so now you can sell or mortgage the lands you have been living on. So you should start preparing to secure legal ownership through the proper channels. We have already informed the head of the Survey Department. There needs to U Christopher said that barely 10,000 acres of farmland in Thandaunggyi township was legally registered to an owner, while about 200,000 acres was listed as vacant but in reality most was planted with cardamom and had a clear owner. The vacant land issue will cause big trouble in the future if we do not take preventative measures now by working out who owns the vacant plots in cooperation with surveyors. If the land is listed as vacant on the map, various giant companies will apply to the state government for a land use permit. If the state government issues land use permits based on the maps, residents who were not aware the land needed to be surveyed or did not pay tax on it will have to face these companies. The minister urged residents to solve ownership problems by submitting the cases to the relevant state minister and government. The KNU will work to resolve land disputes involving returning internally displaced people based on traditional customs, he said. Pado Saw Hla Tun, secretary of the regional KNU campaigning department, encouraged the farmers of Thandaunggyi township to take up the offer to register their land. He said the government needed to respect the traditional land ownership system, not only in Kayin State but other areas of the country. Many lands are owned by ethnic minorities through traditional ownership structures, without legal ownership grants, he said. Also, the farmland owned by IDPs might have landmines or others might have started living or cultivating the land after they have fled their villages. So we need to resolve these issues after the two sides [government and KNU] negotiate, he said. Translated by Zar Zar Soe

Yangon conference stresses importance of conservation

By Stuart Deed YANGON is running out of time to save its thousands of colonial-era buildings, speakers told a heritage conference on June 1. Yangon Heritage Trust founder and author Dr Thant Myint-U organised the conference, titled Towards a Conservation Strategy for Yangon in the 21st Century, with assistance from a group of volunteers in Yangon and abroad. The event at Strand Hotel, which attracted nearly 200 people, was opened by Yangon Region Chief Minister U Myint Swe and included presentations by Myanmar and international experts. U Soe Thein, Union Minister for Industry and a huge supporter of the trust, delivered a short speech at the start of the conference urging the preservation of both the tangible and intangible elements of Yangons cityscape. We all need to protect our national heritage, he added. Many speakers spoke of the urgency needed to safeguard the citys colonialera legacy from the pressures of development. An information handout provided to participants said: Time is running out. Beautiful century-old residential and commercial buildings in downtown Yangon have been gradually torn down for nearly 20 years, together with colonialera houses all around the city, often to be replaced with poorly designed new structures already at risk of collapse. At least half are now gone and the pace is accelerating, quickly. The other half may well be demolished within the next year or two unless something is done immediately. Former English Heritage director Philip Davies But he added a word of caution: The sums of money are astonishing. Other presentations covered heritage projects in Penang and Londons Kings Cross area as well as Indias National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage. Daw Chaw Kalyar, a partner architect at Statement Architecture and Design in Yangon, proposed that Bank Street, in the heart of the downtown area, become a pilot project for the trust because of its high density of historic buildings. In his concluding remarks Dr Thant Myint-U said for the trust to succeed it would need to develop a publicprivate partnership. People have talked about the financial challenges of renovating buildings and it doesnt just happen as a result of changing the laws, it costs a lot of money and that money has to come from somewhere, he said. Some of it might come from charitable sources but a lot of it is going to have to come from private investors. How do you create the incentives for that private investment? How do you regulate that private investment? These are a whole set of questions but I think we need to find the right place within the overall framing for business and private investment in conservation going forward, he added. Dr Thant Myint-U said it was crucial that local communities benefited from preservation efforts. The last thing that many people in this room would want to do is to displace local communities as a result of new attempts to preserve these buildings. He said heritage conservation efforts needed to not only protect local communities but offer tangible benefits in terms of creating jobs and improving lives.

The vacant land issue will cause big trouble in the future if we do not take preventative measures now.

Pic: Stuart Deed Dr Thant Myint-U delivers an address at the Yangon Heritage Trust Conference at Strand Hotel on June 1. described Yangon as one of Myanmars greatest assets in attracting tourists and investment. He added that it was a matter of great urgency that the citys colonial-era buildings were identified, listed and preserved. Theres no need to choose between conservation and development Yangon must have both, he said, adding that it was essential that heritage is built into the citys development strategy. He added that a clear message needed to be sent to developers that the citys colonial-era buildings needed to stay. Yangons face is its future, he said. Tourism is the great goldmine that the city is trying to unlock, he said. Mr Davies proposed three crucial lessons for the citys planners to consider based on the experiences of other cities that face a similar dilemma. He said a single agency needed to be tasked with directing change; that issues concerning the ownership and leasing of colonial-era buildings needed to be planned carefully; and that planners needed to think ahead about Yangons needs. Professor of Urban Planning and Public Policy at Harvard University, Jose Gomez-Ibanez, said Yangon was handicapped by a lack of planning for metropolitan transport. Prof Gomez-Ibanez said it was clear the city would remain the countrys commercial capital but Yangons planners faced a tough decision in providing affordable housing within a 40-minute commute of work, which he described as a desirable maximum. Hong Kong resident and travel guide publisher Magnus Bartlett, who was on his second visit to Yangon, said preserving its historic buildings offered huge potential in terms of attracting tourists. [You have] such a unique opportunity here, he said, adding that he had watched as the Hong Kong government had stood by and let developers rip the colonial heart out of that city and hoped that Yangons planners would prevent a similar outcome.

be a survey of properties in each township and village. If not, there could possibly be land disputes in the future, the minister, U Christopher, said at a May 22-24 meeting in Thandaunggyi township, Kayin State, to explain the outcome of peace talks between the government and Karen National Union. This land ownership problem is one of the issues that needs to be worked out together with the KNU [as part of the peace process]. So from today people should work with surveyors to survey their land and then sign the documents in front of a witness, such as your neighbour, he said. Of particular concern is the possibility of agribusinesses being awarded vacant land that is in fact being used by farmers but not registered with the Survey Department.

June 4 - 10, 2012
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MyanMar tiMes

Daw Suu invited to give Nehru lecture

By Zaw Win Than INDIAN Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh last week presented Daw Aung San Suu Kyi with an invitation to deliver the Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Lecture in India. The invitation letter to the Nobel laureate was signed by India National Congress president Sonia Gandhi. I sincerely hope that she will find it possible to visit India soon, said Dr Singh said at a press conference with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi at Yangons Sedona Hotel on May 29. Daw Aung San Suu Kyis life, her struggle, and her determination have inspired millions of people all over the world. Our sincere belief is that in the process of national reconciliation which has been launched by President Thein Sein, Madam Suu Kyi will play a defining role, he said. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi said she appreciated Dr Singhs visit to Yangon and recalled her familys links with the Gandhi family. The struggle for Indias independence took place at the same time as the struggle for Burmas independence. My parents were great admirers of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and other Indian leaders, but we were particularly close to Panditji as I was taught to call him from a very young age, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi said. I am very happy at the prospect of closer ties with India because I think we have much to learn from one another and we have much to contribute to peace and stability in this region, because our goals, our democratic goals, work on the basis of peace and stability, and these are what we shall aim towards, she added. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi said she was very gratified by the invitation to deliver the lecture and said she hoped to be able to take up the offer before too long. She also stressed on the need to build more people-topeople contacts between the two countries. I hope that there will be greater exchanges between our two peoples. As I said to the prime minister, true friendship between the countries can be based only on friendship between our peoples, and this is what I hope we will be able to achieve.

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is accompanied by President U Thein Sein on arrival at the Presidential Palace in Nay Pyi Taw on May 28. Pic: AFP

Indian PM outlines cooperation vision

By Zaw Win Than INDIAN Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh has outlined a plan for cooperation that would see India and Myanmar work together to become a hub for trade, investment and communication in the region. We need to work with each other and with other countries of our region to build prosperity, promote openness of thought and facilitate trade and movement of goods, people and ideas, Dr Singh said during his address, India and Myanmar: A Partnership for Progress and Regional Development, in Yangon on May 29. Myanmar is a critical partner in Indias Look East policy and is perfectly situated to play the role of an economic bridge between India and China and between South and Southeast Asia, he said. Improving communication was the best way to promote economic integration, he said. Our two governments have agreed to cooperate in a number of road building projects. I hope that the very symbolic Trilateral Highway that will connect India, Myanmar and Thailand can be fully built by 2016, he said. India is implementing the Kaladan Multimodal Transport Project that involves upgrading the Sittwe port and constructing a highway to connect the town of Paletwa in Chin state to the Indian border in Mizoram state. This flagship project will revitalise the economy of the area and link it with important commercial and shipping arteries. We hope to complete it by 2015, Dr Singh said. Dr Singhs visit was the first by an Indian leader in 25 years and included meetings with President U Thein Sein in Nay Pyi Taw and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi in Yangon. The prime minister travelled with a business delegation and investment and trade were top of the agenda during the talks with U Thein Sein and government ministers. Twelve agreements were signed covering an array of issues, including security, development of border areas, trade and transport links. Chief among these was a US$500 million line of credit to the Myanma government for infrastructure development projects, including rail, irrigation and power generation. Direct air, shipping, rail and bus links were also discussed, while the two sides also agreed to closer cooperation on financial services. Talks were described as warm, cordial and constructive in a joint statement released after the meeting. Alluding to the mutually agreed target of doubling the bilateral trade by 2015, both leaders emphasised that there is considerable untapped potential for greater trade and urged the business community to capitalise on this potential, it said. Indian trade with Myanmar stood at US$1.2 billion in 2010, far short of the $4.4 billion between China and Myanmar. Renaud Egreteau, of the Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Hong Kong, said India was realigning its policy on Myanmar in an attempt to become its neighbours trading partner of choice. India is trying not to miss the bus in Myanmar as it opens to the world, he said. But he said the obstacles are always the same for India, including delays with its infrastructure projects and a lack of political confidence between the two countries. Despite these obstacles, Dr Singh said he was confident that a 2015 trade target of $3 billion could be surpassed. But we need to diversify our trade basket. India can import more agricultural produce, coal and other minerals and export heavy industrial items, chemicals, pharmaceuticals and textiles, he said. He said the Myanmar government had invited India to assist in the development of the Naga Self Administered Zone in Sagaing Region and Chin State, including the opening of border markets to boost local economies. With AFP

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th st nd

From page 1

Legal reform urgent

easing of Western economic sanctions. Analysts say that foreign travel will give Daw Aung San Suu Kyi greater access to a global community eager to see her in person and allow her to meet ordinary people as well as world leaders. Reflecting on her trip after

Nay Pyi Taw Bureau: No. 10/72 Bo Tauk Htein St, Yan Aung (1) Quarter, Nay Pyi Taw-Pyinmana. Tel: (067) 23064, 23065 Email: [email protected]

decades inside Myanmar, the pro-democracy leader said as she flew into Bangkok she was struck by the citys illuminated nightscape. I had just left a Burma that was suffering electricity cuts ... I thought, 30 years ago the scene that met my eyes landing in Bangkok would not have been very different from landing in Yangon.

After the June 1 speech she was to attend a forum session on Asian women. Since arriving in neighbouring Thailand on May 29, the pro-democracy icon has followed a hectic schedule, shuttling between forum meetings and trips to visit Myanmar migrants. Europe is next on the horizon, where Daw Aung

San Suu Kyi will address an International Labour Organisation conference in Geneva and give a speech in Oslo to finally accept the Nobel Prize she was awarded in 1991. She also intends to travel to Britain, where she lived for years with her family, and will address parliament in London. AFP


MyanMar tiMes June 4 - 10, 2012

Boyfriend of fire victim charged
POLICE have charged a Yangon man with murder after he allegedly doused his girlfriend with petrol and set her alight after an argument. Police allege that Ko Lwin Oo, 28, of Sanchaung township, burned Dr Ei Myat Mon, 26, at her residence in Hledans 7th Street on the evening of May 27. Ma Ei Myat Mon was transferred to Yangon General Hospital but died of her injuries on May 29. The incident occurred at an apartment owned by her sister, Ma Aye Myat Mon, 24, said Police Officer Than Hteik from Kamaryut Township Police Station. Translated by Thit Lwin

NGOs lobby reps on HIV issues

By Yamon Phu Thit SELF-HELP groups and non-government organisations working on HIV/AIDS have begun lobbying parliamentarians and political parties to raise issues relevant to their work in the hluttaws. While many issues have been raised in national and regional parliaments since they first convened in early 2011, there has been almost no discussion of HIV/AIDs, members of the groups say. We can see that representatives from various political parties are discussing important issues in the hluttaw. But we also want them to pay attention to AIDS-related issues in our country, said Ko Thiha Kyaing, chairman of Phoenix Association (Yangon). We should work together for our country to fight against problems caused by HIV and AIDS. The HIV/AIDS self-help groups met officials from more than 10 political parties including the Union Solidarity and Development Party, National League for Democracy, National Democratic Force, Shan Nationalities Democratic Party and Rakhine Nationalities Democratic Party at a forum at Yangons Central Hotel on May 12 to lobby lawmakers about HIV/AIDS issues. In particular, self-help groups and NGOs want parliamentarians to reform rules and regulations that hinder HIV prevention activities. There are some outdated laws in Myanmar that are preventing work on HIV treatment and care, said Dr Kyaw Thu, director of Paung Ku, a civil society strengthening initiative. Dr Myo Lwin, a spokesperson for the NGO Pyo Pin, said some outdated laws, such as one that allows police to charge people carrying condoms with prostitution, hindered harm reduction activities and led to increased HIV infection rates. Although we distributed condoms, [sex workers] dare not carry them, he said at the May 12 forum. Another example is the distribution of syringes and needles to drug users. But this is technically illegal because the law states that only doctors and medical officials can have syringes and needles. He said it was important political parties took up these issues because the self-help groups and NGOs could not. We need people who can make decisions on policies and rights for HIV cases and patients, he said. During the forum, U Tin Maung Oo, the Union Solidarity and Development Party Pyithu Hluttaw representative for Shwe Pyi Thar, said he would submit questions and proposals on HIV-related issues in the hluttaw and would seek to reform unsuitable rules and regulations. Representatives of other political parties also pledged to give greater attention to HIV/AIDS.

Workers at the Taw Win Myanmar knitwear factory on strike last week. Pic: Ko Taik

U Thein Sein to visit Thailand this week

PRESIDENT U Thein Sein will make an official visit to Thailand at the invitation of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, the state-run Kyemon (The Mirror) said last week. While the June 1 article did not give a date for the trip, Thai deputy government spokesman Mr Anusorn Eiamsa-ard said U Thein Sein would visit Thailand from June 4 to 5 to strengthen bilateral relations between the two countries. The two leaders will witness the signing of an agreement for cooperation on development in Myanmar and to foster the mutual benefit of the two countries, Pattaya Mail reported on May 31. It said they would discuss the possibility of building the long-planned India-Myanmar-Thailand highway road project, road development from Singkhon checkpoint in Prachuap Khiri Kan Province to Myeik in Myanmar and construction of a second bridge over the Moei River, which marks the border between the two nations. Zaw Win Than

More strikes begin at industrial zones

By Noe Noe Aung STRIKES at seven factories in Hlaing Tharyar Industrial Zone were resolved last week, while workers at five other factories launched new stoppages, a lawyer involved in the disputes said. The new strikes took the total for May to 23, activists said, with workers at Taw Win Myanmar knitwear factory, S-square shoe factory, Costec and two Kabar factories stopping work last week. But employees at seven other factories returned to work last week after their employers agreed to most of their demands. The workers didnt get all of their demands exactly. But their life will be better as a result of these agreements, lawyer U Htay told The Myanmar Times on May 30. Strikes at shoe factories Brilliant Star and Brilliant Sky and garment factories YJ and Asia Hnin Si ended on May 25 when the owners agreed to a K30,000 cost of living increase. Workers at Myanmar Pearl, Sabei Pwint, Toe Myat Aung and Nay Min Aung all ended their strikes on May 26, after two weeks off work. Most of the long-term strikes are because the owners didnt agree to pay the cost of living increase of K30,000 a month that the workers demanded. The owners agreed to most of the other requests, said U Tun Tun Naing, a spokesperson of the Committee for the Establishment of Independent Labour Unions. Other demands included a free bus service to take them home after work, a mandatory day off on Sundays as well as gazetted holidays with no cuts to salary, annual leave, casual leave and improved basic salary. Workers from YJ garment factory got a K23,500 cost of living allowance. I heard that other factories got a similar amount but Im not sure exactly, U Tun Tun Naing said. U Htay said it was difficult for activists to meet striking workers because they were usually barred from entering worksites.

June 4 - 10, 2012

MyanMar tiMes

Norway looks to cement budding peace

By Thomas Kean THE role of a recently established Norwegian government peace initiative will be defined by progress on political dialogue between the government and armed ethnic groups, Norways deputy foreign minister told The Myanmar Times last week. The initiative was established in recent months to support ceasefires between the government and ethnic armies through dialogue, aid coordination and quick impact assistance to areas of the country opening up as a result of the agreements. A US$5 million pilot project in Kyaukkyi township, Bago Region, is focused primarily on resettling Karen internally displaced people (IDPs), providing farming equipment and food, and clearing land mines. Mr Torgeir Larsen said the initiative was established at the request of the government, while the pilot project also had the support of the Karen National Union (KNU). The [political] meetings are going to define the course of whatever we can [do to] help and thats extremely important for me to stress we can never go further than what they are doing. Its basically facilitating decisions made by the parties, he said in an interview on May 29. In order to build trust, what we are trying now to do, based on some of the experience we have in other areas where we have also been assisting peace building processes, is to assist in getting initial phase projects on a pilot basis on the ground in these areas that have been closed off earlier on [and] to have some real assistance reaching people on the ground. The peace initiative is headed up by Mr Charles Petrie, a former United Nations resident and humanitarian coordinator who was forced to leave Myanmar in 2007 after issuing a statement critical of the government. Mr Petrie said talks have already begun on projects in Chin and Mon states and the government had indicated it would support expansion into Shan and Kachin states when those conflicts had stabilised. Norway was asked to help support a broad range of ceasefire agreements and the KNU is probably one of the most complicated ones because it comes out of 63 years of fighting, Mr Petrie said. In a sense theres a spectrum of interventions, going from support to building up joint capacity to assess needs and respond to those needs, which is in Chin [State], to something far more sensitive, which is the Karen, and there it is accompanying a process but in a very reactive way allowing the process to define the support that is to be needed and ensuring the fact that some sort of political dialogue needs to be initiated also is not lost in the process. In Kyaukkyi, the initiative has conducted two missions into former black areas with the full support of both sides, and has conducted an assessment in which IDPs categorised their needs, Mr Petrie said. About 2000 people live in 13 villages in the project area, and they have been moving because of conflict since at least 1974. Clearly they are in need in danger. Troops have not withdrawn, and we cannot clearly see any indicators that the current peace process is durable. There is no guarantee of IDPs safety if the fighting begins again, or if the military harasses resettled IDPs. In addition, the Norwegian government has cut crossborder support for IDPs in order to work through the Burmese government inside Burma. We are concerned that this will place additional pressure on the peace process, and that other governments may follow suit. The potential success of the peace initiative depends heavily on the Burmese government and the KNU reaching a successful political settlement and on government troops withdrawing. If negotiations break down, the peace process cannot move forward, and the Norwegian governments initiative cannot succeed. On this point, at least, the initiative and Thai-based NGOs are in agreement. Both the KNU and government have to be on board for the pilot project to work, Mr Petrie said. More broadly, the initiative is not sustainable and its not possible without the support of both the government and armed ethnic groups. While a political settlement between the government and KNU could be years off, Mr Larsen said he had been impressed by the will of both sides to move forward. The parties are going to meet for the next meeting probably in the second half of June and there is a range of issues that the KNU and the government have to sort out, he said. I think [the government is] genuine but they have to move from a genuine will to an ability to deliver. And that goes in terms of monitoring, opening up areas, in the long run when you have agreements to withdraw from areas, to create trust on the ground in these areas. So this is a long process but [in terms of] the willingness and readiness to move I think theyre very clear.

Norwegian deputy foreign affairs minister Mr Torgeir Larsen (centre) with the regional military commander, Karen National Union officials and Kayin internally displaced people in Kyaukkyi township, Bago Region, on May 28. Pic: Nan Tin Htwe development actors, including the UN agencies and nongovernment organisations. By surveying the needs of IDPs, it can also help to coordinate later assistance programs. In its support for the initiative, the Myanmar government appears to be taking a different approach to the ceasefires agreed in the late 80s and early 90s. The benefits of those agreements between military and ethnic leaders for the most failed to permeate down to grassroots communities, weakening the impacts on livelihoods and opportunities in ethnic areas, he said in an email. President U Thein Sein and his advisors appreciate that a resolution to ethnic political conflict will not come easily or cheaply. So they are prepared to welcome international assistance in the hope that Myanmar can, for the first time since independence, be genuinely at peace with itself. If the current generation of leaders can finally seal these deals then they need never worry about their place spokesperson for a group of Karen community-based organisations working in the border areas, said there had been little consultation with groups in Thailand about the program. The initiative has only approached the Committee for Internally Displaced Karen People to be the sole implementing partner on the border. Other borderbased groups have not been involved in, or informed of, the process, he said in an email last week. The initiative consulted

process If negotiations break down, the peaceinitiative cannot move forward, and the Norwegian governments cannot succeed.
of protection, in the sense that they can operate and move freely. They are in need of basic humanitarian assistance to cover the rains and seeds and tools to be able to start producing. Basically, what we found is that theyre in a state of suspended belief; theyd like to believe peace has come but theyre still very concerned that it may not have come, Mr Petrie said. In the longer term, the initiative aims to prepare the regions for normal broader peace process. Dr Nicholas Farrelly, a research fellow at Australian National University, said the initiative was exactly what Myanmar needs. Direct, sustained and well-resourced efforts to deal with the humanitarian and political crises in border areas are what the international community should support. At one level these efforts will be symbolic, but at other levels they can have meaningful and positive in the history books. They will be considered heroes. But the initiative has proved controversial with Thailand-based organisations, particularly given the Norwegian governments decision to cut funding to border-based NGOs earlier this year. In an attempt to allay some of these concerns, Mr Larsen visited Chiang Mai on May 30 to discuss the initiative with the organisations. But Paul Sein Twa, a with only a few KNU leaders, and some of these leaders have reported that they are still unclear on the peace initiatives plans. He said he was concerned about the safety of the returning IDPs given the fragility of the peace process and also that the initiative did not conduct a risk management assessment. The peace initiatives policy of using IDPs in order to test the strength of the peace process could put IDPs

Youth groups establish a peace network

YOUNG people from different fields have established a peace network to coordinate their activities. Most of the participants about 30 people from 10 groups have received training on the peacemaking process, organisers said. We started discussing [the network] on May 2 and today we met for the third time. We talked about what kind of activities we can do and we plan to do a campaign on the road using umbrellas with the slogan, We want peace, Ma Aye Aye Khaing, a member of Activista, a youth network established with the help of a nongovernment organisation, said on May 28. Ko Bo Bo, a 24-year-old member of Generation Wave, said the members came from different backgrounds but shared a desire to support the peace process. We are now discussing what should we do. We plan to do an awareness campaign, hold a workshop, conduct performances and operas, distribute pamphlets to educate the public and to participate in the peacemaking process. How members will participate will depend on their skills, he said. We dont have funding so we will do our activities by collecting funds from among ourselves. Whether our activities are effective or not we will try our best, said Ma Phwe Yu Mon, a 24-yearold member of Mekong Peace Journey. Ei Ei Toe Lwin


MyanMar tiMes June 4 - 10, 2012
By Nan Tin Htwe Pic: Nan Tin Htwe ON May 28, the life of 40year-old farmer U Saw Kyi Yong changed. For the first time, he was issued with an identity card, guaranteeing him the right to travel freely in Myanmar and abroad. Im happy. Now I can go wherever I want. In the past, I was always in hiding, running around our area, said U Saw Kyi Yong, who lives in Mu Nye village, about 41 kilometres (25 miles) from Kyaukkyi in northern Bago Region. Im a Buddhist. I want to go to other towns on a pilgrimage, the Kayin man said. Under a joint project between the government of Norway, the Ministry of Immigration and Population and Karen National Union, 36 Kayin internally displaced people (IDPs) were issued with identity cards last week. Union Minister U Khin Yi said the event was a milestone in the Myanmars peace process. This is the first fruit of peace. We still have a long way to go to peace but we will walk together to the end, the minister said. Internally Displaced Karen People (CIDKP) working together on the project. Mr Charles Petrie, a former UN resident coordinator who heads the initiative, said the May 28 event was historic and remarkable. This is the first time that IDPs are able to come together and meet with the government authorities with their leaders, he said. Colonel U S aw H too Htoo Lay said the KNU was committed to the peace process and helping IDPs. We have only two choices peace or going back to violence. Both the government and KNU have committed to peace and its important that we work for IDPs first. Meanwhile, IDPs who received their first identity cards said they needed more support to rebuild their lives. U Saw Kyi Kaw Htoo said he wanted the authorities to ensure better food security and livelihoods as well as the safety of IDPs, while U Saw Aye Zaya, the 78-year-old chairman of the Shwekyin Baptist Community, said the area needed more religious buildings and schools. Our public buildings do not have even toilets. I hope we can get better buildings.

KNU pledges IDPs in Bago receive first identify cards to overcome barriers to IDP return
By Soe Than Lynn and Win Ko Ko Latt THE government and Karen National Union are endeavouring to reach a settlement so that people displaced by the decades-old conflict can return to their former homes, KNU officials said last week. However, several issues stand in the way of resettlement, including the need to clear landmines, develop job opportunities and overcome the widely held fear among IDPs that the ceasefire might not hold. In an effort to strengthen trust in the negotiation process, officials from the KNU and state government held a public meeting in Shwe Nyaung Pin village in Kayin States Thandaung township from May 22-24, at which they explained the agreements. agreement stage, we have not yet reached the final stage, so we have to keep moving it forward. Pado Saw L Wah, the KNU chairman for Taungoo District, said there were about 20,000 IDPs in the area. Many fled from the eastern section of Tantabin township, Bago Region, and northern part of Taungoo District near Thaut Yay Khat Creek for temporary settlements, known as collective villages, in the Bawgali area of Thandaunggyi township. Some people want the IDPs to go back to their own villages [now] but they should only shift when the ceasefire reaches a concrete stage that is accepted by these displaced people, the international community and both the government and KNU we will arrange to shift IDPs with an orderly resettlement plan, he said. Land mines are present in all places within the range of Myanmar troops including in deserted villages, on tracks, in farmland and other places. Pado Saw Hla Tun agreed that the clearing of land mines placed by both sides during the conflict was an important issue. He said it could be addressed when talks and mutual trust had progressed further. During the coming peace negotiations, we will try to move the ceasefire to the next stage and include the issue of shifting IDPs. To create mutual understanding, the Tatmadaw needs to show how much they respect the ceasefire because at the moment their troops are in the IDP villages and also the tracks that link the villages. From our side we can give a guarantee to abide by the existing ceasefire. Clearance of land mines can be solved after a firm ceasefire has been established, he said. Both sides should enter [the next round of] negotiations aiming to ensure the safety of the people. The livelihoods of most inhabitants of this region are farming but they cant cultivate crops through the whole year, only for six months. And they cant cultivate or harvest crops when the fighting occurs, so it has affected their food supply. We will create livelihood opportunities such as industrial business and other things besides agriculture. Both sides have already agreed to work on these issues, he said. Translated by Zar Zar Soe An official issues an identity card to a Kayin internally displaced person in Kyaukkyi township on May 28. The ceasefire is most important in peace. But as the situation settles, its important that we help to unite all of those who were apart for years. The citizenship scrutiny cards guarantee the holders the rights afforded in the 2008 constitution, including foreign travel, he said. You can go anywhere with these cards without fear. If you want to go abroad, you can apply for a passport with this card, U Khin Yi said. The minister said that issuing national registration cards required more substantial background checks, while the citizenship scrutiny cards afforded the same rights but could be issued more quickly. Mr Torgeir Larsen, Norways deputy minister for foreign affairs, said issuing identity cards to IDPs was a very important first step in normalising communities after 63 years of conflict. Peace is long process. It takes patience. You have to go the toughest miles in making lasting peace. We will try our best to help you when you take steps, he said. He said that Norway would spend US$5 million on the first phase of its Ceasefire Support Initiative, with Norwegian Peoples Aid and the Committee for

still have Peoplebecause fears they have suffered much as a result of the civil war.

As a result of the civil war, there are people who are hiding away from their own villages and those who have gone to secure places in government-controlled areas. All want to return to their homes. We will work to reach mutual agreements that can create a safe environment in their villages so they can return, said Pado Saw Hla Tun, secretary of the KNUs campaigning department. We plan to do this step by step. We will discuss the issue in more detail at the coming union-level peace negotiations. People still have fears because they have suffered so much as a result of the civil war over the past 60 years. They cant forget the bad scenes the loss of their family members, damage to their villages, being used as forced labour or suffering other kinds of suppression. They may think the negotiations for ceasefire are not real because former ceasefires have failed and eventually people were affected by civil war again. So we are now explaining the real situation to them in order to ease their fears. We need to see practical efforts from both sides. Now [the ceasefire] is at the

June 4 - 10, 2012

MyanMar tiMes

Improve education networks, experts urge government

By Shwe Yee Saw Myint EXPERTS have urged the government to improve communications infrastructure between the nations universities, many of which have few or no internet connections. Speaking at a workshop on the Trans-Eurasia Information Network (TEIN3) at Yangons Parkroyal Hotel, experts said it was important that education and research institutions were part of a research and education network through high-speed and affordable internet and intranet connections. education network in Myanmar because we still lack an information network, said Dr Aung Gyi from the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation. There is no intranet connection between Myanmar universities, while internet connections are rare: the University of Computer Studies Yangon, for example, has only three dedicated lines from staterun Myanmar Posts and Telecommunications. Most universities use an IPSTAR satellite connection, which has low bandwidth and is prone to service outages. The May 23 workshop was organised in cooperation with the University of Computer Studies Yangon, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the European Commission. It was one of three TEIN3 workshops the European Commission organised in the region between May 23 and 28. U Zaw Naing, managing director of Credent Technology, said the establishment of a national research and education network would be a vital step forward for the countrys development and would add value to the work of its researchers. Most Myanmar researchers just keep their results on paper and are still weak in terms of IT knowledge they have no computer skills and [internet] access. [Without a network] the efforts of the scholars and researchers will be less effective, he said.

Child recruitment remains a challenge, says UNICEF

By Nan Tin Htwe THE recruitment of child solders remains one of the most significant challenges Myanmar needs to overcome in its efforts to meet the Millennium Development Goals by 2015, a senior United Nations official said last week. The numbers [of underage soldiers] are not large but its still important. No child should be recruited, Mr Daniel Toole, regional director for the UN Childrens Fund (UNICEF), told The Myanmar Times in an interview last month. Both the Tatmadaw and non-government armed groups are still engaged in recruitment, which is not only occurring in conflict zones but also other regions of the country, he said. But the government is taking some steps to curb the practice, including through cooperation with the International Labour Organisation. The government is putting in place legislation [and] controls to make sure it doesnt [happen]. Some other groups are less clear and everyone has to stop, Mr Toole said. I visited a location with a recruitment centre [and saw] how the military is trying to make sure that only boys older than 19 go into the army. We need to make sure that all the children have the same protection against guns, trafficking and child labour. Those are challenges here. International donors, including USAID, had expressed an interest in funding programs aimed at stopping child recruitment, he said. Touching on Myanmars Dr Sai Mauk Kham and government ministers. He said that while much had changed since 1997 the country remained one of incredible but as yet unfulfilled potential, partly because of insufficient investment in education. In 1986, my first supervisor was from Burma [he was] very wise, very smart and very well educated. In my generation, there were many [well-] trained people from Myanmar. But then theres a gap. If I compare Myanmar to Thailand and Singapore, which are booming, its because they have invested in education for decades. Sanctions have also had a big impact on the country, he said, in terms of the budget, investment, education and international exposure. In the long run, the faster sanctions can come off, the better. The government is in discussions with many foreign governments to move quickly. Some governments have moved forward. I hope others will feel the conditions [that prompted them] to put on sanctions have changed and they will be able to take them off but each government has its own conditions, he said. I think the future of Myanmar, if it stays on this path, is very bright. Now we have to focus on quality education, creating jobs and Myanmar can be very strong economically, socially and [in terms of] human rights. Myanmar has to move quickly and Myanmar can because you have very smart people, natural resources and you have partners who are willing to invest.

UNICEF regional director Daniel Toole. Pic: Boothee political transition, Mr Toole said UNICEF would try to respond as quickly as possible to support policy changes and other developments in what he described as an extraordinary time for the country. I think the transition to a new government has changed everything for everyone, he said. The new government has moved forward with political consensus because they have released political prisoners most, not all [and] because they have moved forward on transparency and openness. What we are trying to do is mobilise additional funding for this extraordinary time ceasefires [are being agreed] and border areas are starting to open and we have to be ready to move. We have to make sure that we are adapting as the situation changes, he said. We have more organisations coming in, more partners coming in. For UNICEF, it means more opportunities to move about the country. For example, we had a mission just last week to some border areas [that were] previously closed. We were able to go there, we will have [an] assessment of water and sanitation and education in Karen State very soon because those [areas] are now open. And thats a big change, we didnt have that a year ago. Responding to concerns from some international nongovernment organisations that humanitarian space had constricted since the changeover to U Thein Seins government, Mr Toole said he believed the government is committed to being more open. For example we work with the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of [National] Planning [and Economic Development] to analyse the budget and [they] have given more information on how they are spending their money. Those are very good signs. There have been restrictions and there are still some but they are changing. I believe and I hope they will continue to change and [become] more open. The May 14-17 visit was Mr Tooles first to Myanmar in 15 years and included meetings with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, Vice President

There are many challenges to

developing a national research and education network.

Such a network would open new perspectives in term of research and collaboration, said Dr Ko Ko Oo, Deputy Minister for Science and Technology. The development of a national research and education network would allow Myanmar to join TEIN3, an international information network supported by the European Commission that links Asian research institutions. But there are many challenges to developing a national research and

Trade Mark CauTion

NOTICE is hereby given that kaokubushiki kaisha (also trading as kao Corporation) a joint-stock company duly organized under the laws of Japan, Manufactures and Merchants of 14-10, Nihonbashi Kayabacho 1-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan is the Owner and Sole Proprietor of the following trademark:-

Trade Mark CauTion

auLBaCH LiZenZ aG, a Swiss Corporation, of Grabenstrasse 15, 7002 Chur, Switzerland, is the Owner of the following Trade Mark:-

Trade Mark CauTion

NOTICE is hereby given that astraZeneca aB of Vstra Mlarehamnen 9, 151 85 Sdertlje, Sweden is the Owner and Sole Proprietor of the following trademark: -

(reg: nos. iV/2143/2012) in respect of:- soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions- Class: 3 Household or kitchen utensils and containers (not of precious metal or coated therewith); combs and sponges; brushes (except paint brushes), perfume atomizers (containers), cosmetic brushes, eye brow brushes, hair brushes, nail brushes, shaving brushes, hair combs, powder compacts not of precious metals (containers), dispensers for liquid soap, soap holders, sponge holders, powder puffs- Class: 21 Any fraudulent imitation or unauthorized use of the said trademark or other infringements whatsoever will be dealt with according to law. U Kyi Win Associates for kaokubushiki kaisha (also trading as kao Corporation) P.O. Box No. 26, Yangon. Phone: 372416 Dated: 4th June, 2012

reg. no. 3821/2012 in respect of Class 9: Optical apparatus and instruments, spectacles, spectacle frames, glasses, optical glasses, spectacle glasses, eyeglasses, eyeglass frames, eyeglass chains, eyeglass cords, eyeglass cases, optical cases, spectacle cases, spectacle lenses, optical lenses, contact lenses, containers for contact lenses, sunglasses, ski glasses, sport glasses, binoculars. Fraudulent imitation or unauthorised use of the said Trade Mark will be dealt with according to law. Win Mu Tin, M.A., H.G.P., D.B.L for auLBaCH LiZenZ aG E-mail: [email protected] P. O. Box 60, Yangon. Dated: 4th June, 2012

(reg: nos. iV/4083/2008 & iV/2811/2012) in respect of:- Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides Any fraudulent imitation or unauthorized use of the said trademark or other infringements whatsoever will be dealt with according to law. U Kyi Win Associates for astraZeneca aB P.O. Box No. 26, Yangon. Phone: 372416 Dated: 4th June, 2012


MyanMar tiMes June 4 - 10, 2012

Farmland confiscated for Kyaukpyu Airport project

By Aye Sapay Phyu in Kyaukpyu MORE than 100 households and 20 acres of farmland in Kyaukpyu township, Rakhine State, have been forced to make way for an airport expansion project with only partial compensation, a Department of Civil Aviation (DCA) official said last week. The official, from the departments Aerodrome Standards and Safety Division, said the department had paid K550,000 an acre for the land needed for the project, which will see Kyaukpyu Airport grow from 60 to 160 acres and the runway extended from 4620 to 7500 feet. The first phase of the runway extension began in the 2011-12 financial year and is due to be completed in 2014. Later phases will see the runway extended to 10,000 feet and other facilities, including the terminal and hangars, built or upgraded. We made a request to the [Kyaukpyu District] Administrative Office for the land we need for the project and on May 4 we paid compensation of K550,000 for each acre of farmland, he said. Those farms had already been paid compensation in about 1970 and the government owned all the land in the project site. However, we negotiated this compensation rate with the farmers, authorities and officials from the department. The farmers agreed on the compensation rate. U Maung Phyu, a 68year-old resident of Taung Yin village who was compensated for 5.25 acres of farmland, said his land had been destroyed before any compensation was paid. My farmland was in Pic: Juliet Shwe Gaung

Fourth protest held over land dispute

By Soe Sandar Oo and Noe Noe Aung A GROUP of farmers from Hlaing Tharyar protested for the fourth time in front of the Department of Human Settlement and Housing Development in downtown Yangon last week, after earlier pleas for help received no response. More than 60 farmers took part in the demonstration, which began on May 31 and continued the next day. It followed similar protests in April and May that failed to secure a response from the department, said U Win Cho, a politician assisting the farmers. About 800 acres of land was taken in 1993 in Apyin Padan and Atwin Padan villages for an industrial zone and housing project but U Win Cho said only 10 percent has been used. We are here to get a response from the officials about why they didnt take any action about our lands, even after they agreed to follow it up on May 3, said U Win Cho, who is representing about 200 farmers from villages in Yangon Region who are involved in land disputes. We want to get the land back if there is no plan to continue the project because according to the existing law the land has to be given back to the owners if it is not used. I will go on protesting until we get a response, he said. I want to know why the department does not follow the law while companies are breaking their contracts, which says that no individual can own our land only the government can use it for special projects, he said. Daw Khin May Aye, DHSHD assistant director, said the department had legally acquired 10,000 acres, under law (La/ na 39), which allowed for farmland to be converted to other uses, for the project in 1983. T h e r e i s a misunderstanding with the farmers because they think the companies are keeping the land for themselves. But actually the land was already taken for the city, she said. She added that the department had contracted companies, including Wah Wah Win and Shwe Than Lwin Construction, to build an industrial zone in Hlaing Tharyar. Wah Wah Win and Shwe Than Lwin were granted 800 acres of land for the development, she added. Daw Khin May Aye denied that the companies had broken their contracts with the department. They paid the government for the farmland and built roads, drainage systems and infrastructure for the industrial zone. After that they were allowed to sell plots, she said. The companies did not provide grants or permits with those compounds, but when they sold them, we checked to ensure that what they sold had been part of the industrial zone, she said. Ive reported these protests to the Ministry of Construction in Nay Pyi Taw but this case needs to go higher to decide whether these protests are legal, she said. Some compound buyers had been financially unable to build factories immediately, she added. A spokesperson for the department said it was arranging an urgent report to the Ministry of Construction about the case. There has been no order from Nay Pyi Taw on how we should respond to the protests and we have no authority to decide ourselves, he said. The Hlaing Tharyar farmers were supported in their demonstration by farmers from War Tayar and Thardu villages in Shwe Pyi Thar, who were forced to give up their land for minimal compensation when the Shwe Pyi Thar area was developed in the 1990s.

An Air Bagan aircraft on the runway at Kyaukpyu Airport late last month. the area designated for the runway extension. In December the company that has the contract for the project destroyed our farms with machinery without giving us any warning or producing any evidence from the authorities that they could trespass like that on our land. They just said our farm was confiscated for airport project, he said. We complained [to workers from the construction company] because we had not been offered any compensation, he said. After a formal complaint to the township authorities did not bring about a prompt resolution, the farmers took their case to the Rakhine Nationalities Development Party, which then helped them get the compensation. The DCA told Taung Yin residents that the compensation rate of K550,000 an acre was same as that paid by the Ministry of Electric Power 2 for national electricity grid expansion work, U Maung Phyu said. However, the owners of land acquired for a nearby oil and natural gas pipelines have received K1.8 million an acre. The difference, officials said, was because the airport project was state funded, while the pipeline is being constructed with private Chinese funding. But it was not clear whether [K550,000 is] the right amount of entitlement because they cant show an official letter but the four other farmers and I accepted the compensation anyway because we worried that we would lose our land without compensation if we didnt take it straight away, he said. The DCA official said the 100 households had not yet been forced to make way for the airport expansion and no decision had been made on what level of compensation they would receive. He said the airport was being extended for the development of the state and would enable larger aircraft to land at Kyaukpyu, close to the site of a proposed deepsea port and special economic zone. Currently, state-run Myanma Airways and Air Bagan fly to Kyaukpyu, with three and two flights a week respectively. The project is being implemented by Robust Goal Construction, a subsidiary linked to construction company Thawda Win, the DCA official said. While the official did not give the overall budget for the project, he said K700 million (about US$850,000) was spent in the 2011-12 financial year, which ended on March 31.

