00-Book One-Shadow of Locust-Full Version

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(the monologue-world and the subconscious symbols)
Performed by Sopor Aeturnus & the Ensemble of Shadows
This is a sad day here in the world of shades
but even pain has its own beauty
even pain can perform a lovely face.
Blinding stream, double-edged,
in an extra-terrestrial gloom,
beautiful creation of steel
grown in my barren womb...
They way into the light will separate me from my flesh,
myriads in their birth-giving red
swimming forcefully through-out space.
This darkest space is wide
and the mountain is still so high,
fly up my black little eyes
and cross the frontiers that dare to define my life...
No space too vast and surely no place too far,
the groping sister feels that her eyes
must be somewhere alive.
So she is afraid of all the dwellers of the dark
in their blindness they will never understand
the tempting gift of sight.
This place is cold, blindly she can feel
the dead wind caressing the rocks
from high above they come way down,
these angels kissing our undead bodies to stone...
"Black wall, eat up my life and suffocate !"
This is a sad day in the shadowsphere,
Two suns are dancing cruelly in the dark
forcefully swimming through-out this space...

Cover 1
Campaign Theme Song Lyrics 2
Contents 3
Introduction 4
Campaign Setting & Cosmology 7
Campaign cosmology 8
Factions 9
Ddekemani influence in Hstra 12
History 15
Hstra map 18
Cities in detail Sarnak 19
Cities in detail Alkartek 25
Cities in detail Pellern 30
Cities in detail Bentara 33
Cities in detail Falkenna 34
Pellern land map 37
Pellern city map 38
Pellerns lands in detail 39
The Players Characters 42
Celim Vortsh 43
Stjepan Nemeck 64
Ishraha 87
Campaign Chapters 103
0: Preludes 104
1: I can see by the whites of your eyes 119
2: The slow descent of twilight 133
3: Victory starts here 147
4: Where the dead lost their bones 159
5: We said destroy 177
6: The shadow integration 195
7: Warm as blood beneath the clods 221
8: Ashen like love and black like the snow 239
9: Symbols of the sun 309
10: Marching across the stupid and ignorant 344
11: You were a doll to my dark vision 359
12: Like statues in the garden of dreaming 366
13: On wings of silken carnage 378
Notes and Handouts 385
Appendixes 476
NPC Masterlist 477
Kulthean Calendar 483
Shadow World magic for the Window system 484

Book one: 'Shadow of Locust' is the first arc for the group of four playing a long
Shadow World campaign. The material herein is developed with the lands of Emer,
and in particular the lands of Hstra within that continent in mind, centering on the
plight of three characters (The Players). The campaign is one that shakes and
destroys the very stability of Emer during the times after the loss of the Northern Eye
- ushering a new darkness that builds to a climax in the final chapter (sessions) that
led to the utter destruction of southern Hstra, plunging it into a perpetual night that
few escaped. The characters did, however, which leads to the Book two: Hunting
Divine Whispers set in Sel-kai to begin in April of 2002.

This is the first book, compiled in a single pdf with bookmarks and pdf notes as upon
request due to the original material being provided individually in pdf sections.

The chapters were developed session by session, with an overall picture in mind.
Nothing was preordained and the actions of the characters helped drive much that
occurred and lead up to the gathering darkness. Inspiration has been taken from many
sources for this campaign - notable mention goes to Terry Amthor himself for
providing such a fantasy world that is malleable for individual tastes and broad in its
cosmology and complex, surreptitious organizations. To the Ebon program, an
incredibly powerful utility for generating random names and to the comic, Artesia for
many of the names of Lords throughout Hstra as well as providing influence in a
fantasy setting of politics and war. Also, thanks to the few valiant who maintain
other Shadow World pages online for providing inspiration.

This compiled book is best left for GM's - many spoilers and references and notes
have been lifted from the new official books on Emer published by Eidolon (not at all
to breach copyright but to collate the information together for the campaign as it was
played and used). All information does not try to be true to a strict vision of
Rolemaster or Shadow World. It is influenced with dark aesthetics with mature
audiences in mind, dealing with subjects of torture, rape, and genocide. The campaign
'Shadow of Locust' ran from October 2000 to December 2001. Each 'Book' will be
added upon completion. Files are offered individually in pdf form (poor grammar
attributed to the stress every GM feels when on the razor blade of time) - the cover to
Shadow of Locust is Copyright 2000 J Just.

The cosmology behind the campaign is of the K'ta'viiri, namely a group of genetic
scientists, long dead yet trapped in limbo and held in state in the City of Dead where
they were freed by Andaras who with the use of powerful artefacts sought to control
them in his thousand year game of dark politics, war and misery that began in the
Second Era of Ire with the invasion of Uj. It leads to a dark end, with the Lord of
Wisdom not noticing the taint of Unlife that merged with the parasitical geneticists
(known as the 'Ddekemani'). The Ddekemani, able to literally use living beings as
hosts have planned their seed of oblivion since they were freed when Andaras invaded
Uj. The following documents serve to describe in more detail the factions and history
behind the game, however, more detailed information pertaining to the game as it ran
and unfolded can be found in Chapters.

Shadow of Locust is broken down into thirteen chapters with initial Preludes
considered Chapter 0. Names of the various chapters come from song titles from dark
ambient/neoclassical/noise bands like Ordo Equilibrio and Death in June (from
which 'Shadow of Locust' came from). The stories are woven around the players'
characters and cover the period of history from the 1st spring 6053 through until the
'Darkside Zenith' on 18th summer 6054.

The players of Book One: Shadow of Locust were Shane Hyde (who played Lord
Stjepan), Eleanor Proctor (who played Celim Senayre), and Clayton Hayward (who
played Ishraha) from New Zealand. None of them had any previous experience with
Shadow World and went into the game 'blind'. As such they were provided pre-
generated characters tailored for them - this includes general information about the
world of Kulthea, the Shadow World. It was a small primer. Presented herein are the
original files the players received and with text in red that was for the GM only
revealing hidden history of which was revealed over time to the players. These
character are presented in the form the Players received them for the start of the

The Shadow World campaign was developed for speed and intensive roleplaying. As
such a system was found that employed rare use of dice, tables or statistics. The free
system 'The Window' was chosen as an easy system to develop play and has proven
to be a blessing in disguise leading to many an intensive roleplaying session. Few
combats were played throughout Shadow of Locust, and those that were never lasted
more than ten to fifteen minutes. Dice were employed infrequently, at times a few
rolls in total by the players per session - and none by the GM.

However, some system needed to be expanded to include Shadow World's unique
magic system. The magic system was developed by the GM (J Just) based on the
three concepts of magic; Channelling, Essence and Mentalism with Mystics regarded
as those using two of the original Arcane Essnce. For those looking at 'The
Window' (http://www.mimgames.com/window/), some developed rules with
Shadow World's magic in mind can be found in the appendixes. In addition Rituals
are considered as unique spells, for e.g. The Dreamreaver...

This compiled book has PDF bookmarks and throughout the handouts section there
are PDF notes on each page to explain briefly what letter was to who and from which
chapter they originated.

Main books used: Shadow World Atlas 3 (pdf), Shadow World Atlas 2, Atlas
Addendum Box Set, Emer I: Hstra, Emer II: The Northeast

To contact the author/Gamemaster: Jason Just please direct correspondence to
[email protected]


Shadow of Locust is the first part of a trilogy spanning Emer. The players who
involve themselves in the upcoming tumultuous time will, with many others, watch
the Great Continent shift through an upheaval that will usher in either a new dark
age, or a reprise of sorts, but one thing will not go away where there is light there is

Shadow of Locust is set primarily in Hstra and revolves around a slow build up of
existing political ties that begin to strangle in preparation for the invasion that soon
follows. Unknown enemies and once friends push the tension to breaking point, a
prelude to the war. Diplomacy is where the real struggle evokes itself. War will
eventually come and there is little the players can do to stop this, although they can
involve themselves in whatever struggles that arise and break what ties there are, so
as to better prepare Hstra to survive the storm, or then again, they may only incite
its arrival. The Gods play little part in this first part.

In short, Andaras has been consolidating his little games ever since the Second Era of
Ire, and while he has had minor time for playing with the affairs of races, never has
he involved himself in such a far -reaching gambit as this. His reasons? Nothing more
than the fun he will reap, although his actions will change the plans of many others
manipulating behind the scenes, but Andaras has no interest in potential difficulties.
He would only intervene should the possibility of the races be threatened with
extinction, leaving him with little access to his games.

Andaras web drifts back over 8000 years, more than enough time to stack the
dominoes against Hstra. Ancient cults, priesthoods are openly worshipped, but his
true shadow cabinet within Hstra is the mysterious cult/race known as the
Ddekemani. Andaras expects his gambit to path the way for a new and hopeful
regime that he can once again swat down with paw. At the same time he seeks the
destruction of the waning civilizations in Hstra, he also encourages the pure to
reveal himself through the oppression. Andaras expects his attack to rouse the
dormant Masters of Emer and bring them down, a personal vendetta over being
robbed over his kill. But even among the dormant Xiosians Andaras has his claws.

The war that will come is dark and carries with it secrets of the Ktaviir. Genocide
will sweep the land, and corruption will bloom. To help in this Andaras has called
upon the desire of the Dark Races to wreak havoc, namely the kingdom of Murlogi,
the Charn Raiders (mutated to unleash from their chests swarms of unnatural
locusts), a plant of the Unlife to cloak the sky in perpetual night and the Ordainer
ruling the Lugrki under the Mountains of Gold.

Kio Viax, the fallen Master of Uj resides close to the City of the Dead and has done
so for many years. What the Titan does not realize is that his wanderings among the
city older than he are bringing him closer and closer into the arms of the
Ddekemani, all under the plan of Andaras.

The Ddekemani; An ancient cult and race in the service of Andaras since his arrival
on Uj, although they are not of his creation. Under the Dark Lords control through
means of an artifact found in the City of the Dead the Ddekemani are in fact
Ktaviir, although their nature is so perverted and their form and fractured that they
barely only distantly remember their origins. Fragmented at the time of death, these
once genetic scientists of the Ktaviir only retain their potentiality to enhance (not
imbue) existing traits, the more powerful the being the more aware of oneself they
become, in short to flow with their Essence and manipulate their body to use it.
Almost like a parasite they attack any host with potential seeking to override its
defences, if any, and merge with the host. This desire seems only to be roused among
the company of the Free Races, their time in the City of the Dead was spent mostly in
dormancy. Andaras discovered them and Ktaviir artifacts to control themtaking
them back to the dark moon. The Ddekemani have no desire to break free, theirs is
to propagate and evolve. Andaras seeded them across Uj and from there they swooped
upon the trade routes throughout Hstra where they have remained for over 8000
years, moving from host to host, sometimes extending the life of the host beyond its
usual tenure. Planted deep in governments and in positions of subtle shadow power
the Ddekemani are a very secret cult preferring to manipulate others and stay well
out of the limelight. Often physically perfect, but nondescript due to course of
evolution. The Ddekemani try not to stand out and appear to cause little waves.
Nothing could be more further from the truth.
The Ddekemani are an ancient Order of vestigial, scientific masterminds unlike
anything in existence or existing on Emer. Beyond their Ktaviir origins as an order
of genetic scientists they have built nothing that remains, passing from host to host,
without discovery. Their history is always a shadow subject, since they take great
aversion in leaving trace of themselves. Through their hosts they acquire what they
deem necessary for their goals, but never place themselves in the public eye. That is
paramount to their survival. Their relationship with Andaras is not one of
resentment, but more there is no relationship of emotion at all. Andaras is their
centre, their collective seat of intelligence and what an intelligence to be part of. He
is not considered as a God who enslaved them, but as the leader. All this in harmony
as beings of the Unlife and even the Dark Gods reign will be as good as it serves the
ultimate purpose of the Unlife evisceration of life.
The Ddekemani Ktaviiri were the geneticists of races, followers of Kadna.
Their memory of the empire they were once part of is fragmented and impartial based
on Andaras will. During their time in dormancy in the City of the Dead, the Unlife
pushed its head deep in the bowels of the earth and the Ddekemani have
undoubtably become corrupt with the Shadow, though their capricious and clinical
attitude has remained unchanged in Andaras eyes who knows nothing of the
infection of the Shadow. The Ddekemani, without holding back from Andaras, have
awakened the people to be known as The Charn Raiders for the genocidal purpose as
much as their penchant, intrinsic as it is, for obfuscation. In short the Ddekemani
are a sect of the unlife, spreading its control in a unique way.

The appearance of the Ddekemani varies from each to each, depending mostly, at
core at least, upon their host, all of whom which transform their hosts over a period of
time to whatever level of requirement each host requires in the plans of the
Ddekemani. One feature that exists with all, and which the Ddekemani
genetically modify on their ho st is the thin, transparent inner lid which screens the
certain ultraviolet radiation as well as dust and impurities. They often avoid the violet
eyes and six fingers, for the reason of identification by beings that would take horror
at their actions. The genetic modification to each host always enhances the senses and
powers already inherent in each host, and in each case a powerful host is sought more
although little care is taken to prepare hosts, or groom them. The Ddekemani do not
try to wear out their hosts, but sustain them as the enhancements and modifications
take a period of time. The Ddekemani often take races of the immortal lines, more
for the reason of obfuscation. The human and other non-immortal races lives can be
extended far beyond the ken of natural life spans, but unless shifting and changing
identity, such peoples become a burden over millennia. Death of a host is always a
setback, but the Ddekemani exist as long as there are suitable hosts nearby, but only
intelligent hosts. After death of the host a Ddekemani can pass over an area of 1
league to find a new host. Failure to do so within an hour after death causes the
Ddekemani to slump into dormancy, awakened only at the direct close presence of a
host. They do not breed, and they are a finite race. Destruction of a Ddekemani is a
difficult business requiring Ktaviir artifacts only found in the City of the Dead.

The Charn Raiders; of the Charn Plateau in Uj, a Ktaviir genetically modified race
bred originally by the Order Ddekemani to survive the surface and serve a long-lost
purpose. Often thought coward, crude, they have in oral tradition a genetic trigger,
sparked with an event that in their tradition is a riddle of darkness with wings the
Gogor. Andaras discovered this secret when he first attacked Uj in the Second Era of
Ire, and has since instructed Morgu to rouse the Gogor for the purpose of triggering
the Charn Raiders into action. With the riddle illuminated in fluttering black skies,
each Raider, man, woman and child become a walking locust hive, semi-conscious and
breeding the locusts at will under their command. The Raiders essentially die, their
bodies becoming husks for the true collective of the unique insects, and the raiders
also form a collective among each other. Selas Vey controls their actions through his
powers so accentuated by the Ddekemani. Selas Vey has them eliminate the Rhiani
Tribesmen at first, to counter any potential flanking move, full elimination proving
difficult, but it sparks the seed of some thing brewing in the south, drawing away from
the political tensions in Hstra. Once the majority of the Rhiani Tribesmen appear to
be wiped out, the Charn Raiders strike northward between the Morbek Highlands and
the Forbidden Ridge of the Storm Pass striking for Sarnak where they will unleash
the thousands of insects and cover the skies with Gogor.
The Order Ddekemani, genetic scientist KtaViir who modified the race that
would become known as The Charn Raiders, did so for one purpose, for genocide and
erosion of all organic material. Their genetic trigger locked in a specific moment
which the Order Daekemani modified to awaken at an eclipse at particular moments
out of the suns arc so as a modified event would awaken their minds and ancient
pathways in their mind, triggering essnce-powered physical changes.

Selas Vey; and the city of the dead, from where the fallen Loremaster stalks and
commands the armies with Morgu. In the city hailing from before the time of the
Masters of Emer, the Loremaster entered, became lost, and became devoured in part.
Here Andaras had left the seeds of the Ddekemani and the Loremaster was
confronted with these powerful spirits which infused his being, weakening him. He
fought long against the war against him, but eventually, weakened after months of
continuous struggle, fell and one of the Ddekemani merged with his Essence, his
being. It took him 1000 years to adjust to this change, with help from Andaras. Selas
Vey, already a powerful elven Loremaster found his abilities accentuated beyond
anything he thought possible, albeit under the subtle will of Andaras. Now Selas Vey
could control some of those within the City of the Dead, and sectioned off portions
for himself to follow through with the Dark Lords plan. Selas Vey fell under
Andaras control with merging of the Ddekemani, the former Loremaster is
Andaras appointed leader, one of the few hosts to retain strong consciousness of their
past lives, it took over 1000 years for Selas Vey to submit.
Selas commands a regime nt of Ddekemani who have pooled from other locations
to aid where necessary in the war. Sorcerers are sent to aid the Murlogi in taking
several towns on the Scorpion Ridge.
Selas is aware of the close presence of the Titan, Kio Viax who still returns to the
city. His prime concern is trapping the Titan and to have him bound to the
Ddekemani, something that will only be achievable with Andaras power.


Dynax; the city of Vornia whose ruler, Lord Wurlek was recently overthrown was
pushed from behind the scenes by the Ddekemani, but regardless are facing
opposition and worse, the Witch Midenna is looking to intervene. Corruption though
growing may pale if she does step in to restore order. The Ddekemani are working
through the growing thieves loyal to Andaras from the political positions they wield,
albeit unsteady as they may be.

The Emerald Forest; is the thorn in the invasions path, but one overcome. Though
powerful, it remains neutral, and while impossible to assail beyond the Storm Pass
one can either head towards this strong opposition or tackle a more physical presence,
the lands and city of Sarnak.

Jennis; city of Vornia, of little concern to the efforts of Andaras, whose forces may
capture it only as a token, declaring martial law to allow the Bishop Timmon Vnar to
continue his orgiastic rituals to Morgalis. Andaras has little interest in interfering
with the affairs of the other Dark Lords. No Ddekemani presence.

Gelbentex; city of Vornia, haven to thieves who have insinuated themselves among
the lower class with some modicum of success. No Ddekemani presence.

Bentara; city of Vornia, ruled by the Count Bryce Korel, who arranged his late fathers
death and is proving quite the controlling leader. Previous to this, his father was
firmly under the control of the power-hungry sorcerer Ventine, who as a
Deadekemani is chaffing at the sudden loss of control. Ventines manipulative tree
spreads across Bentara and even into the city of Sarnak.

Orian; once capital of Miir, once the proud jewel of the Kings of Orian the hub of a
peaceful co-existence in the land, was shattered nine years past by the Katra of
Stroane. Many of Andaras servents reside here and corruption is rife. Many of the
nobles gave much of their souls away during the purging, and a strong underground
priesthood to Andaras has its ties deep among the ruling council that has sprung up in
the absence of the King. Six of the eleven councilors are firmly under the control of
Andaras minions. Ddekemani exist here and watch deep in the shadows the council
and the priesthood, but the priesthood are not entirely aware of them.

Relian; city of Miir, is a growing metropolis whose future is mired with difficulty.
Northernmost of the Miirian cities, it will be the last to act and offer help to any
Hstran invasion, especially since it considers itself an independent trade city, and
would wish to avoid potential destruction. Refugee Pochanti have quickly allied under
the Ddekemani working through the powerful thieves and subversive organizations
flowering in Relian. The Pochanti are closest to the Ddekemani, somewhat beguiled
by the power of these beings who serve Andaras. Relian is quickly becoming firmly
under the talons of the Ddekemani who with the Pochanti support are eliminating
their opposition with the bloody zealotry of the refugee Pochanti.

Bornay; city of Miir, is for the most part, free of difficulty. A small town, it has only a
few shadowy ears listening with little manipulation as there is little reason for it.

Pellern; city of Miir, will be the heart of a dangerous and sudden attack. The discovery
of White Eog in the Mountains of Gold is seen as a dangerous resource by the
Ddekemani. After the fall of the Northern Eye and the death of Lord Dreygen, Lady
Willona his daughter takes a strong leadership role with the backing of most, if not all
of the advisors and knights, dethroning the promiscuous Lady Wintessa to a
powerless position in the court. Lord Stjepan Nemeck who marries Lady Willona, is
not seen as a strong leader and is placed in a position of diplomat. The deposed Lady
Wintessa is shortly thereafter introduced into the ways of Andaras through Lord
Constans who seeks, under the advice of Daubon, to take Pellern for himself and quell
the threat of the dangerous White Eog. Previous to this the Ddekemani had little
interest in the dying town, much as they had with Bornay.

Chelzaria; city of Miir, has been a sticking point of Andaras efforts. Ddeke mani
have unsuccessfully tried to infiltrate it, the dwarves and dyari cities close by always
on the watch for danger to the trading and mining city.

Helberna; city of Miir, bustling with trade is a battleground of sorts for the
Deadekemani who have tried and tried to break the presence of the powerful Goddess
Mynistra, but have had little success in the matter. They have little eyes nor ears
within the city.

Tovor; city of Miir, is of little interest to the machinations underway, even less
considering the close presence of the Red Dragon, Motar Voorg.

Alkartek; city of Miir, fell slowly under the sway of the Ddekemani with the arrival
of Daubon, trainer to Lord Alkarteks twin sons. Daubon spread his control through
the advisory of the aging Lord and prepped the strongest of the twin sons for
succession, pushing the other out.

Bokpentok; city of Miir, is of strategic importance to the invasion, being a strong castle
and a centre of Mynistrian worship. With the loss of Stroane to outside forces, the
Ddekemani have been filtering travelers to the city building a small network in
preparation for assault.

Stroane & Arakin; fallen nation and capitol, once a bastion and stronghold for the
Andaras and some Ddekemani during the reign of the Katra. In the hands of the
Ahn Sye Zanar whose inquisitors travel Hstra searching for their enemies, they
backed the coup led by Lord General Terell which summarily quashed Andaras hold
on Arakin. Andaras revolt against this was to inspire his remaining priests across
Miir and Vornia to sever their ties to Arakin. The Teterantor Manor remains
Andaras ears and eyes, where his servant Xanar Trellian (the Minstrel who travels
only at night) passed on the curse of vampirism to the Lord.

Niv; a city within Stroane, yet proclaimed independent is utterly in the claws of
Andaras, whose priest Robersin, holds the real control over the city, even if through
the puppet lord. Anyone not of Shay descent is looked upon with suspicion. The city
will isolate itself from the war and will remain untouched by the sweeping genocide;
moreover, Robersin calls it judgement to the non-humans. The irony being Robersin
is not as fully human as he claims to be, long a Ddekemani. It was he who sent the
warrior Daubon to Alkartek, partially also to subdue the influence of Trnor, the elf
tutoring the two twins.

Qye; a city of Stroane, where Shrecks new warriors, the Shards reside close to this
bleak city in the Forest of Norg. No Ddekemani goes here.

Sarnak; the city and its lands are perhaps the most undesirable place to be when the
Shadow of Locust marches through the Storm Pass to the very walls of this seemingly
bleak city. From there the Locusts will sweep down and bring doom to Sarnak.
Andaras has a special place in his black heart for the women of Sarnak. It was their
assassin that bought down his growing empire, setting his plans back some several
years. Beside that, Andaras has had difficulty inserting the Ddekemani into the city,
managing only one position of note. Outsiders have been his only source of
information, namely the Sorcerer Vitane sending young women, trained in
subterfuge to observe and report.

Falkenna; port town on the coast of Izar, whose fealty is to Sarnak. Resentful of this,
Count Dennik and his knights have proved useful allies under the burden of heavy
taxes to the women. Already the seeds have been sown to use his position to
advantageous means in the upcoming invasion.

Jantanen; port town on the coast of Izar, under the close eye of the Murlogi who will
use the support of Selas Veys sorcerers to try to take the town in a pitched battle.
The pirates are a rogue force who may swing either way, but only if plunder is top of
their list, even if that means striking a deal with the rulers of Jantanen.

Fen-Jorl; city in the Bay of Izar, whose insane Counts son is backed by the
Ddekemani on a coup to strike the seat of power.

Komaren Cluster; and the capitol, Aquitar has its fair share of danger lurking with
shadow. Ddekemani silently and with greatest care manipulate others within the
cluster, taking hundreds of years to build up favours. No concerted attack will be
made here, but the Ddekemani continue their observations.


The following historical points are taken from various sourcebooks. All relate in part
to the tumultuous events that will sweep across Hstra unchecked unless the
characters do their best to awaken the slumbering watchful orders and instill some
survival instinct into what areas they can. For the most part these fragments of
history have been used to formulate the campaign as a whole.

Second Era of Ire
2500: The Changramai Monastery is founded in the Choak mountains by the
Loremaster Tanris Dekdarion, grandfather of the famous Tvaar
Dekdarion. This quasi-religious order seems filled with contradictions to
outsiders, but they are soon renowned as unsurpassed warriors in unarmed
3000: The Charn Lord Andaras gains a following among the Jush of southeast
Uj and the Sandraiders of the Charn Plateau. Laan settling in Hstra,
drive out the Shay in 1000 S.E.I. and by this year, are easily called to the
Darkness, servants of the Unlife begin their slow work undoing the power
of the Laan.
3100: The first stirrings of discord among the Masters of Emer.
3345: Forces of the Dark God, Andaras attack Uj via Land and Sea. Because of
the ongoing fight amongst the Titans, the Master of Uj (Kio Viax) leads
an army himself.
3347: The fight for Uj climaxes with a confrontation between the Titan Kio
Viax and the God Andaras. Kio is nearly slain before his brethren arrive to
help. Uj is overrun, signaling the end of the undisputed reign of the
3450-5000: Emer in chaos, corruption is rife, even in the Xiosians. Everything the
Masters built falls apart. The Laan of Hstra revolt, seduced by dark gods.
6400 Andaras incites Uj and Hstra, raising all forces in a deadly game of
political undermining that along with the other dark gods actions plunges
Kulthea into the Wars of Dominion as the comet arrives. Many spirits and
brethren join Andaras against the Loremasters and Titans, and finally the
Lords of Orhan. The Loremasters seal away many of the dark forces in a
massive effort to set enchanted, immortal Guardians at the many Portals
to guard against new incursions of dark forces.

Third Era of Ire
300: A group of Dyar Elves, led by the Black Prince Wuentar Daal, arrive on
the western shores of Emer. They are traveling east from their homeland,
seeking new lands to settle. After some exploration they find a high
hidden vale in the Mountains of Gold, and a cave complex directly
beneath. They establish a small kingdom of their own there and name it
1372: Aldaron doubles the membership of the Order of the Silver Sword from 88
to 176 plus an equal number of adherents.
1618-1648: The next thirty years are marked by religious inquisitions presided over
by the Order of the Cloak, now generally known as the Church of Zanar.
1650-1660: Second Zanarian Purge.
1653: Aldain City is sacked by raiders (mostly Shay brigands from the
countryside). Only hours before the looters reach the old city, a force of
Loremasters and Navigators enter and rescue what art, books and other
treasures they can salvage.
2000: The goddess Mynistra first appears in Hstra and cults following her
spring up across the land.
2059: The Lingering Pain sweeps northern Emer coinciding with a Darkside
Zenith conjunction of Charn, the Sun, and perigee a conjunction every
3995 years in northern Hstra.
4000-5000: Most of Hstra remains in a dark age.
5000: With the decline of terrestrial powers comes a rise of religious rivalries in
Hstra. Mynistras followers wield considerable influence in the
southwest, while Priests of Andaras gain power in Stroane.
5030: All but imperceptibly, Flow-storm activity increases across Kulthea.
5922: The Loremaster Selas Vey enters ruins believed to be of Jinteni origin in
Uj, otherwise known as the City of the Dead, he is not heard from again.
6019: The Nameless One enters the Palace of the Hu-tarn of Nuyan Khm and
warns the ruler of a great disaster. That night the Butterfly Scepter of
Khm is stolen.
6020-6022: Plagues deavastates Silaar, killing between thirty and forty percent of the
population of Nuyan Khm including nearly the entire royal family.
6037-6045: Under the influence of Robersin, a Priest of Andaras, Niv becomes even
more radically conservative. The cleric of Andaras preaches that all
nonhumans are evil. A law is passed making it illegal to be an elf in Niv.
6041: The Katra of Stroane, urged on by his advisor Shatang (a high priest of
Andaras), begins his expansion campaign, drawing nearby Miirian holds
under his rule by oaths of fealty. Those who resist are laid siege. This
expansion continues for the next few years.
6044: The Dyari of Skystone inadvertently release a mighty Ordainer a Lord
Demon of the Essnce. It slays many of them before they drive it out. It
takes up residence in the caves of the Lugrki to the north, enslaving
6046: In the first enforcement of their anti-elven law, an elven traveler is
6049: Lugrki under the Ordainer of Gorlhach expand their realm under the
northern Mountains of Gold. They enter the Ash Lairs.
6050: Spring: The Loari inventor/adventuress Selia Rendanaar of Nmar-Tol
leads an expedition to the City of the Dead in Uj. (She finds the lost
journals of the Loremaster Selas Vey and something else. In a laboratory
deep within the catacombs of the city she discovers a cache of jewels of
varying sizes, all faceted spheres. She discovers that these have the power
to absorb energy and release it in a controlled manner, allowing them to
fuel certain machines, devices and vehicles, one of which she discovers
and repairs. She and her party flee the city in the flying vehicle, barely
escaping its golem guardians. She returns to Nmar-Tol.)
Autumn: Secret rebellious factions form and grow in major Hstra cities;
local lords begin making plans to retake their lands and perhaps expand
in the chaos they know is coming.
Fall: Rebellious activity in central Hstra increases, funded in secret by
Sarnak, Izar and Danarchis. Smuggling and tax evasion is rampant. The
Stroane government, having taken out huge loans from Sel-kai to pay its
mercenaries, and now unable to effectively collect new taxes, is near
6051: Summer: The Prophet of Valris first makes her presence known at Sel-kai.
A tall Iylar Elf with golden blonde hair and wearing shimmering blue
robes, she refuses to give her name or home, saying only that she comes
from the east. Claiming to be a follower of the Orhan Goddess of
wisdom, she is apparently an Astrologer who can see into peoples futures.
After a month in Sel-kai city, during which her reputation and influence
grows, she travels towards Danarchis.
Fall: A caravan in Uj returns to Kaitaine to tell of a mighty battle between
their Navigator Sulfean and a Herald of Darkness. Their situation was
looking desperate when a Storm Herald suddenly appeared and helped to
drive off the Minion of the Unlife.
6052: Fall: The Prophet of Valris arrives in Kaitaine, preceded by her reputation.
In an abrupt deviation from her predictions for individuals, she warns of
an imminent world-wide catastrophe. She relays dire visions of
earthquakes and storms, and claims to see Kaitaine in flames. The council
orders her banished from the city for inciting panic.

:: C I T I E S I N D E T A I L ::


Political Structure
Representative Democracy. Ruled by an elected (by women only) council of five
women known collectively as the Directorate. They rule from the Administration
Center within the Directorate Headquarter, a mammoth interlocking four-towered
structure built set back into the steep cragged rock of the Forbidden Ridge. Here with
their appointed Ministers matters political are debated, explored and presented. The
Directorate Headquarters is a large open building where most officials have offices
within. Men are not permitted within the Directorate unless in a role of cleaner. Men
are not permitted to vote, let alone hold station. Men, if anywhere in Sarnak, are
given a more cold response here than elsewhere in the city, it being the seats of power
which nearly doomed their culture and people.
There are many Ministries that operate with the power of the Directorate who
manage many portfolios through their aides. There is one Minister per portfolio, and
each Minister has an Assistant Minister and a Secretary Minister, beyond that legal
aide and general staff are employed to keep each Ministry running smoothly.
Ministry of Trade; Trade has picked up since the Loss of the Northern Eye with the
danger of the Sea of Gold, for now the Ministry of Trade is doing its best and keeping
the aloof nature that has seen it receive only the crme of trade that it deems
necessary, or at least that is how the Minister sees it, Assistant Minister Velta ka
Norno carrying on a lot of the more mundane trade matters that are waxing.
Supporting itself on resources, its exports are still numerous feeding many a city of
Miir and beyond. Locally the Sarnak market is very strong and draws traders from as
far away as Sel-kai. Current Minister of Trade Rinda Rnchr, Current Assistant
Minister of Trade Velta ka Norno, Secretary Minister of Trade Celim Vortsh.
The Minister is very aloof from her duties seeing only the bankers of Sel-Kai and
other prominent notable traders as possible partners. Extremely bigoted she finds men
contemptible and rarely speaks with any bar those who are the well known. As such
her Assistant Minister Velta ka Norno is the currently busiest Assistant Minister,
picking up after her rather narrow- minded peer. She is well versed in administration
and diplomacy, both good skills to have without a Minister in charge.
Ministry of Arts; is a subtly important body that keeps Sarnak the city within in
beauty, unlike the bleak counterpart of the Ministry of Security whose stark walls
great visitors with disdain. Much as the walls serve to keep outsiders out, the interior
serves to keep insiders within. Gardens are its specialty and a strong element of
tapestry that does its best to brighten the atmosphere. Current Minister of the Arts
Yhera Minor, Current Assistant Minister of the Arts Miso Khilandm, Secretary
Minister of the Arts Vanya Auros. While the Ministry of Arts may be seen by
some as a contradiction in terms when one first enters the city, within, is found an
organized conceptual distinction of districts and themes. Aloof and absorbed by art is
how this Ministry appears, drugged on aestheticism. Yhera Minor is an aging woman
with many years of experience and was once Directorate but stepped down to take on
a more demanding role, which of beautifying their city with more time spent to this
dedication than the Directorate was allowing her. Miso Khilandm, current Assistant
Minister attends large parties in which male harems accompanied with exotic drugs
are common. All of these are done with little worry for persecution, the drugs
somewhat frowned upon, but she manages her work. Vanya Auros, Secretary
Minister has become a lapdog to Miso, mimicking her at parties, young, as she is a
noted landscape artist.
Treasury; which remains the most powerful Ministry within the Directorate
Headquarters, who eke out what funds they deem necessary to other Ministries and
organizations. Though the Treasurer does not abuse her status, she definitely does not
want for friends or support. Current Treasurer Demidice Kuran, Current Assistant
Treasurer Isola Urrai, Secretary Treasurer Melyra Tamirynath. Soft in words,
strong in budget, Demidice runs the Treasury without flaw, always budgeting within
frameworks and reaping more for her money than considered possible a busy,
honest and dedicated Treasurer. Isola Urrai is a Danarchan exile originally born in
Sarnak who left her fathers care by murdering him. Intervention on the part of
Sarnak was a major diplomatic achievement some fifteen years ago. Melyra
Tamirynath, the Secretary Minister, is daughter of the current Minister of
Agriculture, Khera Tamirynath. Melyra noticed the change in her mother at the age
of thirteen, but remained quiet and removed herself from the household and her
mother at an early age. She has entered politics as she fears what her mother is doing,
all those nights when shed listen in to the Order discussing
Ministry of Justice; and law within Sarnak is a developing ministry as more and
more land cedes to Sarnaks slowly expanding land. Perhaps only a third the size of
Stroane, Sarnak lies in a strategic zone and as such has been in development of judges
for crimes within its borders. Current Minister of Justice Carecarya Annestiril,
Current Assistant Minister of Justice Aryeril Mesantell, Secretary Minister of
Justice Irquen Naryamar. A floundering Ministry, struggling to not let Ministry of
War and Security eclipse them. Carecarya Annestir il is a half-elven women
tormented with demons, inspired by the hallucinatory addiction to crushed Zapic leaf
she fears that the child she abandoned after childbirth in the woods has returned to
haunt her and lives in her house. Aryeril Mesantell runs the collection of taxes and
organization of judges and courts but fears the instability in her Minister, but fears
more losing her position over the affair. Irquen Naryamar is an ambitious woman
with her eyes set on the Ministers position. She is a strong po litical speaker with
influence among the judges, weak as their position may be.
Ministry of War; deals specifically with matters martial away from home.
Originally there was no Ministry of Security, but times of peace since the women
took control called for separation. Their latest conquest was the submission of
Falkenna and Count Dennik to the Directorate of Sarnak, propping the coffers of
treasury with even more taxes. The Ministry of War specifically manages the
standing army and can mobilize the navy with the Ministry of Securitys aid in times
of need such as the recent conquer of Falkenna. Squads routinely patrol the borders to
the south, north and east on horseback, the Amazonian warriors no match for the
unprepared invader. Current Minister of War Merilenya Indrin, Current Assistant
Minister of War Zr Elahes, Secretary Minister of War Thula Iolande.
Merilenya Indrin, Minister of War was once the general of the standing army of
Sarnak, and is herself an incredibly talented Amazonian warrior despite her age of
sixty. With a quick decisive mind she relishes her role although resents somewhat the
Ministry of Securitys forays into her domain. Zr Elahes, Assistant Minister does
not add the surreptitious intelligence a woman like Merilenya could do with, but an
even stronger brashness coming from a former commander of the army, crippled from
a horse fall. Thula Iolande is a strong administrator and keeps the Ministry from
falling over.
Minitry of Agriculture; is central to the strong, if arrogant export industry Sarnak
has along with its ability to feed all within its borders. Rice, potatoes, cranberries,
grapes, and other vegetables are grown on the terraces to the east in the Forbidden
Ridge and south on the foothills of the Morbek Highlands. Current Minister of
Agriculture - Khera Tamirynath, Current Assistant Minister of Agriculture
Anyante Varen, Secretary Minister of Agriculture Achre Iraldrane. See information
regarding Daedekemani.
Ministry of Security; manages the Shaitan, training these soldiers with more vigour
than the core regiments of the Army. Reconnaissance, sabotage, assassination, the
surreptitious is promoted among them as well as a high level of martial ability. The
Ministry takes care of the running defense of the city as well, the collapsible
bridge/war docks to the south and the navy, and its bleak and strong walls. Current
Minister of Security Vanda Xanes, Current Assistant Minister of Security
Francesca Xanes, Secretary Minister of Security Myri Sinvoril. A family affair, the
Ministry of Security is almost inviolate for any not related to Vanda or her extended
families. And managing the Shaitan so well none seem to mind. Vanda is intelligent
with foresight and the defense of the city is not just her only concern. She issues
many an order to watch the neighbouring cities throughout Hstra and is informed
about events as they happen. Her triumph that sealed her authority was the risky
decision of the assassination of the Katra of Stroane, which went without a hitch. The
agent sent was her own daughter Francesca, who at that time was a rising talent
within the Shaitan. Francesca played the country girl without fault and eliminated the
Katra in bed and escaped without little worry. Confident, young and dedicated, she
feels a little shadowed by her mother and acquiesces to often she believes. Myri
Sinvoril, second cousin to Francesca though not as determined as her relations has
proven to rise among her family to a position of respect and secrecy.
The Directorate; manage the senate as authorative governing body. Second in power
of voice are the Ministries. There is not the sense of modern oblique political
structures vying for massive reorganizations of systems through rigourous and heated
argument, but rather strong mutual discussion on the part of the women. The
Directorate manage the affairs they were best elected to for with patience and long
hours. Intelligent, strong and wise, the five represent the burning flame against
prideful man, but whereas man consumes, their fire only illuminates and shines a way
forward. The Directorate protects their city fiercely and always seeks to strengthen
their position. If that means laying waste to patriarchal societal systems, so be it.
Suggestions from all parties involved in the government are welcome, though wisdom
always takes precedence off youthful brash suggestions. The Directorate intends to
build Sarnak up even greater from where it is, bringing in more trade to its doors, but
it must compete with the Port of Izar. The Fall of the Northern Eye will change all
this. The Directorate maintains the city in working order; clean, and untroubled by
male bravado the city has a feeling of peace. The Directorate is Ami Coir, Isil
Yasteril, Osidred Indemanw, Adjia Mannas, and Maredeen Aerond.

Daedekemani Presence
Unseen, the Daedekemani see their selves as holding the very lifeblood to Sarnak
civilization without being in the seat of power. By means of infusing their selves to
the original men who nearly brought Sarnak to doom many years passed, the
Daedekemani swapped hosts, but not the political power. Best able to mask their
powers of genetic manipulation behind a faade, the Dadekemani proved the
Animists, the Agriculturalists who saved the dying crops and brought solid trade to
the city after the poor management of earlier. This mask has served them well and the
Daedekemani number the current Minister of Agriculture, Khera Tamirynath and the
Assistant Minister of Agriculture, Anyante Varen.
Assistant Minister of Agriculture, Anyante Varen, is a recently new host for its
Daedekemani. She organizes the Order of the First Leaf, a dedicated group of 16
Animists loyal to Anyante Varen and the Daedekemani first and foremost.
Khera is a towering woman of what some would say is fourty. Yet records show
she is clearly 67, but in a physical shape that belies her true age. Many comment on
her wisdom and patience, seen often in a pushover role, yet who better for the job of
tending plants. Khera, through her previous female incarnations, set many actions in
plan for the future, namely the training of the Order of the First Leaf (of Shadow)
that would at the appointed time release the first unlife plant on the upper waterways
of the River Urij. Their skills have been passed down from woman to woman under
secrecy & zealotry. They work for geneticists that have transformed them as much as
theirselves. The portfolio of mining was a suggestion early in Kheras long career.
Intended to divert resources caverns were opened by the Animists under the guise of a
long excavation. Monies collected, tunnels were opened to run close and parallel with
tunnels under construction the River Urij by groups of Murlogi.
Kheras intentions are simple; she holds the food of Sarnak and trade. With the
poisoning of the river, agricultural water will be diverted for the population and the
crops will wither. Export will slow and economic pressure is now placed on Sarnak
even under the increased trade. She is also to watch for potential problems, although
leaves most of the rudimentary work to Anyante Varen. Khera is herself a powerful
Animist/Geneticist whose master creation is the plant unlife, the parody of nature
designed to infect nature with the Shadow. Its black poison seeping from ripe fruit
into the banks of a major tributary of River Urij takes time, the plants long since
planted. Once that achieved, the Murlogi will break through the tunnels and amass
for invasion. Meanwhile in the dried and out of business grape plantations have
massive cellars invaded and filled with Murlogi. Both surprise attacks will occur
simultaneously prior to the massive invasion to follow.
Once the invasions of the Murlogi come to fruition, Khera will feign blame upon
herself and guilt over the terrible error in mining the mountains. It was her push to
capture Falkena for the valuable mining resources since none were being uncovered
locally. She quickly maneuvers her Order of the First Leaf into action and is seen as a
redeeming person by her peers, one of the integrity they believed she had.

City Description
The Iris District; on the northern side ironically is the gate to the north, viewing all
who pass and enter. The concept is that the eye is sacred, that with a clear view of the
facts can sound judgment be made. There is also more irony that the Ministry of
Security resides the Shaitan in this district, replete with training headquarters,
allowing itself to be well informed of those coming and going from the city.
Inns and alehouses catering for the more pronounced male traders are located off
the main streets and always under the watchful eye of the guard, who quickly arrest
for disturbing the peace.
Violet District; houses the barracks and grounds of the army. Two huge
gymnasium-like buildings with additions built around the outsides of these massive
open-air pavilions. Maneuvers are carried outside of Sarnak on the southern stretch of
land beyond the River Urij. Many retired warriors and politicians take residence in
this district as well. Built on a rise overlooking the bay many high and lavish
apartments and villas have a commanding view, second only to the Directorate
towers. Many late wine bars converted from old villas usually open all night to their
female clientele. There is little here money cant buy as long as you know the right
people first, and you have to be female that goes without saying. Contrary to some
colour co-ordination nightmare of the Ministry of Arts, the districts name refers to
the vibrant sunsets it receives pressed against the slope of the Forbidden Ridge.
Bay District; Close to the Bay of Izar, this district boasts artisans and craftswomen
continually developing and producing work and creations. Beside that the Bay
District also hosts developing artists and craftswomen from the Bay of Izar in
scholarship programs, apprenticeships, providing them with residence and income.
Several bathhouses strictly for women line up before the walls of Sarnak, but the
feeling of being cut off from the ocean in a city is a strange one.
Rose District; The most settled part of the city features as residential houses and
apartments for Sarnaks working classes. Well provided for and strengthened in
conviction with the presence of the navy. All entries from the south are carefully
scrutinized by Sarnaks guard, who at night refuse entryof all arrivals (this unwritten
rule is dropped after the increased trade). The Rose District is quiet and dependable to
be stable. The city guard takes great pride in keeping it that way.
The War Docks are also a strong feature of this district, the navy with its own
separate command center. Twenty-two strong galleons are kept ready here with dry
dock workshops on the shore. Interlocked with the surrounding towers they form a
strong anchor to the major trade route in from the south and the River Urij. The stone
bridge over the River Urij is considered a strategic defense strategy of the navy and
demolitions are in place.
Marketplace; busy as one would expect, and here perhaps are the most non-female
than elsewhere in Sarnak, for where men will hesitantly come to trade under the
appearance of their wives, rarely do all traders stay within Iris District and prefer to
move out of the city before nightfall. Here traiders from Kaitaine, Aquitar, Artha,
Sel-kai and even Eidolon come bringing goods, and will come more and more after
the fall of the Northern Eye, strengthening the city as well as opening it up more to
corruption which seems to inevitably always dog progress.
Not a centered main area of tents and shanty town, but rather a tightly clustered
warren of small shops and windows from which everything is sold in these
sometimes rented spaces. The smell of fresh fish, herbs, spices, decorates the
marketplace with the fresh cooked food offered by traders stopping by. Often
considered an exotic forest of a maze.
The Marketplace consists also of the Commercial Docks, who continually load and
unload ships to the moving and open warehouses lining the short street front.
Gardens; save a small park beside the Directorate Headquarters the only notable
greenery is the Gardens. Considered a triumph of design and a travesty by others. A
large and beautiful place of winding brooks over small underground streams, filled
with birdlife. One thing that objectors to the design complain about is that the nature
feels like the city still. Consisting of several blocks the Gardens remain a safe place at
night, well lit and patrolled by guards.
Lighthouse; signals at night, manned by a rotating crew of men under female
supervision. A squad of Sarnak army are always stationed here.


Political Structure
A loose collection of allied lords, but local records of Miir do little good to history
of which the region is steeped in. Built on the ruins of the ancient centre of the
Empire, so too are many of the lord-holdings and tradition can be traced if not back to
the Empire, then at least several thousand years. The upheaval of the Kings of Orian
some nine years ago has not lessened this tradition passed down through its sons and
Lord Ne meck knows of that deep sense of tradition and is torn over his choice of
sons, one to take his place, the other to take over his quest. Beyond his manservant
Jad, none know of his secret, a secret he and his father were afraid to even bring out
for their entire lives from its hidden stone room of preparation designed by its
original Ahn Sye Nokora lord.
The Nemeck line has throughout history held claim to the lands surrounding the
castle Alkartek and the last two generations have seen a return to the older style of
courts and lords, but in working order. The death of Lord Nemeck is not seen as a
politically destroying one as both his sons, Lord Constans & Lord Stjepan are strong
individuals in their own rights. The politics of Alkartek are far from peaceful though.
Old feuds still linger and power struggles are now more than ever prevalent as Lord
Nemeck nears the end of his life.
Many positions not to those of noble birth are available in the court of Alkartek,
chief among these;
Lord Chancellor; Demetrius, is as one would expect, as old as his lord. Demetrius is
the chief advisor, who carries the seal and staff of Alkartek, who makes the decisions
when Lord Nemeck is away or unavailable, by law able to make decisions in his stead.
Demetrius is a childhood friend who chose the path of books and wisdom over that
over leadership and warfare, but the years of mutual respect for his achieving friend
turned to resentment as Demetrius carried the weight of the administration and
serving Lord Nemeck. His position came to him not when his friend took over
domain, but twenty years later. This resentment fell right into the hands of Daubon
who arrived some 20 years ago. Shrewd, Demetrius plays life strategically, the seat of
power his ultimate goal, even with intentions to betray the Andaras loving Daubon.
Seneschal; commander of the servants, who used to answer to the Lady of the
House, but now answers to the Lord Chancellor through Lord Nemeck. Seneschal
Agall is corrupt to the core, sold out on his lust for the serving girls. He was nearly
removed but for Demetrius willingness to let his improprieties go unnoticed for his
willing commitment to report to Demetrius. Agall fears Daubon, but should more
fear Demetrius who will remove the troublesome Seneschal after Lord Nemeck dies.
Lord Adjudicator; chief judge of Alkarteks lands with a strong knowledge of law to
officiate it and deal out punishments. Galrode is empowered with might and hubris.
His position once held law, honour and justice, but after the bitter defeat to the Katra
of Stroane he found his position held only the faade of his true feelings. It is only
over the last decade he has slipped towards the influence of Daubon and the rites to
Chancellor of His Lords Lands and Purse; collector of taxes, adjudicator of the
treasury, the honourable Malvion is nothing more than a junkie living in a dream
world. Supplied with imported Ezrin flowers, his loyalty to his dealer, Daubon is
Lord Bishop; of Mynistra, Vartan is a pure man, though somewhat ordinary. His
faith is pious and his heart a map for well meaning. His service draws a good turnout
and he is well respected. Beyond his faith his hobbies consist mostly of studying the
ancient ruins within Miir. Unfortunately for him Daubon looks down upon him.
Lord Trainer; a title appointed to Daubons arrival in Alkartek some twenty years
ago. A well-respected former knight of Miir whose name still lingers on the words of
families today, respected for his leadership, skill on the battlefield and honour. Lord
Nemeck chose him on the advisement of the Lord Chancellor eager to manipulate the
trainer for Nemecks two sons to his own gain. Little did the Chancellor know
Robersin was one step ahead of him, the trainer was already in the palm of another.
Daubon is a strong knight who though with no control over the garrison, or other
knights commands a great respect. His skill is still beyond many, even if his age is
more than twice the two boys he trains. Daubon and Robersin are both Daedekemani,
even if the trainer is newly birthed. His skill remains not just with the weapon but
also in his constant reconfiguration of body and mind by the Daedekemani. Few
know Daubon is 75 years of age. Beyond the Daedekemani the knight known as
Daubon secretly worshipped Andaras and continues to do so, his ceremonies to
Andaras an underground activity for nobles and victims alike, orgiastic and perverse,
they serve only to trap others, such as Lord Constans, Lord Nemecks strongest son in
the eyes of the Daedekemani who long ago whittled away which was the stronger.

The Ahn Sye Nokoras heritage in Alkartek
The Nemeck familys name was once of the High Guardians themselves, personal
bodyguard to the Emperor. Secretly Lord Nemeck has been grooming both his sons in
different pursuits without being exclusive to see which would best excel to takeover
the burden and almost curse of their family. For only the Nemeck line has ever
known of its loathsome curse.
The Order of the Silver Sword has dominated the house line of the seat in
Alkartek since the establishment of the Empire under Aldaron, his house bodyguard,
elite warriors trained in the yarkbalka, one of those of the High Guardian.
In 1626 TEI Zanar Inquisitors led the disbandment of the Ahn Sye Nokora. For the
next millennia and half again the title & attire was passed down the Laan line of
Nemeck from son to son, and sometimes daughter where necessary, a very fragile link
of the line to the past. All descendents were given the mantle and secret knowledge to
the room where not only the Superior Yarkbalka was housed, but the armour and
livery of the Ahn Sye Nokora. Over time the title of High Guardian feel and tumbled
in records, fading from importance with the Empire. It took until 3980 before artists
saw it fit to realize at least the sword as a symbol among a one hundred year rule of
Nemeck descendents using the weapon. Seen in moments of war in art, a charge on a
wood panel or a tapestry. Many of these art works remain in the Alkartek castle, some
hoarded away, some on display in out of the way corridors where no one looks much
any more.
The current Lord Nemeck was thirty when his father passed away, a week earlier
passing on the sword to his son before a hunting trip, his father impressing upon him
the legacy of the sword, the order it once belonged and the proud tradition of
Nemecks to carry the sword from the glorious Empire to now. He gravely passed on
the quest, that his son must become the best he can, to wield the Yarkbalka and not
fall under the curse attached to it.
Circa 5000 TEI it appears the Yarkbalka was cursed. The Storm Wizard who also
removed the lens attached by Ondoval in 1609 TEI entrapped the sword with a
singular demon. The demon is unable to project beyond the sword. His will attaches
the wielder only whengrasped and then the demon is even more crippled, unable to
ever harm the wielder through his actions. The demon can slip into the mind of the
wielder and be privy to thoughts deep and secret, and moreover can illicit surreal
landscapes to evoke the wielder into conversation if the demon willed it. Mostly the
demon, which goes by the name Hal, observes. He knows his freedom is dependent
on the quest of the wielder, that being to restore the Ahn Sye Nokora to its proper
place. Moreover unless held by a Laan Lord of the Nemeck line he finds himself in
torpor while held by one not of the line, something hes done his best to influence.
Hal knows the entire lineage and secrets of the Nemeck line for well over 1500 years.
The demons ability to transport the wielder into a realm of the demons imagining is
something requiring much of the demons already restricted power and it is
something he uses sparingly.
The Storm Wizard imprisoned the demon within the sword as part of penance to
the line of Nemeck that shirks from its duties and grew a habit of hiding the sword
for fear of personal reprisals from Zanar and other orders. One of the few orders to
have the sword still within the original line, the Storm Wizard took the sword and
removed the lens long before he imprisoned the singular demon of the Essence, that
came around 5000 TEI after nearly one millennia of the Nemeck line hiding the
sword which the Storm Wizard so freed from the taint of the Jerak Ahrenrath. The
demon in short also serves as a historian and curse.

Daedekemani Presence; though minimal is not subdued, but rather firmly in the seats of
power, or ready to inherit the seat of power. Andaras has no plan for Alkartek or its
family and beyond keeping an ear to the ground is confident the city is nothing more
than a small bastion of old knight glory that will not stand up to the genocide. But the
Daedekemani does. NOTE: The Daedekemani knows nothing of the history of the
Yarkbalka. That Lord Stjepan is given the sword by his father on his death bed is
something they will never find out, but suspicions do rise as Robersin, late in
Alkarteks new reign will go to Alkartek and notice the sword depicted on the
frescoes. More questions are asked.
Driven by the Shadow within them a thought passes among them and coalesces
into an idea, which then becomes action is becoming more and more pronounced
although still out of sight of Andaras, the Daedekemani are only briefly aware of
what they are doing. Methodical to a scientific level of dissection the Shadow within
them has pushed them northward. Robersin the Priest of Andaras who rouses the
fearful within Niv brought the Shay night Daubon into his fold some time ago,
already a loyal believer and resident of Niv on many occasions, the wandering
knight served well as diplomat and information gatherer. He proved not just the
strong well-meaning knight, but also a clinical and capitalist one, with skills far
beyond the call of his duty. The Daedekemani has grown what was there and kept it
strong for over thirty years of being. The body is stronger than it ever was and the
mind is a honed blade.
Robersin heard on the grapevine of Lord Alkarteks desire for a trainer to his twin
sons twenty years ago, deigning it fit for his interest, the perfect motion to set
forward methods of destruction to Miir. Robersin had already with much success had
the ruins and standing stones across Niv pulled down for consumption into the city.
This was a perfect time to take position over one of the strongest castles in Miir.
Passing on the favour of Daubon, the two worked out the means of order. Daubon
would become the most favoured trainer for his sons in Miir, he would remain
respected and above board in the eyes of everyone and make few waves. He would
train both boys and weed out the weaker and take the stronger and plant the true
teachings of Andaras to the boy to prepare him to take the throne of his father, his
brother expelled from the land. The invasion comes and Alkartek takes pre-emptive
action by tearing down many of the standing stones and ruins of which Alkartek is
renowned for and reconstitute it by building more stone walls to the castle making it
almost impenetrable to any mounted or walking aggressor.
Daubon did well, he successfully mounted with Robersin his campaign of
becoming noticed (something both were well aware of the possible danger, but saw
beyond to anonymity again) by Lord Nemeck and soon he was in front of both boys.
Daubon quickly found there was corruption sown already, and took it upon himself to
excise what was required. Lord Chancellor Demetrius found a more than worthy
opponent in Daubon. By teasing his resentment out the Lord Chancellor exposed
more of himself than hed wished. Daubon has ever since held that proof firmly in
mind, though only had to use once as threat. Daubon soon allowed the Lord
Chancellor his room, and even invited him into supposed plans of conspiracy for
power all false made to entice.
Daubon trained the boys hard and vicious, baiting the stronger. Physically this
proved to be Lord Constans on all accounts, while his slightly younger brother, Lord
Stjepan took to the books more and more, something he excelled more than by his
brother who attended these education studies less and less, to the point where Daubon
proposed successfully to Lord Nemeck, that he should take over full training of
Constans who was proving to be a strong tactician and that the knight needed more
time to refine these leadership roles. It was at this time early in the boys life Lord
Nemeck realized he had to choose between the two over his land, and could see the
favouritism with Constans already. He acquiesced. The same went for Stjepan who
grew to resent the sparring matches where he was constantly put down for being
Daubon sought to unravel the proud, if feudal, relationships among Lord Nemecks
peers and slowly introduced to his prodigy the rites of Andaras. Charismatic and
outgoing, Constans at his teenage year, soon was attracting many who saw him as the
next Lord to inherit the lands pleasing him became a priority and those who didnt
were ousted. This happened to Lord Lycus who witnessed only one of the rituals to
Andaras in the group, but found it more than enough. Most of the young adolescent
lords and ladies have grown to this cult that meets in secret to enact perverse rites.
The first human sacrifice the cult will make is a serving girl who disappears to propel
Lord Nemeck into death the rape and murder of the woman will prove fodder to
imprison Lord Stjepan.
The real reason the Daedekemani have found several of the Miirian cities of
interest is their close proximity to power foci, the Standing Stones of Nilm, and
many other Empiric and pre-Empiric fragments that serve to protect against the
Shadow. Once these stones have been bound to acentre of life they have only to call
in Selas Vey to weave powerful enchantments on the city, and soon the flux will
spark but not the spark of anti-Essnce, the Unlife, opening up wells of shadow the
size of cities to further dominate Hstra. Should Andaras know this, his reaction
could be dependable upon when he learned, either favourable or not.

City Description; Alkartek is a sprawling castle that has swollen beyond its banks to a
city beyond its walls, albeit not as permanent as some more defined cities. Alkartek
castle sits stocky upon a high of a sweeping low rise, striking with towering stained
white granite and marble that has bled down the nearly invisible rows and columns of
the construction. Wide, squat turrets interspersed by just as tall walls long and
rectangular, with an inner castle built in much the same way but capped with a few
towers. Over 15 metres high at base, the castle towers some 60 metres but appears
much taller than it is due to its location on the rise. Beyond the castle a cit y has been
in existence, mostly vestigial, for nearly one thousand years, but the structures are
more than often impermanent, with only a few stone dwellings. The road leading to
Alkartek winds sinuously up the grassy plains before the broad castle, one almost
misses the brown sludge of a city below it. Originally the marketplace was held in the
courtyard outside the inner castle, but in the last few hundred years it has moved
outside although special events and celebrations are still carried out within the
courtyard. At least one thousand are permanent residents in the dwellings built
pressed up against the castle and about the marketplace like some cyst. Many of these
residents are old soldiers and knights who have taken up other pursuits or retired.
The streets are not paved, although the road leading through the market into the
castle is one of the ancient Emerian Empire highways paved with flagstones. The
drainage from this highway seeps into the lower side of the hill and to those poorer
than those on the higher northern side, although all dwellings and shops perpetually
sink in mud save summer.
The following services and sales are offered; Armourer, Two Bakers, Brothel (the
brothel has become a lure to the mercenaries from Stroane looking for entertainment),
Butcher, Carpenter, Inn, Moneylender (on behalf of the bank of Sel-kai, who resides
in one of the few stone dwellings outside the city with its own guard), Two Taverns,
and the market which varies in goods from week to week with the constant, if small,
stream of travelers including many minstrels who also perform at the court of Lord
Alkartek has an unsavoury side to it, namely the mercenaries unpaid from Stroane.
Bullying, uncaring, disgusting, rude, most of them follow this trend to perfection. It
has proved a good cover for thieves to slip into the city that can boast in summer
nearly 6000 visitors a week.

Political Structure; Pellern remains a poor run-down community, although its fortunes
are set to change, but also may usher in the final death of the city. Currently Lord
Dreygen is still in power, married to the young Lady Wintessa, but after the fall of
the Northern Eye, that power shifts quickly to the most suitable and dependable
person, Lord Dreygens daughter, Lady Willona. Lady Wintessa will not retain
control and will be ousted by her daughter backed by the Lord Chancellor, Captain of
the Guard and the Seneschal, most of who resent the promiscuous wife of their
previous lord. Lady Willonas marriage to Lord Stjepan Nemeck of Alkartek does
little to change this as the Captain of the Guard makes a call based on what he sees
with the Lord and finds him wanting.
Lord Chancellor; chief advisor to Dreygen and his daughter, carrier of the staff and
seal of Pellern, Mandrodor Ethnaikad, was is sixty-nine years of age, yet his mind as
sturdy as ever. Never the quickest of wits or the brightest of candidates, Mandrodor is
loyal, didactic, studious and constant. The Lord Chancellor is content with his
Seneschal; head of servants answering to Lady Wintessa under duress (although
this changes after the fall of the Northern Eye), Taval Manerna, hails from Danarchis
where he learned his skills before traveling south to Sarnak only to find interest in
Pellern, a young country woman he married. Referrals from past positions acquired
him the position of Seneschal that Taval has maintained for 8 years. Always
pressured into betraying his wife by the Lady Wintessa, Taval has sadly watched
many a young boy under his supervision supply her needs to his disgust. He will be
re-energized with the appointment of Lady Willona after Lord Dreygens death.
Lord Adjudicator & Captain of the Guard; Luse Invarath, is a young and strong knight
with a proud tradition and heritage within Pellern. Though his line has fallen on the
harder times along with the rest of Pellern, Luse was ambitious enough to sweep both
Lord Adjudicator & Captain of the Guard. Provisioned with maintaining security and
dealing out justice, Luse has excelled in the face of total collapse, and he has kept
much a semblance of stability to Pellern and its lands. He is secretly in love with
Lady Willona, her some 7 years younger.
Chancellor of His Lords Lands and Purse; collector of taxes, adjudicator of the
treasury, Cno Lindur, has grown soft, unable to take something from those who have
nothing. To cover this benevolence, Cno has made small deals with smugglers and
brigands by providing them with free passage and information about travelers for a
fee that they can cover. His association after the Winter 6053 with the Amethyst
League grows and he arranges much information to be passed to them.
Lord Bishop; of Mynistra, Talo Rai runs the small church to Mynistra within
Pellern with great difficulty. Attendance is low, his sermons have lost impact, and
monies to finance and operate the church are difficult to acquire and Talo is reluctant
to continuously petition his fellow brethren for funds.
Lady Willona; Daughter of Lord Dreygen to his first wife, an intelligent and
silently defiant young woman. She loathes her stepmother, Lady Wintessa, and
considers her nothing more than a court whore. As it stands she is useless, her
stepmother firmly in control of her destiny and has arranged marriage to a lord of
Alkartek without her knowledge, something that will urge her defiance more and
prepare her to take over after her fathers death.
Lady Wintessa; Daughter of Lord Dennys of Bornay, an unhappy and young
woman, second wife to Lord Dreygen. Her bitterness has turned to arrogance and she
is wanton, beating serfs and carrying on affairs with servants and other lords and
passing travelers. Her decadence is leading her down a tragic path, however, and she
will be contacted by Lord Constans in the future and brought into the fold of
Andaras. She is hated by all those in attending of administrative position in
Dreygens court.

Daedekemani Presence; before the fall of the Northern Eye the presence of
Daedekemani is negligible within Pellern. Now and then minions pass through
collecting information, but Pellern is hardly a cornucopia but all that changes after
the fall of the Northern Eye.
The severe earthquakes and other calamities that rock the land also unearth some
bountiful booty, more gold for one, albeit a small stream, enough to get Pellern back
into the black, while something more interesting could reap great rewards for them in
the future, that being a deep strain of White Eog. Lady Willona arranges to have her
husband, Lord Stjepan, sent away, using his ability as diplomat in trading the White
This is noticed in Sarnak and the Daedekemani put in place operations for Pellern,
one of the many unconscious acts that they routinely enact. The White Eog could
severely cripple the Daedekemani and so Daubon uses Lord Constans to introduce
Lady Wintessa into Andaras orgiastic rituals, something she slides easily into. From
there Lord Constans does his best to take Pellern, even considering the option of
enticing his brother over to the darker side of life if necessary.

City Description; Pellern, located on the old Imperial highway between Relian to
Bentara, has seen better years. Its buildings attest to that, mostly because the forlorn
faces appear to be inherited. Built on sound supports the city sits on the northern side
of the tributary of the Alana River, from where the ore used to arrive from the
Imperial Bridge to the south. Miners still trickle in from the Mountains of Gold with
small caches of gold to sell on the fading trading marketplace in Pellern.
But mostly the town is rapidl y shrinking, families moving away from the sinking
anchor that is Pellern. Much of the city is dirty, clogged with accumulated ore
through the years and many of the buildings are vacant, left in a state of disrepair that
does not encourage new landleasers. Old stores continue to open daily though, even if
some never receive custom. Many of these establishments have weathered time and
the tax collector enough to subsist in stagnant fashion.
Pellern is a dark city, its people, and its architecture, all bleak and smudged. Little
hope is placed on Lord Dreygen, although respect goes without saying, but the people
have no doubt that nothing will be changing soon.
All of this will change, however, after the fall of the Northern Eye. Once the
danger has subsided, new gold veins are discovered at old mines, and more secretly,
kept under wrap by the Captain of the Guard and his men, the discovery of White
Eog. The gold brings a rush of people and money to the area and Pellern prospers, but
the White Eog rumours bring in the Daedekemani who also seed corruption
encouraging thieves to join this new rush for wealth.
Pellern is not a walled city, but it is raised on old stone foundations, providing a
moat of sorts around the city with the Imperial highway rising up and through it like
large ramps. Built on the western side is the castle of Pellern, a small castle by Miirian
standards, but strongly defensible with its own access to the mountain to the west and
with countless other underground passages secret to all but family and close allies.
The castle is made out of several strong towers that serve as the walls. An inner
courtyard is a chilling reflection of the city. Worn and cracked cobblestone wind their
way around a small charred piece of earth and two desiccated oaken trees, bare of any
life. Beyond stairs rise up to the tiers of the castle floors. Guards and servants reside
at the city entrance side of the towers.


Political Structure; Nineteen years of age, and the Young Bryce Korel has already taken
the reins of power firmly in Bentara after arranging his own fathers death. Not only
is he capable as a leader, he has destroyed the power structure that the sorcerer
Ventine had built about and around his fathers throat. In the last year, Bryce has had
murdered or rendered neutral all advisors supporting Ventine and replaced them with
a close collection of his friends, many of whom were also young lords, growing up
with Bryce. Bryces control over his city is growing absolute, and he is a beneficent
ruler, looking after his peoples interest. His disgust at the Amethyst League and other
subversive organizations brings out his darker side, where he hesitates not in the least
to do away with those that threaten the lives of others. Unchecked, over time he may
well become the very thing he feared in Ventine.
Daedekemani Presence; With Ventines rouse uncovered, the Ddekemani only use
spies to watch this city, taking their plans elsewhere for the moment.
City Description; A keyland route from mainland Hstra to Izar, Sarnak and the sea,
Bentara is also the only city that trades with the dwarves of Ton-Bor. A city in
Vornia, Bentara is coming of age under the guidance of Bryce Korel, whose many
new projects and building developments are bringing renewed prosperity to his home.
Few sails grace the unusually rough waters of the Bay though, but caravans are
steady in passing. Overlooking the town, every-watchful, the Temple of Mynistra
an enormous pillared marble building glows golden in the sleeping sun that nears
passing under the high bluff on the other side of the estuary the Temple is built.
Guards in partial plate-mail greet the characters to the enwalled town, scaffolding
and mortar showing the beginnings of a gatehouse. The recent charge of 2 bp per
entry for visitors is aiding in helping grow Bentara.
The Imperial Highway leads to the centre of the town where it joins with the
larger roads from the Port of Izar and Vornia. Bentara is far from the ancient rotting
spires of Falkenna. While ancient in its own right there is much new construction in
the town and many a new building in the early stages of completion. Townsfolk have
nothing but good things to say about Bryce Korel, even with the rumours of the
murder of his father. Indeed, Bentara is under the careful control of the young Korel
who sees the potential of trade through his city with the poor conditions in the Sea of
Gold, overland travel has quadrupled in the last month and there is every sign it is
growing. New inns and shops dot the Imperial Highway, with a plethora of races and
travelers. Dwarves, a rarity anywhere else can be seen with frequency here, pale short
men wide and strong with eyes of black coal dressed in strange clothes and armour
that is beyond the reach of armourers of the mannish races.


Political Structure; Falkenna has suffered a strong blow in the past year, reduced from
its independent status to serving Sarnak as a satellite state. Not only was Count
Dennik humiliated, but his knights also, which has given the Ddekemani an extra
edge over the whole conflict. The city still survives under the heavy burden of taxes
and Sarnaki presence though, although the opulence Count Dennik inherited and
continued is now only enough to keep him well-off.
Falkenna is in a state of political change. While Count Dennik may have power
over the city, he is under the thumb of the Sarnaki and his resentment is simmering,
but the fact remains he cannot extradite himself from the situation.
Two Knightly Orders exist in Falkenna serving Count Dennik and the city, yet
one is ancient and failing and the other new and prosperous. Both orders have priestly
ties and are not fully military orders, although defense is prime in their respective
rules. The Order of the Silver Heart is a distant descendant of the Order of the Silver
Sword under Emperor Aldaron, while the Order of Eternal Return is a growing
Ddekemani exercise specifically planned for the invasion. Both play important parts
in the political arena. When the Amazons attacked it was the Order of the Silver
Heart that initially rallied and was humiliated and defeated by the strong female
warriors. The Order of the Eternal Return were prepared and knew of the impending
attack and had a holy day of inaction prevent them from fighting. The Order of the
Silver Heart lost more than half of their knights, and those remaining are still in a
state of disarray, their wealth stripped by Count Dennik to pay the increasing taxes
and their membership cropped. The Order of the Eternal Return played their part
well, and Count Denniks favour has shifted to this shadowy order.
Up until the takeover the Court of Count Dennik consisted of the preceptor of the
Order of the Silver Heart and many of the other lords from the order. However, with
the Preceptor dead and a squabble continuing over ascension among several of the
knights, many seats have been stolen away by those knights of the Order of the
Eternal Return.
Another political power within Falkenna that is a thorn in the side of tradition is
the Sarnaki presence. Aryeril Mesantell, Assitant Minister of Justice has been given
jurisdiction for the present over maintaining Falkennas taxes, and making sure they
are delivered to Sarnak. She is in a difficult position of shuffling duties between cities
while the Directorate debate over whom to appoint permanently in the city. She
oversees with commanders of the Amazons those soldiers stationed in Sarnak who
have taken residence in the old guard headquarters near the centre of town.

The Order of the Silver Heart: Their Chapterhouse is still the grandest stone edifice in
Falkenna after the Counts stone manor. It houses the lay-knights, squires, armourers,
trainers and cooks of the Order, and even the small priesthood of Mynistra who have
a small chapel in the centre of the triangular shaped building reflecting the Orders
Though their library does show the links and mutations of this Order that
descended from the original Order of the Silver Sword, much has been forgotten and
none have threaded together the history of the Order. The Order of late has been a
prideful one, based on heritage, inheritance and complacency, and it was this that
encouraged their downfall at the hands of the Amazons.
Currently there is a power struggle occurring in the flailing order. The Chaplain,
Quartermaster and the Commander of the Knights fight with each other to claim the
seat of Preceptor of the Chapterhouse. Interestingly the symbol/heraldry of the order
is the spiraled hilt of a Yarkbalka woven about a silver heart on a forest green
The Order of the Silver Heart has an interesting relationship with Mynistra that
tapers back several thousand years. The Order is a religious order and all knights
worship Mynistra, and a clergy serves the order in Falkenna keeping in contact with
Helberna, the seat of Mynistran worship. This is reflected in the Orders Rule which
in summary consists of these main points: Love, Wisdom and Protection Love for
the people, and right to aiding those of good nature in friendship & brotherhood,
Wisdom for temperance of hand and steel, and Protection for defending the weak
against attacks. In all of these the Order has failed of late. The Order comprises of
nobles from a hereditary line that stretches back as far as the Order itself, investing
the male youth into the Order as squires. However, none of the knights are permitted
to hold land and their allegiance is to Falkenna and the Count.

Daedekemani Presence; The Order of the Eternal Return surfaced 100 years ago in 5963,
a monastic order worshipping Andaras. Though not welcomed with opened arms, the
small order issued statements of inaction, their desire to simply perform their worship
in harmony with the city and protect it when the needs arose. The worship of
Andaras across Hstra is something not prevented and the Order settled in Falkenna,
bringing knights swearing fealty to the current Count and the city itself. The Order
then slipped into a peaceful co-existence within the city, expanding achapterhouse of
an older building purchased and providing continual work to many of the city folk.
What is unknown to the current and previous Counts and all the folk of Falkenna
is the Orders secret agenda. Founded by the Ddekemani Vedior for the intent of the
Katras invasion in mind, their plans have been pushed to the invasion proper. Vedior
is assigned the task of monitor and breakwall against the any fleeing Sarnaki when
the war comes. The Ddekemani are interested in genocide. His is the task to make
sure it happens. A Laan lord by appearance who is said to have rode side by side with
Daubon, the famed Miirian knight against the dark races.
Vedior is alone in his activities in Falkenna. When the locusts come, his is to use
his knights, recently swollen by knights disillusioned under the Order of the Silver
Heart as killing machines, augmented by genetics against any coastal fleeing Sarnaki.
The city will also be razed, preventing travel along the Forbidden Ridge, caging all
mortal and immortals alike. Vedior keeps to the chapterhouse mostly, although with
the recent takeover by Sarnaki, foreseen but not well-received, he has appeared more
in public with the Count, promising support and apologizing for the holy day of
Andaras that so coincidentally fe ll on the day of the attack. The Order closed its doors
to the Sarnaki though, and they literally fell through the gaps and escaped unharmed.
None of the knights in the order know of Vediors true nature or that at each
restrained and rather tame ritual is nothing but a farce. The true work is underground
where Vediors laboratory is the sculpting ground for when the knights sleep. Here he
subtlety modifies them genetically over time, enhancing not only physical attributes
but mental. All knights tap into the power of Andaras through channeling, guided by

City Description; Falkenna is an ancient city, with ties stretching back as far as the
Empire under Aldaron when Falkenna was but a mining town that has sustained its
efforts for thousands of years in the rich Forbidden Ridge mining diamonds, silver
and salt.
The city is reached either by the Bay of Izar or the narrow and winding coastal
road from Sarnak north along the Forbidden Ridge that towers steeply and sharply
against the road cut low near the bay. The recent upheaval of the stolen eye has
caused slips on the road and many a strange object washes ashore.
Falkenna lays directly on the road north and suffered more so than Sarnak in the
upheaval, their ports destroyed by tidal waves and much of their shipping fleet
reduced to timber.
A stonewall encircles the city, although the ocean side of the wall is no more,
destroyed by the Sarnaki and tidal waves. Worn and weathered, the wall shows signs
of cracks from the parapets that are patrolled by Sarnaki Amazonians. Gates and
portcullis lead into a city of strange design, houses built with short spires clustered
closely together abound the Imperial cobbled streets. The city has a tinge of dirt to it
though, the closeness of the imposing Forbidden Ridge that leaves the city cloistered
in darkness much of its early morning and the mining dust sweeping back on
powerful offshore winds cakes the parapets and tiled roofs in a cloying gray dust.
The people here are troubled, unsure about their recent future and fearing the end
of the world. There is resentment towards the Sarnaki as business has become less
profitable since they took control of the city. The main road pierces through the city
to the centre where the market is established every new day of Varin. The
Chapterhouse of the Order of the Silver Hand fronts the market, a huge grand
building of three sides, without windows, and nothing but two huge bronze doors at
the apex of the triangle facing the market, decorated in 30 scenes of ten each facets of
The Counts manor is a large stone affair of six and more stories, taller than wide,
with a single solitary spire of wide girth stamped onto the corner of the manor on the
eastern side of the city, with a view of the surrounds. Inside the manor contains
opulence reserved usually for kings. The Count lives well off but his funds have
caused him to pull back on some city services, namely the guards who have retreated
to defending the manor itself.

:: P E L L E R N S L A N D S I N D E T A I L ::

This document concerns detailing further the fiefdom of Pellern, the Lords and nobles
in the troubled feudal society with relationship to the Shadow of Locust campaign.
This document is written from Spring 6053 in mind. Lord Dreygen is dead, killed in
the Fall of the Northern Eye, and his daughter who married Lord Stjepan Nemeck,
one of the twin brothers of Alkartek is in a precarious position politically.
Lord Stjepans position of power was met with opposition within the court of
Pellern and specifically through his own actions pushed out Luse Invarath, Lord
Adjudicator & Captain of the Guard to seek out the usurper Ulyshak rather than stay
on under his growing dominion. Of the seventeen castles and Lords who preside over
them, only five support the Dreygen line as it stands, with Lady Willona and Lord
The Amethyst League has taken special interest in Pellern with its renewed output
of gold and white eog, seeing vast potential as well as being the pawns and servants of
the Ddekemani/Unlife and returned Ulyshak Dreygen (so named after the
continent in Jaiman), a distant second cousin to Lady Willona from his exile in
Danarchis for having supported and fought with the Katras armies against Lord
Dreygen. The League have funded Ulyshak and notably Lord Charize, who is leading
a secret revolt among several of his fellow lords and intends on spreading the net.
Luses defection with over three hundred of Pellerns standing army to Ulyshaks
banner has caused a serious blow to the current rulers.
Of the remaining Lords, most are neutral having lost allegiance to Dreygen since
his submission to the Katra. Most lost a great deal of men in the fight against Stroane
and monies are low.
The numbers of men represent the castle of Pellerns knowledge about its scattered
lords and is not accurate. See Chapters. Refer to the Pellern Fiefdom Map for castles
and lands.

Lord Murain (Neutral, Strong, 14 Knights, 24 Men-at-arms)
Lord Murain no longer considers himself part of Pellern. Once a loyal knight to Lord
Dreygen, he was dispossessed some 60 years ago over mining rights and has been
resentful ever since, even moreso with this recent discovery of White Eog on the land
that was formerly under Murains control. Lord Murain is a strong tactician and has
led many an army with calculated success. Quite and reserved usually, with wealth
gathered from the remaining gold mines they still have in their territory.

Lord Sandar (Dreygen, Fair, 7 Knights, 12 Men-at-arms)
Vied for Lady Willonas hand in marriage for many a year prior to Stjepans marriage
to her, constantly rejected by both Lord Dreygen and his daughter. A slob, uncouth
but stupidly loyal.

Lord Reif (Dreygen, Weak, 3 Knights, 7 Men-at-arms)
Paranoid and old, Lord Reif, looks to Bornay as an enemy waiting for his weakness,
and secretly fearing Stroanes return. Obese and obsequious, the Lord has no heir and
secretly distrusts his own advisors and knights.

Lord Jenovar (Dreygen, Strong, 18 Knights, 30 Men-at-arms)
Strong ally historically to the Dreygen line, the current Lord Jenovar is fiercely loyal
to Pellern. A knight and tactician who stood strong against Stroane until Dreygen
called submission.

Lord Dasek (Dreygen, Weak, 3 Knights, 6 Men-at-arms)
Once a strong bastion of old school Pellern power, the flowstorms all but wiped out
Castle Dasek and the small towns and farms around it. The lands are bare, and only a
portion of the castle remains. Daseks once strong support of Pellern is on the wane.

Lord Esov (Dreygen, Weak, 4 Knights, 9 Men-at-arms)
A drug addict whos penchant for sensual pleasures, whose homosexual tendencies
have put him on the back foot in matters of state, looked down upon by other Lords.
He secretly wishes to leave Miir for Aquitar. A good man, with no ill to all, even after
suffering at the hands of Stroanes armies.

Lord Temeris (Neutral, Fair, 6 Knights, 20 Men-at-arms)
Sent to Sel-kai for schooling by his father, more to escape Stroanes conquest than for
other reasons, the Lord Temeris is a skilled magician and a benevolent lord. Temeris
encourages advanced agricultural practices and takes his knowledge directly to his
people, who have no problems with his profession.

Lord Harcas (Neutral, Fair, 9 Knights, 15 Men-at-arms)
Old money and attitude, most disapproving of Lady Willonas marriage to a foreigner
especially of Alkartek.

Lord Keliir (Neutral, Fair, 7 Knights, 11 Men-at-arms)
Sees himself betwixt two lands, and of late has taken a decided shift away from
Pellern with its seemingly lack of concern for tradition and Lord Keliir has
entertained envoys from Constans of Alkartek.

Lord Pavel (Neutral, Fair, 5 Knights, 8 Men-at-arms)
Lord Pavels castle is haunted, and the folk are leaving or disappearing, no one is too
sure. Pavel himself lives in fear, terrorized by horrific dreams at night. The Grey
Grove is the source of his ill fortune.

Lord Dymas (Neutral, Weak, 2 Knights, 8 Men-at-arms)
Feeling pressured by Grek Mott and Charize, Lord Dymas knows his time will soon
come to either support Ulyshak or die. He knows the allegiances of the south but fears
for his own life as well as his people.

Lord Radomir (Neutral, Fair, 9 Knights, 18 Men-at-arms)
Mentally disturbed, Radomir is a wild card in Charizes eyes, but his people are
fiercely loyal to the Radomir heritage, which explains for the current Lords mental
state. The lord prefers to fish than deal with court, charging into the water on
horseback with sword, spearing the old occasional freshwater fish.

Lord Grek (Ulyshak, Fair, 8 Knights, 19 Men-at-arms)
Silently angry at the affairs of Pellern, so removed from his shores. It was his castle
that first took the brunt of Stroanes attacks from the south and he received no help,
and yet it expected to pay taxes even after Stroanes destructuralization. Lord Charize
offered him support and for support of Ulyshak, something Lord Grek agreed to

Lord Mott (Ulyshak, Strong, 40 Knights, 60 Men-at-arms)
Lord Mott is a brutish old knight with high praise, if somewhat openly, of Ulyshak
with nothing but derision to the new Lord from Alkartek. Motts resentment comes
from Dreygens caving in to Stroane pressure years ago. He remains bitter and active
as one of the strongest Lords in all of Pellerns lands.

Lord Vasla (Neutral, Fair, 6 Knights, 12 Men-at-arms)
Deeply devout worshipper of Mynistra, who would have preferred to be a full-time
priest than to take over the fiefdom after his brothers death in the invasion by

Lord Charize (Ulyshak, Strong, 36 Knights, 80 Men-at-arms)
Charize is an active leader in the underground support for Ulyshak. Cunning and
wealthy, he is supported actively by the Amethyst League.

Lord Mallion (Ulyshak, Strong 16 Knights, 50 Men-at-arms)
Lord Mallion is a reserved lord, a cousin to Lord Mott. His support of Ulyshak is less
out of obsequiousness and power, but out of an intelligent subjectivity of the facts, as
he knows it. He is more open-minded and less prone to violence than those others
supporting Ulyshak.


Mother was a whore, was the first lesson, standing there under the eaves outside the
back of what youd come to know as the servants chalet. Repeating it over and over
until you cried wasnt enough for your keeper, who insisted on beating you with
barbed vine at an age where everything is memory. Its just the first and it sticks.
Mother was a whore.

Celims father is none other than a member of the Jerak Ahrenrath Kurt Hulum.
Celims mother, Antiana Urnchr who was always a wild child, refusing to bow
to the whims of her keepers worship of Andaras and intention to bring the
imprisoned child of Earthwardens into the fold. Antiana was most fearful of the
sorcerer, Ventine, who stripped her of much of her physical appearances as well as her
mind. So Antiana rebelled and rocked the court of Bentara by having barely concealed
affairs with any suitor interested, more to shock than anything. It led to her public
expulsion from the city. From there Antiana fled Ventine, but soon fell on bad times,
drifting to Sel-Kai eventually where soon she was working as a prostitute. It was here
that Kurt Hulum, looking for participants in his demonic orgies, gathered a small
group of prostitutes and unleashed Demons from the Pale to join in the mass rape and
slaughter. Antiana was resilient enough among the sadism to escape into the streets
and flee Sel-Kai. The Go -tjinn-kai responsible for her escape realized his folly after
his over eagerness and began to track her as best he could away from the knowledge of
Kurt. The damage was done, however, Kurts seed was firmly in her belly and the
next year Antiana spent fleeing back home to mother. After childbirth in Miir she
carried Celim to her mother, dumped the child and fled into the night. It was a day
out from Jantenen that the Go-tjinn-kai caught up with her finally attempted to rid
himself of her Ventine, however intervened leaving Antiana and taking her child.
kept for her unique parentage to provide Ventine more amusement in his surgery.
Ventine instructed Mistress Urnchr to raise the child and train her in the ways
that they could best use her as was intended for Antiana, an assassin, and infiltrator
prime. Celims potential soon began to show.

For the most part, those early memories are only occluded by that first memory of
your keeper. Happiness wasnt something you missed entirely; there is that small
grace you know it exists. Never alone, but always without a mother, life with the
servants didnt appear to be grooming for eventual slavery, but a time of freedom, if
only within certain confines and set boundaries.

Lusham, head of the serfs, a short young woman whose appearance would be
smirched later in derogatory terms of her alien race - that she was a dwarf meant
nothing to you and still doesnt. It was her that you first remember, surrogate as she
was. Always watching out for you, taking you into the city of Bentara, explaining
how everything works, how people look at the world, showing you wondrous shops
and markets. But that eagerness and intelligent absorption of knowledge stole away
that doe-eyed ignorant bliss.

Your keeper, your beater, your teacher, Mistress Urnchr the woman who gave
your first of many lessons. Now, happiness could only be achieved through effort and
obsequious pleasing, otherwise the whip would bring bleeding. Unique schooling was
dished out at every waking hour, rules, puzzles, and challenge after challenge, tests
and abuse, strict was the regime, a regime unquiet, foreshadowed in slight comments
whispered by Mistress Urnchr.

Every lesson is relief from pain back to pain. Caged to near starvation just to teach the
ability to escape, thrown into the Bay of Izar to teach swimming, tortured and scarred
to teach mental fortitude, sneaking, hiding, stealing each with its punishment and
anything failed brought whip with teeth. Praise came though, Mistress Urnchr had
a glimmer of something more than lust in her eye when you succeeded and that
glimmer, if only a shadow of the glimmer Lusham used to beam with, was worth the
pain to escape it.

Lusham still did visit after Mistress Urnchr removed you from the servants,
concerned greatly, fussing always but never a word. They were strange days and
nights, most often after whip with teeth, when she would come and nurse you to
strength. One night Mistress Urnchr caught Lusham tending your lashes, and the
next day was the first of the household without your motherly friend.

The dwarf Lusham is a Priest of Jaysek from the underground city of Ton-Bor. She
was warned many decades ago through dream of the sorcerer Ventine and a Black
Harvest that would come to the city. Discussed with her clan it was decided she seek
employ in Bentara to get close to Ventine. She managed to get work with Mistress
Urnchr and through diligent and loyal service soon was seneschal of the
household the woman of the court ran. Quitely she observed rites to Andaras held in
the basement and Celims mother, Antiana forced into situations shed run from.
Lusham took care of the child dumped, instantly observing the Dyar features, and
intended to take the child away but her involvement led to her expulsion. Ventine
was well aware of her status and too used his genetic knowledge and surgery to
expunge any vestige of the saviour she may have been.

As the years aged you, so did Mistress Urnchr release you, and freedom was
sweeter than even that paling glimmer in her eye. Small trials, strict rules, break them
and the punishment was severe. Severe, that was shown to you after the first
excursion into Bentara where upon returning successful and proud, Mistress
Urnchr smiled and congratulated you at the same time she wrapping whip with
teeth around your neck. Dragged and screaming into the dungeon under the villa, the
box she locked you in with the spiders wasnt to be opened from within.

Many years were spent refining everything taught within the villa, striving to achieve
the level that Mistress Urnchr rapidly set and re-set. The concept of freedom, of
escape from Mistress Urnchr took a slow growth from the moment you first
tasted the air unfettered. Seed it did, and grow and cast its branches into everyfibre of
your system until plans soon were laid out, money was saved, every task pushed
harder than usual so as to accomplish more in the hours unaccounted for. Everything
was perfect and absolutely all that could be accounted for had been. And then it all
dissolved with the arrival of Ventine.

Ive been watching you for some time now. His words were like the trigger to
releasing a wall of warm, smothering grease that quivered. Sorcerer and Court
Advisor, Ventine, a powerful man not just in the political arena where he held
strength, but also in his well-known standing as Sorcerer extraordinaire. Even on
those nights in transit sitting huddled in corners for the right moment to proceed, the
name Ventine was hushed with consternation. His words meant nothing, but this
presence, his being only empowered what was already deemed as true by the masses.
Mistress Urnchr fawned, whipped herself at the feet of Ventine. Ill be watching
you. His last chilling words stamped onto your chest by licentious leer.

Ventine has his suspicions of Celim but apart from intellect and ability has not
manifested anything to cause him alarm or to bring her into the fold more. What he
does know is that he must watch her moves very closely and will not let her become a
free spirit any time soon.

Entrapment again. The lights shuttered out and the pain, as the effort once delivered
with object of desire now lay smothered. It took Lusham to awaken that desire again,
catching you as you blundered outside. As the fear of capture at the arms of Ventine
faded replaced with relived submission her words were serious and her manner
agitated. Your life will be sad until the past sets you free. Nothing more. No glimmer
of hope, even acceptance depressing to bear.

Your mother was a whore. From Sel-kai, who dumped you with Mistress Urnchr
who took you. Your mother once lived here in Bentara, strode the court of Count
Korel and outraged it, driven into exile. Of this, Mistress Urnchr told you
duringsevere reprimand, her composure challenged during excess inciting her rage to
new heights by provoking her control to waver. This thing, family, youve seen it in
the windows of Bentara, but all you have are a few bitter words from a mountain of

Your first birthday, eighteen years, Mistress Urnchr says since you first arrived,
celebrated in the dungeon dressed up with all manner of decoration. Not your true
birthday but as close to one as youll get. Initially feeling more a celebration for her
than for you the liberating news announced to the spectacle of notable yet alien men
and women gathered you would cherish. Freedom not just for one night but for as
long as it would take. Mistress Urnchr delighted the peculiar pantomime that
clapped and approved to the announcement of your departure to Sarnak within the
year to work among the Directorate Headquarters. Knowledge of life beyond Bentara
wasnt something offered to you in training, moreover it was something blanketed,
but rumours of the large city sprang to mind; a city of Amazon warriors and
diplomats. As the night progressed the consideration it was some hoax to torment you
could not be shaken, but most of the memories of that night following the
announcement are buried, removed from your hands except the unalterable fear of
remembering. Ventine was there in the dungeon with the rest of those strange guests
and what transpired you have either forgotten or... From that night on inception into
a form of social life became another weekly lesson, though more a surreal mad
performance. Not just breaking into houses, but application of etiquette, clothing and
step, would form the backbone to gaining entry to socialites homes and hearts.
Prying on the prosperous if only for a short time, time enough for Mistress

The night spent in the dungeon that soon degenerated into a rite to Andaras may be
locked from her memory, but the fact of the matter is that Ventine attempted certain
spells during the rite upon her only to have them unravel, whether the undoing of
Andaras or something else he wasnt quite sure. It has only made Ventine all the
more curious about her nature, he sees her as his prize, his working project.

A year later the order is plain, travel to Sarnak, and arrange work within the
Directorate Headquarters to work your way up the ladder of trust and report
everything back to Mistress Urnchr. She in turn promising to let Ventine know
you are progressing correctly through weekly letters requested from you. Yet one
more lesson remained before travel to Sarnak, being the attendance at the official
opening of the newly constructed Library by Count Korel. The formal attendance as
young noble of Danarchis now leaving for Sarnak formed the beginning of your
masquerade to carry on to the Amazon city. A year spent in deception establishing
the role to play had worked. Everything was set, again. Dressed in finery, but not
overdone, you appraised the crowd milling about the newly minted books and freshly
laminated shelves with the way only you could, finding opportunity and targets
conversation to listen to. Perhaps it was this that brought you to the attention of
Bryce Korel, the Counts seventeen old son, who mentioned as much to you, with him
two companions alert and tense. It was the first person to speak to you without cue. A
stumbling reply of not knowing many of the faces and something about out of town
you are sure you replied just before Mistress Urnchr swooped to greet and save
you, young Bryces words trailing, Another claw for that talon but. Her words
eclipsed his as her pretension of friendship smothered you away. Ventine moved
closer and the boy left his own fathers contribution to the city. That night was the
last beating you had.

Three days later, standing with a small bag and a weeks worth of coins including
enough to get you upon the arriving carriage. Mistress Urnchr beside you, dressed
smart, nose held above those poor and disenfranchised. No word said, boarding swift
and the horses too. Soon Bentara withdrew and Sarnak welcomed.

Celim has yet to manifest any powers as a result of her heritage, but manifest they

:: a d m i n i s t r a t i o n o f t h e d i r e c t o r a t e ::

Why Sarnak? That was a question only in retrospect, deep in retrospect and one that
came shortly thereafter the questioning and kept in suspense for five cycles of the
moon, Orhan. All Mistress Urnchr told you were that you should apply for work
in the Directorate Headquarters in Administration and get to know everyone and do
your best to rise up the ladder. Never once had you been so free, with the task of
interacting en masse with people. Usually you watched them, scouting for flaws, now
you would play under their eyes, rather than away from them.

Sarnak, the city, its people and a large portion of land along the coast to the southwest
up the steep valley behind the city to the east. On the eastern front the state is
guarded from the north by the mystical Emerald Forest, and on the south by the
Morbek Highlands and the small path south to the Charn Plateau in Uj. The city-
state of Sarnak is a realm run and controlled by women with men set in their place as
cleaners, housewives, subservient to the only intelligent voice which saved the people
of Sarnak many many thousands of years ago. A representative democracy ruled by
an elected Directorate of five women from within the Administration Centres hall of
the Directorate Headquarters where debating chambers echo with the strong voices
not of argument, but of constructive debate. Offices for the Ministers and their sub-
Ministers are contained within the Directorate Headquarters.

Men are not permitted within the Directorate unless in a role of cleaner. Men are not
permitted to vote, let alone hold station, cannot own land or are permitted to carry
weapons (except a quarterstaff). Men walk with their eyes cast down and never speak
in raised voice, and address all women as Mistress.

Many are the Ministries that operate with the power of the Directorate who manage
many portfolios through their aides. There is one Minister per portfolio, and each
Minister has an Assistant Minister and Secretary Minister, other legal aide and
general staff are employed to keep each Ministry running smoothly.

All Ministers and their assistants debate within the Administration Centre Debating
Halls under the advisement of the Directorate who observe and govern much as
judges. The Directorate appoints the Ministers for their skills being presumably best
suited for the portfolio while they in turn appoint an Assistant Minister who will, or
the Minister depending, choose a Secretary Minister from the many scribes and law
students within the Directorate Headquarters.
Ministry of Trade; Where you slipped into the fold and rose through the ranks to
Secretary Minister of Trade. You answer first to your Minister, Rinda Rnchr,
whom youve found everything to be obsequious about to whenever she deems it
necessary to work. For the most part she barely speaks to those that have made her
standard. Velta ka Norno, Assistant Minister is to whom you answer most. Though
aware of Rindas lackluster performance in areas she is a quiet and diligent supervisor
who teaches as well as carries on most of the needed trade diplomacy and important
administration for Sarnak. The destructive essnce storms of the recent winter
invoked a changing time of trade for Sarnak as the Sea of Gold and the Bay of Izar is
a dangerous route. Overland and over -sky trading comes more and more to Sarnak, so
much so Velta has passed on the smaller of trade negotiations directly to you.
Ministry of Arts; You first tried to work for this Ministry but Vanya Auros,
Secretary Minister, proved vicious and callous ridiculing your application in an
impromptu interview. Even at that time it was obvious she had been taking Sniff
(Gort), her eyes so glazed and her manner irrational. Miso Khilandm, Assistant
Minister, from what you have seen at public events is licentious and if anything a role
model for the younger Vanya who follows her about like a dog. Yhera Minor, the
current Minister, is an elderly woman of great wisdom who once was on the
Directorate Council her revitalization of the gardens in the city is still inspiring.
Treasury; The treasury is powerful and controls all distribution of monies to the
various ministries. Demidice Kuran, the Treasurer, is as infallible and honest as
politicians could ever hope to be. She is fair and has kept Sarnak strong in times of
strife with her intelligent application of her duty. Isola Urrai, the current Assistant
Minister youve avoided ever since first meeting her, a challenge to your cover,
herself an exile from Danarchis. Melyra Tamirynath, Secretary Treasurer, is daughter
of the current Minister of Agriculture, Khera Tamirynath.
Ministry of Justice; Carecarya Annestiril, the Minister you know to be addicted to
Zapic leaf, a euphoric and highly expensive drug, her judgment and her Ministry
rapidly falling apart. Aryeril Mesantell, Assistant Minister carries much of
Carecaryas oversights, but for the most part is regulated to collecting and
administering taxes and the penalties. She appears to be struggling with the recent
addition of Falkenna to Sarnaks fold. Irquen Naryamar is a strong young woman,
whose debating skills have risen her through the ranks and is quite friendly to you.
Ministry of War; occupied with threats outside the city and in meeting any danger,
the Ministry controls the army of Sarnak. Of late there has been tension between the
Ministry of War and the Ministry of Security, namely over the dominion of the
navy, whether it is for defence or offence, though both claim use of it. Just recently
the Ministry conquered the coastal town of Falkenna on the road to Bentara. The
Amazonian warriors are well trained and highly disciplined and proved more than a
match for the Falkennan knights entrapped in steel shells. Merilenya Indrin is the
current Minister of War, a former general of the army herself, retired at her age of
sixty from the frontline. Zr Elahes, Assistant Minister is brash and all brawn yet
somehow completes her duty regardless of her crippling injury to her legs. Thula
Iolande is the Secretary Minister.
Ministry of Agriculture; deals with the growing of food and mining within the city-
state of Sarnak, which includes the recently taken Falkenna, whose mines have
swelled Sarnaks coffers overshadowing its own mi ning failures. Khera Tamirynath is
the Minister who controls and oversees the Order of the First Leaf, a non-religious
order of Animists devoted to improving Sarnaks agriculture through use of the
Essence. Anyante Varen, Assistant Minister, works closely with the Order and the
small farm communities in establishing good practices with help from the Secretary
Minister, Achre Iraldrane.
Ministry of Security; Youve hid well from them your past, despite enquiries. This
Ministry is in full control of the Shaitan, which though considered part of the army,
are more in the Ministry of Securitys pocket than any other of late. Reconnaissance,
sabotage, assassination & defense seem all part & parcel of the Shaitan whose
members remain secret, known only to the Minister herself, or at least so it is
perceived. Vanda Xanes is the current Minister, an aloof and intelligent woman
whose family have taken positions within the Ministry. Her daughter, Francesca
Xanes, is an extremely competent Assistant Minister of whom you ve spent more
time with than most. Ever since you have known her she has been troubled by
something. Myri Sinvoril, a cousin of the Xanes family, is determined and hard
working, but shy and quiet.
The Directorate; have remained quite aloof from your reach and research, speaking
only to them at social events, and always polite in greetings, they are the hub of the
city, absolute and each woman is wise beyond words. The Directorate consists of Ami
Coir, Isil Yasteril, Osidred Indemanw, Adjia Mannas, and Maredeen Aerond.

The death of the Katra of Stroane, the recent conquest of Falkenna, and Sarnaks itch
for expansion; these are the tasks that Mistress Urnchr, and undoubtedly Ventine
have prescribed. All have proven hard to chase down. While during the day the
dutiful Secretary Minister of Trade you may be, at night the stalking and shadowing
listening begins. It is how you have discovered the secret antics of many of the
women in power, the drugs, harem abuse and debauchery once lauded as the realm of
the male, has seeped into the corridors of power within Sarnak. But it takes more
than scandal to interest Mistress Urnchr. Of the assassination of the Katra of
Stroane, internal rumours youve picked up on are that the young country maid the
Katra married was Shaitan. Just whom youve run into wall after wall, however, one
breach is in the Ministry of Security, no less than Francesca Xanes with whom youve
built certain confidences. Access to the Ministrys Security files is what you seek. The
recent conquest of Falkenna seems to have been a ploy of sorts on part of the Ministry
of War. General feeling is that the Ministry of Security who in the last decade
absorbed the Shaitan into its control rather than under the army threatens them. This
acquisition has bolstered the armys standing and surprised many with the increased
precision and strategy of the armys unsuspected attack. The mines of Falkenna have
proved a great source of wealth into Sarnak bolstering its already growing profit of
late. But the recent paradigm shift between the two Ministries has already swung
back to the Department of Security. Motions have already been put in place to restrict
the Ministry of Wars totality of control over the decisions of war.

:: o f g o d s a n d m a n ::

Now, when past is sought in momentary reflection, the wandering mind considers the
gaps implicit, inconsistencies with truth later discovered, and conflict of ideology in
the strictness sense. The challenge of Sarnak was felt across all levels of being. Every
aspect, ability met with this, and beliefs were part and parcel. Right and wrong, good
and bad, the concept of duality is a difficult one to accept even now among such a
system of duality, democracy.

Life with Mistress Urnchr was without a spiritual outlook of the sorts others are
familiar with. Sadism then indifference or vice versa, the more she sent you out
within the boundaries of Bentara the more you were used as a tool. Either way, that
tool was abused.

There was a palpable sense of not being cohesive within Sarnak, and perhaps the lack
of its gods to encumber the circumstances was a good thing. Atheistic to an extreme,
regarding the gods as nothing more than deified egocentrics, usually male, Sarnaki
women do not even allow shrines within their lands. But the challenge lay with ethics
and morality, in small doses they may have been.

:: o f h i s t o r y a n d g e o g r a p h y ::

Upon reflection it is clear that you were told what was deemed fit you should know.
Most of your knowledge of the continent Emer you live on youve learned in the last
year of work within the Directorate. Stumbling at first with knowledge garnered
from books you slipped into the mantle of observing other people from other places
and learning from them when you could. At least now you know enough to carry
basic conversation. Kulthea, the Shadow World, you have heard it called and upon it,
Emer, one of the myriad of continents in the West. Emer, the Great Continent with
its past occluded in oppression even as it was hailed as the seat of civilization across
the Shadow World.

Danarchis: A small, but powerful maritime kingdom located on the rocky
peninsula of northeastern Hstra. The Danarchan hillsides are replete
with olives, which they export along with their much sort after wine,
clams, shrimp and crabs. Some healing herbs are grown and exported as
well. The Capital Artha, is now taking more steps to establishing
permanent trading practice with Sarnak.
Votania: Geographically and historically, Votania is a place with few rivals in
the picture of Kulthea. Once home to the Emperor of Emer, the Masters
of Emer, and all those who have conquered Emer in one shape or form.
The island lies near the centre of Emer, guarded by the Sea of Votania.
The isle is rarely visible, clothed in a thick veil of mist and airships and
traders avoid it on all costs.
Bodlea: More a region than any government or organized body, a land of rolling
hills and valleys north of the Keyten river and south of Danarchis.
Several Talath dales are here. Grains and cotton comprise the trade
received from Bodlea and wool is sent to Bodlea from Sarnak.
Miir: South of Bodlea, a collection of lords and their city-states once under
the banner of the Kings of Orian before the Katra of Stroane splintered
the Orian pact some nine years past. Empty land and empty ruins,
nothing much comes out of Miir.
Stroane: Once the heart of a growing empire under the Katra of Stroane. Over
the last decade the once powerful land has shrunken in on itself, under
coup after coup since the Katras assassination. Sarnak does not trade
with Stroane.
Vornia: Less a government, but an ancient region of several cities and farm-
enclosures. It is here in the city of Bentara you grew up. Strange upon
reflection, you know less of Bentara than you do of Sarnak. Mostly
always at night its streets were, and regimented time upon that. Sarnak
imports much corn and wheat from Vornia.
Forest: Between the Bay of Izar and the Sea of Votania, this extensive forest is
a haunted place that none can enter, and ironically drives trade through
Sarnak from Uj passing to Hstra.

Izar Coastal
Towns: Sarnak recently captured Falkenna and this spur of the Forbidden Ridge
yields diamonds and silver of which Sarnak taxes, as well as laying
claim to the close salt mines. Jantanen trades gold with Sarnak, but has
pulled back on negotiations with Falkennas recent capture. Slyk is
another rich Izarian town exporting wood, and many metals and gems
but has not switched to Sarnak over the Port of Izar in these troubled
times. Fen-Jorl and Baymar are more wealthy towns that avoid trade
with Sarnak.
Cluster: Sarnak loathes this city and uses the Old Emer term, sherikaan
(derogatory for men who prefer the intimate company of other men)
for its inhabitants. Sarnak ships would undoubtably be met with force.
Port of Izar: Located at the tip of the northern peninsula guarding the entrance to
the bay of Izar, an independent city-state that up until the winter of
6053 had been eclipsing Sarnaks growth as trade centre. Partially
destroyed in the storms it now faces harship as the Sea of Gold proves
to be a dangerous trade route now.
Kaitaine: One of the most famous trading ports in the west built on the island of
Ciros, the largest city in Emer and devoted to trade and commerce.
Many a skyship now pass through Sarnak on their journey to this
legendary place to the southwest instead of resting at the Port of Izar.

Prten: A maritime country east of Danarchis, aggressive and jealous of the
trade passing through their waters from Danarchis to Sel Kai. Prten
has been accused of piracy to supplement its economy.
Empire: One of the largest governments on Emer, cannot be overlooked. Quick
minds and aggressiveness, they have conquered everywhere they have
stood. For a culture without the ability to work iron, use the wheel or
desire to sail, they have expanded considerably and threaten strong and
close civilized trade cities.
Ardania: A lordly man with a seemingly unlimited supply of gold has settled in
the ruins of old Ardan city, rebuilding a city. Many of his men have
been through Sarnak and hired many mercenaries.
Sel-Kai: It is said that the Prince of Sel-kai is the richest man on Kulthea, his
home, is no less than a floating city of the name Eidolon and is the
capital of the trading state. 15 Merchant Guild Lords elect the Prince
who rules as monarch. A government based on trade, which has worked
for thousands of years, and it shows. Every Sel-kai banker or trader is
always dealing and dressing with power and wealth. Sarnak is doing its
best to impress as more and more now flow to Sarnak instead of the
Port of Izar.

:: o f t h e e s s e n c e ::

The form physical or otherwise that fills the world with its presence, of late malign.
Sorcerers like Ventine take shape from the Essence to manipulate; yet the most
powerful source of Essence is in its foci, flows or storms. Sometimes welled in pools
of energy beyond conception, and other times flowing like a river, and then there are
the storms

By spring of 6052 you reached the gates of Sarnak, looking so bleak and foreboding.
From one prison to another it seemed until the gates fell behind revealing a clean and
well-kept city, painted gaily and decoratively. The women smiling, at ease with one
another, all the while another coup had taken place in the capital of Stroane, Arakin.
Summer and you are working in the Directorate Headquarters after numerous
attempts at employment to finally find filing in the Ministry of Trade. You begin
collecting mistakes and pinpointing lax ability and subtlety push some doors and step
ahead of potential rivals for position. Autumn, and you hold position of Secretary to
the Secretary Minister of Trade, Cirel Rochon. Fall and a large Arinyark deposit
found in the Scorpion Ridge near Jantanen pulls many miners from Sarnak and other
nearby towns to flock to it despite the hazardous conditions and Cirel strains under
the mounting pressure restraining Mistress Urnchrs ambitions. The last two
seasons preparation to take over Cirels position are finally put in place under the
urging of Mistress Urnchr who gives the order to take Cirels position by force.

At the stroke of midnight on New Years Eve of 6052, you looped in one swoop a silk
rope around Cirels neck as she passed under a strut and you dropped holding the rope
launching her gasping body into the air. As she convulsed, struggled, the rope was
nearly lost thrice, a sudden prickling itch on the back of the neck intense. In a few
minutes she was dead and a toppled chair set beside her from which you measured
correctly the length and her height in imitation of suicide.

It was just as you walked in the door to your apartment after the meeting with Cirel
that the prickling retur ned with ferocious intensity, dropping you to your knees with
such crippling itch. The smell of ozone, building about you, sickening and somewhere
a high-pitched whining mixed with a barely audible rumble, your vision wavering,
shimmering walls like a heat wave, intensifying.

The next 70 days seemed like a punishment of severe proportions of the like Kulthea
has never seen the like of. Later you find out that the storms appear to have occurred
across all of Kulthea and no one knows why. Tidal waves shatter through Izar and the
coastal towns and do minor structural damage at first to Sarnak, but soon the
aftershocks bring waves from within the Bay of Izar cracking the very walls of
Sarnak. Trouble brews on the eastern hillsides where portals open and the army is
called in with Sorcerers and the Order of the First Leaf to contain dangerous floods of
strange creatures and demons. The Navigators, the universal transportation guild and
guide service throughout Kulthea suspends all service and temporarily vanish. Sea
travel proves impossible, as day after day the winds and water are relentless. South of
Sarnak beyond the vineries, Sarnak watches for eight nights a constant stream of
flaming rock from the sky impact the foothills of the Morbek Highlands. Stray rocks
of molten liquid strike a few Sarnaki dwellings within the walls but are contained.
The perfect alibi is given to you, and the real duties as Security Minister of Trade are
only just beginning. Spring 6053 TEI.

:: t h e n a t u r e o f f o r e s t ::

For the time of keeping within doors a tree was a word, a leaf just a scrawl of ink, a
presupposition to something common. It was Mistress Urnchr who opened the
door that was sealing imagination and sensation in the years before Sarnak. Trees, the
peace without walls, a forest to the east like dancing through dream. Never had you
experienced in all your youth the closeness to such tranquility, such peace the very
memories of Mistress Urnchr faded. But this she tarred as well, stripping away
the magic of the flora down to names once again for use in the future. The testing of
substances upon live forest animals restlessly shivers in your mind to this day. These
lessons extended into all walks of life beyond the forest though, and with each lesson,
more and more perverse means were required. What started as a discovery of wonder
was soon reduced to animal experimentation and murder with the testing of herbs
upon others.

