Curcuma SPP Rhizoma
Curcuma SPP Rhizoma
Curcuma SPP Rhizoma
Rhizoma Curcumae Longae is the dried rhizome of Curcuma longa L.
(Zingiberaceae) (1).
Dried rhizomes of Curcuma wenyujin Y.H. Lee et C. Ling, C. kwangsiensis S.
Lee et C.F. Liang. and C. phaeocaulis Val. are also official sources of Radix
Curcumae or Turmeric Root-Tuber in China (2).
Curcuma domestica Valeton., C. rotunda L., C. xanthorrhiza Naves, Amomum cur-
cuma Jacq. (3–5).
Perennial herb up to 1.0 m in height; stout, fleshy, main rhizome nearly ovoid
(about 3 cm in diameter and 4 cm long). Lateral rhizome, slightly bent (1 cm ⫻
2–6 cm), flesh orange in colour; large leaves lanceolate, uniformly green, up to
50 cm long and 7–25 cm wide; apex acute and caudate with tapering base,
petiole and sheath sparsely to densely pubescent. Spike, apical, cylindrical, 10–
15 cm long and 5–7 cm in diameter. Bract white or white with light green upper
half, 5–6 cm long, each subtending flowers, bracteoles up to 3.5 cm long. Pale
yellow flowers about 5 cm long; calyx tubular, unilaterally split, unequally
toothed; corolla white, tube funnel shaped, limb 3-lobed. Stamens lateral,
petaloid, widely elliptical, longer than the anther; filament united to anther
WHO monographs on selected medicinal plants
about the middle of the pollen sac, spurred at base. Ovary trilocular; style
glabrous. Capsule ellipsoid. Rhizomes orange within (1, 4, 6, 15).
Organoleptic properties
Odour, aromatic; taste, warmly aromatic and bitter (1, 9, 13). Drug when
chewed colours the saliva yellow (9).
Microscopic characteristics
The transverse section of the rhizome is characterized by the presence of
mostly thin-walled rounded parenchyma cells, scattered vascular bundles, defi-
nite endodermis, a few layers of cork developed under the epidermis and
scattered oleoresin cells with brownish contents. The cells of the ground tissue
are also filled with many starch grains. Epidermis is thin walled, consisting of
cubical cells of various dimensions. The cork cambium is developed from the
subepidermal layers and even after the development of the cork, the epidermis
is retained. Cork is generally composed of 4–6 layers of thin-walled brick-
shaped parenchymatous cells. The parenchyma of the pith and cortex contains
curcumin and is filled with starch grains. Cortical vascular bundles are scattered
and are of collateral type. The vascular bundles in the pith region are mostly
scattered and they form discontinuous rings just under the endodermis. The
vessels have mainly spiral thickening and only a few have reticulate and annular
structure (1, 8, 9).
Geographical distribution
Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic,
Madagascar, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Viet Nam (1, 13, 16). It is exten-
Rhizoma Curcumae Longae
sively cultivated in China, India, Indonesia, Thailand and throughout the trop-
ics, including tropical regions of Africa (1, 7, 13, 16).
Purity tests
The test for Salmonella spp. in Rhizoma Curcumae Longae products should be
negative. The maximum acceptable limits of other microorganisms are as fol-
lows (17–19). For preparation of decoction: aerobic bacteria—not more than
107/g; fungi—not more than 105/g; Escherichia coli—not more than 102/g. Prepa-
rations for internal use: aerobic bacteria—not more than 105/g or ml; fungi—not
more than 104/g or ml; enterobacteria and certain Gram-negative bacteria—not
more than 103/g or ml; Escherichia coli—0/g or ml.
Total ash
Not more than 8.0% (1, 15).
Acid-insoluble ash
Not more than 1% (1, 9, 15).
Water-soluble extractive
Not less than 9.0% (1).
Alcohol-soluble extractive
Not less than 10% (1).
Not more than 10% (1).
Pesticide residues
To be established in accordance with national requirements. Normally, the
maximum residue limit of aldrin and dieldrin in Rhizoma Curcumae Longae is
not more than 0.05 mg/kg (19). For other pesticides, see WHO guidelines on
quality control methods for medicinal plants (17) and guidelines for predicting
dietary intake of pesticide residues (20).
WHO monographs on selected medicinal plants
Heavy metals
Recommended lead and cadmium levels are not more than 10 and 0.3 mg/kg,
respectively, in the final dosage form of the plant material (17).
Radioactive residues
For analysis of strontium-90, iodine-131, caesium-134, caesium-137, and
plutonium-239, see WHO guidelines on quality control methods for medicinal
plants (17).
Chemical assays
Not less than 4.0% of volatile oil, and not less than 3.0% of curcuminoids (1).
Qualitative analysis by thin-layer and high-performance liquid chromatography
(1, 21) and quantitative assay for total curcuminoids by spectrophotometric (1,
22) or by high-performance liquid chromatographic methods (23, 24).
CH3 CH3 H CH 3 H CH 3
H3C O H 2C O H3C O H 3C
bisdesmethoxycurcumin R = H , R' = H
Dosage forms
Powdered crude plant material, rhizomes (1, 2), and corresponding preparations
(25). Store in a dry environment protected from light. Air dry the crude drug
every 2–3 months (1).
