Intro To DV With VMM
Intro To DV With VMM
Intro To DV With VMM
July 2011
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Contents 1 2
Design and Verification Flow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Test and Device Configuration gen_cfg() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Build Phase build() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reset and Configure DUT reset_dut(), cfg_dut() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Start the Components Phase start() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Waiting for End Phase wait_for_end() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stop and Cleanup Phase stop(), cleanup(). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Report Phase report() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Factory Pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Self-Checking and Functional Coverage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Callbacks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transactor Callbacks Invocation with Macro `vmm_callback() . . . . . . . . . Summary: VMM Basics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3-33 3-35 3-36 3-36 3-36 3-37 3-37 3-41 3-42 3-43 3-45 3-57
5 A
Example Code
Introduction 1
The Verification Methodology Manual for SystemVerilog (VMM) describes the framework for developing re-usable verification components and testbench verification environment that provides for higher productivity and enables interoperability. In generic terminology, the VMM consists of coding guidelines and a set of base classes. The VMM book documents advanced functional verification techniques used by industry experts to validate complex SOCs. In this document we will introduce the basic concepts of the VMM. This tutorial and quick guide is intended to provide design and verification engineer deeper understanding of the terminology, the methodology rules and use model. We will touch upon the highlights of VMM; a comprehensive methodology for design verification. This will be sufficient to jump start the novice users in learning the basics of VMM and immediately applying it to their verification at hand.
Introduction 1-1
In the next chapters we will describe the basic libraries and utility classes through simple examples. We will build a testbench environment for a simple FIFO design in the last chapter which combines the basic and minimum recommendations of the Verification Methodology Manual (VMM). This text accompanies examples and verification environment which can be downloaded and used for training and tutorial purposes. It is assumed that the reader has some familiarity with SystemVerilog and its constructs. It is recommended that the tutorial for SystemVerilog with VCS be reviewed before studying this introduction. You can find the tutorial in the $VCS_HOME/doc/ examples/testbench/sv directory.
Introduction 1-2
Based on the plan and architecture the verification environment is drawn up, with appropriate components, such as transactors, data models in transactions, scoreboards, monitors and coverage gathering mechanisms. Figure 1-1 Design and Verification Flow Abstraction
Of course this is an iterative process once the verification environment is authored, upon execution, the simulation results need to be thoroughly analyzed and checked. This process will continue until engineering team is satisfied that verification is complete. Functional coverage will help place a closure to this task.
Introduction 1-3
Introduction 1-4
Verification Process Overview
In this section we will review the basic elements of structured verification development.
Goals of Verification
In the recent past electronic designs have become more complex and have required more ready-made foundations of design blocks as well as the verification blocks. This complexity has translated itself into even more complex verification components and environments. Verification has become very critical segment of complex system and chip designs. The challenge is to raise productivity and quality of the design verification at the same time that you streamline the process and reduce the time it takes to functionally validate the design before fabrication.
One of the ways to help design verification engineers in this process involves modularized development of the verification environment. This is an important step to allow engineers to divide up the tasks in properly partitioned zones which can be connected together with minimal efforts. The fact is that todays systems require more time to develop the random test scenarios. This will require a robust infrastructure.
Framework of Verification
In any complex task undertaking be it design, verification, or take example of building constructions, starting with a well-defined and thought-through baseline and framework provide for higher productivity and improve the design and task efficiency. In this respect if verification engineers can build their environment on top of a well structured base the initial steps of development are done faster and the task shifts to generation of tests and scenarios that stimulates the design under test for unraveling the hard-to-find bugs. Once the baseline framework is better defined then the task of verification engineers will be shifted from development of the libraries and base classes to defining what types of test cases need to be created. Todays designs also work in many levels of abstractions from highlevel abstract models, transaction-level models to gate-netlist need to be verified for correctness. In this respect a well-defined framework needs to be combined with a well-defined methodology to produce the desired functionality. That is to say that the methodology and framework work hand-in-hand and in congruence to provide the full flexibility for the users. The methodology will use the baseline and the framework which contains the library elements and components necessary for the methodology.
Verification Process Overview 2-2
SystemVerilog contains advanced constructs and features that form a solid foundation for creating constrained random verification environment.
Figure 2-1
One of the major items to keep in mind is that traditional directed testing suffered from lack of re-usable components, as well as lack of high-level structures which can really be possible with the encapsulation of modular functionality, for example, what object oriented technology in SystemVerilog brings, or the encapsulation of connection to the DUT, such as interface constructs. Refer to Appendix A, "Basics of Object Oriented Programming in SystemVerilog" for a review of object oriented programming concepts. Refer to Appendix B, "Interface Construct and Signal Connectivity" for a review of SystemVerilog interface definition. The modular approach and construction of the verification environment, testbench and its components based on the objects and classes will require well balanced and focused connection and communication levels. This can be further abstracted as each component segment is placed in a layer and built in a layered format and architecture. The major benefit is that the communication mechanisms or channels of communication can independently
observe and manage the flow of traffic and data between layers and each modular layer can be designed and tested to its appropriate abstraction level. In summary, the main components needed to build such a testbench environment that generates stimulus, transfers it to the design through drivers; and monitors the response and checks it through the self-checking components as well as provide coverage feedback. The idea here is to build such a framework for the verification environment that makes it easy for the test writers to issue a few simple commands and create a test suite that runs many cycles of random stimulus. Also the output messages of the tests consistent and systematic so that it helps the engineers with debug of each and every test case. The data that is generated is collected in appropriate coverage blocks for proper analysis and feedback to the test creation process as well as verification closure. Testbenches also encapsulate configuration object which then drive the stimulus generation at the top-level test control. For example, lets say that we are trying to verify a color-pen plotter to see if it prints the correct colors with various pen sizes. Although writing directed test cases for this simple example maybe easy, we want to be able to create a top-level environment that allows us to simply modify a set of constraints at the top-level testbench and simulate. The format for a top-level test program with minimized command to start and run the test suite would then look like:
program test; // include common library files // declare an object of verif_env type // print a formatted message at the start of the test
verif_env env; initial begin env = new();; // print a formatted message at the end of the test end endprogram
In the above program the environment will have been created in such a framework to contain the stimulus generation mechanism, the checking mechanism, the coverage block and configuration of the test and the desired configuration of the design under test. The design connects to the testbench through a signal interface component which encapsulates all connectivity to the design.
VMM Building Blocks 1
The main idea behind using concepts and base libraries in VMM as discussed previously is to create a consistent and unified style and mechanism for verification project so that it reduces the time required to develop the verification infrastructure, and allows more time for verifying the design.
The basic data and transaction abstraction is provided with class data types. Classes as self-contained components form the foundation of Object-Oriented programming structure. Objectoriented programming is different from the procedural programming. There are three principles behind objects; Encapsulation, Inheritance and Polymorphism. Refer to the Appendix C, "Advanced VMM Testbench Concepts" for a basic introduction to object oriented programming concepts. The object-oriented (OO) class features in SystemVerilog supported in VCS provide the inheritance mechanism to build re-usable and modular verification environments to model complex systems. Using the OO elements of VCS provides the foundation for a layered architecture approach to implementing the verification environment. Data abstraction in classes and objects benefit users in various ways; above all they encourage the reuse of software components that are developed for specific task. Users will also reduce development time and risk because systematic and modularized development using objects provides more resilience and reduces code size. Using the features and constructs embedded in SystemVerilog as a basis, the Verification Methodology Manual (VMM) represents a methodology supported by a standard library, consisting of base classes and rules for setting up a consistent and cohesive layered verification environment. The main benefit for users are unification of construction of components and result/information reporting, speedup in creating layered and re-usable testbenches, allows easy plugand-play of verification components, and high-level test suites and sequence generations using constrained random mechanisms and functional coverage gathering for design/verification completeness.
In this section we will describe the main components of VMM base classes through examples as well as the concepts and rules embodied in the transaction-level methodology in VMM. Figure 3-1 VMM Base Framework and Libraries for Verification
The basic framework is comprised of the following components: The data-transactions act as the container for stimulus patterns and transactor components upon which the methods in transactors operate. The base methodology will set forth a prescribed flow management for the verification environment which unifies flow mechanisms for all components. The transaction level channel interface is provided as a means of communication between reusable transactors.
The set of messaging services is incorporated in VMM to unify the reporting mechanisms.
also has capability to allow one to promote and demote the messages as it becomes necessary per simulation run, which is very useful for error testing. The vmm_log is usually instantiated inside a testbench object such as a generator or checker, or in a data object:
vmm_log log; // declare an instance of vmm_log log = new("name","instance"); // instantiate log
The name string is the name of the class that contains the log, such as USB Host, or MAC Frame. The instance string is the name of this instance of the object such as Generator 1, or Left side. If there is only a single instance, one can just use the string class. In order to create a message you can use the text arrays to place text or formatted text for log reports. The start_msg, text and end_msg methods are used to create from simple to complex messages. For example:
if (log.start_msg(vmm_log::DEBUG_TYP)) begin void'(log.text("Starting test, using text array\n in log")); log.end_msg(); end
However, the easiest way to use a vmm_log object is with the macros:
`vmm_fatal (vmm_log `vmm_error (vmm_log `vmm_warning(vmm_log `vmm_trace (vmm_log `vmm_debug (vmm_log `vmm_verbose(vmm_log `vmm_note (vmm_log log, log, log, log, log, log, log, string string string string string string string msg); msg); msg); msg); msg); msg); msg);
Here are two examples of using the above macros. The first example displays a simple string. The second needs to print variable arguments, so it uses $sformat, which returns a formatted string:
`vmm_verbose(log, "Checking rcvd byte"); if (byte != expect) begin $sformat(msg,"Bad data: 0x%h vs. 0x%h",byte, expect); `vmm_error(log, msg); end
Note that these macros expand to several lines, so surround them with begin-end when used in an if-statement. Using the vmm_debug macro in this example:
vmm_debug(this.log, ("Buffering TX Frame");
NORMAL_SEV TRACE_SEV DEBUG_SEV VERBOSE_SEV Note that using enumerated types will require identification with the vmm_log, i.e. vmm_log::VERBOSE_SEV to guarantee the behavior matches with the VMM specification. Similarly message types let the simulation produce and save the relevant messages for the particular simulation run. VMM identifies the following as enumerated message types: FAILURE_TYP, NOTE_TYP, DEBUG_TYP, TIMING_TYP, XHANDLING_TYP with several additional message types that can be used by transactors. The simulation will take appropriate actions depending on the message severity. Modifying severity and verbosity at run time: Once the testbench is compiled one can change the severity and verbosity of the message services at run time by using +vmm_log_default=sev runtime command-line option, where sev is the desired minimum severity, one of the following: error warning normal trace debug
verbose With verbose setting all messages will be reported if triggered. One can also globally force the minimum severity level by using +vmm_force_verbosity=sev runtime command-line option. Note that the equivalent method for the vmm_log object is defined as set_verbosity function in the vmm_log class. The following example illustrates the use of the macros and verbosity control. Note that the VMM library has to be included in the test using: `include "" in order to be able to use the base classes and features of VMM.
program SIMPLE_TEST; `include "" vmm_log log = new("Test", "FIFO_DRIVER"); initial begin if (log.start_msg(vmm_log::DEBUG_TYP)) begin void'(log.text("Starting test, using text array \n in log")); void'(log.text("second line in text array in \n log")); log.end_msg(); end `vmm_report(log, "This is a macro output text \n vmm_report"); `vmm_note(log, "This is a macro output text \n vmm_note"); `vmm_verbose(log, "This is a macro output text \n vmm_verbose"); `vmm_debug(log, "This is a macro output text \n vmm_debug"); `vmm_trace(log, "This is a macro output text \n
vmm_trace"); vmm_warning(log, "This is a macro output text \n vmm_warning"); `vmm_error(log, "This is a macro output text \n vmm_error"); `vmm_fatal(log, "This is a macro output text \n vmm_fatal"); end endprogram : SIMPLE_TEST
Once we compile the test case we can run the simulation with the following command:
./simv +vmm_log_default="VERBOSE_SEV"
It is fairly easy to search for ERROR or FATAL messages in the log files during post-processing, hence reducing the time to debug of tests and design.