Alzo; From the plant of the same name found in forest growing low in the
canopy that produces seeds of which are boiled, crushed and drunk. Effects
are increased agility and alertness of mind. Difficult to find, it is also the
antidote to the poison Yosis.
Basira; Found on the shores of lakes and large freshwater sources, a bud boiled,
dried and crushed into a powder that is inhaled. Effects are the ability to
perceive the flows of Essnce and related magical enchantments, but have
the side effect of making ones eyes glow red. The effect lasts for one hour,
hard to find.
Jiri; Lichen that grows on stone cliffs close to the sea. The rubbing of the
yellow lichen upon ones eyes allows one to see clearly in the dark for one
hour, difficult to find.
Selig; In forest or trees close or growing on the shore of rivers or lakes, a fungus
which when chewed enhances the hearing. Not easy to find.
Purg; A difficult flower to find among forests, growing often in shafts of light
from breaks in the canopy. The nectar of the flower is best dissolved in
warm liquid and drunken. The herb provides relief to concussion, difficult
to find.
Bevolin; A small scrappy plant found on rocky shores of saltwater bodies. Its leaf,
when brewed with hot liquid provides and antidote for the poison Ghida,
hard to find.
Eshetu; Found mostly on the sweeping lands of Vornia, and other long grass
plains. The eshetu grass grows only near decomposing organic material,
and near barrows. The grass is prepared as poultice and cures one from the
poison Kadah, hard to find.
Ikbal; A crystal fo und only at lakes, incredibly rare that collect in small deposits
on shore. Sieved attempts to find the Ikbal are not uncommon. It is a
fragile crystal and dissolves in boiling liquid which if drunk proves
antidote for any poison drunk within the hour.
Nega; A common weed whose leaf is found on most grassland open to the sky,
brewed as drink, this herb greatly sustains the onset of poison for a period
of a day.
Tevy; A large leafed plant that grows solitary along seashores and on soft cliff.
Its rubbery leaf must be boiled, dried then crushed into a fine powder that
is then added to liquid. It is commonly known as the cure for the disease
Hurothgaar, but also serves as antidote to the poison Vyurk.
Arrine; A freshwater flower growing only in still areas, its stem when rubbed
around broken or fractured bone helps recovery.
Cicala; Found in the long plains of Vornia, this grass when prepared as poultice
has an incredible effect to torn or pulled muscle.
Inexes; This vines leaf when prepared as poultice coagulates rapidly over any
bleeding wound, a difficult herb to find.
Nayeek; Also known as Eissas Breath, is a rare flower growing in cultivated land.
When placed in a dying persons mouth that individual is given extended
life, if only short.
Suman; A lesser-known herb to most due to its rare nature, found in forests only
for the first three days of spring. Growing on the berry producing bush of
the same name, it is the rare golden berry among the red that when eaten
can sustain life for half a cycle of Orhan.
Taline; Another berry, but not hard to find if one spends time scrounging at the
very undergrowth of the canopy. A small vine that grows low to the
ground but over space producing a sticky elongated black berry which is
used crushed for poultice and never eaten. It repairs ruptures of veins and
can stem severe internal bleeding for a short while.
Ansilius; Mistress Urnchr made you grow this vile creeper you discovered quite
by accident in the forest, although it seems she intended for you to
discover it and inhale its poison for yourself such a glorious collection of
many-petaled blossoms among the shiny, dark leaves. You stopped
yourself from inhaling the cup too deeply. Mistress Urnchr showed
you how to grow it without fear of inhalation in your room, every day
watching it sneak closer and closer to your bed until one side of the room
was a mass of white flower-cups peering. Mistress Urnchr decided
then it was time for harvest and with special masks each was flower was
carefully severed. Revenge was sweet, though it seems they had the last
laugh, Mistress Urnchr showing you how to prepare the pollen, carry
it, and use it. First on the animals, but then on public, leaving them
inhuman and depraved lasting eight weeks at a time.
Spinewood; Low-growing shrubs, which often collect in packs near fresh running
water. Camouflaged behind twigs and leaves are the short downy hairs
that are extremely sharp and easily piercing skin, causing extensive,
burning rash and muscle spasms. Mistress Urnchr also showed you
their use on the eyes, blinding poor feral cats, two even dying once
accidentally inhaling the hairs.
Salorsia; Delicate pink flowers that sprinkle the dense, blue leaves of this prolific
ground-covering shrub around the perimeter of forests in the shade of
trees. Deer graze on it all seasons except early spring, which as Mistress
Urnchr showed you are when the budding flowers carry pollen most
vile. One inhalation causes severe internal choking, the body shutting
down with little reason for cause except the pink pollen.
Ghida: This rare and hard to extract poison is from a spider of the same name.
Extracted manually through a technique of dissection, the small poison
glands are removed and the blue venom stored. It instantly places one
injected/ingested with it into coma.
Kadah: A rare clam is the Kadah, which might not attract a diners palate has an
extract from the flesh of the shellfish of beige colour that fuses the joints
of the one poisoned over a painful period of ten days.
Vyurk: Vyurk resembles the Tevy plant save for thin blood-red filaments through
its broad leaf and that it blooms a sickly and rotten flower in appearance
whose sallow pollen, if inhaled, causes death through sneezing.
Yosis: The Yosis plant is found deep in forest near stagnant pools of water. The
plant oozes a pale green sap that is highly acrid when collecting, and then
turns inert and darker in colour. The poison causes blindness in its victim
from anything of a day to longer than a week.
Gort; A stringy purple le af when dried, youve never seen the plant, only the
dried leaf that is crushed easily to be inhaled. Mildly addictive, it is a
euphoric substance that is imported by the wealthy, commonly referred to
as sniff. Mostly imported from Tai-Emer.
Zapic; At 80 gold per leaf, this large frond is a valued substance when crushed.
Rumours abound of side effects from this rare plant that inhibits motor -

:: h e r b s o f p e l l e r n ::

Radoje; A root growing under the scrub of the same name, quite common but
less so in the summer months. During the cooler months the extract is
also more easily extracted, as the root is crushed to a paste or cut and
squeezed for the sap, the juice of which if applied to wounds will cure
most infections.
Cellane; From the plant of the same name, found often near Radoje, a short
scraggly plant appearing almost as scrub, but has broad leafs. A
decongestant made by boiling the leaf slowly down into a powder and
inhaling the dry substance. The plant is an evergreen and has
remarkable strength against the cold both as a plant and as a powder
often driving off the effects of pneumonia.
Irit: A rare berry growing only in summer, spring and autumn months,
dying out in the cold. Poisonous to eat, the green berry is mashed into a
salve which when applied acts as a local anesthetic for approximately
one quintar.

:: h e r b s o f k h u m k h a a n ::

Rud Tekma: Rare edible fruit yellow & black spotted augments spellcasting
Curfalaka: Pinkish and edible tapered fruit restores torn muscle
Efrid: White flower placed in the mouth of man, restores any nerve
Irona: Boiled long grey leaf heals any mental illness
Sek: nectar of gold deep belled flower that heals those in coma
Ah Reya: Golden berry that can revive the dead

:: o f t i m e a n d m o n e y ::

The importance of coin in Emer depends upon what nation you live in. In lesser
developed civilizations a coin is worth its weight in metal, whilst in successful trading
countries that mint their own the metal is less of concern than the value of money as
a means beyond barter to transfer goods. Silver is the most common currency in Emer
and most countries mint their own, gold is rare unless in the hands of nobles and
lords. As a rule of thumb exchange rates are as values;

10 tin pieces = worth 1 copper
10 copper pieces = worth one bronze
10 bronze pieces = worth one silver
10 silver pieces = worth one gold

Transfer of minted coins between realms is of negligible cost due to trade.

While large mechanical clocks exist in the major cities, the telling of time is by means
of the sun. Twenty-five hours mark the Kulthean day divided into five (known as
Quintars) divisions commonly known as predawn, morning, midday, evening, and
night these relating to the five realms (fire, water, earth, air, essnce) with each
dualistic in nature. While there is a science to this, it is less known beyond the major

Five months/seasons mark the Kulthean year based on the cycle of the Great Moon,
each seventy days long, beginning the year with the Winter solstice; Winter, Spring,
Summer, Autumn, and Fall. Seventy days is a cumbersome way to track time to most
people and a second calendar based on Varin, the second moon organizes most lives;

Moon-day Varin is full (market day)
Air-day Holy day in most civilizations
Dark-day Varin is new (bad luck)
Cloud-day Bad luck
Wind-day Holy day in most civilizations

Loremasters pay no heed to the cycle of Varin when recording time and use Orhan
exclusively for recording the year. Dates are recorded as TE (third era/ire) 6052,
Orhan 3 (the month), day 32, and is even briefly used as 6052332.

:: s t a t i s t i c s ::

Race: Ta-lairi (known to most as half-elf, you know not your father, whether he was
elf or Ta-lairi - it makes all the difference, whether you are immortal or mortal).
Appearance: You are tall and athletic, with a pale skin and closely cropped, short white
hair. Your eyes are a deep and striking violet.

Strength: Poor Strength (D20)
Agility: Natural Athlete (D8)
Health: Good Health (D12)
Knowledge: Poor Kno wledge of the World (D20)
Perception: Impressive powers of Perception (D10)
Luck: Good Luck (D10)

Melee: Amateur Fighter (D20)
Missile: Skilled Archer (D10)
Climbing: Good Climber (D12)
Riding: Fair Horseman (D12)
Disarm Traps: Proficient Trap Disarmer (D10)
Stalking & Hiding: Competent in Subterfuge (D12)
Acrobatics: Natural Acrobat (D8)
Contortions: Decent Contortionist (D12)
Diplomacy: Mediocre Diplomat (D12)
Linguistics: Amateur Linguist (D12)
Lip Reading: Talented Lip Reader (D10)
Mathematics: Struggles with Numbers (D30)
Rope Mastery: Good Use of Rope (D12)
Trap Building: Talented Trapist (D10)
Tumbling: Practiced Tumbler (D10)
Acting: Good Actor (D12)
Botony: Skilled Botanist (D10)

Fold-up Short-bow + quiver of 20 specially designed arrows with interchangeable
arrowheads for cutting, embedding, looping rope/wire, flaming
Small marble mortar & pestle
2 doses of Basira
3 doses of Jiri
4 doses of Nega
4 doses of Ansilius
2 doses of Spinewood
1 dose of Vyurk
Detailed & personal map of Sarnak interior
Small wax press (of which are sent to Bentara to be moulded to avoid suspicion)
disguised as a wax seal kit
Tailored black full suit with hood (made from a silken matte fibre), replete with
many pockets for hiding items
Toolkit of picks and needles made by elves in Nmar -Tol, subtlety and delicately
engraved in twisting vines on both the silver composite and the hardwood
elements (kept in partitions sewn into the suit
Flat Stiletto



This place is haven, refuge from the obstacles that would interfere with your oneiromancy, yet it is that which
reminds you of the place you seek respite from and is your beacon when lost. Why this ground must be untouched
is that purity must be upheld in all dealings with Reann, Purity of spirit is his deepest calling. Daily we fight
those impure and those that seek impurity in others including ourselves and those closest to you. When you step
into this circle you must be absolved before him, in your mind and heart for if not you will hide guilt that will
turn in your belly. This place is not to be entered by others if you wish to use it as haven. This place will make it
easier to attune yourself to his being, for outside, all you have to remind him of is the silver light of Orhan and
that is nearly all you feel from him ~ for beyond this circle you have only yourself as protection and projection.
Night is our time, when the sun does not illuminate and banish the Dark Gods, we are better to work at night when
they wake, for we will be there when they act.

The place it feels right to you, it always should. If you are uncomfortable with the surroundings then it will not
do. Size too is important, too small and the circle will not be strong enough in times of attack. This circle is not
invulnerable, no, it will grow as you do. The stronger your channeling, the stronger your empowerment of the
realities you manifest.

The circle is the eternal line, never-ending form and cycle. Within it must always be placed five, for the elements,
for our symmetry, for the moons, for life itself. Five is the unity into one. Remember that, it is the product of
union and it is the realization of being and consciousness. The dream is not imagination. It is consciousness
intrinsic to us all, a veil that we descend yet do not interact. Not willingly, yet it does happen, this is why people
flock to cities ~ to be as one. We must seek the loneliness of our union, for that is when we are free of the essence
of others. Taint of the Dark Gods of Charon sweeps our dreams, the crawl into your synapses and drain your
emotion stroking your misery until they have you willing to use their own methods to destroy their own selves.
This place must purify you, absolve you. Remember that.

You should use many items in the Temples construction, for this place should be like the Dream. Insubstantial,
hazy, maze-like and disorientating, yet filled with items of allure and wonder to inspire you to slip past the Veil.
Gold is best, heated to melting and poured onto the floor, even of earth. Geometry of five within one must be
exact, and arrangement of candles and incense of great import. While any candle will suffice, incense must be sap
of the Hoen tree, burnt at five corners with charcoal embers. All walls must be masked behind drapery of fine sort
and of varieties to cause deception of room.


Prayer will not aid you from Reann, while he listens to everything you speak he will rarely, if ever, appear. Since
waking I realize he no longer dwells on Orhan but that does not matter, for he is closer now he hunts upon
Kulthea. It is to Orhan you will seek him out. When Orhan is new you the Veil strengthens, like the Shadow it
exists perpetually and prevents exegesis. It is the full luminescence you should seek for then all dream from the
hibernation of waning then waxing. You understand you have potential, ability to grasp the concept of essence if
not in mind, then in body and so you wonder how Reann can help, how would he give of himself to you. He will do
so, make no mistake. He will give when all seems lost, but he will not overplay the stakes. His gifts are often
double-edged. Why? It keeps us honest, keeps us true, he shows several ways and it is us who chooses misery in
glory or glory in misery. Finding the right side of that scale you sit on is what must be found, for Reann will not
judge, merely illuminate and project what we already know or fear. We have no doctrine, no organization to speak
of, for ove r time one cannot stop the Dark Gods ability to sway not just those closest to you, but entire
communities. This path will be alone.

Once the Temple is prepared then you must prepare, forget everything, close not your eyes but forget the reality
that surrounds you. Let it dissolve into imagination. Here you control the Dream or it and those that feed on it will
control and consume you. It will not be easy to master. You need to know that what is real can be Dream and what
is Dream can be real. Both exist and both affect. Merely being able to enter Dream has nothing to do with
affecting it though. That requires time, something we dont have. At first you will have trouble finding this place,
reaching Dream, but practice and you will achieve it. Just let go, like any skill it must be learned.


Why do I teach you this? Why indeed. Only, and mark my words, only because you may have to use it. If you
do, then as I have informed, the blade is indeed double-edged, and this being one of his greatest gifts the loss will
be great to yourself. This needs not be performed within the Temple, but strength should be gathered here first,
held within. The Dreamreaver must never be summoned unless the very enemy you seek is before you. You will have
one chance and one chance only.

When the time is right you must centre yourself like within the Temple, but open yourself, free every fiber of
being open to Reann. How? Just let go, fear will cloud any judgment so do not fear. Emotion should not exist. You
will know instantly if it comes, you will be surrounded by the luminescence of Orhan. Then it will enter you, every
pore, every orifice, you will be filled with the luminescence of Reanns Reaver. Your eyes must remain closed the
entire time, from the moment you see the silver lights cascading upon you. At first you will feel the intensity
behind your eyes building, like a power ache in the mind. Then you will feel the essence flood your being, it will
touch every part of you and it will then swell, wishing to burst free. Only when you can hear yourself screaming
should you open your eyes. Your enemy usually has no chance ~ assuming you are accurate and of the right time
to release. This I cannot show you, only inform. Remember it well.
(sjeer-pahn near-mek)

Your entire knowledge of Kulthea, the Shadow World, is far beyond the ken of mere
common man. Lord Nemeck, your father, had the foresight to insist upon only the
finest tutoring for his twin sons. Trnor, elven scholar who once hailed from the
Islands of Nmar-Tol, not just tutor, but mentor, and even friend, the only neutral
party among the courtly struggle and violence that ravaged your homeland, Miir,
during your childhood. You never knew your mother, Adjiana Nemeck, and father
spoke little of her, your only memory a small silver locket with a painted likeness of
her. You know absolutely he loved her deeply and perhaps is the reason why he could
never speak of her, but he provided for you and your brother, Constans, everything
and anything for your education. Trnor, despite the hatred for his race among
those following the ways of Andaras in Miir, offered intelligence and wisdom beyond
the petty concerns of men. Perhaps it is that which drove the wedge between you and
your brother. The only childhood friend youve kept since early youth is Meldil, the
young servant boy whos training consisted of being your aide dressing and cleaning
after you, as is determined by your station.

Being the younger of the two only impressed the desire to compete with Constans
who, by slight margin, claimed superiority. Strong in bond, that tie soon became a
rope over a pit from which you both pulled polarized. Not only the realm of
knowledge was given to you both but also the ways of war. Until the age of ten you
both attended Trnors teachings and the physical mastery of Daubon, a renowned
knight of Miir, and then it became obvious that Constans and yourself could no
longer fill the same space in competition. Where he prevailed marginally in physique,
you prevailed in mind. Daubon became mentor to Constans as Trnor soon became
to you.

At the age of nine, the Katra of Stroane expanded his campaign across Miir and your
father acquiesced to the demands of the powerful army, not interested in a campaign
at his age. You remember your father locked deep in conference for the next three
years as he did his best to politically avoid the situation, rather than face destruction
like other southern castles.

Though you never gave up the ways of war and less it remained an interest under
Constans growing smugness. Your teen years were spent in curdling brotherly hate
with Constans whose dominant personality exerted itself among the children of the
court, gaining in friends, gaining ego. Your companions proved to be the flotsam of
Constans whims, something he was keen to rub you upon, although Meldil always
remained loyal by your side. It was Constans commented upon by the Lords at court,
fondled over by hopeful Ladys and their daughters, he swept through their ranks
with little care for any bar himself. Such was how you met your closest friend, Lycus
Vaymoris, whose father was close friend of Lord Nemecks, running a small fiefdom
under your fathers lands of Alkartek.

Lycus was always cordial to you, even over your brothers brash castaway attitude,
and perhaps thats what caused Constans to cast away Lycus, at the time his closest
ally. Ridiculed over his supposed sexual preference for buggery at the age of fourteen
years was not something Lycus was to stand, especially in the under-court growing
around Constans. Lycus response was challenge to Constans over his treatment of
others and especially you, how he wanted little part in such petty battles. The result
was a beaten Lycus assailed by a shadowy group late at night.

Outcasts together you left the clique of young lords and Lycus showed you the
ancient ruins of the Emerian empire north of Alkartek. Days you spent in absentia
wandering vestiges of what was; mammoth marble towers, cracked and crumbled
roads smothered by the long sweeping grassland of Miir returning to avoid your
brothers growing frivolous egocentricity and to attend studies as demanded by your
father and sought after by yourself. Lycus gave you more than simple escapism,
friendship with another of your age was not something youd experienced. It was he
who introduced you to Tanya, child of a Serf in the employ of Lycus father, Lord
Vaymoris. Beautiful, shy and full of energy, your childhood love develo ped albeit
somewhat illicitly. Lycus always made sure you had chance to meet with her in
private, whether at his castle or outside, providing alibi when necessary. Always there
with a smile and warm heart Tanya gave you more than love, but inspired the desire
to dream and to look beyond the world you could not help but feel cynical she would
never reach her dreams of traveling to Jaiman considering her status.

It is the Summer of 6052, the Third Era of Ire. Youve seen twenty years in the lands
of Alkartek in the nation of Miir. Lycus remains a good friend, and your love for
Tanya is strong as ever, if not more so, through the four years together hidden as that
may be. Your fathers age of 160 years show although his determination for peace
remains strong, being only a few years since the Katras death. Trnor remains your
constant advisor, although your studies have fallen from the strict regime of your

:: h i s t o r y o f k u l t h e a ::

The past of Emer and Hstra was a continual lesson from Trnor who stressed the
importance in knowing the past if only to learn from it. Indeed you have learned and
not just because Constans would not, finding it boring and pointless in the face of
being outside in the sunlight sparring with sword and tongue.

First Era of Ire and Creation of the World
Trnor called this the Long Night, a period of darkness in which he says Kultheas
was little more than a world deep in water and clouds and darkness. No one knows
how long this lasted, perhaps for one hundred thousand years toward the end of the
Long Night land pushed through the seas and the clouds parted for the first time,
allowing plant life to grow, followed by animals. The Lords of Orhan gave life to man
and elf, and placed them across Kulthea. Both had to survive the unstable moons
whose pull on the waters erased many a civilization. A race known as the Jinteni
populated the Great Continent, to be known as Emer.

Second Era of Ire
Without fanfare or apparent synergy, though all at approximately the same time,
Loremasters appeared across the Shadow World. Wearing many guises, speaking all
tongues, their knowledge was critical to the survival of the races still alive. None
knew where they came from or how many they numbered. Unmatched masters of the
Essence, their powers allowed them to tap into the Flows at will transporting
themselves across Kulthea at will and command of the colossal forces. Wanderers,
they rarely linger with each culture.

Godlike beings, calling themselves the Masters of Emer settle on the mountainous
island of Votania and rule Emer through the Xiosians, powerful warriors who keep
the peace among the land and keep away the races of Shadow.

With the Loremasters help many civilizations rise on firm footing, settling the wide
lands and exploring beyond them. The world remained a peaceful place, until the
coming of the Unlife and the arrival of Shadow to the world. The Unlife was a force
that fed on destruction, upon the death of individuals, societies and entire
civilizations, with an unquenchable thirst, the more it consumed, the more it required.
Seemingly everywhere cults and orders grew in dark places, the strength of Shadow
an easy tool for those seeking power and dominion. The first demons are seen upon
Kulthea. The Unlife offered more knowledge than the Loremasters were prepared to
part with yet their words were of warfare and enemies - suspicion was sown. Some
Loremasters tried to turn the tide but were too few and unwilling to battle the Unlife
directly. Battle lines were drawn for the conflict that would end the era.

The Wars of Dominion shattered civilizations beyond repair and the Unlifes
servants almost as one joined forces to rise up and attack all who remained free of the
dark domination. Demons, priests, Essence masters all lashed out and attempted to
destroy everything the Lords of Orhan and the Loremasters had created. It is said the
Wars of Dominion lasted some three hundred years. Much was destroyed yet many a
valiant leader stood their ground before the Shadow. Terrors unnumbered and
unspeakable walked the lands and flew the sky. Some Loremasters broke their
neutrality and confronted the Unlife, most perishing though without their aid the
people of the light would have most certainly perished. The victory of the Free
Peoples came only with the intervention of the Lords of Orhan who managed to press
back the Shadow. Greatly-weakened survivors retreated into themselves
concentrating only on survival.

1: Foundation of the College of Loremasters by the elves Kirin Tthaan,
Ilmaris Terisoen, and Andraax. The beginning of Loremaster
Reckoning, signaling the end of the Long Night.
100: Elves migrating from the east settle on Emer and name their home
450: First observance of the comet Sakain. It heralds the coming of the Dark
Gods to Kulthea. The comet returns hence every 1500 years.
1000: Warrior-mages on huge steeds begin purging the wilds in central Emer,
driving out the ubiquitous Gark and Lugrki hordes. These knights are
harbingers of the coming of the Masters.
1073: A pantheon of godlike beings calling itself the Masters of Emer claims
all of central and northwestern Emer. Their home is the mist-shrouded
isle of Votania in Hstra. Lordly beings, they are the size of giants, yet
handsome and fair, and immortal. They rule through an order of warrior-
mages but appear for festivals and ceremonies, riding out of the sky on
enchanted chariots pulled by winged steeds.
1073-5000: Under the Masters of Emer, most of the rustic Shay peoples are driven
out of Hstra, and the Laan settle. They build beautiful strong cities of
granite and marble that rival the Jintenis accomplishments. However,
their kind are easily called to the Unlifes growing darkness.
1075-1200: The Masters of Emer lead an army through the Gap of Uj. By the end of
the century they have driven out the Murlogi of Murlog and subjugated
the peoples of the southwest.
1200-1218: The Masters of Emer cross the Spine of Emer and subjugate the
southeastern regions. Everywhere they go the Masters are worshipped as
gods. Peace follows in their cleansing wake.
1220-1229: The Masters claim Silaar, but leave Nmar-Tol to its peaceful existence
seeing little need since no strife exists there.
1230: All of Emer is under the control of the Masters and each rules a region as
lord and god. An era of peace and prosperity for the entire continent
ensues, lasting nearly two millennia.
1950: The comet Sakain returns, triggering massive flowstorms.
2000: The first recorded appearance of servants of the Unl ife. The Unlife is a
dark power a force for total destruction and death existing beyond
Kulthea, and even as some believe, beyond the plane of physical reality.
The Unlife is a single force with many servants and incarnations. Dark
cults followers of the Unlife begin to spring up.
2500: Foundation of the Changramai Monastery on the Choak mountains of
northern Emer. Their quasi-religious order seems filled with
contradictions, but they are soon renowned as unsurpassed warriors in
unarmed combat.
2500: Foundation of the Library of Nomikos in the continent of Jaiman,
administered by a monastic order of sages and scribes.
3200-3350: Murlogi begin raiding in Uj again; Garks multiply in the Rulaash Forest
of Onar and terrorize the peoples; Lugrki breed in the Spine of Emer
and begin raids on the lowlands of Hstra.
3300: Foundation of the first guild of Navigators, a secretive group which
offers guaranteed safe travel as a service to anyone who can afford their
fee. Over the next four hundred years they spring up across the west.
3345: Forces of the dark god Andaras attack Uj via land and sea. A single
Master of Emer leads an army to repel the dark army.
3347: The battle ends tragically with the Master of Emer nearly slain by
Andaras before his brethren arrive. Andaras claims Uj.
3450: The comet Sakain returns.
3450-5000: Much of Emer continues to fragment, inspired by the invasion in Uj.
Murlogi, Lurgki, Trolgi, Dragons, and other terrible enchanted
creatures are everywhere, wreaking havoc and destruction. The Masters
of Emer are useless to overcome the Shadow and they can only hold
Hstra against the incoming darkness. Soon the Laan themselves revolt
against rule and the empire crumbles.
3500-3700: Rise of the realm of Thanor in Silaar, ruled by a divine priest-king.
4000: Thanor at its height, a place where magic is commonplace. Their
growing realm spans Nmar-Tol and Tai-Emer. The rest of Emer
remains locked in darkness, populated by warring tribes or loosely allied
feudal lords.
4200: The fleets of the Lord of Encla Turic assault the Silaar and Tai-emer
coast from the north and south. The armies utterly destroy the realms of
Thanor and Arl. Thanor is laid to waste, its cities obliterated and its
people massacred. The Lords armies then leave, waste left in his wake.
6400-6450: All across the western hemisphere, governments destabilize, criminal
activity rises, cultural and racial hatreds inflame. Dark religious orders
preach intolerance and subversion, but there seems to be literally
something in the air causing tempers to shorten and aggressive behaviour
to increase. Murlogi and Lugrki breed in such large numbers they are
seen walking openly in the daylight, burning farms and ambushing
travelers with impunity. Once again dragons and other fierce creatures
are seen with growing frequency. At the bidding of the Dark Gods, the
undead rise and demons appear to rape and kill unchecked.
6441: Navigators suspend travel services until the end of the Wars of
Dominion due to increasing dangers and flow instability.
6450-6820: The Wars of Dominion, the arrival of the comet Sakain severely
disrupts the Flows and triggers the apocalyptic war. Only with the aid of
the Lords of Orhan and the Masters of Emer are the Dark Gods & Unlife
driven back with great loss to the people of the light.

The Third Era of Ire
Barely had a thousand years passed when new minions of the Unlife emerged,
however, this time brute force was not their ways. Deception and subterfuge were the
tools of these new Cults. Few in number and weaker than their earlier brethren they
moved among the people spreading dark religion. This is the time of the Third Ire and
the Time of the Shadow.

1-100: Weakened Loremasters aid in the rebuilding of civilizations. Life
becomes more of a struggle and a dark age is ushered in where the dark
forces continue to ravage scattered communities. The Masters of Emer
have disappeared and Votania is a haunted island, shrouded in clouds of
mist. Emer reverts to wilderness broken by isolated city-states.
1085: Arrival of Aldaron and his people to Emer, resented by the Laan (who
are now known as the Old Race). His presence signals a unifying force
and he settles with his people in the Great Continent. Though not
immortal their lives are long and remain youthful for centuries.
1100-1300: Age of Consolidation. Aldaron establishes home on the northern slopes
of the mountain on Votania, proclaiming the mist-shrouded peaks off-
limits. From his base, Aldain Castle, he uses a combination of diplomacy
and disciplined armies to solidify his hold on Emer. Hstra is brought
under his control. The Laan ally under Aldarons flag.
1105: Beginning of the Empire Reckoning (1 ER). Aldaron establishes
temporary headquarters on the northern banks of the inland sea of
Votania and founds the Eight Orders and directs the creation of the
Artifacts of the Orders.
1112: Construction begins on Aldain Castle on the northern shore of Votania
1125: The comet Sakain returns, but affects Kulthea little, so distant it is in
the sky.
1130: The Garks of the northern Spine of Emer are eradicated by Aldarons
1135: The Murlogi of the Forbidden Ridge are driven into their caverns and the
entrances into Hstra are sealed.
1145: Hstra is secured. The regional capital of Ardan is established in
Hstra, along the foothills of the Mountains of Gold. Its symbol is the
Unicorn. Aldaron names himself King of Hstra and in a grand
ceremony presents the Eight Orders; Ahn sye Nokora (Order of the
Flaming Sword, the kings guard), Ahn sye Zanar (Order of the Cloak,
the priests of the official religion, worship of the one god Zanar), Ahn
sye Talaus (Order of the Ring, a group of magicians), Ahn sye Shan
(Order of the Sun, Animists responsible for the cultural health of the
kingdom), Ahn sye Takla (Order of the Four Winds, messengers of the
king), Ahn sye Woloka (Order of the Eye, Seers and Astrologers to the
king), Ahn sye Nomoke (Order of the Hand, a secret society whose role
to this day remains unclear), and lastly the Ahn sye Nivulma (Order of
the White Flame, guilds of artisans who created the artifacts).
1187: Sailing south along the western coast, Aldarons forces secure western Uj
and head east. Regional capital of Leonas is established at the mouth of
the Daluj river in Uj. Its symbol is the Wyvern.
1190: Aldaron returns home.
1261: Tai-Emer is subjugated by Aldaron. A regional capital of Relas is
established in Tai-Emer, at the mouth of the Tvoca river. Its symbol is
the Lion. Aldaron heads further east while his brother Aldanor leads a
fleet across the Sea of Tears to the north.
1262: Aldaron advances into the land of the Nuyan Khm. Not only are the
Nuyani better horsemen but they are skilled in a style of unarmed
combat unknown to the Emerians. However, the Nuyani are fewer in
number and they have little defence against the Imperial crossbows.
Aldaron subjugates the Nuyani who in place of their fallen leader name
him their warlord. Meanwhile Aldanor founds a regional capital in
northern Silaar, at the tip of the Rust Mountains. It is called Corinn; its
symbol is the Hawk.
1286: Heading south, Aldanor moves into Khm-kaan, settling Coronan at the
mouth of the Sybarus River.
1300: Aldarons unification of central Emer is essentially complete, he declares
himself the Emperor of Emer. At a grand ceremony he presents the four
scepters of the Archduchies, crowns his brother Prince of Coronan. The
four realms are Ardan (Hstra) with the Unicorn as symbol, Relas (Tai-
Emer) with the Lion as symbol, Corinn (Silaar) with the Hawk as
symbol, and Leonas (Uj) with the Wyvern as its symbol.
1300-1500: Age of Exploration. Aldaron sends many ships out from Emer to explore
the surrounding isles and lands across the seas. He secures further realms
to the west, south and north.
1307: Aldanors fleet arrives on the shorts of Nmar-Tol. Battle is averted, and
the elves sign a treaty, agreeing to be a protectorate state, independent
but under the wing of the Empire. The Emperor agrees to not interfere
with the internal workings of the land.
1318-19: Aldaron sends agents into the northern continent of Jaiman.
1320: Aldaron abandons the idea of annexing Jaiman and secures a
nonagression treaty with the southern kings of that land.
1325: The famed Laan explorer Jelred Tain, under commission from the Duke
of Leonas, rounds the spur of Rl. He is the first to do so, after many
ships are lost in the Dead Sea.
1332: The satellite capital of Shanish is established in Onar, along the northern
1341: Aldaron marries one of his own people, Isil.
1368: Isil bears Aldaron a daughter, Vania.
1388: Isil bears a son, Terenis.
1400-1420: The Komaren Isles and the Shinh Archipelago west of Emer are brought
under rule.
1425: Ships from the Emerian Empire encounter the Kingdom of the Desert
Jewel, the continent, Gethyra and sign a peace treaty.
1430: As arranged by Aldaron and the Church, Terenis marries the Laan
woman Syba, daughter of the Na-Fulk (Archduke) of Relas.
1437: Terenis divorces his wife and marries Jaad, a male consort, one of the
Knights of the Silver Sword (Ahn sye Nokora), in defiance of the
religion of Zanar. Aldaron refuses to banish Terenis even under the
pressure of the Zanar Church, but names Vania as his ordained heir.
1439: Vania marries the Laan Lord Estar of Leonas.
1440: Terenis survives an assassination attempt, and retires to the Komaren
1466: Aldarons brother, Aldanor, Prince of Coronan, dies of an unknown
illness. His son Keil succeeds him.
1480: Aldaron lays aside the Scepter of Emer, and his daughter Vania assumes
the throne. To her are given over the symbols of rulership and the
allegiances of the Eight Orders. Aldaron retires to the Houses of the
1483: Gorjar, the Na-Fulk of Relas, contests Vanias authority and attempts to
secede from the Empire. But the Empress reacts swiftly, sending a large
force into the Relas region and arresting Gorjar.
1512: Vania gives birth to a son: Vanaar.
1525: Vania has another son: Vemik.
1535: Vanias husband, Estar dies in a hunting accident in the forests of Norg.
1543: Vania remarries: this time a Laan lord of Corinn named Shanar.
1548: Vanias eldest son Vanaar is slain in a hunting accident.
1550-1600: Vanias last few years are marred by corruption among her ministers and
continual uprisings. She is forced to pay armies, creating mercenary
forces working for the highest bidder. Onar and Rl fall out of contact
with the Empire. In Nuyan-Khm, warlords assert more authority and
the Na-Fulk of Corinn (Silaar) is powerless to stop them. Indigenous
Jaaderi of the province Relas (Tai-Emer) chafe under the oppressive rule.
In Uj, the province of Leonas suffers attacks from the Charn Raiders and
the Rhiani tribes ignore all Leonas authority. In Ardan, counties chafe
under harsh Ducal rule and ever-increasing taxes.
1551: Accused of plotting against the Empress, Vania disbands the Order of
the Hand and banishes them.
1552: Vania gives birth to twins: Vric and Vinya. They are half-elven.
Vanias husband vanishes, the courts at Aldain and Corinn are rocked by
scandal. Vania is accused of deception and sorcery. She reasserts her
1553: The Lord High Priest of Zanar declares the church independent of the
Imperium and moves his official seat from Aldain to the Isle of Fire, off
the coast of Hstra. The church begins to speak out openly against the
1558: Vanias second son Vemik is lost at sea. The half-elven Vric is named
heir to the Empire despite conservative outcries.
1576: Vinya disappears.
1588: Vric narrowly escapes assassination.
1589: Vric marries the Lady Kyria of Leonas.
1600: The strain of rulership takes its toll, and Vania passes the Scepter of
Emer to her son Vric. She dies within a week; Emer mourns for eight
1603: Na-Fulk Welias of Corinn marries the Laan beauty Jysela, within weeks
she institutes reforms, restricting the rights of many citizens. She speaks
out against the Nuyani race, naming them inferior to the Laan.
1608: The Prince of Coronan is assassinated; his half sister seizes power with
the blessing of the church. She refuses to acknowledge the Emperor and
crowns herself Queen of Coronan.
1612: Racial tensions in Corinn reach a climax. Rioting precludes martial law
and Nuyani are rounded up and executed. Those who speak out are also
1617: Provinces rebel at the Emperor, Relas secedes, seers foretell the end of his
rule within the year. Corinn splits in two, the Nuyani splintering from
1618: Vric is assassinated. Ageren Vuk, the Cho -Na-Kudai (Lord High
Priest) of the Order of the Cloak, names himself Emperor Regent and
declares the eight-year old Silima Chark Empress. Martial law is
enforced across what remains of the Empire.
1618-1648: First Zanarian Purge. The next 30 years are marked by Inquisitions. At
first books are burned, but the terror escalates and hundreds are
condemned to death. The Orders fail or break away. The Church of
Zanar works to destroy them. There is widespread famine and disease.
By the end of this period, the western isles, Nmar-Tol, and most of Uj
has essentially seceded. The Emerian Empire has shrunk down to the
region of Hstra.
1648: Ageren Vuk dies. Silima attempts to assert herself but fails and dies a
year later.
1649-1652: These three years mark the final death-throes of the Empire. Seven men
and women sit on the throne in quick succession during this violent
period. Hstra crumbles into anarchy.
1650-1660: Second Zanarian Purge. The Priests of Zanar rile against sin and excess
and demand heavy tithes, they grow in power. Sel-kai emerges as a small
independent trading town on the Sharhya river.
1653: Aldain City is sacked by raiders. The last man claiming to be Emperor of
Emer is slain on this throne.
1660-1700: Anti-church uprisings begin, Zanarian missionaries are driven out of
Tai-Emer and Silaar.
1800: Kaitaine establishes its name as a trading centre along the SW coast of
Emer. Aldain city is abandoned. The Yellow Death sweeps across all of
central Emer, killing twenty percent of the population. Elves are
2000-3000: Most of the continent remains politically fragmented and slides into a
Dark Age lasting over a thousand years. Emer is thinly populated.
2059-2065: A plague known as the Lingering Pain sweeps through Emer, killing
many among the Laan, Shay, Nuyani, and Jaaderi peoples.
2625: The comet returns once more.
3000-4000: The Lords of Orhan appear over Kulthea. Kaitaine grows as a trade city.
3200: A group of Emerians settle at the mouth of the Urij river; their land is
called Sarnak. After the male leaders make a series of foolish decisions
that threaten the realm, the women revolt and take control.
3980: The Laan lord Jengar Qatanen of Orian, a city state at the mouth of the
Alarna river (north of Votania in Hstra) secures fealty from several
nearby lords and establishes the kingdom of Irdania, spanning most of
the old land of Miir. He expands into Vornia and Stroane.
3989: Jengar has lordship over most of the lands surrounding the Sea of
3999: Jengar is slain in a hunting trip in the forest of Norg.
4000-4100: Incest, corruption and assassination rock Irdania through this time.
4125: Sakain streaks past Kulthea again, wreaking havoc with weather and
4205-4600: The fame and wealth of Sel-kai grows with the construction of the first
Skyship. The Merchant-prince of Sel-kai initiates a fleet of flying
merchant ships. In 4600, the prince embarks on a plan to construct a
floating city.
4350-4365: Three different plagues wipe out almost half the population of Hstra.
Combined with droughts and uprisings, the kingdom of Irdania
4365-4400: Hstra has deteriorated once again into a collection of small, petty
4400-5500: Most of Hstra is in a dark age. Trade ships only enter the Bay of Izar to
dock at Sarnak. Even Skyships do not enter because of the tails of at least
one dragon terrorizing the land. Navigators charge extra for travel in
Hstra. Many castles and manors fall into ruin and the city-states suffer.
4650: The city of Eidolon rises in the sky above Northern Emer, a jewel of
unsurpassed beauty and a triumph of Kulthean craftsmanship.
5000: With the decline of the religion to Zanar and the Lords of Orhan, comes
a rise of religious rivalry in Hstra. Mynistras followers wield
considerable influence in the southwest, while Priests of Andaras gain
power in Strone. Izar follows Shaal, and in the north the Sun god Phaon
sees a resurgence of popularity. Zanar is a little-known cult.
5030-on: Flow-storm activity increases across Kulthea. Portals open randomly and
creatures of the Void and Unlife enter into the Shadow World.
5210-5220: Relian, ruled by a priest of Phaon, builds in trade, but the conflict of his
religion and politics pushes him to choose, he chooses the former.
5430: The Loari of Nmar -Tol develop the first airbarges.
5650: The comet returns, chronic famine sweeps Emer, snakes rain from the
sky in Tai-Emer and Uj, a horse-killing disease sweeps Hstra killing
three quarters of their population.
5910: Vajaar declares sovereignty over the entire mainland of Uj.
5945: A man known only as the Nameless One arrives on the isle of Zinvar
and predicts impending disaster to the thriving trade center in three
5948: The people of Zinvar are overcome in one night by a mysterious plague
of violent madness. The city burns. Zinvar is deserted and avoided.
6019: The Nameless One enters the Palace of the Emperor of Nuyan Khm
and warns the ruler of a great disaster. That night the Butterfly Scepter
of Khm is stolen, a plague then follows killing the royal family and
many of the Nuyani.
6035: Amidst the ruins of the old capital of Relas, a new leader begins to
rebuild, naming himself Lord of Ardania. A city begins to thrive.
6037: Niv passes many conservative laws at the urging of the local Priest of
Andaras, restricting the rights of elves.
6038: A total solar eclipse by Orhan over central Emer. Minor tremors shake
the lands about Votania. For ten days and nights strange lights are seen
in the mists about the base and summit of the island.
6039: The Nameless One warns the Priest-King of Pochantos of impending
doom. He is ignored. Eight days later an earthquake levels the capital
6040: Rumours of visits by the Nameless One in southern Hstra, Nmar-Tol,
and a southern city in the Lankan Empire. The Lankanok defeat the
surviving Pochanti and consolidate hold on the land. Lankanok and
Ardania sign a pact of nonagression.
6041: The Katra of Strone, begins an expansion campaign drawing nearby
Miirian holds under his rule by oaths of fealty. Those who resist are
sieged. Alkartek swears fealty without resistance.
6042: You and your brother, Constans are born to your father, Lord Nemeck
and your mother, Lady Adjiana who dies in childbirth to you both.
6043: The Nameless One is seen in Izar but makes no public statements.
Reports of a huge red-gold dragon in the Spine of Emer near Tovor.
6044: The forces of the Katra of Stroane move through Vornia, capturing hold
after hold. The Archbishop of Helberna (the heart of the religion of
Mynistra) refuses to yield and the city is laid siege. A manor south of
Tovor is destroyed, survivors tell of a huge winged fire-drake.
6045: Niv becomes more radically conservative. Robersin, priest of Andaras
preaches that all nonhumans are evil. A law is passed making it illegal to
be an elf in Niv.
6046: An elven traveler, Joren Borchel, venturing into Niv is arrested and
convicted of being an Elf. He is executed by beheading. Niv suffers as
traders avoid the town, but most of the residents are now caught up in
the religious fervour.
6046: After a long siege, Helberna falls to the army of Stroane. The
Archbishop of Helberna is thrown into the dungeon.
6048: The Katra of Stroane marries Vazia, a country maid in spring. Later in
summer the Katra is found dead in his bed, apparently murdered by his
young wife who has disappeared. His ten year old son Mikel is
crowned Katra, but only in name. Lord General, High Priest Shatang of
Andaras and the Katras uncle assume protective rule. Stroane forces lose
their initiative.
6049: (Winter) The Hard Winter in Hstra, heavy snowfalls block highways.
Parts of the Keyten river freeze over. Wild beasts sweep down from the
Spine of Emer harassing towns and villages. The Red Dragon attacks
several more manors.
(Spring) Hstra is in turmoil as news of the Katra of Stroanes death
6050: (Winter) The Nameless One is seen in Kaitaine.
(Summer) With the death of the Katra of Stroane, expansion halts and
generals try to consolidate what they have taken. There is civil unrest.
Stroane/Arakin Government is disorganized.
(Fall) Smuggling and tax evasion is rampant, Stroane begins to feel the
pressure as Sel-Kai banks repeatedly call for repayment.
6051: (Spring) Agents of the Sel-kai and Ullizi Bank call in their loans to
Stroane. The realm is unable to pay, so the banks claim the collateral and
declare themselves in charge of the government. They send agents to
Arakin. Lord General Terell leads a coup and has the other two of the
Trinity, as well as agents of the Sel-Kai bank, arrested and the Katras
son killed. He declares martial law and the High Priest Shatang and the
Katras Uncle are tried and executed. Strange events occur in southern
Miir, Demons emerge suddenly and wreak havoc, then the bulk of them
(Summer) Stroane crumbles more, independent lords reassert their
authority and much of Hstra is torn by warfare. Wild wolves and
stranger creatures continue to range far from the Spine highlands to
harass homesteads. The Choak Pass becomes a dangerous path, especially
with the forays of the Red Dragon.
(Autumn) Most lords refuse to pay taxes to Arakin, and desertion among
the Stroane mercenary armies is rife.
6052: (Winter) Bishops of Mynistra and Priests of Andaras, urge the lords of
Miir and Vornia to sever their ties from Arakin. Large cities become
independent city-states, while across the countryside dozens of manors
become essentially independent fiefdoms. Bandits and highwaymen
flourish. Trade suffers and the cities are full of mercenaries from the
Stroane armies offering their services everywhere. Stroane shrinks to the
Lene river on the north and Qye to the south. Niv is an independent
town, still do minated by Robersin, the Priest of Andaras. The
Archbishop of Helberna is freed from prison and soon elected Lord
:: e m e r ~ t h e g r e a t c o n t i n e n t ::

Trnors studies also covered the gamut of geography to accompany your other
studies, taking a stronger approach on Miir itself, under the direction of your father.
Oftentimes boring, yet the elf had a way with expressing the countries, instilling
within you at least the desire to see many of what he himself had viewed.

Miir (within Hstra)
The name given to the region situated south of the Keyten river, and between the
Langasse to the west and Alana to the east. This region known collectively as Miir is
actually a collection of semi-independent lord-holdings, and scattered homesteads. Its
wilderness as you have explored is strewn with beautiful, if mysterious, ruins. A
rolling land with many small valleys, its downs have the richest soil in Emer and once
was the heart of the Emerian Empire under Aldaron. Many of the lords hold titles
passed down since those days.

Up until eight years ago most of Miir had been united under the Kings of Orian for
several centuries. But the land of feudal alliances watched the Orian pact splintered
when the Katra of Stroane lay siege to Orian and demanded the Kings surrender.
Totally taken by surprise by this aggression after countless years of peace, the king
was unable to summon the lords and Orian fell. The Katra received the kings
allegiance. Now, several lords seek to re-establish trade and good relations but
tensions remain.

Orian: A walled city on the north shore of the Sea of Votania, built on the
ancient foundations of the old Empires port across to Aldain City on
Votania itself. A thriving city comprised of mostly Laan and Shay
Relian: Relian is the crossroads between Bodlea and the heart of Hstra. Traders
passing through the Choak Gap travel through here, as well as those
coming overland from Danarchis. It has an unusually diverse population,
Bodleans, Anzeti, Jaaderi, immigrants from fallen Pochantos, Laan, Shay
and even Loari Elves. Administered by the Chamber of Five, being the
High Priest of Phaon, the Grand Guildmaster, and three wealthy lords.
Bornay: A small town built beside an ancient Empire-era bridge spanning the
Keyten River, the only one for three days walk in either direction. Both
town and bridge are under the control of Lord Dennys of Bornay Castle.
Pellern: A way-stop along the Imperial highway from Relian to Bentara on the
Izaran coast, a poor run-down community which has seen better days.
Once a wealthy mining town, the gold has since stopped flowing from
the Mountains of Gold and only comes in trickles. Lord Dreygen rules
with his young and second wife, Lady Wintessa. He has a daughter,
Lady Willona to his first wife.
Chelzaria: Still mining successfully, unlike Pellern, the Count Harond and his
daughter rule the town. Count Harond is an astrologer and once advised
the King before his fall.
Helberna: A bustling town and trade centre, and home of the High Temple to the
goddess Mynistra. The High Archbishop resides here, yet the land
surrounding is ruled by Lords of the faith Mynistra.
Tovor: Under the shadow of a Red Dragon that has for the most part left the
town alone, but destroyed many a manor south and north, Lord Lystor
rules Tovor regardless.
Alkartek: Your home, a sprawling castle and small town overlooking a vast
territory of central Miir, with rich soil and plentiful ancient ruins.
Wheat grows well here. Your father Lord Nemeck is an old soldier, who
rules wise and strong.
Bokpentok: At the crossroads between three large cities, Bokpentok is an old city.
Count Hirotha rules from his castle, dating back to the Empire. A large
abbey to Mynistra is located just over the river to the south.

Danarchis: A small, but powerful maritime kingdom built on the rocky peninsula of
northernmost Hstra. They have little contact with the rest of Hstra
and trade over the seas for their riches. Danarchis also controls all of the
small islands surrounding its realm, to the Forbidden Reef to the west
and the Six Isles to the east. Ruled by a King who has little interest in
expansion. The capital of Danarchis is Artha, a bustling trade city of
white marble towers and seaside plazas.
Bodlea: More a region that a specific government, it is made up of eleven Talath
dales, relatively isolated and sparse in people. Not as fertile as the
Miirian soil compounded with the superstition of the godlike being,
Kellus that is said to reside in the river Keyten.
Stroane: A kingdom in turmoil, just a decade past it was poised to control all of
Hstra, and now it is on the verge of collapse. The capital Arakin lies
along the eastern shores of Vul Arus (enchanted waters, the old name
of the Sea of Votania), a bleak city. Niv and Qye are considered satellite
cities within Stroane, although Niv has officially seceded from the
Stroane government.
Vornia: Never densely populated, the grasslands of Vornia have no central
government, but is strong in Mynistrian religion and has perhaps the
most peaceful of towns in central Hstra.
Zinvar: Until 5948, Zinvar was one of the preeminent trading centres on Emer. A
large island and independent city-state with wealthy trading port that
rivaled Kaitaine and Sel-Kai. It was brought to its knees after a visit by
the Nameless One and has never recovered nor do any travel to its
Taln: An elven haven off the coast of Emer with little ties to the mainland,
surrounded by reefs impenetrable to those not from the island.
Forest: Situated between the Sea of Votania and the Bay of Izar this extensive
forest is supposedly haunted. Few travel its dense paths, few even
approach due to a strange presence emanating within.
Sarnak: A city-state realm of Amazon warriors maintaining a strategic trade
route between Uj and Hstra that has made the city both wealthy and
powerful. Ruled by women, men serve as subservient domestics who
look after the children and do as women would in other realms.
Cluster: Little or no women reside here. The capital, Aquitar, does not offer a
welcome to women and actively discourages it. The Komaren Cluster is
haven to the sherikaan (derogatory Old Emer term for men who prefer
the intimate company of other men).
Izar Port: Guarding the entrance to the Bay of Izar, the Port of Izar has been
growing steadily in wealth and size for many years. A centre of skilled
craftsman and a well protected port bustling with ships. Twin
lighthouses, constructed by Aldaron during the heyday of the Emerian
Empire still stand and have been maintained to working order.
Votania: This great mountainous isle near the centre of Emer has always been a
focus of power and mystery. No one has ever set foot on the uppermost
peak of Votania and returned to boast of it.

Prten: Two peninsulas and more than a dozen large isles mark the empire of the
Honakh (king or lord) of Prten. A maritime country isolated from
the steppes of Tai-Emer. An aggressive people who find themselves
between two trade powers, Danarchis and the legendary Sel-Kai &
Eidolon. Raiding is the supplement to the lands income, although the
Honakh himself denounces his people are pirates.
Pochantos: Until recently, a large and powerful realm. The last fifty years saw the
lands suffer droughts and then came the fateful arrival of the Nameless
One in 6039 and the subsequent destruction of the capital city of Dbach.
The country soon fell into anarchy, and the warring Lankan Empire took
advantage of their enemies fall. Pochantos is now a province of
Lankanok: The largest government upon Emer, a thriving and expanding aggressive
Empire. While not as technologically advanced, their quick minds and
predilection for warfare has allowed them to conquer nearly all of the
once-isolated tribal communities about them including the Pochanti. For
a culture that cannot work iron nor have use for the wheel or sail they
have become dangerous and powerful. Their worship of Klysus, the god
of Death, means sacrifice of their enemies is a frequent event where
massacres are held in the thousands upon their stepped pyramids.
Ardania: This new land is ruled by a lord of uncertain origins but with an endless
supply of wealth. Posters still are placed around Hstra offering work in
the land whose capital Ardan is the built on the ruins of the old
Imperium city at the mouth of the Lapinar river.

Silaar & the Isles of Nmar-Tol
Sel-kai: It is said that the prince of Sel-Kai is the richest man on all Kulthea, his
home a floating city of Eidolon over the capital. A large island and
independent trading realm. The current prince, Rylec Qaterris, has ruled
for more than 200 years.
Thanor: The lost empire of Thanor is a place still devastated to this day, laid to
waste by the Lord of Encla Turic in 4300 Third Era of Ire.
Khm: A land inhabited by a people who call themselves the Nuyani, more a
confederation than a government ruled land. Semi-nomadic, the Nuyani
are still recovering from the disasters after the arrival of the Nameless
One some thirty years past.
Reandor: A small kingdom, with considerable wealth which by accounts is said to
resemble Miir and Vornia in government and architecture, but without a
fragmented history.
Nmar-Tol: A cluster of large islands dominating the shallow Circular Sea, ruled and
populated entirely by Linri, Erlin and Loari elves. Trnor would
never discuss the island with you, other than in passing reference.

Rhiani: The Rhiani Tribesmen are the unchallenged masters of the vast and
desert plains of Uj. The Rhiani are scrupulously honest, and are equally
intolerant of liars. Stories abound of Rhiani cutting down merchants and
store owners if they feel cheated.
Plateau: Cavernous and rocky, the Charn Plateau is home to all manner of beasts
and notably the Charn Raiders who battle often with the Rhiani.
Kaitaine: One of the most famous trading ports in the west, on the isle of Ciros, a
city-state unto itself. The largest city in Emer that is devoted to trade and
Itanis: A group of five isles often called a paradise in song and story, ruled by
magicians known as Warlocks of Itanis and protected by an army of
Amazonian women. A Warlock of Itanis are among the most sought
after Truthseers in courts across Emer.

:: t h e e s s n c e ::

The Shadow World shares a unique interplay with the forces about and within it,
dynamic in form and intensity, this halo of Essnce manifests itself in Foci, Flows,
and Storms. Three are the realms of power that man can harness the Essnce known
respectively as Channeling, Mentalism and Essence (this differs from Essnce which
is known as the collective Arcane Power).

Essence: Common to all things, organic and inorganic, a force that defines the
ways of the world. Changes in the Essence can change the course of life.
Those who become one with the Essence can manipulate its patterns to
change life about them. Sorcerers tap the Essence exterior for their
Channeling: The power of deities channeled through their followers, of spiritual and
religious in nature.
Mentalism: The realm of power for those who use their mind to full capacity,
accessing the Essnce of their minds.

As the Essnce can provide such benefits for the inhabitants of the Shadow World,
we find ourselves presented with constrictions as well, physical impasses of Essnce
though invisible are all too real. Flow-storms perhaps being the most deadly and
terrifying. Always unpredictable, the tremendous flux of Essnce act much like
storms, yet they trigger earthquakes, volcanoes, portals, and erase and create life. The
Essnce sometimes focuses itself into areas and is concentrated heavily, known as
Foci if disturbed, flow-storms often release. It is said the Essnce exists on many
levels of consciousness foreign to the Shadow World, often named by Loremasters as
Planes of Existence.

:: o f g o d s a n d m e n ::

So what are these things known as gods? They provide those whom follow with
access to powers that rival those of Sorcerers and Mentalists. The presence of what is
termed gods by man is an all too real factor, especially those of the darker ken. It
appears most gods can be grouped into three distinct groups, those local to regions, the
Lords of Orhan, and the Dark Gods. Recorded history shows vast armies controlled
by Dark Gods, and the Wars of Dominion saw the Lords of Orhan present
themselves physically in Kulthea to drive back the hoards of demons and creatures
beyond the Shadow World. So, form is given to these gods, but they change at will.
Their individual mastery of Essnce is also historically recorded as being beyond
anything Kulthea has ever known, which leads some to speculate that god is just a
term for those who have advanced beyond comprehension in the arts of Essnce.
Conjecture aside, they are powerful and are felt across all of the Shadow World.

She is the strongest power existing in Hstra, Helberna her seat of power, although
whether she lives there is unknown. The High Archbishop resides in the High
Temple of Mynistra which overlooks the city on a nearby bluff said to have been
created by the goddess herself.

She is known as the three-faced: Love, Wisdom & Protector. Often she is depicted in
art as such and then as three separate entities. A benevolent goddess she is known to
have struck down those who take her name in vain or worship falsely. Services to
Mynistra are held every ten days, where singing of Mynistran hymns and prayer are
recited at temples or merely when is required. Sacrifice of incense disappears in the
air and sacrifices of flowers do not wilt during the day.

Followers of Zanar believe only in one god, Zanar and discount all others as either
illusion or heretical misleading. The religion of the Emperor Aldaron is a growing and
demanding force across Emer. Inquisitors of Zanar, empowered in their religion
demand tithe and devotion to Zanar wherever they travel. Their temples are found
across all Emer, although domination of land is not of importance, only the
conversion of realms. The Church in return offers longer life through the power of
Zanar and the freedom from premature death, raising those who believe in Zanar.
The Inquisitors constantly travel Emer looking for enemies of Zanar; nonbelievers.

Lords of Orhan
Of all those that have passed through existence, the Lords of Orhan stand alone as a
constant. Predating recorded time they are without parallel though they rarely
intervene in Kulthea as Mynistra, Zanar or the Dark Gods do. It took the last years of
the Wars of Dominion to rouse them and empires have crumbled without the Lords
of Orhan showing care but their dedication to their followers is returned. It is said
they reside on the moon Orhan in palaces beyond belief.

Like the gods of the lands, the Lords of Orhan seem to also hold personal dominion
and interest over attributes of life and have not wavered from their unique individual
interests in all of history. Not all of the Lords of Orhan maintain a religion, but they
do exist;

Sisters of Eissa, hooded black & white cloaked women who refuse to kill any life and
devote themselves to Eissa, the goddess of Death/Rebirth. Strict vegetarians, they see
all killing as evil. They sell herbs and heal those unfortunates injured or sick at no
charge other than an ask of donation.

Brotherhood of the Earth, respect nature above all other concerns, and follow ethos of
Iloura and Quen the spirit. A purely male institution who dress in brown robes with
an amulet in the shape of a tree. While not vegetarians, they stress that killing for
sport or other wasteful purpose is evil. They are well received by farmers who receive
cultivation information and bless harvests.

Kuor: King of the Lords of Orhan, who is the most aloof and distant of all the
Lords of Orhan.
Valris: Wife of Kuor and goddess of wisdom and learning. Scholars and
Mentalists look up to Valris as their patron and many books are devoted to
Reann: God of the night, master of sleep and dreams, one of the Lords who travels
the Shadow World hunting the Unlife that invades his realm upon a white
unicorn with a luminous silver horn.
Eissa: Goddess of death, rebirth and of the winter months, sister to Reann, she is
most often called upon in Lifegiving rituals. It is said she guards the Gates
of Oblivion deciding whether a life is to pass through or return. Those
who pass through the Gates do so into a higher state of being where peace
Phaon: God of the sun and of summer, husband of Oriana, he is called upon in
roles of fatherhood and masculine fertility.
Oriana: Goddess of love and fertility and of the season of spring, wife to Phaon.
Called upon in ceremonies of marriage between couples, her blessing a
sought after gift for children who want not for good health.
Cay: Lord of physical strength and athletic prowess.
Iloura: Wife of Iorak the Smith, Goddess of the Earth and of the harvest time
(Autumn), the mistress of all that grows.
Shaal: God of the sea and of Fall time, known more commonly as The
Jaysek: God of visual arts and of magic, twin brother to Kieron. It is said that
most languages upon the Shadow World were created by him, and those
who follow magic outside of the realm of Sorcery hold him in high esteem.
Melancholic and morbid are his followers.
Kieron: Festivals and the performing arts are what those who follow Kieron hold
dear, yet he is called upon to bless wine and to aid in those who seek
alleviation from hangovers.
Teris: The messenger of the gods. It is said he has some connection with the
Iorak: Husband to Iloura and Smith of the gods.
Spirits: Laia: daughter of Cay & patroness of women warriors, Bris: patron of
young love, Talaraine: patron of music and dance, Quen: patron of herbs
and flowers, Neela: daughter of Shaal who calms her fathers fury, Vult:
he who walks the Shadow World cleansing the undead, Jaynor: follower
of the four winds whether the spirits are manifestations of the Lords
will or beings who merely serve them is an unclear subject.

The races of Emer are varied; let alone the races of Kulthea. In such large continents
and thousands of years of history many a race have come and gone.

Iylari (High Elves), the lordliest of all the elves with two Kindred making up the Iylar
race, the Linri (Iy: Singers) and the Loari (Iy:Builders). Elves are immortal and
graceful with civilizations rivaling any mannish race.

Ta-lairi (Half Elves), whether of union of pureblood elf and pureblood human or
between half-elves. Some say they are immortal and others are hesitant to commit to
such a statement.

Anzeti, a small people inhabiting many of the mountains of Emer. As a rule they stay
far from the affairs of countries and dwell in small-internalized communities.

Laan, (High Men) taller than even the lordly elves with a lifespan of several hundred
years. Heavily boned and strong, the Laan are a race of great warriors, leaders and
empire-builders with a fierce ambition, mostly found in Hstra.

Shay, (Common Men) a melting pot of several racial types. Short and more hirsute,
prevalent in Tai-Emer and southern and central regions of Hstra.

Talath, (Northmen) a hardy race from Northern Hstra, powerfully built with a size
that dwarfs Laan. Simple people, without ambition to build empire, preferring to live
in small villages and tending sheep and crops.

:: o f t i m e a n d m o n e y ::

The importance of coin in Emer depends upon what nation you live in. In lesser
developed civilizations a coin is worth its weight in metal, whilst in successful trading
countries that mint their own the metal is less of concern than the value of money as
a means beyond barter to transfer goods. Silver is the most common currency in Emer
and most countries mint their own, gold is rare unless in the hands of nobles and
lords. As a rule of thumb exchange rates are as values;

10 tin pieces = worth 1 copper
10 copper pieces = worth one bronze
10 bronze pieces = worth one silver
10 silver pieces = worth one gold

Transfer of minted coins between realms is of negligible cost due to trade.

While large mechanical clocks exist in the major cities, the telling of time is by means
of the sun. Twenty-five hours mark the Kulthean day divided into five (known as
Quintars) divisions commonly known as predawn, morning, midday, evening, and
night these relating to the five realms (fire, water, earth, air, essnce) with each
dualistic in nature. While there is a science to this, it is less known beyond the major

Five months/seasons mark the Kulthean year based on the cycle of the Great Moon,
each seventy days long, beginning the year with the Winter solstice; Winter, Spring,
Summer, Autumn, and Fall. Seventy days is a cumbersome way to track time to most
people and a second calendar based on Varin, the second moon organizes most lives;

Moon-day Varin is full (market day)
Air-day Holy day in most civilizations
Dark-day Varin is new (bad luck)
Cloud-day Bad luck
Wind-day Holy day in most civilizations

Loremasters pay no heed to the cycle of Varin when recording time and use Orhan
exclusively for recording the year. Dates are recorded as TE (third era/ire) 6052,
Orhan 3 (the month), day 32, and is even briefly used as 6052332.

:: s t a t i s t i c s ::

Race: Laan
Appearance: Tall and strong with a slim yet muscular physique, with long coal black
hair to just above the waist. Striking blue eyes though not cold set in strong boned jaw
and light complexion. No facial hair nor have you had any in your life as it is not the
trait of Laan.

Strength: Average Brawn (D12)
Agility: Competent Athleticism (D10)
Health: Moderate Health (D12)
Knowledge: Good Knowledge of the World (D10)
Perception: Impressive Perception (D10)
Luck: Unreliable Luck (D20)

Melee: Impressive Warrior (D10)
Riding: Skilled Rider (D10)
Linguistics: Hobbyist Linguistic (D20)
Diplomacy: Natural Diplomat (D8)
Leadership: Decent Leader (D12)
Mathematics: Practiced Mathematician (D10)
Navigation: Struggling Navigator (D20)
Public Speaking: Fair Orator (D12)
Geography: Mediocre Geographer (D12)
Archery: Decent Archer (D12)
Tactics: Competent Tactician (D12)
Administration: Skilled Administrator (D10)

Armour (chain mail shirt and plate greaves each chain link embossed with the
Alkartek seal the greaves are decorated with gold filigree in arabesque design)
provides good armour (D12)
Horse (black mare by the name of Kora, complete with decorated saddle and
accessories as befitting a Lord, four years of age)
Sword (tempered steel blade, decorated along the blade with matching gold filigree to
the greaves, made for you at the age of fifteen) damage D10
Clothes (wide selection of velvet and silken clothes, only the finest cloth, your clothes
tailor made for you every several years as the budget allows)
Alkartek Family Medallion (carries the Alkartek seal, being rampant horse over to
sections of wheat intersected with a blade)
Ornamental Dagger
Chest (w/personal possessions)
Silver locket with painting of mother

your father dancing the ways of combat upon the great savannah, the wind rustling
through the grasslands distant for miles around save the north where mountains of
metal left long in water reign, and the great tents of the clan, other warriors beside
your father watching and practicing you swaying with them trying to copy their
moves even though you stumble on new legs the heat tiring, the wind dry

Ishrahas father, Selam was a leading Mataru of the Tarn of the Flurayan (Safron)
clan of the Nuyan-Khm. Sent to explore strange sightings near the sea coast with a
contingent of Mataru and their families.

still the great savannah, broken in brilliant and strange trees where the flowers grow
under the shade of twisted roots sapphire dawns and scarlet sunsets, the sky so
wide, so expansive a blanket under which you are familiar to as your mother and
fathers arms

the happiness, peaceful joy of clansmen who whisper words to you under the bright
canopy tents moved, horses carry the grasses continue and the horizon tucks in
the warm sky huge fires blazing with warmth while above twinkling of the stars as
clansmen sing and weave stories that drift you to sleep

the grasses yellowing, the trees shrinking and the sky blistering in hazes of yellow
and still the horses carry, tents move, but the people remain happy father twists and
spins, kicks and pushes, and the men they follow with you beside him, a happy smile
upon his face as you mimic with them no longer the mountains of bad metal can be
seen, lost to the sun at its height

stronger the heat, the horses droop until the water wells the tents move less and
the people stay smiling under the bright roof protecting you above racing among the
canvas and skins, through the feet of elders and doors between, breaking to watch the
men dance and weave, their braids spinning about them so gently while

now the land cracks and splinters and the people smile less, but are happy together,
but something is wrong, it seeps into the food, into the practice, into the play, and the
sky is unhappy and then it awakens in screams, shrieking searing light and crimson
smears across its sucked dry covering

the sky frowns grey and dusty, from behind bars of blood, a cage inscribed with
black pictures of monsters that chase you in sleep and not even mother or father can
stop them the sky parts grey to black, harsh black and the white embers are gone,
only now red streams of fire clansmen screaming, passed chained through a crowd,
one by one, up a blood red stone pyramid, burning blood down its steps roaring of
people, roaring of sky which opens its mouth as the blood spurts up and it screams
father nowhere mother nowhere just clansmen then strange robed men from
behind the red sky walking on the air, sweep through the crowd and the sky parts
Lankan priests pressing on the doors of the Nuyani took them by surprise by
overwhelming numbers and channeling. Taken to a Lankan Temple Oasis and one by
one dragged to the temple of Klysus and all brutally murdered well, not all. As the
sacrifices began a rogue group of Xiosians arrived and slaughtered the Lankan,
Ishraha was lost in the confusion as were several Mataru who also escaped (but would
soon become Notanu for fleeing the battle these few men now wander Emer, exiled)

among trees, shade and cool, the sky darting between the branches and leaves, water
gurgling upon stones, chilled and refreshing, soft to touch someone not your
mother, holding, caressing, speaking, feeding moving always with horses pulling
houses the sky glazed in an aftermath of red, gold - tired mountains, not of the
dying metal colour, but these like the angry sky, capped in clouds join the horses with
the setting sun and with them you rise upward, the sky grows cold

Ishraha was picked up by traders returning to Danarchis from Reandor trading gold
with the Lankanok along the way. They found the child outside the burnt ruin of the
Oasis strewn with bodies and decided to take him with them back to Danarchis.

then a magnificent building built into the mountains, overlooking blue river swollen
in hard water with deepest green forests luxurious in foliage the building sculpted as
if it were part of the mountains themselves the horses leading to this place

The Danarchan traders when they stopped off at the Changramai Monastery to
deliver supplies were approached by the monks who asked about the boy and they told
the monks of how they found him. The monks asked he stay.

not dark halls of stone, but filtered pools of the sky ma ny rooms in the house
removed and white robed men taking the rooms inside their halls men taking
interest in you, speaking soft words then you see them moving, pushing, dancing
the way of the air in the hallways but different than father you practice beside
them and the men talk more with you, soft words woman- not-your -mother leaves
and you are with the robed men

you awake up to smiling sky in trees from stones

:: t h e c h a n g r a m a ::

The changramai holds in his embrace unity and manifests it to all the world. He is free from
self-display, and therefore he shines; free from self-assertion, and therefore he is distinguished;
free from self-boasting, and therefore his merit is acknowledged; free from self-complacency,
and therefore he acquires superiority. It is because he is thus free from striving that therefore
no one in the world is able to strive with him.
- Ancient Changramai saying

Your life of training in the Changramai Monastery became your life, with only
fragments of your earlier life dim in mind. It has brought with it a life with many
friendships, epiphanies to lifes mysteries and your own well-being, knowledge
beyond words, but what the school succeeded in you is the presentation and
actualization of its tenets, its beliefs. It is the Changrama doctrine that you have the
most faith in, beyond and above all other concerns. It has shaped you into the man
you are now.

The Changrama is the ancient technique of mind and body fusion dating back to the
Second Era of Ire, some 8000 years ago (2500 S.E.I), established by none other than
the Loari master of unarmed combat and Loremaster, Tanris Dekdarion. He sought to
create a school and training centre of warriors disciplined to themselves and the order
to be unequalled within the Shadow World. With or without the aid of the use of
Essnce known as Mentalism, the Changrama embraces a philosophy of nature and
the Essence within. Though this is unknown to outsiders, one chooses to train as a
pure physical warrior or with use of Mentalism that requires additional regimes.

The Changrama is both function of mind and function of body brought together into
a temple within oneself, a temple mirrored in the world. As your head is round, so to
is the Shadow World and the Sun, as your feet are square so too is the earth, you are a
universe within yourself and understanding how to flow har moniously allows the
arrival at Changrama that is ignored by those not of the order. The world has divided
the mind from the body and humans fight wars of body and elves wars of mind, and
those who fight for both do not undifferentiate their unity. Changrama is not solid, it
is invisible, inaudible, intangible, formless, non- material, and indistinguishable, yet
within it is an image, a substance, a genuine Essence.

Always rid yourself of desires in order to observe its secrets,
Always allow yourself to have desires in order to observe its manifestations.
- Ancient Changrama saying

The development of the Changrama is a long process, requiring disciplined effort to
achieve each Veil, and to know that once one has attained the peak, he must begin
again at the bottom, in the inferior position. The further one strives to learn and
understand the material things, the less he knows of them, but by knowing oneself,
one knows the world. Unity of mind and body is the key to understanding the world,
the world is not separate from oneself.

There are those who follow the Changrama who also listen and weave the teachings
of the god, Lord Cay of Orhan, into their philosophy. No organized religion is
practiced within the walls of the Changramai Monastery. The god is he who rules
physical strength and athletic prowess, said to be the most skilled of the martial arts.
Their belief in harmony is not the same as the pure teachings of the Changrama, their
ideals being that the temple within is grown inside as an embryo. The result is the
same, but the perspective is different.

One of the first lessons of the Changrama is the technique of controlling ones breath
to become aligned with the rhythm of the world. Quieting the body, it frees turmoil
and allows one to reach a state pure from tension. More and more this was taught
with physical activity, to concentrate the breath while moving, eventually so that the
breath was controlled to descend to the soles of your feet and follow the channels of
Essence within through the body and to the head. It is said that the masters need not
breath through their nose, but can do so through the pores in their very skin, able to
inhale light, essence, and other presences.

Those who possess in highest degree the attributes of the Changrama do not seek to show
them, and therefore they possess them in fullest measure. Those who possess in a lower degree
those attributes sought how not to lose them, and therefore they did not possess them in fullest
- Ancient Changrama Saying

To be insoluble with nature allows one to channel its energies as long as there is no
struggle to take from the harmony with force. Once union is achieved, harmony flows
through oneself and moreover provides a state of well-being unequalled or wavered by
the petty conf licts of cultures. Changrama integrates with the Essence and the
Changramai student becomes attuned to the ways of nature, so much so, he can notice
fluctuations before the actions occur, since all action has its origin in the Essnce that
the student strives to be harmonious with.

Trained from early childhood, only those with aptitude and the desire become
initiates of the Changrama, and many ascetics live within the Changramai compound
that follow not the ways of Changrama. The first five years of initiation were the
easiest lessons upon reflection, for the principle of Changrama continues over and
over and the peaks get higher and higher. Your path was not the Mentalist, neither
the teachings of Lord Cay interested you. Only the pure physical warrior called to
your soul, and perhaps your heritage. Your masters soon uncovered this and tailored
your schooling and training around this.

All things are produced by the changrama, and nourished by its outflowing operation. They
receive their forms according to the nature of each, and are completed according to the
circumstances of their condition. Therefore all things without exception honour the changrama,
and exalt its outflowing operation.
- Ancient Changrama Saying

There are ten Veils of skill and developme nt within the Changrama, although these
are theoretical and non-defined with material achievements. Current Changramai
Grandmaster Tvaar Dekdarion himself has only reached the Ninth Veil, by his own
declaration. The passing of the Veil is advanced through a trial of Changrama,
mental, physical and spiritual ability in which monk proves his new designation
before a tribunal of masters. The Veils are worn on the traditional white robes within
the Changramai monastery only, signified by the colour of the small raised collar
band and on the left cuff. The Veils are only ever worn in the compound and never
beyond in the publics eye. Plain, black robes are always worn beyond the compound.

The Veils are;
White is the first Veil Tan is the second Veil Grey is the Third Veil Red is the
Fourth Veil Green is the Fifth Veil Maroon is the Sixth Veil Blue is the Seventh
Veil Purple is the Eighth Veil Black is the Ninth Veil Gold is the Tenth and
Final Veil.

Outside of the Veils, a second designation of skill is known as the degrees or the
ranks, related to the two basic schools of martial arts, Talshya (utilizing the striking
force) and Renshya (involving mostly unbalancing and throwing maneuvers). There
are four ranks for each style within each Veil, designated by small triangular pips on
the right side of the collar on the traditional white robes. Usually only worn at
ceremonial occasions, a monk must ascend through all four levels before he can be
considered by a tribunal of masters for ascension through trial to a new rank, where
the monk begins with no pips once again.

At the passing of the White Veil at the age of fifteen, you were given a small
triangular tattoo on the back of your left hand. From a distance the tattoo looks solid.
It is only upon close inspection that the very intricate pattern is revealed, a pattern
signifying the Changrama. Magically inscribed, the tattoo is impossible to
counterfeit. It signifies your arrival as a recognized Changramai monk, although it
did not allow you to be as your brethren and use your skills beyond the compound

The passing of your next two Veils to be of appropriate level for duty beyond the
walls tested both mind and body, although both separately. The meaning of each Veil
is something learned during the trial. The first Veil represented the purity of the
Changrama, the arrival at monkshood, and was without the difficulty of the second
and third Veils.

The second Veil, of the Tan, represented your trial of body. While the White Veil
was a test of both mind and body, it was by far nothing compared to the duress under
which the tribunal watched your moves for the Tan Veil. The physical struggle of the
Tan trial put your body through limits you thought unattainable and it was only
through the core studies of the Changrama you survived. The strain imposed was
akin to torture, but of the most heinous, having to prove your mettle by the
concentration of body and mind to overcome the physical torment. Two days of pain
blurred into a period of non-rest, but you proved yourself, and the Tan Veil was
passed to you. Strangely you remained without scars, physically, emotionally and
mentally, and perhaps that is why you passed.

The third Veil, that of the Grey, represented the trial of your mind. Left alone in
solitary for one week without food nor water, your mind underwent changes not
previously felt, horrors and deceptions entering your mind, trying to break you will,
your resolve, dreams so real you felt as if you experienced it all you walked through.
Lost you would have been save the Changrama which called you back to your centre
and reminded you of your being, and rather than fight to flow, and as soon as the
resisting was dropped so to were the nightmares.

Some would argue the Veils themselves are materia l, that the pips of the Talshaya and
Renshya are also, but they exist only within the Changramai compound as a means of
understanding who the teacher is and on what path to being with unity a monk is
upon. Never in any circumstance is rank used other than with the Masters who are
the teachers. No other Changramai monk must reveal the teaching unless she attains
the rank of Master, and then, and only then to the pupils learning within the

:: t h e s u n d e r i n g o f t h e n u y n a r ::

Though dim are the memories of the time before you came to the Changramai
Monastery, remain they did, always in the back of your mind. These were sparked
several years past after you had completed your trial of the Tan Veil, among the
library of the Changramai. Hymachus, Library Master always instructed the copying
of texts for future reference, and while the study of the world had never been of
interest to you other than by means of a place you would work within, it was this
particular text Hymachus passed to you to scribe that brought back your memories
with a vengeance, The Sundering of the Nuynar.

It is a tale of the beginning of the ten clans of the steppes of Tai-Emer, the Nuyan-
Khm, as you would soon remember, your very people who gave birth and life to you,
before it was all taken away. You copied the document for Hymachus and for
yourself, so much it has become close to your heart.

The Womb of YNar
East and north, where the Twin Stars rise in the summer sky, that is where lies the home of
Ynar. In the language of the Old Ones it is southern Kelestia, but the Nuyani know it as
Ohtani Ynar, the Womb of the People. Endless plains of green grass knew shelter against the
north winds by the Tishiri Haan The Wall of Mighty Stone and were watered by gentle
rains from the Bay of Serenity. The god Totanaur gave this land to the Ynar, and one more:
the horse to carry the people across the plain like the wind itself.
Got many turns of the orb of the world around the warming sun the Ynar lived in blissful
peace, many tribes calling no one place home but all of the green plain.
It entered slowly, the Shadow. The winter winds stayed longer, and autumns grew cool.
Perhaps the Ynar faltered in their devotion to Totanaur, perhaps the Twin-god himself dozed
on watch over his children. But the people could not say that there was no warning when spring
came not at all to the Ohtani YNar.

The Ice-Spring
With an ironic cruelty, the Master of Malice struck at nightfall on the day of the Spring
Revel, the holiest celebration of Totanaur the Merry. The Wall of Mighty Stone proved no
protection against the armies of the Master. Countless pale men in gleaming white steel armour
came through the passes and overran the hill clans. Led by the Frost King and astride white-
furred steeds like great wolves, they hunted the Ynar like sheep. No warrior could stand
against the Frost King.

The Vision of Kyan Kitanor
A knight of the clan Kyan, Kitanor was a reluctant warrior. Not out of fear, Kitanor was as
brave as any man. But he sought instead the Way of Totanaur the Thoughtful, spending many
hours in prayer and meditation. His devotion to the Twin Gods never faltered, though he
pleaded to know how his people had failed Totanaur. The Ynar were dying, forced to flee
from the tireless pale armies. Kitanor begged the Twin Gods for forgiveness, offering even his
own life for any answer.
In truth Totanaur had not slept, nor abandoned his children. But there are other powers in
the Heavens, and even the Twins must answer to another. So moved were they by his
entreaties, however, that they found a way to help the Ynar. They came to Kitanor in a
dream, and told him what he must do. They also told him the price: he would lead his people to
a new home far from the Frost King, but he could not pass the threshold to this land. Kitanor
fell to his knees and accepted without hesitation.
As he was told in his vision, Kitanor made a pilgrimage on Midwinters to an ancient ruin at
the southwestern coast of the land. A few from his clan joined him, also moved by a vision,
though none would speak of it in detail. Many were women, and there was concern at their
traveling because the invading forces of the Frost King were drawing ever nearer. But they
could not be dissuaded, some acting against the will of their lord.
Kitanor and the others of Kyan arrived at the holy site to find many hundred perhaps
thousands already there. They knew not exactly why they had been drawn here, but felt it
was Totanurs will. That night under the bright stars, Totanaur the Thoughtful appeared to
the people. They passed through the ruins to the very edge of the land. There, the Twin opened
a doorway to a secret passage a Coral Road under the sea.
And Totanaur the Merry was not idle: the hordes of the Pale Men had drawn nearer than
even Kitanor knew; in another few hours they would have reached the holy site. But
fortunately under their unearthly skin they were still men, vulnerable to the vices of men. The
Twin bewitched them with a charm of decadent thirst, and they raided the nearby settlements
for wine and mead. The night of revelry meant a day of aching paralysis afterwards.

Journey Beneath the Sea
Kitanor led the unusual exodus: a mixed group of religious pilgrims. Down they went into a
wondrous realm inside a living tunnel of pastel stone with windows into an undersea world of
luminescent creatures. They walked for days and days, yet Totanaur provided for them. At
last their undersea journey ended when they emerged from a natural tower of rock on a rugged
coast. Ahead of them loomed jagged black mountains. It was a cold and rainy day, but Kitanor
was unslowed. He led them through a pass west into the inland plains of Silaar.

The Green Land
At the pass they paused and looked upon their new home. The plains between the Mountains
of Rust and Ash were littered with the crumbling ruins of another people long gone, but now
they were uninhabited except for wild beasts. They began their descent, but here Kitanor
stopped. It was time to make payment. Totanaur the Thoughtful appeared before them all,
bathed in a heavenly light. He took Kitanor into his arms and bore him away to Orhan, where
he lives still. The faint reddish star just below the Twins in the southern sky is said to be his

Green Becomes Red
For many generations the Nuyani enjoyed a simple life on the plains, but as the population
grew there was competition for resources. The Tarns coveted each others lands and went to
war. Some sought merely to take land from their neighbors; other had grander designs: to rule
all the Nuyani of Silaar. Clan against clan, the children of Totaunaur fought and killed for
many turns of years. Finally the Ten Clans were united under one man the Htarn but the
price is terrible, and the Nuyani would all too soon pay the price for the senseless fighting.

ToTanaur Turns His Back
The Dynasty of Tasan is only four generations old when the Nuyan Khm face a threat from
outside: The Emerian Empire. The Mataru fight bravely, but they cannot match the Imperial
forces in sheer numbers. The Htarns prayers to Totanaur are not answered. The Emperors
general rides into Ashenoq in triumph. Tasan Nyin, Htarn of the Nuyan Khm, takes his
own life in shame of failure and a last offering to the two-faced god, hoping for a miracle. It
does not come. The Nuyani are conquered.

The Darkest Days
At first the people find their masters fairly benevolent, and they benefit from being part of the
prosperous whole. But it does not take long for the Empire to rot from within. The Emperor is
distracted by court intrigues, and ambitious provincial rulers take advantage. The rise of the
Black Duchess Jysela is the darkest time for the Nuyani since the Frost King: she imprisons
and executes them without reason, burns their books and tries to crush their will. But the Ynar
are strong. They resist. Finally she sends ducal legions under her command to crush the defiant

The Miracle
The Ten Clans gather on the fateful day as the Imperial forces march down from the north.
They are outnumbered four to one, but the Nuyani find a secret friend in the Duke of Reandor:
he allows the Duchess forces to pass through his land, but behind them his own troops close off
retreat and follow.
Under the eaves of the Red Forest the Nuyani stand ready, though they know that they have
little chance. Then a miracle happens. Out of the forest swarm millions of brilliant butterflies.
They converge on the Corinn army and blind them and their horses with their bright orange
wings. The People of the Steppe attack: the ducal troops panic and try to flee, only to be cut
down by the Reandorian warriors. The Nuyani are free.

And so is the history of your people. Hymachus upon noticing your being taken with
your past recommended you not explore any more and close watch was made over
your studies so not as to become mired in outside affairs, even though it burns your
heart to do so.

:: t h e s h a d o w w o r l d ::

Kulthea, the Shadow World. Intrinsic to all things, yet its politics, its wars have
never been the concern of the Changramai. These things wax and wane just like the
five moons that circle the world, and even of those only two hold interest for the
Changramai a duality, Orhan, home of the Lords of Orhan and Charn, rumoured
home of the Dark Gods. The five cycles of the year, Winter, Spring, Summer,
Autumn and Fall, each of 70 days need no more explaining than the cycle of ones
body as it ages in synchronicity with the moon Orhan. Such is the way of things.

There are those that worship and receive the power of the gods much like the Essence
that exists everywhere, and not just the gods of the moons, for there exists from
country to country, region to region, unique beings to locale and the gods are quite
real, but their importance in the ways of Changramai is none.

Of the Essence is perhaps something true to the teachings of the Changrama, just like
the flows of Essence swirl across the globe of Kulthea like rivers and branches, so too
does the Essence flow through the body. And just like these flows can erect barriers,
so to can the Changrama erect barriers within the body. Mentalists not Changramai
also use this Essence, as do the Sorcerers, yet their philosophy is divergent from the
teaching of the Changrama.

Beyond Kulthea, the Shadow lies. It has breached portals and rifts, whether opened or
torn apart by the powerful flow storms. One thing the Changramai teach is the
acceptance of these parallel and divergent worlds, mostly full of demons and beings
beyond comprehension. The Changrama is the skill to deal with such things, it is the
heart of physical strength within the Shadow World against these intrusions, which
grow more and more frequent. The Changramai do not disavow knowledge of the
Unlife, but rather it is another force that may or may not be encountered. Though the
Changramai Masters teach a neutrality when approaching the outside world, if it
came to mass war the Changramai would stand against the forces of the Unlife, bent
on erasing the existence of being, the existence of Changrama.

A Brief Mention of the Lands
The Changramai can be found on the many continents of Emer, but for the most part
on the two close continents of Emer and Jaiman, the former of where the Monastery
is based (although a school exists in the Gryphon Library in Jaiman). Emer is a
tumultuous land, and in the Third Era of Ire has seen an Empire span its continent
and beyond, only to crumble after thousands of years as corruption sowed its seed.
Dark times have plagued it since and appear that they shall remain for many
thousands of years to come.

Hstra: The region of Hstra is home to the Monastery, but it includes many of
the more prominent and civilized cultures existing in Emer. From the
sea-faring, peaceful Danarchis, to the simple farming dales of Bodlea.
Further south along the Spine of Emer, loose city-states allied to
themselves and each other exist in the recently freed lands of Miir, while
further south the deteriorating conquering land of Stroane crumbles
under its weight of corruption which once led it to conquer most of
Hstra. Vornia is a land of little, while Amazon warriors rule the
domain of Sarnak on the Bay of Izar where independent sea-trading
cities prosper in the protected Bay. All of this centres on the island of
Votania, once the seat of the Emerian Empire and the home of the
Masters of Emer, who held legendary peace over the continent back in
the distant era of the Second Ire, long before the establishment of the
Changramai school.
Uj: South beyond the Forbidden Hills, Morbek Highlands and Scorpion
Ridge lies a wasteland decimated by wars thousands of years past. From
the Rhiani and Charn tribesmen, to the Warlocks of Itanis and their
warrior amazons who defend them in the paradise realm. Then there is
Kaitaine, the legendary city, largest in Emer, a city-state whose trade
spans the Western globe.
Tai-Emer: From the ruins of Pochantos, destroyed by the bloodthirsty and
expanding empire of the Lankonok whose borders press on the very
people you believe you hail from, the lands of Nuyan-Khm and their
ancient allies Reandor, and north to Silaar and the Elven islands of
Nmar-Tol. Sel-Kai and the floating city of Eidolon are the jewel of Tai-
Emer, from where the air-barges and airships spread their wings across
the Shadow World.

History of the Shadow World & Emer
The concern of dates and events though recorded in the Changramai Monastery are
not of prime concern to initiates or the monks. Those who, though failed the tests,
remain on at the Monastery doing their part keep for the most part these records.
What you know is minimal and that is how you care for it. The wars of the past do
not have much effect upon you, nor should they. All you know is that you live in the
Third Era of Ire, the year 6053 by Loremaster reckoning.

Of Loremasters & Navigators
Note should be made of the Loremasters and their often-seen imitators, the
Navigators. The Loremasters being an elven brotherhood, which begun some say, in
the Second Era of Ire by the immortal race. And it is the first history lesson to the
initiate that the Changrama was a development by the Loremaster Tanris Dekdarion,
the founder of the great monastery. It is said the Loremasters oppose the Unlife, yet
their actions are often distant and rarely do they interfere with the Free Races of
Kulthea. The Navigators, are just as well known, although they carry the same
manifesto of non-interference. They are a planet-wide coalition of guilds, an alliance
which has monopolized a unique transportation service and offer of guide through
lands. A relatively safe transport for those who can afford their exorbitant fees.

:: t h e c h a n g r a m a i ::

The Changramai Monastery is located upon the Great Continent, Emer, on the
northern side of the Choak Gap in the Choak Forest, pressed tightly against the
slopes of the Choak Mountains which form an inverted T above the long range of
the Spine of Emer in the lands of Hstra. The Monastery is a large and expansive
stone building sculpted from the granite of the mountains overlooking the Choak Gap
where trade passes out from Hstra from the capital of Danarchis, Artha, through the
dales of Bodlea and into the realm of Tai-Emer, though the Monastery is not visible
from the old Imperial Highway below.

The Changramai are bodyguards. They are not freedom fighters, that is not their
place within the universe. Self-development is more important than the oppression of
a culture. If there are those that wish for the Changramai to defend their causes it is
offered to them at a sum of 5 gold pieces per monk a day, and sometimes more. The
Changramai never go solo, but in pairs or in larger groups, hired through the many
offices across the Great Continent Emer and the Northern continent of Jaiman.

The monastery does not hire out bodyguards for guard duty unless they have
completed the Grey Veil and have a total of four ranks in either Talshya or Renshya.
Once again, the insignia is never shown, and a Master may accompany a Third Veil
monk and both are equal. This hides to possible opponents the monks area and level
of expertise. Whatever the case, a monk is sworn to death to defend the person or
object employed for.

:: o f t i m e a n d m o n e y ::

The importance of coin in Emer depends upon what nation you live in. In lesser
developed civilizations a coin is worth its weight in metal, whilst in successful trading
countries that mint their own the metal is less of concern than the value of money as
a means beyond barter to transfer goods. Silver is the most common currency in Emer
and most countries mint their own, gold is rare unless in the hands of nobles and
lords. As a rule of thumb exchange rates are as values;

10 tin pieces = worth 1 copper
10 copper pieces = worth one bronze
10 bronze pieces = worth one silver
10 silver pieces = worth one gold

Transfer of minted coins between realms is of negligible cost due to trade.

While large mechanical clocks exist in the major cities, the telling of time is by means
of the sun. Twenty-five hours mark the Kulthean day divided into five (known as
Quintars) divisions commonly known as predawn, morning, midday, evening, and
night these relating to the five realms (fire, water, earth, air, essnce) with each
dualistic in nature. While there is a science to this, it is less known beyond the major

Five months/seasons mark the Kulthean year based on the cycle of the Great Moon,
each seventy days long, beginning the year with the Winter solstice; Winter, Spring,
Summer, Autumn, and Fall. Seventy days is a cumbersome way to track time to most
people and a second calendar based on Varin, the second moon organizes most lives;

Moon-day Varin is full (market day)
Air-day Holy day in most civilizations
Dark-day Varin is new (bad luck)
Cloud-day Bad luck
Wind-day Holy day in most civilizations

Loremasters pay no heed to the cycle of Varin when recording time and use Orhan
exclusively for recording the year. Dates are recorded as TE (third era/ire) 6052,
Orhan 3 (the month), day 32, and is even briefly used as 6052332.

:: s t a t i s t i c s ::

Race: Ynar (Nuyani)
Appearance: Short and hardy, with light tan skin, little body hair, but thick black,
short hair. Deep brown eyes with an epicanthic fold (giving an oriental look), with
flattened nose, and wide cheekbones and forehead. The last six years you have taken
to growing a braid above your left ear, tightly woven of perhaps a foot in length, the
rest of your head you keep shaved.

Strength: Impressive Strength (D10)
Agility: Natural Athlete (D8)
Health: Strong Health (D10)
Knowledge: Below Average Knowledge of the World (D20)
Perception: Decent Perception (D12)
Luck: Not Bad Luck (D12)

Melee: Elegant Warrior (D8)
Missile: Talented Archer (D10)
Climbing: Competent Climber (D12)
Adrenal Moves: Mediocre Channeler of Adrenaline (D12)
Notes: The use of this advanced Changrama technique allows you to manage the
impossible which gives the Changramai their reputation. By channeling your
Essence you can achieve great things; falling from great heights, leaping far, increase
of speed in combat and movement, quick drawing of weapons, and enhanced
Adrenal Defense: Skilled Channeler of Adrenaline (D10)
Notes: The use of this advanced Changrama technique allows you to manage the
impossible realms of defense, the ability to channel your Essence; to pluck arrows
and other objects thrown at you and others, catch blades between the palms of your
hand, evade others by running up walls, create a whirlwind of defense with hands
and feet, and many other techniques.
Talshya: Highly Skilled Martial Artist (D8)
Notes: Talshya is the art of striking or kicking another in unarmed combat.
Renshya: Highly Skilled Martial Artist (D8)
Notes: Renshya is the art of sweeps and throws.
Body Development: Impressive Body Control (D10)
Contortions: Good Contortionist (D12)
Meditation: Average Ability to Meditate (D12)
Tumbling: Commonplace Tumbler (D12)
Defense Bonus: Decent Defense (D12)
Notes: The Defense Bonus acts like warriors armour and it your ability to evade
blows through sidestepping, wrapping in cloth.
Scribe: Average Scriptor (D12)

Black Robe
White Robe (with veils & pips kept at Monastery)
Shangkana (two wood rods about eighteen inches long, attached by a short chain from
which the rods can be slung about and whirled in dizzying circles at incredible
Jata (circular, three-bladed weapon which is hurled within a 120 arc at either multiple
foes or to return to the wielders hand)


CHEON- Right hand man, a Quaidu by race, yet his appearance does not determine his character.
Cheon though feared is respected by the network. His knowledge and abilities make him a valued asset. He
tirelessly trains younger members in stealth and traps, less physically combatant Cheon is no wimp with his
weapons twin sickle blades he uses to pin, rather than slice. Cheon avoids the daylight and keeps to the night
hours exclusively.

SUTARA- Once a petty thief and criminal, Sutara is Pellern born and bred, from what you
understand he grew up on the streets an orphan. Yet his skill makes you believe though his road was hard, it was
not always miserable. He has his ears to the ground and to all who dwell, often a loudmouth, but only about those
of his own social standing. Many of the younger men with criminal pasts look up to Sutara as a role-model.

DIVINHADRA- Quiet, though a friend and ally of Sutara. Less a common thief than a burglar
who became caught up in a raid on Sutaras place that led to his subsequent arrest and liberation from jail with
the offer to join the Security Network. Divinhadra is a skilled man to send to tail another, and has a good head on
him, as recently he coordinated much internal security.

LERSTIN- A tracker from Sandar, who agreed to join to feed his family back there. He has extensive
knowledge of the Mountains of Gold to the sea to the west, north to the Keyten River and south to as far as
Pellern. A reclusive fellow one who is warming to some of the others in the network, but prefers the outdoors and
being close to his family.

MONACE- Pickpocket who was moving upward to mugging before Sutara snatched him from the
alleys and brought him to you. He agreed to work in fear of punishment and has been a good courie r ever since.
Quick on his feet, small and agile, he perhaps knows the streets as well if not better than Sutara.

YMENIA- One of the few women within the Security Network, Ymenia s work as a smuggler and fence
within Pellern is as old as her years here. Not unattractive, her charms and appearance often soften her work that
now involves the spreading of information and gathering of it.

GARICK- Hates his work, arrested for repeated assaults, so much the guard finally gave in. His
drinking can be a problem, as it is often when he gets most agitated, yet Garick is no wetback. He is cynical and
sardonic, but he is loyal and his work though it is on the rougher or more physical side of things in no way makes
him the dullard. Garick is perceptive, a good man with a sword to have at your side.

SAMIL- His parents were from Sarnak, always under suspicion. Little is known of Samil, but his parents
are said to have been murdered. Instead of anger however, Samil has tirelessly worked for those on the outskirts
without contact to the cities, spreading information, helping where needed, providing delivery. He mostly works
the lands south of the Alana River within Pellern, though not to Pavel or Gaerek.

CAONEN- Born in Bornay who came to Pellern after reading Stjepans proclamation about the
prosperity of the city. At first his nervous tick, shaking left hand paralyzed seemed a liability, but Caonen was
wise with words. A good ear, Caonen has become the publics voice as he makes his way to bars spreading
information and gossip passed to him by above.

SONEUR- Is one of the few men of the crew to have wealth himself. A minor noble, fallen on ill times
with his reputation disgraced by a public arrest at brothel that uncovered him quite openly. In the resulting
scandal he lost his wife, but his funds were his own. A ladies man Soneur is still welcomed at the parties of nobles.
He swaggers more openly now, and the rumours are that he is a lieutenant in Lord Stjepans secret information
force. He doesnt deny it, and it allows him entrance to nearly every noble party in fear and curiousity. Soneur is
an excellent informer seemingly happy to be back in the grace of social company.

ENDA- Burly and grizzled, Enda is the largest of your group, a highwayman reformed who rides a wild
grey and white stallion as impetuous as him. Enda knows the lands of Pellern fairly well, having crossed them
many years in his life. His bunk in the headquarters is never touched. Enda is sensitive about his rights.

DELKYIN- Local boy with attitude, never done wrong, but strong in his youth and is often rash but
well-meaning. Athletic and willing, he learns all skills and has proven a capable learner and is excelling in most

CADSEILLE- Default housekeeper, Cadseille was imprisoned for murder of the man that he
believed raped his wife. He was wrong. No longer with wife, Cadseille is crippled, he hobbles about the security
headquarters cleaning up and organizing notes and the training room, providing warm food and organizing the

ORCAN- A Talath dalesman, somber and forlorn. Long blonde hair and beard, always in leather armour.
He often rides with Enda, but since the deaths in the headquarters has taken to being the bouncer at the door,
watching for trouble.

MOCEZATL- Imposing, short, but broad and deep, strong and powerful, this foreignor spoke with
heavy accent. Of burnt skin and strange features. Learning of his fate you soon found room for him his land
and people destroyed by the Lankan Empire, the former land of Pochantos in ruins, he with family in Relian to
support. He has proven to be an excellent follower, if a little slow to learn. His conviction to his job is beyond

b o o k o n e :: s h a d o w o f l o c u s t

Three preludes are required to weave the characters into cohesion and meeting at the
beginning of I can see by the whites of your eyes. The preludes serve to prepare
and bring together the timelines with the eventual arrival at Spring 6053 TEI, one
season after the Loss of the Northern Eye. Lord Stjepans prelude begins in Autumn
6052TEI, Ishraha in Winter of 6053 on the eve of the Fall, and Celim begin on the
day before her meeting with Lord Stjepan of Pellern.

The preludes will weave more and more together as the time approaches Spring 6053
TEI. They will be presented in small scenarios played from one moment to another.
The time in between is inconsequential as this is a prelude to establish events playing
on the first scene together.

Lord Stjepan Nemeck

With Tanya: Wrapped in her arms on a fur rug in the rolling hills some few miles
from Lord Lycus fathers manor. It is late at night and the sky is clear, stars gleam
brightly with the added presence of Orhan whose silvery orb is full and immense on
this first day of Summer 6052. They both have celebrated the first day of the middle
season of the year, though not together.
Tanya is beautiful, young and lithe, but developing surely. Her long pale blonde
hair is as silken as any nobles gown. Intertwined she wonders, dreaming. Intelligent
and mature she talks about the moon, watching the thick cloud formations trying to
decipher any meaning, whether a break is a range of mountains and who lives there
if anybody. Let discussion go until the point comfort is sought or achieved. Their
tryst is interrupted by no less than Lord Lycus who rides in grim and disheveled with
Lord Vaymoris and many of Lord Nemecks knights. His sweeping black hair to his
shoulders is ragged. He doesnt offer explanation to Tanya and tells Stjepan, Its
your father.. Lord Vaymoris and the knights are pensive but say nothing as they
gallop. Three hours later they arrive at Alkartek.

Father is ill: Bed-ridden and unconscious Lord Nemeck looks a pale of his former self.
His bedroom is full to the brim of all-important officials, Lord Chancellor Demetrius,
Seneschall Agall, Lord Adjudicator Galrode, Chancellor of His Lords Lands and
Purse Malvion, Lord Bishop Vartan, Lord Trainer Daubon, Lord Trainer Trnor,
his brother Constans and Lord Nemecks personal, yet aged servant Jad. Several other
lords close by are milling outside. Three senior female healers of Eissa are attending
to Lord Nemeck and speaking to each other over his wheezing body. His long hair is
still black and even at his age of one hundred twenty-five years he had only yesterday
a youthful mien, but now his cheeks and eyes are sunken and his chest rasping.

The healers look grim and they know he will be dead soon. No one will say
anything damaging, only that it is too early to tell anything. Lord Chancellor
Demetrius stops Stjepan if over -excited leading him out of the room asking if he
could stay in the castle while his father is ill. Lord Constans follows him out and
when the Lord Chancellor leaves in front of the other knights and lords outside
Constans asks/demands Where were you Stjepan? If he replies at Lord Vaymoris
Constans says that Lycus had to ride to find him. Constans uses this to his advantage,
pushing for the role of heir.
Trnor takes Stjepan away for a strong drink in the study. A room filled on all
walls with books and open cupboards of scrolls, maps and diagrams. The corner castle
rooms windows look far across the rolling hills of Alkartek, frosted in silvery
essence. Trnor just is there to listen and console. An elf of unassuming appearance
belying his racial heritage. Deep mahogany hair is tied back into a pony-tail and a
quite apprehensive and pensive face.

Next Day: Wakes, fathers condition has unchanged, Stjepan finds himself wandering
the gardens a small area built within its own courtyard on the higher levels of the
castle, the place her mother wanted her father to build and did after her death. No one
is here so it seems until he runs into Constans and his merry band quite by accident.
His brother and some fifteen young lords and ladies are in his attendence. Constans
immediately takes the offense to even further impress his determination to be heir.
We were just talking about you brother wed thought you the result of foul-play
when word came through the Court Sorcerer that you were not at Lord Vaymoris
mansion with Lycus. It would have been tragic to have two tragedies on the same
day. Whatever the discussion that follows, Constans must win verbally, even if he
results to outright implication, and in case of this, that he does not even have the
gumption to fuck servants of his own castle and must run away at night. Constans
must win this and the lords and ladies will laugh in his stead.
As Stjepan is left and the others laugh, Constans sees an opportunity. He carefully
whispers to Lady Sylvalia to go after him, pretend sympathy and feelings of disgust,
as a game. Smitten with Constans she acquiesces. Lady Sylvia is as pure as they come,
considered one of the most attractive ladies in all of Alkartek, of Laan descent, soft
green eyes and an exquisite and delicate porcelain appearance. She chases him and
with excellent acting apologizes for them and tries to console him. She asks if she
could speak with him later, after the evening meal? If rebutted shell go so far as to
imply strangeness.
Studies with Trnor may go unfulfilled dependent on Stjepan. Word comes
through to the study room that Lord Nemeck is worsening, but that no one is to
disturb the healers doing their best to save him.
Lord Lycus speaks with Stjepan that afternoon after his studies, to console his
friend on the balcony of Stjepans room overlooking the field beyond from high on
the castles levels. Lycus has strong bottle of brandy that he uncorks and shares.

Evening with Sylvalia: After dinner returning to change from the pomp clothes
deigned to wear with each formal meal, Lady Sylvalia stops him at his door, a
beautiful young princess. If he is a little drunk, the overpowering resonance of her is

not only physically compelling but sexually. Sylvalia has timed a maid to come upon
her at a specific time, how advanced along they are doesnt matter. Constans plan,
deviant as it may be is well under way Sylvalia is nothing but the doting obsequient.
Instead Meldil is the one that walks in and will become Constans duty to get rid of
for Constans intends for this to appear as a brutal rape and the next night Sylvalia
will be found as such with Meldil beaten into submission informing Constans of what
he saw. Falls asleep. And dreams.

Dream of the Silver Sword: Hes with his father in his room, black cloth is draped
over every wall and billows inward pulling to a centre ring. Jad stands beside his
father, looking better than when he last saw him, just a little tired now. He, however,
as fit as he appears speaks with the breath of a dying man, barely able to enunciate.
After mumbling, he points to Jad who unscrews the head of the best post and inserts a
key taken from around his fathers neck and with a click a stone room opens silently
revealing a dark chamber within. His father utters Ahn Sye Nokora restore
tell none here and Jad enters returning out with the silvered yarkbalka. This
dream occurs as the final ritual to finally bring to end Lord Nemecks life undergoes
with the sacrifice of Sylvalia and Nemeck in name of Andaras. Wrapped up in the
powerful essnce manifesting with the ritual Nemeck knew he had to give the sword
to Stjepan and with the determination of his heritage and wild magic reached out to
show Stjepan the yarkbalka forgotten in Nemeck history.

Day of Death: woken not by Meldil, but by the Lord Bishop who informs with a
heavy heart that only moments ago did his father pass away. There was nothing the
healers could do. The land goes into a day of mourning. Stjepan must make a decision
about getting the yarkbalka out. Nemeck will be buried in the crypt with his key
otherwise. He has all day to try; Nemeck is kept in his room, dressed for death in
preparation for the morrows early burial in the crypt under the castle. If Stjepan
wants time with his father it will not be denied him. There is plenty of time to safely
take out the sword. Meldil is still missing.
In the evening in the room of law, both Constans and Stjepan are called with
Trnor, Daubon in attendence as representatives of each lord before the Lord
Adjudicator and Lord Chancellor, the former of whom reads Nemecks last words to
determine the mantle of the land. His wishes were that Constans take the title of
lord of this castle. Nothing more is said and they are let out, on the way Constans
side -ways asks, Have you seen Sylvalia, my brother? and walks away with Daubon
claiming they have no time for idle discussion. Constans from now on acts in total
maturity and wiser, not open to the petty fights, and may even say so that they are no
longer children and appears to drop the rivalry with his brother.

Two Funerals, One Solemn the other Sickening: His fathers funeral, the Lord Bishop
of Mynistra rambles off one of his most poignant sermons, that brings nods but little
emotion. The casket is sealed. Jad is nowhere to be found. After midday the second
funeral is hasty and done with little furor. Scouts bring to the attention of the Lord
Adjudicator of Sylvalias body who then informs Constans. The plan is set to spring.
Constans and the Lord Adjudicator go to Stjepan. Constans appears on all accounts to

sympathize with his brother, his charade goes like this. He lets him know they found
Sylvalia, she was raped and dumped beyond the castle, her body has been there for at
least a day they say judging by the mess the crows had made. The Lord Adjudicator,
he says, has been silently enquiring all day. You, he says, were the last one to be with
her from what Meldil your servant said, intimate. Also another maid has confirmed
seeing Sylvalia entering his room, but not leaving at least not on her watch. The
Lord Adjudicator just wants to know when she left here although Constans
implication is much more. Constans seems agitated, and when the Lord Adjudicator
leaves Constans lets his brother know that any rumour contrary will be quashed. He
seems torn. He then seriously sits with Stjepan and recounts about how he never
expected this (referring to father). He then goes on to tell Stjepan to stay with Lord
Lycus, as Vaymoris is staying at the castle for over a week. He orders it if he has to.
With Stjepan out of the way, Constans and Daubon solidify their grasp on Alkartek.
Meldil and the maid are never seen again, but fill out more sacrifice to Andaras.

Comfort: with Tanya and time spent with Lycus, the week of forgetting of refilling
passes with some speed. Before he knows it he has to return as Vaymoris returns.

Return: finds Constans speaking with him after evening meal. Constans speaks with
honour and conviction. He says we should make father proud, and as such hes
accepted the offer of marriage to Lady Willona, daughter of Lord Dreygen of nearby
Pellern for Stjepan. His conviction is this; that Stjepan can never be lord in Alkartek
and that they both should be leaders, why not lead and bring Miir back into the
esteem it was once held, someone has to do it and why not them? By marrying Lady
Willona hell be arranging himself to take over from the aging lord and together they
can work to bring the states together, bring some security back to the land, and he
even goes so far as to call Stjepan selfish, saying he has responsibilities he loathes the
burden of as well but can do nothing about it. If Stjepan refuses, the only other option
is to be cast out. Constans will be cold if he has to be.
Trnor makes his farewells, everything packed he lets Stjepan know hes leaving
for Danarchis, relieved of his position by Constans something he sees as only right
and besides he wishes to grow grapes on the coast for a while.

Marriage: Nearly one month later and Stjepan has experienced the most miserable
few weeks of his life that has passed so fast he could do little except try to keep up.
Within the week his few possessions not of castle property he had packaged up and
with caravan was transported with guard to Pellern. Pellern is a dirty and empty city
moping about in the shadow of the dilapidated castle of Lord Dreygen before the
foothills of the Mountains of Gold. For weeks prepared for marriage by attendants
foreign to him, the dream haze spinning out of control, until this moment. He has
returned from the banquet hall where the vows were recited to Lady Willona, whom
he cant even remember. In his appointed room, being a damp and claustrophobic
chamber with a small shuttered window without glass overlooking the dreary and
bleak city he sits alone. Everything has suddenly stopped, the deed is done, and he is
now a married man. Allow him time to himself, to ask questions, but try not to let

him be too informed as he hasnt had time for it and knows very little. Its as if he just
Lady Willona arrives an hour later or before he considers leaving with several of
her handmaidens to set the record straight. Lady Willona is nothing startling, if
anything a little plain with her braided long-blonde hair and roundish face speckled
with brown eyes. She coldly puts her foot down, explaining that while she sees the
marriage for what it is, nothing more than an arrangement for politics sake, that is all
it will ever be. She will not share his bed and will only fulfil obligations such as public
appearances with him as are required (this is considerably small in Pellern). She
leaves. He sleeps alone.

Next Morning with Lady Wintessa: is everything opposite to the uninspiring
Willona. She is a sexual predator with the looks and figure to win her way every
time. She invites her Son-in-law to breakfast at the behest of a servant. Brought to her
very room, Lady Wintessa enjoys an enviable room overlooking the western foothills
of the mountains of gold and the haze floating from the winding Alarna River. A
table has been set up on her balcony beyond the large oaken doors. She greets him a
little less dressed for a morning meal than he would have expected. A silken-layered
purple gown, her face is already alluring delicately delineated with make-up. Her
bronze hair is tussled and she greets him warmly, with a hug no less, pressing warmly
against him. She leads him to the table that has been lavished with wine from
Danarchis (even at this early a morn), fine cheese and a selection of fresh fruits. Its
the best meal hes looked at for a long time. She is warm to him and does everything
to make him feel at home despite her appearance. She slowly flirts with him, and
intends to take him to bed either now or later depending on his reactions. She wants
to let him know he is welcome, she knows what its like to be a stranger here and if he
ever needs to talk to come to her.

Days later in the Mountains of Gold: Luse Invarath, Lord Adjudicator and Captain of
the Guard, in love in Lady Willona since he can remember. Much older than Stjepan
he invites himself to his chambers one day, introducing himself more formerly, and
asking about whether it was true he was taught by Daubon? Luse is a handsome man
with prominent features that render him somewhat gaunt. His black hair is marked
by a white strip at the side, his partial plate mail and chain acid etched with swords
appearing made from and coming out of roses. He goes on to relate how Daubon
saved the mines of Pellern some years back, so its said (before his time), would he like
to see the mines, leave the castle and taste some fresh air?
Luse appears friendly, having the appearance of good intentions. Horses are
saddled and prepared for both Lords who ride out together alone. They cross the great
Imperial Bridge to the south and immediately divert for the small worn track leading
up to the gold shimmering mountains that sheer up like a massive talon to the west.
As Luse travels he asks what his impressions of Pellern are, and then proceeds to
inform him that they are, a poor city but with a proud tradition, a tradition that cant
just be made light of. The mine is all they have, and they must guard it well since less
and less passing trade comes through to Izar, it being more profitable by sea.

Theyve ridden quite high into the harsh rock and forbidding landscape that strips
away any regal feeling the Mountains of Gold should have. It is here that mercenaries
attack. Hired through the grapevine by Luse to ambush the two to test the mettle of
the Lord Stjepan who may one day be in power and also has stopped any possible
affection between he and Lady Wintessa. The three mercenaries are desperate, low on
money and patience. Luse will go to fight but if Stjepan stands aside Luse will know
his mettle and have no consideration for him. If he flees in fight its even worse. Hell
use this against him later. If Stjepan fights he maintains some dignity in Luses eyes
but no love due to Luses romantic intentions toward Lady Wintessa.

