Bite Me First Draft

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Bite Me By Sci Sarhan

First Draft November 30, 2012


WIDE SHOT from the outside of an APARTMENT. The sky is dark and cloudy. Thunder rumbles, and crashes of lightning illuminate the screen.

INT : NIGHTTIME - LIGHTNING STORM - APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM MID SHOT from the inside of the APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM. The room is small, and messy. Against the wall are shelves filled with DVDs, VHSs and books. There is a red aged sofa centerscreen, with two characters sat on it. These two characters are friends, FLARE and BREE. FLARE is a girl, roughly age 18, with fiery hair, and a fiery attitude. She wears red clothing, and holds a bowl of popcorn. She is engrossed in a movie being played on the TV. BREE, on the other hand, looks uninterested. She has tied up brown hair, and wears blue. The movie can be heard, off screen. Dramatic music is heard from the TV. In the background, the sound of rain offers ambience, with the occasional roar of thunder. CUT to the TV SCREEN, showing a teenage girl and boy, both pale, and the male, covered in glitter. The movie scene is set in the forest. The acting is over the top and unconvincing. MOVIE, OFF SCREEN EDRITA (dramatic) Oh Billy! I know you are undead, but my still-beating heart yearns for your love! BILLY (also dramatic) Edrita! We cannot be together! No one will understand our undying love for eachother! EDRITA Well run away! Take me away, Billy! Kiss me! Turn me into a Vampire, Billy! Im ready! Bite me! Bite me so we can spend eternity together! BILLY (looking away) I cant, Edrita. Im a monster.

CUT back to real life. The two girls sitting on the couch. The audio from the TV is still heard clearly. FLARE begins to quote the movie, as the characters speak, imitating the characters voices poorly. EDRITA (echoed by FLARE) Oh, Billy! BILLY (echoed by FLARE) Oh, Edrita! The exaggerated sound of kissing can be heard from the TV. BREE reacts in disgust. BREE (disgusted) Oh brother. BREE sighs in irritation. How can you watch this crap? FLARE is still very captivated by the movie. She does not look away from the screen. FLARE (in awe) Its not crap. Its romantic. BREE Its a waste of time and energy! Its stupid! LIGHTNING strikes. It is fair to warn that every time the word stupid is said in the duration of this scene, LIGHTNING will strike. Every roar of thunder will be marked as (T.S) FLARE frowns, and takes a moment to consider it. FLARE (admittedly) ...I suppose the books better than the movie. As the credits roll on the TV screen, FLARE picks the remote and switches the TV off. BREE stands up in irritation.

BREE The whole idea is stupid! (T.S) BREE takes on a mocking tone. Vampires falling in love with humans! How romantic! She drops the tone. Absolutely ridiculous! FLARE nods slightly, and puts down the remote. FLARE Yeah, I suppose... Vampires are meant to be feared. Not all... Gushy-Wushy. BREE Vampires are a stupid idea in the first place! (T.S) FLARE gasps, and covers her mouth. FLARE Bree! Sure, Twibright Vampires are lame, but you cant hold that against all of Vampire-kind! A real Vampire would-BREE interrupts FLARE, mid-riff. BREE Vampires arent real, Flare. Its a stupid idea (T.S), made up by some stupid pervert (T.S), to satisfy his stupid fantasies. (Very loud T.S) During BREEs monologue here, CUT to a mid shot from outside of the window. Some ominous-looking shadows can be seen, and grow with every strike of lightning. CUT back to inside. CLOSE UP of FLARE. She looks mildly upset. FLARE (timidly) S-stupid? (Quiet T.S) Vampires are superstitions that date back hundreds of years! Theyre hardly some... Dirty fancy! Besides...

FLARE smirks coyly. Come on, a Vampire would make a great lover. BREE (recoiling in disgust) Ugh! Nasty, Flare! FLARE Imagine it. An awkward moment of SILENCE passes, before BREE swiftly exits the living room. FLARE sighs in satisfaction. She stands, and flinches as she sees the shadow of a looming, clawed figure on the wall. She looks out of the window, and realises the shadow is just of the tree branches from outside. She shakes her head and sighs. FLARE Psh... Stupid. (T.S) FLARE turns off the light, and exits the room.

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