Within the class pkt_trans, we have four properties, and four methods. The first property is log which is an instance of the VMM logging base class, vmm_log and is used to customize formatting of and filtering the messages coming from this class. The next two properties are specific data information (pen and color). The last property is a constraint named vanilla which specifies that the value of pen should be less than 8. The first method is the constructor for the object; all we need here is a call to its parent class constructor new method (this is a requirement of object oriented features in SystemVerilog). The second method is the display method that is customized for this specific descriptor class. There is also vmm_data::allocate() method which is used in conjunction with factory pattern usage, discussed in later sections. In this method a new instance of the data transaction is created. The next two methods are for the purpose of copying the data from one object descriptor to another. The only custom parts of these methods are these two lines:
cpy.pen = this.pen; cpy.color = this.color;
These are done after a call to the base class copy_data() method which takes care of the entire base member copying. The copy method creates a duplicate of the main transaction object which is then sent through channels to appropriate transactors. Often when a transaction is generated by means of VMM generic transaction
generator or user defined one would need to modify some parameters and send the transaction object but keep the original transaction for checking purposes. Figure 3-2 shows some member properties and methods of vmm_data base class. The virtual functions and methods in the base class would be defined to perform the required tasks based on the functionality that the extended classes would have Figure 3-2 Members of vmm_data Base Class
//Unique identifiers for data model or transaction object instance // Note: The following properties will be set by the transactor that // operates and handles the data as part of the overall test sequence int stream_id; int scenario_id; int data_id; vmm_notify notify; // notification object function new(vmm_log log); virtual function string psdiplay(string prefix =""); virtual function vmm_data allocate(); virtual function compare (input vmm_data to, output string diff, input int kind = -1); virtual function vmm_data copy(vmm_data to = null); // above function will perform a shallow copy, for a full copy // of all members and variables copy_data is used virtual protected function void copy_data(vmm_data to);
Now that we have a view of the members of base class vmm_data, lets take a look at a simple data transaction.
packet_processor_trans instance"); copy = null; return; end super.copy_data(cpy); cpy.pen = this.pen; cpy.color = this.color; copy = cpy; endfunction: copy // compare method compares two data objects. function bit compare(input vmm_data to, output string diff, input int kind = -1); pkt_trans pkt; if ( to == null) begin `vmm_fatal(log, "Cannot compare to a NULL reference"); return 0; end else if (!$cast(pkt, to)) begin `vmm_fatal(log, "Attempting to compare to a non \n pkt_trans instance"); return 0; end if (this.pen != tr.pen) begin $sformat(diff, "Pen %0d != %0d", this.pen, pkt.pen); return 0; end if (this.color != tr.color) begin $sformat(diff, "Color %0s != %0s", this.color, pkt.color); return 0; end // here the two compare so return a success 1 return 1; endfunction: compare endclass : pkt_trans
initial begin tr = new(); tr.randomize(); `vmm_note(tr.log,(tr.psdisplay( "New Random Descriptor") )); tr2 = new(); tr.copy(tr2); `vmm_note(tr2.log,(tr2.psdisplay("Copy of Random \n Descriptor") )); $finish; end endprogram : test
Once we define a data transaction class (pkt_trans) and declare a variable of that type (tr and tr2) we need to instantiate those objects before they are used. This process uses a call to the constructor, new() method to actually create storage for the data transaction object. Once the object is allocated we can call the built-in randomization routines. In order to print the content of the object we use `vmm_note macro for message log class, which prints out the header information as well as the customize version of its contents. The output looks like:
Normal[NOTE] on PKT_TRANS(PKT_TRANS) at 0: New Random Descriptor : [ 1:PINK] Normal[NOTE] on PKT_TRANS(PKT_TRANS) at 0: Copy of Random Descriptor : [ 1:PINK]
For example, for the pkt_trans transaction, executing the following statement: `vmm_channel(pkt_trans) automatically creates a VMM channel of the pkt_trans_channel type. The channel components of these types must be instantiated and connected between transactors to pass pkt_trans data descriptors between them. The vmm_channel object implementation will provide for appropriate methods to handle placement and removal of transactions in the channel. The flow in the channel is from a producer to consumer. This macro is expanded and creates 11 methods automatically as shown below.
Figure 3-3
The main methods are vmm_channel::new() constructor for the channel, vmm_channel::put and vmm_channel::get which allow placing and removing the objects. Note that the get() method is a blocking method and will wait until there is an element in the channel. The channel instantiation will require a name and an instance for the channel in the call to the constructor. Lets take a look at the pkt_trans example illustrating the usage of the base class for a channel, vmm_channel:
program test(); `include "" class pkt_trans extends vmm_data; // Same code as above endclass : pkt_trans // // macro for creating the channels for pkt_trans transactions // will create a class description for transaction_channel // where transaction is the name of descriptor passed `vmm_channel(pkt_trans) // will create and define a base class type: pkt_trans_channel //// Global segments /// declare channel object of the type pkt_trans_channel chan; pkt_trans tr,tr2;
initial begin // instantiate the channel object // 1000 is the fill-level, number of transaction descriptors chan = new("pkt_transfer","first instance",1000); end // two blocks running in parallel, one produces the pkt_trans // data, the other consumes, the flow is through the // pkt_trans_channel producer block initial begin `vmm_note(tr.log, "Randomize transaction sequence vmm_note"); repeat(10) begin #10; tr = new(); tr.randomize(); $display(tr.psdisplay( "GENERATOR put transaction data") ); chan.put(tr); end $finish;
end // consumer block initial forever #30 begin tr2 = new(); chan.get(tr2); $display(tr2.psdisplay("..CHANNEL get transaction \n data")); end endprogram : test
Once the channel class is auto-created, we declare an instance called chan. The main usage model is for producer or generator to create a transaction and use the channel put method to place the transaction in the channel and the consumer or the channel driver to use the get method to retrieve the data. In the consumer the data transaction object is instantiated (namely tr2) and content of the channel is copied to this object by the channel get method. Here is a result with the following command
simv +vmm_log_default="NORMAL_SEV"
As it is shown the data transaction is placed into the channel and retrieved in the sequence they were placed. The vmm_channel provides various method to operate the channel object efficiently, method prototypes are described in the standard library specification in Verification Methodology Manual for SystemVerilog. For example if one needs to change the fill level of the channel, reconfigure method will modify the fill level. One has to be careful, the reconfiguration lowers the fill level threads currently blocking on vmm_channel:: put() will unblock.
// reconfigure the channel to 500 transactions. chan.reconfigure(500);
Note that the put method is blocking method, i.e., if the channel has reached its full level any put will wait until there is open slot available in the channel. The vmm_channel::sneak() is similar to put however it is nonblocking and adds transaction descriptors to the tail of the channel. We can also use vmm_channel::peek() method to get a reference to the transaction descriptor in the channel for next retrieval without physically removing it from the channel. This is useful in case one requires a test to see if this transaction object belongs to the channel or not.
Transactors vmm_xactor
"Transactor" is a term used to define and identify a component of verification that acts upon or executes and observes transactions over various paths and cycle time in dynamic verification environments. Transactors are implemented as class objects which allow definition of randomization and constraints. Transactors perform on different kinds of transaction generation and handling. Transactors can be generally categorized into Active, Reactive and Passive transactors. Master/Slave devices are active/reactive transactors, where monitors are usually defined as Passive transactor models. The base transactor in VMM is vmm_xactor and embodies the methods and mechanisms needed to allow intimate interaction with the overall execution steps in the testbench from top test layer to the signal DUT connection. The vmm_xactor comprises the main notification services needed for observability and control of sequences of activities within a transactor or all transactors. The logging services comes in as part of vmm_log embedded in each transactor messaging. In the next sections we will also learn more about callback mechanisms which allow insertion or modification to the regular transactor actions.
vmm_xactor::main() The vmm_xactor::main()is spawned when vmm_xactor::start_xactor() task is called from upper layers. It is also stopped when the vmm_xactor::stop_xactor() is called. There are other methods that can be defined for further control of activity in the transactor: vmm_xactor::reset_xactor(). The transactor stop mechanism can be further fine-grained by using the following vmm_xactor methods: wait_if_stopped() and wait_if_stopped_or_empty(); We shall return to these methods later. For example, vmm_xactor::start_xactor() starts the virtual method main() there is no need to add this in your implementation. Lets take a look at a transactor pkt_driver which is extended from vmm_xactor for use with pkt_trans transaction.
class pkt_driver extends vmm_xactor; // declare property members of the pkt_driver // such as interfaces, channels, etc. pkt_trans_channel chan_in; function new( string inst, int stream_id = -1, pkt_trans_channel chan_in); // The chan_in will be used by up-stream transactor or // generator to pass pkt_trans data objects to pkt_driver // transactor. // first call the constructor of vmm_xactor base class. // pass the name and instance name used in vmm_log"PKT_driver xactor", inst, stream_id); // check for channel if (chan_in == null) this.chan_in = new("pkt_driver_channel", "channel"); else this.chan_in = chan_in;
endfunction: new // Declare tasks and functions (methods) //start_xactor starts the execution threads and calls the // main task in the transactor virtual function void start_xactor(); super.start_xactor(); // any specific code related to pkt_driver endtask : start_xactor //stops execution threads after currently executing //transaction had completed. Takes effect at next call //to ::wait_if_stopped() virtual function void stop_xactor(); super.stop_xactor(); // any specific code related to pkt_driver endtask : stop_xactor //resets the xactors state and execution threads virtual function void reset_xactor(reset_e rst_typ = SOFT_RST); super.reset_xactor(rst_typ); // specific reset type can be placed here. // channels have to be flushed as well, for example this.chan_in.flush(); endtask : reset_xactor // Remember that upper layer, the environment calling // start_xactor, each vmm_xactor::start_xactor gets called // which then calls the main task. virtual protected task main(); // the first executable statement in main base main task. super.main(); // appropriate code for main functionality of the // pkt_drive transactor such as check the channel for // pkt_trans and // forever begin : main_task_loop pkt_trans tr; // per rule 4-121, we can get the handle to the next // data transaction descriptor in the channel, remember // peek blocks until one is available
VMM Building Blocks 3-24
this.chan_in.peek(tr); `vmm_trace(this.log,"Starting transaction for \n pkt_drive"); // now process the transaction object, // code goes here vmm_trace(this.log, {"This is Pen and its Color", tr.psdisplay("")}); // now we can unblock the channel this.chan_in.get(tr); endtask : main endclass : pkt_driver
As noted transactors act upon data transactions which move about the testbench through channels from layer to layer. The command layer transactors process the data and stimulate the pins and signals of the design as well as monitor the output of the device. The upper layer transactors form the data transactions formats that represent the abstraction of test stimuli at each layer. When all placed in the proper area of verification environment embodied in extension of vmm_env and connected with appropriate channels they provide the high level of controllability and observability required to manage the testbench and test sequences.
