Upper Indus Basin Geology

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AGE GROUP FORMATION Kawagarh Formation Lumshiwal Formation Surghar Group Chichali Formation Samana Suk Formation Shinwari Formation E L Musa Khel Group M Triassic Datta Formation Kingriali Formation Tredian Formation LITHOLOGICAL SYMBOLS TYPE LOCALITY Kawagarh Hills, District Attock LITHOLOGY FOSSILS L It consist of dark marl and cleaved calcareous shale which weather light grey, brownish grey and nodular The formation is poor in mega fossilshowever collignoceratid ammonoids are recorded. Also argillaceoes limestone in westerly exxtension and on eastern side dolomitic limestone occurs. smaller foraminifers including different species of Globotruncana (G. lapparenti, G. fornicata, G. Tsukail Tsuk Menber:- A grey thick to massive bedded, excarpment forming limestone. concavata carinata, G. elevata-calcarata), Heterohelix reussi, H. globocarinatam H. globulosa. Chalor Silli Member:- A light grey, olive grey medium bedded limestone with shale and marl intercalation. It consist of thick-bedded to massive, ight grey, current-bedded sandstone with silty, sandy, glauconitic shale It contains bivalves, gastropods, ammonoids (Douvilleiceras mammilatum, Oxytropidoceras spp., Lumshiwal Nala, towards the base and feldspathic, ferruginous and contains carbonaceous material in the upper partin Samana Desmoceras sp., Cleoniceras sp., Brancoceras sp., Lemunoceras sp., Ammonitoceras sp., District Mianwali range it consist of fine to coarse grained grey, brown, quartzose sandstone with silty clay partings. Pseudosaynellid, Deshayesitids, Virgatosphinctes), belemnites and echinoids. The formation consists of dark green, greenish grey, weathering rusty brown, glaconitic sandstone dark grey, It contains Perisphinctes, P. Mayaites, Belemnopsis gerardi, Aspidoceras, Physodoceras sp., Chichali Pass, bluish grey, greenish grey, sandy, silty, glauconitic shale with phosphatic nodules in lower parts. At Chichali Katroliceras cf., pottingeri, Pachysphinctes robustus, Aulacossphincytoides sp., Virgatosphinches, District Karrak pass, it is sufficiently rich in iron to form a low grade iron ore. Proniceras indicum, Neocomites, Berriasella, Spiticeras. Kilianella, Olcostephanus and Lyticoceras The formation consists of grey to dark grey, medium to thick bedded oolitic limestone with subordinate marl It contains brachipods (Somalirhynchia nobelis), bivalves (Homomya sp., Pecten sp., Arctostrea Samana Peak, and calcareous shale intercalation. Also it contains thin to thick bedded dolomitic and ferruginous, sandy, sp., Tellurima tellaris), gastropods (Cossmanea sp.), ammonoids (Reineckeia spp., Choffatia sp., District Hangu oolitic beds, dolomite and dolomitic limestone with chert. Obtusicostites spp., O. buckmani, Hubertoceras sp., Kinkeliniceras sp.) and crinoids. The formation consists of thin to thick bedded grey, brownish grey limestone that includes sandy, oolitic and The fossils recorded are Bouleiceras, Terebratula, Montlivaltia, Pholadomya, Zeilleria, Shinwari Village, ferruginous beds. Nodular marl, calcareous and non calcareous maroon shale and quartzose, ferruninous and Eotrapezium, Spiriferina sp., Velata velata, Pecten sp., Lima gigantee, corals gastropods, bivalves District Karrak calcareous white to light grey, brown sandstone. and brachipods. Datta Nala in The formation consists of variegated (red, maroon, grey, green and white) sandstone, shale, siltstone and No diagnostic fossils have been reported from the formation except come carbonceous remains. Surghar Range mudstone with irregularly distributed calcareous carbonaceous,ferruginous glass sand and fireclay horizon. The age is determined on the basis of stratigraphic position. Kingriali Peak, The formation consists of thin to thick bedded, massive, fine to coarse-textured, light grey-brown dolomite and Fossils are rare and poorly preserved. Only some brachiopods, bivalves and crinoidal remains have District Mianwali dolomitic limestone with interbeds of greenish dolomitic