June 4 - 10, 2012

MyanMar tiMes

Road brings hope to neglected community

By Cherry Thein AFTER a wait of several decades, residents of U-To sub-township will soon get a road linking their communities with nearby Okpo in western Bago Region thanks to the philanthropy of a Yangonbased company. The road will be completed in early 2013 and will also give residents of the almost 20 villages in the U-To area easier access to the regional centre of Pyay via Okpo. U Thaung, who grew up in U-To and is now chairman of transformer installation company Aung Thaung, which provided funding for the project, said the road would improve transportation links in the area and lead to increased development. It is a village road as well as a shortcut [to Okpo]. It will bring many benefits to residents, including better transportation, smoother business transactions, improved access to education and better livelihood opportunities, he said. The U-To area is west of the Yangon-Pyay highway and contains about 20 villages, mostly clustered along the railway line. Previously residents had to take bullock carts or walk the 13 kilometres (8 miles) to Okpo via Gyobingauk. When I was a student living here I also had to walk to school. It is alright in pleasant weather but when you have an emergency, like a health problem, and it is childrens] education when it is so hard to earn a living because of the transportation situation, he said. When people dont get an education, it reinforces the poverty that is already present. The poor infrastructure is a legacy of insurgent groups that set up in the area during the socialist era, residents said. The region was also renowned for groups of armed bandits but U Hla Tun said people had only turned to crime because of extreme poverty. When there are no fertile fields and poor transportation for doing business, it sometimes results in more crime. This is also linked to poor access to education, U Hla Tun said A project to build the 3-mile (5km) connecting road was initiated in 1975 but was postponed because of the ongoing insurgency. In 2009, Aung Thaung took over the project and provided funding for the stretch, which crosses two creeks and has six raised sections. The company is laying tar and expects this to be completed early next year. It is my wish to develop the region and I launched the road project in coordination with a UNICEF and regional government village development program that will improve electricity

Parents are not very interested in

their childrens education when it is so hard to earn a living because of poor transport.

The new road in U-To sub-township, which links 20 villages with nearby Okpo, in western Bago Region. Pic: Supplied supply and education, U Thaung said. His company has also renovated 53 homes, donated transformers, lamps and fire engines and built a crematorium in the region. It has renovated a primary school building in La Thar Gone, renovated and provided medical equipment to Okpo General Hospital and is building a middle school in U-To village. I also plan to offer vocational training like tailoring, welding and lathing for those who are interested. I will try to create job opportunities for the unemployed. The country will never be developed until people at the grassroots level can supplement their currently meagre incomes, U Thaung said. Most recently, Aung Thaung built a pagoda near the new school building in U-To, raising the hti with a ceremony in February. Education is a key way to escape from poverty, while religion also saves the soul from committing sins, misdeeds or any kind of destructive actions. I want this region to get peace as well as progress with Buddhism, U Thaung said. Daw Sandar Myint, a teacher from Okpo Basic Education High School, said the new road was a blessing for children in the villages around U-To and would encourage them to continue their education. All schoolchildren in the area have to attend Okpo High School but most of them dont finish school for many reasons they just have primary or middle school level, she said. Now we can encourage them [to attend high school] and dont have to worry that they will live in poverty or turn to crime.

raining it is really terrible. Better infrastructure is badly needed, U Thaung said. U-To village resident U Hla Tun said poor transportation had delayed the development of the region, particularly because it made education hard to access. Parents are not very interested in [their

Trade Mark CauTion

NOTICE is hereby given that Post Foods, LLC, at 1 Upper Pond Road, Parsippany, NJ 07054 United States (Delaware Limited Liability Corporation) is the Owner and Sole Proprietor of the following trademark: (reg: nos. iV/4758/2000, iV/5673/2009 & iV/2126/2010) in respect of:- coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice,, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flavor and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking powder; salt, mustard, vinegar, sauces, salad dressing; spices; ice (reg: nos. iV/5676/2009 & iV/2126/2010) in respect of:- breakfast cereals and preparations made from cereals


Trade Mark CauTion

Notice is given that Traxys SA, of 3 Rue Pletzer, L8080 Bertrange, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, is the Owner of the following Trade Mark:-

No date yet for World Bank office opening

By Zaw Win Than THE exact date of the World Bank office opening ceremony in Yangon scheduled for next month is yet to be confirmed, a spokesperson said last week. The bank had announced on April 26 that the office would open in June. The precise dates of the regional vice president visit to Myanmar and the official office opening have not yet been announced, the spokesperson said in an email. There are many factors that need to be considered before a precise date can be confirmed [not least including internally within the World Bank]. We are in the process of trying to shape a program but many variables are still left to be confirmed. The office opening was announced by a statement from Ms Pamela Cox, World Banks vice president for East Asia and the Pacific, on April 26. In early June, we will be opening an office in Myanmar, which will be led by a new country manager. Also in June, Ill be travelling to Myanmar to gain a firsthand assessment of the situation, Ms Cox said. We are working closely with our board and shareholders on our plans moving forward we have reengaged with the government in Myanmar, with the aim of supporting reforms that will benefit all the people of Myanmar, especially the poor and vulnerable. This is a country which has been closed to the outside world for decades so we are now preparing a strategy to guide our work with the government to improve services for the people and assist in tackling the countrys development challenges. She said the World Bank is also looking into how to create jobs in the agricultural sector and in small and mediumsized enterprises. We are also looking into peoples access to finance to help improve the ability of farmers to get credit, so production can be boosted, prices in local markets can go down and farmers in rural areas can earn more income, Ms Cox said. We recognise that reforms are fragile and we are well aware of the risks. The speed of our engagement in Myanmar will depend on whether reforms can be sustained.


(reg: nos. iV/4764/2000, iV/5673/2009 & iV/2126/2010) in respect of:- coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice,, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flavor and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking powder; salt, mustard, vinegar, sauces, salad dressing; spices; ice Any fraudulent imitation or unauthorized use of the said trademark or other infringements whatsoever will be dealt with according to law. U Kyi Win Associates for PoST Foods, LLC P.O. Box No. 26, Yangon. Phone: 372416 Dated: 4th June, 2012

Used in connection with: Class 06: Unwrought and partly-wrought common metals and their alloys; metallic building materials; metallic transportable buildings; metallic materials for railway tracks; metallic tubes; non-electric cables and wires; ironmongery small items of metal hardware; safes; ores. Class 14: Precious metals and their alloys. Class 39: Transportation of merchandise by air, by train, by ship and by road; packaging and storing of merchandises; freight. A Declaration of Ownership of the said Mark has been registered in the Office of the Sub-Registrar of Deeds and Assurances, Yangon, being No. 8386/2005. WARNING is hereby given that any fraudulent imitation or unauthorised use of the said Trade Mark in any manner whatsoever will be dealt with according to law. Win Mu Tin, M.A., H.G.P., D.B.L for Traxys SA P. O. Box 60, Yangon E-mail: [email protected] Dated: 4th June, 2012


June 4 - 10, 2012
The collapsed buildings along the bank of the Hlaing River in Hlaing Tharyar township. Pic: Boothee

MyanMar tiMes

Responsible tourism policy draft to be released

By Yu Yu Maw THE Ministry of Hotels and Tourism in cooperation with a non-profit foundation will this week launch a draft policy on responsible tourism at a workshop in Nay Pyi taw, according to an adviser to the ministry. The policy has been drafted together with support from the Hanns Seidel Foundation, an organsiation based in Germany, and will be released on June 5, said ministry adviser Daw Kyi Kyi Aye. The policy will cover topics such as prevention of child sex tourism; prevention of trafficking of people and rare animals; education for communities and the tourism industry; development of a star rating system; and promotion of local foods, culture and heritage. Workshops have been held around the country to solicit advice on the policy from industry stakeholders. Our ministry and the foundation are holding workshops among the tourismrelated businesses at each of the main destinations [to discuss the proposed policy]. On June 5 in Nay Pyi Taw we will hold a conference to discuss the outcomes of those workshops, Daw Kyi Kyi Aye said. Following the June 5 conference the draft policy will be submitted to Minister for Hotels and Tourism U Tint San for approval, she said. Daw Kyi Kyi Aye said there was a consensus in the tourism industry that a responsible tourism policy was urgently needed and would provide the foundations for a broader tourism development strategy and master plan that the ministry plans to draw up. At the workshop held in Yangon on May 25, Mr Achim Munz, an associate consultant for the Hanns Seidel Foundation, said that the group would consider the negative environmental and cultural impacts of tourism and the positive economic benefits when drafting the policy. Daw Kyi Kyi Aye said the responsible tourism policy would only be workable with cooperation between the public and private sectors. She said human resource development was the first thing we need to consider. This is an essential policy for the tourism industry and one we have needed for a long time, said Daw Kaythi Naing, managing director of Yuzana Garden Hotel. The first think we have to implement after the policy appears is education for industry staff, local people and even foreigners.

Generation Wave launches peace petition

By Cherry Thein GENERATION Wave is aiming to collect 676,767 signatures as part of its Ever Peace 67 campaign, which aims to end conflict in Kachin State and dispel notions that many Myanmar are disconnected from the fighting. Generation Wave member Ko Moe Thway said the signatures would be sent to President U Thein Sein, the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and international organisations to encourage them to take effective action to end fighting in northern Myanmar, which broke out in June 2011. We need to prove that all people in the country long for peace by showing their signatures to decision-makers and to ensure equality and justice in the peacemaking process, he said. He said the ongoing conflict in Kachin State was paradoxical given the many political changes that had taken place under President U Thein Seins government. We cant say the country is practising democracy unless we stop this civil war and bring genuine peace to the whole country, Ko Moe Thway said. People might find it hard to believe the changes taking place because they have been living in the dark for a long time, without information or rights, he said. But to get positive changes we need to stop solving problems with weapons or fighting, which can never bring genuine peace among ethnic groups and the government, and instead develop genuine mutual understanding. Almost 100 people attended the launch of the Ever Peace 67 signature campaign at Royal Rose Restaurant in Bahan township on May 25, including political activists, writers, poets, celebrities and members of organisations advocating for peace. The number 67 was selected as a reference to the age of Nobel Peace Prize-winner Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, who turns 67 on June 19. We will announce the number of signatures collected on June 19. We expect everyone will be willing to sign so that we can get 676,767 and exhort the government to stop the war in Kachin state, Ko Moe Thway said. Generation Wave is collecting signatures in public areas, including schools, markets and bus stops, and also on social networking site Facebook. Vocalist Saung Oo Hlaing, who attended the event and signed the petition, told The Myanmar Times that the newly acquired rights to freedom of expression and association should be put to good use. I have no idea the extent to which this kind of campaign can be effective for peace, but I think it is better than not trying at all. I want all people to contribute and show our strong desire for peace because the greater the participation the stronger chance of achieving our goal, he said. U Phyo Zayar Thaw, the National League for Democracy representative for Pobbathiri in Nay Pyi Taw, said that too many people still felt the conflict did not concern them and this was an issue activists needed to address. When I was campaigning for the NLD, peoples interest in peace was very low but they are interested in rule of law and amending the law, he said. It is critical that we find out why people are not interested and how we can encourage them to participate in the peace process. Kachin U Jaw Gun said the conflict could only be resolved through negotiation and both sides would have to shed their negative feelings towards each other. We cant solve the problem with guns and even if we did, the problem isnt solved totally and will resume again. It has been a long time that the problem wasnt solved because of personal grudge and hatred, he said. My two brothers and sister were killed by the Myanmar military. I hated Myanmar so much but I cant hate them any more because they were working for us, including with the Ayeyarwady dam project. The Free Funeral Service Society secretary Daw Than Myint Aung said the country wasnt practising full democracy unless all citizens had the chance to benefit. The democracy our country has now is like irregular rain. We understand there will be many difficulties in the initial practicing of democracy and it is more important to stop war and bring peace now than to make the whole country get democracy, she said. Kachin religious leader Reverend Saboi Jum told The Myanmar Times that while he welcomed the growing awareness of the need for peace, he was concerned about opportunists jumping on the peace bandwagon, particularly given the sensitivity of the issue. Now peace activists and groups are mushrooming but we need to be careful. The situation is very serious so it is important to choose the right approach for the peacemaking process. We need to be careful not to mislead the public, he said.

Visa on arrival reintroduced from June 1

By Zaw Win Than and Yu Yu Maw TOURISTS could soon be eligible for a visa on arrival, a senior Ministry of Immigration and Population official said last week, with business travellers able to access the service from June 1. U Maung Maung Than, director general of the ministrys Immigration and National Registration Department, said business travellers, conference and workshop attendees, and transit visitors from 27 countries were now eligible for a visa on arrival. Initially this VOA service will be available only at Yangon International Airport. But in the near future, we will be extending this VOA service also at Nay Pyi Taw International Airport and Mandalay International, he said in Yangon on May 28. But this system will not be available for tourists. The 70-day business visa is US$50, while a 28-day entry visa for meetings, workshops and events is $40. A 24-hour transit visa costs $20. He said the airport did not currently have the capacity to expand the simplified visa system to tourists. We are receiving about 1500 visitors per day. The capacity of Yangon International Airport is not able to receive and manage the huge number of tourists we are seeing, thats why we didnt include tourist visas in the system. But we will be extend this service to include tourist visas in the near future, he said. The VOA is available to nationals of 27 countries, including ASEAN member states, Australia, China, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, South Korea, North Korea, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Kingdom and United States of America. Visitors must have a passport with at least six months validity from the date of entry into Myanmar and should also bring two recent (4cm x 6cm) colour photos. Visitors who overstay not more than 90 days on the visas will be required to pay $3 a day, while those who overstay more than 90 days will be required to pay $5 for each day spent in the country with an expired visa. Business visas can be extended with the recommendation of the ministries concerned, he added. Applicants must also have a letter of invitation from the sponsoring company in the event of a first business trip but are not allowed to extend the stay. It will be required to produce copies of company registration, business license or evidence of permission to do business issued by the ministries concerned together with the application if he or she is working in Myanmar. The application must also provide details of the workplace, including its location, as well as the sponsors name and position they hold in their business. For entry visas, visitors must show a letter of invitation from the relevant ministry if they are going to attend meetings, workshops, events and ceremonies. Applicants are not allowed to engage in any sort of work with or without payment outside the profession mentioned on the visa application form. Applicants also need to state the name and address of the hotel or guesthouse where they will stay for the duration of their visit. Visa on arrival application forms can be obtained from the Immigration department, airlines that fly to Myanmar or online at the ministrys website (www. mip.gov.mm/visaonarrival).


June 4 - 10, 2012
SINGAPORE The United States would be open to forging ties with Myanmars military if the country continues on a path of democratic reform, US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta said on June 2. Obviously we encourage the reforms that they are hoping to put in place, Panetta told delegates at an Asia security summit in Singapore, the Shangri-La Dialogue. As you know the State Department has taken steps to relieve some of the sanctions that have been placed on Myanmar and try to encourage them again to move in the right direction, he told representatives from 27 countries at the event, organised by the International Institute of Strategic Studies. I think part and parcel of that, assuming that they are able to implement reforms and to continue the kind of political efforts at opening up their system, that a part and parcel of that would be discussions with regards to how we can improve our defence relationship with their country as well. AFP

MyanMar tiMes

Hlaing River US open to defence ties with Myanmar, says Panetta Hunger collapse strike raises safety ends at concerns
By Htar Htar Khin A RIVERBANK collapse on the Hlaing River that is thought to have claimed the life of a young child has raised concerns about the structural safety of Yangons riverside buildings. A number of buildings, including a hostel, restaurant and 7200square-foot two storey structure, were damaged in the collapse at Hlaing Tharyar townships Industrial Zone 6 in the early hours of May 27. A five-year-old child is still missing, presumed dead, Weekly Eleven reported last week. The report said huge cracks appeared in the buildings in the area three days before the incident. Developers said the collapse was partly seasonal but older buildings were particularly at risk. Riverside buildings are particularly prone to collapse when the water level rises because erosion is more likely. The risk of collapse probably doubles in rainy season, said U Ko Ko Lay, a director of Three Friends Construction. I heard the collapsed building was not structurally sound and they had done any preparations, such as a soil test. These are the two important reasons for the collapse of a building on soft bedrock, he said. Ive run a small business for cold storage at Pyapon for many years and we normally built using the traditional piling method. We dont have much awareness to do proper pile foundation at all, he said. If there are any structural flaws, like large cracks, you should definitely evacuate straight away. U Lazarus, managing director of Yadanar Shwe Htun Construction, said where possible buildings should be set bank from the water. Developers should totally avoid [building on the riverbank] if possible. Structural faults can be detected later This situation is very risky, U Lazarus said. The collapse has raised fears that many other buildings along the Hlaing River particularly hostels and restaurants built by fisheries companies for their staff could also be at risk. I think buildings should be at least 30 feet (9 metres) back from the rivers edge and if thats not possible the buildings should be constructed carefully with structural safety in mind. Otherwise, the combination of soil erosion and high water level can swallow the building, said U Lazarus.

By Min Thu Naung, Toe Gyi and Htoo Aung

Hmawbi Body of teenager found after fire steel factory

By Tun Nay Aung WORKERS from Yangon Crown Steelworks in Myaungdakar Industrial Zone ended their hunger strike last week when owners acceded to demands for improved basic pay and other conditions. The hunger strike ended on the afternoon of May 29, after four days, when representatives for the workers met with the factorys Chinese owner, who pledged to do as much as he could to meet their needs, said Ko Zaw Htet, secretary of the factorys workers union. We met our boss on May 29. Government officials also participated. The owner said that he didnt know about the current problems at the factory but he promised to meet their needs as much as he can. We stopped our strike because we directly met the owner and get the agreement from him, said Ko Zaw Htet. Workers at Yangon Crown get basic pay of K4800 a month as well as K80 an hour overtime and K5000 for regular attendance. However, the regular attendance fee is cut if employees take a single day leave, even when they are ill. Their basic pay is also cut if they are absent five days in a month, making it extremely difficult to provide for their family. The workers union requested to raise the basic pay and bonuses and reduce the penalties for being absent. Workers went on strike on May 20 after officials didnt respond. When negotiations broke down on May 25, a group of workers went on a hunger strike. Translated by Thiri Min Htun

POLICE are treating a fatal apartment fire in Lanmadaw township as suspicious after finding that jewellery worth K10.4 million had been removed from the home. Fire officials found the body of a teenage girl in the third-storey apartment on Lanmadaws 7 th Street after extinguishing the fire around midday on May 30. The woman was identified as Ma Su Sandi Aung, 16. Police said they found a 12-inch plastic-handled knife in the kitchen but did not confirm whether the woman had been stabbed. Fourteen pieces of gold jewellery valued at about K10.45 million were missing from the flat, police officers said. The cause of the fire is still under investigation and a joint team consisting of police officers from the

Fire officials and onlookers outside the 7th Street apartment in Lanmadaw township. Pic: Boothee Western District Police Department, Bureau of Special Investigation and Yangon Region Police Department has been established. The body of the deceased was transferred to Yangon General Hospital for an autopsy. Fifteen fire engines, four administrative vehicles and one support vehicle attended the scene and one fire official was injured. Translated by Thit Lwin

UEC meets with parties over strikes, protests

By Win Ko Ko Latt THE head of the Union Election Commission has warned five major political parties not to break existing laws when providing assistance to striking workers and protesters. UEC chairman U Tin Aye called the meeting last week with senior officials from the five parties the Union Solidarity and Development Party, National League for Democracy, National Democratic Force, Union of Myanmar Federation of National Politics and 88 Generation Student Youths (Union of Myanmar) following complaints from some factory owners and ministries over their role in the series of strikes and protest. It is not a warning. Just negotiating [with political parties] to handle [the situation] carefully, said U Soe Win, vice chairman of the National Democratic Force. Employers reported that they cannot negotiate because of the involvement of political parties in [strikes and protests], U Soe Win said, adding that the employers accused the NLD and NDF of misleading the people. According to U Soe Win, Deputy Minister for Labour U Myint Thein said the owners of 13 of the 20 factories where strikes have occurred have been able to reach a resolution with workers but the rest could not because of the political parties. Meanwhile, Deputy Minister for Electric Power 2 U Aung Than Oo, who also attended the meeting, explained to party officials what the ministry was doing to resolve the power crisis. U Soe Win said that NDF would continue its activities because it was founded with the intention of serving the interests of the state and people. However, he said it would be careful not to threaten the stability of the government. U Ohn Kyaing of the National League for Democracy said the government needed to move faster to resolve the power crisis. It is the responsibility of the government to solve these problems and our political parties will support [a resolution], he said. Meanwhile, U Aye Lwin of the Union of Myanmar Federation of National Politics said his party had been asked to intervene in the strikes because one of its parliamentarians was from Hlaing Tharyar township. The workers asked for help and he helped them to negotiate with [employers], he said. Our party thinks that employees and employers should negotiate to resolve these situations.

Delayed monsoon finally arrives in delta, Yangon

By Aye Sapay Phyu THE monsoon is expected to advance to northern Myanmar this week, the Department of Metrology and Hydrology said in its monthly forecast. The May 28 forecast stated that the monsoon was expected to advance to central Myanmar and the northern part of the country by June 10. A lowpressure system in the southern Bay of Bengal is also expected to intensify into a depression in the first 10 days of the month, bringing rain to coastal areas, the department said. A DMH official said the advance into delta areas had been slower than expected because the monsoon was quite weak when it reached southern Myanmar before May 20. The delta area, which includes Yangon, did not receive its first official monsoon rain until May 28, two days later than earlier forecast. The department forecast said the monsoon was likely to be moderate to strong in the Andaman Sea and Bay of Bengal in June. Rainfall is expected to be above average in Rakhine and Mon states, below average in Mandalay and Magwe regions and Kachin, Chin and Kayah states and about normal in the remaining regions and states. The department said in an earlier forecast that most parts of the country could expect normal or above-average rainfall over the course of the monsoon season. Only Chin State and Mandalay Region are forecast to have below-average rainfall in the early monsoon season. Intensity in the early monsoon period and mid-monsoon period will be moderate to strong. While the monsoon intensity will likely be weak to moderate in the late monsoon period, all areas except lower Sagaing Region and Kayah State will have at least normal precipitation, a department official said. The early monsoon period officially begins on the day the monsoon advances into the whole of the country and ends at the end of June, while the mid-monsoon period runs from the start of July to the end of August. September through to the withdrawal of the monsoon from the whole country is considered the late monsoon period. The department has also forecast above-average rainfall in the mid-monsoon season for Mandalay, Magwe and Tanintharyi regions and Rakhine, Kayin and Mon states, with normal rainfall for the remaining areas.

India, Myanmar ink deals to strengthen ties

By Myat May Zin INDIA signed an agreement to provide a US$500 million line of credit to Myanmar during Prime Minister Manmohan Singhs visit last week. The agreement was one of 12 signed by Dr Manmohan Singh during a meeting with President U Thein Sein in Nay Pyi Taw on May 28 that aims to strengthen economic cooperation between the two neighbours. Indias industry is showing increasing interest in Myanmar. In order to exploit the full potential of our economic relationship, we need to facilitate trade and investment, a statement released by Dr Singh said. He said at an event at the Sedona Hotel in Yangon on May 29 that India was interested in importing agricultural products, coal and other minerals from Myanmar and exporting to it heavy industrial items, chemicals, pharmaceuticals and textiles. For many years Myanmar has

exported 21 types of agricultural products to India, with beans and pulses one of the countrys most lucrative exports. New Delhi is also looking to cement cooperation with Myanmar in such fields as IT, vehicles, textiles, and agro-based industries. I am confident that we can surpass our total trade target of $3 billion by the year 2015. But we need to diversify our trade basket, Dr Singh said. United Bank of India is in the process of opening a representative office in Myanmar. Bilateral banking arrangements need to be established to ease financial transactions, he said. India is Myanmars fourth-largest trading partner after Thailand, China and Singapore, shows data provided by the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers o f C o m m e r c e a n d I n d u st r y (UMFCCI). Bilateral trade volume hit $1.37 billion in the 2011-12 fiscal year, shows UMFCCI data. India is Myanmars secondlargest export market after

June 4 - 10, 2012


MyanMar tiMes

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is welcomed by President U Thein Sein at the Presidential Palace in Nay Pyi Taw on May 28. Pic: AFP/Indian Press Information Bureau Thailand, absorbing 25 percent of its total exports. India is also the seventh most important source for Myanmars imports. Myanmar is a critical partner in Indias Look East policy and is perfectly situated to play the role of an economic bridge between India and China and between South and Southeast Asia, Dr Singh said. Further India-Myanmar coverage P.12

June 4 - 10, 2012

MyanMar tiMes

CNPC starts training program for local staff India repeats

By Juliet Shwe Gaung IN a first for the Yangon University of Foreign Languages (YUFL), the centre started a language training program, sponsored by China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), for Myanmar staff of the Myanmar-China oil and gas pipeline project. YUFL took on a first batch of 60 Myanmar, who will work as pipeline operators for the project, teaching English and Chinese courses from May 24 in a first training program for a foreign company, according to a spokesperson from the Friendship Association for Myanmar-China Pipeline. The human resource department from China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) is trying to recruit more local people now for the second batch, the spokesperson said. All of the students attending the training are new recruited graduate students and all of them are local Myanmar people. The three-month language course at YUFL is the first stage of a longer training program which includes further Chinese courses at Southwest Petroleum University of China and three months training on pipeline operations, according to a press release by CNPC. Further details of the latter training stages are still under discussion but for the that in the future they hope to invite new local staff to China to further aid their language ability. CNPC plans to recruit three more batches of Myanmar staff for the training program. Within about three months, we will complete the second batch of recruitment, which is also about 60, and organise relevant training similar to the training we are doing now, the spokesperson said. Operating as a subsidiary of CNPC, South-East Asia Pipeline Co Ltd handles the MyanmarChina oil and gas pipeline, which runs from Rakhine Region to China, and currently has around 300 Chinese employees. However, as CNPC is set to run and maintain the pipeline after the construction phase, its long-term plans will require a shift in recruitment policy, the spokesperson said. We are recruiting local Myanmar staff before we start operations in order to promote local employment. We promise that Myanmar local staff will account for more than 75 percent of our total staff. At present, our main job is to construct an excellent pipeline, and we only need operators in the pipeline operation stage. That is the reason why we are recruiting staff from now on when the construction is almost completed, the spokesperson said. By Soe Sandar Oo

warning on illegal fishing

INDIA has again warned Myanmars fishing community to stay out of its territorial waters or risk jail terms, a fisheries official said during the Myanmar Fisheries Federation meeting last week. U Win Kyaing, the federations general secretary, said India had sent a clear message warning fishermen about targeting endangered species, including sea cucumber, in its waters. The warning was delivered at the 17 th annual India-Myanmar national-level meeting in Nay Pyi Taw on May 17, he added. The ministers of livestock and fisheries and the social welfare, relief and resettlement attended the meeting. Following the meeting, the news was relayed to the Myanmar Fisheries Federation. Fishermen will be punished with jail terms if they are found fishing in Indias territorial waters and they will soon face additional punishments if they are found with sea cucumber or other protected species, he said. Sea cucumber can be found in the waters around Indias Andaman Islands, which are far removed from that nation but only three days voyage from Myanmars Coco Island. U Win Kyaing said fishermen from Ayeyarwady Region risk getting caught because the rewards are lucrative. If they are successful, each fisherman can earn between K1.5 and K1.8 million in a single voyage because the price of sea cucumbers in China is so high, he said, adding that most of the fishermen are young men from Ayeyarwady Region. There are 897 Myanmar fishermen imprisoned at Port Blair [capital of the Andaman Islands], many of whom were caught fishing for sea cucumbers, he added. U Win Kyaing said the punishment for illegal fishing had been relatively light six months for ordinary workers and 9-12 months for the captains. However, he warned that India informed the federation in July that harsher penalties such as longer prison terms and heavy fines would soon be handed down but this has not yet eventuated. He added that sea cucumbers used to be commonly found in beachside areas in Rakhine State such as Ngapali beach at Thandwe township about 40 years ago but had since disappeared.

A YUFL trainer talks during the welcome ceremony for the CNPC sponsored language training program on May 24. Pic: Ko Taik third stage, employees will work at pipeline stations as interns for three months, it said. For the English course, YUFL has assigned five experienced English teachers, including the director and deputy director of the English Department, while the Chinese courses have Chinese teachers invited from Fuxing Confucius Classroom, a Chinese language school established jointly by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office, and a Myanmar local training school, the press release said. The language training program was formally opened with a welcome ceremony on May 24, including orientation for new employees, a seminar on corporate culture and history, an introduction on oil and gas pipeline operations, and safety education. The 60 employees are divided into two classes for a half-day Chinese course and a half-day English course, according to the press release. The language courses will include both written and oral training to provide the students with broad familiarity with both languages. We hope to give our new staff the chance to handle a new language comprehensively, which is why we invited the best trainers to teach them basic language skills, said the CNPC spokesperson, adding

Peanut exports to China hurting local oil industry, say traders

EDIBLE oil mill owners said free exports of oilseeds, such as peanuts (groundnuts), to China are starving the industry of much-needed raw materials and putting jobs at risk. After the new government took over in March last year the Ministry of Commerce allowed traders to export all kinds of beans, pulses and seeds, including groundnut and red and brown sesame. China buys peanuts at a good price from Myanmar. As a result, the price of peanuts has increased from K1550 in late April to K1900 a viss [1.6 kilograms or 3.6 pounds] in late May, said U Khin Soe, owner of Ayeyarwady peanut oil trading company. Chinese traders are not allowed to import value-added products such as edible peanut oil and must import raw materials and process them in their own mills, U Khin Soe said. China oil dealers then sell oil at 44.2 yuan for 1.5 kilograms (about K6066 a viss). But we cant sell our oil at even K4300 a viss, which is much lower than the price of oil being sold by Chinese traders, he said. The government should consider asking the Chinese government if we could export oil, he said. By selling value-added products, such as peanut oil, we can promote small- and medium-sized enterprises and create jobs in Myanmar, U Khin Soe said. Minister for Commerce U Win Myint said during the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry anniversary in Nay Pyi Taw on May 25 that the industry faced a number of problems. I know the edible oil market well and some mills are unable to run anymore because they cannot buy enough peanuts. To solve this problem we have to upgrade our mills with modern machinery and change the species of peanuts we cultivate. Peanut oil prices have increased from K3800-3900 a viss in late April to K4300 in late May, said U Khin Soe. As a result, traders said a number of mixed oils have appeared in the market at cheaper prices. Some people still prefer to buy pure peanut oil, even though its more expensive. But others are happy to buy a mix of peanut and palm oil for K3700 a viss, which is K600 a viss cheaper, said the owner of Mothers Son edible oil and rice trading on Bogyoke Aung San Road in Kyauktada township. The mixed oil also contain a peanutflavoured additive to change the taste and smell of the mainly palm oil solution. The base of palm oil is imported from Malaysia and its colour and purity are nearly the same as peanut oil, said U Khin Soe. About 30,000 tonnes of palm oil is imported each month from Malaysia by ship and another 15,000 tonnes are trucked into Myanmar illegally from Thailand. Illegally imported palm oil sells for K1765 a viss, peanut oil traders said. Myat May Zin

Govt signs PSC agreement with Jubilant and Parami

By Juliet Shwe Gaung PARAMI Energy Development signed a production sharing contract with Indias Jubilant Energy and Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise for the PSC-I onshore oil and gas block on May 28. Parami Energy and Jubilant Energy won the tender for the block during an onshore block auction announced in July last year. A Parami Energy Group of Companies statement was released on May 28 to coincide with the visit of Indias Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, to Myanmar. Jubilant holds a 77.5 percent participating interest in the block through its subsidiary Jubilant Oil & Gas Private Ltd and will be the operator of the block, while Parami Energy holds the remaining 22.5pc interest, the press release stated. We are delighted to be awarded this highly prospective acreage in Myanmar. The acquisition of block PSC-I is a significant development for Jubilant and further emphasises our commitment to build an exciting portfolio of assets in proven and prolific hydrocarbon basins, said Mr Shyam S Bhartia, chairman of Jubilant Energy. Jubilant will utilise its inhouse expertise as operator of its four blocks in the States Tripura, Manipur and Assam, close to the Myanmar border and which are geologically and tectonically similar in setup to our newly awarded block in Myanmar, he said. The PSC-1 block covers an area of approximately 3600 square kilometres and is located about 125km northwest of Yangon in Ayeyarwady Region. The press release said that the block falls within the Ayeyarwady delta sub-basin and partly in the Pyay embayment sub-basin of the central Myanmar basin, which also includes the giant ChaukLanywa and Yenangyaung oil and gas fields. We are working as an active partner with foreign shareholders, said Parami Energys chief geologist, U Nu, during a Yangon Petroleum Gathering at Traders Hotel on March 16. We have jointly chosen the block and we believe we are going to be successful, he added. He said Parami Energy planned to increase its share in the block over time. The share percentages held by other local partners [in the onshore tender] are 3, 5 or 10pc. We have taken up the highest share interest of the local partners and plan to increase this, U Nu said. Production sharing contracts (PSC) were signed by Hong Kongs EPI Holding Ltd and Aye Myint Khine Co Ltd for the RSF-10 block, and Swiss firm GeoPetrol International Holding Inc and A1 Mining Co Ltd for RSF-9 block in Nay Pyi Taw on March 9 and 11 respectively. Parami Energy is also working on socioeconomic activities that have included installing solar panels to supply electricity to a hospital in Hpa-an, Kayin State. The company has also planted 200,000 trees in Hpaan since 2011 and will plant a further 100,000 through this rainy season. Parami Energy has also supported monasteries that provide education services in Zalun, Ayeyarwady Region and in Nay Pyi Taw by paying salaries for teachers.

June 4 - 10, 2012

MyanMar tiMes

Job watch

Gridlocked traffic in New Delhi on May 31 after activists blocked a road during a protest against a sharp increase in the price of petrol. Pic: AFP

India jolted by weak growth data

By Penny MacRae NEW DELHI Indias economy grew a lower-than-expected 5.3 percent in the final quarter of the fiscal year, data showed on May 31, piling pressure on the embattled government. The figures from the national statistics office also showed the economy expanded 6.5pc for the year to March 2012 lower than the governments estimate of 6.9pc and far below the 8.4pc of the previous year. The figures have reconfirmed the Confederation of Indias own estimates, which show that the economy is in the throes of a serious slowdown, said Chandrajit Banerjee, director general of the leading industry body. The final quarter of the last financial year saw a contraction in the key manufacturing sector, which saw output shrink 0.3pc owing to flagging domestic and overseas demand, compared with 7.3pc expansion a year earlier. Farm, construction and mining production grew only modestly. The figures came as the rupee hit a record 56.50 low against the dollar and the government faced a nationwide strike in protest against the countrys highest petrol price rise, enacted to curb oil firms losses. Shares on the Mumbai stock market fell as much as 1.38pc. We are going through a rough patch worldwide. Growth figures have taken a hit because of that, Rajesh Chakrabarti, professor of finance at the Indian School of Business, told Indias NDTV network. But he added the data was extremely disappointing. Analysts had forecast growth of 6.1pc in the JanuaryMarch quarter and the poor performance is likely deepen the gloom shrouding Asias thirdlargest economy. The government has little room to increase spending to spur growth and interest rates cannot be cut significantly because of high inflation, which is sitting at about 7pc. Dariusz Kowalczyk, senior economist at Credit Agricole, had spoken of extreme pessimism about Indias prospects before the data was released. Fundamentals are indeed weak with slower growth, elevated inflation and the highest deficit-to-GDP ratios in Asia, he said, forecasting annual growth will stay below 7pc until after the general elections in 2014. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, 79, admitted last week his scandal-tainted Congressled ruling coalition need to do better to get the once red-hot economy moving again. While more than 6pc fullyear growth would be the envy of much of the world, at least 9-10pc expansion is needed to reduce Indias widespread poverty, experts say. Indias sluggishness will add to concerns about the global outlook as China has also recently released bleak data, fuelling fears the worlds second biggest economy is cooling faster than expected. Hopes the two emerging market giants, which weathered the 2008 financial crisis well, could underpin another global recovery have been steadily dashed by their stuttering performances. Singh is credited with opening up Indias economy when he was the finance minister in 1991 but his premiership has been undermined by a series of policy U-turns and corruption scandals. His once ambitious reform agenda has stalled amid coalition infighting, and the economic climate has been further strained by the announcement of new tax policies seen as hostile to foreign investment. Indias economy is suffering from policy incoherence, shifting global risk appetite and a comatose government, Rajeev Malik, senior economist at brokerage CLSA, said ahead of the figures. AFP

Gas golden age possible: IEA WTO warns of



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LONDON The coming decades could be a golden age for natural gas if unconventional resources are exploited in an environmentally acceptable manner, the International Energy Agency said on May 29. In a new report, the IEA proposed a set of golden rules that would spur gas development by imposing high environmental standards to reassure a wary public. Stiff public opposition represents a key obstacle to broad development of known resources. A potentially bright future is far from assured, the IEA said, as long as social and environmental concerns associated with unconventional gas extraction persist. Hydraulic fracturing, the technique banned in France but behind a recent boom in US gas production, is the most controversial of these new processes and involves pumping liquids and chemicals deep underground at high pressure to release trapped gas deposits. The IEA acknowledged that producing shale gas was an intensive industrial process, generally imposing a larger environmental footprint than conventional gas development and could have major implications for local communities and water resources. But if the energy industry adopted a set of golden rules, the IEA argued, local populations would better accept the new methods and allow for a continued global expansion of gas supplies with far-reaching

consequences for global energy markets. The IEAs proposed rules stress full transparency on the part of gas developers and would require a careful choice of drilling sites to reduce above-ground impacts and minimise the risks of earthquakes or water supply contamination. Leaks from wells into aquifers can be prevented by high standards of well design, construction and integrity testing, the IEA said while urging governments to create adequate supervisory systems to both monitor the work and reassure developers. In an optimal scenario where its rules are adopted, the IEA said production of unconventional gas could more than triple to 1.6 trillion cubic metres in 2035, with the US becoming the worlds biggest producer. The greater availability of gas would have a strong moderating impact on prices and, as a result, global gas demand would rise by more than 50 percent between 2010 and 2035, the IEA said. Under the golden rule scenario, the share of gas in the global energy mix would reach 25pc in 2035, and overtake coal to become the second-largest primary energy source after oil. On the other hand, if the golden rules were ignored, the IEA warned that gas demand would continue to trail coal, with significant consequences for global carbon emissions. AFP


BANGKOK The head of the World Trade Organisation on May 31 warned against growing Asian protectionism and said the region would not escape the impact of economic woes across the globe. WTO Director General Pascal Lamy acknowledged the regions relative resilience so far to economic turbulence in the eurozone and continued uncertainty in the US economic outlook. But he told the World Economic Forum on East Asia in Bangkok that it was increasingly interconnected with the rest of the planet and I dont think this relative immunity will be forever. I would expect, given what is happening in other parts of the world economy, this region to be more affected than it has been so far, he added. Lamy said the biggest risk was protectionism, because of Asias position as a major exporter to the rest of the world. The main risk is protectionism, and you know that it remains a serious risk, a growing risk, he said. But more worryingly protectionists action have intensified, more and more governments are ceding to this pressure, he said, urging the 10-nation ASEAN bloc to step up integration to insure against external shocks. AFP


June 4 - 10, 2012
regaining confidence because without that we cannot resolve any of our problems, said Ordonez, w h o e x p l a i n e d h e w as leaving early to give his successor time to take the reins. But the central bank chief also said there were risks to Spains plan to slash the public deficit from 8.9pc of economic output last year to 5.3pc this year and 3pc in 2013. In a recession with 24.4pc unemployment, the state faces downward risks to its revenue forecasts and the threat of higherthan-expected expenses, for example for unemployment benefits, he warned. It is not an exaggeration to say that Spain is staking a great part of its future on achieving these fiscal targets, he told the Senate. In Brussels, Economic Affairs Commissioner Olli Rehn said that if Spain reined in regional government deficits and presented a solid two-year budget, then the deficit deadline could be extended to 2014. Spanish banks, hugely exposed to a property market that crashed in 2008, are at the heart of market concerns. billion) invested by the state earlier last month to salvage its books. But no-one seems to be clear about where the money will come from, especially when debt markets are charging exorbitant sums to lend to Spain. Some sort of attempt to rescue Spain is likely and it is likely to come in July, said Barcelona-based economist Edward Hugh. Spain would attempt to cling on until Greek elections were over and the European Stability Mechanism, a permanent rescue fund, was operational, he predicted. The cost of recapitalising the banks would be 150200 billion euros ($186248 billion), he estimated, assuming that lenders were obliged to make additional provisions for home mortgages. Economy Minister Luis De Guindos said the statebacked Fund for Orderly Bank Restructuring (FROB) would issue bonds to raise capital, which it could then inject into Bankia. He denied a Financial Times report that the European Central Bank had rejected a tentative Spanish plan to inject government bonds into Bankia, which could then use them as collateral to borrow from the ECB. The ECB also issued a statement denying it had taken a position or been consulted on the scheme. AFP

MyanMar tiMes

Investors flee Spain as financial crisis spirals

By Katell Abiven MADRID Spain battled to contain fears of financial collapse on May 30, scrambling to fund a major banking rescue as its debt risk premium rocketed to a euro-era record. The interest rate on Spains 10-year bonds shot to 6.703 percent unsustainable over the longer term as the nation fought to avoid being the next victim of the eurozone crisis. When compared to safe German debt, investors in Spanish bonds were demanding an additional 5.41 percentage points, a premium that easily crashed through euro-era records set each day of last week. The European single currency plunged at one point to US$1.2389 a low point last seen in July 2010, before recovering to just above $1.24. Bank of Spain governor Miguel Fernandez Ordonez, who surprised investors by announcing he would depart on June 10, a month before his term was due to end, warned that trust in Spain had been shaken. Nothing is more important now than

Prime Minister Mariano Rajoys conservative government last month instructed banks to set aside 30 billion euros ($37.2 billion) in 2012 in case property-related loans go bad, on top of 53.8

billion euros ($66.7 billion) demanded under February reforms. Hardest hit lender Bankia has asked the government for 19 billion euros ($23.6 billion) in capital in addition to 4.465 billion euros ($4.536

Trade Mark CauTion

SonY CorPoraTion, of 1-7-1 Konan, Minatoku, Tokyo, Japan, is the Owner of the following Trade Mark:-

reg. no. 328/1967 reg. no. 293/1972 reg. no. 329/1977 reg. no. 696/1982 in respect of Radio and television transmitting and receiving sets, audio and video tape recorders and reproduction apparatus thereof, parts and accessories therefor; electric or electronic communication machines and apparatus, recording machines and apparatus, electric phonographs, record players, tape-recorders and reproduction apparatus and parts and accessories therefor, amplifiers, resistors, diodes, batteries, coils, cords, rectifiers, dials, connectors, switches, transformers, inverters, antennas, printed-wiring boards, fuses, cabinets, speakers, microphones, microphone mixers, pick-ups, phonometers, interphones, transceivers; tapes for tape recorders, recorded tapes, videotapes; hearing aids, transistors, thermisters, vacuum tubes, Braun tubes, discharge tubes, rectifier tubes, X-ray tubes; computers, word processors, electric typewriters with built-in memory appliance, and magnetic discs and sheets used for above goods; and other electric and electronic machines and apparatus. Fraudulent imitation or unauthorised use of the said Trade Mark will be dealt with according to law. Win Mu Tin, M.A., H.G.P., D.B.L for SonY CorPoraTion P. O. Box 60, Yangon. E-mail: [email protected] Dated: 4th June, 2012

June 4 - 10, 2012

MyanMar tiMes

Star Wars maker in row with neighbours

By Michael Thurston LOS ANGELES Star Wars director George Lucas has dismissed claims he is waging class warfare by selling some of his land for low-income housing, after rich neighbours nixed plans for new studio space. In the latest twist in a longrunning battle, the legendary filmmaker lamented that some locals near his Skywalker Ranch complex outside San Francisco had misrepresented him as running an evil empire. Lucas claims the planned new addition to his studio based in a secluded valley in Marin County would have provided good jobs for local people, and not had any significant extra environmental impact on the well-to-do area. But he withdrew the planning application last month after it appeared that neighbours complaints would delay the project indefinitely and decided instead to offer the land for development of affordable housing. That triggered a new round of protest from some in the well-heeled community, including a reported comment from Carolyn Lenert, head of the North San Rafael Coalition of Residents, that he was inciting class warfare. Lucasfilm, the studio behind the Star Wars and Indiana Jones movie franchises, rejected the charge. Its unfortunate if people think of affordable housing as a sort of class warfare, because affordable housing is for your fire-fighters, your police, your teachers, said Lucasfilm spokesman Miles Perkins. Thats whats needed in Marin County, without a question, he told AFP. The story began in 1978, when Lucas bought a 2500acre (1000-hectare) plot in Lucas Valley named after a 19th century rancher to build Skywalker Ranch, the year his first Star Wars film won a stunning six Academy Awards. In the years that followed, he gradually expanded the company, but was careful to ensure the growing studio complex remained discreetly nestled behind trees, maintaining a low profile and keeping his valley neighbours happy. But relations began to fray with plans for a new facility to be called Grady Ranch, that would include a large studio space, an outdoor sound stage and underground parking. And tensions came to a head last month when, after the latest bureaucratic and legal delay, Lucas announced in an emotionally-worded letter than he was cancelling the plans and turning the land over to low-income housing. The level of bitterness and anger expressed by the homeowners in Lucas Valley has convinced us that, even if we were to spend more time ... we would not be able to maintain a constructive relationship with our neighbours. We love working and living in Marin, but the residents of Lucas Valley have fought this project for 25 years, and enough is enough. Recalling his arrival in the valley, he said: When we first proposed Skywalker Ranch in 1978, we

US director George Lucas and his partner Mellody Hobson arrive for the screening of the film Cosmopolis at the 65th Cannes film festival on May 25. Pic: AFP understood peoples concerns about a business moving to a residential area. They feared helicopters landing with celebrities and tour buses coming down Lucas Valley Road. None of their fears materialised, he said, noting hiking trails, buildings hidden from the road and other measures to preserve wildlife. But, he said, attempts to find acceptable compromises for Grady Ranch had failed. We are not a real estate developer. We need the spaces we build to do our work. Movies are waiting to be made, and we must move forward. Unfortunately, the projects we had planned to shoot on those stages have already started production and we will need the studio space by early 2013. We have several opportunities to build the production stages in communities that see us as a creative asset, not as an evil empire, and if we are to stay on schedule we must act on those opportunities. Spearheading opposition to the Grady Ranch was the Lucas Valley Estates Homeowners Association, which critics accused of being eco-activists and NIMBYs (Not In My Back Yard). These comments are unfortunate, the association says on its website, defending itself against such charges. All citizens and neighbourhoods have the right to submit comments or request reviews on developments that significantly impact their immediate environment. This is a normal and standard process, it said. In an email to AFP, the association said it had no regrets about having opposed the Grady Ranch to the point where it was dropped, adding that it had never discussed the project directly with the filmmaker or his company. There has been no communication from George Lucas personally nor Lucasfilm directly, it said. Tensions between those who backed the new studio project and those who opposed it have been exacerbated by Lucas unexpected decision to turn it over to affordable housing. Lucas himself, in an email to the New York Times, said he only wanted to do something good for Marin. Ive been surprised to see some people characterise this as vindictive, he said, adding that there was a real need for affordable housing here. I wouldnt waste my time or money just to try to upset the neighbours, he said. The Lucasfilm spokesman, Perkins, said the company wanted to move on from the long-running dispute. If we can identify a developer, which Im pretty confident that we will, then it will change hands, and they will develop it as lowincome housing, he said. Were not building Grady Ranch ... We plan on selling the property. Its been going on for a long time, and from our perspective were kind of done, he added. AFP

Greek ex-ministers home a monument to corruption

By Anne-Sophie Labadie ATHENS Athens has gained a new tourist attraction alongside its ancient Acropolis, as visitors flock to view the nearby upmarket home of a disgraced former minister that has become a symbol of corruption. After the Acropolis museum, this has unfortunately become the second main attraction here the home of a corrupt minister, said one young Greek outside the mansion where Akis Tsochatzopoulos, 72, a former defence minister of the socialist party Pasok, lived before landing in jail. On a pedestrian street lined with olive trees in one of the most expensive parts of town, the opulent pale-yellow mansion where he lived in the penthouse apartment competes for attention with the Parthenon temple that sits atop the Acropolis citadel. Groups of chattering visitors arrive in search of the house and try to peer through the windows to confirm what they have heard about Tsochatzopouloss reportedly luxurious lifestyle. In a hard-up country now in its fifth year of recession, Tsochatzopoulos has become a target of indignation over what ordinary Greeks see as widespread corruption in political life. It is shameful, the minister and all the Pasok people who embezzle money and put it in their pockets, said one elderly woman, who crossed herself several times as she arrived at the black bars of the front gate. Tsochatzopoulos was arrested at his house in April, weeks before an inconclusive general election last month that added to the political turmoil, and is in custody pending trial for money-laundering. The allegations against him include failing to declare his grand residence to the tax authorities, as well as links to controversial arms deals while he was defence minister from 1996 to 2001. He is accused of having abused his position as defence minister to pocket kickbacks on contracts to buy a Russian-made antimissile system and German submarines. The Greek state ended up paying surcharges of millions of euros. Prosecutors say the illegal proceeds were used for several choice real estate purchases in Athens by Tsochatzopoulos and members of his family. His second wife, Vicky Stamati, who is also behind bars as well as his daughter Areti, went on hunger strike last month demanding to be released. Tsochatzopoulos, a founding member of Pasok and a close aide to late socialist prime minister Andreas Papandreou, denies any wrongdoing. His lawyers also argue that he cannot be tried for alleged abuse of power that occurred over a decade earlier. The Greek press has made much of allegations that he spent big sums on decorating his home and on lavish trips abroad. We know there are lots of other corrupt ministers, said Nikos, a young passer-by outside the house. One Greek man pointed it out to a group of British visitors, saying: This is how things work in Greece. AFP


June 4 - 10, 2012
Brick prices are rising fast as the cost of production increases, say traders. Pic: Kaung Htet for machine-made bricks, which cost K80-85 last May. I think prices will continue to rise too because all of the brickmakers in Taikkyi have already closed. Prices will rise swiftly I think, Ko Win Myint said. He added that brick prices last year reached highs of K98-105 for handmade and K115 for machinemade from August through November. The managing director of a construction company in Thingangyun township said contractors were already facing difficulty finding sufficient numbers of bricks and were being forced to buy them in small quantities. Bricks are essential in construction work but we can only buy them in small quantities, he said. And the best quality bricks are rare. Brickmakers have reduced the amount of firewood they are using because its expensive, which has lowered the quality of the bricks that are produced and break much more easily when they are wet, he said. He added that contractors are being forced to buy a mix of different bricks to finish projects. High quality bricks are so expensive that I cant afford them, so I have to buy concrete bricks or lower quality bricks. Contractors usually dont like concrete bricks very much because they are not good for internal walls. Normally they are used in the foundation or below-ground rooms.

MyanMar tiMes

Rising costs drive up brick prices: traders

By Noe Noe Aung BRICK prices are shooting upwards on the back of a rising costs, traders said last week. Demand for bricks is high because there are so many construction projects in Yangon, said U Nyi Nyi, the owner of Yadana Tun construction materials wholesale shop in Mingalar Taung Nyunt township. But the supply is much lower than last year, he said in the last week of May. He said handmade bricks were selling for K85 each, while machinemade bricks cost about K100, compared with K70-75 and K80-90 respectively at this time last year. Shops in Yangon buy most of their bricks from Taikkyi, Hlawga, Hmawbi, Danyin Gone and Insein townships in Yangon Region and from Wakema in Ayeyarwady Region. But for the past six months bricks from Wakema could not reach Yangon because it cost too much to transport them. The supply from Danyin Gone has also diminished, so we can say that two of the main suppliers are gone, U Nyi Nyi said. He added that the scarcity of firewood was also a contributing factor. Handmade bricks are widely used in construction projects but the makers need lots of firewood to fire their kilns. As a result, firewood prices are rising, as are wages, so the cost of making bricks

is increasing as a result, he said. U Nyi Nyi said brickmakers were only meeting about 70 percent of demand, adding that most construction sites are in thee six downtown townships, plus Kamaryut, Bahan, Mayangone, Thaketa and Thingangyun townships. U Than Tun, owner of Than Tun and Brothers brick wholesale in South Dagon township, said: Machine-made bricks from Danyin Gone township are well known and popular but there is not enough supply. Some people are charging up to K185 a brick for Danyin Gone bricks.

Handmade bricks are more expensive than last year too at K85100, he said on May 31. U Than Tun added that the scarcity of firewood was a major factor in the price increase from last year. Brick demand is really strong because May is the end of the dry season and contractors are rushing to finish projects before the rains set in. But at the same time, brickmakers are closing their operations ahead of the rains and the only supply is coming from stockpiles at wholesale yards, he said. U Than Tun said he was only

selling to a few trusted contractors who paid cash. But Ko Win Myint, a brickmaker in Taikkyi township, said transport fees were also higher than last year but confirmed that firewood and labour costs had climbed. When the government set strict maximum load limits for trucks in January we had to reduce the weight we loaded onto trucks, which increased our costs. We passed those costs onto consumers, he said. He said wholesale brick prices, minus transport fees, were about K77 for handmade bricks, compared with K65 in May last year, and K96

June 4 - 10, 2012

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Chinese blog restricts posts

BEIJING Chinas best-known microblogging site has introduced new terms and conditions punishing those who post comments deemed offensive, as it comes under government pressure to clamp down on bloggers. Sina Weibos new system, introduced this week, will sanction its 300 million users for spreading false news, divulging private information and launching personal attacks, the company said on its website. The move comes amid government jitters over the growing influence of Chinas weibos microblogs similar to Twitter that have taken the country by storm in recent years. Their popularity is posing a huge challenge to government efforts to control the flow of information in the one-party state, which has the worlds largest population of internet users at more than 500 million. Beijing regularly blocks internet searches under a vast online censorship system known as the Great Firewall of China and has placed Sina and its main competitor, Tencent, under pressure to restrict what their users post online. But the authorities have struggled to control microblog postings from information about protests to rumours about political leaders, a particularly sensitive subject in the run-up to a leadership change due later this year. In March, authorities closed 16 websites and arrested six people for spreading rumours about a military coup in the wake of rising political star Bo Xilais dismissal as party head of Chongqing city. Sina and Tencent were ordered to stop web users from posting any comments for several days after the speculation. Under the new terms and conditions, Sina Weibo users will each be allocated 80 points, and will have points deducted by the firm each time they post something that contravenes the rules. If their points fall below 60, they must avoid any further infringements for two months, and if they fall to zero, their accounts will be erased. Many have used ingenious ways in the past to circumvent the censors such as using code words to discuss sensitive subjects. Some used the Chinese characters for Shawshank to refer to the case of the blind lawyer Chen Guangcheng, who recently fled house arrest and is now in the United States. AFP

Cyber superweapon virus uncovered, says Russian firm

MOSCOW A top Russian anti-virus software firm said it had uncovered a new computer virus with unprecedented destructive potential which is being used as a cyberweapon against several countries. Kaspersky Lab, one of the worlds biggest producers of anti-virus software, said its experts discovered the virus known as Flame during an investigation prompted by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). It said that the virus was several times larger than the Stuxnet worm that was discovered in 2010 and was used against the Iranian nuclear program, reportedly at the behest of Western security agencies. Flame is actively being used as a cyber weapon attacking entities in several countries, Kaspersky said in a statement late on May 28, describing its purpose as cyberespionage. The complexity and functionality of the newly discovered malicious programme exceed those of all other cyber menaces known to date, it added. According to Kaspersky, Flame can steal valuable information, including but not limited to computer display contents, information about targeted systems, stored files, contact data and even audio conversations. It did not say which country the virus was aimed at but said the investigation was initiated after a series of incidents with a still unknown virus which deleted data on computers in the Western Asia region. The statement also contained no clues over which party could have been behind the attack. According to Western media reports, Flame has been used to attack the Iranian oil ministry and Irans main oil export terminal. Kaspersky said Flame had been in the wild for more than two years, since March 2010. Due to its extreme complexity, plus the targeted nature of the attacks, no security software detected it. Flame is one of the most advanced and complete attack-toolkits ever discovered. It said that Flame belongs to the same category as previous superworms like Duqu or Stuxnet. The Flame malware looks to be another phase in this war and its important to understand that such cyber weapons can easily be used against any country, said Kaspersky Lab chief executive officer Eugene Kaspersky. AFP

A man uses a computer at a cafe in Beijing on May 29. Pic: AFP

Firm unveils radiation detecting phone

TOKYO Mobile phone operator Softbank on May 29 unveiled a smartphone that can measure radiation as consumers in Japan clamour for reassurance following last years Fukushima nuclear disaster. The latest model in the firms Pantone series comes complete with a sensor that enables users to see at the touch of a button how much radiation they are being exposed to. The phone, which the company is putting on general sale from July, can also keep a record of exposure in every location the phone has been to, Softbank said in a statement. Many people in Japan remain concerned about radiation since the 9.0magnitude quake and tsunami of March 2011 sparked the worlds worst nuclear crisis in a generation at the Fukushima atomic plant. Worries over the health implications of the radioactive leak have sent demand for radiation-measuring devices soaring in Japan. AFP

Softbank president Masayoshi Son (right) introduces Pantone 5, the worlds first smartphone featuring a nuclear radiation detector in Tokyo on May 29. Pic: AFP

New media deployed in battle to preserve history

By Samantha Kuok Leese HONG KONG It started with an inflatable pig. Jeffrey Shaw has always been fascinated by interactivity, having in the 1960s created art he hoped would narrow the gap between viewer and image. His pig starred on the cover of Pink Floyds 1977 concept album Animals, floating eerily above Londons Battersea Power Station, in what has become one of the most famous images in rock music history. I was already very interested then in audience participation, said the Melbourne native, who is currently Dean of the School of Creative Media at City University, Hong Kong. So instead of a bronze or stone sculpture with which you could do nothing, a lot of the artwork I was making was to do with inflatable structures, which people could jump on or throw around. In the same spirit, Shaw has developed what he calls cultural heritage visualisation, a technique that he hopes will help preserve key sites around the world before the onslaught of mass tourism destroys them. Shaw said his most important project to date is a collaboration with the Dunhuang Academy in Gansu Province, China. Dunhuang is in an oasis amid the Gobi desert and a former gateway to and from China on the ancient Silk Road. The UNESCO World Heritage Site Shaw is working on is made up of 492 Buddhist grotto temples or Mogaoku which contain murals, statues and architectural monuments of enormous cultural and historical value. Shaws aim is to create a definitive record of how the caves look now and use it to create a reconstruction of the environment. To ensure their preservation, it is likely the caves will be eventually sealed. Future access will therefore be virtual, relying on digital media and the visualization work that Shaw is doing. His work was recently exhibited Dunhuangs 735 caves has been reconstructed to this level of detail. The projects goal is to develop a demonstration of 10 to 20 virtual caves, enabling the Dunhuang Academy to potentially tour it to major museums around the world. The British and Getty museums have signalled interest. This brilliant example of Chinese heritage could really go out into the world, said Shaw. One has to recognise that in terms of conservation and sustainability of the original artefact, creating effective and persuasive surrogate experiences is really worthwhile result of mass tourism, for which they were not designed. Taking that pressure off by documenting and then sealing them is probably, said Shaw, the only solution to their long-term preservation. The material is presented in an interactive panoramic cinema known as AVIE (Advanced Visualisation and Interaction Environment), which offers opportunities to experiment with virtual and augmented realities. The notion of interactive cinema is one way of describing everything were doing, because its definitely in the tradition of the cinema of in place to minimise damage. Shaw and his colleagues have completed similar initiatives at Angkor Wat and the World Heritage Site of Hampi, southern India, among others. He says the Dunhuang project is the largest yet. Another of Shaws current projects is a collaboration with Europeana, a massive database developed by the European Commission, which pools all the cultural assets and resources of Europes major museums. For the centenary of the start of World War I in 2014, Shaw is working with the database to create a comprehensive, virtual 3D exhibition of material from that moment in history, which visitors will be able to navigate via iPads. Also underway is a 360-degree visualisation of a Qing Dynasty scroll from the Maritime Museum in Hong Kong, which illustrates the fight against pirates who infested Guangdong waters in the late 18th century. If you think back to cinema, says Shaw, it was a new technology. People invented the camera and invented the projector, it was a technological framework that allowed the cinema to exist. Whats interesting about the cinema is that all kinds of filmmakers have been able to make all kinds of films using this apparatus, so the technology is validated as a cultural tool. Rather than putting a strait-jacket on it, the technology releases creative activity. AFP

to cinema new technology. People If you think backcamera and it was athe projector, it was invented the invented a technological framework that allowed the cinema to exist.
in Hong Kong, using a full laser scan of the escarpment at Dunhuang and high-resolution photography to build a virtual environment, on a one-to-one scale, for visitors to explore. Technologies used to augment the experience include detailed re-colouring and restoration, a variable scale magnifying glass, virtual touch and 3D animation. Shaw even worked with two dancers from the Beijing Dance Academy to bring to life their ancient painted counterparts. At the moment, only one of and useful, Shaw said. Born in 1944, he has spent 50 years as an artist and researcher at the forefront of the new media field. The dissemination of national heritage through new media, its educational value and its impact on advancing understanding between cultures, is one reason Shaw believes his work is fundamental to future cultural conservation. Another is the survival of the site itself. Dunhuang, Angkor Wat in Cambodia and many other historical sites suffer ongoing damage as a big spectacle, high-quality imaging and storytelling, he said. AVIE was developed, under Shaws direction, with the University of New South Wales in Sydney between 2006 and 2008. The system uses six 3D projectors, six PCs with game graphics cards in them, surround-sound audio and a giant circular television screen. Moreover, the technologys potential for academic study is significant, in that many scholars can access the caves in a richer and more detailed way than at the physical site, where restrictions are

Pacific splash ends historic space journey
WASHINGTON US company SpaceXs cargo vessel splash landed in the Pacific Ocean on May 31, capping a successful mission to the International Space Station that blazed a new path for private spaceflight. This really couldnt have gone better, said SpaceX chief executive Elon Musk after the unmanned capsule landed off the Mexican coast. The safe return of the vessel after a near flawless nine-day trip to deliver cargo to the US$100 billion orbiting outpost, marked the first time a commercial outfit has sent its own capsule there and back. NASA and US leaders have applauded the mission as a pioneering first step in the future of spaceflight, opening the way for private companies to take cargo and someday astronauts to the ISS. AFP

June 4 - 10, 2012


UN fears catastrophic conflict

DAMASCUS UN chief Ban Ki-moon High Commissioner for Human after reports that a Russian ship warned last week that Syria risks a Rights says most were summarily carrying weapons had arrived in the catastrophic civil war following executed, and some UN officials Syrian port of Tartus on May 26. Clinton, speaking in Denmark, also the Houla massacre, as Washington have said there were suspicions of slammed Moscow over its Syria involvement by pro-government warned that civil war could erupt in Syria because of Russias policy of shabiha militiamen. policies. Damascus on May 31 insisted a resisting UN Security Council action Damascus regretted Bans warning and denied any responsibility in the preliminary investigation showed against Damascus. The Russians are telling me they slaughter of 108 people including armed gangs carried out the Houla dont want to see a civil war. I have 49 children on May 25 and 26, killings. It appears that all the victims came been telling them their policy is going blaming armed gangs for the killings that have triggered international from peaceful families who refused to help to contribute to a civil war, rise up against the government or Clinton said. outrage. The rebel Free Syrian Armys Syrian rebels threatened to escalate take up arms, but had rows with their operations if President Bashar armed groups, said General Kassem command said in a statement that if Assads government did not meet al-Assads regime did not meet Jamal Sleiman, head of the probe. the June 1 ceasefire ultimatum set for ultimatum it would noon local time on June 1 to observe I demand that the government of Syria act on no longer be tied to any commitment to a UN-backed the Annan plan and ceasefire. its commitment to the Annan peace plan. its duty would be to Speaking in defend civilians. Istanbul on May There is no more justification Syrian foreign ministry spokesman 31, the UN chief said Damascus must implement the six-point peace Jihad Makdisi dismissed Bans for us to unilaterally respect the truce because (Assad) has buried blueprint brokered by UN-Arab warning. It is regrettable that the Secretary Annans plan, it said, following the League envoy Kofi Annan, which has General of the United Nations barbarous Houla massacre. been violated daily since April 12. The political opposition, the I demand that the government of has departed from his mission of Syria act on its commitment to the maintaining peace and security in Syrian National Council, meanwhile the world to becoming a herald of civil urged Annan to increase the number Annan peace plan, Ban said. of UN truce observers in Syria from The massacres of the sort seen war, Makdisi told reporters. Washingtons UN envoy Susan Rice their present number of 300 to last weekend could plunge Syria into a catastrophic civil war, a civil war said Syrias denials of involvement in 3000. The Houla massacre has prompted from which the country would never Houla were a blatant lie, as she and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Western governments, including the recover. The UN says some of the 108 slammed Russias policies in the United States, Britain, France and Australia, to expel the senior Syrian people slaughtered in the central crisis. Rice condemned as reprehensible diplomats. AFP Syrian town of Houla were killed A failure of diplomacy, P. 24. by artillery tank fire. But the UN Russian arms deliveries to Syria,

MyanMar tiMes

June 4 - 10, 2012

MyanMar tiMes

Aftershocks hit Italy after earthquake leaves 16 dead

CREVALCORE, Italy Dozens of aftershocks hit northeastern Italy overnight on May 29 as thousands of jittery survivors spent the night in tent camps after the regions second killer quake in days. The earthquake killed at least 16 people and injured 350 just nine days after a similar disaster killed six people and left thousands homeless. Residents in cities across northern and central Italy including Pisa and Venice rushed into the streets in panic when the quake struck 60 kilometres (40 miles) east of Parma, as many were arriving for work. Just a few hours later, already shaken residents endured a terrifying fiveminute ordeal when the region was struck by three tremors of between 5.1 and more than 5.3 magnitude, sparking panic and bringing down weakened buildings. A 65-year-old woman was the last person to be pulled alive from the rubble late on May 29, after firemen heard her cries. She was saved by sheltering under a kitchen table as the fivestorey building in the town of Cavezzo collapsed. Workers at a destroyed precision mechanics factory near Modena where three of their colleagues died, told how they ran for their lives as the ground shook, ripping the building in two and sending masonry crashing to the ground.

UK prime ministers former media chief charged with perjury

GLASGOW Andy Coulson, British Prime Minister David Camerons former media chief and an ex-editor of Rupert Murdochs News of the World, was charged with perjury by Scottish police on May 30. Strathclyde Police have arrested and charged Andrew Coulson with perjury following his detention on 30 May 2012, a spokeswoman for its Operation Rubicon investigation team confirmed. Coulson, 44, was detained in a dawn raid on his London home and driven to Glasgow. His arrest relates to evidence that he gave in the perjury trial of socialist politician Tommy Sheridan at the High Court in December 2010 in a case relating to a story in the News of the World. Coulson was arrested separately in July last year by Londons Metropolitan Police on suspicion of phone hacking and corruption during his tenure at the now-closed News of the World from 2003 to 2007. After quitting the News of the World in January 2007 following the jailing of the papers royal reporter and a private eye over hacking, Coulson become communications director for Camerons Conservative Party in July that year. He became the g o v e r n m e n t s communications chief after the Conservatives entered office in May 2010 but he resigned in January 2011 after coming under pressure over the phone-hacking scandal. Coulson was still in his Downing Street role at the time of the trial involving Sheridan, a former Scottish Socialist Party leader and ex-member of the Scottish Parliament. We now have a start to what will hopefully become criminal charges and hopefully Mr Coulson wont be lonely but he will be joined by colleagues in the future, Sheridan, 48, said on May 30. The News of the World which closed in July 2011 because of the phone hacking scandal had claimed that Sheridan was an adulterer who visited a swingers club. Sheridan won a 2006 defamation action against the weekly and was awarded 200,000 (US$310,000), but in 2010 he was charged with lying on oath in relation to the case. A jury convicted Sheridan, who represented himself, of perjury during the 2006 civil action. He was jailed for three years in January 2011 and released from prison a year later. Operation Rubicon is the investigation into allegations of phone hacking, breach of data protection and perjury in Scotland, a separate jurisdiction to England. Strathclyde Police, Scotlands largest constabulary, is liaising w ith th e M etr o politan Police, which is running the main investigations relating to alleged activities at the News of the World. Coulson appeared before the Leveson inquiry, the probe into the culture, practices and ethics of the British press, on May 10. He said Cameron had accepted his assurances that he knew nothing about phone hacking at the News of the World. AFP

A couple with their belongings and pet bird head for emergency shelter in the northeastern Italy town of Cavezzo on May 29 after the region was struck by the second earthquake in nine days. Pic: AFP Everything happened so fast, in about seven to eight seconds. I dont even remember. I ran out carrying the piece I was working on and I saw everything crumble, said one worker who gave his name as Daniel. The quake was so violent, he said, trembling with shock, adding that he feared being trapped in the shaking building. One victim had been living in a tent at a camp since the May 20 6.0-magnitude quake which left six people dead and about 7000 living in makeshift dwellings, after many homes and historic buildings were reduced to rubble. Officials in the Emilia Romagna region said over 5000 people had been evacuated from their homes, adding to the thousands already homeless after the May 20 quake. The national geographics institute said the region had been hit overnight by a series of tremor and many feared the nightmare was not over. May 28 was the first night wed spent back in our homes after the first quake. Then another one hit, one resident told Italian television in SantAgostino, where many buildings with gaping holes in their sides. In Mantua, the Ducal Palace famous for a stunning collection of frescoes in the Wedding Room was damaged, along with a number of historic churches. As the region took stock of the damage to national heritage treasures, there were calls for an investigation into why the wreckage was so extensive. It is natural to have earthquakes, it is not natural for buildings to fall down like this. It doesnt happen in other countries, said Welfare Minister Elsa Fornero. AFP

Trade Mark CauTion

Blue Cross Travel Services B.V., of John M. Keynesplein 3 Say Building, 1066 EP Amsterdam, The Netherlands, is the Owner and Sole Proprietor of the following Trademark:-

Reg. No. 417/2000, 2754/2012 in respect of Class 39: Organising and planning of emergency evacuation and repatriation services of people, patients, injured and sick people; ambulance services; air ambulance services; arranging the transportation and delivery of medical equipment, supplies and medications by air, sea and land; arranging the escorting of travellers; arranging the hire of all means of transport; advisory services to travellers and expatriates on travel; arranging the emergency replacement of airline tickets; arranging the delivery of gifts and flowers; arranging the transportation of patients by ambulance; arranging of transportation for the injured, sick, medical and nursing staff; online information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services. Class 42: Medical assistance and services; monitoring of medical services; monitoring of patients; arranging for the provision of legal services; translation and interpretation services; assistance relating to lost luggage or property services; conducting of medical examination; medical clinic services; provision of 24-hour

medical treatment services; health and medical screening; heathcare consultancy services (medical); provision of reports relating to the medical examination of individuals; provision of vaccination services; provision of information relating to vaccination for overseas travel; X-ray services; medical health assessment services; diagnostic testing relating to the human body; medical health assessment services; dental care; pharmacy and medical advisory services; health risk assessment surveys; site surveys; compilation of medical reports; selection and provision of medical staff; provision of medical facilities, medicines and first aid kits; services for the planning(design) of clinics; security assessment of risks; safety evaluation; provision of information and advisory services relating to health and safety; arranging of temporary accommodation; provision of psychological counseling by telephone; consultancy and advisory services relating to customer care; location of medical facilities for emergency; location of emergency healthcare medical treatment; replacement of medical prescriptions; on-line information relating to safety evaluation and security assessment of risks of situations, locations or countries. Any fraudulent imitation or unauthorized use of the said Trademark will be dealt with according to laws. U Nyunt Tin Associates Intellectual Property Law Firm Tel: 951 375754, Fax: 951 254321 Email: [email protected] For Blue Cross Travel Services B.V. Dated: 4th June, 2012.

Trade Mark CauTion

Suntory Holdings Limited, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of Japan and having its principal place of business at 1-40, Dojimahama 2-chome, Kitaku,Osaka-Shi, Osaka 530-8203, Japan, is the Owner and Sole Proprietor of the following Trademark:-

reg. nos. 7463/2005, 3306/2012 in respect of Class 33: Liquor, alcoholic beverages of fruit and spiced or flavored liquors, including alcoholic beverage of green tea and green tea flavored liquors. Any fraudulent imitation or unauthorised use of the said Trademark will be dealt with according to law. u nyunt Tin associates, Intellectual Property Law Firm P.O. Box 952, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: 951-375754, Fax: 951-254321, Email: [email protected] Partnership in Practice with Banca Intellectual Property Law Firm 15 Bis Trieu Viet Vuong, Ha Noi, Vietnam For Suntory Holdings Limited Dated: 4th June, 2012


June 4 - 10, 2012

MyanMar tiMes

Emergency decree ends in Egypt
CAIRO Egypts decadesold state of emergency came to an end on May 31 as its last renewal expired, the ruling military said. Egypt has been under a state of emergency since president Anwar Sadats assassination in 1981, allowing authorities to detain people without charge and try them in emergency security courts. Ending the state of emergency was a key demand of protesters who toppled President Hosni Mubarak in a popular uprising early last year.

Former president gets 50 years

the sentence, which Taylors team, Jarka, former chairman of the LEIDSCHENDAM, Netherlands and prosecutors, have two weeks association of amputees, who A UN-backed court on May 30 had both his arms cut off by the to appeal. sentenced Liberias Charles Taylor Chief prosecutor Brenda Hollis rebels. to 50 years in jail for fuelling The curtain has now been had asked for 80 years prison and Sierra Leones savage war, known said her team would study the drawn on Charles Taylor, he said. for its mutilations, drugged child sentence before deciding whether I hope he will be haunted by his soldiers and sex slaves. deeds as he languishes in jail. to appeal. The former Liberian president, In Monrovia, some Liberians said The sentence... does not replace 64, was convicted in April amputated limbs, does not bring they felt humiliated by Taylors after a four-year trial of all 11 b a c k t o l i f e t h o s e w h o w e r e sentence, while others voiced relief counts he faced of war crimes murdered, she said. It does not that a dark chapter in the history and crimes against humanity heal the wounds of those victims of the neighbouring countries had for aiding and abetting Sierra of sexual violence and does not been brought to a close. Leones Revolutionary United But many remain deeply bitter remove the permanent emotional Front during the countrys 1991and psychological scars of those that the atrocities of Taylors reign 2001 civil war. enslaved or recruited as child as a warlord in his own country In return, he was paid in blood have gone unpunished. soldiers. diamonds mined by slave labour To judge Mr Taylor for what But it brings back some measure in areas under control of the of justice... for those fortunate occurred in Sierra Leone and rebels, who murdered, raped and Pic: AFP ignore what occurred in Liberia enough to survive. kept sex slaves, hacked off limbs Taylors legal team indicated it is for me a betrayal from the part and forced children aged under 15 Former Liberian president Charles of the international community, would appeal. to fight, the court found. Taylor listens as the sentence is S i e r r a L e o n e h a i l e d t h e said Ruth Mendee, 43, whose The accused has been found handed down on May 30. sentencing as welcome news to two children were raped in front responsible for aiding and abetting some of the most heinous crimes Sierra Leone was devastating, both government and the nation. of her. Throughout the trial, Taylor It is a step forward as justice has in human history, said Special the judge said at the hearing in Court for Sierra Leone judge Leidschendam, just outside The been done, Deputy Information maintained his innocence and insisted he was instrumental in Minister Sheku Tarawali said. Richard Lussick, reading out the Hague. I n S i e r r a L e o n e s c a p i t a l , eventually ending Sierra Leones It was the first sentence against ruling on May 30. civil war. He detailed a litany of Taylor will remain horrors, including rebels in the UNs detention cutting open pregnant women to settle bets on It was the first sentence against a former head of state in an unit in The Hague until the sex of a child. Many international court since the Nuremberg Nazi trials in 1946. appeal procedures are finalised, his lawyers witnesses were weeping said. The process could as they testified. Their suffering will be life-long, Lussick a former head of state in an Freetown, hundreds of survivors still take several months. Taylors sentence will be served international court since the of the war, which claimed 120,000 said. lives, watched the proceedings in in a British prison under a 2007 The trial chamber noticed that Nuremberg Nazi trials in 1946. deal to put him on trial in the Taylor listened with his eyes silence on a large TV screen. the effects of these crimes on the Among them was Al Hadji Jusu Netherlands-based court. AFP families and society as a whole in closed as the judge handed down

Breivik was on drugs, court told

OSLO Anders Behring Breivik took illegal substances to increase his physical and mental capacities on the day he launched the killing spree last July, an expert told an Oslo court on May 31. Breivik took a combination of ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin before the bomb attack and shooting rampage in which 77 people died, Professor Joerg Moerland of the Norwegian Institute of Public Health told the court. This mix is illegal in Norway and other countries but is popular among bodybuilders and is often used for weight loss and as a stimulant.

Cancer cases to rise, says study

PARIS Worldwide cases of cancer are likely to rise by nearly 75 percent by 2030, driven by demographic and lifestyle factors, said a study published in the journal The Lancet Oncology on June 1. A team led by Freddie Bray of the International Agency for Research on Cancer in Lyon, France, said that in 2008 there were 12.7 million new cases of cancer, which would rise to 22.2 million by 2030, with 90pc of the increase occurring in the poorest countries. In many countries, falls in cancers linked to infection have been offset by cancers of the colon, rectum, breast and prostate which are associated with a westernised diet, they said.

Enriching uranium is Tehrans right, says Ahmadinejad

TEHRAN Irans enrichment has issued six resolutions of uranium to 20 percent is demanding Iran suspend our right and is not a step all uranium enrichment. It towards a bomb, President has also imposed four sets Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said of sanctions on Iran on the in an interview with the issue. Western powers have satellite television network hardened those measures with their own tough France 24 on May 30. The enrichment activity, economic sanctions. The five UN Security which world powers are trying to curb in fraught talks Council permanent members with Iran, is one of our rights plus Germany the so-called in terms of international P5+1 group are especially intent on getting Iran to law, Ahmadinejad said. There have been lies about stop enrichment to 20pc our program.... Enriching as it is just a few technical uranium to 20 percent is steps short of bomb-grade not a step towards a bomb, 90-percent. Iran, which insists its he said, speaking in Farsi nuclear program is peaceful, through translators. A h m a d i n e j a d a d d e d enriches uranium to 3.5pc for that world powers should its Bushehr atomic energy plant in the provide us south of the with uranium at a 20 percent There have been country, and says it needs enrichment level, but so far lies about our 20pc uranium to produce they have not program.... m e d i c a l done so. isotopes at As a result, its Tehran he said, Iran decided to move forward on research reactor. The issue is at the heart of our own with enrichment. Ahmadinejad hinted, the talks with the P5+1 that however, that Iran could are to resume in Moscow on be open to stopping 20pc June 18-19. Ahmadinejad said that, enrichment if world powers offered significant as much as Iran would like to see the nuclear dispute concessions. If others do not wish for resolved, we do not expect to us to fully benefit from this see a miracle in Moscow. The last round of talks, right, they need to explain to us why. And also they have to in Baghdad on May 23 and say what they are willing to 24, nearly collapsed as it give to the Iranian people in became clear that there was a gulf between the two exchange. The UN Security Council sides. AFP

Guetapens snares spelling quest win

OXON HILL, Maryland A teenager from San Diego clinched the 85th Scripps National Spelling Bee on May 31 by correctly spelling an obscure French word for ambush, snare or trap. G-U-E-T-A-P-E-N-S, said Snighda Nandipati, 14, to become the fifth American youngster of south Asian origin to win the venerable competition in as many years. AFP

June 4 - 10, 2012

MyanMar tiMes

Vatican struggles to contain document leaks scandal

VATICAN CITY The Vatican denied reports last week that an unnamed cardinal is suspected of being a leading mole behind leaks of confidential papal documents, but confirmed many people were being questioned. There is no cardinal suspected. I utterly deny the reports, Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi told journalists on May 28 following rumours that an operation involving 20 or so whistleblowers was being run by a cardinal. In this phase there may be searches carried out and cardinals questioned, but this does not mean there is another person under investigation, Lombardi said, adding that many people were being questioned in a series of hearings. The comments came as the Vatican struggled to contain 28 were quoting sources who said was known for his papal devotion rumours in the media about the Gabriele was just one of about and loyalty and there has been so-called Vatileaks scandal, 20 whistleblowers who had been speculation he was a simply a pawn in a game of intrigue and after Pope Benedict XVIs butler leaking information. The documents, splashed in struggle for power inside the Paolo Gabriele was arrested the previous week and secret papers the Italian press and a book, Holy See. Gabriele will collaborate have shed light on many Vatican were found in his home. T h e r e a l b r a i n s a r e t h e secrets, including the Churchs widely... after we have had a cardinals. Then there are the tax problems, child sex scandals chance to study the events which are under investigation, monsignors, secretaries the butlers lawyer, Carlo and smaller fry, one source, who refused to be There is no cardinal suspected. Fusco, said in a statement released by the Vatican. named but admitted to According to the having leaked documents Vatican correspondent from the Vatican, told La and negotiations with hardline for La Stampa newspaper, Marco Repubblica. Tosatti, Gabriele was a simple Gabriele, who has worked at traditionalist rebels. Although they do not reveal any person, who would not have had the Vatican since 2006 and was one of a select few with access to great surprises, the secret papers either the desire or the means the popes private quarters, was have lifted the lid on deep-seated to organise a whistle-blowing arrested a month after Benedict venom among rival figures in the operation of this size. There must have been someone set up a special commission of Vatican. Gabrieles arrest was greeted important behind him who would cardinals to probe the leaks. Several media outlets on May with disbelief as the 46-year-old have made him believe that he would be helping Benedict by leaking the documents, he said. Vatican expert Bruno Bartoloni said Gabriele was not just the popes butler but had officially been promoted to become Benedicts official secretary Georg Gansweins right-hand man giving him greater access to secret documents. O ne source quoted by La Repubblica said the mole behind the leaks had acted in support of the pope because the goal was to reveal the corruption within the Church over the past few years. There are those who oppose Cardinal Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone, those who think Benedict XVI is too weak to lead the Church and those who think this is the right time to move forward, the source said. AFP

Assange loses extradition appeal

But in a new twist, Assanges lawyer Dinah Rose asked for 14 days to consider whether to apply to reopen the case, on the grounds that the judgment referred to material that was not mentioned during the last hearing in February. The judge granted the request, which is highly unusual in the three-year history of the Supreme Court. With the agreement of the respondent, the required period for extradition shall not commence until 13th June 2012, the Supreme Court said in a statement. The Swedish lawyer for the two women who accuse Assange of rape and sexual assault said he would be extradited eventually. The decision was what we expected... Its unfortunate that it has been delayed further, but he will ultimately be extradited, Claes Borgstroem told AFP. Assange is at present wanted for questioning over the sex crime allegations, but Borgstroem said he expected an indictment perhaps within a month after he gets to Sweden. Assange, whose website enraged Washington by releasing a flood of state and military secrets in 2010, has been living under tight restrictions on his movement for 540 days, including wearing an ankle Julian Assange. Pic: AFP tag and reporting daily to police. He has said he fears his extradition would eventually lead to his transfer to the United States, where US soldier Bradley Manning is facing a court-martial over accusations that he handed documents to WikiLeaks. The US ambassador to Australia Jeffrey Bleich denied there was any plan to seek his extradition from Sweden. Its not something that the US cares about. Its not interested in it, he told Australian state broadcaster ABC in comments aired on May 31. And frankly if he is in Sweden then there is a less robust extradition relationship than there is between the US and the UK, he said. So I think its one of those narratives that has been made up. There is nothing to it. If Assange fails to have the case reopened in Britain, he still has the option of a last-ditch appeal to the

LONDON Britains Supreme Court ruled on May 30 that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange can be extradited to Sweden, but put his deportation on hold to give his lawyers a final chance to reopen the case. The court, which handed down its decision after an 18-month legal marathon, rejected Assanges argument that the Swedish prosecutor who issued the arrest warrant over sex crime allegations was not entitled to do so. The seven judges were split five to two but their majority ruling was that the prosecutor was a rightful judicial authority and therefore allowed to issue the warrant for the internet whistleblower.

