Comparative Protein Structure Modeling

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Comparative protein structure modeling with Modeller: A practical approach

Andras Fiser and Andrej Sali

Laboratories of Molecular Biophysics Pels Family Center for Biochemistry and Structural Biology The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue, New York, NY 10021, USA

Correspondence to Andrej Sali The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue, New York, NY 10021, USA tel: +1 (212) 327 7550 fax: +1 (212) 327 7540 e-mail: [email protected]

Running title: Comparative protein structure modeling

August 7, 2001

1 Introduction
Functional characterization of a protein sequence is one of the most frequent problems in biology. This task is usually facilitated by accurate three-dimensional (3D) structure of the studied protein. In the absence of an experimentally determined structure, comparative or homology modeling can sometimes provide a useful 3D model for a protein (target) that is related to at least one known protein structure (template) 1{7]. Despite progress in ab initio protein structure prediction 8], comparative modeling remains the only method that can reliably predict the 3D structure of a protein with an accuracy comparable to a low-resolution experimentally determined structure 6]. Even models with errors may be useful, because some aspects of function can be predicted from only coarse structural features of a model. Typical uses of comparative models are listed in Table 1 4,6]. 3D structure of proteins from the same family is more conserved than their primary sequences 9]. Therefore, if similarity between two proteins is detectable at the sequence level, structural similarity can usually be assumed. Moreover, proteins that share low or even non-detectable sequence similarity many times also have similar structures. Currently, the probability to nd related proteins of known structure for a sequence picked randomly from a genome ranges approximately from 20% to 65%, depending on the genome 10, 11]. Approximately one half of all known sequences have at least one domain that is detectably related to at least one protein of known structure 10]. Since the number of known protein sequences is approximately 600,000 12,13], comparative modeling can be applied to domains in approximately 300,000 proteins. This number is an order of magnitude larger than the number of experimentally determined protein structures deposited in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) ( 15 000) 14]. Furthermore, the usefulness of comparative modeling is steadily increasing because the number of di erent structural folds that proteins adopt is limited 15{18] and because the number of experimentally determined new structures is increasing exponentially 19]. This trend is accentuated by the recently initiated structural genomics project 1

that aims to determine at least one structure for most protein families 20, 21]. It is conceivable that this aim will be substantially achieved in less than 10 years, making comparative modeling applicable to most protein sequences. Comparative modeling usually consists of the following ve steps: search for related protein structures, selection of one or more templates, target{template alignment, model building, and model evaluation (Figure 1). If the model is not satisfactory, some or all of the steps can be repeated. There are several computer programs and web servers that automate the comparative modeling process. The rst web server for automated comparative modeling was the Swiss-Model server (, followed by CPHModels (,

SDSC1 (, FAMS (http://physchem.pharm.kitaand ModWeb (

These servers accept a sequence from a user and return an all atom comparative model when possible. In addition to modeling a given sequence, ModWeb is also capable of returning comparative models for all sequences in the TrEMBL database that are detectably related to an input, user provided structure. While the web servers are convenient and useful, the best results in the di cult or unusual modeling cases, such as problematic alignments, modeling of loops, existence of multiple conformational states, and modeling of ligand binding, are still obtained by non-automated, expert use of the various modeling tools. A number of resources useful in comparative modeling are listed in Table 2. Next, we describe generic considerations in all ve steps of comparative modeling (Section 2). We then illustrate these considerations in practice by discussing three applications of our program
Modeller 22{24] to speci c modeling problems (Section 3). This chapter does not review the

comparative modeling eld in general 6].

2 Comparative modeling steps

2.1 Searching for structures related to the target sequence
Comparative modeling usually starts by searching the Protein Data Bank (PDB) of known protein structures using the target sequence as the query. This search is generally done by comparing the target sequence with the sequence of each of the structures in the database. A variety of sequence{ sequence comparison methods can be used 25{29]. Frequently, availability of many sequences related to the target or potential templates allows more sensitive searching with sequence pro le methods and Hidden Markov Models 30{34]. Another kind of a search is based on evaluating the compatibility between the target sequence and each of the structures in the database, achieved by the \threading" group of methods 35{40]. Threading uses sequence{structure tness functions, such as residue-level statistical potential functions, to evaluate a sequence{structure match. Threading methods generally do not rely on sequence similarity. Threading sometimes detects structural similarity between proteins without detectable sequence similarity 41]. A good starting point for template searches are the many database search servers on the Internet (Table 2). The most useful ones are those that search directly against the PDB, such as PDBBlast (http://bioinformatics.burnham-inst.orgpdb blast). When the target sequence is only remotely related to known structures, it is frequently useful to try several di erent methods for nding related structures.

2.2 Selecting templates

Once a list of potential templates is obtained using searching methods, it is necessary to select one or more templates that are appropriate for the particular modeling problem. Several factors need to be taken into account when selecting a template. The quality of a template increases with its overall sequence similarity to the target and de3

creases with the number and length of gaps in the alignment. The simplest template selection rule is to select the structure with the higher sequence similarity to the modeled sequence. The family of proteins that includes the target and the templates can frequently be organized into sub-families. The construction of a multiple alignment and a phylogenetic tree 42] can help in selecting the template from the subfamily that is closest to the target sequence. The similarity between the \environment" of the template and the environment in which the target needs to be modeled should also be considered. The term \environment" is used here in a broad sense, including everything that is not the protein itself (e.g., solvent, pH, ligands, quaternary interactions). If possible, a template bound to the same or similar ligands as the modeled sequence should generally be used. The quality of the experimentally determined structure is another important factor in template selection. Resolution and R-factor of a crystallographic structure and the number of restraints per residue for an NMR structure are indicative of the accuracy of the structure. This information can generally be obtained from the template PDB les or from the articles describing structure determination. For instance, if two templates have comparable sequence similarity to the target, the one determined at the highest resolution should generally be used. The criteria for selecting templates also depend on the purpose of a comparative model. For example, if a protein{ligand model is to be constructed, the choice of the template that contains a similar ligand is probably more important than the resolution of the template. On the other hand, if the model is to be used to analyze the geometry of the active site of an enzyme, it may be preferable to use a high-resolution template structure. It is not necessary to select only one template. In fact, the use of several templates generally increases the model accuracy. One strength of Modeller is that it can combine information from multiple template structures, in two ways. First, multiple template structures may be aligned with di erent domains of the target, with little overlap between them, in which case the modeling pro4

