Public Speaking: Merit Badge Workbook
Public Speaking: Merit Badge Workbook
Public Speaking: Merit Badge Workbook
This workbook can help you but you still need to read the merit badge pamphlet (book). No
one can add or subtract from the Boy Scout Requirements #33216. Merit Badge Workbooks
and much more are below: Online Resources.
Workbook developer: [email protected]. Requirements revised: 2002, Workbook
updated: March 2009.
Scouts Name: ___________________________________
Unit: ________________________
Counselors Ph #: ________________________
1. Give a three- to five-minute introduction of yourself to an audience such as your troop, class
at school, or some other group.
Public Speaking p. 2
2. Prepare a three- to five-minute talk on a topic of your choice _______________________________
that incorporates body language ______________________________________________________________
and visual aids. _______________________________________________________________________________
Public Speaking p. 3
3. Give an impromptu talk of at least two minutes, either as part of a group discussion or
before your counselor. Use a subject selected by your counselor that is interesting to you but
that is not known to you in advance and for which you do not have time to prepare. __________
4. Select a topic of interest to your audience. _________________________________________________
Collect and organize information about this topic and prepare an outline. _____________________
Write an eight- to 10-minute speech, practice it, then deliver it in the conversational way. ____
Public Speaking p. 4
Public Speaking p. 5
Cub Scout: Communicating Belt Loop & Pin - Webelos: Communicator - Merit
Badges: Public Speaking - Communications
Speeches & Presentations: How to Choose a topic - How to Write a Speech - How to
Give a Speech - Ideas from eHow
Lesson Videos: ExpertVillage: Giving a Speech - Public Speaking Tips - Public Speaking
- Eye Contact - Hand Gestures - Props
The Citizenship in the Community #8 public presentation...of your community
could be given as a Communications #3 five-minute speech
using the techniques from Photography #4b to produce a picture story
and Art #1 to tell a story
which could be developed into the Computers #6e short presentation.
Also see Communications #3. "Write a five-minute speech. Give it at a meeting of a group."
3. How to give an Impromtu Speech step-by-step instructions.
Lesson Videos: How to Do an Impromptu Speech: What is an Impromptu Speech? Delivery - Organizing - Staying Focused - Note Cards - Benefits - Disadvantages
5. Wikipedia:Robert's Rules of Order - Quick Reference - Introduction - Robert's Rules of Order
Quick Reference - Robert's Rules of Order - Some Basics - Robert's Rules Made Simple
Robert's Parliamentary Procedure - Parliamentary procedure - Wikipedia, the free
encyclopedia - Simplified Parliamentary Procedure - Parliamentary Procedure - Quick
Resources for Master of Ceremonies for a Court of Honor or lead a Patrol Leaders' Council
General Resources
National Speakers Association: