B1 Set 1 Answers
B1 Set 1 Answers
B1 Set 1 Answers
70 minutes 70 marks
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any two reasonable suggestions e.g. less active accept e.g.s like fewer jobs / more cars / less physically demanding employment OWTTE more food / take-aways / fast food
high (blood) cholesterol do not accept combination of 2 labels ignore references to LDL and HDL
(ii) (iii)
12 correct answer with or without working if answer incorrect evidence of (number of deaths) 6 or 2 seen gains 1 mark
both bars correctly plotted ie plots in spaces between 2.8 and 3.2 and 0.8 and 1.2 ignore width and shading
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(ii) (iii)
bacteria / germs / microbes / infection killed / washed off accept less infections passed on
metabolic rate
do not allow bacteria get used to antibiotics or idea that antibiotics change the bacteria or bacteria become immune or references to adaptation or evolution
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an economic reason, eg treated animals do not infect other animals / farm workers
M6. (b)
diet or description
exercise or group meetings or same number of kilocalories per day or time or group size
any two from: eg scientists didnt observe amount of exercise or volunteers cheated on exercise(*) scientists didnt observe the amount of food or volunteers cheated on food(*) (*)if no marks awarded for first 2 bullet points allow dont stick to plan or cheated for 1 mark mass of subjects not controlled age of subjects not controlled gender of subjects not controlled occupation of subjects not controlled different proportions of subjects completed course allow not all completed course low number of subjects ignore not repeated
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any two from: (yes) low carbohydrate / Group 1 / people / they lost more mass ignore more people lost weight allow greater change in mass low carbohydrate / Group 1 / people / they lost more body fat ignore more people lost body fat allow greater change in body fat low carbohydrate diet / Group 1 / people / they resulted in more HDL allow better HDL to LDL balance allow greater change in HDL
any two from: highest (mean) mass loss on Rosemary Conley or Rosemary Conley most effective least (mean) mass loss in control group or mean
mass loss very similar to other diets or second highest mass loss or as effective as other diets
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any two from: (exercise) increases metabolic rate / respiration ignore sweating (exercise) needs / uses energy / calories allow burns fat / calories do not accept energy for respiration (this) energy comes from food / fat less food / energy/ calories converted to fat
(a) Disease Influenza Mumps Cholera Tuberculosis All four for 3 marks two or three for 2 marks one for 1 mark
Caused by bacteria
Caused by viruses
Marks awarded for this answer will be determined by the Quality of Written Communication (QWC) as well as the standard of the scientific response. No relevant content.
0 marks
There is a brief description of the process by which the human body develops immunity after vaccination.
Level 1 (12 marks)
There is a description of the process by which the human body develops immunity after vaccination.
Level 2 (34 marks)
There is a clear and detailed description of the process by which the human body develops immunity after vaccination.
Level 3 (56 marks)
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examples of the points made in the response when a vaccination is given, dead or weakened pathogens are injected into the body the white blood cells respond by producing antibodies some of these white blood cells survive in the body and act as memory cells when the same pathogens enter the body again the white blood cells rapidly produce antibodies which destroy the pathogen this prevents illness developing.
correct antibodies rapidly made if the body is infected with the virus
but the number of children developing autism rose and fell during the period when % vaccinations was falling
number of children developing autism peaked after MMR vaccination had ceased
which suggests that something other than MMR vaccination was causing autism
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any two from: sterilise / kill microorganisms ignore cleaning / disinfect ignore germs method of sterilisation eg apparatus / media sterilised in oven / autoclave allow pressure cooker / boiling water pass flask mouth / pipette tip / loop / test tube mouth through flame work near a flame minimise opening of flask / test tube or hold non-vertical allow idea of sealing / covering or prevent entry of air
any two from: temperature ignore references to time / type of bacterium concentration / amount of nutrients / ions type of nutrient volume / amount of solution amount of bacteria added agitation or amount of oxygen
any two from live inside / infect body cells difficult for drugs to enter (body) cells / drug would kill (body) cell antibiotics ineffective against viruses viruses mutate frequently
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420 correct answer with or without working if answer incorrect evidence of number of deaths 7 or 60 seen gains 1 mark ignore 6 000 000
any three from: virus / flu mutates people no longer / not immune ignore resistance white blood cells / memory cells / immune system do not recognise virus relevant reference to antibodies / antigens current vaccine ineffective or no vaccine available then or takes time to develop new vaccine allow no tamiflu / anti-viral drugs conditions less hygienic / lack of hygiene people in poor health (following world wars) allow people had weak immune system
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