European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. Assange does not deny that he had sex with two WikiLeaks volunteers in Sweden while attending a WikiLeaks seminar, but insists the sex was consensual and argues there are political motives behind the attempts to extradite him. The former computer hacker has been fighting deportation since his arrest in London in December 2010 on the European arrest warrant issued by Sweden. The Supreme Court is his final avenue of appeal under British law, after two lower courts ruled he should be sent to Sweden for questioning. AFP

Trade Mark CauTion

The Concrete Products and aggregate Co., Ltd., a Company incorporated in Thailand, of No. 1516 Pracharat 1 Road, Bangsue Sub-district, Bangsue District, Bangkok Metropolis, Thailand, is the Owner of the following Trade Marks:-

reg. no. 1537/2002

reg. no. 1538/2002

reg. no. 1539/2002 in respect of International Class 19: Ready-Mix Concrete. Fraudulent imitation or unauthorised use of the said Trade Marks will be dealt with according to law. Win Mu Tin, M.A., H.G.P., D.B.L for The Concrete Products and aggregate Co., Ltd. P. O. Box 60, Yangon. Dated: 4th June, 2012


June 4 - 10, 2012

MyanMar tiMes

13 children among 19 dead in Doha mall blaze tragedy

DOHA Relatives and friends bid a moving farewell on May 29 to the victims of an inferno in a Doha shopping mall that killed 19 people, 13 of them children, as authorities promised to release the results of an inquiry soon. Triplets from New Zealand were among the children who perished in the May 28 blaze in the Venicethemed Villaggio centre in Doha, a popular haunt for Qatars tens of thousands of expatriate residents. All 19 dead were foreigners, said the interior ministrys head of information, Captain Mubarak al-Bouainain. More than 2000 people attended the Doha funerals of three Muslims among the dead a South African boy, a South African paediatric nurse and an Iranian firefighter. Later in the evening, nearly 1000 people attended A handout family picture of two-year-old New Zealand triplets (from left), Lillie, a memorial mass in a church Jackson and Willsher Weekes, who were among the 19 victims of the Doha shopping south of Doha for four mall fire. Three Spanish siblings were also killed in the blaze. Pic: AFP/Weekes family Spanish children among An American girl of Arab rescue workers carrying the flames made reaching the dead, three of them origin, a Chinese boy, a children on the roof of the the trapped children very siblings. difficult, a civil defence Two neon lights placed Canadian girl and two mall. The blaze is thought to representative told a news above the altar displayed Egyptian children, one the names of the victims of whom also had French have started in or near the conference. Expatriate New Zealand Almudena, Alfonso, Camilo citizenship, also died in the Gympanzee nursery. QNA state news agency journalist Tarek Bazley blaze. and Isabel. T w o f i r e f i g h t e r s , a quoted state minister for said he was there with his We are going home but I dont know when, said Moroccan and an Iranian, the interior Abdullah bin two children when the fire Camilo Travosedo, father died, as did three women Nasser Al-Thani as saying began, but they escaped of the three siblings killed, from the Philippines who that police and civil defence unharmed. The volume of smoke were on the scene within worked at the nursery. fighting back the tears. coming out of it, it looked Bereaved New like you had 30 steam Zealanders Jane and Martin Weekes mourned Tragically they left together aftersimply trains all pumping their smoke out above it, the sunshine in our Bazley told Radio New world. being the sunshine in our world. Zealand. Lillie, Jackson and But he said there was a Willsher came into this lack of urgency from officials Newspapers in the Gulf minutes. world together and were He said it became clear in the mall when alarms inseparable as siblings, state posed questions over best friends and the joy of the licensing of a nursery that 20 children were in the sounded and complained our life, the couple said in in the middle of the huge first-floor nursery and all of a complete lack of mall where all of the victims efforts were concentrated planning, a complete lack a statement. T r a g i c a l l y t h e y l e f t reportedly died of smoke on evacuating those kids, of coordination in terms of adding that firefighters had removing people from this together after only two inhalation. Footage posted online to break through the roof to area. short years. A time that was The first thing I heard lived to the full everyday showed clouds of black gain access after a staircase of it was a very benign fire with us laughing, playing, smoke billowing from the collapsed. Dense smoke inside the alarm; it sounded more like waking us at all hours of the c o m p l e x a s e m e r g e n c y night and simply being the vehicles rushed to the scene. mall combined with the a doorbell, to be honest, he Other pictures showed fierce temperature from said. AFP sunshine in our world.

Islamist candidate in Egypt reassures Christians, women

CAIRO Egypts Islamist presidential candidate Mohammed Mursi sought on May 29 to reassure Coptic Christians and women, who fear a conservative Islamist in power could threaten their freedoms. Our Christian brothers, lets be clear, are national partners and have full rights like Muslims, Mursi told a news conference, as political upheaval and violence plague the country ahead of a run-off in the landmark election. Copts will participate in a presidential institution said Mursi, who is to face Ahmed Shafiq, the last premier of ousted president Hosni Mubarak, on June 16-17. The Muslim Brotherhood is opposed to a woman or a Christian being president, but the movements political arm, the Freedom and Justice Party, says it is not. Egypts Christians, who make up about 10 percent of its 82 million people, complain of discrimination and have been the target of repeated attack. Mursi also promised to respect womens right to work in all areas, to choose the way they dress, saying there would be no imposition on women to wear the veil. He insisted that the Islamist movement, which already dominates parliament, was not seeking to dominate the country, vowing that a new constitution would satisfy everyone. Mursi was speaking hours after Shafiqs campaign headquarters were torched by angry protesters following an electoral commission announcement that Shafiq would face Mursi in the runoff. Announcing the results, electoral commission chief Faruq Sultan had said no candidate won a majority in the first-round vote on May 23-24, so the two with the highest votes, Mursi and Shafiq, would face each other in a run-off. Mursi won 24.77pc of the votes in the first round, slightly ahead of Shafiqs 23.66pc. The run-off presents a difficult choice for activists who led the revolt. For them, choosing Shafiq would be to admit the revolution had failed, but a vote for Mursi could threaten the freedoms they fought for. AFP

Iran cancels dam contract

TEHRAN Iran has cancelled a US$2 billion contract with China to build a hydro-electric dam and handed the project over to its Revolutionary Guards, media reported on May 29. The Iranian Central Bank has rejected the financial package proposed by the Chinese, and the energy ministry has decided to attribute the deal to Khatam al-Anbiya, the industrial branch of the Guards, Energy Minister Majid Namjou was quoted as saying by the Kayhan daily. The project was for a 1500megawatt electricity plant and dam called Bakhtiari in southwestern Iran. The decision represented a fresh blow to Chinas evercloser economic relationship with sanctions-hit Iran, which has been seeking to fill the investment void left by departing Western companies in recent years. Many contracts abandoned by Western firms have been attributed to Khatam alAnbiya, which accounts for most of Irans major infrastructure development, such as the building of roads, bridges, dams, ports and pipelines. AFP

French brands fight fakes

PARIS French luxury brands from Chanel to Vuitton on May 30 launched a campaign with several European countries to fight back against the increasingly lucrative and damaging flood of counterfeit goods. The global market for luxury fakes has exploded, fed by Asia where 85 percent of articles seized in Europe are produced and the increasing popularity of on-line shops that give the buyer a sense of anonymity and impunity. To fight the scourge, the Comite Colbert grouping 75 French luxury goods makers including Dior, Cartier and Remy Martin, is launching a poster campaign in French airports ahead of the summer to dissuade travellers from buying fakes. You can call your lawyer with this telephone, reads one of the posters, above a picture of a counterfeit Chanel mobile. France has the toughest anti-counterfeit legislation in the world, said Comite Colbert boss Elisabeth Ponsolle des Portes, with possessing a counterfeit good considered a crime since 1994. In France you can be fined up to 300,000 euros and jailed for three years if you own counterfeit goods, the posters say. The Comite Colbert has staged campaigns every two years since 1995, but this time Italy, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania and Croatia are involved, with their customs officers able to use the posters for free. Ponsolle des Portes hopes that more countries will join the campaign. This is important for Europe, in terms of jobs, she said. Counterfeit seizures doubled in Europe between 2009 and 2010, reaching 103 million items worth 1.1 billion euros (US$1.37 billion), with customs officers themselves often unable to tell the fake from the real. As home to many of the worlds best known luxury brands, France is particularly exposed. Fake goods cost the economy 30,000 jobs and six billion euros in lost revenues every year, said the Comite Colbert. Half the 8.9 million counterfeit articles seized in France in 2011 were luxury goods, with Louis Vuitton products the most copied. AFP

June 4 - 10, 2012

MyanMar tiMes

The failure of diplomacy in Syria

than was true earlier this year, when security forces were besieging the town of Homs, the violent scenario to which Rice alluded is already a reality. by James Traub According to recent reports, the rebels have begun to receive significant FOURTEEN years ago, quantities of weapons Kofi Annan, then the UN from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, secretary general, embarked and the Syrian Muslim on a desperate mission Brotherhood as well as to Baghdad to persuade training and equipment Saddam Hussein to allow from Turkey. UN weapons inspectors The Obama administration back in the country. has admitted only to Miraculously, he succeeded. supplying communications And for his pains he was equipment and other awoken in the middle of nonlethal assistance, but the night and browbeaten is said to be clandestinely by US Secretary of State helping direct arms to rebels Madeleine Albright, who forces. The White House, that worried that he had caved is, appears to be reluctantly to Saddam. When he accepting the inevitability of returned to New York he civil war. was mocked for saying that Fawzi says that no Plan he could do business with B is on offer, but the fact is the Iraqi dictator. Serving that an impromptu Plan B as interlocutor-with-evil is appears to be taking shape: a thankless job. Turkey will provide its I mention this, of course, territory for the training because Annan is in the and organisation of the m i d s t o f an o t h e r su c h Free Syrian Army, the mission, this time as UNUnited States will provide Arab League special envoy logistical and commandto Syria, where he has been and-control assistance, trying for the last three and Gulf states will supply months to put an end to the hardware. Everyone, the mass killing of civilians including Annan and the by the regime of President UN, will labour mightily to Bashar al-Assad. keep the Syrian National Assad has made Annan Council, the political look like a naive devotee of organ of the opposition, peace-at-any-price by first from collapsing into utter accepting his six-point plan chaos, as it now threatens and then systematically to do, and to persuade the trampling on its terms. But SNC, the rebel army, and Annan is taking a beating the Local Coordinating in Damascus for the same Committees inside Syria to reason that he once did in work together. Baghdad: The major powers We must not delude dont know what else to do ourselves about Plan Bs and are hoping that hell An image released by the Syrian oppositions Shaam News Network on May 26 of the body of a Syrian child with likelihood of success. The save them from their own the shrouded bodies of some of the other 108 people killed in Houla the previous day. UN-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan has described the massacre in which 49 of the victims were children as an appalling moment with air war which destroyed the irresolution. Moamar Kadhafi regime in I h a v e k n o w n K o f i profound consequences. Pic: AFP/Shaam News Network Libya was relatively swift Annan for as long time The question is: When do and thoroughly decisive, and it is true that he has saw how little appetite there between capitals even as to Damascus. But is it still? a temperament peculiarly was in their own base for air Assads forces continued to Or is he now simply helping you stop pursuing this low- but Libya now teeters on probability game? When, if the edge of anarchy. well-suited to situations strikes against Iraq (though shell civilians, he said, Its Assad to buy time? Syria hardly looks more On May 28, Annan was at all, do the risks of action of powerlessness. He is a they launched a few strikes the only game in town at gentleman who speaks ill later that year when the the moment. Fawzi made preparing to return to Syria. become greater than the encouraging. If the rebels step up the pace of attacks, of no one and thinks ill of deal Annan negotiated fell only the most modest claims He feels the time is now risks of inaction? T h e i n t e r n a t i o n a l Assad is likely to respond only a few. He does not wear apart). And years later, for the missions success: ripe, Fawzi says, to sit his dignity on his sleeve, or Annan tried to speak reason Violence goes down while down with the president community kept talking with yet more violence, anywhere visible at all. He to Sudanese President inspectors occupy a given and assess where we are. with the Serbs until the possibly provoking the does not upset apple carts, Omar al-Bashir because space, though often returns Thats an extremely dubious massacre at Srebrenica in Gotterdammerung of allJuly 1995 finally provoked a out sectarian war. And as a habit which may have the Security Council wasnt to previous levels once they proposition. foreign jihadists The Syrian leave; civilians might contributed to his increasingly start having faith opposition, military inactivity in the infiltrate the in the presence of and political, wont face of slaughter Assad almost certainly When do you stop rebel forces and the observers. But relent until Assad in Bosnia and pervert their it was still better leaves, but Assad Rwanda when he wont leave unless pursuing this lowgoals, the chances than the alternative almost c er tain ly was the head of even more killing. wont leave unless probability game? When... o f c r e a t i n g a n UN peacekeeping. he feels that the only unarguably better A n n a n i s n o he feels that the only Its the part of him Syria than the one p a c i f i s t . I n t h e alternative is death. I admire least. alternative is death. do the risks of action that existed before l a t e 1 9 9 0 s , h e And that moment is But for a c h a m p i o n e d t h e still very far away. UN diplomat, And that moment is become greater than the the uprising will recede. The Obama doctrine that came powerlessness still far away. risks of inaction? Syria poses such to be known as a d m i n i s t r a t i o n is a fact of life; a terrible problem the responsibility understands this its much easier because it is not to protect, which well, but views all to represent a prepared to punish him stipulates that when states the available alternatives as NATO bombing campaign. about finding the political superpower. In the summer of 2004, I for mounting a campaign fail to act to stop atrocities, even worse than the current In Sudan, as in Rwanda, will to do the right thing, watched Annan sit quietly of ethnic cleansing and o t h e r s t a t e s h a v e a n one talking while Assad nothing happened until but rather trying to find it was too late to make some way of doing more keeps killing. obligation to do so. in a blazing hot office in murder in Darfur. I was at a recent lunch much of a difference. Annan good than harm. But Annan does believe Now Annan is exhorting Darfur while Sudanese But the time has come officials piled one inane lie A s s a d t o d o w h a t h e that sometime atrocities can with the US ambassador knows this history all too on top of another. Didnt he manifestly will not do be halted, or prevented, with to the UN, Susan Rice, well; it is his history. Hes or perhaps has very nearly know they were jerking him withdraw his security forces diplomacy rather than with w h o r e s p o n d e d t o a been there before, says come for the world to stop around? Of course he did, he and heavy weapons from the force. He and others did just volley of questions about Fawzi, and he will know hiding behind Kofi Annans told me wearily. But what cities where the opposition that when they mediated humanitarian corridors, when the time has come to skirts. We gave diplomacy a was the point of delivering is concentrated because between the opposing sides air strikes, and the like by pull the plug. Or maybe chance; now we must accept threats? I dont, he said, nobody is rushing in with after a disputed election saying, There is a risk it he wont. Maybe hell recoil that diplomacy has failed. Foreign Policy see anybody rushing in troops, or air strikes. When in Kenya in late 2008 led ends in more violence, which from the alternative. (James Traub, a fellow of It has become very hard I asked Ahmad Fawzi, a rival tribes to slaughter one is why the last peaceful with troops. And thats the real point. former UN official who another. That was an effort game in town is one worth to imagine any solution to the Center on International Albright and the Clinton serves as the spokesman worth making; so was his pursuing, even if its a low- the Syria crisis that is not Cooperation, writes Terms administration let Annan for the mission in Syria, why high-wire act in Baghdad probability game, which we a terrible one. Though fewer of Engagement for Foreign people are dying each day Policy). go to Baghdad when they Annan was still shuttling in 1998; so was the mission readily admit it is.



June 4 - 10, 2012
France, Qatar, Estonia, and the Scandinavian nations. How can you have a democracy when the citizen does not understand what the government is saying, said Annetta Cheek, board chair of the Center for Plain Language, at the event. Its becoming a more and more to write its laws in simple language and Portugal has introduced similar measures. In France for example, legal guidance on victims rights is difficult to collate because there are so many documents and so many references that they are obscure, said Olivia Zarcate, a a former plain language coordinator, at the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), which regulates and oversees civil aviation. But one cited example of government jargon showed that 36 words including calisthenics (a form of gymnastics) were used Cheek said the damaging effects of jargon had been seen in the global financial crisis in 2008, as waves of mortgage owners failed to understand what they were signing up to. The world financial crisis would have been less damaging if people had understood what those long documents said, Cheek said, referring to mortgage and credit applications, noting that finance is an area that affects everyone. Joseph Kimble, a professor at the Thomas M. Cooley Law School, said the stripping out of jargon, would benefit both the writers of documents as well as the people who read them. It pays off for everybody, said Kimble. Plain language can restore faith in public institutions. Poor communication is the great hidden cost of doing business. AFP

MyanMar tiMes

Plain language advocates struggle against jargon

WASHINGTON Why not say change rather than effect modifications, or publish rather than promulgate, or pay instead of remunerate? So say plain speaking advocates fighting to end gobbledygook. Winning such a battle would benefit everyone, said those gathered in Washington late last month for a three-day conference aimed at banishing jargon from laws, application forms, public notices, and even user manuals for television sets. The event was organised in the US capital by Clarity, a worldwide group of lawyers, top managers and heads of government services who argue for the use of plain language in place of legalese. It attracted participants from 20 countries, including Australia,

Plain language can restore faith in public institutions.

common perception in all sectors, that they have to be more inclusive in their communication. The United States in 2010 adopted a law encouraging the simplification of administrative language. The Swedish government, meanwhile, employs five lawyers legal specialist at the conference. The aim of plain English campaigners is to heighten awareness in government and business circles about the damaging effect that obscure, badly-worded language has on the population. In the last five years theres been a big change, said Cheek, in a public health brochure to outline what people should do to lose weight. The rather wordy sentence was cut down to a recommendation of, do at least 30 minutes of exercise, like brisk walking, most days of the week. In a more sweeping suggestion,

Romney clinches nomination Obama urges respect for troops coming with victory in Texas primary home from battlefield
WASHI N G T O N M i t t Romney clinched his Republican partys White House nomination on May 29 by winning its Texas primary, vowing to get America back on the path to prosperity by defeating Barack Obama in November. But the milestone was clouded by a rehashed controversy over claims by billionaire tycoon Donald Trump, a highprofile Romney supporter, questioning President Obamas birthplace. The former Massachusetts governor, the only candidate who actively campaigned in Texas, won 71 percent of the vote, said Fox News, CNN and NBC television. US congressman from Texas Ron Paul won 10pc in his home state, Roman Catholic conservative Rick Santorum 7pc and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich 5pc, said CNN. In Texas 155 delegates were at stake which added to Romneys tally of 1064 should take him well over the 1144 nomination threshold, said the website RealClearPolitics. But while Romney celebrated the achievement, the campaign risked That provided an opening for Obamas campaign to slam Romney for lacking moral leadership over his appearance with Trump. If Mitt Romney lacks the backbone to stand up to a charlatan like Donald Trump because hes so concerned about lining his campaigns pockets, what does that say about the kind of president he would be? said Obamas deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter. Romneys campaign was forced into awkward damage control hours before the two men appeared together, with spokeswoman Andrea Saul saying Romney has said repeatedly that he believes President Obama was born in the United States. Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus hailed Romneys Texas win, saying it paves the way for the partys August convention in Tampa, Florida, where Romney will be formally nominated and reveal his running mate. Poll aggregates show Obama narrowly ahead. The latest RealClearPolitics average shows the president with a two-point lead, 45.6pc to 43.6pc. AFP ARLINGTON, Virginia US President Barack Obama said last week that troops are coming home after a decade of war and must be respected, with no repeat of the national shame that greeted many Vietnam veterans. In two speeches on May 28 to mark Memorial Day the annual commemoration of fallen and missing soldiers Obama said US troops were no longer fighting in Iraq and that he was winding down Americas war in Afghanistan. As a result, he said, the focus must shift to ensuring a future for those returning from the battlefield. For the first time in nine years, Americans are not fighting and dying in Iraq, Obama said after laying a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknowns, in Arlington National Cemetery just outside Washington. We are winding down the war in Afghanistan and our troops will continue to come home, he added. After sweeping to power in 2008 due partly to his promise to end the war in Iraq, Obama followed through by bringing the final US soldiers home last year. Obama is highlighting that promise, and a plan to get US combat troops out of Afghanistan by the end of 2014, to bolster his leadership credentials as he faces re-election in November. A few hours later, in a speech at the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington, he reached out to veterans of that conflict, which claimed the lives of tens of thousands. One of the most painful chapters in our history was Vietnam most particularly, how we treated our troops who served there, Obama said. You were often blamed for a war you didnt start, when you should have been commended for serving your country with valour. You were sometimes blamed for misdeeds of a few, when the honourable service of the many should have been praised, he said. You came home and sometimes were denigrated, when you should have been celebrated. It was a national shame, a disgrace that should have never happened. And thats why here today we resolve that it will not happen again. AFP

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney speaks at a fundraising event hosted by real estate tycoon Donald Trump in Las Vegas on May 29. Pic: AFP veering off message due to interventions by flamboyant real estate tycoon Trump, who endorsed the candidate in February. Trump with whom Romney was attending a fundraiser in Las Vegas as the Texas results came in, spent much of May 29 insisting there were still lingering doubts about whether Obama was really a natural born US citizen. Nothing has changed my mind, he told CNBC about the so-called birther issue.

Skyful fliers report denied Big Ben name change to honour queen: paper
SEOUL The US military on May 29 vehemently denied a media report that special forces had been parachuted into North Korea on intelligence-gathering missions, saying a source had been misquoted. Current affairs magazine The Diplomat quoted Brigadier General Neil Tolley, commander of special forces in South Korea, as saying soldiers from the US and South Korea had been dropped across the border for special reconnaissance missions. But Colonel Jonathan Withington, public affairs officer for US Forces Korea, said some reporting of the conference had taken Tolley completely out of context. Quotes have been made up and attributed to him, he said. Though special reconnaissance is a core special operations force (SOF) mission, at no time have SOF forces been sent to the north to conduct special reconnaissance, he said in a statement. The Diplomat quoted Tolley as saying that the North had built thousands of tunnels since the 1950-53 Korean War. According to the magazine, he said commandos parachute in with minimal supplies to watch the tunnels undetected. AFP The House of Commons Commission, LONDON Britains famed parliament would be a fitting tribute to the queen. I clock tower Big Ben is set to be renamed hope it will now move ahead, the Mail the governing body of the British parliament, will meet by the end of June the Elizabeth Tower in honour of the quoted Cameron as saying. The 96-metre (316-foot) tower is and is expected to agree on the renaming queens diamond jubilee, a report said formally known as the clock tower but of Big Ben, the Daily Mail said. on June 1. Big Ben was in the news in January Prime Minister David Cameron is is commonly known as Big Ben after among 331 lawmakers who have signed its huge bell, whose distinctive bongs when the commission discussed how to manage a tilt affecting up to a campaign to the tower. The tilt is bestow the tribute to Queen Elizabeth to It is great news that so many MPs...are backing 0.26 degrees to the northwest and has mark her 60th year increased slightly on the throne, the what would be a fitting tribute to the queen. since 2003, although Daily Mail reported. an expert study found It mirrors an honour bestowed on queen Victoria sound out the hours in central London. it was unlikely to be a problem for Lawmakers accepted that the iconic 10,000 years. the first British monarch to celebrate a Britain began four days of celebrations diamond jubilee, in 1897 after whom tower which looms over the 19-century the square tower at the other end of the Gothic revival parliament would beginning on June 2 to mark Elizabeth continue to be known colloquially as IIs jubilee including a 1000-boat pageant Houses of Parliament was renamed. It is great news that so many MPs Big Ben, but said that its formal name on the River Thames and a star-studded concert. AFP from across the House are backing what should honour Queen Elizabeth.

June 4 - 10, 2012

MyanMar tiMes

Anxiety in China about the future

THE worrying news from China is that the country appears headed toward an economic and political crash sometime in the next five years, if current trends continue. The somewhat better news is that a large part of the elite grasps that danger and is talking fairly openly about the far-reaching change that will be needed to prevent it. In eight days of meetings with Chinese academics, economists, journalists, businessmen and government officials during May, I encountered little of the rising-superpower hubris that might be expected from a country perceived in most of the West as an unstoppable juggernaut. Instead, I heard considerable anxiety about a slowing economy and an uncertain political transition this year, and even greater worry about the problems the incoming leadership team under Xi Jinping will likely face. Most people I met during a tour of Beijing, Shanghai and the city of Changsha thought China would avoid an economic hard landing this year, despite a sharp slowdown in growth during the last few months. But many were concerned about whether the new leadership could manage the restructuring needed to keep growth going beyond the next couple of years a shift from export industries and infrastructure investment to consumption and services for a rising middle class. Similarly, few people seemed to think that Xis ascension this fall would be derailed by the power struggle reflected in the recent purge of populist Chongqing governor Bo Xilai possibly because, like most of the world, they dont

by Jackson Diehl
know what is happening behind the leaderships closed doors. But a surprising preponderance of my sources talked about the necessity of political reform and improvements in human rights to preserve Chinas stability as its economy slows and shifts. China is at a crossroads, said Zhu Yinghuang, the former editor of the China Daily. After 30 years of economic reform, we have to get to political reform. So what would that change look like? Not surprisingly, no one expects China to become a liberal democracy soon. But I heard a lot of ideas for how the new leadership group could begin to open up the political system. Chief among them was local reform: Several people said that the case of Chen Guangcheng, the blind dissident who was held captive in his home by local security forces until he escaped to the US embassy in Beijing, demonstrated the need for top leaders to force town and village authorities to abide by Chinas own laws including those mandating democratic elections for village leaders. The Chen case will give different levels of government a lesson that it is better to accelerate the reform of governance, so that such cases will be dealt with at the regional level rather than at the top level, and in a rule of law way rather than a diplomatic way, said Chen

Outgoing Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, at the National Peoples Congress in March, when a comment he made about the need for urgent political reform raised hopes of liberalisation. Pic: AFP Dangxiao of the Shanghai Institute for International Studies. Victor Yuan, who established Chinas first private polling firm, said average Chinese cite enforcement of the rule of law as a first priority for reform. Another first step, he said, would be greater social mobilisation, in the form of more independent social service groups and NGOs at the local level. Those organisations could spawn new leaders to challenge entrenched authorities in village elections and eventually compete for places in the National Peoples Congress, Chinas formal legislature. Inevitably a process of political change will have to tackle one of

Chinas most taboo subjects the suppression of the Tiananmen Square protest movement in June 1989. After requesting that he not be quoted, one academic argued that the best way for the regime to revitalise its political legitimacy would be to apologise to the families of those killed. This is our burden, our baggage, that has to be dealt with, he said. So far there is scant evidence that Chinas leaders are considering such steps; repression of political dissidents has increased in the last year and censorship of the internet was recently tightened. But outgoing premier Wen Jiabao said in March that the country has come to a critical stage in which without successful political structural reform ... new problems that have cropped up in Chinas society will not be fundamentally resolved. That has encouraged hopes for liberalisation and, I suspect, accounts for much of the talk I heard. This is the time to do something, and to do it incrementally, said Shen Dingli, the dean of the Institute for International Studies at Fudan University. If you reform, you have immediate challenges. But if you dont reform, you will have even bigger challenges. The top leaders all know this. The Washington Post (Jackson Diehl, the deputy editorial page editor of The Washington Post, visited China with several other American journalists on a visit sponsored by the private China-US Exchange Foundation, which is chaired by former Hong Kong chief executive Tung Chee Hwa).

Controversial Cambodian activist fights the sex trade

HANOI Sold into a brothel as a child, Cambodian activist Somaly Mam has become one of the most recognisable, glamorous and controversial faces of the global anti-sex slavery movement. The quirky, energetic campaigner boasts a string of celebrity supporters and has been named a CNN hero of the year, but she is as divisive among antitrafficking activists as she is beloved by the international press. Most recently, Mam kicked up a storm of controversy when she allowed her old friend, New York Times correspondent Nicholas Kristof, to live-tweet a brothel raid in the northern Cambodian town of Anlong Veng in November. Girls are rescued, but still very scared. Youngest looks about 13, trafficked from Vietnam, Kristof wrote to his more than one million followers on the Twitter microblogging website, in remarks that trafficking experts say raised questions of safety and consent. For Mam, who created the anti-trafficking organisation AFESIP and now runs an eponymous foundation, the benefit of the attention Kristof brings to trafficking issues outweighs the security concerns. Even if youre not tweeting it is also dangerous... but if (Kristof) tweets it, she tells me she is choosing its better because more to be a prostitute (but if people get awareness and you ask) how about your understanding, Mam told daughter? You want her to AFP in an interview during be? Shell say: No, no, no, a visit to Vietnam. said Mam. (they) have no Tania DoCarmo of Chab choice. Dai, an anti-trafficking This position, which group working in Cambodia, underpins Mams reliance said the raid coverage was on brothel raids as a an unethical PR stunt tool to fight trafficking, which broke Cambodian enrages other activists, anti-trafficking laws and such as the Asia Pacific Sex which sensationalises a Worker Network, which very complex issue. argues consenting adult sex Doing impromptu workers need rights not coverage of children in highly rescues. traumatising situations Sweeping raid-andwould not be considered rescue operations and police ethical or acceptable in the round-ups of street-based West...it is inappropriate sex workers are not only and even voyeuristic to do ineffective, experts say, this in developing nations but lead to systematic such as Cambodia. violations of sex workers This is especially true Sold into a brothel as a child, Somaly Mam is regarded human rights, New Yorkwith children and youth as one of the most controversial campaigners against based Human Rights Watch who are unable to provide sex slavery. Pic: AFP said in 2010 report. legal consent anyway, she Mams organisation, Mam, who is in her early- victim is something she said. AFESIP says it has been 40s but does not know her cannot forget and is what AFESIP, has also been involved in rescuing about year of birth, was sold into drives her anti-trafficking criticised for accepting sex workers picked up during 7000 women and girls in a brothel in her early teens campaigning. W i t h i n t h e a n t i - Cambodian police round Cambodia, Thailand, Laos by a man who she says was either her grandfather or an trafficking field, Mam takes ups which HRW has said and Vietnam since 1997. constitute In Cambodia arbitrary alone, there are arrests and more than 34,000 What I know how to do is just helping the women. d e t e n t i o n s commercial of innocent sex workers, people. according to a 2009 Mam dismissed HRWs uncle and then repeatedly a controversially hardline government estimate. The line between victim raped and abused until, stance: all sex workers assessment. When a girl has been and trafficker is often not after watching a friend be are victims, whether of always clear. Women who killed in front of her, she trafficking or circumstance, killed in the brothel does a s n o w o m a n w o u l d HRW go into the brothel? So were tricked into working managed to escape. I was completely broken, really choose to work in a who are you exactly? When I in a brothel may go on to am in the brothel, one of my recruit others in the same s h e s a i d , a d d i n g t h a t brothel. Sometimes a woman friend she has been killed. this experience of being a way. Did HRW go there? No, she said. Consenting, adult sex workers detained during the police raids who say they were neither victims of trafficking nor wanting AFESIPs services have also reported being held against their will at AFESIP shelters. The first time (a sex worker) come to the shelter she dont want to stay ... because she dont know us, Mam said, adding that women are so broken by sex work they want to stay in the familiar surroundings of the brothel. I always say: please, can you just stay one or two days, treat it like a holiday, she said, adding that if women chose to stay in the brothels she respected that decision. Im not going to force them, I have been forced my own life. Its up to them, she said, adding that this applied within the shelters, with no girl being forced to speak to the media or share her experiences with anyone. Mam says she tries to listen to and learn from criticism of her tactics and approach, adding that she has made a lot of mistakes in my life, and has never claimed to have all the answers to how to end sex slavery. What I know how to do is just helping the women, she said. AFP


June 4 - 10, 2012
between those oceans including six aircraft carriers, a majority of our cruisers, destroyers, littoral combat ships, and submarines. The US Navy has a fleet of 285 ships, with about half of those vessels deployed or assigned to the Pacific. Although the total size of the overall fleet may decline in coming years depending on budget pressures, Pentagon officials said the number of naval ships in the Pacific would rise in absolute terms. Panetta was speaking to defence officials from throughout the region at the Shangri-La Dialogue, a summit organised by the Londonbased International Institute for Strategic Studies. The speech appeared designed to reassure partners and allies worried about Beijings rise and more assertive stance in the South China Sea that Washingtons muchpublicised pivot to Asia would be backed by concrete action. The Pentagon planned to make new investments in the capabilities needed to project power and operate in the Asia-Pacific, including radar-evading fighter jets, a new long-distance bomber, electronic warfare and missile defences, Panetta said. But the project would take time to take root, in the form of new doctrine and weaponry. It will take years for these concepts, and many of the investments we are making, to be fully realised. But make no mistake in a steady, deliberate, and sustainable way the United States military is rebalancing and brings enhanced capabilities to this vital region, he said. Amid a growing US-China rivalry, American officials privately acknowledge the push for a larger US military footprint is meant to reinforce American diplomacy when confronting Beijings assertive stance in the South China Sea. But Panetta insisted that Washington wanted dialogue with Beijing and not conflict. Some view the increased emphasis by the United States on Asia-Pacific as a challenge to China. I reject that view entirely, he said. Our effort to renew and intensify our involvement in Asia is fully compatible with the development and growth of China. Indeed, increased US involvement in this region will benefit China as it advances our shared security and prosperity, he said. AFP

MyanMar tiMes

US to shift most of naval fleet to Pacific, says Panetta

SINGAPORE The United States will shift most of its naval fleet to the Pacific by 2020 as part of a new strategic focus on Asia, Pentagon chief Leon Panetta told a summit in Singapore on June 2. The decision to deploy more ships to the Pacific Ocean, along with expanding a network of military partnerships, was part of a steady, deliberate effort to bolster the US role in an area deemed vital to Americas future, he said. Panetta said by 2020, the Navy will re-posture its forces from todays roughly 50-50 percent split between the Pacific and the Atlantic to about a 60-40 split

Aquino hails top judges sacking

MANILA Philippine President Benigno Aquino on May 30 hailed the sacking of the countys top judge, calling it a necessary step in his anti-corruption crusade and pledging to appoint an untainted replacement. What we did was to strengthen the system; to demonstrate that justice wears a blindfold (of impartiality), he said of the impeachment trial of Supreme Court chief justice Renato Corona. The Senate sacked Corona on May 29 after finding him guilty of failing to declare millions of dollars in bank deposits. This was a necessary process, Aquino said in a television address. We all know that Mr Corona embodied all that is dirty in our judiciary. Corona had also been accused of blocking government efforts to prosecute Aquinos corruption-tainted predecessor Gloria Arroyo, who is being detained on vote rigging charges, as well as lacking integrity. But the Senate, which sat as a special tribunal for four months, did not render judgments on these two charges once the senators found Corona guilty on the charge of failing to declare his assets. Two thirds of the 23 senators were required to convict Corona and 20 found him guilty, paving the way for him to become the first chief justice in the nations history to be removed from office. Aquino had repeatedly said removing Corona was crucial to ending a culture of corruption that pervades all levels of Philippine society and that he alleged flourished during Arroyos near-decade in power ending in 2010. Aquino won a landslide election and succeeded Arroyo after campaigning on a platform to eradicate the graft that he blamed for the countrys widespread poverty. He quickly went to work by sacking Arroyo appointees in government organisations, as well as a

Anti-corruption campaigners march on the Senate building in Manila on May 29 ahead of the announcement of the verdict in the impeachment trial of Supreme Court chief justice Renato Corona. Pic: AFP top government prosecutor seen as sympathetic to her. But he said Corona, a Harvard-trained lawyer and longtime ally of Arroyo, was blocking his efforts to fight graft while protecting the former president from prosecution. Aquino maintained that Arroyo had illegally appointed Corona to the post of chief justice in the days before she handed over power, in violation of a constitutional ban on midnight appointments by outgoing presidents.

Corona, 63, then enraged Aquino late last year when the Supreme Court overturned a government order banning Arroyo from leaving the country. Arroyo was arrested at a hospital shortly after government officials blocked her at Manila airport while trying to leave. She is in detention while on trial for vote rigging. In December, Aquinos allies in the House of Representatives impeached Corona, sending the complaint to trial in the Senate. Corona admitted during his trial that he had not disclosed more than US$4 million in bank accounts. But he said $2.4 million in US dollar accounts were protected by a law allowing absolute secrecy for foreign currencies and the other money in Philippine peso accounts belonged to his relatives. Corona insisted his wealth was accumulated legitimately through his long legal career and by his family. AFP

Google issues warning after Thai webmasters conviction

BANGKOK A Thai online editor was on May 30 handed a suspended jail term for failing to remove a comment critical of the revered monarchy on her website, prompting Google to issue a stark warning over internet freedom. Chiranuch Premchaiporn, 44, was found guilty of failing to speedily delete a post written by others deemed insulting to the royal family from her popular news website. Judge Kampol Rungrat sentenced Chiranuch to eight months in prison, but suspended the jail term for a year, saying that she had cooperated with the court in Bangkok and had never violated the law herself. Analysts said the webmasters suspended term is unlikely to herald a wider loosening of the kingdoms royal defamation laws, which critics decry as an assault on free speech, including online commentary. In a rare and outspoken intervention late on May 30, Google said Chiranuchs sentence had set a legal precedent which cramps companies hosting internet platforms and poses a danger to web users. Todays guilty verdict for something somebody else wrote on her website is a serious threat to the future of the internet in Thailand, a Google spokesman said in an emailed statement to AFP. Telephone companies are not penalised for things people say on the phone and responsible website owners should not be punished for comments users post on their sites. Chiranuch was charged over 10 comments posted on the popular Prachatai news site in 2008. Recognising she had never violated the law herself the court said she had removed nine of those posts quickly enough, but found the 20 days she had taken to remove one was in breach of the law. The defendant cannot deny responsibility for taking care of content on her website, the judge said, adding she was initially given a one-year jail term but that this was reduced to reflect her useful testimony to the court. The court fined Chiranuch 20,000 baht (US$630). Speaking after the verdict, a smiling Chiranuch who throughout had denied the charges left open the possibility of an appeal over her conviction. Chiranuchs suspended sentence follows considerable domestic and foreign condemnation of Thailands royal slur laws. On May 29, a petition signed by almost 27,000 people urging reform of the laws was submitted to parliament in the first mass action of its kind. AFP

June 4 - 10, 2012

MyanMar tiMes

Pakistani militants deny links with CIA doctor

PESHAWAR The militants accused in a Pakistan court of conspiring with a doctor recruited by the CIA to find Osama bin Laden said on May 31 they had nothing to do with him and threatened to kill him. Shakeel Afridi was on May 24 sentenced to 33 years in jail after he was found guilty of treason under Pakistans archaic system of tribal justice. He was arrested after US troops killed bin Laden in May 2011 in the town of Abbottabad where he set up a fake vaccination program in the hope of obtaining DNA samples to confirm the al-Qaeda leaders presence. But he was convicted for treason over alleged ties to Lashkar-e-Islam and not for working for the CIA, for which the court said it did not have jurisdiction. Lashkar-e-Islam, led by warlord Mangal Bagh, is a militant organisation feared for kidnappings and extortion in the tribal district of Khyber, where Afridi worked for years as a doctor. The court said Afridi had close links to the group, saying the doctors love for Bagh and association with him was an open secret. But a spokesman and a commander in the organisation both told AFP that they had nothing to do with Afridi. We have no link to such a shameless man. If we see him well chew him alive, the commander said on condition of anonymity. The spokesman, who gave his name as Ghazi Hussain, branded Afridi a traitor, an enemy of Pakistan and of the Muslim nation. Whenever and wherever we get an opportunity to kill him, we will. If we can, we will even kill him inside the jail, Hussain told AFP The court said Afridi paid two million rupees (US$21,000) to the faction and helped to provide medical assistance to militant commanders in Khyber. But the group said the $21,000 was a fine imposed for over-charging patients. Hussain rejected any alleged links with Afridi as false and concocted, saying he had been fined and expelled from Khyber three or four years ago. Authorities in Peshawar, where Afridi is being held away from Taliban and other terror suspects in jail, have demanded he be transferred to a more secure prison amid fears that he might be killed. AFP

MPs clash over reconciliation bid
BANGKOK The Thai parliament was thrown into chaos for a second day on May 31, as lawmakers clashed over plans to push through a reconciliation debate that threatens to widen the countrys bitter divides. Proposals, ostensibly aimed at healing the rifts that have seen Thailand shaken repeatedly by bloody civil unrest since a coup in 2006, have provoked fury among opposition MPs who fear they will open the door for the return of ousted premier Thaksin Shinawatra. For a second day running, police had surround the house speaker to protect him from furious opposition MPs.

Indian PM denies role in corruption

NEW DELHI Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh last week denounced fresh allegations that he turned a blind eye to corruption within his government and has vowed to resign if any wrongdoing is proved against him. Singh reacted angrily to accusations from the anticorruption movement headed by veteran campaigner Anna Hazare, which prepared a list of graft charges against 15 ministers including the premier. If there is even an iota of truth in it, then I will give up my public career and the country can give me any punishment, Singh told reporters late on May 29 on his flight back to New Delhi after a visit to Myanmar. Singh, a media-shy academic who came to power in 2004, previously enjoyed a blemish-free reputation within Indias turbulent political world but his administration has been hit by a series of corruption scandals in recent years. You dont need to take bribes yourself in order to be guilty of corruption offences, Prashant Bhushan, a prominent member of Hazares anti-graft movement told the CNN-IBN news channel earlier on May 29. We do not believe that the prime minister takes bribes himself but it is also clear to us that he is allowing a thoroughly corrupt cabinet to be in place... and allowing his cabinet ministers to loot the public exchequer. The latest accusations raised by Hazares supporters focus on coal deposits that were given away by the government rather than sold at auction. The allegations come as the government struggles to limit damage from the 2G scam in which the then telecoms minister A. Raja is accused of handing out second-generation mobile phone licences to select firms at knock-down prices. This is precisely what the prime minister appears to have done prima facie in the allocations of these coal blocks, Bhushan, a highprofile Delhi lawyer, said. Graft has become a hot political issue in India due to a string of high-profile scandals including the 2G scam and contracts awarded for the 2010 Commonwealth Games. Anna Hazare galvanised millions of people last year when he held a 12-day anticorruption hunger strike in New Delhi. Many Indians complain that corruption is a part of daily life and occurs in all transactions, from getting a driving licence to property sales. Graft is also seen as a major deterrent to international investment in India. AFP

Pic: AFP

Civilian toll falls in Afghanistan

KABUL The number of civilians killed in the Afghan war in the first four months of this year has fallen by 21 percent over the same period in 2011, the United Nations said Wednesday. A total of 579 civilians died and 1219 were wounded, with insurgents responsible for most of the deaths, Jan Kubis, the UN special representative for Afghanistan, told a news conference. Kubis said 79pc of the casualties were caused by anti-government forces, nine percent by pro-government forces including NATOs International Security Assistance Force and the rest were unattributed.