cedure can construct a homology-based model of the whole target sequence. Second, the template structures may be aligned with the same part of the target, in which case the modeling procedure is likely to automatically build the model on the locally best template 43, 44]. In general, it is frequently bene cial to include in the modeling process all the templates that di er substantially from each other, if they share approximately the same overall similarity to the target sequence. An elaborate way to select suitable templates is to generate and evaluate models for each candidate template structure and/or their combinations. The optimized all-atom models are evaluated by an energy or scoring function, such as the Z-score of ProsaII 45]. The ProsaII Z-score of a model is a measure of compatibility between its sequence and structure. Ideally, the Z-score of the model should be comparable to the Z-score of the template. ProsaII Z-score is frequently su ciently accurate to allow picking one of the most accurate of the generated models 46]. This trial-and-error approach can be viewed as limited threading (i.e., the target sequence is threaded through similar template structures). For additional comments on model assessment see Section 2.5.

2.3 Aligning the target sequence with one or more structures

To build a model, all comparative modeling programs depend on a list of assumed structural equivalences between the target and template residues. This list is de ned by the alignment of the target and template sequences. Although many template search methods will produce such an alignment, it is usually not the optimal target{template alignment in the more di cult alignment cases (e.g., at less than 30% sequence identity). Search methods tend to be tuned for detection of remote relationships, not for optimal alignment. Therefore, once the templates are selected, an alignment method should be used to align them with the target sequence. The alignment is relatively simple to obtain when the target{template sequence identity is above 40%. In most such cases, an accurate alignment can be obtained automatically using standard sequence{sequence alignment methods. If the target{template sequence identity is lower than 40%, the alignment 5

generally has gaps and needs manual intervention to minimize the number of misaligned residues. In these low sequence identity cases, the alignment accuracy is the most important factor a ecting the quality of the resulting model. Alignments can be improved by including structural information from the template. For example, gaps should be avoided in secondary structure elements, in buried regions, or between two residues that are far in space. Some alignment methods take such criteria into account 11,47{50]. It is important to inspect and edit the alignment in view of the template structure, especially if the target{template sequence identity is low. A misalignment by only one residue position will result in an error of approximately 4A in the model because the current modeling methods generally cannot recover from errors in the alignment. When multiple templates are selected, a good strategy is to superpose them with each other rst, to obtain a multiple structure-based alignment. In the next step, the target sequence is aligned with this multiple structure-based alignment. Another improvement is to calculate the target and template sequence pro les, by aligning them with all sequences from a non-redundant sequence database that are su ciently similar to the target and template sequences, respectively, so that they can be aligned without signi cant errors (e.g., better than 40% sequence identity). The nal target{template alignment is then obtained by aligning the two pro les, not the template and target sequences alone. The use of multiple structures and multiple sequences bene ts from the evolutionary and structural information about the templates as well as evolutionary information about the target sequence, and often produces a better alignment for modeling than the pairwise sequence alignment methods 51,52].

2.4 Model Building

Once an initial target{template alignment is built, a variety of methods can be used to construct a 3D model for the target protein 1{6]. The original and still widely used method is modeling by rigid-body assembly 1, 53, 54]. This method constructs the model from a few core regions and 6

from loops and sidechains, which are obtained from dissecting related structures. Another family of methods, modeling by segment matching, relies on the approximate positions of conserved atoms from the templates to calculate the coordinates of other atoms 55{58]. The third group of methods, modeling by satisfaction of spatial restraints, uses either distance geometry or optimization techniques to satisfy spatial restraints obtained from the alignment of the target sequence with the template structures 22, 59{62]. Speci cally, Modeller, which belongs to this group of methods, extracts spatial restraints from two sources. First, homology-derived restraints on the distances and dihedral angles in the target sequence are extracted from its alignment with the template structures. Second, stereochemical restraints such as bond length and bond angle preferences are obtained from the molecular mechanics force eld of CHARMM-22 63] and statistical preferences of dihedral angles and non-bonded atomic distances are obtained from a representative set of all known protein structures. The model is then calculated by an optimization method relying on conjugate gradients and molecular dynamics, which minimizes violations of the spatial restraints (Figure 2). The procedure is conceptually similar to that used in determination of protein structures from NMR-derived restraints. The fourth group of comparative model building methods starts with an alignment and then searches the conformational space guided by a statistical potential function and somewhat relaxed homology restraints derived from the input alignment, in an attempt to overcome at least some alignment mistakes 64]. Accuracies of the various model building methods are relatively similar when used optimally. Other factors such as template selection and alignment accuracy usually have a larger impact on the model accuracy, especially for models based on less than 40% sequence identity to the templates. However, it is important that a modeling method allows a degree of exibility and automation to obtain better models more easily and rapidly. For example, a method should allow for an easy recalculation of a model when a change is made in the alignment it should be straightforward to calculate models based on several templates and the method should provide tools for incorporation of prior knowledge about the target (e.g., cross-linking restraints, predicted secondary structure) 7