The simplest generator would autonomously act on transaction object and create them in sequence. These individual transaction objects are randomized and sent through the channel in the same way they were created, one by one, hence forming an atomic generation mechanism. The VMM environment provides a macro vmm_atomic_gen to automatically create a class transactor which is extended from vmm_xactor for atomic generation of the specified transactions. The macro will also create a callback class which is extended from vmm_xactor_callbacks. For a discussion on the callbacks and how they work refer to the section on Callbacks within this chapter. The `vmm_atomic_gen(class name, "Calls Description") defines an atomic generator class named classname_atomic_gen. For our pkt_trans data transaction the vmm_xactor extended generator class is named pkt_trans_atomic_gen and will contain output channel, handle for randomized transaction, a stop_count value stop_after_n_insts for generator to stop creating transaction objects. The callbacks class for atomic generator is named pkt_trans_atomic_gen_callbacks which allows callback methods to be integrated with the atomic generator main and inject tasks. Note that the data transaction class for the generator must be derived from vmm_data class and the class-name_channel class must exist. Therefore one would have the directives: `vmm_channel_class-name and atomic generation macro following each other to guarantee the above is done properly.
Just like the channel class, a variable of this type is declared and then instantiated, in this case gen.
// Global segments // declare channel object of the type pkt_trans_channel // driver xactor, atomic generator, test config pkt_trans_channel chan; pkt_driver driver; pkt_trans_atomic_gen gen;
The generator will be part of the environment class which will be described in the next segment. The transactors, generators, configuration objects and other components will be instantiated in the main environment object and used. Here is a look at the basic properties and methods that the generator contains after the macro is executed. The VMM_ATOMIC_GEN is described in Appendix A of the Verification Methodology Manual for SystemVerilog. You can also create individual generator by extending a vmm_xactor and incorporating the properties and methods that are required by VMM.
class pkt_trans_atomic_gen extends vmm_xactor; integer stop_after_n_insts; integer GENERATED; integer DONE; pkt_trans randomized_obj; //used for factory
scenario_count; obj_count;
extern function new(string instance, integer stream_id = -1, pkt_trans_channel out_chan = null); extern virtual task inject(pkt_trans obj, var bit dropped); extern virtual function void reset_xactor( integer rst_type = 0); extern virtual protected task main(); endclass : pkt_trans_atomic_gen
We will not go into details of atomic generator callbacks in this introductory section but suffice it to say that this will be used in the inject task for the generator. Here is the definition for the pkt_trans_atomic_gen_callbacks class for atomic generator which allows callback methods to be integrated with the atomic generator main and inject tasks.
class pkt_trans_atomic_gen_callbacks extends vmm_xactor_callbacks; virtual task post_inst_gen(pkt_trans_atomic_gen gen, pkt_trans obj, var bit drop); endtask endclass: pkt_trans_atomic_gen_callbacks
Now let us look at one implementation for the generator methods that follows the VMM rules and recommendations.
function pkt_trans_atomic_gen::new(string instance, integer stream_id = -1, pkt_trans_channel out_chan = null);"pkt_trans_atomic_gen", instance, stream_id); if (out_chan == null)
out_chan = new("pkt_trans_atomic_gen output channel", instance); this.out_chan = out_chan; this.scenario_count = 0; this.obj_count = 0; this.stop_after_n_insts = 0; this.GENERATED = this.notify.configure(*, this.notify.ONE_SHOT); this.DONE = this.notify.configure(*, this.notify.ON_OFF); this.randomized_obj = new; endfunction: new
The constructor initializes the properties and instantiates the randomized_obj object which is used to generate pkt_trans data transactions in the main task. The two notification property variables, GENERATED and DONE are also configured for appropriate event notification behavior for the generator.
function void pkt_trans_atomic_gen::reset_xactor(integer rst_type = 0); super.reset_xactor(rst_type); this.obj_count = 0; endfunction : reset_xactor task pkt_trans_atomic_gen::main(); bit dropped; fork super.main(); join none this.obj_count = 0; // will generate the transactions according to the integer // specified for stop_after_n_insts // updates the stream_id, and counts for each pkt_trans object while (this.stop_after_n_insts <= 0 || this.obj_count < this.stop_after_n_insts) begin this.wait_if_stopped();
this.randomized_obj.stream_id = this.stream_id; this.randomized_obj.scenario_id = this.scenario_count; this.randomized_obj.object_id = this.obj_count; if (!this.randomized_obj.randomize()) begin `vmm_error(this.log, "Cannot randomize atomic \n instance"); continue; end // make a copy of the randomized_obj and send the copy // to the output channel begin pkt_trans obj; $cast(obj, this.randomized_obj.copy()); void = this.inject(obj, dropped); end end this.notify.indicate(this.DONE); this.scenario_count++; endtask: main task pkt_trans_atomic_gen::inject(pkt_trans obj, var bit dropped); dropped = 0; this.obj_count++; // before placing the copied object in the output channel // check for any callbacks to modify or drop the // transaction this.post_inst_gen_t(obj, dropped); `vmm_callback(pkt_trans_atomic_gen_callbacks, post_inst_gen_t(this, obj, dropped)); if (!dropped) begin this.notify.indicate(this.GENERATED, obj); this.out_chan.put_t(obj); end endtask: inject
The generators will create data transaction objects according to the test configuration and set of constraints specified by the test routine and pass them through channels to the driver transactors. The following shows an example of channel and generator instantiation for the pkt_trans example.
chan = new("pkt_transfer","first instance",1000); gen = new("pkt_gen",0,chan); driver = new("pkt_driver",0,chan);
As mentioned these will be part of the build task of the verification environment object.
stop() Stop data generators and wait for DUT to complete its tasks cleanup() Check recorded statistics and sweep for lost data report() Print final report
The testbench environment extends vmm_env class. For the environment object the top level method is run() which keeps track of executed steps, and, when called, runs the remaining ones. For example, the following program runs all steps automatically:
program test; `include"" class verif_env extends vmm_env; // include transactor declaration, channel declaration, // configuration descriptor declaration and define the // methods for our specific DUT protocol endclass: verif_env // declare an object of verif_env type. verif_env env; vmm_log log = new("toptest","main_log"); initial begin `vmm_note(log,"Test program is starting"); env = new();; `vmm_note(log,"Test program ends"); end endprogram : test
In this example the class verif_env extends vmm_env. Once the method run() is called it will call all the steps which have not yet been run. Now lets take a closer look at each of the main segments of the verification environment methods.
Note that in the verif_env:: gen_cfg() method there is a call to super.gen_cfg() as vmm_env base class needs to update the base parameters.
First we would need to define a class as configuration descriptor, in this case we call it t_cfg class.
class t_cfg; // How many transactions to generate before test ends? rand int trans_cnt; constraint basic { trans_cnt > 9; trans_cnt < 10000000; trans_cnt == 10; } endclass: t_cfg
The following is the sample code that gen_cfg() could contain in the verif_env class:
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // gen_cfg() - Generate a randomized testbench configuration ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function void verif_env::gen_cfg() ; super.gen_cfg() ; if (cfg.randomize() == 0) `vmm_fatal(log, "Failed to randomize testbench \n configuration"); $sformat(msg, ("cfg.trans_cnt = %d", cfg.trans_cnt)); `vmm_note(log, msg); endfunction : gen_cfg
Important: The default testcase configuration descriptor instance, for example cfg above, is the only object that is instantiated in the environment constructor. All other components are instantiated in the build method discussed below. These follow the rules set in VMM: rule 4-34 and 4-35.
The implementation of verification methods should call their base implementation first. These would be accomplished by calling super.method_name() as the first executable statement inside the body of the method. (VMM rule 4-31).
So far we have not delved into the signal connection between testbench components, i.e., command transactors and the device under test. The actual connection is done through the device interface. Interface in SystemVerilog can bundle signals and wires together for connection of modules and make it easier to pass them to the testbench and design.
wait_for_end() waits for an indication that the test has reached its completion stage. At this point it can notify that wait_for is done and the environment is ready to stop all transactors and gather results. In the generator the notify object is used to indicate that the wait_for_end is complete. The following is an example for wait_for_end() task:
virtual task verify_env::wait_for_end(); super.wait_for_end(); // wait for the generator ending // it will be added when the generator is defined gen.notify.wait_for(pkt_trans_atomic_gen::DONE); // wait for some cycles to let dut settle endtask: wait_for_end
In the step by step flow, if at any point the above methods are not explicitly called, they would be implicitly called by each method that follows it. In this case calling run() will start to call the previous methods which will in turn call its previous method, starting at gen_cfg() method and ending with report() method.
program test(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // the header file for vmm base class library ///////////////////////////////////////////////// `include "" typedef enum { RED , BLUE, GREEN, ORANGE, PINK, YELLOW } color_t; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // pkt_trans A transaction class for data ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class pkt_trans extends vmm_data; //as previously defined endclass: pkt_trans ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // macro for creating the channels for pkt_trans transactions ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// `vmm_channel(pkt_trans) `vmm_atomic_gen(pkt_trans,"pkt transaction generator") ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // pkt_driver A transactor class for pkt_trans data // transaction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class pkt_driver extends vmm_xactor; // as defined in previous segment endclass : pkt_driver ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // test configuration class with basic constraints ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class test_cfg; // How many transactions to generate before test ends?
rand int trans_cnt; constraint basic { trans_cnt > 9; trans_cnt < 10000000; trans_cnt == 10; } endclass: test_cfg ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // verification environment class definition ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class verif_env extends vmm_env; // declare channel object of the type pkt_trans_channel // driver xactor, atomic generator, test config pkt_trans_channel chan; pkt_driver driver; pkt_trans_atomic_gen gen; test_cfg cfg; pkt_trans tr,tr2; function new();; this.cfg = new(); endfunction: new virtual function void gen_cfg(); super.gen_cfg(); if (cfg.randomize() ==0) `vmm_fatal(log, "Failed to randomize testbench \n configuration"); `vmm_note(this.log, "cfg, with trans_cnt "); endfunction: gen_cfg virtual task run();; endtask: run virtual function void build();; chan = new("pkt_transfer","first instance",1000); gen = new("pkt_gen",0,chan);
driver = new("pkt_driver",0,chan); gen.stop_after_n_insts = cfg.trans_cnt; endfunction: build virtual task start(); super.start(); driver.start_xactor(); gen.start_xactor(); endtask: start virtual task stop(); super.stop(); gen.stop_xactor(); driver.stop_xactor(); endtask: stop virtual task wait_for_end(); super.wait_for_end(); // wait for the generator ending // it will be added when the generator is defined gen.notify.wait_for(pkt_trans_atomic_gen::DONE); // for now we can wait for #150. #150; endtask: wait_for_end virtual task report();; endtask: report virtual task reset_dut(); super.reset_dut(); endtask: reset_dut endclass: verif_env //declare a variable of the type verification environment verif_env env; pkt_trans tr,tr2; initial begin env = new();;
The environment setup plays an important role in the structured testbench. It provides a controllable and observable path for all major components in the testbench thereby a high performance verification system can be properly built.
Factory Pattern
Various random stimuli is created through the generator and applied to the DUT. It is very desirable to have control over this random stimulus from the environment and test level. In the atomic generator the data transaction which is named randomized_obj is treated as factory pattern, and it is a public member of the generator object. Hence it can be assigned from the upper layers. This factory pattern data transaction is allocated or copied using allocate() or copy() methods in the generator transactor rather than being instantiated in the generators constructor routine. This allows control from outside of the generator, i.e., one can extend the base data transaction and apply it to the factory pattern, hence creating new sets of constraints for the test case.
program test(); //same as in the previous sections // define an extension to the base data transaction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // my_pkt_trans extends the base pkt_trans ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class my_pkt_trans extends pkt_trans;
constraint test_02 { pen inside { 4,5,6}; color inside { RED, BLUE, GREEN}; } endclass: my_pkt_trans verif_env my_pkt_trans env; tr;
initial begin env = new();; // set the generator factory pattern, the randomized_obj // to this extended transaction object. // We are replacing the factory pattern instance with // this extension begin tr = new(); env.gen.randomized_obj = tr; end; end endprogram : test
One can also replace for example test configuration class in the environment.
