Courtney King Curriculum Vitae
Courtney King Curriculum Vitae
Courtney King Curriculum Vitae
English Literature
COURTNEY ELIZABETH KING 417-533-2687 [email protected] Washington State University 2011-2013 Thesis title: Manufacturing a Womans Sentence:
RESEARCH AND TEACHING INTERESTS Victorian literature; Modernist literature; Woolf studies; regionalist fiction; rural studies; ecofeminism; queer theory; queer temporalities; feminist theory; cyborg theory; disability theory; composition PUBLISHING EXPERIENCE Textual Overtures Editor-in-Chief Fall 2012-Spring 2013 Founded and led a team to the creation of the inaugural issue of Textual Overtures, a graduate-only open source online publication. Networked with other universities to help spread the word about our project. Conducted weekly meetings to help keep our journal on track. TEACHING EXPERIENCE Washington State University Instructor for Introductory Composition Courses (Spring 2012-Spring 2013) Designed and instructed five introductory composition courses Worked in the CLASP program to advance otherwise disadvantaged students in the university setting Instructor for Introductory Composition for ESL Students (Summer 2013) Designed and taught composition course for English Language Learners Shadow for Women Writers (Spring 2013) Worked with Dr. Leeann Hunter to design a course to meet the needs of our students Facilitated discussion and worked in small groups with students Designed a multimodal unit on Toni Morrisons Sula Facilitator for English Composition Tutoring Groups (Fall 2011) Facilitated group tutoring through the writing center for struggling composition students Writing Placement Reader and Proctor (Summer 2012) Proctored, read, and evaluated the writing placement exams taken by incoming freshman in order to accurately place them in the appropriate introductory writing course Lewis-Clark State College Institute of Intensive English Language Lab Moderator (Summer 2012) Supervised language lab activities for speaking and listening courses for all grade levels Beginning Conversational English and Reading and Writing Instructor (Summer 2012) Designed and implemented two sections of Beginning Conversation in which students used worksheets, games, and community involvement to establish basic vocabulary and usage skills
needed for daily speech Built a Reading and Writing class for beginning students that taught practical basic skills in reading and writing in English in which we emphasized understanding and appreciating cultural, geographical, and personal differences Advanced/Intermediate Vocabulary and Slang & Idioms Instructor (Summer 2012) Instructed two vocabulary classes for both Advanced and Intermediate students Constructed a Slang and Idioms course in which Intermediate students could explore the common phrases found in everyday English, learn about their origins, and discuss their relevance in their own cultures Taught students about the regional differences in speech patterns, focusing particularly on the turns of phrase common in the rural south, in the urban workplace, and in other English-speaking countries such as England and Australia Private Employment Literature Tutor (Summer 2012-Spring 2013) Instructed a middle school student in the fields of grammar, literature appreciation, poetry, composition, and literary analysis. Constructed units on various literary movements based on the pupils int erests in order to spark excitement over the subject matter. Met with student weekly during the school year and twice a week during the summer to work on writing assignments, comprehension questions, and exploratory creative assignments assigned to supplement the students education. PUBLICATIONS Book Review: Comp Tales The Wide Net. Truman State University Press. 1.1 (2011). 65-66. PDF. CONFERENCES WSU EARThS Conference 2013 Accepted to present Gaia Departed: Reenvisioning Classical Notions of Woman and Nature in Antony and Cleopatra Northwest Womens Studies Association (NWWSA) Conference 2013 Presenting Manufacturing a Womans Sentence: The Making of criture fmininemcanique
COURSE DEVELOPMENT Introductory Composition Introductory Composition for ELL Students ELL Slang and Idioms ELL Reading and Writing ELL Vocabulary ELL Conversational English HONORS AND AWARDS Washington State University (2011-2013) Teaching Assistantship (2011-2013) Professional Development Certification (2011-2012 and renewed for 2012-2013) Literature Pedagogy Workshop Participant (2013) Truman State University (2007-2011) Graduated Cum Laude (2011) President's Leadership Scholarship (2007-2011) Combined Ability Scholarship (2007-2011) President's List (2010) Vice President's List (2008-2011) AFFILIATIONS AND LEADERSHIP Washington State University Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) Senator (2012-2013) Textual Overtures Founding member Editor-in-chief (2012-2013) English Graduate Organization Member (2011-2013) GPSA Representative and Textual Overtures Editor-in-Chief (2012-2013) Truman State University Sigma Tau Delta (English Honors Fraternity) Member (2009-2011) Beta Omega Beta (independent women's organization promoting diversity and fellowship) Member (2007-2011) Philanthropy Chair (2007) Vice President (2008) PR Chair (2008) Social Chair(2009) Sisterhood Chair (2009)