and allow ab initio modeling of insertions (e.g., loops), which can be crucial for annotation of function. Loop modeling is an especially important aspect of comparative modeling in the range from 30 to 50% sequence identity. In this range of overall similarity, loops among the homologs vary while the core regions are still relatively conserved and aligned accurately. Next, we single out loop modeling and review it in more detail. There are two approaches to loop modeling. First, the ab initio loop prediction is based on a conformational search or enumeration of conformations in a given environment, guided by a scoring or energy function. There are many such methods, exploiting di erent protein representations, energy function terms, and optimization or enumeration algorithms 24]. The second, database approach to loop prediction consists of nding a segment of mainchain that ts the two stem regions of a loop. The search for such a segment is performed through a database of many known protein structures, not only homologs of the modeled protein. Usually, many di erent alternative segments that t the stem residues are obtained, and possibly sorted according to geometric criteria or sequence similarity between the template and target loop sequences. The selected segments are then superposed and annealed on the stem regions. These initial crude models are often re ned by optimization of some energy function. The loop modeling module in Modeller implements the optimization-based approach 24]. The main reasons are the generality and conceptual simplicity of energy minimization, as well as the limitations on the database approach imposed by a relatively small number of known protein structures 65]. Loop prediction by optimization is applicable to simultaneous modeling of several loops and loops interacting with ligands, which is not straightforward for the database search approaches. Loop optimization in Modeller relies on conjugate gradients and molecular dynamics with simulated annealing. The pseudo energy function is a sum of many terms, including some terms from the Charmm-22 molecular mechanics force eld 63] and spatial restraints based on distributions of distances 66] and dihedral angles 67] in known protein structures. The method was tested on a large number of loops of known structure, both in the native and near-native 8

environments. Loops of 8 residues predicted in the native environment have a 90% chance to be modeled with useful accuracy (i.e., RMSD for superposition of the loop mainchain atoms is less than 2A). Even 12-residue loops are modeled with useful accuracy in 30% of the cases. When the RMSD distortion of the environment atoms is 2.5A, the average loop prediction error increases by 180, 25 and 3% for 4, 8 and 12-residue loops, respectively. It is not anymore too optimistic to expect useful models for loops as long as 12 residues, if the environment of the loop is at least approximately correct. It is possible to estimate whether or not a given loop prediction is correct, based on the structural variability of the independently derived lowest energy loop conformations.

2.5 Evaluating a model

After a model is built, it is important to check it for possible errors. The quality of a model can be approximately predicted from the sequence similarity between the target and the template (Figure 3). Sequence identity above 30% is a relatively good predictor of the expected accuracy of a model. However, other factors, including the environment, can strongly in uence the accuracy of a model. For instance, some calcium-binding proteins undergo large conformational changes when bound to calcium. If a calcium-free template is used to model the calcium-bound state of a target, it is likely that the model will be incorrect irrespective of the target{template similarity. This estimate also applies to determination of protein structure by experiment a structure must be determined in the functionally meaningful environment. If the target{template sequence identity falls below 30%, the sequence identity becomes signi cantly less reliable as a measure of expected accuracy of a single model. The reason is that below 30% sequence identity, models are often obtained that deviate signi cantly, in both directions, from the average accuracy. It is in such cases that model evaluation methods are most informative. Two types of evaluation can be carried out. \Internal" evaluation of self-consistency checks whether or not a model satis es the restraints used to calculate it. \External" evaluation relies on 9

information that was not used in the calculation of the model 45,68]. Assessment of model's stereochemistry (e.g., bonds, bond angles, dihedral angles, and nonbonded atom{atom distances) with programs such as Procheck 69] and WhatCheck 70] is an example of internal evaluation. Although errors in stereochemistry are rare and less informative than errors detected by methods for external evaluation, a cluster of stereochemical errors may indicate that the corresponding region also contains other larger errors (e.g., alignment errors). When the model is based on less than 30% sequence identity to the template, the rst purpose of the external evaluation is to test whether or not a correct template was used. This test is especially important when the alignment is only marginally signi cant or several alternative templates with di erent folds are to be evaluated. A complication is that at low similarities the alignment generally contains many errors, making it di cult to distinguish between an incorrect template on one hand and an incorrect alignment with a correct template on the other hand. It is generally possible to recognize a correct template only if the alignment is at least approximately correct. This complication can sometimes be overcome by testing models from several alternative alignments for each template. One way to predict whether or not a template is correct is to compare the ProsaII Z-score 45] for the model and the template structure(s). Since the Z-score of a model is a measure of compatibility between its sequence and structure, the model Z-score should be comparable to that of the template. However, this evaluation does not always work. For example, a well modeled part of a domain is likely to have a bad Z-score because some interactions that stabilize the fold are not present in the model. Correct models for some membrane proteins and small disul de-rich proteins also tend to be evaluated incorrectly, apparently because these structures have distributions of residue accessibility and residue{residue distances that are di erent from those for the larger globular domains, which were the source of the ProsaII statistical potential functions. The second, more detailed kind of external evaluation is the prediction of unreliable regions in the model. One way to approach this problem is to calculate a \pseudo energy" pro le of a model, 10

such as that produced by ProsaII. The pro le reports the energy for each position in the model. Peaks in the pro le frequently correspond to errors in the model. There are several pitfalls in the use of energy pro les for local error detection. For example, a region can be identi ed as unreliable only because it interacts with an incorrectly modeled region there are also more fundamental problems 24]. Finally, a model should be consistent with experimental observations, such as site-directed mutagenesis, cross-linking data, and ligand binding. Are comparative models \better" than their templates? In general, models are as close to the target structure as the templates, or slightly closer if the alignment is correct 44]. This is not a trivial achievement because of the many residue substitutions, deletions and insertions that occur when the sequence of one protein is transformed into the sequence of another. Even in a favorable modeling case with a template that is 50% identical to the target, half of the sidechains change and have to be packed in the protein core such that they avoid atom clashes and violations of stereochemical restraints. When more than one template is used for modeling, it is sometimes possible to obtain a model that is signi cantly closer to the target structure than any of the templates 43, 44]. This improvement occurs because the model tends to inherit the best regions from each template. Alignment errors are the main factor that may make models worse than the templates. However, to represent the target, it is always better to use a comparative model rather than the template. The reason is that the errors in the alignment a ect similarly the use of the template as a representation of the target as well as a comparative model based on that template 44].