The functional coverage routines and methods will allow users to gather information about the stimulus as well as the standard protocols. These coverage definitions can be encapsulated in a coverage class as shown below. However, including data coverage recording in the response checkers also allows for automatic scoreboarding to be done, which ensures that for all of the data combinations in the input, the appropriate output combinations were received. It also allows the user to analyze the coverage data and evaluate whether the right input stimulus combinations were generated to verify all possible output conditions. The scoreboard techniques will use data structure that holds the expected response. Usually a queue can be used to store the ordered responses from the DUT. If there are independent streams of output then multiple queues are needed to store the values to be checked against expected results. In order to integrate self-checking and functional coverage components with the stimulus generation and monitor transactors the callback methods need be employed which we will cover in the next segment.
It becomes difficult to incorporate new mechanisms and routines once an environment has been designed and its components have been developed unless entry points were reserved for such purposes. There are design patterns which form the basis of these additions, i.e., they get called within the main routine of the software flow, in this case within the main flow of the verification components. Take for
example the driver transactor that needs to perform a write or read. If we needed to inject an error condition to the device under test how would one go about inserting that error? The driver routine only takes care of the correct behavior. Hence you would need to allow changes to be made before the driver takes the final action or at any time along the flow. Also you may want to have other components take different actions depending on the outcome of the driver actions. For example after the write is complete one needs to inform the checker and the coverage block to gather the information based on the data transaction stimulus that was just driven to the design. It is this access mechanism that is provided by callback routines, simply as design patterns that get registered in the main routines to be called back at certain designated points. The transactor callback routine or what is known as callback faade is implemented as an extension to the vmm_xactor_callbacks class. Once a callback class is defined, a declaration is usually made in the environment. Once the object is instantiated it is ready to be connected to any transactor, the callback object is said to be registered to the transactor. The registration is like letting each particular transactor know that there are some extra pieces of code that can be called in the transactor flow. The callbacks are usually registered by the virtual append method associated with the vmm_xactor_callbacks class. Multiple callback routines can be appended to a particular transactor object. Callbacks, just like other objects in the testbench require definition (process of extending from vmm_xactor_callbacks), declaration and instantiation. Once an instance of callback object is created then it needs to be registered to the specific transactor object. The actual calls are made by invoking the callbacks in the transactor.
The following VMM base classes have callbacks associated with them: vmm_xactor vmm_log vmm_atomic_gen vmm_scenario_gen We will concentrate on the vmm_xactor callbacks in these segments. Each base class callbacks class for the above is defined as: vmm_log_callbacks vmm_xactor_callbacks vmm_atomic_gen_callbacks
vmm_scenario_gen_callbacks The callbacks can be used for functional coverage definition and gathering, incorporation into scoreboards and data transaction injection as discussed above.
virtual class pkt_driver_callbacks extends vmm_xactor_callbacks; // Callbacks before a transaction is started virtual task master_pre_tx(pkt_driver xactor, ref pkt_trans trans, ref bit drop); endtask : master_pre_tx // Callback after a transaction is completed virtual task master_post_tx(pkt_driver xactor, pkt_trans trans); endtask : master_post_tx endclass: pkt_driver_callbacks
The above transactor callback faade for pkt_driver is referenced in the transactor pkt_driver. In order to create varied application that uses the callbacks, one needs to extend this callback and create set of specifically targeted callbacks. For example pkt_driver_callbacks class can be extended further for functional coverage callbacks and scoreboarding. The prototype call for `vmm_callback macro is as follows:
`vmm_callback(callback_class_name, methods(arguments))
Note this macro is shorthand for the following code that gets inserted in the main transactor code:
foreach (this.callbacks[i]) begin fifo_master_callbacks cb; if ($cast(cb, this.callbacks[i])) continue; cb.ptr_tr(this, tr, drop); end
The vmm_callback macro will process whatever pkt_driver_callbacks or its extension that have been registered to the pkt_driver_xactor. For example, we can extend the above to create a callbacks class which contains the callback methods as well as the covergroups for coverage data gathering.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This is for coverage of pkt_driver transactor callback class ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class pkt_driver_cov_callbacks extends pkt_driver_callbacks; local pkt_trans tr ; covergroup pkt_trans_cov; PEN: coverpoint tr.pen { bins LOW = { [0:2]}; bins MED = { [3:5]}; bins HIGH = {[6:7]}; } COLOR: coverpoint tr.color { bins LOW = { [RED:BLUE]}; bins MED = { [GREEN:ORANGE]}; bins HIGH = { [PINK:YELLOW]}; } PENxCOLOR: cross PEN,COLOR ; endgroup // Callbacks before a transaction is started virtual task master_pre_tx(pkt_driver xactor, ref pkt_trans trans, ref bit drop); // Empty endtask // Callback after a transaction is completed virtual task master_post_tx(pkt_driver xactor, pkt_trans trans);
tr = trans ; // Save a handle to the transaction pkt_trans_cov.sample(); // Sample Coverage endtask function new(); pkt_trans_cov = new(); endfunction: new endclass: pkt_driver_cov_callbacks
Now that the callback faade classes have been defined we can look at the pkt_driver transactor and locate the precise entry point for the callbacks invocation. In the main task code we can identify locations for pre and post transaction invocation of callback methods.
virtual protected task pkt_driver::main(); bit drop; super.main(); // appropriate code for main functionality of the // pkt_driver // transactor such as check the channel for pkt_trans and forever begin : main_task_loop pkt_trans tr; // per rule 4-121, we can get the handle to the next // data transaction descriptor in the channel, remember // peek blocks until one is available this.chan_in.peek(tr); // Now the transaction has been received, we can check to // see if there is any task that we need to do via any // callbacks that could be appended for this instance // of transactor Pre-Tx callback `vmm_callback(pkt_driver_callbacks, master_pre_tx( this, tr, drop)); if (drop == 1) begin `vmm_note(log, tr.psdisplay("Dropped")); continue;
end //now process the transaction object, $display(tr.psdisplay(" -- TRANSACTOR got the \n transaction data")); // now we can unblock the channel this.chan_in.get(tr); // Now the the transaction has been processed, we can // check to see if there is any task that we need to // do via any callbacks that could be appended for // this instance of transactor `vmm_callback(pkt_driver_callbacks, master_post_tx( this, tr)); #10; end endtask: main
The callback class name in the `vmm_callback code above refers to the base name of the transactor callbacks and not any of the extended callback classes. The second argument is the method(s) that will be executed per each call invocation. At this point the definition process is complete, the instantiation and registration is done at the verification environment build process:
virtual function void verif_env::build();; chan = new("pkt_transfer","first instance",1000); gen = new("pkt_gen",0,chan); driver = new("pkt_driver",0,chan); // instantiate the callbacks and register the callback to // the driver transactor begin pkt_driver_cov_callbacks cov_callb = new(); driver.append_callback(cov_callb); end gen.stop_after_n_insts = cfg.trans_cnt; endfunction: build
Either prepend_callback or append_callback methods of vmm_xactor can be used to register the callback faade instance with the instance of transactor. Callback methods will be invoked in the order in which they were registered. The following shows the html coverage report for our pen plotter example. Figure 3-4 Coverage Result for Pen Plotter
// This is for pkt_driver transactor callback class ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// virtual class pkt_driver_callbacks extends vmm_xactor_callbacks; // Callbacks before a transaction is started virtual task master_pre_tx(pkt_driver xactor, ref pkt_trans trans, ref bit drop); endtask // Callback after a transaction is completed virtual task master_post_tx(pkt_driver xactor, pkt_trans trans); endtask endclass: pkt_driver_callbacks ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This is for coverage of pkt_driver transactor callback class // extended from pkt_driver_callbacks ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class pkt_driver_cov_callbacks extends pkt_driver_callbacks; local pkt_trans tr ; covergroup pkt_trans_cov; PEN: coverpoint tr.pen { bins LOW = { [0:2]}; bins MED = { [3:5]}; bins HIGH = {[6:7]}; } COLOR: coverpoint tr.color { bins LOW = { [RED:BLUE]}; bins MED = { [GREEN:ORANGE]}; bins HIGH = { [PINK:YELLOW]}; } PENxCOLOR: cross PEN,COLOR ; endgroup // Callbacks before a transaction is started
virtual task master_pre_tx(pkt_driver xactor, ref pkt_trans trans, ref bit drop); // Empty endtask : master_pre_tx // Callback after a transaction is completed virtual task master_post_tx(pkt_driver xactor, pkt_trans trans); tr = trans ; // Save a handle to the transaction pkt_trans_cov.sample(); // Sample Coverage endtask : master_post_tx function new(); pkt_trans_cov = new(); endfunction: new endclass: pkt_driver_cov_callbacks ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // pkt_trans A transaction class for data ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class pkt_trans extends vmm_data; // same as defined in previous segments endclass: pkt_trans ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // macro for creating the channels for pkt_trans transactions ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// `vmm_channel(pkt_trans) `vmm_atomic_gen(pkt_trans,"pkt transaction generator") ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // pkt_driver A transactor class for pkt_trans data transaction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class pkt_driver extends vmm_xactor; pkt_trans_channel chan_in; function new(string inst, int stream_id = -1, pkt_trans_channel chan_in);"PKT_driver xactor", inst, stream_id); // check for channel
if (chan_in == null) this.chan_in = new("pkt_driver_channel", "channel"); else this.chan_in = chan_in; endfunction: new virtual function void start_xactor(); super.start_xactor(); `vmm_note(this.log, "Starting the transactor for \n pkt_driver"); // any specific code related to pkt_driver endfunction: start_xactor virtual function void stop_xactor(); super.stop_xactor(); // any specific code related to pkt_driver `vmm_note(this.log, "Stopping the transactor for \n pkt_driver"); endfunction: stop_xactor virtual function void reset_xactor(reset_e rst_typ = \n SOFT_RST); super.reset_xactor(rst_typ); // specific reset type can be placed here. // channels have to be flushed as well, for example this.chan_in.flush(); endfunction: reset_xactor // Remember that upper layer, the environment calling // start_xactor, each vmm_xactor::start_xactor gets called // which then calls the main task. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The main() method definition ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// virtual protected task main(); bit drop; super.main(); forever begin : main_task_loop pkt_trans tr; // per rule 4-121, we can get the handle to the next // data transaction descriptor in the channel, remember // peek blocks until one is available
this.chan_in.peek(tr); // Now the transaction has been received, we can check to // see if there is any task that we need to do via any // callbacks that could be appended for this instance // of transactor Pre-Tx callback `vmm_callback(pkt_driver_callbacks, master_pre_tx(this, tr, drop)); if (drop == 1) begin `vmm_note(log, tr.psdisplay("Dropped")); continue; end //now process the transaction object, $display(tr.psdisplay(" -- TRANSACTOR got the \n transaction data")); // now we can unblock the channel this.chan_in.get(tr); // Now the the transaction has been processed, we can // check to // see if there is any task that we need to do via any // callbacks that could be appended for this instance // of transactor `vmm_callback(pkt_driver_callbacks, master_post_tx(this, tr)); #10; end endtask: main endclass : pkt_driver ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // test configuration class with basic constraints ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class test_cfg; // How many transactions to generate before test ends? rand int trans_cnt; constraint basic { trans_cnt > 9; trans_cnt < 10000000;
trans_cnt == 10; } endclass: test_cfg ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // verification environment class definition ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class verif_env extends vmm_env; pkt_trans_channel pkt_driver pkt_trans_atomic_gen test_cfg pkt_trans function new();; this.cfg = new(); endfunction: new virtual function void gen_cfg(); super.gen_cfg(); if (cfg.randomize() ==0) `vmm_fatal(log, "Failed to randomize testbench \n configuration"); `vmm_note(this.log, "cfg, with trans_cnt "); endfunction: gen_cfg virtual task run();; endtask: run ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // the build method // testbench, transactors, and callbacks ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// virtual function void build();; chan = new("pkt_transfer","first instance",1000); gen = new("pkt_gen",0,chan); driver = new("pkt_driver",0,chan); chan; driver; gen; cfg; tr,tr2;
//// instantiate the callbacks and integrate begin pkt_driver_cov_callbacks cov_callb = new(); driver.append_callback(cov_callb); end gen.stop_after_n_insts = cfg.trans_cnt; endfunction: build virtual task start(); super.start(); driver.start_xactor(); gen.start_xactor(); endtask: start virtual task stop(); super.stop(); gen.stop_xactor(); driver.stop_xactor(); endtask: stop virtual task wait_for_end(); super.wait_for_end(); gen.notify.wait_for(pkt_trans_atomic_gen::DONE); #150; endtask: wait_for_end virtual task report();; `vmm_note(this.log, " ----- TEST REPORT ----"); endtask: report virtual task reset_dut(); super.reset_dut(); endtask: reset_dut endclass: verif_env verif_env pkt_trans env; tr,tr2;
// instantiate the channel object and generator object ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// env = new();;; end endprogram: test
Creating Testbenches Using VMM
In this chapter we will apply the guidelines described in previous chapters to a simple FIFO design.