shale and marl in the upper parts. been reported. Khatkiara Member:- It is massive, thick-bedded white sandstone with inclusion of some dolomite. It contains plants microfossils, spores,poleen grains and wood fragments. Some of them are Tredian Hills, Landa Member:- It consists of micaceous reddish grey togreenish grey thin to thick bedded sandstone and Calamospora landiana, Cyciogranisporites arenosus, Aratrisporites paenulatus, Falcisporites District Mianwali shale with ripple marks and slump structures. stabilism platysaccus queenslandi. Katwai Member:- The most significant fossil is Ophiceras connectens. Glyptophiceras cf., G. Narmia Member:- It consists of dark grey to brown limestome and grey to black shale with interbed of himalayanum in addition to endothyracean Foraminifera, Lingula borealis, rhynchonellids, sandstone. The topmost bed is grey to brown dolomite. pectinids, ostracodes, conodonts, fishteeteh and assemblage of pollens and spores. Zaluch Nala, Mittiwali Member:- It consists of grey, fine grained, non-glouconitic limestone and has greenish to greyish Mittiwali Member:- It includes ammonoids (Ambites, Proptychites, Koninckites, Gyronites, District Mainwali shale, silty shale somesandstone and limestoneinterbeds. Kymatites Kingites and Paranorites) and bivalves (Anasibirites, Prionites, Hemiprionites) Kathwai Member:- This unit consists of finely crystalline dolomite with quartz grains in the lower part and Narmia Member:- It contains brachiopods, ammonoids (Subvishnuites sp., Xenoceltites sp., grey to brown glauconitic limestone in the upper part. Procarnites kokeni, Isculitoids sp., Stacheites sp., Dagnoceras sp., Nordophiceras sp., Nordophiceras planorbis, Arctomeekoceras sp.,Tirolites sp.), nautiloids, echinoids and crinodal. The formation contains Brachiopods (Aulosteges sp., Callispirina sp., Chonetella sp., The base of formation is pale-yellowish grey to medium dark grey shale containing phosphatic nodules. Cleiothyridina cf., capillata Derbyia cf., D. plicatella Dielasmatids sp. Enteletes sp., Hemiptychina Chhidru Nala, Overlying this are the beds of light grey hard calcareous sandstone with few sandy limestone. The top most sp., Hustedia sp., Kiangsiella sp., Linoproductuc sp., Lyttonia sp., Martinia sp., Neospirifer sp., District Khushab part is a white medium to fine grained sandstone bed with ripple marks and dark shale partings of sand-shale Orthoticchia sp., Richthofenia sp., Spiriferella sp., Spirigerella sp., Waagenoconcha sp., Whispakia ratio of 3:2. sp.), Ammonoids (Stacheoceras antiquum, Cyclolobus oldhami, Eumedlicottia primas, Episageceras wynnei, Xenodiscus carbonariuc, X. plicatus) The formation contains bryozoans, brachiopods (Enteletes, Derbyia, Waagenoconcha, Wargal Village, The formation comprises limestone and dolomite of light to medium grey, brownish-grey and olive grey Richthofenia, Oldhaminia, Linoproductuc, Spirigerella), bivalves, gastropods, nautilois, District Khushab colours. Also chert nodules are present near the upper part of formation. ammonoids, trilobites (Kathwaia capitorosa, Ditomopye fatmii),crinoids, pollen and spores, ostracodes and conodonts. Following fossils has been reported: Brachiopods (Orthotichia spp., Distyoclostus spp. Marginifera Amb Village, The formation consists of brownish grey, medium-grained, calcareous and medium to thick bedded sandstone spp., Neospirifer spp., Strophalosia spp., Dielasma spp.), fusulinids, bryozoans, bivalves and District Khushab at lower part; sandy, brownish grey, medium bedded limestone at middle; and grey to dark grey shale at top. gastropods. The index fossils reports is Monodiexodina kattanesis. The formation is composed of of bluish and greenish-grey clay, with some minor sand and siltstone beds. It Sardhai Gorge, Sandy limestone beds exposed contains Anastomopora sp., Fenestella sp., Athyris sp. and Spirifer also contains come carbonaceous shale at upper part. The clay displays lavender color and contains some District Jehlum sp. copper minerals including charcopyrite.minor