Midnight New Years Eve: the world goes into a spin as Ondoval takes the Eye of
Utha in the Northern vault. The aftermath immediately begins with Stjepan in his
room avoiding the drowsy celebrators still marching on to bad minstrels in the feast
What follows is the very first of many events that happen. Stjepan is preparing for
bed, having penned in his log notes when suddenly the silence, only slightly marred
by the ditties damped in the castle, is all shattered by a massive explosion that too
sounds muffled and rounded. The explosion is distant. If he goes to open his
shuttered window he suddenly is struck with a powerful aftershock of essnce
buckling outward, catching him and throwing him clean back against the wall striking
it so hard blood comes to mouth.
Opening his windows will reveal a most horrendous sight; the sky is aflame in
purple spider -webbing, lightning that races back and forth across the clouded and
unclouded sky for as far as he can see. Whats worse is that something flaming and
humanoid yet more monstrous than anything hes seen is storming its way to the
castle, behind it a huge blue pool floating horizontally in the air. Whatever it is
burning, it seems quite at home with it, lumbering with its monstrous arms and claws
at stalking gait toward Pellern.
Should Stjepan try to help he will find the castle in chaos. Lord Dreygen is dead,
the shockwave killing against his own throne, and people are screaming over this not
the demon. Others are picking themselves up. Stjepan should do well to warn them
before the demon gains entry into the castle. The demon is met with force however,
as court sorcerers do their best to drive out the creature that is swallowed before it
kills more than twenty.
This night begins an entire season of pain and death and fear. The next few days
following Lord Dreygens death are ones spent in fear of life. Dark storms gather for
as far as the eye can see and hail and rain and spew lightning down everywhere,
against even the castle. Fires begin in the town below. The Alarna River bursts its
banks quelling the fires but bringing with it its own dangers. Half of Pellern are
thought dead already. Aftershocks return, shattering Pellerns castle walls, the stables
are crushed and all horses slain. Nothing more comes from the portal that remains
open for 3 days before closing. Lightning showers continue unabated all over the
Mountains of Gold for one week, many fear that the lightning will descend to the
city. What time Stjepan has had is spent locked in his room, trying to avoid the panic
and the power struggles outside.


Ten Days after the Cataclysm: and the last of the lightning has faded into the red
churning skies. Far in the distance fires rage, trailing smoke spires into the maelstrom
above, but for the most part the intensity has expended itself. Outside of the room
Lady Wintessa made a grab for the seat of power with loyal/docile supporters/lovers
as her guard. Lady Willona would not stand for it and with the help of Luse Invarath
and the guard spent the days of disaster reclaiming back the seat of power and
deposing Lady Wintessa, but not killing her restricting her power. With the backing
of the court Lady Willona becomes the first female ruler of Pellern and Stjepan is
her husband. Lady Willona, who looks much more determined, accompanied by a still
bloody Luse who regards Stjepan suspiciously, visit him on this day. At his table she
sits, with Luse standing behind her glowering at Stjepan, and she outlines a few
- Lady Wintessa attempted to take over rule of Pellern. She intervened with
backing of the court. Luse then says, her supporters are examples of those
who wish to try to overthrow the Dreygen line. Lady Willona continues,
that Lady Wintessa shall remain in limited capacity within the court. The
public should not know of the attempted coup, as it would only give the
local mercenaries something to consider.
- Though married, his role is not to lead. Though she realizes the need to
keep public face she has decided upon a role, course of action that benefits
Pellern. She understands he has been well trained and is a learned scholar,
having the benefits of the tutor Trnor. She wants him to be an
ambassador of Pellern, to travel Hstra and encourage trade to Pellern.
- Lady Willona lets him know that among negotiations and treaties left in
her fathers wake there was an offer of trade, specifically one he would be
suited to, that being his brother, Constans offering to discuss trade of
foodstuffs in more detail with Pellern so as to avoid Stroane. She wants
him to leave for Alkartek immediately with two guardsmen. He is to
officially accept Alkarteks offer of continuing and mu tual discussions for
merging of trade.
Lady Willona provides for him a stipend of 30 gold to keep him in residency on the
trip to Alkartek.

Trip to Alkartek: is something Stjepan, by the end of it, wished hed not taken. The
trip is tense. Refugees lining the old Imperial way and sleeping near the Inns and
Wayhouses that managed to survive, but gold buys him a bed inside. In places the
landscape is scorched and bodies litter the side of the road charred beyond recognition,
some partially devoured. Now and then fire rains from the sky in the horizon but
luckily comes nowhere near him. The guards are particularly cold to him, avoiding
any and all conversation other than necessary. He is met at the gates by no less than
his brother, who welcomes him with a war m handshake. Then, surprisingly, he says,
perhaps there is another he wishes to see more heartfelt? He encourages Stjepan to
ride to Lycus manor saying they can get to negotiations and catching up on the
morrow. A ride to Lycus manor without the guardsmen is a long trip, but one he
knows well. Three hours until his world of childhood love is raped.

Pointed to the stables to find Lycus, Stjepan makes his way to the outside stables.
A long sloping building with many stables contained within a hallway. Inside the
horses are unsettled, neighing and making a fuss. At the far end of the stables he finds
Lycus engaged in buggery with his beloved Tanya who seems to be enjoying it as
much as him. Lycus argument is that she is and always will be a servant, more
importantly his familys servant. Did he really think he could sustain a love affair
with her into public life? Tanya on the other hand does not want to speak to Stjepan
at all.
Returning to Alkartek, tired and no doubt wounded a black cat awaits him directly
at the front gate, unsettling his horse by hissing and barring his way. Pause brings
Constans from the shadows. The cat skulks away and Constans leads his brother to
his room and a feast awaiting them. Constans plays innocent with the whole prior
affair, but if brought up, Constans reminds Stjepan that Lycus was caught for it
before and thats why he no longer deals with him. Late Stjepan retires to his old
room, still untouched and sleeps a troubled sleep. Cold he awakes in the middle of the
night unable to return to rest. The next morning is spent over documents, signing
treaties promising for further mutual and beneficial discussion. Stjepan will then be
an inconvenience to his brother who is swamped with work and Stjepan in his time
makes his way back to Pellern.

Pellern & White Eog: in lieu of the cataclysm, not only more gold veins have opened
close to Pellerns mines but also a large cache of White Eog was found torn asunder
from the Mountains of Gold. Discussions while Stjepan was away among close
advisors and Lady Willona proved undoubtedly that this find could save their city
and land from extinction or from being overrun. They need a good trading partner
and distributor though to on-sell the wares. Sarnak is chosen as the place considering
the reported dangers filtering in of sea-travel and trade. Stjepan is chosen as diplomat
to take sample and negotiations to the city. There is no one to welcome him home, no
thanks, but is met inside the castle foyer by Lord Chancellor, Mandrodor Ethnaikad,
dressed in customary silver trimmed black robe. His long white hair and beard
impressing age but not style or charm. He walks with Stjepan, but discusses only the
trade negotiations and specifically asks for the documents to take to Lady Willona. If
he resists, he instructs he has been asked by the Lady of the castle to do so, and that
her wishes are for him to retire to his chamber and on the morrow she is to discuss
further the matters with him after she has gone over the documents.
His room is cold, small and isolated. The demon Hal continues to watch and
gather his information on his new wielder.
By this time two Changramai monks hired to protect Stjepan have arrived at the
The morning brings an early wake-up call. A more suitably attired Luse Invarath
arrives at his room to escort him to a private chamber where Lady Willona and the
Lord Chancellor Mandrodor await. Deep within the passageways of Castle Pellern, a
room without windows or ventilation. All are grim and serious. Seated at a polished
wooden table whos legs are mouths of gargoyles, and surface is scarred yet reeks of
antiquity. Lady Willona begins;

- She is pleased the trip to Alkartek was a success. She hopes the future
brings good trade between both city-states, reaffirming old ties that existed
before their years.
- She asks him how much he is interested in helping the people of Pellern,
his interest in goodwill, his intentions noble. If satisfied she asked if that
includes sacrificing his time to providing not only a better life for those of
the land, but in the end of himself. She shows him from a wrapped parcel
small flakes of a dull in colour, off -white yet with flecks of silver metal.
She asks if he knows what it is. She tells him, White Eog whose very
nature suppresses dark essence. The lightning storms opened up many a
rent in the earth, and new gold veins have been found to help bolster their
economy, this metal is perhaps the greatest find. One ounce, she
illuminates, can fetch as much as 500 gold. Observations of the vein reveal
a potential several tones of the ore. Enough not just to save Pellern, but to
return it to days of yore.
- They, however, cannot risk letting others know of this find. Already the
most loyal of guards have secretly set up camp, but if any should find out
they could lose it. They need an outsider to negotiate with a trading city as
soon as possible to secure a mining deal and income. She sees him as the
perfect candidate in station and skill.
- She wants him to take a sample and projected volume to Sarnak, to the
Ministry of Trade. The Port of Izar seems to have been crippled from the
cataclysm and the oceans are reported to be impossible to travel. She will
send word along to book an appointment with the Secretary Minister of
Trade to arrange negotiations with the Minister. Naturally there could be
danger involved, is he willing to risk it? As security, after hes answered
that question, she tells him that shes hired two Changramai monks to be
his personal bodyguards on the trip there and return. She will make sure he
receives five gold each day to cover any expenses with a stipend of 500 gold
at the Sel-Kai banks.


Dark days: are those that begin heralding the New Year 6053. Winter, appears not to
begin. All were awakened early in the morning to the sound of a mountain wrenching
and what was to come would pale the fear of waking up to the thought of a mountain
crushing the monastery. It was the Mentalists first, those in training who came
running from their beds bleeding from ears, eyes and mouth. Running outside into the
courtyard garden, blue fire slithers like a snake through the air, sheeting and fading.
The ground begins to shake violently, tipping Ishraha off his feet just as stonework
from above crushes down upon his head. Next waking to the distant sounds of
explosions that thunder the earth and air. Feeling poorly on a bed, cold towel
administered to forehead, alone he is in the room. Outside it is dark, yet day. The sky
is raining fire once again, bleeding blood and he faints in the memory of his
childhood. Thirty days later and he is taking his first steps in the magically shattered
monastery. What he soon learns is that a cataclysm of such the world has not seen for

millennia ravaged the world and still does. Oceans are ruinous and demons and other
lay beasts have infected the world at random. The Navigators have suspended all
service, and that the fires raining down from the sky for its twenty-five hour cycle
day is common now, although the next few weeks see their decline. Little more about
it is discussed. Business resumes as usual.

The Sun: streams golden pools onto his sandaled feet and self, resting in the outer
corridors of the inner sanctuary, foliage in careful maintenance. He waits in the
appointed place requested by Master Aya, who works in the correspondence and
arrangement of outside work. The garden arrayed about him teems with life, exotic
wildlife, not just flora. A myriad of species co-existing, even fighting and killing, yet
always trimmed back against chaotic growth. Master Hymachus used to always the
garden is a lesson to be learned. With blue veil represented on collar and the left cuft,
Master Aya appears less the aged wiseman, but rather the youthful countenance of
post-puberty but as a elf, perhaps hundreds, and even more. With him a sallow
faced half-elf with decidedly strange features and maroon collar and cuff that Ishraha
remembers briefly as a senior student, Ataniel.
Master Aya greets Ishraha and introduces Ataniel to him. Ataniel greeting
customary, Changrama, Brother. He explains in the quietude of the garden that he
and Ataniel will undertake a request of bodyguard and by this evening to travel by
way of Navigator to the city of Pellern, where they are to meet with the ruler, Lady
Willona who will instruct them the following day on whom they are to defend. Also
that night she will show them an object to be carried by the intended to be protected.
Both are required duty. Monies have been accepted. Stipends of 25 silver a day, with
one hundred in advance. Master Aya gives as much information as he knows the
obvious factor is money is not of object, if they have hired a navigator to take them
there a journey that by day would take half a month (35 days).
After his departure, Ataniel makes note to meet together at the Navigator spire at
dusk. Preparing things, his first mission out, not as big a deal as he expected, almost
quite cursory, Ataniel not even seeming to know his green nature. He is at the spire
earlier than Ataniel. The Navigator is there waiting for them, having just finished
speaking with Master Aya, who in passing Ishraha, says: Youll do well, son. May
the Changrama be your focus. He leaves. The Navigator is Lalaerion, of the Daruni
Olkanin, also a former Changramai monk who left on good terms. Lalaerion is one of
the few Navigators that will work with the Changramai due to their role of defensive
offense in political situations. Other groups, and those like Lalaerion see the
similarity of their roles of non-interference, the Changramai just more spiritual. A
lean and athletic man of swart skin and slightly pointed ears, a Thesian. He stands
uniformed in a bright green surcoat trimmed with gold, under which deep green pants
and shirt. A gold disk, four inches in diameter with a convex crystal on one face glints
in the sunlight. Lalaerion greets Ishraha by saying Dont you just love it when they
make you work nights? he says with a wry smile. He only gives light chat, but
makes no question of Ishrahas ability.
Ataniel soon joins Ishraha and with little delay Lalaerion passes his hands in
geometric patterns of blue and violet hues over the disc that suspends between his

hands on the heavy chain. Underneath smaller gems glisten and a pointer madly
whips about, the disc rotating over as the patterns ensconce the medallion. There is a
faint odour of ozone and then they are standing outside a dreary city.
The sun though only setting when they left from here looks as though the trip took
ages, but the rim of fire licking up over the mountains of gold, so shimmering in the
fading twilight, just reveal it was only a barrier. Though bright and amazing the
mountains are stretching to the south, the bleak shambles of stone and burnt and
charred wood are the city manifest, overcrowned with a dilapidated castle that has not
seen well with the storms of late. Not the type youd expect Changramai to be in the
employ of. Lalaerion takes his leave as per requested to drop them off outside the city
of Pellern. The walk through the devastated city, lost in the gray clouds and
omnipresent rain miring the roads. Walking to the castle, however, brings
Centre of the city where a remnant of Stroane conquest, a grisly three hoped
hanging platform stands dilapidated in the centre of the square. Almost on que,
coming out from the shadows at the new arrival some 7 armed and armoured men,
quickly fanning both the monks, ungroomed, dirty, wild-eyed, but with skill born
from experience. Non-threatening, yet clearly overbearing, the leader, a strong
northernman with a beard waved as long as his stringy golden hair, smiling with
ravenous teeth asks the monks a few questions.
- Welcome to the city, glad to know such opportunities are arising in such a
bleak city.
- So to whom do you seek employ monk, lest we take care not to
unintentionally cross business paths. (Trying to pry whom theyre
working for).
- Dont mind us then, and they follow them to the city gates.
- Ataniel is of the mind to ignore them, if they follow so be it, but that is not
their problem, nor duty. They will do as per requested. Outside excursions
only give the brotherhood a bad name.
Luse Invarath notices the monks come in and meets them in the immediate
courtyard. He comes across as having prominent features that render him somewhat
gaunt. His black hair is marked by a white strip at the side, his partial plate mail and
chain acid etched with swords appearing made from and coming out of roses. He
welcomes both, introducing himself as Lord Adjudicator and Captain of the Guard
and that he will take them immediately to meet with Lady Willona where she can
explain her wishes. He speaks nothing to them as he leads them through the castle
interior. It is warmer inside and though the castle out is old and bleak, within is soft
and tapestry. Fires light every corner and the castle glows warmly.

Lady Willona: has eyes that bely her exterior, which if anything is non-descript with
simple braided long-blonde hair and round face. But her eyes are strong and
impervious. Dressed modestly for a noble she welcomes both into the meeting
chamber. Luse Invarath stands close and Lady Willona explains her request of the
Changramai monks.
- Her contract requires two things to be considered, but for the most part
together. One is a person who will act as courier, and the other is the object

he will be carrying. This object he will leave at a desired destination and
return, and upon his arrival are relieved of service.
- The person is her husband, Lord Stjepan Nemeck. The parcel is this, and
she shows them a wrapped leather fold that she unravels to reveal shards of
a dull silvery metal in large flakes. White Eog, she says. This alone worth
a sum of 5,00,000 gold on the worst of markets. This is why the Sel-Kai
bank has fully endorsed our extended credit to you. We need both to
successfully reach Sarnak, where Lord Stjepan will undergo liaison with
Sarnaki Trade Ministers of which you are still over the White Eog until
such a time a signed agreement for trade has been successfully reached to
Stjepans acceptance. The White Eog delivered into the other party is of no
more concern. The only safety item on the return is Lord Stjepan. Once he
is back in Pellern, their contract is terminated. Any questions? Willona is
precise and intelligent, another fact that belies her appearance.

Meeting Stjepan: comes after his meeting the next day with Lady Willona. Luse
Invarath takes him straight to meet the Changramai monks and to sort out details
before they leave. Ataniel has no questions other than can he wield a weapon? And if
so, how good? Is he a threat? To others around him is more Ataniels barb. Allow
small talk. The initial meeting is their first memory, first impression; dont let it be
too long.

Celim Vortsh

Celim Awakes: on the first day of spring, Moon-day, in her private villa on the
banks of the Forbidden Ridge/Izaran Crest, Sarnaks Rose District. Her morning
view is from a window overlooking the entranceway from Uj to Sarnak, the poignant
Urij River as it sweeps between the Izaran Crest, the Forbidden Ridge and the
impassable Morbek Highlands, its gorge striking in the morning sun. Powerful. A
fresh breeze pushes also with it the scent of decay. If she is curious and inspects her
balcony, a small black cat crouched in the shadows stares at her with ferocious green
eyes, in its jaws a partially decayed rat. Any attempt to touch or take results in the
cats aggressive attack. If left, the cat disappears.

The Directorate Headquarters: is always an impressive view to walk every morning
to. The four interlocking towers spire some 30 stories, in a strong base granite colour
that from a distance appears bleak and forbidding but closely sparkles with strange
pale metal veins that gloss the towers in an almost embossed effect close up. Up the
marble stairs and outer yard before the foyer is like the entrance to a nest of bees
which tightens and is more frenetic into the actual foyer, where bizarre paths are
crossed in ancient almost ceremony. It is here that Francesca Xanes makes her move,
crossing with deliberate obliviousness into Celims path, knocking both of their
documents onto the floor. Francesca Xanes, undoubtably beautiful with striking
blonde hair straight to the mid-back, held clipped in silver ornaments smooth to her
scalp. Appears lithe and slim in deep sapphire robes. Francesca quickly makes sure
Celim picks up a specific planted document all the while apologizing, saying they

should grab lunch tomorrow or something, before being late for chambers and

The Ministry of Trade Office: is mostly empty save the under-staff in the rows of
desks before the offices of the Ministers. Rinda is not in, and neither is surprisingly
Velta. One of the rising under-staff secretaries lets Celim know what Velta asked to
pass on to her, giving her itinerary and that Velta will not be in at all today. A warm
coffee is offered and brought in, and she gathers her thoughts over the itinerary (SEE

Celim, I have taken the liberty of re-arranging todays schedule, adding a few meetings
otherwise would have been with me. In the rising rate of overland trade, I feel its wise to let
you expand more.

~ Morning Quintar, 2
chime: Review days notes and files
~ Morning Quintar, 3
chime: Meeting with Melyra, Secretary Treasurer, to run through
some log information already compiled by the understaff on the viability of raised taxes to enter
the city in this time of crisis.
~ Morning Quintar, 4
chime: prep two understaff to begin the report on visitor impressions to
Sarnaki as a pamphlet for trade to be distributed in Sel-kai.
~ Midday Quintar, 1
chime: Lunch
~ Midday Quintar, 2
chime: Pirate activity may be down around Jantanen, but gold and
emerald merchant Osmir, has now even more difficulty delivering his merchandise over sea.
He has to come through Sarnak. He may be evasive at first, but he has no legs to stand on. A
tariff and trade agreement should be worked out.
~ Midday Quintar, 3
chime: Write up proposal to review negotiation of trade of acquired
Falkennan mines to return to Ministry of Trade from the Ministry of Agriculture. Note, make
sure to highlight the necessity now more than ever we must keep all entries into the city
monitored by one body, rather than whoever lays claim. And who better to take an official
stance on this than the Ministry of Trade.
~ Midday Quintar, 4
Chime: Convey report to debating chambers for inclusion in the
afternoons sitting.
~ Midday Quintar, 5
Chime: Arrange notes after report from understaff and prepare for me,
on the morrow and deliver personally to me.

(Unwritten, but given verbally, that at last minute Velta had to pass on her last meeting, a
Lord Stjepan of Pellern, in Miir, bringing a sample of an ore they wish to establish trade
negotiations for and find a buyer. Ideally, we should be that buyer, try to keep him low, and
offer quarter of current asking price 5000 silver an ounce. Hes come a long way, so might not
be there on time around Evening Quintar.)

NOTE: Dont let her get too happy with the itinerary, and quickly bring out the next
handout that captures her eye the sealed document from the Ministry of Security.

From Vanda Xanes


To the Honourable Shaitan Sunil Intelligence liaison,

As precaution to post-Stroane rumours all records regarding my daughter Francesca from
her service in the Shaitan should be removed and further talk discouraged lest the flames incite
rise to facts that should be hidden in history and not mired in controversy.

My greetings to thee
Vanda Xanes

As the day goes, Osmir is late, which though makes breaking him into easy deal,
arrival at the Administration Centre to debate is delayed which leads to returning
back to the office just as the 5
Quintar is struck. With the notes hurriedly assembled
with the help of staff who stay on late, she hurries through town to meet with Velta
and pass on the documents. Velta meets her at the door and invites her in. Velta is tall
and slender with black braids sharply contrast to her striking blue eyes. Dressed
casually in evening gown of silk veils, she offers her a glass of Danarchan wine,
saying even though we export our own, we really do know whos the better is. She
tells Celim that there are good times in future for Sarnak, export from the city is at
an all time high, and with the difficulties, have only shown benefits. Afterwards, she
makes note that Celim should go home, get some sleep, that its been a long day for
both of them. What does she do after dropping the documents off with Velta? If she
returns to work remembering the other meeting, or if she returns home, she is

Amethyst League makes contact: with Celim without her knowledge. A man stops
her, pulling her up if necessary, inviting her to a coffee and a chat. The Amethyst
League is greatly interested in quickly expanding into Sarnak, seeing the instant
benefits of it. An old society of Ddekemani with finance and political weight, she is
still being manipulated by the collective, just in a different circle. He is Majel Gavant,
ddekemani of aesthical intention strong of features shadowed and defined,
intelligent and confident in disposition; short knotted brown hair to match a swart
complexion. Clothes hard black leather with baroque decorations in gold material
under a dark grew full cloak. He acts as a wealthy socialite not stuck to the ways of
the pompous. His intentions are clear to get Celim to fail in her bargaining with
the Lord Stjepan by having her loyalty be under question, all so the Ddekemani can
use the scandal on the Ministry of Trade, so they can take over precious ordering of
this white eog, through either the Ministry of Agriculture or the Amethyst League.
Celim is considered redundant and is sent back to Bentara to be dealt with as seen fit
of the circumstances.
Majel makes note of;
- That he will cut right straight to the chase, that he works for an
independent company looking to expand into Sarnak. They have high
expectation for return, and will offer at first a salary of thrice what she
currently is on, with opportunity for raise. Then there is the matter of
certain information being available to her discretion.

- So what would be the chances of them working together? If she is
interested, the next step is Majel has her negotiate a deal with them and
not the Ministry. If she doesnt show such attitude, the other Ministry will
successfully take it from her.

Work is finally finished: for the day and youre resting at home enjoying the sunset
across the troubled Bay of Izar. The warm spring day is quickly turning into a crisp
chill evening. This evening may well bring the arrival of an annoyed Lord Stjepan
Nemeck who has been waiting at her office but finally sent to her very door. If so, all
three players and Ataniel meet for the first time. Celim has no time in her itinerary
the next day as it runs into the evening at a private ministry party.


b o o k o n e :: s h a d o w o f l o c u s t

Three preludes are required to weave the characters into cohesion and meeting at the
beginning of I can see by the whites of your eyes. The preludes serve to prepare
and bring together the timelines with the eventual arrival at Spring 6053 TEI, one
season after the Loss of the Northern Eye. Lord Stjepans prelude begins in Autumn
6052TEI, Ishraha in Winter of 6053 on the eve of the Fall, and Celim beginning on
the day before her meeting with Lord Stjepan of Pellern.

The preludes will weave more and more together as the time approaches Spring 6053

All focus is first on the White Eog, but once out of the way, the pressure tails off,
leaving only nagging doubt. Stjepan know that getting asking price or a little more
will be a good deal, especially if they supply the caravans. Some groups however, will
nearly pay twice what the current market price is for total access to the ore. No
matter what, the Ministr y of Trade will not successfully barter this deal this comes
in the form of other bidders.

The interested parties are the Ddekemani (by ways of the Ministry of Agriculture
and the Amethyst League), and a surprising outside party, an elven trader of Sel-kai,
drawn to Lord Stjepan after noting his two Changramai bodyguards, taking interest
in sharing an inn with him. The Ddekemani need only worry about losing the ore if
the elven woman uncovers what it is he is selling in Sarnak. It may prove very hard
to wrest it from the elven jumpstart. This adventure proves very telling and attitudes
& actions will change and cannot be defined. Should the Ddekemani take over the
mine, they will strip it not only dry but the Ministry of Agriculture will spread its
plants to the mines there and have no resistance, whereas the elven trader not only
offers up to 10,000 silver, but to hire and personally keep elven mercenaries on site to
defend it from possible thieves. This way will mean the Ddekemani take a set back.
One spells anonymity, the other instant hate for the characters.

Characters Meet: Important that a settlement is not bargained for immediately by
Celim. Arguments she can use against him are, the expense of land travel over water,
increased demand for warehouse space resulting in higher tariffs it all adds up.
Whether at night at her villa or at her office, the meeting should go ahead that night,
if not, it may be two days before there is space to speak with Stjepan again. Whatever
the result, it is clear they need to discuss it more, and Stjepan can stay at a reputable
travellers inn, in the Iris District.

Sun & Shadow: is an inn with a strange staff as it is cautious title. Painted in a deep
velvetine blue with gold trim, the building is tall and broad, yet though many storied,
low compared to Miirian standards. The building appears squarer, comprised of

minimalist design. Elegant simplicity. Inside men dressed in simple white full
tailored robes attend to the menagerie within. Forested courtyards address with diners
and drinkers, open to the red-bloodied tile floor of the foyer and main office, attended
by three prominent woman of some years, but strong in greeting and professionalism.
Not obsequious, more willing to engage though. They accommodate and understand
Lord Stjepans situation and suggest two single rooms adjoining by means of side door
with antechamber for the Lord. With their stabling, this comes to a modest 20 silver
per day. The Lord can pay by means of bank note or cash.
At the counter, finishing off the necessary paperwork beside them a young elven
woman. This is Ariahav Shailya Saadia, though most mortals know her as Aria.
Born a plebian some five hundred years ago in Nmar-Tol. To forever be under the
thumb as a servant, something that took marriage and an affair to break to be
shipped to Sel-kai and with some luck secured continual work with House Xanaari
for the next hundred years, securing an education unrivaled. Now she works as one of
the many trade negotiators for the House, securing their interests across Emer. Short
of height, yet not of beauty. Raven black hair carefully tied with neatly woven silver
ties pulls back showing graceful pointed ears. A teenage radiance and youthful mien,
silken features and hands. Dressed in dark stained full leather riding suit, engraved
deftly and baroquely, it almost appears she wears armour. She casually remarks in a
voice that plays with the part, pure and honeyed, that he has some entourage.
Ariahav will be open to engaging conversation with Lord Stjepan. Knowing charms
will get her to knowing why a Miirian lord would enter Sarnak with two Changramai
monks. Especially one from the poor-strapped Pellern, not that she lets him know she
knows. She comments she too is a traveler of foreign countenance, and will introduce
herself and where she hails from, Sel-Kai, here on business of some importance,
though perhaps not as important as his. Learning why he is here is her determination,
alerted to the strange arrival of the Lord just hours before. Ar iahav lives in the city
for weeks on end, and has amassed a small network of informants in the city. Other
houses in Sel-Kai once learning of any white eog deal in Pellern, would surely die.
Rooms within the Sun and Shadow are stately and large affairs built on several
layers of marble dividing areas of dining, sleeping, and recreation, an antechamber
with personal heated bath, square and tiled in turquoise, dressed in the vines of a
small creeper at the antechamber window. The balcony is low with chairs and faces
the Bay to the West, of sufficient height to view above the walls and the ocean. His
room is adjoined to another that the Changramai monks will share.

day of Spring: begins for each of them separate, and so isolated role-playing is
engaged again. More central events are played out to begin with to usher story telling
forward. Keep in mind that Celim has a job and schedule to keep up, whereas more
liberal storytelling can be centered on Stjepan.
Morning for Celim begins in Velta ka Nornos office, her having managed to alot
the Morning Quintar at the first chime to discussing matters of the ministry and
trade. Velta asks;
- How is she coping with the extra pressure?
- How did the meeting with Lord Stjepan go? Is she keeping him low? Good,
keep him on the brink of desperation. Every day those Changramai monks of

his are costing their kingdom enough to feed a family a year. Hell give in soon,
and once weakened he can be sufficiently submitted to a good profit for the
Ministrys and Sarnaks coffers. She says though, Celim must meet again with
him today. Better yet, invite him to the opening of the new public library wing
this evening and string him along there.

Stjepan wakes to find the sublime elven Ariahav Shailya Saadia (Aria) Raven black
hair carefully plaited and pulled into one tie, dressed more conservatively in an
almost ornamental selected plate mail fitting. Gold inlay gleams with golden light and
her face is sallow and rich. She mentions something about keeping the same hours
and then proceeds to pry once again, or give bid to the contents he so dearly protects.
She has him followed all day but will not cross the path of the monks.

The Amethyst Beckons: with shadowed hand, the Ddekemani realize the
importance of securing such vital raw materials so vile to the nature hiding within
them the unlife. Rather than using the direct intervention of the Ministry of
Agriculture which would require a physical presence to the Lord, his guards and the
sample so repulsive, the Amethyst League have manifested the desire to seek her
employ so ripe in the position. She is the perfect barterer, but they need to tempt her
enough. They will even use Ventine. One faith to another, but always the same
Majel Gavant, clothes of soft quilted blood-red under a dark red cloak with
amethyst and silver clasp, stops Celim the moment he can, whether that be during a
lunch break and she deems leave the Directorate Headquarters or after she has
finished work. Requests she join him in small drink and discussion.
At a outside winebar, drinking Danarchan wine in the sun, he explains his offer;
- They want her to barter for the White Eog for them. They realize the conflict
of interest, but hope that the sufficient benefits will eclipse these problems.
- Successful arrangement of the bid is priority, and for that they offer that for
small arrangements now and then she will not only be rewarded financially,
but given access to certain information and offered certain protection against
distant enemies or overmasters. He will go so far as to say knowing about the
murder of Cirel Rochon. Theyre sympathetic to her cause. They can give her
If she declines, the Amethyst League pulls out of interfering. All power to claim the
White Eog is placed with the Ministry of Agriculture, which while may bring a
certain difficulty to the encounter must be accomplished for success. At any stage
the elf, Aria succeeds in stealing the deal, move to the end piece on leaving Sarnak.
If she accepts the offer and successfully barters for the Amethyst League, the direct
guilt of the sell out will be all the more overwhelming when the protection so flowing
has been delivered away from hands that need it the most. In all of the scenarios, the
decision of a part of the future lies in their hands at any moment, throughout the
game, all except the monk, but he will feature more.

The smell of fresh wood and book: at the new history wing of the public library is a
minor governmental affair with attendance by passing artists, guests, and nobles. The

Public Library is situated in the Bay District. Close to the gardens the Library is a
stately affair, modeled on the utilitarian and imperial-esque Directorate Headquarters.
A strong rectangular building combined with columns and short towers interlocking.
Inside, the building is a collection of inside walkways of deep stained wood pressed
with carpet, and thousands upon thousands of areas of public books with reading
areas. Red and gold are striking complimentary to the burnt umber varnish that
glistens wherever there is wood. Women outnumber men at least 20 to one, and there
must be several hundred women here, dressed in elegant robes of formal state and
social interaction. The new library wing is to accommodate a large donation of books
by Isil Yasteril, one of the Directorate who is here, but impossible to talk to due to the
constant swirl of women about her at any time. There are encounters to have among
the books featuring everything from art to warfare.
- Francesca Xanes, it has been two days since Francesca planted the document
with Celim, and this is the first time theyve had a chance to speak. Francesca
ideally would like to get Celim away from this male and she will with
etiquette pry her loose. Francesa, her blonde hairs like strands of gold, a
decoratively engraved silver diadem crowning her head, pulling her hair over
ears. Her gown has the depth and subtle textures as nephrite. Specifically
Francesca asks Celim if by any chance the other day when they ran into each
other she picked up some documents that were the Ministry of Security, she
seems quite agitated about it, especially if Celim shows ignorance. If she does
Francesca will have her office and home ransacked, the document discovered
and Velta will have Celim fired. If she makes mention or offers some
consolence or hints at it, Francesca will be more open to speaking about
matters, to relieve the tremendous pressure Francesca feels she is under, but
only at another time the following evening.
- Lord Stjepan with his Changramai bodyguards makes quite an impression,
although not the one hed desire. Most look down at him, a nobleman having to
hire others to keep his skin safe but to flaunt it at a private gathering in Sarnak
is not viewed with encouragement. He receives chilly replies from all of the
women here he tries to speak with bar one. Khera Tamirynath, a strong and
beautiful woman of middle age with dark, almost black hair pulled into braided
buns. Dressed in a finely tailored dress/robe of off whites and subtle yellow
drapes, embroidered with small silver floral patterns along the hems. Whether
Celim is present wont matter. NOTE: this encounter only occurs on the
chance that the Amethyst League has failed and the elf is still bargaining. She
appears the gracious and wise woman, friendly and honest, if a little silent.
Discussion includes pointing out his strange entourage, fine words to say about
Celim her oration in the chambers showing promise more than she realizes.
All Khera is interested in, is uncovering what he is offering to trade and then
she can legitimately move in.

r d
day of Spring: begins a day of possibilities although under dark skies the past few
days of blue and light clouds is now replaced with storm and rain.
It is entirely likely that Celim has, in one way or form lost her position of
Security Minister, by either; having withheld the security document and been

discovered with it, resulting in instant dismissal in the morning meeting with Velta,
or through losing the trade deal to either the Amethyst League or to the elf.
Sealed envelope delivered by hand under her door, approximately a few hours
after losing her job. Finely scripted.

Winds of late bring much change, and one can never battle the forces out of ones own hand
now, can one? Departing whispers on the winds cry for you, but more importantly you are
required to return to whence you came. All interests are to be discarded like all tools that have
outlived their life. Some are replaced, but the best need only careful attention and care and their
superior metal shines through, always sustaining. As of now, only your focus on returning to
Bentara should shine in your minds eye.
Best you travel with the good Lord Stjepan Nemeck of Pellern. He soon will be returning to
his wifes poor kingdom with his bodyguards shortly, and Im sure he would not mind your
accompanying him, moreover, bringing him into household for introduction and hospitality.
One should always seek those outside of himself for introspection and greater objectivity of
situations that arise, and by meeting those of differing cultures can bring a richness
And lest we forget the drifting aptitude for those who are the creators in this world, such is
always their fondness for seeking escape from the tedium and restraints, care should be
mentioned to the power of induced restraints that transmigrate across very fractures of
existence whose very thoughts of cruelty cannot be comprehended. Steps must always be
trodden lightly. Threats are always idle, but contractual obligations with those beyond are
Good speed
Ventine (marked with sigil)

If negotiations are still in progress this day, with Celim still true to her job &
Francesca, and Stjepan still fixated on an honest deal, the Ministry of Agriculture
plays its part to steal the deal away from the Ministry of Trade, which will result in
Celims suspension of office while Velta tries to clear up the mess with her boss, the
Minister Rinda Rnchr.

Stjepan in the morning is propositioned by Aria again if he has not given in, and also
Khera Tamirynath pays him a visit. She arrives with scribe, informing Stjepan that
the Directorate has given permission for the Ministry of Agriculture to discuss this
matter of trade, as it is common precedent for the Ministry to handle all mining
contracts within and without Sarnak. This is a bluff and a total risk, but she brings
various papers on what appears to be a more professional scale and offers a flat rate
that is 1000 silver per ounce above the highest offer he has heard. She is prepared to
offer the amount of 10,000 silver an ounce. This negotiation includes delivery to the
mining facilities of the Ministry of Agriculture just outside of the city.
However, this meeting soon reaches a point that brings up an interested encounter.
The sample of White Eog will make her uncomfortable which alerts Ataniel

immediately, or else wise when discussion is turned to delivery to just outside of the
city, Ataniel in lieu of a negotiator speaks up to his employer, taking him aside and
asking an important question with Ishraha as witness. Ataniel says to Stjepan he
needs to re-define the boundaries of the Changramai monk, since there are no
specifics regarding this, and there could be potential for contractual argument later.
His question is this, That their protection only is defined to the safety of himself
until he is returned, and the white eog until upon sale? If he replies yes Then I
warn you, my employer, that sale of this White Eog to this woman may be construed
as unsafe. Ataniel goes on to say if he decides to work out a contract against their
advice, the contract regarding the White Eog has been breached. He wont elaborate,
not even to his comrade. Ataniel knows a servant of the Unlife, with his powers and
awareness such things are difficult to hide. Rather than be annoyed Khera is
impressed and shows a desire to use this immortal as a vessel for Ddekemani.
It all comes down to Stjepans decision. Whatever the case, whether the Amethyst
League, Ministry of Agriculture or Aria take the White Eog. He could even return
with no deal at all.

Aftermath of the White Eog: should leave some points clear; Celim is without a job
and under pressure to return to Bentara, the White Eog sold successfully (or not), the
Changramai monks have had little difficulty in their job. NOTE: under no
circumstance will the Changramai NPC interact with Celim.

Travel to Falkenna: It is a journey of six days horseback to Falkenna along the
winding and now treacherous Imperial Highway pressed to the shore of the
Forbidden Ridge and the Bay of Izar. The journey will for the most part be
uneventful, though strange.
The presence of Sarnak is still omnipresent after the bleak and forbidding exterior
of the city is left to the south. The wind from the bay is brisk and fresh, but the eyes
of the Sarnaki follow every hoof step Sarnaki watchtowers dot the steep Forbidden
Ridge every 10 miles or less, within sight of each other, their solitary stone tower as
bleak and militant as the city. There is little room between the usually calm Bay of
Izar and the Forbidden Ridge. The Imperial Highway, some twenty feet in girth,
presses close to the flat shore that tumbles with surf onto the white sand. Now and
then strange dead creatures litter the shore, fish the easiest to recognize, others not
so almost alien. The Forbidden Ridge is barren and bleak, black in colour matching
the current mood of the spring sky. Travel along the road is busy and many a caravan
north and south is passed.
It is an hour or so before dusk that they are accosted by what appears to be a beggar
waiting on one of the Imperial league markers. As the sun casts golden across the
frothing waters, he hails the m, flagging down their horses as best he can. He will get
out of the way if they do not stop.
Turic, is an unshaven, bristled man whose hair is unkempt and almost looks like
much of the kelp washed ashore. His clothes are little better, patch worn and dull.
Cleft lip and all he tries to encourage them to accompany him. Turic lives in the
forest north of the road and does his best to earn monies by enticing travelers to the
Oracle of Syne, a path he knows and says he can lead them to. He plays up the Oracle

(p.98 Emer I) and does his best to get them there for the small asking price of a silver
piece for the entire party. Turic talks a lot, and addresses them as Lords, all of them.
Turic will wait for them and lead them down.
The next two days are spent passing a narrow strip of forest flanking the road at a
wider gap, obscuring the Forbidden Ridge behind a thin veil of foliage. Three more
days on the open and narrow road that winds its way around the bay, an island their
constant companion at the bluff out in the Bay of Izar. Falkenna comes into view as
dusk begins to settle and they are several hours from the city, and they press on only
to find the city locked down for the evening. Sarnaki Amazons stand guard beside the
guardhouse outside the locked gates. The Sarnaki refuse admittance to the city during
the night due to the dangers of late roaming the area. The women do, however, point
out that they could join another who was also late, pointing out a fire glow to the east
of the city. If they decide to seek companionship for the evening with a fire so be it, if
not they spend a cold night with blustery short winds from the ocean.
Xaek Branimir is the individual in question who sits on a weathered log of
driftwood before a warm fire, a beautiful strong white stallion shifts uneasily at their
presence, near the man a large pack from which glints the steel plate of armour. Xaek
is young, rough dirty blonde stuble covering an apprehensive and anxious face.
Handsome and pensive, with hair unkempt to chin, he meets them standing with
sword half drawn from an impressively decorated scabbard of arabesques. Dressed in
a fine garment with gray cloak and silver clasp (of which has the symbol of the
yarkbalka over the heart, something Lord Stjepan will undoubtedly notice).
Xaek is a knight of the Order of the Silver Heart in Falkenna, recently returned
from Sarnak having delivered tithe to the Sarnaki, now that their chapterhouse is
under the Amazons control. Xaek is secretly disillusioned with the Order and his
father was slain by the Amazons and he has no family. The Order of the Eternal
Return has their eye upon him, and after this meeting with Stjepan and Celim
Vedior will use him to the Ddekemanis advantage.
Xaek can fill them in to recent events in Falkenna, the Amazons takeover just
before the storms of the New Year and of his order, in part at least. If Stjepan presses
the sword, and lets him know he has one, Xaek becomes quiet and says little more.
He is a careful man, still somewhat green, but not foolishly trusting. His attitude of
disillusionment will come across though, that he cannot hide.

Falkenna: Xaek will accompany them as far as the Chapterhouse in the morning,
making short farewells and entering the struggling orders headquarters. Unless
Stjepan decides to pay Count Dennik a visit for morning breakfast, they undoubtably
will pass through the market area, which if they left on the fifth morning will be busy
with the hussle of traders and merchants vying for position. Fresh food and other
accoutrements are on display, and pickpockets are rife. Provisions may be necessary
for the eight-day ride to Bentara. Refer to Eidolon sourcebook for ideas.

Some plot points: must be considered however, re-evaluated for their importance. The
Ddekemani are very interested in hard fact of who the murderer of the Katra was.
They have no doubt it was a Shaitan of the Sarnaki, but it is only Celim who has
proof of that, proof enough to put Sarnak in a new light. They intend on using the

Amethyst League to pull her closer in to their web. The letter from Ventine is aiding
in this. Ventine has murdered Mistress Urnchr, her body hanging eviscerated in
Celims room, and he intends to have himself eliminated Ataniel noted as a perfect
candidate for hosting Ventines true essence. Ventines death at Ataniels hands will
free Celim enough so she can place trust in the Amethyst League, or at least that is
the Ddekemanis intentions.
If the Order of the Silver Swords yarkbalka is discovered by the Ddekemani,
they take a small interest in it, namely to retrieve the weapon out of Stjepans hands.
Symbols for possible uprising are hazards. Vedior will send Xaek to join them if they
do find out. More on this later.

The Road to Bentara: Lightning dances the black peaks of the Forbidden Ridge as the
group winds their way around the bay of Falkenna. Two days of angry skies, content
to sit and hold their load. The roads remain busy. On the third day as the coast pulls
away from the Forbidden Ridge, leaving in its place the Wailing Marsh that things
get a little tense. The air grows hotter and muggier, clouds of mosquitos and other
insects are common, and large lizard creatures can be seen basking in the distance
under the ancient cypress trees, slipping into the water as they ride past. A dark mist
shimmers over the fanning coniferous trees, hazing the Forbidden Ridge in smog.
Ataniel will make sure they camp on the shore, away from the dangerous swamp.
The fourth day brings them to the Wailing Marshes edge, closer and closer the
dark mist creeps along the ancient worn highway. Evening and they are invited to
share camp with a small covered caravan and family Bashar the Merchant. What is
unknown to the party and more importantly Ishraha, is that Bashar and Findell were
the same traders that rescued him all those years ago and took him to the Changramai
Bashar, Findell, his two adult daughters Naris and Baila are resting after a
harrowing journey through the Wailing Marsh, Baila taking some nasty wounds from
an alligator that attempted to take a horse. Bashar is a large man, not of belly, but of
stature and has the tinge of Talath accent in his Sarnaki. Blonde hair pulled into a
well-groomed ponytail, he is welcoming and a salesman beyond compare, with
everything on offer, so he says. His daughters show his origins to be mixed with
Talath as they are big girls in their own right, and would not win a beauty parade, but
would sorely test any man who tried to pick a fight with them. Findell is happy
woman with long auburn hair, tied back and plaited.
Bashar will entertain them as best he can, telling them of events around Emer as
best he knows them as well as asking his fair share of questions. Findell will mention
to the Changramai monks that some 20 years ago the monks took in a child they
found abandoned, and she asks questions. No doubt this sparks Ishrahas interest.
What he can learn is that they found him not far from a burning Lankanok temple
near the Nuyan-Khom. There were no other survivors they saw, only the burning
te mple and the countless bodies, they took him and hurried away, hiding him as they
passed through Lankanok. Bashar is heading to Sarnak as soon as the first rays of
light cross the Forbidden Ridge, they bid them farewell and safe travel across the
Wailing Marsh. NOTE: Before leaving, if Ishraha has shown considerable interest

Findell will mention to Ishraha about the braid he used to wear behind his left ear she
believes tied with a coloured strip of cloth that was pale yellow as dry grass.

The Wailing Marsh: a companion beside them now crosses their paths. The swamp
straddles the Imperial road on both sides now. The heat becomes pervasive and
muggy. Insects gorge themselves on the food that passes through, the horses get
anxious in the darkness of the cypress trees overshadowing the sun, forming a
buttress of roots pushing out from the water.
Their travel will be interrupted though, as they enter the marsh highwaymen
lurking on the edge of the marshs seaside note the rich fare that heads into the
tunnel. They give chase, waiting for a moment to strike. The Changramai monks are
a problem, but one they are willing to face for if such are needed then the bounty
must be worth a kings ransom and these highwaymen are risk-takers.
The characters will have trouble making them out as they ride through the marsh,
the road is obscured in darkness and the trees make it difficult to espy others. They
will wait until midday to strike.
Describe how the road dips and bucks under the water, shallow at first, the horses
gingerly advancing through it and stepping over the roots that now and then have
overgrown the pavestones. The road begins to rise and then the beginning of a bridge,
stone railings taper off into the air, the road collapsed and a gap of some fifty feet
through the waters. Close inspection shows this is not recent, and besides they
remember it from their previous journey, many bridges have fallen away. A small
earth mound descends into the water beside the road showing a path down into the
water. It is here that the bandits strike.

The Highwaymen:
Strength: D12 Agility: D12 Health: D12
Knowledge: D20 Perception: D10 Luck: D12

Melee: D12 Missile: D12 Riding: D10
Armour: D20 - Leather Breastplate & greaves

They are using long kynacs and each carries two kynacs of which one will be
launched in the initial strike.

While the Highwaymen may prove no match for the Changramai, and undoubtedly
their bodies will soon be floating in the Wailing Marsh, all this has brought the
attention of alligators who often lurk close to the broken bridges for the unwary and
as the Highwaymen struck them in the water three alligators make their way to feed.
The first alert is a horse, which screams in a high-pitched whine as it topples and its
whine cut short, the thrashi ng begins and the horse is dragged away, it tries valiantly
to get up. Two more alligators are attempting for other targets though one of those
being a body, but one of the characters will also be the unfortunate target. It will be
whoever is on the outside.


Strength: D8 Agility: D12 Health: D8
Knowledge: N/A Perception: D10 Luck: N/A

Melee: D8 Swimming: D8
Armour: D8 Skin

The Alligator once striking its target will attempt to roll with its jaw locked.
Damage is automatic and there is a chance of drowning.

As they recover on the other bank it is here a sad lamenting song drifts with the dark
mist through the cypress. Should they investigate by leaving the road they may fall
under the lure of the Corpse Candles.

Bentara: Two days later and the town comes into sight, winding their way down the
low to the city nestled at the mouth of the estuary and the Bay of Izar. Though not as
large as Sarnak, the clusters of scaffolding are visible from miles away. No longer do
the Sarnaki watchtowers eye them and the bleak ridge is lost with the Wailing Marsh
behind them. Few sails grace the unusually rough waters of the Bay though, but
caravans are steady in passing. Beyond them out in the deep of the bay black storms
boil and blister with veins of purple and red. Overlooking the town, every-watchful,
the Temple of Mynistra an enormous pillared marble building glows golden in the
sleeping sun that nears passing under the high bluff on the other side of the estuary
the Temple is built.
Guards in partial plate-mail greet the characters to the enwalled town, scaffolding
and mortar showing the beginnings of a gatehouse. The recent charge of 2 bp per
entry for visitors is aiding in helping grow Bentara.
The Imperial Highway leads to the centre of the town where it joins with the
larger roads from the Port of Izar and Vornia. Bentara is far from the ancient rotting
spires of Falkenna. While ancient in its own right there is much new construction in
the town and many a new building in the early stages of completion. Townsfolk have
nothing but good things to say about Bryce Korel, even with the rumours of the
murder of his father. Indeed, Bentara is under the careful control of the young Korel
who sees the potential of trade through his city with the poor conditions in the Sea of
Gold, overland travel has quadrupled in the last month and there is every sign it is
growing. New inns and shops dot the Imperial Highway, with a plethora of races and
travelers. Dwarves, a rarity anywhere else can be seen with frequency here, pale short
men wide and strong with eyes of black coal dressed in strange clothes and armour
that is beyond the reach of armourers of the mannish races.
Celim knows the city well, but these new changes are surprising. Her keepers
manor is along the river with the rest of the nobles, under the eye of Mynistra. (See
map taken from Legolas website: 1. Vortseh Manor).
The decision for Celim is whether she should take Lord Stjepan to the manor to
stay the night, or try the many Inns, all of which at this late hour have their private
rooms booked, leaving only the common area, not something a Miirian Lord would
find much enjoyment with, a sack and straw in a communal cramped space.


Vortsh Manor: From the paved street with pedestrian ailes divided by recently
planted trees, but despite the new additions to the appearing-graceful suburb
overlooking the river under the Mynistrian Churchs eyes, the manor is quite the
husk. Ancient comes to mind with bronze spires and domes tarnished and decayed,
the red veined marble wall appears to have bled in places. Twisted and knotted thorns
form the wrought iron wrack of a door passing through the wall.
The Mistress is dead, and her cold and eviscerated body awaits Celim as does
Ventine who waits in the manor for his spy to return with not only the document of
proof of Sarnaki involvement, but with the Changramai monk Ventine will take for
himself. Ventine has summoned a Doombringer to murder Ishraha, Stjepan and
Celim. Ventines use for Celim now is only to retrieve proof of Sarnaki
involvement in the Katras death. Stjepans deal has been signed and he is no longer
needed and Ishraha is merely in the way. Only Ataniel is reserved special attention of
which Ventine will broach.
Nothing seems untoward as the gatekeeper welcomes Celim home and locks up,
having stable boys take their mounts and a servant to lead them inside (it may be
necessary for Celim to have a map of this place).
The house is lavish, a checkerboard tiled floor, with each tile stamped with
decorations. Pillared in places, the house is opulent beyond words. Play it up.
Ventine awaits them in the Central Room, and when he sees them all, he
welcomes Celim and her friends, not taking a no for an answer to stay the night and
dine with him. He lets them know he was expecting another guest, but he will be
arriving much later. Ventine is an aged man with a youthful mein, silvering black
hair to mid-shoulder and long, groomed moustache. He is dressed in an indigo
velvetine robe embroidered in strange decoration. Ventine plays his part superbly and
he has the servant take his guests to the Guest wing and lets Celim to her room in
the Womens quarters (Room 1).
What awaits Celim is Mistress Urnchr who hangs by her neck from the
rafters on a chain, a pool of black, coagulated blood underneath her. Her eyes appear
to nearly have popped from her skull, but it is her front that must have been the cause
of her death, opened from stomach to neck, her ribcage cracked open like she has
wings and organs trailing down to the floor.
Ataniel is anxious, he feels something is wrong but Ventine is too strong a sorcerer
and only that unnerved feeling is all Ataniel has to rely upon. He does, however,
inform Lord Stjepan that he should be on his guard. Ataniel speaks to Ishraha and
tells him to be especially aware of fluctuations in the essence.
The evening meal is lavish, and Ventine plays the host wisely asking about them.
A fresh tomato and leek soup is spicy and filling, with grated cheese, followed by
whole baked fish on a bed of rice and grilled onion with a vintage Danarchan wine.
Sweets of light honeyed pastry follow.
At any time the characters should try to escape Ventine drops the charade and the
Doombringer he summoned comes forth. A wave of despair and fear cloaks the room
to Ventines chagrin. The Doombringer will attack with lightning and in the furor to
follow Ventine attacks viciously. Ataniel is a strong Mentalist and evades the
Doombringers powerful attacks and does his best to keep both at bay, but he cannot
combat both. Ventine is the stronger and Ataniel does his best there, screaming to

Ishraha to defend Stjepan and escape, all the while battling Ventine with magic a blue
halo surrounding him. Ventine is immune to attacks of the characters, his battle
taking place on the magical realm.
The Doombringer follows them, unleashing despair and lightning that erupts the
house into flame and crushes its walls and servants.

Strength: D8 Agility: D8 Health: D6
Knowledge: D10 Perception: D8 Luck: N/A
Lightning: D6 Spells: D8 Armour: D8

The Doombringer will sorely test the characters. In the battle a conflagration should
start with the house. Stjepan, if he has taken his sword, will undoubtedly race to get
it. The sword will help him in this encounter protecting him from the powerful
feelings of despair, and the sword will speak to him Use me against the demon,
Stjepan. It will say nothing more beyond that. The sword will inflict damage on the
Doombringer and the three of them together may be able to return it to its dimension
or flee the manor.

Conflagration: As the manor burns into a bonfire, with no sign of Ataniel or Ventine,
the characters can do as they wish. By the time they reach outside a crowd have
gathered including guards. Noble s are terrified of it spreading and the crowd grows
larger. So close to the manor of Count Korel is it that he himself arrives with a large
contingent of knights. Bryce Korel is a handsome youth with a determined
countenance. Dressed in a half plate- mail, metal of green tinge embossed with runes,
he is easily singled out as leader by stature. Penetrating green eyes and short dark hair
and hawklike appearance, he takes control of the situation and seeing Celim comes to
a quick decision. He welcomes the spy openly and has her arrested, then asks who the
soot-caked Stjepan is and asks if the Lord will accompany him to his manor to answer
questions on the events.

Questions in Bentara: Celim is dragged to the Counts Manor, more a castle without
walls, straight to the exterior entrance to the basements, through a series of dark and
cold passages lit with torchfire, two knights taking her through a weave of gate locks
and stairs, deep until the cold begins to bit her flesh and infest to her bones where she
is le ft in a strange blue gloom with not even the rats as company. The sound of water
can be heard running and everything is damp.
Stjepan is taken to a small but adequate room to freshen up in. It is elegantly
designed and decorated compared to Bentaran standards. A servant attending waits to
take him to meet with Bryce.
Bryce is in a predicament. Celim returns and two of his enemies are felled in one
swoop by the once-spy of the very two now dead. He does not know at first what to
make of that, and these things will change his mind any letter by Ventine that
Celim may have kept works in her favour, defensive behaviour works against. He,
by rights could have her put to death for her murderous actions, the ethics and morals

of such a decision without justice be damned. Or if she works with him she may learn
of her family, but will in the end be banished.
Bryce first talks with Celim, while Stjepan drinks in Bryces library a fine
Danarchan Port and peruses many a history book.
Bryce returns with the two guards who delivered Celim to her isolation not too
long after she is delivered there herself. He enters her cell, and is locked in, with the
knights leaving to be with her alone. Bryce tells her his situation, her situation, the
various perspectives, but he also elaborates on how confused he is she should suddenly
return and on that very night, both of her mentors are dead. While the nobles may be
calling for her head Bryce had a dilemma unexpectedly solved and he wants to hear
from her why. If he thinks her honest he will tell her that he could have her killed,
but he would not feel right doing such to one upon reflection such a potential ally. So,
like her mother before her, he says, he will have her banished effective on the
morrow. Any mention of her mother may spark further conversation. Bryce is
unaware, moreover, shocked she knows nothing and he may come to realize just how
they treated Celim. He does not know Celim is the daughter of Mistress
Urnchrs own daughter, Antiana. That will be brought up that night as Lusham
steals into the castle to speak with Celim as she does not know what is going to
happen to her. Lusham has been keeping a close eye on the situation. After Bryce has
talked with Stjepan, Lusham in the middle of the night, makes her way through the
cells to Celims side. Bryce has a fondness for Celim that began from the moment
they first met in his fathers library opening. Even this meeting with her proves a
stronger attraction to this strong willed youth somewhat akin to him.
Bryce joins Stjepans side in the library less dressed for war than earlier, a velour
suit of deep red and gold. He does not glare at Stjepan, but Stjepan may pick up on
Bryces intense demeanor, that he is no pushover will become apparent. Bryce plays a
host to the extent of as he is required, but makes no friends out of this unless Stjepan
puts on a performance of humility.
Bryce first asks what he knows of Celim, how they met and quickly he puts into
place the information and perspective for riposte. For the last years of his fathers
rule, Ventine and other powerful advisors had played a strong part in the decisions of
his fathers domains and affairs, and when he passed on, Ventine and other advisors
harboured bitter resentment for his own attitude to situations. As a result so much so
underhand dealings were employed, but always remained unproven. Ventine, it seems
was using a certain Mistress Urnchr, noble and close associate of Ventine in the
court. This Mistress raised a young girl to be Ventines apprentice of sorts, trained
her in the ways of stealth and infiltration. When she first appeared in society as a
Danarchan merchant passing through to Sarnak, he became suspicious, although
Ventine maintained to his father quite the opposite. She was shipped off eventually
by Mistress Urnchr to spy in Sarnak for Ventine. It seems there, from what I can
deduce, she succeeded the Secretary of Minister who passed away on the night of
storms by suicide for no apparent reason. His men have had their eye on her return
for some time, as Ventine it seems had been conducting rites of human sacrifice to
Andaras in a secret coterie of nobles. He counsels Stjepan that this girl, Celim
honestly appears to have been manipulated totally by this fiend in fear of more than
just her life. He praises her attributes, fiery, skilled, excellent eyes and ears, for those

who need them in times of uncertainty. He, the young Count says, has no use for
more ears and eyes, but those in new territory can find more solace in other foreigners
than they can of their new kinsmen. Of course, such a strong-willed one would expect
to be treated no less as an employee, and less a vassal, I would expect, he recounts,
dont you agree? My men agree, shes quite the proficient, a good investment.
He continues, it appears both Ventine and your other bodyguards bodies have
been found. Ive just received word both were locked and charred hands locked around
each others neck. In lieu of this tragedy, perhaps another arm is all you need, as there
is no Changramai station here, the closest being Chelzaria. The night of storms
ruined the post here and the monks traveled to join their brethren in Chelzaria who
feared much worse. The roads being so treacherous. He may go so far as to push it to
say, he needs to know soon, why? Because his decision determines her life, if he takes
her she lives, if he doesnt hell have her executed.

Bryce Returns: and the knights stand in the next chamber talking themselves. Bryce
informs Celim of the changes if initiated by Stjepan. He will tell her he is probably
the most benevolent benefactor she could find, and it would be wise for her future and
health that she for the moment go with him.


b o o k o n e :: s h a d o w o f l o c u s t

Leaving Bentara: on fresh horses in the crisp early spring morning, the sky aglow in a
purple haze quite unnatural, along the northern and popular route to Chelzaria,
hugging the Mountains of Gold that even from the distance of several hundred miles
the glitter of gilded rocks peppers the horizon. A contigent of six Knights of Count
Korel escort them before the waking city, one delivers into Celims possession
HANDOUT #1. It is a journey spent alert for danger, every passing group of
disheveled travelers a potential thief. It is at the crossroads of the Imperial Highway
and the steeply rising paved road to the Castle of the Count Ajendar that the first real
trouble shows its face.
It is Xaek Branimir, scrambles from the bank in charred and blackened platemail,
sword grimly clasped in hand, and he pulls himself up to full height at the site of you
almost expecting others so grim is his visage. He is surprised to see them, and will
imply so. Unexpectedly as Xaek was following them after the night of his conversion
after they left, he ran into Inquisitors of Zanar. He had to change his plans of joining
with the group in Chelzaria over safety. Xaek in their eyes has given up the order and
now is a lone knight, lordless. Unknown to them however is that after leaving
Falkenna it came to Vediors information of the yarkbalka Stjepan wields and sent no
less than Xaek, the trusted knight who shared with them a fire.
Xaek is being pursued by 2 Inquisitors and 7 champions of zanar whom demanded
him to convert, which led to him slaughtering one of the champions before fleeing.
Such is his strength now, Xaek is indeed a knight of worthiness. Much genetic
manipulation was applied to his build and intellect before he was sent to chase after
them. The champions on horseback, save two defending the Inquisitors and the coach
are searching the long wild grasses of Vornia to the East of them, and by lingering
two of the champions will approach the scene on horseback. Let some dialogue pass
between them. Xaek was indeed frantic of sorts, but is now more secure in having test
the mettle of his associates in combat.
They crest the rise on sable horses that seem to be demons, so taut are their
muscles and the powerful knights astride them. Dressed in black cast plate mail with
elaborate red details, with tall helms crested in red horsetail, silver maces encrusted
with red gems.

Champions of Zanar (on Horseback)
Strength: D8 Agility: D8 Health: D8
Knowledge: D12 Perception: D10 Luck: D10

Melee: D8 Riding: D10
Excellent Armour: D8 Enchanted Silver Plate


They are using four foot long silver maces which when invoked before them form
a shield of blue energy that enhances their armour to incredible D6 for a short
time. To invoke this they must concentrate one turn without interruption. If
successful hit, must make another contested roll of health against a target of 3, or
feel ones very essence wrenched for another health rung.

Xaek is a very accomplished warrior now and will make sure they do survive.

Xaek Branimir
Strength: D10 Agility: D8 Health: D6
Knowledge: D20 Perception: D8 Luck: D20

Melee: D8 Riding: D10 Adrenal Moves: D12
Adrenal Defense: D12 Acrobatics: D20 Frenzy: D12

High Grade Armour: D10 Platemail

Xaek wields a sword that creeps with fine attention to detail, arabesques woven
from the hilt like a vine upon a wall, and the blade has shown age but remarkable
resilience as it looks not much older than it was when first brought. It is indeed
magical, his fathers. The sword raises any target to resist by one.

Xaek will tell them there are more, at least 5 more and two of the priests, he tells them
who they are as well and if they want, why. Xaek plays less the obsequious coward
than may be implied, he is more of the determination that he does not wish his faults
upon their selves and will leave at once. So in a fact it is their loyalty to him being
tested. Xaek will walk away north into the plains and then to the Mountains of Gold.
If they follow to help him, he takes it. If not, he meets up with them remarkably in
Chelzaria and the following events do not occur regarding the Zanar Inquisitors.

Murlog: watch the humanoid activity close to the first sheer slabs of granite poking
out of sweeping hills dense in the long, pallid grass. They alert others of their
midnight band to join in watching these four easy pickings that have come close to
where they watch the road. Soon a significant crowd of them has gathered. They wait
for them to settle in for the night. They decide to build a diversion, collecting rocks
they form a crude release and then fan out to the grassland on either side of the group
and when the time is right release the rocks and attack in the confusion. Or so they
Under the looming shadow of the Mountains of Gold cutting short the western
horizon and its stars. A slivered portion of Orhan casts a cragged silhouette and halo.
Allow them to discuss and relax. Xaek will tell them of his trials of late only so much
as to say he has left the Order of the Silvered Heart and was intending on traveling to
Relian and from there he knew not.
At the first watch the Murlogi attack. They scream and gibber, almost possessed
with their fish wide mouths full of sharp spiny teeth and rotten breath, green and

yellow and mutated they stab with diseased looking knives and axes, hacking
primarily at legs to fell their opponents, over which they would butcher.

Murlogi (numbering 20)
Strength: D20 Agility: D12 Health: D20
Knowledge: D30 Perception: D10* Luck: D30

Melee: D12 Frenzy: D20

Mediocre Armour: D20 Hide & Insect plates.

This battle would have been a difficult one given sheer number of opponents in the
best of situations. The point is to highlight that it is not safe to stay out at night and
that Inns and Highway Houses are more appropriate and safer shelter. Every night
there should be an encounter with desperate bandits or crafty Murlog or even Lugroki.

Whether they travel another day or whether they find residence that night,
somewhere along the road when they are at one of the small communitys that dot the
Imperial Highway they will meet with the might of Zanar. Due consideration should
be given to healing even if Celim appropriates herbs necessary from wilderness of
from traders in an inn. Some may be quite expensive and require more considerable
haggling than would be expected.

Pavillion Inn: is reached on the third day of looking over their shoulders. The
prevalence of more homes along the Pavillion lake gave some security and options
upon where to stay, but on the very northeastern end of the lake and Imperial Road,
only the Pavillion Inn is the only residence. The Pavillion Inn is old, not as old as the
distant pillars caught in the fading twilight over the mountains of gold, casting a
golden ring to the ancient Pavillion far to the south. Built of old swamp pulled stained
wood, deep in luster, it has been treated more as marble than wood, with pillars of its
own fronting a balcony over the low toward the lake shimmering like a pool of
molten gold. Statues and bas-reliefs create a deceptive appearance of space and
Inside it is quite busy, with many a passing traveler and merchant gathered in a
menagerie of anxiety. Most people seem quite distrustful of strangers, but it is more
their fear of what is happening. The road to Chelzaria has become quite harsh of late
with flow-storms and strange creatures, people dead or missing.
The building has its communual food and drinking area before a central bar around
behind a deep corridor of rooms can be seen. Busty, large woman and tall thin wiry
man with black facial hair of weak constitution manage the bar. Three classes of
room, common, private and suite, although the latter is only for asking clients. There
are two available and both are located upstairs. Prices are x2 Eidolon prices and most
alcohol and a variety of food can be found here. Also among the various tables
merchants subtlety ply their trade with a tolerance by staff.
Perhaps of more concern is the arrival of the chasing Inquisitors and remaining
five champions. If the Lord is looking over his balcony he will see them arrive,

although they will not know him. They search for Xaek. How they evade this is up to
them, by escape, confrontation or whatever. It will be an immense fight should they
try to take on the Inquisitors alone. The best bet is to attack them in the common
room where everyone is drinking. Several sympathizers help against those of Zanar.

Inquisitors of Zanar: Dressed in flowing dark red velvet robes, hooded and face
masked in a hook-nosed pantomime, hands clasped on silver scepters with a red gem
embedded in its head. The Inquisitors ask the owners directly if they have seen this
and channel a likeness in illusion of Xaek. In their silence he asks, Do you follow
Zanar, bringing a no, which requires immediate conversion and tithe of 50 gold.
Failure brings a Bloodfreeze to one partner and question of knowing the knight once
again. The owner submits at this stage and some people will begin to leave.
How this plays out is variable. Only if the characters fight the Inquisitors and the
Champions in the common room will they receive some needed sympathizers in the
form of Geyd, a Talath Northman and Kester a Danarchan Rogue and Sorcerer,
although tourists by their own admission. Geyd is an incredibly strong and agile
warrior and should take out two of the Champions with minor injury to himself.
Kester avoids much of the early combat preparing defenses magically and then after
some rounds comes back with power killing one and crippling another. Geyd &
Kester may feature later, but will make immediate resolution to leave and escape any
more retaliation from the Zanarians.

Seven more days to Chelzaria: will bring a flow-storm and hill trolls as difficulties
upon the road.
Four more days of skirting the foothills of the golden hued mountains that soar
through the clouds, refugee camps passed along the foothills and small burnt out
communities are untouched and abandoned, blacked and ghostly remants.
Highwaymen prowl the ruins and the hills where the people have fled, but for the
most part they avoid thieves and mercenaries of the fallen kingdom of Stroane.
Celim who is an untapped potential Essence user will feel it first. It is midday on
the 20
of Spring 6053, they have not stopped for eating and have just passed the burnt
out rubble of a farm cottage still smoldering close to the mountains. She feels a
tingling sensation that does not wane, her neck hairs stand on end and goosebumps
form across her skin. If they stop at this point they will reach the ruined safety of the
farm cottage before any trouble, although they will witness the flow storm
approaching. Should they continue, there is a smell of ozone in the air, and everything
is quite still about them this they can all notice if alert. What follows next are foot-
diameter balls of light that shimmer and then burst in the flash of an eye along the
foothills of the Mountains of Gold. The characters may be unaware of what these are.
What follows if they continue launches itself upon them with no course for safety
before the flow storm breaks.
After the microbursts, the curtain of energy follows from the peaks of the
Mountains of Gold, sweeping down in a massive one-mile trench toward them. A
wall of shimmering crystal against a quickly maelstrom forming sky above the
Mountains of Gold rains its way down in a curtain over the mountains down towards
the plains of Vornia with surprising speed close examination shows in and behind

the crystal, forms buckling trying to push through and some even left in its wake.
Microbursts electrify the long grass around them and then essnce bolts burst about
them, forking and flickering in colour. Luck will determine who is struck by many of
these bolts should they run for cover. If Celim is struck she will take damage and
feel invigorated, her eyes violet seem to seep a purple hue that dissipates in the air.
This fades once the storm passes. If the other characters are struck, they just suffer
The still warm cottage will provide a much-needed defense against the incoming
terror and the essnce bolts, although some will still puncture the ruins.
The ruins consist of a two storied house built from ancient stone, and though
gutted inside and still containing the heat of the fire, has protection overhead with
charred beams, although these may collapse. Three rooms interlocked are all that
remains below, and the deepest in the centre of the house has no windows to view
outside, but a chimney also of stone. The other two are opened, the walls damaged
and provide view to the outside. Let them dwell outside. Soon the sound of glass
raining is heard as the crystal veil passes over them debris and creatures falling in its
wake but the storm is only beginning, and it is quite a serious one with a whirlwind
forming over them some 8 miles in diameter with them in the eye of the storm and
will last some 6 hours. What the curtain leaves near them is something not from this
world. A Vooj, demon of the 2
Pale has been torn from its realm and is summarily
dropped west of their position.
NOTE: Should the Yarkbalka be used it has a great chance of being struck as it is
strong in essnce. Hal finds he is unable to communicate and much of his powers
are inhibited, but if struck by an essnce bolt the sword will unleash its true nature as
a superior yarkbalka, bursting into life with an intensely hot flame. This passes after
some 10 minutes and nothing Stjepan can do can bring it back. It was a random event
with little chance of repeating itself under the same circumstances.
If alert the characters may have witnessed the arrival of the Vooj. Like an
oversized eel with protruding bulbous dead sallow eyes and even larger mouth laced
in rows of rows of shark-like teeth surmounted by four oversized fangs, and just as
slimy. As long as 10 horses it snakes through the rubble left in the curtains wake. If
the characters can see it, however, the chances are that it will most definitely see them
and come to attack.

Vooj (Demon of the 2
Strength: D8 Agility: D6 Health: D10
Knowledge: D30 Perception: D4 Luck: D20

Bite: D10 (D20 swallow & D12 nerve poison) Barb: D12 (D12 poison)

Mediocre Armour: D20 Snake Hide

The nerve poison is a cumulative drain of health, agility & knowledge and is
resisted against the poison in a contested roll. Failure and the body will seize
and senses flicker and body jerks uncontrollably.


When killed the Voojs body dissolves and bubbles into a viscous acid.

The flowstorm is a silent scream, the whirlwind about them churning off many a
smaller that they see tearing the land and whatever lies upon it. Then after many an
hour spent in hiding, (or not) the storm disappears fading unto itself and the suns
light spills across the top of the Mountains of Gold signaling the end of another day.

Chelzaria: they reach some seven days later on the 27
. Larger than Bentara and with
the sense of age that Bentara was undergoing with speed to cover. Protected by the
fork of the upper Langasse River on the north and the Deer Run River on the south,
Chelzaria itself is watched over by a castle of many parts, expanded upon itself high
on the foothills of the Mountains of Gold. Midday and traders and travelers mill at
the old Imperial gatehouses still standing at the end of the two bridges into the town,
although any wall or remnant of that may have encircled the town cannot be seen.
Chelzaria has a bussle to it that only Relian and Orian can claim and it does not
travel north, although that has been changing with Pellerns recent gold cache
discovery. Entry is two bronze pieces and the guards dressed in deep green over
chainmail arent interested and wave them through, although raise their eyebrow at
the monk. If Lord Stjepan states who he is, however, the guards call their lieutenant
and listens and then asks if the Lord wishes to accompany him to Count Harronds
castle to rest. Whether they get that far is another matter.
Inside the gatehouse the streets are a bustle with traders and merchants leaving to
and fro from the various warehouses spaced about. People look in their direction a
little suspiciously, especially when two black robed monks meet them as they enter
the city.
One, a Thesian, with almost black skin and elvish ears, remains quiet while a
golden haired and blue-eyed elf speaks with a voice as soothing as a gentle brook. He
asks Stjepan if he would accompany him to the Changramai office.

Changramai Office: proves to be relaxing. Theirs is a small wal led compound,
crushed in several places with workers busy applying liquid stone to the gaps and
several small offices built with the wall in mind. Their horses are taken by other black
robed monks and tended to, while the Thesian has Ishraha accompany him and the elf
takes them to a sunlit room with an almost open air roof, save for beams and an
intricate and beautiful vine creeper with violet and black tinted blossoms. The elf
introduces himself as Lretar and asks if they would care for refreshments. Cold
fruity tea is brought in with small hard cakes, sweet and filling. Seated on the
comfortable stone carved chairs he apologizes that Changramai were not in Bentara to
replace the loss of Ataniel. He explains that Suetand, the Thesian whom was with
him will accompany them in Ataniels place and fulfil the Changramais contract. As
recompense for having to defend himself from Bentara to Chelzaria they wish to offer
a measure of good will, that being a personal Changramai monk bodyguard for the
service of one year. If he declines, the monk presses the danger of Ventine and his
possible allies that Stjepan wrapped himself in. The monk will then ask for a few
moments and leave Stjepan to enjoy his meal and a hooded monk watches
protectively from the door.

Meanwhile, Suetand, the Thesian takes Ishraha to a private room with open
windows over a small garden, and provides new robes, food and drink but otherwise
says little until Lretar arrives. The elf is very serious; he immediately informs
Ishraha they know that Ventine attacked them in Bentara, and whatever Ishraha
knows Lretar immediately counters. The Changramai monks learned of Ataniels
disappearance some days before they arrived in Chelzaria. Most notably because they
received information he was in Uj, but that Ishraha was still with Stjepan. Retracing
their steps they uncovered that Ventines intentions were not for the woman Celim,
but to somehow take Ataniel. Ataniel killed Ventine, but for some reason, Ataniel is
unreachable, but very much alive. They have no idea what happened and as such they
are concerned for Stjepans safety. Why? Because they believe it has something to do
with the Unlife and the mines of White Eog in Pellern. Lretar says that it may pay
for him to go incognito when he is there and his duties may require not just
bodyguard, bur proactive prevention and investigation himself. As such they wish
Ishraha to stay at Stjepans side just in case. They are unsure and investigating
Ataniels disappearance, but the loss of standing also needs to be countered. They
have an image to protect. For a period of one year he will stay at Stjepans side at the
expense of the Changramai. Ishraha will still receive payment but will work alone.
Lretar informs that Suetand will accompany them to Pellern.

Count Harrond: despite the good intentions of either Stjepan or the lieutanant guard,
finds no time to meet with the new Lord, and Stjepan will be relegated to a guest
room, comfortable and spacious and may grace the court later that night should he
deem fit. Since this is not important it is best glossed over.

To Pellern: takes eight days of riding to arrive on the 34
of Spring. The road has
been long returning to Pellern along the ancient Imperial highway, every league
marker one step closer. Orhan has been waxing and as they crest the rise to look down
some few hours still from Pellern to the Alana River, overcast skies colour it dirty as
it winds away into the rolling Miirian hills. Pellern is but a cluster of dark buildings
lost in the shadow of the Mountains of Gold, Orhans silvery and near full luminance
is hidden like the sun behind clouds.
Much has happened in Stjepans absence. With the new funds streaming back in
with the reopened and reinvigorated mines mercenaries have drifted to Pellern
seeking easy monies, but perhaps the most startling development is the
Ddekemanis sudden interest in the city that now has a contract to mine the White
Eog for it, something the Ddekemani are staying away from, but offering a two
pronged attack, one in support, the other in opposition. The Amethyst League has
moved into Pellern, backing a surprise usurper to the throne, Ulyshak Btanr who
with a loyal contingent of knights has struck several patrols of Lady Willona and has
made his presence known that a female ruler is not an acceptable ruler of Pellern. A
distant second cousin, Ulyshak has gained the aid of at least three knights without
Willonas total knowledge and with the Amethyst League backing him, have
provided mercenaries and a network of information.
Ulyshak has even prepared a special welcome party to meet Lord Stjepan. More to
put pressure on than to kill, but his death would be welcomed.


Still Hours Away: from Pellern they espy two horsemen waiting openly on the road.
From this distance they are dressed in partial plate and are facing their way. The
riders slowly canter to them and hail closing the gap between them. Strong Laan men
of noble mien, they greet Lord Stjepan and inform him that they are here to escort
him to Pellern, however, the Alana Bridge was destroyed in a flowstorm recently and
they must escort him upwards near the mines and around the tributary.
Reconstruction is on the way but will not be ready before he arrives.
The knights have little to say on recent events and are silent as they lead them
westward up and around the hills. Some two miles from the Imperial Highway is
where the ambush is prepared, the knights a little in front crest a ridge and pull up,
signaling for them to halt, pretending to take interest ahead of them. In the
meanwhile eight other mercenaries pull up on mounts surrounding them. The knights
turn and cry For Ulyshak and all charge.

Mercenaries of Ulyshak
Strength: D10 Agility: D10 Health: D10
Knowledge: D20 Perception: D12 Luck: D20

Melee: D10

Good Armour: D10 Chainmail

The mercenaries fight to the death; such is their allegiance and orders,
although they expect to win. The Changramai monks are not in the equation.
The death of Lord Stjepan is what they seek and the monks will be pressed to
defend their lord.

Suetand is a mentalist of some skill and while he provides defense, he is also a skilled
martial artist, although not as good as Ishraha. He may suffer grevious wounds in the
battle, but his powers of Mentalism he will use to heal himself and Stjepan. After the
battle they can return to Pellern, the bridge not washed out at all.

Pellern: has changed little, although signs of reprise are noticeable in the tents and
foundations of new buildings over burnt old ones in and around the city, but it
remains a bleak and smudged dreary place. The demeanor of the folk seem to have
changed little, dirty and wary. None know who Lord Stjepan is for the most part and
his arrival bears no significance to the townsfolk. Built on the foundations of a once
large an ancient city, the stone underfoot leads them to Pellern Castle, which has seen
better days. Its walls cracked, but its guard clothed in new garments and armour. In
the centre of the city, which they pass on their way to the castle gallows, swing with
three fresh bodies (Ishraha recognizes them as some of the mercenaries when he first
Security is tight at the gate, and the portcullis is raised as they see Lord Stjepan,
knowing enough to recognize not less him, but the Changramai monks in his service.

The Lord Chancellor soon meets them in the forecourt as stable boys take their
Lord Chancellor, Mandrodor Ethnaikad, is dressed silver trimmed black robe as
usual, but wears a newly minted seal of silver of the Pellern crest of a pickaxe over a
golden mountain on a green field. His white beard that disappears into his equally
long hair is well groomed and he welcomes Lord Stjepan back with more modicum of
respect when they last returned and even asks after him. The Lord Chancellor asks
after his other companion, and then makes haste to take him to Lady Willona.
The Changramai monks follow Stjepan, but Celim is asked to wait. She will be
discouraged to see Lady Willona. Lady Willona is aware of the details in part, having
received confir mation from the Sel-Kai bank and she was very impressed with
Stjepan, considering she expected near going price of 5000, not 15,000.
The Lord Chancellor takes them up flights of stairs to the very penthouse of the
castle and into a room of opulence and age, suits of ancient armour and weapons of all
sorts hanging from the walls. Small bookshelves hold select scrolls and leather bound
books. Tapistry of hunting and battle cover the walls, all before a balcony overlooking
the city.
Blonde hair pulled into a bun that does not do well for Willonas rather plain and
drab appearance, even if the turquoise gown she wears could feed a city for a year.
Luse is dressed without change, his black hair marked by his white strip at the side,
his partial plate mail and chain acid etched with swords appearing made from and
coming out of roses.
Willona smiles as he arrives and welcomes him home, taking him over to the plush
velvetine sofas. She tells him the Sel-Kai bank has been in touch and that his trip was
a resolute success. She will listen to him. She is very impressed with his skills and
says he may take some time for himself, and says this room used to be her fathers
which he may have as it does not appeal to her tastes. She will have whatever he
requires delivered to it as he wishes - just ask the seneschal, Taval Manerna.
If asked about Ulyshak, her face darkens somewhat and she says he is an usurper
who is challenging the Dreygen line and has hired mercenaries throughout Pellern.
He needs not concern himself with the small rebellion. The Changramai monks are
relieved of their duty, and are thanked for their service. Should Stjepan ask for rooms
for his new allies, such will be arranged, although small and cramped.

Majel Gavant: is leading the charge of the usurper, Ulyshak within Pellern, a post he
specifically requested when learning of Celims accompanying the good lord, and his
personal interest in the Eog. If Celim takes interest in the city he makes his presence
known to her. Preferably at night he grabs her arm saying Whats the penalty for
grabbing a woman by the arm in Pellern? reflecting on her statement to him in
Sarnak. Dressed in a high-collared black long coat buttoned with silver and pinched at
cuffs and neck with silver studs. His hands clothed in black leather gloves. His
demeanor is rough, his attitude restrained vehemence. His intentions are to warn her
away from interference with them, for death is but a whisper away, or, he says, he
could always let her crimes against Sarnak be truly illuminated the Shaitan have a
far reach, wouldnt she agree? If she proves defensive, Majel grasps her to the point of
pain almost breaking her arm with his bare hand in an iron like grip (inflicting

damage) which will bring in the next part of Majels long-termplans, the Erlini elf
Halek, long in service to the Amethyst League, who has resided in Pellern for some
fifteen years as owner of The Hourglass, one of the few inns that survived the flow-
storms and catered more for passing trade than the locals. Halek seeing this makes his
que, which is to gain Celims trust, since Majel lost it in Sarnak. Halek steps in
seeing the disturbance causing Majel to flee. Sandy-blond hair to chin, with a soft if
considered pretty face, he insists on taking her to a place where she can rest, namely
The Hourglass. Dressed somewhat dour for an elf, simple green robe, tied with belt
carrying long kynac, but his eyes are striking, green, like a pool in the deepest and
placid river.

The Hourglass: is a two storied stone dwelling, with supporting buttresses, radiating a
warmth and security through its stained glass windows in small diamonds of colours
of the forest. Inside, old wood is stained and varnished, lit by small fires aglow in
three stone pits with flutes suspended over. Tables round and uncluttered. Halek has
one of the serving girls bring over some elvish wine, a deep red that is smooth as it is
warm, drunk from glass flutes. He insists to inspect her arm, and indeed the bruising
is already showing, and her arm will be intensely painful for a day or so yet. He
doesnt pry too much about the encounter, but asks if she is passing or staying in
Pellern, as he has never seen her in his fifteen years here, and that he would
remember such a beautiful if she says she is, he says, if she ever needs a safe place or
somewhere to escape the drab world outside she is welcome here at anytime, going so
far as to let her know he owns the place. Halek is sincere and is quite taken with her,
but only until the point Majel calls in his next move, which will be some time from
now. Haleks heritage as Erlini, from Taln no less, but banished for crimes he now
regrets. His life with the Amethyst League has provided him with security, but it is
much a prison as well, but one better than the isolation of an elf in Hstra.

Aria: on the 40
as Orhan waxes from full and glows silver, larger than the sun in
clear skies an elven skyship arrives at Pellern. Ariahav Shailya Saadia of late learned
of the reason for Lord Stjepans business in Sarnak, and after informing her Lord, was
sent immediately to Pellern to influence him in a counter offer, but not knowing the
price that was paid. She arrives in a sky sloop of House Xanaari of Sel-Kai that brings
much commotion from the townsfolk and indeed to those of the castle.
She and two bodyguards make their way to the castle and ask to speak with Lord
Stjepan. Somewhat reluctantly she is admitted and led to Lord Stjepans chambers
where Aria makes her entrance. Dressed in a navy blue suit that hugs her lithe form,
whorls of red carve their way over the almost flesh like material, leaving little to the
imagination. A high collared shoulder cloak she wears clasped with a gold pin, set
with red gem. Her raven black hair is pulled back from her exquisite face and graceful
Reluctantly is she let in, and when Lady Willona hears of this stunning elf arriving
to see Stjepan, frustration and anger grows, something Luse takes note of and makes
point to in his own way.
Aria is as flirtatious as ever, and asks after his well-being and return trip to Pellern.
Any difficulties he cares to illuminate she listens with open ear, but not mouth.

Knowing of the deal of White Eog, she explains that should she have known she
would have offered a bid to eclipse that offered by the Sarnaki, and plays her part
somewhat wounded. If at any time he illuminates the details of his deal she will be
horrified and shocked. More than twice the amount one could reach on any open
market, and it makes for a strange objective perspective. She came with intentions of
counter-offering up to 3,500 silver plus delivery to Sel-Kai, as House Xanaari always
could find use, but to sell at such a mark-up is almost unheard of. If asked to stay, she
will not and feigns business matters elsewhere saying that this was a passing visit.
She immediately returns to House Xanaari to take the curious news there.

Xaek & Celim: Xaek one evening will catch Celim at her door, which is beside hers
on the second floor of the castle. He expresses his respect for her courage in wanting
to chase the demon they evaded on the day of the flowstorm. Her intentions would
put many a knight to shame. He has little else to say, and quiet as he is, departs.

Xaeks Oath of Fealty: Xaek attends Stjepan one evening and expresses his desire to
swear fealty to a new Lord, that being Stjepan. His oath is not as binding as Orders,
but is true to a point. He swears to defend, uphold the word and honour of his Lord,
and give of himself everything that is necessary. Discussions may occur regarding the
Yarkbalka. All Xaek knows is that the Grandmaster wielded such a weapon and was
passed from Grandmaster to Grandmaster since the time of the Emperor Aldaron.
The Silver Heart was the expression of taking the swords guidance within oneself.

Sarnaki Arrival: Secretary Minister of Agriculture Achre Iraldrane is sent by her
superiors to oversee the management of the White Eog. While not infused with
Ddekemani or aware of her superiors true nature, she has Sarnak firmly in mind
and with her recent application in Falkenna has seen her role expand. Success in
Pellern will mean bigger and brighter things. Word comes of her impending arrival
by caravan on the 55
of the month of Spring and Lady Willona arranges a formal
court event to coincide with her arrival. The Seneschal, Taval informs Stjepan of this
upcoming event, telling him most of the Lords and Ladys of Pellern will be in
attendance and should he require something to wear, to only ask.
He also asks if his entourage will be in attendance, not knowing their station, or
even their names.

Luse and the Gallows: One day Luse decides it is time to put this upstart noble in his
place. He asks Stjepan to accompany him on a ride around the city, and as he leads
him explains that the city was once a mighty fortress of the Emperor and ever since
the Dreygen line stretches back. He explains the intentions of establishing
gatehouses, etc, then makes his way to the centre of the city proper with its gallows
swinging with the bodies of the mercenaries still. Luse explains examples need to be
made of those who would attempt to wrestle the power of Pellern away from its true
masters, those of the bloodline and wouldnt Stjepan agree? Luses threat is veiled
behind examples. If Stjepan tries to confront him directly about this, Luse evades any
danger he could place himself in, but he is no pushover and will not tolerate threats
directed at him, caring to remind he is but new and none care for him.


The Court: (55
Spring) will be a night of intrigue and politics of which Stjepan will
no doubt immerse himself within. Whether Ishraha, Xaek or Celim are there will
change little in the political realm, but it will provide Stjepan when the assassination
attempt occurs.
Ulyshak, with help from Cno Lindur, Chancellor of His Lords Lands and Purse,
has swayed many within Pellern and guards supposedly loyal to Luse Invarath are
ready to strike when the appointed time is right and murder Lady Willona and Lord
Stjepan. This, in time will be blamed on an enemy of Ulyshak.
The evening begins with passing minstrels performing light music that wafts
through the great hall that is the first floor of the castles main tower. The Great Hall
has been outfitted with much new paraphernalia since Stjepans wedding, new
tapestries and banners hang from the walls, vivid in colour, lifting the drab stone that
is now only barely espied under the cloth. Tables are new, imported from Sel-Kai
with supports of wood woven with delicate care of rigid lines and angles. New
silverware graces each table and even the weave of the servants milling about is new
and respectable, as is the shining plate and full visored helms of ten knights at
attention, five to each side. Trumpeters herald each arrival with the Lord Chancellors
introduction witheach. The room mills with nobles from the countryside, Lords and
Ladies dressed down compared to the flowing white laced gown Lady Willona walks
in, with high colour, embroidered with pearls and strands of silver.
Achre Iraldrane, Secretary Minister of Agriculture of Sarnak, walks in like the
queen, dressed in a striking red silken gown and jacket dressed with black feathers,
her hair pulled tight to her head, and her demeanor strong and determined like the
two Amazonian warriors accompanying her in uniquely styled Sarnaki plate and
helms covering everything but their mouths, weapons bristling from their selves.
They never leave Achre.
The intention here is to let the characters mingle. Lady Willona will be all smiles
but has no intention of letting Stjepan steal the show, and many of the Lords and
Ladies frown upon him regardless, as he is an outsider. However, he will have chance
to impress those he seeks to. Rumours float among the conversations around the
room, in the various groups of Lords and Ladies and other lesser nobles drinking of
the fine wine provided before the evening meal.
- Lord Constans of Alkartek is building fortifications to the castle, tearing down
many old standing stones and barrows around Alkartek to add to the defenses
and wall around the growing township.
- Navigator guarded caravans across Miir and the dales when attacked by
highwaymen bring the wrath of the Navigators who slaughter the attackers.
- A dragon is seen around the Scorpion Ridge.
- Huge icebergs are reported to have been seen off the Sea of Gold near the
outskirts of the islands of Emer, drifting.
- Before the Eve of the New Year, it is said that the Nameless One appeared
alone in the Garden of Songs on Kariln to warn of a global catastrophe that
soon followed.
- Arakin is in revolt and riot, and General Terell is believed dead.

- Lights have been seen upon the summit of the Isle of Votania, though none
speculate on the return of the Titans.

Meal is served, roast venison served with strong peppers and mustard and
assortments of carefully prepared vegetables Achre takes seat beside Lady Willona
and deals with her directly, barely giving Stjepan the time of day.
During the meal, Lady Willona stands and thanks all for coming, paying specific
notice to welcome their new guests and business partners, the realm of Sarnak,
wishing Achre all the best in their city and for the future.
Even the cook seems different (and indeed it is). The point to be made is that
Pellern is affluent all of a sudden and things are changing. For the most part this is
not the time for Stjepan to familiarize himself with the nobility, rather they will
excuse themselves after curiousity. Lady Wintessa will be lascivious and single men
will barely restrain themselves about her. She may rescue Stjepan at moments, and
will run Celim down, as the only female in Stjepans eyes should be his mother-in-
law. Describe lords as they come, snooty and nosey, pulling names as one will, such
will be the flurry of faces Lord Stjepan will have a difficult time to remember them

Assassination: After the evening meal that is filling beyond words, as the Lords and
Ladies talk among themselves as the servants collect their dishes, several of the
knights creep their way toward Stjepan and Willona. Only the extremely perceptive
and aware will notice their surreptitious approach, and some metres from them four
leap to attack with two of the servants. Lady Willona and Lord Stjepan are the targets
and theyll stop at nothing. Luse will leap to Willonas defense and the remaining six
knights will as well. The initial strike may severely wound both, however.
Achre is defended by her warriors who quickly pull her out of the fray and into

Knights of Ulyshak
Strength: D10 Agility: D10 Health: D10
Knowledge: D20 Perception: D12 Luck: D20

Melee: D10

Good Armour: D8 Platemail

Servants of Ulyshak
Strength: D12 Agility: D12 Health: D20
Knowledge: D20 Perception: D20 Luck: D20

Melee: D20

Aftermath: Achre retires, leaving this internal matter. Lady Willona if wounded will
be taken care of. Lord Chancellor assumes rule, unless countered by Stjepan, in which
case a confrontation with Luse will follow. Lords and Ladies quickly make their exit

under escort of knights and guardsmen. Uneasiness settles across Pellern as Ulyshak
makes his presence felt even more. What happens from here is up to the characters
and some time should be made for their own investigations and lines of enquiry.

Zanar Arrival: (60
Spring) Point should be made to note that the Ddekemani have
no influence over the Zanarians other than their common inferred link to the Unlife.
Pellerns public rise of wealth comes to the attention of not just tradesmen and profit
takers, but also the devout. High Priest Deyloth arrives in Pellern with two
Inquisitors and eight champions. They are unaware it was Lord Stjepan and his
entourage who slew three of their champions on the road from Bentara to Chelzaria.
Deyloths quest is simple; to establish a base of operations, land purchase from the
Lord of Pellern, begin construction on a church, conversion of local populace. Deyloth
is not a flaming hellbringer, but more a subtle converter, who first inquires and then
subverts. Dressed in a dark red robe, with a 7 foot long scepter embedded with red orb
set on the top that he carries with him at all times, similar to those of the Inquisitors,
except that his carries the power of the Jerak Ahrenraths crystal.
The priest is led by the Lord Chancellor, somewhat on edge with this new arrival
to whoever is available. Deyloths build is non-threatening and somewhat masked
under his rich deep red robes, but his face is heavy in feature, worn and wrinkled with
strong black eyebrows that curve upward. He intends to arrange a purchase of land
within or without the city, which is his main concern.


b o o k o n e :: s h a d o w o f l o c u s t

Politicism: starts here and ends here, as the track name from the Ordo Equilibrio song
points out. Pellern has by unfortunate effect after the catacylsm become a focal point
of the Ddekemani, who now own the contents of the white eog mines, and with
their Amethyst League operatives supporting the usurper Ulyshak, and near
successful assassinations of both Stjepan and Willona in a court function has led to
some interesting developments. Coupled with the characters own investigations and
lines of enquiry have developed interesting changes and additions.
Stjepan is looking for marital law in the Pellern library, which is but a disheveled
wreck, with all the important books removed by the Lord Chancellor to the Lord
Adjudicators Study many decades ago as the library was in poor shape, hence only
books of minor note or fictional bent were left. Stjepan intends to divorce Willona
over the failure of consummation of the marriage. Seneschall Taval recently found
out Stjepan had cleaned the library and was surprised, and has made mention of it to
Lord Chancellor who is without suspicion, but with loose tongue. Lord Adjudicator
Luse has suspicion over Stjepan, but not as the primary contender. Lord Stjepan is
making many an attempt to be seen around the castle, calling people by name and
asking after them, including a group of nobles whom he wishes to hunt with. At first
it made them nervous, and now they see someone making an effort. Celim who is
presenting herself as a Bentaran Noble offered Xaek a retainer for his services to her.
Xaek, not having the chance to note his respect for her, took it as cue to accept
immediately and leaving him with more latitude to be near Lord Stjepan.
This game begins on the 56
of Spring, the morning directly after the assassination

The Night: of the 55
is spent shepherding away the grievously wounded Lady
Willona and her husband Lord Stjepan out of immediate harm. Luse stays with Lady
Willona as personal guard and has three of his most loyal knights accompany him,
two at each door. No doubt Celim, Ishraha, and with all luck Xaek will be at
Stjepans side. The best Stjepan can do is rest. Celim, if she has the appropriate herbs
may help initial wounding, but Willonas are much deeper than that and require
healers immediately. The Lord Chancellor is dubious about whether or not to call in
Sisters of Eissa by Navigator and have them attend Willona. This comes from Cno
Lindur who says such a mammoth price that would be required would be beyond their
credit at the Sel-Kai bank beyond anything theyve ever tried, money theyve not yet
earned through the mines. Their maximum with all the preparations and money,
theyve simply spent it all. Luse is furious. He cannot rely on the Lord Chancellor and
goes at 4am to wake Stjepan to make him agree to request an extension of credit to the
Sel-Kai bank representative.
Luses demeanor is of a distraught lover and it may show in his disposition,
although in Stjepans pain and mild-shock state it will take him. He will usher

everyone out except Stjepan, wake him if need be and outline their dilemma. Outside
a man awaits, shoulder length and waved blond hair, groomed appearing satin,
dressed in a black suit and long dress, waits smiling slight chagrin. Lady Willona will
die unless Sisters of Eissa are brought in immediately. The closest are in Bentara, the
only option is the Navigator Guild. Lord Chancellor Mandrodor has taken over as
statesman to rule until such a time either is fit. He would allow this to be bar for one
detail. Cno Lindur, our Chancellor of the Purse and Land, has counseled to
Mandrodor that the credit we have extended with the Sel-Kai bank has been reached,
and the mining has not yet begun, so we are essentially broke when faced with such a
massive fee that the Navigators impose, the healers we can afford. He wants Stjepan
to speak with the Sel-Kai bank liaison here in Pellern to request an extension of
credit and that hes waiting outside. The Sel-Kai banker is Elderik Boussaerd, who
introduces himself, takes off his leather gloves and sits in one of the chairs facing
Stjepans bed in the darkness. He says, Lord Stjepan, you must verbally request it.
Magical recording you see., after requesting it, he pauses if asked is that it? He
replies No, the Sel-Kai bank is considering your request, one moment very well.
The Sel-Kai bank enters into contract to cover medical expenses of both Lord and
Lady ruling of Pellern, for the loans extension of no more than one year at previous
interest. Elderik, smiles, gets up and leaves. Luse nearly runs out the door in
(For any reason Stjepan declines the request and allows Willona to die, events will
be changed greatly within Pellern in the matter of a night, but for the worse for
Stjepan. Willonas death sees public support shift to Ulyshak, who now openly
challenges Stjepans right to the seat of power. Luse, over 70% of the knights and
guardsmen of Pellern desert the next evening. From there, it is only a matter of time
before Pellern crumbles, although deals could be struck for its safety, Sarnaki fealty
being one.)
In the next five minutes a member of The Navigators transports four Sisters of
Eissa to Pellerns castle, three immediately attending Lady Willona and one sent in to

Eissa and the Gates of Oblivion: A long-flowing black robed and hooded woman will
enter Stjepans room, blue belt gathering her middle and golden key hanging from her
neck on a golden chain. Cindel is one of the four Sisters of Eissa from the small
temple in Bentara. If Celim has applied herbs of healing to Stjepan, Cindel takes
note and then proceeds to heal Stjepan. One rung of health is healed through the
gentle application of a golden dim light radiating to his back. She tells him in a
comforting voice, though face hid in cloak, that he should rest for the next two days
and he should be sufficiently recovered. Lady Willona, so near death, is revived over
the period of the next three days, to a point where she can speak, but is still wounded,
and will not be walking for another three days.
Cindel will ask who applied the herbs, and if Celim is pointed out, Cindel will
make note to speak with her before leaving, and she attends Lady Willona with her


Outcome: of the last few days determines many a future path for the game, whether
Willona is alive or not, and if so, her changed feelings regarding Stjepan who has
tried to save her life twice. Gameplay should continue for the two days Stjepan stays
lying on his stomach recovering, allowing the other characters to interact and learn of
what is happening. Use the following encounters with discretion.

Secrets in the Library: Before Stjepan recovers, Celim who has been searching for
hidden areas and secrets in the castle discovers something in the castle. Inside a book
whose title states Geometry of the Stars and Organisms she finds something that
piques her curiosity. It is the weight of the book that grabs her as she shuffles through
the various books, weighing heavier than it should. Inside, in a hollowed out
compartment is a thin black glassy, almost sundial piece about 20cm long. It is heavier
and thicker at one end down to a near needlepoint at the other.
This is a key that opens a secret passageway in the Library that leads deep down
into the castles bowels, and indeed to rooms and passageways that date back to the
time of Aldaron. Under the rugs that are old and worn is a massive circular stone
inset that is old with the castle and it was moved by magic many thousands of years
ago, but it still works. Celim may notice this if she investigates the room in more
detail. Pulling back the rugs and moving the tables reveals a circle the size of a man
with his arms and l egs stretched out. Strange runes grace the outside of the etched
stone, yet in the inner circle over forty slots. Use of the key in these slots will open
select passages deep under the castle, but the most important one is the one to the
library door. Luck will determine her success here. If successful, the grinding of stone
fills the room, and a tapestry billows as stale air pushes out from deep under and into
the room, a dark and pungent stairway leads from the room at a sharp incline down.
Should Celim go alone she will experience something that will not only bring
back memories shut out, but new questions.
It is difficult to manoeuvre down the sharp incline with its narrow ceiling and
walls, damp and clammy. It will take her a long time to reach the bottom, with black
glistening stone her only companion. Finally she reaches the bottom and a short
passageway soon opens into a domed room that will leave her speechless.
Some four passageways lead off this room, and around the outskirts set into
alcoves headless statues are caked in mould and black grime, figures dressed in robes
five in all. But it is the altar in the centre of this room set within concentric circles
and inscribed sigils and runes that sets her reeling. Stained darkly, the square altar
brings back memories
her birthday the strange guests about her, the altar of stone darkly crimsoned, it
too surmounted with concentric circles Ventine, smiling deliciously behind it
beckoning her forward and her moving into the circle to the still wet altar, the smell
of sweat and copper Ventine chanting as hands grasp her arms and legs screaming
as she is lifted to the altar, her back touching the sticky blood the four men holding
her limbs down as Ventine loops ropes of red magic about her arms and legs,
restraining her the men stripping her naked quickly and efficiently before leaving
the circle then turning to a dark doorway that shimmers like black water Ventine
chants and the rest of the congregation echoes him the oil bubbling and Ventine
retreating from view, leaving her to stare at the forms pushing through her screams

drowned out in the sonorous chanting and an unnaturally tall figure pushing out of
the portal, naked and muscular as pale as dead flesh with twisted deformed ears,
fangs frothing from its curled mouth, eyes aglow in deep gold as its hair stalking
forward to her the altar its rasping tongue licking her leg upwards
And she breaks from the memory, stunned, but perhaps what is worse is that
during her blackout and flashback she has begun bleeding and its not that time of the
month. What she does is up to her. The passageways are a maze and will take much
time to explore, let alone the traps down here. There seems to be no noticeable reason
for the room, but Andaras once reigned here under disenfranchised Laan nobles
against the Aldaron intrusion thousands of years ago. (More on this room later ~ GM
Note: Celim never explored the chamber and instead informed Stjepan and they are
trying to decipher the runes in the library that are Krnyt).

The Hunting Lodge: (57
or 58
Spring) Stjepan, prior to his incapacitation, had been
spending time with nobles of the Castle, trying to gain their friendship and offered to
hunt. For the most part they were standoffish, but with the assassination attempt and
the openness of Stjepans intentions to defend Lady Willona, many of them have
taken a new approach to Stjepan. A group of young nobles of Pellern & Bornay offer
him to take drinks with them in the hunting lodge in preparation for hunt later in the
This group of nobles, in particular, are interested in testing Stjepan, led by Lord
Brage, cousin to Lady Willona, who married into Pellern many a years before her
elder cousin and was accepted a long time ago, unlike Stjepan. His coterie of
obsequients is Lord Awain, Lord Baris, Lord Elournay, and Lord Stevars. It is Lord
Brage who goes to see Stjepan once he is rested, introducing himself as he makes his
Lord Brage is dressed in a surcoat of yellow filigree over a black cloth, leather pants
tucked neatly into knee-high boots. Confident and smiling, wispy black hair and
rising eyebrows. Lord Brage introduces himself saying hes glad to see Stjepan back in
such health, and that he and his friends have considered his offer of a hunt, and if hes
interested, theyre meeting later this evening in the Hunting Lodge. Lord Brage gives
directions to the Lodge if he needs it. Third level of the castle, overlooking the stables
and courtyard, servants should be able to show him the way.
Later that evening at the Hunting Lodge, Stjepan finds his fear of Hunting coming
closer to meet him. Unknown to him, Lord Brage knows what channels to filter
information to the Usurper Ulyshak, and intends to arrange a hunting trip that meets
with some difficulty, but it even turns in on itself. Ulyshak has no friends, and will
attempt to have them all slain, making an appearance himself since two attempts have
The Hunting Lodge is a large room, sectioned by a heavy dark wooden beam
through the middle, which serves to give the room a double habitat. One for prized
trophies, kept away from a more hospitable area of leather and cushioned couches and
chairs among tables around a large open fireplace. But more noticeable are the
thousands and thousands of stag antlers crossing each other as a virtual tapestry over
the stone wall. Apart from a few boar and reindeer for the most part remains a forest
of horn. Lord Brage is the first to greet Lord Stjepan, welcoming him into the

Hunting Lodge, and then proceeds to introduce properly his companions Lord
Awain (who gained his title by dedication and service left a small stipend from Lord
Dreygen), rather chubby, nearly bald with bad sense in clothes a former knight,
with left leg crippled some time ago Lord Baris (resentful man who beats his wife
and takes liberties with all women when possible), tall and spindly, with black hair
and beard, with a penchant for crushed velvet Lord Elournay of Bornay
(directionless and easily impressed), doting cousin to Lord Brage, quiet & mousy
and Lord Stevars (half-brother to Luse Invarath), strong with a grip like an iron clasp
and as much brain matter, dressed in heavy gowns.
Brage does most of the talking - all the while warm brandy is shared from a
decanter. Brage lets Stjepan knows that in ten days time they are planning a boar hunt
in the Alana Forest, south of Pellern. Hes most welcome to accompany them if he
wishes. They go alone, gives them time to breathe away from the constant advisors
and guardsmen about them. Brage is a schemer, and expected to be in a position of
power when his cousin, Wintessa received the fiefdom. But it has failed, and Brage
has no obligation to Willona as he sees it.

The Gates of Oblivion: On the night of the 58
, Cindel is given permission to speak
with Celim, seeing not only a talent with herbs but also an untapped potential within
her. Cindel appears before Celim hooded in her black robe and asks if she may speak
with her. Once in private, Cindel removes her hood, revealing a horribly scarred
woman, her face mottled and lumpy.
She starts by noting Celims skill with herbs, and where she learned of this. She
then asks if she has heard of Eissa, and if so what, and if not only makes her more
curious. She asks what she knows of the Lords of Orhan. Then Cindel gives her story,
saying that eight years ago, she was married to a man who she thought she loved at
first, but over the two years of marriage soon changed when Cindel became pregnant.
He flew into a rage, and would beat her often. The final straw was when he trapped
her inside their house in Bentara and set it afire. Sisters of Eissa at the temple came to
the aftermath, and she had been pulled from the fire before all that was left was ash,
but she knew death was approaching. She could feel herself dying and considering her
future, accepted it with a silent refusal of sorts. It was Eissa who determined that she
was not to do, however, the Sisters healing and nursing her back to life. Eissa believes
that a soul should live a full life, and those who have not achieved a meaningful
existence she returns and disallows the transmigration of the soul through the Gates
of Oblivion. She saw something more in me, more for me to do as I feel it now with
you. She cant place it, but shed like to visit from Bentara in the future, if Celim is

Lady Willona & Celim: Lady Willona on the first day (59
Spring) of her able to
recover without the aid of the Sisters of Eissa, who by this stage have retuned to
Pellern by way of Navigator, asks Celim to come to her private chambers. Her room
is guarded by two knights in full plate, standing outside of the small arched and iron
studded door to her room, on the other side of the utmost level of Castle Pellern.
Celim is invited to attend Lady Willona by the Lord Chancellor who finds her.

Inside her room is quite the Spartan arrangement, not what one would expect. Her
bed is exquisite and takes centrepiece of the room. Each post is carved appearing
twisted as a knot up to the vine like weave of the ceiling, from which silk veils hang
but do not obscure the pallid visage of Lady Willona lying cushioned in her bed. The
walls are splintered in few tapestry, and the floors carpeted, worn to the weave in
places, plain leather cushioned chairs sit around the room, and one before a small table
before a balcony overlooking the Mountains of Gold.
Lady Willona does not know what to think. Stjepan not only once tried to save her
life, but twice by allowing the Sisters of Eissa to be sent. She had pegged him for a
selfish man, intent on taking her fathers kingdom, but now she is not so sure. She
asks Celim how long she has known him and what her impressions of him are.
Willona does not want to give it all away, but her stance towards Stjepan is changing.

Luse & Celim: Luse Invarath is only too aware of Lady Willonas conversation with
Celim, not because he was informed, but more because he wasnt. After Celim has
talked with Willona, Luse catches her on the stairs down and asks if he may have a
quiet word. He suggests the parapets above them. Outside the wind is strong above
and the Mountains glimmer in the sun, about them the blackened areas of land
showing signs of renewal.
Luse is curious where a lady of her calibre learned to how should he put it kill
with such efficiency. He is suspicious of Celim and is having men check her
credentials in Bentara. Her ability is something hed expect of a trained assassin of the
highest of measure, and yet she is here with Stjepan as a noble of Bentara. Why is she
here? And if for trade, why no mention from Count Korel of her impending arrival?

Achre: travels with her Amazonian warriors wherever she goes, especially with the
lax of security as displayed on her arrival. The Internal matters for the moment do
not concern her, not at least until they impact the Ore mining. She involves herself in
discussions with Lady Willona once fit and with the Lord Chancellor, Chancellor of
the Land and Purse, and the Sel-kai bank liaison, Elderik. Under no time will she
discuss matters of importance with Stjepan, and only talks with the other men as
necessity, but for the most part deals directly with Lady Willona. Achre is given an
office at the mines themselves and a room at the Castle. The White Eog begins its
mining around the 60
of Spring, much to the delight of many a local. In the
following month, more and more people flock to Pellern to try for profit.

The Stables: One of the stablehands has taken a shine to the ferocious black stallion
that the rest of the boys cal l Demon. Jengo, a smart and wily servant boy, son of one
of the kitchen hands is strong and determined for his age of eleven, and is wise to the
ways of horses, even though his size leaves him belittled by others. Pursed lips and
keen eye, scraggy hair and dirty face usually barefoot, he asks her about the horse;
whats his name? Where did she get him? How long has she had him? Does she
intend on breaking him in? If so, when? Who torture-trained him (referring to the
cuts on his forelegs which he says the y do to make them jump higher)? He tells her
a horse like that wont last long in the stables, pointing out where hes tried to smash

his way out. Jengo doesnt hang around much to answer questions about him, but he
does ask if he can feed the horse now and then.