Figure 4-1
The sample timing diagram in Figure 4-2 illustrates how the FIFO block works. Figure 4-2 FIFO Timing Diagram
The verification code will provide you with the steps to develop the testbench and each underlying component and simulate designs. You can use this structure and the code with your current design environment to increase the number of test cases as well as create more complete and complex routines for testing the DUT.
tests/ directory contains test case files simple test case with all defaults test case with factor pattern replacement
Figure 4-3
If we take a look at the first test suite, we see the desired structure for the environment and testbench using vmm in the main program:
`include "" // interface file program test(intf intf); `include "" // including all components definition `include "" `include "" `include "" `include "" `include "" `include "" `include "" `include "" dut_env env; initial begin env = new(intf); // DUT Verification Environment // Create the environment
The data field is 16 bits wide. The data_rates for write and read are 16 bits wide as well. The code for the base constraints contains the default constraint set. Here is the code for fifo_trans class:
//-------------------------------------------------------// Filename : // Data transaction class extended from vmm_data for fifo // example. // Introduction to design verification with VMM booklet. // (c) Synopsys, Inc. 2006, 2007 //-------------------------------------------------------class fifo_trans extends vmm_data; static vmm_log log = new ("fifo_trans", "class") ; // Local Data Members rand logic [`WIDTH-1:0] data [`DEPTH]; rand logic [15:0] wr_data_rate; rand logic [15:0] rd_data_rate;
constraint reasonable { wr_data_rate > 0; wr_data_rate < 10; rd_data_rate > 0; rd_data_rate < 10; } // Constructor extern function new(); // VMM Standard Methods extern virtual function string psdisplay(string prefix = ""); extern extern extern extern virtual function vmm_data allocate (); virtual function vmm_data copy (vmm_data to = null); virtual function void copy_data(vmm_data to = null); virtual function bit compare (vmm_data to, output string diff, input int kind = -1);
extern virtual function bit is_valid (bit silent = 1, int kind = -1); extern virtual function int unsigned byte_size ( int kind = -1); extern virtual function int unsigned byte_pack( ref logic [7:0] bytes[], input int unsigned offset = 0, input int kind = -1); extern virtual function int unsigned byte_unpack(const ref logic [7:0] bytes[], input int unsigned offset = 0, input int len = -1, input int kind = -1); endclass: fifo_trans //-------------------------------------------------------// VMM Macros - Channel and Atomic Generator //-------------------------------------------------------`vmm_channel(fifo_trans) `vmm_atomic_gen(fifo_trans, "FIFO Atomic Gen")
Note that the method prototypes are declared above with extern keyword, the methods will need definition to complete the class definition. For example the following is the code for allocate function:
function vmm_data fifo_trans::allocate(); // Allocate a new object of this type, and return a handle // to it fifo_trans i = new(); allocate = i; endfunction: allocate
The macros for channel and atomic_gen class definition are shown. As mentioned these macros automatically create the two class descriptors, namely fifo_trans_channel and fifo_trans_atomic_gen. The full code example is placed in Appendix D, "Example Code".
fifo_trans_channel in_chan = null); extern virtual task main() ; extern virtual task reset() ; // fifo specific methods extern protected virtual task fifo_mwrite( ref fifo_trans tr); extern protected virtual task fifo_mread(fifo_trans tr); extern protected virtual task do_idle(); endclass: fifo_master
In these transactors we also declare a FIFO interface type which connects the master and monitor to the FIFO design at the top level. For a brief review of the interface construct see Appendix D, "Example Code". Note that the master transactor will use the master modport and the monitor will use the monitor modport. Refer to Appendix C, "Advanced VMM Testbench Concepts" for full definitions of methods and transactor classes.
Now that the base callbacks class for fifo_master is defined we can incorporate the invocation calls in the fifo_master main task. Here is the code for main() :
task fifo_master::main(); fifo_trans tr; bit drop; // Fork off the super.main() to perform any base-class tasks fork super.main(); join_none // Main loop to drive the FIFO Bus while (1) begin // Wait if the xactor is stopped on the in_chan is empty // Get a transaction from the input channel this.wait_if_stopped_or_empty(this.in_chan) ; in_chan.get(tr); // Pre-Tx callback // invoke the callbacks that are derived from // fifo_master_callbacks and are registered to this // instance of the fifo_master transactor. // execute the master_pre_tx methods in callbacks `vmm_callback(fifo_master_callbacks, master_pre_tx( this, tr, drop)); if (drop == 1) begin `vmm_note(log, tr.psdisplay("Dropped")); continue; end // Process the transaction fifo_mwrite(tr); fifo_mread(tr); // invoke the callbacks that are derived from // fifo_master_callbacks and are registered to this // instance of the fifo_master transactor. // execute the master_post_tx methods in callbacks `vmm_callback(fifo_master_callbacks, master_post_tx(this, tr)); end
endtask: main
The `vmm_callback macro invokes the callbacks to ensure that the callbacks are called in proper registration sequence. It also removes the burden of knowing the details of callbacks from the transactor implementation. The coverage and scoreboard callbacks are derived from fifo_master_callbacks, and implement the master_post_tx and master_pre_tx methods. Again, the actual callbacks will be extended from this pure virtual fifo_master_callbacks class. Here we take a look at these extensions. = sb; endfunction: new // Callbacks before a transaction is started virtual task master_pre_tx(fifo_master xactor, ref fifo_trans trans, ref bit drop); // Empty endtask: master_pre_tx // Callback after a transaction is completed virtual task master_post_tx(fifo_master xactor, fifo_trans trans); sb.from_master(trans); endtask: master_post_tx endclass: fifo_master_sb_callbacks
The scoreboard class contains from_master method which places the incoming transaction on the incoming queue to be compared with the output.
// Constructor extern function new(virtual intf ifc); // VMM extern extern extern extern Environment Steps virtual function void gen_cfg(); virtual function void build(); virtual task reset_dut(); virtual task cfg_dut();
endclass: dut_env
Next we will take a look at build method which instantiates all the component objects as well as callbacks. It will also take care of registering the callbacks to appropriate transactors.
function void dut_env::build() ; ; // instantiate the channel for connecting the atomic // generator to the master gen2mas = new ("FIFO Trans Channel", "gen2mas"); // instantiate the channel for connecting the monitor to // scoreboard mon2scb = new ("FIFO Trans Channel", "mon2scb") ; // instantiate the generator, this is the atomic_gen gen = new ("FIFO Atomic Gen", 1, gen2mas) ; // instantiate the master object mst = new ("FIFO trans master", 1, ifc, gen2mas ); // instantiate the monitor object mon = new ("FIFO trans monitor", 1, ifc, mon2scb); // instantiate the scoreboard transactor instance scb = new(cfg.trans_cnt, mon2scb) ; // Integrating the scoreboard using callbacks // Create a new fifo_master_sb_callbacks object // fifo_mst_sb_cb // Append this using mst.append_callback(fifo_mst_sb_cb) begin fifo_master_sb_callbacks fifo_mst_sb_cb = new(scb); mst.append_callback(fifo_mst_sb_cb); end // Integrating the functional coverage using a callback // object begin fifo_master_cov_callbacks cov_cb = new(); mst.append_callback(cov_cb); end // Configure the generator to stop after cfg.trans_cnt // instances gen.stop_after_n_insts = cfg.trans_cnt ; endfunction: build
The start and stop methods in dut_env will call the appropriate start and stop methods of each of instantiated transactors. Note, the base class start method should be called first.
task dut_env::start(); super.start(); gen.start_xactor(); mst.start_xactor(); mon.start_xactor(); scb.start_xactor(); endtask: start task dut_env::stop(); super.stop() ; gen.stop_xactor(); mst.stop_xactor(); mon.stop_xactor(); scb.stop_xactor(); endtask: stop
Last method we will look at in this segment for verification environment is wait_for_end. We will use the notification objects (vmm_notify class properties of vmm_env and vmm_xactor) from the generator and scoreboard to indicate that the test is done, i.e., there is no more transactions to be sent by the generator and that the scoreboard check has been completed.
task dut_env::wait_for_end(); super.wait_for_end(); fork gen.notify.wait_for(fifo_trans_atomic_gen::DONE); scb.notify.wait_for(scb.DONE); join #100000; // let everything settle in the dut endtask: wait_for_end
Refer to the discussion on vmm_notify class property which implements an interface to the notification service.
local fifo_trans_channel mon2scb; // Transactions from // monitor local fifo_trans from_master_q[$] ; // queue of data from // the master integer DONE; // DONE notification
extern function new(int max_trans_cnt, fifo_trans_channel mon2scb); extern task main(); extern task report(); extern task cleanup(); // method specific to fifo scoreboard class, used in the // callbacks extensions extern function void from_master(fifo_trans tr); endclass : dut_sb
The constructor instantiate the log and assigns the channel to the channel being passed to the scoreboard at initialization. Also the notify object configures the DONE flag to be level-sensitive, that is notifications will remain active (notified) until explicitly reset.
function dut_sb::new(int max_trans_cnt, fifo_trans_channel mon2scb);"DUT_SB", "class", 0); this.log = new("Scoreboard", "Scoreboard"); this.max_trans_cnt = max_trans_cnt; this.mon2scb = mon2scb; match = 0; // Configure DONE notification to be ON/OFF this.DONE = notify.configure(-1, vmm_notify::ON_OFF); endfunction: new
The main method in the scoreboard starts a forever thread that performs the comparison between the expected output and actual output received the DUT.