jarosite, chert and gypsum are also found. The formation consists of red, purple and lighter shade of pink, medium to coarse grained sandstone, Warccha Gorge, Some plant remains have been reported but the age is determined from the stratigraphic postion of conglometratic at places and has interbeds of shale. The pebble of units are pink granite and quartzite. The District Jehlum the formation. formation at Burikhel contains canbonaceous coal with impersistance coal seams. Dandot Village, The formation consists of light grey to olive green yellowish sandstone with occasional thin pebbly beds and The formation contains fossiliferous and yeilded brachiopods (Discina sp., Martiniopsis sp., District Jehlum subordinate dark grey and greenish splintery shales. Chonetes sp.), bivalves (Eurydesma) and many species of Conularia, Bryozoa and Ostracoda. In Eastern Salt Range, the rock unit is composed of boulders of granite with fragments of quartz, Central Salt Range contains Glassopteris, Gangamopteris and several species of freshwater feldspar,magnetite, garnet, claystone, siltstone, quartzite, bituminous shale, diabase and gneiss. In Central Salt bivalves and ostracods. At Zaluch nala, pollen and spores identified as Punctatisporites cf., P. Tobra Village, Range the formation is mainly composed of freshwater facies with siltstone and shale. In Western Salt Range, gretensis, Leiotriletessp., Acanthotriletescf. A. tereteangulaus, Apicnlatisporites sp., District Jehlum lower part is composed of brownish green clastic material, middle part is composed of dark to light olivine Protohaploxypinus sp., Striatopodocarpites sp., Potonieisporites sp., Kraeuselisporites sp., grey sandstone with conglomeratic beds at base and upper part consists of dark green grey clay and sandstone Nuskoisporites sp. with pebbles and boulders. The formation is conposed of red shale and clay, alternating with flaggy sandstone which exhibits several Baghanwala, The formation only contains trace fossils. And its age is determined on its conifirmable position on colours including pink grey or blue green, especially in lower half of formation. Sedimentary structure like District Jehlum Jutana Formation. ripple marks and mud cracks are common and pseudomorphic casts of salt crystals are also found. The lower part of formation consists of light green, hard, massive, partly sandy dolomite and the upper part is Jutana Village, The formation is fossiliferous. Its includes Lingulella fushsi, Botsfordia granulata, Redlichia composed of light green to dirty white massive dolomite. Also brecciated dolomite is also present with matrix District Jehlum noelingi and a Gastropod identified as Pseudotheca cf. subrugosa. and fragments of same rocks. The formation is composed of greenish-grey glauconitic, micaceous sandstone, green-grey siltstone, Kussak Fort, The formation is fossiliferous and has yeilded the following fauna: Neobolus warthi, Botsfordla interbedded with light grey dolomite and some oolitic arenaceous dolomite. Also interformational District Jehlum granulata, Lingulella wanniecki, L. fuchsi, Hyolithes wynnei, Redlichta noelingi. conglomerate is present. Khewra Gorge, The formation predominantly of purple to brown, yellowish brown, fine-grained sandstone. The lower-most The formation only contains few trace fossils of Trilobite trails and are not indicative of any District Jehlum part is red, flaggy shale. Sedimentary structure like ripple marks and mud cracks are also common. particular age. Sahiwal Marl Member:- Bright red marl beds with irregular gypsum, dolomite beds and Khewra Traps; ( 3Khewra Gorge, 100) and dull red marl with some salt seams and 10m thick gypsum on top; ( >40m). Tertiary microfossils have been reported from this formation however it is suspected that they District Jehlum Bhandar Kas Gypsum Member:- Massive gypsum with beds of dolomite and clay;( >80m). were due to the contamination. Therefore its age is detemined on its position. Billianwala Salt Member:- Ferruginous red marl wath thick seams of salt;( >650m).