Amethyst Eye: (67
Spring) Majel breaks into the castle during the evening meal and
leaves a gift for Celim which may pay off, or not. Either way it is a message. Majel
has been thwarted twice in assassination attempts against the ruling body, and one of
those had a large part to play with Celims interference, not to mention her diverting
of the Eog deal in Sarnak. He is impressed and annoyed by her constant meddling. He
leaves for her a black box upon her writing table. The box is sufficiently large to fit in
ones hand with difficulty and appears deep. Silver decoration lines the top of the box
and it appears to be hinged on the smaller end. Inside is a black velvet cushion upon
which sits an elegant necklace a large amethyst is nestled withi n a silver border of
coiled silver weave, and every silver link of the necklace is decorated as well with
intricate detail.
Unknown to Celim the object also serves as a scrying device from which Majel
can view through. Whether she keeps it or destroys it matters little to Majel. Either
way one message, no matter how variant gets through to her. (this is kept hidden in
Stjepans room and serves as a permanent listening device to everything that goes on

Zanarians Arrive: Prior to the hunt, a High Priest of Zanar arrives in Pellern with
two inquisitors and eight champions. High Priest Omar Saralis, is unlike most
Zanarians, preferring the slow and absolute path to conversion, rather than the blatant
aggression of his peers. It at times has proven him ill, but in the long plan he succeeds
where others do not. Omar is highly respected by the Lord High Priest, Vogo Cthon-
Omar has been given the task of establishing a church in or outside of Pellern with
land brought from the Dreygen line. The Ddekemani have no control over the Ahn
Sye Zanar, other than that tenuous link at best of their mutual quest of the Unlife.
They may prove an unexpected ally or enemy to Stjepan and Pellern depending on
how the Zanarians are ultimately treated.
They arrive late in the afternoon on the 70
Spring, the rain drizzling down and
the air muggy and uncomfortable. Word soon comes from the guards of the black
coach at the gate and the entourage with it. Hushed words of Zanar bring Luse
Invarath to the gate to meet with them, albeit hesitantly. Omar politely asks if he
may speak with either Lord or Lady of the City. Luse departs, allowing the Zanarians
entry into the courtyard. Instantly the guards are nervous and pull back. Jengo, the
stable boy sees the horses he saw once many years ago and goes to hide Nero,
Celims mount taken from the dead Zanar Champion, and then he runs to tell Lady
Celim. Lady Willona is terrified to learn of the Zanarians arrival and instead asks
Luse to have Stjepan speak to them. If he declines, Luse turns them away and the
Zanarians take a different approach to Pellern from this point on. If talked to by
Stjepan, events will for the initial moment be more favourable.
Omar has the Inquisitors and Champions wait in the rain if he speaks to any. Omar is
an aged Shay man of some 40 or 50 winters, bald, short, but strongly built with soft
hazel eyes and wide thin lips. He is dressed in a dark hooded red robe, hood pulled

down, and at his belt a silver mace, elegantly decorated and crowned with a red gem.
Omar speaks softly and seemingly with compassion one would expect from a
Mynistran. He likes to walk as he talks and will do so in the rain if Stjepan refuses
him entry. In short, Omar expresses his sadness for the loss of both Lord Dreygen
and Lord Nemeck, his father. The Zanarian priesthood wishes to establish a temple
upon land brought from them they refuse to lease, but Omar explains that with
their presence they can offer services not just to the Lords, but to all, healing,
resurrection. How Stjepan handles this is up to him, and how Omar handles it is on
the spur of the moment. The Zanarians will pay much for land and will employ locals
to build, although few are willing to work.

The Hunt: (68
or 69
Spring) begins some ten days from Stjepan was offered by
Lord Brage and his associates. Assembled in the pre-dawn light, their horses ready
and small provisions should their journey lead them to a longer stay. The Alana
Forest is a good three hours ride south, and then theyll hunt and with all luck have
game for lunch. Assembled with swords, lances, crossbows and bows each has their
particular fancy, and is dressed in hunting leathers for the ride.
Talk is small on the trip south, but once at the forest they outline their plan of
attack, which is to spike a hunting boar, most of which are toward the west of the
forest near the mountains. Flushers are needed and diverters let them sort out how
they intend to tackle the boar once found.
What they do not know is that Cno has passed on the infor mation of the intended
hunt to Ulyshaks information network and Ulyshak has taken a personal interest in
putting Lord Stjepan away once and for all. With ten of his best supporters, knights
and mercenaries, he has his men posing as travellers on the roads alert them to their
arrival in the Alana Forest.
The hunt begins with them each attempting their respective duties. The nobles are
not the best at hunting and it will show, but more importantly they soon find
themselves on the end of the hunt as riders burst on to the scene, dressed in armour,
faces covered with visors, ready for the kill. Ulyshak himself is a beast of a man, with
almost Talath stature for a Laan lord. Dressed in partial plate, his chest is broad and
his arms the girth of oak branches. He wields an axe that in the hands of any normal
man would be two-handed, but in his one.
Ulyshak has a long handlebar blond moustache and goatee to match his equally
long hair, and grey eyes. Ulyshak will make personal contact with Stjepan, saying he
is an impostor to the throne, no bloodties and no legitimate right to Pellern. He says
the land needs a strong leader and he will bring Lady Willona to her knees. Ulyshak
will personally fight Stjepan, who will find himself hard-pressed against the seasoned
warrior in strength and experience.
Lord Awain will be killed and Lord Elournay will be delivered a near fatal blow.
Stjepans only hope is to use the yarkbalka. Hal has no intention to fall into the
hands of this barbarian, and with the impetus to continue the Nemeck line and his
eventual freedom, may speak to Stjepan for the second time. Use the fire within
against them. to cause the Superior Yarkbalka to leap with flame, something that
will totally catch Ulyshak off guard realizing what the Yarkbalka is. When brought to
flame, a golden halo glows from the sword and soon, rings of fire leap around the

blade and eventually the entire two-handed sword writhes in fire. A mock combat is
only needed here since it is not to serve as a be-all & end-all. Ulyshak has made his
men know that Stjepan is his. This will either leave Stjepan a hero among the nobles,
a coward (if he flees), or dead that is unlikely. Either way he returns with much to tell
and his standing in the castle can change in a matter of days.

Gatehouses: As the first of the real money frees up their debt, Lady Willona gives the
goahead for Gatehouses to be built on the north and south of the Imperial Highway.
It will take an estimated time of 1-2 years with extra workers being brought in to
speed up the process and both gatehouses being built by two crews at the same time.

HANDOUT #1: Delivered to Celim on the 1
of Summer

HANDOUT #2: Delivered to Stjepan on the 12
of Summer

Journey to Alkartek: Stjepans intentions to return to his home are met with some
interesting developments. A road trip to Alkartek takes eight to nine days of
unimpeded riding. The fare of inns and wayhouses along the Imperial highway to
Alkartek is below the standard one would expect or demand, but it provides a little
safety from the growing heat of the sun, and the stragglers, beggars and highwaymen
that flood the Highway with increasing regularity. Their journey meets with several
encounters with highwaymen, with Xaek & Ishraha proving their mettle against the
would-be thieves. Eventually the city comes into sight. (Description provided in
Cities). Indeed the huge pulleys and scaffolding show signs of the castle undergoing
more defences and the town itself is receiving a wall, although slow in coming. The
shabby and grubby townsfolk glare at their group with suspicion. Resentment is quick
to grow and Andaras minions are spreading racial hatred.

At the Gate: Guardsmen stop Lord Stjepan and his entourage, although they clearly
recognize him, they lead him in to where stable boys take their horses and Lord
Chancellor Demetrius is retrieved. Lord Chancellor is dressed in the atypical Miirian
fashion of a Lord Chancellor, black robes with silver trim, the seal of Alkartek on
heavy chain around his neck and a staff to support his aged and wizened frame. Lord
Chancellor Demetrius is surprised to see Lord Stjepan but greets him nonetheless and
enquires after his companions, and once assured, leads them inside the castle but not
to his old room, but to the guest quarters. If asked about this, he replies his room is no
longer his own and that he should speak with Constans about it Constans who is
busy until later this evening, but the Lord Chancellor will inform Constans that
Stjepan is here. And so they must wait the day. Stjepan will find his room locked, and
Trnors study is empty.
The guest quarters dont offer much in the way of luxury that his previous room
provided, but good beds, washing areas, writing table and several chairs (if
mismatched) fill the room with a small view to the south over the Miirian plains.

Constans: meets with Stjepan and his entourage at feasting time, in a massive long
hall filled with many tables before the great table at which they sit raised above the

room. Constans is the spitting image of his brother, except Constans black hair is
short and spiked, and his physique gives him the mark of an athlete. Armour and
weaponry covers the slate walls, and knights and nobles feast with abandon on the
meats and vegetables provided. He has his brother sit at his side, with Daubon on the
other, Celim beside Stjepan and Ishraha and Xaek are relegated to the table closest to
the main one. This is one of the few times Constans will be able to talk to Stjepan, in
public. He has little time, he tells his brother, to manage anything but the upkeep of
the fiefdom. If asked about his room, Constans says it was needed, the reason why he
wont elaborate. All his books and possessions have been sold, why? Because Alkartek
needed the money, and those possessions was part of the kingdom. If he so needed
them, he should have had them taken when he left.

Lord Chancellor & the Yarkbalka: Lord Stjepan sent word to his brother of the sword
and armour of his father, something that surprised Constans and Daubon. Using the
Lord Chancellor they attempt to take the sword from him. Lord Chancellor
Demetrius cannot for the life of him remember Lord Nemeck ever having used the
sword, but he is caught by a tapestry on the castle walls one day after learning of it
from Constans showing the sword, and researching finds many others and in his
library references to the sword of the Emperors guard. The Lord Chancellor takes a
gamble and in private with Stjepan points out that his fathers will stipulated that all
possessions were to pass to the eldest son, Constans. As such, the Yarkbalka is firmly
his. Stjepan can easily sidestep this by saying he never received it here, which has
Demetrius on the back foot and grudgingly admits defeat.
Not intending to cause immediate scandal, Daubon tells Constans to leave the
sword for now, saying it will come back to them.

Seneschall in fear of life: Stjepan will be awoken late in the middle of the night by
frantic knocking at his door. Seneschall Agall looks terrified, frantic, and he is barely
intelligible, ranting to Stjepan at the moment he is allowed in. Wild hair, scratches
over his face, gaunt and sallow like a junkie. Even his clothes are a mess. Subjects he
babbles about are claws the earth stones girls taken, girls not like him taken
again and again everyone help, protect against claws, rape, kill screaming,
bleeding, bodies, river then he breaks down completely and his madness takes over
and he screams trying to attack Stjepan. If the door is opened he flees out it,
screaming and is never seen again.

Dreams for Celim: That night Celim does not feel well after the heavy meal, woozy
and ill. The dreams that come to her bring Xaek rushing to her side trying to wake
She wakes in the middle of the night in the castle, hearing chanting though
muffled and distant., if she investigates, she finds the halls of Alkartek castle lit in a
ghostly red hue and the corridors are empty. If she threads her way closer to the
chanting the following happens; she on several occasions believes she is being
followed hearing it at first then noticing shadows, if she tries to return to her room
she cant and only gets closer to the chanting, hairs on the back of her neck bristle and
the smell of ozone builds, then over the chanting the voice of a man screaming

hysterically, which is soon joined with a demonic growling and bubbling, the ozone
building to a point that it makes her sick the sounds of tearing are soon heard and
the mans screaming stops, then the growling becomes closer and the chanting louder,
heavy wet footsteps come in her direction
Xaek wakes her from screaming, sword at his side, though not in his hands.
Concerned he asks after her saying he heard her screams and came immediately.
The door was locked and he had to barge his way in the door indeed is off its hinges.
He insists to stay watch. Her sleep is untroubled, if she can sleep that is.

The Next Day Brings: Horror. This day and night should make them want to leave
Alkartek without even knowing anything is factually going on.

Lord Bishops Concerns: Vartan goes to Stjepan in the early morning in some
distress. Vartan seems to have aged a decade since Stjepan last saw him, his
remaining hair left greying and falling out, and his face noticeably sagged. He asks
after Stjepan, his new home, and his wife and how everything is noticeably he
mentions Mynistra not at all. Eventually he explains his distress over Stjepan tearing
down the ancient standing stones and old Imperial ruins, saying not only are they
culturally important as symbols and heritage, but also as Foci of Essnce. He wants
to know if Stjepan can convince Constans to stop the foolishness. If Stjepan offers
nothing, Vartan leaves defeated. It is the last time Stjepan sees him.

Lord Lycus: arrives early that morning after learning of Stjepans arrival the previous
day. Tanyas mood-swings, and her attitude have made him take her to him,
especially since she confided in him that she was pregnant, and that Stjepan is the
only man to have taken her in that way. He waits for Tanya to speak with Stjepan
before speaking to him.

Tanya: A maid is cleaning out Stjepans room during the day, and before Ishraha can
enter, she closes the door and says his name. She is distraught, over missing Stjepan,
over the baby of his she carries, over him catching her with Lycus. She will do
everything to cling to him, and if cast off, it will be the last he ever sees of her, the
last anyone sees of her.

Afternoon with Lycus: Lycus knocks at his door late in the afternoon, serious & grim.
His blond hair is greased back to a ponytail and he is dressed in a black suit with red
trim. He does his best to be humble, but more for Tanya. He asks if she told him?
And what he intends to do with it. He offers his help in any way he can, even if they
may not be friends anymore. If he asks what was she supposed to tell him, he is
shocked, saying thats why he brought her here to him, her pregnancy their
pregnancy. Neither of them can find her.

More Dreams for Celim: Daubon as the next sacrifice took Tanya for Andaras, and
Celims closeness to Andaras and her nature in particular makes her aware to the
surreality of it all. Again that night she sleeps and once again dreams.

She wakes in the middle of the night in the castle, hearing chanting though
muffled and distant, if she investigates, she finds the halls of Alkartek castle lit in a
ghostly red hue and the corridors are empty. But this time the chanting leads her
through a maze, different than last and she does not feel chased and she exits after
some time out into a courtyard, where a small garden exists, trees and shrubbery and
flowers closed for the evening. She hears a womans scream ahead of her, a horrible
scream of pain and fear, the chanting grows in intensity and she begins to shriek.
Then as soon as Celim closes it all comes to a crashing halt as she bursts upon the
centre of the garden with a once white marble fountain spilling red liquid from its
tiers to those below and worse something bobs up and down in the water, a
deformed and premature foetus, bloated head and whitened eyes, umbilical cord
wrapped around its thin leg the hair on the back of her neck pricks up and ozone
floods the garden and there is a presence behind her which chants with demonic
ferocity Loorn Iyla Mur Aer Shu Shin (lonely beautiful woman thirsty andaras
fire/desire death)
She wakes to Xaek concerned, trying his best to revive her.

Hal Warns: Stjepan at this moment, You should leave here, this place is not for us
any more. The sword refuses to speak again, having said its piece.

Tanyas Child: is indeed in Stjepans mothers fountain in her garden. Should they go
they shall find it as in Celims dream.
b o o k o n e :: s h a d o w o f l o c u s t

If we lords stood together there would be absolutely nothing that couldnt defeat Pellern.
Lord Stjepan Nemeck 18
Summer 6053

Chapter III proved to change much, from all perspectives. The most noticeable
change in all of this was Stjepans attitude to rule. In the forest, Lord Stjepan
frightened away Ulyshak with his sorcery, although Lord Elournay was slain as
Ulyshak and the others initially thought it was their group, not knowing they had
split up into teams on a wager initiated by Stjepan. Stjepans meeting with the
Zanarians also brought much difficulty, him immediately accusing them of massacre
and giving stipulations to their priesthood should they wish to reside in Pellern (a
strange request from the Zanarians considering their disinterest in land). They parted
on subtlety resentful terms.
At Alkartek, Stjepan played discourse games with his brother, but became agitated
and once Celim revealed to him his dreams things became difficult. The sword had
to press the matter twice that they should leave, Hle knowing full well the dangers
of being so close to those that would only seek to abuse.

Last Day of Renewal: 70
of Spring will be a day to remember. They begin in the
evening, after Celim has dreamed of the foetus, found it, and informed Stjepan
afterwards. They have woken in the middle of the night, with Stjepans intentions of
storming the locked basement to confront his brother basing his theories on some
sort of ritual and the fact people seem to be missing. The sword warned him not once,
but twice, finally saying that if they do not leave he will never burn for him again,
which is in part true. What they do is up to them, but certain events have already
occurred. Tanya, Vartan & Agall are dead, sacrificed to Andaras in the temple
Daubon has been constructing in the dungeons bellow Alkartek. There is no way
saving of waking everyone to get into the dungeons, and they will be thought mad,
with no proof (the foetus Celim hid in the garden and has since been taken) they
will be ejected forcibly.
What they do at this point in time is up to them. How they return will prove
interesting. Constans provides no horses for his brother since they came by way of
Navigator, he wont even offer to sell any, saying they are needed. And in the town
surrounding Alkartek, Constans has made it known that none are to sell or offer horse
to Stjepan.
With such a restriction they must walk back to Alkartek, at least to the next town
where they can purchase mounts. But that day/night will not give them the rest and
safety away from Alkartek that they desire. Daubon convinces Constans to allow him
to take care of his brother, using the Barrow Wights so recently cast out from their
mounds ripped apart. As a priest of Andaras, Daubon has been able to successfully
control them.

Empty Barrow Mounds: The destruction and removal of the Barrow Mounds in a
growing circle from the Castle of Alkartek has left the Barrow Wights under
Daubons malicious control, using them when perhaps they would have slept and
overseen their burials for thousands more years. He has managed to control only four,
but these he wields with impunity against the enemies of Constans in this case, his
brother. After they have left Alkartek, spending the day walking the sun falls and the
Barrow Wights are sent to make their attack. Stjepan may see fit to stand his ground
against them, using his sword. This will have impact. If Stjepan calls the sword to
flame (and if used correctly note the Yarkbalka being such a strange weapon may
have adverse effects if he misses, and may strike his companions, not to mention the
overwhelming heat), the damage done to the Wights will destroy them, but it will
take some doing.
Five travellers in dark robes are heading in their direction from the north across the
rolling plains. For most of the day it has been light in misty rain, and few travellers
have been upon the roads, let alone the sweeping rolling hills of Alkartek bristling in
long grass. The light is failing, the sun only just sunken into the horizon and Orhan is
not discernable, only remnants of light remain. These figures if looked upon with
closer inspection are moving swiftly through the grass to them, the mist is making it
difficult to see though, but they appear to be converging in their direction. At twenty
feet or so, they appear to be floating and their true nature appears washing over them,
the palpable sense of death is a miasma before them it is like a thousand hushed
voices whispering cacophonies about them, and a bone aching cold washing over.
They will have to be strong to not run fleeing in terror. The Barrow Wights are wisps
of men, shadowy congealed smoke-like human formed creatures with the dimmest of
lights on the head where eyes would be and from out of nowhere vestigial blades
appear in their hands and they swoop upon them.

Barrow Wights:
Strength: D10 Agility: D12 Health: D10
Knowledge: D20 Perception: D12 Luck: N/A

Melee: D10 Each successful hit must be contested on two accounts, one each of
a rung of Health and Strength.

Their state renders them immune to damage from weapons not holy or
specifically targeted to their destruction. Only the Yarkbalka will permanently
remove them, and any other weapons will cause temporary damage, and at
their dematerialization they begin to reform immediately. Unfortunately, the
control Daubon is wielding is so strong the Barrow-Wights cannot use spells.
Only their attacks that drain permanent health and strength are useable
against the characters. The Wights will chase them until morning.

Stjepan however, if wise can seek out Standing Stones close by. As a child he
extensively explored Alkarteks ruins with Lycus, and while Constans is pulling them
down, only those within a ten- mile radius have for the most part been targeted,
although an entire fiefdom he seeks to tear down. Standing Stones would provide
protection from the Barrow Wights for the entire night.
The Standing Stones are a good kilometre sprint with the slow Barrow Wights
close on their heels. Even as they approach they notice a silvery white glow appearing
before them in the direction Stjepan leads them (on a successful navigation). It cuts
through the dark and the mist, a veritable beacon for them. They come to the rings in
minutes, exhausted, one outer ring of tall, roughly cylindrical pillars that surround
five larger structures within. Line of sight brings raised hairs to the back of Celims
neck and the faint tang of ozone spills with the mist. The ring itself is 60 feet in
diameter, and within four larger cylindrical pillars stand at the flats of a square altar,
the inner pillars taller than the outer, some 10 feet tall. The pillars glow with the
silvery-white light, as the Wights gingerly come forward, halting some 10 feet from
the edge of the stones. The stones colour is hard to make out through the glow, but
they are word and crumbled in places, although remnants of runes and sigils can be
made out upon their surface in patterns that the y have never seen anywhere before.
Celim feels decidedly strange within the stones, elated, as if she were floating on
air. She can feel the power brimming here and about her, strong and almost able to be
touched. A strange result of the stones is that she can see the Wights for what they
truly are almost solid, yet deathly white as the light about them, their once fine
vestments tattered beyond recognition, the mark of dignity still upon their cruel
visages, and their eyes sparkle malignant like diamonds corrupt at core. The irony
being that Stjepans father is among these here, although Celim will not realize it,
but if she provides Stjepan with Basira he will see his father, which will only be used
to draw him out the Barrow Wights cannot speak. The rest of the undead are
ancestors of Stjepan.
Hle dislikes the place and his presence will keep the stones glowing even after the
Wights have dispersed. Whether they notice this or not is arbitrary at this point in
time. Hle will talk with Stjepan in the circle, firstly impressing the necessity of
keeping their relationship personal to speak to none of the swords intelligence.
Hle will not allow the conversation to swing to Stjepans control and any attempt to
do so results in Hles silence, which if threatened by discussion of him, will bring a
protracted silence.
Ishraha will have to be alert as the Wights circle the stones, and eventually are
driven to push forward by the will of Daubon. At first the Wights move close,
pressing right up to the pillars themselves, ever staring at those inside, their bodies
rendered more transparent by the strong clear light that the mist cannot dampen.
After a full quintar of probing the boundaries they attempt to push through, and at
least one will be successful although most will push and have their forms disrupted,
and they explode into fragments of shadow that are blasted outward. Those that do
make it through are severely wounded and on the lowest health rung easily
dispatched. Even after destroyed the light continues to shine.

Travel to Pellern: A small town they find in the mid- morning that allows them
horses and provisions and they begin the trek back home to Pellern. It is a long
journey, and they reach Pellern after five long days of ride through the rolling misty
hills of Alkartek, and the brief towns barely existing in depressed states. The castle
and townships of Keliir and Harcas prove no better either, nor the hospitality.

Castle Jenovar: though small compared to Pellerns mighty fortress, Jenovar stands
tall and thin, replete with moat, if somewhat stagnant. A small cluster of buildings
rests on the other side of the Imperial highway, an inn, a tavern, blacksmith and a few
shops. One more days ride and they reach home, and the sky is drawing black on the
summers eve.
As they pass the lowered drawbridge of the castle, a man-at-arms rushes forward in
his chain, surcoat and halberd hails them. He asks if he is Lord Stjepan of Pellern.
The guards have been told to keep an eye out at all times, and two await in the inn for
the same reason, and to inform Lord Stjepan that Lord Jenovar wishes to speak with
him and offer his hospitality.
The guard then leads Lord Stjepan into the castle, somewhat relieved they
managed to catch the Lord before he would pass onthrough. The interior of the castle
is a twisting maze of narrow corridors and countless stairways that are steep. The
guard leads them to several of Jenovars knights after asking several servants along
the way where Jenovar is pointing in the direction of the war room. The guard
knocks, a noble Laan of some years answers, speaks with the guard quietly and then
opens the doors, dismissing the guard, introducing himself as Alexus, knight to Lord
Jenovar, a somewhat square-faced, long blond haired middle aged man of serious
temperment. With him four other knights whom he introduces as Agameen, Deroy,
Jaynar, and Osaran. The room they are gathered in faces the corner of the castle to the
south, shutters on two walls closed. The room has several heraldic shields and a large
map of Emer painted and framed. A large octagonal table sits in the centre of the
room, with many a high backed chair surrounding it, upon which maps and
documents are scattered. Alexus says little other than Lord Jenovar will be with them
momentarily. No effort is made to hide the maps, but if touched, Alexus will
apologize and gather them up and place them in several inserted shelves on the other
side of the room. Lord Jenovar will then arrive.
Dressed in a red and gold long jacket over accompanying suit he is athletic and
militant. His black hair is pulled into a topknot and braided to mid-back. He offers his
hand to Lord Stjepan bowing his head, introducing himself immediately. Lord
Jenovar is serious at all times, with little humour in him. He speaks precisely and
takes care in etiquette with no overtones.
How Stjepan plays this will be very important to his survival in power. He does
not know how weak he has suddenly become military wise but Lord Jenovar is all too
aware of the situation. He offers if he wishes to eat as they speak, perhaps something
to drink. He will not let them leave the chamber, believing his news to be more
important than some desire for relaxing refreshment. Lord Jenovar is honest in his
demeanour and intent. His points are as follows
- Firstly, to offer his unwavering loyalty to himself, Lady Willona and
- He informs Stjepan that in his absence there has been significant changes
in Pellern, namely the defection of the Lord Adjudicator Luse Invarath to
Ulyshaks banner. Lord Jenovar says he does not know the details of the
defection other than it occurred the day after his journey to Alkartek. But
perhaps of more concern are the men-at-arms that defected with Luse.
Some three hundred of Pellerns standing army, leaving only one hundred
at the castle itself. He does however, if asked, say he finds it strange that
Luse should go to Ulyshaks side, as Luse was a strong man, of good
principles, or at least in appearance, always putting the land first.
- He does not wish to see Ulyshak in power for many reasons, the first being
that Ulyshak is of no stock to inherit the fiefdom, and the other being that
Ulyshak led much of the Katras mercenary forces in strikes against many
of the castles in Pellern when Stroane invaded. He was subsequently
banished after the Katras death, but is a deceitful foe to the land.
Furthermore he suspects that Ulyshak is being funded in part by the
Amethyst League, a group of wealthy Danarchan socialites interested in
subversive activities throughout Hstra noting that they have become
more prominent in the lands of Emer of late.
- He supports both him and Lady Willona as the true heirs to Pellern in
whatever means they see fit. He then listens to any suggestions Stjepan has
and then offers his own, if he may
- That Stjepan ally himself as best he can with many of the Lords of Pellern,
of which many have no or little respect for Pellerns rule anymore (Jenovar
will go into this on some small detail if asked, but he does not know all the
matters and explains as best as he knows them Map of Pellern is used).
He says he knows that Luse suspected at least three Lords of being allied
with Ulyshak, but he has been unable to find out which.
- Jenovar offers to escort Stjepan with ten of his knights on the morrow to
return to Pellern, and that Alexus would make a trustworthy Captain of
the Guard.
- As a strange and final note, Jenovar suggests Stjepan hire a Truthsayer of
Itanis to aid him in any deceit within the castle. With the additional
funds so bolstering Pellern, Jenovar sees it as a good investment, if costly.
- NOTE: If, for any reason, Stjepan thinks this is a cunning trap and says so,
he immediately offends Jenovar, who retracts his offer. He will not buckle
back to Stjepan, even with apologies. Stjepan is left to travel to Pellern
alone and without the support of Jenovar. Knights will restrain Stjepan
should he demand, follow, or berate Jenovar who realizes his loyalty was

Empty Pellern: Initial construction of the gatehouses, the last order of Luse is the first
thing they pass under into the city, scaffolding and basic framework under
construction. The citys pall seems to be lifting, the people smiling a little more,
looking better fed, and houses under repair and foundations of new being laid. There
are more foreigners as well, in tents on charred empty ground, mini- markets slowly
growing. The castle beckons though, but it is strangely empty, few guards walk its
parapets, and those at the portcullis are sombre and quiet.
Luse left after continual degradations by Stjepan, who not only accused Luse men
of betrayal, but also of being untrustworthy, inferring that Luse himself was unable to
be trusted. Luse could accept the growing bond between Willona and Stjepan, and
would have been prepared to put aside his feelings, but when the Lord Chancellor
came to his room to inform him that all books on law were to be returned to the
Library for Lord Stjepans purposes he came to his decision. Supporting Ulyshak
perhaps may not have been the best recourse for his standing, but it served twofold, to
relieve himself from the constant humiliation and lack of respect by the upstart Lord,
but also to get closer to Ulyshak and eventually remove the usurper. Luse has no care
for Lord Stjepan, only for Lady Willona. Should she take her life later in the session
he will not try to remove Ulyshak and will do his vehement most to kill Stjepan.

Lady Willona: is cold once again, and will always be in the company of two
handmaidens, and whenever possible the Lord Chancellor in Stjepans presence. Two
knights guard her chambers and are under strict instructions to not allow Stjepans
easy entry. He must petition for time with her, and never shall he touch her. She is all
too aware of why Luse left, his frustration of love not being the reason at all, more the
constant lack of trust from Stjepan to Luse without reason. She could understand the
need for more men requested from his brother, but she did not know of Stjepans
demand for all books to be returned for his purposes, since the books moved to the
Lord Chancellor and Lord Adjudicators offices happened over one hundred years ago
for reasons of logic. Stjepans selfishness is all too apparent to Willona.
Willona retreats from the control of the castle, passing much of the tedium that
Stjepan so demanded to take from her into his hands. It soon ties up his time in
NOTE: Should Stjepan demand, push, or pry into Willonas privacy without her
concern she will be pushed to the ultimate limit. Already feeling trapped and a fool
for having been beguiled by supposed this kindness of Lord Stjepan she will take her
own life, out of spite and out of need for space. She will throw herself off her balcony.
In such an event Stjepans hold on power immediately wanes, and the people grow
distrustful. If Stjepan does not have Jenovars backing he will face a quick fall from
grace not just politically, but physically as Ulyshak marshals his forces and attacks
with many of the guards and knights of Pellern refusing to fight for Stjepan.

New Duties: The Lord Chancellor brings Lord Stjepan a mountain of petitions for
purchase of land, establishment of shops, etc, that all must be approved or disproved.
Such is the volume that it will take at least a few days to read through all, and more
arrive during that time restricting Stjepans time by many hours a day, should he care
to read which quickly becomes a bore. If he merely signs he will allow priests of
Andaras an easy entry into his city.

REMEMBER HANDOUTS. Handout One to Celim, and on the 12
, Handout Two
to Stjepan.

Jenovar & Alexus Investigate: Luses chambers but find only charred remnants of
what they assume must be the information regarding the Lords Luse suspected. They
take this knowledge to Stjepan, again, if suspicions are raised to their loyalty, Jenovar
will leave.

New Monies: flow into Pellern with the first caravan shipment of White Eog. New
Sarnaki Amazonian warriors have joined Achre, who still refuses to deal with Lord
Stjepan, to offer protection to the caravan and to bolster her own security. They
refuse to interfere in internal politics. Cno Lindur, secretly ferrets away income to
support Ulyshak, hiding his deceit in false receipts for castle expenses, but on the
whole the monies flowing in help bolster Pellern and wipe the debt with the Sel-kai

Lord Charize: pays Pellern a visit prior to the evening feast. If Lord Jenovar made his
case and had his help accepted by Stjepan, it becomes more a problem for Lord
Charize, if not, less so. Either way his intentions remain the same, to get one of his
loyals into the spot of Captain of the Guard, or Lord Adjudicator role. He has no
intention of providing military support to Alkartek, and in time will give his reasons
The Lord Chancellor brings word of Lord Charizes arrival from his castle with
two of his knights wishing to speak with Lord Stjepan.
NOTE: This shift towards dealing with Stjepan on Charizes part is that they see
Willona as a barrier to their plans, and Stjepan as a wild card that needs to be
explored in part, especially since he wields sorcery or so Ulyshak says.
Lord Charize, dresses in a black suit embroidered in silver flourishes. His hair and
goatee are black and densely curled. Charize is not obsequious, but he does try to pre-
empt Lord Stjepans desires by telling him what he desires to hear. Charize is a
political player, especially since he is leading the support behind Ulyshak so expertly
and covertly. Lord Charize wishes to speak to Stjepan in private, and he will look
disapproving on Celim should Stjepan demand her presence, Charize noting openly
that is she his new advisor? and that some Lords may find her presence disturbing.
Charize then cuts to the chase;
- Offers his full support to hunting down this would-be usurper of the true
lineage of Pellern, by means of using his men to explore further the Alana
Forest for the warlord and his recent ally, the traitor Luse Invarath.
- Offers one of his knights, Renham as potential Captain of the Guard, and
if Jenovar has had this post filled, Charize asks about the Lord
Adjudicators post and proffers Renham as willing and skilled candidate. If
declined, Charize takes no external offence.
- Charize then listens to Stjepans words if he has any before eating, retiring
to the Hunting Lodge for brandy, then bed. He will make his farewells in
the early morning if Stjepan is awake.

The Navigator: Lalaerion appears specifically to Ishraha late one night as he is
preparing for sleep, knocks on his door with a small bundle of steaming food in
woven basket. Lean and athletic man of swart skin and slightly pointed ears, he
stands as ever, uniformed in a bright green surcoat trimmed with gold, under which
deep green pants and shirt. A gold disk, four inches in diameter with a convex crystal
on one face glints in the sunlight.
This encounter serves several purposes. Mostly to draw the player Ishraha more
into the game, rather than sitting back as a Changramai bodyguard to the extreme,
acting only when there is danger, and also because Lalaerion was once himself a
Changramai monk, and is curious to Ishrahas status, and he sees potential for
possible Navigator candidacy in the Nuyani.
Lalaerion says he had a break for lunch, wondered if Ishraha would like to share
provides a rich seafood meal of fresh fish, lobster, and clams spiced with garlic,
tomatoes, olive oil, and other vegetables with fresh warm toasted bread, which he
claims he brought from a small village on the continent of Mythenis.
Of the Daruni Olkanin, Lalaerion asks him if he has left the Monastery, and if his
prying is met with a wall, he goes no further, knowing full well an individuals right
to secrecy, and instead he remarks on his own time at the Monastery reaching the
Maroon Veil before leaving to explore his heritage beyond Emer. He goes on to reveal
the difficulties he faced trying to integrate with society when before it concerned him
only as a matter of employment, but he found kinship among people, and different
perspectives on how the Kulthea works, information that directly challenged his
beliefs learned through the Monastery. Integration of both views was the only way he
could survive, otherwise he found himself pushing away the world into that natural
state that they view.
Allow them to discuss at leisure, Lalaerion is here to offer Ishraha that needed
shoulder to expel his difficulties and provide what insights he can. Before their
conversation gets too long-winded though, Lalaerion will leave, through the door he
came and into space and time.

Highwaymen & Bandits: plague the roads of Pellern more than ever now, and
unbeknown to Stjepan this includes Ulyshaks men. Lord Chancellor Mandrador
informs Stjepan of the growing rise of these marauders plaguing the roads and says
something needs to be done especially with the growing trade to Pellern. Usually,
Mandrador states, it was the dominion of each respective lord to protect the roads to
Pellern, but of the last few years this has become less of a concern. The Lord
Chancellor needs to know what measures are to be implemented so that he may go to
the merchants and traders with a manifest and guarantee of sorts. The problem being
that many of these thieves are ex-mercenaries of Stroanes army, highly trained,
mobile and hungry.

Andaras Arrives: If Lord Stjepan has not noticed the petition for land within the
citys foundations, then he has signed contract and the Priests of Andaras seeking to
establish a Temple within the city have paid in full the required funds to Pellerns
Sel-kai bank account through Cno Lindur. Reneging on a deal would have serious
consequences for Pellern as the bank reconsiders overseeing Pellern, who break
contracts when it suits them. If Stjepan does renege such a deal, Achre demands
addendum to their contract that highlights more the clause of exclusivity to the
mines, and all mining and payment ceases until such a stipulation and guarantee is
made on the part of Pellern. Failure to do so and Achre discusses with Elderik her
situation and the contract between the two lands is rendered void in the light of
Pellerns reluctance to commit on equal terms. Sarnak immediately pulls out and the
Sel-kai bank watches Pellerns funds dry although the gold keeps it from debt. But
certain activities like the gatehouse and other expenses must be immediately curbed
or there will be bankruptcy once again. The Lord Chancellor made no significant
mention of the Priests of Andaras, his senility beginning to show, and his fear over
losing his position, because unlike Luse he is not young and fears Lord Stjepans quick
rise to power.
Halek, elf innkeeper in conspiracy with the Amethyst League, to better secure
Celims trust takes important information to her; namely, the arrival of the Priests of
Andaras and their construction of a Temple in the city proper. He requests meeting
with her through the castle, and is kept waiting for some time. He asks to speak with
her in private and there he reveals their presence and their construction, and
highlights the plight they face, especially considering the Priests dislike of non-
humans, taking note of Niv and how it was the Priest Robersin of the cult there that
incited the peoples to take issue with elves. Halek fears for them and their kind.

Days Later and the Zanarians: Lord Vasla is forced to petition Pellern for aid. Long
disinterested in the politics of Pellern and owing allegiance to the city, the arrival of
the Inquisitors of Zanar in his domain and their conversion tactics grate against his
devotion and he fears for his peoples spiritual health. He personally makes travel to
Pellern to request aid in the form of men. This too is a pivotal meeting, for if Stjepan
can provide no help for Lord Vasla, the good priest will be slain on the return trip
home by supporters of Ulyshak, and there is no immediate heir. Lord Mott
immediately moves to take control of Vasla castle and gives some defence against the
Lord Vasla is a pious man and it comes through in his demeanor. He arrives with
three of his knights and their squires, determined to speak with Willona, and if not
her, then Stjepan. Lord Vasla is rotund, even with girdle, dressed in vestments of
Mynistra, embroidered in flowers under which a stretched chain shirt can be seen.
His face is full and round, heavy in chins. He speaks impassioned when he presents
his case. Lady Willona will pass on the duty most likely to Stjepan.
He informs them that Inquisitors of Zanar have been converting many farmers
and have killed several of those who refused already. He wants to know what Pellern
will do about this infringement of rights. He demands immediate action, and if
nothing is offered, he will leave immediately. Lord Vasla is willing to give allegiance
to Pellern if protection is offered, but only in that situation.
If not, word of his death at the hands of Highwaymen comes back to Pellern four
days after his disappearance. Lord Mott immediately moves to fill the gap that Vasla
left, taking his lands. Lord Mott refuses to entertain dialogue with Lord Stjepan.

Pellerns Tent City: is growing with each day as word of Pellerns need for labourers,
miners, and all types required for its sudden growth and prosperity. In the ruined
blocks of land where once stood old buildings since destroyed in the Flowstorms that
ravaged the Mountains of Gold on the eve of 6053 is the tent city.
Smoke lazily wafts through the corridors of tents built over a thin blackened ash
layer under which the cobblestones peek through now and then. The people seem
excited, and they are not starving. Many carpenters and builders have brought their
families to Pellern, and small children, dogs, cats, and chickens mill about as much as
the foreign faces huddling about small fires and tent-side eateries.
The tents vary, conical, rectangular, and colours aplenty.
Stjepan has shown intention after speaking with High Priest Anath of Andaras to
reconsider his initial dismissal of their petition for land to build a church. Anath
played the protection against Inquisitors card, and it paid off, changing Stjepans
mind. The Lord of Pellern alluded to his intention to Anath to pay him visit at his
High Priest Anaths tent is not difficult to find. Mostly all in the tent city know
where the Priest has camped, on the Eastern side of the city, facing the rising sun.
There a large purple tent that appears as if it could fit thirty sleeping men is stamped
with the head of a panther on the flaps to the entrance under a small awning.
As soon as they go to enter, the flaps part and out steps an imposing man, of near
jet-black skin and a smile like a shark. Bald, he is dressed in moulded leather, hardly
something of these lands, with a skirt of pleated leather to just above his knee, over
which a deep purple cloak. Golden bracelets cover his forearms. He bows to them,
instantly noting Lord Stjepan (but not any others with him and he will ask for their
names before introducing them within). He introduces himself as Kora, aide and
priest to High Priest Anath.
Kora is Kuluku, taken from his home during his early teenage years by Anath to
Sel-kai where he was schooled and trained and for the last fifteen years has remained
by Anaths side loyally. They have recently come from the Port of Izar, where their
home was destroyed. Anath and Koras task is to play the political game, sway the
people and do whatever their God requires. For now it means allying him Lord
Inside they step into a world totally removed from the dreariness of Pellern Castle.
Everywhere there are lavish and buoyant rugs, decorated in patterns that hypnotise,
and strange leather furniture decorates the room, beads hanging from the ceiling and
the strong scent of frankincense heavy in the air. At the far end of the tent High
Priest Anath is pulling himself up from kneeling before a strange altar to meet them.
The altar, a black panther sitting upright, with all manner of offerings scattered
without any concern for order around and over it. He himself is dressed different to
earlier, in purple trimmed white robes comfortable and voluminous
High Priest Anath welcomes them to his temporary home, motioning to an array
of cushions resting upon low-to-the-ground leather divans. He offers them coffee or
cinnamon tea of which Kora prepares with powdered sugar sweets.
A lean black cat winds its way through their legs and takes a fancy to Celim,
refusing to leave her. Kora, mentions it appears as if the cat, whom he calls Mareesh,
has found a new friend. Before discussions of land get underway, Anath presents Lord
Stjepan with gifts; firstly an amulet which Kora gives him wrapped in red silk that he
unwraps a silver likeness of a cats head in bas-relief upon a silver chain whose links
have been flattened Anath saying the charm will bring him protection against those
wishing to subvert or control his mind, like the Inquisitors, he says. And he also
provides a ream of an azure silk, that is like water to the touch, for his wife, Anath
says. Refreshments are served and Anath and Stjepan get down to business.
Little exists on the ideals and concepts of those who follow the cult of Andaras,
and while Anath is masquerading it as a religion, per se, it is more a cult. Anaths
words of his gods intentions are exaggerations and lies, everything that Stjepan needs
to hear to be assuaged.

Diplomatic Ties: Stjepan has shown interest to meet with those that support the
Dreygen/Pellern rule, namely Lord Sandar, Lord Reif, Lord Dasek, and Lord Esov. If
Stjepan intends to meet with them all, they will receive him. However, they might
not provide him with the power he seeks, something Lord Jenovar will point out if he
- Lord Sandar: the chateau consists of wings around a rectangular courtyard
with angular towers, and one large square tower and gatehouse. Within a
small shale courtyard interspersed with the occasional grass path and three
sided arched galleries. The chateau has seen better days, the stone stained
from hundreds and hundreds of years. Lord Sandar is a rotund man, whose
armour stretches over his belly and tucks under his chins. It is almost as if
grease has been run through his thinning hair, but he smiles a lot. Lord
Sandar is uncommonly supportive of Stjepan and offers to as much as he
can within reason. He will begin recruiting local men to aid immediately
and offer 4 of his 7 knights to Stjepans side. He asks after Lady Willona
and offers them food and beds. The fare is slovenly and cooked with gusto,
and Sandar eats like a pig.
- Lord Reif: his keep is a towering monstrosity of the same stature of
Jenovars tower, yet, Lord Reifs structure is dilapidated in areas. A bleak
inner courtyard is overgrown with weeds and an outside stairwell has long
since decayed, as with most of the keep. Lord Reif is an old man, who
hobbles as he walks, but with a surprisingly alert mind. He never fails to
dress in his fineries, even if worn at the elbows. Reif is reluctant to provide
any men to Stjepan, not just because he has so few, but because he too fears
invasion, and expects men from Stjepan assuming that is the reason
Stjepan came. His men support Ulyshak and would like nothing better
than a reason to lose the old self-absorbed and paranoid lord.
- Lord Temeris: (included should Stjepan pay the Lord a visit) A three-
storied chateau is Lord Temeris home, surrounded by a wide moat and
stone bridge across the waters growing with lilies, abundant in fish and
swans. The off-white chateau is a three-storied affair, with the third story
pushing through the high peaked deep blue roofing in small arches. The T-
shaped building is decorated gaily in flowerbeds and gardens lovingly
attended. Lord Temeris considers himself a peaceful man and those under
his protection look up to him, not just as a strong ruler, but for the
prosperity he has brought them with self- management and his skills as not
only a magician, but as a scholar. Temeris has a long face, widows peak
and thinned straw like ha ir, but otherwise is youthful of mien. Dressed
unassuming as any Lord, a high-collared suit of deep green with golden
dragon embroidered upon front. Temeris has no interest in war or in
supporting Pellern and money will not drive him to aid Stjepan. Threats
will bring quick expulsion as Temeris neither fears Ulyshak nor Stjepan
for that matter.
- Lord Dasek: castle resides on a barred spur, a solitary rocky salient that
overlooks the ravaged countryside that he once held fiefdom over. The
castle itself has fared little better, looking more an extension of the hard
rock it is built upon. The castle was once large and strong, but now, over
75% of it is ruin, and even the overgrown path leading to that which
remains is cluttered with rubble. Lord Dasek is noble, proud and mournful.
Dressed in ceremonial designed armour for combat, he wanders the
hallways like a ghost. Lord Dasek has ruled fifty years in the castle of his
ancestors, and watched it all come crashing down in the flowstorms, and
there are very few people living in the land they believe cursed. Dasek is
not the least interested in war or internal strife. His lands and castle is in
ruin. If, however, Stjepan offered to rebuild it, he would change Daseks
standing immediately; giving hope to the aging Lord, and Stjepan would
gain a valuable ally at his side as leader.

Prelude to war: begins at twilight on the 17
of Summer as 300 soldiers travelling
from Alkartek, sent by Constans to help his brother stumble into Pellern, past Keliir.
Wet from constant rains in Alkartek and miserable because of it, already disgruntled
and exhausted from four days hiking being sent to defend a land that is not their own
they are caught totally by surprise when attacked. Luse Invarath, warned of the men
approaching through various channels still open back at the castle is disgusted that
Pellern should have to bow down to Alkartek regardless of the benefits, and this seals
his alliance and trust with Ulyshak and Luse is brought into the fold unconditionally.
Luse leads two hundred men against the soldiers, but his tactics and skill as a
general are unmatched, which in part led to his appointment as Captain of the Guard
and Lord Adjudicator in Pellern. Fifty knights on horseback strike from behind as
archers hidden in nearby ruins (a subtle irony) launch arrows at the same time
soldiers pour from hills ahead. The soldiers are thrown into chaos, believing the force
to be much larger, and without any serious leadership they are slaughtered. They do
fight back, but Luses loses are minimal, some twenty-five men.
A few men escape in the chaos, running for the Alana River. These men will be
picked up in due time but will return to Keliir and with Constans.
However, due to the lack of speed of news, the following will happen over the next
few days:
- 19
Summer: News of Luses attack against Constans men reaches Pellern
by way of Lord Jenovar who relays this instantly to Stjepan.

This moment in the game represents the end of the second sessions events with some startling
changes to plot direction and flexibility of story. A list of these in partial follow with a
description of actual events, surprising to story as they were, could have profound implications
in the future.

Stjepan asked for those he suspected by Jenovar, who listed Murain, Harcas & Mott. Stjepan
gave assembly to the gathered knights soldiers and men-at-arms still in Pellern, in the Upper
Ward from the steps. He put into public existence his intention to form a knightly order
answering to protecting Pellern and her Lady, answerable to her. Xaek Branimir was named as
the Orders leader, who would train and put into position a force. Volunteers were called for
and Lord Jenovar was first to pledge allegiance. Lord Charize arrived as this happened,
catching the end of Stjepans speech, and immediately went about pressing for his position of
man for Captain of the Guard, but wasnt too surprised that the position had been taken, by
Alexus, Jenovars man.

On the fourteenth, Celim spurned on by curiousness and a growing sense of disjointedness to
the world about her, sleeping oddly and eating peculiarly rode out to Esovs estate to find out
why all the Lords spoke of him in such repugnance. There she found the drug addict, whom she
lured back to Pellern after removing the zapic from his backpack surreptitiously. However,
with a private stash of *snuff* he kept himself occupied, busy with his allergies. She secretly
lead him in on the very day (the 18
) Lord Stjepan had called for earlier to all the Lords of
Pellern to make meet at the Castle, to come to general assembly. Shown the drug addict of a
Lord, Stjepan proceeded to lead him down to the finest quarters they had available the
dungeon, where after being convinced in his recently drugged haze to stay as they refurbished it
for him Stjepan took his snuff, yet the Lord still retains And there they intend to prisoner the
Lord until he recovers.

The Assembly proved a shock to Stjepan. Jenovar, Charize, Dasek, Sandar, Reif & Temeris
were the only Lords in attendance. Stjepan quickly got down to business outlining the need to
cope with the growing banditry and become unified against Ulyshak, asking those who already
had not pledged allegiance (Dasek, Sandar, Reif & Temeris) to do so now. Temeris proved
indignant, seeing no reason why he should submit to orders or responsibility when none existed
in return. He left the group, discussing no further. Renham was offered as candidate for Lord
Adjudicator, none objecting Charizes offer of his most suitable knight. Agreement of sorts was
reached on the matter of Daseks castle, namely a rebuilding of the castle, his lands and people.
And then Alexus rushed in with the news to Stjepan of his brothers soldiers defeat at Luses

- 20
Summer: This very news reaches Alkartek, Cons tans is furious and
immediately sets off for Keliir with a messenger sent immediately to
inform Stjepan to meet with him at Keliir.
- 23
Summer: Constans reaches Alkartek with thirty knights, many Stjepan
will remember as seasoned veterans.
- 24
Summer: A messenger of Alkartek arrives with a sealed letter from
Alkartek. It reads simply; Brother, meet me at Keliir as soon as you can.
Word of my mens slaughter at your Captain of the Guards hands has
reached me. We must speak.

Meeting Constans: Keliir is a fortified enclosure of nearly one mile in circumference.
The keep is built of black stained white brick rectangles built upon each other to form
a wall around several raised courtyards within. The castle within is dark and many an
eye watches Stjepans group as they enter. Mostly Alkartek knights, dressed for
combat, full plate, weapons at the ready. They stand respectable distances from
Stjepan and his entourage, many whispering to themselves as they enter. Subtle
hostility lingers here, few knights of old welcome Stjepan. Lord Vaymoris stands at
the doors to the inner courtyard his face stern, no emotion, and not a word he speaks
to Stjepan as he watches him and steps away to the side. Inside servants immediately
lead Stjepan and his entourage, though no more than seven are allowed into the
Drawing Room where Lord Keliir awaits with Constans and his trusted advisor
Daubon and other leading knights, Lord Vaymoris joins them after they have entered.
The Drawing Room is filled with knights some fourteen gathered about the group
of mismatched though elegant single seats organized around a stained emblem of
crossed swords and rampant dragon on the floor. A small loggia overlooks the room
and from within the darkness figures can be espied. The room is lit warmly with
candle-lit globes. The faces of the armoured men are grim. Constans sits dressed in
gilded armour, etched in thorns, beside him Lord Keliir the only figure not armoured,
his legs crossed, a bearded man, whose brown locks are waxed on upper lip into sharp
Roleplaying therein begins. Constans is restrained in his fury, but wants to know
why it is he attacked his men after requesting his aid. If Stjepan proves arrogant,
Constans will lose his cool and may threaten Stjepan by saying if he does notcome to
the table, he may not leave this very room. Constans demands recompense. Twenty
gold to the families of each man that perished. He will not accept any negotiations, as
this has dealt him a severe blow politically, militarily, and personally (at least in
external appearance). If Stjepan rejects, Constans then forces into play the cutting of
all ties to Alkartek and he places his lands on alert that any travelling from Pellern
to Alkartek are to be arrested or killed. Once Constans has had his say (he cares little
for Stjepans goodwill, his intentions or problems from this point on), he leaves
saying that he believes Lord Keliir has something to say to him. Seven of the knights
within leave with Constans.
Lord Keliir calmly informs Stjepan that Keliir too is severing ties to Pellern. He
has agreed to support Lord Constans in all future matters, and his lands are now
under the lands of those of Alkartek. He will not be swayed upon this matter. He
then asks them to leave his land, or Constans new decree shall be enforced.
Lord Jenovar sees this situation as severe, and in no certain terms tells Stjepan that
unless something is done very soon, Stjepan will undoubtedly be deposed within the

Session Begins 19
Summer (From this point in certain dates become important)

Does the Flame start here? 19
Summer, the morning after meeting with the Lords.
Stjepan has a meeting with Elderik Boussaerd, the Sel-kai banker liaison. Elderik
welcomes Stjepan warmly. Hes dressed in a more uniform like suit and gown than
before, his gloves encrusted in light silver, a sun emblem ablaze on his breast. Elderik
is led over to a table. If Celim or Ishraha is present he asks if he permits them to be
privy to matters of their business. Elderik succinctly informs Stjepan that he is
pleased to inform Stjepan that all payment in full has been made on the load to Sel-
kai, and even though their transaction has been made in full the Sel-kai bank wishes
to make open the option of transaction with Pellern. The Sel-kais banks services are
an excellent way to instantly secure monies away from the kingdom, with instant
deposit and withdrawals, a service most would have to require a navigator for. Elderik
then points out that in such the case of wanting continued service from the bank, the
establishment of a bank office with extra staff could also help facilitate help to the
city as well as a private ensemble for its ruler. (NOTE: The organization loosely
called the Sel-kai bankers, I am conducting as a loose republic of guilds, working with
common goals in mind although in competitions of sorts making loans to poor
nations, laying claim to them when extreme contracts are not repaid, like in Stroane,
though not always successful. They transport monies to a central vault in Eidolon
where the transaction is processed, sent by means of an arcane instrument they have
replicated with surprising results of sending objects through space instantly.)
There are modest fees involved, but there is the option of your monies being
invested reaping steady return for the diligent. Stjepan will not persuade Elderik to
put pressure on anyone, not for any reason. For the same ethics the Navigators hold
non-involvment, the Sel-kai bankers hold it even stricter so new is their
If Stjepan wishes to continue account with the bank he may make deposit at any
time, although any investment requires a regular deposit monthly of no less than one
thousand gold. Interest is accrued at the rate of 4% per annum.

Mareeshs New Friend: the cat leaves Ishrahas company once Celims room is
found, more luxurious. The cat takes an instant liking to Celim and prompts an
encounter the following day. Ishraha will note its absence.

Xaeks Concerns: Xaek has immediately noted difficulties in the role he has accepted
as leader/organizer of this new Order. He takes them to Stjepan, it also puts Xaek
more out of the limelight. He says he thinks Stjepan should be their Grandmaster.
His sword similar to the one of his former Grandmaster was the symbol they looked
to for tradition in their order. Xaek believes what better way than their leader to
become their spiritualised one in body as well. Better Stjepan than he, some knight
who fled his Order perhaps in what might be construed by some as shame. There
would be more success in his taking the reins, if only as a figurehead. Xaek agrees he
will still train and instruct and carry much of the meat. But thats perhaps all he can
offer. Perhaps he should speak to the Volunteers before the day is out, two have
deserted already. Inspire them, he says

Jenovar Counsels: Stjepans ritual of documents is averted this day as Jenovar and
Alexus come to discuss the danger of any possible tour of the fiefdom at the moment.
It is too politically unstable, they see him as a leader yes, but one that could be easily
toppled with this open lack of support. They try to dissuade Stjepan of leaving for the
fiefdoms and ask that he remain in Pellern, at least for the next three nights Jenovar
will say if desperate. And will reveal (only if pressured) that he has arranged for a
private and professional mercenary group from Danarchis are on their way from
Bodlea to meet with and Jenovar thought it best when he first heard of the defection
of Luse that it would be in the best interests of whoever rules to have the option of
professional warriors in the absence of any at all. They call themselves the Gorgonn
and are experts and loyal to both coin and contract. Jenovar realizes this could be
presumption on his part, but regardless of whether Stjepan thinks it wise, Jenovar will
meet with them himself if that is the case.


Kora & Celim: Kora comes to the castle late this evening for several reasons, to let it
be informed to Lord Stjepan that the High Priest will be arriving tomorrow evening
to view the intended if that pleases him. Kora then pays Ishraha a visit, asking about
the cat, learns of Celim and pays Mareesh a visit and makes acquaintance of Celim.
Leaves (tries to) on good terms, enraptured with her exoticness.

Ishraha & the Priests of Andaras: Ishraha makes arrival to a welcoming Kora at the
Andaras Tent, wishing to speak with Anath further. Anath does not recognize the
monk for what he is, but realizes he is more than what he seems. The High Priest
provides refreshments, pleasantries, and information he wants to hear, but doesnt
detail his priesthood too much.

Meeting Renham: The Lord Adjudicator makes himself known. Young man, full of
energy and vitality. Casual smile and reasonably attired in rose and silver paisley. A
man of few words but surprising insight. Secretly, a conniving supporter of Charize
and in whole Ulyshak himself.


Meeting with Andaras: This meeting may have profound implications for the
storyline. Developed after, the changes are more additions to the story; The large
strange artefact on the library floor and the key to the artefact that was mysteriously
left in Celims room, by whom she can only guess as being The Amethyst League,
who will of course deny it if ever asked. Stjepan has not only asked for the help of the
Priests of Andaras in helping protect Pellern, but mentioned also the runes he had and
wished to show him in the library. This being the ancient mechanism. Anath from
old documents has been lead here from the Port of Izar where he was studying ancient
constructions and monuments in Hstra. His god came to him presenting him a
similar key to the one Celim has and pointing to Pellern on an opened map.
He will come late on the evening of 21
, bringing with his self a present in the arms
of Kora, an exquisitely hand grafted decanter like a droplet of water, the colour of
deepest jade, Kora says a strong liquor from far away. It as powerful as absinthe and
vaguely hallucinogenic. This evenings event may coincide with the intended effect
the underground chapel of Andaras if Celim is here to view this as well. The effects
occur and it may be all the more terrifying for her with men around.
After partaking of the fine vintage, he gets down to business. High Priest Anath,
dressed in his gold finery, inspects with long eyes the entire sigil and then runs his
hands with some predilection over the sigils and the key indentations. Anath stands
and will mention to Stjepan that these are quite impressive, and if it is what he thinks
it is could change many a thing for Pellern. He points out that the various sigils
seem to be referring to areas of an ancient structure underneath, the structure built
like a man, and each sigil referring to the combinations. They have uncove red a
massive portal, locked even as it is. He tells them that they appear to be in the head,
the highest-most point. But the lock is multi-faceted, grouped in dualities of each
organ. Arranged as such by two keys let talk run here. Anath will wait before
revealing his, but if they bring out theirs he sees a way to solidify trust from Stjepan
and trust in the peoples eyes by helping here. He will reveal his saying, history is
indeed fortuitous to them today, and how he was there lamenting whether to let you
know of how close they could be. From this room they can manoeuvre into the body,
where the heart is. Access to all rooms would theoretically follow off there. They go
ahead and the door in the library opens up.
After examining the main room, Celim may be lost as she skulks in the darkness
& background, but not by Kora who follows her every move. On close inspection and
brushing away the dust, both of these keys serve two more purposes, with their
parallel indentations. Insertion pulls back the stone to reveal and ancient magical
mechanism. Anath has to spend some ten minutes just to get even a basic concept.
The keys dance with haloed fireflies, glyphs all, they are arranged in dualities of
colour, and in several circular clusters. Anath then informs the m that they are
actually now in the head, or at least the most important part of the head. From here,
he informs, they can raise the ancient walls that once guarded Pellern. How? By just a
few combinations, of which will have to be studied. He says, the walls appear to be
within the stone barricades that the city is built on, it even includes control over the
stone ramps on either end of the Imperial Highway, literally raising the city some ten
feet from any serious attack. The possibilities appear manifold it would take days to
bring to light the entire workings, if not even weeks. He asks to spend his time doing
this, so helping Pellern. Then there are the other chambers off this one accessible by
the clockworks upstairs. Opening the other doors seems to be a tricky combination, as
the library door remains shut to any that do not lead to the head of the temple below.
A note: Pellern has been described as a flat foundation with two north and south
ramps of the same stone. The city is a mechanism that dates back beyond the
Emperor to the times when Andaras first arrived in Hstra. Not that this was used
by them, but more those Laan lords gifted a city by the Titans themselves, a city they
soon lost to the ravages of the eventual hordes of unlife taking with it the secret. A
secret learned by Andaras some thousands of years later, and watched with some
caution both keys, passing them through various hands over thousands of years to
where they exist now.
If Stjepan is wise, here is the penultimate thorn in averting serious contention by
Ulyshak. Accepting it could make him a symbol of power for not just Pellern, Miir,
but maybe all of Hstra.
If Celim is with them, Kora will be there when she falls and awakens, at her side,
but the horror to come may be too much. Any altercation and Anath will apologize to
Lord Stjepan and send Kora to apologize to Lady Vorth until she accepts his apology
(binding him to her side until she accepts). He waits outside her door.

Sword Speaks: If Stjepan has made decision on becoming the Orders symbol, and has
taken his city firmly with the Andaran Priests aid, the sword asks: So, he leads with
sword, leads with mind, but where is the heart? Does it appease you to take hearts of
others? The sword asks these two questions, ans wers none if asked and is quiet after
hearing any answer. The demon Hal is showing interest in this new man so cursed
to the sword.

Renham pre-empts: Charizes man, now Lord Adjudicator, learns of the man kept
living in opulence in the dungeons, so much is it spreading through the servant
quarters, Renhams own men called in to serve him have overheard. Investigation
revealing Lord Esov himself, renham specifically came down late in the evening with
his men and drove stilettos into his skull viciously while the others holding him
down. His secret stash of zapic was then laboriously heaped into his nostrils before
they left in secrecy. The deed done. He will be found by the servants first, whose
screams alert others, and then Lord Stjepan by the Seneschal Taval indeed, who is
concerned for the servants well-being and how if hed been informed, the Lord could
have relied upon his secrecy.
Lord Esovs eyes are bulging and bloodshot (terrified), his nostrils are bloody and
have coagulated with large amounts of zapic dumped over his face. Close examination
may reveal the real cause of death. None of the servants know of any with access
the only other person with full access is the Lord Chancellor, Sensechal, Captain of
the Guard, and Lord Adjudicator - their keys fit all in the castle. What they were
Lord Chancellor sleeping, can he prove this? Sure, his wife was there
Seneschall Taval spent the night reading until the first call for Night Quintar by
guards outside their shift. Then he slept.
Alexus asleep, alone.
Lord Adjudicator enjoying the company of a young serving girl, so drugged she
can barely remember, let alone nearly bringing up her shame of saying so, or being
made to say she was with another man, in his bed. He defends his ability, however

Now Stjepan has to wonder, if he learns it was murder, just who did this, and more
importantly what does he now do with the land?
b o o k o n e :: s h a d o w o f l o c u s t

This marks the beginning of the culmination of events dealing with the would-be
usurper Ulyshak, and as a result the chapter is significantly larger. Many other
factions have come into play in Pellern, besides Ulyshak, the continuity of a city in
motion should be stressed, encouraging the characters to continue their progress.
Andaras move to unify the keys to the tablet in the castle library though an old
concept finally came into play at quite the opportune time, so much so Andaras is
concerning himself now with Ulyshaks downfall and Stjepans rise to higher degrees
of power. Not all the Ddekemani know of Andaras intentions, Selas Vey having
scant memory of it with all the madness and preparations to capture the Titan Kio
The Amethyst League still has their ear in Celims room where she relocated the
necklace. High Priest Anath is secretly seeing a fast route to power by allying himself
with Stjepan, and with power comes influence. His possession of the key
notwithstanding, the very glyphs is not an easy task and as the citadel unfolds itself
each key changes shape and method after use.
Forces beyond mans normal ken begin to come into play in this chapter, a fight
with a demon inevitable, Luse brought to justice, Willonas seclusion, the
yarkbalkas power, the citadel manifest and much more.
Talo Rai, the Lord Bishop of Mynistra living within the castle in his small chapel,
writes to his superiors on Stjepans request explaining Stjepans intention to build a
church within the city for Mynistra, and a request for more priests. The High
Archbishop in Helberna takes this news well, and sends four priests to aid Talo.
These priests arrive late in summer (53
), in the meanwhile, Talo begins plans for
construction of a suitable temple to Mynistra.

~:~ 22
Summer ~:~

Lord Vasla: see earlier. (Lord Stjepan decides to honour Lord Vasla, and promises not only
men, but that he himself will accompany the Lord in two days time to deal with the Zanar
threat personally.

Haleks Consternation: see earlier.

Other factors: that will change Pellerns future, initiated by Lord Stjepan; a
proclamation is posted to all Hstran cities that all races and creeds are welcome to
the new Pellern. Pellern over the Summer month sees a swelling of people to its
shores (especially after the transmogrification of the citadel from the stone),
mercenaries, bounty-hunters, highwaymen accompany many a hardworking folk.
The Amethyst take full advantage of this, moving their network of smugglers,
thieves, and undesirables into Pellern reaping the benefits of the swelling city.
Luse Invarath is publicly declared a traitor, but only after the matter of his attack
against Constans men sent to support Pellern. It looks suspicious to many. A warrant
for his arrest has the bounty-hunters looking for a way to get money from Pellern.

The Gorgonnae: arrive in foothills of the Mountains of Gold some mile to the West
of the castle. Scouts loyal to Jenovar alert him when they arrive and with or without
Stjepan he speaks with them.
Not known in many circles, it is rumoured by the informed few they have
connections to The Alliance, but for the most part is considered doubtful. The
Gorgonnae are well trained, and even considered elite, as their asking price for even
the few numbers such as they, being one hundred.
They mope in a scattered bunch, shadowed and confused in perspective to each
other. All seem dressed in black leather, cowled and flush with the subtle glint of
steel. Their leader, Nassain, a hard-worn half-elf, sits slouched over a black mare
grazing lazily. Both of his hands concealed in his style. Nassain is a shrewd
businessman and he and his band is notable for reasons he is openly honest to
potential clients about. Each man is one hundred gold per day. Considered extreme by
some, but for the reasons he explains; we have a tendency to kill a lot of our
employees enemies, we have a firm motto of social interaction and
inconspicuousness, all of our men are seasoned warriors with confirmed kills of one
hundred man a piece, we havent lost a man for near two years, magical offence and
defence is provided at no additional surcharge, whether ideal as a strike force or
perimeter integration and defence or back-up retaliatory squad they do it all, but the
payment, is non-negotiable and bookings are strictly on a as booked basis.
Nassain and his motley crue of rogues are every part the professionals they profess
to be, skilled in arts of murder and sorcery. The living is secure, and they are by no
means a league unto their own, more a private militia trained together for this reason.
More often than not, tips are generous. Many seasoned veterans are within their
ranks, mercenaries disenfranchised with the Stroane ridiculing effect on their
profession. They fight loyal, if only a little bitter.
If Stjepan accepts he will indeed be a secure force than of some moments ago.
However, their demeanour may dissuade him. Their price will be looked upon with
shock by the Chancellor of His Lords Lands and Purse, Lindur. But he will add it to
the growing tally that is only barely balancing the income against outcome.
Rebuilding Lord Daseks castle, the gatehouses, staff upgrades
If Stjepan agrees, a contract is asked to be signed with Sel-kai bank liaison as
witness. How Stjepan implements them he can discuss with Nassain, who instantly
puts into place his men, and organizes residence for them, and the possibility of their
guards liveries to appear as their own without alerting. They keep their armour and
weapons, but helmet and surcoat they wear.

~:~ 23
Summer ~:~

Letter from Constans: see earlier.

Journey to Keliir: see earlier 26
reach Keliir.

Returning from Keliir: About 30
of Summer, (this only occurs if Anath was left to
decipher the runes in their stead) they ride into town, the humidity of summer finally
upon them, but threatening release as they pound the Imperial Highway to the
growing silhouette of Pellern. Obese pregnant clouds churn a black blew above them,
the Mountains of Gold lost in the twilight and the dense canopy. The sky ahead
electrifies in azure lightning near the Mountains and Pellern. They burst into the
Upper Ward just as the sky begins to weep, stable-boys take their mounts hurriedly as
the rain begins to pound, and a subsonic lightning boom pulses through them and the
ground. Inside the great hall, people feasting are pulled from their meals, standing
watching the walls, conversations poised in anxiousness.
Then suddenly the thunder erupts what sounds directly overhead and the ground
shakes and it feels like they are floating for moments before being dragged to the
earth under immense pressure, and in a massive explosion of noise the motion stops,
tranquillity settling down over the terrified crowd.
What has happened is that Anath found a way to seal the castle from the rest of
the castle and outside upon itself, and at the very same moment opened a chamber to
another portion of the underground temple and summoned forth a demon, although
his story is it burst through from the very room, the right arm a passage hes just
opened, however, thats the least of their worries. Just as they are getting their
bearings in the Great Hall, in thuds the Singular Demon summoned by Anath by way
of his god Andaras
With arms rippling like tendons in an ancient yew, the vague man like creature
strides body lengths with each step to a group of stunned nobles at the table. A hand
like tendrils unfurls and wraps around the head of the open mouthed lady a popping
sound occurs, and then it roars through a mouth wider than its head and the people
begin falling as its arms chew through the flesh like it were churning butter.
As the people begin screaming, the lights begin failing one by one, like the cries of
those smo thered by the fire like tendrils of smoke creeping through the air about this
thing, suffocating the very air, spreading in a cloud.
This night should be one of utmost horror and terror. The Singular Demon, once
without large groups of people to consume, begins hunting the corridors of Pellerns
sealed castle. Movement within the castle should be quite detailed at this time, so a
map of the castles levels is provided with relevant landmarks along the way. The
shadow from the Demon grows to fill the entire castle, lingering in the halls. The
Demon stalks carefully and with stealth, although unmistakable is its slithering of
appendages. The characters should be sufficiently aware of the destructive potential of
this beast as it chews through any facing it in combat.
If the characters get split up, an interesting encounter with Celim should occur,
which continues toward her confusion over her relationship/interaction with demons.
The demon should catch her, scream like one thousand snakes dying and advance at
the last moment to pause catch breath and its sprouting appendages taste the air
before her face, before making the decision to leave this one alone whether her Jerak
Ahrenrath loyal father, or her interaction with Andaras
Hal if on Stjepan will take this time to cement certain loyalties from the Nemeck
child. Hal asks Stjepan how he wants to lead. The demon is after a strong or
passionate reply, even if it is misguided, if not, the sword will not flame and the battle
will be tougher, one eventually ended by High Priest Anath and Kora, who receive all
the praise.
Use the outlined castle map for the surreptitious creep through the darkness.

Aftermath of summons: Half the city of Pellern witnessed the castles changes that
night, many describe it in surreal terms, the sky falling away from them, some
thinking it was an earthquake and the ground was tearing apart but for the most
part, those that witnessed it have realized it was neither and are looking with some
fear towards the castle returned. And then the rumours of the demon that was set
loose within begin to circulate among the servants and then to their families and the
Lord Baris, one of the hunting lodges frequent attendees (who when the demon
presented itself, pushed his wife towards it to escape his own death), tall and spindly,
with black hair and beard, with a penchant for crushed velvet his hands became
stained that day. Lord Renham witnessed his action with some interest and has
decided to use it against the now free lord, rich and womanising.
However Stjepan deals with this situation is going to be tricky. For the most part
the rumours bring an exotic mix of the curious to live in the city, if anything driving
out the conservatives. His presentation will determine a general mood over the city,
whether fear, fervour, or faith.
Nassain was outside with the horses as the castle shot up into the sky, catching
him and his men, mostly outside wholly off guard and locking them hundreds of
metres into the air. As soon as the doors are open to the castle, Nassain covertly will
try to garner Stjepans attention.
Willona will awaken when the castle is still closed off, and even though Stjepan
tried his best to impress his desire to be true and honest by her, even with giving
Willona his silver locket with ties to his mother. She takes action in the morning
out of fear and of her life so shaken.
Kora and Ishraha are maimed beyond repair, and even with Celims use of herbs
Ishraha will never walk again, if live, and Kora will not see more than a few days.

~:~ 31
Summer ~:~

Willonas exile: will come as a shock to all. Totally self-imposed, Willona is a mental
wreck. That marrying a stranger was enough, the flowstorm of late only just killed
her father, she fought for her throne with her whorish stepmother, and then contested
with Stjepan until she was attacked, which lead to her weakness and Stjepans
disposal of Luse, who lead an attack against Alkartek that could plunge them into war.
And if all that werent enough. Stjepan returns home and the castle morphs as a
monster, internal and external. Willonas home has been smashed.
The morning of the 32
, with her two handmaidens she enters the Black Tower, all
the day servants moving her furniture to and fro to the notice of mostly all who
wonder what is happening. Keymakers are at work on the door, remodelled by
Willona, on the stroke of the evening feast leaves to the Black Tower and seals
herself within. Instructions with the servants are to deliver food for three thrice daily,
with requests for items being made at meal appointed times. The Order so initiated
by Stjepan is under order to let none enter, even those of their own order. Willona
takes within the keys and casts for the lock. Her letter to Stjepan is plain reading
simply I am taking this time to pray to Mynistra, and to undergo an ordeal of ritual
in thought to her. This I shall do for a period of five years. Two knights are at her
door at all times, and even Stjepan cannot tell them to stand down.

Sisters of Eissa: finally arrive in Pellern. Impressed by Celims skill with herbs and
the brimming potential within her Cindel returned by herself with intention on
establishing a small house and chapel. Cindel arrives at Celims door hooded in her
black robe and says it is good to see her again. Once in private, Cindel removes her
hood, revealing a horribly scarred woman, her face mottled and lumpy. She appears
tired in general, somewhat jetlagged but wishes to speak to her. She informs Celim
that she convinced her elders to let her come to Pellern to stay permanently, to build a
small church. She would be honoured if one so skilled as her could help in the
planting of an herb garden. She first wants to get to know Celim before even
thinking of becoming one of them.
The se are her intentions at least. The session previous incurred some changes to
this situation that may occur. Kora was badly wounded by the demon and lies near
deaths door, and with Celim out of herbs. Cindels arrival heralds a miracle to
Celims growing affection to the dark skinned Kuluku. Cindel will intervene if it is
Celims wishes and if she does will try to invoke a moment of awareness with
Eissa by asking Celim to aid with the healing process.
This moment passes Cindel closes her eyes placing her hands over the huge rend
to Koras side placed over each other and she concentrates a silvery white aura from
her hands over the rippled body of Kora. She then takes a hand from the glow and
removes the crystal key from her neck and brings it over him, removing her hand
slowly as the key itself fills with a silver light. Cindel then asks Celim to help her,
take grasp of the key and lay her hands with hers over him. If this she does, a vision
overtakes her a whiteness that is pure phasing about her, stumbling as if she were
drunk, images of a small garden and a woman kneeling by the sides of a river
staring within while behind her a huge aperture covered in sigils and aflame in
colours never imagined
When she returns, Kora is healed, and not a scar remains. Celim feels elated,
transcendant, as if she has lived true freedom. Cindel is somewhat shocked, as she felt
the raw energy that Celim channelled from Eissa a first gift from the Goddess
Cindel does not overwhelm Celim though and mentions ne ither the gift nor her
shock. Kora is healed and soon wakes Cindel long gone by this time, and this time
may be personal with Kora & Celim. It also allows for Kora to accompany them
south freeing Nassains men imprisoning Luse Invarath.

Word travels fast: Lalaerion arrives at Pellern the next day. This time he doesnt
bring food, just a glass decanter cut in facets of diamonds, with a cool liquid in it that
he says is from the same lands he brought food from, and he takes a moment to
describe the place where he got it. A place of harmony, the land a blooming cycle of
itself, and a waterfall that springs from underground the purest of waters of nearly
anywhere to be found and with that, he passes it to Ishraha.
He alludes briefly to what occurred last nig ht, allowing Ishraha to wax and wane
as he will, but eventually draws to the subject of Changramai. His discussion is
intended to challenge Changramai thinking and to raise questions within Ishraha.
Lalerion also talks of this land of Mythenis as a metaphor in future talks of Ishrahas
intention of being with the changrama, and will eventually allude to leaving him
there, since it doesnt matter. He discusses his point, that if being in Unity with
Nature, does one expect others to accept his Unity? Does his Unity protect him
from the vengeful and wrathful peoples of the world?
He then ends with, what would the Changrama advise if the Frost King would
come again to the lands to destroy and hunt down life? He warns finally, fear the
frost kings in our world, Ishraha, I sense one alike to him coming. And then leaves.

~:~ 32
Summer ~:~

The Order of?: is something Stjepan will soon have to arrive with name for. Xaek has
been hard at work with the Order, training those few. Vedior, grandmaster of the
Order of the Eternal Return in Falkenna has, through gifts of Andaras, maintained
contact with Xaek Branimir, instructing him light on certain tasks. He guides Xaek
on certain evenings on methods of training. Vedior is grooming Xaek as his next
host, for whe n the Locusts have ravaged the south, Vedior will make his impact felt
in Pellern.
Xaek has spent his time preparing for the Chapterhouse construction, a
charter/pledge for the knights, and the positions within the order. Stjepan is
Grandmaster, and Xaek takes mantle of the Commander of the Knights. He hires a
quartermaster as well.

The right arm: is the next room Anath has unlocked and appeals to Stjepan for them
to investigate it, lest they uncover more trouble, perhaps even including the Order to
protect the very room of the head. Exploring the right arm that faces the south will be
an interesting encounter for them all.
Both arms of the underground complex to Pellerns citadel, are not as complex in
design as the rest of the body or the head. In fact, so bare is the corridor and eventual
room that it may appear strange the demon to have burst from there.
The doorway peeled back into the wall reveals a long corridor glowing in a red
luminescence, gently sloping, made of slabs of red granite, smoothed to sheen. The
vermilion walls are disjointed from the ceiling slabs but definitely in order. Strange
features of them show a gap of some two fingers wide between each square block, and
if inspected carefully, leather or cloth appears to have been stuffed between, around
mid-block to each slab. Note: this is a metaphysical representation of nerves running
through to the hand. If ever the nerve was cut or removed, the effects at the chamber
ending the corridor will be void and meaningless, irreparable as well. Close
examination with any essnce detecting methods will reveal that flows of essnce are
directed through these filaments between the slabs. Any removal also removes the red
glow and warmth of this part.
The chamber slopes at an easy walk, and the way is long, almost one kilometre of
walking. The air is stale, yet warm. Eventually they bridge out into the chamber.
There is a strange feeling to all upon entry, the sense of space and depth within a
small area. It is quite confusing. Latticework of the same red granite fills this rooms
somewhat domed peak, although it is crossed in carvings like internal bone that are so
deep and detailed it doesnt appear natural.
From the circular room there are five man-sized niches noticeably filled in with
white marble the same as the centrepiece of the entire room is a strange altar five
times as long as it is wide and deep. Five globes of varying colour hover in invisible
partitions over this altar, about a forearm above the altar itself. All of the globes are of
a sickly yellow hue, and if they look upon it too long, they feel sick. Celim
particularly feels the disturbing influence of the orbs and feels uneasy, and should she
touch any of these orbs a vision will be propelled into her that will shock her to the
core. Each of the orbs carries within it at its core a floating core of black laen,
inscribed with a glyph in the language of Kronyt. Each sigil represents respectively,
the five senses. Grasping any sigil transports the person within the niche sealed over,
although they do not notice they have moved, only those about them watch as they
dematerialise into the air. Once rematerialized within each niche, the various sense
kicks in but without the proper rituals to harness the power, they will be assailed by
a meaningless rush of the particular sense that overwhelms and spits them out,
throbbing sinuses and all. However, Celim will have a much different experience
one that hints at the dangers approaching. Details of this may have to be done on the
fly, but it should include the Gogor, a seething swarm of locusts and images of
orgiastic violence and bloodletting. Nothing should linger, and the senses though not
indecipherable are understandable in basic conveyance. Anath sees the potential and
says nothing of this room, saying he understands it not.
This room serves as a scrying area. Each of the five niches, representing the five
digits on the hand, also represents the five senses, sight, sound, touch, smell & taste.

News from the south: Nassain, tries for the third day in a row to contact his men
through magical artefacts he possesses, and this day finally breaks through. He learns
of a plot that will bring Stjepans immediate attention. Nassain immediately delivers
to Stjepan the following news; the good his men have successfully captured the
renegade known as Luse Invarath and are holding him alive in the Alana forest, the
bad in the battle leading up to this situation Luse Invaraths men not only killed
Lord Vasla but managed to pen them down deep in the forest. This was several days
This moment will signal a turning point obvious in the mind of Stjepan
undoubtably. Nassain will hesitate to lend all his men to this advance, noting the
more plausible success of a smaller group, as it could be an intended diversion away
from the castle. He suggests the five others and himself that travelled with the Lord
to accompany him, Jenovar and a few select others, but make presence his belief a
small squad should be directed into action.
Nassain does not know where exactly to find them except from the instructions his
men gave him, which were they had travelled two days from the outskirts of the
forest at a slow pace to the south before being ambushed, wherein they took to the
trees to the west evading a large force for the space of several hours, before being cut
off and having to fight their way out capturing Luse Invarath on the way, which
seemed to hold back the force intent on killing them. In that skirmish Lord Vasla,
those knights of the Order sent and several men-at-arms were slain (Xaek who was
sent on Stjepans behest is alive). They broke free to convoluted hills within the
forest, weaving until the force cut them off again and they sought shelter high on a
rock face deep in a natural cave for protection.
One of the possibilities is that Stjepan leads a squad south to intercept and relive. If
so Kora, Anath, Jenovar, will be among those to insist to helping.

~:~ 31
Summer ~:~

(This period marks the beginning of the second session)

Kora Awakens: in Celims room where he has been resting on a cot brought in under
her orders, and finds himself totally healed (courtesy of the Sister of Eissa). In her
absence he gets up partially dressed from waist down and explores her room out of
boredom, when she walks in finally that evening he will be sitting upon her bed
clothed only in pants, the marks of his wounds totally healed, his abdomen taught and
muscled with the rest of him, hes patting Mareesh and holding up in his hand the
Amethyst necklace. Sexual tension is a key here, but Kora is more concerned with the
necklace at the moment. Alerted to it through his own awareness and Mareesh
(inspired by Andaras), Kora has learned through channelling that it is an active
scrying device, and with it perhaps a possibility of casting spells through as foci. He
cannot track the item, but is unsure whether she knows about it because their
actions are not only being most likely hear and seen, but the potential for using it as a
beacon is all too apparent.

Journey into the Alana Forest: Nassain only has a vague idea of where they are
located, and this is why in part he suggested a smaller force more anonymity. Any
party setting out must be adequately provisioned, as there are no stops in the Alana
forest. Nassain will do his best to impart the secrecy needed for such a mission, to be
taken at night, and reach the outskirts of the forest before light, rest until midday and
then travel hard through the day to get them back into routine.
The Alana forest is a cool relief from the somewhat moderate summer, the shade
of the broad-leafed trees and the piercing evergreens constantly canopied above them.
Reaching the site of the skirmish will take them two days ride, arriving late in the
afternoon on the 34
when Nassains men scouting ahead notice the break in the
undergrowth of a large force its not hard to miss. Many hooves have torn the
undergrowth, and branches are sheared off, a veritable highway leading to the west.
Clothing is caught on the trees and items are scattered in the wake. Some four
hundred metres into the forest the grisly scene is revealed. Over thirty bodies lie
about the imposed clearing in some state of decay and at least eight wolves, their
mouths fresh in blood snarl and growl from their food. Nassains men drive off the
wolves with torches and they can inspect the remains
The wolves have not been discriminate with neither horse nor man and both are in
decay and digestion. The stink of rotting flesh and the swarms of insects that land
and bite is overpowering. If they look closely they will find Lord Vasla with some of
the knights and men-at-arms, but by far the majority of those dead are unrecognisable
to most (former men at Pellern) especially in their state of physical deterioration.
A path continues, some days old, on the other side and goes on for some hours, the
land convulsing more and more as they strike west. The forest darkens considerably
as they follow the trail. But in the fading light, perhaps considering camp they will
espy through the trees fires burning ahead.
These are Luses men who are waiting at the verge of trees before the rocky
outcropping up the face of which in a cave some 12 feet from the ground are Nassains
seventeen men holding Luse within, and his army without. The rocky outcropping
slopes from the top into the side of the growing hills, but is difficult to climb and the
front face even more so. A small creek runs at the base of the rock face where the
bodies of eight of Luses men lie peppered with bolts. Fifty-three of Luses men lie in
camp in varying groups, but in contact with each other. Orhan is near full this
evening and its silvery light spills through the trees and onto the rock face making it
difficult to be surreptitious. All are armed and armoured, and while not the most elite
of soldiers, many fought against the Katras forces and are seasoned veterans, who
now see themselves as rebels fighting for a just cause. Their support of Luse keeps
them from the hands of being under Ulyshaks control, and as much as Luse
convinced the three-hundred of the need to solidify with the usurper they will take no
orders from anyone save Luse and will fight to the death for him. Luses defection is
as much a stance of disgust with Stjepan who had no faith in Pellerns troops (who
ironically defeated his Constans men) and his abilities. Stjepan never gave him a
How they break through and rescue their men without being seen is going to prove
very difficult. A diversion would only alert the men, drawing only a few away. If
Lord Stjepan makes his presence known, then a man is sent to alert the rest of Luses
forces camped some half-day away heading in their direction.
High Priest Anath offers his services as best he can, playing on the minds of the
soldiers, but if they were looking for a Priest to channel fire from the sky, Anath is
not that man. His ministrations are subtler, though by no less effective.
The cave holds the men and Xaek, all swordsmen of no mean feat with one also a
mentalist and another a sorcerer. Luse is magically gagged and bound with simple
cloth with the tensile strength of metal. How they tackle this entirely relies on them.
Nassain sees the odds a little high, but with the men in the cave he believes they could
successfully kill all the soldiers one by one. Many of Nassains men are wounded, and
while not mortally, half are what could be considered severe in health. Xaek is
unharmed and has brokered much respect from Nassains men.
Once Luse has been engaged in conversation, Stjepan finds he will not be
accommodating to the Lord. Luse is proud of his men, and if asked why he slew Lord
Vasla, he will reply that there are always casualties in war. Necessary sacrifice must
be made. Luse will take his chances when he can. One thing Luse will say though, is
that if Stjepan kills him or takes him prisoner, the remainder of his men will fall to
Ulyshak to command.
This encounter can go many ways play it by ear.

~:~ 36
Summer ~:~

Reprise: Pellern welcomes them home. Lord Vasla is dead, whether they take this
news with them, or Luse many factors are forcing Stjepan into play and causing
effects and opinions that are out of his hands. Lord Esovs murder is also suspect and
then there is the word of Lord Keliirs renunciation of allegiance to Pellern and with
Lady Willona in self-imposed meditation. Depending on how Stjepan has presented
himself will hold sway over people or cause them to doubt.

Lady Wintessa: Her hair recently dyed a deep red and black she welcomes Stjepan
home in his personal chambers. A long time she has waited in the wings, pushed into
an exile within her room by the defensive Willona, but now she is gone, Lady
Wintessa has room to move and takes her que. She is a beautiful woman, and she
knows it, her dress is risqu tight fitting and black, with a sweeping trail, and exterior
corset laced in turquoise. Silver jewellery around her wrists and neck, links of large
chain links with even finer joints. Her features are such a stark contrast from her
stepdaughters, a princess that men would sing songs about, and her makeup is
expertly applied, her green eyes alluring framed in mascara.
Wintessa flirts and always contacts Stjepan with her black-laced gloves she
firstly welcomes him home with any news on his success against Luse (void if this
was failure). She says she is sad to hear that her stepdaughter has sequestered herself
in the Black Tower and she asks if she can help in any means. Other topics; that the
running of the household he cannot expect to do alone, and since she did when her
husband was still alive, perhaps she can temporarily aid him in liasing with Seneschal
Taval and maintaining the upkeep of the castle while he can put his mind to other
matters. NOTE: Wintessa is sincere in this regard, as the castle will begin to crumble
if Stjepan does not devote more time to its upkeep. Mornings with the Lord
Chancellor in paperwork and evenings with the Seneschal, leaves little time for
anything else. She also makes it plain (physical contact here) that she understands the
pressures he is under, how exhaustive it must be, and stressful and that if he should
ever need to talk or seek just a soft shoulder to rest himself upon, as stepmother she
would not hesitate to offer those comforts. Wintessa uses more tact here than before,
as Stjepan has eluded her seductions before and she realizes she must play his game.

~:~ 39
Summer ~:~

Hals World: After the events with Luse, Hal sees for the first time in a long time
the slim possibility of escape from his bindings, and decides a gamble. He intends to
bring Stjepan into the realm of his creation within the sword. Established through the
contact with the Yarkbalka, Hal has a powerful manipulation of senses and of
illusions and draws Stjepans consciousness of sorts within the sword or so he
portrays it as. Hal in reality is only interacting with Stjepan in his limited capacity.
Stjepan suddenly finds himself in a great room with pillars that stretch so high into
the sky not even the ceiling can be seen from greatness of height, the pillars of a deep
green, glowing with an illumination that reveals the long hall and table and hundreds
of men in rusted armour eating a feast of rotting animals their faces are wiped clean,
as if there were no features Hal stands beside Lord Stjepan observing the feast. He
is dressed in a red suit with golden buckles and buttons. His hair is black, short, and
appearing wet, though straight. His hands are behind his back in flanged gloves.
Hal is as always less inclined to answer questions that he cannot answer, will not
answer, or that he believes are pointless to answer. However, that being said, Hal is
here to instruct this day of sorts, illuminate facts whilst leaving out the meat of the
truths. Hal masquerades himself as the presence within the sword, and the very
sword itself (remember, Stjepan needs not ask the sword to flame, he merely wills it).
Hal lets him know that these are his ancestors, stretching back thousands of years
most faceless for their cowardice and reluctance to commit. He impresses to Stjepan
the tradition of the sword that once led the Ahn Sye Nokora, and he gives a little
information to this ancient order, its name and translation and how the order once
served as the Emperors bodyguards over 6000 years ago an elite order of those
defending the supreme rule of all of Emer, but beyond that, there were sixteen high
guardians of whom he motions to the gathered faceless, he is descended from.
Hal then mixes fact with his own lies. He talks about how at the end of the
Empire the Order was to be distorted and eventually forgotten, but the Yarkbalka and
the bloodline, his bloodline was passed down from the original High Guardian that
first wielded the sword implying Stjepan is not just of Laan blood, but of Althan.
He goes on to say that he has watched for thousands of years the tradition lost, his
forbearers ignore the role of the Ahn Sye Nokora, locking the sword away in closets,
ignoring the Orders right Hal says he has not seen combat in over 1000 years and
the ultimatum to Stjepan is as his father said on his deathbed. Restore the order and if
he doesnt, then he may follow his ancestors into anonymity and pointlessness. Hal
then exits from Stjepans mind.

~:~ 38
Summer ~:~

The magician who would be: less than what he appears is Jarolaime. Lord Jenovar,
ever since suggesting to Stjepan the desire for a mentalist, no less than a Truthsayer
of Itanis, has been on the hunt. Finding one proved difficult, as money wasnt enough
to entice, but several were enticed, including Jarolaime. After interviewing many
applicants, Jenovar settled on Jarolaime, for the simple fact of his mercenary nature
and he was the less obsequious.
Jenovar informs Stjepan of the guest, Jarolaimes arrival and of the situation that
brought him here.
Jarolaime sits in his room, less than impressed with the dcor. He is standing
when/if they arrive. A tall man, standing somewhat smug or empowered, long blond
locks tightly curl in a mane from his head. His face square, a smile seeming out of
place definitely requiring effort to maintain. Dressed in a suit of hardened cows
leather dyed lavender with silver trim.
Jarolaime expects praise and respect for his services. Money while good does little
for his ego, which he accepts happily. Jarolaime comments on things he has even no
knowledge of simply to be heard and to be intelligent, of which he is.
Recently from Artha, ending a long-standing employment with a family of
nobility (of which he was driven out of after his affairs with his employers daughter
was uncovered). Jarolaime is no soft soul. He is a sensualist but those vices can be his
failings, for his services as a Mentalist are while somewhat exaggerated by his own
ego, are on par with many. Trained in Kaitaine, on the island of Ciros, Jarolaime
easily spells out his accomplishments and achievements. Began work as a trained
Mentalist in the apprenticeship of the Palace of Bankers there in the city, to the
position of District Overseer of The Grand Marketplace itself.
After serving the Bankers for four years, he travelled to the Port of Izar to become
advisor to the Lord Mayor himself for a term of three years before a short stay at
Dynax working for the Guild Council. From there he was employed for personal
reasons by second cousin to the King of Danarchis in the capital of Artha. After many
years service he gave his notice and left seeking a new challenge.
His resume of sorts out of the way, unless interrupted something Jarolaime takes
as an affront regardless of Stjepans status, Stjepan can get down to questioning.
Jarolaime explains his abilities and then listens to Stjepans requests, and then gives
back a few of his own, including his daily fee;
- Penthouse suite appointed with decorations to his tastes.
- Delivery costs of certain furniture and library from Artha to Pellern on
their insurance.
- That nobles learn of him through rumour, and not by public
- A sum of 3 gold per day paid directly into a Sel-kai bank account.
- Agreement to pay any costs associated with requests of magical

Questions of possibility;
- What can you do?
Can read surface thoughts of minds close, deeper with some pain to subject.
Can sense most lies and truths. With some preparation can create objects to
better encase the mental defence of ones self or in the face of immediate attack
from one of his profession, intervene in any fatal chanellings. What more does
he want?

If hired, Jarolaime quickly inserts himself into the affairs of Stjepan and his allies,
Ishraha and Celim, spending some time with each of them, in subtle conversation,
all the while learning what he can, learning who to watch for.

Achres audience with Stjepan: may not be suitable for Achre, but with Lady Willona
in self-imposed imprisonment, Achre has to directly confer discussion with Lord
Stjepan. She requests audience to discuss matters that the Ministry of Agriculture and
the Sarnaki Govt. is worried over, namely the continuing growth of highwaymen and
unrest in Pellern, and by and large Miir.
Achre Iraldrane, Secretary Minister of Agriculture of Sarnak, walks in proud and
noble, dressed in a dyed blue and lavender gown, with silver buckles to a high collar.
A short diaphanous poncho-like throw hangs to mid-arm. Her deep red hair is
collected in intricate braids to her head. At either side at all times, two Sarnaki
warriors, in their striking platemail that appears top heavy, low and detailed helmets
protecting everything except the shadow of the warriors lips. From their torso down,
red dyed leather serves as armour. Weapons bristle from their back, thighs, and belts
like the quill of a porcupine.
Achre is an intelligent young woman, soft-spoken yet direct who will not accept
stipulations placed on the whim by Stjepan. She has requested the meeting to inform
him that she will be arranging a phalanx of Sarnaki warriors to be posted to Pellern,
to better protect their caravans, with another phalanx travelling at all times with
caravans to and from each others city.

Ulyshaks momentum: Soon enough it will become apparent that Ulyshak is gaining
support, even openly. With Willonas disappearance, it is only the growing financial
wealth of Pellern that keeps Stjepan in power. Publicly, the people see him as
somewhat arrogant and haughty, although his foreign allegiance to Alkartek has
something to do with that. Most of his vassals have never seen him.

~:~ Vague dates ~:~

Touching Eissa: As the encounter of healing Kora with the Sister of Eissa and the
whole event was changed, of sorts by the characters using a Navigator to bring Sisters
from Bentara. Celims experience must be allowed for this encounter, to hint at her
This day Cindel asks Celim if she could accompany her into the hills behind
Alkartek to look for herbs, and to get an understanding of the land and what it could
grow. Allow them to talk and discuss as they scour the land looking for its benefits.
Cindel never takes too much, always leaving enough for the plant to live. After some
time, they hear a squealing of some animal in distress a young goat has fallen
through scr ub on the side of a rocky outcropping and landed badly some 500 metres
from them, his leg is twisted horribly and as much as it is trying to get up it cant.
Cindel immediately helps, calming the animal.
Cindel closes her eyes placing her hands over broken limb of the animal and she
concentrates a silvery white aura from her hands over the goat. She then takes a hand
from the glow and removes the crystal key from her neck and brings it over him,
removing her hand slowly as the key itself fills with a silver light. Cindel then asks
Celim to help her, take grasp of the key and lay her hands with hers over the animal.
If this she does, a vision overtakes her a whiteness that is pure phasing about her,
stumbling as if she were drunk, images of a small garden and a woman kneeling by
the sides of a river staring within while behind her a huge aperture covered in
sigils and aflame in colours never imagined
Afterwards the feeling she feels is pure elation and transcendence to Cindel,
Celims eyes are smoking a pure silver white light, which fade even as she watches
taken aback. Cindel then asks if she has experienced the Essnce so powerfully
before. She lets her know that she believes that Celim has an innate potential of the
sorts of which she has never seen nor encountered in such a raw energy. Were her
parents so innately empowered? This question will undoubtedly bring up more
unanswered questions about her past.

Lord Lycus: With Keliir ceding to Alkartek, Lycus faced an angry father who
returned. Lord Vaymoris, disgusted with Stjepan cast out his son from his household
after Lycus defended Stjepan in a heated argument with his father. Beyond that, the
growing militant stance of Alkartek and its haunted lands and destroyed monuments
have driven Lycus into depression and he goes to the only place he knows he may
possibly find some haven and if rejected, Lycuss depression might drive him to death.
He arrives with few possessions, his armour, sword, horse and some finances, but
is quite poor. A manservant, Carj, accompanies him. Lycus arrives on a hot and rainy
night at the castle and is shown through to the Great Hall after the evening meal.
Some nobles are lingering drinking with passing minstrels entertaining. Lycus is
nervous and apprehensive coming to Stjepan as the final resort, his only resort. His
long blonde hair is ragged in his ponytail, and his once fine red and black suit ruined
from heat, road dust and rain. Lycus is reluctant to discuss Alkartek as the memories
it brings back are haunting but will do so if demanded from him. If given time and
friendship Lycus will slowly become a happier man.

(This period marks the beginning of the 3
Session In the encounter with Luse Invarath,
humility and apologies and strategy on Stjepans side convinced Luse to support him in the
upcoming battle. Luse suggested returning to Ulyshak in triumph over slaying Vasla and then
in the bulk of the army turning on Ulyshaks men on the field. Luse and his men are offered
pardons this will pre -empt the story, Chapter 7 & 8 where the war with Alkartek will be
incited, especially by the pardoning of this man who slew 300 of Alkarteks men. It all reeks of
outward conspiracy.
Celim destroys the Amethyst scrying focus, and prior to doing so has a vision of Majel
Gavant in genetic surgery, and he sees her seeing him. Anath & Kora learn of the Amethyst
League and Majel Gavant and become curious. Remember, they know nothing of the

I do not intend to die without face.
Lord Stjepan Nemeck 35
Summer 6053

Changramai Inspection: Ishrahas position as a solo bodyguard to Stjepan is less for
recompense (since Stjepan lived) than as a test for Ishraha to pass to the fourth veil. It
is one he may fail horrendously in the next few days. The Changramai masquerades
his intentions initially through meeting with Lord Stjepan to begin discussions over a
possible Changramai office in the growing city of Pellern. Master Aya, on his tour of
the offices throughout Hstra has stopped off in Pellern to check up on the pupil
undergoing his ordeal.
Dressed in a black robe, hooded, Master Aya is a youthful elf, almost boyish in
appearance, except his deep green eyes that belie his true age. His hair is a silvery
white, and pulled into a ponytail. The Lord Chancellor informs Stjepan of the arrival
and for it to be in private without Ishraha. The Changramai monk brings up with
Stjepan the point of the possibility of the office, but commits to nothing, saying
further discussion must be made. After those pleasantries, Master Aya asks after
Ishraha and of Stjepans thoughts and experiences. Says nothing in reply, but just
listens, and once finished asks if he may stay the evening.

Master Aya & Ishraha: Master Aya makes time that evening to meet with Ishraha,
asks him how everything is going, listens to his concerns, but for the most part offers
little if no advice.

Return of Ataniel: Certain game requirements have caused this encounter to occur for
the benefit of a player but it will serve as a turning point for the game as well. Due to
the diminishing input of the character Ishraha in role-playing and his non-committal
attitude toward individual gaming, believing only group mechanics to be of import,
this will hopefully serve to spur his character and the player into more direct
involvement, rather than minimal reactionary.
Spurred by several motivations on the night prior to Ulyshak taking the field, the
Ddekemani see it imperative to eliminate Lady Willona, making weaker Stjepans
hold on Pellern, regardless of the outcome of the usurpers actions. Another target is
the Changramai presence, which will not do well to improve relations and will
eliminate Ishraha as an official defence. Ventine, is more accustomed to his new host
of the half-elf, especially one in such prime physical condition and has enhanced even
more what was already there. Ataniel enters the Black Tower without a problem. The
murder of Willona and her handmaidens are done with ease, the knights outside not
even knowing. This destroys Stjepans intentions of the Knights answering to the
Lady of the House, passed on through Xaek to Vedior and the other Ddekemani.
There, Ventine on her bed, committed experiments of organ removal after sealing her
and her handmaidens lips shut.
Ventine will target Ishraha alone and from the shadows the half-elf beckons
Ishraha, who knows he still lives, but knows not why His face is a little sicklier
than Ishraha remembers, his olive skin and now sunken cheeks, his chestnut eyes
have deepened to black pinpricks to match his growing hair, but the black robe he still
wears. Ventine/Ataniel will subdue Ishraha without him vocalizing anything,
whether a physical strike that immediately renders Ishraha paralysed, or through
magic, targeting his nervous system, cramping his entire body. Transport to the Black
Tower will follow shortly thereafter. Ishraha will not stand beside Stjepan on the
When next Ishraha awakens he is in a circular stone room. The room is bereft of
most comforts and the only light is several glowing orbs that hover near the walls and
cast only dim illumination. He is securely bound hands and wrists to a wall, not by
chain, but by some strange cord so tight the circulation to his extremities has rendered
them numb and tingling. Almost as soon as he awakens, Ataniel steps from shadows
into the dim light, shadows making him skeletal. Ataniels points of discussion
include the following;
- The death of Willona (no explanation why)
- What is he doing? (he shows Ishraha by something that will forever
change Ishraha he will begin a surgery of unsurpassed skill and belief
upon Ishraha, using his hands and strange glass and steel instruments,
warping his flesh to legs and arms, twisting them into bizarre and
elongated deformed appendages that he will no longer be able to use to his.
His limbs and bone will be awkward for him ever after and worse, the
pain of the transformation sends him reeling into a dream like fever that
will ultimately lead to Master Ayas death. In this dream he finds himself
on a sweeping grass plain, the sky is burning yellow and in the sky two of
the moons are full, but the sun appears missing smoke coils in the
distance and stepped pyramid is as red as blood, nay, flowing over with
blood heads of his ancestors mark each step and they silently scream at
him, their eyes plucked out, charred sockets oozing lymph fluid down their
blackened cheeks somewhere, someone is calling his voice [this is Master
Aya, who with Stjepan are searching for him and this alerts Ventine who
uses Israha to lure the monk into the tower alone] asking for where he is
Ishraha will come to, in some agony and unaccustomed use of his body (Strength,
Agility, and Health reduced to D20), to find himself in the upper levels of the Black
Tower. Master Ayas body has been splaye d, his organs removed, and ribcage cracked
open, with every other rib removed and grafted onto his head even Ddekemani can
have fun sadist as it may be. Ishraha will stumble from the tower out into the
blinding sun, deformed and bloody as Stjepan returns triumphant from the war.

~:~ 39
Summer ~:~

We Said Destroy: So begins the momentum for war. Whatever the outcome of Luse
at the hands of Stjepan, Ulyshak takes his strength and decides to ignore Charize and
the Amethyst Leagues advisements and directly attack Pellern with his forces and
those supporting. Lord Grek is prompted into action by Charize to strike out to
Dymas and garner his support and then to take Esovs empty lands, which Grek
does without hesitation. Pavels lands, seen as a haunted and dead place are left.
Dymas relents under Grek and the pressure of the others and promises his support
of non-interference. But before this, Dymas sends word to Pellern by way of a rider,
who is aware of the dangers and skirts the major castles. Ulyshak takes Vasla, killing
all of his men and claiming the estate there. Priests of Zanar hold back their
conversions as they see war, but subtlety does their best to encourage Ulyshak among
the people. The Amazons are left alone in their mining, but word of Ulyshaks
takeover will reach Pellern.
Grek takes Esov on the 41

Ulyshak takes Vasla on the 43

Mott moves his forces south of Charize on the 45

Dymass rider reaches Pellern on the night of the 44

Word of Ulyshaks claim of Vasla reaches Pellern on the 46

The collected armies reach the plains south of the river on the morning of the 48

(Cloud-day) and even Ulyshak is superstitious, but believes it will be bad luck for
his enemies.

Usurpers Forces
Ulyshak 300 men of which 200 are mercenaries and 100 are soldiers of Pellern -
80 cavalry, 120 Archers, 100 swordsmen.
Luse Invarath If captured or killed only 100 of the remaining 200 will fight. If
Luse is alive, he will be disastrous as an enemy, knowing the city well and being a
master tactician.
Lord Mott 40 knights (heavy cavalry) and 40 Pikemen
Lord Mallion 16 knights (heavy cavalry) and 30 crossbowmen NOTE: Mallion
considers himself a reserve and flanking force, but fights only if confronted the
rumours of the castle and Ulyshaks murder of Vaslas men he frowns upon.
Lord Grek 8 knights (heavy cavalry) and 10 swordsmen
Lord Charize 36 knights (heavy cavalry) and 60 swordsmen NOTE: Charize
will attempt a coup much like Stjepan has organized with Luse. He supports
Pellern & Stjepan from behind as a flanking force, but will recognize the danger of
his action if he attacks when he notices Luse attacking and will double cross
Ulyshak and consolidate his support for Pellern, knowing the shift in the heat of
the battle is death for him if he supports Ulyshak.

Pellerns Forces
Lord Stjepan 100 standing army of Pellern, 40 swordsmen and 60 pikemen. 12
knights of the Order of the Silver
Lord Charize see above
Lord Jenovar 18 knights (heavy cavalry), 25 swordsmen/crossbowmen
Lord Sandar 7 knights (heavy cavalry), 10 swordsmen
Lord Dasek 3 knights (heavy cavalry), 6 swordsmen
Lord Harcas 9 knights (heavy cavalry), 10 swordsmen mounted. NOTE:
Harcas attack from the flank though small will catch Ulyshak & Stjepan off
guard. Harcas does not agree with the brutal takeover of Vasla, Esov and
intimidation of Dymas.
The Gorgonn 100 mercenaries mounted, with twenty-five sorcerers for magical

Obviously Pellern is outclassed and outnumbered. However, the ace up their sleeves
is the citadel. If prompted with several days warning Anath can learn enough to raise
the citadels defences and offences. The Citadel is built on the site of a Greater Foci of
Essnce and it can channel said energy to power its massive architectural wonders
built in the First Era of Ire. If Anath is allowed to try to use the Citadel, they will
have a trump card that is unstoppable.

On the morning of Sun-day, Ulyshaks forces can be seen from across the Alana River, their
banners of black, green and yellow are spread out among the hundreds of men gathered in
columns of infrantry, archers and cavalry gathered in the light fog, slowly being banished by
the rising sun from the east. From atop the hills small tents are gathered where men mill in
armour that sparkles like a continuation of the deep green surface of the river.

How will Stjepan fight this battle? How should it be played out? Firstly, strategy can
be arranged with the Lords present who listen and agree (DO NOT FORGET
HARCAS), and then they can assemble their troops. Obviously the skirmish cannot
be fought piece by piece, but descriptions should be meted out. Sound, sight, smell, all
should be elucidated. The sheer cacophony of impact, the terror of screams and roars,
the vicious hack and slash and quick death that accompanies the battle, the neighing
and squealing of horses, limbs cast, blood spraying the air and the smell of it
pervasive, however, certain battles should be met, Harcas flanked attack, Charizes
change of heart, Luse deception crushing the backs of the mercenaries, the chaos of
battle namely Stjepan versus Ulyshak. Ulyshak will meet Stjepan gladly and the
fight will signal the end of the battle should Stjepan win. His sword alone will strike
fear into the hearts of many and be a beacon of hope for those against Ulyshak.
Ulyshak is a towering man and grim in his partial plate, broad like an oak,
wielding his over-sized axe, teeth bared underneath his long handlebar moustache, his
blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail. Allow for shouting and roleplaying as is fit.

Strength: D6 Agility: D12 Health: D6
Knowledge: D20 Perception: D20 Luck: D12

Melee: D8 Riding: D10
Armour: D10

Ulyshaks axe does two health rungs of damage if successfully hit, and a resisted
roll is made against his strength.

The mercenaries will be easily routed once Ulyshak has fallen, but Luse allows
none to survive slaying all who supported the usurper including Mott, who is one of
the last to fall. Lord Mallion holds back upon the hill, in his flanking force, never
straying into the combat and submits when approached.
Once the battle is over, the men are triumphant and cheer and shout Lord Stjepans
name in unison, bashing shields and hoisting their weapons high (all but the

Ishraha: Returning to the castle in triumph, they enter the Upper Ward just as the
door to the black tower opens and Ishraha stumbles out (awkwardly?) covered in

b o o k o n e :: s h a d o w o f l o c u s t

Ulyshaks campaign must cease. He cost Pellern much stricken fear into the hearts of those
he would lead I do not think that is the way to lead people.
Lord Stjepan Nemeck 39
Summer 6053

The shadow integration marks a period of some prosperity and relaxation compared
to the earlier troubles of previous games. Certain points need be elucidated here for
the purpose of continuity from the previous session that will have impact on the
events that swell as undercurrent in this chapter. The timeline of this downtime is to
cover the periods of mid-summer to late-autumn (the last ten days thereof).

Naturally, Luses reintegration into Pellern will be well received by the public who
now see him as a hero, and Luse has no problems getting back to business. Constans,
however, sees this as something else, and uses spies and minions to begin collecting
information about Pellern and its domains. This will lead to war between the two

Willonas death is met with grieving and Luse is initially destroyed by this, but after
a day of mourning picks himself up and is resolute in his emotions.

Master Aya of the Changramai Monastery is now dead and Ishraha will be the first
monk to be cast out of the order in the space of four thousand years.

A Loremaster is sent to explore the use of the citadel and observe the presence of
Unlife that led to a senior Changramai monks murder. Kedrick Bularis is this
individual who masquerades as a knight in Stjepans order.

Beyond those, much remains to be explored and the time should be allowed for
personal growth and roleplaying, a sense of kinship with the land and its people. It
will make the struggle coming up even more epic compared to the would-be dead
usurper Ulyshak.

~:: 40
Summer ::~

Aftermath: The short skirmish leaves much in its wake, especially finding the bodies
of Willona and her handmaidens in the Black Tower. Four circular rooms make up
the tower, the pinnacle the one where Ishraha was kept and Master Ayas body
remains. Lady Willonas remains are upon the 3
floor with the 2
floor as a kitchen
and washing area. Her bed is soaked in her and her handmaidens blood, and their
flesh has been made merged into a large peaked heap upon the floor. Their bones and
sinew are nowhere to be found, but the pile of flesh has been merged so much so that
the skin covers the pulpy matter entirely.
The people of Pellern will be shocked to hear of her death, not many of them even
know she imposed herself in exile. Sympathy is extended to Stjepan as well as respect
for defending Pellern against the usurper and reinstating Luse in what appears to the
public as a well-orchestrated ploy. Mourning over her death will be widespread.
However, the kingdom still remains fractured. Not all Lords swear allegiance to
Pellern, save for the addition of Harcas.
Ishraha must deal with his deformity, in addition to his statistical changes, he can
only use Adrenal actions at great pain to himself, and each turn used takes one health
rung of stun damage. However, his deformity does have some benefits. His bones in
arms and legs have been hardened and give him the same defence he has lost through
the loss of agility.

Stjepans Proclaimations: are widely distributed among the kingdom and raise many
eyes in Stjepans direction as his leadership of the nation has been bolstered by his
performances and words. Though Willonas death was tragic it is met with the
honour of war and aggression against the people, and in this fight, Stjepans loss was
great which makes him more a martyr for their suffering.