task dut_sb::main(); int i; logic check; fifo_trans mas_tr, mon_tr; fork super.main(); join_none `vmm_note(this.log, "Starting scoreboard", $time, max_trans_cnt)) ; while(1) begin // Since this device operates as a transfer function, the
// self-checking mechanism is quite simple. The scoreboard // first waits for a transaction to be generated then waits // for the monitor to notify that this transaction occurred. // In order to determine the transaction correctness the // following rules are applied: // - Each generated WRITE transactions are stored to a // register file // which acts as a reference model in this case). // - Each generated READ transactions get their data field // filled from the register file (so to provide an expected // result). // - Each transactions is then compared on a first-come // first-serve basis. mon2scb.get(mon_tr); mas_tr = from_master_q.pop_front(); // Perform the comparison of master vs mon vs memory check = 1; for (i=0;i<`DEPTH;i++) check = check & ([i] ==[i] ) ; if (check==0) begin `vmm_note(log, "CHECK FAILED ==>"); end else match++; // Determine if the end of test has been reached if(match >= max_trans_cnt) begin `vmm_note(this.log, "Done scoreboarding"); this.notify.indicate(this.DONE); end end // while(1) endtask: main
They should in general be encapsulated in a coverage object. In the case of FIFO we have chosen to define the covergroups directly in the callbacks class. The stimulus coverage would be sampled after it has been through the design, i.e., it is known to be valid for coverage information gathering. This usually means that the stimulus coverage is sampled through a passive transactor, such as a monitor. In this FIFO example since our fifo_master transactor has implemented a read method it allows us to sample coverage after the data read. Therefore the callbacks for the coverage gathering mechanism are derived from the fifo_master_xactor_callbacks in this example.
typedef class fifo_trans; class fifo_master_cov_callbacks extends fifo_master_callbacks; local fifo_trans tr ; covergroup fifo_trans_cov; RD: coverpoint tr.rd_data_rate { bins LOW = { [1:127]}; bins MED = { [128:511]}; bins HIGH = { [512:1023]}; } WD: coverpoint tr.wr_data_rate { bins LOW = { [1:127]}; bins MED = { [128:511]}; bins HIGH = { [512:1023]}; } RDxWD: cross RD,WD ; endgroup // Callback method before a transaction is started virtual task master_pre_tx(fifo_master xactor, ref fifo_trans trans, ref bit drop); // Empty Endtask : master_pre_tx
Creating Testbenches Using VMM 4-21
// Callback method after a transaction is completed virtual task master_post_tx(fifo_master xactor, fifo_trans trans); tr = trans ; // Save a handle to the transaction fifo_trans_cov.sample(); // Sample Coverage endtask : master_post_tx function new(); fifo_trans_cov = new(); endfunction: new endclass: fifo_master_cov_callbacks
The following code shows the derived fifo_trans with modified constraints being defined in the program block. This instance is randomized and is copied to the randomized_obj of the generator within the environment object.
`include "" program test(intf intf); `include "" `include `include `include `include `include `include `include `include "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
class my_fifo_trans extends fifo_trans; constraint test_02 { wr_data_rate inside { 4,5,6 }; rd_data_rate inside { 4,5,6 }; } endclass: my_fifo_trans dut_env env; initial begin env = new(intf);; // DUT Environment // Create the environment // Build the environment
//create a randomized object and set it to the object // in generator begin my_fifo_trans trans = new(); env.gen.randomized_obj = trans; end; // Run all steps end endprogram : test
And this is the Verilog top module file which instantiates both the program block, interface and the design:
module top; bit clk; intf intf1(clk); always #5 clk = !clk; test test1(intf1); DW_fifo_s1_sf_wrap fifo_inst(intf1); endmodule
Summary 1
We have shown through example the basic concepts embodied in the Verification Methodology Manual. This introduction allows novice users to jump start their verification development using the VMM base class libraries. We have discussed the main ideas of modularized and layered architecture for testbench development and have shown how to step by step create the components that are necessary to build a robust and reusable verification infrastructure. In the future we will describe more advanced concepts such as advanced scenario generation and assertions with other examples as well as new and additional base classes in VMM. Readers are encouraged to visit the VMM central page to get more information as well as Synopsys verification product pages.
Summary 5-1
Summary 5-2
Basics of Object Oriented Programming in SystemVerilog A
VCS provides data abstraction with class data types. Classes as self-contained components form the foundation of Object-Oriented programming structure. Object-oriented programming is different from the procedural programming with which people are familiar. There are three principles behind objects; Encapsulation, Inheritance and Polymorphism.
Instantiation is done by calling the constructor new to the object. Objects are dynamic data storage; hence memory is allocated at the time of instantiation for that object and not at the time of definition and declaration.
function new(); model ="Normal"; value = 0; state = 0; endfunction // methods, accessing the variable members task start_sensor(); state = 1; endtask function bit current_state(); current_state = state; endtask endclass: Sensor
In this example we have created a constructor function, new, and one task that starts the sensor and a function which reports the state of the sensor. You can add other methods that operate on the sensor in this class.
meaning having multiple forms is the characteristic of being able to assign different meaning or usage in different context to an entity. In a subclass, explicit calls to the methods of a superclass are done by using super. For example, in the subclass constructor calls the superclass constructor and has to be the first call in the subclass constructor definition. In the following example Adult class (subclass) extends from Person class (superclass).
class Person; //data or class properties string name; integer age; string gender; //initialization function new(); Name =""; Age = 0; endfunction; virtual task speak(); $display("This is a person \n"); endtask endclass class Adult extends Person; function new();; endfunction; virtual task speak(); $display(" my name is %s \n",name); endtask endclass: Adult
Note the usage of virtual attribute for the task speak(). Virtual methods are a basic polymorphic construct. Virtual methods provide prototypes for subroutines and override a method in all the base classes, where as a normal method only overrides a method in that class and its descendants. Subclasses override the virtual methods
by following the prototype exactly; all versions of the virtual method look identical in all subclasses as far as number of arguments, return type, and encapsulation are concerned. In our example if we were to define a generic Person class type, knowing that the class will be derived to define the characteristics of the functions such as speak(), the function has to be declared as virtual and then its behavior defined in derived classes.
class Person; //data or class properties virtual task speak(); endtask endclass: Person
Now we can define an adult person and a baby with extension of the Person, note in this case we are overriding the function in the base class.
class Adult extends Person; // properties virtual task speak(); $display(" my name is %s \n",name); endtask endclass: Adult
We can also extend class Person to provide function for another entity, for example, Child:
class Child extends Person; virtual task speak(); $display(" bah-bah-bah %s \n",name); endtask endclass: Child
In conjunction with its usage as a means of representing both the common features and specialized aspects of different data structures and components, class derivation is also a tool for modularization. For example, a verification engineer can define a derived class based on an existing class library that was produced specifically for verification tasks.
Interface Construct and Signal ConnectivityA
SystemVerilog provides a new construct, interface as a container which acts as bundle of wires, encapsulating signal definitions and synchronization, and allows ease of connectivity between testbench and design components. Interface can be instantiated like a module. The interface construct provides flexibility through instantiation in a module or a program. The best approach to declare signals for connectivity is to declare interface signals as wire in SystemVerilog.
interface fifo_intf(input clk); parameter WIDTH = 16; wire rst_n; wire push_req_n; ... wire [WIDTH-1: 0] data_out; endinterface : fifo_intf
Once an interface container has been defined, variable of that interface can be declared and instantiated.
Directional information for module ports is provided by using the modport construct in SystemVerilog. In a verification environment there are various views and uses for interface signals: some are driven, such as in driver transactors, some are simply monitored, such as in monitor transactors. In order to compartmentalize these different views, modports are declared and defined for each of the transactor views.
interface fifo_intf(input clk); parameter WIDTH = 16; wire rst_n; wire push_req_n; ... wire [WIDTH-1: 0] data_out; modport Fifo_Driver(output rst_n; output push_req_n; ... input data_out); modport Fifo_Designer(input rst_n; input push_req_n; ... output data_out); endinterface: fifo_intf
Now you can declare and instantiate the interface and pass the modport to the testbench:
fifo_intf intfFifo(clk); // declaration and instantiation of interface of type
Note that in order to avoid duplication of effort and create an extensible modular and flexible verification environment, the actual transactor methods are not defined inside the interface. In the next sections we will describe the usage of clocking blocks to allow synchronous sampling and driving of signals. This blocking removes any potential race conditions between the design and verification testbench. Using such constructs in SystemVerilog will eliminate unpredictability in timing behavior of testbench and design connection.
Virtual Interface
Virtual interfaces provide a mechanism for separating abstract models and test programs from the actual signals that make up the design further promoting code re-use. For example, a network switch router has many identical ports that operate the same way, say a 10Gbit MII for Ethernet connection. A single virtual interface declared inside a class that deals with these Ethernet signals can represent different interface instances at various times throughout the simulation. A virtual interface can be declared inside as a class property that can be initialized procedurally or by an argument to the class constructor. In the following code example the class fifo_driver instantiates a virtual interface:
class fifo_driver
The instantiation of the interface can have several flavors in the Testbench area: In a program block:
v_intf = interface_passed_to_program;
Similarly the assignment through program block and class constructor is as follows: a) Assignment to virtual interfaces:
fifo_wr_if = interface_passed_to_program;
Referencing signals within an interface can be accessed using a relative hierarchical pathname. For example:
.. input data_out; endclocking clocking cbDR @(posedge clk2); output rst_n; output push_req_n; .... endclocking endinterface: fifo_intf
Signals within each clocking block are sampled and driven with respect to the specified clock edge given appropriate setup and hold time. An interface can contain one or more clocking blocks within it. Figure B-1 Timing Reference for Sample and Drive of Synchronous Signals
interface fifo_intf; modport fifo_Driver(clocking cbDR); modport fifo_Checker(clocking cbCheck) .... endinterface: fifo_intf
Signals are then referenced with respect to interface modport name, and are synchronized with the appropriate clocking block timing.
v_intf.cb.push_req_n <= 1'b1; block fifo_wr_if.cbDR.push_req_n <= 1'b1; //modport usage //direct clocking
Asynchronous Signals
The interface modport construct can be used to define and create asynchronous ports and signal connections. The signal is defined as an input or output in a modport declaration:
interface fifo_intf; modport fifo_Driver(clocking cbDR, output rst_n); modport fifo_Checker(clocking cbCheck) .... endinterface: fifo_intf
In this case the signal rst_n is defined as asynchronous with respect to the clock edges.
Advanced VMM Testbench Concepts A
VMM has a rich set of advanced concepts and guidelines to help further in the generation of complex test scenarios. Similar to atomic generator there exist a scenario generator environment creation mechanism. Here is an overview of the scenario generation class, in the future versions of this handbook we will explore this feature in detail.
The vmm_scenario_gen(class_name,"Class Description") is used to create a scenario class for each vmm_data extended transaction. Similar to `vmm_atomic_gen, this macro creates a scenario generator class which is an extension
of the vmm_xactor class. For the pen plotter example in Chapter 3, "VMM Building Blocks", based on pkt_trans transaction class the scenario generator class will be: pkt_trans_scenario_gen. The macro also defines the following classes named:
pkt_trans_scenario, pkt_trans_scenario_election and pkt_trans_scenario_gen_callbacks.
extern function new(string instance, integer stream_id = -1, pkt_trans_channel out_chan = null); extern virtual task inject_obj(pkt_trans obj); extern virtual task inject(pkt_trans_scenario scenario); endclass : pkt_trans_atomic_gen
Example Code A
The following is the complete code for the FIFO verification example.