2.6 Iterating alignment, modeling and model evaluation

It is frequently di cult to select best templates or calculate a good alignment. One way of improving a comparative model in such cases is to proceed with an iteration consisting of template selection, 11

alignment, and model building, guided by model assessment. This iteration can be repeated until no improvement in the model is detected 44,71].

3 Modeling examples using Modeller

This section contains three examples of a typical comparative modeling application. All the examples use program Modeller-6 and other freely available software. The rst example demonstrates each of the ve steps of comparative modeling at their most basic level. The second example illustrates the use of multiple templates and modeling of a protein with a ligand and a co-factor, as well as applying user-de ned restraints for docking a substrate molecule into the active site pocket. In the third example, we describe a loop modeling exercise. All the input and output les for
Modeller-6 can be downloaded from

For more information, the Modeller manual 72] and literature 22{24, 43, 44] can be consulted. A list of our papers using Modeller to address practical problems in collaboration with experimentalists can be obtained at URL Although the main purpose of Modeller is model building, it can be used in all stages of comparative modeling, including template search, template selection, target{template alignment, model building, and model assessment. Once a target{template alignment is obtained, the calculation of a 3D model of the target by Modeller is completely automated.

3.1 Example 1: Modeling lactate dehydrogenase from Trichomonas vaginalis based on a single template
A novel gene for lactate dehydrogenase was identi ed from the genomic sequence of Trichomonas
vaginalis (TvLDH). The corresponding protein had a higher similarity to the malate dehydrogenase

of the same species (TvMDH) than to any other LDH. We hypothesized that TvLDH arose from 12

TvMDH by convergent evolution relatively recently 73]. Comparative models were constructed for TvLDH and TvMDH to study the sequences in the structural context and to suggest site-directed mutagenesis experiments for elucidating speci city changes in this apparent case of convergent evolution of enzymatic speci city. The native and mutated enzymes were expressed and their activities were compared 73]. The individual modeling steps of this study are described next.

3.1.1 Searching for structures related to TvLDH

First, it is necessary to put the target TvLDH sequence into the PIR format 74] readable by
Modeller( le `TvLDH.ali').

The rst line contains the sequence code, in the format Only two of these elds are used for sequences,

`>P1 code'.

The second line with

ten elds separated by colons generally contains information about the structure le, if applicable. (indicating that the le contains a sequence without known structure) and `TvLDH' (the model le name). The rest of the le contains the sequence of TvLDH, with `*' marking its end. A search for potentially related sequences of known structure can be performed by the SEQUENCE SEARCH command of Modeller. The following script uses the query sequence `TvLDH' assigned to the variable ALIGN CODES from the le `TvLDH.ali' assigned to the variable FILE ( le `').

= ON

The SEQUENCE SEARCH command has many options 72], but in this example only 13

SEARCH RANDOMIZATIONS and DATA FILE are set to non-default values. SEARCH RANDOMIZATIONS speci es the number of times the query sequence is randomized during the calculation

of the signi cance score for each sequence{sequence comparison. The higher the number of randomizations, the more accurate the signi cance score. DATA FILE = ON triggers creation of an additional summary output le (`seqsearch.dat').

3.1.2 Selecting a template

The output of the `' script is written to the `search.log' le. Modeller always produces a log le. Errors and warnings in log les can be found by searching for the ` E>' and
` W>'

strings, respectively. At the end of the log le, Modeller lists the hits sorted by alignment

signi cance. Because the log le is sometimes very long, a separate data le is created that contains the summary of the search. The example shows only the top 10 hits ( le `search.dat').
# CODE_1 CODE_2 LEN1 LEN2 NID %ID1 %ID2 SCORE SIGNI ----------------------------------------------------------------1 TvLDH 1bdmA 335 318 153 45.7 48.1 212557. 28.9 2 TvLDH 1lldA 335 313 103 30.7 32.9 183190. 10.1 3 TvLDH 1ceqA 335 304 95 28.4 31.3 179636. 9.2 4 TvLDH 2hlpA 335 303 86 25.7 28.4 177791. 8.9 5 TvLDH 1ldnA 335 316 91 27.2 28.8 180669. 7.4 6 TvLDH 1hyhA 335 297 88 26.3 29.6 175969. 6.9 7 TvLDH 2cmd 335 312 108 32.2 34.6 182079. 6.6 8 TvLDH 1db3A 335 335 91 27.2 27.2 181928. 4.9 9 TvLDH 9ldtA 335 331 95 28.4 28.7 181720. 4.7 10 TvLDH 1cdb 335 105 69 20.6 65.7 80141. 3.8