The Gorgonn: consider Stjepans offer of continued service at double the rate for a
further two months after their contract ends. Nassain discusses at length with his
men one evening about the situation. Nassain, and others, believe that Lord Stjepan
does not want a mercenary force, but rather some sort of elite and trustworthy army.
The Gorgonn debate this for some time, before the majority comes to the decision to
accept Lord Stjepans offer on terms of their own. Four of the men disagree and part
ways with the Gorgonn.
Nassain meets with Lord Stjepan and plays his move;
- Nassain knows that Lord Stjepan really wants a private militia and he
expresses this to Lord Stjepan.
- He says that such a redirection of their career choice, as a freelance
mercenary group will be damaged should it be known they broke a
contract and accepted a further long-term one.
- As such he says a period of one year is required, paid up front in full to
their accounts in the Sel-Kai bank. This is in case of any harm to them
from this change of service. They are to have their own grounds, within
the castle or without, they dont mind. That the contract previous with
them is nullified, and this arrangement is just as binding, but new.
- He tells Stjepan that four of his men did not agree to this new
classification, and have left. There are gaps, but we have the ability to
train potential individuals so those holes could be filled. He leaves a silent
point there, before continuing. He was wondering if Celim would join. It
would not only heighten Stjepans trust, but the Gorgonn as well. This
offer is not extended to Ishraha, but it is something that if Ishraha
showed a passion for, he would spark Nassains interest. Should Celim
join the Gorgonn he will become jealous.

Kora: goes to Celim, feeling somewhat guilty for her experience through the scrying
device that shocked her so much. He presents to her a necklace as replacement, one
that his mother gave to him before Anath took him away. Crafted on the thinnest
gold strands that pass through ten gold loops all further made by thin bands woven
together. Talk of times changing and how they must adapt to growing threats are
something that cannot be avoided any longer. He expresses his guilt to her and
apologizes, saying he would never intentionally harm her. Continuing, he elaborates
he never knew her talent for the Essnce was so strong and that he will be more
cautious in the future. He asks about the other woman in her life, namely Cindel. He
can smell her presence about Celim. Kora has nothing against the Sisters of Eissa,
and if this leads into discussion on religion, it is something Kora is reluctant to
divulge for fear of Celim being used by Anath, whom Kora is all too aware of his
ministrations. Kora also mentions that Stjepan has a strong interest in her affairs (he
talked to Kora last chapter regarding their relationship, but Kora gave away
nothing). Kora does care for Celim and also is being prompted by Anath to insert
himself into the castles trust.

Xaek: reports to Stjepan in the week following the skirmish that applications to the
Order are many, including women, and they may have to think about turning away
applicants soon. He talks more about a chapterhouse, and also of the Orders focus
being to answer to the Lady of the House, and should it be changed. Kedrick Bularis,
Loremaster insinuates himself into this Order to better observe the machinations
within at arms length.

Changramai Judgement: Four Changramai masters, those who judge the trials come
to visit Ishraha, Masters Umasza (white-skinned elf with white hair), Dieva (dark
skinned bald half-elf), Lysia (aged Laan), and Ulin (Ynar) of the Seventh Veil. They
come by way of Navigator for such a heinous act against Master Aya and worse the
proclamation he made implicating their own in the atrocity, to hear from Ishraha
firstly regarding the murder, then from Stjepan.
Something which immediately the monks follow through on is, how they knew it
was a former Changramai, and they are distrustful of Stjepan who would use the
monks name at the head of their proclamation for political gain. No matter what he
says, they will revoke the Changramai from Pellern.
Then after hearing the facts they make their decision to cast out Ishraha for firstly
not informing others of Ataniels immediate presence, and for luring Master Aya to
his location where this thing of the Unlife held Ishraha. They magically remove his
insignia and strip him ritually of his robes, and recite the following by the laws
established by Tanris Dekdarion for the fulfilment of the Changramai, you
Ishraha are hereby stripped of veil and rank, cast from the Changramai as per the
written instruction of those conspiring with those who go against the order. As factor
of your learning the Monastery has covered the expense of which now falls to you
with the sum of forty-nine thousand six hundred and fifty gold owing the Order for
expense of training.
The Changramai review their charters and decide to veto all work from Pellern for
a period of one year and this they let Stjepan know before leaving.

Achre: See Chapter 5.

Anaths Invitation: seeing a possible ally in the wounded Ishraha, High Priest Anath
undertakes a gamb it for Ishrahas trust and support. Anath asks to see and speak with
him, and discusses the world, and the essence. His main reasoning is that Andaras
chose him when the cat came to him, and if Ishraha would have it, he would skill
Ishraha, like he has Kora in the ways of the God of Cats. It may help him with his
deformities the God of Cats are agile creatures and Andaras rewards his faithful.
Ishrahas debilities for the most part render him unable of physical activity and it
does not appear to be improving. A Faustian pact is offered subtlety. If Ishraha
believes he will not fully realize Anaths true nature until he is firmly implicated and
in the influence of the God by those reasons alone. If he assents to being a novice to
Anath, the High Priest gives him the black statuette of the panther from the altar in
his tent and asks him to sleep with it.
The dream of Andaras is as follows the sky is pulsing dark red, long black
striated clouds smear this red which emanates from a sun that appears held down
with stakes and harpoons by men killing the sun over a stepped temple in the distant
long grass. A black panther creeps past him and lingers, in stalking mode watching
these distant hunters. Movement from Ishraha and the panther follows, the two of
them stalking the temple and the dark skinned men. The panther once within suitable
sight of these men trying to slay the sun, lunges out and attacks one by landing on his
back and knowing at shoulder the men are alerted and with spears make attack at
the black panther If Ishraha intervenes his path is somewhat set, if not, the
panther evades and maliciously slaughters in great carnage all of those here, and then
sits and licks its paws on the top of the stepped pyramid where the sun burns a halo
about the animal.
When he awakens and if he did join the cat in his attack, Ishraha finds his limbs
not as cumbersome as the evening earlier. There is a familiarity about himself that
they were almost with him from birth, and his speed is also combined with an
inhuman strength, his bones literally cannot break.

The Amethyst League: and in particular Majel are particularly annoyed at the set-
back which in part was aided by Celim of whom Majel has special interest, even
more so now after her use of the amulet she used to reverse scry. Lord Stjepans
proclamations after the battle brought forward many seeking the safety of pardon
over the loss of power of the Amethyst League. Luse becomes a hero and a rolemodel
for them, in a way.
This hamstrings their intelligence gathering.
He puts into plan the motion with Halek, the Erlini elf. Halek invites her for a
midday meal, private in a room in the Hourglass he has arranged just for the occasion,
on the second floor overlooking the plains to the south with decorated glass windows
allowing a view of the twilight sprinkling onto the summer plains. Halek is dressed in
his best, a suit of green and gold, his hair tied back into a ponytail. He does his best to
impress with his shy and friendly demeanor. A meal of pheasant and white beans in a
white wine sauce is accompanied with fresh tubers spiced and sweetened in honey,
accompanied by a fine white wine he brings in saying is from Namar-Tol, behind him
a young servant girl passing the corridors carrying sheets smiles at you. The hour
wanes on and on her second glass just as he is serving desert, she feels a rush of
exhaustion overcoming her, getting very sleepy all of a sudden, growing quickly tired.
She can escape this encounter, but Halek will do everything to stop her.
She soon slips into a dreamy unconsciousness, lapsing in and out. She will be
slightly roused by voices next, lying on a soft bed in another room, having to
concentrate which is exhausting, to hear. Everything went to plan? Yes, exactly as
you said, she had no idea. Excellent, I think she will prove to be an interesting
specimen. Looking about she sees herself in a bedroom of sorts, an open doorway and
a silhouette of a person approaching. Focusing reveals Majel Gavant who crouches
down next to her near-paralysed body. His features are strong, attractive and
repulsive, dark as the knot of hair on his head. His suit is black, with gold baroque
decorations, the one he wore when they first met.
My dear Celim, you have proved quite the thorn in my plans, and even more you
surprise me constantly. I think it is time you and I got more personally acquainted.
You had a brief look at my workplace, and I thought it would be more appropriate
that I personally give you a guided tour. What do you say?
With that, Majel takes a syringe, holds down her firmly by the neck and places the
serum against her temple, he smiles, and then pushes it in. The pain is palpable,
feeling the metal spike into her head and then he injects the contents and she feels it
spill into her head and expand, her head contracting by spreading, liquid pain
overwhelming her into unconsciousness.
When she awakens she is shaking uncontrollably, spiritually assaulted, half naked
on the city street, a summer rain falling down on this eve, Majel Gavant a silho uette
over her body. He kneels down to her, a wide brimmed hat keeping his face dry and
thrusts to her the proclamation regarding the Amethyst Leage and spits at her, We
will be back. Her last sight of him is taking mount and fleeing down the streets with
other cloaked riders.
She is in Relian, although has no concept of this.

Jengos Concern: It may not be a day, but Jengo will alert them to it if they havent
noticed; that the Lady Celim has not turned up left to have lunch and told him she
would not be long. This may alert them to her disappearance, of which is final and
several days advanced yet. Jengo spends several hours trying to convince the guards to
let him in, and eventually sneaks in to warn Ishraha at about twilight. No one knows
where Stjepan is, so Ishraha may have to take some initiative, check with Kora, check
her rooms, etc follow a lead to come to the conclusion something has gone terribly
wrong. Eventually enough so hell have to return to find Stjepan.

Aria Reprise: As Stjepan wine s and dines; Celim is kidnapped, bundled,
experimented upon and eventually dumped in a city alien. She arrives that evening
aboard the House Xanaaris Sloop Skyship (p.111 Eidolon), its hull of steel glows,
seeming to drip blood in the early twilight.
She is a vision of radiance that all men stop their jaws at this evening. Her raven
black hair glistens dark and subtlety oiled, pulled back to a bun in her head and her
hair plumed like ruffled feathers, bound by a silvered clasp. Her gown if worn by any
other woman would simply fail, luscious in silver and blue, and layered provoking
silhouette, but totally unrevealing. A bodice of elegant bone ties it all together, carved
with the care of skin. She has come to Stjepan in a deceptive submissive state,
wishing to bring her condolences for his loss, and trying to speak with him in private.
Her appearance is subtle, however, she enters when most have left, but just enough
remember a memory.
She will try to occupy his attention, and then gets down to business, so to speak.
Her radiance alone, so youthful and energetic, she glows an aura that is alluring and
hard to resist. She will try to command the conversation by questions, leading him
slowly into areas where he can relieve his mind, as she appears concerned for him.
A ruse, but one she hopes will work. She asks about all the trials that they have
recently been through, and the proclamations, but she encourages him with wealth of
the kingdom and speeches of praise from the public to him, and that he is a good man
and believes in doing the right thing by others. He improves himself so that others
might see hope within theirselves and that is why I have to tell you this (just as
she is about to drop the Sarnaki bomb) others in the castle, most probably an alerted
Ishraha by Jengo learn of Celims presence and inform Stjepan.

Searching Pellern: will reveal several things. Luse (if reappointed to his former posts)
uses his men to canvas the city looking and listening to anything unusual describing
via notes Celims appearance (which is unusual and does bring a clue), is that the inn
known as the Hourglass, there was something that made him pause in his
investigation, something the bar owner said the new bar owner. It seems he only
just purchased it this day from an elf by the name of Halek, owned the place for some
three years, sold it to him at a bargain, although had been in constant negotiations for
the past few days. Luse moved on to question the barmaids, and one of the girls who
makes up the rooms there, had something interesting to say when he described
Celim to her. Hed best come and have a listen.
There is somewhat of a public fuss milling about outside, as City Guard have the
entire Hourglass Inn on the main road through Pellern closed off and have formed a
cordon. Stjepan is allowed within, where various guests of the lower rooms are being
processed in short interviews. The new innkeeper, a portly wide whiskered man
stands beside her unsure. She looks terrified. Two guardsmen stand close to them
both. Luse asks Allinda to tell the Lord Stjepan what she told him
She does nervously, terrified for her life.
- Master Halek never allowed any into his upstairs chambers except her and
only at the first chime of the midday quintar. She saw he was entertaining a
young lady, one with hair as drained as complexion, and strange violet eyes.
- She went about her business silently, changing his bed sheets and linen, when
she heard something crash, and then footsteps. She froze as voices began
talking about the woman. She felt uncomfortable and when she heard their
voices coming down the hall toward them, she hid in his cupboard. Through
the crack she could see the woman was the same, unconscious. The two men,
of one was Master Halek moved out but she could hear them talking, they said
Everything went to plan? Yes, exactly as you said, she had no idea.
Excellent, I think she will prove to be an interesting specimen. Once we get
her to the tables she will unfold beneath us or something like that
- Then the new man, the one in black with knotted brown hair came back in,
crouching beside her whispering to her and then, she begins to heave and
break down, he put something into her head and she screamed, but only a short
scream and it was like she was dead. He picked her up in one hand and they
both left. She didnt come out for hours, was terrified, too afraid to saying

NOTE: If Kora is alerted to Celims disappearance he is instantly concerned, and
will put himself in a position of sink or swim when the worst gets too much, he tells
them he can find her. He gave her his mothers necklace the other night, so hell
always be able to find her, humbly said. If asked where, he tells them many miles to
the north west, some twelve days ride. Aria will help here, offering Stjepan the use of
the House Sloop, saying they can get to her much quicker. Seeing a potential chance
to gain favour, it is something she easily does. If they get good winds, if it is only 12
days ride, they could make it in half a day.

Relian for All: Unexpected, to say the least. Celim lies battered, shaken, and her head
throbbing uncontrollably. Allow her to act. The streets about her are alien, as is the
glow of the city, which Pellern does not have. Lights and voices can be heard in the
distance. The area she is in is dirty and dilapidated, wet and humid. If she tries to get
up, she hears approaching footsteps, and voices What have we here in a guttural
dialect of Shay Nice bird for the cage dont you think shed fetch an exotic
price Three men try to grab her. She is still too drugged to react, but is conscious as
they grab her and quickly take her through side alleys and eventually down stone
stairs and under ground. There they lock her in an old prison cell. They leave her
there in the dark alone and cold, it reminds her of Bentara. She can hear them
laughing and drinking outside and the dream kicks in
The walls are white and tinged with violet, theres a small trail of blood running to
a hole in the middle of the floor, where it is grime-stained and putrified, the blood is
running from down her leg an open door leads out into her house she grew up in
Bentara. The wood stained floors feel familiar under her somewhat slippery bare feet,
but they are warm. Somewhere in the house sonorous chanting can be heard. As she
creeps, she gets the feeling something is following her. Listening, wet footsteps of
heavy girth can be heard sporadically. The dungeon is running into an utter scene of
butchery and atrocity, with naked nobles copulating with things deformed and alien,
while they ate and tore into fresh bodies tied in fear, writhing in an orgy of gore. This
scene will blast her awake If she creeps about the house, she soon becomes aware of
Mistress Urnchr, stalking like some insect, her legs elongated and arms stretched
and bristling with the striations of bone like tendons and little else, her face curled
back into tiers of teeth, and in her cracked fingers the whip with teeth barbs along
the vines of some plant, embedded with glass chasing her through the corridors
whipping her, tearing at her flesh, slicing with ease, slipping more and more on her
blood. Eventual beating into a bloody unconsciousness awakens her to
a short scuffle outside and the wooden door opens inward revealing a tall man,
cloaked carrying a cloak, he opens the jail and throws her the cloak. He tells her to
come with him. She is still incredibly weak and the shock of the recent nightmare has
left her precariously close to death. If he sees delay, the tall man covers her with the
cloak, hoist her into her arms and depart into the dark street. He climbs stairways
above with her and crosses roofs via gutters and signs until he finally reaches an open
window, letting them both inside, closing the shutters, pulling down heavy blinds,
and he finally lighting a candle. There he pulls back his hood, and the light reveals a
room of moderate size, with a single bed upon which she has been placed. The room
does not appear to be lived in. He is of familiar countenance, having white skin and
long white hair braided with black beads revealing his strongly pointed ears and
aquiline features. His eyes are black, disturbingly empty and lifeless, or seemingly.
This man is JDiema Vsther Cienne, a Dyari Assassin of the elite, but a loner and
outcast much as Celim. He witnessed her drop-off by the nobleman, and saw then
her skin and recognized her as one of his own kind, and then the drunkards
JDiema feels sympathy for her experiences and has just come back from
murdering one of the Chamber of Fives lords, and as he left he saw her. He stays
with her until Stjepan arrives her condition less than able to survive by itself. He
brings her food, water, clothing, bedding, and is noble in all things.
JDiema easily talks of himself to her, how he feels the same discrimination but
also those of his own people. He talks of them casting him out, more trying to kill
him before he escaped he just grew sick of answering to them all the time. Them
are the Dyari elves at Skystone City. He killed a few of those imposing control upon
him and left. And then to find that the open lands were none the different, full of
webs of their own, at first the commoners scorning him, making impossible the
chance of proving oneself. Resources were needed, so the rich provided, yet even in
their circles these monsters have an even finer code of malice and spite than the so-
called ignorant. One in which they weave their little webs about so expertly. How can
one not be poisoned by these monsters, these things?
JDiema is a philosophical man, and thinks before he speaks, and does so in calm
conviction. This will all be interrupted by her sleep, discussion and then Stjepans

Journey and Rescue: Kora is very concerned and humbled, knowing his position is
precarious, and more solidifies trust from Stjepan than trust with Celim, but his
nature he seeks the more profitable matters of manipulation. His nobleness he hopes
will be seen as merit of affection.
Getting to the sloop is a matter of climbing the vines to clamber over, the ship is
lowered somewhat and the crew in tight blue hardened leather uniforms help them
over. The journey on the Sky Sloop is one of impressing speed. The crew of ten male
and female elves speak nothing to the guests, and go about their precise task of
trimming the fore and aft sails and the long ventral sails with delicate prevision with
pulleys and intricate gears. Aria asks Stjepan to accompany her, and in her gown they
descend into the bowels of the ship and its sma ll rooms below. Hers is aft and it is a
delightful room, soft fur carpeting the floor, wooden desks of exquisite craftsmanship
and sculpture define the dark room with ambient light of Orhans light casting silver
through the diamond shaped glass. She moves behind a screen of which her face can
be seen and proceeds to change. While she does she asks him more about the threat
they are going in to face. She comes out wearing her navy blue suit that hugs her lithe
form, whorls of red carve their way over the almost flesh like material, leaving little
to the imagination. A high collared shoulder cloak she wears clasped with a gold pin,
set with red gem. Her raven black hair is pulled back from her exquisite face and
graceful ears. She smiles at him, gracefully strokes his hand as she passes him and
returns back to the ship to the helm. She commands well, and her orders are
committed to immediately, the crew performing superbly. They are flying at
incredible speed, and at the pace they are going, Kora works out that it will take them
6 hours before they reach her. Allow for roleplaying. Eventually Kora tells them they
are coming close
The city of Relians lights highlight the city of Miir that stands on the southern
bank of the Keyten River, just before it joins with the Taursa. The mighty rivers lend
some sanity to the citys size, which though from this height appears childlike, in
comparison to Pellern is tenfold its measure in width and breadth alone. Even as the
sky sloop banks and lowers some kilometre from town, the height of the towering
buildings glow like powerful temples to gods in the hue of the cities constant glow.
Aria says they cannot fly within, as evading red tape is their measure. She will
accompany them with four of her crew, saying that, however, Relian is a city that
they have been watching for some time. They can get in via a cave passing under the
river. And so a wet descent into a shrub covered cave, and they descend into a watery
chamber, that is sonorous with the roaring above as water drips upon them.
Eventually, they make it out, somewhat wet, up and into a room, where after lighting
a candle they dry off. The room has no lights, but one door. Outside of it, they make
their way past many an antique object and collectible in glass cases to the front of the
antique shop and out into the city streets of Relian. From there Kora leads them
strongly, his pace something the elves have to take a few more steps to catch up to.
The city should be sleeping at this hour, but it remains awake, drunken stragglers
yelling obscenities echoing into the streets, groups of shadowed men that cloak and
disappear if noticed, emaciated animals skulking in the shadows, the crying of
children, strange splashes now and then pushing through, the lights wink out, and
the city grows dark in a particularly run down area.
They approach cautiously as Kora says they are not very far at all. Then all of a
sudden, a blue tipped arrow slices the air and embeds between Koras legs, who freezes
in a short patch of light A moment Then Aria moves forward into the light gazing
in the direction of the arrow. Moments pass again, Aria calms them, then another of
her crew, though not with them originally, in blue uniform masked under black cloak
approaches. Her blonde hair is pulled from her face under the cloak, though
discernable, and an elegant longbow is upon her shoulder. She whispers quietly in
elven to Aria, who then turns and relates to them what they know
For some time now we have been waiting to capture a man whos associations
work in malicious elimination. It seems our paths cross. Celim has been described to
me as being here, weak, and near death. She has not been seen from the room we have
had staked out for some time. This foul killer is JDiema Vsther Cienne, a Dyari elf
with a heart as black as the rest of his race. He has left for food in the last few hours
but returned. What is perhaps more pressing to us is that he has just killed a Lord here
in Relian, one of the Chamber of Five, who rule the city. Stjepan, we need him alive,
as much pain as you may wish to put upon him. She may be dead, and if shes not,
this man, this assassin will have her dead unless we immediately act.

Unwanted Guests: JDiema is aware of the watching and of Aria, and when he hears
the rush of feet up stairs and across the roof he waits patiently. Celim, if awake may
hear this as well. He tells her he has to leave now, but these guests will take care of
you and return you to whatever you call home. I dont have that luxury. You have
such beautiful eyes, Celim, elven without doubt, but definitely not human as well,
no, something much more beautiful. In that moment, they burst upon his room.
Stjepan, Aria, Ishraha, her men rush the stairs, led by one of her crew, leading
them straight to the room, with short crossbows at the ready. Aria punches with the
palm of her hand, exploding the lock and is kicked by her crew into the very room
they are in. Celim upon the bed, and JDiema leaning next to the window close to
Celim, Aria draws sword and demands JDiema steps away from her now, saying it
need not end in bloodshed. The elf stares at them all one by one with his dead black
eyes, socketed in his pallid skull and black beaded long white hair. If Stjepans sword
is alight, the elf raises black glove and closes his fingers to fist, winking out the
piercing light, saying I prefer it dark and then the room explodes into a
mushrooming black cloud bursting about them like a giant mushroom spore, the dust
tingling their skin, inhaling it and burying in eyes, nose and ears. After initial shock it
passes and the window is found open and half the head of an elf outside juts over the
lee, severed at the joint of the jaws horizontal Aria screams.

Arias Pain and Anger: The death of just one elf is eno ugh to cause Aria pain. Her
crewmen are her friends and companions the bodies of two further elves along the
roof cause her to collapse in anguish, overwhelmed. Other crewmates, console her and
immediately begin retreating to the sky sloop, taking the fal len bodies of their
comrades with them, they must skulk through the evening streets back to the ship.
There Aria, ashen and faint, lets the characters know they are returning them, and
after must return to Sel-Kai. She farewells them and retires alone to her cabin. The
journey back is sombre and silent. None of the elves communicate as the ship screams
through low hugging clouds glowing silver with the waning light of Orhan
somewhere above.
Returned to Pellern they are, summarily dumped by the elves, distant stares and
even less words, and the sky sloop is racing and gaining altitude even as they

Return Letter: from Korel, no less to her first and then to her second (44
& 48
The Letter from Lord Brage arrives on the 47
, in which Stjepan asks him to return to
find out why he was speaking to Renham. And this time there is a letter from
Trnor some 15 days after the battle (53

Lord Murain: (this marks the 4
session of chapter 6) On the 53
of Summer, Lord
Stjepan rode out with Celi m, Ishraha and others to the castle of Lord Murain, to
settle whatever is between them. This is the encounter. It should be played out with
the following in mind.
The trip takes a good two days ride across untracked territory. The land following
the Alana river rises steeply, and roughly into first hillocks laced with slabs of granite,
to the slow shrink of earth to the almost bare skeleton of rock save the rough and dry
bed of dirt. The heat is much stronger, and late on the afternoon of the second day
they espy Castle Murain.
It stands somewhat illusory against the end of the peaks of the Mountains of Gold, the heat
waves rising from the rocks and your own exhaustion, it shimmers and considering its size
you think for a moment it is an illusion. Castle Murain stands the size of a small city larger
than even Alkarteks mammoth castle, Murain is perhaps shorter, but with massive girth.
Sandstone square towers break the monstrous tan walls that are difficult to distinguish from
the mountainside rising behind it. A weary road criss-crosses its way upward to the castle.
The castle falls from view as they follow the steeped road that slowly ascends upon each
level in tiers. It is on the second to last tier you realize the iron funnels running from within the
stone to their left aiming directly over their head out of reach for a duration of a kilometre,
before the road turns about and upward toward the gatehouses for the last time, arrow slits in
the walls dark and thin. From this tier only the walls of the castle can be discerned, some thirty
feet high and longer than they imagined shadows seen from the parapets.
Eventually they break from the dusty road and come to bear on to the gatehouses that cast a
dark and cool shadow from the fading sun. One mammoth square tower serves as the
gatehouse, with a long and wide dark tunnel leading through into what must be the courtyard.
Iron gates aplenty block any entrance, and the light at the other end silhouettes the men with
halberds in the various compartments.
Close discernment will reveal Murder Holes above, and to either side,
crossbowmen armed and waiting in side windows. Even as they watch four soldiers,
armoured ride into view on horseback at the other end and shuffle.
This arrival is met with suspicion. If Lord Stjepan proclaims himself, it means
nothing to the soldier, who decides to go and fetch his sergeant (red bearded man of
wide stature, chainmail surcoat bearing a run framed at the zenith of a mountain with
a red background and gold itching his beard constantly), who in turn fetches his
captain (tall, with short black hair, twisted nose and cleft lip, speaks slowly and does
not fully believe Stjepan), who in turn fetches (Another bureaucrat?) Lord Murain.
Roleplay out each encounter with red tape, so the arrival of Murain is seen as again
the same.
Murain is young man, dressed in a dark brown suit, and tight pants into knee high
black boots. A long brown jacket with ends of gold coloured trim, long black hair
pulled into a ponytail, walks out officious and begins talking. Murain is really 127
years old, and close observation reveals him to be of middle-aged years. He has ruled
for 105 years as Lord. Wise & wilily, resources aplenty including his men. He begins
by launching an attack. Calus Murain begins saying it must be Lord Stjepan, theres
that magical sword he wields and makes the women swoon. Murain is bitter about the
land that was taken back by his old ally Dreygen. He dislikes this new foreigner who
rolls in with cash buying his way into the favour of others.
Lord Murain will end the discussion, after letting them in no way know who he is,
with walking away, hopefully them asking after Lord Murain, he replying no they
wont get to speak with him, they already have. As he turns from the closed gate he
tells the men to give them until the next Quintar before escorting them from his land.
More soldiers congregate beyond the iron gates.

Other Points: Celim has begun to train Jengo, in how to read and write, promising
him a future. Kora and Celim have settled their differences of relationship and for
the moment are friends. Celim accepts Count Korels offer of ambassador to Pellern.
Lord Stjepan has sent most of Nassains forces to scout out Lord Motts lands and is
considering offering Lord Vaslas lands to Luse Invarath, a position he will take if
offered as much to escape the castle than anything Israha continues to establish a
network of informants. Unfortunately many of his informants are double agents
working for Alkartek. His recruits of go-betweens with the merchants provide him
with minimal information. His scouts and trackers are more in Alkarteks purse and
selectively provide information.

Luse: The Laan Lord looks more distant now than ever. His hair is longer though kept
well, the white lock has traces of silver. His face weathered over the last month in
exile. He speaks in private to Ishraha about this killer of Willona in an official
manner, then moves on to speak with Celim, asking her deep and probing questions
on the point. He considers it a quest of sorts, to avenge Willonas death. He has no
idea Ventine has left some time ago.

Marriage: between Lycus and Wintessa occurs on the 1
of Autumn (as set by Lord
Stjepan) to solidify the estate of Esov is a union of strange beginnings. Initially
shocked, Lycus will think more and then see it for what it is, despite Stjepans current
feelings, that his friend has given him a second chance. He is inspired and tells
Stjepan that he will reward his trust, by showing him he can be the friend he always
was, loyal and trustworthy. Wintessa and Lycus find good company, and love
blossoms peculiarly between them, Wintessa will revel in the freedom of her own
lands, prosperity and beside a man, improving himself.
A state wedding will prove an interesting event, with Stjepan marrying them both
as duties of the Lord. Many of the Lords will be there, including rogue lands save
Murain, even in the spite of Stjepans dispersal back of his former land.
The wedding festival is full of lords, ladies, nobles, and notable figures, gathered
happy and talkative for the most part at this day ceremony in the Lower Ward, on
tables gathered out for the occasion. The sun is strong and a light wind passes through
the Ward carrying pillows of clouds overhead. Wine is drunken freely with the beer,
and tongues will wag. It would be an opportune moment for them all to interact. Its
less a marriage than a social gathering of gossip and curiosity. Many of the nobles are
interested in this Stjepan, murderer, hero, leader, conspirer, they know not, but they
want to get as close as they can to at least find out.
- Lord Sandar: drunk easily and his slovenly nature comes through, fawning
over all women, letting loose with tongue and a pig in general, even if well-
meaning. He will fawn over Lady Celim later in the evening if given the
chance, saying he knows secrets, and the like but it is just a ploy to get more
time with her.
- Lord Temeris: came for the reasons of being aware of those who would try to
govern strongly over his lands. He offers Stjepan a small concession, but more
a favour that Temeris gains, that he takes with him strong farmers and he will
train them in the agricultural sciences he willingly gives to his people, that
way, he can have his people ready for the upcoming weather, how it is wise to
gather your nuts in the summer, than wait in laziness for autumn If Stjepan
rejects, or gives conditions, Temeris simply puts aside his cup and makes his
- Lord Reif: Sits hardly talking to anyone, and if spoken with speaks of the spies
and the dangers still lingering about, how the Amethyst League are in league
with those in Bornay
- Lord Dasek: the hardened knight with the square face and stocky girth, is not
much but of good words for Stjepan, especially now that he has focus back
with a castle on the mend.
- Lord Harcas: Still suspicious of Stjepan, and is greatly suspicious about the
mysterious circumstances around Lady Willonas death.
- Lord Charize: Remaining in the background, succinctly loyal and secretive,
especially from the mind of Jarolaime. He acts a little bored, but otherwise
entertained. Chaffed by the Amethyst League, death is the least of their
- Lord Jenovar: Proud and pleased to be under Lord Stjepan, secure in his
knowledge of judge of character in one leading strongly. They have history
now and fought on the battlefield. Jenovar is intensely loyal even in the death
of the Lady of the House.
- Lord Mallion: who refrained from participation in support of Ulyshak, and
with wisdom, is reserved but quie tly intelligent observing the power play. If
spoken to, will be courteous yet give nothing away. His manner may allude to
his nature, of having weighed the facts of more needless death when faced
with one more suited to wielding the power. In other words, he is more
powerful and safe than if Ulyshak were on the throne.
- Lord Dymas: may be a blessing to Stjepan, as it was his rider that delivered the
warning of the impending attack. Dymas is relieved to not feel the pressure,
but still fears Charize and Charize is silently plotting Dymas death. Dymas
refrains from speaking of his concern.
- High Priest Anath: Friendly and engaging with all of the Lords and Nobles,
his way with words soothing their mouths to his heart, and he feeding on
- Kora: Tries his best to be near Celim, but often at the side of Anath, he meets
her at the bar and eatery provided.
- Lord Constans: This entrance is the most unexpected of all. Constans enters
without any entourage, dressed in black and yellow striped leather, walking
through the nobles smiling broadly up to Lord Lycus and embracing him and
congratulating his old friend, and saying to the audience, not to worry, hes
just here for the wine short laughter later, the murmurings begin. Constans
embraces his brother strongly. Discussion begins, Constans plays it cool,
always in control and smug beyond reproach. He takes a shine there and then
to Lady Wintessa and later, out of sight of Stjepan he catches her alone and
together they consummate an illicit wickedness that leads to Wintessas
damnation and freedom. Lycus later learns of this Constans is here to
insinuate himself into Stjepans affairs, but does not stay the night, leaving by
horse in the evening and joining a small party outside before heading
southward along the southern road of the Alana River until home.

Kulukus Warnings: A few days after this, a Kuluku Intermediatary (see SW Atlas 3
timeline), arrives by Navigator before Lord Stjepan. The Kuluku sent out
Intermediatarys at one time, but the one sent to Lord Stjepan was delayed, in part to
delay potential adversaries noting such an arrival. They have been aware of the white
eog store for some time, coupled with the recent rumours of the citadel under Pellern
that Lord Stjepan is thought to know how to wield, the Kuluku seek allies, and know
that Stjepan is in danger. The arrival is in part to persuade him to break the contract
with Sarnak.
Nema arrives after supper, and after some surprise at the Kulukus arrival by
navigator, a servant leads the Kuluku man straight to Lord Stjepan. Nema has a
history of sorts residing in Pellern, Kora and Anath specifically. Kora did not, as he
often laments, go with Anath, but rather conspired with the passing Priest into giving
offerings, artefacts, and herbs. Sacrifice was the last measure, something Anath
planned as much to get Kora to flee with him. Told to take a young woman upon an
altar, Anath was caught by Nema, her brother in the process. When Kora and Nema
confront, Kora is on the back foot, Anath is surprised and sees the arrival as the
impetus to move things forward into action.
Nema is tall and slim, his skin a soft and rich deep brown, much like Koras, his
hair is long and straight to his waist, black and silken. His eyes emerald bright,
beyond a loincloth and an overcloak made out of similar material yet decorated in dies
patterns and symbols. A satchel hangs from his neck on the inside close to his skin.
Nema is not shy and speaks Shay with a strange dialect, but isnt too murky in
what he speaks. Nema having walked the halls can distantly sense the scent of Kora,
the man who raped his sister.
- His name, how he comes from the Jungle of Quon to the east, in the land
known as Khm-Kaan.
- He and many others have journeyed to cities and trade areas as the Kuluku
wish to trade with the world beyond the Jungle.
- They have many plants that will bring much money. They wish to work with
the rulers, provide them with income for allowing them trade.
- The Kuluku wish to offer their plants and skills in extracting uses from the
plants to Lord Stjepan. They in turn wish for him to stop mining the Eog with
arrangement of the Sarnaki. This may cause controversy with Lord Stjepan, so
the Kuluku offers to show him just how rare and powerful their herbs are. He
asks for someone who is near to death, physical injury.
- With a few herbs, he literally helps the man recover back to full health from
an almost given death. This takes a period of a few days for him to recover, but
his signs are strong and encouraging.
- Nema must visit Stjepan next when Kora and Anath are present. Nema will be
shocked, and revert to his native tongue (gutteral grunts and extreme facial
expressions) as he speaks to Kora. Kora looks troubled and will leave, having
to pass Nema, who spits upon Kora Anath leaves after Kora, with Nema
hurling strong words as the High Priest leaves. Nema then challenges Stjepan
with their presence, demanding to know if he so openly conspires with
enemies? He tells them that many sun cycles past Kora helped a visiting Priest
by stealing artefacts, gold, jade, and showing him secret grottoes where revered
plants grow they chased them, but always the Priest of the Cat in Shadows,
evaded them until Kora took his sister and deep in the jungle they found him
taking her on a shrine forgotten by the ir people for its dark channelling. He
escaped again though, and this time with the Priest of the Cat in Shadows, fled
Khm-Kaan entirely.

The herbs Nema offers are the following;
Rud Tekma (rare edible fruit yellow & black spotted augments
spellcasting) price. 25gp
Curfalaka (pinkish and edible tapered fruit restores torn muscle) price. 40gp
Efrid (white flower placed in the mouth of man, restores any nerve damage)
price. 250gp
Irona (boiled long grey leaf heals any mental illness) price. 85gp
Sek (nectar of gold deep belled flower that heals those in coma) price. 20gp
Ah Reya (golden berry that can revive the dead) price. 4000gp

(beginning the 5
session of this story arc)

Confrontation with Andaras: Kora and Anath are not suspecting this strange and
sudden surprise and illumination of their past. If confronted the most probably action
on Kora and Anaths part will be to instantly react because of Stjepans propensity to
do just that, order first and consider later they did not wish this at all though and
have no intentions of explanation since they believe they have been open and honest.
Anaths true power has only been witnessed in small order in the south when they
met with Luse in Alana Forest. His ability to manipulate the minds of others is a
well-deserved gift from his lord, as his own ministrations without channelling can
often be as remunerative. But sour milk has spoiled it all Anath will instantly take
control of the weaker minds among the group to turn on any challengers with might,
and Anath is sufficiently powerful to cripple Celim because of his personal
knowledge of her. He is uncertain of the demon imprisoned within the sword Stjepan
wields, and as for Ishraha Anath sees no threat and appeals to Ishrahas belief in those
of Andaras, so far that Anath will provide him with memories not currently in mind.
Kora will be a real danger. The spirit of the cat truly becomes alive with him, his
physique comes into action, rippling, lean, powerful he uses his natural claws dipped
in poison creeping through the dark with sense of smell unrivalled, he will disappear
into the city at night and will be almost impossible to track down, at least, without
Nema Anath will want to subdue Celim at any cost, hunting her out, seeking the
other key using Kora if he can. He will enter her mind and challenge her metaphor
is Anaths key to her nightmare world.
the cupboard stinks with your own sweat, shivering in the tight yet empty cell, outside of
the foetal position you can hear the distant sounds of movement through the house
and the sounds grow closer, doors opened and shut, echoing through corridors and carpeted
the corridor is her family home, the torture palace of youth, arcane in its decoration, warm
and baroque, yet reeking of mould, prelude to decay
with the closing footsteps, the fetid whisper of hushed voices and cries, rustles like a snake
over carpet toward you
(every corridor she takes, she faces the closing Mistress, whose chitinous and lanky legs
crouch and crawl, pulling the deformed body of her grandmother after her, a whip of black
throats with slavering white teeth screeching and writhing her face is a smear of flesh
mashed to a pulp, even the bone distorted)
Celim can beat Anath, her potential is raw and if channelled she has the ability to
not only push Anath from her mind, but cause him some discomfort and surprise as
well. By letting herself believe in the illusion warping within her mind she will
become entrapped until such time that the Mistress chokes her with mandibles and
tears her neck off (which is Anath taking from her the key she wakes later).
Disbelief is her strength, especially on such a touchy subject.

Strength: D6 Agility: D8 Health: D8
Knowledge: D20 Perception: D8 Luck: D8

Melee: D8 (poison) Cripple: D12
Armour: D12 Dodge (can use once per round)

Koras ability to cripple is compounded from several factors, his strength and
power, claws, and focus of the motions of a large cat as channelled via Andaras. In
addition Kora has dipped his hands in an oil-based poison. This ritual Kora has
performed is one empowered by Andaras, Koras external skin is immune to the
effects of the poison (though if his hands are cut he too will suffer its effects), and
with his claws he can inflict serious suffering. The poison instantly burns on
contact with open wounds as it finds a way to travel inside (takes 1 wound extra
even if resist the poison) where broken down the poison numbs the body over a
period of one hour, eventually causing body to bleed to death through pores and
orifices as the poison liquefies the internal organs.

Strength: D20 Agility: D20 Health: D12
Knowledge: D8 Perception: D10 Luck: D8

Melee: D20 Channelling: D10 Spellcasting: D10
Armour: D20 Black leather & golden greaves

Anath will use his spells to channel and influence the minds of those who accost
him, preferring to stay out of melee, though if pressed he will unleash a deadly
weapon, channelling lightning from his wristbands, with each blast doing 3 health
in damage.

Well, Mareesh, you can tell your god if its war he wants, its war hes got.
Celim Vortsh 3
Autumn 6053

Kora and Anath were both slain on the 3
of Autumn. After hearing Nemas story they sent
Luse with guard to surround the tent and from outside they called forth the charges, demanding
they come out. Anath, shocked made a decision to exit fighting, rather than pass themselves
over obviously something had swayed Stjepans mind. Anath had Kora perform a ritual and
left him to create a diversion, but guards rushed the tent. In the battle it was Celims blade
that caused Koras death, dying by the wound on his hand inflicted by Celim partly a
decision by Kora as well knowing well what would happen.

Married Couple: In a months time, in the warm month of autumn, a happy Lycus
letter reaches Lord Stjepan inviting him to Esov to stay for several days. This happy
excursion will only deepen the tragedy already in store for Lycus and Stjepan.
Constans has great influence on Wintessa and he is planning his masterstroke with
her at any and every available moment. Letter to Lycus.
Travel to the Esov estate will pass through several Lords realms, notably Charize
and Radomir. Both visits should be an experience.

Sarnak Contract: Breaking the contract to mine the eog will prove more difficult than
expected. Stjepan can call the Secretary Minister from the mining camp, and Achre
will come. She will be displeased to say the least. It will cost her her job and life. To
break the contract requires a payment of fee by the contractor of the sum of 15,000
gold immediately to the other. Contract is terminated immediately, with remaining
sums paid in full to either parties. Achre demands Stjepan reconsider, but for the most
part has no weight. Sarnak now views this act as something of treachery against
them. They leave vowing it wont be the last they hear of this.

Nassains Men: return with news from the south. They killed successfully 32 brigands
with semi-permanent camps in the Alana Forest, and 21 fleeing mercenaries. Lord
Vaslas estate was for the most part deserted. Some old bodies, which his men
discerned as the guard were found in the forest nearby, in poor shape considering the
wolves. Lord Mott has dug himself in preparing for siege, and for the most part has
been receiving large hoards of food. They estimate his numbers at two score knights
and four score soldiers, including some of the more loyalist supporting Ulyshak. The
Gorgonn do believe successful siege could be managed, with quick elimination of
most of Motts forces. It would have to be elimination though. Thats a big call for
Stjepan, as those men have families.

Post-Wedding Meeting: A gathering of Lords has remained on until the 5
Autumn when Stjepan had sche duled a meeting. Namely these were; Lord Sandar,
Lord Temeris, Lord Reif, Lord Dasek, Lord Charize, Lord Jenovar, and Lord Mallion.
This meeting was called by Stjepan and will play out interestingly. Many of the Lords
have a grudging respect for him now.

This meeting starts a council of five, including Stjepan to govern Pellerns affairs close to a

Passing Charize: Charize is reached early evening although even in summer this close
to the Mountains of Gold, night comes quick. Long thin, yellow and black striped
pennants hang from the towers of Charize. A small collection of cottages cluster
around the smaller ancient highway and the castle itself proper that stands tall above
the lands much like castle Jenovar, but whereas Jenovar castle is slim and tall,
Charizes has many features of an extended keep.
Gaining entrance to Charize is easy, a low dark tunnel is long and disorientating
that leads to the courtyard before the towering dark granite spires of Charize. Men
garbed in chain mail and surcoats of yellow and black angles mill about the walls of
the outer castle and the courtyard. Lord Renham by occasion is there as the Lord pulls
up on his steed with entourage, he chews on a fresh apple and with some nonchalance,
welcomes Lord Stjepan.
Charize castle is dark and narrow, with the feeling of mountains of stone pressing
in upon them at all time. Charizes dining hall is much different from Stjepans. With
hands outstretched one can touch the ceiling. Here in a small room, a table has been
built, it could not have been moved, and leaves little room beyond. A fireplace is
empty, and several stout doors lead off. Charize sitting at the head of the table on a
carved chair into magnificent horse and mane, gets up as they arrive, and heartily
welcomes Lord Stjepan into his home, and mentions the surprise.
Charize will entertain them, here, if possible. He prefers they not wander the castle
and guards are alerted to intervene in the warren of tunnels should they try. He will
offer them drinks and try his best to bore them into sleeping. There he will separate
them, Stjepans quarters his best, and in a room larger than the dining room, decked
out in blood red accoutrements, carpets and tapestries.
The others will have rooms in a maze from each other, so that Charize keeps them
down to a minimum exposure to each other. Charize gives them provisions for the
next leg of the journey, wishes them farewell, and then gets down to worrying and

Lord Radomir: is reached late on the following day, following a small paved path that
leads north toward the Alana river from the old highway heading toward a copse of
trees. Closer to the trees and the fading light reveals Radomir. Of a sandy hue akin to
the Mountains of Gold themselves, the chateau/castle is a five turreted house jutting
partially out over a small lake resplendent in water lilies toward the river.
Men-at-arms holding pikes at the arched entrance on one face of the building are
dressed in gold and green and stand at attention. After learning of them, they are lead
in by another man-at-arms into the small courtyard. The house around them is two-
storied with a third story pushing out of the peaked roofs between each stair -tower at
all corners of the building. The interior is golden and in the twilight takes on a warm
Lord Radomir is instantly alerted to newcomers, through his spyglass (a gift from
years ago). Lord Radomir is a strapping boisterous lad of some early twenties. He
commands utter respect from everyone about him and he treats his staff well. Dressed
in ruffled shirts over which a heavily brocaded green jacket smothers, long brown hair
left free. Radomir constantly is planning when he can next go fishing. Radomirs
madness is somewhat obsessive and mildly schizophrenical. Radomir at any point
will become fixated, almost mesmerized by one topic, item or object of mild interest
and he approaches that subject very irrationally without any reason. For the most part
he is harmless and of good intentions. He knows he is a lord and knows his duty to
the people in the lands surrounding the estate. He has little concern for the world
beyond those walls, as he sees it is not for his concern, legally and morally he takes
already upon his shoulders great responsibility.
Radomir will treat them well in his spacious and wooden panelled halls and rooms.
It is quite a relief from Charizes castle. The rooms are opulent and spacious, darkly
hued in design, bas reliefs upon the wood panels. If anything the rooms are a little
cluttered with furniture, but oh what furniture. The staff is friendly and if anything a
little homely, the castle feeling less militant and more like a home to escape to.

Esov Estate: The Esov estate overlooks the wide bend of the Alana river from high
flats that sweep on somewhat of an incline toward the banks of the expanding river.
In summer, the plains are sweet yellow, broken by old gnarled trees scattered across
the lawn to the estate of Esov. As they converge closer the estate is visible, much
smaller than Radomirs but no less beautiful in its setting. In the distance beyond the
estate farmhouses can be espied, people toiling on the land.
Only one small spire juts from the distant northern corner of the state overlooking
the descending plains, shaped like a keep, but each wall roofed and peaked and
entranceway into the estate faces the corner close to the highway that passes it. Two
men-at-arms are stationed there, dressed in a checkerboard of red and black surcoat
over armour. They stand to attention seeing the entourage arrive and welcome them
by name and lead them into the courtyard.
There stable boys run out and help with the steeds. Several other men-at-arms in
dress walk the shadows of the small pillars of the open corridor, accessed by a wall of
arches from the courtyard. A second balcony above close to the turret, facing the main
house itself too is patrolled by men-at-arms.
The house itself is three-storied and forms the south-eastern side of the building,
with a stairway with stone railings leading a short way to the double doors. These
doors are opened as they have dismounted, by a suited manservant and Lord Lycus
and Lady Wintessa welcome their guests.
Lycus looks extremely well, in good health, mentally, physically and emotionally.
He believes himself deeply in love with Wintessa and in the matter that she has the
same feelings in return. He is warm and friendly with them all, and is proud of how
he has turned around the estate, with new guard, and people to help in running the
place, someone stable to look up to.
Lady Wintessa is gorgeous, and the smile on her face is more honest (shes
refined her talent, thats all). Her dress is pale blue, and hugs her sublimely. She is
never far from Lord Lycus arm and smiling at him always. It appears she is in true
happiness, and that is the card she plays, that the freedom of being away from the
castle didnt offer her that rebellion, so why rebel she found herself, and then fell in
love blah blah Her infidelity with Constans, has led to many a late evening
encounter across the shores, and conspiring aplenty with the hungry lord. Her
betrayal is most brutal. She plays the changed woman.
He invites them in, manservants taking their bags and he leads them (nobles only)
to their rooms. Their rooms are on the second floor close to the spire, facing south
over the sweeping plains toward the river that sparkles like molten gold among the
fields of yellow. The view from the second floor is astounding - the rooms are just
comfortable. Though not as opulent as Radomir, the rooms are wide, low as are all the
chairs and beds. A small balcony has unimpeded view save for a few feet of iron
He asks them to settle in and when theyre ready come out and hell lead them to
the evening meal. Both he and Wintessa are huddled together against a window sill
that looks into the courtyard, when they open the door. Play up their love. It must
appear real. They will doubt. Make it absolute in their minds. They lead them up to
where they will be eating, and it is the third floor of the spire. They follow the
internal stairwell from the end of the stairs and ascend into a windowed wonder.
They have come out and up into a side of the circular tower, and about them
windows, interspaced by small pillars. The sun is setting and the golden light is
blinding and warm, and the room just hums in comfortability. A circular table has
been arranged, about which sit many a comfortable high backed chair. The room stays
warm for the evening. Let them enjoy a meal of roast pheasant and roasted vegetables,
cooked exquisitely, accompanied by a good wine the view about them is simply
astounding. From the second floor it was wide, from here they can see far into
Alkartek, and far to the north and Keliir. The old forest, the Grey Grove can be espied
far to the west, and to the south the silhouette of Pavels castle if one looks close
enough. Strategically a hint is dropped. Lycus talks with Stjepan, thanking him
profusely for allowing him the opportunity tells Stjepan he has never been happier
in his life. As they talk, and drink port after the meal, they watch the sky churn the
land before the river, and the land over the river, into a mass of red, with the river a
deep bloody gash inbetween.
Wintessa has no harm against Celim but may use the Ladys friendship toward
the married woman against her, by exploiting and promoting her story of love and

This scenario differed with Stjepan and Lycus riding along Alana river and noticing the troops
arrive instead of receiving notification from Harcas. Stjepan rode across the river into
Alkartek territory and spoke with the indignant Lord Harcas before riding home, beginning the

Trnor & University: Upon their return they find Trnor has arrived in their
absence and they bump into him as he comes from the Lord Adjudicators office. He
arrived some days ago, the Lord Chancellor giving him entry, room and free reign to
the castle. Trnor looks well, in a silver and white trimmed summer outfit,
obviously from the tailors of Danarchis. His hair is not much longer and kept pulled
back into a tail. Gone is the look of anxiousness that once was prevalent, and his spirit
is much lighter since leaving Alkartek. In his time about the castle he has been
assured in the good choice in his decision to join with Stjepan and help him. People
say nothing but good of him in the face of much hardship, and has great interest in
sustaining the city, people and trade.
The Erlini will be warm and friendly to Stjepans confidants and Trnor appears
an honest elf. Trnor sees potential not just in the city but in the ruler as well, and
he is more than happy to help. He will listen with much interest to any stories or
places they have to show him. He considers everything with gravity and is not quick
to reply, and Stjepan knows him to do this. Trnor will feature often in the story
and should be an NPC the characters can discuss openly with, knowing he is a friend
without ulterior motives.
Over the following weeks Trnor spends time interviewing and hiring teachers,
arranging books, paper, ink, tables, chairs, other furniture, and refurbishing.
Consensus is mixed on the university among town. Artists and historians join and are
provided work and board, a gallery arranged for the 1
floor of the makeshift
university, the Eagle Tower. Many of Constans spies take this opportunity of access
to the castle, posing as artists.

First Punch: word of Lord Pavels death reaches Pellern. A rider arrives on that day
among the rumour to report the death officially to Pellern. He personally and gravely
relates that on the night, Lord Pavel was found murdered in the courtyard. Details?
Sketchy, the rider unofficially says they found him lying looking up at the sky with
his throat torn out men-at-arms were all about but no one saw anything. Lord Pavel
has no heir and no wife nor family. The land is basically without a lord. They were
burying the lord three days after his death (chances are Stjepan has missed it since the
rider took five days to reach Pellern).

Second Punch: Lord Harcas letter to Lord Stjepan informing of the forces building up
in Keliir.

Invitation: a letter arrives for Lord Stjepan from Orian. If Lord Stjepan decides the
letter is of sufficient curiousness to warrant a visit, play out the following encounters,
if not, Lord Dall will try to make travel to Pellern instead, however, his timing will be
late before they can properly and politically intervene against Constans who is
playing a deadly game. It is a twelve-day ride with little in the way of civilization
along the smaller highway. It could be dangerous, not to mention interference to their
schedule. Then again, if they do go, it sets up perfectly the coup de grace that
Constans seeks.

Journey to Orian: Being a twelve-day journey, five days of which are spent in the
lands of Pellern, it is a story that may be played or skipped. Enounters along the way
in the following description can be played out if wished.

Once again you follow a route not long undertaken, the dense warren of Charizes castle,
the strange relaxation and opulence of Lord Radomir. Onward, the company of Lycus and
Willona seemed refreshing and a pleasant and friendly diversion before the sombre
emptiness of the Pavel castle, haunting in its terrified inhabitants. Lord Greks castle too
proved empty of its lord, its inhabitants content in keeping the household the Lord having
fled one night upon his return from the battles. Beyond those outer edges of Pellerns lands
the mighty Alana River joins from its three forks, which in legend relate to the three facets
of Mynistra Love, Wisdom, and Protection. The massive river accompanies the Imperial
Highway from Bokpentok that crosses the river and joins the smaller to Pellern.

From then on the summer warmth builds into strong and towering columns of clouds always
threatening in the distance heaving like massive lungs. On the yellow plains for the most
part overgrown and untended, distant castles and estates of Orian Lords grace the horizon
while those few mighty that do front the road are nothing but blackened stumps. Now ruins
of the Katras progression into Orian and his eventual destruction of the Monarchy that
ruled Miir. Providing hesitation and safety at night, their burnt scent smothering
everything, the ruins provide a haven of unfamiliar shadows in the open spaces. Very few
travellers join you in the respite from the cooling evenings, even with fire.

Many days pass before you finally crest the rise of hills you have been scaling for nearly all
morning and come into full view of the ancient city and the ocean behind it. Though
landlocked, you can understand why the Sea of Votania is so entitled. So massive is its girth
that its shore stretches out to where the eye hazes and dissolves the horizon. It is like
arriving on the shores of a great sea, a white blur where land meets sky. Orians sky squats
above you, wide and bloated and mottled, rippling with ready mouths, the city itself bathed
in rays of light from rends in the cloud. Gargantuan walls hulk beside the western estuary
of the Alana River and out and across the bay as well. Many a road cross the other hills
sweeping low to the city, from along the east coast across the river a road disappears into
large forests on the opposing bank. South from Helberna, and across the plains from
Chelzaria the four highways converges. Once there were five highways, although the fifth
was implied, that being of the port of Orian, being the gateway to Aldain Castle on the
island of Votania 50 leagues south across the water, where once the Emperor of all Emer
ruled. For the most part the city is wide and low, its colourful collection of multi-storied
dwellings, form a mosaic, with more prominent features rising decayed and ancient. Pennets
and banners are a constant and writhe in the fresh breeze, thousands of birds howeve r
betwixt storm and land, a cloud in their own right.

Closer to the city and it is less as grand as one might have hoped for the port to the
Emperors home. The walls are stained, chipped and damaged in places signs of siege
obviously apparent. Two monstrous towers you approach appear to be in disuse and no
attention has been made to their upkeep. All gates leading in to the city are open, but at all
stand men-at-arms inspecting every cart, every person. You make the gates unimpeded it
is like some disease has claimed this place.

The guardsmen will stop them, informing that to enter the city an entry fee of 5bp is
required. In addition they must state their reasons for business in the city. This is just
a formality and if they interject stating their business, it will be considered seriously
and their captain informed, who returns out after them with a scroll & board and is
checking papers. He nods for them to enter, after paying their entry fee (regardless of
who they are), and then leads them through into the city.
Beyond the gate walls, is a sea of old and weathered cobbles upon which a city has
been built, and layered. The houses all leer two or more stories and are pressed
together with some lack of direction, yet it is not a repulsive place. Many of the
buildings are aesthetic to the eye but the claustrophobia is a little overpowering. There
the guard has a soldier escort them all to Councillor Dalls home. The rider is dressed
in uniform, though only carries sword, a pennant is strapped to his back a flag of a
white unicorn upon a golden field, to match his surcoat. He leads them quickly
through the city streets, people courteously stepping aside as if used to the traffic. The
city they traverse is long with streets askew and straight, making it quite a confused
journey. There is no end to the people, and no end to the buildings. White seems to be
a predominant colour in all shades of sickness now and then large temples and
architecture is glimpsed in brief alleys but lost in the crush of the residential aspects.
The city begins to clean and become less cumbersome after some thirty minutes ride,
the streets widen and the houses actually breathe between each other, actual grassed
areas begin to pop up and more and more as they ascend a hill with quite the view
over the harbour in twilight. Many a fishing vessel is pulling in to dock and the port
itself looks like a cluster of ants returning to their burrows from their height. Finally
they reach the Dall mansion.

Meeting the Councillor: the mansion stands on their right above them looking across
a small steeped grassed front. Five powerful pillars support a triple arched roof of
stone slabs. Windows are glass and reach to the third floor, an iron fence some six
feet in height running around the small width of the property surrounding the house,
but covered in berry creepers. The soldier bids them fare well. The iron fence joins in
two gates wide enough to fit a cart easily through onto the shingle area before the
front door. They will be met at the door by a manservant dressed in a simple blue and
white suit with an elongated face, who immediately has two more rugged men take
their horses and lead them around to the side of the house, disappearing from view
and taking them to the stone building that functions as stable. The servant who
speaks nothing leads them inside immediately to a foyer, turns raises a finger toward
them to wait and sweeps away. The foyer is deceptive in its size, disguising the
buildings true volume. As wide as the building is the foyer, with matching stairways
of marble leading up to balcony from which many a light stained door leads. Along
the warm tiled floor before them, a long corridor descends like a tunnel into the
seemingly vast complex that the manservant has headed down. All about them plants
are growing, in pots, along sills, and in small-arranged waterfall areas in the foyer. It
is calming. Eventually someone returns along the tunnel, followed by the manservant.
Lord Imbrus Dall is a stocky man, if a little short, and indeterminate of age, though
definitely a man aged with wisdom. The lines on his forehead and around his eyes
and mouth are pronounced, but well used, his smile crushing his face into a knot
while his bald palate shines. Dressed in robes of black with two slim parallel blue lines
marking the edges of his garment he is open armed as he makes his way toward them.
You would undoubtedly be Lord Stjepan, I humbly welcome you to my home, sir.
Lord Dall is very warm in his welcome to those accompanying Lord Stjepan, and
says to them any ally of Lord Stjepans is welcome here. Lord Dall asks him about his
trip as he leads him into his mansion. He takes them up the stairs and through the last
door on the right and follows an even longer corridor with glass windows looking out
onto the street and neighbour. Many a door leads off this, but he stops at the end of
the corridor passing through into another that leads to a change of suite, dark sepia
tones the colours. The entire suite is provided for them, with Lord Stjepan in the
master suite that has accompanying running hot water, fire, etc. Servants are
provided. He asks they call for him when they are ready to eat and they can dine
together with the other guests the other guests? didnt he mention to Stjepan in his
letter meeting with influential people? Well, he arranged for it for them all to be here
to meet together, this evening. He does not say who is going to be there. Let them
explore their baroque paradise and find many a decadent toy that is simply divine.
When they wish to dine, Lord Dall returns and leads them to eat.
They descend down the tunnel that is lit for some depth, let them chat. Lord Dall
lets them know the other guests are all seated and are only awaiting them before they
can eat. At the far end, the tunnel finds stairs and rising from them they enter into a
glasshouse that faces the rising back yard of Lord Dalls mansion. A back yard that is
rich in trees, foliage, birds, insects that it exists surreal from the city they came into.
A long black wooden table sits eight people, all of whom stand as they enter. Their
faces are all new save one who stares back at them with sharp green eyes, a curious
smile on Count Bryce Korels lips, accompanying him one of his men notably
bowed Lord Dall introduces them all, but not the aides, even neglecting Stjepans
allies save Lady Vortseh who is of some repute. Lord Dall says, I believe you and
Count Korel are already familiar?
Lord Archbishop Carn, of Northern Helberna, answering to the High Archbishop
herself. With sway over all of the Lord Bishops north of the Langasse River bordering
on Orian and Chelzaria. In robes of pure white with gold trim, Carn is a gaunt man,
whose bones are longer than normal and slightly askew. Moreover, one of his eyes if
green and the other blue. Around his neck on a silver chain hangs a pendant of a
triangle with runes inscribed on each face. Quiet, but polite, introspective thinking
before speaking and considering the protection of the people to be of prime concern.
His concerns are the rising tides of conversions and atrocities by the Inquisitors of
Zanar throughout Miir. His other concerns include The Black Dawn, which if pressed
he reveals, a cult he believes has spread from the east into Hstra and is building a
deviant following, their rituals involving self-mutilation and sorcerous sacrifice.
Lord Lystor, is a tired looking man, nervous and anxious. The look of someone on
the edge is the impression of Lystor, who hails from Tovor south of Relian near the
Spine of Emer. Reluctant but friendly, Lystor is polite, but always hesitant, his replies
seeming to always wish to finish the conversation by saying as little as possible. He is
clothed in dress leather armour, hardened and embossed with decoration, his hair
somewhat greasy and messy, and an averting look on his face when he greets. Lystor
is with a young and silent knight with sparse blonde hair upon his hair. He is
desperate about the Red Dragon, Motar Voorg that has raided towns and destroyed
manors across his land, and he has watched the attacks increase.
Count Hirotha, of Bokpentok has little in the way of land and people compared to
Alkartek and the Count is here because of fear. An elderly man, in his autumnal
years, but with the alertness of someone younger. His long white hair is kept in a
topknot but flows over his suit of greys. A young squirely knight in chainmail is at
his side, head bowed. Hirotha speaks with a lisp, but otherwise is talkative and open
to being a party to those he can potentially ally with. He knows Constans is amassing
an army from the fractured armies of the Katra seeking employment and near his
borders Constans armies have been practising manoeuvres.
Baroness Midenna, of the Vornian city of Gelbentex has special invite due to her
friendship with Lord Dall and the political instability south of her in Dynax, fast
becoming a city of thieves. The Baroness is a tall woman, not beautiful, but attractive
in her nobility, dressed in a brocaded black gown, an amulet of an eye in silver about
her neck. Her black hair is held in a bun and she is respectful and thoughtful in her
words. She is concerned over the deterioration of Dynax. She secretly fears the
Amethyst League is gaining strong control over the city.
Count Korel, believes he has successfully routed those associated with Ventine,
whom by accounts too may be of the Amethyst League. Korel fears too that Sarnak
are secretly preparing to take Bentara, since it is a major trading route, especially now
that Sarnak is the strongest growing trading metropolis in all of Hstra. Many more
caravans pass through accepting the Port of Izars trade. Sarnak took Falkenna when
it deemed profitable to do so. The Amazonians he fears could easily snatch Bentara.
Lord Dall, is worried about the Sarnaki and does not trust their motives. He also
suspects the Amethyst League of coordinating much of the smuggling and thieving
plaguing Hstra, and if not directly, then indirectly. Another concern is his belief
that Constans of Stjepan may be planning a trap against Stjepan. Constans
discussions with Lord Bela were not for discussion, but Dall has learnt that the
discussions were matter of ancient law of land ownership and rights. Dall only
suspects, but his suspects seem well founded. Dall brought them together because in a
way all their concerns weave together and they all want one thing, peace. Whether
any of them actually bring up any of their concerns is a totally other matter. Someone
will have to break the trust first and commit something of secret before the group can
be joined so actively. Let them dine on a fine seafood meal of many courses, chat, and
afterwards watch the setting sun upon the forest beyond the glass and drink brandy,
talking further if required.
There will be time should Celim wish to speak with Count Korel alone. He will
make time as there is much in her letter she sent to him for discussion.

Home and Suicide: The journey home, despite resolutions or lack of them, is long and
tiresome. The storm that threatened bursts as they leave and for the next three days a
strong summer storm hampers them as they hide from castle ruin to ruin. Some seven
days and Vaymoris (the Esov Estate) is reached, Grek and Pavel both empty and
seemingly so with Esov
The estate appears empty. Let them explore it and they will find a few servants
packing up the last of their possessions and leaving quickly, they dare not even speak
to Lord Stjepan, though if caught will protest saying the Lady bid them so where is
she? The tower.
Indeed. Wintessa is dressed in a tight dress of black. She looks deathly pale, yet
incredibly erotic. She stands looking out of the windows unless the characters
specify they look out the window they will not notice what she was staring at.
Talking to her will reveal from her cold expression, indiscernible if sombre or not,
several facts. Not two days after Stjepan left Lycus hung himself in this room. She
says a guard found him he was still warm, the man said. Let that impact them. If
they wonder why the servants were leaving, she tells them that is because she has sent
them to the city of Pellern itself. Theyre no longer wanted here. If asked why (roll
Constans walks up the stairs behind them saying You know brother, Ive always
found the view from up here to be simply amazing since the first day I came up here.
What do you think of the view brother? You seem to be taking quite a fancy to my
new wife.
Let this stun them, and as much as they decry it, Mynistra blessed their union
three days ago. Their bond is legal and consensual. What it means is this, Constans is
now the Lord of Esovs lands, but moreover is married to the wife of the former Lord,
and with as much right as Stjepan. Let them absorb these facts as they come to light.
And just when they thought it couldnt get any worse someone may notice the light
glinting in the distance, and they notice the army literally surging across a ford to the
plains below Esov.
Constans plays it safe, however, saying he wants no aggression. These lands of
Esovs are legally his, he is merely moving his men into these lodgings. None of the
people have been cast out save those working in the estate. The army crossing the
river numbers in approximately four hundred. Two hundred of those being cavalry.
The last dig is Constans asking his brother to leave his land, for the second time.

b o o k o n e :: s h a d o w o f l o c u s t

I do so like finding out Ive made an arse of politics.
Lord Stjepan Nemeck 19
Autumn 6053

This story arc marks the beginning of the month of Fall, 6053 TEI. On the first day of
Fall, Lord Lycus Vaymoris hangs himself in the Esov Estate after learning of his
wifes infidelity (his puppy love drives him to it, coupled with Wintessas absolute
seduction) with Constans which is a bitter pill and irony to him (Constans looking
so much like Stjepan).

The players took the trip to Orian via Navigator (more frivolous expense that will on
reflection in the second book, seem as if they were kings), and returned the same way
they came. Hence, the encounter at the Esov estate will be much different than
written last.

A productive meeting with the coterie at Lord Dalls in Orian is the prelude to war.
Constans takes Wintessa as his wife after Lycus death and via the ford, troops from
Keliir flood across into Constans new lands (legally his, he annexes to himself in
short) and then with armies makes proclamation as the husband of the former Lady of
the Land, taking the estates of Pavel and Grek in a matter of days, consolidating his
hold across the river.

Considering Pellern is going to war with Alkartek, Constans challenging his brother
for the throne. Stjepan can stop this advance, and what is written should not be bible
to future events. The first casualties in serious battle will be the fiefdoms of Dasek
and Harcas. Jenovar and Temeris will prove difficult. Constans does not attack
Charize, and is in the process of forging an alliance of sorts with the traitor.

NOTE: The weather of the month of Fall should be markedly different from the calm
of Autumn and Summer, with more rain, temperatures of 4 celsius to 10 during the
heat of the day, and night temperatures plunging below 0. Winds are stronger and
cold mists rise from the plains of Miir every still morning.

Suicide and Semen: Before his death, Lord Lycus penned a letter to Stjepan. Yet while
his friend took the easy way out, a cowards way, he was sorely wounded by Wintessa
who found him and his letter. Unbeknownst to her, Constans aided in his suicide,
using the influence of Andaras over Lycus. Word of Lycus death will reach Pellern
by way of the exiled staff but otherwise the encounter will run much the same as
penned earlier, save for these additions.
Wintessa did have some feelings for Lycus, even if it was guilt. She kept the letter
hidden from Constans and while Constans gloats to Stjepan, she will pass the letter to
Celim and with a few words, parts company from her.
Any attempt by Stjepan to try to kill Constans will be met by Constans sword.
Constans is by far a more skilled warrior than Stjepan, though he is less an academic
than his brother. Stjepan will be outmatched and Constans will not hesitate to defend
himself if confronted with Ishraha and Celim. Not only is he skilled, but charmed
and gifted by Andaras and the priests aiding him. Daubon, too is not far away and his
skill is legendary, not to mention his genetic enhancements by the Ddekemani, even
though he is not of their ilk. They will be forcibly ejected. By the time Stjepan reaches
Pellern, Constans forces will already have taken Pavel and are moving on Grek
without any resistance. Lord Dymas sends a rider asking for aid that reaches Stjepan
some two days after he reaches Pellern. But other borders are more pressing, namely
Dasek and Harcas as Constans proclamation is spread. This Handout reaches Harcas
who promptly sends pigeon to Pellern as he nervously watches the gathering forces.

Pellerns Defences: Point should be made of Pellerns capabilities. The characters
actions have led to a swelling of ranks in the army and the order Stjepan has so
entitled the Ahn Sye Nokora. Then there is the council of lords established in
Autumn under Stjepans behest with four advising Lords in a semi -democracy of
Pellern; Temeris, Sandar, Invarath and Jenovar, all voted by the other participating
Lords. Temeris will now move a little faster to helping Stjepan. Before leaving his
land his Animists were instructed to prepare the defences along the borders of
Temeris to the east with gorse and shrubs as a natural barrier. Farmfolk everywhere
are fleeing their lands for Pellern. In a matter of a few days Pellerns walls are
buckling with immigrants panicked that the world is ending.

Two hundred loyal and longstanding troops of Pellern, who fled with Luse Invarath
during the Usurpers quest for power. These men are well blooded and many fought
against the Katra, are well armoured and armed in chainmail, shields, etc. All have
mounts and are capable riders, though not cavalry by any means. 100 pikemen, 50
crossbowmen, and 50 swordsmen.

Ahn Sye Nokora consists now of fourty trained knights and some sixty squires.
These knights also fought against the Katra and while well trained, are passionate
about the defense of Pellerns lands from invaders. Their constant training every day
for the last two months has made them a strong force, even if they have been silent.
Their squires in training if called for are now well trained as well. They have taken
residence in the partial ruins of the old Foundry and Forge on the southern end of
Pellern that has not seen use for some hundred years. The rebuilding is progressing
well, and the knights are settling in.

Recruited militia from the townsfolk and immigrants consists of another one hundred
fifty men trained with the pike.

The Gorgonn are an elite mercenary force with the capabilities of a fast strike team.
In mass combat they suffer from their inability to work in formation, preferring to
individually strike with chaos and then retreat. If used head on, the Gorgonn will
suffer casualties, but Nassain, their leader will always advise Stjepan on his squads
capabilities. Twenty-five of the Gorgonn have skill with the essence in an offensive

So, what does Stjepan do? Obviously there will be some panic. Five days after the
proclamation Constans invades both Harcas and Dasek simultaneously. Stjepan must
guide his forces wisely.

Constans forces attack as follows, with reference to the maps of the areas provided.

I think the moment you decide to face another man with strength, you lose.
Ishraha 61
Autumn 6053

Constans Reply: to Stjepans request for a public meeting, not only with his new
wife, he firmly rejects, with a messenger dressed in red and black diamond surcoat
(Constans colours) who passes to Constans demands in a letter.

Lord Dasek: Overlooking the vast eastern plains from atop a prominent and rocky
cliff, rare on the plains of Miir, Dasek castle is an ancient medieval stone affair,
which only recently has seen renovations. Daseks castle has defense, however. Sixty
labourers and tradesmen, who may be put to good use in the defence of the castle
whose walls if attacked would easily be breached, are carrying out the renovations.
Stone blocks quarried sit stacked, in the process of being moved. On the 19
Autumn, Stjepan sent forty men to Lord Daseks to reinforce his stronghold fearing
Constans building military presence. Daseks own men comprise three aging knights
and six men-at-arms. The cliff can be scaled to Daseks but would prove difficult
under missile fire or sufficient defense. Dasek is a skilled veteran, but the times on
him have been hard, too hard for even him. He will break under Constans attack
without reinforcements or aid.
Constans reply. Under the command of Lord Vaymoris, a knight with excellent
tactical knowledge in the field, and a passion of hatred now towards Stjepan who
under his rule allowed his Son to die in arranged marriage. Lord Vaymoris sets camp
far on the plains one kilometre from the base of the sloping cliff. Vaymoris has with
him an army of three hundred. He will conquer Dasek in a day with little casualties if
Dasek is left to fend for himself.
Vaymoris has with him sixty heavy cavalry in partial plate and lances, two
divisions of fast moving light swordsmen, seventy each, mounted which he will use
as a flanking manoeuvre on either sides of the cliff where it is not steep. The heavy
cavalry he will use to storm the castle. The remaining one hundred are divided
equally into pikemen with shields and behind fifty longbowmen. These pace to the
south and provide power to the heavy cavalry.
Play out this encounter. Use concepts of on the battlefield separation, and Stjepan
is always a prime target to be cut from the pack. The size of this battle is far grander
than anything ever faced before, and impression should be made.
The previous night brings the decline of warmer days. Dew covers the scales of long grass
upon the plains of Miir, which in the rising sun brings a much needed warmth and renewal to
bones and fingers as it pierces the sheets of cold mist. It evaporates, and the early morning
brings a wall of banners, cresting the hill that slopes toward Castle Dasek and the cliff it
stands over. Gold and red, black and red, silver and red everyone red. You are met with
riders first, the morning sun strikes their platemail, both horse and man sculpted as a monster.
Lances long, their banners are merely the foam of the wave that follows. Rows of more cavalry,
and several hundred groundsmen marching in strict formation and division crest the hill and
pause before various riders before them.
Sound, sight, smell, all should be elucidated. The sheer cacophony of impact, the terror of
screams and roars, the vicious hack and slash and quick death that accompanies the battle, the
neighing and squealing of horses, limbs cast, blood spraying the air and the smell of it
Lord Vaymoris:
Strength: D8 Agility: D10 Health: D8
Knowledge: D12 Perception: D10 Luck: D10

Melee: D8 Riding: D8 Charge: D10
Armour: D10 (Vaymoris is dressed in full plate, tinged in a red hue, the colour
of his house). He fights on horse with morning star and chain and on foot with
both axe and flail, but is trained in many weapons.

The Lord Vaymoris will try to meet Stjepan if he is foolhardy in his eyes to lead
the charge like he did at Pellern against the Usurper. He will not be easy to defeat.
Vaymoris is honourable and will fight according to the rules of conduct. If Stjepan
submits, he will be taken prisoner.

Lord Harcas: Harcas is betwixt a rock and a hard place going both ways. Though
supplied with twenty troops to bulk his defences, Harcas does not trust Stjepan much
more than Constans, but will side with Stjepan as Constans bears down on him with
Lord Daubon leading the veritable charge. Harcas will submit and surrender should
no other help arrive. Daubons forces are even larger than Vaymoris.
Harcas castle stands slightly raised on a hillock overlooking the Imperial highway.
The hill is a smooth slope and offers little advantage, but enough for the wise
tactition. Harcas tower offers a broad view of the land, but the top has little room for
a large group of people, some six may fit in the closed roof, yet opened view all about
the castle. The castles two entrances are defended by portcullis only. In addition to
the twenty men stationed here, Harcas has nine knights and fifteen men-at-arms
ready to do battle on their Lords word, but no other.
Daubons forces are stationed at Keliir, some six hours ride from Harcas and near
20 miles. Daubon will lead a force of nine hundred to Harcas with the intent on
taking it without resistance. Daubon is counting on his precedence, but if that will not
move Harcas, then his men will.
Fourty commanding officers guide; Four divisions of heavy cavalry in partial plate,
fourty each Four divisions of longbowmen, fifty each Two divisions of light
cavalry, one hundred each One division of one-hundred fifty halberdiers and One
final division of one-hundred fifty swordsmen. The latter two divisions are trained to
break into three factions at any time. Daubons tactics are deadly, and he should be
given advantages often. Should reinforcements be needed, Keliir houses another
thousand troops ready for dispersal. Keliir at this moment will be unassailable unless
Stjepan has troops and a plan to smash it. The Gorgonn would be his best bet but
would suffer as they are unaware of the Priests of Andaras that have converged on
Alkartek and are guiding the Barrow Wights forward, a slow process. Nassain would
make it out with half of his men the mission failed, and promptly break contract with
The sounds of trumpets awaken the dawn, which slumbers ashamed and opens its eye
peeking over the rim of the world. It reveals a force of near one thousand men in all their glory.
The vast spread and bulk of the men arrayed east on the plains of Harcas and some on the
Imperial Highway itself is daunting. Already as the light wakes, hundreds of archers are
moving into position defended by shielded halberdiers, swordsmen, and four divisions of heavy
cavalry, moving like ants carrying leafs under the eye of the watchful sun.
Sound, sight, smell, all should be elucidated. The sheer cacophony of impact, the terror of
screams and roars, the vicious hack and slash and quick death that accompanies the battle, the
neighing and squealing of horses, limbs cast, blood spraying the air and the smell of it

It is important Lord Daubon does not die. Any attack he makes is swift and brutal.
He cleaves through knights like something inhuman and the morale of those against
him is weak. Stjepan would be mortally wounded in one blow if met with Daubon,
and if he chooses to go against the plated knight of old, a sun emblazoned in gold on
his chest.

Cindel: the Sister of Eissas role in this battle is determined strongly on Stjepans
opinion of the war. If any of Constans men are butchered in the aftermath of a
skirmish, Eissa will not give aid to Stjepan and Cindel will leave Pellern, never to
return. She will aid the wounded on all sides, and greatly value aid, but the sheer
enormity of any aftermath will get to her more than ever. The battles with Alkartek
are on a much larger scale than with the Usurper.

Spy Network: Ishraha in his new role as Security & Intelligence Chief has established
a group of twelve scouts and local men of the fiefdom of Pellern to scout the borders
of Pellern for possible dangers. Beyond this, criminals (thieves and poachers) are
offered freedom and a wage to spy in Alkartek. Eighteen were sent to Alkartek and
nine were quickly killed, but the other nine remain and filter information back to
Ishraha. Ishraha will receive word of the size of Constans forces, some three
thousand standing army and two thousand hired mercenaries on retainer on
expectation of Pellerns defeat.

Korels Insistance: After Stjepan sends word of Constans impending attack, Korel
has one of his most trusted aides go to Pellern, to provide defence and a hand to
Celim, his now ambassador with whom he has asked to broker the deal with Pellern
for half of their white eog remaining, in return for silks and cottons, and the help of
the dwarves.
This man, Lord Daemander, comes with letter of introduction and reply to
Celims long and emotive letter to Bryce Korel. She uses the Sel-Kai bank as a means
to transport this letter post haste albeit at a great cost. Bryce sends his man by
Navigator some twelve hours after her letter.
Daemander is a Laan lord, of the same age as Bryce Korel, nearing his twentieth
year, and grew up with Bryce at court and became part of the shadow cabinet of
young Lords and friends that supported Bryce and sought to restore Bentara to some
semblance of sanity after the mad machinations of the sorcerer Ventine. Daemander
was one of those men who found the orgiastic rites of the socialites seeking escape
with the demonic.
A pleasant smile always crosses Daemanders lips, and his innocence one would
expect marred by what he has seen, but he is a man with a vision to help his friend,
and like the rest of the shadow cabinet, selfless. Smooth fair skin, ruddy at the cheeks
under bright green eyes, his near black hair hangs to his shoulders, neatly cut. He
wears a black cape embroidered with a dragon upon the back to upper hip, under
which stylised leather armour of grey covers his well-built frame.
Dae manders father was an advisor to the former Count Korel, a distant and
abusive father who sacrificed his mother in a rite to Andaras under the behest of
Ventine. Daemander would have broken if not for the support of his friends who
arranged the murder of his father at the same time they eliminated the former Count
Korel. Daemander was grateful for not having to face his father personally, but repaid
the favour by helping those murder Count Korel on the road back from the Port of
Daemander is a skilled warrior, trained in defence more than offence, but is strong
relying more on skill and poise than brute strength. Beyond that he is highly
intelligent and a perfect gentleman, whom Korel personally assigned to defend
Celim and watch her interests. Yet he is not to interfere in them, answering directly
to her and not to him. If given time to himself, Daemander loves the outdoors and
riding, his steed of which he has had to leave behind Audra, a spirited mare.

Future War: Daubon consolidates Harcas and waits for reinforcements to the castle.
Jenovar will be much more difficult to take, but one Daubon intends on moving on in
under five days. Temeris proves to be a problem with his natural wall, but fire soon
puts it to burn, fires that can be seen across all of Pellern and north into Bornay. Panic


Though not unanticipated, the murder of Constans has dealt the Ddekemani a major blow
in their war against Pellern. A detail of the first session of this chapter follows;
A war meeting was laid out with major parties offering suggestions on how to defend the
city and the lands, but the overall atmosphere was grim.
Celim tested the room of senses within the citadel again, but with Trnor given the task
of deciphering the console and noticed as she was projecting, the console changed five times in
relation to each vision. She saw the Ahn Sye Nokora of Ardania observing a Lankanok temple,
saw Selas Vey in the City of the Dead (and he her), Steamships from Namar-Tol flying to the
jungles of Khum-Khaan, watched as the Murlogi exited the mountains on the eastern side of the
Spine of Emer, and the Nameless One condemning another city to fear
Alexus is sent to govern the troops at Dasek, and the Gorgonn, save one, Samaia, is sent to
fight against Vaymoris. They arrive at Dasek on the 3
and the next day head into battle. This
is very important as tied with events see below.
Ishraha tries to learn of anti-elven sentiment in the city through one of his spies, Sutara,
who informs him that its everywhere
But the main point is that on the last day of Autumn, Celim unwittingly called the assassin
JDiema through the silver pocket watch from Skystone he gave her. With quick thought she
hired his services, at a fee of 10,000 gold to slay Constans. He did it that evening, Constans
defences weak and surprisingly easy.
Daubon is enraged, and Andaras amused. Daubon takes matters into his control,
proclaiming Martial Law over Alkartek and Pellern, and accusing Stjepan of both the murder
of his brother Constans, and the Lady Wintessa. Daubon come upon Constans first alerted by
a hysterical Wintessa who was staring at the body of Constans, headless Thinking quickly
he slew Wintessa and alerted others to the assassination. The outrage over this murder is
widespread and the commoners and people of the land soon rally to the somewhat legendary
Daubon who drove back Lugrki some one hundred years ago from Miir. Alkarteks armies
swell. Lord Dennys is grieved over the death of his only daughter and solemnly sides with
Daubon. A period of grieving is carried out for the days of the 1
of Fall through to the 3
with a public burial back in Alkartek. The armies remain poised. After the 3
, they swell in
numbers to seven thousand, an extra two thousand men and women offering to help and
support. Lord Dennys own forces number some three hundred and he prepares to attack Castle
While Daubon is angered, the growing plots of both Stjepan and Celim amuse Andaras
immeasurably. However, there are further repercussions. The people of Pellern grow
distrustful of Stjepan and the recruited one hundred fifty men desert, Jenovar is disappointed
but can understand Stjepans actions. Luse is less than impressed and will confront Stjepan
over these actions, and if he denies doing it, Luse will reply with something of isnt that a lucky
coincidence then. Trnor is visibly shocked and gives impetus to speaking with Celim.

Lalaerion: makes an appearance to Ishrahas chambers, bringing a selection of exotic
fruits for his tastes. He is shocked by what has happened and already knows of
Ishrahas cast-out from the Order. He speaks with him on the matters of the doctrine
versus the order itself. Which does he support? The philosophy or the establishment?
This in itself is a test, of whether Lalaerion considers him suitable for possible
navigator candidacy. The deformities do make him reluctant though and Lalaerion is
very curious over them, and Ataniel and in general it all. Lalaerion takes a friendship
more to Ishraha.

Aria: arrives before any action against Harcas or Dasek. Her spies have been keeping
her informed and even watched them in Orian, surprised by the disappearance in the
castle. Aria, is asked/pressured by Loari to further watch the difficulty in Pellern, to
keep away the dangerous forces of Alkartek from the Eog that they are requisitioning
from the Kuluku. Asked to stay close to Stjepan at all costs and advise him silently in
all matters. She arrives with ten crew who also insinuate themselves in the populace
their sky sloop pulls outside of the city to the north and Aria goes to Stjepan
immediately. Short, yet lithe and graceful Ariahav Shailya Saadia is the envy of
nearly any woman, with aquiline features brushed with the soft marble of a sculptors
masterwork. Her silken black hair is pulled back from her pointed ears into a silver
tiara - her eyes a rich hazel striking and focused. She is clothed in warm yet light
cloth and exterior corset pleated into a maroon long dress. Point should be made of
most mens reaction to Aria, this will serve to drive division with Celim, whom Aria
tries to keep out of anything she has with Stjepan, though not obviously. Also,
remember her accent.
She says she heard of Alkarteks movements and came to offer her aid. What,
some would ask? Fast transport from front to front. What more could a general
desire, besides the beautiful nymphet.
Aria will stay with no intentions on leaving, and will either sleep in her ship or if
invited, the castle, which is most likely the case. At many opportunities she will take
time to speak with Stjepan, but she will not make any moves of intimacy. If he does,
she will keep him at arms length as best she can without enraging him, and only at
continued behest from the Loari will she submit. Her eventual death at the hand of
the assassin, JDiema will be more tragic.

Trnor: speaks with Celim. Ever since arriving the tutor has wondered if he yet
again made a foolish life decision. Stjepan to him seems so changed, so like his
brother. At times callous and brutal and proud of it, this is what Trnor is feeling
let down in, especially when he spent so much of his time trying to instruct Stjepan
on the ways of politics since his brother was the arm of war. He now sees that Stjepan
has only used politics as Constans does a sword a means to selfish end. He goes to
her because he sees that she too feels this in part and he asks if he ever was this
changed. Trnors guilt over possible failure is strong, but not powerful enough to
cripple. He feels resigned and will stick with Stjepan as head of the university.

Daubons Retaliation: A decree is ordered of martial law, curfews for anyone not of
the army are put into place and a call for Lord Stjepans surrender for the crime of
murder of his brother and lord, and the Lady Wintessa is proclaimed. On the 4
Fall Daubon attacks Harcas personally, and Lords Caslav and Mirsed, cross the
Alana River to enforce the old Esov/Vaymoris estate and launch a pre-emptive strike
on both Dymas and Radomir, both of which will fall easily with their respective lords
slain before the end of the week. Pellerns borders shrink. Charize maintains his
secret correspondence now with Lord Daubon and prepares a welcome so they may
Sandar grows extremely worried, but Lord Murrain will soon come to Stjepans
call, enforcing Sandars estate with his own men. Murrains arrival will no doubt be a
Perhaps what is worse, is that after the taking of Harcas, Daubon orders the
mercenaries who have masqueraded as artists, learned men, and immigrants to attack
and slaughter Lords, Nobles, and Servants in the castle. The artists use the Eagle
Towers entrance into the castle for this infiltration. This will come on the night of
the 6

Lord Murrain arrives: at Pellern on the 4
of Fall, late in the evening. His men ride
into the Upper Ward and his men are well prepared for war, not to mention in their
numbers. Stjepan will have to recruit townsfolk to cook food, provide shelter for all
the extra forces. Murrain waits for Stjepan in the Great Hall with four of his knights
dressed in partial plate mail forged black. Murrain though somewhat short, is
impressive in a silver and bronze suit of armour that maintains his slender form, his
hair pulled back tightly into ponytail. Murrain is a well-trained and well-learned
warrior and leader, and has come on Stjepans request to defend Pellern, and nothing
else. He cares nothing for Stjepan, but has some, if very minor, admiration for his
stance against his brother the le sser of two evils. Calus, says his men will fight
under him against the incursions and offer advice where it is needed. Wily and
elusive, Calus is by no means a pushover.
He brings with him sixty knights, all veterans of war, and one hundred men-at-
arms with forces remaining at his castle to defend. This will come as a surprise to
Stjepans intelligence that believed him to have some 14 knights and 24 men-at-arms.
Calus is demanding at times and if offended will leave with his men. Luse Invarath
and Jenovar are submissive to Calus Murrain, his might on the battlefield is well
known and feared of sorts. Friendship is not something that will develop well.

The Beauty of Art: On Darkday, the 6
of Fall, the men receive word from Daubon
to launch their attacks. They do this swiftly and efficiently, Lord Stjepan not aware of
the attack, but Ishraha will receive word, from his man in the city, Sutara who lets
him know about the sudden activity. They may have some time to prepare, but not
much, especially if Stjepan is otherwise engaged.
Some benefits are Arias forces - the ten Linri elves will viciously defend Aria.
Samaia, the remaining Gorgonn true to his word shadows Stjepan and will intercept
when possible. What remaining forces left in Pellern will depend on Stjepans orders
for defence of his lands. One hundred mercenaries in the city swoop through the
Eagle Tower and into the Lower Ward with easy access to the Great Hall and to the
Servants quarters and their entrance to the back of the castle.
This event will be a running and fighting battle through the castle. They can make
good use of the terrain, both sides. Many will die this night. The remaining militia
will put up a strong fight and defend valiantly, but half their number will fall.
This can be played in many ways, with or without the support of militia, or with
many Lords at their sides. The Mercenaries will also fire rooms and if given the
chance all libraries, including the Eagle Towers one, which Trnor will be
heartbroken over.
Mercenaries of Alkartek
Strength: D12 Agility: D12 Health: D10
Knowledge: D20 Perception: D12 Luck: D20

Melee: D12

Good Armour: D10 Chainmail

The Citadel: More of the citadel will unfold for them as Trnor studious in his
research uncovers the power of the sense room and opens a doorway to the golem
army deep underground.
Trnor with Anaths notes (he uncovers some of how Anath worked in code)
opens another doorway, one removed from the senses. Trnor doesnt descend
down this new tunnel that slops upward for what seems like an eternity to the room
of golems. He fetches Stjepan almost immediately, and then once he uncovers the
room lets Celim know that the senses and the patterns merged into one when
opening this door intrinsically related.
The Laen golems were built along with the Citadel and are powerful beings that
will no doubt turn the tide of the war, but also impel Daubon to use the Barrow
Wights in a similar manner of violence. Unfortunately they are unaware of the dark
spirits imbued within the laen singular demons, dormant at the power of Andaras
who will be awakened when the time is right, but for the moment is under the control
of whomever is guiding them as their eyes in the senses room.
The citadel has been mentioned before as being a construct of those serving
Andaras, constructed with the aid of Lugrki under Andaras behest for these very
times during the Wars of Dominion. Andaras never expected Stjepan, nor Celim,
but had worked himself for this very purpose, that it would serve his Machiavellian
machinations across Emer, the purpose? To create something of interest to draw in
the powerful like the Loremasters and the Titans out into Hstra to deal in the
intrigue before the war. They would eventually drive Andaras back to Charn at the
conclusion of Wars of Dominion, but the deed was done. It was the Lugrki who
designed the laen golems and the Citadel (known from here on in as Dyarviir-throk
essentially meaning the guardian of the waiting dark lord of essnce, and literally dark
essnce guardian).
What is peculiar about this corridor, other than its appearance similar to the other
with stone blocks on the left and right walls separated noticeably with cloth pressed
between them, is an audible hum of essnce manifesting about the m and metal plates
of some metre by metre have been set flush on each stone segment, upon each surface
Krnyt runes speak a tale. For interest, these runes are taken from p. 15 of the Emer
sourcebook (save the missing 3 verses inserted here for gamesake) Trnor can
decipher the Krnyt, and it reads

An age ago there were many fair lords,
They crossed the stars like stepping stones,
Their thoughts stronger than the sea.

When they fell the heavens went dark,
The earth was rent and almost died,
At the end stood five and three.

Six mighty Titans took the great land,
And made it their own realm
But they were at last defied.

Their fall inspired by the dark claws,
Hidden in shadows of the sages,
In the city long dead.

First one, then the five, wounded in challenge,
Limped from the plains of Locusts,
Smiles of wisdom soon to fade.

Dominion came was won and lost,
Yet the silent army remains,
For their dominion is yet to come.

Shun the Isle in the Sea of Mists,
For the Masters sleep there still.
And beneath, a light has died.

Celim feels particularly uneasy here, the hum pervades her eardrums and fills her
head, and she can almost imagine the liquid Majel Gavant injected boiling. It will take
great effort for her to view the army of laen golems. And as soon as she has she will
feel the overwhelming force here and will summarily be rendered unconscious. Her
talent is raw and uncontrolled, yet highly potential.
This corridor ascends toward and under the hills to the Mountains of Gold far
beyond Pellern, the gole ms themselves exit their chamber via a massive tunnel carved
raw from the room outside to the very hills where Celim collects herbs. There, vines
and overgrown bush from thousands of years hide it.
At the end of this massive ascending corridor you finally reach a chamber that drops Celim
to her knees and leaves your jaws agape. A room hewn from the granite, formed rectangular,
large and featureless save for the stalwart army arrayed in four lines of ten.
As black and glistening as the laen keys, fourty laen statues of some ten-foot high each face
the left where a large rough tunnel has been cut, dissimilar from the room. The statues
themselves are awesome in their lifelike appearance, their armour is alike plate, built over
muscular frames that can be peeked underneath, and bristle with spikes along the ridges of their
shoulders down to their elongated six fingered gauntleted hands. Low helmets obscure their
faces to their strong chins with eyes carved into the laen like something demonic, arched and
sloping a mane of razor sharp blades. Along each forearm, black blades are wickedly curved
beyond their hands, longer than their forearms along their spines the blades continue down to
powerful legs steeped in long appearing boots carved from the laen.

Celim can control the laen army, but it is dangerous as the singular demons imbued
within each drain her essnce every time she uses them, and at first she will be
unprotected and easily targeted, which will leave her drained for a day afterwards
unable to move.
The next she attempts to access the senses, no more will meaningless visions of
what the demons have seen assail her, but rather she will see with all their eyes and
control them as a collective. She will open her eyes literally and be disorientated as
she grows accustomed to the many eyes, and then moving them requiring great effort.
Every time she uses them she feels drained and ill. Moving the forces is not difficult,
and is manipulated through will alone in her consciousness transported and now
existing in the plane of Chaos during the control. When Celim blacks out her form
is expelled from the plane of Chaos and her body rematerializes. However, the more
she is drained, the more she will be slower to be expelled, and sanity will be tested
here. If she abuses this, the Chaos planes could threaten to swallow her. In which
case, Andaras may intervene, as he does not wish to see such a political player as
Celim lost.
The laen army will fight at her behest and can operate as long as she can maintain
concentration (which is a difficulty of 6, increasing by one for each hour). As soon as
she loses concentration and blacks out, the laen golems stop their actions and begin
their walk home. The army is utterly devastating in their attacks, fast and
unassailable, they are immune to nearly all weapons save enchanted. However, as
soon as they are brought out Lord Daubon gives the command to use the Barrow
Wights. He will not lose the support of Dennys or others as they now fear Daubons
power, but the public feeling will shift in support of Stjepan more, the lesser evil. The
demonic presence within the laen golems will be noticed only by Priests of Orhan or
by standing stones or similar detection methods, and if by man then only by directing
it against them and probing deep through Andaras personal magics, a mean feat
especially in these troubled times.


On the second of Fall, another change occurred. During the day of the first of the last month
they uncovered the Laen armoury and pondered their defence with Lord Stjepan riding out with
Luse Invarath to join the bulk of the army reinforcing Jenovar. Celim had experienced the
absolute sapping of essnce from moving the Laen Golems one step forward, and she was weak
and followed them in the evening out to Lord Jenovars making it around midnight as the nights
get longer, Daemander at her side. There from atop Jenovar Castle they could see the fires of
Harcas burning and the farms close by on the horizon some eighteen miles away as the plains
sweep lower to Alkartek. Resolute Celim without any words of otherwise from any of the
parties returned to the castle to awaken this army that only Stjepan, Daemander, Trnor and
Celim had seen in all their magnificence when they uncovered them. Only words were the
guiding acceptances of Luse Invarath and Jenovar, who knew the odds were against them.
The game began as the now delirious from exhaustion Celim tried to awaken the Laen
Golems and have them travel forced march to Jenovar to get there only as the dawn rose (used
Harcas description). She arrives as the armies fan out to meet, propelling the Laen Golems
directly at the leading Lord Daubon.
Lord Daubon, though a construct of the Ddekemani, genetically superior and powerful,
and he a pawn of their overall control knows the powers of propaganda as well, as shown in his
letter, he is just little known for it. His intentions are to take Pellern. That is by any means.
Harcas, faced with Daubons forces set fire to his own castle and ordered the firing of the
farmhouses to stop Daubons forces and then surrendered, his best defence in his eyes. His men
live and Daubon is prevented from finding another foothold. His men were unaware their lord
would submit so easily and were surprised but did as he commanded. Lord Daubon took them
prisoner, to show his good measure and forced march to Jenovar. His army is the cream of the
cup, the finest warriors and knights of Alkartek. Carnage will end this day. And there shall be

The Massacre at Jenovar: Note this event may play out differently, so bear in mind
all surprises. The following allows for some prepared variation. Celim was exhausted
much before she left for Jenovar on horse before she had to return and awaken the
Laen Golems, move the m at forced march to Jenovar, let alone having enough
willpower to command them. While her latent ability within to master the essnce is
powerful, her ability and knowledge of it is far beyond her and requires didactic and
rigorous training. As such there will be one outcome that is defined without
boundaries. After this battle in whatever way it comes out, Celims mind shall
fragment into the Planes of Chaos, but her body returned to Kulthea albeit somewhat
changed and severely damaged. Finding her way back to her body will be a story in
If Celims anger is righteous, encourage it. If it is benevolent (doubtful, but
possible) have the armies in shock at the death of their Lord, the heavy cavalry at
least charge the Laen Golems, these Laan knights of Alkartek.

As she approaches Lord Daubon he realizes his impending death and meets it face on,
dismounting before they finally reach him, his troops arrayed behind silhouetted with
the glorifying eye of the sun staring down upon them, lifting its wear ied head. He
runs in front of his mount, tearing his helmet from his face and staring up into his
death with open eyes. He smiles knowingly as it reaches him for he can literally feel
the Unlife within the Laen Golems and his death will lead to greater glory and
martyrdom. Lord Daubon is not quite human and his psyche is entwined in the
corruption of the Unlife that seeps through the Ddekemani. He will offer no
resistance save to raise his arms in triumph, gleefully grinning at her. Then silence
unless she charges even deeper into the fray, to be broken by the roar of hundreds of
men and thunder tears across the open plains streaming toward at full charge the Laen
Golem, the armoured men and horse of Alkartek Knights. They will have no effect
upon the Laen Golems who will tear through not only knights but also the horses that
squeal as they are rent in chunks. The bodies soon form mounds about the moving
If she continues her battle, she will eventually come across a cluster of monkish
figures, dressed in robes of grey, hooded in black, about their necks pendants of a cats
head. There are twelve in all, they stare up at the Laen Golem and too will see the
mirth of their predicament and laugh horribly at the statues, looking at each other
the in joke being they are the ones who control the armies of the Barrow Wights.
Without them Alkartek will soon be in ruin. She will pass out before she can review
her destruction.

Celim will find herself losing more and more control, slipping and as she does a Laen
Golem will stop frozen as though if she fails, so will they. The sheer number of men
charging Pellern should be impressed to psychologically imply her failure will lead to
the death of Pellern. Although, this may not be required due to Celims initial rage.
After the event, Celim feels a great panic as she not just this time slips control of the
ever growing challenge to remain conscious. The panic is rising, and something
intrinsically should be made aware that is going horribly wrong, that she feels a
tearing and suction, and her mind lances with pain as body is torn from spirit and she
is cast into the eternal Chaos.
Back in Pellern Daemander watches horrified as his charge collapses unconscious,
but not only that, her eyes are wide open and exude a palpable violet smoke that
evaporates on contact with air. He carries her to Trnor visibly shaken and together
they take her to her room, and then alert servants to bring help. The Priest of Eissa is
called but does not come. She waits in her home knowing all too well the massacre
that has just happened as cries for the dead. Many of the knights following Lord
Daubon were innocent of the affairs of the Unlife, as it would not be feasible to
maintain such an evil appearance suddenly. Theirs from the start was a campaign
political backed with force. So Cindel cries.

Stjepan and the Voyeurs: The armies of Pellern will not fight beside what they see,
and many will be agape at the carnage that ravages through their lands. The usually
stalwart Luse Invarath is visibly shaken and disturbed, never having witnessed such
brutality, but does not fade. Within Stjepans Ahn Sye Nokora, Kedrick Bularis,
Loremaster in hiding watches with great interest. He will be detailed in more words
To them the Laen Golem twirl and mutilate as though they were constructed for
just this purpose. Daubon is sheared by two into pieces that slip from each other even
as he dies. The thick hedge of Laen Warriors scythe through the horses and men with
no resistance, the yellowed grass of winter stained in a brilliant red that glows and
steams as the rising orb halos the battle meets the charge of the knights. If she
continues on, it gets to the point where the Laen Golems chase down fleeing soldiers,
not all, but within they can be seen struggling to get out, cut down and then crawling
through the sopping earth. Afterwards the Laen Golems simply cease moving, and
after a pause of some five minutes the silence of the aftermath devastates. Before
them a red bloody gored smear rises down the hillock to where it ends in black spiky
stumps. All are speechless, the hurried breaths of all noticeable in the cold morning
reaching the warming air. Then the Laen Warriors turn and the entire armies of
Pellern jump the clang of metal loud. They stay there until Celim wakes and then
begin a zombie slow pace heading for Pellern, not much faster than a walking man. It
will be one day until they return and resume their positions at Pellern after that.
It will be not much longer after the battle when scouts report movement, and then
inform refugees are approaching. Mostly families and several Castle servants,
numbering perhaps sixty approach from Harcas, there the farmers tell of being
invaded by Harcas own men, told to get out and their houses burnt. The servants talk
of Harcas giving these orders and had the castle fired, and then surrendered before
Lord Daubon. The men submitted without fight and were taken prisoner. Daubon
allowed the servants to leave and then the army themselves passed them some hours
later moving hurriedly east.
The aftermath of this is up to Stjepan. If there are no survivors then it will take the
advancing parties of Lords Lamat & Mirsed who arrive the next day with one
hundred men to see the gore and statues and submit without hesitation. Lamat is an
aged Laan lord, with long elongated jaw and forehead, wrinkled badly but in strong
physical shape. His armour is old, but well oiled, his manner proud yet submissive, he
is most enquiring. Mir sed is a more weighty man who fills his customized suit of
plate better than the hair on his palate that is mostly bald, save for long strands in a
tonsure shaved by choice it seems. Mirsed is distraught and asks if there were
survivors, if there were none, shall break down somewhat, both his children were
among the swordsmen, and if this is their fate he is most aggrieved, but thinks of his
wife and remaining children first even though he is unaware of the Barrow Wights
secretly housed under Alkartek. The y will pass on Stjepans wishes accompanied or
not across Alkartek that wholly submits under word of these sentinels.

Back at Pellern: The refugees mean more money spent on housing and food, but it is
such a small number that it does not have impact. Stjepan will find Celim in her
state and will probably try to get Cindel to come. She refuses and will not go to the
castle. If Stjepan rides out to see her, she is packed and ready to leave knowing that
her refusal to go to Celims aid would eventually bring him.
She has been thinking, and will speak to him frankly, about Eissa has the six keys,
one for Life, one for Death, one for the Mind, one for the Body, one for the Soul, and
one for the Void. All pass through her. The day of the battle she cried tears into the
Spring of Youth feeding the River of Life that crosses the moon Orhan, and the Lords
of Orhan drunk and too felt her mourn, and what is worse is that he did this on the
day when Orhan is most hidden from Kulthea. The pain he caused each time one of
those men died Eissa felt sixthfold. She turns her back on you Stjepan and your lands
and people. The Sisters of Eissa shall not return.

Luse Leaves: Before Celim can awaken Luse Invarath goes to Lord Stjepan, he asks if
his service and loyalty has been proven enough that he can ask for a favour and have
it granted. He wishes to be Lord of the Vasla estate. He says he can no longer stay in
Pellern and the dangers have evaporated. If Stjepan waxes on about the greater evil,
Luse is not interested. He is shell shocked from what he saw and needs time out.
Once he has secured that favour he then tells Stjepan he resigns from the Council as it
would be more prudent to have an equal balance of more lords from Alkartek.

Lord Murain Never Comes: The above never applies.

Celim in the Lands of Chaos: She awakens in groggy, lying down, fastened down.
The more she wakes the more she realizes her surroundings. She is in a grimy room.
Above her a halo of light is dim yet reveals walls of stone and calcite, caked in layers
of stains and frosting. She is on a cold bench, no, a table, fastened by steel manacles at
her arms and ankles and about her neck. There are two men talking in the ambient
darkness. Ones voice she recognizes as Majel Gavant.
This encounter is run as such. Majel Gavant abducted Celim some time ago and
left her outside his experimental subterranean chambers in Relian where the assassin
JDiema, quite by accident, found her. Also in this room in her past was Selas Vey
himself, called by Majel Gavant who followed the continuing study of this
empowered young woman further, trying to this time uncap her genetic makeup.
They do a series of tests while she is awake and extract not just blood, but flesh, and
spinal fluid with instruments beyond description. All of these processes will be
painful to Celim. Selas Vey stands in a corner in the darkness, only the occasional
sound of cicadas buzzing, and ruffle of fast wings.
Majel begins Ah Celim, I can see by the whites of your eyes that you are quite
afraid of all this. But you neednt be. He smiles at her attractive and repulsive,
strongly built and confident, he wears a cooking apron about him and has close a table
of tools, building tools it looks like. He talks with Selas Vey who croaks replies when
necessary, if Celim brings up what she was doing last or that the fact this is wrong,
they Majel says she is either lost and extremely lucky to be dead right now or she has
more potential than we anticipated. Selas Vey agrees. Let them discuss, Majel takes
the necessary samples that has her screaming and it is the spinal fluid that blacks her
out and she awakens groggy and naked, blood smeared and weak on the floor of the
room now empty. There is a door behind where her head was on the table, it is a steel
table with a grille at head height, beyond a long corridor, with many a sealed door
down. Her knees will feel weak as she remembers this place. At the opposite end
another door leads not to Relian, but to the Chaos Planes proper.
She steps out into an alien landscape; The stars flicker across the sky, shimmering
and jerking as though they were not real, three suns hang in various ambience in the
sky, small and hued in deep blue and green colours, she stands on a cliff from where
the metal door remains, but no building behind it. The land underneath is fractured
and of a near black volcanic quality but earthen. A shoreline reveals a sickly yellow
ocean bubbling, and a haze of corrosive air congeals in the air. Her movements feel
odd, each step different, first heavy then light.
As she walks and tries to comprehend, behind her a range of mountains rise facing
this ocean, a veritable shore she walks upon. Then the still is shattered as winds
offshore scream in pounding the sides, hurling the water onto the earth and eating it
away as these hundred hour winds pummel her, the land is eaten away. This chaos
should be kept up (see p70 of Atlas 2
Ed.) until it begins to fracture reality and
causes great pain. Eventually demons should be seen, procreators (p57 Emer I) are
seen skulking in the distance, time fractures and they move in flashes, sometimes
running slowly then incredibly fast. This is a dangerous place.
So how does she get out? Several ways are possible. Calling JDiema will work, her
physical body respondi ng mentally he travels to the Planes of Chaos at his own
great peril and evades by conjuring a portal. The irony of his situation saving her
again is not an accidental one. Kort Hulum intervenes just as the demons prepare to
pounce and rape, his voice strong Ryk Nae Laakh Syrdyari Lavan Throk Xu This
soul of past who is lost, made by male dyari I guard her mind. Korts curiosity is
piqued by her eyes, so violet and that she is still alive after being in the Planes so
long yet so novice. The demons pull back at the sound of a voice and a blue portal
oval in all dimensions punctures the wasteland as the procreators skulk back into the
dissolving world. She awakens some four days after this. By her side, Daemander and
Lusham, Daemander watching out the window past the closed curtains, and Lusham
stroking her hair.

Lusham arrives: Though Bryce sent letter in return to Celim on the 3
r d
, he had heard
nothing in reply, but chided himself for expecting more. Their daily correspondence,
though expensive through the Sel-Kai bank is building a great respect and friendship
that he feels, and strangely for the first time in his life affection. He is hesitant in this
situation and has not spoken even to his advisors. Lusham came to his men ready to
give up their sear ch on the 5
. She told Bryce that Celim needed her. Worried he
called forth a Navigator, paid up front the exorbitant fee and watched Lusham depart
to Pellern with letter of introduction to Stjepan. Bryce now waits impatiently.
Lusham is soft spoken, with a crackle in her voice, and is much older now but
stronger than any human of younger years. Lusham does not believe, as other Nomari
in the power of magics in the sense that they have been used, but that will not come
up just yet. Her weathered skin is a ruddy tored-brown, her dark warm eyes heavy set
in her frame, thick hair long and darkly auburn. Short but broad, though not fat she
has every care for Celim.
Celim awakens her head pounding. Her eyes feel like they have exploded and she
can barely use them, her body a lead weight.
For the next six days Lusham will nurse Celim back to life, feeding her in the first
few days, applying fungal poultice to her eyes and in a few days she can speak and
talk, and only rise herself in bed. Lusham will try her best to keep out Lord Stjepan
until then, lying if necessary. Daemander is silent accomplice.
After Ventine cast her out Lusham returned to Ton-Bor, there she found home and
went to sleep for many years until just recently, when she heard Torgon in her
dreams, he woke her telling her of your pain and need. She travelled and came here.
On that subject she does not have much more to say. On others she can give some
information. Her mother Antiania Lusham nursed and raised, it was to her that
Celim was given, and not the Mistress. Lusham took care and knows this of her
mother that night, that she was in fear of her life, chased by a demon of the essnce
for the child she bore.

Lalaerion: see above.

Aria: see above.

Sutara: Ishrahas plans of selling information of propaganda to rumourmongers and
those who want inside information works well. Sutara and Divinhadra start bringing
back returns for Ishraha, in the first week sixty gold (minus their cut whatever it is).

Immigrants: The days of Celim healing see the beginnings of a trail of immigrants
pouring out of Alkartek. Word is of the dead knights rising from crypts in the castle,
killing many and roaming the countryside. Those who can are escaping. This comes
by way of many a traveller seeking shelter with Lord Stjepans magical army. With
them comes many a shady individual including a Quaidu, known as Cheon who
watches from the shadows Ishrahas ties to the castle and his role in the city to the
point where Cheon will eventually offer his services over the inept Sutara and
Dinihadra by his eyes.

Daemander: relates all information he can possibly glean to Lady Vortsh, including
how he found her, the changes to her appearance, and he also presses to her the letter
that arrived on the day she fell from Bryce.

Lord Dennys of Bornay: cedes all power to Stjepan in fear of his life and kingdom.
Terrified he will not accept no as an answer.

b o o k o n e :: s h a d o w o f l o c u s t

Keeping a connection invisible is more prudent at this time Lady Celim 11
Fall 6053

To round up the rotting elements that smother the roots of Pe llern is the quest of this
story arc, to pave way anew for Stjepans ascent through popular and private backing.
Beyond the rise of this new, powerful lord are highlighted problems that weave
slowly and insidiously into the fray beyond those that can be seen with the naked eye.
Tragedy should feature as a certain part to all relationships in face of the oncoming
Celim massacred all thousand of the men, even though she tried to spare some,
the sheer mass and speed of the Laen Golems isnt something she is a master of even
considering her tired state. Lord Stjepan himself faced Lord Daubon, the only
surviving man, whom Celim circled, and Stjepan slew him in fair and honourable
combat, which only further heightened his standing.
But the massacre severely impacted many men, including Luse Invarath, who said
by any means necessary. Celims actions were something hed not expected and
not on the scale. His own guilt in the part helped push him away, but also the
realization that suddenly the world is getting beyond even him. He takes a breather to
stop from breaking down. Celim is unhappy with his absence and lack of friendship.
Ishrahas underworld dealings take on a new life as his men become bold and
monies are generated. The Quaidu Cheon takes initiative offering to aid Israha.
Stjepan after cutting his long hair short to match his brothers fights in
consolidation of what lands of Miir he can take. Chelzaria will not budge until
Stjepan takes Alkartek. Support in Orian makes things much easier.
There are many plans occurring, many of those from the players themselves which
are kept from GM until after the event. Details of these will arrive at the end recap.