//---------------------------------------------------------// SYNOPSYS CONFIDENTIAL - This is an unpublished, proprietary work of // Synopsys, Inc., and is fully protected under copyright and trade secret // laws. You may not view, use, disclose, copy, or distribute this file or // any information contained herein except pursuant to a valid written // license from Synopsys. // Introduction to design verification with VMM handbook. // (c) Synopsys, Inc. 2006, 2007 //---------------------------------------------------------------// Filename : // This is a data transaction class extended from vmm_data for // fifo example // //---------------------------------------------------------------class fifo_trans extends vmm_data; static vmm_log log = new ("fifo_trans", "class") ; // Local Data Members rand logic [`WIDTH-1:0] data [`DEPTH]; rand logic [15:0] wr_data_rate; rand logic [15:0] rd_data_rate;
constraint reasonable { wr_data_rate > 0; wr_data_rate < 10; rd_data_rate > 0; rd_data_rate < 10; } // Constructor extern function new(); // VMM extern extern extern extern extern Standard Methods virtual function virtual function virtual function virtual function virtual function
psdisplay(string prefix = ""); allocate (); copy (vmm_data to = null); copy_data(vmm_data to = null); compare (vmm_data to, output string diff, input int kind = -1);
is_valid (bit silent = 1, int kind = -1); extern virtual function int unsigned byte_size (int kind = -1); extern virtual function int unsigned byte_pack (ref logic [7:0] bytes[], input int unsigned offset = 0, input int kind = -1); extern virtual function int unsigned byte_unpack(const ref logic [7:0] bytes[], input int unsigned offset = 0, input int len = -1, input int kind = -1); endclass: fifo_trans
//---------------------------------------------------------// VMM Macros - Channel and Atomic Generator //---------------------------------------------------------`vmm_channel(fifo_trans) `vmm_atomic_gen(fifo_trans, "FIFO Atomic Gen")
// methods definition for fifo_trans function fifo_trans::new();; endfunction: new function vmm_data fifo_trans::allocate(); // Allocate a new object of this type, and return a handle to it fifo_trans i = new(); allocate = i; endfunction: allocate function vmm_data fifo_trans::copy(vmm_data to);
fifo_trans cpy; // Allocate a new object if needed, check the type if 'to' specified if (to == null) cpy = new(); else if (!$cast(cpy, to)) begin `vmm_error(this.log, "Cannot copy to non-fifo_trans instance"); copy = null; return; end // Copy the data fields into the 'to' object and return cpy copy_data(cpy); copy = cpy; endfunction: copy function void fifo_trans::copy_data(vmm_data to); fifo_trans cpy; // Copy all the VMM base class data super.copy_data(to); if (!$cast(cpy, to)) begin `vmm_error(this.log, "Cannot copy to non-fifo_trans instance"); return; end =; cpy.wr_data_rate = this.wr_data_rate; cpy.rd_data_rate = this.rd_data_rate; endfunction: copy_data
function bit fifo_trans::compare(vmm_data to, output string diff, input int kind); fifo_trans pkt; compare = 1; // Check the type is correct if (to == null || !$cast(pkt, to)) begin `vmm_error(this.log, "Cannot compare to non-fifo_trans instance"); compare = 0; return; end if (pkt.wr_data_rate !== this.rd_data_rate) begin $sformat(diff, "dir (%s !== %s)", this.wr_data_rate, pkt.wr_data_rate);
compare = 0; end if (pkt.rd_data_rate !== this.rd_data_rate) begin $sformat(diff, "addr (%1b !== %1b)", this.rd_data_rate, pkt.rd_data_rate); compare = 0; end endfunction: compare function string fifo_trans::psdisplay(string prefix); $sformat(psdisplay, "%s#%0d.%0d.%0d : wr_dr=%02d rd_dr=%02d data_0=%0d", prefix, this.stream_id, this.scenario_id, this.data_id, this.wr_data_rate, this.rd_data_rate,[0]); endfunction: psdisplay function bit fifo_trans::is_valid(bit silent, int kind); is_valid = 1; endfunction: is_valid function int unsigned fifo_trans::byte_size(int kind); byte_size = 4+128*2; // 260 bytes endfunction: byte_size function int unsigned fifo_trans::byte_pack(ref logic [7:0] bytes[], input int unsigned offset, input int kind); int i,j; logic [15:0] tmp; bytes = new[offset + byte_size()]; bytes[offset] = wr_data_rate[7:0]; bytes[offset+1] = wr_data_rate[15:8]; bytes[offset+2] = rd_data_rate[7:0]; bytes[offset+3] = rd_data_rate[15:8]; for (i=0;i<128;i++) begin tmp = data[i]; bytes[offset+4+i*2] = tmp[7:0]; bytes[offset+5+i*2] = tmp[15:8]; end byte_pack = byte_size(); // Return the number of bytes packed endfunction: byte_pack function int unsigned fifo_trans::byte_unpack( const ref logic [7:0] bytes[], input int unsigned offset,
len, kind);
int i; wr_data_rate = { bytes[1], bytes[0] } ; rd_data_rate = { bytes[3], bytes[2] } ; for (i=0;i<128;i++) begin data[i] = { bytes[5+2*i] , bytes[4+2*i] } ; end byte_unpack = byte_size(); // Return the number of bytes unpacked endfunction: byte_unpack
//-----------------------------------------------------------------// Filename : // This is a interface file for fifo example //-----------------------------------------------------------------`define WIDTH 16 `define DEPTH 128 //`define DEPTH 8 interface intf(input clk); parameter WIDTH = 16; wire rst_n; wire push_req_n; wire pop_req_n; wire diag_n; wire [WIDTH-1 : 0] data_in; wire empty; wire almost_empty; wire half_full; wire almost_full; wire full; wire error; wire [WIDTH-1 : 0] data_out; clocking Master_cb @(posedge clk); output push_req_n; output pop_req_n; output diag_n; output data_in; output rst_n; input empty; input almost_empty; input half_full; input almost_full; input full; input error; input data_out; endclocking
clocking Monitor_cb @(posedge clk); input push_req_n; input pop_req_n; input data_in; input data_out; endclocking modport Master (clocking Master_cb); modport Monitor (clocking Monitor_cb); modport dut( input clk, rst_n, push_req_n, pop_req_n, diag_n,data_in, output empty, almost_empty, half_full, almost_full, full, error, data_out); endinterface
//-----------------------------------------------------------------// Filename : // This is a test configuration class for fifo example //-----------------------------------------------------------------class fifo_cfg; // How many transactions to generate before test ends? rand int trans_cnt; constraint basic { trans_cnt > 9; trans_cnt < 10000000; trans_cnt == 10; } endclass: fifo_cfg //----------------------------------------------------------------// Filename : // This is a master transactor class for fifo example // //---------------------------------------------------------------// This BFM receives FIFO transactions from a channel, and drives // the pins via the SystemVerilog virtual interface. // // | | // | FIFO | VMM channel // | trans | // | VV | // | | // +--------------------+ // | FIFO-Master | // +--------------------+ // ||||||| // ||||||| // FIFO Bus //
//---------------------------------------------------------------`define FIFO_MASTER_IFfifo_master_if.Master_cb //---------------------------------------------------------------// FIFO Master Xactor Class //---------------------------------------------------------------class fifo_master extends vmm_xactor; // FIFO Interface (Master side) virtual intf.Master fifo_master_if; // FIFO Transaction channels fifo_trans_channel in_chan ; extern function new (string instance, integer stream_id = -1, virtual intf.Master fifo_master_if, fifo_trans_channel in_chan = null); extern virtual task main() ; extern virtual task reset() ; extern protected virtual task fifo_mwrite(ref fifo_trans tr) ; extern protected virtual task fifo_mread(fifo_trans tr) ; extern protected virtual task do_idle(); endclass: fifo_master //----------------------------------------------------------------// FIFO Master Callback Class //----------------------------------------------------------------virtual class fifo_master_callbacks extends vmm_xactor_callbacks; // Callbacks before a transaction is started virtual task master_pre_tx(fifo_master xactor, ref fifo_trans trans, ref bit drop); endtask // Callback after a transaction is completed virtual task master_post_tx(fifo_master xactor, fifo_trans trans); endtask endclass: fifo_master_callbacks
function fifo_master::new(string instance, integer stream_id, virtual intf.Master fifo_master_if, fifo_trans_channel in_chan); // Call the super task to initialize the xactor"FIFO MASTER", instance, stream_id) ; // Save a refernce to the interface this.fifo_master_if = fifo_master_if; // Allocate an input channel if needed, save a reference to the channel if (in_chan == null) in_chan = new("FIFO MASTER INPUT CHANNEL", instance); this.in_chan = in_chan; endfunction: new task fifo_master::main(); fifo_trans tr; bit drop; // Fork off the super.main() to perform any base-class tasks fork super.main(); join_none // Main loop to drive the FIFO Bus while (1) begin // Wait if the xactor is stopped on the in_chan is empty // Get a transaction from the input channel this.wait_if_stopped_or_empty(this.in_chan) ; in_chan.get(tr); // `vmm_note(log, tr.psdisplay("Master:")); // Pre-Tx callback `vmm_callback(fifo_master_callbacks, master_pre_tx(this, tr, drop)); if (drop == 1) begin `vmm_note(log, tr.psdisplay("Dropped")); continue; end // Process the transaction fifo_mwrite(tr); fifo_mread(tr); `vmm_callback(fifo_master_callbacks, master_post_tx(this, tr));
task fifo_master::reset(); `FIFO_MASTER_IF.rst_n <= 0; `FIFO_MASTER_IF.pop_req_n <= 1; `FIFO_MASTER_IF.push_req_n <= 1; `FIFO_MASTER_IF.diag_n <= 1; do_idle(); repeat (5) @(`FIFO_MASTER_IF); `FIFO_MASTER_IF.rst_n <= 1; endtask: reset task fifo_master::do_idle(); `FIFO_MASTER_IF.push_req_n `FIFO_MASTER_IF.pop_req_n @(`FIFO_MASTER_IF); endtask: do_idle
<= 1; <= 1;
task fifo_master::fifo_mwrite(ref fifo_trans tr); for (int j = 0; j< `DEPTH; j++) begin repeat (tr.wr_data_rate) @(`FIFO_MASTER_IF); `FIFO_MASTER_IF.push_req_n <= 1'b0; `FIFO_MASTER_IF.data_in <=[j]; @(`FIFO_MASTER_IF); `FIFO_MASTER_IF.push_req_n <= 1'b1; end endtask: fifo_mwrite task fifo_master::fifo_mread(fifo_trans tr); logic [`WIDTH-1:0] temp; for (int j = 0; j< `DEPTH; j++) begin repeat(tr.rd_data_rate) @(`FIFO_MASTER_IF); while (`FIFO_MASTER_IF.empty) @(`FIFO_MASTER_IF); `FIFO_MASTER_IF.pop_req_n <= 1'b0; @(`FIFO_MASTER_IF); `FIFO_MASTER_IF.pop_req_n <= 1'b1; end endtask: fifo_mread //-----------------------------------------------------------------// Filename : // This is a monitor transactor class for fifo example //------------------------------------------------------------------
`define FIFO_MONITOR_IFfifo_monitor_if.Monitor_cb //---------------------------------------------------------------// FIFO Monitor Transactor Class //---------------------------------------------------------------class fifo_monitor extends vmm_xactor; // Factory Object for creating fifo_trans fifo_trans randomized_obj; // FIFO Interface (Monitor side) virtual intf.Monitor fifo_monitor_if; // Output Channel fifo_trans_channel out_chan; extern function new(string instance, int stream_id = -1, virtual intf.Monitor fifo_monitor_if, fifo_trans_channel out_chan = null); extern virtual task main() ; extern virtual task sample_fifo(ref fifo_trans tr); endclass: fifo_monitor //---------------------------------------------------------------// FIFO Monitor Callback Class //---------------------------------------------------------------typedef class fifo_monitor; virtual class fifo_monitor_callbacks extends vmm_xactor_callbacks; // Callbacks before a transaction is started virtual task monitor_pre_rx(fifo_monitor xactor, ref fifo_trans trans); endtask // Callback after a transaction is completed virtual task monitor_post_rx(fifo_monitor xactor, fifo_trans trans); endtask endclass: fifo_monitor_callbacks