Rhizoma Curcumae Longae
Medicinal uses
Uses supported by clinical data
The principal use of Rhizoma Curcumae Longae is for the treatment of acid,
flatulent, or atonic dyspepsia (26–28).
Experimental pharmacology
Anti-inflammatory activity
The anti-inflammatory activity of Rhizoma Curcumae Longae has been demon-
strated in animal models (3, 30–32). Intraperitoneal administration of the drug
in rats effectively reduced both acute and chronic inflammation in carrageenin-
induced paw oedema, the granuloma pouch test, and the cotton pellet granu-
loma test (32, 33). The effectiveness of the drug in rats was reported to be
similar to that of hydrocortisone acetate or indometacin in experimentally
induced inflammation (31, 32). Oral administration of turmeric juice or powder
did not produce an anti-inflammatory effect; only intraperitoneal injection was
effective (33). The volatile oil has exhibited anti-inflammatory activity in rats
against adjuvant-induced arthritis, carrageenin-induced paw oedema, and
hyaluronidase-induced inflammation (32). The anti-inflammatory activity ap-
pears to be mediated through the inhibition of the enzymes trypsin and hyalu-
ronidase (33). Curcumin and its derivatives are the active anti-inflammatory
constituents of the drug (34 –40). After intraperitoneal administration, curcumin
and sodium curcuminate exhibited strong anti-inflammatory activity in the
carrageenin-induced oedema test in rats and mice (41). Curcumin was also
found to be effective after oral administration in the acute carrageenin-induced
oedema test in mice and rats (41). The anti-inflammatory activity of curcumin
may be due to its ability to scavenge oxygen radicals, which have been impli-
cated in the inflammation process (42). Furthermore, intraperitoneal injection
of a polysaccharide fraction, isolated from the drug, increased phagocytosis
capacity in mice in the clearance of colloidal carbon test (43).
WHO monographs on selected medicinal plants
Clinical pharmacology
Oral administration of the drug to 116 patients with acid dyspepsia, flatulent
dyspepsia, or atonic dyspepsia in a randomized, double-blind study resulted in
a statistically significant response in the patients receiving the drug (27). The
patients received 500 mg of the powdered drug four times daily for 7 days (27).
Two other clinical trials which measured the effect of the drug on peptic ulcers
showed that oral administration of the drug promoted ulcer healing and de-
creased the abdominal pain involved (28, 29).
Two clinical studies have shown that curcumin is an effective anti-
inflammatory drug (52, 53). A short-term (2 weeks) double-blind, crossover
study of 18 patients with rheumatoid arthritis showed that patients receiving
either curcumin (1200 mg/day) or phenylbutazone (30 mg/day) had significant
improvement in morning stiffness, walking time and joint swelling (52). In the
second study, the effectiveness of curcumin and phenylbutazone on postopera-
tive inflammation was investigated in a double-blind study (53). Both drugs
produced a better anti-inflammatory response than a placebo (53), but the
Rhizoma Curcumae Longae
degree of inflammation in the patients varied greatly and was not evenly
distributed among the three groups.
Obstruction of the biliary tract. In cases of gallstones, use only after consulta-
tion with a physician (26). Hypersensitivity to the drug.
No information available.
Carcinogenesis, mutagenesis, impairment of fertility
Rhizoma Curcumae Longae is not mutagenic in vitro (54–56).
Nursing mothers
Excretion of the drug into breast milk and its effects on the newborn have not
been established. Until such data are available, the drug should not be used
during lactation except on medical advice.
Paediatric use
The safety and effectiveness of the drug in children has not been established.
Other precautions
No information on drug interactions or drug and laboratory test interactions
was found.
Adverse reactions
Allergic dermatitis has been reported (60). Reactions to patch testing occurred
most commonly in persons who were regularly exposed to the substance or
who already had dermatitis of the finger tips. Persons who were not previously
exposed to the drug had few allergic reactions (60).
WHO monographs on selected medicinal plants
Crude plant material, 3–9 g daily (5, 6); powdered plant material, 1.5–3.0 g daily
(9, 19); oral infusion, 0.5–1 g three times per day; tincture (1 : 10) 0.5–1 ml three
times per day.
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2. Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of China (English ed.). Guangzhou, Guangdong
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20. Guidelines for predicting dietary intake of pesticide residues, 2nd rev. ed. Geneva,
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Rhizoma Curcumae Longae
WHO monographs on selected medicinal plants
49. Prasad DN et al. Studies on ulcerogenic activity of curcumin. Indian journal of physi-
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50. Gupta B et al. Mechanisms of curcumin induced gastric ulcers in rats. Indian journal
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51. Srimal RC, Dhawan BN. In: Arora BA, ed. Development of Unani drugs from herbal
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52. Deodhar SD, Sethi R, Srimal RC. Preliminary study on anti-rheumatic activity of
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53. Satoskar RR, Shah Shenoy SG. Evaluation of antiinflammatory property of curcumin
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56. Nagabhushan M, Bhide SV. Nonmutagenicity of curcumin and its antimutagenic
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57. Garg SK. Effect of Curcuma longa (rhizomes) on fertility in experimental animals.
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58. Vijayalaxmi. Genetic effects of tumeric and curcumin in mice and rats. Mutation
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59. Farnsworth NF, Bunyapraphatsara N, eds. Thai medicinal plants, recommended for a
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60. Seetharam KA, Pasricha JS. Condiments and contact dermatitis of the finger-tips.
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