Mianwali Formation

Chhidru Formation Zaluch Group Late

Wargal Formation Amb Formation Sardhai Formation


Nilawahan Group


Warccha Sandstone Dandot Formation

Tobra Formation

Baghanwala Formation Jhelum Group Cambrian Jutana Formation Kussak Formation Khewra Sandstone Pre Cambrian Salt Range Formation


AGE Pleis. Quat. GROUP FORMATION Soan Formation Siwalik Group Dhok Pathan Formation Nagri Formation LITHOLOGICAL SYMBOLS TYPE LOCALITY Mujahid Village, District Attock Dhok Pathan, District Attock LITHOLOGY The formation consist essentially of compact, massive conglomerate with subordinate interbeds of varicoloured sandstone, siltstone and/or clay. The conglomerate consists of variety of pebbles and boulders of different sizes of type grey limestone, quartzite, porphyritic rocks, sandstone,gneiss, schist and diabase. The formation is represented by monotonous cyclic alteration of light grey, greaming white or reddish brown sandstone and orange, brown, dull red or reddish brown clay beds. Minor incalation of yellowish brown siltstone are also common. At upper part, conglomerate in the form of lenses and layer is present. FOSSILS The formation is poorly fossiliferous. Reported vertibrates includes Mastodon sivalensis, Stegodon clifti, Elephas cf. planifrons, Sivatherium giganteum, proamphibos lachrymans, Dicoryphochoerus durandi and Sivafelis potens.