The most important columns in the SEQUENCE SEARCH output are the `CODE 2', `%ID' and `SIGNI' columns. The `CODE 2' column reports the code of the PDB sequence that was compared with the target sequence. The PDB code in each line is the representative of a group of PDB sequences that share 40% or more sequence identity to each other and have less than 30 residues or 30% sequence length di erence. All the members of the group can be found in the Modeller
`CHAINS 3.0 40 XN.grp'

le. The `%ID1' and `%ID2' columns report the percentage sequence 14

identities between TvLDH and a PDB sequence normalized by their lengths, respectively. In general, a `%ID' value above approximately 25% indicates a potential template unless the alignment is short (i.e., less than 100 residues). A better measure of the signi cance of the alignment is given by the `SIGNI' column 72]. A value above 6.0 is generally signi cant irrespective of the sequence identity and length. In this example, one protein family represented by 1bdmA shows signi cant similarity with the target sequence, at more than 40% sequence identity. While some other hits are also signi cant, the di erences between 1bdmA and other top scoring hits are so pronounced that we use only the rst hit as the template. As expected, 1bdmA is a malate dehydrogenase (from a thermophilic bacterium). Other structures closely related to 1bdmA (and thus not scanned against by SEQUENCE SEARCH) can be extracted from the
`CHAINS 3.0 40 XN.grp'

le: 1b8vA,

1bmdA, 1b8uA, 1b8pA, 1bdmA, 1bdmB, 4mdhA, 5mdhA, 7mdhA, 7mdhB, and 7mdhC. All these proteins are malate dehydrogenases. During the project, all of them and other malate and lactate dehydrogenase structures were compared and considered as templates (there were 19 structures in total). However, for the sake of illustration, we will investigate only four of the proteins that are sequentially most similar to the target, 1bmdA, 4mdhA, 5mdhA, and 7mdhA. The following script performs all pairwise comparisons among the selected proteins ( le `').

The READ ALIGNMENT command reads the protein sequences and information about their PDB les. MALIGN calculates their multiple sequence alignment, used as the starting point for the multiple structure alignment. The MALIGN3D command performs an iterative least-squares superposition of the four 3D structures. COMPARE command compares the structures according to the alignment constructed by MALIGN3D. It does not make an alignment, but 15

it calculates the RMS and DRMS deviations between atomic positions and distances, di erences between the mainchain and sidechain dihedral angles, percentage sequence identities, and several other measures. Finally, the ID TABLE command writes a le with pairwise sequence distances that can be used directly as the input to the DENDROGRAM command (or the clustering programs in the Phylip package 42]). DENDROGRAM calculates a clustering tree from the input matrix of pairwise distances, which helps visualizing di erences among the template candidates. Excerpts from the log le are shown below ( le `compare.log').
>> Least-squares superposition (FIT) : T

Atom types for superposition/RMS (FIT_ATOMS): CA Atom type for position average/variability (DISTANCE_ATOMS 1]): CA Position comparison (FIT_ATOMS): Cutoff for RMS calculation: 3.5000

Upper = RMS, Lower = numb equiv positions 1bmdA 0.000 310 308 320 4mdhA 1.038 0.000 329 306 5mdhA 0.979 0.504 0.000 307 7mdhA 0.992 1.210 1.173 0.000

1bmdA 4mdhA 5mdhA 7mdhA

>> Sequence comparison: Diag=numb res, Upper=numb equiv res, Lower = % seq ID 1bmdA 327 51 51 48 4mdhA 168 333 98 41 5mdhA 168 328 333 41 7mdhA 158 137 138 351 1bmdA @1.9 4mdhA @2.5 5mdhA @2.4 7mdhA @2.4

1bmdA 4mdhA 5mdhA 7mdhA

.---------------------------------------------------| | .--| | .---------------------------------------------------------| .------------------------------------------------------------


The comparison above shows that 5mdhA and 4mdhA are almost identical, both sequentially and structurally. They were solved at similar resolutions, 2.4 and 2.5A, respectively. However, 4mdhA has a better crystallographic R-factor (16.7 versus 20%), eliminating 5mdhA. Inspection of the PDB le for 7mdhA reveals that its crystallographic re nement was based on 1bmdA. In addition, 7mdhA was re ned at a lower resolution than 1bmdA (2.4 versus 1.9A), eliminating 7mdhA. These observations leave only 1bmdA and 4mdhA as potential templates. Finally, 4mdhA is selected because of the higher overall sequence similarity to the target sequence.

3.1.3 Aligning TvLDF with the template

A good way of aligning the sequence of TvLDH with the structure of 4mdhA is the ALIGN2D command in Modeller. Although ALIGN2D is based on a dynamic programming algorithm 75], it is di erent from standard sequence{sequence alignment methods because it takes into account structural information from the template when constructing an alignment. This task is achieved through a variable gap penalty function that tends to place gaps in solvent exposed and curved regions, outside secondary structure segments, and between two C positions that are close in space. As a result, the alignment errors are reduced by approximately one third relative to those that occur with standard sequence alignment techniques. This improvement becomes more important as the similarity between the sequences decreases and the number of gaps increases. In the current example, the template{target similarity is so high that almost any alignment method with reasonable parameters will result in the same alignment. The following Modeller script aligns the TvLDH sequence in le `TvLDH.seq' with the 4mdhA structure in the PDB le `4mdh.pdb' ( le `').


In the rst line, Modeller reads the 4mdhA structure le. The SEQUENCE TO ALI command transfers the sequence to the alignment array and assigns it the name of name
`TvLDH' `4mdhA'

(ALIGN CODES). The third line reads the TvLDH sequence from le `TvLDH.seq', assigns it the (ALIGN CODES) and adds it to the alignment array (`ADD SEQUENCE
= ON').

The fourth line executes the ALIGN2D command to perform the alignment. Finally, the alignment is written out in two formats, PIR (`TvLDH-4mdh.ali') and PAP (`TvLDH-4mdh.pap'). The PIR format is used by Modeller in the subsequent model building stage. The PAP alignment format is easier to inspect visually. Due to the high target{template similarity, there are only a few gaps in the alignment. In the PAP format, all identical positions are marked with a `*' ( le






3.1.4 Model building

Once a target{template alignment is constructed, Modeller calculates a 3D model of the target completely automaticaly. The following script will generate ve similar models of TvLDH based on the 4mdhA template structure and the alignment in le `TvLDH-4mdh.ali' ( le `').