Women light candles during a memorial ceremony in the Pakistani city of Peshawar on May 30 for the 129 soldiers and 11 civilians who perished when a huge avalanche engulfed a military camp on the Siachen glacier in the Himalayas on April 7. The Pakistani military declared the victims dead on May 29 but said efforts would continue to recover their bodies. Only three bodies have so far been recovered.

UN in plea to Kabul on opium

KABUL The United Nations urged the Afghan authorities last week to pull together to make meaningful efforts to combat drug production. Afghanistan, which produces 90 percent of the worlds opium, has only seen modest success in the eradication of poppy fields, Youri Fedotov, executive director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, said on May 30. The UN has said poppy-crop cultivation covered more than 131,000 hectares (323,000 acres) in 2011, up seven percent from the previous year, while the overall crop increased by 61pc. The value of the opium yield rose 133pc from 2010, when plant diseases killed much of the Afghan crop. The high price of opium meant poppy cultivation remained an attractive proposition for Afghan farmers. Im trying to send messages to the authorities of Afghanistan that the work needs to be done by them, and not only by a few departments of the government but by all of them, said Fedotov. Fedotov said up to 10,000 hectares of poppy fields were estimated to have been eradicated this year, more than three times the amount last year. But he said these successes were still quite modest and were yet to be verified by the UNODC. Fedotov noted that the drugs trade involved international criminal groups, a point picked up by President Hamid Karzai. The President said that Afghans get the blame while others get the benefit, his office said in a statement. The President stressed that drug trafficking and international terrorism were inextricably linked and that most of those involved in the trafficking business are not Afghans. President Karzai emphasised that the political will to combat the scourge was there, but urged that it was not possible for one country to fight the menace on its own. The UNODC said farmer income derived from Afghanistans opium crop in 2011 was US$1.4 billion, representing nine percent of GDP. AFP

Tiger carcasses seized in VN

HANOI Vietnamese police said on May 29 they had seized three tiger carcasses after being shot at by smugglers who were taking the dead animals to Hanoi. We arrested the driver of the car but his accomplice fled after shooting at us, said Tran Huu Hong, head of the environmental police office in central Nghe An province, where the tigers were seized on May 28. There are fewer than 50 tigers living wild in remote forests across Vietnam and the population is in danger of being wiped out by hunters and traffickers.

Political crisis grips Nepal

KATHMANDU Nepals president voiced serious concern on May 28 as the country faced a six-month power vacuum and fresh elections after parliament missed a midnight deadline to agree a new constitution. Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai said on May 27 that the parliament, elected in 2008 to write the constitution after a decade of civil war, would be disbanded ahead of November elections. Lawmakers failed again to break years of deadlock on the nations new federal structure which is meant to bring lasting stability. The unexpected dissolution of the Constituent Assembly constituted after a big struggle and sacrifice is a matter of serious concern and regret for all of us, President Ram Baran Yadav said in a speech on May 28. The constitution was intended to create a secular, democratic republic following the abolition of Nepals centuries-old Hindu monarchy after Maoist rebels gave up arms and won the 2008 elections. AFP

Pakistan test fires cruise missile

ISLAMABAD Pakistan on May 31 tested a fourth nuclear-capable cruise missile since India launched a new long-range weapon capable of hitting China in April. The Hatf VIII air cruise missile has a range of 350 kilometres (220 miles) and can carry conventional warheads, the military said. AFP

Time out
By Nyein Ei Ei Htwe A NEW media centre opened last week in Yangon under the supervision of wellknown comedian Zaganar, who announced big plans to use the venue for media and entertainment programs, art exhibitions, and production of a new DVD magazine. The House of Media and Entertainment (HOME) located at No 58/60 Bo Aung Kyaw Road (Lower Block), Botahtaung Township was officially launched on May 28 with a ceremony attended by a number of young filmmakers and representatives of the entertainment industry. Zaganar, whose real name is U Thura, said at the ceremony that one of the aims of the centre was to provide a place where directors who participated in the Art of Freedom Film Festival, held in Yangon in January, could work on new documentary films. After the film festival, we werent sure how to proceed with developing the skills of the participants. We arranged classes in directing and filmmaking led by three Americans and one German, and now were opening a place and providing equipment for young directors who want to make documentary films, he said. Another ongoing project based at HOME will be the publication of Monthly Motion Magazine, a regular periodical that will be released on DVD and will feature documentaries, short films, video interviews and more. Magazines always publish cartoons, so we will also include animated features on our DVD, Zaganar said, adding: We will prefer the works of young directors, and well try to publish a new edition at the start of every month. He said HOME will also provide acting classes under the advice of the Myanmar Motion Picture Organisation (MMPO), as well as IT and video journalism classes. We will also allow space at the centre to be used free of charge by artists for exhibitions, by singers for their album launches, and by poets for book launches and poetry recitals. But we have forms they need to fill out in advance before they can use the space, Zarganar said. Another project at HOME will be non-profit book publishing. Plans are already underway to release a volume featuring essays by Mr Larry Diamond, a political science professor at Stanford University in the United States, as well as features written by 88-generation student activist U Jimmy while he was in jail. U Zaw Thet Htwe, who is overseeing the centres book publishing program, said the book has already been submitted to the censors and he hoped it would be launched soon. Now that we are marching towards democracy, we think every citizen should know about the basic concepts of democracy. U Jimmy spent many years in jail and he wrote features covering democracy, and when Ko Zarganar went to America he asked Mr Larry Diamond for permission to translate and publish he essays, U Zaw Thet Htwe said. He said the second book will be a collection of letters and features written by Myanmar workers living abroad. We have already collected some material for this book, he said. Blogger Nay Phone Latt, leader of the Myanmar Information Technology Development Organisation, said he will lead IT and capacity building classes at HOME. We will provide what we call citizen journalist courses because we want the public to be able to record their feelings and document events that they feel are unjust, and transmit these stories to the world, he said. Also, for capacity building we will provide classes in leadership and management skills, and starting next month we will have classes in documentary filmmaking. For more information on monthly classes and other programs at the House of Media and Entertainment, call 01-380-272 or 01380-301 during office hours.

The Myanmar Times June 4 - 10, 2012

Ambitious media centre opens in Yangon

Zaganar speaks at the launch ceremony for the House of Media and Entertainment in Yangon on May 28. Pic: Yadanar

Artist merges fascination with maps and trishaws in paintings

By Zon Pann Pwint DURING his career as an artist, Zaw Zaw Co has painted a variety of subjects, but last year while walking around in the rain he was struck by an idea to make a series of images showing the everyday lives of trishaw drivers. I saw trishaws driving on the road. Local people call them a hnay yin [slow vehicles]. They are very common in our country and they are an essential means of transportation for ordinary people in their everyday lives, Zaw Zaw Co said. Seventeen of the resulting paintings showing trishaws carrying passengers, set against backgrounds of maps depicting areas throughout Myanmar are now on display in a show titled Beyond the Living at Sharkys Food and Restaurant, No 117 Dhammazedi Road, Kamaryut township in Yangon. Some of my previous paintings also depicted trishaws, but I thought about how it would look if I combined images of trishaws with maps. I drew it and showed it to my friends, and they like it very much, Zaw Zaw Co said. He said he sympathised with trishaw drivers because he also considers himself to be ordinary folk. I came from the ordinary class and their everyday lives have always interested me. I often walk and mix with working-class people, and township, Yangon, and is open daily from 10am to 6pm. sometimes I take trishaws just to know how it feels, he said. Zaw Zaw Co said the maps in his paintings are old rather than current. The roads and prominent buildings no longer exist in reality, but they exist in my paintings. The names of some places have also changed as time has passed. For example, Rangoon has changed to Yangon but I used former name on my paintings to record the past, he said. The biggest painting in the exhibition is Yangon Underground, with the map in the background dating back to the 1920s. He said studying old maps is one of his hobbies, and when friends found old maps a plastic collection drive, photo exhibition and discussion seminars. in bookstores they used to buy them and bring them to him. I use old maps because they represent history. I want to tell the history of the past through my paintings. Maps are the best way to portray this in paintings they tell what happened in the past, he said. M s Ja n e Brook s, w h o organises exhibitions at Sharkys, said the venue was a showcase for value-added Myanmar for the worldclass quality it is possible to achieve here using the best of local materials and skilled talent. She said having artwork on the walls adds another facet to the restaurant and provides an opportunity for people who might never enter a gallery to see the work of local artists. I saw Zaw Zaw Cos work and enjoyed the feeling, warmth and life of the p a i n t i n g s . Th e t y p e o f bicycles and sidecars can only be Myanmar, even before you look at the maps, Ms Brooks said. Beyond the Living will be on display at Sharkys Food and Restaurant through July 31.

Events Flash
with ...

Nuam Bawi

Art, environment exhibition

About 60 paintings and photographs will be displayed at the Green Future show at Gallery 65 from June 5 to 7. The gallery is located at No 65, Yawmingyi Road, Dagon

World Environment Day celebration

Nature Beloved Network (Mandalay) will celebrate World Environment Day at St Johns Church in M a n d a l a y ( 6 1 st S t r e e t b e t w e e n 3 5 th a n d 3 6 th streets) on June 5 starting at 7am. Events will include

Rock-On concert
Iron Cross will perform at Myawsinkyun, Kandawgyi on June 9 from 6pm to 11pm. Tickets cost K6500 and are available at Bo B o M u s i c Pr o d u c t i o n , Orange Supermarket, Blazon, Nobody, Fashion Star, Conqueror and Capital Hypermarket.

timeout 2
June 4 - 10, 2012

MyanMar tiMes

Shining light on censored fiction

By Zon Pann Pwint FOR the past 50 years, literature lovers in Myanmar have been able to read only the bowdlerised versions of the short stories, novels and poems published by local writers, with much of the best material left on the cutting room floor as a result of the relentless assault of the censors red pen. But now, as the burden of censorship becomes lighter, some writers and publishers are endeavouring to release previously suppressed work to the public. Among them is best-selling author U Min Khite Soe San, who says he has been contacted by publishers who are interested in printing copies of his many novels that have been censored over the years. U Min Khite Soe San has maintained an archive of more than 70 of his novels and novellas that have been suppressed by officials. One of his novels titled Thay Min Naing Ngan Hmar Thone Tae Pite San (Currency Used in Purgatory), set against the background of the abolition of K75 note in 1986, will be published this month by Two Cats Publishing House. The censors have long regarded our art with suspicion, he said. We honestly share what we know with our readers, but the censors have removed parts of novels unnecessarily with doubts beyond their duties, so that our artistic flesh is sliced away. Not every feeling should be shared, every writer knows that. But the censors think were writing to become famous without reasoning about whether the public should be able to read it or not. They think censorship of the press exists to edit and cut our work because we dont have reason to think whether it is good for readers. But writers are not idiots, we know whether our work poisons the reader. He added that he did not want to attack any single person involved in the censorship process, but he blamed the entire system for diluting the flavour of art. U Min Khite Soe San said that not all of his previously rejected works will be published. I havent given all my stories to publishers. Im reading them again because some stories were written when I was angry and some were written when I was disappointed about society or a particular person. Not all my work has purity. I will select a few that have remained unaffected by my anger, one-sided opinions and prejudice, he said. He predicted that in the future, more novels will be published that reflect the reality of life for many people in Myanmar, such as families living in small huts roofed with plastic tarps and people drinking contaminated water. Writer U Saw Wai, who was imprisoned in 2008 for a poem that appeared in Love journal, said the relaxation of pre-censorship rules has helped free his mind from worries about editors getting in trouble for publishing his work. A collection of U Saw Wais satirical pieces was released on May 25. Despite decades of the imposition of heavy censorship on our novels and poems, writers had no fears about portraying how the people endured their hardships. But these literary works were denied access to public eyes, ears and feelings because of censorship, he said. On May 17, at a birthday celebration for writer U Maung Moe Thu, the head of Sarpae Lawka publishing house, U Myo Nyunt, announced that another collection of U Saw Wais poems and stories that had been rejected during the past 28 years would soon be released to the public. I wrote a short story about a girl to whom I donated blood. To show her gratitude, the girls mother took off a pair of gold earrings worn by her sick daughter, took them to a teashop near the hospital and exchanged them for tea and bread, which she gave to me, U Saw Wai said. It was a true story, but it was rejected several times even when the editor kept changing my pen name and re-submitting it. That story will soon be published by Sarpae Lawka. He added: I am optimistic about the new system of publication before submitting to the censors. There is no worry about writing the realities of life. It is true that we will have no barriers to cross. He was referring to last months announcement by the government that pre-press censorship would be abolished at the end of June. However, writer Saung Win Latt said he doubted that changing from a system of censorship before publication, to a system of censorship after publication, would ensure that writers enjoyed freedom of expression and thought to the fullest extent. There will be a press council to check our work after publication. We dont know who will work for the council. We dont know whether they will be artists or bureaucrats, he said. Writers will be happy if they merely need to register the book after publication, otherwise we can run into trouble if they ask us to cut or remove parts of the story after publication, or to stop distributing it to the public. Saung Win Latt said it has been many decades since poets and writers in Myanmar have enjoyed peace of mind. We would like to hear officials say, We have distressed writers and poets and have made them feel worried and unhappy for many decades. We have restricted the freedom of your art in various ways. We think its time to give you the right and freedom to write novels and poems that will enlighten the public, he said. He said writers represent the opinions and feelings of the people, and oppression of writers has come from those who have neglected public sentiment. Myanmar is rich in new words, and now the new word pre-publication has been created. To the best of my belief, it will take time to express the feelings about this word that fill my heart, Saung Win Latt said. Hantharwady U Win Tin, a senior member of the National League for Democracy (NLD) who spent 19 years in jail, wrote a collection of short stories, titled Lu Ng Ye (Human Hell), about the life of political prisoners in Insein Prison. It was published to commemorate the authors 80th birthday, which fell on March 12, 2010. Due to censorship restrictions, the Myanmar-language book was released only in Thailand at the time. However, copies are now available at NLD headquarters in Yangon. U Win Tin said he welcomed end of pre-press censorship but would like to see censorship end altogether. My book Lu Ng Ye aims to highlight the appalling conditions in the prison and the inhumanity of the prisoners treatment. My hope is that authorities will feel reluctant to oppress the prisoners and that readers will gain courage from the stories of prisoners who struggled on with dauntless bravery and commitment despite the scale of oppression, he said. He said that for years the public in Myanmar has had little knowledge of what life is like inside the prison because there were no books that explored the topic. Writers, journalists, politicians and students were put into prison but there is no such literary genre. It is possible that they dare not write about it, or that they wrote about it but the stories didnt reach the public. I hope that as censorship rules change, more such books will appear and raise public awareness, he said.

Musician group to hold election

By Nuam Bawi THE Myanmar Music Association (MMA) has formed a commission to prepare for an election in July to choose a new executive board, association officials said last week. The 60-year-old association consists of five divisions: historical traditional music, modern traditional music, contemporary music, production and technical work. The new commission consists of Bogalay Tint Aung, U Min Naung and U Maung Maung Lay, as well as 12 others selected by association members during meetings held from May 29 to 31. Members represent all five divisions of the association, and include Kyi Min Thein, Kyaw Min, Nyi Nyi, Thu Khamein Hlaing, R Khaing, Khin Maung Htoo, Anaga, Leonard Maung Maung Lwin and Chan Aye Win. At a press conference held at MMA headquarters in Tarme township on May 25, association secretary Ko Ko Lwin said commission members could not be members of the current executive board and were ineligible to run in the election in July. This is the time to change and restructure the executive board, just like the Myanmar Motion Picture Organisation did in March. This will bring many positive changes to the music industry, he said. Ko Ko Lwin he said the current executive board was formed in 2005. We saw many changes during the tenure of the previous executive board as well as since we took over in 2005. Weve seen developments like the emergence of the karaoke trend and the growth of broadcast media, which have been very helpful for the music industry, he said. Likewise, I believe we will see positive changes during the working period of the next executive team. Singer Si Thu Lwin, who will not participate as a candidate in July, told The Myanmar Times that he was happy about the upcoming election. I believe this election will bring in more people who can really work for the good of the music industry. I also believe that if older and younger people participate together, they can cooperate more effectively for the benefit of the music industry, he said. The current executive board consists of 53 members representing all five divisions of the association. The new board will have 50 members.

U Saw Wai. Pic: Myanmar Times Archive

Singers start two-week tour of Kachin State

By May Sandy A GROUP of Kachin singers from across Myanmar kicked off a two-week tour of Kachin State with a concert in Man Crane village, Myitkyina township, on May 29, with the aim of providing donations and entertainment for local residents affected by ongoing conflicts in the region. The tour, which will visit 13 villages, is the third in a series of trips conducted to the region since March by Kachin singers under the name The Power of Heart. The teams organiser, U Phaw Lar Kam Phan, said at a press briefing at Jingpaw Myay restaurant in Yangon on May 29 that the tours were aimed at benefiting residents in areas where fighting has continued between government and Kachin troops since breaking out in June 2011, despite ongoing attempts to reach a peace agreement. We recorded Kachin songs when we were 20 years old, and at the time the highlanders in Kachin State supported our efforts. They were young at the time, but now theyre in their 50s or older and theyre being displaced, so we want to give concerts to help ease their suffering, U Phaw Lar Kam Phan said. He said the concert tours were titled The Power of Heart because of the capacity for people to feel intense sorrow and happiness in their hearts. Another organiser, Daw Lasee Bauk Nu, said the second tour had occurred from April 29 to May 7 and had visited 18 villages near the border with China. During the tour we saw that the refugee camps were mostly filled with children and women who needed nutritious food and medicine. In the camp at the China border, they had trouble getting water, both for drinking and for domestic use, she said. She said the group handed over K15 million to the supervisor of the camp, with much of the money coming from residents from nearby villages and towns who had come to see the concert. Daw Lasee Bauk Nu added that the group uses its own money to travel, without support from other organisations. We d l i k e t o a l s o cooperate with well-known celebrities but we didnt call them because they are busy and transportation is rough. But we would always welcome them if they would like to join us. And anyone can contact us if they would like to donate medicine and other supplies, she said, adding that future tours will also be planned. Donors can contact U Phaw Lar Kam Phan on 09-642-2480 or Daw Lasee Bauk Nu on 09515-5389. Translated by Thiri Min Htun


timeout 3
June 4 - 10, 2012

MyanMar tiMes

China banks on monkey power in new movies

By Mathew Scott HONG KONG Generations of Chinese grew up under the spell cast by Wu Chengens Journey to the West, the 16th century adventure epic that is the subject of two major upcoming film adaptations. Hopes are that the tale will continue to leave audiences spellbound, with shooting now wrapped on actor and director Stephen Chows version of the tale and another starring Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon star Chow Yun-fat. Lauded as one of Chinas Four Great Classical Novels, it has inspired operas, including one penned by acclaimed British rocker Damon Albarn, a string of cinema hits dating back to the 1940s and a popular online game. Journey to the West is a story full of imagination, Chow said. The plot is beyond any other fantasy, added the Hong Kong-based star, who is one of Chinas biggest box office draws with films including Shaolin Soccer (2001) and Kung Fu Hustle (2004). As Chinas rapidly expanding film industry continues to break new commercial ground, Chinese filmmakers are increasingly looking to literary adaptations for their inspiration with Journey to the West a time-honoured favourite. Chow is putting final touches to his 110 million yuan (US$ 1 7 .3 million ) adaptation, whose working title is Journey to the West and stars Chinese actors Wen Zhang and Shu Qi. It will be the third time he has used it as source material for a film. It will come up against another version featuring heavyweights Chow Yun-fat and Donnie Yen in the Soi Cheang-directed 3D epic The Monkey King, costing an estimated 400 million yuan and which is also in postproduction. Chows fascination with the ancient text was first fuelled 30 years ago when he watched a grainy, black-andwhite Cantonese film version of the tale in his local cinema house. I think the reason it is still relevant nowadays and people still find it attractive is all down to its imagination. Until now I still dont see it being surpassed. It is the sheer scale of the source material available in the original text that has Chow returning to those pages once again. The story is so creative. Yet it is so orderly arranged and structured. On the one hand the creative process is just as free as a bird but on the other hand the framework of the story is very well organized. This is very unique. The story is based on the legend of the monk Xuanzangs journey to India during the Tang Dynasty (618-907) to retrieve sacred texts. The monk is ordered on this quest towards spiritual enlightenment by Buddha and is placed under the protection of three disciples

A still image from director Ho Meng-huas 1966 classic Monkey Goes West. Pic: AFP/Celestial Pictures Sun Wukong (the Monkey King), Zhu Bajie (the pig), and Sha Wujing (the water buffalo) who are making up for past sins as well as a dragon prince who comes in the form of a horse. The story first started to appear on the big screen in the 1940s and has since been used as the basis for such hits as Monkey Goes West (1966) and the Jet Li-starring The Forbidden Kingdom (2008) as well as Chows own A Chinese Odyssey parts one and two (1994). It has also been retold in a number of television productions most notably the Japanese series Saiyuki from the 1970s, which was then dubbed and screened around the world. More recently the tale was the basis of the acclaimed opera Monkey: Journey to the West, put together by Blur and Gorillaz frontman Damon Albarn and Chinese stage director Chen Shizheng. It has also surfaced in the Nickelodeon multiplayer game Monkey Quest, which the company last month claimed was the fastestgrowing virtual world for kids with 10 million registered users in its first year. Kat Yeung, distribution executive at Filmko Films which is co-producing rival movie The Monkey King along with Mandarin Films, believes the lessons learned along the way by those characters still resonate centuries on. She says her company is putting a very modern spin on how the tale is told. 3D technology can show the Journey to the West like it has never been seen before, she said. We want to take this story international, not only to Chinese territories, and we think The Monkey King will be just the first episode. There are lots of chapters in the books with independent stories that can be told. Both productions are underway at a time when China is cementing its status as a cinema powerhouse. Box office takings surged 30 percent on-year in 2011, eclipsing those in North America. Beijing-based group Wanda is set to become the worlds biggest cinema operator by sales with its $2.6 billion purchase of US firm AMC Entertainment. With the governmentenforced quota of just 20 international films allowed in for screening each year still in place, its an industry in need of productions and ideas, with Journey to the West seen as rich source for inspiration. Hong Kong-based film critic and historian Paul Fonoroff also believes its enduring success comes down to its universal themes. I t s a t a l e t h a t h a s something for everybody: f a n t a s y, a d v e n t u r e , cartoonish characters for the kids, an allegorical subtext for the adults, underlying themes of Buddhist enlightenment for the more spiritually inclined, and plenty of sex or at least sexual innuendo, depending on how the filmmakers want to play it, he explained. T h e s t o r y s t h e m e s are timeless and have a resonance regardless of ones cultural background think Wizard of Oz multiplied 1000 times. And with characters like a monkey, pig, a dragon, its not only loads of fun but equally important for 21st century filmmakers its a synergistic marketing dream. Both Journey to the West and The Monkey King are scheduled for release in 2013. AFP

Lone wolf Myanmar director has story to tell at Cannes

By Jerome Cartillier CANNES, France A sole filmmaker from Myanmar hit the Cannes Film Festival last month in search of funds to capture on camera the spirit of a country undergoing a dramatic transformation. Midi Z, who describes himself as his countrys only real filmmaker, said he was searching for potential European co-producers to help him realise his vision. People in France are curious about new cinema, in Asia they are curious about commercial cinema, said the 30-year-old, describing the challenge of getting movies made with help from closer to home. People are curious about Burma, he said, referring to his countrys official name until 1989. None of them has seen any Burmese film. But as an artist, I do not want them to just consider the country, I want them to take into account the project, the movie. He said the budget for his first current film, Lian-Qing, a Burmese Girl, about his main characters attempt to enter neighbouring Thailand in search of a better life, is around US$814,000. More than 3000 reporters, nearly 5000 producers and a similar number of distributors descended on the French Riviera town for the festival presenting a once-in-alifetime opportunity for Midi Z. Based now in Taiwan, the director returns frequently to Myanmar to film or scout locations. Midi Z said he would love to work from Myanmar but that conditions are still too trying to produce ambitious films, even for a native son. Its very difficult. Transportation is very rough, he said, relaxing in the Mediterranean sun in a t-shirt. If you are a foreign filmmaker and came to my country for filmmaking, first you would want to solve the problem for equipment. In Burma, there is no equipment, there is no technicians. In my hometown Lashio, its very difficult to have access even to your emails. Midi Z left home at the age of 16 to study Chinese in Taiwan. After, I returned back to Burma and in 2008 I shot a short film in Burma and sent it to Taiwan, he said. And Taiwans very famous director Ang Lee liked my short film and chose me as student for a famous short term academy in Taipei [at the] Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival. His first full-length film, Return to Burma, was shot in 2010 with the infinitesimal budget of $3000 and Midi Z served as cameraman, producer, screenwriter, editor and sound designer. It was premiered in Fusan competition where I met Luc Besson, he said, referring to the internationally renowned French director of The Fifth Element. Journalists compared the two, Luc Besson with his very high budget film with a famous star and a global issue, and mine with very low budget, about the reality of young people leaving Burma during the countrys first elections 16 years ago, he said with pride. Besson was presenting his biopic The Lady starring Malaysian superstar Michelle Yeoh as Myanmar democracy icon Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. Now 66, Daw Suu Kyi was released in November 2010, just days after another controversial election won by the militarys political allies. But since then U Thein Sein, a former general, has won international praise for releasing hundreds of political prisoners and welcoming Daw Suu Kyi and her party back into mainstream politics as part of a broader reform drive. Midi Z said the new openness applied to filmmakers too. My first feature film was totally shot in Burma. I used small cameras, he said. In crowded places I had to hide my camera to avoid problems. Before 2011, holding a camera could be considered political action. Especially if you bring a big camera, the police would come all the time. This has changed. He was fishing for partners at Cannes with a group of 10 ambitious directors from Madagascar, Rwanda, Iran and Chile invited to the festivals world cinema pavilion. Midi Z is hopeful that the new curiosity about his country will translate to the screen, with his story he says is crucial to understanding Myanmar. There are more than three million illegal Burmese workers in Thailand, he said. Most of my friends, when I was a child, became illegal immigrants in Thailand. I got many stories from them and as an artist we always explore ourselves first. AFP

June 4 - 10, 2012
Chatrium Hotel 15th Anniversary Staff Party

MyanMar tiMes


Rachel and April Ko Buddy

Mr Bhonbhichai Bhitakburi

Ma May Myat Mon Win, Ko Kyaw Ko and Ma Moe Thandar Win

EARLY monsoon rain could not deter Socialite from making her appointed rounds in Yangon, starting on May 23 with the 17th anniversary party for Pa Lote Toat kids journal, which also included an exhibition of artwork by children, at the downtown YMCA. Afterward she stopped by The Face Shop Top Girl Contest at Traders Hotel to cheer on all the beautiful participants. The next day Socialite attended a lucky draw event at Wai Yan Electronics Centre on Bo Aung Kyaw Road, while the main event on May 25 was the Mitsubishi Product Show 2012 at Traders Hotel. Socialite was out again the very next day, with a schedule that included the CanMake Cosmetics product launch and counter opening ceremony at Junction Square, as well as Chatrium Hotels 15th annual staff party. She ended the week at the MCC Kids 2012 graduation ceremony at the Myanmar Convention Centre on May 27.

CanMake Cosmetics Counter Grand Opening

Ma Shwe Yi Win and Thinzar Myat Mon

Ko Aung Khine Lin

Mitsubishi Product Show 2012

Ko Bo Bo Kyaw

Su Nandar Aung Zin Zin Zaw Myint

M Seng Lu Nan Thu Zar Arial Thu Ta Ma Nilar Mr Leong Thian Fong

The Face Shop Top Girl Contest 2012

Mr Michael Qiu

U Saw Aung

Thinzar Nwe Win

Mr Yvonne Toh wei Lin Mr Chan Hwa Hock Ma Ei Ei Paing

Mr Elvin Koh

Top Girl winner San Thit La

Han Thi Contestant

Chan Me Me Ko Kham Ei Ei Mon Participants Nan Myat Phyo Thin

Thandar Hlaing and child


June 4 - 10, 2012
Wai Yan Electronics Centre Lucky Draw

MyanMar tiMes

MCC Kids 2012 Graduation Ceremony

Ko Thwin Ko Latt, Ko Kyaw Win Htun and Ko Tin Htun Aung Daw Chaw Chaw Khin Ma Lwin Lwin Mya, Ma Shwe Zin Oo and Ma Thi Thi Hla

Choosing a winner

U Nyein Oo and Captain Jerzy W Wilk

Pa Lote Toat Journals 17th Anniversary and Art Show

Staff members

Mg Myat Khong, Ko Tin Min Latt and Mg Aung Thi

Ko Zaw Win, Ko Tin Min Latt and Ko Oakkar Kyaw

Daw Thin Thin Kyi, U Aye Than, Ma Su Nandar Zaw Win and U Khin Zaw Win

Ma Chaw Kay Khaing, Daw Hla Myat Thidar, Ma Thin Nandar Soe and Ma Su Pone Chit

Ma Nu Nuu Mai, Ma Sandar Htun and Ma Nway Nway

June 4 - 10, 2012

MyanMar tiMes

Petra faces preservation struggle

By Christine DellAmore WEVE been hiking a narrow canyon for nearly half an hour, hemmed in by huge sunset-colored cliffs, and the suspense is killing me. Wheres Petra? Its becoming clear why it was lost for so long, quips one of my fellow travellers to the ancient Middle Eastern city. Finally, rounding a hulk of rock, I spot a sliver of Petras most famous monument, al-Khazneh, or the Treasury. The twostory facade with its Greekinspired columns is the first thing you see when you reach the end of the canyon, or Siq. Film buffs know it as the temple where Harrison Ford found the Holy Grail in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Ever since Id watched Indy gallop away from the striking rock-carved edifice, Id wanted to see it with my own eyes. And what better year than 2012, the 200th anniversary of Swiss explorer Johann Ludwig Burckhardts rediscovery of Petra in 1812? I had two days in the city and I intended to take advantage of every second. In real life, Petra Greek for rock was the religious capital of the Nabateans, an ancient civilisation that once ruled much of what is now Jordan. These wealthy spice traders built Petra as a massive complex of monuments, tombs and marketplaces beginning around the 6th century BCE. In its heyday, Petra served as a global crossroads, a place where camel caravans laden with frankincense and other goods stopped to hawk their wares. Walking down Petras main path, I entered a more open mountainous area dotted with large caves, which housed most of Petras five Bedouin tribes as recently as 1985. Thats when Petra became a UNESCO World Heritage site, and many Bedouins had to move to a small government-built village overlooking Petra called Umm Sayhoun. Some resisted, though, and still live in Petras caves. Perched on higher cliffs snap their pictures, which shell then send to the park authorities and use in advocacy presentations. Its not the tourist, she said. Its what you allow them to do. The Petra authority, with the help of the US National Park Service, has already trained 80 park rangers to monitor tourists. But I realised that I hadnt seen a single one. I asked Akrawi what they do. Drink tea? she replied dryly. Smoke cigarettes? I also asked her what she thought of the changes coming to Petra. Shes concerned about the environmental impact of wiring solar power into the site and about whether the new power source will lead to more night-time events that could further stress it. She also seemed dubious about the environmentally friendly shuttle, especially because the Petra National Trust has not yet received details of the fuels composition. We are not relaxed about it, she said. Some Bedouins also seemed less than thrilled. Ali Muhammed Ali, who manages Petras horse operations, said that shuttling tourists out the back road might hurt his business. Its not good for us, because I like tourists to go to the end of the Monastery and the High Place of Sacrifice two of the more remote monuments and come back the same way to enjoy much, and spend much money, Ali said. After parting with Akrawi, I charged up the strenuous trail to the High Place of Sacrifice, an open-air altar where the Nabateans ritually slaughtered animals. Pausing near the top, I turned to take in the whopping scale of Petra laid out before me a panoply of tombs, monuments and carvings scattered throughout the red cliffs as far as the eye could see. Hijazeen had told me that the main spine takes a tourist through just 5pc of Petras 101 square miles, and from here, that was clear as day. Dusty and exhausted as I was, I couldnt leave just yet. I made my way back to the Treasury and plopped down to watch the camel riders tend to their animals. As the light faded, I thought about the people Id met who still find wonder in Petra, even those whove lived there their whole lives. Its stunning, you know. Im always looking at whats wrong, but look at it, Akrawi had said. Hijazeen had spoken of a good energy about Petra. And donkey rider Khaldoun Haroun, whom Id met on a hike, had told me, When I go outside Petra, I miss it. I realised that the thread that unites the people of Petra the Bedouins, the tour guides, the government officials is their fondness for the site, an affection that, despite their differences, is firmly set in stone. The Washington Post

Air Bagan Ltd.(W9)

56, Shwe Taung Gyar Street, Bahan Tsp, Yangon. Tel : 513322, 513422, 504888, Fax : 515102 Air Asia (FD) 33, Alan Pya Pagoda Rd, Ground Flr, Parkroyal Hotel, Yangon. Tel: 251 885, 251 886.

Air China (CA)

Building (2), corner of Pyay Rd and Kaba Aye Pagoda Rd, Hotel Yangon, 8 miles, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel : 666112, 655882.

Bangkok Airways (PG)

Yangon. Tel: 255122, 255 265, Fax: 255119

#0305, 3rd Fl, Sakura Tower, 339, Bogyoke Aung San Rd, Kyauktada Tsp,

Air India

75, Shwe Bon Thar St, Pabedan Tsp, Yangon. Tel : 253597~98, 254758. Fax: 248175

The trail to the High Place of Sacrifice, an open-air altar where the Nabateans ritually slaughtered animals, provides a broad view of the tombs, monuments and carvings scattered throughout Petras red cliffs. Pic: Christine DellAmore/The Washington Post around me were arched entryways leading to the elegantly carved, highcolumned royal tombs. Bedouins trotted by, trying to sell me donkey, camel and horse-carriage rides, shouting such phrases as Nice experience in a Bedouin Ferrari? Although Petra retains much of its huckster spirit, its preservation is on shakier ground. The Nabateans carved Petra out of sandstone, a soft rock thats easily damaged by wind, rain, earthquakes and flash floods. Many of the monuments most exposed to the elements, such as the Royal Tombs, are already highly degraded. The civilizations ingenious hydrology system, which diverted the floodwaters that regularly gush through the Siq, has fallen into disrepair. On top of that, the thousands of people who live and work in and visit Petra daily put enormous pressure on the site. In 2007, a global poll named Petra one of the new seven wonders of the world, sparking a fresh influx of tourists, who now number about 2500 a day many of them unaware of park protocols. Locals have also denuded parts of the site: Children sometimes break off pieces of coloured rock to sell to tourists, or climb on fragile monuments and into religious niches. Whats more, the Bedouins beasts of burden erode the stone steps and paths, leave waste that damages the sandstone and overgraze the parks vegetation. This is our dilemma: how to balance between the benefits of locals, providing a memorable experience for our tourists and protecting the site, said Emad Hijazeen, commissioner of the Petra Archaeological Park. We were having Turkish coffee at his office up the hill from Petras main entrance. Frankly speaking, its a hard job. The Petra Development and Tourism Regional Authority, which oversees the Petra region and the archaeological park, already contributes 10 percent of each entrance fee (50 dinars, or about US$70) to the conservation of Petras monuments. But the authority wants to go beyond that: Its in the midst of a new conservation and tourism plan that will drastically shift how Petra functions. Part of the new vision is a shuttle bus powered by clean gasoline that will ferry tourists out of the park via a winding road near the end of the main spine, where most people finish their visit to Petra. If approved by UNESCO, the bus system will give weary tourists a lift while also reducing the impact of thousands of people retracing their route back through the Siq, currently the only way in and out of Petra, Hijazeen said. Also in the works is a Mitsubishi-funded solar plant above Petra, whose power will be wired into the park to replace its many diesel-fuelled generators. A renovated visitor centre will be transformed into an interpretation centre and feature a time-based ticketing system that will stagger visitors throughout the day, thinning the crowds. I asked my guide, Danny Haddad, for his take on Petras fragility. No site is immortal, he said. He believes that the governments emphasis should be on allowing as many people as possible to see the site. After all, tomorrow if we get an earthquake, no Petra finito. Some Bedouins I met had a similar philosophy. Atallah Ali, a Bedouin jewellery seller, reminded me that its been thousands of years, and Petra is still here. Whats more, 85 percent of Petra still lies unexcavated, he said, and thus out of the reach of threats, natural or human. Aysar Akrawi, the longtime head of the preservationadvocacy group Petra National Trust, may know more about the dangers to Petra than anyone. We began a meander through the Siq, and although it was my third walk through the gorge, I saw it with new eyes. Akrawi pointed out rock dams and crossdrainage systems, Nabatean infrastructure that the Petra National Trust and its partners have helped restore. Akrawi also showed me long cracks in the canyon walls, which form when the rock absorbs rainwater, taking salt up with it. Falling boulders are a constant worry; in 2010 a boulder fell into the Siq, luckily when no one was around. There were also two major rock collapses in 2011, one in an area frequented by tourists. As for Petras unnatural threats, theyre really the human impact, and when you say human impact, youre saying tourism management, or lack of it. As if illustrating her point, we witnessed several tourists scampering on monuments off the trail, sometimes with their tour guides watching. Each time, she tried to

Myanmar Airways International(8M)

08-02, Sakura Tower, 339, Bogyoke Aung San Rd, Kyauktada Tsp, Ygn. Tel : 255260, Fax: 255305

Malaysia Airlines (MH)

335/357, Bogyoke Aung San Rd, Pabedan Tsp, Yangon. Tel : 387648, 241007 ext : 120, 121, 122 Fax : 241124 339, Bogyoke Aung San Rd, 2nd Floor, Sakura Tower, Kyauktada Tsp, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: 255 287~9 , Fax: 255 290

Silk Air(MI)

Thai Airways (TG)

#11-01, Sakura Tower, 339, Bogyoke Aung San Rd, Kyauktada Tsp, Ygn. Tel : 255499 Fax : 255490

Vietnam Airlines (VN)

#1702, Sakura Tower 339, Bogyoke Aung San Rd, Kyauktada Tsp, Yangon. Fax 255086. Tel 255066/ 255088/ 255068.

Domestic Airlines
Yangon Airways(YH)

166, MMB Tower, Level 5, Upper Pansodan Rd, Mingalar Taungnyunt Tsp, Yangon. Tel: (+95-1) 383 100, 383 107, 700 264, Fax: 652 533.

Air Bagan Ltd.(W9)

Tourism Myanmar Update

Exotissimo relocates Exotissimo Travel Co, Ltd (Myanmar) has moved its office to MMB Tower, 12th Floor, No 166 Upper Pansodan Street, Mingalar Taung Nyunt township, Yangon, and can be contacted by phone at 01-377-801~08 and 383-181~2. Aureum appointment Mr Russell Blagg, a seasoned business professional, has been appointed chief operations officer of Aureum Palace Hotels & Resorts, Myanmar Treasure Resorts and Kandawgyi Palace Hotel. Originally from London, Mr Blagg brings to Myanmar a wealth of international experience in hotel and resort development, as well as in operations management in the hospitality industry in Asia and Europe.