Gorgonn Return: with a peaceful solution to the skirmish with Lord Vaymoris, and
Nassain is somewhat disappointed, but content in being lazy if that is what Lord
Stjepan so requires. Nassain will be quick to see the changes with Lord Stjepan and
those around him obsequious and deferential at all times. He sees potential for the
Gorgonn and together at night they converge and discuss tactics. The city is seeing a
boom in economy and even while Lord Stjepan is paying them twice their daily rate
and in advance, they see that they can firmly attach themselves to Stjepans growing
power and reap the rewards thereof.
Nassain has his eyes firmly on Celim, and though not interested in the platonic
mindlessness to him that is love, he very much hungers for her and sees a kindred
spirits of sorts within, lust for freedom and lack of constraints. On his return he goes
to her, introduces himself as have travelled far and wide, fought and battled the most
fiercest foes in all of the kingdom and has brought back the finest of gifts for the most
beautiful woman in the land he presents her with a black opal he stumbled across on
the fields overlooking Vaymoris army when he heard the word from Stjepan to not
The black opal may represent the statues to Celim but that is not what Nassain
thought as he is unaware of them or how the battle was won, and rumours via Samaia
are inconclusive. A smooth, silken ellipse that warms in her hand and reassures,
black, deep forest and sea smoke wraps the insides the opalescent gem.
Nassain is a little more seductive toward Celim, to the point where he pushes the
public boundaries a little. If during this return encounter it is prudent to interrupt,
have Kedrick Bularis intervene.

Kedrick Bularis & the Essnce: Kedrick interrupts as another tutor much to
Nassains chagrin (see above). He is vastly different than when she saw him last, that
being a knight in the Ahn Sye Nokora. Now he is a tall elven man of strong
countenance and bearing. (For game reasons of this campaign making all
Loremasters of immortal races, I have decided to alter Kedrick somewhat, but his
history with the Unlife remains), wearing a sweeping blue and black robe, carrying
with him scroll cases, and watching everything with a didactic Loari eye. His face is
elongated and his lips drawn down at the ends he sees Nassain as potential trouble,
not liking of the motley crue of Mystics that house among the Gorgonn.
Last session, Celims experience in the Laen Golems and Plane of Chaos scarred
her mentally and emotionally, so much so, death, isolation were topics in the
background. Her emotions were literally playing havoc with her innate ability to
harness the essence. He had to intervene and without the Councils behest offer to
train her, as well as revealing his presence as Loremaster to her. This he has done
because of Celims potential and her position in importance to this citadel complex
harnessing the greater foci that is underneath Pellern.
His first lesson, he places an orange at the end of her carpeted room and asks her to
move it without touching it and without her moving. He sits at the other end of the
room with a bottle of red wine and drinks, never offering. Though a Lady, he treats
her like a student, with little respect unless earned. He tells her she can ask him
anything she has on her mind about the Essnce. He tells her according to
Loremaster gospel and she learns of interesting events including why she is so
powerful and about her latent energy.
how in the times before the First Era of Ire the three realms of magic,
Channelling, Mentalism and Essence were the same, in these times before the Lords
of Orhan there were no gods, just the Lords of Essnce who could tap their minds and
the flows of Essnce as if they were a conduit, able to harness both. Since then, magic
has fractured into realms, and there have been few in history and even less now that
can tap what the Lords of Essnce could, that being the Arcane Power usually it is
by one of descendent of the Lords of Essnce themselves, or another creature of
similar power from the Pales and beyond. She is one of these. She can tap the Arcane
Power that is
No matter what she cannot move the ball. Somewhat it is a trick question, to pull
the carpet toward her. He lets her know he cannot teach her two of the realms of
magic that comprise the three, nor of the strict lore that is Arcane Power itself.
Kedrick lets her know he has a cottage in the castle he has just paid an exorbitant
amount for on the western side where he will train her from within now on.

Security & Caution: The Quaidu, Cheon makes his move to Ishraha. While Ishraha
is walking through the city at night, from out of nowhere a man is suddenly at his ear
whispering, You need someone truly trustworthy watching Sutara and Divinhadra
they pocket half of what you get, and are prone to personal deceit on the side. It seems
to me an odd way of running a tight ship.
Cheon is a sight for eyes. He is dressed in a tight fitting black suit and jacket, a
little old and small. Taller than Ishraha and spindly, his skin a strange colour, similar
to Celim but at the same time dissimilar ashen-white, almost grey, his skin is
without colour and not an ounce of hair is upon his almost baby-like scalp. His eyes
are like a shark, large and black and just like a void, as he speaks his lips reveal a upper
jaw of elongated canines across the entire front.
Cheon is obsequious and he is a refugee himself from the East and is finding his
environment hostile. He came to Pellern because of Stjepans proclamation that all
races were welcome here. If East is mentioned, he refers to the Eastern Lands of
Jaiman. Cheon tells him he is skilled in the ways of the shadows and is like a whisper.
All he asks is for stable retainer and a position recognized by the castle, so he need not
fear the rabble accusing him if accepted.
Cheon is politically ambitious and sees himself as replacing Ishraha.

The Laen Army: returns the night of the 10
stalking slowly in the horizon, alerting
much of the townsfolk to watching these guardians of Pellern return to the hills
beyond. It leaves people speechless, gathered on the edges of Pellern, crowding to
watch this wonder that leaves the town gossiping for days, bringing in many a curious
eye to Pellern, which will prosper as monies increase.

Lord Dall & Orian: The characters have strongly signalled for a meeti ng back at Lord
Dalls. After receiving Stjepans letter and then Celims Bryces agitation is strong
and he indeed finds blame in Stjepan, especially when he learns of the details, but
from Celim hopefully first. Bryce indeed wants a full record of the events that
occurred from Stjepan.
Lord Dall has called a convening of their circle to meet on the 13
. For the other
Miirian Lords they only make it late having rode much of the week they are without
funds for Navigator. This gives Bryce, Dall, Midenna, and Carn time with the
characters and vice versa. It also gives them time in the city. This encounter can be
used to some effect. It is late on the night of the 13
the Miirian Lords arrive. Dall
asks to hold off until morning, to give the Lords some time to relax. This provides
moments for roleplaying that will be demanded.
Dall welcomes them once again into his home after the servant has fetched him,
stocky and short, aged but young in countenance, his wrinkles from smiling and good
weather, tanned well on his face and bald scalp. Red robes decorated in rectangular
golden patterns along the edges, he is warm to them all. From the tiled foyer full of
foliage, he leads them up the stairs and down the corridor running along side the
house to the suite toward the rear of the building, bedecked in dark sepia woods, walls
ceiling and furniture, with copper shined to a mirror glow that is deep and rich. The
main lounge comfortable with its fire and small library, privacy assured. He sits with
them and chats, but avoids all topics of political matters asking that they rest until
they are ready to join what others are already here, and when they are all assembled,
then they can discuss matters of importance.
Bryce seems more focused than usual, dressed in varying suits of hardened leather,
blue velveteen embroidered with his silver dragon upon the breastplate, Bryces eyes
sharp and richly viridescent. He is cold to Stjepan and after listening to Celim may
have something of a confrontation. Bryce is possessive of Celim and perhaps has
deeper feelings that he is unaware of, but a spark has always been there between them.
They have always taken interest of each other. He speaks even less to Ishraha who he
sees as Stjepans envoy.
Lord Archbishop Carn is more engaged and impressed with Stjepan whom he sees
as having driven out an evil with a force designed to protect. In the letter it mentions
the threat of the Barrow Wights. He commits twenty priests from Helberna to travel
to Pellern, establish a base and use their help in healing those scarred, and providing
for the people as well as combating the evil directly.
Baroness Midenna has more proof of the Amethyst Leagues involvement in the
city of Dynax. She makes suggestion that is where they have retreated to, a veritable
city of thieves and that she has good mind to strike at them soon to restore peace and
order to the decent citizens of the city living in terror. She is very enquiring about the
Laen Golems as she calls them, and their properties, how are they controlled, how
come, etc?
The often-anxious Lord Lystor arrives late before the white maned lisp speaking
Count Hirotha. He is dishevelled and joins the group dressed in his riding gear
exhausted. Count Hirotha is not half an hour behind and too is similarly tired. Lord
Dall will suggest that they reconvene in the morning. Until then, people speak
casually but none of the NPCs will dig into affairs until the morning, save Bryce
Korel who takes Celims time.
The next day and Lord Dall has been called to an urgent council meeting and has
left his servant to inform all, and ask that they share his house or explore the city
with escort at their discretion. Many of the other NPCs would have left, the
Archbishop heading to the temple, Count Hirotha to deal with some importing
problems of foodstuffs, Lord Lystor to a bar for nobles where with companion drinks
heartily his sorrows, the Baroness Midenna too is nowhere to be found but Bryce
Korel waits, waits for Celim and invites her out into the city, if Stjepan does not beat
him first.

Garden Walk: Bryce with Celim, takes her for a walk, with both Daemander a new
shadow of the Counts tailing. Bryce leads her down the street and up toward the hills
that surround the estuary of the Alana River, yet sweeping away from the ocean that
shimmers in fog and haze. The city beneath them from their ever -growing vantage is
a veritable mosaic of low flat buildings toward the cluster of sails and poles that mark
the stone port of the former Emperor. The places she passes, Bryce explains have
remained since the fall of the Empire, and they are grand palaces, towering marble
temples aligned gardens and the streets in order and precision. They are the last and
oldest line of houses upon this ridge, that as they crest leads to a surprise. At the end a
private park has been erected, and it appears as old as the neighbourhood they walked,
with trees gnarled over thousands of years, veritable clusters of living history as he
leads her on a wooden walkway path through the somewhat exotic forest, now and
then glimpsing peculiar fauna. He tries to have her mind taken off matters, and as
they walk he asks if she will accompany him to dine a midday meal with him. He
knows a wondrous chef down on the docks who says is from Itanis. Unfortunately
this wondrous dream will shatter in moments. Still trailed, and perhaps a little too
blissfully aware of each other, Francesca Xanes sent by the Ministry of Security after
Vanda discovered her daughters correspondence with Celim. Retaliation for the loss
of the white eog has been blamed upon Celim who has dogged this from the start.
The Ministry of Agriculture successfully lobbied for her elimination as a terrorist to
Sarnaki the Directorate complied, but Vanda saw something more delicious than
murder. An attempt on Bryce at these meetings, that the Ministry of Security has
known about for some time, will not only be prompt, to strike his lord sick when he is
far from home, unknown to be elsewhere, would look poor politically. Not killing him
outright makes the threat to Celim clearer.
Francesca strikes quick and poisonous from the foliage where she has stalked them,
a small crossbow firing a barbed bolt into his lower back from behind. It catches
Bryce totally unaware and he collapses forward in shock, the bolt firmly deep, it let
alone enough to kill any weaker man. But the poison is perhaps the scarier part, as
Celim will see the barbed bolt jutting from Bryce, a green fluid she will instantly
suspect is poison, with a roll to realize it is Ghida spider venom, which places its
victim into a Coma. So why shoot Bryce? It is Celims link to Bentara and a source
of strength, and why not impair the Lord when considering proposing control of
Bentara better than murder. Close examination reveals though the barb bolt is
nasty, it is not life threatening.
Francesca flees but she is not impossible to catch. How Celim attempts to do this
is up to her. Bryce could die, yet his men are too far to catch whoever did this.
Whatever the outcome it will be an important one. If she does catch a Sarnaki official
attempting to murder the Count of Bentara, Sarnak would suffer. If Celim stays she
may do well enough to stave off the coma with her knowledge and application of
herbs. If she chases, he will be unconscious. Any meeting with Francesca, and she will
be resolute in that this is only a threat, for her to back off or face more severe
consequences. Francesca is physically more adept than Celim and more skilled in
arms, though Celim has years ahead of her to become more adept.
Lord Dall will try to keep this quiet as Count Korel was not known to be here and
it could raise some questions and suspicions that could be dangerous to their futures.
For if Bryce were revealed to public as infirm and away from home, it would make
Sarnaks mounting pressure on him. If given proper treatment with the correct herbs,
Korel will be better enough to walk on the morrow and discussions can begin. Korel,
for the most part is silent.
Sarnak will soon mount a more concerted effort to undermine Bentara. Bryce is
pushed to limits trying to cope. Bryce is resolute that Celim should stay to watch
Stjepan, going so far to say that he fears the demon that drives Stjepan so much. But
now her attitude to the Eog can take a stronger turn. Stjepan is in severe need, and
that gives them an advantage to reel him back somewhat. She asks her to play hard
trade negotiations. Make him the loser in this, so much so he knows he is. Bryce has
difficulty with affection, as it is something he did not experience growing up under
Ventines opaque control. He will react with uncertainty and fear should anything
arise between them, and afterwards he is miserable in himself.

On the Subject of the Laen: For the most part as some are noted above, Lord Lystor
and Count Hirotha support Lord Dall who has spoken with him both on the matter of
Stjepan. Together Lord and Count with Lord Dall go to Stjepan after to speak in a
circle of four. Lord Dall says, Dennys ceding to him can only be good for future
prosperity under a unified rule. Nearly all of the lands of Miir could be Stjepans in a
matter of days if it were not for the pressing matter of the Barrow Wights. Count
Hirotha and Lord Lystor both say their parts on the matters, Hirotha with lisp would
be honoured if Lord Stjepan would accept the allegiance of Bokpentok. Lystor, terse is
somewhat less than honoured, pledging Tovor to Stjepans rule. Together they can
work on the Barrow Wights.

Trip to Bentara: this scenario itself may greatly alter the meeting that comes on the
of Fall. Celim has intended to head to Bentara on the morning of the 11
confront Korel in reply to his heartbroken letter. Her letter of reply causes him so
much emotional swing that he becomes literally sick and unsure. This is all
exasperated by the situation surrounding him from his advisors and friends, close to
him and his heart who have followed his interest in Celim with great interest and
some with great caution.
Travelling by navigator will be expensive, the navigator taking her to the foyer,
but no further. Here she is met with guard. This is not the castle she remembers, the
cold and freezing stone corridors and bars far beneath the ground.
She is delivered on golden-fringed red carpet that flows to papered walls, with
wooden panels, set delicately with paintings in nearly every panel, and white marble
statues arrayed down the curve of opposing corridors off the oval foyer entrance.
Before her, two black arched and sculpted doors before which stand two guards in
black, with cloaks similar to Daemander (who was the captain of the guard here in
Bentara) but with silver embroidery of the dragon that is Bentaras. The navigator
accompanies Celim and the guards are surprised, but recover quickly. They ask who
she is and her reasons for coming, and one departs down the corridor and soon is
returning with a man. Lancing bushy eyebrows, thick and blonde, wearing a light and
aesthetic platemail over black hardened leather. The Sergeant is somewhat dubious
and asks for some identification or letter of reference, and while this haggling goes on
a young man approaches from the other corridor, chewing on an apple, he walks right
past unhindered by the guards to the black doors with panels of silver showing scenes
of old in bas-relief.
This man stops and stops at the Sergeant talking to this lady and asks the
commander in charge whats the problem. He is a tall man, with broad shoulders of a
Talath dalesman to a slender waist of an elf. Dressed in a tailored suit of deep
lavender and white under shirt. Ruby jewe llery set in gold chains and rings, his face is
strong boned, his eyes somewhat square. Once he learns who it is, he allays the
Sergeant saying hell take it from here, and the soldier instantly complies.
The man introduces himself as Lord Atrius, good friend of Lord Korel and Official
Advisor, he asks her to accompany him and hell take her immediately to Bryce.
Atrius is one of the young lords Korel grew up with. He is also the most brutal and
loyal, yet he is reserved to a point, and remains oblique fromdiscernment. He is
gentle in his conversation, yet he seems somewhat cautious of her. His concern is for
Bryce, he tells her that this is new to Bryce. She should be careful.
Atrius leads her into a massive receiving hallway that takes her breath away. It is
far beyond the drab stone of Pellern and inspires ones heart to draw breath at the
architectural genius. The red carpet flows up the walls to rows of bas-relief frames in
wood, over which marble stretches in delicate arches revealing a hidden mosaic of
frosted glass, allowing sunlight to filter in illuminating in sparkles of dust in the air.
The affluence far exceeds that of Pellern, at least in show, and in style. Chandeliers of
pure crystal carved in amazing spires glow with internal light and it is like
wonderland she walks into. She is led through this to a circular stairwell at the end of
it, which rises, up and through the ceiling, where as she ascends she watches the
motes of dust filter in the light from above in layers of atmosphere. The stair well
pokes into a library that is immense, for as far as the eye can see, books and story high
cases segmenting the hall like room.
He continues on up and leads to a pale blue room, walls painted in two shades,
darker azure along the bottom, and even the furniture, so intricate and inlaid with
cushioning and cloth, a receiving room, ghostly empty. From across this room into a
hallway. Lush mahogany fittings and oil burns in elegant dragons clasping orbs of
glass upon their bronzed backs. He leads her down the curving hallway on soft and
buoyant carpet, lush and textured. At the very end, after coming some quarter arc is a
final wooden door. Atrius stops, says it would be best for her to speak to him alone
and there leaves her. Left alone and so unattended in Korel Castle should be
impressed. Knocking brings no response. Bryces office is within and he is currently
involved in an argument with another of his advisors, Kimesha, the female voice who
has watched the emotions Celim has let ravage her friend.
Celim will walk into this, opening the door to a large room, which glows with a
fire, but for the most part huge grey curtains obscure most of the near ceiling to floor
windows around this massive chamber. There is a great space of open air above and
across the room to where two figures argue, a man and a woman one of them Bryce.
Bryce dressed in a silver suit with black fringe sits hands on head at a massive
sculpted marble of Orhan that is a ghostly white, trickled in streams of blue rivers.
The woman beside him almost berating Bryce is slim and lithe, but clearly human
though not native to Hstra shed wager dark skin, thought not dissimilar from
Ishraha, her eyes slanted like his as well. But where there is deformity in Ishraha,
there is only admirable physical form of this woman, dressed in a strange garment of
wrapped clothe like some entombed creature in hugging black and red leathers
horizontal for the most part. Her hair is long and silken black to her waist, and while
not beautiful, is not unattractive, but perhaps that is just the scowl upon her face, thin
lips downturned. If not interrupted, the woman, Kimesha will soon notice Celim.
She has just been trying to snap Bryce out of his manic depressive state that has
overwhelmed him. Kimesha is furious with Celim and ever since Bryce took more
interest in her since she returned when Ventine was supposedly killed. She sees
Celim as someone playing games with Bryces heart, and her connection to Ventine
is an implicit reason not to trust her.
Kimesha stalks up to Celim asking if this is she, is the one that plays so heartily
with her men? Kimesha stares down Celim if she can, Bryce will intervene, and
Kimesha will stalk off, saying she tried to warn him.
Bryce is in a dilemma. Both letters carry the elements of hope and despair. He does
not know what to say or do. He has realized his emotions have built quickly for this
rogue lady of the court, but he is getting beyond caring about the dangers. Bryce will
not have the last word on this though Kimesha has yet to confront Celim and
threaten her strongly. Whatever the outcome, Bryce will talk with her, but will be
shaken and visibly so, especially since she is here. He arranges a guest room for her
and servants. Do not allow this to go to long, Atrius, who was intending on going to
Bryce anyhow waits some, but will knock before intimacy can be consummated.
Resolution is still delayed. Atrius reminds Bryce he is late for meeting with the Port
of Izar Ambassador, who is causing a little stir in court. Bryce makes his apologies as
Atrius waits outside, arranging rooms he promises they will speak later.
As soon as Celim has been escorted to a room, whenever that is, Kimesha makes
moves to intercept, dismissing the servant to wait and with purpose striding to
Celim. Atrius catches Kimsesha, however, and tempers her fury. Celim can listen
in. Kimesha tells Atrius to stand down, he declines, she then says to him whatever her
decision is she is not staying her, and she will not allow the enemies of Bryce gain
fodder against him, especially such a person as she that wreaks havoc with his heart.
Kimesha lets him know she sees Celim as a threat and she is not the only one who
will make life difficult for her should she decide to stay anything than what is
warranted for a guest. She walks off saying the others will have much to say about

Celim will find herself interviewed several more times during her time here as the
allies and good friends of Bryce take interest in her, namely the Sorcerer Lurayl, and
Lord Vedesis. The servant or Atrius takes her to chambers. The other three parties
being; Ambert - a shrewd Bureaucrat, Demalde - an extraordinary business and
merchant, and Jasmine a divine and calculating goddess who can make men lose
their thoughts as she accompanies her husband Demalde.

Celim is provided a room, which makes hers feel like a maids closet. It is larger than
even Stjepans room, and is spacious and designed for maximum light and comfort.
To describe every detail would take far too long, and even her eyes will find new
aesthetics to swoon at every glance. The room has little area where the word Spartan
fits, drapery of gold and black lathers everything in delicious folds and patterns. The
carved wood in the room supporting chairs, divans, sofas, is stained black, and carved
with didactic eye. Her four posted bed is sublime, a mammoth tree carved at each post
with sinuous tree sylphs woven to a canopy of carved foliage and branches over which
golden silk is draped to the bed itself, also silk. Her tables appear so fragile, like lace,
and the chairs soft and comfortable. The room is not a personal one, and is
specifically for a woman guest. Clothing, jewellery, bath with running hot water,
large silver mirrors, a bar, and a view of the city Bentara from the 4
floor. Two
servants are on call via rope bells arrayed about the room. One cleans and takes care,
while the other provides food, information, helps with dressing and grooming. Their
names are Josyree and Lerakha.
Her view, however, is astounding. She looks not upon the city proper, although
that swims lazily into view on her right. Diamond bracketed window panels open to
the sea, literally hundreds of feet below her, the ocean of the Bay of Izar a deep dark
blue the sun unheeded, yet low and sagging in the sky. For as far as her eye can see,
the cliffs either way of the shoreline.
Bryce is not up for court himself, and his friends would be reluctant to allow
Celim free reign, watched by Kimeshas allies in the castle with all movements
reported. Kimesha will have her confrontation with Celim in due time.

Lurayl Checks Celim: Upon hearing of Celime within the castle, many of Bryces
close friends, that tight knit of childhood comrades, wish to see this woman that has
caused their friend and ruler to be brought to his knees. Lurayls opinion of Celim
will carry weight, and will be an almost psychological session, as Lurayl pries with
words. If her reaction is hostile, he will let all know she is a danger, and she will find
herself met with more hostile attitudes from Bryces allies. If she is honest, open,
Lurayl may find her at least on neutral ground. That will tip the balance enough for
Celim to be able to return in an official capacity, and personal one.
Lurayl is young, not much older than Bryce, but he is remarkably short, almost
Nomari. His face is a little dumpish and his black hair curled and short. Scrupulous
eyes watch her every move. He is dressed casually for one of the court, in green and
red breeches and jacket. Lurayl silently probes her for the truth in all matters, but he
finds something he did not expect, a threatening wall of essnce within Celim that
he dare not close upon.
Lurayl is keen, a mind razor sharp, but reserved and aloof as a psychiatrist. He
burries hard words into her hands to reflect upon and grills her in a pleasant way.
Lurayl is reluctant to talk of himself or the others and even Bryce unless she is
genuine, in which case he lets some information to her; he is Bryces cousin by
marriage, and grew with Bryce here in the castle, was discovered by Ventine and
given lessons. They lasted only a few months, as he was shown a side of Ventine that
forever changed him, so much so Ventine appeared to dismiss him as weak. From
there he several years in the castle, always feeling Ventines threatening eyes on him,
and even his mother, bless her, noticed, sending him to Sel-Kai to learn sorcery. He
returned six years later, and has been at the castle for three years.
Lurayl leaves with impressions to be shared.

Lord Vedesis: the black sheep of the herd about Bryce, but one whom Bryce has
absolute trust in, even if the others harbour ill disposition towards the murderer of the
first Count Korel. Vedesis is of age different than the young coterie about Bryce.
Vedesis was an exile from Niev, who left Niev in 6045, some eight years past, fleeing
the growing persecution for nonhumans, and even to a lesser degree at that stage,
those not Shay. A Talath dalesman from Upsdale, who after a heated affair with a
daughter of a family rival, found himself exiled. He travelled to Danarchis where he
travelled to Jaiman, learning much in his ten years there, before returning eventually
finding himself in Bentara with a small house by the sea, a seasoned warrior. He was
sought out because he was an outsider. At that stage he didnt know they wanted him
to kill Korels father, not even Korel knew. Time at court, where his surprising
etiquitte and ability to get along with any and every one, allowed him to see quickly
the machinations. When together Bryces friends brought up the need for action, it
was Bryce who finally spoke up, but Vedesis could see his peers approval was just the
final nod to something theyd long planned for. Vedesis agreed. Bryce was more
suited to rule, than the puppet of this madman, especially when they discovered some
of Ventines practises. Vedesis not only slew Korels father with help from the others,
but led the charge in many of the underground raids on nobles, where they met some
times with demons of the void, Vedesis able to dispatch them with great challenge
and enchanted luck. Since then Vedesis has grown to be a close friend and advisor to
Bryce, who values the rogue knights almost exterior perspective.
Nearly some seven foot, he is the tallest human she has seen since Ulyshak, big
boned yet slim for his height, his hands gnarled, little flesh on his rigid skeleton. His
blonde hair is sparse, somewhat balding, and his face pointed and besmirched in a
wrinkled grin. He wears a well-oiled plate shoulder and breastplate crossed sword
and scythe etched over his heart, with chain skirt hanging in shards to mid waist, so
oiled, the metal is dulled. A kynac and long kynac at either side slouched lazily, like
his general demeanor.
Vedesis wants to meet with Celim and like with Bryce he shares his views on the
circle of events. Vedesis does say that her being her does complicate matters. It could
also give Sarnaki more reason to attack, something he feels will happen in the next
few months. He knows their spies are well entrenched, and Falkenna has become just
another navy port.

Kimeshas Confrontation: Kimesha will go to Celim and espouse her thoughts. She
believes Celim whether she likes it or not is a pawn of Ventine, a moulded glove for
him to slip his hand in at any moment. It makes perfect sense - he was ousted by
them, and now seeks inroads to Bryce. Kimesha will not bend and her anger is
furious, if mixed with a little jealousy, though not extreme.
Her very presence her causes issues that will grow out of control, namely Sarnak,
who are aware of Celim all too well of late, her involvement in her dismissal where
she was sent as a spy, to Pellern where she once again foiled Sarnaki plans. Tied with
Bryce, the Sarnaki have good reason to attack.
Her role is an ambassador, and unless Bryce has given order otherwise, then she
should fulfil her duty so that one day she just might be able to return. She does not
mask her threats, or veil them in witty metaphor. Kimesha is direct and strong.

Korel Again & Finally?: It is near dinner when Bryce knocks upon her door, or has a
servant fetch her if she is exploring. He looks tired, but pleased to see her, it brings a
smile to his exhausted expression. He is dressed smartly, dark blue velvet suit
something above the normal fare of Miir, and no doubt imported, garnished with an
almost heart of a ruby set in a silver dragons maw at his neck, clasping his velvet
cloak in place. Bryce does not wish Celim to see the court, and others would
intervene. Her presence would cause a scandal of sorts that would make Bryces
control very weak. Sarnak is poised to strike if it sees such weakness, or can induce it.
Bryce takes her deeper into the third floor, towards his room, yet a door leading
deeper as opposed to the view. A wide corridor whose ceiling arches smooth, but it is
as if walking into a forest within, so deceptive are the frescoes painted upon all
surfaces. Dense clusters of foliage press out from the plastered room, and in semi-
circle niches, statues made from Orhan marble glow in a deep silvery blue.
Celim will feel dizzy the pure white ambience of the marble strained in swirls of
blue, touches her, and still somewhat without control of her abilities. Elation mixes
with a drugged stupor. Bryce literally catches her from falling. Celim will be blinded
by a white light and taken from her body. She awakes when Bryce carries her to the
other side, noticing that she has woken laying her down, terrified something (Ventine
is his thought) has taken her. She recovers in the room he has prepared for her. A
worried servant stands close by with a silver bowl of water and cloth.
The room is circular, warmed from two fires burning at opposite ends of the room.
Black and deep red draperies hang from all walls in a sweeping minaret to a
chandelier of candles above. A circular table sits in the centre of the room, graced in
silver, food, and wine. The aromas in the air are simply divine, not since Sarnak has
she smelt such exotic spice.
Here they may speak in comfort together, relaxing on the cushion formed couches
by the fires afterwards if they desire. The servant remains, unless dismissed. No one
intervenes to this event and Bryce has his time to speak with her. Bryce should be
very confused. He is young, nave, and unsure if he is in love, of which he has
absolutely no experience in. Either way he wont be pleasant. Scorned, hell grow
dark, loved and shell be his addiction as he wastes away dedicated to her alone.
This event with Bryce & Celim was developed not in Bentara, but at Orian at the
meeting with Lord Dall. Bryce, dark and gloomy travelled with Kimesha as aide. His
demeanor prompted Celim to write a letter that Bryce could not handle (already
emotionally distressed). He left distressed alone, walked to the garden he escapes to
from Lord Dalls now and then. Francesca Xanes shadowing him. Stjepan sought
Celim who after giving Bryce the letter that crushed him so, he told her where Bryce
had gone and that she should follow him. She did, and found him crying on a bench,
where she expressed her love for him. Bryces emotional state is chaotic. He has been
up and down like a yo -yo with Celim, but Bryce does love her, but maybe not the
way Celim wants. Bryce is weak in ways of relationships where love beyond
friendship is demanded. He simply has had to deal with killing his father and ruling.
Bryce has not had a childhood and is growing more and more dark in mood. If
scorned he will cease all communiqu with both Lord Dall, and Stjepan (thereby
Other notes for the game, some of which will be detailed more;
1 - A census has been organized in Pellern, which once completed after several
weeks will reveal a population growing, of some 8,000 people. Usually the figure
would be much lower, around 1,500, but the influx of immigrants coupled with
refugees from Alkartek are increasing it. The Census readers will constantly be met
each day with a flood of people though, so the figure is less than accurate.
2 Celim has refused to ever use the Laen Golems again and is reluctant to enter
the bowels of the citadel, though she did inspect the portal. The library has been
3 Stjepan on the 13
, Waterday sent 20 Gorgonn to Pavels old estate to
investigate and then scout out the Grey Grove. These men do not sur vive the Grey
Grove, swallowed by the force of Unlife within the grove. Stjepans decision will
push the Gorgonn to oblivion. These men arrive there on the 19
, and disappear that
night. Nassain will immediately call his men together and ride out, without asking.
These men and Nassain never return as their true selves, consumed by the force
within the Grey Grove that has lain in some semi-torpor since the Wars of Dominion
a Demon of the Fifth Pale, is awakened by Stjepans orders, albeit unknowingly.
Moreover, this demon, Iresh, was one who constructed the citadel at Andaras behest
during the first thousand years of S.E.I. using the Essnce of the Greater Foci centred
about where Pellern would grow today, to speed the process. More on the history of
the demon, Wrim, and Andaras will be detailed further on.

I am sorry that your brother is dead, but Im not sorry that Constans is, Stjepan.
Lady Celim 13
Fall 6053

Lord Dalls: This serves only as an introduction to attitudes after the previous session
detailed above.
Nassain who came along at Stjepans behest is now wary of Celim. He watched
the interplay between her and Bryce, and while he doesnt care if she does find
interest in others, he, himself is concerned with himself. He will play the situation to
his own advantage.
Dall lets the others know what happened. If it comes out it was Sarnak that made
the assassination, Dall will push Stjepan to build his strength and flex his muscles so
to speak.
Kimesha may have her confrontation with Celim after all.

Dark Messenger: Late one night unexpected to all another doorway opens, this the
furthest of the five. Andaras unlocks yet another chapter on their powerful construct
below but this doorway is not to their liking, or it shant be. Asleep on the dias,
Trnor was oblivious to the figure that came from the tunnel, a messenger of sorts
from the Dark Lord of Wisdom. The Jo-tjiin-kai, Persch, passes through the portal
that resides not some one hundred feet down the laen corridor. Black and glassy, the
ellipse slips some hundred metres till a glowing blue bulging bubble at the end of
molten liquid. Blue and shale it swirls contents thickly, like paint. This portal
shimmers and pulses on the essnce generated by the citadel.
Persch, at the behest of Andaras is compelled to seek out Stjepan. He shadows
through mirrors, bending and arriving in Stjepans own room, stepping from the glass
behind him. Stjepan is first aware of Persch as his talons embed themselves into his
shoulders, the weight of his arms powerfully holding Stjepan down and a musky
aroma pervading the room like deer musk.
I am at behest to pass on message to you great mortal lord. It is message of
memory and portent, from the great Lord of Wisdom of whom you slew two of his
faithful of late. Best you seek aid of powers greater than man if you are to combat that
which man cannot touch and be wary of looking to the silver that masks, not all
purity protects, they, the shunned do not organize in force though discarded they
are just as concerned of lives of both mortal and immortal they too see the coming
impasse, not all greet the Unlifes rapacity for absolute eradication of existence with
favour. When aid is provided to allow survival, be careful in your scorn, never trust
the obvious. Look to your ancestors and look among your entire circle of allies, for in
both you will find treachery of past and future if you fail to divulge its origin so
much so it will tear you down. Your worms are digging at your foundations hungry
for the carcass you currently feast. Lastly, the whored girls child with the pretty
violet eyes, tell her we will find her through her scent alone and not even father will
save her. I look forward to tasting your city, and to when we next and last meet.
Then the demon whips past Stjepan, dressed in heavy slate robes covering all but
glowing ember eyes and steps briskly through the mirrors surface.
Trnor will be unaware of anything until awoken.

Hal Tempts: Another meeting with the singular demon masquerading as the
sentience behind the sword, but this time Hal needs to push. Stjepans establishment
of the Ahn Sye Nokora did not free the frustrated demon and now realizes there must
be an Emperor for the guardsmen to defend. Hal is unaware of Ardania. His
historical knowledge is very limited.
Stjepan finds himself under a sunny sky, the sun so vibrant and vivifying, basking
the luxurious hills, cloaked in a fur of green. He is warm, and feels at peace, and is
walking the verdant rolling land.
Hal stands beside him, dressed as ever in his a red suit with golden buckles and
buttons each button with unique design. His hair is black, short, and appearing wet,
though straight. His hands are behind his back in flanged gloves. Unassuming in
appearance, someone you could pass on the street. Hal engages Stjepan in
conversation as they walk.
Hal plays his role closer to Stjepan, letting him know he is aware of thoughts that
ramble in his head bringing up these somewhat taboo subjects. His desire for Celim
would he le t his lust for her eclipse what needs to be done? (Agreement with Bentara
over the Eog), he encourages Stjepans hatred for his father by relating when his
father was given the sword by his then grandfather, he ran from the room, unwilling
to accept it. He locked the sword away and never opened the door again, yet Hal was
linked, as he is to all the minds of all his ancestors (this is a lie), and he talks of his
fathers fear as the Katra rode into his lands, his first concern himself, Stjepans
mother was only an afterthought.
Hal encourages Stjepan to take Alkartek, take back his father and brothers
mistake and make it strong. Be strong in his rule, unflinching and dedicated. And, if
he really wants Celims heart, then he should strike down Niv. She needs to feel
safe, its why she seeks out so many men for her bed, Hal goads.
Their discussion ends as they crest a rise to look down upon ancient standing
stones, which glow blue in the strong light, a halo of energy about their ancient
edifices. Stjepan is returned to his world.

Kedrick Bularis: arrives the morning of the 17
before Celim has eaten, but has
dressed. He waits scowling at the anxious Daemander whose hand rides on his short
kynac and other on the doorframe. Kedrick stands tall and imposing, his blue and
black robe as large as Daemander himself. Kedrick has nothing in his hands (last he
had scroll cases to confuse Celim). He gets straight down to business when Celim
opens the door and lets him in.
He discusses the colours of magic and how with her unlike most of those who
use the essnce in its varying dominions, her use will be represented across all colour
spectrums. He lets her know this can be used against her, and while much of it cannot
be masked, she should not let others see her, for she will be accused of Mysticism.
Kedrick will listen to any questions she has and be careful in his replies to her. He
asks her if she follows any of the gods or spirits. If she is unaware he may take time to
inform her. Kedrick is a Cleric of Phaon though began life as a Mentalist before
realizing his true calling.

Jarolaimes Amulets: A process that has taken some time is finally complete with
Jarolaime completing the manufacture of amulets for use against mentalism. He
presents Lord Stjepan with the amulets. Each is a beaded necklace of rhodochrosite,
almost pearl like beads set along a silver strand each of a pale red, somewhat
transparent and banded in layers of mineral Jarolaime explains the crystal will
centre oneselfs strengths and make them less open to easy Mentalist attacks. Each
has a ellipse of a dull plain metal, which Jarolaime calls Rularon, and says is very
expensive and will inhibit Mentalism effects. What he does not say is that it will
inhibit mentalism, so not knowing Celims potential he has not factored this. The
next time Kedrick sees it he will take it from her and liquefy the amulet in his hand,
saying she should not be inhibiting her powers, it will cause stunting. If she is worried
about mind attacks he gives her mathematical riddles to comprehend and prepares her
defences against subtle attacks.
These are given to Ishraha, Cheon and Celim.

Barrow-Wights: Initial forays without weapons enchanted or of Eog are met with
difficulty. Even Nassain of the Gorgonn is somewhat surprised at Stjepans request
and refuses to go into battle against the Undead. It is in their contract, no
supernatural armies will be met, though supernatural threats if encountered will be
dealt with. He wont budge on this, spreading the Gorgonns net in Pellern while
Stjepans back is turned.
What can they learn about these Barrow Wights? Trnor can help with some
information, but that is less than encouraging;
Shadows of an ancient civilization, the Wrim, reputed to have surfaced and
perished during the Interregnum except that at one time all of Hstra they inhabited.
Nothing else of their culture remains, only scattered barrows across Miir and
southern Bodlea. Trnor goes on to tell them their mere touch atrophies the soul
and body. Their origin is the Unlife their forms insubstantial and only weapons of
enchantment are of any use against them.

Nema Returns: with tribal gifts for the justice brought to their tribe at the execution
of both Kora and Anath. They eased wounds that were thought never would heal.
Nema returns by way of Navigator with a veritable hoard of herbs for distribution in
Pellern. The surprised Lord Chancellor transports him to his quarters last taken,
where he unravels the contents and makes his way into the castle, caught
unsuspecting. Lord Stjepan is alerted and then shown the horde arrayed on the bed
that Nema has taken. After Stjepan has inspected everything and is happy, Nema has
a gift from Quon, for the justice meted out to the murderers Anath and Kora. He
presents to Stjepan in a wrapping of soft silken black fur at the ends of which an array
of colourful tiny feathers have been sewn. Within is a jade carving, a brilliantly
sculpted gigantic lizard some foot in length he tells Stjepan once per day the carving
will be his eyes, and the jade figurine comes to life upon command by grasping its
head and covering its eyes with thumbs, and he can then see through its eyes, it
having the ability of any chameleon to blend and to climb. This lasts for no more than
an hour a day and is exhausting to look with surround perspective as it does.

Council & Lord Murain Arrives to Stjepans Letter: Murain comes to Stjepans
request, but for this fact; to guide its future, with Stjepans admission of lack of
control. Murain will seriously challenge Stjepan and the other Lords who look to
Murain with a grudging fear and concession. He agrees in unity, but plays a devils
advocate against Stjepan and makes sure he is voted in upon any new council. The
council so called by Stjepan not just for Pellern lords, but also for Alkartek will not be
as productive as Stjepan intended.
Calus Murain is deceptive in his age, his face sunken at the cheekbones and chin
long, a look of calculated cunning perpetual. His brown hair is collected back into a
long pony-tail. Murain is wity, cold, and passionate to the point of madness on certain
topics. Murain sees Stjepan as an usurper, who since coming has witnessed the death
of all those that could take his throne. He is dressed in an old black velvet suit jacket
with once silver trim, his high riding boots to knees shined black and gloss like a
placid lake. With him is a strange man, dressed in orange robes, the hood of which is
pulled down revealing a smug round headed man with roughly cut short blonde hair.
His eyes are rounded as well, little piggy pinpricks. This man is Calne (kah-lay-
nay), a Sorcerer who has long called Murain castle his home, studying flow effects
upon subterranean structures he is aware that a large force exists closer to the
surface than originally beleieved. Calne is difficult to speak to, appearing a little
mad to match his master his eyes wide, smug grinning, derogatory comments. He is
not one out to win social contests. He is more than a capable Sorcerer, one that
Temeris knows and has some disgust at. Calne is secretly engaged in discussions
with The Amethyst League and the Black Dawn while not manipulative of Murain,
Calne advises and has pushed for Murain to get the eog, but Murain has only
reacted now because of Stjepans demanding letter. Calne now waits to see whether
he can get his hands on the Eog or if she should take his services elsewhere.
This is the point to drill home. The Barrow Wights quickly overran Alkartek
lands, and those that fought perished, giving time to those who fled. All in Alkartek
perished, and many more commoners died as well most of the refugees from nearby
lands bordering, including Keliir of whom nothing more will be heard, nor the armies
there. Harcas after falling so cowardly in battle has developed a complex and fears
leaving the walls of his castle.
No Alkartek lords and only the remaining Lords namely; Murain, Sandar, Reif,
Jenovar, Dasek, Temeris, Charize, Mallion. Lord Jenovar informs Stjepan of the lack
of Alkartek Lords and their seeming disappearance, and also of Keliirs unavailability
and Harcas as well.
Most pressing to all Lords is the development in Alkartek the fear of it spreading
into Pellern. Murain challenges every action determined by Stjepan with a logical
reason for failure. Charize enjoys being the wily one out of the spotlight.
The other Lords gathered have their own views. Charize is eager to take Motts
lands, pressing to Stjepan his lands are open and highwaymen could soon use it as a
base of operation. Charize uses this to help push the topic towards all the Lords
assembled having more land. He has his eyes on Radomir and Esov as well. Mallion
likes this idea and it may be a way to get him on side. Temeris has defended his lands
with a living barrier (temporary as it may be) from his animists of whom he is
reluctant to let be involved in any war against the Undead. Dasek is paranoid,
knowing all too well that as Lord Vaymoris retreated with his three-hundred soldiers,
that they never made it successfully home. Jenovar is all for a concerted planned
effort but offers nothing to the table. Reif is useless and glares often at Dennys.
Sandar goes with Stjepan whatever the result.
In this meeting strangely enough Murain was voted in as council member in lieu of
Luse Invaraths resignation. Murain was totally caught off guard, and even
furthermore when Stjepan spoke to him after offering his lands all the way along the
Mountains of Gold, but that he receives only a portion of the portion of White Eog
they are currently taking for Pellern. Murain agrees, and sees the best way to remove
Stjepan is to beat him at politics, something he has not done for some time, but
something he intends to do about as soon as possible. He even decides to send some of
his knights to join the Ahn Sye Nokora (which he finds somewhat laughable), some
of his best with intentions they rise to positions of power.

Cheon Presses for HQ: Cheon continues his surreptitious activities, and pushes to
Ishraha the need for a base of operations that only they, the Security and Intelligence
of Pellern should know, a place not even Stjepan knows, where they can retrieve from
within the city items, get rest, food, and return all information without being
associated with the castle and under suspicion.

A Rebel in the Mob: Unrest is building in Tent City, the now overcrowded, cold, and
disease ripe area facing the open plains of Pellern where once stood houses before the
New Years Eve of 6053. There are those, growing disgruntled with Stjepans words so
enticing for those usually scorned, that speak out openly now challenging the
buildings of Mynistra, gatehouses, while they are cold and hungry, left to feed on the
scraps until Stjepan calls forth workers he needs. Theyre seeing themselves more and
more a melting pot for the Lord who jet sets across the country with Navigator Jumps
(there are those that see who requests a Navigator via the obelisk at the west of the
Let the simmering continue, but it will be unobserved by the officials, so Ishraha
will learn nothing. Cheon hears but says nothing to Ishraha, knowing the momentum
could be used for his gain. Sutara and Divinhadra dont notice due to the extra
workload of training and information gathering this demonic like man has provided
for them. They obey Cheon more than Ishraha out of fear.

Procreation Most Foul: Persch has found himself a haven suitable to his purposes by
accessing the tunnels under Pellern and gaining access to the Citadels outer
mechanisms. There deep under the stone a small room he takes his trophies. The Jo-
tjiin-kai inflames the dangerous situation of hunger, dispossession and cold among the
citizens of Pellern. His very presence brings endless mirth to Andaras who watches
the politics take a turn away from the controlled rooms of bureaucracy onto the
streets where the poor find home.

Persch, Jo-Tjiin-kai:
Strength: D6 Agility: D6 Health: D6 Mentalism: D10
Knowledge: D10 Perception: D8 Luck: N/A

Special: He possesses the ability to subvert and dominate minds through the
use of Mentalism, confusing his prey with distorting his appearance and
making him attractive to others. His illusion masking his true appearance is
strong and only revealed during the rape with the person involved. Every rape
upon a woman leaves here severely depressed and stressed, more often than
not unable to converse what occurred as she carries the demonic child inside of
her, and more often than not will convince her it is not what it seemed. Rape
of men results in their infection and distortion as they become part demon.

Combat: Claws and two-foot long prehensile tongue.

Persch is not tackling the paths of his race, and his desire is focused. Persch hunts
down both men and woman raping both, but not in the usual sense. He first hunts
pregnant woman, ripping from them the child within and leaving a horror scene crude
with serial killer like hints and clues. Yet all Persch wants from the child that
escaped Antiana is just as deviant as what his kind usually enact. He wants to
impregnate Celim with his own child, and so is waiting, but continues slaughtering
all pregnant wome n and harvesting their foetal children for a perverted nursery that
he intends to raise a child under his control most powerful.

The first murder is obvious and alerts Alexus, Captain of the Guard who in turn goes
to Stjepan for the reason of the blood used in words around the scene. Alexus will try
his hardest to keep Celim away, but will not overstep his station. Alexus himself is
disturbed at the vicious nature of the murder, and is pale as he relates the barest of
information to Stjepan to get him to come with him.
First on the scene was Guardsman Kisgard. He was alerted by panicked streetgirls
who came running to him babbling about murder. He blew his whistle and followed
the girls along Shale Way and into the north western group of houses and found the
house the girls heard their friend, Csemony, screaming from. The house is none other
than Cindels old cottage, specifically chosen by Persch for his first kill.
Kisgard entered briefly smelt the blood and with his torch illuminated the grisly
scene of which he soon recoiled. More guardsmen soon view the ghastly mess and
Alexus is called within minutes for him to view along with the strongest of
stomached men and inspected with much torchlight the scene.
Without touching a single item he had his men leave and the area contained,
guards posted and the women taken back to the barracks at the castle for questioning.
The girls resist this but realize they have no choice. As prostitutes they fear what is
coming. Alexus makes sure they do not speak to each other or any until he returns.
This is where Stjepan comes in;

Cindels cottage is lit well in the cold night sky. All the guards are covered with heavy
grey wool coats lantern torches and halberds in thick-gloved hands. There is no
crowd, but so cold is the evening that it is not a surprise. Brick based with a half
wooden structure on top, Cindels cottage is definitely not as tranquil at night than it
is at day. Grim faced guards stand ready clustered at the front door to her house
pressed against the western drop off of the citys defences. Their light casts a sallow
halo against the structure. Alexus nods and they file in and their light illuminates the
scene within Alexus provides aniseed oil for Stjepan (under the nose). The light
casts upon the pleasant scene as the careful Cindel had left it. Neat furniture and
coverings, quaint rugs and small wooden statues purchased from craftsmen in the
city. For a scene of murder it is surprisingly kept.
In the centre of the lounge, a short way in past the small entrance hall, a woman
lies torn. Her head is thrust rigid back, eyes wide and bulging at the ceiling, teeth
rigor and her lips pulled back in grimace, blood pooled in her mouth drying from the
rivulets down her cheeks. Her body is naked, her clothing cast under her as if she
were cut upon from neck to groin but it is only from the beginning of her ribcage
down to the tops of her legs that is an incomprehensible mess of tangled innards and
ropes of flesh, colours black to green, white to pink, and the coagulated and cooling
swamp of blood on the carpet floor. There is little blood upon anything else save the
stuccoed wall opposite, almost where the dead girl is staring. Wr itten in smeared
blood, done with what appears to be a rag, words; Celim Like Mother Like

What can be learnt here? At Cindels cottage the words themselves hint at Persch, he
chasing both, and in his mind Antiana was a whore and he torments Celim the same.
Only a close forensic examination will reveal further matters. Such skills are beyond
healers, and beyond the basic man or educated noble. Trnor if given time with the
body will discover several facts she was malnourished, her entire stomach cavity
was destroyed and portions are missing, some appearing randomly.

The Prostitutes are the only witnesses to what happened to Csemony and even their
knowledge is scant and misleading. They try to avoid giving away what they do,
though not illegal, they fear being made to pay bail. If Stjepan is brought before
them they break easily and co-operatively.

Ielahs Story: Young, freckled short dark red-haired Shay girl with discoloured blue
eyes. Shes dressed in a dress of red and black, that even in its old garb is stained, and
she is a little dirty and definitely wild. Play her vivacious and as a little bitch. Shed
like to get something for her information, pretending she knows more.
She knows that this man took a liking for Csemony the moment he laid eyes on
her at the Golden Horizon tavern. He was a man to work for, not just something for
money, but something that would be enjoyed and pay well. He was rippling in
muscles and every man you could see felt somewhat threatened, but all he did was hit
on Csemony, that fat little whore. He flashed gold and they left shortly together, and
they followed hoping for a little more of the gold, although she probably says they
were a little concerned for her. They saw him take her into the house and then they
could hear the familiar sounds, and just as they expected it to be all over, there were
strange tearing sounds, and grunts like a pig Csemony began to scream and they

Imones Story: The oldest of the bunch, some mid-30s, but quite a comely woman in a
homely way, with dark auburn hair long to her waist and matching eyes for this Shay
woman of soft words. Shes dressed in white dresses stained yellow with a long black
woollen coat moth-eaten and torn to keep her warm. A little sickly, she is
malnourished as well.
She remembers following them on Ielahs bequest, saying there would be more
money. Imone followed, and didnt see him to well nor them entering the house, but
heard what followed. She wanted to go back to the tavern and keep warm, and not
listen in to the sex within which to her horror after some time mutated. She
remembers hearing a scraping and tearing sound, not of paper, but of like butchering
legs off an animal, and then Csemonys screaming that didnt last very long. Shocked
she cannot remember any more.

Teliennes Story: A half-elven girl more attractive than her companions, without
makeup she is every inch a down to earth beauty. High cheekbones, glossy and red,
her hair blonde, if a little dirty and full lips that smile often. Telienne if encouraged is
a well of information. Shes a cunning woman who will appear a little nave and
innocent unless offered incentive. While sad for Csemony she has lost many a friend
in her travels. She is new to the city and came upon noticing the open invitation and
has enjoyed her time here.
She remembers the man; he entered and scanned all women in the bar, and like all
man gauging body rather than anything deeper. He chose Csemony immediately and
offered her a gold to come with him and ten more for a warm walk together. He was a
very strong man, every man felt a little threatened by him and they were relieved
when he left. There was something about him. He was drop dead handsome, spoke
words that melt hearts and was gracious and a gentleman. They followed on Ielahs
constant nagging they could take more from the man. She went along, but more
because she suspected something was strange. She saw him enter and take Csemony
into the old Sister of Eissas place. The sex sounded normal, until she heard snarling
and grunting like something like a pig, and then horrible sounds and Csemony
screaming. She adds at the end, if everything has gone to her liking that she
remembers he had a funny smell, like a bordello room just after closing time

Nothing more can be gained, and no line of enquiry will lead to fruition that will
provide the answers they so seek.

Alexus is told to keep the Murder under wraps and makes sure the woman do not get
out into public to speak about it, keeping them locked for 3 days for their own safety.
They agree and live a better than jail life, though still locked away. It becomes a
headache for Alexus.

Celims Journey to Luse: is one she has expressed interest in, and one Luse would not
refuse, though he feels complacent in the guilt over the Imperial Highway massacre.
The road is one travelled one and a half, freedom from Sarnak and once toward Vasla
before that rendezvous with Luse captured in the forest. The road south of Pellern ducks its
girth into the ancient Alana Forest south of the spring that feeds from tributaries and creeks
the mighty wood. Though the Imperial Highway, wide and durable, punctures through the core
of the forest, the forest has claimed back much of its own, with dirt smothering one of the
Emperors greatest feats. Even the black and grey spectres of the aged and gnarled trees claw
and intertwine into a corridor of filtered light that is somewhat peaceful in the peak of day, and
more and more disquieting as the light drains and shadows steal their places.
Nights spent on the highways side in the gutters of the forest are cold and lonely. Even with
armed escort keeping watch, as the chill and frost bites in upon face, fingers and toes, howls of
wolves distant plague her, and even the escort remain agitated and anxious, as the next day is
spent deep within the forest, a sense of speed subtle in being pressed. The wolves press their
constant theme, howling in the distance, forlorn and hungry, lost and desperate seemingly,
until night brings more cohorts closing, but for the most part stay from sight of a now edgy
escort. The final day brings pace in a race of light, chasing the sun before it sets, lest another
night be spent in the forest, the Vasla estate more solace than the open wilderness.
The estate is reached at night just as the sun tumbles behind the Mountains of Gold. It is
welcoming to ride off from the Imperial Highway for a short gallop up a hillock following a
path of golden, sandy stone to the broad cobbled walls of Vasla. The walls are shorter than
Pellerns yet appear taller, broken only with a few towers, all in a mosaic of slate to sand in
colour, the cement betwixt the only unifying appearance. Beyond the path breaks into short
walls and sloping rises before a multi-towered chateau pressed tightly together, square conical
roofs capped with iron unicorns. A long A-roofed stable, faces the estate.

She travels by Navigator Jump at an expensive cost and henceforth a new

The estate of Luse Invarath you have passed once before, though then it was riding north
with Stjepan from Sarnak, and the estate lost behind its mosaic of walls, fringed with dark
lichen creeping upward. The ground is crushed stone, sandy in colour like the impressive
Mountains of Gold that are powerful in stature, sweeping up behind the estate, collecting
everything into a veritable tidal wave of gold stone. The sun behind you casts shadows aplenty
among its ridges, the tallest peaks of which are dusted in snow.
Cement is the only unifying principle among the ragtag stone bricks. Though overcast and
chilly, the estate within beckons warmly. A caretaker with shears notices you from within the
open archway of the walls and leads you inside. The grounds a large, the tan path breaking as
various tiers of earth have been raised and flattened about. Old trees, shrubs and moss grow
everywhere. The estate itself is much smaller than the lands about, an A-roofed three storied
structure with two conical towers pressed on each corner, the bulk of the building stretching
behind it.

Celim is welcomed by Luse himself, dressed somewhat more casual, though no
less than his station. Less officious, his clothing has more comfort and colour. Hi
manner is unchanging. His etiquette is unchallengeable. He welcomes Celim to his
home and has servants take her to her room the topmost tower room of the southern
conical tower, with windows facing the mountains, south to the plains and into the
courtyard. The estate is modestly appointed, with comfort yet some emptiness.
Geometry is a strong design throughout, with wooden panels raised with frames, like
many windows within. A chapel to Mynistra can be found within, frescos cracked
and peeling.
Luse will ride out on the plains with her, should she wish, and will talk with her at
leisure. Luse is always the gentleman, and in no way should that be compromised. He
feels deeply that Stjepan is a dangerous man. He was unaware of the nature of the
Laen golems, but Stjepan was. If Luse had known he would have rejected the proposal
that Celim use them. And while Stjepan fought Daubon fairly on the battlefield, he
had to use the fire from his sword to kill him, and moreso cared little for the
outcome, where others have. For some time now he has given his life to Pellern, its
safety in support of its Lord. Now, Luse feels he needs time to readdress his life and
decide just where and what he wishes to do with it.
Places of possible note & use; a reading room at the back of the estate that receives
the afternoon sun and is the warmest room of the estate with l arge windows set in
iron frames, and the view above the walls, somewhat down the side of the hillock is of
the impressive Mountains of Gold and the Alana Forest a dining hall, small,
perhaps with no more room than twenty packed, an old table surrounded by stone
walls covered in red drapes upon which many a heraldric shield have been hung a
small orchard to the south, mostly a collection of olive trees, old and white, twisted in
the rich soil, almond leaves and black fruit, lemons and oranges also a fare here.

The Accountant Never Lies: Can Lindur, in some panic goes to Stjepan with grave
news on the state of Pellerns finances. Can fears Stjepan will take away the
goodwill he showed him and his family by keeping him on, even under the provision
he and they move into the castle. Can has tallied all figures and his information is as
With the cessation of Sarnaki funds, the overlap from the end of sale of
the Eog and Nemas delivery and many other factors means action
must be taken.
They need to quickly promote the herbs and sell them at competitive
costs that Sel-Kai, Kaitaine and others can undercut a small medieval
community by. They need to market themselves as a place for it.
Only two one-person trips with Navigator for the moment can be made
per month.
Funding to the Church of Mynistra must be halved else give up not
only the new wall project but the gatehouses.
The Ahn Sye Nokoras collective armour and new weapons
arrangements with the smiths for perhaps low rent in the city could be
made to keep them happy while there is less income.
Even with all this they are over budget 100,000 gold a month, with
Castle Dasek, the Wall Project, Gatehouses, the Arts and the
University, has not fostered quickly enough in comparison to trade and
skilled immigrants.
In one months time they will be bankrupt with all the projects
Basically they can have three of the following avenues of construction;
Castle Dasek, Wall Project, Gatehouses, University (or keep it as is),
Church, and Ahn Sye Nokora. These decisions will stave off
bankruptcy but make times tough.

Mynistra Arrives: in quite a shower of fanfare and pomp, but their presence is
immediate as refugee spirits lift. They arrive the 18
of Fall to Stjepans doors
expecting a place of worship. The inner sanctuary of Mynistra in the castle is too
small, and they opt for the partially completed building north of the city. Talo Rai has
been allowed all provision for building and has done so with the skill of a sublime
architect, keeping budget down and aesthetics high. When completed the Pellern
Church of Mynistra will be a new beacon in Miir. Comprised of six tiers of three
petals facing inwards to the central chamber, each of the petals representing a facet of
their goddess. Chambers for prie sts were one of the first completed works in this
mostly wooden building supported with stone and pillars. In time the huge stone and
wooden building will be painted, but for the most part only the residential area is
complete, two-thirds of the structure is left open.
The envoy leader is a female priest of some charisma. Amirysha is a large woman
of possible Shay/Laan descent, buxom and she well fills the white and gold trimmed
robes well. She espouses at every opportunity the three-faced goddess and how she
relates is the centre for all who look to Helberna for the goddesss inspiration. Prayer
and outbursts of singing can be expected, but the hearty speaking Amirysha is serious
yet lets Stjepan know their domain is Love, Wisdom, and Protector. Protection of the
people is still his role and they shall play theirs.
The Priests make good impact and moral lifts in the city despite the walking dead and
floods of refugees. Any talks of Amirysha sending Mynistran priests against the
Barrow Wights will be met with resistance. The Mynistrans will only defend the
people in Pellern, such are their orders, and that does not mean accompanying any
armed force into the lands growing dark in Alkartek.

I have a vision that Miir would stabilize, become peaceful, free of banditry, and that all the
Lords and cities of Miir are united by word and deed.
- Lord Stjepan Nemeck 20
Fall 6053

Lord Dennys Arrives: Dennys is a big man, Laan, of some aged years, nearly the year
of Stjepans father when he passed away. He wears only a chain shirt under a surcoat
of violet and blue circles that show a barrel chested man in excellent shape. His hair is
brown and thick, flowing over his shoulders. Dennys speaks strong and booming,
holding his head back looking down his pronounced nose at others. He defers to the
young Lord Stjepan, saying he remembers a time once when his father had the same
courage and determination. He does not wish to go to war, saying Daubon was
dragging him regardless to his side, yet he is glad it is over. He is sad for his daughter,
especially considering her role in much of the difficulties, but is happy she has found
some peace. He offers what he can to Stjepan and is humble in all ways.
Lord Dennys is with two Lords, Chadelain (burly and rotund official in blue-black
robes officious yet meaningless, huge bushy frazzled eyebrows raised giving him an
appearance of an owl) & Romian (a little slow, but alert and loyal knight, now of
some years, dresses in subdued courtly garments of colours to blend into earth, a
leather scarab branded with runes at his side his know is askew and cheeks ruddy,
mousy brown hair and a crooked yet well- meaning smile, quiet).
Does Dennys have plans or goals for Miir or Bornay? Not for Miir, no. Why did
he call Stjepan Lord of Miir? Because he has proven himself a strong enough leader as
defeating Daubon and his brother as well as increasing prosperity to Pellern no
other Lord is so active or interested. Dennys is content in his aging years to be
removed from politics. He will support Stjepan by providing troops, tax, but does
expect defence in return and aid where needed.

A Pair of Murders: a matching pair accompanies the murder on the night of the 19
Persch once again ascends from his subterranean nursery within the citadel via a
ruined portion that occurred during the Fall of the Northern Eye.
Persch is unaware Celim has left to Luse Invaraths and he continues his
gruesome game, but takes revelry in his actions malign. More and more the characters
will be pulled into the city that will take more shape underneath them. Somewhat
dismayed his attack was subdued in the public eye Persch makes sure to make this
next attack well noticed. With almost insider knowledge Persch makes his next attack
at the very site where Kora and Anath were slain in Tent City. After scouting out a
pregnant woman (more developed than last night, definitely noticeable nearly 3
moons and ready to birth).
With the essence Persch manipulates the mind of the woman making himself so
alluring she is unable to resist. Keeping the masquerade on the night of the 20
takes this woman against her wishes on the cobblestones, and gutting her in similar
fashion to Csemony, the child whisked away. This time there are witnesses finding
them will prove difficult.
Ryrisanee was a native to Alkartek and with her husband Auteus, managed a small
farm overlooking the border to Pellern and Lord Keliirs lands. There they farmed the
land tending crops with a few cattle to graze. Married during Lord Nemecks last few
years the y conceived this year and were expecting their child any day. When the
refugees came bringing word of doom, they left as soon as they could, Auteus
determined to not let his child face such hardship and danger. Work in Alkartek for a
farmer has been next to nothing and Auteus was lucky enough to find work cleaning
the stables of The Hourglass late at nights, leaving his wife Ryrisanee to find food
and look after their cart and possessions from thieves. Not only has Auteus lost his
wife, his child, but everything he owned. He will appear on the scene after finishing
work, looking for his wife and their cart. The commotion in Tent City is obvious
though a brutal murder has occurred, a woman.

As Persch took his demonic liberties he was noticed at the last moments when he
transformed into his true form and shred into the woman. A street boy named
Chimon overlooked the last few moments of her life in shock. Ryrisanees screaming
would bring the curious some moments later, finding Chimon and the dead woman.
The guard is soon alerted. This one is not kept under wraps and the brutality is cast
on Chinese whispers throughout the city. Chimon took off as soon as the guard
arrived. Talking with the crowds may alert investigators to the boy who is known in
Tent City. Alexus after containing the scene finds Lord Stjepan some few hours after
the Evening quintar. The crowds remain.

Tent city, much has changed here, considering it has been months since you last found
yourselves at this very spot. Tents press tightly together forming a warren and almost
impenetrable maze. Sad and sick looking refugees stare warily between the gaps of tents
huddling around many of the fires burning with whatever is found. The cobblestones are
tainted black alike many of the tents, a miasma of smoke mixing with a depression that is quite
palpable. The smell here is foul, charcoal and wet sacks. The animals that were once free to
roam have been replaced with mangy, scabby cats and dogs skulking in the cloth corridors. Rain
this night is cold, though windless, the suffocation of warmth both theirs as their fires sizzle
and yours as clothing soaks up the misery.
The body Alexus leads you to brings back memories of another murder, for the very spot
some fifteen guards hold back a grimy and horrified crowd curiously pushing for a closer look,
is none other than the very spot where Kora and Anath were taken from this world.
The spot is bare, no tents stand here in this place left to fester The woman lies on her
back, arms bruised and cast out, legs splayed, her head lolled to the side eyes rolled back into
her head. Scalloped out, her innards and organs are rent and broken while the empty hollow
that is her stomach cavity collects with water audibly. She was once pretty, in a country girl
way, plump cheeks and signs of generous smile lines near her dimples. Her auburn hair is
matted and ruined like the trails of blood vessels and other pathways of the body exhumed.

So what can they learn from all of this? Firstly, the note left by the killer. Strange this
time, Persch after taking the life used one of her broken ribs to inscribe with claw a
message that will only be found if they search through her entrails. It says Like a cat
she demands attention and I have come to preen.

Finding Chimon. Through the sullen yet inquisitive crowd they can learn via several
voices that they saw a boy who witnessed the whole thing. As they heard the screams
and came running they found him at the edge of the tents paralysed. They tried to
wake him and he came to his senses and fled. The boy they describe is thin, of some
16 years, brown curly hair, wearing tunic and pants. A good diplomacy roll or gesture
of good will can bring forth the boys name. Finding him without his name will prove
impossible, yet with they can track him down this evening, within the hour no less.
But before that

Aeteus tries his best to burst through the crowd and several of the guards will detain
him. He appears manic, gaunt and dressed in overalls of heavy cloth under which a
woollen jerkin, bulbous nose is red as his widening eyes. Breaking through he will run
to the body and stop some several feet and inhale, choking, dropping to his knees near
to her totally unaware of any other presence. He lapses into a catatonia and will never
recover if forced with drugs and herbs he will be a wreck emotionally, unable to
form words and incapable of taking care of himself. His loss is so great of late.

Chimon is found with his lanky limbs folded about him like a sleeping spider. His
eyes are wide and he is alert. Any attempt to catch him and he will try to flee and
while weakened he is a slippery fellow. Once apprehended enquiries can begin. The
long-faced boy is troubled, constantly looking about him, fearful of what he saw to
return. What he saw he witnessed in passing, but it made him stop. He says he was
looking for food when he heard the commotion, sounding like a pig grunting, but he
found only a couple engaged in sex. He says he thought it odd, the rain, the night, her
being pregnant, the strange noble on top of her and then something changed, the
noble transformed into a demon (he has trouble describing it and exaggerates his
ideal) which then tore into her belly with its claws, pushing past everything he
grabbed the baby pulling it free and holding it aloft as she twitched and died under
him Chimon then fled.

Jarolaimes Vices: Unknowingly Stjepan has prompted Jarolaime into endeavours left
with his previous job young woman. At the Lords behest Jarolaime constructs
figures and details that would be required to teach potential Mentalists. Though he
rejected the offer to teach initially, Jarolaimes lust drives him to accept Stjepans
offer and teach and asks to take an apprentice.
He takes a nobles girl, Canette from very proud parents. Over the next few
months he instructs the 8-year-old child to his Wand of Light.
NOTE: this deals with topics not recommended for children and serves as a sign
that evil does not always wear the mask of black Unlife. This may well be stopped
before it moves to serious physical abuse, something Jarolaime himself has not
attempted, as he is somewhat new in his lusts, but as all deviant paedophiles becomes
more and more emboldened at every success.

Persch Strikes Again: the third murder occurs on the night of the 21
, and further
entrenches the fear of Pellerns citizens. Descriptions of noble men, well built, good
looking, and rich are bandied about and several attacks occur on passing men, though
are broken by a guard stretched to the very limit. This is exactly how Persch gets his
It is as the evening quintar brings ushers forth twilight (5pm) that a passing noble
with his wife ride into town on their way from Bornay to Chelzaria with intentions
of staying the night in Pellern. Guards at the gates informed them of seeking out an
inn as soon as possible and to be on their guard. Unable to leave their post due to man
shortages, no escort is given.
Persch takes this advantage, scouting the pair and then quickly moving to a mob
suitable and with his powers of influence and mind control subverts them into
attacking this man, the crowd dragging him from his horse in mind riot and beating
him within an inch of his life as Persch subtlety took the mans wife and rapes and
kills her some hundred yards from where the crowd screams, hollers, grows, and
fights with the guardsmen who break it up.
Once some order has been restored and the beaten, yet alive noble regains his
composure and looks for his wife, he discovers her missing. The guardsmen say she
must have been lost in the crowd and begin to look. A guardsman finds her body and
alerts his sergeant who quickly makes sure that the noble does not get to see his wifes
body. Alexus is notified and he gets Stjepan immediately without having seen the
scene himself.
Tenrin and his wife, Derah, were on their way to visiting her family, and to
possibly relocate themselves to be closer to family for the birth of their second child
(the first stillborn). Tenrin is a Laan man of some standing in Bornay, so much so
Lord Dennys knows him he being a jeweller and gem importer. Without hired
escort, mostly due to Tenrins paranoia, preferring to keep his riches away from any
who might try to steal. Mid-30s, heavily boned and slightly taller than Stjepan, with
long dark brown hair, waved to mid back his grey eyes continuously misted.
Though in shock, he can speak, and soon becomes outraged. He will leave and will
not accept hospitality. Highwaymen will find Tenrin several days later to murder and
rob from him.

The alleyway across the road, south of The Hourglass Inn, is long, dark, wet and reeks of
mould and decay. Lights, from what few guards can face the horrific evisceration, illuminate
the glossy coating to the cobbles, stonewalls. The air threatens to unleash rain, but holds back
as the moment swells.
Perhaps most disturbing is her smile, a forced grin from ear to ear almost, teeth white and
straight this womans standing obvious in the cast aside jewellery that anoints the alleyway,
her rich fabrics torn apart, bare flabby legs to a large womans body, breasts sagging to each
side of her body like the scooped out cavity. The stink of faeces is strong, her large intestines
broken and dark mush still oozing from her cooling body. There is nothing left of her abdomen,
or genitalia, all destroyed, torn and sundered.
Bloody words have been pasted upon the walls A life for a life. A life and her life. I will
end only when I get my own.

Nothing more can be learned from this grim discovery and seemingly meaningless
scrawls from the demon. Persch is referring to Celim, how she lives only through his
failure to kill her mother Antiana, so impregnated with Kurt Hulums seed. He is
referring to concepts he will only be in touch with, as it is not expected the players to
understand his actions. He is a demon and should not be governed by rules of
morality or a sense of methodical planning. Persch is cruel by instinct, yet he wants a
child born of Celims loins, one so empowered demonically and also with the blood
of her father. Persch is terrified should the parties discover this he was bound to all so
long ago.

Mynistran Concern: Amyrisha, the buxom Mynistran bishop goes to Stjepan on the
with two of her priests, both men, dressed in the white trimmed with gold robes,
all with the triangular pendant about their necks. She asks Stjepan to put in place and
enforce a curfew. She explains that she has been in communion trying to find an
answer to the murders but no insight was gained. She says she will take the sick,
aged, young, and new mothers into the new temple, fitting as many as she can in the
residential chambers. Remember, Amyrisha is by no way under Stjepans control, and
any attempt of political manoeuvring against her will be met with harsh words.

Lord Lamats Discoveries: The newly appointed Lord to Motts old castle is Lamat
who formerly held a southern district in Alkartek. Stjepans generous offer in face of
the growing desolation from the Barrow Wights was one he eagerly took. Both
brothers in his eyes worthy successors to their fathers crown and Lamat knew that
war would eventually come between them, being so close and at odds with each other.
He is not of the mind to speak of conspiracies from Constans, but in his cleaning of
Motts castle he finds documents that hint at deeper conspiracy within Pellern that
Mott scribed didactically.
Lamat, is tired upon arrival on the 22
, no longer the young Lord he once was the
ride across the rolling hills flush with the Alana Forest took its tool. He is by no
means weak, and though wrinkled he greets Stjepan in his old, yet well oiled armour,
bowing to him saying he has come because of matters uncovered during the cleaning
house of Motts castle. If he is asked why he did not attend the council, Lamat will
seem confused, his wrinkles bunching up, and inform Stjepan he never received
message of a council meeting (Lord Charize made sure he never found out). Play
Lamat proud and inquisitive, yet honestly humble to Stjepan in all ways. See
Handouts. He says what he found was burnt and in the fire of Motts personal
chambers. After reading it he found it important to bring to Stjepan.

Undiscovered Murder: Perschs fourth attack is done apart from the public eye, as by
this stage Persch is aware of their level of concern and their actions to stop further
murders. A general store, catering to the needs of those after the bare essentials in life
can be found just around the corner of Hoen Avenue. Leonsil Ritavin who hires
young locals to clean and stock his store while he maintains the shops counter and
monies owns the shop. Though somewhat of a miser it has been the hard times have
forced him to it, the young pregnant girl that Persch targets this night as she is
cleaning is only one month in her pregnancy.
Her body will be found by the young boy that opens the store the next morning,
who drops the keys and runs screaming through the streets. Dugraine, the young boy,
witnessed nothing beyond what they themselves see. Guards are first on the scene
and move to contain the new murder, but the word is already out. Four so far.
Leonsil Ritavin, a balding eagle of a man, is nervous and horrified something like
that occurred in his shop. The repercussions of which drive him out of business by
Winter as his shop is avoided by all women.

Inside, beyond the shuttered windows in the pool of light from the doorway the young girl
could not have been more than fifteen, of Shay descent with long locked sandy brown hair
fanned about her. Her skin is fair and smooth, she is completely naked and her arms and legs
splayed starfish, the pool of dark blood silhouetting her upon the wooden slats. As with the
others, her stomach is excavated, heaped to either sides of her, dumped away leaving only an
empty hollow, a red and white mess of bone and flesh scraped and hanging.
Carved into the floorboard above her head, I want the mistake, she who should not be. I
want her like the whore her mother was.

She is in rigor, and the blood has coagulated on the floor. Nothing more can be
learned here apart from her pregnancy which Dugraine and Leonsil will confirm, the
father unknown.

The End of the Gorgonn: Nassain and his 79 remaining men enter the Grey Grove,
tracking the path of their comrades right to the very underground structure the
demon of the fifth pale was entombed and imprisoned in. With their own magic they
puncture deep and break the wards unwittingly. They never stood a chance.

Daemander contacts Bryce over the demon who seeks Celim and Bryce sends both
Lurayl and Vedesis (at great personal cost) to attend her. His wanton act of spending
is noted by those about him his love has a cost that is felt throughout the kingdom.

Confrontation with Persch: Persch becomes aware of both Lurayl and Vedesis and
from his ability to mask his appearance watches their actions. As they secrete
themselves further into the castle, to a room with aperture save one where the
Sorcerer can create wards of protection just in case the demon should prove too
strong. Persch observes Celim writing her death letter, and as she leaves it, he enters
steals it away to read and then hatches another plan. He will first attack them on their
terms and be defeated, but he knows the location of the portal and can return the next
day when Celim is alone and he will appear as Bryce Korel on the next perigee
saying he came as early as he could to see her. This second encounter will have to be
played carefully. One thing that cannot be disguised is his musk, although he will try
to manipulate her mind to make her think otherwise.

In full glory he stands taller than any man or elf, yet is hunched to a modest seven foot,
bandaged cloth loose over dark red skin, seared almost caramel, rippling muscles and sinews
thick. A row of small black horns grows across his forehead above his eyes, featureless and
glowing in a fiery orange light. He moves like a panther and twice as fast.

Strength: D8 Agility: D6 Health: D8
Knowledge: D20 Perception: D10 Luck: 12
Armour: D12 (leathery and oiled skin)

Melee: Persch, if forced into combat will use his retractable claws and tongue
to strangle an opponent. His attacks are considered enchanted.

Persch is a skilled in subterfuge and manipulation via use of the Essnce, as he
himself is a demon of the Essnce. He has the ability to subvert and dominate the
minds of others controlling them like puppets as well as having presence within
crowds to best attract others unnaturally to him.

Cheon Uncovers Mercenary Plot: Cheon is aware of the mercenaries that infiltrated
Pellern on Lord Daubons behest, preparing to strike deep at the castle. This will
occur, but their actions are pre-empted by the Quiadu, Cheon, who has been watching
their base of operations as well as those living in the Eagle Tower. When it becomes
apparent that the group is preparing to strike in the next few nights. Cheon goes to
Lord Stjepan to relay information to him. He gives story that he tried to find Lord
Ishraha (note: the Lord) but could not find him, saying this information was too
important to wait.
Cheon lets Stjepan know that mercenaries from the east came to Pellern many
months ago, and set up a Merchants base of operations along the western arm of
Winds Chorus Road. He tells Stjepan that for the last month they have prepared
themselves, importing arms and armour and equipment from Bornay, Relian and
Alkartek under the guise of trade. Five artists in the Eagle Tower are part of this
group, have met regularly at the merchant house, and Cheon says they are to let the
group into the Castle. Since Lord Daubons death, their plans have been put off, but
he now warns Stjepan because now they are preparing to act regardless. How many of
them? Cheon gives detailed specifics of their numbers; five artists (twelve originally,
but Jaret pulled seven least experienced at undercover work) with weapons stashed in
their painting kits, fourty mercenaries at the HQ, with ten always on watch. All are
armed and armoured at the HQ. The imports have been of such items as naphtha,
burning oil, weapons, armour, foodstuffs, liquids, etc.
Cheon provides Stjepan with a map he scrawls out, showing entrances, estimated
guard, and many other helpful tips. A strike force could easily wipe them out. If
Stjepan wishes to personally lead a charge, then it may be worth enacting such an
Providing a map is easy for the Quiadu (see Cheons Map handout), who then
marks in red where the guards are usually placed and their patrols. Cheon shows
himself to be thorough, and in the back of his mind he wishes to replace Ishraha with
his efficiency onthis intelligence.

Murains Knights: Murain as a sign of good faith sends thirty of his knights to join
Stjepans Ahn Sye Nokora and keep an eye on events. Murains knights are elite, his
men well trained and are more than a match for the current knights.
Murains true intentions are to observe Stjepan and have his own men ready if the
time was needed to stop a rash Lord. His men are well trained enough to easily cut
swathes through the common trained town guardsman.
Lord Joschia is the spokesman of the knights and will at most times intervene to
discuss with Stjepan on any matter relating to them all or Lord Murain. Xaek quickly
sees their worth and they are soon trainers themselves and the elite of the Ahn Sye
Nokora. Xaek may take time to note this to Lord Stjepan as well.
The knights arrayed are impressive indeed, plate barding upon their powerful stallions that
are controlled well yet retain their fire. Each knight is resplendent in sculpted steel honed to
brilliant shines, each in similar armour, yet definitely ancient and inherited, the visored helmets
sprouting wings, mouths and horns with weaponry just as elegant. Their horses steam heavy
blasts into the cold air of Fall with a subtle layer of mist evaporating over the knights giving
them a visage ethereal.
Armour tinged rose, a powerful sun with a flaming halo acid etched onto his ridged
breastplate. His greaves and plate over his chain is unlike anything seen on the
Knights of Pellern, the armour is far too intricate, many hundreds of interlocking
plates, some tarnished black to contrast with the rose. Broad of shoulders, slender of
waist, Lord Joschia is shorter than most Laan lords, his black hair bobbed so it floats
an inch from his shoulders. His eyes are grey and focus intently upon whom he
speaks with. Joschia is every inch Murains right hand man, but plays down his role
in Pellern and fits in as best he can. Joschia is no socialite, but he is a cunning
adversary and sees battlefields everywhere. His faith in Murains men is absolute as
are they in Murain.

Last of the League: This scenario describes the warehouse of the Amethyst League cell
operating within Pellern and the small mercenary force nestled in the Eagle Tower
incognito. What is not known is that Majel Gavant for some time now has lost
interest in Pellern, what with the kuluku and the elves, it is no longer financially
viable to continue within the city. Majel Gavant pulls operations to the east where he
has been infiltrating the ranks of the Eastern Lords of Alkartek, coercing them and
dividing their loyalties. Unexpected events will go a long way in nearly crippling
Pellern and Lord Stjepan.
Even as Cheon is informing Lord Stjepan of the mercenary plot (Cheon carefully
leaving out the Amethyst League) the Amethyst League is burning its documents and
cleaning any trace of their being in the warehouse with the cell leader preparing the
Mercenaries for an invasion, with no intention of in truth supporting them and using
the diversion to flee the city. Handouts; Jaret Asmenda Cirots Progress Report &
Secret Documents of Amethyst League can play a large role in this scenario.
Jaret Asmenda Cirot, Danarchan socialite tired of the mindless circles of good
courtly etiquette sought darker tastes for his palette, namely strict bondage and
humiliation of men and women. Tempted by the Amethyst League, Majel swayed
him as a potential candidate. His lust for desires frowned upon proved his driving
force that Majel tweaked and tuned, preparing him for his role in Pellern after Majel
had broached the White Eog deal. Since that never happened, Majel made sure Jaret
knew exactly what he must do; covertly watch, report, and document every action of
the controlling body of Pellern. Jaret is no Ddekemani, but he is under their control.
The young socialite has firm beliefs of anti-establishment as counter to good trade,
hence the Amethyst League. However, Majel Gavant has ordered their withdrawal
and only Jaret and his bodyguard remain with the sorcerers out on patrol with the
other League members (all of whom have left for the East) and even the guard will
himself seek escape when Jaret attempts to pack his treasures.
The Mercenaries are those subversive agents that Daubon himself had sent to
Pellern. Loss of their master left them open handed before the Amethyst League who
promptly hired them under the pretence of what they came here in the first place for.
The Mercenaries are intelligent, who have maintained their incognito within Pellern
to a T. With twelve of their number posing as artists in the Eagle Tower they have
entrance into the castle without having to fight. They can slip in and do their damage.
They just await their new employers word.

Strength: D8 Agility: D10 Health: D10
Knowledge: D12 Perception: D12 Luck: 10
Ar mour: D12 (basic chain shirts, and maybe greaves)

Melee: The Mercenaries work well organized together and should prove a
hardy fight. They will use the terrain and buildings to their advantage. In
addition to wielding all manner of weaponry, sword, flails, and axes many of
them use crossbows and are prepared to use them in close quarter house
fighting. The mercenaries themselves are a variety of men, though mostly
Shay men of middle years who have seen tours with the Katra. They have no
love for nobility. They will not waste their time on banter or discussion. The
first sign of their cover broken they will attack any investigators.

Warehouse: The warehouse is an old one, walled with a gateless arched entranceway
opening out onto the gravel courtyard. The warehouse peaks over the six foot high
sandy stoned walls showing a basic stone building, tall and with a peaked wooden
roof. The building is old and the renovations made within have been done over
several months with the Amethyst League taking many of the cities best builders to
help with the job.
Rooms not described are storehouses of stolen materials; foodstuffs, harvest,
materials of all sort to a value of some 10,000 gold. Naphtha and burning oil are stored
in a separate room and there is enough to blow up severely damage the castle.
Courtyard: Gravel covers every surface about the house and crunches underfoot. Some
surface weeds push through in places struggling for survival. The warehouse is more
discernable, rows of windows and a single door face the courtyard, oil lamps along the
buildings exterior illuminate pools of light at night.
Stables: The buildings roof slopes to the courtyard facing the gate, thatched heavily
shows stable doors facing the courtyard with a small lee to dress and prepare. Here
Jarets white mare is kept, a Danarchan albino as well as twenty-five other horses. A
room off the last stable that remains empty houses mercenaries who tend the horses
and are prepared to ride at a moments notice.
Sleeping Quarters: If at night all 16 beds here will be full, used on rotation by the
various mercenaries. During the day about 12 of the mercenaries will be sleeping with
the extra four men either in the stables or the weapons room.
Foyer: The guard here in this new wood smelling antechamber is under strict
instructions behind the barred door to allow only those who say Night Haunt after
knocking. If ever there was a cause for alarm if someone was attempting to break in, a
bell rung will alert all beds and all rooms within the house to the invasion
Jarets Room: Jarets room is accessed via a secretarys office containing simple desk
and chair before the door to the leaders opulence. His room stands out beyond all,
having a stone fireplace, carpeted floors, and spoils of the Amethyst Leagues
activities. Tapestries show divine scenes of animals and wondrous landscapes with
simple symbolism about the edges caves and focuses upon Jarets black desk. Carved
from Dr, with legs curled and fluted to the fanged semicircle, the ivory teeth giving
the tables rim a presence.
Dining Room: Usually with food left around the clock by the servants hired. This room
is plainly wooden, with its tables and pews beside carrying nasty looking splinters.
The room smells of decomposing organic matter.
Kitchen: Bustling with the activity of many servants overworked and underpaid but
quiet and frightened. They know their lives would be in danger if they spoke about
their employers activities. Food is in all manner of preparation here and is the second
warmest room in the house after Jarets room.
Weapons Room: Here the mercenaries train in private. The floor is covered in straw
upon a sand floor, with poor manikins on stakes cut and battered. There is a sufficient
area for targeting range with a thick wall of wood nicked in the bites of a bolt. Men
training here will have on hand weapons about them, and a tactical advantage as well
as being primed for combat.

Jaret, if Stjepan should launch an immediate strike, will realize his situation and
attempt to burn all incriminating evidence. There are sufficient documents to keep
him busy and his packing that he does while he stuffs the fire and waits for it to flame
so that he may be reached before he seeks escape via the secret door hidden behind a
tapestry. Jaret will not fight or offer resistance.
Tall, spindly, with little muscle, Jaret appears weak but his countenance is
contrary. Fair of skin, rouged at the cheeks, his hair black and curled to his shoulders.
Dressed in a red leather suit (of which is more for show than practical use) over
which a black cloak flows his telltale mark of association; the silver signet set with
an amethyst.
Jaret if caught knows his life will be forfeit if he speaks, and most likely even if he
does not. He will play himself as a person, i f treated like a criminal will react with
silence and patience, which he is surprisingly adept at. If tortured his tolerance for the
extreme will save him, but it is the basic things of life he respects and desires. He is of
the impression the League is only interested in monies, unhappy with the continuous
distractions of internal strife they are their own system of trade. The Founders? He
says they are their mentors, who initiated the League. They will not gain too much
notice, but to get his escape Jaret says he can deliver Majel to them, though he is lying
for his own skin. Majels new role is at Count Bokpentoks side, the Count of whom
has recently accepted the support of all the eastern lords who wish to see more trade
on their side of Hstra. Jarolaime can vouch for his intention, but Jarolaime if tries to
enter his mind finds the knowledge of his improprieties in Danarchis and he quickly
sides with Jaret or the subversive leader spills the Mentalists little secret for little

Actions of the characters that have impacted the storyline include the following; Lord Alexus
was slain by one of the Mercenaries as Stjepan sought to interrogate/interview all artists in
the Eagle Tower to find out more of the Amethyst League cell in town. With use of the
kulukus berry they were able to save his life however, he will not last the day (as Celim
and Stjepan leave some hour later to visit Luse Invarath to let him know the particulars of
Lady Willonas death). Cheon continues his ascent in the eyes of Stjepan with Israha
reprimanded and nearly demoted. Flowstorms prevent travel to Vornia, leaving Vedesis &
Lurayl stranded. They eventually decide to ride back in Stjepans absence. Stjepans wanton
use of his own resources for selfish reasons, even if considered noble will bankrupt Pellern.

Journey to Luse: By way of Arias skysloop, but not without a price. Aria sees this as
her moment to strike deal for House Xanaari. She tells Stjepan there is a condition
upon her allowing him this one privilege that House Xanaari wishes to purchase
their herbs from them in a trade arrangement at 80% of the cost. It is somewhat
negotiable. If Stjepan refuses, then Aria wants to know who contacted the assassin
JDiema. If Stjepan lets her know Celim called him, Aria will take the time to do
something for Celim namely a list of all the people JDiema has murdered and the
families he has left behind, as well as detailed information regarding the Dyar. Note,
the characters will severely over the next few weeks feel the consequences of many of
their actions that are incredibly frivolous in nature.
Luses reactions to the Progress Report if Stjepan allows him to read it is not one of
anger. He calmly understands and finds some relief in knowing what occurred, but he
has no intention to return with Stjepan, nor to interrogate this Jaret who had Willona
poisoned. There will be no differing outcome and it would only serve Stjepan if Luse
was fuelled with anger against this man. Luse will not return, and if pushed will
realize that Stjepan still controls him and he will agree to ride there on the next day.

Loremasters Disgust: Kedrick Bularis gets tough. He tells her she must commit to
serious daily study with him understanding the basics of the essnce or he will not
train her. Kedrick cannot teach her the ways of Channelling in respect to a specific
Lord of Orhan, but he can show her methods to help her better prepare her own inner
self. Celim has shown interest in Reann, Lord of Dreams, something Kedrick frowns
somewhat upon but is not discouraging. He would prefer Phaon, but thats his bias.

Cans Worries: Ignorant to his warnings, Pellerns finances are dangerously low.
With the eog income stopped, and no effort made to sell the herbs from the kuluku
soon bite with many other factors, the new wall, the gatehouses, the new Mynistran
temple, Castle Dasek, the Ahn Sye Nokoras upkeep with 30 new knights requiring
stabling for their mounts and residence for themselves, the University, the small
harvest in the face of the war, cramped living conditions all culminate with one end.
Pellern will be bankrupt by the end of Fall even by stopping all of the constructions
and expenses mentioned above. Stjepans reluctance to tackle his income problems
seriously leaves Pellern near ruin. The lack of food is already biting deep. Can goes
to Stjepan with this somewhat resigned. The only option is to secure a loan from the
Sel-Kai bank. Elderik will entertain them and take their request seriously but will not
guarantee anything. They need approximately 100,000 gold to make it through the
winter and Pellern itself is the very asset that must be used as collateral for the loan.
Elderik will take twenty days to provide a reply for Stjepan.

Bokpentok Swells: Unbeknown to Lord Stjepan and Lord Dall, is that since Constans
Death, Majel Gavant has noticed several things; the growing trade and importance of
Pellern, the lessening of trade along the Eastern trade route to Orian. Gavant sees
more strength in the East and in several short weeks made offers to all the Lords
disgruntled with the noticeable decline in their wealth to form an alliance under
Count Hirotha with Bokpentok as their new capital since Alkartek was no longer.
These eastern lords did not support Constans in the attack of Pellern and now
consider their selves independent.
These Lords; Palgot, Lyaum, Jorchel, Demenal, Bosielle, Bevemiir, Assin,
Desdigne, Tudin, Jarnel agree to Gavants plans. How does Gavant accomplish this?
By targeting their desires and using knowledge gained against them. The Amethyst
League was always stronger along this more used trade route in the past. Count
Hirotha is persuaded with greed as well, Gavant playing on his suspicion of Stjepan
after the last meeting and assassination attempt on Bryce. Hirotha accepts the formal
allegiances of all lords and declares Bokpentok is a new state. Gavant assumes role as
Count Hirothas closest advisor, his puppet strings over these men and cities, while
not new, are newly in action. It is a risky gamble on part of the Amethyst League and
Majel Gavant is confidant he can create the desirable environment for the Locust.
A letter is sent to Lord Stjepan by Count Hirotha advising him of matters, one also
sent to all those involved in the secret councils in Orian. Each is different though the
context is basically the same.
These new lords provide a strong and safe place for free trade that the Amethyst
League skims off the top. These lords have strong martial forces and will prove a
match especially with the Leagues more covert actions in each city and castle.

Sarnak Reply & Intensify: At the meeting in Orian, Stjepan confirmed as group
leader and spokesmen proffered the concept of a unanimous meeting with the Sarnaki
Directorate to secure peaceful and mutual trade agreements to avert any possibility of
military aggression. All were aware that Francesca Xanes made the attack on Bryce
and it was even perhaps her that made the attack on Stroane. Stjepans letter while
pleasantly worded does not get the reception he would have liked. A reply is issued
and delivered via rider some fourteen days (31
Fall) after Stjepan secured mail via the
Sel-Kai bank. As such Bryce never makes it to Pellern.
After receiving Stjepans letter, Francesca Xanes provided detailed information on
Count Korels covert actions with Stjepan in Orian (Stjepan who so snubbed Sarnak
by breaking their trade agreement) to the Directorate and put in place a plan of attack
with the Ministry of War against Bentara to stop the male chauvinists (in their eyes)
and figurative enemies of the state. A diplomatic party sent is merely a front for
Shaitan who quickly eliminate Bryces closest allies, Atrius, Delmade, and Ambert
are hung at the gates. Bryce Korel is taken prisoner and shipped to Sarnak to face
charges of conspiracy against Sarnak in a closed court. Jasmine and Kimesha are taken
prisoner as well (Kimesha eventually swayed into joining the Sarnaki cause, they
fuelling her anger over Celim).
After crippling the leadership, more Shaitan flood into the city taking out key
defence points and knights. The Navy comes late but its presence unloads hundreds
of Amazonians onto the shore and what is left of the shell-shocked Bentaran forces
meekly give up.
Lurayl and Vedesis join forces in creating a rebel force once they reach Bentara and
discover what awaits them. Ton-Bor closes its doors to Bentara and become
distrustful of surface dwellers.

Elderiks Bad News: Elderik informs Celim that as Bentara is no longer in the
control of Count Korel, all fund have ceased entry into her account.

The session ended with the delivery of the news regarding Sarnak & Bentara to the group,
leaving quite an impact. Their actions are in fear of war with Sarnak, yet it is the last of a long
chain of issues that will develop for Pellern over winter, one the players must persevere to see
the sun.

I am not staying for Stjepan and when I said you are sometimes a teacher to me you are not
always so. You are many other things also.
Lady Celim to Lord Invarath 28
Fall 6053

Return to Bentara: Lord Vedesis, Lurayl, and Daemander prepare themselves for
return to Bentara courtesy of Lord Stjepan who generously took a loan from the Sel-
Kai bank for 30,000 gold using the Gold Mines recently given back to Count Murain
as collateral. Daemanders vacancy will be felt. Lord Murain if he were to find out
about Lord Stjepans decision would change tactics and open more serious discussion
with the Amethyst League with whom he is supplying his one quarter eog from the
mines at a great income that is aiding in solidifying Lord Murains strength.

Aria Departs for Sel-Kai: Aria leaves to convey the trade news to House Xanaari in
Sel-Kai. Successful acquisition of the kuluku herbs means House Xanaari is in better
position to challenge House Jurgon (with whom they are at odds covertly and in the
trade of rare herbs See Eidolon book). The journey is some 1600 miles and will take
her and her crew some 70-80 days to reach Eidolonand return with good weather. She
will arrange at Sel-Kai finances to cover the herbs they have already (minus some of
the berries will be less income). She will not return until mid to late-Winter and
when she does things will be much different. This angle of the story will lead directly
into Book 2 (where the players may be forced into exile).

Chelzaria: The journey to Chelzaria is a character-based decision to unify alliance
with Count Harrond against the Sarnaki threat. Unbeknown to Stjepan, the alliance
will make him appear to be doing just as Sarnak believe preparing for war and
domination over them. Stjepans main concern will be his back door for now, but they
will liaise with Count Harrond and his daughter, Quetara. This trip should mostly be
Some 250 miles from Pellern, Chelzaria is reached along the Imperial Highway
that cuts through the Alana Forest. The cold will make the journey hazardous. Some
15 days no less. They can avoid this by use of Navigator, though the consequences
from such an action may fuel the publics power as a new cult begins to speak out.
If no navigation, day by day or a short description can suffice, but with two
incidents there and back;
The Alana Forest at first appears welcome relief from the icy winds that hiss and spit all
the way from Pellerns foundations to the Forest, the Mountains of Gold hurling stinging ice
like a thousand insects. However, the Forest is too in shell shock from the agitated weather,
growing colder by the day as Fall seeps into Winter. Almost in permafrost, the grass splinters
all through the day, and the Imperial Highway makes for slower riding, slippery with a tissue
of ice. Night takes several concerted hours spent struggling with a fire that one huddles about
as warm as they can, the horses burrow through the ice to foliage underneath that at least
provides some drier kindling. It is still though, but the forest leers sinister as it slowly freezes
to torpor. Not an insect stirs, and no birds can be found, none that fly, but the eating is good as
many animals scour the floor in preparation for the snow. Little light breaks through the clouds,
let alone the canopy and a perpetual steam bellows from your very passage through the growing
ice chamber.
Some days into the forest, they get a nasty shock as they trot along the highway.
Bursting from either side of them, ahead and behind, some twelve riders on powerful
grey steeds, themselves similar with uniform of tinged blue leather and ice-like
chainmail, all faceless, with silk mask and cap nothing but eyeholes over draped
curtains. (a close discerning eye will notice they all have an aesthetic golden cloakpin
fashioned in the image of a rose blossom). Their swords already at the charge and
halt, thrust at their party, rapiers and kynacs most of auspicious craftsmanship. A
voice noticeable as elven (Erlini) is spoken; Please, remove your valuables and coin from
your good selves we humbly collect them from you, lest you fear more dangerous robbery
deeper within this glorious forest. We usually would not take of you heirlooms and items, but
we fear the brutality of scattered mercenaries where you head.
These are the Riders of the Golden Rose. They know this is Lord Stjepan and treat
him and his companions with respect. Only one man speaks, and he is
indistinguishable in appearance from the others (save his sword: black hilt with an
opal, silver serpent wrapped in a basket before a sword that sparkles in veins of
metallic blue colours electrum). They will try not to harm them, disarming them
with skill and efficiency yet remain polite throughout.
Vasla/Invarath Estate is a welcome relief from the biting cold, though the wind has
returned, but at least this night you sleep tended by servants with fire, food and freshening.
Ten days are then spent with a constant prodding from the weather. The winds carry ice, and
the nights the ability to at least not see the sleet. The Mountains of Gold are iced, a golden cake
tipped with frosting, the few times you do see the near impenetrable wall against the Sea of
Gold. A weather-line of clouds breaks the grey at night to show a sliver of blue as two opposing
winds merge. The sunsets are spectacular, gives some relief to the day.
Chelzaria sits in a valley protected on three flanks, by the Mountains of Gold it presses
tightly to at its west, to the upper tributary of the Langasse on the north and Deer Run river on
the south. A sizeable town, one of large mining activity, moderately walled. The city is flat,
curving to the rocks and hillocks that steeply give way to sheer cliff. Castle Harond itself
overlooks the city on a short bluff, giving it pre -eminence for miles around. Large, squat towers
encircle a central keep area within the five strongholds, a solitary road winding to the doorstep.
Made of the sandstone of the Mountains, it is almost lost against the backdrop. Two bridges
are all that connect Chelzaria to the world.
The city is busy, bustling with activity, but much dirtier than Pellern, its streets, houses,
people, covered in a layer of grime obvious from the mines within the town even the pick
hammers can be heard in the distance echoing out of the tunnels over the town. A constant haze
of smoke lingers over the city with many a chimney active. Not everyone is busy to not give
you a nod of the head as you pass, greet you respectfully as you make your way to the Castle
itself. (Perception test: However, all you notice take pains to not look at Celim/some whisper
fearfully/some glance behind before scurrying behind buildings)

Castle Harond: Guards will bring Lord Stjepan and company through the gates into
the central co urtyard before the keep a castle similar in concept to Pellerns but
without a division of the grounds. The guards are dressed in chain with gold cloth
predominant and brass on helmets and shields as cheap substitute, most carrying
spears and swords. The Lord Chancellor is informed and goes to greet Lord Stjepan
bringing him inside. Crelrich comes dressed in golden silk robe, about his neck the
seal of the city horizontal pickaxe of gold over a half black and red field.
Uncontrollable blonde eyebrows, and similarly unstylized hair, he walks with long
steps hands clasp behind him, is straight to the point and honest. He will lead Stjepan
into the castle one that he finds more comfortable than his own.
Stone cannot be seen, as all floors, walls and ceilings have been panelled in wood
giving a very warm and appealing presence to the hallways, luxuriously capeted.
Artwork hangs on patterned wood, with a great variety of scenes both recent and
ancient. Crelrich immediately leads them into an antechamber, a room with a fire
burning in the hearth, though no one is there. Mahogany chairs with velveteen
upholstery, this room styled with red in mind, even the paintings are particularly
vivid, depicting paintings of a sky and horizon with formations of the moons all by
the same artist. Crelrich asks what they want, and he tells them frankly Count
Harond will not be able to see them immediately, perhaps not today. If they press,
Crelrich says he will have quarters arranged and a guide for the castle. When Quetara
hears of this she decides to be the guide to them herself. Of course, the fact she is
Count Haronds daughter is not known to them, nor does she make it obvious unless
Their rooms are sumptuous, each a different design but with one theme in mind,
refinement and money. Each room has bath, drawn from a room where a cloister of
servants provide their every needs.
Quetara is unassuming, her dressing down for her status is frowned upon by lesser
nobles, but to her Father, eccentric and often dreaming or gazing at stars she is the
apple of his eye. Her mother lost to her when she was eight. She rarely discusses this
matter. Of young age (24), though older than Celim she is bright and inquisitive
about life, if a little nave. She does not act like her station, but when needed to be
demands it utterly. Nearly all in their employ know better.
Quetara has red hair, somewhat frazzled and bunched behind her with a gold clasp.
Dressed with more class than a common servant, her attire is not courtly but not
common. Yet she is pretty, a face pale and eyes penetrating green, wide and bright.
She smiles constantly and speaks appreciatively to any who engage her meaningfully.
Quetara leads them about the castle talking to them, asking who they are and
showing them various parts of the castle. She leads them through startling rooms, via
a central hallway, wide and lined with guard in plate at intervals in a vast walkway
around the five towers and back to the keep central. Highlights include; a musical
room, where bards practise in a small chamber with seats fanned above them, but a
stage accessible to all and baroque-esque, furnitured instruments abound a room
without windows yet as bright and natural as day, filled with a walk-in pond,
complete with short walkway and seats amongst the foliage hanging and sprouting,
where fish too find refuge all under glowing balls of essnce created by priests of
Phaon the food hall where a constant stream of cooks prepare and serve foods of all
type without regard to order or time, with nobles and lords and ladies feasting at will.
Wherever they go, all nobles and guards snap attention to Stjepan, the visiting Lord
(not really, but let him think that). Quetara brings them finally to a lounge room,
which she proclaims as her favourite room. Lush in thick green carpet and barely
discernable patterns, chairs made for comfort and without etiquette, lazy and elegant.
Small bookcases contain behind diamonds of glass hundreds of books, three marble
fireplaces of sand-veined marble contrast with pale wood walls, and all blaze and
luxuriate the room. There she asks them more directly what it is they want. If they
slight her, she will leave, somewhat in a huff. After eventually making their way back
to their rooms and eating, at midnight they will be called to speak with Count
The conservatory is on the top floor of the castle, built as another part upon an
already ancient structure. It is a sight to behold. A mountain of glass panes literally
covers an ironwork skeleton of a dome. A steel door leads in through which they are
ushered and as they pass they notice the very glass jostles in charges of essnce. Once
inside they will be confronted by a magical and technological conglomeration. For
within not a pane of glass exists, only an uninterrupted view of the entire night sky.
A large portion is not discernable with the Mountains, but for the most part it is
spectacular. The stars can be seen through the co -junction of the opposing winds,
patterns and clusters, shapes and symbols. Orhan is immense, a powerful burning
silver in the night sky. But in the center of it all, a brass or gold contraption from the
imagination of those from Sel-Kai or Jaiman. A power cylinder, thick and heavy
sitting at what appears adjustable level to a chair that rotates. They can see glass at
either end of the cylinder, larger at one than the other.
Count Harond is dressed in a gold robe, heavy, but it is not cold. About the
machine, papers are scattered with detailed notes and patterns of the stars. Though
aged, his Laan ancestry shows he is no dodderer long white hair and a strong
countenance and bearing, with a keen astrological mind. He is a match physically for
Stjepan. The Count doesnt have much time for Stjepan and will ask them nicely to
not touch his maps. If Stjepan preaches of war with Sarnak, the Count cites he has
already spoken to a Sarnaki delegate and signed a peaceful co-existence treaty without
harm to trade. He provides positives to all their negatives, and eventually asks them
to leave. They will not get to see him again, unless
Quetara is the key to Count Haronds mind as well as heart. If successfully
persuaded she will relay any threats Stjepan faces as ones of her own, which
immediately spurs Count Harond into action, taking focus.

Returning Home: If by horse, taking another 15 days this may prove too much to
lose and they may travel via navigation. That will secure their time and evade an
encounter with Dyari on Gemstings deep in the night in particular ice storm. They
try to separate the group and then encircle on Celim they watch from a distance
before departing evading combat.

Market Day: the 31
and Pellern is busy as all jostle for food and to sell their own
wares, lest they go starving as winter approaches.
The Black Dawns in Pellern is a presence that is conflicting within the growing
city, where they keep a mask over rituals perverted that for the most part is kept
outside of the city and the outward appearance of aiding their fellows. Charismatic
agents have wisely been placed among Tent City, spreading disseminating rumours of
Pellerns greed, wanton spending, and double standards towards the refugees and
immigrants. Dissent grumbles among the easy-swayed who listen to the rebel sent to
stir the pot Savon, a Ta-lairi (parents both pure blood, his mother a Loari who
discarded him at birth) who from as far as he can remember has been oppressed or at
least under that impression. He is a subtle anarchist who preaches rights for all yet
his heart is dark though carefully concealed. He is bold and speaks out against Stjepan
whom he sees as one who pleases the crowd on a day and watches them starve to
death providing for him from his magical tower.
I ask you all here now, those who work, those trying to work, and those lured here by the
words of a Lord who promised you opportunity, who among you can even afford taxes let alone
food on your table at night. The winter comes quick and many of us came here under auspice of
security and future. All we get is disease and starvation
This day on a barrel Savon speaks openly about Stjepan and his words gather a
crowd. Savon dresses in simple heavy tunic, breeches and about him a blanket. Raven
black hair of his elven heritage contrasts with his Shay fathers heritage and he is not
handsome, rather somewhat deformed, both eyes do not align and his nose is crooked.
A scar runs down from under his cheek to jaw. He is steely, appearing-youthful
though really of some fourty-seven years old. He is thin and wiry, even for an elf.
His points include;
The Lord Stjepan makes others work for the Eog so he can build
himself a land that he is proud, while the miners families have to
fight alongside immigrants and refugees that Stjepan has opened his
door to. There is not enough food, housing, and clothing to go
Rather than purchase these for his people, the Lord Stjepan uses a
Navigator to jump not only himself, but also three others around the
country regularly at the expense of the people.
The Lord Stjepan wields a mighty magical army of Laen golems,
what right does any have to speak against him? Lest fear reprisals?
Lurayle will push home the free speech clause if caught by guards, or
if Stjepan himself is walking the city as he often does and sees this
Lord Stjepan called many here under banner of work and good
fortune and many left homes to travel for prosperity, yet all they
have found is a closed market and life in tents in the cold.
That he hides knowledge of the coming Darkside Zenith from them
all, stockpiling his own defences but leaving everyone to be moths to
the flame that will come when the Night of the Third Moon
coincides with Charns closest presence over their lands, but
beyond that, all with an eclipse of the sun that shall cast Hstra into
a plague of darkness that will consume all leaving no life. Just
Stjepan may arrest this man. All their knowledge of the Black Dawn originated
with Archbishop Carn who derided their religion and practises. However, Savon is
wise and knows how to appear other than the sadist he is. His masquerade is the
Black Dawn represents a group trying to spread the word of the impending eclipse
that will forever change the lands of Hstra, which is where the eclipse shall take
place. How does he know this? Through astrology, he claims they formed some time
ago. The date he will give if pressed is the 2
day of Summer. What does he think is
coming? He does not know, but all he knows is that at such a conjunction the power
of Charn will be immeasureable and their already fractured world will be an open
door to the dark powers of the Pales and beyond.

Luse Reinvigorated: Though perhaps a little more outwardly militant, Luse
commands respect and fear from all soldiers and townsfolk within Pellern. He
himself is well known for his steadfast loyalty and cunning for war, and only those in
the shadows have foul words to say. His return to Pellern after reading the Amethyst
Leagues Progress Report has empowered him with dream and conviction; to return
Pellern to a strong position to better defend against its enemies, and more importantly
to give some justice and meaning to Willonas needless murder.
From day on in, Luse can be found instructing guards, detailing exercises and
regimes with the leaders of the Guard, Ahn Sye Nokora and standing militia. His
reaccepted role of Lord Adjudicator is one no one challenges even as he extends his
legal reach to this leadership role. Luse is loyal under Stjepan, realizing their
differences were in large part the actions of the Amethyst League. Luse makes sure
the warriors are prepared for whatever next enemy they might face. He does not take
control of issues such as Guard patrols or Scouting Parties, only in an advisory role.

Cans Tax Plan: At the behest of Lord Stjepan, Can spent several days compiling
tax projections for raising the rate of 10% to 11%,12% and 15%. Can is more favourably
inclined toward 15% as the savings for food could be exponential as Pellern would
have more buying power to immediately purchase extra food to communally feed
thrice more than they could possibly than by leaving the tax at its current rate.
If Stjepan does this task, enforcing tax will become a more difficult occupation
especially to such groups like the Riders of the Golden Rose (see Emer I: Hstra pg.
113) who will target tax collectors (but being somewhat noble, distribute the funds
back to the peasants with the extra taxes from the more rich of the communities).
The tax decision will be a heated discussion in the upcoming Council meeting,
including any other outrageous decisions made by Stjepan. Charize will challenge that
the Council has no power. Many support him.

Jarolaime: goes straight. After a heavy lecture by Lord Stjepan, Jarolaime barely
scraped out on his lies, and to be followed up by veiled threats by Ishraha in his eyes
was too much. He fears Stjepan now and realizes if he left this position he could
forfeit future work and ruin his career with such a scandal.