The rst line includes many standard variable and routine de nitions. The following ve lines set parameter values for the `model' routine. ALNFILE names the le that contains the target{ template alignment in the PIR format. KNOWNS de nes the known template structure(s) in
ALNFILE (`TvLDH-4mdh.ali'). SEQUENCE de nes the name of the target sequence in ALNFILE. STARTING MODEL and ENDING MODEL de ne the number of models that are calculated (their

indices will run from 1 to 5). The last line in the le calls the


routine that actually

calculates the models. The most important output les are `model.log', which reports warnings, errors and other useful information including the input restraints used for modeling that remain violated in the nal model and `TvLDH.B99990001', which contains the model coordinates in the PDB format. The model can be viewed by any program that reads the PDB format, such as
ModView (

3.1.5 Evaluating a model

If several models are calculated for the same target, the \best" model can be selected by picking the model with the lowest value of the Modeller objective function, which is reported in the second line of the model PDB le. The value of the objective function in Modeller is not an absolute 19

measure in the sense that it can only be used to rank models calculated from the same alignment. Once a nal model is selected, there are many ways to assess it (Section 2.5). In this example,
ProsaII 45] is used to evaluate the model fold and Procheck 69] is used to check the model's

stereochemistry. Before any external evaluation of the model, one should check the log le from the modeling run for runtime errors (`model.log') and restraint violations (see the Modeller manual for details 72]). Both ProsaII and Procheck con rm that a reasonable model was obtained, with a Z-score comparable to that of the template (;10 53 and ;12 69 for the model
: :

and the template, respectively). However, the ProsaII energy pro le indicates an error in the long active site loop between residues 90 and 100 (Figure 4). This loop interacts with region 220250, that forms the other half of the active site. This latter part is well resolved in the template and probably correctly modeled in the target structure, but due to the unfavourable non-bonded interactions with the 90-100 region, it is also reported to be in error by PROSA. In general, an error indicated by ProsaII is not neccessarily an actual error, especially if it highlights an active site or a protein{protein interface. However, in this case, the same active site loops have a better pro le in the template structure, which strengthens the assessment that the model is probably incorrect in the active site region.

3.2 Example 2: Modeling of a protein{ligand complex based on multiple templates and user speci ed restraints
An important aim of modeling is to contribute to understanding of the function of the modeled protein. Inspection of the 4mdhA template structure revealed that loop 93{100, one of the functionally most important part of the enzyme, is more disordered than the rest of the protein. The long active site loop appears to be exible in the absence of a ligand and could not be seen well in the di raction map. The unreliability of the template coordinates and the inability of Modeller to model long insertions is why this loop was poorly modeled in TvLDH, as indicated by ProsaII 20

(Figure 4). Since we are interested in understanding di erences in speci city between two similar proteins, we need to build precise and accurate models. Therefore, we need to search for another template malate dehydrogenase structure, which may have a lower overall sequence similarity to TvLDH, but a better resolved active site loop. The old and new templates can then be used together to get a model of TvLDH. The active site loop tends to be more de ned if the structure is solved together with its physiological ligand and a co-factor. The model based on a template with ligands bound is also expected to be more relevant for the purposes of our study of enzymatic speci city, especially if we also build the model with the ligands. 1emd, a malate dehydrogenase from E. coli was identi ed in PDB. While the 1emd sequence shares only 32% sequence identity with TvLDH, the active site loop and its environment are more conserved. The loop in the 1emd structure is well resolved. Moreover, 1emd was solved in the presence of a citrate substrate analog and the NADH cofactor. The new alignment in the PAP format is shown below ( le `TvLDH-4mdh.pap').



_aln.pos 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 1emd_ed -------------------------------------------------------------------4mdhA SVKVIVVGNPANTNCLTASKSAPSIPKENFSCLTRLDHNRAKAQIALKLGVTSDDVKNVIIWGNHSST TvLDH SVKVLVIGNPDNTNCEIAMLHAKNLKPENFSSLSMLDQNRAYYEVASKLGVDVKDVHDIIVWGNHGES _aln.pos 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 1emd_ed -------------------------------------------------------------------4mdhA QYPDVNHAKVKLQAKEVGVYEAVKDDSWLKGEFITTVQQRGAAVIKARKLSSAMSAAKAICDHVRDIW TvLDH MVADLTQATFTKEGKTQKVVDVLDHD-YVFDTFFKKIGHRAWDILEHRGFTSAASPTKAAIQHMKAWL _aln.pos 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 1emd_ed -------------------------------------------------------------------4mdhA FGTPEGEFVSMGIISD-GNSYGVPDDLLYSFPVTIK-DKTWKIVEGLPINDFSREKMDLTAKELAEEK TvLDH FGTAPGEVLSMGIPVPEGNPYGIKPGVVFSFPCNVDKEGKIHVVEGFKVNDWLREKLDFTEKDLFHEK _aln.pos 350 360 370 380 390 400 1emd_ed ----------VKNLVQQVAKTCPKACIGIITNPVNTTVAIAAEVLKKAGVYDKNKLFGVTTLDIIRSN 4mdhA ETAFEFLSSA---------------------------------------------------------TvLDH EIALNHLAQ----------------------------------------------------------_aln.p 1emd_ed 4mdhA TvLDH 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 TFVAELKGKQPGEVEVPVIGGHSGVTILPLLSQVPGVSFTEQEVADLTKRIQNAGTEVVEAKAGGGSA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