56, Shwe Taung Gyar Street, Bahan Tsp, Yangon. Tel : 513322, 513422, 504888, Fax : 515102


33-49,Corner of Bank Street & Maha Bandoola Garden Street, Kyauktada Tsp,Yangon, Myanmar Tel: 372977~80, 533030~39 (Airport) Fax: 372983

Air Mandalay (6T)

146, Dhamazedi Road, Bahan Tsp, Yangon Tel : 501520, 525488 (Head Office) 720309, 652753, 652754 (Airport Office), Fax: 525 937

The Myanmar Marketing Committee (MMC), the marketing arm of Myanmar Tourism Promotion Board, aims to market and promote Myanmar as a destination to develop the Myanmar tourism industry. For more information please visit our websites www.tourism-myanmar.com or www.tourismmyanmar.org or contact Winnie at Traders Hotel, Level 3, Business Center, No 223 Sule Pagoda Road, GPO Box 888, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: +951 242 828 Fax: +951 242 800 Email: [email protected]

Asian Wings (AW)

No.34(A-1), Shwe Taung Gyar Street, Bahan Township,Yangon.Myanmar. Tel: 951 516654, 532253, 09-73135991~3.Fax: 951 532333


June 4 - 10, 2012

MyanMar tiMes


DAYS Flight
MON AW 891 6T 405 AW 911 6T 401 K7 222 W9 011 6T 801 AW 761 6T 351 K7 824 AW 791 K7 224 6T 501 K7 228 YH 909 6T 405 AW 891 AW 901 W9 251 6T 401 6T 801 YH 729 AW 761 K7 622 K7 224 6T 501 AW 891 AW 911 6T 401 6T 331 K7 222 6T 801 AW 751 YH 737 K7 824 K7 622 W9 261 AW 791 YH 731 6T 501 YH 909 AW 891 AW 901 6T 401 W9 255 6T 331 YH 729 AW 201 K7 226 K7 224 6T 501 YH 731 AW 891 W9 251 6T 401 YH 917 6T 331 K7 222 AW 751 AW 211 K7 824 6T 501 YH 731 W9 271 6T 403 YH 909 AW 891 AW 911 6T 401 YH 729 6T 801 AW 601 K7 622 K7 224 6T 501 AW 891 YH 909 AW 891 6T 401 W9 255 K7 222 6T 801 AW 211 AW 751 K7 622 6T 501 YH 634 AW 892 6T 402 K7 223 W9 262 6T 802 W9 021 YH 728 AW 762 K7 224 6T 502 K7 825 W9 009 AW 902 AW 892 6T 402 YH 910 W9 011 YH 812 6T 802 W9 251 W9 150 AW 762 K7 224 YH 730 6T 502


DAYS Flight
MON W9 143 AW 892 YH 918 W9 011 6T 402 K7 223 AW 792 K7 225 AW 892 YH 918 W9 011 6T 402 W9 116 K7 827 K7 225 W9 143 AW 892 YH 918 6T 402 K7 223 W9 143 AW 892 YH 918 6T 402 K7 827 K7 225 W9 143 AW 892 YH 918 6T 402 K7 223 AW 911 W9 143 AW 892 YH 918 6T 402 K7 827 AW 752 K7 225 AW SPL AW 892 YH 918 W9 011 6T 402 K7 223 AW 752 W9 116 YH 738 6T 611 W9 309 6T 611 W9 309 6T 611 W9 309 6T 611 W9 309 6T 607 W9 309 K7 426 6T 611 W9 309 6T 611 W9 309 K7 426 6T 612 W9 310 6T 612 W9 310 6T 612 W9 310 6T 612 W9 310 6T 608 W9 310 K7 427 6T 612 W9 310 6T 612 K7 427 K7 319 6T 707 AW 301 K7 313 6T 707 K7 313 6T 707 K7 319 6T 707 AW 301 AW 301 K7 319 6T 707 K7 319 6T 707 K7 319 6T 707 AW 301 K7 320 6T 708 K7 314 6T 708 AW 302 K7 314 6T 708 AW 302 K7 320 6T 708 K7 320 6T 708 K7 320 6T 708 K7 320 6T 708 AW 302

06:15 06:15 06:30 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:30 11:00 11:30 12:30 14:30 15:00 15:00 06:00 06:15 06:15 06:15 06:15 06:30 06:30 08:00 11:00 11:00 13:30 15:00 15:00 06:15 06:30 06:30 07:00 07:00 10:45 11:00 11:00 12:30 13:30 13:30 14:30 15:00 15:00 06:15 06:15 06:30 06:30 06:30 07:00 10:30 11:00 13:30 15:00 15:00 15:00 06:15 06:30 06:30 06:30 07:00 07:00 11:00 11:00 12:30 15:00 15:00 06:00 06:15 06:15 06:15 06:30 06:30 10:30 10:45 11:30 13:30 15:00 15:00 16:15 06:15 06:15 06:30 06:30 07:00 08:00 11:00 11:00 13:30 15:00 08:35 08:35 08:55 09:35 10:50 13:20 14:10 16:30 16:35 16:45 17:20 18:20 08:30 08:35 08:35 08:55 09:25 09:25 13:25 13:30 13:35 16:20 16:35 16:45 17:20 17:20

08:20 08:20 07:55 08:35 09:15 08:30 09:55 12:55 12:55 13:55 15:55 16:25 17:00 07:25 07:55 08:20 08:20 08:20 07:55 08:35 09:25 12:40 12:55 14:55 16:25 17:00 08:20 07:50 08:35 08:25 09:15 12:10 12:10 13:10 13:55 14:55 14:55 16:25 17:10 17:00 07:55 08:20 08:35 08:35 08:55 08:25 13:30 12:55 14:55 16:25 17:00 17:10 08:20 07:55 08:35 08:50 08:25 09:15 12:25 12:55 13:55 17:00 17:10 07:25 07:40 07:55 08:20 07:50 07:50 13:30 12:10 12:55 14:55 16:25 17:00 08:20 08:30 08:20 08:35 08:55 09:15 09:25 12:25 12:25 14:55 17:00 10:00 10:30 10:55 11:45 12:15 14:45 15:10 17:55 18:00 20:00 19:25 19:45 09:30 10:00 10:30 10:55 10:50 11:10 14:50 14:55 15:00 17:45 18:40 20:00 18:45 19:25

DAYS Flight
WED W9 009 AW 892 6T 332 6T 402 K7 223 W9 021 6T 802 AW 792 YH 738 AW 752 6T 502 K7 825 W9 009 AW 892 6T 332 AW 902 6T 402 YH 812 W9 021 AW 202 K7 224 YH 730 6T 502 W9 009 AW 892 6T 332 YH 918 6T 402 K7 223 W9 251 AW 212 YH 731 6T 502 W9 232 YH 728 K7 825 6T 404 AW 892 6T 402 W9 011 W9 262 YH 812 6T 802 AW 602 K7 224 YH 730 6T 502 W9 009 YH 910 AW 892 6T 402 W9 011 K7 223 W9 256 YH 812 6T 802 AW 212 YH 738 6T 502 W9 143 AW 891 YH 633 6T 401 YH 917 K7 222 K7 224 W9 143 AW 901 AW 891 6T 401 YH 917 K7 224 W9 143 AW 891 6T 401 K7 222 YH 917 AW 781 AW 891 W9 009 AW 901 6T 401 YH 917 K7 224 AW 891 W9 009 6T 401 YH 917 K7 222 AW 891 6T 403 W9 009 6T 401 YH 917 6T 801 K7 224 W9 143 AW 891 YH 909 W9 009 6T 401 YH 917 K7 222 K7 222 AW 792 W9 109 YH 732 6T 502 K7 225

08:30 08:35 08:45 08:55 09:35 14:10 15:35 16:40 17:10 17:50 17:20 18:20 08:30 08:35 08:45 08:50 08:55 13:10 14:10 16:00 16:45 17:15 17:20 08:30 08:35 08:45 08:50 08:55 09:35 13:35 16:30 17:10 17:20 17:35 17:45 18:20 08:00 08:35 08:55 09:25 10:50 13:10 15:35 16:40 16:45 17:15 17:20 08:30 08:35 08:35 08:55 09:25 09:35 11:20 13:10 13:30 16:00 17:10 17:20 06:00 06:15 06:15 06:30 06:30 07:00 15:00 06:00 06:15 06:15 06:30 06:30 15:00 06:00 06:15 06:30 07:00 06:30 15:00 06:15 06:30 06:30 06:30 06:30 15:00 06:15 06:30 06:30 06:30 07:00 06:15 06:15 06:30 06:30 06:30 10:30 15:00 06:00 06:15 06:15 06:30 06:30 06:30 07:00 08:40 17:50 17:25 17:55 18:05 18:40

09:30 10:30 10:10 10:55 11:45 15:10 17:00 18:45 18:35 19:15 19:25 19:45 09:30 10:30 10:10 10:15 10:55 14:35 15:10 17:25 20:00 18:45 19:25 09:30 10:30 10:10 10:45 10:55 11:45 15:00 17:55 19:25 19:25 19:00 19:10 19:45 10:05 10:30 10:55 11:10 12:15 14:35 17:00 18:05 20:00 18:45 19:25 09:30 10:00 10:30 10:55 11:10 11:45 12:45 14:35 14:55 17:25 18:35 19:25 07:20 07:35 07:50 07:50 08:05 08:20 18:20 07:20 07:35 07:35 07:50 08:05 18:20 07:20 07:35 07:50 08:20 08:05 17:10 07:35 07:25 07:50 07:50 08:05 18:20 07:35 07:25 07:50 08:05 08:20 07:35 08:30 07:25 07:50 08:05 11:50 18:20 07:20 07:35 07:50 07:25 07:50 08:05 08:20 11:45 19:10 18:20 19:15 19:25 20:00

DAYS Flight
TUE YH 910 AW 762 W9 109 AW 792 6T 502 YH 732 K7 225 K7 222 W9 109 AW 792 YH 732 6T 502 YH 910 W9 109 YH 732 6T 502 K7 225 K7 222 W9 109 YH 732 6T 502 YH 910 6T 404 W9 109 YH 732 6T 502 K7 225 K7 222 YH 910 W9 109 YH 732 6T 502 W9 255 W9 251 K7 622 K7 622 AW 201 W9 255 W9 251 K7 622 AW 211 W9 255 K7 622 W9 256 W9 252 K7 623 K7 623 AW 202 W9 256 W9 252 K7 623 W9 256 K7 623 K7 222 W9 119 AW 761 YH 727 6T 501 YH 731 K7 224 K7 826 6T 801 W9 115 AW 761 YH 811 6T 501 YH 731 K7 224 AW 911 K7 222 W9 119 YH 737 AW 791 6T 501 YH 731 K7 826 AW 761 AW 201 YH 811 W9 109 6T 501 YH 731 K7 224 K7 222 AW 211 W9 109 6T 501 YH 731 K7 826 AW 751 W9 119 YH 811 6T 501 YH 731 K7 224 K7 222 AW SPL AW 751 W9 115 YH 811 6T 501 YH 731 YH 737

08:40 17:20 17:25 17:25 18:05 18:10 18:40 08:40 17:25 17:25 17:55 18:05 08:40 17:25 17:55 18:05 18:40 08:40 17:25 17:55 18:05 08:40 08:45 17:25 17:55 18:05 18:40 08:40 08:40 17:25 17:55 18:05 06:30 06:30 13:30 13:30 06:30 06:30 06:30 13:30 06:00 06:30 13:30 09:45 12:05 16:50 16:50 09:35 09:45 12:05 16:50 09:45 16:50 07:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 15:00 15:00 15:00 07:00 08:00 11:00 11:00 11:15 15:00 15:00 15:00 06:30 07:00 11:00 11:00 14:30 15:00 15:00 07:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 14:30 15:00 15:00 15:00 07:00 11:00 14:30 15:00 15:00 07:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 15:00 15:00 15:00 07:00 07:30 10:30 11:00 11:00 15:00 15:00 11:00

10:00 18:40 18:20 18:45 19:25 19:30 20:00 11:45 18:20 18:45 19:15 19:25 10:00 18:20 19:15 19:25 20:00 11:45 18:20 19:15 19:25 10:00 10:05 18:20 19:15 19:25 20:00 11:45 10:00 18:20 19:15 19:25 09:25 09:25 16:30 16:30 09:20 09:25 09:25 16:30 08:50 09:25 16:30 12:40 15:00 19:50 19:50 12:25 12:40 15:00 19:50 12:40 19:50 10:10 12:10 12:10 12:25 16:10 16:25 17:20 08:15 10:20 12:10 12:10 12:40 16:10 16:25 17:20 08:40 10:10 12:10 12:25 15:40 16:10 16:25 08:15 12:10 12:10 12:25 15:25 16:10 16:25 17:20 10:10 12:10 15:25 16:10 16:25 08:15 12:10 12:10 12:25 16:10 16:25 17:20 10:10 08:40 11:40 12:10 12:25 16:10 16:25 12:25

09:05 09:20 09:35 09:40 09:45 10:30 16:55 17:40 09:20 09:35 09:40 09:45 16:45 11:15 17:40 09:05 09:20 09:35 09:45 10:30 09:05 09:20 09:35 09:45 11:15 17:40 09:05 09:20 09:35 09:45 10:30 08:55 09:05 09:20 09:35 09:45 11:15 17:15 17:40 08:55 09:20 09:35 09:40 09:45 10:30 16:45 16:45 17:20 11:15 13:00 11:15 13:00 09:00 13:00 11:15 13:00 11:15 13:00 15:00 11:15 13:00 11:15 13:00 15:00 12:55 15:00 12:55 15:00 10:40 15:00 12:55 15:00 12:55 15:00 16:40 12:55 15:00 12:55 16:40 07:00 11:30 07:00 07:00 11:30 07:00 11:30 07:00 11:30 12:45 07:00 07:00 11:30 07:00 08:00 07:00 11:30 12:45 11:50 15:55 09:30 15:55 17:15 09:30 15:55 11:30 11:50 15:55 11:50 15:55 11:50 12:25 11:50 15:55 17:15

10:15 10:30 10:45 10:35 10:55 11:45 19:10 20:00 10:30 10:45 10:35 10:55 17:55 12:30 20:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 10:55 11:45 10:15 10:30 10:45 10:55 12:30 20:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 10:55 11:45 11:05 10:15 10:30 10:45 10:55 12:30 18:25 20:00 10:05 10:30 10:45 10:35 10:55 11:45 17:55 17:55 18:35 12:40 14:45 12:40 14:45 10:25 14:45 12:40 14:45 12:40 14:45 16:20 12:40 14:45 12:40 14:45 16:20 14:20 16:45 14:20 16:45 12:05 16:45 14:20 16:45 14:55 16:45 18:00 14:20 16:45 14:20 18:00 09:10 13:30 09:05 09:10 13:30 09:10 13:30 09:10 13:30 14:50 09:05 09:10 13:30 09:10 10:00 09:10 13:30 14:50 14:00 17:55 11:40 17:55 19:20 11:40 17:55 13:35 14:00 17:55 14:00 17:55 14:00 14:25 14:00 17:55 19:20

DAYS Flight
MON 8M 335 FD 3771 TG 304 PG 702 8M 331 PG 704 FD 3773 TG 306 TUE 8M 335 FD 3771 TG 304 PG 702 8M 331 PG 704 FD 3773 TG 306 WED 8M 335 FD 3771 TG 304 PG 702 8M 331 PG 704 FD 3773 TG 306 THUR 8M 335 FD 3771 TG 304 PG 702 8M 331 PG 704 FD 3773 TG 306 FRI 8M 335 FD 3771 TG 304 PG 702 8M 331 PG 704 FD 3773 TG 306 SAT 8M 335 FD 3771 TG 304 PG 702 8M 331 PG 704 FD 3773 TG 306 SUN 8M 335 FD 3771 TG 304 PG 702 8M 331 PG 704 FD 3773 TG 306

Dep Arr
07:35 09:20 08:30 10:15 09:50 11:45 10:55 12:50 16:30 18:15 16:40 18:35 17:40 19:25 19:45 21:40 07:35 09:20 08:30 10:15 09:50 11:45 10:55 12:50 16:30 18:15 16:40 18:35 17:40 19:25 19:45 21:40 07:35 09:20 08:30 10:15 09:50 11:45 10:55 12:50 16:30 18:15 16:40 18:35 17:40 19:25 19:45 21:40 07:35 09:20 08:30 10:15 09:50 11:45 10:55 12:50 16:30 18:15 16:40 18:35 17:40 19:25 19:45 21:40 07:35 09:20 08:30 10:15 09:50 11:45 10:55 12:50 16:30 18:15 16:40 18:35 17:40 19:25 19:45 21:40 07:35 09:20 08:30 10:15 09:50 11:45 10:55 12:50 16:30 18:15 16:40 18:35 17:40 19:25 19:45 21:40 07:35 09:20 08:30 10:15 09:50 11:45 10:55 12:50 16:30 18:15 16:40 18:35 17:40 19:25 19:45 21:40

DAYS Flight
SAT 8M 231 MI 511

Dep Arr
07:55 12:25 10:10 14:45

DAYS Flight
MON FD 3770 TG 303 PG 701 8M 336 PG 703 FD 3772 TG 305 8M 332 TUE FD 3770 TG 303 PG 701 8M 336 PG 703 FD 3772 TG 305 8M 332 WED FD 3770 TG 303 PG 701 8M 336 PG 703 FD 3772 TG 305 8M 332 THUR FD 3770 TG 303 PG 701 8M 336 PG 703 FD 3772 TG 305 8M 332 FRI FD 3770 TG 303 PG 701 8M 336 FD 3772 PG 703 TG 305 8M 332 SAT FD 3770 TG 303 PG 701 8M 336 PG 703 FD 3772 TG 305 8M 332 SUN FD 3770 TG 303 PG 701 8M 336 PG 703 FD 3772 TG 305 8M 332

Dep Arr
07:10 07:55 07:55 08:50 09:15 10:05 10:40 11:25 15:00 15:50 16:25 17:10 17:50 18:45 19:15 20:00 07:10 07:55 07:55 08:50 09:15 10:05 10:40 11:25 15:00 15:50 16:25 17:10 17:50 18:45 19:15 20:00 07:10 07:55 09:15 10:40 07:55 08:50 10:05 11:25

DAYS Flight
SAT MI 512

Dep Arr
07:55 09:20





8M 6231
8M 232 MI 518 MI 520 SUN MI 512 8M 232 MI 518 MI 520

09:10 10:40
13:25 14:55 14:20 15:45 15:20 16:40 07:55 09:20 13:25 14:55 14:20 15:45 15:20 16:40

8M 6232
MI 517 SUN 8M 231 MI 511

11:30 16:05
16:40 21:15 07:55 12:25 10:10 14:45



8M 233
MI 517

13:20 17:50
16:40 21:15





WED 8M 401 SAT 8M 401 08:50 11:25 08:50 11:25



8M 234

18:50 20:20


MON MH 740 8M 502 AK 850 TUE MH 740 8M 502 AK 850 WED MH 740 8M 502 AK 850 THU MH 740 AK 850 FRI MH 740 8M 502 AK 850 SAT MH 740 8M 502 AK 850 SUN MH 740 AK 850 10:05 11:15 14:00 15:00 15:40 16:45 10:05 11:15 14:00 15:00 15:40 16:45 10:05 11:15 14:00 15:00 15:40 16:45 10:05 11:15 15:40 16:45 10:05 11:15 14:00 15:00 15:40 16:45 10:05 11:15 14:00 15:00 15:40 16:45 10:05 11:15 15:40 16:45


MON 8M 501 MH 741 AK 851 TUE 8M 501 MH 741 AK 851 WED 8M 501 MH 741 AK 851 THU 8M 501 MH 741 AK 851 FRI 8M 501 MH 741 AK 851 SAT 8M 501 MH 741 AK 851 SUN MH 741 AK 851 WED CZ 3056 THUR 8M 711 SAT CZ 3056 09:00 13:00 12:15 16:30 18:50 23:05 09:00 13:00 12:15 16:30 18:50 23:05 09:00 13:00 12:15 16:30 18:50 23:05 09:00 13:00 12:15 16:30 18:50 23:05 09:00 13:00 12:15 16:30 18:50 23:05 09:00 13:00 12:15 16:30 18:50 23:05 12:15 16:30 18:50 23:05 11:20 15:50 08:40 13:15 11:20 15:50 08:40 13:15










15:00 15:50 16:25 17:10 17:50 18:45 19:15 20:00 07:10 07:55 09:15 10:40 07:55 08:50 10:05 11:25





15:00 15:50 16:25 17:10 17:50 18:45 19:15 20:00 07:10 07:55 09:15 10:40 07:55 08:50 10:05 11:25



WED CZ 3055 THUR 8M 712 SAT CZ 3055 08:50 10:30 14:15 15:50 08:50 10:30 14:15 15:50





16:25 17:10 15:00 15:50 17:50 18:45 19:15 20:00 07:10 07:55 09:15 10:40 07:55 08:50 10:05 11:25


SUN 8M 711

SUN 8M 712


MON CI 7916 WED CI 7916 FRI CI 7916 14:00 19:25 14:00 19:25 14:00 19:25

MON CI 7915 WED CI 7915 FRI CI 7915 09:55 12:45 09:55 12:45 09:55 12:45





TUE CA 906 14:15 17:35 14:15 17:35 14:15 17:35 14:15 17:35 14:15 17:35

15:00 15:50 16:25 17:10 17:50 18:45 19:15 20:00 07:10 07:55 09:15 10:40 07:55 08:50 10:05 11:25

TUE CA 905 12:35 13:15 12:35 13:15 12:35 13:15 12:35 13:15 12:35 13:15



WED CA 906 THUR CA 906 SAT SUN CA 906 CA 906

WED CA 905 THUR CA 905 SAT SUN CA 905 CA 905





15:00 15:50 16:25 17:10 17:50 18:45 19:15 20:00

Mon FRI IC734 IC734 13:30 16:40 13:30 16:40

Mon FRI IC733 IC728 10:00 14:55 15:50 16:40





THUR W9 9607 SUN W9 9607 12:00 13:30 12:00 13:30

MON MI 512 07:55 09:20


THUR W9 9608 SUN W9 9608 14:30 15:00 14:30 15:00


MON 8M 231 MI 511 07:55 12:25 10:10 14:45




8M 6232
MI 517 TUE 8M 231 MI 511

11:30 16:05
16:40 21:15 07:55 12:25 10:10 14:45

MON VN 956 WED VN 956 FRI SAT VN 956 VN 956 19:10 21:30 19:10 21:30 19:10 21:30 19:10 21:30

8M 6231 8M 232 MI 518

TUE MI 512 8M 232 MI 518

09:10 10:40 13:25 14:55 14:20 15:45

07:55 09:20 13:25 14:55 14:20 15:45

MON VN 957 WED VN 957 FRI SAT VN 957 VN 957 16:35 18:10 16:35 18:10 16:35 18:10 16:35 18:10





8M 233
MI 517 WED 8M 231 MI 511

13:20 17:50
16:40 21:15 07:55 12:25 10:10 14:45

8M 234
WED MI 512

18:50 20:20
07:55 09:20

8M 6231
8M 232 MI 518 THUR MI 512 8M 232 MI 518 MI 520

09:10 10:40
13:25 14:55 14:20 15:45 07:55 09:20 13:25 14:55 14:20 15:45 15:20 16:40

6T = Air Mandalay W9 = Air Bagan AW = Asian Wings K7 = AIR KBZ YH = Yangon Airways FD & AK = Air Asia TG = Thai Airways

8M = Myanmar Airways International PG = Bangkok Airways MI = Silk Air VN = Vietnam Airline MH = Malaysia Airlines CZ = China Southern CI = China Airlines CA = Air China IC = Indian Airlines Limited W9 = Air Bagan 3K = Jet Star



TUE VN 942 14:25 17:10 14:25 17:10 14:25 17:10


TUE VN 943 11:40 13:25 11:40 13:25 11:40 13:25

8M 6232
MI 517 THUR 8M 231 MI 511

11:30 16:05
16:40 21:15 07:55 12:25 10:10 14:45

THUR VN 942 SUN VN 942

THUR VN 943 SUN VN 943



WED 8M 401 SAT 8M 401 15:15 17:40 15:15 17:40 FRI


WED 8M 402 SAT 8M 402 18:40 20:05 18:40 20:05

8M 233
MI 517 FRI 8M 231 MI 511

13:20 17:50
16:40 21:15 07:55 12:25 10:10 14:45

8M 234
MI 512

18:50 20:20
07:55 09:20

Subject to change without notice


WED 8M 601 SAT 8M 601 09:00 10:30 09:00 10:30

8M 6231
8M 232 MI 518 MI 520

09:10 10:40
13:25 14:55 14:20 15:45 15:20 16:40

WED 8M 602 SAT 8M 602 11:30 15:00 11:30 15:00

8M 6232
MI 517

11:30 16:05
16:40 21:15

tea Break
June 4 - 10, 2012

MyanMar tiMes

Asias main wine expo held in Hong Kong

By Stephen Coates HONG KONG Asias biggest wine and spirits fair was held in Hong Kong from May 28-30, giving the worlds top producers from France to Argentina a chance to tap the booming but still relatively new Chinese market. Organisers of the three-day Vinexpo Asia-Pacific trade fair expect demand for imported wine to weather the slowdown in Chinese economic growth, forecast to fall to 7.5 percent this year from 9.2pc in 2011. A deep dip in prices of Bordeauxs most prestigious, investment-grade wines last year suggests the Chinesedriven speculative bubble may have burst, but the market for more modest mid-range wines will open up, they said. If the economy reduces speed they will not drink less. They might drink a little cheaper, but they wont stop now that they have discovered wine, Vinexpo chief executive Robert Beynat said. China is the worlds biggest drinker of spirits, with 995 million cases guzzled in 2010 almost double the volume consumed in 2006, according to Vinexpo. The average mainland Chinese drinker still only consumes 1.3 litres (0.34 US gallons) of wine a year, compared with 2.4 litres in Japan and 50 litres in France. In terms of consumption volume in Asia, its grown

By Astrologer Aung Myin Kyaw Aquarius Jan 20 - Feb 18
You posses an inventive mentality with talent and skill in thinking for yourself. As a true individualist with your own ideas, you can pursue your goals on your own terms. Uphold the principle of love and the humanitarian desire to share with those around you. Everything will change for the better, and you will be lost in happiness.


Your chief characteristic is your ability to detach yourself from your environment and your own physical needs. Pay attention to close friends who might be pursuing goals that will make it tougher for you to achieve your own ambitions, but understand that their actions are not meant as a personal attack. Now is not the time to show your disappointment in others in your social circle.

Feb 19 - Mar 20


You will soon find yourself in radically different personal circumstances than at present, and you will also become more speculative and risktaking than usual. Be careful about what you say, and dont interfere in the personal affairs of others. Despite often having different thoughts and ideas than your beloved, you are extremely compatible at a deeper, more spiritual level.

March 21 - April 19

Taurus A Sri Lankan visitor tastes wine from Chile during the Vinexpo Asia-Pacific trade fair in Hong Kong on May 29. Pic: AFP 100pc in the past five years. When you look at the percapita consumption, theres a bright future, Beynat said. Around 1000 exhibitors attended Vinexpo at Hong Kongs harbourside convention centre, the organisers said. China leapt to fifth place of top wine consuming nations last year, overtaking Britain, and Asia is expected to account for more than half of worldwide growth in consumption over the next three years. French wines account for around 45pc of Chinese imports in terms of value, but other producers from Italy and the new world, particularly Australia and New Zealand, are staking claims to market share. Thomas Jullien, the Bordeaux Wine Councils Asia representative, who is based in the city, said producers from his region in France will be strongly represented. After six years of steep growth, the China wine market has firmly positioned itself as the main export market for Bordeaux wines, he said. Mainland Chinese customers bought 58 million bottles of Bordeaux wines worth US$420 million last year, a 91pc increase over the year before, he added. Australian and New Zealand producers are also coming to Vinexpo in force, with an Australian pavilion expected to be one of the highlights. Asia continues to be an outstanding region for Australian winemakers, now representing approximately 20pc of total value of exports globally, Wine Australias Asia director Lucy Anderson said. China and Hong Kong represent the third-largest export market for Australian wine by value, at more than A268 million (US$262 million), according to official figures. Exports of Australian wine valued at more than A$10 per bottle to mainland China leapt 62pc over the past 12 months to 3.65 million litres. AFP

You will be determined, self-indulgent and resistant to change according to your nature whenever someone else tries to force you to change direction. Wanting all the comforts of life, you will be ready to apply yourself to get them and you will not allow anyone to stand in your way. Now is not the time to use logic to scrutinise your love life.

April 20 - May 20


As you move forward with your plans and make new acquaintances, be sure to stay mentally alert and versatile in your interests. Also, maintain the self-discipline necessary to thoroughly research the areas in which you will be working. Spend less time talking and more time doing. Use your oratory skills to inspire others, and keep your mind clear when looking for love.

May 21 - June 20


Your have a tenacious memory, especially when it comes to recollecting the finer details about everyone who has ever wronged you. However, it would be beneficial to put your minds power to use in more positive directions. By doing so, you will move a few steps closer to making your hopes and beautiful dreams reality, and new opportunities will arise with help from the influence of planet Jupiter.

June 22 - July 22


Asking for truth in wine advertising

By Dave McIntyre ALONG with a sense of humour, wine should have integrity. Bonny Doon has both. On the back label of its 2011 Vin Gris de Cigare, right under the winerys address Santa Cruz, CA, USA, EARTH I found this description: Ingredients: 73 percent Grenache, 10pc Mourvedre, 8pc Grenache Blanc, 5pc Roussanne, 4pc Cinsault grapes, tartaric acid, and sulfur dioxide. In the winemaking process, the following were utilised: Indigenous yeast, yeast nutrients, and bentonite. Many wine bottles tell us their grape blends, but this one unlike most others tells us what else has been added to create the final product. Wines dirty little secret is that it isnt just fermented grape juice. It might include added sugar, tartaric acid, various yeasts and yeast nutrients, colour enhancers, gum arabic, gelatin, egg whites, fish bladders (isinglass) and any of a long list of other additives allowed by the United States federal government but not required to be listed on the wine label. That colour and mouth feel you love, even the flavour, might come not from grapes, but from a jar. As Americans drink more wine, cheap wine has increased in quality, but that improvement has come through chemistry as much as through viticulture. Great wine may be made in the vineyard, but good wine increasingly is made in the laboratory. Todays winemakers are as likely to wear white lab coats as they are tattered overalls and muddy boots. Not all of the additives that are used end up in the wine we buy in stores and consume at home; hence the Bonny Doon labels utilised-inthe-winemaking-process distinction. Bentonite, for example, is essentially clay, used to rid wine of impurities. Egg whites and isinglass perform much the same function; their use might be relevant to consumers who do not want to consume animal products. Why not disclose their use on wine labels? Randall Grahm Bonny Doons founder, eminence grise and James Beard Award-winning author of Been Doon So Long started listing ingredients and additives with his 2007 vintage. He had recently sold off his mass-market Big House brand of wines and converted all of his vineyards to biodynamic viticulture, an extreme organic style of farming. Listing ingredients on his labels, Grahm says, was a means of emphasising his new dedication to noninterventionist winemaking. What customers dont get is that the style of a wine, especially in the New World, can largely be driven by fairly intrusive stylistic practices: the use of oak chips, enzymes, selected yeasts, etc, Grahm wrote in an e-mail. As a consumer, I really do want to know if the depth of colour is something that comes from the grapes nominally represented on the label or from Mega-Purple, a colour additive widely used in red wines. I do want to know if my wine was treated with DMPC [dimethyl pyrocarbonate] before bottling to kill every last yeast cell inside. Grahm did not start a trend. David Page, co-proprietor of Shinn Estate Winery on Long Island, New York, started listing ingredients on his labels in 2008, but few others, if any, have followed suit. Most people do not know that wine is an agricultural product that can be manipulated almost at will, Page says. To some degree, this manipulation has resulted in wines that are better quality than they used to be. There are many more wines on the market today that are drinkable than just 20 or 30 years ago, because flaws can be hidden by chemistry. Like Bonny Doon, Shinn practices biodynamic farming, and its customers appreciate the transparency of ingredient labelling, Page says. The US Treasury Departments Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, which regulates wine labelling, in 2006 proposed requiring allergens to be listed on the labels. The idea was vociferously opposed by the wine industry, primarily because of cost, says Michael Kaiser, communications director for WineAmerica, a national winery trade association. Allergen labelling would require a winery to have several different labels made for each product, because they might vary from vintage to vintage, Kaiser says. The need for additional analysis would be a significant cost burden, especially for smaller wineries. For Page, the question is simpler. We think of wine as food, but wine doesnt have to be labelled as food, he says. Why should it be any different than the tomato sauce we buy off the shelf? The Washington Post

An abundance of creative energy will belong to you, and you should strive to express it wherever and whenever you can. Maintain your enormous enthusiasm for work, which will help you accomplish many tasks and difficult duties that others are unable to complete. More responsibility will give you more power.

July 23 - Aug 22


Make positive changes in your mental outlook that will help you develop special powers to focus and face even the biggest challenge with courage. You tend to drive others as you drive yourself. Your good fortune looks set to last into the foreseeable future, and you can extend your luck by taking calculated risks with every important action.

Aug 23 - Sept 22


Knowledge and the willingness to apply yourself are essential to minimise the danger of negative effects. Your inability to remain inactive for even short periods of time can lead to great accomplishments, but it can also result in discouragement and loss of self-confidence if you dont allow yourself the chance to rest once in awhile. Balance your emotions by finding a place where you are free to relax far from external disturbances.

Sept 23 - Oct 22


Potential friends are more valuable than gold, which is only important for some things. Vanity is a futile, poisonous emotion that should not be embraced. Eliminate it as soon as possible, and use your wisdom to change your life for the better in meaningful ways. Developing a good mental balance will result in increased compatibility and adaptability, which will in turn help you reach the heights for which you strive.

Oct 23 - Nov 21


You will be restless and sometimes argumentative but never boring to have around. Be enthusiastic in relating your experiences. Adding a little flash to your conduct will help you move up the ladder in your organisation. Be steady and methodical in your actions as you pursue your biggest goals.

Nov 22 - Dec 21


A self-centred nature is not conducive to creating a better society. In order to organise others into a stronger, more effective unit, you must struggle to overcome your dissatisfied nature as well as your unwillingness to pool all your assets. Adding false value to yourself is a form of selfishness, which in the long run will make notorious rather than famous. For a personal reading contact Aung Myin Kyaw, 4th Floor, 113 Thamain Bayan Road, Tamwe Township, Yangon. Tel: 0973135632, Email: [email protected]

Dec 22 - Jan 19

Insurance Business Get a backup for your property, car, home, etc... Even if youve face a loose accidentally, you dont lose it really for Insurance company restore your property. For more details,Ko Nyi ph:09 4480 13031 email: konyimia@ gmail. com Agent no.1394 Myanmar Insurance. Insurance Business! I have more than 10 years experiences in Insurance Business from Singapore. Looking for Investors & Business Partners for liberalization in Myanmar Insurance Sector. Yeo Po Min, LLB, FMSA, CLU/S, ChFC/S, Yangon (HP): 09-420082606, Singapore (HP): +65 9852 7516, E-mail: yeopomin@yahoo. com. sg

sYnerGY System Care & Advanced Network Solutions : 14, U Lun Maung St, 7 mile, Mayangone, Yangon. Tel: 09-492-10533, 09430-70449, 09-8613363. Our Services: Computer Maintenance, Upgrade, Troubleshooting, OS/Application Software Installation, System Administrations, Server Management & Policies Configuration, Data Integrity, Security, Backup & Lost Data Recovery. Storage Server (NAS, RACK Server, RAID) Installation & Configuration. Network Installation (Cabling Management, Trunking, Fiber Optic). Advanced Configuration (Internetwork, Switching, Routing, Firewall, VPN, Wireless Access Point). CCTV, IP Camera (Watching & Monitoring System) Installation. Internet Connectivity, LAN, WAN Exchange system Installation. Regular Maintenance Contract sHWe sa Kar : Computer for Kids , Basic Accounting for Job I-Office , Advanced Excel Course, DTP Course MYOB Software, Peach Tree Software, Window Shortcut Course, Email & Internet Course Mp3, Mp4, Video Editing, Multimedia Course. Ph: 09-4440-11279 comPuter Services (On Call) Networking & CCTV installation ph: 09-430-52564 , 09730-85511 clIcK (Computer System). Window Installation, Software Installation, virus cleaning, Game Installation, Network Installation, wire & wireless Installation, Configuration, server Installation Contract for factory, office, Company & Internet shop (weekly & Monthly) We will offer training & services everywhere. Ph: 09732-48398, 09-49321642. actIve Computer Systems : Computerized Software System (Data Application) Computer Networking System (Office / Home), Computer Hardware & Maintenance Service (Office/Home), Computer Training (Basic / Advance), Home Service etc .. Contact: 09-730-75931 , email: zinmyintzx@

gmail.com dYnastY: Computer Designing & Training Centre. I-Office-18000, Advanced Course25000, Business in Excel Special-15000, DTP-20000, A+-25000, A+ Advanced Course30000, Photoshop Only25000, Professio-nal Graphic Design-30000, Auto CAD (2D/ 3D) Intermediate-40000, Internet & E-mail-5000, Networking-50000, Ph: 09-431-54613. saI Pon Pon Computer Services (On Call) Networking & CCTV installation ph :09-43052564, 09-730-85511. r.v Networking & computer maintenances Windows installation , software, game, internet, network, virus cleaning, Ph :09-420-033781. Add: 75 (d), Thitsar Rd, 13 Block, Yankin, Yangon HIGH Performances Computer System. Computer and Network service/ Operation System, Application Software, Virus cleaning, Internet services, Microsoft Server Configuration, Wire & Wireless Network Installation, Configuration, Ph: 09-43182486.

IGcse Physics: Exam preparation class for January 2013 examination. Exam preparation class for May 2013 examination. Practice with 15 years old questions. Classes will start in first week of June. 25% Discount for first 5 students. Fulltime air-conditioned! Near Hledan Sein Gay Har. Ph: 524617, 09858-1761. scHolar teacHInG and Guide Association founded with Me, Be & Master with 12 years experience in teaching and guide field. Role & Responsibility:Making the students develop problem solving skill, critical thinking skill and I.Q & E.Q enriching skill. Student who can contact : from Public & International School (Total, ILBC, CISM, YIUS, Horizon, ISM) Teacher Min Aung ph: 09-490-070692 neW World English School. KG to Gr-8, Mon to Fri 9 am to 3 pm, IELTS, SAT (Eng), SAT (Maths). 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Tuition+Guide, 25-A, Ywama Kyaung St (Hlaing), Ph: 09-8620094, 09-515-6310. eXPerIenced Myanmar Teacher of Foreign Students If you would like to be fluent in Myanmar language, contact Saya , Min Thu on Email : luckyboy.star@ gmail.com (or) ph : 01-7313 8659. Saya Min Thu has 3 years experience teaching Myanmar to foreign students from over 10 different countries. References are available upon request. studY GuIde for Secondary Students (International School) Ph : 09 4200 31866 Interested in studying abroad? Kant Kaw Education Centre is now accepting applications for its June university foundation classes. Limited fee waivers are available

so apply now! Available courses Academic Reading and Writing English Foundation General Education (development studies) IELTS Preparation Deadline for applications: May 16, 2012. Add: (605/A), San Yeik Nyein 6th St, Kamaryut. Ph: 01 502 884, Email: info@ gmail.com Would you like to apply for scholarships? College admission essay and personal statement writing. U Thu Ya 09-506-6913 I n t e r n at I o n a l Schools Subjects : English, Maths, Science, Hindi & Social. Will coach your matHematIcs : If your child (Kg to Sec-3) from any international schools, is very weak in Mathematics, pls contact : 09-500-4993, 544594. studY GuIdes for Grade 10, 11 & Intl school (ISY, MISY,ILBC, Total, PISM, Crane, MLA, Diplomatic, RV) GCSE, SAT , IELTS, TOEFL, Teachers who have got Teaching experience in Singapore, Now back to Myanmar/ Teaching combination of Foreign & Myanmar Style/ Skillful Teachers, Saya Bryan M.E(IT) 09-2150075 , Tr. Ahme B.Sc ( IC) Ph: 09-730-592 65, Saya Htet B.E(IT) Ph: 09-215-0075, 09730- 35744, Saya Thet (MBBS) 09-731-11782, Korean Native English Teacher Tr. Kim (after 6 p.m) 655647 , Tr. Phyu 09-430-83117 , Sayar Min Aung 09-492-80 490 sPare just a few hours every week. With steady pace you can achieve, See for yourself at ease! (Home tuition available) Teacher Moe (Retired Lecturer) Ph: 09-560-0747. aBc PrescHool, Subjects : English 4 skills, Science, Basis Mathematics, Concepts, Myanmar, Hand Work, Drawing & Colouring, Performing Art, Social Studies, Poems , Songs & Rhymes, Excursion. Time Duration ; School hour:9:00~15:00(Close only Sat & Sun). English, Chinese language, Computer course : Sat & Sun. 17, Kamarkyi Rd, Thuwunna .Email : preschoolabc@gmail. com summer and regular English Classes: Four skills and grammar will be taught by an experienced teacher with int'l exposure: An ideal home tutor & will guide your children with special care and attention: Teacher Maw Maw:ph 09-431-97513 maw. [email protected]

730-58252, 09-5078426. enGlIsH to mYanmar, is available...Ph : 09420-070692. real estate Agent If youre an expatriate needing to find an apartment or house in Yangon, Min Thu can help. He has experience and is very reliable. Call Min Thu on 09731-38659 or email :thecleverson@ gmail. com real estate or Landhousing investment in Myanmar. We coor-dinately invite Myanmar citizens or nons to cooperate with us as w will take responsibilities with our citizenship scrutiny For those who interest & want to cooperate with us may contact Bryan (Bryan) 09-420-07 0692, Htet Oo Lwin (Engineer) 09-2150075. constructIon: We have skilled civil Construction workers and Engineers. (R.C.C. & Steel Structure) S Civil Engineering (Science 1990) Ph: 09500-5817.

Home tutIon : japanese language regular course (basic, inter) jpn going course, myanmar language for japanese. Ph: 09-420055323. lanGuaGe Proficiency (A) Effective & Scienti-fic way, (B) Intensive Class, (C) Interpreter - part time/ Full time (Under mentioned languages), (D) Hindi/ Myanmar/ English (Basic Advance for Embassy staff/ Foreigner/ A group single / Kids + Teens / NGO - INGO personal/ (Special rate for national peoples) by an Expert Tutor. (1) Home tuition available in groups or single. (2) Translation of English/ Hindi/Sanskrit/Bengali/ Nepali & Myanmar are also available. (3) Business Guide & Agency Services. (4) Partnership business welcome. Rs. Verma. B.Sc., (Bot), Yangon. (UFL-English), Yangon. Email: rsverma. maynamar@gmail. com, Ph: 09-730-42604, Add: 125, 43rd St, 5th Flr (R), Botahtaung. enGlIsH study with reading literature and short stories can be learnt here. ESL study for beginner and intermediate students are available. The student treat with film for the listening practice, academic essay writing , biography writing etc & also Critical reading, If you had tried as much as you can to follow the lesson & with skill you got good experiences. This program will help you capability and fill your luck of knowledge... Academic Spanish can also be inquired here. U Thant Zin : ph 09- 5035350 , 547442. No: 28 - 3 B, Thatipahtan St, Tamwe.