Chinji Formation Miocene

Rawalpindi Group

Kamlial Formation Murree Formation


Chor Gali Formation Charrat Group Eocene Sakesar Limestone Nammal Formation

Patala Formation Makarwal Group Paleocene

Lockhart Limestone

Hangu Formation

Important fossil reported are Indarctos salmontanus, Arctamphicyon lydekkeri, Ictitherium indicum, Mastodon browni, Dicoryphopathanensis, Hydaspitherium megacephalum, Hipparion pujabiense, Rhinoceros sivalensis and Pachyportax latidens. Dhok Sethi It includes crocodiles, chelonians, proboscideansn, rhinoceratides and artiodactyles. Important The formation consists of greenish grey, medium to coarse grained, crossbedded sandstone with subordinate Nagri, mammals are Triophodon angustidens var. palaeoindicus, Pentalophodon falconeri, Dinotherium sandy or silty, chocolate brown or reddish grey and pale orange clay and conglomerate. District Chakwal indicum var. pentapotamiae, giraffokeryx chinjiensis. The formation yielded abundent vertebrate fossils like innumerable crocodiles, turtles, monitor The formation consist of red clay with subordinate ash grey or brownish grey fien to medium grained lizards, aquatic birds, dinotheres, primitive trilophodonts, forest dwelling suidae, Okapi-like Chingi Village, occasionally gritty, soft bedded and soft sandstone. Also scattered pebbles of quartzite and thin lenses of Giraffokeryx, water deer, few hominoids, plethora of pythons and chelonian remains. Also it District Chakwal intraformational conglomerat are also found. In Shinghar Range, the formation is mainly composed of reddishincludes Sivapithecus indicus, Trilophodon macrognathus, Sivacanthion complicatus, Giraffokeryx brown or reddish grey sandstone and interbedded clay. punjabiensis, Chilotherium intermedium and Sivaelurus chinjiensis. A number of fossil mammals have been recorded including Trilophodon cf. angustidens, Kamlial, The formation consists of purple-grey and dark brick-red medium to coarse grained sandstone and contains Dinotherium indicum, Amphicyon cf. shahbazi, Hyaenaelurus lahirii, Anthracotherium sp., District Attock interbeds of hard purple shale and yellow and purple interformational conglomerate. Hemimeryx sp., Teleoceras fatehjangensis. The formation is composed of a monotonous sequence of dark red and purple clay and purpl, grey and greenish Mainly the formation is poorly fossiliferous and only few plants, silicified wood, fish frog and Dhok Maiki, grey sandstone with subordinate intraformational conglomerate. The basal strata of formation consists of light mammalian bones are recorded. However at some places remains of mammals including District Attock greenish grey calcareous sandstone and conglomerate. In Kohat area, it has higher percentage of sandstone Anthracotherium bugtiense, Brachydus giganteus, B. cf. africanus, Palaeochocrus pascoei, which is brown, greenish grey, in places purple and medium to coarse grained interbedded with siltstone. Hemimeryx xp., Teleoceras fatehjangensis. The formation is composed of shale and limestone and divided into two unit. The lower unit conprises of white It contains foraminifers, molluscs and ostracodes. The foraminifers include Assilina spinnosa, A. Chor Gali Pass, to light grey and yellowish grey and medium bedded dolomitic limestone interbedded with grey to greenish granulosa, A. daviesi, A. leymeriei, Floculina globosa, Globorotalia reissi, G. wilcoxensis, District grey calcareous shale. The upper part is predominently composed of with dark grey argillaceous limestone. In Globigerina prolata, Lockhartia hunti, L. tipperi, L.conditti, Nummulites atacicus, N. mamilla, Rawalpindi Salt Range, the upper part is mainly porcellaneous limestone. Orbitolites complanatus and rotalia crookshankiana. The unit dominently consists of cream coloured to light grey, nodular, massive limestone with subordinate It contains large assemblage of foraminifer, molluscs and echinoids. Important foraminifer are Sakesar Peak, cream coloured to light grey marl. There is considerable development of chert in the upper pars. Near Daud Assilina leymeriei, A. laminosa, Fasciolites oblonga, Flosculina globosa, L. conditi, L. hunti, District Khushab Khel, the limestone grades into white to grey and massive gypsum. Operculina Nummulitoids, Orbitolites complanatus, Sakesaria cotteri and Rotalla trochidiformis. It comprises grey to olive green shale, light grey to bluish grey marl and argillaceous limestone. In Salt Range, Abundent fossils mainly molluscs and forminifers have be reported including Nummulites Nammal Gorge, these rocks occur as alternations. In Surghar Range, the lower part composed of bluish grey marl with atacicus, N. lahirii, N. Irregularis, Assilina granulosa, A. laminosa, A. spinosa, Lockhartia tipperi, District Mainwali interbedded calcareous shale and minor limestone while upper part consists of bluish grey to dark grey L. hunti, L. conditi, Operculina nummulitoids Discocyclina ranikotensis. Fasciolites oblogna, limestone with intercalation of marl and shale. Textularia crookshanki, Quinqueloculina gapperi, Alabamina wilcoxensis, Globigernia linaperta. In Salt Range, the formation consists of dark greenish grey selenite-bearing shale with marcasite nodules and It contains molluscs, ostracods and foraminifers including Actinosiphon tibetica, Assilina Patala Nala, marl with subordinate white to light grey nodular limestone and yellowish brown calcareous sandstone. Coal dondotica, Daviesina intermedia, Discocyclina ranikotensis, Kathina nammalensis, Lockhartia District Mianwali seam is also present. In Kohat area, it contains dark grey shale that include light grey argillaceous linestone conditi, Nummulites globulus, Operculina canalifera, O. patalensis. Glandulina laevigata, beds. In kala chitta, it contains light brown to grey marl with interbeds of limestone. Cincoriala cvoidea, C. patalaensis, Cycloculina glabra, Globigernia linaperta, Sakesaria ornata. The limestone contains foraminifers(Lockhartia conditi var. roeae, L. haimei, Miscellanea, The limestone in Kohat area is grey to medium grey, medium to thick bedded, massive, subbly and brecciated. Operculina patalensis, L. conica, Daviesina Khatiyahi, Rotalia trochidiformis, R. perovalis, Lockhart Fort, The basal part is dark grey to bluish grey and flaggy. In Salt Range, its nodular with minor amount ofgrey marl Globorotalia uncinata, Globigerina trigularis, Textularia smithvillensis, Triloculina trigonula, District Hangu and dark bluishgrey calcareous shale. In Hazara and Kalla Chitt areas, its dark grey to black in color and Miscellanea miscella, Actinosiphon punjabesis. M. stampi, L. newboldi, Discocyclina ranikotensis, contains intercalations of marl and shale. The lime stone is generally bituminous. Fasciolites globosa, Nummulites nuttall ), corals, molluscs, echinoids and algae(Corallina grandis). In Kohat area, it consisted of white, light grey and reddish/dark rusty brown medium to thick bedded sandstone Foraminifers with come corals, gastropods and bivalves has been reported along with Operculina Lockhart Fort, with grey shale intercalation. In Salt Range it consists of dark grey, rarely variegated sandstone, shale, cf., O. candalifera, O. subsalsa, Miscellanea miscella, Lockhartia haimei, L. conditi Lepidocyclma District Hangu carbonaceous shale and some nodular argillaceous limestone. In KalaChitta and Hazara, it consists of and Epistominella dubia. ferruginous, oolitic or pisolitic sandstone, siltstone and clay and contains the Langrial Iron Ore.


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