_aln.pos 480 490 500 510 520 530 540 1emd_ed TLSMGQAAARFGLSLVRALQGEQGVVECAYVEGDGQYARFFSQPLLLGKNGVEERKSIGTLSAFEQNA 4mdhA -------------------------------------------------------------------TvLDH -------------------------------------------------------------------_aln.pos 550 560 1emd_ed LEGMLDTLKKDIALGQEFVNK/-.. 4mdhA ---------------------/.-TvLDH ---------------------/..-

The modi ed alignment refers to an edited 1emd structure (see below), 1emd ed, as a second 22

template. The alignment corresponds to a model that is based on 1emd ed in its active site loop and on 4mdhA in the rest of the fold. Four residues on both sides of the active site loop are aligned with both templates to ensure that the loop has a good orientation relative to the rest of the model. The modeling script below has several changes with respect to


the name of the alignment le assigned to ALNFILE is updated. Next, the variable KNOWNS is rede ned to include both templates. Another change is an addition of the `SET les. The script is shown next ( le `').

command to allow reading of the non-standard pyruvate and NADH residues from the input PDB

A ligand can be included in a model in two ways by Modeller. The rst case corresponds to the ligand that is not present in the template structure, but is de ned in the Modeller residue topology library. Such ligands include water molecules, metal ions, nucleotides, heme groups, and many other ligands (see FAQ 18 in the Modeller manual). This situation is not explored further here. The second case corresponds to the ligand that is already present in the template structure. We can assume either that the ligand interacts similarly with the target and the template, in which 23

case we can rely on Modeller to extract and satisfy distance restraints automatically, or that the relative orientation is not necessarily conserved, in which case the user needs to supply restraints on the relative orientation of the ligand and the target (the conformation of the ligand is assumed to be rigid). The two cases are illustrated by the NADH cofactor and pyruvate modeling, respectively. Both NADH and cofactor are indicated by the `.' characters at the end of each sequence in the alignment le above (the

character indicates a chain break). In general, the `.' character

in Modeller indicates an arbitrary generic residue called a \block" residue (for details see the
Modeller manual 72]). The 1emd structure le contains a citrate substrate analog. To obtain

a model with pyruvate, the physiological substrate of TvLDH, we convert the citrate analog in 1emd into pyruvate by deleting the {CH(COOH)2 group, thus obtaining the 1emd ed template le. A major advantage of using the topology. To obtain the restraints on pyruvate, we rst superpose the structures of several LDH and MDH enzymes solved with ligands. Such a comparison allows to identify absolutely conserved electrostatic interactions involving catalytic residues Arg 161 and His 186 on one hand, and the oxo groups of the lactate and malate ligands on the other hand. The modeling script can now be expanded by appending a routine that speci es the user de ned distance restraints between the conserved atoms of the active site residues and their substrate. The ADD RESTRAINT command has two arguments. ATOM IDS de nes the restrained atoms, by specifying their atom types and the residue numbers as listed in the model coordinate le. RESTRAINT PARAMETERS de nes the restraints, by specifying the mathematical form (e.g., harmonic, cosine, cubic spline), modality, the type of the restrained feature (e.g., distance, angle, dihedral angle), the number of atoms in the restraint, and the restraint parameters. In this case, a harmonic upper bound restraint of 3 5 0 1A is imposed on the distances between the speci ed
: :


characters is that it is not necessary to de ne the residue

pairs of atoms. A trick is used to prevent Modeller from automatically calculating distance restraints on the pyruvate{TvLDH complex the ligand in the 1emd ed template is moved beyond 24

the upper bound on the ligand{protein distance restraints (i.e., 10A). The new script produces a model with a signi cantly improved ProsaII pro le (Figure 4). The predicted error in the 90-100 active site loop is much less and practically resolved in the loop region 220-250. The overall Z-score is improved from ;10 7 to ;11 7, which compares well with the
: :

template Z-score of ;12 7. With this favorable evaluation, we gain con dence in the nal model.

The model was used for interpreting site-directed mutagenesis experiments aimed at elucidating the determinants of enzyme speci city in this class of enzymes 73].

3.3 Example 3: Modeling the fold and a loop in circularly permuted cyanovirin
Cyanovirin-N (CV-N) was originally isolated from Nostoc ellipsosporum. It was identi ed in a screening e ort as a highly potent inhibitor of diverse laboratory adapted strains and clinical isolates of HIV-1, HIV-2 and SIV. Subsequently, the structure of CV-N was solved, rst by NMR spectroscopy and later by X-ray crystallography at a resolution of 1.5A. The two structures are very similar. The CN-V monomer consists of two similar domains with 32% sequence identity to each other. In the crystal structure, the domains are connected by a exible linker region, forming a dimer by inter-molecular domain swapping. Recently, work was initiated to solve the monomer structure of a CN-V variant with circularly permuted domains (cpCN-V) 76]. Assuming that the overall structure does not change signi cantly, the new protein can be modeled by comparative modeling. An initial coarse model is built by using the following alignment le in the PAP format ( le `circ.pap').



Next, the new linker loop and the short N- and C-termini are re ned by ab initio loop modeling. The selected segments that are subjected to loop modeling are indicated by stars in the alignment above. The loop modeling script is as follows ( le `').