Expert Service
auGust Engineering Service : Aircondition & Electrical Engineering Services(Installation, Repairing & Servicing) Add; 30, Oat Tha Phayar St, Kyaik Kasan Qt,Bahan.Tel; 09-731-10321, 586-509 Email; aes.august@ googlemail.com lInuX (Server/Admin) Professional Home Tuition Teaching phone 09-731-81642 Generator: 24 hour Services. MESS Engineering. Ph: 09-

Contact : 09-44 800 6520 toYota HIace Super Custom Limited [ 1995 Model ] Ph : 09-49275744 sPecIal sales : (Alvarion Brand) Internet Broadband Accessories. Indoor Units (2.4 & 3.5 ) - with Int'l Warranty. Original UDP Cables & Adaptors. Outdoor Units (2.4 & 3.5) - with Int'l Warranty. Original UDP Cables & Adaptors. Several kinds of ADSL Modem (for MPT & Yatanarpon Teleport). Braodband (Yatanarpon) 1 Line. Investor (UPS) Feature, used 2 No. Ph: 09-73017406, 09-731-00976, 09-516-6976. used nIKon D80 kit with 18-55 mm lens. Telephoto zoom lens 80-200 mm lens and 8gb memory card included. Bag, charger, cleaning kit and extra battery included. Used with care. Call 095454554. Hr Software Package: Price 200,000. Modules: Employee Management, Time Attendance, Payroll. (Available : FingerPrint /Card). POS Software Package: Price 150,000. Modules: Inventory Control, Purchase, Sale, Account Payable (Available :Barcode Printer/ Scanner). Contact Ph: 09-5042775, 09-506-2812 Generator (Japan) 25 KVA sound proof, 3 phase , running condition Ph: 09-5071454 Wood working machines BEST German second hand reconditioned machi-nery from single unit to complete line of production or full factory Very attractive price - Machines in stock - Assistance Hp: 09-513-6419 E-mail: dsavariau@ gmail.com electronIc Piano, Roland MII, With Stand & Stool. Ph: 09-43141889. BlacK PlaYstatIon 3 slim 160GB. Bought in the USA. Used very lightly. About 6 months old. In great condition almost new. 1 controller, HDMI cable, HDMI to DVI converter cable, AV cable, USB cable and one original game included (PES 2012). Owner is moving abroad. Serious buyers only. Call 095454554 Honda accord, 88model. 1A/8... ,Auto Gear, CA1 engine,dark green colour, power window, CD player, Aircon, good condition, 135Lakhs Ph: 09-5015200, 09-731-222 11 Hd Game, app (install) iPhone, iPod touch 6000ks, iPad 8000ks, iTunes account open (free game, app download), All iDevices iOS 5.0.1 version upgrade full untethered jailbreak (power off) 3gs, iPhone 4, iPhone 4s, iPad 2. contact : 09-

514-7480 nIssan AD Van [2007 Model] [ABS Airbag, AC, PS, PW] Contact : 09-492-75744 famous PIZZa Restaurant for sale Siem Reap, Cambodia. Profitable & popular restaurant in great downtown location near Old market. All equipment & inventory included. Est. 2001. 4 years remaining on lease. Low monthly rent. Turn-key operation. USD$ 96,000. For details, contact: E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +855-11-590463 Zte C-R 750 (CDMA 800 + GSM) Handset ph : 09-428-125107 neW IPad (white) 16gb, Razer Starcraft 2 Headphone, Apple superdrive new Ph: 09-730-48374

BaHan,Pearl Condo (D), 15th Floor, 1500 ft 2, Corner Room, Fully furnished, 4 Air-con, 2BR, 1MBR. Suitable for foreigner, reasonable price, 700 US$ contact no: 09515-2532, 09-511-1032 years. Pls contact : 09512-8095 - Ma Thinzar Oo

Housing for Sale

lasHIo : Ward 12, 2Acres Land including the main house and 2storey building. In downtown and Very Good place for business.

clarIon International - Sandar@Sonia : Managing Partner : Ph: 09-43122557. ISO 90012008 certification Event Management, Travel & Tourism, Matrimony Services, Training & Placement, Education.

land Survey Training: Course Contents, Types of survey, Basic Trigonometry. Angles, bearings, azimuths and coordinates. Leveling, Traversing, Topographic surveying. Setting out survey, Introduction to GPS. Terra Myanmar: 42/B, Rm-4B, New University Avenue, Bahan, Yangon, Tel: 553875,400599 Email: info@terramyanmar. com Website: www. terramyanmar.com Ko ZaW nGe : Guitor Shop & Training. Add : Aung Zaya 1 St, Thuwunna Zay, Yangon Thit Quarter, Thingangyun. Ph: 09-421072045. Pc musIc Creation & Sound Design (Teach To Home) Ph: 09-73194925

Public Notice
GaraGe sale : 8 ~ 10 June, 2012. 9:00 am ~ 5:00 pm. Ph: 511195, 09-732-24664. No 43, Inya Myaing, Shwe Taunggyar Qtr 1, Bahan. Fancy & Gift, T shirts, perfume, bags, shoes & 929 from America.

Want To Buy
adsl, WiMax, McWill Contact : 245 415 second Hand Laptop, Notebook , Netbook, MacbookPro, Macbook Air, Samsung Galaxy Tablet, External Hardisk, External R/W,Used Phone Nokia Blackberry Motorola LG HTC Sony Ericsson Samsung Galaxy S2 Galaxy Note, Galaxy Nexus Huawei Ipod Touch 4G Iphone 3gs iphone 4, 4s handset Ipad Ph: 09-517-8391, 01-376420

nortH daGon, Shwe Pin lone Housing, Good Estate, 80' x 80', 2 MB, 2SB, Without Furniture, Fully Furnished Good neighborhood, near Pinlone hospital, Foreigner welcome 4.5 Lakhs, Ph: 09432-00669 or email : nicerealproperty@ gmail.com BaHan, Thakhathoyeikmon Condo, 7F, 1500 Sqft, Fully Furnished, Fully Furniture, 3 A/C, 1 MBR, 2 SBR ,1Ph, 6 Lakhs, Ph : 09-731-35900 nortH daGon, Shwe Pin lone Housing,Good Estate, Located in 80' x 80', 2 MB, 2SB, Without Furniture,Fully Furnished Good neighborhood, near Pinlone Hospital, Foreigner Welcome 4.5 Lakhs, Ph: 09432-00669 or email : nicerealproperty@ gmail. com vIrtual offIce Have your office at the prestigious Central Towers for only 39,000 kyats a month. Pls call 09-516-6859, 09-49247013, 01-377151 Ext: 80643 for more details about the facilities and services offered. Hotel in new Bagan Spacious compound good locality reasonable price 3 star standards. Ph: 09-5123186. KamaYut, Attia Rd, Big compound, 2 Storey, 4MB, 2 Living room, .027 acre land, Foreigners welcome, call. Ph: 389706, 09200-4467. BaHan, Apartment along New University Ave Rd, Good electricity & water essential. Fully furnished with 2-3 rooms with attached toilet. Rent Rate - USD500 to USD700 per month. (6 month advance rental). Rental period 1 to 3

Price: negotiable. Ph: 09-517-1377, 09-5158738 naYPYIdaW, 15 acres of land near Naypyidaw Highway 20 miles. Ph: 09-512-3186. nGaPalI: Land and Building in Ngapali near beach 2 plots of land near Sandaway main road to Mazin airport. Ph: 09-430-65789. HlaInG tHar Yar, Large sewing factory ideally located in Hlaing Thar Yar industrial zone one is available for rental ,the factory is well equipped with boilers, generator, large cutting, packing and material storage areas, plus 500 sewing machines all ready and set to run, well suited for someone who is interested in starting a garment factory. Pls contact Bill on 525746, 09-550-5220 or email gthreds33@gmail. com,all inquiries are welcome. BaHan, (1) Pho Sein Rd, 100' x 80' Land (2) Shwegondine Rd, 30 x 90' Land, Kabaaye Pagoda Rd, 30 x 90' Land. Ph: 09-73105296, 09-540-5482. HlaInG, Aye Yeik Mon Sakawar St, 74' x 96', RC 2 storey, 4 MB, Ph, AC, Ph; 684936, 09512-0747. PWIn oo lWIn, 170' x 70', 1 RC, price : 2300 Lakhs. Ph: 09-5055522 maYanGone, 9 mile, 50' x 60', 2 RC, 3 MBR, 4500 Lakhs. Ph: 09505-5522

Rent / Sale
BaHan, Moe Myint San Condo, 2400 sqft, 2 MB, 1 BR, newly apartment f.f or no furn. 3 A/C, Lift, 15 Lakhs for rent, 3000 Lakhs for sale. Owner Maureen : 09- 5188320. No agents pls.

For Rent
offIce sPaces for rent at Pearl Condominium. No Agent. Please call 0973250368.

For Sale
adsl(Bagan/MPT), WiMax (Bagan), McWill

INGO Position
Helpage International will receive funding from DIPECHO to work with a consortium for a 17 month project on Safer Coastal and Urban Communities through Disaster Risk Reduction in Myanmar. HelpAge is now seeking qualified & experience Myanmar nationals for the following positions: Re-advertisement Job Title: monitoring and evaluation officer (1 post) Location: Yangon with regular field visits to the project location in Pathein. Qualifications:University degree, at least 3 years experience in M&E. Strong familiarity with monitoring and evaluation. Experience in DRR an advantage. Experience in the design of simple M&E tools with project staff & community leaders. Experience in training and mentoring staff and community leaders, facilitating develop-ment of simple -M&E tools by staff and community leaders to collect qualitative and quantitative informat-ion on project progress. Demonstrated English language proficiency (reading, writing, speaking), and competency in database establishment & management. Working experience with communities in rural Myanmar an advantage. Job Title: field facilitators / Community Development Workers (2 Posts located in Pathein) Location: To be based in the project townships with regular visit to project villages. Qualifications and competencies: Minimum BEHS level of education. Experience in community facilitation/ community organising using participatory PLA methods. Experience in Disaster Risk Reduction and working on disaster preparedness and mitigation.At least 3 years community mobilization/ facilitat-ion work with INGO at the community level or equivalent experience is helpful. Strong familiarity with participatory development approaches and cross cutting issues including children, gender, disability, older people. Good problem solving & organizational skills. Understanding of village level problems. Interested & qualified candidates are requested to send a Cover Letter and Curriculum Vitae to the Human Resources Unit of HelpAge International Myanmar Country Office, No 10 KanbawzaAvenue, Shwe-taun-gya Ward No. 1, Bahan Township, Yangon or by email to hr.helpagemyanmar@ gmail. com no later than 5 p.m., Wednesday, 6th June, 2012. Candidates interested in receiving full JD, please contact HelpAge International Myanmar Country Office or send your request to hr. helpagemyanmar@ gmail. com. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified for interview. Helpage International has received funding from HelpAge Korea/ KOICA for a 3-year project entitled Building Community Organisations to Reduce Poverty and Vulnerability Amongst Older People and their Families in Myanmar to be implemented in 23 new villages and 40 existing villages in Kyaiklat, Pathein, Kangyidauk townships and Shwe Thaung Yan subtownship in Ayeyawady Region, Pathein Gyi and Pyin Oo Lwin Townships in Mandalay Region and Yangon Region. We are seeking qualified and experience Myanmar nationals for the following positions: Job Title: Project manager (1 Post) Location: Yangon with frequent travel (minimum 50%) to the project locations Qualifications/ competencies : University degree preferably in social work, community development or related fields with five years livelihood/food security project management experience with INGOs/ international agencies. Professional experience in project cycle management includ-ing participatory planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of projects. Experience in integration of ageing/cross-cutting issues with livelihood/ food security projects. Strategic, transparent, and flexible in thinking and working process. Experience in budget planning and financial m a n a g e m e n t . Strong familiarity with networking with government, and other national and international agencies. At least 3 years experience in managing staff, and working with expatriates. Proven track record of quality performance in remote locations and high pressure environments. Excellent written and oral communication skills in both English and Myanmar. Experience in facilitating training workshops and coaching. High degree of initiative and problem solving skills. Basic computer skill essential. Advanced written and spoken English and Myanmar language skills. Interested & qualified candidates are requested to send a Cover Letter and Curriculum Vitae to the Human Resources Unit of HelpAge International Myanmar Country Office, No 10 Kanbawza Avenue, Shwetaun-gya Ward No. 1, Bahan Township, Yangon or by email to hr. helpagemyanmar@ gmail. com no later than 5 p.m., Wednesday, 6th June 2012. Candidates interested in receiving full JD, please contact HelpAge International Myanmar Country Office or send your request to hr.helpage myanmar@ gmail.com Only shortlisted candidates will be notified for interview. Pact In Myanmar is currently seeking (1) Program assistant (MCH & WORTH) 2 posts: Graduate or equivalent qualification in Finance. 2 Years experience in Admin & Finance. Computer skills in using MS Word, Excel, andAccounting software. Fluent in Myanmar and capable of reading and writing in English. Ability to work flexible working hours under minimum supervision. (2) Grant specialist - 1 post: Bachelor degree in law, management, business administration or finance. Proficient in English both in writing & speaking. Competit-ive salary will be offeered to successful candidate. (3) town-ship coordinator - 2 posts : Graduate degree preferably in the area of medicalrelated with 3 years of experience in a NonGovernmental Organization (NGO); 3 years experience in program management and administration. Excellent communication & negotiation skills. Computer literate with knowledge of MS Office software package. Able to communicate effec-tively in spoken & written English. Pls submit an application letter and detail curriculum vitae along with relevant supporting documents, a recent passport size photograph, contact details & 2 referees addressed to Administrative Manager - Pact : 497, 1st Flr, Tower-B, Diamond Condo, Pyay Rd, Kamaryut. Tel: 501373, 501383 Ext: 806t Closing date: for (1) June 6th, 2012, for (2) & (3) June 7th, 2012. tHe allIance is currently seeking Programme Officer 1 post : Bachelor degree in medical eld ith elevant fi w r tertiary education in Public Health, or Social Sciences. 2 years proven HIV/AIDS project management & implementation experience. Experience in conducting trainings & presentations. Ability to communicate effectively in writing and verbally in English & Myanmar. Experien-ce working with key populations affected by HIV/AIDS including Sex Workers, MSM and PLHAs. Experience in working with local NGOs & community partners. Pls submit application including a letter of interest and complete CV to the Country Director, Int'l HIV/AIDS Alliance, No.12/F, Pyi Thu St, 7 miles, Mayangone, Yangon or via email to yamin@ alliance.org.mm by 12 June 2012. Copies of the job description are available upon request. WeltHunGerHIlfe is looking for agronomist 1 post : Myanmar National. Adequate university education in relevant technical field (agriculture), or relevant long term professional experience. 3 years of NGO experience, 3 years of experience as an agricultural advisor. Good knowledge in computer use (office package). Qualified women are encouraged to apply! Pls send your electronic appli-cation including English cover letter, CV, copies of relevant certificates, referees & a passport photo to E-mail: Uwe.Hermann@ welthungerhilfe.de; gaa. delta.admin@gmail. com Closing date: 5 June, 2012. communItY-Based disaster risk reduction manager Duty Station: Sittwe with frequent travel to targeted villages in Rathedaung, Sittwe, Pauk Taw & Myebon, Rakhine State : Degree in Science, Social Science, Humanity etc. or equivalent qualification with at least 1 year experience in DRR programme. Should be a Myanmar national; Ability to develop written reports in English & Myanmar . Pls submit application incl: Cover letter, CV, photo, references to nearest Malteser Int'l Office; Sittwe Programme Office: 85, U Uttama St, Kyaung Tat Lanne, Sittwe, Rakhine State (or)Email: hlamyintzu. malteser.nrs02.gmail. com Malteser Int'l Country Office: 14/15 -6F Pyae Taw yeik Tha St, Yankin, Yangon (or) Email: hr.co.malteser@gmail. com Closing date: 4th June2012 very well and non-drinker. Its preferable who live in near Pun Hlaing Golf Estate. For more detail informat-ion, please feel free to call 527142~4 in office hour. set of account. Process Accounting Documentations. To prepare monthly accounting report for submission to head office. Any other duties as assigned by Head Office. 2 years experience in full set of Accounts preparation. B.Com/ACCA Level 2/LCCI Level 3 with relevant experience. Proficient in MYOB software. Excellent microsoft excel/ spread sheet skills. Excellent Interpersonal & communication skills. Ability to communicate , negotiate and work as a team member. Able to start work immediately. Willing to travel overseas driver -1 Post : University Degree. Age 25 ~ 35. Able to write / speak English. 3 ~ 5 years experience. Good interpersonal skills, Good in Health. Must have D driving license. Pls submit detailed resume with one recent passport photos and cover letter together with copies of educatio-nal certificates & testimonials to : 30 (B-1), Rm 601, 6th Flr, Yadanar Innya Condo, Than Lwin Rd, Bahan, Yangon, Tel: 09-7310 5353, 09-731-05340 Email: hr@ icononline. net Closing date : 8th June 2012: summIt ParKvIeW Hotel is seeking (1). account executive - F 1 Post : B.Com, LCCI Level III, Graduated in any disciplin. 2 years experience in hotel field. Proficiency in English. Experience in (ACE Payroll software & ACCPAC software) is preferable. (2) night auditor - M 1 Post : Graduate in any discipline. 1 year experience in hotel field. Proficiency in English. (3). security Officer - M 1 post : Graduate in any discipline. 3 years experience, knowledge & skill. Can speak English. Must have necessary physical fitness & strength (4). recep-tionist - M/F 2 Posts : Age under 25, Good personality. Proficiency in English. For 1, 2 & 4 : Computer literate. (5). Porter/ driver - M 2 Posts : 1 year experience. Good ability to speak in English (6). Waiter/ Waitress - M/F 2 Posts : Proficiency in English. (7). linen attendants - F 2 Posts : Linen services experience in hotel is more preferable (8). room attendants M/F 2 Posts : Room services experience in Hotel is more preferable (9). Pa attendants/ General Worker - M/F 2 Posts : PA services experience in Hotel is more preferable. Pls submit an application letter, C.V with a recent photo, copies of NRC & Labour Registration card, Educational certificate and others testimonials to HR Department not later than 16 June, 2012. BlaZon Head Office: (1) Import manager - M 1 Post. (2) Brand manager - M 1 post. (3) Brand executive - M/F 3 posts. (4) rental car service manager - M 1 post. (5) chief security - M 1 post. (6) sales & marketing supervisor - M/F 3 posts. (7) sales representative - M 5 posts. (8) assistant database administrator - M 1 post. (9) Office secretary - F posts. (10) Interior designer -M/F 2 posts. (11) merchandiser - M/F 2 posts. (12) management trainee - M/F 7 posts. (13) receptionist - F 2 posts. (14) store Keeper - M 3 posts. Above all positions must be graduate, must have work experiences and good level of computer skills and good personality. Pls submit CV together with copies of academic certifi-cates, a copy of NRC, original and updated police clearance form, labor registration card, a copy of family registration & 2 recent photos to Blazon Head Office :(15, 16, 17, 18), Thamain Bayan Rd, Myittar Yeik Mon Housing, Tarmwe or [email protected] within two weeks. Ph : 09-8623381~84 Ext: 139. HorIZon Int'l Kindergarten is looking for dedicated native teachers - F 2 posts for fulltime job. If you are match to criteria below. English Native Speaker. Ages 20 ~ 35 years. Childcare experienced. Ready to start as soon as possible. Contact mail: T.Angel (nattayaari@ gmail.com) Ph: 548452 Related Website: www. horizonmyanmar.com. mm Hr. manaGer - M/F 1 Post : Any graduate, more preferable Master degree. 5 years work experience in related job. Ability to understand the principle of employment practice & labor law. Knowledge on leadership skill, planning,management of resources monitoring, reporting, communication, networking and completency of self management.Effective spoken & written English. Age 40-50 years. Pls send detailed up-to-date curriculum vitae along with 1 nonreturnable photograph, labor registration card copy of NRC card within 2 weeks to 9, Shwe Marlar Avenue, Bayintnaung Rd, Kamayut, Tel: 512239, 512259. eXPerIenced male teacher taught Myanmar and English to several foreigners. Those who require a tutor, please call at 44, Athoka Street, Nat Chaung Ward, Tamwe, any day before 9:00 am and after 6:00 pm. secretarY - F 1 Post; University graduated and must be fluent in speaking and writing in English. Pls, summit CV with recent photo to Marine Acary Co.,Ltd, Tel: 95-1-664741 Ext: 105, 108, 01-662147. Email: andamanwari@ gmail.com sHenZHen GrenTech RF Communication Ltd is seeking sales executive - M/F 2 posts : College degree or above in Telecommunications, Wireless, Electronics Engineering or related. At least 3 years experience in related industry. Able to finish the assignment with a tight schedule and short notice. Good communications in written / spoken English (or Chinese) & Myanmar. Willing to travel frequently. Send application with full CV, detailing skills, knowledge & experience to e-mail : xiezhenwei @ powercn. com We are now hiring for the following positions. We offer basic salary and accommodation for the right candidates.(1) sewing technician 10 posts (2)sewing manager - 8 posts (3) sewing supervisor 10 posts (4) cutting technician - 3 posts (5) cutting manager - 3 posts (6) Qa manager -3 posts (7) Qa supervisor - 3 posts (8) Packing manager - 3 posts (9) operation manager - 2 posts (10) Production Planner - 3 posts (sewing) Pls forward your resume at; Email: asiatopjob@ asiatopjob.com foreIGn base Freight forwarding company is urgently seeking for a chinese Interpreter : any graduate , proficient in Chinese and Myanmar, good communication skills and personality, male or female. Pls send update CV, photo & other data reference to nicerealproperty @ gmail. com or contact Ko Shein Bo :09-516-7085 ImPort marKetInG - Male 1 post : Any Graduate, Age 30 to 45, Experienced person having experience of government tender sales for items like bitumen & steel, Good command of English, Excellent Public relat-ion skills, Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines, Must be able to travel, Computer literate candidate is also preferable. Interested persons may apply with their cv to vatsal@ evertopcom.com neW ProPertY Company with strong international connections wishes to employ staff in administration and property rentals/ sales. Must speak and read English. Ability to communicate with foreign investors essential, as well as Word and Excel proficiency. CV and covering letter to CIMyanmar@gmail. com. seYanG Corporation Business type : Garment export. Qualification : Fluently English Job type : secretary I will take CV form only by e-mail. Salary : Negotiable. email : kocray@ gmail.com meKonG economIcs :Are you a bright, confident & organized person with good English and computer skills? If so, we would be interested in talk to you about full-time employment as an administrative staff member in our office. Pls send CV to bart. robertson@ mekongec onomics. comInterviews will begin after June 16th. BusIness manager / analyst This is a fantastic opportunity for a business manager/analyst with two to ten years experience to step up into a career with a leading investment management and holding company. We are a key player in several industries in Asia and have an opening in our business development team for a technicalminded individual to assist in all aspects of deal execut-ion. Your responsibilities will include: Performing Research on Companies. Liaising with Companies. Finan-cial Modeling. Recog-nizing business problems and growth opportunities. Requirements: Any graduate. 2 to 10 years experience. Proficient in, or can quickly grasp applica-ble business processes & functions. Effective verbal & written communication skills in English & Myanmar. Proficiency with Microsoft Suite (word, excel, & power point) If you have what we are looking for pls contact Cynthia on +95942-105-3104 or send CV to [email protected]. ph doora Cargo Services Co., Ltd (1)manager - M or F 1 Post : Age 25 ~ 35, Any University graduate, Good personality, Fluent in English & good computer skill, 3 + years in forwarding environ-ment preferably. (2) assistant - F 1 Post : Age : 20 ~ 30, Any graduate, Good personality, Accounting knowledge & Good computer skill preferably (3) driver - M 1 Post : Age under 35, Good driving skills and willing to work. (Base on working experience and qualification).Interested candidates are required to submit a comprehensive resume & expected salary together with a recent color photo to 310 (F), Paukzaydi St, 8mile, Mayangone (or) send Email to doorargn1 @ gmail. com. doorargn@ gmail. com. Ph: 01-667505, 09731-66017,Closing date: 16 June, 2012. mYanmar Wonders Travel Ltd (Yangon) is seeking (1) travel manager - 3 years experience, in preparing and creating tour programs, in managing quotation, being able to manage the team assisting with all areas of booking, able to work under pressure with good time manage-ment skill, goodcomputerknowledge (excel & words), fluent in English & French (written & spoken) . (2) tour operation - must have experience in the related filed, being able to handle all areas of bookings such as reservation for hotels, restaurants, guides, transportations, meals, work closely with suppliers on all reservations to ensure the smooth operation of travel programs, good computer knowledge (excel & words), good knowledge in English . French is an advantage. Pls apply with updated resume to Rm 907, FMI Center, Bogyoke Aung San Rd, Pebedan, Tel : 248060 assIstant teacher - F 1 Post : At an English Language Centre Ph : 01221677, 09-507-9896. nannY, 26, experienced with expat children, best references, seeks employment. Call Stella on 543315 or email : stella.win11@ gmail.com foreIGn company will establish a milk dairy production in Myanmar & is looking for a young dynamic marketing sales manager. Also a executive secretary both fluent English speaking with good knowledge and skills in computers lady or gents,who is willing to work hard and grow with the company. The benefits will be satis-factory forward your C.V attention Chris Karageorges with a photo & contact phone number. email : asiadairies@ yahoo. com, SKYPEdoncristo6 KelvIn cHIa Yangon Ltd., a foreign legal consultancy firm based in Yangon, is looking for (1)lawyers who will work on a variety of corporate & commer-cial matters & transact-ions in Myanmar. If you are a Myanmarqualifi-ed lawyer with strong English language skills, you are invited to apply to join our Myanmar practice group. Myanmar nationals admitted to int'l bars are also welcome to apply. Training will be provid-ed. Applicants may email csg@ kcyangon. com & submit their curriculum vitae. (2) corporate affairs managers: you will be involved with business development, networking, market research & liaison work. Applicants should be proficient in English, energetic and selfmoitvated. All nationalities are welcome (Myanmar, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Taiwanese, etcetera). pls email application & curriculum vitae to csg@ kcyangon.com.

UN Position
unocHa MYANMAR V A C A N C Y ANNOUNCEMENT (UNOCHA/ YGN/ 2012/003). The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) in Myanmar is seeking the applications from dynamic and highly motivated Myanmar nationals for the following vacancy. Detailed terms of reference/ requirements for vacancy can be requested at the UNOCHA Office. The position mentioned below is Fixed Term Appointment (FTA) for 1 year with possibility of extension, for multiple duty stations. a) Field Coordination Officer (NOA, 1 position). requirements: Masters Degree or equivalent in Economics, Social Sciences, International Relations, Political Sciences or related field. Minimum 2 years of progressively responsible professional experience in the field of humanitarian/ recovery affairs, knowledge on global policies and guidelines related to humanitarian/ recovery affairs and humanitarian reform. Ability to write clearly and concisely in English and local language(s). Strong computer skills. Proven highlevel represen-tation skills, such as speaking at meetings and providing situational analysis. Proven capacity to work effectively in small teams. Experience working in implementation and delivery of humanitarian/ recovery projects at the field level is a must. Experience working in a complex settings that requires sound judgment, and operational flexibility. Previous experience in a similar capacity with humanitarian agencies, in particular the UN, preferred. Fluency in English and Myanmar language. Knowledge in any other local languages will be an asset. Candidates should clearly indicate the Vacancy Number and Post Title in their applications, and should submit them together with complete duly filled UN-Pll form, bio-data stating personal details, academic qualification and work experience, copies of master degree certificate and scores transcript, and a recent passport sized photograph. Applications should be addressed to: Admin and HR Unit, UNOCHA Myanmar Inya Lake Hotel, 1st Floor, Room 113, 37, Ka Bar Aye Pagoda Road, Mayangone Tsp. Closing Date: 14 June 2012 (COB). Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. Interviews will be competency based.

Local Position
Inter GrouP of Companies is seeking asst: accounts executive : To handle and support Accounting & Taxation Department. This includes reviewing financial reports, analysis & yearended closing process. Additionally, need to review of sub-ledger & reconciliations. Liaise closely with overseas office for all accounting & audit matters. Overseas training will be provided as & when required & candidate must hold valid passport. To prepare full

Job Wanted
Well experienced and authorized your guide (Eng; Fr.,)seeks suitable position with a well established your company. Please call: David, 44, Athoka Street (3rd floor), Nat Chaung Ward, Tamwe, Yangon, any day before 9:00 am and after 6:00 pm.

We are seeking for a personal driver for diplomat, who can drive

The Essentials
EMBASSIES Australia 88, Strand Road, Yangon. tel : 251810, 251797, 251798, 251809, 246462, 246463, fax: 246159 Bangladesh 11-B, Than Lwin Road, Yangon. tel: 515275, 526144, fax: 515273, email: [email protected]. mm Brazil 56, Pyay Road, 6th mile, Hlaing Tsp, Yangon. tel: 507225, 507251, 507482. fax: 507483. email: Administ.yangon@ itamaraty.gov.br. Brunei 317/319, U Wizara Road, Sanchaung Tsp, Yangon. tel: 526985, 524285, fax: 512854 email: bruneiemb@ bruneiemb.com.mm Cambodia 25 (3B/4B), New University Avenue Road, Bahan Tsp, Yangon. tel: 549609, 540964, fax: 541462, email: RECYANGON @mptmail. net.mm China 1, Pyidaungsu Yeiktha Road, Yangon. tel: 221280, 221281, 224025, 224097, 221926, fax: 227019, 228319 Egypt 81, Pyidaungsu Yeiktha Road, Yangon. tel: 222886, 222887, fax: 222865, email: egye mbyangon@mptmail. net.mm France 102, Pyidaungsu Yeiktha Road, Yangon. tel: 212178, 212520, 212523, 212528, 212532, fax: 212527, email: ambaf rance. rangoun@ diplomatie.fr Germany 9, Bogyoke Aung San Museum Road, Bahan Tsp, Yangon. tel: 548951, 548952, fax: 548899 email: info@rangun. diplo.de India 545-547, Merchant Street, Yangon. tel: 391219, 388412, 243972, fax: 254086, 250164, 388414, email: indiaembassy @mptmail. net.mm Indonesia 100, Pyidaungsu Yeiktha Road, Yangon. tel: 254465, 254469, 229750, fax: 254468, email: kukygn @indonesia.com.mm Israel 15, Khabaung Street, Hlaing Tsp, Yangon. tel: 515115, fax: 515116, email: info@ yangon.mfa.gov.il Italy 3, Inya Myaing Road, Golden Valley, Yangon. tel: 527100, 527101, fax: 514565, email: ambyang.mail@ esteri.it Japan 100, Natmauk Road, Yangon. tel: 549644-8, 540399, 540400, 540411, 545988, fax: 549643 Embassy of the State of Kuwait Chatrium Hotel, Rm: No.416, 418, 420, 422, 40 Natmauk Rd, Tarmwe Tsp, Tel: 544500. North Korea 77C, Shin Saw Pu Road, Sanchaung Tsp, Yangon. tel: 512642, 510205, fax: 510206 South Korea 97 University Avenue, Bahan Tsp, Yangon. tel: 527142-4, 515190, fax: 513286, email: [email protected] Lao A-1, Diplomatic Quarters, Tawwin Road, Dagon Tsp, Yangon. tel: 222482, fax: 227446, email: Laoembcab@ mptmail. net.mm Malaysia 82, Pyidaungsu Yeiktha Road, Yangon. tel: 220248, 220249, 220251, 220230, fax: 221840, email: mwkyangon@mptmail. net.mm Nepal 16, Natmauk Yeiktha, Yangon. tel: 545880, 557168, fax: 549803, email: nepemb @mptmail.net.mm Pakistan A-4, diplomatic Quarters, Pyay Road, Yangon. tel: 222881 (Chancery Exchange) fax: 221147, email: pakistan@ myanmar. com.mm Philippines 50, Sayasan Road, Bahan Tsp, Yangon. tel: 558149-151, fax: 558154, email: p.e. [email protected] Russian 38, Sagawa Road, Yangon. tel: 241955, 254161, fax: 241953, email: rusinmyan@mptmail .net.mm Serbia No. 114-A, Inya Road, P.O.Box No. 943Yangon. tel: 515282, 515283, fax: 504274, email: serbemb@ yangon.net.mm Singapore 238, Dhamazedi Road, Bahan Tsp, Yangon. tel: 559001, fax: 559002, 559922, email: singemb_ ygn@_ sgmfa. gov.sg Sri Lanka 34 Taw Win Road, Yangon. tel: 222812, fax: 221509, email: slembassy. [email protected], [email protected], www.slembyangon.org Thailand 94 Pyay Road, Dagon Township, Yangon. tel: 226721, 226728, 226824, fax: 221713 United Kingdom 80 Kanna Road, Yangon. tel: 370867, 380322, 371852, 371853, 256438, 370863, 370864, 370865, fax: 370866 United States of America 110, University Avenue, Kamayut Township, Yangon. tel: 536509, 535756, 538038, fax: 650306 Vietnam Building No. 72, Thanlwin Road, Bahan Township, Yangon. tel: 511305, fax: 514897, email: vnemb myr@ cybertech.net.mm Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia No.287/289, U Wisara Rd, Sanchaung Tsp. tel : 01-536153, 516952, fax : 01-516951 UNITED NATIONS ILO Liaison Officer Rm (M1212~1220), 12 Fl-A, Traders Hotel. 223, tel: 242 393, 242811. fax: 242594. IOM 12th Flr, Traders Hotel, 223, tel: 252560 ext. 5002 UNAIDS Rm: (1223~1231), 12 Fl, Traders Hotel. tel: 252361, 252362, 252498. fax: 252364. UNDCP 11-A, Malikha St, Mayangone tsp. tel: 666903, 664539. fax: 651334. UNDP 6, Natmauk Rd, Bahan tel: 542910-19. fax: 292739. UNFPA 6, Natmauk Rd, Bahan tsp. tel: 546029. UNHCR 287, Pyay Rd, Sanchaung tsp. tel: 524022, 524024. fax 524031. UNIAP Rm: 1202, 12 Fl, Traders Hotel.tel: 254852, 254853. UNIC 6, Natmauk St., BHN tel: 52910~19 UNICEF 14~15 Flr, Traders Hotel. P.O. Box 1435, KTDA. tel: 375527~32, fax: 375552 email: unicef.yangon@unicef. org, www.unicef.org/myanmar. UNODC 11-A, Malikha Rd., Ward 7, MYGN. tel: 666903, 660556, 660538, 660398, 664539, fax: 651334. email: [email protected] www. unodc.org./myanmar/ UNOPS Inya Lake Hotel, 3rd floor, 37, Kaba Aye Pagoda Rd, Mayangone Tsp. tel: 951657281~7. Fax: 657279. UNRC 6, Natmauk Rd, P.O. Box 650, TMWE tel: 542911~19, 292637 (Resident Coordinator), fax: 292739, 544531. WFP 3rd-flr, Inya Lake Hotel, 37, Kabar Aye Pagoda Rd. tel: 657011~6 (6-lines) Ext: 2000. WHO 12A Fl, Traders Hotel. tel:250583. ASEAN Coordinating Of. for the ASEAN Humanitarian Task Force, 79, Taw Win st, Dagon Township. Ph: 225258. FAO Myanma Agriculture Service Insein Rd, Insein. tel: 641672, 641673. fax: 641561.

General Listing
Chatrium Hotel Royal Lake Yangon 40 Natmauk Rd, Tarmwe. tel: 544500. fax: 544400. Summit Parkview Hotel 350, Ahlone Rd, Dagon Tsp. tel: 211888, 211966. fax: 227995. Thamada Hotel 5, Alan Pya Phaya Rd, Dagon. tel: 243639, 243640, 243641. Traders Hotel 223 Sule Pagoda Rd. tel: 242828. fax: 242838. Winner Inn 42, Than Lwin Rd, Bahan Tsp. tel: 535205, 524387. email: winnerinnmyanmar @gmail.com Yangon YMCA 263, Mahabandoola Rd, Botataung Tsp. tel: 294128, Yuzana Hotel 130, Shwegondaing Rd, Bahan Tsp, tel : 01-549600, 543367 Yuzana Garden Hotel 44, Alanpya Pagoda Rd, Mingalar Taung Nyunt Tsp, tel : 01-248944


Charted Certified, Certified Public Accountants. tel: 09-5010563. [email protected]

Chigo No. 216, 38 Street (Upper), Kyauktada Tsp, tel : 373472

No.7A, Wingabar Road, Bahan Tsp, Yangon. Tel : (951) 546313, 430245. 09-731-77781~4. Fax : (01) 546313. www.cloverhotel.asia. [email protected] Confort Inn 4, Shweli Rd, Bet: Inya Rd & U Wisara Rd, Kamaryut, tel: 525781, 526872 Golden Aye Yeik Mon Hotel 4, Padauk Lane, 4th Word, Aye Yeik Mon Housing, Hlaing. tel: 681706. Hotel Yangon No. 91/93, 8th Mile Junction, Mayangone. tel : 01-667708, 667688. Inya Lake Resort Hotel 37 Kabar Aye Pagoda Rd. tel: 662866. fax: 665537. Orchid Hotel 91, Anawrahta street, Pazundaung Township, Yangon, . Tel: 399930, 704740, 293261. E-mail: orchidhotel@myanmar. com. mm.


The First Air conditioning systems designed to keep you fresh all day GUNKUL Engineer supply Co., Ltd. No.437 (A), Pyay Road, Kamayut. P., O 11041 Yangon, Tel: +(95-1) 502016-18, Mandalay- Tel: 02-60933. Nay Pyi Taw- Tel: 067-420778, E-mail : sales.ac@freshaircon. com. URL: http://www. freshaircon.com General 83-91, G-F, Bo Aung Kyaw St, Kyauktada Tsp, tel : 706223, 371906

Reservation Office (Yangon) 262-264, Pyay Road, Dagon Centre, A# 03-01, Sanchaung Tsp, Yangon. Tel: 95-1-501937, 536255, 09-520-0926.
The Oasis Hotel (Nay Pyi Taw)

Saya Min Thoun Dara Astrologer No(2), Maha Wizaya Pagoda North Stairway, Dagon Tsp. tel: 296184

Tel: 95-67-422088, 422099


No. 205, Corner of Wadan Street & Min Ye Kyaw Swa Road, Lanmadaw Tsp, Yangon. Myanmar. Tel: (95-1) 212850 ~ 3, 229358 ~ 61, Fax: (95-1) 212854. info@myanmarpandahotel .com http://www. myanmarpandahotel.com Panorama Hotel 294-300, Pansodan Street, Kyauktada Tsp. tel: 253077. PARKROYAL Yangon, Myanmar 33, Alan Pya Pagoda Rd, Dagon tsp. tel: 250388. fax: 252478. email: enquiry.prygn@ parkroyalhotels.com Website: parkroyalhotels. com. Savoy Hotel 129, Damazedi Rd, Kamayut tsp. tel: 526289, 526298, Seasons of Yangon Yangon Intl Airport Compound. tel: 666699. Sweet Hotel 73, Damazedi Road, San Chaung Tsp, Ph: 539152 Sedona Hotel Kabar Aye Pagoda Rd, Yankin. tel: 666900. Strand Hotel 92 Strand Rd. tel: 243377. fax: 289880. Easy Expat Accommodation Specialist in Yangon. Tel: 09-730-33776. Eco-Apartment Fully Furnished Ga 21, Pearl Centre (Pearl Condo), Bahan Tsp. Tel: 557488. Espace Avenir No 523, Pyay Rd, Kamaryut Tsp. tel: 505213-222. Golden Hill Towers 24-26, Kabar Aye Pagoda Rd, Bahan Tsp. tel: 558556. ghtower@ mptmail.net.mm. Marina Residence 8, Kabar Aye Pagoda Rd, Mayangone Tsp. tel: 6506 51~4. fax: 650630. MiCasa Hotel Apartments 17, Kabar Aye Pagoda Rd, Yankin Tsp. tel: 650933. fax: 650960. Sakura Residence 9, Inya Rd, Kamaryut Tsp. tel: 525001. fax: 525002. The Grand Mee Ya Hta Executive Residence 372, Bogyoke Aung San Rd, Pabedan Tsp. tel 951-256355 (25 lines). fax: 951-256360. email: gmer@ mptmail.net.mm, www. grandmeeyahta.com Yangon City Villa (Residence) Pyay Rd, 8 Mile Junction, MYGN, tel: 513101

50th Street 9/13, 50th street-lower, Botataung Tsp. Tel-397160.

Green Garden Beer Gallery Mini Zoo, Karaweik Oo-Yin Kabar.

Emergency Numbers
Ambulance tel: 295133. Fire tel: 191, 252011, 252022. Police emergency tel: 199. Police headquarters tel: 282541, 284764. Red Cross tel:682600, 682368 Traffic Control Branch tel:298651 Department of Post & Telecommunication tel: 591384, 591387. Immigration tel: 286434. Ministry of Education tel:545500m 562390 Ministry of Sports tel: 370604, 370605 Ministry of Communications tel: 067-407037. Myanma Post & Telecommunication (MPT) tel: 067407007. Myanma Post & Tele-communication (Accountant Dept) tel: 254563, 370768. Ministry of Foreign Affairs tel: 067-412009, 067-412344. Ministry of Health tel: 067-411358-9. Yangon City Development Committee tel: 248112. HOSPITALS Central Womens Hospital tel: 221013, 222811. Children Hospital tel: 221421, 222807 Ear, Nose & Throat Hospital tel: 543888. Naypyitaw Hospital (emergency) tel: 420096. Workers Hospital tel: 554444, 554455, 554811. Yangon Children Hospital tel: 222807, 222808, 222809. Yangon General Hospital (East) tel: 292835, 292836, 292837. Yangon General Hospital (New) tel: 384493, 384494, 384495, 379109. Yangon General Hospital (West) tel: 222860, 222861, 220416. Yangon General Hospital (YGH) tel: 256112, 256123, 281443, 256131. ELECTRICITY Power Station tel:414235 POST OFFICE General Post Office 39, Bo Aung Kyaw St. (near British Council Library). tel: 285499. INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Yangon International Airport tel: 662811. YANGON PORT Shipping (Coastal vessels) tel: 382722 RAILWAYS Railways information tel: 274027, 202175-8.

INYA1 Resturant & Bar No.(1), Inya Road, Kamayut Tsp. Tel: 01-527506 email: [email protected] www.inya1.com

Strand Bar 92, Strand Rd, Yangon, Myanmar. tel: 243377.fax: 243393, [email protected] www.ghmhotels.com

Lobby Bar PARKROYAL Yangon, Myanmar. 33, Alan Pya Phaya Road, Dagon Tsp. tel: 250388.

mt QuiCk guide
June 4 - 10, 2012
We started tHe advertIsInG IndustrY In mYanmar sInce 1991


MyanMar tiMes

Inya Day Spa 16/2, Inya Rd, Kamayut Tsp, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: 537907, 503375.

SAIL Marketing & Communications Suite 403, Danathiha Center 790, Corner of Bogyoke Rd & Wadan Rd, Lanmadaw Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: (951) 211870, 224820, 2301195. Email: admin@ advertising-myanmar.com www.advertising-myanmar. com

Room - 4021, 3rd Floor, Taw Win Centre. Ph: 8600111 (Ext:4021), 09-803-2581. Qi Foot Spa At Inya Lake Hotel, Yangon. Tel: +951-662866, 662857 Ext: 1725 Zen Wellness Care No.62 (A), Rm-3, Yaw Min Gyi St, Dagon Tsp, Yangon. Tel: +951-252939.

MYANMAR BOOK CENTRE Nandawun Compound, No. 55, Baho Road, Corner of Baho Road and Ahlone Road, (near Eugenia Restaurant), Ahlone Township. tel: 212 409, 221 271. 214708 fax: 524580. email: info@ myanmarbook.com




24 hours Cancer centre No. 330, Yangon International Hotel, Ahlone Road, Dagon Tsp, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: (951) 218388, 218292 Fax: (951) 218389


Zamil Steel No-5, Pyay Road, 7 miles, Mayangone Tsp, Yangon. Tel: (95-1) 652502~04. Fax: (95-1) 650306. Email: zamilsteel@ zamilsteel.com.mm

Dance Lessons Mon-Fri 12:00 to 23:00. Sat-Sun 10 am to 8 pm Fun dancing Friday nights with Filipino musicians 4, U Tun Myat St, Tamwe. Tel: 01-541 550 The Uranium Dance Studio Pearl condo Bldg (C), 2nd flr, Bahan Tsp. Tel: 09731-42624, 09-514-0404.