Celim Remembers: Luse and Celim have grown together as good friends, an
unlikely combination, but one nonetheless. Luse is the perfect gentleman always, his
guard only relieved if not working and without others. Luse will continue to treat
Celim with honour regardless of how he may feel day to day.
It is this friendship that inspires Luse when passing through documents and
sorting out Alexus arrangement of the books. Stumbling upon a historical reference
to a group of Mystics that travelled to an ancient site near Pellern. Their suspicious
appearance alerted Luse early in his years as Captain of the Guard, issuing a detail to
accompany him as they followed the group who converged on the site and attempted
some prayer without success before they left Pellern dejected.
He mentions this to Celim one day when they are together, wondering if it is
somehow connected to the complex. He does state emphatically that it did appear of
different design yet he is no scholar in matters of magic and essnce. If curiosity is
piqued then Luse has no problems with arranging them to ride out, though he is less
inclined to leady a party with Stjepan out as he values time with Celim and it gives
them a chance to get out riding and away from the castle. What Luse does not know
is that this ancient artefact is a legacy of the Earthwardens. The following explains
Celims true heritage and not just the half associated with evil.
The artefact, constructed by the Earthwardens before records began will trigger
within Celim that part of her that remains Ktaviir. The Dyar heritage has been
explained, her father no less than Shanarak of the Jerak Ahrenrath, but her mother is
Antiana, an Earthwarden who like Celim fell into the hands of Ventine, skilled in
genetic manipulation. Captured by the Ddekemani, she was passed to Ventine at an
early age to experiment with these remnants of another age that could threaten their
own domination and survival. Antiana was lost to her parents also, though she was of
eight years when stolen, enough to remember core memories about her heritage, yet
Ventine dug deep. He eviscerated all trace he could find of her personality and began
to rebuild her physically to specifications to inhibit her powerful abilities. This he
managed to some extent, though reproduction was not something he anticipated.
Antiana was fashioned as an elf, distorted and repressed. For the next 20 years she
suffered abuse and constant manipulation by Ventine and his Mistress. Dimly she
remembered her life, cognizant of the fact that some parts of her had been stripped
away and now she was imprisoned. Escape came by political means, banishment
serving as an escorted defence out of Bentara and to freedom. But freedom did not
come so freely. To survive, she was reduced to begging then prostitution to survive
day to day in the harsh years under the rule of the Katra. Four more years and she had
fled Hstra out into Tai-Emer. Sel-Kai met her and she relieved fell into its arms and
only recovered when she realized her extreme danger. Prostitution swallowed her
quickly and paid well for the strange violete eyed beauty. Antiana in these time
drifted dream-like, the inhibitions Ventine placed upon her at their breaking point as
she began to rediscover unremembered senses. Her awakening caught the eye of Kurt
Hulm, who easily arranged for her purchase and delivery into his orgiastic pit of
demonkind. She saw survival at that moment, holding onto Kurt as much as she
could, focusing upon him and evading the slaughter of other women about her by the
less life concerned. Kurt was no gentleman, his was rape brutal and demonic, but no t
fatal. After his needs were sated, she was cast to a JoTjinnKai, Persch who hoisted
her away into the shadows for his own maliciousness. That mistake cost him as she
pushed back in reaction and somehow evaded Persch, now terrified his charge had
escaped. He chased in kind. Her power was noticeable in its effect against Persch and
he stayed his distance, waiting for moment suitable. Some days Antiana was free of
the constant hound always present, and others he stalked her among crowds until
they thinned or exhaustion tried to overwhelm her. She fled again and again, heading
from Sel-Kai and the demonic sorcerer who raped her. Persch followed. She knew she
was with child several days later, her telepathic ability honed by motherhood as she
contacted and soothed the nascent embryo. Initially horrified, the joy overwhelmed
her fear and gave her strength for the future and her child. Antiana fled with no
intention on returning to Bentara save till she reached Relian some three months with
child, realizing the demon was growing his forces spawning others to join with him in
hunting and her pregnancy was beginning to take its toll upon her. Death soon looked
inevitable. Persch would eventually catch up with her and slaughter her and her baby.
She could not let that happen, and so returned to Bentara with intention of giving her
child to Lusham to tend in Ton-Bor while she gained strength and drew away the
demon. Not everything went to plan.
It is very cold out, the horses snort steam that appears to ice in the air. Frost is
prevalent upon all surfaces, and the sun is weak and skulks behind sodden clouds
hugging the horizon on its way to rest. The ride is tough going and requires some
skill. They take a path of their own choosing, manipulating upward toward the
Mountains of Gold and northward, picking through the slate sandstone sheets and
clumps of bush, thick with frosting. Arriving some three hours later, they have lost
site of Pellern city via now large rocky crags of hills they slip and scamper down. Luse
leads her to a rim of depression where time has warped the land and there must
dismount to make entry. The artefact is peculiar, something she has not seen nor felt
ever. As they wind their way down the stone spiral about the clump of earth they
approach Celim will feel her body tingle, so much her fingers begin to spasm of their
own accord the elation is intoxicating. Not enough to take away her consciousness,
but makes for a tricky descent.
The artefact sits on a sloped piece of earth thick in iced grass, long and
unencumbered by the presence of enemy save theirselves. Circular it appears to have
been a dias, though one end now rests flush with the earth, further sloping the
platform. From five corners of the circle, strange deep grey-green claws hook over
restraining from joining in a cage about the darkly hued dais it rests upon. Closer
examination reveals some interesting facts, if Celim can successfully remain aware
as she inspects the artefact. The dais is unmarred by time or weather, the corners as
shar p as the day it was cut, unaltered and still with shine (this rock is Cavarite).
Etched into the surface of the dark blue rock are sigils, though being so dark are
impossible to notice. Other patterns encircle these sigils and give an overall co-joined
design upon the dais of the object.
Standing within the Cavarite artefact will give cause to effect, with Celim
enveloped. To Luse she is suddenly struck by fountains of lightning emanating from
the claws of each of the arches facing inwards, her body spasming terribly, Luse then
racing to save her knocking her out and scarring himself in the process. Celim
continues to spasm as if with epilepsy for several hours Luse struggling to arrange a
fire, use blankets warm and keep Celim well, sending back his horse in hope of party
to reach them. In the meanwhile
When Celim steps on the dais, the tingling sensation dissipates, as with
everything else sound, smell, and many other sensations like balance evade her as
she is enveloped in the vacuum before she is hit with the forces within the artefact
triggered by her heritage. Next she feels a great tugging sensation and her eyes bulge
upward, pushing out of her skull, her body feeling rigid, and then it is gone
The following memories are triggered for Celim. The memories explain the
history above by continuing it in fragments as Celim remembers them. Like her
mother, she too was genetically manipulated.
Pre-Birth ~ You dream, floating in a warm sea, enveloping warmth and security. A voice
speaks to you, it whispers feminine chimes of reassurance and love. You are cognizant of your
own being before birth. You are happy, peaceful, and content.
Birth ~ You have noticed the space shrinking for some time now, yet the warm voice that is
so close constantly reassures you that all will be well, and she has been honest, preparing you
for what she says is to come next. Unable to move it is almost suffocating, but she placates you
even though her own voice is strained with pain. The contortions yank your form, crush and
constrict, yet releasing moments later the pressure evaporates like the water as you gasp for
it but find only an empty void. Your mother you see for the first time, blurred, she speaks in
your mind, You are a special child, Celim Senayre. I welcome you as my mother welcomed
me into this life. She wipes with warm cloth your form, cradling you in her arms.
Two Weeks ~ Never have you been alone, always she has been by your side, and if not by
your side, always in your mind. But now she is neither. The shapes of where she has stopped
upon loom at you in the bed you lay, dark shapes bulging and reaching. Nowhere is mother, you
scream for her in mind and mouth but no one replies. She returns not long later, hurried, the
fear in her mind and voice strong. You are leaving again, she takes you, bundling you
protectively and out of the place she takes you. The cold makes you feel ill and she walks and
walks beyond exhaustion for days on end, refusing to stop. She still comforts you and speaks
with you often, but she is fixated with what is over her shoulder and you do not like to move as
much as you are.
Four Weeks ~ You know her face well now even from a distance, and you can tell that she
is in great pain and fear. All about you stones form a gapped wall, but glow with a powerful
blue light. Mother stands ragged circling about the dais upon which you have been placed. She
matches step for step the creature beyond the light, refusing to enter. You study it in detail and
it appears to do so in kind. It is hairless and powerful, tall and muscled, his skin is red like the
blood from Mothers gaping wound she clutches at her side. Small black horns row its head and
eyes aglow in a burning light. From its mouth teeth froth where lips should conceal and fingers
needle-like nails drip blood. Occasionally it unleashes its tongue in a fury of growls and rage,
like a snake in temper and length. It converses with your mother, and she in return.
You will starve, use mind and give of child and thyself. Quick shall be the killing. Hisses
the demon.
Persch, you have stalked us for five months and still you have not succeeded. You are
wrong to think so here. Mother raises her arms outward to the stones, deep in concentration
and pain and the energy coalesces about her. I am more capable of defeating you here than you
could imagine. Persch, scampers into the darkness beyond. Mother collapses and sobs. She
comes to you, wrapped warm on this cold night. She feeds you and speaks to you of heritage, to
remember your own. My dear Celim, he speaks of truth. I cannot forever run from him and
those he spawns. He would take us both to his home and we would be lost, our bond of little
reason, our blood of little importance. I cannot let him take you. Another shall raise you my
sweet child, one I trust. She will take you far under the earth to a place of her kind safe from
the eyes of those that will abuse your heritage for their own ends, including your father. I will
return for you, with aid from your great parents, my father and mother to whom I have been
removed. Then we shall be true family, they shall take us away where the concerns of this place
we can watch removed from reach. If I could remain with you my blood, I would suffer a
thousand torments to do so, but I could not bear your death. I have so little, so much taken from
me by one malicious, scarred so much I hope my parents forgive me. I need them to remind me,
return me to what I was before he Always you are in my mind and I shall return, so be calm
and safe.
Two Months ~ The city she calls Bentara, and speaks of it in dark tones and she walks the
shadows with you and you can feel her terror and pain, though she hides herself well. Your
bond is wavering, you can feel the oneness slowly unravel, Mother is preparing you again
A small lantern shows a wrinkled face of a woman wide and very short, she speaks with
Mother her voice low and rasped, primitive, but at a core subliminal and rhythmic it recalls
words. Mother is relieved in this moment, overjoyed to meet this woman
Lusham, this is my child, Celim Senayre. Please take her to Ton-Bor immediately. A
demon chases me and her. I will lead it from her. Please, I beg of you.
No beg. I will take care her. Go now.
Mother passes you into her arms, much colder, and has one last look at you, sadness and joy
plain on her face. She strokes your cheek and cries upon you. But it is too late. The soft pad of
the demons feet lands on the cobbles, Mother spins, as the powerful creature grins wide jaws
open and clustered in fangs, ready to feast.
And then he arrives. Lusham squeals as spindly and grey a woman gnarled and twisted
wraps a barbed whip about the womans neck, its tails lashing at your hands, pulled away from
mother into the light where a man raises one hand at the demon, an amber ellipse forming about
it and solidifying and freezing the creature. Lushams blood drips from the whips biting teeth
on to you, but her strong arms do not drop or falter in their care of you. His voice is cold and
cruel, and yet as intimately familiar to you as Mother that you feel fear for the first time.
My, my, my. This is truly an unexpected surprise, my dear Antiana. Welcome h
NO! Antiana cuts him off. You will not have her Ventine I can defeat you. I know
what you tried to do to me, to what we can do. Youre afraid of it, of me.
Stop Antiana, Ventine chides. Could you really be any more nave? I see this is a
celebration, for not only has my creation returned, but she has had child
I am no creation! Antiana defends.
Maybe not, but she is. Ventine reaches down and wipes the blood across your face,
smearing it.
No! Stop! Dont touch her. Mother is terrified.
You mean like how I touched you? Ventine is smiling, you can feel his power, you can feel
his confidence. He continues, I see the child is dyar, and the father is a sorcerer, lest you
mated with this thing. He motions to the demon. She truly is an interesting specimen. I must
have her.
Youll not keep her, Ventine, my parents will come
Your parents gave up a long time ago. If they were so powerful and righteous why havent
they come to you Antiana? Is it because you are a freak, no longer their child, just another
deformity created? You know the truth girl. Intrinsic in your bones though you deny and avoid
it. You are no longer theirs, you are mine, a vessel for my vision. Yet now I see a greater plan
and you are no longer - required.
Mother screams as she leaps for Ventine in reaction, but the sorcerer releases the demon, the
amber shatters about it, and Persch leaps at Mother hitting her with all impact of claws and
teeth and sheer lust. Lusham is being dragged and Ventine leads you away, watching as
Mother gets up and runs but not to you

15 Weeks ~ Well well, child, in ten days you have managed to sufficiently prove yourself quite
the nuisance your errant mother was, but we will remedy that. You shall be a vessel of my
creation, a work inspired by a master surgeon. I will sculpt your beatific ideal into the visage of
the other creations. Yet you will not be hollow like the Mistress here, no, you are far too
The table is cold and metallic, ammonia is all pervasive, you lie on your back squinting from
the searing white light. A reverberating hum drones somewhere constant in its noise that hurts
your bones. Ventine walks back and forth out of view before you before finally coming to stand
over you. His long black hair falls to either side of his face, longer than the sweeping moustache
on the aged man but the gleam in his eyes runs contrary to his demeanor.
Everything you have learned shall be wiped from you in these next few hours, child. Yes, I
am fully aware of your level of understanding. Your mother presumes me something mortal,
something destructible, something impermanent and if only she knew, perhaps then her
futility would have saved her death at the hands of that procreator. At the very least she shall
be forever running for her life, trying to piece back what I did to her that I shall now attempt
upon you, Celim. Never have I had the delight in working upon a hybrid such as yourself.
Even your fathers blood is strong, stronger than any immortal Dyari. And with your youth
and underdevelopment you may prove the perfect subject where your mother could never be,
already of age.
Ventine takes your small hand in his cold and wiry fingers, counting the fingers, one, two,
three, four, five, six He smiles, holds forth the sixth, a flash of steel and he begins to saw
between the new webbing of your hand, carving into the palm down to the wrist. Your sc reams
reverberate the room and cause Ventine to reel back as the earth shakes, sprinkling dust over
the laboratory.
The smile is gone, but his focus is unrelenting. What he does next sends you spinning into
unconsciousness, your young form rendered neutral as he slices and fingers at the base of your
throat. As you awaken to strange steel weapons placed against your body, you realize in the
dreamy haze you can no longer smell, hear, feel, everything is so far away so removed, the
world severed. Your eyes bleed, the inner eyelid cut, and your head dead, like a heavy weight
you have been crippled.
Ventine once again comes into view. A blade spins from his hand, a magical machine flows
with essnce visibly through pipes in insect-like helmet that he wears. Sweet dreams Celim
Senayre The machine spins closer and closer, and splinters through the soft casing of your
skull, you slip away and awake dull. Removed. Without memory.

Celim will find herself warm, wrapped in blankets beside a fire. She is resting across
Luse, he with an arm about her shoulders awake, staring into the fire, open blade in
his other hand that he keeps upright. Nero, her mount, crunches the icy grass near
them. If Kedrick Bularis learns of this, he will realize with some shock that she is
indeed a child of an Earthwarden. He suspects it, but Ventines genetic and surgical
manipulation and alteration of Celim was greatly inhibiting, not only removing
much of her races traits, but genetically encoding the trait that they remain and are
subdued. Ventine did however underestimate the power of the Earthwardens such
as the artefact can have in restoring their kind.

NOTE: This will not instantly give Celim the superhuman powers that the
Ktaviiri have. She may indeed regain some of her traits over the next few Books of
this campaign any attempt to instinctively relearn these powers will fail. They
should be used as serious plot points, during great times of trauma or success. Celim
is also half-elf and can in no way ever attain half the power of a newborn Ktaviiri.

Last session prompted two in-game days, accomplished were the following; Stjepan decided to
raise taxes to 15% due to predictions of the coming harsh winter, a temporary measure with a
bonus to businesses that provide work for 2 apprentices and donate food daily receive a 2.5%
reduction in tax Vedesis, Lurayl, and Daemander leave for Sarnak Purchase of 20,000 gold
worth of food to last Pellern the Winter from Relian Increase of importance of Security
Guild under Ishraha now needed to collect their own monies Stjepan met with Savon and
promised much to him for his support, Savon played it smooth but soon will go underground
Mynistran Priests set up a food hall for Tent City Stjepan ciphons 15% of funds from every
project he has remaining into one slush fund Stjepan distrusts Murain whom he believes is
selling his quarter of the White Eog to the Amethyst League, an accurate assumption but one
he sends men to find proof of.

Some things are better left to themselves.
Lady Celim 31
Fall 6053

Cans Aid: on Stjepans behest and with 20,000 of the 30,000 gold taken from the Sel-
Kai bank loan Can arranges purchase from Relian of a caravan to deliver bulk
foodstuffs to Pellern for the coming Winter. A merchant company with ties to the
Amethyst League provides unpreserved food that will quickly spoil in the twenty plus
day caravan to Pellern, delivered by a third-party Freight Merchant company.
This event may incite Stjepans growing dislike toward Relian more and it further
strengthens the Amethyst League and their control of trade.

Security (Thieves) Guild: Ishrahas organization of late has grown slowly but steadily
taking on more and more development as a secret squad of investigators and
rumourmongers. Cheon continues to develop the darker side of this organization that
Stjepan agreed to, and he prepares their headquarters with strict security. Sutara,
Divinhadra and the other smaller members, rogues, scouts, ex-criminals, woodsmen
see value in their service as Cheon and Ishraha generate income within the guild at
Stjepans behest (100 gold minimum a month), providing good pay to their members.
The guild HQ is a long stone building, originally a carpenters storehouse,
purchased for a tidy sum. Inside the storehouse is broken up into stone walled
compartments that will never lose the smell of wood that pervades the building. All
windows have been bricked up and the only light within the building is internal.
Bunks provide sleeping quarters, kitchen and areas exist for training, straw flooring
and props, weapons and equipment can all be found. There is a growing sense of
coterie among the men, and while Cheon is viewed as a freak and with fear, the men
respect him as he treats them without bias and encourages their individual skills.
Ishraha is seen as the official link to Stjepan and none will cross him.
Sutara, the rather grizzled Shay rogue, has been placed in a role of hunting out
common pickpockets. All funds captured go into the guild coffer and the pickpocket
encouraged to join their guild.
Divinhadra works close with Cheon as Sutara does with Ishraha.
The first real test of the Guilds capabilities is in tracking and observing the Black
Dawn, something that does not go as well as planned.

Black Dawn: tailing this group proves to be difficult, with the guild members failing
to keep track on any of the order, losing them in the maze that is Tent City. Cheon
suggests they stake out and patrol Tent City for the members since losing them.
Ishraha knows them intimately so he would be a good choice for heading the
If he does, he will experience a harrowing and then illuminating. Tent City has a
miasma of smoke and fog about it and is dreadfully cold. Ice coats the tents, and
people huddle crowded in and between the cloth houses on the slick cobbles. Most
people are distrustful yet desperate. Pickpockets are on the rise and thefts of food and
the like are common, as such all who wander Tent City are watched with
apprehension. The shadows and crowded nature of Tent City make it hard and easy
to tail, lots of places to hide, but it goes both ways.
If Ishraha explores and tries to find the Dawn, he may eventually catch up with
Savon, who is conferring in secret passing out a small wrapped package (containing a
sum of one hundred silver, a rough map of Alkartek, and a message) to a rough
character, Shay, heavy and scraggly beard, cataract eye, and a limp (fake) he
immediately heads off to his tent where he unwraps and burns the message, heading
off for Alkartek castle. This thief has no tongue and will not speak, and will resist all
attempts to take him in. Depending whether Ishraha tails this man or Savon
determines whether this needs to be expanded.
After Savon winds his way through Tent City, acting surreptitious. Several
encounters should give Ishraha some difficulty in staying with Savon;
A woman in what looks like clothing made from sack, frantically grabs at Ishraha
begging him to help her. She recognizes him from the castle and has seen him with
Stjepan. Her hair is matted and dirty like her face, she claws at his robe begging for
alms, making quite a bit of noise asking him to help her children that starve (they
Ishraha distinctly feels as though he too is being watched and followed, the
feeling grows more and more as he tails Savon. Stopping he will not be able to see
who it is, unless he prepares some trap of sorts, and then all he will get is a fleeting
glance at a tall man disappearing into the shadows (The Black Dawn are aware of his
Savon eventually reaches the spot where the Priests of Andaras once were, an
empty slot, abandoned and kneels down to the cobblestones, he appears to be pouring
some liquid from a silver vial with a sweeping thin aperture much like a tea decanter,
onto the cobbles. Listening closely Ishraha will hear Savon chanting something,
placing his hands to the cobbles where the liquid congealed. Watching he will see a
pool of black murky liquid spread out and glisten in the light from Orhan so silver.
Then Savon simply descends into the liquid, it swallowing him up as he literally
sinks down the liquid pooling and shrinking about him as he disappears.

Lusham Consoles: Lusham, who has been quiet of late, has noticed Celims unquiet
yet with all that has gone on it isnt any wonder she has slipped into the shadows.
Lusham asks after Celim, offering help where she can. If Celim should mention her
mother and or the name Persch, she becomes concerned. She remembers when
Celims mother came to Bentara.

Count Hirotha & the Amethyst League: will send Stjepan a letter to further discuss
matters. Majel is enamoured by Celims noticeable and recent awareness of power,
not to forget the demon Persch. Majel smugly decides he will be the ambassador to
Pellern, but makes sure his position is well protected with Stjepans word. Majel will
ride with a small contingent to Pellern after the winters sting has passed as Stjepan
sends reply back to Hirotha via road, taking some 23 days to reply.

Lord Charize: rides to Pellern to speak with Stjepan about Lord Renham who has
vanished in the Alana forest along with ten of Charizes men. Charize is concerned
and wants to know why Stjepan wanted him. If he learns that Renham was
implicated Charize plays his innocence well, in shock and disgust at his aide. Charize
as ever, dressed like a Hornet, black and yellow hardened leather, full goatee and
moustache, plays the perfect obsequiant.

Charns Perigee: On the night of the 36
of Fall the dark moon comes closest to
Kulthea, though it is not full, merely quarter of a sliver in the sky. Given the clouds it
may not even be viewed by the populace, but its effect will be clearly felt across
Pellern. Many events will occur this night. Hal will contact Stjepan and berates him.
Celim will experience powerful dreams before being awakened to find Bryce in her
room (really the demon Persch). Ishraha will experience twinges as the genetic
manipulation in his body attuned to factors Unlife begins to awaken.
Hal reaches out to Stjepan that evening. Stjepan finds himself in a massive
building, interior iron buttresses skewing against rose coloured stone that twists
upward toward a stained glass ellipse that sprinkles the empty cathedral in rainbows
of light. Dressed in his red suit replete with golden buckles, his hair wet and short,
black and oily like his eyes, Hal berates Stjepan; that he is unprepared against
essnce attacks, that he needs to strengthen his rule to return the Ahn Sye Nokora to
glory, to do as his bloodline demands of him, lest he become like his father dead and
worthless. Stjepan by nature is no mentalist and his bloodline allows some
potentiality, but he will never be one. Hal will not be pushed around by Stjepan and
will comment often on the events around him He will eventually get disgusted with
Stjepan calling his order nothing but a bunch of tin men and misplaced dreams,
running them and him down, before breaking the link.
Celim dreams and in that dream Reann gives her a vision. She feels dreamy,
weary, yet is aware of the environment around her. She is standing in a vale, the sky
overhead glows a brilliant red that is unnerving, yet the light about her is misty like
the fog curdling about her up to waist. The fog rolls in mounds about her in the
distance a forest. Above the sky is beginning to show more definition, and it feels less
like a sky, but a sea of red as shapes underneath the surface shift and darken parts of
Moving to the forest becomes harrowing as the sky tears as swart shapes push
downward trying to break free of the vermillion miasma above. If she lingers these
things will eventually tear through and reach down and rend her body causing her to
awaken to Persch. Fleeing for the forest she runs across hills, and the fog swirls about
her, then as she espies black and straight trunks leading to a powerful canopy of deep
emerald, but something is moving between the trees. Close observation and she sees a
powerful white mare, in its wake the trees blur and distort then she sees its silver
horn protruding from along its snout, a unicorn, the horn has the luminescence of
Orhan itself. The Unicorn weaves on the outskirts of the trees, back and forth.
As she reaches the forest, it begins to retreat into the depths of the forest and out of
the danger of the sky. Once within the forest of black barked trees she will feel safer,
the Unicorn leaving a trail easy for her to follow and always at the edge of her sight.
Eventually the Unicorn disappears into a grove that has a clearing, yet the sky is
obscured by the trees that weave unnaturally to form a dense roof over the small area.
The Unicorn has vanished within the grove, but someone is there with his back to
her. She instinctually feels she knows the person, but something is not right. Closer
into the grove, soft grass underfoot, the figure stands and turns to her. The familiar
feature of the man she loves greets her Bryce Korel. He smiles at her, his
penetrating green eyes burrowing into hers, and walks forward with his arms out to
her, wearing a light blue and green silken tunic and gown.
Close discernment will reveal something is not quite right, the closer he gets, the
stronger the gut feeling she feels that something is not right. Any reaction contrary to
positive to this vision Bryce will cause a transmogrification.
His face turns, lines of anger soon deepen to open wounds, his lips pulled back to
his gums in anger, his teeth elongating and deforming into a mouth of spikes while
the skin all over him falls away in chunks revealing dark red skin underneath
She awakens and Bryce (Persch) arrives.
Ishraha, whether sleeping or patrolling the city will suddenly feel sharp prickles
all over his skin. At first it is like the tingling of goosebumps and something he can
shrug off, or at least believes he can. Soon his vision will blur and it feels like
everything material about him is being stretched, his eyesight distorting, he begins to
feel sick. Walking is near impossible, then after minutes he shakes uncontrollably all
over. Welling up moments the tingling sensation deepens and becomes more focused
and stronger, pain receivers flare all over his body. This pain does not abate and
increases exponentially so much so the pain threatens to explode out of his body and
mind torment of the like he has felt only once before. His body thrashes
uncontrollably, screaming is unavoidable, his Changramai training cannot calm his
mind against the storm as the genetics manipulated by Ventine awaken to Charns
Perigee. Why now and not earlier? Charn grows stronger as it waxes to full and the
eventual Darkside Zenith/eclipse of the sun in the coming Summer. All Perigee will
now build in intensity and highlight a growing trend.
When Ishraha awakens the shakes remain, but he feels different inspecting
himself all over his body at strange intervals, hard bumps on his skin he can feel,
though they are hard to see from a distance, up close, the raised bone under his skin is
noticeable. This makes sleeping uncomfortable, his balance again is askew and tactile
sensation is interrupted. He must adapt. His appearance will bring disturbed stares
unless he makes pains to obscure himself, but his bones have hardened (giving him an
extra level in armour).

Perschs Return: Persch has awaited the Perigee when he can once again enter via the
portal in the citadel underneath. His eyes are firmly on Celim whom he immediately
After the above dream Celim will be awoken to knocking at her door. It is Bryce,
or at least it looks like Bryce. He enters wearing the same clothes as in her dream, the
blue and green silken tunic and gown, his smile is white and loving, his eyes latch on
to hers like astill river-pool. Persch plays it smooth, but refrains from using his magic
against her. He immediately tries to hug her. His embrace is warm and piquant,
Celim will notice his musk odour only if she is extremely perceptive. Bryce speaks
like he has her lovers knowledge, but all Persch has is what he has overheard and
read. His immediate intention is to bed her and if she slightly resists Persch gets
frustrated. NOTE: No Rape should occur. This is a serious matter, but one that is part
of Shadow World this is used as a story plot. Celim should have every chance to
realize this is not Bryce, and at the last Lusham should intervene. Persch will
transform just in her dream to his real shape if uncovered and attempt to take her
regardless but Celim is no pushover. The demon loves to hear his own voice and will
torment her with tales of how he kept her mother running for seventeen years before
he gutted her on the Spine of Emer (a lie). Now he has come for her, come for them,
their family Persch is arrogant and can be made to elucidate some answers, but his
base lusts eventually always take control of him, never will he get into a convers ation
of exposing himself. Persch knows he can always return.

Reanns Vision: After the encounter with Persch when Celim next sleeps she will be
granted a visitation from Reann in her dreams. Once again she is in the forest of Dir
trees at night, the tall, black trunks with their short stubby branches and round, dark
leaves, a bed of dried silvered ones she walks upon. Moonlight filters clear and pure
through the trees, and the ominous presence though not dissipated is for the moment
pushed far enough leaving the forest in dreamy serenity.
Through the trees circling her, she can see the White Unicorn with its luminous
silver horn passing between trees, appearing unnaturally metres ahead and aside.
Then, from a tree close to her a man unlike no other on Kulthea stands through the
dream, literally buckling around him in a silver shimmering radiance, not in fear or
reaction, but at his very being he walks to her, tall and slender, with fair skin
contrasting against his sombre expression and his clothes, sable and trimmed with
leather. But it is his eyes that she cannot leave, dark and hypnotic, she feels herself
drowning into his pupils.
Reann comes on Celims desire to follow him as a priest. Reann is not about to
give this to her though, nor would he to any that follow him. He is not cold, play him
weary and sombre, yet he is not above dry humour (See Emer Atlas II, p139). He does
however ask of her many questions;
What does she know of the Unlife?
Is she prepared to dedicate herself entirely to its destruction?
Even if it meant losing ones loved ones?
The Unlife will taint everything it can against her if she wishes to follow him, is
she prepared to kill her loved ones?
Is she prepared to stand alone for a year, ten, one hundred, one thousand, alone in
battle against this force?
Is she prepared to forgive her heart and dip her blade beyond personal beliefs and
He doesnt wish to scare her, he just wants her to realize the contract shell be
obliged to be under if she wishes his aid (said with a smile).
Her only company at times may be those that wish to destroy her most
vehemently, those that cling to the night, like she will have to and shun the day
when they are least active.
If she is agreeable to him and Reann is pleased with her answers he will tell her
that as part of his contract to her he strengthen her against those close wishing to
consume her. He cups her cheek and stares deep into her very soul Call to me in the
night, Celim feels him literally touching her being and silver light builds behind
her eyes blinding her. Her first vision
you wake on a plain of black snow, it curdles down the sky, streaking it with soot, a thick
metallic smell in the air makes you ill, eyes throb and temples pulse standing a scene of
devastation unthinkable, mountains of male and female bodies armed and armoured lie
decimated, bodies severed and smeared with the snow that looks like oil as the blood fades into
the shades of pollution metal is torn and lays rent carved into massive ruts in the
permafrost a perpetual humming about you is just audible, infraharmonic more felt than
heard, your vision no better than in fog, so dark and black save a sliver of a red eye in the sky.
on a hill close to you, though, motion - closer and you see it is Lord Stjepan standing in his
fathers armour, bloodied and tarnished wielding in two hands the Yarkbalka, flaming
demonically as he spins it with fervour in his eyes, lips grimaced and teeth gritted, his own men
charging the hill to battle him, meeting his glee as he hacks and sears their flesh barely
restraining his lust for battle, he is unstoppable but still they come
spinning away and you find herself at a low in the hills coated in a black carpet, but here
it has pooled, fresh warm blood dissolving the snow into a stew and as you slide and pull
yourself up frantically against the slippery slope, a figure rises from the pool standing tall,
naked he bristles in spears of bone that punch through his hardened, pale skin a foot in length,
Ishraha glares back at you with eyes of smug and confidant
catching your breath the visions pass, or have they a cat, Mareesh saunters close
rubbing his leg against yours purring contentedly happy, smug with pride
You awaken
Celim should learn initially that through dreams reality can be merged and vice
versa with dream.

The session ended on 36
, the Perigee, and was left half way through the events that will
plague the characters this night. Stjepan had decided upon a round trip to Lycus/Keliir and
back, reaching Lycus (formerly Vaymoris) on the 36
. In his stead, Celim and Ishraha alone
with their respective nightmares, all of whom shall soon find it worsening this night. The man
dealing with Savon was found to be an assassin for hire sent to meet with Stjepan when he
reached Keliir. Why would the Black Dawn do this? Why not? For one hundred silver they
had a good chance, save for Ishraha. Jengo, Celims young stable friend whom she tutors
agreed to become Stjepans squire and groom both his and her horse in return for training,
monies, and the first foal of Celime and Stjepans horses. A potion delivered to Radomir,
tricked into drinking it by Stjepan, cures his mental illness and makes him well to rule strongly

On With the Show Stjepan: Just before sleep he is brought a warm drink to have by
the fire in his room so sumptuously appointed undoubtedly by both of Wintessa &
Lycus hand. The linen is of fine quality, soft, the upholstery aesthetic but vivacious,
daring from the norm. Left alone in silence with his blade, he rests eventually.
It is as he does that Hal makes his move. So disgusted with Stjepan Hal uses his
powers of manipulation over Stjepan, making him believe he is dreaming yet the
dream is more vivid for some reason. Hal chooses his scenes and words well.
Lady Wintessa: Stjepan awakes to the incredible sensation of lovemaking, the
feeling of a womans body sinuous above him, writhing upon him with him within
her. Opening his eyes he will be met with Wintessa, who appears naked to him for
the first time and she is a divine creature for a Laan noblewoman. Her hair dyed the
black and red the time it was after returning from the cave in the Alana forest after
speaking with Luse. Her body is taught and well-formed. Silver and turquoise
jewellery hang about her neck, wrists and from her ears, her face painted seductively
Wintessa will play with Stjepan, no longer holding back, flaunting herself to him,
asking why he shies from something that should not just be his honour, but his right.
For all his work, so much frustration and no one to bed. Hal plays this phantom as a
persuader, charming Stjepan, praising him and asking the question why not lust?
NOTE: Close observation and Stjepan feels heavy on his feet. Also there is a red
glow faintly illuminating his room through the glass behind the unclosed curtains.
Outside Stjepan can see in a small part of the sky that glows in a silvery light of
Orhan near full, but concealed, unlike the thin sliver of Charn that pulses brightly in
the sky. Eventually Wintessa will simply vanish, but not before his eyes. He will turn
around and she will be gone, an open door left in her wake.
Exploring the estate should be roleplayed out, with emphasis on emptiness and
stillness. It is cold, but not so cold as to repel. The courtyard is hued in the same
insidious red light. Shadows flicker along the open corridors that flank the courtyard.
Now and then noise echoes back to Stjepan, whispers, stones cracking under foot,
footsteps, running of water disorientate him as best as possible. All the guards have
vanished as have the horses.
Lord Constans: Stjepans brother awaits him in the oval room that served as
Wintessa & Lycus dinner hall, the room that overlooks the Alana River, that even at
night glows with red from the sliver of Charn. Constans sits before the table that
Stjepan dined with Lycus and a happy, content Wintessa not so long ago.
At first let Stjepan believe he is looking at a mirror image of himself. Constans is
dressed exactly as him, hair similar Constans will not play the aggressor here, but
Constans will be the twin soul that he so misses. Constans will lax about what they
were both thrust into, played by all sides, tearing them apart, tearing their land apart
he tells Stjepan it always made him angry, perhaps a little too angry since they made
him try to kill his little brother. Who? Constans shrugs it off, saying Celim wiped
them out just like she did him, lamenting.
Constans will refuse to fight with Stjepan any more, almost given in to his own
defeat. However, Constans does his best to turn the conversation around toward
building the land, taking strong leadership and trying to fix what their father, his
father and fathers before could not, would not, ignoring the situation. Constans
appears serious when he states he had a dream of unity beside Stjepan. He refuses to
push Stjepan, rather coerce him through his own hubris and sense of honour and
loyalty. Eventually Constans will simply not be there as he walks/talks with his
Lord Lycus & Tanya: This encounter serves to bury a hatchet in Stjepans heart to
consolidate the first encounter produced by Hal. If he nears the stables for any
reason he finds the horses vanished, however, close discernment will first reveal
scuffling, something moving, next hisses, next whispers, closer and voices are heard
Lycus and Tanya
Do you think this will work? Tanya begs.
Of course it will, look, he is totally smitten with you. But just think, he will think
it is his child, raise it when it is my own, and when the time is right you and I shall
rule Alkartek. Lycus stridently boasts.
But youll never know your child Tanya pines.
How could I not? I will be his best friend, the childs uncle. How can he not like
and love me. Dont worry Ill make sure he follows our goals. You just keep Stjepan
enamoured with your hips and lips my dear, all our dreams will follow.
If Stjepan walks in he will find them both naked, Lycus hunched sweating over her
backside in the hay, grunting as their conversation dwindles into a primal savage
lovemaking that Stjepan never experienced with Tanya.
Hal will cause Stjepan to reel if the experience is moving and he attempts some
intervention. He will awake the next morning, his head sore, his body sore & spent

Sutara mentions feeling ill after the evening tea the morning of the 37

The Horror Continues: Persch, unable to catch Celim who fled to the warded room
provided by Lurayle against such attacks, descended into the servant quarters sniffing
out prey and produce, namely a foetus. The hellish screaming is unavoidable. Out of
the silence in the still of the night, the hysterical feminine shrieking awakes nearly
everyone and sets all alight.
Investigation will reveal a horrible tragedy. On the second floor, one of the serving
girls was gutted of her child, the smell the only thing to alert the entire floor of
women and their matron who immediately panic. Panic spreads. Guards come
She lies on her bed, the bedsheets of which have been cast to the floor. There is
little noticeable features from her groin to where her ribcage sticks through the empty
gaping hole. Her intestines dragged out to the sides, blood pooled not only on the bed
underneath her but within her hull. What is more disgusting is perhaps her smile. She
is content, unlike the others Persch has taken. Light illuminates more disturbance in
flesh, cauterized to the wall it reads; Last was patient, fair and just, this night of
joining will see five more in lust, shame, and humiliation and death for them but
not the little baby ones. A slime trail of blood scrapes the floor to the servants
stairwell across to the door opening to the castle proper and into the halls.
Persch is far from finished within the castle. His plans are to harvest another five
more children and in quick succession.
Following screams come from Can Lindur, his family housed within the castle a
favour from Lord Stjepan the accountant stumbles from his second floor inner
apartment room, blood on his hands and nightgown he stumbles babbling through the
corridors almost catatonic. If cornered or talked to he will become catatonic that
faint human contact reminding his already shattered mind of the second tragedy, but
first for him this night.
Can had no idea his wife was pregnant, and truth be told neither did she. The
scene of carnage in his room is worse than the earlier night. His wife lies on their
double four posted bed back to the door, the sheets however pulled revealing Cans
wife Bridgette lying side on, nightgown in tact it is her other side that presents the
horror. Her nightgown has been chewed through at her belly, her skin hangs off in
sheets over the edge of the bed where blood has congealed. Thick, white cream coats
her face and inside her open mouth, half smiling
Persch will continue on with his rape and murder until he is finished. However,
Kedrick Bularis will be aware of the demons attacks this night. If last was not
crossing the line then this evening fully is. Kedrick will have no reluctance in
intervening to dispatch Persch once and for all. Celim and Ishraha if following these
murders may trail the blood to Perschs next victim a matronly woman in the
kitchens. They can track the blood smear as if something was dragged in a sack, or
possibly without descending down to ground floor and out onto the cold cobbles of
the Upper Ward. From there, lights burn brightly from the kitchen across the cobbles,
guards are on high alert, with much activity as they rush about the castle frantic over
the first murder let alone the second.
Persch will be found in the kitchens. Inside they find a matronly, buxom woman,
stirring an iron pot dreamily as she talks with a farmer type, with thick red beard and
shoulders broad enough to carry it. He pays them no heed and continues to smooth
talk her. Celim will notice his scent if she is ultra-perceptive and may act before it is
too late. If discovered Persch will slink back into his demonic form, the flesh of his
chameleon form discarding like the lizard itself. Persch will feel triumphant if Celim
has come after him, realizing now she is far from the safety of the inner vestibule.
The kitchen woman, meanwhile faints.
Persch torments Celim like never before lying about killing her mother on the
Spine of Emer, how he hunted her for years finally chasing her up the snow covered
Spine to where the very air touches the Shadow about the world, and there he met
with her he says he eviscerated her there, but he is like any demon egocentric and
self-centred. The obvious flaw in his theory is he never really could kill her
assuming her mother still lives. In all his attempts, he simply has failed. Even Persch
is aware of this and in frustration has come to take her. Kedrick will wait until the
very last moment before he acts, hoping the demon elucidates more on Celim and
her mysterious past. Act he does, literally phasing in a short distance to the side of the
demon, dressed in his dark and light blue silken robes that come alive underneath him
with a growing fortress of red electricity. His elven hands are knotted and juxtaposed,
chanting already in progress, nay completion. Brow furrowed a last incantation and
Persch doubles over in pain, clawing at his skin, tearing through the tough charred
flesh, lava boiling from within dissolving his body, dissolving his bone, dissolving his
very essnce yet for all the heat the wood does not burn and the lava evaporates
upon itself.
Once finished, Kedrick notices that the matronly woman has noticed him. He
pauses unsure, staring at her then turns to Celim. He tells her this is unfortunate.
For some time Kedrick will be without words, merely awaiting words. His actions
will be noticed by his associates and the Loremaster will be recalled in mere moments.
The characters have a short time with him.

Calling to Reann: This occurs the night Celim actively calls Reann and then sleeps
to intervene with whatever manifestation he decides to impress. It cannot merely
happen upon a whim. It would be opportune for it to be placed also on Charns
perigee (36
This night the fourth of the five doors from the central controlling room of the
machine-citadel opens. This comes to Celim in dream, and fills more important past
of the history of the Citadel that is underneath Pellern.
you feel an abysmal descent, literally falling down a chute of black glass, jagged and
rasped but never close to tear. Eventually you are spilled on to a cold granite floor, the floor not
dry, but warm and slick with your own blood no less, yet you are unharmed
the c hamber you are within is nothing but a hive, five massive tunnels filtering to leech on
to this central chamber where a pulsing brain flops like a dead fish in a spiderweb of tendons.
The tunnels mouths lined with teeth, one closed asleep, but the other four ravenous, mawing
the air of the four available, three fight close to each other low to the ground, easy to pass
through, yet the fourth is reluctant not as hungry
running through the gullet of the thing, the tunnel buckles and you slide again, down the
slippery insides slick in mucus. You are once again expelled, this time into a knee-deep pool of
viscous fluid. A small chamber, two embryonic sacks growing upward from the waters dark
forms pushing to get out, their screams muted, but still audible, desperate hums of noise as they
pound to get your attention especially the one to your right
This dream is a metaphor for descent into the citadel, with the fourth portal
providing two trapped victims of Priests of Andaras. Reann, to up the stakes that
Andaras is dealing, nudges Celim by way of this vision into choosing a tutor among
those imprisoned in the citadel.
The fourth door leads to the magical equivalents of working cryogenic chambers
without any side effect, in fact, awareness is something sustained, for these chambers
were prisons. Built by Iresh, the demon who constructed Pellern, this room was to
house pesky champions permanently enshrined and powerless. The demon never got
the chance, but Priests of Andaras did, using their wily ways to entrap Sormenat and
went even further to enrapture Sormenats pursuer.
When the Titans defeated Iresh (see below Iresh Awakens) they locked the citadel
with seals and bindings much like upon Iresh himself locking the castle away. As a
further precaution they entrusted the two laen keys, which served as the fulcrum of
the citadel, to a respected priest of Reann, Sormenat. Grumpy and isolated, regardless,
his deeds against darkness that would consume the smaller man made him a pariah
and messiah. However, the taste of women would lure him to a great fall. Priests of
Andaras slowly manipulated Sormenat with a delusion of political and social games,
women, money, power became his with powerful friends and while grizzled he soon
warmed to the false adoration having never received any in is life. Another priest of
Reann soon sought Sormenat out. Raidya, a zealot and a holy knight, soon uncovered
Sormenats ways and intended bringing retribution but found only his target and
company headed for the citadel, delusions of grandeur carrying Sormenat to his
imprisonment. Once at the citadel the keys were stolen from him and he dragged
down to the chambers. With his adoring acolytes now laughing at him, his absence of
power, his absence of dignity, he was locked forever. Raidya soon followed. He
proved an easy target as the Priests of Andaras yet again played the game they play so
well, using local people to capture their quarry. Side by side they were entombed. For
some ten thousand years they have both dreamed and gone mad several times yet
they endure, for to die would be an easy torment. They are kept alive by the
sarcophagi that they reside within.
If Celim does investigate below (a fact that might take some days since Luse is
away with one of the keys) she will be met with dreams coming to life. Whether she
understands the metaphors or not isnt important, nor if she discovers the new
passage for weeks. What is important is her choice.
Below in the citadel, four portals stand open, the one leading to the senses, the
other to the black guard and the third leading to the open portal. The fourth passage
is as odd as its cousins. The walls glisten and are soft, a walkway of stone literally
flowing through this circular tunnel, limestone even with veins of darker lime
literally infusing the smooth wall. The passage descends steadily until it spreads into
a deep chamber carved without angle to any surface, yet a surface of stone no less.
The walkway does ends at a pedestal upon which sits a wide brimmed golden disc
holding a singular red teardrop shaped gem the size of a fist warm to the touch and
polished to a brilliant sheen. The walkway does not continue into stairs, only a drop
of some feet into an almost sulphuric pool of liquid, misting with foul coloured
smoke. The dish is covered in runes of Krnyt, unreadable.
Beneath these waters lie ten sarcophagi, metallic and mastered by technicians far
beyond what the elves of Nmar-Tol today could weld. Rivets coat the surface under
the water (that is slightly acidic, tingling and eating through clothes at a rate of ten
minutes and skin slightly longer) two rows of five head to toe lined coffins. Each
facial area of the coffin is curved glass into an open faceplate showing the coffins
inhabitants. However, only two exist, the last of the rows side by side. Above each
faceplate of glass is a small red gem, firmly placed and unrecoverable. The only two
are the last, who have an impression into the head of the sarcophagus. The gem fits
perfectly and opens the casket with a rush, water rushing in, air escaping.
Close inspection will reveal faces within both end sarcophagi, yet the one on the
right screams and bangs against the sarcophagus inside, while he on the left is
complacent and lies with eyes half-closed.
Sormenat Disgraced Priest of Reann (on the left sarcophagi); needs extrapolation. In
his ten thousand year imprisonment Sormenat has dreamed much, plagued by his
pride and lust, humiliated by his own failure. Madness has crossed him many times,
yet always he proved resilient not losing a small core of intrinsic guilt that carried
him forward. The last moment before Celim uncovers him he is granted a dream
from Reann, polar in nature it shows two variants of his future. One is a vision of
eternal imprisonment and finally release to a nightmare of torture as Priests of
Andaras/Ddekemani finally return and use the machine of the Citadel against him
for nothing than sheer pleasure. The other is freedom and a short life tutoring this
young woman in ways of channelling and serving Reann, experiencing the Dream
and making it tangible and vice versa, so he can equal his wrongdoings in the past.
Then the in less than two weeks of freedom he will meet his death at the hands of
Iresh. Sormenat is no fool, and has regained a sense of loyalty and moreover
responsibility to Reann. He knows he was duped. It makes him bitter but not
resentful of Reann. When Celim comes he is calm and lets her decide as it is her
Sormenat is balding on the top of his head, wispy black hair like a tonsure about
him. He is not handsome, rather a little repulsive, which could be all the creased lines
of skin on his face that seem perpetually pinched. Pudgy around the belly, he is strong
and muscled underneath the black leather garments he wears under a sable fur cloak.
Sormenat stands wide and uncaring.
As soon as he is released he begins what he must do; tutoring Celim. Sormenat as
a tutor is a workhorse, pushing Celim to overt limits of emotional and physical
control with and without dream. Sormenat does not lie about what happened to him,
but he refuses to get into his personal details, preferring didactic instruction on a
continuous basis. He knows he has less than 24 days to hone Celim for whatever
Reann has in mind. Sormenat is a grizzled aged man with no time to lose. He will not
beat around the bush with anyone. He is always straight to the point, telling people
quite brusquely what he thinks of their timewasting.
Sormenats training consists of; building a proper temple. He asks her how she
would contact Reann? If she replies by calling to him, he laughs. He tells her that if
she wanted to catch a deer would she hunt for one in the castle? (Sormenat is not
good at analogies, but he usually gets his point across) He tells her she must construct
a sacred place for herself that is protected and appropriately decorated so she can
attune herself before she sleeps, sleeps not to rest, but to dream. This takes a good
frustrating five days. It is followed by intensive dream therapy that drains Celim
every day as he tries to get her focused to dream properly so she has control over
Raidya Misguided Priest of Reann; needs extrapolation. Raidya had always been a
priest of morals, and while a priest of Reann, had not the stature, respect and
attunement with Reann that Sormenat had. Perhaps some personal jealousy, but when
Raidya learned of Sormenats changed ways he sought proof but found only empty
houses. He travelled after Sormenat, listening of the grisly stories carried out in
Sormenats name (spurred on by the Priests of Andaras aware of Raidyas pursuit),
and rode hard reaching Pellern just an hour after they had imprisoned Sormenat.
Soon they were joined in eternity, with both stones removed (an occupant is the key
to removing a gem). In his ten thousand years, Raidya has become bitter and angry
and whereas Sormenat kept madness at bay, Raidya embraced it. He too was given
dream by Reann prior to Celims arrival, a dream of two parts metaphorically
opposed One of arrogant pride and hubris, Raidya the glory of all the people if he
trains Celim and defeats Iresh, he will be a messiah to the people, a hero noble and
pure, the other dream of eternal imprisonment, followed by unending pain at the
hands of the Ddekemani until they experime nted with him, mutating him into a
monstrosity, his death finally coming as he begs meekly and humiliated to Reann for
aid the god releasing him to a riverside
Raidya is as proud of his appearance as he is of his mental image. His blonde hair
he grooms long and sparkles in excellent condition. He is well groomed and shaven,
wearing hardened black leather whose style is exotic and alien. Raidya is slim and
long, he walks like he was floating on air and takes his time with everything.
Raidya begins by familiarising himself with everything. He acts above everyone,
treating them like children. His power as a priest of Reann he flaunts, using dreams to
subdue those about him with real images from dreams. He delays tutoring Celim,
more instructing her on and off. Raidya demands attention and excess. If pushed he
lets them know that soon they will be met by darkness close at hand and who better
than a priest of Reann to deal with it. He flaunts his past and his role to them,
embellishing his perspective though not lying. Raidya is arrogant and self-centred. He
has become what Sormenat once was. His redemption will not be found by
continuing on this track. He will be difficult always and will get his way.
The only way one of the priests can be replaced is to lock a person within another

Black Dawn Retailiation: Cheon is the first to inform Ishraha. Their security
headquarters were attacked. Two of their men are dead, three wounded. Cheon was
not there. Of the three wounded, a threat from the men was made clear for every
one of their interferences there will be twice the cost. They recognized them as Black
Dawn members they were instructed to follow. Divinhadras men are shocked. Three
will resign and leave by morning. Painted on to the wall near the bodies a black circle
still drips tar on to the floor. Cheon is angry and demands that if Ishraha is to keep
their members protected they need more money for their headquarters to create a safe
environment, especially for the security of the city. The men killed were scouts,
Millac & Vindraine, a young boy and his father respectively.
Cheon for the first time is angry, angry that they were so easily infiltrated and
humiliated. He knows he must build their haven strong. He will go to Stjepan if
Ishraha ignores it.

Luses Return: and report on Lord Murain was not fruitless, though little was
uncovered regarding what Murain does with his white eog, but what Luse uncovered
is that yes Murain is selling it and it appears it is from a merchant that travels to the
north. Beyond that Luse would need serious investigation and manpower. In his
absence following a particularly heated meeting with Stjepan and Celim with he the
only one refusing to allow Celim to have access to one of the keys to use the Black
Guard again.
Luse is a gentleman and cannot think of anything worse not to just a lady, but a
person than to endure that horrible army again. Luse was entrusted with a key, and if
they demand he will feel that trust broken. His serious nature to his position will
creep in and Luse will lose interest in friendships. Confrontation is not the way to
Luses mind or heart. On his trip he hid the key not some three hours ride from
Pellern. He will return it, but if he does, he will not wish to be its possessor any
longer, snubbing the duty.

Stjepans Round Trip: At Keliir, Stjepan finds a notice pinned to a post, the notice is
badly worn, but reads On Order of the Ahn Sye Nokora, none are to enter this
empty Estate of Pellern without Lord Stjepan Nemecks permission. Inside the
estate, tacked to the door To those who enter; We Ahn Sye Nokora have entered the
lands of Alkartek and shall return in three days. Dated one day before this. Harcas
is an empty burnt out shell with no sign of life. Lord Jenovar is on edge. With Alexus
murdered he is not as positive as before, but quite as loyal.

Lalaerion Returns: the Navigator of the Daruni Olkanin returns to speak with Ishraha
who requested this time of him. As ever in his green surcoat trimmed with gold, the
strange golden disc compass hanging about his neck on a golden chain.
This will be Lalaerions last visit unless Ishraha speaks or alludes to something
more of interest. Lalaerion will notice the changes in Ishraha who is becoming
unconsciously subversive, at least objectively. Lalaerion cares little for the Darkside
Zenith, and should Hstra fall that would be terrible, but signs, prophecy, fate are
concepts he simply does not believe in and firmly is against such. He takes a dim
view on Ishraha should he follow dreams and rumours as fact.

Death of Violets: another holy day that the Mynistran priests celebrate, spreading
paper cut-outs and real violet petals in a procession through the city to the castle
where Amyrisha offers a wreath to Lord Stjepan and asks if theymay entertain them
that evening with a performance with local musicians.
That evening the feast (that will contrast obliquely against the following days
riot) begins with the Mynistran priests regaling the attending nobles with stories of
Lords who valiantly protected and loved their people. This celebration goes back to
the Emporer whom they say regarded the violet in high esteem, even using it as a
design for medals to the valiant who would stand for those that could not defend
The meal is divine, roasted boar dressed with wine and butter sauce, a smorgasbord
of beets and tubers, other harvest vegetables provided with an abundance of wine and
good feeling.

Tax Rise: On the 41
Stjepan raises taxes to 15%. Unexpectedly there is a small riot as
people are outraged with the first increment demanded by extra tax collectors. More
than half stubbornly refuse to pay the extra stipend and will need to be forced to do
so. Many call the tax break Stjepan offered ridiculous saying the 2.5% drop is lost
compared to what they have to do to get it. Carpenters, smiths, store owners go on
strike and people cannot buy their goods or live as they would. The city grows
restless, and the days and nights are becoming much colder. Stjepan will be hard
pressed to quell this and unruly sentiment simmers throughout all of Pellern,
spreading out as the tax collectors retrieve the funds.

Amyrisha Counsels: Stjepan asking to see him one evening where accompanied by
two acolytes she speaks with him. She speaks of the virtues of Mynistra and the close
relationship they are to have, if they are to have She knows he pays blessing to
Mynistra, but she believes he is domineering over the people. He should work with
the priesthood for true leadership. This may affront Stjepan and Amyrisha has less
tact and more bark and bite that usually gets her what she sees as necessary.
She says the recent cuts to the Church are unacceptable. Beyond necessitating a
food hall they absolutely require a proper haven for those of Mynistran faith,
something they have not had for a long time, and not just some converted shack, but a
Church. She says he will not believe the morale of the people once there is a beacon of
hope for them.
Amyrisha, the buxom red haired high priest flaunts her superiority and closeness
to Mynistra like the fine silken vestments of white and gold she wears.

The session did not cover all points above. Stjepans visions via Hal he interpreted as haunts
within the Lycus/Vaymoris estate something the demon intends on building upon, his lust
and drive for Wintessa consumed him without hesitation, as did the words of his brother, not to
mention his heart curdling at Lycus/Tanya conspiracy. Hal sees a way of gaining power over
Stjepan. Persch was dealt with by Kedrick and he was forced to leave Pellern, noticed by the
public and his peers.

Barrow Wights Disappear: Xaek Branimiir, Quartmaster of Stjepans Ahn Sye
Nokora goes to Stjepan with news. He has just returned from Keliir where the order
has been conducting a patrol of Pellerns borders. He explains they reached Harcas
and found the lord a gibbering wreck living on anything he could in the basement of
his burnt out castle. He ran screaming from them, was quite mad.
Keliir he says was a ghostly ruin. No bodies, no people, no sign of life, but no
destruction, just silent. They thought theyd come across Barrow-Wights but nothing.
So Xaek decided to take three of the fastest and most able riders (notably Murains
men) further into Alkartek. They stayed out in the open many a night and have
explored for five days but found no Barrow Wights, but no people either. Many
animals they saw, found some had broken into houses, giving them quite some fright
at times. They felt quite comfortable and rode to Alkartek and found the castle too,

Death of Blades: on the 42
Trnor, forgotten scholar and once friend of Stjepan
believes he has completed a running schedule of classes suitable for full term study
with adjacent buildings. Trnor has funded a large part of this extrahimself, having
buildings close to Eagle Tower renovated. He has even attracted not just teachers but
scholars to help.
Since they sealed the Citadel, Trnor has for the most part been forgotten, left
out in the cold as Stjepan deals with his problems. One of the Erlinis conditions upon
him coming was that Stjepan treat him like a friend, not just a hired scholar. He has
noticed the change and has come to accept it as he cannot put conditions on their
friendship. What is, is. He has lived for so long he is aware of his own misgivings. He
feels responsible in part for Constans death, knowing full well he could have
influenced the boy if he had a stronger hand.
Trnor asks if he can have time with Stjepan and takes him about the facilities.
What Stjepan sees will surprise him, Eagle Tower has been magnificently redesigned
and restored. Short raised rows with desks face blackboards and tables replete with
globes, maps, books, and other paraphernalia the walls hanging with scrolls and the
like. Stjepan is introduced to teachers and other helpers, finally out toward the two
buildings redesigned as sleeping and eating facilities for all students and teachers,
rooms appointed are generous even for the students.
Trnor then asks Stjepan if they may have a proper Opening day celebration for
the university, a name of which is yet to be decided so Trnor reminds. Trnor
suggests the Death of Blades festival but he requires funds to make the celebration
something Pellern can be proud of. If Stjepan relents, Trnor sees that the only way
he can get through to Stjepan is by political manoeuvring. If he is provided monies,
Trnor works with the Lord Chancellor Mandrador to build the festivities.

When the day comes cold, Trnor is gifted with the first clear sky in weeks and
the sun breaks the slippery cobbles and the people flood out to the celebration, both
curious and glad to be out of their houses in the cold. So dense will the crowds be with
the many foodstalls and crafts allowed room that people literally are shoulder to
shoulder. Minstrels entertain all over the crowd and there is good feeling and little
trouble, the guards having a good time being part of the festivities.
The Death of Blades is a celebration of the people and soldiers alike who cast aside
their blades in an ancient agreement to not war during winter. The discarding of these
weapons is only a token measure, yet dancers take time to literally dance and rejoice
in the sleep of snow they will be soon under.
Lord Stjepan is given chance to address all the crowd gathered before things get
underway and will last until the sun begins to sink behind the Mountains of Gold.
From there many visitors, artists, and nobles fill the Great Hall of Pellerns castle,
warm with eight roaring fires. The music, wine, and men and women flow freely and
it is a party the likes of which Pellern has not seen in hundreds of years.
There is a surprise this evening Nassain. The now undead elf returns to Pellern
for one reason alone, that being his affection for Celim. Nassain will find her alone,
and then he speaks to her from shadows. Flirtatious, as if nothing has happened, he
looks as though he has just returned from a long ride, his leather coated in dirt and
wet, like his hair Nassain at first plays innocent, saying he only just got back, they
only left on the 19
, were they gone so long she wrote him off? Dream? He says he
dreamt often of her and if his were real there wont be any need in coming back he
says salaciously. He says he found his men, all are accounted for. He tells her
seriously he has something important for her to see. He approaches her taking off his
gloves reaching into his jacket. What Nassain does is feint and with his other hand
masks it over her eyes where she is flooded with imprints of what is to come.
men, women, children, herded down wire-netted corridors, prodded ever forward by
calcified and deformed hands wrapped around long jagged spears. The sounds of metal grinding
against stone reverberates the chamber
people screaming naked in a large pot like chamber, struggling to scale the walls above
each other. A strange whirring sound begins and a red mist slowly rises, and pools in the
shadows of bodies now screaming and begging, pleading and shrieking, the sounds of something
tearing through bodies and they panic climbing over each other but the mass descend
huge rust coloured metal coffins, studded all over with flattened buttons, opened and a
man screaming is dragged in and the sarcophagi sealed, a red gem removed from above the
faceplate where the man screams mercilessly, his fingers scraping against the metal insides
before the coffin freefalls impacting with a splash in the yellow waters submerging in
a sky smothered in choking black pollution, the streets of Pellern black and empty Tent
City a ruin, the castle open and cold, hulking dire wolves prowl the shadows, red eyes jarring
against the perpetual negritude clinging to the city
Nassain says he can save her from it all, and this is why he has come, to spare her
pain, for them to be together. Nassains flesh is chillingly cold. His emotion is
misplaced and is remnant at best. Nassain will evade capture and disappear without a
sign of his passing.

Radomir Returns to his Senses: given potent herbs to alleviate his madness, Lord
Radomirs life changes. His desire to mindlessly fish (more a reaction to evading the
horrors chasing his mind) is gone and he has confronted his demons of past and
upbringing and nature. He appraised much of the events about him and decided to
take a stronger participation in Pellern without so many of its old lords.
Of similar age to Stjepan, Radomir arrives replete with small entourage at Castle
Pellern. Lord Stjepan is informed of his arrival and Radomir changes. He meets with
Stjepan dressed in a black ruffled shirt buttoned to throat, with a long lavender jacket
to knee meeting his black boots. Gold and green embroidery covers his jacket. At his
side an elaborate sword with interlacing basket hilt.
Radomir will not broach subject of madness. That will be what will trigger his
anger. He simply believes he has changed his mind and actions speak of that, not any
herb, to which he will be gravely insulted. Radomir pledges twenty-thousand gold to
Stjepan immediately; monies he has literally brought. Radomir says he will be issuing
his troops further along the Imperial Highway to monitor the three empty estates.
Radomir will remain for a night or two. He will remember Celim but not Ishraha.

Mandradors Dilemma: Ever since the 36
, the Lord Chancellor has made sure Can
Lindur and his two sons are taken care of, but he is concerned with the Chancellor of
His Lords Lands and Purse who borders on catatonia and dementia. Mandrador goes
to Stjepan to explain these problems and the need for a new accountant.
Use of drugs (as they used with Radomir) to snap Can out of his stupor will not
bring about the desired effect. They will react badly and while Can regains his
senses, vengeance is strong and resentment toward Stjepan grows. Can silently goes
about his duties, if morbidly, preparing to flee the castle with ten-thousand gold
invested into the Sel-Kai bank (liberated from treasury funds on hand) and his
children into the night and north to Bornay & Relian. Elderik is misled by Can who
forges Stjepans signature to a document that assuages the bankers suspicions. He
now believes Stjepan gifted these to Can over the tragic occurrence in his family and
while he sees it generous indeed, he does not question.

Nema Departs from Winter: Nema prepares for the last shipment of herbs to reach
Pellern by the 50
and he in return takes the last of the ore mined (they cannot mine
over winter) and returns to Khum-Khaan not to return until late winter. He makes
his farewells and presents the herbs to Stjepan (NOTE: If Stjepan decides to use these
herbs for his own purpose, the deal with Aria upon her arrival will go sour). They are
given ten Ah Reya berries. Also of note, Stjepan has still not used the jade figurine
given to him by Nema he may have forgotten it.

Food Caravan: The deliver of 20,000 gold worth of food makes its way into Pellern on
the 55
of Fall, a veritable train of wagons and mercenaries as escorts. Can may be
gone by this stage and as such Stjepan will be unable to find the contracts for the food
so that he has in hand, legal & binding documents. This is only a coincidence if Can
is pushed, he takes much that puts Pellern in danger record-wise. He also informs
Murain his mines were used as collateral for a loan from the Sel-Kai bank. This will
change Murains attitude below.
The train is ten covered wagons wide, each pulled by four horses and accompanied
by eighty mercenaries who ride in masked, helmets visor pointed yet not covering
their mouths. Chain mail, lances, crossbows, ready to the sides of their strong mounts
as they guard the caravans to the castle kitchens. There they meet with the Seneschal
and thats where the trouble begins.
The caravans were hired third party, but the foodstuffs brought were tainted by the
Amethyst League after learning of the purchase. Though their interest in Pellern is
minimal, Majel authorized the corruption on a sardonic whim. Weevils were
introduced into the flour, meats putrified ad infinitum. The Caravans leader,
Sildast Mayne has a long-standing tradition of good distribution but all he was paid
for was to deliver. He will not accept responsibility for the tainting as the boxes and
sacks the food are sealed in they never opened. He has a contract that clearly shows he
is not responsible for damage to food unless it is by theft or fire.
Sildast will use the mercenaries to get him out if need be. He and his men will not
be he ld responsible for the debacle that he places firmly on the hands of the company
who provided the food Vgund Merchant Company. The company proves hard to
contact, notably for several of its key owners disappearing leaving the company in a
state of ruin, workers out of work, bills unpaid. These men have journeyed to
Bokpentok and now use their finances for their own pleasures.
Sildast is a Talath Dalesman, big and broad, with a paunch only restrained by a
girdle busting at the seams. His thick, mottled beard matches liver spots on hands and
face. He speaks in heavy accent and is resolute and unmoving in his opinions. He will
not be pushed around as he himself is a wealthy man. He and his men intend to stay
one night in Pellern before heading south to the Port of Izar for their next delivery
(1/4 of the food remaining not from Vgund is preserved and undamaged Sildast
will fight to keep this).
None of the food is salvageable. 20,000 gold, up in smoke. Stjepan will be hard
pressed to feed Tent City now. Relian is too far away to approach either. It will not be
long until the snows strike.

More of Murain: If the reclusive Lord finds out about Stjepan using his mines as
collateral without Murains permission from the mines one night the Ahn Sye
Nokora find themselves without the thirty knights. Contact with Murain will be
impossible and the guards will refuse entry to Lord Stjepan or any of his envoys.
Murain is no fool, and his own men have noticed Lord Stjepans scouts, so Murain
does suspect something is up. His business deals with the Eog he keeps tightly under
wraps and if Stjepans intelligence gets too close he deals with them by imprisoning
Whatever the case of the two points above, Murain sees that Stjepan does not trust
him and he will be suspicious and untrustworthy in return.

Iresh Awakens: On the 13
of Fall Stjepan sent 20 Gorgonn mercenaries to
investigate the Pavel & Grek estates for some sign of what killed Pavel and to scout
the area including across the river within the Grey Grove. Their investigation led to
their death.
In the Second Era of Ire the Dark Gods came to Kulthea, Andaras among them
who arrived no less in central Emer, remaining unobtrusive to his comrades and
slipping out of vogue almost by not brutally controlling or attacking the cultures.
Andaras intended to prepare, preferring surreptitious action to noticeable discord. He
summoned deep with the Mountains of Gold Andaras summoned forth a Demon of
the Fifth Pale, a mighty lord named Iresh. Andaras promised much, the demon agreed
and began with his workers to build a monument, a grand castle for himself. From
deep under the earth upward the demon worked, but the demons actions were not
unnoticed. In 825 the Titans arrived. Iresh, so close and such a powerful target, Titus
Haz could not let his presence go unabated, so with his warrior- mages the Xiosians
attacked the demon. Andaras provided support for Iresh in the battle yet the Titan
and his allies struck hard, Andaras saw only danger in his continued support as he
could only mask his command of the essnce for so long. The Cat Lord evaded
capture and Iresh was weakened yet he stood within a vast construct empowered by
this greater foci. It took Titus own brethren to successfully entrap Iresh with
powerful magical vortices maintaining his presence to the Kulthean plane lest he
merely returned. There they took him to ruins of old further down the Alana River
and there further imprisoned him in magical chains and hermetic seals within the
catacombs below the ancient Wrim city. From there disparaging propaganda about
the haunted city of Iresh in the forest that once covered all of Hstra north of the two
far reaching forks of the Alana River. Ever since the forest area has been skirted, with
knowledge passed down Chinese whispering down the decades
The Grey Grove is an ancient forest that harkens to the Interregnum when the
culture of the Wrim covered Hstra. While little is known of their culture, the ruins
where Iresh is imprisoned was a great city known as Carn. Their cultures
destruction is unrecorded and few know of the city save ancient Loremaster records.
Almost totally destroyed, only the catacombs beneath survive.
Iresh was bound and aware of his confined existence and to his delight during the
Wars of Dominion underwater tributaries changed their paths with the land
upheavals as the comet, Sakain, passed. These eroded the physical bo undaries about
the demon, still contained within a physical hermetic seal but not a mental one. With
his powers of mentalism he reached out to the constructs guarding his imprisonment,
first using them as vessels to explore his landscape, as limited as his range was,
approximately 30 miles in radius. For the next six thousand years the demon could do
nothing but control all within his grasp and use them to control and dominate others.
Freedom always prime on his mind, yet no opportunity arrived for it to be feasible.
That is, until Stjepan sent in a small group of Gorgonn and then Nassain and the
rest of the mercenary group followed. So many immortals and one of every five
skilled sorcerers, domination over them generated his escape plans. From Nassain he
learned integral information about Pellern, its knowledge, Celim and the keys, the
Barrow-Wights, Lord Stjpean, the works. The Sorcerers he used cannibalising their
own selves in a ritual to break the varied hermetics encasing the demon. The demon
summons his power and prepares to control the Barrow-Wights once released, the
night of the 36
(Charns perigee). It takes him two days to gather the undead forces
and remaining humanity and prepare a war machine for his march upon Pellern.
For the most part the Grey Grove is avoided. No one can explain why, yet passing
minstrels and story smiths could give some hint to the dark feeling behind the Grove.
Disappearances of hunters, foresters, those seeking shelter, and then there are those
from Pavels estate, a few of whom are in Pellern. They whisper darkly of noises
heard in the Grove and ghostly phantoms above its parched trees. They confirm that
Lord Pavel feared for his life ever since his father passed.
The Grove takes its name from the ashen trees that thicken towards the Ruins of
Iresh. The Grove itself is an ancient forest that has seen years back to the
Interregnum. Its trees are old, vestigial and haunted. The outskirts of the forest is
new, seedlings pushing the forest slowly outward and fauna is prevalent (Iresh can
see through the eyes of all he has taken control over). The forest floor is cluttered and
requires careful treading, so much foliage decomposing underfoot, large grey gnarled
trees fallen, have become vast monuments and cities to smaller communities of
insects. After the canopy overhead becomes prevalent the forest changes from its
cluttered new leafed peace to an empty inner chamber of ashen columns rising from a
sea of soft petals. A vast council of Dr trees in a silent and filtered cathedral. Light
streams down in discernable shafts to the bedding of moss and dried Dr leaves that
crumble upon disturbance. However, unlike normal Dr they are dead trees, sucked of
life and essnce, rendered a ghastly wet slate hue (much the colour of the underside
of the leaf of this tree). The fauna dissipates with no life here just a silence all
pervasive, pools of light create an ambience not dissimilar to fog or a light mist.
Finding the Ruins of Iresh could take one many days and not even come across it
without the demons awareness. With Iresh located in the ruins it is impossible for
another to locate him unless they have the aid of a Loremaster.
The Ruins of Iresh are victims of the forest that it would eventually corrupt,
swallowed by the roots of the trees and thousands of years of debris. A small
courtyard area is all that remains, moss-covered and slanted on an angle, cracked
granite slab jutting upward showing a dark egress. This aperture leads down into
what became the catacombs of the very people who lived and died in their city. While
the entire city remains, the palace is the only standing structure, home of the demon
Iresh sealed in a vast square pit, his molecular structure dissolved into a vast mass of
flesh and metal cogs.
Should the characters enter the Grey Grove before such a time as Iresh has awoken
they will be attacked by the Gorgonn in an attempt to restrain the victim for Ireshs

Burning the Earth: On the 56
of Fall, Ireshs march is noticed. Scouts & Ahn Sye
Nokora stationed anywhere in Alkartek or Keliir vanish without a trace. However,
word does get back to Ishraha via pigeon it is not what he expects. The pigeon
appears lame, limps somewhat. Closer inspection and Ishraha will notice one of its
feet is missing, a bloody stump left. As soon as he touches the bird it begins to
convulse horribly and screeches in agony, fluttering madly before collapsing on the
floor, seemingly dead. Then its feathers part and body ruptures, spitting blood a short
distance, yet what is more horrifying is its innards that uncoil and stretch forming
words on the floor Leave my citadel it reads.
The next day, black storm clouds obscure the Eastern horizon. Daylight comes
several hours later and many see bad omens. Townsfolk get agitated, and then the
first of the people in Tent City die from the cold. A mother and three children, frozen
and starved to death are found huddled between tents. The people panic, several
hundred of the weaker and afraid leave the next day trekking for Bornay this
includes many carpenters and smiths. Nothing will persuade them to stay.

Jenovars Fall: Lord Jenovar awakens on the 58
to a site he cannot believe. His men
alerted him at first light to the presence on the horizon, a hulking siege engine
spewing black clouds into the air crawling forward across the land with some hundred
riders around it (He cannot see Barrow Wights). The siege machine is black like the
smoke it churns and it trudges the land on massive spiked wheels. Jenovar rides to
Stjepan imme diately to inform him of the situation riding back through the night if
he has to.

Siege Machine: Ireshs siege engine is a veritable castle on spiked wheels all built from
the Dr trees surrounding the old city of the Wrim in the Grey Grove.
It stands some four stories tall with six spires that churn out a black smoke (really
a magical spell of obfuscation that Iresh is using so as the Titans do not notice). The
smoke is poisonous and taints the air (it snows black on the 60
when he attacks
Pellern). The siege engine is near indestructible. The only weapons able to defeat the
machine that the characters will have access to, lies behind the fifth door in the
citadel, the door which opens on the 60
. The Gorgonn sweep about this construct
on horses that rot as they walk, gangrenous and pungent, killing all mercilessly in
Ireshs swath of death as he marches to his Citadel to reclaim it.
The siege engine slopes like a tower where the spires reach, like a spider several
hundred eyes rim the front, surrounded by black spikes, they burn infernal. The
wheels are some two stories high built outside of the machine, they chew through the
earth leaving it rent in its wake making a grinding sound that is almost
infraharmonic, as wide as the Imperial Highway to the west they could crush a house
or a man without noticing. Closer to the machine and it is far from plain and
primitive. The surface of the machine is carved and moulded with baroque elegance
yet it heaves and steams with deafening roars within his countless human drones
slave away at the fires inside where a metal husk propels the engine forward, toxic
chemicals killing the drones after several days.

Iresh: power hungry, furious, the demon stands fourteen feet, towering above men on
horseback. His skin glistens blue-black, powerful muscles upon muscles inhuman
beyond belief. His right arm is more machine than man, a complex and elongated
claw of black and silver, decorated elegantly. It whirs and has full gyroscope rotation,
but beyond that he generates from it coils of metal up to 20 metres, sinuous and
deadly. From his head, elongated like a wolf, twisted metallic horns jut upward and
out like some primeval stag. Close proximity to Iresh and the air burns with toxicity,
his very touch acidic. He chants in a booming voice calling forth occult phrases that
shake souls, not just the earth.
zhsa nyena, keru zmah Iah focar im qhu-si Elaka jnew aemnh dsyn vuykn zhsa
ad infinitum. His chants should be associated with intense magic of the likes that is
Iresh wants the citadel back, nothing more. He has no care for mortals, no care but
to get the keys and return to that which was promised him dominion. The
characters should not try one on one combat.

The Citadels Fifth Door: on the 60
, the perigee and Holy Day Death of Shadows,
the final door opens to the citadel giving full control to the citadels mighty arsenal
and defence mechanisms. This is something High Priest Anath managed to nearly
open, but could not full control.
Opening the fifth door does not propel the citadel into action though. That requires
descent into the arsenal chamber.
The corridor slopes down to the east, and like the other tunnels this one is designed
most peculiarly. Ebony walls, square and perfectly cut slope with white striations in
the glass like surface. These striations do not follow any line and curve and undulate
over one another to the circular room the tunnel exits.
It ends into an inside of a pebble embedded in the earth. The floor is flat and flush,
but the scallop like shell of black glass surrounds. There is only one indentation to the
perfect mirror of negritude. From the zenith of the dome hangs a steel tube to a suit of
armour that appears to have had its chest removed. From the tube, the gauntlets, leg
greaves, and helmet are attached via a net of organic tubing tapering inside the metal
column. The armour is unlike the knights protection that they know. This is beyond
description, a work of art, every inch of the metal etched in fine inter locking whorls
filled with gold against a black metal (Black Eog). Celim has strong reactions against
this room, feeling the sickening evil all too palpable.
To use the room one must slip on the gauntlets, greaves and boots, and place the
visored helmet the rest relies on the magical essnce of the user to generate effect.
The body will suddenly lurch rigid as if electrically shocked and charged, black smoke
emanates all over her body like flames, but tinged with a halo of red that wisps like
thousands of snakes. Their body will spasm and contort, jerked about to observers but
to the user they actualize and see;
They have full control over the citadels form. A mountain of rock descends into
the earth below Pellern, beyond mortal reckoning. The ramps line with razor sharp
eog that demands to be let up and shears through the fleeing poor of Tent City first to
realize, walls smash through the outmost houses lined not only with spikes, but secure
portholes replete with harpoon like weapons jut out around the entire base of the
citadel. Bursting from the base of the citadel, below the walls, huge incendiary
cannons of essnce smoke and steam at the ready. Massive gates of fire seal before
both entrances and towers burst forth at all four corners, black spires of glass and
steel, baroque and gothic, with flying buttresses arrayed like ribcages to the front of
the walls from their windows moving shields of barbed spikes ready to be snapped
and hurled with mechanical force.
Use of the arsenal does not result in the same loss of essnce, but rather it
empowers the user charging them with potency, malignant potency. It must be
explained to so they can better act it. It is dark channelling directly from Iresh
himself. It is not godlike but if in close proximity it is challenging. A character like
Celim could literally drain him more than he could hold and she use it against him.
Then perhaps would be a good time for face to face confrontation.

Death of Shadows: the 60
is a day to remember, for the characters will not have
stopped the onslaught coming towards them from the east. This morning the sky is
jet black, the clouds so dark daylight shall not awaken this day. Townsfolk are
panicked and as things become more apparent, rush to leave. Those that do escape the
citadel die at the hands of Iresh.
It wakes them as a rumble. The lack of light fools everyone, but the rumble is felt
throughout the town and all stomachs. Outside the air is raining black snow. Cold
and dirty it lands, the true beginning of winter. But this omen is too much for many,
who pack up. Everyone is on edge and unsure of their duty.
Ishraha will be the first to feel the change as the perigee arrives. Pain begins to well
up under his skin, nay it is his bones, like a cold ache, but building in intensity all
over, his fingers, arms, legs, ribs, skull and a piercing sound reverberates in his ears
his very own screams. Pushing out through his skin, spikes of bone jut, he bleeds from
all wounds. Ishraha receives another two level bonus to armour and one to enchanted
armour, but loses one health rung. Eventually the pain subsides. Reaction to him will
be extreme by the public.
Stjepan will experience another vision in red ambience with his brother and
wintessa. Hal takes advantage of the perigee to push home his points. He leaves out
Lycus & Tanya to not enrage Stjepan blindly. As he has woken he realizes that
Wintessa was lying naked beside him on the bed. She awakes and smiles at him,
stretching sinuously. She talks with him, but will not make love with him, saying he
needs his strength for the battle. He musnt expire himself with her, he can do that
after he is triumphant. She gets up and begins to dress. There is a knock at the door.
Turning, she will be gone.
At the door, his brother stands ready for battle, dressed in his armour, sword at his
side. Constans looks back at Stjepan and shakes his head bemused, letting him know
hes late again, but not to worry. He tells him that this day they will have to be
stronger than ever before. For this is all what it is about, everything the priests of
Andaras have waged for ten millennia at this very spot comes to fruition this day.
They were but a hair to be brushed aside in their conquest, but Constans pushes
Stjepan by saying they have surprise on their side, and vengeance. We will smite
them before they can you as they did me, brother et al. He tells Stjepan to look out
the window and then disappears.

Anyone looking in the distance will see glowing lights in the distance approaching,
literally, like a wall of red fireflies dotting the landscape. As they close the siege
engine comes into view and Iresh at the tops of it controlling.

How can they defeat Iresh. Iresh will quickly take Pellern unless resisted. The
Laen Golems will defeat the Gorgonn, save their leader Nassain who retains power
beyond his followers and the mighty demon whose power infused them - he will
shatter the golems driving the singular demons out of this existence. As for the
Gorgonn they will hunt down any outside of the city walls, forming the sweeping
arm of Ireshs march. The barrow wights surround the siege machine, humanlike
black vapour with faint embers as eyes. Their touch paralyzes and drains their victim,
sucking them literally dry of life.
How Stjepan takes to battle is going to be decisive. The Fifth Door to the Citadel is
one method, especially a method if Celim has not called to Reann and found
Sormenat. If she has, Sormenat will go out and reluctantly see what he has to do. He
dreams into being weapons of white eog to deal to the Barrow Wights and tells all the
men to use them. Many will die as they kill the Barrow Wights. The essnce charges
similarly in the citadel will obliterate the Wights as the barbed spikes will the
Gorgonn. This may go several ways. However, Sor menat will be taken care of as
Iresh descends through the battlefield to him, snapping his neck easily. Celim will
have to rely on the Dreamreaver, taught either earlier or in the last few hours. The
results will be the same regardless. While Sormenat may have instructed her for
several weeks in ways of Dream, she is far from becoming a novice even.
NOTE: If Celim only finds Sormenat on the last few hours, he will realize their
doom and so impresses only one thing upon Celim: Dreamreaver. Its effects upon
Celim will be disastrous, however, but Sormenat has no other option.
Dreamreaver A channelling power directly from Reann, granted in extreme
circumstances against the Unlife. To the uninitiated it has the potential to tear them
apart, but Celim is no mere mortal it will cause her significant damage however.
This power is not disimiliar to Reanns Sleep, but if the creature successful saves it is
not put to sleep, and the channelling via a Worshipper of Reann exhausts the
worshipper in more ways than one.
The Dreamreaver comes in the form of a silver luminescence that shines down
parting the black smoke and showering the adherent in a pure luminescence that
shimmers causing the adherent to tremble every fibre of their being aflame in
surreal ecstasy. An intense power builds behind their eyes, so strong she struggles to
close her eyelids to prevent it spilling, it fades just as quickly leaving her trembling
still feeling the supreme power behind her eyes. But she does not know where Iresh
is, but he will notice this event and quickly leave the siege engine to intervene.
If she opens her eyes, the luminescence of Reann pours out of her eyes, searing her
corneas, the pain intense resonating within her skull so loudly her ears feel they are
about to burst. She cannot help but scream as she releases the energy. Iresh once
struck with the energy literally is ripped apart by a thousand claws tearing into his
flesh, shredding his very being from the world his scream terrifying.

And finally a handout once all is over for them to take after this epic chapter.
b o o k o n e :: s h a d o w o f l o c u s t

Im leaving hope for the winter. Lord Stjepan Nemeck, 42
Fall 6053

Moving ahead several weeks into winter, Symbols of the Sun is a time of renewal for
Pellern. It has successfully dealt with its most closest and dangerous of enemies at
this time. For now Pellern, though it suffers the early bite of winter, will rise to glory
through allies established and decisions made.

The battle at the end of Fall with the demon Iresh left the city shell-shocked and only
now are they beginning to see they have to pick up the pieces. It will not be easy, but
their suffering has been great. It is only fitting they reap the rewards of their sacrifice
and effort. This chapter ends when Orian, Relian and all other reluctant city-states
swear allegiance to Stjpean as the Lord of Miir.

Murains Rebellion: After the battle with Iresh, Murain pulled his men from Stjepans
side, having learnt of the deal for his land as collateral. Lord Murain sees Stjepan not
only as an unfit ruler, but an incompetent one who uses guile to maintain his
kingdom. Murains thirty knights though pulled back, have merely been diverted to
observe and then capture the Gold & Eog Mines, ceasing production for Stjepan and
giving complete control to Murain. Murains men establish a camp where after noting
the best times and places for attack and defence make their move striking hard. Two
guards perish in the attack and the remaining twenty are rounded up and pressed into
servitude with the miners digging out the precious ores. One guard is allowed to ride
back into town, beaten and wounded, with a message: Murain has reclaimed his land.
Tresspassers will be executed.
Murain continues to work with his contact in the Amethyst League selling his
quarter of the eog mined at the mines. He has recently transported a large shipment
that is awaiting pickup at the Sya-Wrim, an ancient ruin in the Ash Woods.
Luse Invarath will not be surprised to hear of Murains treachery and after alerting
Ishraha (whose men were used as information gatherers & scouts) encourages Stjepan
to inflict punishment without reprisal. They need the mines and Murains recent
shipment delivery that disappeared along with recent scouts is too coincidental. Luse
brings this news to Stjepan himself. They must plan action.
Their troops number considerably less of late, but Luse has been strong in
recruiting and training new men to defend Pellern. Some seventy remaining Ahn Sye
Nokora, who now follow Stjepan with loyalty unwavering, fifty light cavalry, two
hundred swordsmen, one hundred pikemen, and fifty archers. In his castle, Murain in
the winter is more unassailable than he could possibly be in summer. The best plan of
attack would be to find the source of Eog Ishraha knows where the eog was last seen
going in to the Ash Woods. Murain would discern this from his castle and leave with
sufficient force to intercept and prevent any discovery of the tower.
This scenario may go of several ways. Possibilities are here explored.
The Weather: proves a significant factor in any undertaking. It slows troops and
horsemen. The constant snow and minor blizzard makes it uncomfortable with all,
and difficult to manoeuvre through the foothills of the Mountains of Gold. Morale
will be low, more so as Murains men who descry the soliders begin terrorist like
activities to destroy their enemy. These include dragging bloody sack and cloth to the
outskirts of any camp of Lord Stjepans force luring the wolves to attack the camp and
hunt down those that break rank. Fire seems to be the only thing to drive them off
and then they have illuminated themselves to the archers of Murains men.
The Ash Woods: Lerstin (Ishrahas scout with the most knowledge of this area) tells
them the Ash Woods so named for the ash that fell over this forest from Zinvar as it
blazed. It was once part of the great forest that claimed most of the plains of Miir in
the past, and its trees are old, and things within old and alien to civilization. Any local
knows spiders haunt the woods, but none have seen them and lived to tell the tale.
Tracking will eventually reveal a rough path through the forest that has been cut
not too long ago, not much, but enough for a small wagon, whose ruts have frozen
under the snow. The Ash Woods consist of old evergreens, scraggy in moss and
lichen, creepers and supplejack weave a spiderweb of flora above them.
Unfortunately this path is a planned one, as delivery of eog is done by single file
horsemen with packs. The path is nothing but a trap to lure would be investigators
into the spiders lair, literally. The forest is dark, almost penumbra, aglow through a
bleak grey filter that strips the green from leaves. Snow is still prevalent, though piled
not as high, yet some areas show mounds of the frozen water. Its not as slow going as
without the canopy, but does take time. A group of Giant Spiders has built a cunning
trap about the pathway and are fed and feed on both unsuspecting and reluctant
victims. These spiders are lattice giants, building a funnel and a gourd like sealed end
in which they feed and reproduce. Unless they are very perceptive they will walk
straight down the tunnel of flora into a densely packed area of snow and foliage that
has collapsed under the weight. More and more they walk, there is a sweet smell of
decay, and then someone should discover one of the scouts who was last here. He is
dead, but his belly is open, what is worse, eaten from the inside out then the fast
moving funnel web spiders attack from under foliage and sealing the entrance with
them inside the cocoon with many more dead bodies about them, the spiders and their
babies, hundreds of them. If surprised casualties will be high.

Giant Spiders
Strength: D12 Agility: D8 Health: D12
Knowledge: D30 Perception: D8 Luck: D30

Melee: D20 bite Poison: D8
Armour: Exoskeleton D20

The Giant Spiders climb over their victim using their legs to pin them and then
delivering a bit that must be resisted against health, failure leads to instant damage
of 3 levels of health.

In the aftermath, if Lirsten survived he will eventually find sign of riders to the
north, from there they can make their way to Sya-Wrim, an encounter that will not
prove any easier. Murain and his men at this stage would be on their tail ready to
attack from behind.
Sya-Wrim: was once an alchemical laboratory and outpost, though to which use
the Wrim built it for is lost to history. The tower stands short, its upper most
reaches merging with the tangle of the old evergreens. The to wer is wide and squat of
a sandstone colour not dissimilar from Murains castle. Its curved stones have eroded
over time, rounding at all edges. A solitary arched door leads the way inward. Rich
and dark, the wood is studded with metal rivets, huge metal braces fastened on the
outside and around the faceplate where portal for a key is.
The tower has a guest and his bodyguard. Orius, a Mentalist works for the
Amethyst League, provided the tower and many other gifts in return for his service to
be middle man in transaction of Eog from Lord to Merchant with the tower as
meeting place. The offer was too good to refuse. Orius accepted his task and has
grown accustomed to his new home, as has his dominated pet fully grown Voorg. The
Mentalist wears about his neck the Darugh parasite, making him weak physically yet
strong mentally (p 78 Atlas 3
r d
Ed.) mottled skin of gruel colour, it oozes a slime,
opening its solitary eye now and then. He wears it underneath scarves. Orius appears
instable, his eyes bulge and skin scrunched up to a pinch at his nose, his bald head is
scarred, some recently, he leers. His dress is disgusting, filthy robes and a strange
swamp stench lingers about him. He considers himself mentally indomitable, but all
it takes is a blade to silence him. Given a chance he can manipulate most minds, and
worst, there is the Voorg. Orius considers himself indomitable and his weakness
being he is far from it.
Assuming theyve successfully defeated the Voorg, Orius will have been preparing
his defences, both mental and physical. He awaits them as they approach the only
entrance into the old tower. The White Eog is stacked nicely on one side of the
ground floor, the stairs curving up on the inside of the tower.
Inside, the tower has had little more upkeep than its exterior. Moss grows on all
surfaces, and a decay of vegetation is piquant to senses. Up the stairs one finds only
two more levels. The middle area contains a bed, which stinks worse than the walls,
crusted with thick trails of slime and mould. Some food in a corner basket is also
green, fruit decomposed with cheese and bread encouraging the rot riot. Surprisingly
the tower is warm, quite markedly different to outside. The third floor shows a room
full of mirrors full length silvered mirrors stand at ten positions about the tower, all
facing the middle. Chalk lines and sigils have been drawn in a complex pattern
between them and a central area more cluttered in the co-joining lines and patterns.
Geometry of five and ten is strong here. Orius used the mirrors to project his vision
beyond the tower and his position in the centre of the room as a conduit for
harnessing essnce, his very own temple and practise room. Orius will give nothing
information wise to the characters. He meets them with demons pulled from their
minds, confronting them with things they are terrified with, or thinks they are. He
has the power to cripple and to make his victims cause self-injury.

Strength: D4 Agility: D6 Health: D6
Knowledge: D30 Perception: D10 Luck: D30

Melee: D12 Adrenal Defence: D8
Armour: D12 Heavy Fur

The Voorg is nearly unstoppable. It will first attack from above. Its claws and
massive strength literally crush a man with a swipe, taking four levels of health
damage with a solid swipe connecting. The Voorg fights very unlike its nature,
controlled by Orius who mercilessly throws it at them, the Voorg happy to die in
the end, whimpering relief.

Strength: D20 Agility: D10 Health: D12
Knowledge: D10 Perception: D12 Luck: D20

Melee: D30 Mentalism: D12 Force Spells: D20
Mental Spells: D12 Subconscious Spells: D12
Armour: D12 Mental/Physical Shield

Orius is merciless and will not hesitate to inflict massive pain and suffering in
mind to those that would intervene. In any ensuing fight with the Voorg, he
prepares in his temple where he does not suffer fatigue. His armour extends about
him for five rounds. His first spells are mass minded, and then he deals with
troublesome individuals.

Lord Murain: Whatever the cast Lord Murain will meet Stjepan on either the
battlefield or in the Ash Woods. Any battle will be bloody and fierce, Murains
knights strong, but again, his overconfidence is his weakness. Xaek is more than a
match for several of Murains knights, his enhanced body and mind no match for
them. Xaek is seen as the best warrior Pellern has save perhaps Luse, but thats only
because none would say otherwise publicly.

Lord Murain
Strength: D10 Agility: D8 Health: D8
Knowledge: D8 Perception: D10 Luck: D10

Melee: D8 Riding: D8
Excellent Armour: D10 Elven Chain

Murain wears elven chainmail armour, taken from one of his major conquests
when he was younger. The armour though not enchanted, is of high tensile
strength against both enchanted and normal weapons. It is light and does not
restrict his movement. He wields in combat a cabis (feinting with it as a second
weapon used to full effectiveness when thrown pg. 64 Atlas Addendum) and a
narrow blade, barbed at three intervals down the edges, a hilt moulded about three
dark red gems on each side.

Murains Castle: the exterior of which is detailed elsewhere is impossible to siege,
Murain, an expert in its defence. However, his men in the castle would submit to his
death and to the one who defeated Murain, especially if it were Lord Stjepan. They
are not criminals. Murain is rich. He has some 30,000 gold in his treasury and enough
armour, arms and good horses to equip an army of some 600 strong with fine gear.
Foodstuffs enough to easily see Pellern through the winter. Just who would replace
Murain as lord will be difficult. Murains knights will not accept another lord, many
taking refuge further on the western coast.

Problems with the Black Dawn: One night Cheon successfully tracks Savon who
himself surreptitiously enters a nobles house. Cheon is frustrated, watches but never
sees Savon come out. Cheon cant knock and demand to get in and in his frustration
goes to see Ishraha about this personally. He tells his boss that as a security and
information network it is good that they watch, but if he wishes them to act upon
their knowledge of the dangers, then they must have powers and be recognized as
having so. Cheon suggests uniform and public notification by Lord Stjepan to their
purpose so people will co-operate naturally some members should and will remain
undercover, but they need something to get them immediate access to where those
that would harbour danger in the city would have no defence.
If they go back to this nobles house, he pleads his innocence if confronted, but
Cheon believes something more, that the house was used as a means of transit, and
indeed he finds this very thing out. A series of tunnels complex running underground
throughout the stone foundations of their city not sewers though, for a man is
somewhat stooped within, but rooms exist further in. A veritable labyrinth exists here
for several layers. There are no documents or records of this and many of the holes in
the walls are concealed behind furnaces for the most part.

Dealing with the Emptiness: After some success, Stjepan should look to reoccupying
lands and castles with new lords. Jenovars castle has remained empty, its men slain
by barrow wights all where they stood or slept, drained of life, of essence, of blood of
water. Then there is another problem to his plans. The Amethyst League propping up
Count Hirotha push to reclaim more of the lands closest to their allies, setting up
forces to defend and keep watch as outposts with the demonic threat to Alkartek,
Bokpentok acknowledges it must be alert for more threats from the west.

Luses Plans: Since the last battle, Luse realizes the dangers facing them are not usual
ones, coming too strange and surreal. Understanding of the supernatural he sees
Pellern must be strong if it is to successfully defeat any future attacks against it,
which seem numerous and directed. He pushes to Stjepan a campaign of unity, that
those against his rule should be seen as their enemies and severely punished for
threatening peace. All those that harbour that dispossess and brutalize others should
be wiped from Miir. Among this he talks of how Stjepan is considering courtship.
Luse suggests Quetara, daughter of Count Harond of Chelzaria. With the recent word
of lack of support, moreover for their enemy, they could do with unification. They
would need to draw on the strengths of the best in their land, recall all who use the
essence to positions of defence, collect tax for all four city-states, build Pellern strong.

Lord Dalls Exile: Not long after word of the demons attack on Pellern reached
Orian, Dalls fate struck. It was unexpected, the insinuation of conspiring with Lord
Stjepan and working with the Sarnaki to assassinate Bryce Korel. The plot was
carefully orchestrated, and though without proof, his rebuttal he withheld and
immediately returned to his wife and house. Much to his horror, guards surrounding
his home, his wife the casualty of a robbery. Dall could see it was no robbery though,
and the threat was made well. He packed up immediately his most cherished
possessions, bade his staff to maintain the household and with monies and armed
escort left for Pellern.
Their trip north was interrupted thrice by bandits and highwaymen intent less on
money and more on murder. Dalls money had been placed wisely, however, his hired
men more than a match for the skilled assailants.
Lord Dall makes his way early into the third week of winter, his men tired, he
weary beyond belief, their party cold and horses weak. They wearily shamble to the
castle, and word is sent to Lord Stjepan of the Councillors arrival. Dall is grim, but
happy to see Stjepan. Lord Imbrus Dall seems thin, and ragged, his face white and
weathered. His smile cannot be hidden though, even if his skin looks like it should
shatter as it bunches. White robes heavy and fur lined, make him stockier than ever,
despite his gaunt appearance. He is accompanied by eight men all dressed in armour,
helmets on and visored, they are grim, their uniforms matching, red or stained red
with a black dragon rampant on the front. These men consider themselves as
professional bodyguards, yet they are nowhere in the league of the Changramai.
Strong and agile fighters, they are more than a match for opponents.
Lord Dall has much to report. He welcomes a warmbath and food, but will speak
with Stjepan in the night. First he discusses the challenges made to him by
councillors. He speaks of Lord Bela who has risen to a position of prominence among
the council, there is even speak of making him King, although that is only rumour
but he does not doubt the desire. Bela led the effort against him and while he cannot
prove the murder of his wife, he is sure that Bela was associated in some part. Bela
sides with antagonizers and Sarnak is definitely looking into expanding their
boundaries both the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Security seem to
be closely allied in this push, though there appears to be some antagonism with the
Ministry of War. They have nothing substantial. Dall tells Stjepan a war is co ming
one way or the other. The likes of nothing they have faced. Dall came here to support
whom he believes can lead them to victory. How can he help? Dall is wealthy. While
not wealthy beyond belief his family fortune totals several hundreds of thousand gold
and assets worth much more not just in Orian, but abroad in Sel-Kai where he has
several households full of treasures he extends his personal fortune to Stjepan for
the conquest and protection of Miir, stability to a land that has not seen peace for
years under solitary rule.
If Dall does stay, if asked to, he will quickly work with Lord Chancellor
Mandrador and other officials of the castle. He insinuates himself into the fabric of
the castle, proving his worth instantly. His efficiency is palpable. Dall does not linger
over conversations but does prefer to be in on the knowledge, knowing that his
support is warranted and moreover respected.

Arias Return: Aria returns in the skysloop mid-winter, earlier than expected, but
with no less good news. Their sloop has weathered the winter will, appearing as if it
has just touched the snow, it swoops low and will be noticed by guards who alert their
commanders. Stjepan is informed. The sloop docks north of the castle and it is
unpacked, save for Aria who wit h a companion heads off to seek out Lord Stjepan.
Her companion is no less than Saren Xanaari, granddaughter of the Lord of the
House, Keliden Xanaari himself. She is here because of the growing tension between
her house and that of House Jurgon and others, namely House Jurgon the head of
which, Ignatus she murdered without authority. While she sees her exile as
punishment it is Kelidens hope that her lack of immediate impulsiveness will calm
the aftermath. She is sent to Pellern as ambassador of the house, with Aria, the ship
and her men under her command, to make sure the trade with the herbs is smooth.
Saren is an angel, men literally stop in their tracks as she walks by. Of Loari
Patrician class, pure of blood and arrogant about it. Her features are faultless, a skin
so smooth and ivory, and hair glistening sable free and long to her upper waist, pulled
back by the most unimagined silver sculptured comb-piece. She is taller than Aria and
more endowed, whereas Aria appears more youthful, this elf has more presence in
appearance. Her ears are marked with silver intricacies and greenstone earpieces,
highlighting her slender and pointed ears. She is dressed in leather, but the colours
dyed in shades of blue and green are remarkable and the style odd and striated in
design with flanged and hardened ends, like veritable waves or ripples in water or
Saren plays flirtatious and in command. She is more outgoing than Aria and less
self-conscious. When Aria introduces Saren, Saren takes the initiative. She greets
Stjepan warmly in the name of House Xanaari as a partner in business. She then
presents him with contract signed and sealed, but she says, she had to make a
change. She had to raise the price negotiated. Instead of 70% of the market price it
would be in unfair taste to commit to a partnership of trust, so she has changed their
profit to 85%. She then presents him with a bill of monies for the Sel-Kai bank for the
first delivery of food 400,000 gold. All this she does with disdain for Aria, who
initially arranged the contract and is now humiliated. Worse, Saren sends Aria to
fetch the silver chest. She does so, bringing it back personally setting it down. Saren
presents the chest as a gift from House Xanaari to Lord Stjepan. The chest is a marvel
of design, so thin is the silver it has been made, yet the intricacy belies its depth, bas
reliefs of obscure and fantastic creatures. Within the chest, more wonders. A selection
of citrus fruits and coffee beans, several elvish wines in crystal decanters, other
animalia sculpture from hardwoods like Dir & Hoen. A personal watch & fob chain
made of gold and silver, etched with Lord Stjepans name in a baroque design of
thorns, a looking glass of copper gilded and decorated in whorls reminiscent of the
clouds, a musical box - its exterior polished glossing the redwood shine, that when
opened shows mirror and spins a crowd of faeries in random order on a metal surface,
the faeries removeable, but pull strongly to the surface. A handle winds the
mechanism, the tune that chimes from within is soothing and polyphonic, strange
oscillations express a peaceful and majestic ballad.
Saren is no whore, but she knows she needs allies, and since she is staying prefers
to be on side with Lord Stjepan, giving her more importance over the castle whole.
She abides by few rules and is skilled in evasion and hiding often listening in to
conversations in private and suspicious goings on within the castle. She uses Aria and
her men and women to investigate and strengthen elven security in Pellern.

Arias Exile: Aria seeks out Celim for several reasons. Celim is her only link now to
JDiema, especially since Saren is in charge now, her powers are effectively stripped,
her freedom tainted. She seeks her also for kinship in exile. Aria also realizes Celim
means much to Stjepan and that is a way to get what she wants when she needs. She
tells Celim of the circumstances now, of Saren, and of their stay. She warns Celim
of Saren, especially to not tell of her racial heritage.
Eventually Aria may confide in Celim. She will spend her time with her often
and offer training together. Arias skill with the sword spans several thousand years.
She may speak of her time when she lived on Nmar-Tol as a plebeian, her family in
service to the Xanaari family for many years. Her marriage was arranged with no less
than a noble of house Xanaari who fell in love with her, a patrician noble of
pureblood. Her family was ecstatic and she was overjoyed. Marriage is for life and
this man she saw was in mind, heart and soul everything she could ever desire or hope
for. He was gentle and kind, free with ideas and dreams. Their courtship lasted what
she remembers as a short time, but could have been months, maybe a year.
Everything was perfect, and union with this man became stronger in her heart. Then
her marriage, and on the eve that is when her dreams were uncovered. Her husband
she found as she and others ran to the screams coming from the patricians household.
He came out bloody, knives in hands, her betrothed. Then he appeared beside her, the
same man bloody across from her, but this one enraged with a legion of guard.
Shedding his skin, the murderer showed his true face. He slew the real son and the
guards gave chase. She learned later that the son was mortally wounded on the
mainland of Emer, with this assassin taking his place for the entire time that she
knew him. Her family was disgraced. She left for Sel-Kai and has been in House
Xanaaris service ever since trying to right the wrong. She has no love for him still
she says, but she does feel guilt, guilt for loving him. And now her future too is
managed by others.

The Black Dawn: For every incursion closer to the Black Dawn the Security Network
gets, the Black Dawn retaliates in kind. Their slaughter is brutal. For exploring the
tunnel network there will be attacks made on all operatives out in the night. Savon
and his men fade from shadow to shadow, unable to tail, they the defenceless and
butcher them in occult ceremony. This is done with their victim alive as much as
possible. Evisceration is performed, hands pinned with stakes to walls or floor.
Charcoal and blood mixed is used in crude designs and mystic runes. If Ishraha is out
he too will face the attacks though may come away at least somewhat equal.
If he is close, he may see them vanish in their mysterious ways of liquefying the
stone, and if he engages them in combat he may see their visages change, flicker in
moments of the combat, revealing a rotting mass of flesh, churning as if something
were eating it from below, without teeth it gapes with a black hole mewling sounds of
cacophony with bloodied lips its hands underneath black robes twist and squirm like
coils of snakes, yet intestinal, phasing with nebulous haze.

Pellern in Dream: Celim has been experiencing with her new abilities, losing herself
in dream as her outlook and perception change. If ever she decides to explore dream
beyond those about her she will find them chaotic, brutal, calm, and abhorrent. At
first they make no sense, but the more and more she explores she will see patterns of
hidden emotion in these peoples dreams. Finding the hidden elements, those at
intentionally change by leeching or twisting dreams will be very difficult for her to
In the communal dream collage that makes up Pellerns world of Dream it is one of
stark contrasts and little sense, the place seen as a twisted an evil place by most to
live, yet they prosper and peace is upon them. They seem happy in an overt
oppression. Picking up on these things is difficult however. More on the darker side of
this social dream will impress upon her the more she becomes intimate of both
worlds, believing in both. The danger of not recognizing one from the other does
linger though.
Beyond this her dreams are of those about her, namely Stjepan and Lord Dall, the
only people who sleep on the sixth floor of the castle. With Stjepan she will have the
unfortunate/fortunate experience of meeting Hal, who takes an interest in how she
can enter Stjepans mind as well. He can see potential leverage to be gained with her
excursions. In meetings he plays himself up as a cautious and untrusting with his
reasoning being, wouldnt she be after six thousand years of watching everything you
stood to defend crumble?
People as a whole now look upon Celim as a stranger, alien to them, but one who
saved them from death and for that they treat her well, if a little reserved. Luse
Invarath remains distant to Celim though he knows her sacrifice was great, he
cannot deal with her emotions, he too sacrificed in battle, many good friends, many
men under his command. Moreover, he must put aside his feelings for the future not
of just himself, but of others targeted by the growing dangers against them.
Hals Environments: The Hall where the fallen of Stjepans bloodline descend to the
original Ahn Sye Nokora of the Emperor. However, Hal projects this, knowing only
half of those assembled. There is no ceiling to this place with two rows of fluted
pillars rising to a never ending space, between them two long rows of wooden tables
with men, warriors eating rotting food, save the last Ahn Sye Nokora. He sits not
touching the food with helmet still on. This is a clue. It symbolizes what must be
done for Stjepan to survive. The first one was true to his calling, the others since have
strayed. Hal can only escape his prison if Stjepan Restores the Order.
Plains of Alkartek, an autumn sky listless in clouds that graze vestigial on the dark
red sky. Yet the plains are in light, not hazed in bloody glow, natural light, the
sweeping plains are lush with wheat and stretch for as far as the eye can see. About
are dotted Ancient Ruins they can explore, some have meaning. Hal is very
dominant over every factor that occurs in this place.


Majels Arrival: Majel is arrogant and confident, perhaps a little too confident. His
trip to Pellern to see Celim is one he does with pomp and flair and law upon his side.
Majels caravan pulls up to the gates and with official letter from Stjepan is allowed
entry and the Lord Chanellor soon informs Stjepan of the Envoy from Bokpentoks
arrival. Majel Gavant makes a formal introduction and greeting to Lord Stjepan.
His Caravan is a singularly strong and well designed vehicle, less a peasants
wagon than a Lord or Kings private travelling vessel. Reinforced with metal plates,
embossed with arabesques, make it a formidable vehicle. There are ports inside and
windows that can be shuttered. His ensemble consists of six well trained knights and
two personal close combat bodyguards, who are both large Pochanti warriors caked in
jade petals of armour laced together with steel bands, faceplates of layered jade
likewise strapped to the front of their heads. Each carries weapon, though both are
near identical in stature, three linked chains with weight and octahedron spiked flails,
the other two wide sloping heavy ended blades, more like machetes. With Majel are
two officials, who dress in robes of heavy red and gold, stylized like uniforms less
than a monks garb. Both wear silver seals of Bokpentok openly. Majel is dressed in
black velvet, jacket and pants into high leather boots, short black cape of silken
material from his shoulders where shoulder length black hair shadows the sides of his
dark and powerful eyes.
An official will formerly introduce Majel to Lord Stjepan as the Envoy of
Bokpentok. Majel will then stride to Stjepan hand extended in friendship and says he
has not had the pleasure of meeting him but is glad to do so after all this time. The
Envoy finishes, his Counts Advisor Majel Gavant.
Now, Stjepans main reaction may be to gut Gavant, but Gavant will play this very
carefully. For these reasons; The eastern alliance has an army near ten thousand
strong, well financed, what could he possibly gain by his de ath except his own? He
has no intention on harming Pellern or anyone within his lands while he is here, fully
intending to barter on trade. Orian is strongly allied with Bokpentok, Lord Bela could
easily seek alliance with Sarnak to have Pellern removed. What does Gavant want?
The Citadel? No, Gavant provided one of the keys so has no intention of getting
them back again.
Gavant will seek out Celim when he can, evading guardsmen long enough to
speak to her. She hates him, but Gavant intends to sway her to his side, using many
reasons; The serum he gave her was to awaken her abilities, not to subdue her. He
tells her he knows of what Ventine did to her when she was young. How? He has
seen it happen for thousands of years to all of her kind. Her kind? The Earthwardens.
Now, Gavant will probably stop from giving information now, instead waiting on
Celim to come to him, using an excuse to leave her. Gavant has a strong attraction to
Celim and he will be very professional about any seduction. Romantic dinners,
presents of fine items such as; riding boots made from the skin of giant lizards from
Khum-Khaan, geometrically designed silver and ivory watch, with burning red gems
the size of specs inset around its baroque elegance.
Gavant then delivers the truth about Celims origins. He talks of how he has
followed her for a long time now, always keeping an eye out for her, although he
admits he is become wearied by it of late, especially this time. He says Ventines
abilities to erase minds is unquestionable and resolute, but it doesnt make it any
better. He asks her how much of her life she remembers, and more importantly has
she had any flashbacks? Just one flashback? He is saddened, asking what it was? Ah,
her first moments? He must have used too little a dose, but she is awakening. Perhaps
in time she will remember all the lives he has taken from her. Gavant hints she is an
ancient creature who has been so controlled by Ventine only recently for the first
time in thousands of years she was free of him, they had a bond, HAVE a bond he
states stronger than she could imagine. Our stone will remind you more he says, it
will enhance the serum I gave you, and he provides a ring made of cavarite that spires
in twisting coils of thick flame yet is wondrous and alife, made of the same blue-green
of the artefact. Using powerful magic at that moment enhanced by the powerful
greater foci about him freezes Celims consciousness and digs into her mind seeking
information finding her experience at the artefact gives him proof and period to
continue a lie. Just as Ventine is a master of the physical form, Majel is a master
manipulator of the mind.
Eighteen Years Running almost blindly down a darkened alleyway, crashing through piles
of refuse, the only beacon the figure silhouetted ahead of you running as frantic calling for you
to keep running, you are out of breath and terror is in your heart, the sky is dark locked in
night and chill. A wall ahead brings hope crushing down, but the figure crashes to a halt.
Come on Celim , here Ill boost you over. He places his hands together to lift you up. As
you reach him the sound of scraping on the marble walkway you run and turning to look the
beast comes crashing around a corner down the alley toward you. It is a deformity of nature a
twisted hunting dog, whose ribs jut out like a barrel, and legs powerful like a cat, hooked claws
not of nail, but of metal, teeth likewise a gauntlet of steel, the size of a horse it screams down
upon you. Turning you go to boost over and he strongly hefts you to the top of the wall where
you have to stretch to pull yourself up, he then takes a short run and joins you just as the beast
impacts against the wall, shaking it and nearly both of you off.
Able to breath and relax as the creature fumes and whines in metallic chime Majel stares
back at you, his relief almost too strong for him to bear. Come, he rasps, Weve so much
more to get through yet.
Staring out from your vantage you cannot see the end of the city that stretches till all
horizons, a ruinous place, deserted by civilization but very inhabited by all things drawn the
black tower in the middle of this labyrinth metropolis where dark clouds swarm the spire.

Fourty Years Majel sobs openly, beaten and near death, hands wedged behind him to a
metal embrace of a machine that constricts him. His long black hair hangs about his greased
and bloodied face. He does not look up, just stares down lost in his own misery. You stand not
far from him, but removed from reach, weak of body to move, but clear of mind to see lying
upon a table cold of steel.
Then a sweep of robes, grey, his sweeping moustache long and twisted over his thin wiry
beard, aged but gnarled Ventine. He speaks in strange tongue somewhere past you, unable to
move your head to follow. The clacking of toes builds to crescendo and a giant spider streaks
past to Majel, only you realize it is no spider but a spider within a man, the flesh clinging to the
fat abdomen, and flaps of hands and feet moving with its exoskeleton. It spins a sickly cocoon
about him and proceeds to drag him past, his bloodied eyes staring at you, mouthing words I
love you his whisper dragged out with his body.
Ventine returns to view, his belly, apron with bow tied. You roll your head to see his mask
and tools in hand. It seems penchant for rebellion always exist, frustrating as it is. The knife
shall render and process what must be corrected, for you shall always be one of mine you
understand. But secrets free to you, the most favourite Celim, the most treasured you are.
Now, let us remove child. His hand moves down to your belly, a numb sensation quickly
becomes warm and not even the drugs can prepare you for the pain and scream.

