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Homeopathy is a system of alternative medicine based on the principle of 'like cures like' where highly diluted substances are used to stimulate the body's healing response. It considers each individual uniquely and aims to boost immunity through customized remedies.

The principle of 'like can cure like' forms the basis of homeopathy - the belief that a substance that causes symptoms of a disease in healthy individuals can cure similar symptoms in sick people.

There are three main types of homeopathic remedies - constitutional remedies based on a person's physical and mental constitution, disease-specific remedies based on the disease, and inter-current remedies based on genetic characteristics.


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Homeopathy is a system of medicine which is

practiced on the principle, that a drug and a disease
which produce similar symptoms cancel each other
but in some way thereby restoring the patients to
 Homeopathy is a sub-system of natural health care in which
extreme dilutions of substances from nature are used to stimulate a
healing response. The basic principle of homeopathy is that
substances that elicit a particular symptom picture in their physical
form (for example onion causing itchy watery eyes and a runny
nose with discharge that burns) can be used in a diluted form to
stimulate the healing of the same set of symptoms.

 The principle of ‘Like can cure like’ forms the basis of Homeopathy.
 It is named after the Greek word ‘HOMEO’ means the same and
‘PATHOS’ meaning suffering or treatment by the same.

 Homeopathy or homoeopathy is a system of

alternative medicine created in 1796 by Samuel
Hahnemann, based on his doctrine of like cures
like, a claim that a substance that causes the
symptoms of a disease in healthy people would
cure similar symptoms in sick people.
Homeopathy is a pseudoscience – a belief that is
incorrectly presented as scientific.
 Homeopathy was introduced to the united states in 1825. in the early
1900s there were 22 medical schools offering degrees in homeopathy.
By 1950s no medical college offered degree in homeopathy. Beginning
in 1960s, interest in homeopathy resurfaced with a generation that was
more interested in alternative approaches to treat diseases. Since then
the number of homeopathy practitioners has steadily increased.
menstrual cramps.

 Homeopathic approach is a holistic one with primary focus on

improving person’s immunity or disease fighting capacity.
 Homeopathy considers the individuality of each person and
therefore emphasizes the need for customized medicines.
 Potencies or power of medicines also vary as per the individualistic
symptoms in each case.
Homeopathy acknowledges that every person’s disease
is as unique as his fingerprints; thus one’s remedy is
selected as one’s unique state; not just the common
disease symptoms.

 Constitutional homeopathic remedy or remedies ;

 Those selected on the basis of a complete study of the patient’s physical
and mental constitution.
 Disease-specific homeopathic remedies :
Those selected on the basis of pathogenesis,stage, curability.incurability
,reversibility of the diseas
 Inter-current homeopathic remedies These are the medicines
selected on the basis of genetic characteristics.

 CONSULTATION: patients will be asked about their medical history, diet,

lifestyle, physical and emotional state.
 PRESCRIPTION: Suitable remedy will be described, every remedy is
made to suit the patient’s individual symptoms.

 Homeopathic preparations are not effective for treating any

condition; large-scale studies have found homeopathy to be no
more effective than a placebo. The preparations are
manufactured using a process of homeopathic dilution, in which a
chosen substance is repeatedly diluted in alcohol or distilled water,
each time with the containing vessel being bashed against an
elastic material, and normal recovery from illness.

Hahnemann found that undiluted doses

cause reactions, sometimes dangerous
ones, so specified that preparations be
given at the lowest possible dose. He
found that this reduced potency as well
as side-effects, but formed the view
that vigorous shaking and striking on an
elastic surface – a process he termed
Schütteln, translated as succussion –

 The process of dilution

and succussion is
termed "dynamization"
or "potentization" by
homeopaths. In
industrial manufacture
this may be done by

 Homeopathic pills are made from an inert substance

(often sugars, typically lactose), upon which a drop of
liquid homeopathic preparation is placed and allowed
to evaporate.

 The process of homeopathic dilution results in no

objectively detectable active ingredient in most cases,
but some preparations (e.g. calendula and arnica
creams) do contain pharmacologically active doses.

 Arsenicum Album is a primary remedy for cancer and is often
recommended for individuals with terminal cancer that are entering into
the death process.
 Rhus tox (poison ivy): This medicine is the most common remedy for
sprains and strains.