function fifo_monitor::new(string instance, int stream_id, virtual intf.Monitor fifo_monitor_if, fifo_trans_channel out_chan);"FIFO TRANS monitor", instance, stream_id) ; // Allocate an output channel if needed, save a reference to the channel if (out_chan == null) out_chan = new("FIFO MASTER OUTPUT CHANNEL", instance); this.out_chan = out_chan; // Create the default factory object randomized_obj = new(); // Save the interface into a local data member this.fifo_monitor_if = fifo_monitor_if; endfunction: new task fifo_monitor::main(); fifo_trans tr; // Fork super.main to perform any base-class actions fork super.main(); join_none // Main Monitor Loop while(1) begin $cast(tr, randomized_obj.copy()); // Pre-Rx Callback `vmm_callback(fifo_monitor_callbacks ,monitor_pre_rx(this, tr)); // Sample the bus using the fifo_sample() task sample_fifo(tr); // Put the trans into the output channel using sneak so it can't block out_chan.sneak(tr); `vmm_callback(fifo_monitor_callbacks ,monitor_post_rx(this, tr)); // Print the transaction in debug mode `vmm_note(log, tr.psdisplay("Monitor ==>")); end
endtask: main task fifo_monitor::sample_fifo(ref fifo_trans tr); int i; tr.rd_data_rate = 0; tr.wr_data_rate = 0 ; for (i=0;i<`DEPTH;i++) begin while(`FIFO_MONITOR_IF.pop_req_n) @(`FIFO_MONITOR_IF);[i] = `FIFO_MONITOR_IF.data_out; @(`FIFO_MONITOR_IF); end endtask: sample_fifo //---------------------------------------------------------------// Filename : // This is FIFO testsbench environment extending vmm_env class //---------------------------------------------------------------// // This class instantiates all the permanent testbench top-level components // // After all components are instantiated this will include: // * FIFO atomic generator // * FIFO master // * FIFO monitor // * scoreboard // //---------------------------------------------------------------//---------------------------------------------------------------// dut_env class //---------------------------------------------------------------class dut_env extends vmm_env ; // FIFO Master/Monitor Virtual Interface virtual intf ifc; vmm_log log; fifo_cfg cfg; // channel for the output generator fifo_trans_channel gen2mas; // channel for the output monitor mon2scb fifo_trans_channel mon2scb; // Generator, atomic, class is created with the macro // fifo_trans_atomic_gen(.) fifo_trans_atomic_gen gen;
// Constructor extern function new(virtual intf ifc); // VMM extern extern extern extern extern extern extern extern extern Environment Steps virtual function void gen_cfg(); virtual function void build(); virtual task reset_dut(); virtual task cfg_dut(); virtual task start(); virtual task wait_for_end(); virtual task stop(); virtual task cleanup(); virtual task report();
endclass: dut_env function dut_env::new(virtual intf ifc); // Pass in the name of the environment to the VMM-Env logger class"DUT_ENV"); // Save a copy of the virtual interfaces this.ifc = ifc; // Allocate/new() the log using new("dut", "env") log = new("dut", "env"); // Allocate/new() the cfg object this.cfg = new() ; endfunction: new
function void dut_env::gen_cfg() ; super.gen_cfg() ; // Randomize the cfg object if (cfg.randomize() == 0) `vmm_fatal(log, "Failed to randomize testbench configuration"); `vmm_note(log, "cfg.trans_cnt"); endfunction: gen_cfg function void dut_env::build() ; ;
// instantiate the channel for connecting the atomic generator to the master gen2mas = new ("FIFO Trans Channel", "gen2mas") ; // instantiate the channel for connecting the monitor to scoreboard mon2scb = new ("FIFO Trans Channel", "mon2scb") ; // instantiate the generator, this is the atomic_gen gen = new ("FIFO Atomic Gen", 1, gen2mas) ; // instantiate the master object mst = new ("FIFO trans master", 1, ifc, gen2mas ); // instantiate the monitor object mon = new ("FIFO trans monitor", 1, ifc, mon2scb); // instantiate the scoreboard transactor instance scb = new(cfg.trans_cnt, mon2scb) ; // Integrating the scoreboard using callbacks // Create a new fifo_master_sb_callbacks object fifo_mst_sb_cb // Append this using mst.append_callback(fifo_mst_sb_cb) begin fifo_master_sb_callbacks fifo_mst_sb_cb = new(scb); mst.append_callback(fifo_mst_sb_cb); end // Integrating the functional coverage using a callback object begin fifo_master_cov_callbacks cov_cb = new(); mst.append_callback(cov_cb); end // Configure the generator to stop after cfg.trans_cnt instances gen.stop_after_n_insts = cfg.trans_cnt ; endfunction: build task dut_env::reset_dut(); super.reset_dut(); mst.reset(); endtask:reset_dut task dut_env::cfg_dut(); super.cfg_dut() ; endtask: cfg_dut
task dut_env::start();
super.start(); gen.start_xactor(); mst.start_xactor(); mon.start_xactor(); scb.start_xactor(); endtask: start task dut_env::wait_for_end(); super.wait_for_end(); fork gen.notify.wait_for(fifo_trans_atomic_gen::DONE); scb.notify.wait_for(scb.DONE); join #100000; endtask: wait_for_end task dut_env::stop(); super.stop() ; gen.stop_xactor(); mst.stop_xactor(); mon.stop_xactor(); scb.stop_xactor(); endtask: stop task dut_env::report() ; ;; endtask: report
task dut_env::cleanup(); super.cleanup() ; scb.cleanup(); endtask: cleanup //---------------------------------------------------------------// Filename : // This is a scoreboard transactor class for fifo example // //--------------------------------------------------------------class dut_sb extends vmm_xactor; vmm_log log; // For log messages int max_trans_cnt; local int match; // Max # of transactions // Number of good matches
// Transactions from monitor // queue of data from the master // DONE notification
extern function new(int max_trans_cnt, fifo_trans_channel mon2scb); extern task main(); extern task report(); extern task cleanup(); extern function void from_master(fifo_trans tr); endclass function dut_sb::new(int max_trans_cnt, fifo_trans_channel mon2scb);"DUT_SB", "class", 0); this.log = new("Scoreboard", "Scoreboard"); this.max_trans_cnt = max_trans_cnt; this.mon2scb = mon2scb; match = 0; // Configure DONE notification to be ON/OFF DONE = notify.configure(-1, vmm_notify::ON_OFF); endfunction: new function void dut_sb::from_master(fifo_trans tr) ; from_master_q.push_back(tr) ; endfunction: from_master
task dut_sb::main(); int i; logic check; fifo_trans mas_tr, mon_tr; // Fork off the super.main() to perform any base-class tasks fork super.main(); join_none `vmm_note(this.log, "Starting scoreboard ") ; while(1) begin // Since this device operates as a transfer function, the self-checking // mechanism is quite simple. The scoreboard first waits for a
// transaction to be generated then waits for the monitor to notify that // this transaction occurred. In order to determine the transaction // correctness the following rules are applied: // - Each generated WRITE transactions are stored to a register file // (which acts as a reference model in this case). // - Each generated READ transactions get their data field filled from // the register file (so to provide an expected result). // - each transactions is then compared on a first-come first-serve basis. mon2scb.get(mon_tr); mas_tr = from_master_q.pop_front();
// Perform the comparison of master vs mon vs memory `vmm_debug(this.log, "Scorebaord check"); check = 1; for (i=0;i<`DEPTH;i++) check = check & ([i] ==[i] ) ; if (check==0) begin `vmm_note(log, "CHECK FAILED ==>"); end else match++; // Determine if the end of test has been reached if(match >= max_trans_cnt) begin `vmm_note(this.log, "Done scorboarding); this.notify.indicate(this.DONE); end end // while(1) endtask: main task dut_sb::report(); endtask: report task dut_sb::cleanup(); endtask: cleanup
//--------------------------------------------------------------// Filename : // This is the scoreboard integration callback class // // Introduction to design verification with VMM booklet. // (c) Synopsys, Inc. 2006, 2007 //---------------------------------------------------------------//---------------------------------------------------------------// Scoreback Connection via FIFO Master Callback Class //----------------------------------------------------------------
typedef class fifo_master; typedef class dut_sb; class fifo_master_sb_callbacks extends fifo_master_callbacks; dut_sb sb; // Constructor function new(dut_sb sb); = sb; endfunction: new // Callbacks before a transaction is started virtual task master_pre_tx(fifo_master xactor, ref fifo_trans trans, ref bit drop); // Empty endtask: master_pre_tx // Callback after a transaction is completed virtual task master_post_tx(fifo_master xactor, fifo_trans trans); sb.from_master(trans); endtask: master_post_tx endclass: fifo_master_sb_callbacks typedef class fifo_monitor; class fifo_monitor_sb_callbacks extends fifo_master_callbacks; dut_sb sb; // Constructor function new(dut_sb sb); = sb; endfunction: new // Callbacks before a transaction is started virtual task monitor_pre_rx(fifo_monitor xactor, ref fifo_trans trans); endtask: monitor_pre_rx // Callback after a transaction is completed virtual task monitor_post_rx(fifo_monitor xactor, fifo_trans trans); endtask: monitor_post_rx endclass: fifo_monitor_sb_callbacks
//---------------------------------------------------------------------// Filename : // This is specific to the fifo DUT, and collects coverage
//----------------------------------------------------------------------//----------------------------------------------------------------------// coverage FIFO Master Callback Class //----------------------------------------------------------------------typedef class fifo_trans; class fifo_master_cov_callbacks extends fifo_master_callbacks; local fifo_trans tr ; covergroup fifo_trans_cov; RD: coverpoint tr.rd_data_rate { bins LOW = { [1:127]}; bins MED = { [128:511]}; bins HIGH = { [512:1023]}; } WD: coverpoint tr.wr_data_rate { bins LOW = { [1:127]}; bins MED = { [128:511]}; bins HIGH = { [512:1023]}; } RDxWD: cross RD,WD ; endgroup // Callbacks before a transaction is started virtual task master_pre_tx(fifo_master xactor, ref fifo_trans trans, ref bit drop); // Empty endtask // Callback after a transaction is completed virtual task master_post_tx(fifo_master xactor, fifo_trans trans); tr = trans ; fifo_trans_cov.sample(); endtask function new(); fifo_trans_cov = new(); endfunction: new endclass: fifo_master_cov_callbacks //---------------------------------------------------------------------// Filename : // This is a test suite. //----------------------------------------------------------------------//----------------------------------------------------------------------// Save a handle to the transaction // Sample Coverage
// coverage FIFO Master Callback Class //----------------------------------------------------------------------`include "" program test(intf intf); `include "" `include `include `include `include `include `include `include `include "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
class my_fifo_trans extends fifo_trans; constraint test_02 { wr_data_rate inside { 4,5,6 }; rd_data_rate inside { 4,5,6 }; } endclass: my_fifo_trans dut_env env; initial begin env = new(intf);; // DUT Environment
//create a randomized object and set it to the object begin my_fifo_trans trans = new(); env.gen.randomized_obj = trans; end; // Run all steps end endprogram