La Brasserie (International) PARKROYAL Yangon. 33, Alan Pya Phaya Road, Dagon Tsp. tel : 250388. Cafe de Angel Always Pure & Fresh No.24, Baho Rd, Ahlone Tsp. tel : 703449 Opening Hour: 9 am to 11 pm

Yangon : A-3, Aung San Stadium (North East Wing), Mingalartaungnyunt Tsp. Tel : 245543, 09-730-37772. Mandalay : Room No.(B,C) (National Gas), 35th St, Btw 80th & 81st, Chanayetharzan Tsp. Tel : 09-6803505, 02 34455, 36748, 71878.



.biz.mm .per.mm .com.mm .org.mm

Espace Avenir 523, Pyay Rd, Kamayut Tsp, Tel : 505214, 505222 FIT Club - Rm 101~3, Marina Residence, 8, Kaba Aye Pagoda Rd, Mayangone Tsp, Tel : 650634, 650651 Ext:102 Parkroyal Fitness & Spa Parkroyal Yangon. 33, Alan Pya Phaya Road, Dagon Tsp. Tel: 250388.

Architecture 3 Construction Co, Ltd. No. 154, 39th Street, Between Maha Bandoola & Anawratha Road, Kyauktada Tsp, Yangon. Contact: Ma Khaing Tun Business Development 09-502-5782

La Source Beauty Spa 80(A), Inya Rd, Kamayut. tel: 512 380, 511 252. Sedona Hotel, Kabar Aye Pagoda Rd. tel: 666 900 My Way Diamond Condo, Bldg(A), Rm (G-02), Pyay Rd, Kamayut Tsp, Yangon. Tel: 52717, 09 51 70528

No. (8), Panchan Tower, Sanchaung Tsp, Yangon. Tel: 951-516891~3 [email protected], www.mtg. biz.mm, www.mmnic.biz.mm.

INYA1 Resturant & Bar No.(1), Inya Road, Kamayut Tsp. Tel: 01-527506 email: [email protected] www.inya1.com Traders Caf Traders Hotel, Yangon. #223, Sule Pagoda Rd. Tel: 242828 ext: 6519

Natural Gems of Myanmar No. 30 (A), Pyay Road (7 mile), Mayangone Tsp, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: 01-660397, 654398~9. E-mail: spgems.myanmar @gmail.com

24 hours Medical centre No. 330, Ground Flr, Yangon Intl Hotel, Ahlone Road, Dagon Tsp, Yangon, Myanmar. 24 hour Call Centre : (951) 218 445 Clinic : (959) 4921 8159 Office : (951) 218 446 Fax : (951) 218 389 www.leomedicare.com
Shimmering Gold Services Co., Ltd.
vIctorY for lIfe





A Little Dayspa No. 475 C, Pyi Road, Kamayut, Yangon. Tel: 09-431-28831.
ISO 9001:2008 (QMS)

Duty Free Airport Shopping Yangon International Airport Arrival/Departure Tel: 662676 (Airport) Office: 17, 2nd street, Hlaing Yadanarmon Housing, Hlaing Township, Yangon. Tel: 500143, 500144, 500145.

Mr. Betchang No.(272), Pyay Rd, DNH Tower, Rm No.(503), 5th flr, Sanchaung Tsp, Tel: 095041216 The Yangon GYM Summit Parkview Hotel 350, Ahlone Rd, Dagon Tsp. tel: 211888, 211966. Traders Health Club. Level 5, Traders Hotel Yangon#223 Sule Pagoda Rd, Tel: 951 242828 Ext: 6561

Traders Hotel, 5th Floor Tel: 242828,Ext: Coreana. Sedona Hotel, Mandalay Ground Fl. Tel: 02-36488, Ext: Coreana

Proven Technology Industry Co., Ltd. No. FS 14, Bayintnaung Rd, Shwe Sabai Yeik Mon, Kamayut Tsp, Yangon. Tel: 951-951-701719~20, 527667, 531030, 531041, 530694. Fax: 527667, 531030. http//www. toyobatterymyanmar.com.

MHR Business & Management Institute 905, 9th floor, Modern Iron Market(Thanzay Condo) Lanmadaw St. Tel: 707822. NLEC 82 Anawrahta Rd, Corner of 39 St, Kyauktada Tsp. Tel: 250225.

Winning Way No. 589-592, Bo Aung Kyaw St, Yangon-Pathein highway Road. Hlaing Tharyar tsp. Tel: 951645178-182, 685199, Fax: 951-645211, 545278. e-mail: mkt-mti@ winstrategic.com.mm

VEJTHANI MYANMAR REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE No.125(C), West Shwe Gon Dine Road, Bahan Township, Yangon, Myanmar. 01-3449977. Hot Line: 09-507-1111, 01-555448, 555998. [email protected] www.vejthani.com


22, Pyay Rd, 9 mile, Mayangone Tsp. tel: 660769, 664363.

G-A, Ground Floor, Pearl Center, Kabaraye Pagoda Road, Yangon. Tel: 09 500 6880 Email: chocolateheaven. [email protected]





Lemon Day Spa No. 96 F, Inya Road, Kamaryut Tsp, Yangon. Tel: 514848, 09-732-08476. E.mail: lemondayspa.2011 @gmail.com

Innwa Book Store No. 246, Rm.201/301, GF, Pansodan Street (Upper Block), Kyauktada Tsp. Tel. 389838, 243216, 374324, 514387

Est. 1992 in Myanmar Cold Storage Specialist, Solar Hot Water Storage Solutions. Tel: 09-504-2196, 09-73194828. E-mail: gei.ygn2@ gmail.com, glover2812@ gmail.com

Est. 1992 in Myanmar Electrical & Mechanical Contractors, Designers, Consultants. Tel: 09-504-2196, 09-73194828. E-mail: gei.ygn2@ gmail.com, glover2812@ gmail.com

Floral Service & Gift Shop No. 449, New University Avenue, Bahan Tsp. YGN. Tel: 541217, 559011, 09-860-2292. Market Place By City Mart Tel: 523840~43, 523845~46, Ext: 205. Junction Nay Pyi Taw Tel: 067-421617~18 422012~15, Ext: 235. Res: 067-414813, 09-49209039. Email : eternal@ mptmail.net.mm

81, Kaba Aye Pagoda Road, Bahan Township, Yangon. Tel: 548022, 542979, 553783, 09-8030847, 09-730-56079. Email: asiapacific. [email protected].


Hotel ManagementConsultants (Singapore) Yangon Office Tel. : 09-516-6400 Email: [email protected] Agent Office, 5th Floor, Junction Centre (Maw Tin), Lanmadaw Township, Yangon. Myanmar. Ph: 09-731-56770, 09-5117584, Fax: 01-516313, myanmarmeditour@gmail. com

U Min Sein, BSc, RA, CPA.,RL Advocate of the Supreme Court 83/14 Pansodan St, Yangon. tel: 253 273. [email protected]

Floral Service & Gift Centre 102(A), Dhamazaydi Rd, Yangon.tel: 500142 Summit Parkview Hotel, tel: 211888, 211966 ext. 173 fax: 535376.email: sandy@ sandymyanmar.com.mm.


Acupuncture, Medicine Massage, Foot Spa Add:No,27(A),Ywa Ma Kyaung Street, Hlaing Township, Yangon. Tel: 01-511122, 526765. Piyavate Hospital (Bangkok) Myanmar Represent ative (Head office) Grand Mee Yahta Executive Residences. No.372, Bogyoke Aung San Rd, PBDN. Ph: 256355, Ext: 3206. Hotline: 09-73777799. Email: piyavate@cnt. com.mm, piyavate.cnt@ gmail.com, Website: www. piyavate.com PHIH-Specialist Clinic FMI Centre (4th Floor) #380, Bogyoke Aung San Road, Pabedan Tsp. tel: 243 010, 243 012, 243 013

Foral Service & Gifts shop No.2, Corner of Khay Mar St & Baho Rd (Near Asia Royal Hospital), Sanchaung Tsp, Yangon. email: yangonflorist@ myanmar.com.mm. Tel: 01-510406, 09-73184714.

Top Marine Show Room No-385, Ground Floor, Lower Pazundaung Road, Pazundaung Tsp, Yangon. Ph: 01-202782, 09-851-5597

Media & Advertising


Foam Spray Insulation No-410, Ground Floor, Lower Pazuntaung Road, Pazuntaung Tsp, Yangon. Telefax : 01-203743, 09730-26245, 09-500-7681. Hot Line-09-730-30825.

NatRay Co., Ltd. Rm 807, La Pyayt Wun Plaza. tel : 01-370833, 370836

24 hours Laboratory & X-ray No. 330, Ground Flr, Yangon Intl Hotel, Ahlone Road, Dagon Tsp, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: (951) 218388, (951) 218292 Fax: (951) 218389

Intuitive Design, Advertising, Interior Decoration Corporate logo/Identity/ Branding, Brochure/ Profile Booklet/ Catalogue/ Billboard, Corporate diary/ email newsletter/ annual reports, Magazine, journal advertisement and 3D presentation and detailed planning for any interior decoration works. Talk to us: (951) 430-897, 553-918 www.medialane.com.au 58B Myanma Gon Yaung Housing, Than Thu Mar Road, Tamwe, Yangon.


mt QuiCk guide
June 4 - 10, 2012
Streamline Education 24, Myasabai Rd, Parami, Myangone Tsp. tel: 662304, 09-500-6916. No. 105/107, Kha-Yae-Bin Road. between Pyi Daung Su Yeik Tha (Halpin) and Manawhari Road/Ahlone Road, Dagon Tsp. Tel/Fax: 538895, Tel: 09730-29973, 09-540-9469.
padonmar.restaurant@ gmail.com. www.myanmarrestaurantpadonmar.com

MyanMar tiMes

House of Memories Piano Bar & Restaurant Myanmar Cuisine & International Food 290, U Wizara Rd, Kamaryut Tsp, Yangon. tel: 525 195, 534 242. e-mail: houseofmemories [email protected]

MMRD Research BLDG C, New Mingalar Market, 10-story BLDG, 8 & 9 flr, Coner of Mill St & Banyardala Rd, Mingalar Taungnyunt Tsp. Tel: 200326, 200846, 201350. Fax: 202425.


Legendary Myanmar Intl Shipping & Logistics Co., Ltd. No-9, Rm (A-4), 3rd Flr, Kyaung St, Myaynigone, Sanchaung Tsp, Yangon. Tel: 516827, 523653, 516795. Mobile. 09-512-3049. Email: legandarymyr@ mptmail.net .mm www.LMSL-shipping.com

1. WASABI : No.20-B, Kaba Aye Pagoda Rd, Yankin Tsp,(Near MiCasa), Tel; 666781,09-503-9139 2. WASABI SUSHI : Market Place by City Mart (1st Floor). Tel; 09-430-67440 Myaynigone (City Mart) Yankin Center (City Mart) Junction Mawtin (City Mart)

No.35(b), Tatkatho Yeik Mon Housing, New University Avenue, Bahan Township, Yangon. Tel: 951-549451, 557219, 540730. www.yangon-academy.org

The Brightest AC CFL Bulb 21, 9th St, Lanmadaw Tsp. Ph: 212243, 216861, 216864. spsolarstation@ gmail.com. www. spsolarstation.com

INYA1 Resturant & Bar No.(1), Inya Road, Kamayut Tsp. Tel: 01-527506 email: [email protected] www.inya1.com Phoenix Court (Chinese) PARKROYAL Yangon. 33, Alan Pya Phaya Road, Dagon Tsp. tel: 250388. Royal Garden Nat Mauk Road, Kandaw Gyi Natural Park, Bahan Tsp. tel: 546202 Signature Near U Htaung Bo Round, about Bahan Tsp. tel: 546488, 543387. Summer Palace (Chinese) Restaurant Level 2, Traders Hotel, #223, Sule Pagoda Road. tel: 242828. ext:6483 Target Bldg B, 1-fl, Rm F-23, Pearl condo. Bahan tsp. Tel: 09-513-5924, 09-5048750. TG Bar & Restaurant The Grand Mee Ya Hta Executive Residences (2nd Flr), Bogyoke Aung San Rd. Tel: 385101, 256355. Horizon Intl School 25, Po Sein Road, Bahan Tsp, tel : 541085, 551795, 551796, 450396~7. fax : 543926, email : contact@horizonmyanmar. com, www.horizon.com ILBC 180, Thunandar 9th Lane, Thumingalar Housing, Thingungyung.tel: 562401.

Monday to Saturday (9am to 6pm) No. 797, MAC Tower II, Rm -4, Ground Flr, Bogyoke Aung San Rd, Lamadaw Tsp, Yangon. Tel: (951) 212944 Ext: 303 sales.centuremyanmar@ gmail.com www.centure.in.th

Schenker (Thai) Ltd. Yangon 59 A, U Lun Maung Street. 7 Mile Pyay Road, MYGN. tel: 667686, 666646.fax: 651250. email: sche [email protected].


Bo Sun Pat Tower, Bldg 608, Rm 6(B), Cor of Merchant Rd & Bo Sun Pat St, PBDN Tsp. Tel: 377263, 250582, 250032, 09-511-7876, 09-862-4563. Kohaku Japanese Restaurant Chatrium Hotel Royal Lake Yangon 40, Natmauk Road, Tamwe Tsp, Lobby Level, Tel: 544500 Ext 6231 KSS Setyone Rd, Mingalar Taung Nyunt. tel: 203320.

PEB Steel Buildings 60 (A), Halpin Road, Yangon. Tel: 01-218223, 218224. Fax: 218224. [email protected]. mm www.pebsteel.com.mm

ILBC IGCSE SCHOOL No.(34), Laydauntkan Road, Tamwe Tsp, Yangon. Tel: 542982, 545720, 549106,545736,400156 Fax: 541040 Email: [email protected] www.ilbcedu.com ISM Intl School W 22/24, Mya Kan Thar Housing, Hlaing Tsp. tel:530082, 530083. International School Yangon 20, Shwe Taung Kyar St, Bahan Tsp. Tel: 512793. Asia Light 106, Set Yone Rd.tel: 294074, 294083. Capital Hyper Mart 14(E), Min Nandar Road, Dawbon Tsp. Ph: 553136. City Mart (Aung San Branch) tel: 253022, 294765. (9:00 am to 9:00 pm) City Mart (47th St Branch) tel: 200026, 298746. (9:00 am to 9:00 pm) City Mart (Junction 8 Branch) tel: 650778. (9:00 am to 9:00 pm) City Mart (FMI City Branch) tel: 682323. City Mart (Yankin Center Branch) tel: 400284. (9:00 am to 9:00 pm) City Mart (Myaynigone Branch) tel: 510697. (9:00 am to 10:00 pm) City Mart (Zawana Branch) tel:564532. (9:00 am to 9:00 pm) City Mart (Shwe Mya Yar Branch) tel: 294063. (9:00 am to 9:00 pm) City Mart (Chinatown Point Branch) tel: 215560~63. (9:00 am to 10:00 pm) City Mart (Junction Maw Tin Branch) tel: 218159. (9:00 am to 9:00 pm) City Mart (Marketplace) tel: 523840~43. (9:00 am to 10:00 pm) City Mart (78th Brahch-Mandalay) tel: 02-71467~9. (9:00 am to 10:00 pm) IKON Mart IKON Trading Co., Ltd. No.332, Pyay Rd, San Chaung P.O (11111), Yangon,

Myanmar. Tel: 95-1-535783, 527705, 501429. Fax: 95-1-527705. Email: [email protected] Junction Mawtin Bogyoke Aung San Rd, Cor of Wadan St. Lanmadaw Tsp. Tel: Junction Square Pyay Rd, Kamayut Tsp. Tel: Ocean Supercentre (North Point ), 9th Mile, Mayangone Tsp. Tel: 651 200, 652963. Pick n Pay Hyper Market Bldg (A,B,C), (14~16), Shwe Mya Yar Housing, Mya Yar Gone St, Mingalartaungnyunt Tsp. Tel: 206001~3, Fax: 9000199 Sein Gay Har 44, Pyay Rd, Dagon Tsp. Tel: 383812, 379823. Super 1 (Kyaikkasan) 65, Lay Daunt Kan St, Tel: 545871~73 Super 1 (Shwe Bonthar) 397, Bogyoke Aung San St, Pabedan. Tel: 250268~29 Victoria Shwe Pone Nyet Yeik Mon, Bayint Naung Rd, Kamaryut Tsp. Tel : 515136.

Moby Dick Tours Co., Ltd. Islands Safari in the Mergui Archipelago 4 Days, 6 Days, 8 Days Trips Tel: 95 1 202063, 202064 E-mail: mobydicktours@ gmail.com. Website: www. moby-dick-adventures.com



Road to Mandalay Myanmar Hotels & Cruises Ltd. Governors Residence 39C, Taw Win Rd, Dagon Tsp, Yangon. Tel: (951) 229860 fax: (951) 217361. email: [email protected] www.orient-express.com

24 hours open. 5, Alan Pya Phaya Rd, Dagon Tsp, inside Thamada Hotel. tel 243640, 243047, Ext: 32.

Asian Trails Tour Ltd 73 Pyay Rd, Dagon tsp. tel: 211212, 223262. fax: 211670. email: res@ asiantrails.com.mm Htoo Travels 209/c, first flr, Shwe Gonedaing Rd, Bahan. Tel: 548554, 548039. Sun Far Travels & Tours 27, Ground flr, 38th st, Kyauktada Tsp. Tel: 380888.

Enchanting and Romantic, a Bliss on the Lake 62 D, U Tun Nyein Road, Mayangon Tsp, Yangon Tel. 01 665 516, 660976 Mob. 09-512-7795 [email protected] www.operayangon.com The Ritz Exclusive Lounge Chatrium Hotel Royal Lake Yangon 40, Natmauk Road, Tamwe Tsp, Ground Floor, Tel: 544500 Ext 6243, 6244

Lunch/Dinner/Catering 555539, 536174

No.430(A), Corner of Dhamazedi Rd & Golden Valley Rd, Building(2) Market Place (City Mart), Bahan Tsp, Yangon. Tel : 01-523840(Ext-309), 09-73208079. Black Canyon Coffee & International Thai Cuisine 330, Ahlone Rd, Dagon Tsp. Tel: 0980 21691, 395052. email: blackcanyon@ yangon. net.mm. Feel 164/168, War Tan St, Lanmadaw Tsp, Yangon, Ph: 223697, 09 511 8415, 09 50 14288

Admissions Office: No. 44, Than Lwin Road, Bahan Township, Yangon. Tel: 535433, 09-850-3073. Email: rviacademygn@ rvcentre.com.sg


TOP MARINE PAINT No-410, Ground Floor, Lower Pazundaung Road, Pazundaung Tsp, Yangon. Ph: 09-851-5202

22, Kaba Aye Pagoda Rd, Bahan Tsp. tel 541997. email: leplanteur@ mptmail.net.mm. http://leplanteur.net Little Tokyo Japanese Fine Dining No.168 (C), Dhamazedi Rd, Bahan Township, Yangon. Ph: 09-731-85168, 09-731-78946 Tiger Hill Chinese Restaurant Chatrium Hotel Royal Lake Yangon 40, Natmauk Road, Tamwe Tsp, Lobby Level, Tel: 544500 Ext 6253 Traders Gourmet Corner Level 1, Traders Hotel, #223 Sule Pagoda Road, Kyauktada Tsp. Tel : 242828 ext : 6503 Traders Gallery Bar Level 2, Traders Hotel, #223 Sule Pagoda Road. tel: 242 828. ext: 6433 Traders Lobby Lounge Level 1, Traders Hotel, #223 Sule Pagoda Road. tel: 242 828. ext: 6456 Western Park Thakhin Mya Park, Ahlone. Tel: 225143 YKKO 28, Saya San Road, Bahan Tsp. tel:01-541998


95, Anawrahta Rd. Tel:296552, 293754. 336, Pyay Rd, Sanchaung Tsp. Tel: 526456. New University Avenue, 551521, 551951, 553896. U Wisara Rd, Tel: 524599, 501976.

The Global leader in Water Heaters A/1, Aung San Stadium East Wing, Upper Pansodan Road. Tel: 251033, 09-730-25281.

Same as Rinnai Gas cooker and cooker Hood Showroom Address

Water Heater

Relocation Specialist Rm 504, M.M.G Tower, #44/56, Kannar Rd, Botahtaung Tsp. Tel: 250290, 252313. Mail : [email protected]


Monsoon Restaurant & Bar 85/87, Thein Byu Road, Botahtaung Tsp. tel: 295224, 09-501 5653. Pansweltaw Express Cafe: 228, Ahlone Rd, Ahlone Tsp. Tel: 215363 (1)-Rm-309, 3rd flr, Ocean, East Point Shopping Center, Pazundaung Tsp. Tel: 397900 Ext: 309. (2)G-Flr, Ocean North Point Shopping Center. Tel:652959, 652960, Ext: 133. www.pansweltaw.com E-mail: pansweltaw@ myanmar.com.mm

Italian delicatesse & Ice-cream No.150, Dhamazadi Rd, Bahan Tsp. (Monunent Book Shop) Open Daily 9:00am to 7:00pm. Italian Ice-cream, Pasta, Pizza & Bar (2) G/F, City Mart, Myaynigone Centre. tel : 508469, 508470 ext. 113 Open Daily 9:00am to 10:00pm.

Crown Worldwide Movers Ltd 790, Rm 702, 7th Flr Danathiha Centre, Bogyoke Aung San Rd, Lanmadaw. Tel: 223288, 210 670, 227650. ext: 702. Fax: 229212. email: crown [email protected]

Yangon International School Fully Accredited K-12 International Curriculum with ESL support No.117,Thumingalar Housing, Thingangyun Township, Yangon. Tel: 578171, 573149 www.yismyanmar.net Yangon International School New Early Childhood Center Pan Hlaing Golf Estate Housing & U Tun Nyo Street, Hlaing Thar Yar Township, Yangon. Tel: 687701, 687702

World-class Web Services Tailor-made design, Professional research & writing for Brochure/ Catalogue/e-Commerce website, Customised business web apps, online advertisement and anything online. Talk to us: (951) 430-897, 553-918 www.medialane.com.au 58B Myanma Gon Yaung Housing. Than Thu Mar Road, Tamwe, Yangon.

June 4 - 10, 2012

MyanMar tiMes

Tiger of Madras holds chess crown

By Stuart Williams MOSCOW Indias Viswanathan Anand retained his world chess title on May 30 by outgunning his Israeli challenger Boris Gelfand in a quick-fire shootout forced after their 12-game Moscow epic ended all square. Dubbed the Battle of the Armageddon in chess circles, the tie-break saw the two chess titans clash in four nail-biting speed chess games that lasted over four hours and left both players emotionally exhausted. Three of the games ended in draws but a mistake by Gelfand in the endgame of game two as his allotted 25 minutes ran out proved decisive. Anand, known as the Tiger of Madras, won that game and then doughtily resisted attempts by the Israeli to break through. It was incredibly tense, a drained Anand told reporters after the match. I think that right now, the only feeling you have is relief. I am really too tense to be happy, but there is relief. Today, it is difficult to claim anything. I would simply say that my nerves held on better. I simply hung on for dear life. With the players knowing one mistake could cost the championships, the match was marked by the almost unbearable tension of past great clashes like the epic world title match between Garry Kasparov and Anatoly Karpov in 1984-85. Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh told Anand in a message you have made the nation proud of you with this monumental achievement. Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said despite his loss Gelfand has brought great honour to the state of Israel. The series had been staged at the Tretyakov art gallery in Moscow, the first time the Russian capital has hosted the world chess championships since the Kasparov-Karpov game that was called off due to fears for their health. Anand will take US$1.4 million and Gelfand $1.15 million from a $2.55 million total prize fund, under rules that saw an evening-out of the prize money if the match went to a tie-break. The thrilling tie-break was worthy of a tournament whose history also includes the historic 1972 clash in Reykjavik at the height of the Cold War between Bobby Fischer of the US and Soviet great Boris Spassky. The Minsk-born Israeli had chances in all four tiebreak games to put pressure on Anand and at times showed magnificently resourceful defence against the Indians attacks. Anand, dressed in his usual blue shirt, sat rooted to his chair as the more expressive Gelfand ran his hands through his hair and took long walks away from the board to think out his positions. But he did not find a way to break down the Anand defence and seeing no chance of the victory he needed in the final fourth game Gelfand offered the draw which gave Anand the tiebreak by 2.5 points-to-1.5 and the title. Today has been a magnificent struggle, not without mistakes, but a lot of fight was shown by both players, said Russian grandmaster Peter Svidler. Gelfand used up most of his allotted time in each of the games, leaving him under huge pressure as he made the endgame moves with just seconds remaining. I think the decisive factor was that fact I did not use my time so wisely, he said. My strategy was simple to take it one game at a time, create the most problems and make the best moves. The two masters displayed titanic control of the board in the regular 12-game series earlier this month but it ended level with just a win apiece and 10 draws. Anand lost game seven but then levelled the scores by coming back to win game eight. He revealed on May 30 that he could not remember such a bad day as after game seven. I Pic: AFP

Badminton body drops skirts rule

By Emilie Bickerton WUHAN, China, Badmintons world body has abandoned plans to force women players to wear skirts, officials said, in the face of fierce opposition which threatened to cause controversy during the Olympics. The Badminton World Federation (BWF) sparked uproar last year when it tried to make skirts or dresses mandatory for female players, in an attempt to attract more fans, before postponing the move indefinitely. But deputy president Paisan Rangsikitpho said the skirts rule which was criticised by China, Indonesia and India, and Malaysias main Muslim party had finally been scrapped, two months before the London Games. We have shelved the ban [on women wearing shorts], he said during the Thomas and Uber Cups event in Wuhan, China, which ended on May 27. But the BWF is still urging its players to look their best for the cameras as it vies for a greater audience, and has launched a push for men and women competitors to work on their presentation. We just want to encourage women and men players to dress properly. We want them to dress nicely, professionally, Paisan said, as he outlined the BWFs latest strategy to raise the sports profile. The BWF also said it hoped for a collaborative effort with the players and apparel sponsors, meaning that they want more appealing sportswear on offer, and more players wearing it. Jan Lin, BWF media and communications officer, said the drive to look good was intended to win more TV air-time. To get more badminton on TV there are as much expectations on the presentation and charisma of the sport, she said. The onus is on the BWF to get players ready and used to the camera and being in the public eye ... TV and sponsors are drawn to stars and icons, looking good on court is one way to be noticed. Badminton is hugely popular in large parts of Asia but often struggles to compete with sports such as football or tennis. More prize-money, stars and TV coverage are all part of the plan to reach a wider audience. However, the skirts initiative met with a hostile response in some quarters. In Malaysia, the opposition Pan-Malaysia Islamic Party (PAS) called for a boycott of badminton tournaments. It should be about what we do, not what we wear, said Denmarks Karina Jorgensen. AFP

Indias Vishwanathan Anand plays against Israels Boris Gelfand during FIDE World chess championship final in State Tretyakovsky Gallery, Moscow on May 28. mean I could not sleep. Absent from the world championship process has been the world number one, the 21-year-old Norwegian prodigy Magnus Carlsen who dropped out in the qualifying rounds as he did not agree with the format. AFP

Red Bull Monaco treble sees most open F1 season

By Tim Collings MONTE CARLO, Monaco Australian Mark Webber made Formula One history on May 27 when he steered his Red Bull to victory and claimed his first win this year and his team Red Bulls third successive Monaco Grand Prix victory. It was Webbers second win in the race and the eighth of his career it also meant six different drivers have won the opening six races of this season the first time this has happened in the history of the Formula One world championship. Webber, 35, started from pole position and controlled the race almost throughout as the local micro-climate delivered its usual capricious weather, moving from sunshine and blue skies to rain for the closing laps. But driving with great control and judgement, he finished the 78-laps race six-tenths of a second clear of second-placed German Nico Rosberg of Mercedes with two-time champion Spaniard Fernando Alonso third for Ferrari. Double defending world champion German Sebastian Vettel was fourth for Red Bull ahead of Briton Lewis Hamilton of McLaren and Brazilian Felipe Massa, who came home sixth in the second Ferrari. Webbers win lifted him to joint second in the drivers world championship with 73 points behind leader Alonso on 76. Vettel also has 73. Hamilton is fourth on 63 and Rosberg son of Finlands former champion Keke fifth with 59. Im feeling incredible, said Webber, who jumped into the harbour after his maiden Monaco win. It was an interesting race. It was reasonably straightforward at the start, getting the gap and managing super-softs and then it was a matter of trying to build a gap before and after the pit stops. The weather was threatening around the pit stop window, but Nico went for it, went for the undercut by stopping early, so a few people had to react to his chess move, but its an amazing day for the team, and myself, and Im really happy to have won here again. Rosberg said: I got a good start, but so did Mark! He was very controlled and for me it was a matter of tyremanagement. I was a bit surprised how strong we were in qualifying and in the race. We probably had the fastest car out there and we are making progress all the time. Alonso said: For me, the target was to try to finish in front of Sebastian and Lewis, as they are with us in the championship. If you go race by race, you aim to finish ahead of different drivers. Now it is Mark. It will be interesting, as we are constantly developing the car and we are constantly surprised at every race. Briton Paul di Resta came home seventh ahead of his Force India team-mate German Nico Hulkenberg, Finn Kimi Raikkonen of Lotus and 10 th placed Brazilian Bruno Senna of Williams. On a balmy afternoon by the Mediterranean, after overnight rain, Webber made a clean and controlled start to turn the 10th pole position of his career into a comfortable early lead ahead of Rosberg with Hamilton also running clear of the field in third. It was a different story, however, for the men behind the leading trio as Frenchman Romain Grosjean, starting fourth, was touched by the charging Mercedes of sixth-placed Michael Schumacher and spun before the first corner Ste Devote. This allowed the Ferraris of Alonso and Massa to move into fourth and fifth places ahead of the mayhem in Ste Devote where Pastor Maldonado crashed out in his Williams after making contact with Spaniard Pedro de la Rosas Hispania. The crash took both out of the race. For Maldonado, the accident completed a dreadful weekend just two weeks after he had become the first Venezuelan to win a Formula One race, triumphing in style at the Spanish Grand Prix. Briton Jenson Button retired after a frustrating race in the second McLaren, joining seven-times world champion Schumacher, who was also forced out with technical problems to his Mercedes. AFP

Red Bull Racings Australian driver Mark Webber (right) leads the pack at the Circuit de Monaco in Monte Carlo on May 27. Pic: AFP


June 4 - 10, 2012
qualifiers. They check how many of their tournaments we participated in and then they pick one for each country, Nay Myo Aung said. Nay Myo Aung admits he is not going in expectation of coming away with much, but instead sees it as a good experience in preparation for the upcoming SEA Games to be held in Myanmar in 2013. When I increase my training for the 2013 SEA Games, I can look back on how I prepared for the Olympics. I will gain good international experience from this, Nay Myo Aung said. Sports have long suffered in Myanmar due to government mismanagement and lack of financial support, dissuading many from treating their sport as anything more than a hobby. When Myanmar has participated in the occasional international tournament, it has struggled to attract enough participants, resulting in poor selections, further diminishing its chances of glory. The lack of infrastructure, provision of quality equipment and a failure to hire experienced international coaches are cited as major impediments for adequate training by local athletes. In the Beijing Olympics, I came 21st out of 26 contenders and this time I want to improve my position, said Shwe Zin Latt, who has been selected for the rowing team. I would prefer to bring my own boat to the games. Everyone will bring their own boats but for me I will have to use what I am offered in London, Shwe Zin Latt said. She is unsure if the style of the boat provided will be appropriate because it may be a round-bottomed boat when she said she prefers a flatter bottom as it provides greater control. Shwe Zin Latt complained about the Chinese-made fibre boat she has been using for training and feels she would become a better rower if she could train with the kind of boats that western teams use. Last year the rowing federation hired Mr Craig Williams, an Australian coach, on a six-month contract from June 2 until the end of the Jakarta SEA Games in November 2011. Shwe Zin Latt said it was essential that he be given a new contract if they are to continue their development. Shwe Zin Latt, winner of two silvers and a bronze medal at the last years SEA Games has a standard speed of 7.58 minutes for 2000 metres, compared with 7.24 minutes recorded at the last Olympics in Beijing. But with a natural height handicap, the lack of sufficient training support means the gap is that much harder to close. To catch up to that standard my height must be raised by a few more inches. A single pull on an oar by a tall European equals two of ours, so it makes it very difficult for me to reach good points at the world level, Shwe Zin Latt said. To make up for the many obstacles she faces, its all about concentrating on working hard and spending more time in training, including physical exercise and body building, she said.

MyanMar tiMes

Olympics, more practice than medal hope

By Aung Si Hein AIMING his last arrow at a faraway target board, Nay Myo Aung released his recurve bow and strode forward to check his points after shooting 36arrows straight. Armed with a K2 million bow to practice his sport after joining the Myanmar Archery Federation, he has travelled with the federation to last years SEA Games in Jakarta and the Beijing Olympics in 2008. And while he is set to join this years London Olympic Games as one of the countrys few participants, he admits it feels different this time. I feel alienated about going to London because it is quite far away from us, not just in distance but in wealth and culture I will have a bit of culture shock, Nay Myo Aung said. Myanmar contenders have not directly qualified for London, and are unlikely to go far, let alone retain hope of a medal. Nay Myo Aung got a taste when he joined the team for the World Championship Qualifiers last year in Torino, Italy. Unfortunately none passed, but have been given a second chance to qualify for London. The Olympic Committee bring in more contenders when many of the same contenders pass the

Nay Myo Aung aims his bow at Kyaikkasan racing ground in Yangon on May 23: Pic: Boothee

What scandals? IPL hailed as success

By Abhaya Srivastava NEW DELHI The scandal-prone Indian Premier League (IPL) remains crickets most divisive tournament, but some thrilling action in front of packed houses has put immediate doubts over its future to rest. When the gawdy Twenty20 events fifth edition started last month, flagging crowds and signs of cricket fatigue among Indias public, together with a welter of poor publicity, had raised questions about the tournament. But by the time Kolkata Knight Riders beat the Chennai Super Kings to claim the title on May 27, and despite damaging spotfixing claims and a string of lurid headlines, the IPL had been hailed as a success. The fifth edition started under a cloud of controversies and crowd backlash, but apprehensions were soon swept aside as some command performances on the field was well-received by packed galleries, the Deccan Herald said. The Indian Express estimated more than 160 million people watched the games on TV, two million tickets were sold worth US$36 million, and that the IPL brand valuation would rise from last years estimate of $3.67 billion. If the sense of fulfilment could be calculated, it would run into several billions of dollars, said N. Srinivasan, president of the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI), which runs the event. The positive assessments jar with some off-pitch developments, mainly the suspensions of five Indian players after a TV sting claimed to unearth evidence that no-balls could be arranged to order in the IPL. The report targeted fringe players and provided no proof of corruption within IPL games, but it re-focused fears about betting, with India seen as the hub of illegal gambling on cricket. Meanwhile Bollywood superstar Shahrukh Kahn dented his huge popularity after becoming involved in an ugly stand-off with officials at Mumbais Wankhede stadium. Other incidents included allegations made to police and later dropped that Australian Luke Pomersbach of the Royal Challengers Bangalore had molested a woman and beaten up her fiance in a hotel room in New Delhi. Separately, South African seamer Wayne Parnell and India spinner Rahul Sharma were questioned by police for their presence at a Mumbai hotel which was raided for being an alleged illegal rave party. Whatever is happening is neither cricket not is it our culture, said former federal finance minister Yashwant Sinha, a member of the main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), as the scandals dominated headlines. The Sports Ministry should intervene and make drastic changes in the IPL. Former India batsman Sanjay Manjrekar, now a popular commentator, said the blame lay in the fact that the tournament was marketed as more than just a cricket tournament. The BCCI will realise that packaging the IPL as entertainment may not be such a good idea. Its got to be just sport, he said. International wariness about the IPL was apparent when Englands Kevin Pietersen, who plays for Delhi Daredevils, said he was sick and tired of defending his participation, and suggested other countries were jealous. However, the attractions of last-ball winning sixes, extravagant switch-hitting and rapid-fire centuries seem to have trumped many concerns, at least in the minds of the Indian public. The packed stadiums this year should silence all doubting Thomases, said the BCCIs Srinivasan. AFP

Indonesia league denies blame for football fan deaths

By Arlina Arshad JAKARTA Indonesias rebel league has refused to take the blame for deadly clashes between fans of two of the countrys fiercest football rivals, saying it wasnt clear they were fighting over the match held on May 27. Fighting broke out after Persija Jakartas 2-2 draw against Persib Bandung in front of a packed house of 80,000 fans at Gelora Bung Karno, which is Indonesias biggest stadium. Three people died and five were seriously injured as fans pelted each other with rocks and bricks outside the venue. Super Liga attempted to distance itself from the violence. The breakaway league, whose launch last year threw Indonesian football into turmoil, said it wouldnt immediately shoulder responsibility. We organised the match but we will only say its our fault if its proven that they were fighting over football, senior Super Liga official Syahril Taher said. The clash happened after the match outside the stadium, so we will have to investigate what caused it before we can say we are responsible. The incident follows the deaths of two fans in a stampede at the same stadium, Jakartas Gelora Bung Karno, in November, and comes after FIFA threatened to suspend Indonesia for failing to rein in the Super Liga. The official Indonesian football association or PSSI, which has been handed a June 15 deadline to bring the Super Liga into line or risk a FIFA suspension, laid the blame squarely with the breakaway league. The Super Ligas matches have always been chaotic with players fighting and supporters beating each other up, association official Rudolf Yesayas said. We knew this was bound to happen and had raised our objections with the police as well as the youth and sports ministry last December. The weekend tragedy was just the latest incident at Gelora Bung Karno after the fatal crush at the Southeast Asian Games final in November, when thousands of fans without tickets barged their way into the stadium. Indonesia has long been in trouble with FIFA over corruption allegations and a damaging leadership tussle at the PSSI. They were also at the centre of a match-fixing probe after Februarys 10-0 World Cup qualifying loss in Bahrain. AFP

Indian Bollywood actor and Indian Premier League franchise Kolkata Knight Riders co-owner Shah Rukh Khan poses with the IPL trophy in Mumbai on May 30. Pic: AFP

Asias major hit by sponsor pull-out

By Talek Harris


June 4 - 10, 2012

SINGAPORE Singapore Open organisers searched for a new backer on May 29 after title sponsor Barclays pulled out, raising questions about the future of a tournament billed as Asias major. Officials said this Novembers US$6 million tournament, which is one of the regions richest golf events, was not in doubt after the British bank decided not to extend its current contract. The Barclays Singapore Open will go ahead this year as scheduled, said a spokesman for the Asian Tour, which cosanctions the Singapore Open along with the European Tour. But with no sponsor lined up for next year, golf fans will be mindful of 2002, 2003 and 2004 when the Singapore Open, which dates to 1961, fell off the calendar due to a lack of corporate backing. No reason was given for Barclays decision to end its seven-year association with the Singapore tournament, which made it Asias most lucrative national open and the regions fourth-richest event this year. Media and analysts speculated the move was linked to a renewed problems among European economies and fears the banking system could again come under severe pressure. We are not impervious to global events and there are already signs of a slowdown in the shipping sector, said Mizuho Bank economist Vishnu Varathan told Singapores Today newspaper. Companies are generally going to be more prudent with their money and will be more selective and a lot less lavish in their spending. But the Singapore Open has also been hit by falling attendances, not helped by its notorious rain delays and the move to split the large, 200-player field between two courses at Sentosa Golf Club. It has also struggled to attract superstar players in Asias increasingly crowded golf calendar, which this year includes four events worth $6 million or more, including the Singapore Open, in just three weeks. Last year, major-winners Phil Mickelson, Graeme McDowell, Y.E. Yang and Padraig Harrington all made the trip to Singapore, but there were no top-10 players in the field. Promoter World Sport Group said no new sponsor would be announced until after the November 8-11 tournament, to avoid an unfair distraction to the sponsors and partners of the 2012 event. AFP

A policeman stands by a placard reading Operation New Last Bet during a press conference following dawn raids as part of a probe into football illegal betting in Cremona on May 28. Pic: AFP

Ban football for 3 yrs: Italy PM

ROME Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti suggested on May 29 that football should be suspended for two to three years in the wake of the countrys latest match-fixing scandal. Italys footballers travel to Poland this week to take part in the European championships but their preparations were thrown into turmoil after police on May 28 made a series of dawn raids as part of a matchfixing investigation. Twenty people, including Lazio captain Stefano Mauri, were arrested. Im not making a proposal and even less so a governmental one but it is something that sometimes I wish for as someone who has loved football for many years, he said during a meeting with Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk. Maybe it would benefit the development of our citizens to have a total suspension of this game for two or three years. Its particularly sad when a world, such as sport, that should express high values is guilty of the most reprehensible ones such as treachery, illegality and deceit. Italian Football Federation president Giancarlo Abete said a suspension would be unfair and would tarnish and punish a lot of innocent people. Im entirely in agreement that there should be no discount for those who cheated but suspending the league would be to mortify the whole of football, he said. It would penalise those who operate honestly, the majority of our system, losing thousands of jobs. Thats not a solution. Football is part of civil society and its not worse than society. Its not better but neither is it worse. In such a delicate moment for our country its necessary to avoid generalisations and demonisations. Defender Domenico Criscito, later left out of coach Cesare Prandellis squad, said he has done nothing wrong. Mauri and Lazio also deny any impropriety. The corruption allegations are the latest to hit Italian football and the third time in just over 30 years that the sport has been dragged through the mud. In 1980 top teams including AC Milan and Lazio were relegated from the top flight for their part in the Totonero match-fixing affair. Then in 2006 Juventus suffered the same fate and were also stripped of their 2005 and 2006 Serie A crowns for trying to influence the referees commission. T h i s t i m e t h e Calcioscommesse or footballbetting scandal has mostly affected teams and players outside the first division. But Atalanta were deducted six points before the season began for their role while Siena and their president Massimo Mezzaroma have also been accused of involvement. However all that stems from last season when both teams were in Serie B. AFP

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