By The Numbers - Issue No. 1

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NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS: Unleash the Power of Written Goals ...............

NO. 1

V OL. 1

J AN U ARY 2 , 2 0 1 0

EMAIL ETIQUETTE: 7 Tips for More Effective Email Messages.......... 2

SMALL TALKPART 1: Improve Conversations at Networking Events....... 2


NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS The Power of Written Goals

The New Year is here. Are you making resolutions for 2011? Do you think that youll keep them? The odds are against you. There is, however, a way to improve your chances of success.
On New Years Day, millions of people make resolutions that never come to fruition. Can you improve your odds of achieving these dreams? Yes! The exact reasons for failed resolutions vary by person. However, a common issue is not turning dreams into goals. Goals are dreams with deadlines. Is it your dream to lose weight? Set goals to achieve that dream. And, most importantly, write your goals. Written goals have power. When I was 25, I wrote twenty goals to accomplish in the next five years including personal, career, and financial goals. I achieved all of them. It works! Just putting pen to paper is not enough. Use the SMART method for effective goals: Specific, Measurable, Actionbased, Relevant, and Time-bound. For example, lets return to the dream of losing weight. How might this translate into SMART goals? I want to lose 25 pounds in the next 12 months to improve my health. Specific, measurable, relevant, and time-bound. Ill ride my exercise bike for 30 minutes four days each week. Specific, measurable, action-based and time-bound. I will only drink 1 soda each day. Specific, measurable, action-based, and time-bound. Be specific. As Jack Canfield wrote in The Success Principles, Vague goals produce vague results. The benefits of written goals are many and profound. They provide direction. They help you focus. They allow you to measure your progress. And they are a source of constant motivation. Now, go write your goals!


The Habit List: A nice tool to build better habits (by Productivity 501) 101 Tips To Get Hired During a Recession: 7 Ways You Are Losing Money Today: Wise words. Be thrifty! Resources for Home-Based Businesses and Home Offices: Lots of stuff, have fun browsing Bargain Books: Build your library inexpensively (assuming youre not an e-book fan)

7 Tips for Effective Emails
Business professionals use email every day. Good etiquette produces more effective email messages Here are several tips.
1. Be concise. Keep it short and to the point. If you find yourself writing a long email, try the telephone or a face-toface meeting instead. 4. Answer quickly. Even if only to let the person know you need more time to respond fully.


The Victor By C.W. Longenecker
If you think you are beaten, you are. If you think you dare not, you dont If you like to win but think you cant, Its almost a cinch you wont. If you think youll lose, youre lost. For out in the world we find Success begins with a fellows will Its all in the state of mind. If you think youre outclassed, you are. Youve got to think high to rise. Youve got to be sure of yourself before You can ever win the prize. Lifes battles dont always go To the stronger or faster man. But sooner or later, the man who wins

Optimize PC Performance Weekly, run Error-Checking and Disk Cleanup to detect and repair disk errors and to remove temporary files. Run Disk Defragmenter each month to consolidate files for easier access. Maintain anti-virus, firewall, anti-spam, and site advisor software to safeguard data and Internet browsing. If your PC suddenly starts running slowly, immediately run your anti-virus software.

5. No CAPITALS. Writing 2. Use a meaningful subject in ALL CAPS is like shoutline. Make the subject very ing. Avoid it. clear in a few 6. Use white People are busy. words. This fospace. Short Short emails will cuses attention paragraphs. with be read. Long and sets the blank lines beones may not be. framework of the tween are easier to communication. read than long paragraphs 3. Use CC appropriately. Do with no breaks. not CC someone unless it is 7. Read your email. clear why they are getting a Read before sending! copy. Otherwise recipients Make sure it conveys your may not know who should take message in a professional action or how. way. Check it for spelling and grammar.

Conversation in Networking
You know networking is important, but you find yourself nervous and tongue-tied at events. Use these tips to improve your conversational skills.
Plan ahead. Know who is likely to attend the event. Have 2-3 relevant topics ready to discuss. A current business news story, for example. Also, have 3-4 questions ready to ask to prompt conversation. For example, So, what did you most like about the lecture? Planning ahead allows you to move the conversation along. Listen more than you talk. A sincere interest in listening to the other person has an amazing effect on conversations. Keep eye contact, nod your head, and make short remarks or prompts, as appropriate. Be the first to say Hello! The other people are likely as nervous as you. Smile, offer your name, and put out your hand to shake. Hello, Im Bill Morgan. Repeat the other persons name. Pleased to meet you, John. Use their name again quickly. So, John, what line of business are you in? People like hearing their names and helps you remember them.

Is the man who thinks he can.

My name is Bill Morgan. I write and produce this journal. I have a 20-year career in finance and account. Ive been a CFO, controller, accounting manager, and an auditor. I enjoy writing. My goal for this journal is to provide helpful content. I am active on the Internet as: Willard C. Morgan III Email: [email protected]

From Tom Peters (c. 1997):

Starting today you are a brand. You're every bit as much a brand as Nike, Coke, or Pepsi. Ask yourself the same question brand managers ask: What is it that Confident body language. my product or service does You make others uncomfortthat makes it different? Use the traditional 15 words-orable if you look ill at ease. less challenge. Take time Dont cross your arms across to write down your answer. your chest. Smile! Keep eye And then take time to read it. Several times. contact. Gesture with your hands while youre talking. Act It's time to give some serious thought and even more confident, whether or not you serious effort to imagining feel it. and developing yourself as a brand.

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