SEQUENCE de nes the name of the model. LOOP MODEL de nes the name of the input coordinate le containing the cpCN-V model whose loops need to be re ned. LOOP STARTING MODEL and LOOP ENDING MODEL de ne how many nal loop models are calculated (in
this case, 200). The subroutine `select loop atoms' selects regions of the model for loop modeling. Two arguments are submitted to the PICK ATOMS command. SELECTION SEGMENT de nes the starting and ending residues of the loop. SELECTION STATUS de nes whether or not the program initializes the selection or adds the current loop to the previously de ned set of loops. In this case, three loops are selected and optimized simultaneously. The lenames of output models with re ned loops have the `.BL' extension to distinuish them from the default le 26

naming convention of the regular models (`.B'). For instance, the rst generated loop model le is `cpCN-V.BL00010001'. Although the linker segment is only six residues long, it is not known whether or not some of the preceding and subsequent residues undergo conformational changes in the new construct. To investigate this question, we gradually extended the length of the modeled linker region from 6 to 12 residues. For this purpose, one needs to modify only the selection routine in the script above. The model with the lowest energy score of the 200 generated models was selected for each linker length from 6 to 12 residues. The superposition of the best models of varying length showed a dominant cluster of conformations, indicating that the modeling of the linker region is not limited by conformational changes in the immediately preceding or subsequent parts of the sequence (Figure 5). The nal comparative model with the optimized linker and terminal segments was used to re ne the structure of cpCN-V against NMR dipolar coupling data. A good agreement between the experimental values and those calculated from the model con rmed that the fold of cpCN-V is similar to that of the wild type and that the model may facilitate characterization of the structure and dynamics of cpCV-N 76].

We are grateful to all the members of our research group for many discussions about comparative protein structure modeling. AF was a Burroughs Wellcome Fund Postdoctoral Fellow and is a Charles Revson Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow. AS is an Irma T. Hirschl Trust Career Scientist. Research was supported by NIH/GM 54762, Merck Genome Research Award (AS), and Mathers Foundation. This review is based on 6,7,77].


Modeller is available freely to academic users at

It runs on many UNIX systems, including PCs running LINUX. All the sample

les shown in this review are available at

Modeller, with a graphical interface, is also available as part of Quanta, InsightII and GeneExplorer (Accelrys Inc., San Diego, e-mail:
[email protected]).

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Designing (site-directed) mutants to test hypotheses about function Identifying active and binding sites Searching for ligands of a given binding site Designing and improving ligands of a given binding site Modeling substrate speci city Predicting antigenic epitopes Protein{protein docking simulations Inferring function from calculated electrostatic potential around the protein Molecular replacement in X-ray structure re nement Re ning models against NMR dipolar coupling data Testing a given sequence { structure alignment Rationalizing known experimental observations Planning new experiments Table 1: Common uses of comparative protein structure models. A list of our papers using
Modeller to address practical problems in collaboration with experimentalists can be obtained

at URL



Scop Presage ModBase

GeneCensus GeneBank PSI


Template search, fold assignment

bioinformatics.burnham-inst.orgpdb blast www.dna.a 3dpssm/html/ recog.html bioinbgu/ fugue

Table 2: Web sites useful for comparative modeling. 35

Comparative modeling

Model evaluation 3D/ jurgen/Aqua/server/ eld/squid



Identify related structures




Select templates




VV... GK




Align target sequence with template structures


Build a model for the target

using information from template structures


Evaluate the model




0.8 0.0 -0.8 -1.6 -2.4 0 20 40 60 80 RESIDUE INDEX 100 120

model OK?


Figure 1: Steps in comparative protein structure modeling. See text for description of each step. 37




G-K-I -F

-E-R-G -Y

C- -RE


-LP Q-

- S D- C -


Figure 2: Comparative model building by program Modeller. First, homology-derived spatial restraints on many atom-atom distances and dihedral angles are extracted from the template structure(s). The alignment is used to determine equivalent residues between the target and the template. The homology-derived and stereochemical restraints are combined into an objective function. Finally, the model of the target is optimized until a model that best satis es the spatial restraints is obtained. This procedure is similar to the one used in structure determination by NMR spectroscopy. 38


% Structure overlap

80 60 40 20 0 0
Template - Target Model - Target Template - Target difference Alignment error

20 40 60 80 % Sequence identity


Figure 3: Average model accuracy as a function of sequence identity. As the sequence identity between the target sequence and the template structure decreases, the average structural similarity between the template and the target also decreases (dotted line, open circles). (continued on the next page)


(Figure 3: continued from the previous page) Structural overlap is de ned as the fraction of equivalent C atoms. For the comparison of the model with the actual structure ( lled circles), two C atoms were considered equivalent if they belonged to the same residue and were within 3.5A of each other after least-squares superposition of all C atoms by the ALIGN3D command in Modeller. For comparison of the template structure with the actual target structure (open circles), two C atoms were considered equivalent if they were within 3.5A of each other after alignment and rigid-body superposition. At high sequence identities, the models are close to the templates and therefore also close to the experimental target structure (solid line, lled circles). At low sequence identities, errors in the target{template alignment become more frequent and the structural similarity of the model with the experimental target structure falls below the target{template structural similarity. The di erence between the model and the actual target structure is a combination of the target{template di erences (light area) and the alignment errors (dark area). The gure was constructed by calculating 3993 comparative models based on single templates of varying similarity to the targets. All targets had known (experimentally determined) structures and therefore the comparison of the models and templates with the experimental structures was possible 47]. The top part of the gure shows three models (solid line) compared with their corresponding experimental structures (dotted line). The models were calculated with Modeller in a completely automated fashion before the experimental structures were available 43]. The arrows indicate the target{template similarity in each case.


ProsaII energy

0.0 1.0 2.0


100 150 200 250 300 Residue number

Figure 4: ProsaII 45] energy pro le for the raw TvLDH model (dashed line), re ned TvLDH model (thin line), and the 4mdhA template structure (heavy line) (Examples 1 and 2). The extended peak above the zero line in the region 90{100 and 220{250 of the raw model highlights a possible error in the raw model, signi cantly improved in the re ned model.


Figure 5: Superposition of models for six linker segments with lengths from 6 to 9 residues. Towards the C-terminus of the loop, a larger structural variation can be observed, but the dominant conformation is well de ned by a cluster of four loops.


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