Pulsatilla (windflower): Perhaps the most common remedy given to
both children and women, this medicine is not indicated for a
specific disease but for a specific pattern of physical symptoms and
psychological characteristics.
 Nux vomica (poison nut): It is a common remedy for treating
symptoms of overeating or from drinking too much alcohol.
 Ignatia (St. Ignatius bean): It is one of the leading homeopathic
medicines for acute grief, anxiety, and depression, especially after a
death or separation from a loved one.
Allium cepa(onion): It is a frequent remedy for the common cold
and hay fever, especially when there is a thin, watery, and burning nasal
discharge that irritates the nostrils.
o A system of medical
practice that aims to
combat disease by use
of remedies (as drugs or
surgery) producing
effects different from or
incompatible with those
produced by the
disease being treated.

 The basic difference between allopathy and homeopathy is that

allopathy believes in suppressing the symptoms of a disease,
homeopathy seeks to embrace the body's natural response by
attacking the root cause of the disease or by encouraging the
symptoms of healing.
•Only the medicinal molecules
•Act directly on the target cells
•Symptoms required
•Medicinal molecules with neutral substance
release energy
•Act on cells as well as on the deeper levels from
where the disease originate from
•Symptoms and behavioral patterns required
Currently, we do not have a law to provide guidance on
the regulation of homeopathic drugs and to delineate
the conditions under which homeopathic drugs may
ordinarily be marketed in Pakistan.
 The Unani, Ayurvedic and Homoeopathic Practitioners ‘
Act, 1965 does not cover the aspects relating to the
manufacture, import, promotion, advertisement, sale,
stocking, distribution, standardization and pricing of
homoeopathic medicines.

 As a result, here is no check over the standard of the drugs being
marketed nor are the homoeopathic drugs subjected to laboratory
testing prior to their release for distribution to ascertain if steroids or
other allopathic drugs have not been mixed with them.

 There should be a law to regulate the quality and standards of

Homeopathic medicine to protect the health and safety of
users.It must meet the standards for quality,strength and purity
as set forth in the Pakistan Homeopathic Pharmacopeia.
Many benefits there are…….


 It is a natural medicine system

 It firstly treats the people, not the disease
 Homeopathic medicines are effective As it triggers the natural healing
process of the body
 This treatment is cost effective
 Does not interfere with any other medication
 It does away with unnecessary surgery
 No complicated procedure for taking medicines

 Safe to be used by children, infants, pregnant women and even by the

 Can be used for chronic or acute conditions
 It is non invasive
 Improves the body’s immunity and resistance
 Ensures long term benefits
 No bitter pills or painful injections
 There are many studies proving the effectiveness of homeopathy

 Can not be given in emergency situations.

 This is because homeopathy remedies is ultrahigh-diluted until there is no any
active ingredient
 Some patients may experience ‘healing crises’ where their conditions get
worse before getting better. This is due to the process of toxin removal from
the body
 Some remedies may not be sufficiently diluted and contain biologically active
 Some medicines can cause Allergic reactions.
 The major disadvantage is that it is not recommended in
Emergency conditions.

 Merely sympathetic magic

 Simply water because no molecule present
 Placebo effect (A substance containing no medication and prescribed
or given to reinforce a patient’s expectations to get well)
 Lack of medical evidence
 Some homeopaths advice the patients to avoid taking antibiotics and

 Currently there are no good quality studies

 Water memory investigated by a FRENCH Professor shows that
homeopathically treated water has positive effects on living cells
compared to untreated water
 Randomized controlled trial shows homeopathy is no better than
 Homeopathy can cure acute ear infection in children

 According to world health organization (WHO), homeopathy is the

world’s second leading system of medicines for health care.
 All homeopathic medicines are FDA approved.
 Homeopathic medicines are proved and experimented on healthy
human beings, not on animals.
 Homeopathy is emerging as the first and preferred treatment for
lifestyle and stress related disease all over the world.


A professor of psychiatry at Duke University, conducted a small study of
adults with major depression, social phobia, or panic disorder, he found
that 60% of the patients responded favorably to homeopathic treatment.

 Homeopathy is very effective and 100% safe .It has minimal to zero
side effects.
 But it takes a bit longer time than traditional medicines.
 There are many practitioners but only a few are Experts in this Field.
Homeopathy treatment is steadily increasing.About one fifth of
population in PAKISTAN use this way of treatment.

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