Gavant seeks out Ishraha. He says he can remove Ishrahas noticeable spikes
saying he has seen this condition before, he then asks about the situation of how the
spikes came about to make sure he is accurate. When? How? Where? Why? Etc and
then surmises that Ishraha has been struck with a dark channelling, a curse known as
The Vestigial of the Eye intended to affect his own shadow, so when Charn came
close to Kulthea combined with a strong presence of the Unlife he too would find his
body reacting to the pull of the Unlife, a veritable open vessel for it. Gavant says he
can remove the curse Ishraha then will have to realize his deformity has no relation
to his recent ailments, though strangely his stats do not change with the recent
additions, his bones are still stronger. Gavant will have to operate on Ishraha, telling
him to meditate, and then he takes a syringe and injects it swiftly into Ishrahas
temple, the pain so intense it burns white through his skull until he blacks out feeling
liquid squeezing into his brain.
Now the best thing for the players would be to simply kill Gavant before he can
spread his lies and disinformation. He is after all, very over-confidant. His men can
always be taken. And war with Bokpentok is inevitable. Killing him would strike a
severe blow to Ddekemani progress and would ultimately lead to Bokpentoks
instability as a new League member is sent to help, but Count Hirotha would
reconsider his commitment to their cause and fear Stjepan, who defeats demons and
barrow-wights and continues to survive regardless.

Majel Gavants arrival was dealt with unlike expected, Majel himself surprised with the
success of his lies and half-hearted attempts at jokes that to Stjepan and his entourage saw as
fact. Not only did his lies of memory convert Celim, but they propelled her to ask to share the
night with him. Stjepan, after speaking, found himself twisted to Gavants truth, that war
with Bokpentok would be futile and that he must ally with the Amethyst League if he wishes to
destroy Sarnak. The session was left with the players determining the best course of action.

Majel Gavant plays up his act as the tired lover, weary of the chase, who does not
shy from his black heart nor lie about it, imparting some sense of nobility to what he
does. Majel is not violent, unless pushed, when he can snap like a cobra with the
strength and venom to back him up. However, Majel is confident, a little too
confident, some might say hes tipped over and that will show in the next memory he
sends Celim. Through the cavarite ring attuned to Gavant he uses it to boost the
signal of a powerful illusion, giving Celim yet another dream, but this time not in
his presence.

Luse Invarath Slapped last session in discussion over Majel Gavant by Celim, Luse
is firmly in control of his emotions now, and sees Celim as weak, letting her
emotions control her at every moment. He has a job to do, and that job has no time
for emotions to control it, else for every second he cannot gauge death or misery that
will come if he does not do duty. He has little time for her now, treating her fair ly,
but without friendship.

Lord Dall Feels hamstrung, a literal Catch 22, knowing they have to defeat Lord
Bela, but knowing they have to side with the enemy or the enemy will side with Bela
disturbs Dall. They could lead battle against Bokpentok, but Dall agrees, the loss of
Miirian life would not be good and would leave them in a weaker position against
Sarnak. He believes that Stjepan has the quality to lead Miir, though and he supports
that with considerable wealth.

Celims Dream: One Hundred Sixty Years Here do you see? Majel beckons to you from
his perch precarious some twenty feet above you on the already towering pyramidal colossus
climbed. Hesitant to climb any further on the unstable limestone tiles cracked and broken over
the ruins of this ancient city, you gaze back below, confirming fears. The ruins of the city are
miniscule, where once you walked among the towering columns spaced in strange circumference
to sun and moon, and clambered over fallen idols of things better lost to history, now are
pinpricks from this central mountain.
To the north, where Majel gazes, still motioning with his hand for you to join with him at
the apex, the city faces a sweeping descent of the mountain they built it upon. It is bare of
vegetation, barren and void save distant forests to the northwest. Between them and a river
that frames your view, the ocean immeasurable save for one feature, a towering single
mountain, its zenith lost in fog that creeps all way down the mountain like snow over its green
flanks. The sheen of the water glistens in Orhans full silvered presence with the sun the ocean
flat and calm.
You can almost see it from here, come Celim look. Reluctantly moving from your ledge
you pick your way among the shards of tiles and broken rock underneath, reaching Majel on
broken tile, slipping into his arms. From there he gesticulates to the uppermost peaks of
Votania, and to your wonder and amazement you see what he is seeing a massive acropolis,
an acropolis as wide as the zenith of the mountain itself, miles across, lost in the haze of fog and
cloud, but briefly glimpsed. The Masters of Emer, Majel sneers. Ever since arriving they
have laid claim to this land in their quest for peace, but really all they wanted was domination.
They did not care for the subverted, but crushed them, even those misled or forced into
servitude. The Xiosians their personal death patrols. All of Hstras troubles began when they
interfered in the balance between the Lords of Essnce and it has not stopped. When they
failed they cared not for their people they harboured in safety, and so they hide here. I will be
at this place when it all ends, all this indecisive history. I ask you would join me, but I fear you
may not know me in that time. Majel kisses you gently, watches the clouds a little longer then
clambers down helping you on your long descent.

Two Hundred Eighty Years Tense and angry you stalk the obstacle preventing you from
your target, some eighty metres behind. Majel is doing his best to fend you off, though he is not
in the best shape, bleeding heavily, staggered, but irresolute he refuses to get out of your way.
Your kynac is wet in his blood and drips on the cracked, dry earth underfoot, nourishing it. The
small sliver of land curves to a point around a sickly ocean crashing and devouring the earth
most importantly the earth accessible to the portal that shimmers with light, sparking in electric
across its shifting scenes. You need to get to that portal.
You lunge past Majel, he intercepts grabbing you by the shoulders and dragging you to the
ground rolling, your hands lost below you, coming precariously close to the edge you roll on top
staring down at him, his eyes dark, flecked with blue staring back at you. He is weak now, his
arms he removes from about your shoulders, dropping them to his side. Defeated, he smiles as
you stand pulling the kynac from his belly, his eyes bursting in pain, clutching his stomach he
watches you walk to the portal, his voice behind you Im sorry Im so sorry
An ululation of essnce washes over you as you pass through the portal into the chamber
beyond. Ventines hand is swift on your arm. Welcome home. He drawls, his hand so tight
you feel the bones sliver and splinter under his grip.

In the interim between sessions, Stjepan found heart and flatly refused all Majel offered and
ordered him from Pellerns lands. Majel, his deeds accomplished succinctly agreed and left, but
not before Celim bid him farewell, and in her moments there Majel could sense her desire for
him to free Bryce Korel if he could, though she was not willing to speak it. He offered to do so,
by the next perigee of Charn. Majel sees no reason to not do so, as it will continue the
fragmentation of Hstra long enough for their armies from the south to reach the Gap of Uj.
In fact he considers that Bryces freedom will create greater impetus for war among the
residents of north-western Emer. Stjepan will have nearly free reign to attack Sarnak as with
Bryces freedom comes Lord Belas guilt and the collapse of the council support for him. In
addition to this Stjepan begins his campaign in earnest, allowing Luse to go to the eastern front
to keep watch against Count Hirothas forces and attempts are made to aid his old allies,
namely Baroness Midenna, Celim sent to her by Lord Stjepan for his own reasons as well as
her own.

Sarnaks Defilement: of the Mynistran Temple at Bentara, that resides on the bluff
overlooking the town, and the murder of the Bishop there is of great affront to
Helberna and the High Archbishop who after counselling with her four Archbishops
and their respective advisors she comes to decision. Carn is most vocal explaining
the conspiracy with Dall and Stjepan and it is his words that sway the High
Archbishop Anteu to her decision: to champion Stjepan as the Mynistran Churchs
icon and leader in this declaration of war not just on Vornia and Bentara, but on the
religion of Mynistra itself. Archbishop Carn himself travels from Helberna to
Pellern to relay the word to Stjepan.
The Archbishop arrives via Navigator with two protectors, namely knights in
service in Mynistra with some limited channelling ability and vast combative abilities
dressed in stylized armour, with broad plated shoulders and flanged helmets riddled
with holes, curved to gullets. They accompany the Archbishop dutifully and
respectful of their position and location.
Archbishop Carn has changed little, as gangly and thin as ever, golden robes
fringed with white silk, the triangle of Mynistra about his neck in silver. Carn greets
his allies warmly all, then presents Stjepan officially with the declaration from the
High Archbishop to Mynistra, Anteu. (See handout 9a.)
Archbishop Carn remains in Pellern to help co-ordinate his priests and arranging
for priests throughout Miir to ally in Pellern. If informed about the Black Dawn
operating so openly in Pellern he becomes very concerned and immediately offers his
support in dealing with them, working with Ishraha if need be, and providing magical
guidance and defence where it has been missing.

Loremaster Reprise: Kedrick Bularis returns to Pellern, returned by the Loremaster
council to closer align himself to Lord Stjepan and to observe the growing forces of
Unlife that have recently proved a problem for Hstra. With the growing
flowstorms, the Loremasters are becoming itchy. Kedricks hands on approach while
frowned upon by the more conservative of the council, has become necessity in face
of a growing worldwide trend in the wake of the Loss of the Northern Eye.
Kedrick arrives incognito, not only his clothes and manner changed, but his very
appearance. By all accounts he will appear vastly different than the elf and the young
Shay man he has posed himself as (albeit only to Celim & Ishraha). Stjepan has
shown remarkable resilience against the Unlife and Kedrick seeks his role to stabilize
Kedricks veil is as a Sorcerer, born of Orian, exiled through the Katra with his
brother who now has joined Stjepans armies with many of his men. Vilan Xevekiir
attempts to be a charming and warm ally to Stjepan and those about him.
Laan, while not as tall as Stjepan, is heavy set of frame, stocky and powerful, long
brown hair flows over dark robes layered in shades of grey embroidered with subtle
decorative patterns on all fringes. His face is pale, if a little flushed about the cheeks,
with pale, almost purple lips. He speaks in a slow southern drawl, though is refined,
cultured, and in all manner honourable.
Vilan/Kedrick seeks a moment not too embarrassing (i.e. the Great Hall at
feasting time) to prove to Stjepan his worth, albeit in an eccentric and extrovert
fashion. He approaches Stjepan, using illusion and magic to pass from servant to
guard without raising an alarm until he steps into the open and begins muttering in
low voice, sentences ahead of them all. Play it up, it must be seen as a serious attack.
Around his hands he deftly twists and tucks upon each other in variation of somatics.
A vestigial shadow forming about his hands, tendrils of smoke spinning like a saw,
they bleed colour into the air, an azure smoke as the sorcerer walks calmly towards
them eyes now too glowing with an intensifying blue glow. Guards ordered to
intervene will be shrugged off as they rush to him, the smoke uncoils and strikes
knocking the men unconscious. In a matter of motions Vilan will be at Stjepans side.
He deals with other more notable NPCs with spells of binding as the blue smoke
unfurls and wraps about them like a cocoon until only Stjepan is left. Vilan easily bats
aside any physical attack and incapacitates Stjepan also, then draws a sharp curved
and hooked blade from a golden scabbard and moves to the Lord, saying something
along the lines of; Murder of the noble Lord Stjepan would surely break the heart of
this new body that is Pellern, something it seems can be achieved by any moderate
sorcerer with half an inclination, let alone prodding. He sheathes his blade without
threatening and releases the spells, apologizing for the necessity of his actions and
introducing himself as Vilan Xevekiir, Sorcerer and Philanthropist with quips like, I
have no title as of yet to embellish my name
Vilan retrieves his cane, one he placed down before his exercise, a slender shaft of
dr ringed with a silvery band near the bottom, and tipped with silvery point,
matching the canes zenith, a bulbous dull silvered pair of hands clasping a deepblood
red ruby the size of a small childs clenched fist note: the top has a secret latch to reveal
a small collection of various alchemical potions for differing purposes.
Vilan appears honest with Stjepan and being of nobility treats Stjepan with respect
and perfect etiquette to those about him. He claims his reason for coming to Pellern
has been several-fold, but the impetus was that of his younger brother, Tefen
Xevekiir, a military captain within a conglomerate of dalesmen/miirian mercenaries
and soldiers without lords that recently was offered work and to travel to Bornay to
amass. He will even mention having been born in Orian, though he says since the
Katra he has lived in Relian and north of the Keyten River. He is reluctant to mention
specifics but does allude to Bodlea, Danarchis and Prten, his employment? Basically
filling voids that otherwise would be filled by those with undesirable intentions to all
men, women and childrens right to have rights. Vilan touts Order and Loyalty, and
is a shining example of his words, but not as cold or distant as Luses strained
nobility. Vilan will not dictate, but merely advise and serve as a powerful ally when
needed though the Loremaster will try to keep this to a minimum lest suspicions are
raised. If confronted by Celim that he is the Loremaster he will not denounce her
claim privately but publicly, with vehemence and rejection.
Lord Dall knows this man, or at least circumstances about his father, Carlyle
Xevekiir, who during the invasion of the Katra at Orians doors some ten years past
was a minor councillor who disagreed with the Kings decision and with several other
nobles fled once the Katra had secured the city.

Gelbentex: The Navigator (Guide of Vurn-Kye) delivers Celim from the snowy cold
permafrost of Miir locked in winter leaving her to the magical and picturesque sight
of Baroness Midennas castle and the town of Gelbentex. Gone is the bleak wall of the
Mountains of Gold who cut out half the light, which during winter leaves life in
shadows. About her beside the thin black spire of the Navigator obelisk, the snow is
thin on the ground, a frosting over a beautiful coastal landscape. On a cliff side, a
cobbled road the Empire winds its way down and then up to Gelbentex. From the
vantage on the cliff the sight of the Sea of Votania is awe-inspiring and disturbingly
familiar (even if it was Majels memory and not hers). The calm waters of the
gargantuan Sea of Votania stretch for as far as the eye can see, with a low mist
hugging the glassy undercurrent up to the distant haze of Votania itself.
Gelbentex is charming with houses built like tiles upon the flanged cliff
surmounted by the castle. Row upon row, with breathe for trees and gardens the
houses are build on paved streets that would be bare in Pellern at this time of day, but
are full of traders and townsfolk. The city though perhaps smaller in size than Pellern
is no less alive, with tents and merchant caravans parked in areas about the city,
roaming with travellers, minstrels, and swordarms. Two guards on horseback will
intercept her some hundred metres from the town. They ride slim ponies designed for
speed, and they themselves dressed in leather and carry small arms. Badges over their
hearts show a shield with solitary purple tower surmounted by silver, crescent moon
on blue background. The moustached officer in charge dismounts and welcomes
Celim to Bentara. He noticed her arrival by Navigator and they have been warned to
always keep eye of travellers passing via Navigator knowing the Guild is secure in its
transaction means the officer is not hostile, but helpful. If provided enough
information he will lead Celim through the city to the castle.
The city is clean, the snow cleared early away into the gutters that are wet with the
melt from the surprisingly warm and fresh sea air. Fish are already on sale on side
carts, not cheap and rickety like in Pellern, but works of art presenting not just fish,
but breads, and other foods freshly cooked. The amount of people smiling and the
courtesy should be highlighted. The houses are tall and strong wooden and stone
dwellings painted in gay colours that lift the mood of the city and give it a strange
sense of vibrancy. Gardens and fenced parks are nestled in every street, with
evergreens carefully trimmed and maintained. Inns and beerhouses line the road that
curves up the cliff to the castle.
It is as if from a bards tale, Baroness Midennas castle unlike anything in Miir or
most of Hstra for that matter. So beautiful and crafted it is a work of art almost
carved by the very Lords of Orhan themselves. Eight minarets spire from the castle
proper, cut from dense granite it shines with a dark luminescence, yet the windows
and turrets that flow in such perfect symmetry to the delicate castle are touched with
the purple smooth rock of porphyry. Purple and blue long tailed pennants from every
spire and raised flying buttress trails in the wind.
The faade of the gatehouse is unbelievable, carved from the same granite and
highlighted with the porphyry, a fantastic creature sculpted from the rock into a scene
from an enchanted grotto. The snake like being curls about the faade looking
protectively behind them, the bark on the trees and the vines that curl about it are
intricate beyond description.
Inside the castle and the fantasy continues. Guards are numerous initially at the
gatehouse and marshalling the towers and short and curved sweeping walls. A warren
of small court areas sectioned by smooth walls of granite and gardens beside the
gravel pathways leads to the castle doors proper. Two hulking oak doors arch to a
gothic peak; with the granite spreading about the doorframe again like it was a secret
entrance to a long forgotten place in storyteller lore. Here, however, two almost
ghostly knights stand at either side of the doors, smothered in vines that enter their
armour. Guards inform the doormen who retrieve a castle official for Celim and she
is escorted inside by the doormen, in simple garb of purple over black, without arms.
The castle is sumptuous. As she stands within she will be struck by the aesthetic
beauty about her. Graceful white marble statues contrast to the black granite that
peaks from behind ancient tapestry and drapery. Hallways immediately show frescoes
from floor to ceiling giving visual illusion to the castle (illusion of doors and peoples).
An official soon arrives, dressed impeccably in a suit of purple and black, with a
silver crescent moon over her heart on the multi-layered robe. She welcomes Celim
to Gelbentek and asks to take her to a room where she may freshen up. The official,
Kyla, does all she can so Celim does not demand to see the Baroness as she is highly
busy, Kyla will inform her of that if she presses. Her room is one of the eastern facing
spires, one that overlooks the Sea of Votania and the mysterious island itself. She is
led by Kyla down the frescoed passages to the stairs they climb. From glass windows
Celim can see their ascent above the city, above the cliff and above the ocean so far
below. Finally after several minutes climb they reach her room, a rather deceptive
room. Curving from North to South, it faces the east with windows among walls
where furniture just as delicate as the castles minarets themselves offers luxury and
aesthetics. Kyla lets her know he will be her personal attach while she is here and to
call her she only need pull the many velvet cords about the room. Further exploration
of the room reveals three sections separated; a washroom replete with private bath, a
small entertaining area with seating to fit eight comfortably on a variety of recliners,
and a private bedroom from which the washroom comes off, and a small double-bed
within, four-posted with spires of tree trunks wrapped with nymphs and other small
fantastical creatures.
The following is a list of places in the castle of note:
The Conservatory in the heart of the castle, under a roof of glass latticed over
strong wooden frameworks is a veritable jungle of flora. In an area large enough to
stable sixteen horses all manner of large tree and plant, these tended at all times by a
man and woman who move about the small gravel path leading through the warm
environment, warm and fresh. Several chairs exist about the place and it is often used
as a place to escape by many, guards, officials.
The Library Baroness Midenna encourages learning and her own library is open to
the public and her own staff. There is no discrimination towards those that wish to
learn as long as they respect the books and do learn. In on of the towers, however,
hollow with a veritable column of books separated by rings of levels through which
one traverses short flights of stairs to collection to collection. The collection of books
here is impressive to say the least. Officials help public and look after the books.
Some are on special request only. The library has many a table before windows
overlooking every angle of the landscape.
Observatory The furthermost spire is more a lighthouse, with its uppermost level
framed in a cylinder of windows allowing full 360 view. In the centre of the room,
however, is the viewing glass to espy with. Some two metres long, a solid cylinder
shank of bronze, but not just one piece, but tens, hundreds, if not thousands of
intricate features and dials with one large lens at one end and a small eyepiece at the
other. With the telescope on a good clear day one can nearly see the peaks of Votania,
north to Helberna and south to Dynax and the Emerald Forest at the foothills of the
Forbidden Ridge.

Speaking with Baroness Midenna: will not be one accessed at leisure. Baroness
Midenna, though appreciative of Celims arrival is extremely busy with Dynax as
she takes a more active role in removing the rotting elements of society ruining the
city. She will meet with Celim in one of the aforementioned places. The first day the
Baroness can spend only one hour during the day, and then her nights become more
available. Celim is welcome to explore the town and castle with aid of Kyla who can
also inform Celim of other regional matters of small note.
The Baroness is elegant, dressed in a purple brocaded gown, a silver amulet of an
eye about her nick, her long black hair in elegant bun and fixed with silver and pearl
comb. She welcomes Celim warmly noticeably surprised, but pleased by her
appearance. The Baroness listens to Celim and her views are quite objective from
those back at Pellern, however she will not berate nor lecture, providing advice where
sought and help where asked.
The Baroness herself is concerned wholly with Dynax. She is unaware who exactly
is in control of the city, with the city in turmoil with Lord Wurlek in prison,
overthrown by the Guild Council. But even they argue and fight. Trade has been
interrupted affecting Gelbentex even though the main bureaucracy functions within
the city. Corruption is rife, bribery and embezzling widespread, and what few agents
she has sent to investigate she does so now reluctantly after the first two failed to
return. She says it is good the Emerald Forest now grows over most of the Imperial
Highway keeping away many, including Sarnak just over the Ridge. For other
matters see the following two scenarios.

Shrine of Bris: If asked, the Baroness cannot think of any shrine to Reann near
Gelbentek (Reann in his last dream with Celim told her to seek him out at a shrine
there at night he did not state his own shrine). The only shrine she can think of,
other than the temple to Mynistra within the city itself is an old shrine to Bris, the
patron of young love and its inevitable tragedies, that is just a short ride out from the
city. It lies a distance from the road where the cliffs rise begins from the plains.
The shrine itself is difficult to find, overgrown with brush heavy in snow the
plains are more difficult than the heights the city dwells upon. Eventually the slate
structure can be found, a simple lean to of three slabs forming an entranceway at a
sloping angle.
Use example of Shrine of Iloura (Emer Atlas Addendum p 70). Once Celim is
in and is exploring she will be rudely interrupted by another who has followed her in.
Reann did indeed arrange this meeting, for initiation.
Cuesai, a Kinsai priestess of Reann while not an outcast from her Itanian brothers
and sisters, is viewed with disfavour through her actions and hermit attitude. She
melds with the shadows, her skin lightly browned, and her locks thick and curled,
black and wet like the leather armour covering everything up to her jawline, where
the leather collar cradles her lower jaw. She is not beautiful, her features more brutish
and manlike, but her figure is clearly woman, a row of small black hilts about her
mid-drift from where a girdle cradles other bags and accoutrements.
Cuesai receieved a dream quest from Reann, in which she to travel to the shrine of
Bris near Gelbentex where she would then instruct Celim in ways of dream,
namely on how to use the smokestone always in a hallowed place, any Lord of
Orhan will do. Since Reann has no established priesthood, it is developed through a
network of priests who receive communiqu from Reann directly about where to go to
teach, who, and often a little more introspective metaphorical information. By no
means was it a clear and easy dream, Cuesai had images of only Celim and her lover
separated to guide her with more symbolical references to landmarks within Hstra,
let alone travelling from Uj to arrive and learning of the difficulties the Rhiani
Tribesmen face with what they say is an Ending/Infinite/Eternity/Cessation
Army her knowledge of their language far from perfect. She returns there after
being with Celim, completing the smokestone ritual followed by the moonstone
Cuesai prepares the ritual of smokestone for them to both dream and experience
visions. Cuesai will accompany Celim to make sure she is not lost without reference,
for out here there is little dream and when there is no dream it is often more
confusing and dangerous, for in absence dwells Unlife, absence of life, absence of
love, absence of hope, absence of itself.
The Dream: This dream is interactive and should be played out in several scenes as
described below: laws of the dream prevail Cuesai will not be able to relate to all
metaphors associated with Celim but she does know to explore the Dream
thoroughly as it is never what it seems.
Outside: Crawling outside through the opening back onto the plains finds them
without snow, long grass stretches across everything, Gelbentex does not exist.
Cuesai is with Celim studying her surroundings. The sky is bright and hazed in a
copper tinge that is disturbing when looking at the glare. Climbing the hill to the
Cliffside will reveal the ocean of the Sea of Votania, but instead of its calm surface it
rages in a tempest below them, the clouds striking each other in a gargantuan storm of
black clouds lancing with lightning. On the plains with long enough searching they
will find a falcon. It lays wounded, wing broken and is weak. It is weak when held
and if comforted will notice that its belly is distended and lumpy. Larvae within
squirm and press out against the feathers, study in detail will break the surface of the
skin and as the blood oozes out and flesh collapses, fistfuls of locust larvae fall out.
Closer examination through its organs will reveal an amethyst that when pulled from
the viscera soon transmogrifies into a human eye with scraps of flesh about, it blinks
with two eyelids, one vertical, one horizontal and even as it that happens a high
pitched whine builds thunderously about the landscape, rolling in toward them,
immense pressure builds and comes close enough to kill before a vacuum pulls them
into a freefall and darkness before finding solid ground. the sea of Votania represents
the conflict with the Titans and the damage it will cause the eagle represents Bryce Korel
destroyed by the Amethyst League who at the core of those behind are ktaviir.
Rhiani: They are at a desert oasis, about the sands rasp at the verdant flora growing
about a forked river, overshadowed by palms and other nut trees. Overhead the sun
remains copper, as unbearable as before. Twelve mares graze at this oasis in total and
drink from the small river that passes through this place of growth. Always at a
distance is one white stallion with four black bands about all four legs that mates with
the horses, their screams of pleasure audible, but never found. If they try to find the
stallion, one by one they will come across the remains of each mare, scraped to the
bone (devoured) and stripped to a fresh stinking skeleton. Closer examination can
reveal brown husks on the ground and the land about the horse barren and eaten as
well. Once all horses are dead, save the white stallion that crawls bleeding from the
oasis half-eaten into the river and floats away, the oasis is swept up in a sandstorm
that tears through the oasis reducing it to nothing but dust, then the sandstorm
sweeps about them, unable to escape they are separated for a short time. the twelve
mares represent the twelve rhiani tribes, and the stallion is Cay himself.
Ddekemani: Both explore different wilderness. Cuesai finds what she believes to
be a giant smashing its head with stones to break itself apart in a labyrinth of bodies,
the room ethereal, as if it were filled with a million glowing insects, translucent and
as old as the stone. Then the labyrinth of bodies coming alive, running through,
trying to escape, then finally the desert for as far as the eye can see, behind her the
labyrinth no more. Silence, no wind, the air lifeless and dead, the sky empty yet light.
There she waited for what she says felt like weeks until waking.
Celim finds herself cold on a mountain range, the sky above clear and blue for the
first time, the sun warm on her skin though her body is cold among the granite and
layers of snow. The landscape spread out from the foothills of the mountains to the
horizon is unfamiliar, though it has similarity to terrain of the regions of Hstra, not
that she knows or remembers any more beyond. Climbing down to the ground will
reveal the reason why she was up in the first place, literally swarming over the
ground a seething mass of black tendrils, snaking over each other in a sea of growth.
Even as she watches it claws for any stranglehold, growing into the granite and
tearing it apart closing on everything that has surface. Climbing back up will be
difficult and hurried and very dangerous (though if she believes that, it will be so). At
the top of the mountain a cathedral of a throne stands on a platform of interlocking
circular marble that glows with a blue luminosity. On the other side of the mountain
range that sweeps to her left and right like a massive wall is a land filtered from
vision in a copper haze where the sun glares strongly. Taking seat in the chair sets in
motion these things all at once; a powerful looking glass manifests out of the air in
front of the chair, forming a framework of essnce in a strong blue light filling out
into an instrument with the eye piece a mere few centimetres from her head. Peering
through, she only need turn her head whilst looking to view the landscape and the
chair beneath her whirs into action gyrating and moving to position her. What she
sees: to the north shimmering embers cluster about a lar ge body of dark water and
south of them huge pyramidal structures burn smokestacks with thousands of people
herded endlessly into them, southward more and a land golden in colour, its buildings
pure and bright, reflective in warm sun clean and hallowed, further down the ridge
to the south and forests burn, screaming and writhing the trees shake their limbs as
they die, unable to move. To the east, a large body of water stretching out to the
horizon, broken by a strange archipelago of islands, in the water, dark shadows slowly
closing in like sharks on their prey. All this ends as she feels immense lancing pain
from her feet and ankle. The black wiry plants of the unlife are growing inside her,
they begin to take root in her body. She will feel their tendrils snaking out and
feeding on her life as they pass up around her bones of her lower leg coiling upward to
the trunk of her body, all about her the black growth taking root, soon her hands
Cuesai intervenes and wakes Celim with a potion, calling to her. Celim will feel the
shoots burrowing into her stomach and up inside her ribcage toward her heart then
Cuesais voice calling for her.
She wakes with a scream and noticeable pain, coughing blood, spewing long
streams of coagulating bile and blood in red and black streams to the floor in the
shrine of Bris. Cuesai will make her rest (she has taken considerable damage) until
first light at the very least and if asked will explain what she saw.

Meeting the Rebels: A meeting is arranged at a farm half a days ride toward Dynax,
close to the Forbidden Ridge. It is a ride that Baroness Midenna accompanies Celim
on with a small contingent of her own men. She is dressed in the same armour of
leather as her guardsmen and encourages Celim to do the same.
The gallop is hard, they only reach the farm some time after midday, the horses
exhausted from the forced pace on such treacherous ground. It is inland from
Gelbentex along the plains, which while are not as hard as the permafrost, is cold and
icy. The stone farm is large, surprisingly, with a roofed stable built like a long lean-to
against the ancient buildings foundations. Clearly unoccupied by long-term residents,
horses in the stables show signs of visitors, Baroness Midenna is called out to
immediately as they arrive called out in a deep unrecognizable voice, Shun the Isle in
the Sea of Mists to which Midenna replies for the Masters sleep there still.
At that signal the door is opened by a swaggering Vedesis, followed by Daemander,
Lurayl. Daemanders face goes from surprise to delight and he rushes forward to greet
Celim, embracing her. Vedesis welcomes the little lady, saying he didnt expect to be
surprised thus even if the request to meet was abrupt to say the least. Just as well they
are in camp awaiting storm over the Forbidden Ridge to pass, he adds. Lurayl is quiet,
but greets them.
Vedesis has changed little; as tall as ever, if a little more slim, his hands gnarled,
little flesh on his rigid skeleton. His blonde hair is sparse, somewhat balding, and his
face pointed and besmirched in a wrinkled grin. He wears his well-oiled plate
shoulder and breastplate, quite a mess of chips and cuts across its surface crossed
sword and scythe etched over his heart hard to distinguish, with chain skirt hanging
in shards to mid waist, so oiled, the metal is dulled. A kynac and long kynac at either
side slouched lazily, like his general demeanor.
Lurayl is anxious, short and paranoid, he is dressed in clothes compared to his
other comrades in armour. His short curled hair has grown somewhat and is worse for
appearance, giving the little Sorcerer a look of a Wildman to accompany his
dishevelled clothing which may have been of colour once, but is drab brown and grey
Daemander constantly smiles, and is unchanged perhaps for that he is slim of
frame more now than he was. His hair longer but not unkempt, armour a little rough
around the edges, his black cape ripped, but the dragon embroidered still unmarked.
Daemander is happy to see Celim and does not press for questions, Vedesis is
curious, but knows all will come in good time. Lurayl starts the questions asking why
they were asked to leave their camp and risk possible discovery by Sarnaks allies for
this meeting, it had better be good.
If Celim tells them Bryce will be returned and how, Daemander will be
disappointed then happy, fully trusting of Celim. Vedesis asks Celim seriously if
she believes that it will happen, if she vouches to him personally, he takes her word
for it. Lurayl, however, will not. He rebels, saying they cannot accept the arms of one
enemy for another. He will make sure the Amethyst League have little time to
impress their ethics upon Bryce by taking their rebels themselves to liberate Bryce.
He will eventually ride off. Vedesis and Daemander stay, Baroness Midenna
promises to take in those rebels that seek shelter and has men go with Lurayl.

Lurayle, Vedesis & Daemander Vedesis talks of members of Sarnaks own community,
women who contacted them, suspect of things within their own Ministry of Security &
Agriculture. He then outlays some of the Sarnaki troop movement. Sixteen navy war galleons
are docked at Bentara, each with fourty crew, and fifty extra soldiers per ship, then the
Ministry of War has some one thousand men stationed strategically throughout the castle. A
legion of Shaitan (100) have set up camp somewhere in the city.

Lord Dall and the Rite of Earth: One night, the hardy Lord Dall goes to see Stjepan to
bring to light an ancient ritual performed before the Kings of Orian. Lord Dall cites
that when there was no King of Miir, let alone Hstra, land was passed from Lord to
Lord through a complex ritual of the lord passing earth symbolically to the minor
lord, with that lords acceptance came acceptance of the others rule. The more lords
and lands the stronger one was not just politically, but socially. Lord Dall suggests
perhaps it is time to reawaken the old tradition, starting first with Lord Dennys of

Ahn Sye Nomoke: Stjepans bold decision to name his organization that Ishraha runs
under the mantle of security & intelligence after the legendary Hand will not go
unnoticed. While not public knowledge, even that small private knowledge soon
filters to the hands and ears of the real Hand (NOTE: In the 2
Edition Master Atlas
it states the Order is that of the Serpent. Clearly Terry distinguishes two separate
camps that have ties to the original order by fact or fiction. The true Hand being that
as described in Hstra their true allegiances under the apparent veil of selfishness).
One night Ishraha will return to his security HQ to find a letter and parcel upon
his desk. The letter is in a manila envelope and sealed with wax (an imprint of a
hand), the note inside see Handout 9e. Upon reading the last word or when he puts it
down the letter will burst into flame and incinerate. The package is wrapped in plain
brown paper tied with white waxed twine. It is a foot by a foot in length and width
and half as long in height. Opening it reveals a small wooden box nailed. Prying open
the box reveals it is packed with straw, the straw bedding contains a small metal plate
that has five spikes, a pentagram. Each metal spike is engraved with cursive runic
designs with a central pentagon unmarked. This magical device is a specialized ward
used on the ground when crossed or neared, the pentagram begins to unfold,
harnessing essnce about it (including all sorcerers), the pentagram rapidly builds a
geometric cage about a creature not of this plane and then constricts that pattern back
into the pentagram, crushing the physical form in an explosion of flesh and
compressed bone. It can be used indefinitely, but can be discerned by all but the least
aware or unoccupied.
How Ishraha takes this further is up to him but it has repercussions beyond a
simple name change.

Gavants Letter: Celim sends Majel Gavant a letter (see handout 9. Majel Gavant by
Celim) seeking answers to the lie he infused in her mind. He is surprised by her
letter, quite happy to accept the trade off of war with Bokpentok with that of Sarnak
for Pellern, for with Bryces return as Gavant promised, the pendulum swings in
Pellerns favour. Gavant was preparing the Amethyst League to once again sink into
the various cities and disappear.
Majel sees a chance to manipulate Celim to an extraordinary level so she fully
becomes immersed in his lies. Why is he interested in manipulating her? See last
chapter. Majel sees a few potential benefits in playing the long lost lover. He may
drive a strong wedge between her and Bryce so much so Bryce will not be an ally of
Stjepan. If Celim does decide to go to Bokpentok, proceed to the following
encounter, otherwise Majel will still hint at liaison between them.
Bokpentok: From the navigators sleek, black spire just south of the city you stand near a
massive abbey across the third fork of the Alana River opposite the bank upon which you stand.
It towers far higher than Pellerns castle, with long fluted arched windows, stained in vibrant
colours of mosaic glass. Triangular in shape, but linear in height, towering to a series of triple
spires at each of the three corners, all flaming against the cruel and dark skies overhead. From
the abbey ones eyes lead to the brooding wall of mountain from north to south. It twists and
buckles stone crevasses and ridges, winding like a snake with buttresses trailing from its wake.
Snow covered, its peaks are easily lost in the churn of sky forming a literal wall.
It is a short walk from the obelisk to the Imperial Highway, while worn, in excellent
condition. Two riders await in red and gold, their mounts similarly barded in colour. Armed
and armoured in plate they bear with them a mount.
These men, guards of Bokpentok assigned to Gavant, have been asked to await at
the obelisk (on shift) for a young Ta-lairi women whom they are to bring to Advisor
Gavants house.
Bokpentok is nestled on the northern shore of the Alana River, at a crossroads between three
large cities and trade routes. Surrounded by a low stone wall high enough to provide protection
for any crouched archer or bowmen, many of whom patrol behind the walls and old siege towers
dispersed about the short grounds, the city proper. Mud and snow form a frozen broth
treacherous and ugly about it all. Bokpentok slopes at a steady rise toward the foothills of the
Spine of Emer crowned by Count Hirothas castle, an ancient castle by Miirian standards, old
in design, square much like Murains sandstone behemoth. Hirothas castle has spawned many
walls and huge circular towers flank it upon all sides.
Into the city and the military presence is strong, men in red and gold cloth variously attired
in arms and armour march in regiments among the minority of city-folk. Bokpentok is a large
city, spread out on a vast plain its houses are generous with space and room, unlike Pellern that
smothers itself to fit together on the small dais of the Citadel. The peoples here do not seem
oppressed, taking the soldiers presence with the trade as they rush from building to building to
escape the cold and the snow that creeps in as you head up the slope. Wide streets retain ancient
stone inns glowing warmly behind the stones and glass windows, fires burning not only from all
houses, but on the sidewalks where guards of the city huddle off-duty. One of the men spurs his
horse ahead leaving you to a steady pace through the sweeping city.
The castle is truly dwarfing to ones approach, towers steep and sheer, distant banners of
the soldiers upon the parapets are pinpricks of colour against a bleak slate sky. Pulling away
from the tower at a glorious height giving a commanding view of the city sweeping out below to
the Alana River and the Abbey glowing in the distance. Brought before an estate beautiful if
somewhat decayed, surrounded by cast -iron fence of spikes before an entranceway of the same
cast-iron wrought into a tunnel of vines before the estate. It curves like a horseshoe save the
middle from where a solitary tower rises. Two ancient stone walkways ascend to the stone tier
the estate is raised upon. It is heavy with vegetation growing rampant upon every edifice and
hanging from the balcony of the stone level that leads to golden doors. The estates paint flakes,
but the strong red gives the estate a regal feeling.
Majel rides in. Returning from the castle after being informed he races into his
home, dismounting swiftly and rushing to Celim, slowing his pace near her, he gazes
serious then smiles and invites her into his home.
The house is empty, that is ones first impression. No rugs cover the bare wooden floors,
polished once, but now lost in dust and the passage of man, but all rooms, without doors and
curtains, ghostly quiet and chillingly cold.
Once inside, Htum (Wah-toom), Majels Pochanti servant appears (note: Majels
pochanti bodyguards are always around, but rarely seen in the house). Small copper
skinned boy, yet powerfully strong, his nose hooks to a large lipped smile, dressed in
simple tan and white clothing. He takes Celims baggage and asks her to follow in a
clipped Shay. On the second floor it is much warmer, with rugs lining the hallway
between the first few rooms. Her room is on the furthest end of the building facing
the front of the building that overlooks the city and the countryside below. The room
smells new, and everything within is of hig h aesthetic taste. The room is quite
removed from the emptiness below. Lavish upholstery covers exquisitely carved
recliners and tables with full length mirrors and a small wardrobe of clothes. Majel
tells her he knew her size, and he thought she might be travelling light. Colours of
white, gold and subtle reds, the room is not cramped and feels pleasing. Majel uses his
magic to subtlety enhance her feelings of well-being. He invites her to the lounging
The front courtyard: Also forming a horseshoe before the house is the small area
wedged in between the sweeping stone stairs. A birdbath is nestled in a half arch flush
with the stone foundations and stone seats are spaced about it. Most unlikely to be
used, but pleasant.
The lounging room: A casual room that consists of the second floor of the central
tower of the estate with a grand window from near floor to ceiling overlooking the
lands far to the south and west. The room is sumptuously decorated in tasteful
fashion, but not without comfort. Antique furniture from millennia gone-by is
arrayed about the central fireplace that keeps the room cosy.
Majels room: is bedecked in black and red, in such a way that it takes ones breath
away. The infernal aspect of this room is all too palpable even if he plays it down.
Candles and incense perpetually drape the room in a mystical gloom. He uses his
room for his magic.

Back in Sarnak he knew he had a chance to liberate her from Ventine and saw
opportunity with Stjepan, using him to not only be considered trade delegate but
somehow get her to go with him. The strong bidding by other parties made it difficult
for him to make her go easy, so he used his own connections to get her fired.
His threat to kill her in Pellern was his anger unrestrained and he apologizes.
He tells her it has been so hard, to get her out of Ventines reach and then be hated
and feared because of it.
On the streets of Relian, he had no idea she was to be sold. He knew Stjepan
was arriving with Aria, he did not realize they would be late. Again he regrets.
The scenes of death? Scenes of death? He appears shocked by that saying if
only she really knew. He didnt kill her when he injected her with the serum to revive
her memory, he doesnt kill any others of those that Ventine manipulates either, he
tries to repair his damage. There are far more worse than Ishraha or ourselves out
there he says. He plays himself as a liberating doctor of Ventines mutants. He says
he has been experimenting with reversing the process with those individuals so far
gone they cannot bear living.
He asks her if she has ever wondered why he surgically operates and magically
transforms hundreds, if not thousands? Doesnt she see? She knows he can move
from person to person right? Cant she see he is trying to create the ultimate shell for
his powerful soul? This Ataniel whom he recently took over, is a dangerous man. He
was a powerful Changramai monk, ask Ishraha.
Majel is no wimp and he will not play himself as one. He is a dangerous man, but
he pretends to hide a core that is a diamond in the rough. He will not agree to
dangerous demands that threaten the Ddekemani plan. Majel will bed Celim if
given half the chance and seduces her with guile. It will make his impact with Bryce
all the more powerful.

Black Dawns Lair: See earlier encounters as prelude. Ishraha and his network have
been actively scouring for floodgates, tunnels under Pellern and their hardwork begins
to pay off. All across the city they find tunnels, hidden in all cases in either the
basements of buildings forgotten under old refuse or hidden behind dense vegetation.
Confrontation with the Black Dawn should be met with considerable force as
theyll soon find themselves outclassed by these things of the Unlife. Vilan should be
a necessity although convincing him to help may be another, but his hatred for the
Unlife will eventually convince even himself.
The tunnels interweaving underneath Pellern burrow through the rock above the
citadel proper. It is nearly impossible to discern if these tunnels were part of the
citadel or not.
Every entrance is small, requiring any man of five foot or higher to stoop at quite
an angle as the passage descends to the tunnel loop itself. Eventually they will reach a
small room carved from the rock square for the most part save age and deterioration.
Arched passageways lead of the room, deceptively large, able to fit a man 12 foot in
height if that were the case.
The air is still down here and warm. Now and then odours will waft like sulphur
and other toxic fumes and transparent gases clog the air making it difficult to breathe.
Lighting casts little illumination in the large tunnels that all dip near the bottom
where they find large pools of acrid and stagnant water. Wading through them is the
only solution, kicking through dust, objects bumping against their legs in the murky
Sound is distorted. Voices echo strangely here, whispers seeming louder along the
They find some of Ishrahas men, Divinhadra (see page 8 & 9 above). Black
Dawn members phase in and attack. Only enchanted weapons affecting them, or the
trap Ishraha retains. Vilan will use impressive magic at every turn to defeat the Black
Dawn, but when more than one attack he is hard pressed with them about to defeat
the Unlife with nuclear precision. Vilans eyes burn with blue intensity, his hands
dripping in almost smoky wax like substance that he melds into shapes and forms
that take effect in spectacular fashion, tearing apart with thousands of needles the
very essence of the Black Dawn, banishing them through portals that envelope trap in
a blue glass dissolving the target, bolts that tear through rock and flesh with explosive
They will not encounter more than two Black Dawn members before finding the

The Black Dawn Nest: The tunnel that leads down here reeks with a pungent odour
of gas. The air cloys at their lungs and they find it difficult to breathe and feeling
seasick will take them over eventually. In the mist of dense gas they swim further
into they hear sound and see light. Flashes of fire and sounds like crows. Closer and
the fires can be discerned, effusing gas and blasts of flame, pipes from below issue
into the room, a twisted orchid. Shadows blur beyond this close mass of industrial
pipes that sear flesh. The Black Dawn does not strike until these are behind whoever
is invading. Savon awakens their homunculus and with his comrades prepares for the
attack. Savon will speak if asked, what he says in reply talks of the preordination of
the skies, the precession that will come to pass, the cleansing that will finally begin,
that they have already chosen their fate. Savon does not gloat, he is not human, he
kills mercilessly and will maim with great ferocity. There are five other members of
the Black Dawn and the homunculus that will only attack after several rounds,
crawling from its pit.

Black Dawn
Strength: D20 Agility: D12 Health: D4
Knowledge: D10 Perception: D10 Luck: D30

Phase Attack: D10 (Effect twists reality about flesh, 2 health damage or death
if at face)
Armour: D20 Dimensional phasing

In a pit at the back of this grotto is a shallow pool of a thick viscous fluid, bobbing
with body parts and what looks like oil is the homunculus. Originally the nursery for
Persch, the Black Dawn have taken over where the demon failed, in crafting a
creature out of the remains of the children.
Standing some twelve feet in height the creature is just as horrific in its width. It is
a stitch-work flesh construction of body parts small childlike hands jut from its
body, contorted it walks with gait, loping two arms fashioned like opposable claws of
bone jutting from the fleshboth of different length its face is a crush of heads, with
multiple eyes it stares bloodshot no mouth, but a basket like face of tiny mouths raw
and lipless.

Strength: D4 Agility: D20 Health: D4
Knowledge: N/A Perception: D20 Luck: D20

Melee: D10 (damage, the bone severs usually a strength roll must be made to
avoid amputation)


Sarens Agenda: is to find out why it is the kuluku would go out of their way to trade
with such a small town in the middle of nowhere. She easily learns of most of her
conjectures through street gossip where she excels in wooing men and women both.
She learns of the difficulties the city has with The Amethyst League, and the
Changramai excommunication, the attack of the demon from the pales that Celim
destroyed. Saren will take all of this in and then under the pretence of getting to know
them better she will go to Ishraha and Celim becoming friendly before
surreptitiously injecting the knowledge she has into the conversation for reaction and

Constans Return: Constans appears on the evening of the 38
as the perigee occurs
and speaks to Stjepan whether anyone else can hear it or not. He wants to know what
Stjepan intends to do about it. He is referring to Celim and Bryce. Is he going to
allow Bryce to not only get his aid for nothing, but take the girl as well? What did
Bryce ever do for us, sure, lots for Celim, but Stjepan plays Bryce like the jealous
boyfriend abusing the relationship she has with him. Constans then tells him about
Celim, how she has been trying to get into his dreams at night when he has slept, she
has crept down to her Temple and performed her magic to watch him. She never got
in, but she hasnt stopped trying. Constans is Stjepans friend and remains with him
until morning advising him. If there is tension with Korel, Constans is furious if
Stjepan takes it.

Bryces Return: Four riders drop off Bryce Korel on the southern ramp to Pellern city,
guards rushing to see the package and finding a man whom they helped to his feet.
Dishevelled they handed him a few coppers a blanket and send him in the direction of
the inn. Bryce is a changed man after some fourty days of isolation and interrogation
and his freedom was not a pleasant one.
Bryce was easily duped by the letter the Sarnaki came with and it was easy for
them to disable him and cause an internal collapse of Bentara in the space of an hour.
In the space of the next few hours, troops amassed on the streets murdering what few
pockets of resistance remained. Bryce watched as his friends either caved in to the
Sarnaki or were murdered before him for not giving information freely. Kimesha
spared her own life by committing information regarding Celim and Ysmine was
saved because she was a woman only. Shipped to the Directorate, his crimes of
treason against Sarnak and crimes were a joke, but it became quickly serious. The first
week was interrogation. They broke him, of that there is no doubt. He was
humiliated, crying like a child as they laughed over his tortured frame. Physical and
Psychological torture proved the best medicine and once they had extracted what
information they needed he was placed in solitary confinement. It was more than
fourty days before he saw the light again. And it was to Majel Gavants gloating face.
Freed by several men who stole through shadows in timeless streams, he was dragged
weak and malnourished from Sarnak into the hills where in caves thick with roots he
was told Celim wished Majel to free him and return him to her. After a heated
argument, Majel told him the truth which is not much, just staunch insinuation
from Majel but not denying it.
Dumped unceremoniously in Pellern he returns to a woman who he suspects of
lies, working with the Amethyst League and the hint at some liaison between Celim
and Gavant. And then there is Lord Stjepan, the man who has had his eyes on Celim
ever since before they met. Beyond this, Bryce feels let down. He believes Stjepan
defends against Sarnak not for Bentara but for his own skin, Bryce will be assuaged
with strong action only. Celim can break through his self loathing by being by his
side and convincing him, he will slowly doubt himself and return to normal. He still
is in shock over the treatment, but he will not openly show it, having lived in a
perpetual state of anxiety for half a month. Even Lord Dall finds him difficult, Bryce
snapping at him. Bryce cycles through bouts of deep depression. In his dreams he
keeps his mother locked in a cage like his father and he is deeply disturbed

Majel in Pellern: Majel after some decision has decided to go back to Pellern to further
twine Celim about his finger. His actions, however, are proving more and more
risky in the face of all the public attention and his associates have been questioning
his methods, yet Majels results stand him far from death.
Celim is key to Stjepan, and Bryce stands in that way. With this new impetus
against Sarnak, Majel needs to get rid of Bryce one way or another, preferably at
Celims own behest, to instigate his plans for chaos that will keep the lands fixed
internally. Bryces deep depressive cycles coupled with Majels false memories will
serve as impetus. Though he arrives not long after Bryce, he does so surreptitiously,
well aware of Ishrahas network (though not of the Hands recent contact) and then
sends memories to her that make her drift back. These memories include what Celim
said in more of an active fashion, Majel hoping to control her fully.

Four hundred sixty three A tent, set for war, it is your personal chamber a massive
white and violet clash of canvas all about the central focus, a large map of Emer, Uj clearly
marked with flags purple and white in scattered domains beside allies, enemies dictated in
stacks of coins. Two guards stand at attention beside the entry flap, that swings open as you
briefly study the map again while your handmaiden, an aged but strong Itanian woman tends
the fire burning in your tent.
Dragged in is Majel, his face bruised and eye swollen over, wet and dishevelled he is clasped
about the shoulder on his ragged clothes by an officer, she salutes you and with commanding
voice says, The prisoner has resisted all interrogation, my General.
Majel heaves on both of his knees, hands bleeding bound by twine behind his back, he stares
up at you with his only good eye through his matted, long hair. Lips pursed he stares away,
shoulders sagging, head slumped. For the first time he speaks, words whispered the captain
demands Majel to repeat with a solid smack to his head.
Get out and leave him! You command, the captain surprised with the two guards backs
out, your handmaiden soon scuttling in line, gasping with shock as she sees Majel, her
recognition palpable.
Stop girl. What is it?
She shakes her head looking down, averting her eyes.
She knows who I am but you dont do you? Majel asks.
Your fist to his face shatters his nose spewing blood across the handmaiden who quakes in
You do not ask questions of me. How do you know him girl!
Sev Sevenn. Seventy years past, General. He came to capture you.
Capture me? You turn to Majel. I can see reason for treachery in these times of war, but
why then?
I think perhaps I misjudged. If I had known he If I misjudged my timing it seems.
Otherwise our meeting would be quite different.
They say you have resisted all interrogation. We will see about that. You kneel before
him placing the sides of your palms against his head, focusing on the thoughts within, seeking
them out, channelling your essence to rape his own. What you find is images and memories that
sear past your eyes in a blur of years, a blur of years together and apart. This is all new, you
sit back stunned, shaking your handmaiden nowhere to be seen now. Majel looks up at you
drained from the ordeal.
Celim? he tenderly asks?
The tension is shattered by a third party.
No, not quite, Majel. Not as you know her, or should I elaborate, not as you will soon be
faced with again.
Ventine sweeps in, his long grey beard he strokes with manicured nails he enters, his own
guard outside he trails a hand about your shoulder, resting it and looking over the two of you.
Such a gentle moment. I wonder Majel, how long you will keep trying? I really do doubt
your love for h this thing shall endure the rapturous and guiltless happiness you so desire. At
least amusement is found in small quantities unrequited. Ah, I can smell the lost opportunity, it
drips Ventine tongues the air and he smiles, his touch paralyzing.
Im surprised you kept him alive Celim. That was the first warning, you see. A few years
ago, you would have had him executed without a thought, such a good girl. Yet you danced
about his face, passing over prisoners, you felt it, you felt him. No matter.
He turns to Majel.
Fortitude is noble, some would say in love it trebles. I find it stupid. Simple word for
simple minds.
Your day will co Majels voice turns to a choke, vestigial hands squeezing his neck. All
you can do is watch. Ventine kneels by your ear, his hand locking you immoveable.
What do you think, my child. Your excellence has been commendable in so much I feel
some small favour of gratitude toward you. Why not offer this to you now, before we He
taps your head with his nailed finger of his other hand and grins devilishly. Shall we let him
go he taunts. The memories churn in your head, heavy they feel too much to contain and
swell. Why not, delicious disciple. It does after all, keep me in such close contact with you.
Ventine closes upon you and licks with his tongue your cheek.

Majel convinces Soneur (Ishrahas noble informant) to take on extra income by
allowing Majel to live in a room at his house for a few weeks, paying a hefty deposit
of two hundred gold. Beyond that, Majels generosity keeps Soneur more than happy
and out of the house doing what he does best, leaving Majel a nobles manor to his
taste. Majel will steal out to observe Celim, but he will not contact her until the
morning of the 40
when after noting Bryces mood he will either pull her into an
alley in the street or creep into the castle to do so. He will immediately kiss her
passionately holding her close to him. There may be quite a reaction, but Majel will
tell her he cannot give in now, not when she is remembering more and about to
choose another. He tells her though he respects her wishes, if there was a way he
could regain her heart he would gladly do it. She may attempt to gain access to his
memories like above, but he will be surprised that she remembers that moment saying
she was a powerful Mystic then, a Sorcerer with powerful Mentalist powers. He tells
her that was when she was in Andaras armies closing throughout Uj, leading a large
command of Vajaari. What happened then? He was imprisoned by Ventine for
twelve years and when he was freed he heard that the armies stopped their attacks
into Hstra and he had to begin looking all over for her again.
Majel will go as far as to have Bryce see Majel with Celim.

Initiation of the Protector: This day will forever change the interplay between Hal
and Stjepan and set into motion the downfall of Mynistra before the shadows darken
the skies of Hstra. The dedication ritual on the 40
to Mynistra is one carried about
in all Mynistran chapels on that day and time. Lord Stjepan has been selected as their
divine protector against Sarnak, usually not a ritual invoked. Sarnak are militarily a
stronger threat than Stroane, its trade vital, and its lynching of Bentara of late with
the brutal acts of the Ministry of Security (under challenge in their own senate) make
Sarnak a threat against Mynistra itself.
At midday the ritual begins with the public invited. It is a cold day, but not clogged
in dense cloud, broken to icy, silvery-blue skies, the sun and near full Orhan
illuminating the day in a haze of mist and etherealness. People are out early preparing
for the ritual that has had all of Pellern talking since the day was announced. Dressed
in their best, and warmest, they huddle throughout the city slowly making their way
to the unfinished Temple to Mynistra. Even those from Tent City make their way.
Workers have taken a break in their winter slog for the ritual but their progress on
the three winged and multi-tiered structure is noticeable. The sleeping quarters are all
but finished, less their aesthetic arabesques. But it is the prayer hall that has been
completed wholly on the inside. Entered through the wider end of the petal it is
perfectly triangular within as a 4:1 triangle, the apex higher than the seating arranged
facing it. At the far end a great silver symbol of Mynistra hangs at the apex sparkling
from the many fires lining the silver and gold fringed walls. Eight Mynistran priests
welcome people four on each side, equal in gender. To all that pass they press into
their hands small dried flowers, sweet and exotic in scent wishing them love and
wisdom and small papers containing the words for song in several languages.
Stjepan is the last to enter. He is informed by Archbishop Carn that he will carry
his sword and be in full battle dress as he enters. He will follow the Archbishop to the
apex where Stjepan will face the silver foci. The Archbishop will give a short sermon
and then the priests will encourage song. All across Hstra they will be singing to
Mynistra to come to Stjepan. She will send a spirit with only him knowing what
passes between them both. He will be blessed.
Archbishop Carns Sermon: This home welcomes all who pay reverence to
Mynistra, or to those who merely seek either of her three tenets, love, wisdom and
protection. Not unlike you all, Mynistra too rallies against threats directed towards
these pillars of life, and so it has come to us all that such a time is well upon us. You
are gathered here today to join in harmony and unity in support for Lord Stjepan
Nemeck, servant to Mynistra, son of the Nemeck line, Inheritor and Blood of
Emperor Aldarons most hallowed defenders the Ahn Sye Nokora. He has been
chosen as our protector and this day we call upon Mynistra to bless his noble quest
against the threat that is creeping from the south. Atheists shall not destroy our
pillars of life. So please, I ask for you all to sing wit h me the song of the divine
Song: the song carries a strange acoustic in this geometrically arranged
amphitheatre. From the back to the front the sound then reverberates back, but
compressed and dense filling the air literally in a volume of sound that presses and
tickles against the skin. This sound causes the fires to blaze in the wind of the sub-
audible tones and the silver shield begins to spark to life as well. Blazing across its
surface electricity generates empowered with essnce sparking in silvery-white light
that arcs with purpose down electrifying Stjepan in a calm halo, he jerks for an
instant and then relaxes standing encompassed by the glow.
NOTE: This lasts only a few seconds on the outside, but longer for Stjepan. Both
parties will be separated. Essnce users in those few seconds will feel an immense
drain on their own stores that literally jerks from their body toward Stjepan.
Mynistra & Hal: Stjepan finds himself on white marble, inside a massive castle
built of the same white marble and gold jasper. He is in the courtyard and the sun is
shining and he feels very safe and secure. Looking about he sees the sun blazing
brightly and then movement as something from it descends to the ground near him. It
is beautiful sylph like it is naked yet without true feminine features, but enough to
recognize it as a woman. It glows in a pure silvery light and speaks in perfect tones
and with wisdom. The sylph can interact with Stjepan for a while. It has one thing to
ask of him. Of which three tenets does he best think can defend against the threat?
Which ever one he chooses will be left to his own conscience for the sylph will never
get to act upon his decision as Hal by accident and then by realizing his ingress too
intrusive pushed further finds himself drawn to the power interacting with Stjepans
mind. Hal consumes it.
As Stjepan watches, the sylph begins to jerk and spasm, bleeding red and black
colours, it cries surprised, collapsing to the floor as the black and red veins pulse
underneath its dying light. It progresses until the sylph is screaming, and even that is
swallowed as she is replaced inside out by a dripping carcass of black and red sinew
that stands before Stjepan very pleased with itself and Hal says: Bet the old man
never thought of that in reference to the Storm Wizard.
Hal has absorbed the power of protection from the Mynistran sylph and
consumed her whole, it leaves Mynistra wounded but not unreachable, she has no idea
what has happened. Hal revels in his power and tells Stjepan that there are going to
be changes. He tells Stjepan that he will go on to conquer Sarnak, and all of Hstra.
The Empire will stand again, he tells him. Doesnt he realize he carries the blood of
the Emperors own race? He tells Stjepan if pushed, its the only way. The only way
their bond can be severed is if the sword and its rightful inheritor restore the Ahn Sye
Nokora. Hal pretends to want freedom. Eventually he breaks the bond.
The Priests are very surprised and cannot explain it, but claim it has never been
done before so they have no personal record of the ritual, but in textual documents the
drain was never documented.
Joyous song is encouraged and the crowd cheers for Stjepan in loud song and
scatters petals of dried flowers as he is lead out by the Archbishop where they both
spend the time meeting with the gathered congregation.
Stjepan is left with quite a dilemma. Hal is very powerful now but he is always
slow to act and tests his power incremently.

Consolidation of Miir: Stjepan intends to ride out to consolidate his lands. He
receives letters from Lord Lystor, Invarath, Mallion & Lamat. Lord Dall will strongly
suggest the Rite of Earth for this while he and Bryce go back to Orian to reveal the
truth about Lord Bela and regain control of the council. Count Hirotha will submit to
Stjepan grudgingly, his lack of choice when challenged by the Amethyst League
meant either death or life to his people. Stjepan can travel to meet with Luse & Lord
Vaymoris at Lienne. Vaymoris will put his support behind Lord Stjepan without too
much problem now. Relian will be reticent rejecting Lord Stjepans request for
consolidation laying claim that Relian has been an independent city for a long time
now, avoiding the war with the Katra. Their letter talks about their diversity of
population that is no longer historically the heritage of Laan nobles. Lord Lystor
replies to Lord Stjepan. Once Count Hirotha cedes, all the Lords agree to the Ritual of
Earth in alliance under Stjepan. They agree to all dema nds of war against Sarnak as
well. Hunting the Amethyst League draws blanks everywhere. At Majels order the
entire League in Miir has gone underground and the Lords have no contact with the
League weekly tax-collectors. Sutara, Ishrahas agent is sent to Dynax with a script
for ten thousand gold to hire thieves and brigands in the war against Sarnak. There
may be weeks spent in travel here, play it by ear using the descriptions of locations

Temeris Men: Twenty Animists arrive with escort provided by Lord Stjepan. Led by
Temuk an aged Shay man with a raspy beard and wild hazel eyes, all dressed simply
in brown robes they carry bags and about their necks a silver chain with a silvery disc
crossed in markings. Temuc is down to earth, speaks plainly in Shay, and listens to
Stjepans wants but tells him how things will be.
The animists are to receive their own private lodgings and tents wherever they go.
On battlefields they will require guards to protect them, preferably archers. They can
provide aid on the battlefield by entrenching grouped armies by spurring the growth
of plants under their command, they can form walls on the battlefield made of earth
and plants of whatever is available. They work together or not at all.

Daemanders Return: Daemander returns alone, having ridden for more than twenty
days and using the navigator to Jump a short distance to reach Celim ever since he
received her letter. Daemander could see he should never have left her side and feels
strong guilt for doing so, kno wing full well Bryce will chastise him (and will or would
depending on when they meet and the circumstances). Daemander is a little slimmer
than usual. His clothes are heavy on him, but his demeanour has not changed. Warm
and friendly he has returned to Celims side to be her friend and to watch out over
her. If he missed Bryce then he will be glad for it in some ways.

Addendum Symbols of the Sun

Given the remaining winter to weather, and many other factors, it may be prudent to
skip the last thirty odd days of Winter to the Spring melt and the next chapter.
Stjepans consolidation can be summed up in the following descriptive passage that
relates directly to the characters.

The last weeks of winter rouse Miir from its slumber, shaking off the ice as best as it can from
the sleet storms before the spring melt. Pellern has weathered the winter without more
casualties, through war, famine or cold and its people are in good spirits if a little anxious about
the impending troubles with Sarnak to the south. Lord Stjepan has spent considerable time
consolidating strength and creating a coalition of city-states and hired mercenary forces to
prepare for a Spring march. Pellerns projects are slow in coming though spring and summer
will relieve the slow progress to the gatehouses, walls, and many a new building. Throughout
Pellern, the Mynistran faith has bolstered public support for Stjepan, including the Lord in
every Holy Days sermon by the Archbishop Carn who remains in Pellern expecting to travel
with Stjepan as he prepares to make his way south.

Bryce and Lord Dall lead Stjepans push for consolidation, toppling Lord Bela and uncovering
his association with the Sarnaki, trying him for both treason and conspiracy against a ruling
Laan noble. His hanging was a spectacle viewed by many in Orian so you have heard. Since
then Lord Dall as chairman of the council has forged ahead in strengthening ties and defences.
While it has not been all success the forces amassed against Sarnak number more than twenty-
thousand, with all but Relian as allies in the war.

Stjepans journey to the Eastern Alliance was one without war, one generating peace and fealty
to Pellern and its Lord. The ritual of earth passing from Stjepans hands to each Lord,
swearing allegiance to Stjepan and Miir without reticence. Count Hirothas support does come,
albeit after pressure from Orian and he too swears allegiance to Stjepan promising troops, arms
and armour. Bokpentoks strength is in its smiths and beyond that their expertise with siege
engines many of whom Hirotha sends to aid the growing coalition for the war effort. Lord
Lystor offers support, but his own troubles with the Drake threat continue to plague his land
taking cattle and destroying farmsteads close to the Spine of Emer. Relian proves stubborn,
ignoring Stjepan with its own force of guard comprised of many of its inhabitants of multi-
racial and cultural groups. Relian states its independence once again from Miir and Orian,
pointing to the Katras failure to take Relian as an example of their strength of independence.
Their Chamber of Five sends missive to Stjepan explaining such and that any demands upon
them will be met with not only force in kind but a trade barrier that would cripple Pellern
should they try to take Relian one of the five, the High Priest of Phaon proclaiming conflict
of religion, that Mynistra is worshipped by the minority and hinting at possible attempts of
conversion by Stjepan upon Relian. Helbernas support of Pellern is stronger than any, with
Mynistras blessing, all who follow the goddess now look to Stjepan as their torch against the
darkness the Sarnaki have initiated in Bentara. Chelzarias support is arranged with strong
liaison with Lord Dall, Count Harond and his daughter though they can offer little no troops,
just room beyond the city itself that the armies can use.

War is just around the corner, which is all too apparent. Sarnak ever since Bryces release
have been moving their armies. Conflicting reports from Sarnak point to great debate within
the Directorate Senate in the first weeks of the war, but their resolution has been unanimous.
They condemned the Orian Council and requested for the return of the conspirator Bryce Korel
to face justice. Calls for other conspirators are nothing more than a joke in Miir, Sarnaks
voice in Orian all but decapitated with the revelations of corruption among the council that is
no longer a threat to stability in Miir and Hstra. Reports from Bent ara speak of six War
Galleons from the Ministry of Security, with an assembled force of some two thousand soldiers
preparing for defence of their conquered city. All watchtowers are reported to have bolstered
their defences as well south of the northern passage that leads through the haunted Emerald
Forest. Bentara is the only ingress to removing Sarnak.

Some nine thousand mercenaries have been hired by Pellerns deep coffers, most of them still in
Bornay, amassing through Relian and across the river Keyten from the Bodlean Dales. While
not unified like an army, their motley crew of forces and divisions provides a strong support to
Miirs assembled forces that pale compared to the mercenaries. Some hundred knights of the
Ahn Sye Nokora and a similar number of Mynistran priests and Temeris squad of Animists
are the jewels in Miir for the war. Beyond that forces array in the numbers of some six
thousand across all city-states assembled, with half of that number having only seen war once.
Experience from the battles with the Katra crosses all camps, but the Sarnaki are quite a
different force, more advanced as a society and with better arms and armour, not to forget the
legendary Shaitan who one would expect to be in or near Bentara, but there is absolutely no
word save for hearsay and fear mongering.

The Amethyst League has disappeared and while each respective Lord has no idea where they
went or exactly when, it occurred around Bryces release. Their activities and all surreptitious
contact with evaporated with their lack of presence. The Black Dawn, beyond odd rumours of
their activity, are inactive with Pellern being the city where they were most active.

The last week of Pellern sees a flowstorm tear through the southern lands of Pellern, watched
from the castle it cascades like aurora, tinting the winter sky in purple and orange colours. It
lasts six days, a violent storm that tears the land, closing as far as the Alana Forest before it
simply sinks from view. It ushers in the first breath of spring.

b o o k o n e :: s h a d o w o f l o c u s t

This is how I picture balance: balance is not neutrality, it is a constant struggle between two
sides Ishraha, 35
Winter 6054

War. So it begins, this beginning of the end. The characters have still the potential to
avoid total genocide and the razing of Hstra by the forces of Andaras that are
drawing their threads in a net about the land. This chapter begins in Spring of 6054
with much changed in the region of Hstra and with Stjepan firmly set on his own
rule throughout the land.

NOTE: It is a 46-50 day March to Bentara without any stops. The armies are not
mounted though some cavalry do make faster ground, for the most part they will
remain with their respective divisions. The mercenaries will not like being told
exactly how to act in this war already a rowdy and rebellious bunch; they have no
care for the land and strip farms and livestock as they go unless a force is ordered to
round up such criminals.

Ishraha Returns to the Changramai: Ishrahas desire to return to the Changramai is
one of his own choosing for research purposes. He expects to walk right in to get what
he wants, yet he will be faced with a reception surprising though not unwarranted.
Not only was he disgraced for his involvement in the entire affair with Ventine, but
his employer, with whom he has remained a staunch ally, denigrated the Changramai
publicly. Not only will he not be allowed access to the Library, but his use of the
navigator to jump to the Monastery will be met with imprisonment and no
explanation let alone the reaction to his physical appearance.
The Jump is a difficult one, requiring more finances for the Navigator to deal with
the growing Essnce storms building across Emer. Once jumped, Ishraha will find
himself in his peaceful home. Above him the sun shines warmly in the crisp air, the
mountains rising about the Monastery carved into the granite laced with snow. On a
bed of soft pebbles paved about the garden left to grow wild, replete with hundreds of
birds, new chicks filling the air in a chorus of hungry squalling. As he sits reflective,
allow him time to reorient before the Changramai move in. He is immediately
noticed, watched, and word spreads of his arrival. At taking his first few steps he
immediately finds both of his arms grasped firmly by two Changramai on both sides
of him, green and red the colours about their neck and left cuff of their white robes.
One an elf, pale like Celim with short golden spiked hair, the other a seven foot giant
of a man with flaming, red beard. He is hauled away from the peace of the garden into
the Monastery and then led down flights of stairs he never once trod in his time here
mostly because the prisons were out of bounds.
The air gets warmer on descent, the steps widen and steepen yet the Changramai
at his side never let go, nor do they say a word. They lead him down a corridor lined
with solid steel doors, each pressed with ancient warding runes. He is taken to one of
the cells that the elf opens pressing his palm against the rune. Inside a small cell lit
with a feeble stone emitting a pallid light reveals a chamber barely longer than the
stone bed and half as wide. Once placed, they close the door, using force if necessary
to subdue him. There he will wait for several hours in near darkness to contemplate
what exactly is happening before he is benefited with the presence of Master Aya.
Master Aya, the Linri elf, has changed little since Ishraha saw him. His long
blond hair pulled back into two braids that reach his waist over the pristine white
robes fringed in blue about the neck and left cuff, pips at his collar resplendent. Aya
dislikes the cell, his eyes shift nervously when he enters it and the door is closed
behind him. He greets Ishraha brother and sits beside him.
Aya first studies his changes with consternation before getting into any discussion.
Master Aya will spend much time with Ishraha. He lets him know the following
Before anything is discussed, Aya, asks for Ishrahas word that what they speak
of goes no further than between them both until such a time when they next meet.
His dismissal was unwarranted yes, but necessary at the time to establish secrecy
and observation where they had neither eyes nor ears.
There has been danger in the balance on Kulthea since the 1
day of 6053. Aya
will not speculate on what, but alludes to a growing darkness building unseen since
the Wars of Dominion, and one possibly more insidious.
Aya will not reveal too much regarding the Xiosians and he will correct Ishraha
if he comes across as narrow- minded or from a rigid perspective of good & evil.
Aya says they know Ataniel was chosen by this creature Ventine, but further,
they believe he is but one facet of a greater wheel, one that is currently facing them.
The last they were aware he was in Uj, and possibly heading northward.
The Unlife is something Master Aya talks more of, how it exists and the threat it
is to all of them differentiating between evil and the unlife.

Once their discussion is complete Aya will tell Ishraha they will take him
immediately to leave via the navigator once night has fallen, but before leaving Aya,
who opens the door retrieves something from one of the Changramai, new white
robes with a colour and left cuff of red. He is officially welcomed to the fourth veil
(assuming he is still of the Changrama mindset).

The March: As noted above is the duration of the march, yet Stjepan may wish to ride
ahead (demoralizing the army and resulting in a thousand desertions) to Orian or any
other location of his choosing. The march south will be a long one. Naturally, not all
of the army will travel together as so many men would be logistically impossible. The
eastern forces & Orians forces sweep across to Chelzaria and then begin the journey
south. What follows is a detailed list of forces and their respective commands,
including the mercenary forces.
Before leaving the lands must be put into some order and control, a role that
usually falls to the Lord Chancellor. Farewells should be made. Majel Gavant does not
stay in Pellern, but neither does he travel with him. The endgame approaches and he
travels south to Orian to prepare with Ventine/Ataniel.

Ahn Sye Nokora
One hundred heavy cavalry (with squires) under the command of the Grandmaster
Lord Stjepan and Quartermaster Xaek Branimiir

Pellerns Standing Army
Two hundred pikemen (many new recruits), 60 archers + 20 shieldmen, One hundred
men-at-arms from combined lords of old Pellern, and eighty knights, under the
command of Lord Luse Invarath

Twenty Animists (specialist sorcerers) under the command of Temuc

Mynistran Priesthood
One hundred priests of Mynistra to be joined in Chelzaria under leadership of High
Priest Dennelaine their abilities to bless with Mynistran prayer of protection will
help one thousand troops a day.

Lord Charize
Sixty men-at-arms and twenty knights

Pellern Lords of note
Lord Charize, Lord Invarath, Lord Mallion, Lord Radomir

Lord Vaymoris
Three hundred knights and squires, One hundred mounted archers

Old Alkartek/Eastern Alliance Coalition
One thousand pikemen, five hundred swordsmen, five hundred archers, 20 seige
engineers, in many divisions under the command of Lords Tudin, Desdig ne, Assin,
Jorchel, and Demenal

Four hundred knights/heavy cavalry and squires, six hundred archers (also trained in
the use of ballista, catapult & trebuchet under the command of Count Bryce Korel
who also retains a small group of rebels with intimate knowledge of Bentara and its
surrounds, numbering eighty. These rebels are led by Lord Vedesis. Lords Monelatte,
Verrone, Bevicaan, Lerena, Souset and Joulard command under Bryce the divisions.

Seven hundred knights and squires, five hundred swordsmen, five hundred archers
under the commands of Lords Gavaise, Achyrbyn, Orlivene, Coundet, Vissun, and

Totalling nine thousand, the vast conglomerate of mercenaries cannot be broken into
divisions so easily. Most are skilled with sword and well trained in battle. They do
not consider themselves expendable and will question any tactical assault that puts
them first. To them Lord Stjepan is nothing but an employer, not an inch more.

The March South: The first week of Spring sees the melt underway. Temperature
rises some 30 Fahrenheit, while cold, not freezing. Spring rains carry snow wash from
the Mountains of Gold and provides for a miserable time on the road when it does
come (3-4 days/week). There is little wind save the Mountain breezes pushing the
clouds about the golden peaks of the Mountains of Gold.
This travel route has been described before. There will be few skirmishes on the
march as such a volume of men inspires more terror than opportunity, bandits and
highwaymen staying well away. This does not mean that there is no trouble along the
way. Stjepan cannot supply food for more than 10,000 men every day and they will
take what they want from farms and villages as they make their way south, unless
controlled and policed to stop such activity. Mostly the mercenaries leave a bad name
(there are even some rapes of Miirian women) and it is a stench that will follow them
all the way south. Not even threats will dissuade the mercenaries.
It takes 12 days to reach Chelzaria.

Dyari Intervention Intervened: The Dyari of Skystone are all too aware of the troop
movement, their falcons warning them early and during the evenings the Dyari travel
out on Gemstings avoiding scouts and perimeter guards studying in detail the
grouped forces. Celim will be noticed and this will lead to a meeting not exactly
friendly, but odd in its lack of harm. The Dyari know about Celim, but little more
than what they have heard, a half-breed Dyari woman close to the ruler of Pellern
who defeated a Demon of the Fifth Pale by herself, and beside that all the strange
occurrences especially the laen golems of which the Dyari are most curious about.
One night when the army has passed south of Skystones entrance, a trio of Dyari
spies/assassins steal into the camp using magic to masquerade themselves as common
soldiers to gain entry closer to where the Lords camp and more importantly Celim.
Stealing into her tent they immediately set to control her environment. Two Dyar
men and one woman, the woman is a Mentalist sent to extract information from
Celim her death a requirement, the other two skilled adversaries in subterfuge and
combat under her command.
The woman, Cedecyr, while beautiful for an elf has a long face, her eyes a bright
amber that almost glow with golden light (making Celim feel uneasy), she smiles in
wonder nearly constantly and commands authority from her men resolutely. Dressed
in tight red leather, trimmed with black and silver clasps, she is tall and slim for an
elf. Her hair is white, threaded with red strands from her brow back to a silver clasp
fanning her hair over her back and keeping her extremely sharp, pointed ears
uninhibited. She will be fascinated by Celim.
Sahnfasec, who keeps watch perpetually sneers his disgust at Celim. Dressed from
neck to toe in black leather, strapped with a plethora of knives across his chest, he
stalks the entrance listening. His white hair is short, cropped close to his skull that is
lacerated his face scarred as well from left cheek to chin.
Seandyarsahl, is shorter than the two, dressed also in black, but with blue and
silver fringed gloves he deftly picks through Celims possessions, finding the laen
keys, her enchanted sword taken from the Gorgonn, and the pocket watch given to
her by JDiema. These he presents to Cedecyr who will inspect them.
Cedecyr will immediately attempt to restrain Celim in her bed by making sure
her bedcovers are firmly tucked about her, then straddling her chest with her leather
knees firmly wedged on her arms and shoulders pinning her, short black hilted blade
sharp against her neck. Celim may struggle and try to escape - all three Dyari will
try to subdue her. Cedecyr speaks to Celim in Dyari, and failing that will switch to
Erlin if she speaks it she will not lower herself to tongue Old Emer or Shay.
Her genealogy is perplexing to Cedecyr, just how did she get those violet eyes?
Her father Dyari, but what was her mother?
What is Celim?
Cedecyr will be interrupted by Sahnfasec who thinks their leader wastes time and
should extract and kill the, what is in his eyes, mutant. She chastises him quickly and
harshly. The animosity and mercenary attitude of the Dyari should shine through.
Eventually, she will place her hands to the sides of Celims head to draw out the
information but what she will find is a barrier, placed there by Majel and enchanced
by the dhata oscura, Celims cavarite ring. Cedecyr will have Seandyarsahl remove
her ring, then Cedecyr will burrow into Celims mind it is intrusive and unsettling.
The uneasiness of the dark mentalism performed upon her will make her ill but for
all Cedecyrs burrowing she uncovers only surface images Majels magic too strong
for her.
More questions about her heritage and ancestry
Questions about the Laen golems
Fingering the clockwork, questions about JDiema
Cedecyr will order them to leave after Sahnfasec once again demands action and
alone with Celim she will tell her that she has been ordered to kill her and fully
intends to do so. She takes the watch, Cavarite ring, but leaves the sword and keys.
If Celim tells her about the demon destroying Dyari, Cedecyr will be interested,
but her description will mean nothing. Cedecyr will ask Celim to let down her
mental guard so she can see (Cedecyr will still be unable to uncover information,
realizing a third party is involved here, she will quickly make plans to leave). Her
information she carries back to Skystone but before she makes her kill there will be
an intervention.
Nassain, the former leader of the Gorgonn, follows the armies southward,
masquerading as one of the mercenaries, hiding his face with hood and accent he
easily shifts among the thousands marching. Finding Celim he does with his powers.
Nassain is a creature of the Unlife, but not one with the same cunning or motivation
for destruction that beings like the Ddekemani have. Powerful, yes, he thrills with a
dark essnce that makes him indestructible to normal weapons, and confers many an
ability of obfuscation upon himself. Yet for all of his evil, Nassain died with thoughts
in mind that preserved him through blind obedience to a demon lord, escaping at the
last moment in the chaos. Ever since, Nassain has some semblance of freewill, even if
the killer within him now pulls at every corner. His lust and desire (what he thinks of
as love) for Celim consumes him but is not overwhelming.
His presence in the room will be a shock for Cedecyr, who will be more curious
about Celim and given the threat she decides to back off, though this is not shown
outwardly. Nassain breaks his way into the shadows of the tent with words spoken in
Erlini, That is no way to treat a lady. Cedecyr will reply with curiosity and
surprise, evaluating Nassain as he steps into the shadows. Dressed in black leather,
replete with buckles and loops holding his elaborate armour together, hands resting on
silver pommels jutting from his belt, heavy grey cloak pulled back to reveal his face,
dark and unclean hair, lifeless grey eyes.
Once Cedecyr is gone Nassain will leave unless Celim stops him, for they have
said their goodbyes. Nassain still wants her to come with him, but he will not dally
and disappear not to be seen for a while.

Chelzarian Congregation: At her fathers behest Lady Quetara organizes
accommodation for all the Lords who arrive from the north and south from Helberna.
Chelzarian guards are on high alert and refuse entry to the town by any soldier save
commanding officers (this excludes Mercenaries). Lady Quetara is disgusted with
Lord Stjepan, a man so keen for war in her eyes, a man who has demanded the
submission of many city-states, but she will refuse all of his demands for Chelzaria to
submit. Her father stays in his observatory, though may be visited he stays out of
their arrival of the armies.
Helberna forces are already waiting in Vornia across the Langasse River from
Chelzaria. With them the Mynistran forces. High Priest Dennelaine of Mynistra
with the various Lords of Helberna will greet Stjepan. Their intelligence is not as
much as what Bryce will bring, however, High Priest Dennelaine will let Stjepan
know flowstorm activity is on the rise especially in southern Miir and Vornia.
Dennelaine wears the atypical white robe with gold fringe, but the priests all wear
chainmail underneath their robes and carry flails. Dennelaine is a warrior priest, one
who fought against the Katra and then joined the priesthood after the Katras
conquest of Miir. A strong Laan lord with arms the size of a dalesman and for a Laan
he sports a black goatee yet his skull remains bare.
Bryce Korel leads the armies of Orian to Chelzaria arriving a day after Stjepan.
Bryce has changed, much more his old self as a ruler, but darker. Lord Dall helped
him through the torture, but the break-up with Celim was like the desertion of his
mother. Bryce is only concerned with retaking Bentara (with Stjepans help
grudgingly Bryce will never accept Stjepans rule if he tries to demand rule over
Bentara/Vornia and would rather die in combat against him). Bryce has been in
contact with both Baroness Midenna and Vedesis. The Baroness cannot supply troops
as any weakening of her borders would allow the Sarnaki entry northward. Vedesis
has a small group of rebels with intimate knowledge of the land. Lord Dall is quite
concerned for Bryces sanity and stability and talks to Celim of his fits and rages,
often catching him speaking with himself. Bryce will be extremely cold with Celim
he sees her less and less in reality, but more in his dreams and torments inspired by
the Sarnaki torture by the Ministry of Security.
A short council will be called and held within Count Haronds castle where most
of this intelligence can be brought up. Many Lords ask to know the strategies
intended to retake Bentara. Also another problem is moving the armies, being so
many of them they will have to stream departure for several days.

Reanns Gift: Celims recent doubt towards Majels lies (she uncovered the truth that
Lusham raised Celim from a babe, not thousands of years, but only twenty though
still is of two minds) and her recent change in appearance from a lady back to a
knight of the Ahn Sye Nokora, marching with the other knights, is a change notices
by the God of Dreams. It will be one of his last appearances before the darkness
sweeps northward.
No longer does Reann hint at the forest of Dr, rather his view is now directed to
the south. In troubled dreams, Celim will be aware of heart palpitations, fever,
falling in and out of sleep, as if she was being pulled and released, finally before being
expunged onto a plain, not of land but of bones. On hands and knees she awkwardly
rests on a plateau spread with white osseous remains. Skulls, femurs, ribcages, lie
cracked and broken about her, jutting like wild scrub. The sky hangs low, bloated
clouds black, with spears of blood red light piercing the sky.
Reann himself shimmers in a silvery mist, the only living silhouette bar herself on
these bleak plains. Dressed in sable cloth, fringed in black leather he almost looks like
a triumphant dark god save for the look in his eyes, pained and weary, he walks
crushing the bones underfoot over to her he comments on how he likes her new
He does not have time for conjecture on what is coming, already providing Celim
with answers/allusions in visions to her and Cusai, however, he will say that she is
able to reach out to those who follow him that she has met with and touched already
in dream. It will be taxing, but she will be able to (more on Cusai to follow). Reann
will seem more occupied, always looking in the direction he was staring when she
arrived. He does not give her answers because she would be no better than an
automaton and control over followers is something best left for the Dark Gods. Reann
goes on to say the time has come for her to receive his blessing, from this day on she
will be seen as his disciple from those who pry deep enough with it will come loss
and suffering, but he does not intend to let them triumph for her sacrifice.
Reann carves his hands in the air, stroking the form of a sword from nothing,
vestigial at first, solidifying as he sculpts with his pale fingers a sword of exquisite
beauty. A silvered edge forms razor sharp and thin, tinged in viridian hues the
straight edge tapering to the hilt, a crescent of orhan, silvered with strains of black
marble -esque veins the hilt wrapped in black leather that has grips strongly with its
sharkskin texture. The pommel is a full silvered ball with two gems diametrically
opposed but perfectly aligned and identical; opaque they swim in blue and green
colours flecked with golden splinters.
The Dreamblade is a weapon attuned solely to Celim, yet can be used by any but
without the added powers beyond being enchanted. As she progresses so too will the
power of the weapon, though it pales in comparison to many enchanted weapons the
Dreamblade passes with her into Dream and vice versa without any need for
concentration. The blade is of Trystrium (p 58 3
r d
Ed. Master Atlas), that will accrue
runes upon its surface as Celim continues her fight against the Unlife under the eye
of Reann. Set with Aventurine cabochons, the sword already wards her from Fear and
eases her mind and heart when she holds it. While not immune from fear, she will be
able to at least have some choice for flight or fight when facing the Unlife in its
multi-varied horrific forms.

Bryces Recovery: Celim after speaking with a rebuffed Daemander tries something
with Bryce she never has, using her extensive knowledge of herbs to try to heal his
fractured mind. Using Stjepan to cunningly slip him the drink in a farce of a battle
ritual Bryce unknowingly consumes the very medication that will revive him. A day
after the herbs administering Bryce recovers albeit in strange fashion. His reaction
to the drug is to fall into a coma as the herbs fight the torture and conditioning that
drove him into madness.
In Chelzaria, the characters will be alerted to his status and many of the Lords are
up in arms about what is happening, it being impossible to contain his condition from
outside awareness. His coma is troubled, tossing. NOTE: if Celim thinks she can
awaken him from his coma prematurely there may be a change of a severe reaction as
this second medication is overpowered so much so he may never again regain
consciousness with both drugs ha ving no effect upon him.
Bryce will awaken the next morning, early after the midnight quintar, exhausted
yet surprisingly bright he feels an immense weight lifted from his shoulders. When
he closes his eyes, no longer does he feel the pain or experience the flashbacks strong
enough to shock him. His memory is clear but no longer does it touch those nerves
affected. He feels clear, like his sinuses have been unblocked. He will instantly
gravitate toward Celim, his lack of memory more over since he has been released
aware of what has happened but not of his emotional troubles since his freedom.
Talking openly he will divulge of the horrors they committed upon him.
The Shaitan quickly took him prisoner rounding up Atrius, Kimesha, Ambert,
Delmade and Jasmine. In his chambers they held him hostage, demanding he sign
over Bentara to their control. He refused and for each refusal they promised a death.
He caved then and there, unwilling to see his friends die. They did anyway, after
signing the document, Atrius, Ambert & Delmade beheaded in his room. Kimesha
and Jasmine kept for their gender, but whereas Jasmine resisted in shock over
Delmades murder, Kimesha played into their hands offering them knowledge of the
inner workings of the castle. It was a short time before Bentara was theirs, the navy
arriving as Bryce himself was escorted to ship bound for Sarnak.
At Sarnak he was taken to the Directorate Headquarters where he was asked
about charges of conspiracy against Sarnak. It was almost humane, but he said
nothing and the Directorate ordered his incarceration pending further investigation.
Bryce says he remembered sensing division in the senate.
In the cells he was left alone for the first night, then the torture began the very
next day, the Minister of Security, Vanda Xanes herself coming for the first session.
They told him things about Bentara, Kimesha, Stjepan and Celim, all of which he
believed not at all, at least not at first.
The physical torture lasted only three or four days they broke him, he couldnt
take their inquisitive tactics, brutal and callous. Once broken, they began feeding him
what their version of the truth was employing sorcerers to show him falsities as he
now realizes, twisting his mind with Mentalists who dug deep his nightmares
progressively became worse and worse. They demoralized him, as a man, as a ruler, as
a person.
However, it seems much clearer to him now, though they did break him he has
regained his focus, and more importantly his desire to be with Celim. He asks her to
marry him, to rule with him, to be at his side in Bentara as his countess, his lover, his
wife. Bryces personality changes back to the noble and happy man he once was. If
she agrees, Bryce will ask her to ride with him, thereby leaving the Ahn Sye Nokora.
NOTE: Xaek will rebel at this, saying it affects morale of the men.

The Rebels: Vedesis has been busy since Bentaras fall, he almost found it
rejuvenating though he is slow to admit it, giving him something to sink his teeth
into after a few years of peace especially one close to his heart. Vedesis has a soft
spot for Bryce, seeing him like a son, though he would never admit it. As ever, his
nonchalant attitude leaves him invulnerable to emotional distress. He coordinates the
rebels expertly, striking supply wagons and noting troop movement and defences of
Bentara. He knows the battle will be very hard yet his work will more than help the
attack plans of Stjepans armies. Vedesis awaits the army at the Pavillion ruins with
his eighty men and Lur ayle.
Unknown to most, when Lurayle journeyed to Sarnak with the best of intentions
of being there when Bryce was freed fell to the Ddekemani, who instantly saw
opportunity. Majel delivered Lurayle to Grandmaster Vedior who instantly began the
conversio n process to work in with the eventual death of Stjepan, Celim, Bryce and
all other important lords in Falkenna (see next chapter). Lurayle broke under the
sheer power of Vedior and became his tool Vedior sending the sorcerer back with
little knowledge of what happened, just as he had with Xaek perfect spies.
Vedesis information is on paper and he explains in detail the Sarnaki deployment
to Stjepan and his lords. Vedesis takes no shit, he gives it back twice as vehemently if
broached. A seasoned veter an status means nothing to him only action, a value he
admires and instilled in Bryce (use map handouts).
Estimated Sarnak Forces: Two thousand Ministry of War troops, distributed
throughout the city, with a about one hundred defending the docks, not including the
navy itself who man two catapults upon each Galleon. Some six hundred soldiers
with crossbow man the front behind two lines of trenches, a horse break and built up
wall for the crossbow women to be defended behind. Four Heavy Catapults are
displaced at their front protected by the trenches and four sorcerers stationed at each.
Four hundred halberdiers, five hundred medium cavalry and five hundred
swordsmen. Vedesis knows they will not meet Stjepan on the battlefield, instead
expecting them to siege the city, something they are prepared for, having built their
defences close to buildings and the incomplete walls around Bentara.
Lurayle speaks of the growing dissent in Falkenna, pointing to Grandmaster
Vedior of the Order of the Eternal Return as their strongest ally, ready to join with
them in rebellion against the Sarnaki.

The Journey South: The army sweeps ponderously down the Imperial Highway, crawling
through the growing spring weather that while warming the air, brings with it a flood of rain
and rivers dredging the Mountains of Gold making it a misery for the troops who must camp in
the near swamp conditions of the flat Vornian plains. The Mercenaries prove troublesome
moreso than the common troops, stealing from farms and even raping women Luse Invaraths
justice sweeping and harsh with some near twenty men hung as example southward to the
Pavillion Lake. Ten days out from the Lake and a flowstorm roars into life south of the
Imperial Highway, threatening the troops with its violent whirlwind that barrels up almost to
Orhan, leaving the men and women terrified as they march parallel to it. Microbursts of light
sprinkle the thunderstorm growing in size temporarily and discharging in essnce bolts that
shake the ground for miles, the earthquakes wreaking havoc with the mounts that have to be led
for fear of dismount. After several days the whirlwind is lost with the miles traversed yet the
effect upon the morale of the men is not forgotten. Minor desertion plagues less the mercenaries
than it does the armies from Pellern, old Alkartek and Bokpentok, losing some hundred in the
night. Vornia is a land empty save of farms and isolated inns, no castles line its road, and few
ruins compared with Miirs vast wealth of them. Its people stare blankly as the army marches
by, memory of the Katras advance all to prevalent in their minds.

Pavillion Ruins: across the Pavillion Lake from the inn where they witnessed an Ahn
Sye Zanar massacre are massive ruins that the armies will set up camp after twenty-
six days of marching. Huge granite Corinthian pillars form a massive open air
courtyard with ruined rows of granite seats arrayed facing each other. Among the
cracked and fallen pillars several other open-air areas spread out from the centrepiece.
The Lake is very close and is abundant in fish. The ruins have no underground entries
and it is very ancient indeed with little about. The spring fare of fish, berries and
rabbits will be very well received by those that manage to get some.
Unknown to them all, Shaitan watching from the Inn notice the armies and
quickly head up into the foothills of the Mountains of Gold to contact their leader
Francesca. The Pavillion Inn since Bentara was taken over has been firmly under the
control of Sarnak, though not publicly, its new patron Rosa a matronly woman a
member of the Ministry of Security.
Francesca organizes an infiltration using Rosa. Rosa and her eight daughters offer
to cook for Lord Stjepan and his lords at the inn. It is the perfect trap for the Shaitan
who will encircle the building eliminating soldiers on watch and then storm the Inn
to slay as many as they can. At least that is their plan.
Rosa is a large matronly woman, taller than Stjepan and almost wider as well.
Plump cheeks ruddy and pinched into a smile, the woman moves about with some
difficulty but appears well-meaning and courteous. Her daughters range from ages of
young to mid-adult and all are very attractive country girls, shy and innocent, eyes
downcast and humble about these important lords.
The inn has many new features and is far more comfortable and receiving. There
are no other patrons, however, and if that is noticed Rosa lets them know word of
their coming is hard to avoid and most people have taken to not travelling so as not to
be caught up in the terrible events.
If the Lords decline the delicious meal of fresh fish and spring vegetable, then
Francesca will lead her Shaitan force of thirty to the lake where they boat across at
night and then infiltrate the camp pretending to be mercenaries sacrificing themselves
to slaughter many of the Lords. In this case they will have about a 20% success, and
many of them will be caught.
If at the Inn, Francescas forces will inflict heavy casualties of up to 50%. Capture
of Francesca may prove difficult.

Strength: D8 Agility: D8 Health: D8
Knowledge: D8 Perception: D8 Luck: D8

Melee: D8 Throw: D8
Excellent Armour: D20 Leather Armour (across the lake) D12 chain at the

The Shaitan carry many throwing weapons as well as slim and enchanted
swords. Five of the Shaitan are Sorcerers and will use their powers to mask
and inflict harm.

Francesca Xanes: Ordered by her mother, Francesca is more than a match for any
warrior as well as any of the Shaitan, but she can be captured. Francesca for all her
loyalty is reluctant to die like her fellows, her lack of freedom deeply impressed on
her mind. She longs to escape her mothers didactic interference.
While a strong woman, Francesca not only had to kill the Katra but Bryce Korel.
This is in part for her failure, sent to die in one last effort to correct what she failed to
do. No matter what Celim believes, Francesca did not aim to kill Bryce, she could
have quite easily, she was moved by their conversation and tenderness. Francesca will
confide only in Celim and only if she treats her well the Shaitan reached out to
Celim some time ago, letting her pick up the letter from her mother on the few last
days they had together.
What does Francesca know?
Only two thousand Sarnaki defend Be ntara, but they are heavily dug in and with
every day they further prepare defences. Six galleons lord over the city, who
transported most of the troops.
A contingent of fifty Sorcerers reside in the castle with the Governess Qsytha.
Another fifty Shaitan in the city itself.
Her mother is working closely with Khera Tamirynath, Minister of Agriculture
in their quest for expansion. The Ministry of Agriculture has become more of a force
with the Order of the First Leaf now in much control with the Ministry of Security
over funds from the Directorate.
Not all Sarnaki agree with the attack on Bentara, but the majority of Sarnaki
have been swayed in the last few months.
(if asked rumours of war in Uj are known to them, with wholesale massacres of
Rhiani tribes)

Francesca Xanes was captured and Celim reached out to her with friendship and Francesca at
least found herself not totally cut from the world. However, in a private abusive session by
Lord Stjepan (his reasons being the successful slaughter of half of his lords at the Inn), asked of
her if she would fight the corruption in Sarnak, namely Khera Tamirynath. She agreed and
must swear an oath stating so.

Francescas Oath: Francesca will never swear an oath of fealty to Lord Stjepan, she
sees him as a bigoted, narrow-minded man who didnt listen to her, let alone her
friend Celim. She finds many similarities between him and the Katra. Before she
swears her oath (that may well anger the Lord) she asks to speak to Celim, if
declined she gives her oath anyway and will not bend more than that.
If given the chance to speak with Celim, Francesca informs her of her suspicions
about Stjepan to her, saying he reminds her of the Katra, his attitude toward women
is despicable, that he sees all Sarnaki as foul atheistic bitches who must be slaughtered
regardless, and that is exactly what he wants to do.
I Francesca Xanes do swear upon my life, my blood and my heart to do whatever is within
my power and reach to unseat Khera and her misleading ways from the democratic peoples of
Sarnak, moreover, to topple all those that support her in their destructive and amoral ways.
Francesca will not budge against Stjepan willingly, neither will Vilan confirm for
Stjepan her truths, finding offence if he is thought of in such a fashion. Hal,
however, will intervene should Stjepan wish her to swear loyalty to him. The demon
draws Stjepan away for an instant back to his fathers bedchamber, a withered corpse
of his father in the bed, heavy rasping, his skin emaciated and wr inkled to the bone.
The bed sheet is made from skin, hundreds of dried human skins stitched together
that layer him in sheets like pastry. Hal is very comfortable and oozes confidence
and tells Stjepan he can make this woman do what they want, all he needs to do is
place the sword blade flat against her face and he will make sure she does everything
he wants.
If allowed this, Hal will rape her mind, tearing all free will and strength from her,
taking it to a place to never be found. Francesca will be an automaton, obeying
Stjepan resolutely. She will never show emotion or feeling ever again. Her skills are
still honed and deadly, yet she is gone. Celim will notice that change. Hal will not
explain, nor apologize for his actions laughing at Stjepan should he complain as the
demon knows all too well Stjepan was after the same thing.

The Sisterhood of Eissa: refuse to join Stjepans army but merely travel to the site to
await the deaths of so many to who they will attend at night when the armies do not
battle. Their eldest sister comes not from Bentara, but joined with her outcast Sisters
with a contingent from Izar. Numbering fourty the Sisters are strongly opposed to
the war and will under no condition submit or aid in the killing on either side, openly
condemning both sides. Beyond the massacre in Bentara the Sisters must remain
neutral though they are aware that they cannot discriminate those without the
freedom of will to realize their heinous actions. All avoid being seen, wearing the
black hoods at all times.
Jahnne, the eldest sister carries about her golden belt the crystal keys of her station
and her powers of healing are remarkable. Half-elven she has shoulder-length, raven
hair and weak, watered blue eyes, almond in shape, preferring to hide her elven
heritage in her black hood. Always smiling she is an excellent orator avoiding subjects
of violence of necessity, instead praising others skills at keeping people alive before
their time on this world is at an end.
Cindel is among them, the badly burned and scarred woman who fled Pellern after
Eissa abandoned its outpost there for the violence and needless death of many men
and women. Of them all, Ishraha is the one she is most likely to speak with.

Bentaras Fall: Bentara will die, to be no more the city it once was. Already the
atrocities committed there are horrific. The massacre of the Mynistran faith is
eclipsed by the slaughter of all but the strongest men (shipped back to Sarnak) who
now fill the warehouses in piles, rotting corpses locked from the sun. The Sarnak
have been fed lies by their commanders, all filtering to the Ministry of Security and
Agriculture who are the strongest Ministries at this time.
Vedesis and Francescas knowledge of the Sarnaki forces is accurate, but several
facts missing are the following;
The castle has been stuffed with naphtha, and the Governess Qsytha has given
orders that once their defences are breached, the remaining thirty two sorcerers who
work from the castle are to destroy the castle. There is no way they will be able to
stop this before it happens.
The War will be difficult to portray and depending on the characters actions may
be viewed from a distance or up close. Description should be brutal, not heroic. Death
is swift and merciless at the hands of the highly skilled Sarnaki. With each
progressing day of failure to take the city the soldiers grow more and more restless.
The Mercenaries fracture and disintegrate if no good tactics and leadership are shown,
and not even money can keep them fighting a losing battle. With half the Lords
already dead, routing the soldiers will be much easier than the mercenaries who are
campaign- hardened.
War like this is as long as the day, pausing for night, the bodies of so many dead,
left moaning on the battlefield they bring in hundreds of crows to hungry for feasting.
At night priests of Eissa tend to the dead saddened by the loss of so many people and
not at all thankful for the war of liberation.
When the castle falls, Bryce will not be defeated, but his heart will harden against
the Sarnak, agreeing with Stjepan to sack the atheists.
NOTE: In battle Xaek & Stjepan prove to be some of the strongest warriors. The
mercenaries and soldiers both look to Xaek with awe, his strength and constitution
beyond human. Xaek offers no explanation. Hal, the demon within Stjepans sword
with the power of Mynistras protection coursing through him makes sure Stjepan is
not harmed, empowering the sword beyond its usual abilities, but not before Hal
makes some demands.
Hals Demands In the midst of combat, Hal sets the record straight, as Stjepan
tried to do to him, Hal is now in full power of the swords flame function. He refuses
to let Stjepan use it unless he agrees to certain matters moreover he will allow Stjepan
to fall in battle if he does not assent. He tells him that he has been blessed by
Mynistra and unless he agrees to his demands, that blessing will be void and the
priests will question Stjepan.
Stjepan is to never bind him again, to always have him near him (lest Stjepan
finds the sword with a new owner).
That he agrees to claim Vornia as his own once the battle is won and that he
marches on Sarnak immediately.
When Mynistra comes for him, he is to use the sword on her.
He tells Stjepan there will be more demands he makes as they grow closer
The Blessing of Mynistra appears as a blue and green halo enveloping Stjepan (the
green signifying Hal who does his best to mask it, but at the same time feels
certain pride in letting it be known). Stjepan feels powerful (temporarily raising his
physical statistics to D6 while he holds the sword with a D6 in armour making him
nearly invulnerable).
The Governess will flee long before they enter the city.

View of Bentara - Bentara stretches down towards the blue waters of the Bay of Izar, new
pennants trailing upon the ramparts of its castles and new walls. Huge mounds of earth form
trenches beyond the incomplete stonework where the steel of plate gleams from thousands of
Sarnaki troops arrayed behind the raised defences war helmets fringed with elaborate
headdresses demarcating their divisions, the hulking structures of wooden watchtowers and
catapults spaced about its edges closely built to the city itself. The city appears lifeless save
hundreds of gull s and crows swirling its skies in readiness the miasma of death tumid
overhead. The Bay of Izar is restless, yet the massive four-tiered galleons each sporting
ribcages of oars do not buffer in the chop.

War the action plays out in miniature, even from up front, the broad plains of Vornia
sweeping down to the city of Bentara. From behind the earthen mounds hundreds of Sarnaki
rush back and forth, a veritable sea of colours moving as ripples merging and crossing,
positioning themselves. Catapults begin their assault launching flaming pitch ignited by the
sorcerers stationed at each siege weapon, the pitch splitting in mid-air raining down fiery death
over large tracts of earth that soon blacken and char: the smell of burning vegetation and man
burns the nostrils. Barbed arrows whistle through the air, scoring the spring weather so fine on
this day in striations of death, the Sarnaki find good cover against the aerial assault, launching
their own volleys of steel death finding more mark than none. A few screams become ten,
become twenty and many more before battle is met, bodies carpeting the charge.

At Night Orhans waning arc coats a silver mist to the slow moving Sisterhood of Eissa
who religiously pass from body to body, helping those in pain still on the field and not yet
moved to their camps once there the Sisterhood merely attends the dead, refusing to enter
either opposing sides bases. Their silhouettes and the broken spears, swords and arrows cast
long shadows as Orhan dips behind the Mountains of Gold. The ground drinks up the spilled
blood as night fully claims the heavens save for the twinkling of the distant stars and planets.

The Warehouses of the Dead packed like produce, massive warehouses close to the docks
hold the dead of Bentara, stripped naked, they are stacked upon each other in mounds of rotting
flesh, insects in their thousands feast and maggots ooze from all wounds and mouths. The air
cloys in the smell of decay and none can help but be ill, eyes wide open, mouths in terror the
children, elderly, men and women unceremoniously dumped.

The Nameless One: When success is theirs and the Sarnaki have fled, when the Lords
have gathered, The Nameless One makes his appearance. All at once the armies
whisper with word of who has arrived, and grim faces spread for the black robed
figure whose hood covers his face, hands and body surrounded by four elven men,
also in black robes, hoods pulled to reveal their faces focused and imposing. The
Changramai will quickly deal with any who try to get close to The Nameless One,
even Lord Stjepan, using Adrenal attacks and mentalism to propel their powers that if
repeatedly tested become fatal. Once he comes before most of the Lords, Bryce Korel,
Lord Stjepan and others he stops and the monks face outwardly while he speaks.
Close discernment reveals a young man with coppery skin, black wispy hair
peaking from under the hood where violet-blue eyes stare forward but not upon any
one man. He speaks:
Your peoples and your land will face darkness unrecoverable; the lands of Hstra will be
wiped clean of life. This shadow will consume heart, body and soul, and not even the smallest of
life shall remain. As the sun bleeds; a shadow from the first age will cloak the sky, the twelve
mothers shall fall to the those bred to survive the light who shall open forth a plague from the
first age that will turn its way north, from deep within the shadow will stir from the largest of
hearts twisting those about it into a maelstrom from which the first of the new seeds will take
root and spread.
After his dire prophecies he turns and walks out, unmoved by questions, not
swayed as he leaves. Any trailing lose them, simply vanishing once they are out of
sight. Vilan (Loremaster Kedrick Bularis) immediately sends word to the council over
the appearance of The Nameless One and the council sends two Loremasters to join
with Vilan, realizing the need for more action and strength in Hstra especially.

b o o k o n e :: s h a d o w o f l o c u s t

The best lies are the ones closest to the truth. Celim, 20
Spring 6054

This short scenario will serve to illuminate several factors of the coming darkness in a
more revealing light. Ventine, overplaying his hand steps from the shadows putting
the Ddekemani into the open, overconfident and arrogant his hubris will most likely
be the end of him.

Aftermath: Bentara has fallen, back in the hands of the coalition of the growing
warlord Stjepan Nemeck. However, during the war and the march there have been
several factors to Pellern that should be brought up. Namely, Nema returns from the
jungle to drop off the latest shipment of herbs and pick up the eog, however, to his
surprise there is little eog and the news that the mines are now empty presses on his
mind. Pellern has little funds left, some hundred-thousand gold enough to continue
paying for the war but not beyond it their resources have run dry. Decisions on how
to take Sarnak must be made, the potential disaster of a sea effort must play on their
mind but there is another factor at work here. The Sarnaki have heard of the massacre
of the Rhiani and that a dark army moves from the south to the Gap of Uj. Sarnak
calls back all soldiers and citizens to help defend against the growing threat; Falkenna
is abandoned to the momentary joy of the people, all Watchtowers are abandoned,
Sarnak sends out words to its closest neighbours asking for aid. The Directorate takes
command. Khera and the Order of the First Leaf vanish, leaving much speculation in

The Loremasters: Kedrick Bularis, after realizing the balance is being altered on an
entirely new level, contacts the Council with his information and they in return
inform him of the dangers they believe are growing not just in the south but across
Emer, instability on a great scale. They do however, send to his side two Loremasters
to aid against the threat;
Inubelle Maulin, a tall Loari elven woman, thin, yet elegant. Her long black hair
is braided back from her aquiline features where hazel eyes look distant upon all she
views. A thin sword wrapped in golden silks that compliment her green chain
vertically drops from a golden belt encrusted in jewels at her midriff. Inubelle refuses
to speak to any but fellow Loremasters. A mentalist of powerful ability.
Ceis, half-elven and constantly shifty, watching every move, every person and
speaking little. No weapons grace his person yet golden platemail graces his torso and
shoulders over which a red cape covers most of his body, clasped with a dragon
pendant encircling a yellow cabochon gem that swirls with inner light changing the
hue of the jewel constantly. Ceis looks down upon stupid questions but if engaged
intelligently will reply with insight and wisdom. A warrior of surpassing skill.
Kedrick at some time will know he has to introduce his own self, let alone these
other two, but he will choose the moment wisely and refuses to aid Stjepan in his
quest against Sarnak, only against the threat using Sarnak for its own purposes.

Cuesai, Rhiani & Kio Viax: Celim may contact Cuesai for as Reann pointed out she
is able to commune with other disciples of his she has met and shared the Dream
with, able to pin point their whereabouts and speak with them. This is no easy task,
however, with a successful Channelling roll required and use of Dream Walk. Beyond
that another Dream Walk must be performed, one that will be harrowing as stepping
into the dream is the easy part, finding Cuesai another matter.
Vornia in dream is a barren, not even wheat grows here, the land lost and
forgotten, scorched and blackened with nary a feature beyond the land and listless and
ashen sky. All bearing is lost, concentration upon Cuesai, her form in Dream must be
first in Celims mind and then she can slowly get a sense of location.
Pulling herself to Cuesai will involve a terrifying journey of landscape and images
both horrific and beautiful all at once, the sensory overload will threaten her mind
and a successful Perception test will cause her physical form to spasm, bleeding from
nose, the corners of her eyes and from her ears. She witnesses the mundane turn
grotesque, forests bleach as a dark miasma sweeps through them, people dry skeletal
and beautiful cities raised in glittering spires of jewels and marbles, massive armies
clashing in a sea of flesh and blood, schools of porpoises in bubbles of pure bliss and
peace, lusts and depravities, love and tenderness.
Eventually she will come before Cuesai, on the same field when she last met with
Reann, except no skeletons this time, just endless bodies of man, women and many a
steed spread for miles, stripped of skin, meat and flesh yet still fresh and caked in
strips of tendons and blood. The ground is damp, the smell of death all pervasive.
Cuesai is among them, she lies among this battlefield near death trapped in dream,
her body dead. Bones of those underneath lance her body, through her neck, stomach,
chest, and limbs, unable to move. She can speak but barely. She tells Celim in a
disjointed and gurgled voice; Titans, Kio Viax, find him, release from their prison, to
kill her, take her life with her Dreamblade.
As Celim is talking to Cuesai she sees things in the distance, black silhouettes
flying against the sky with arched leathery wings scouring the palate of death before
them, their heads heavy they hang low scouting for life using prehensile tails to drag
bodies from the piles and devour them whole (giving indication of size).
Taking Cuesais life is not an evil act, freeing her from the dream will allow her to
pass into death through the Gates of Oblivion, but it will confer into the sword the
ability to detect the Unlife that manifests as a rune of a circle crossed with what looks
like scratches upon her blade. This ability is not innate and requires concentration as
well as essnce. Focusing on the sword for 5 rounds is required.
Celim must now return to her body.

Towards Sarnak: Bryce Korel is of the same mindset of Stjepan, to sack Sarnak, out of
spite and out of necessity in his eyes, he will encourage the soldier to continue their
march down the coast through the Wailing Marsh, something many are reluctant to
commit to. There are not enough transport vessels to cross the sea, but there are
aplenty in the Port of Izar that could be requisitioned a rider would take ten days to
reach the port, however.

The Wailing Marsh: A journey that the men feared proves true to their concerns. The
Wailing Marsh is a place lost in a dark mist that rises obscuring vision, let alone what one is
nearly traversing, the Imperial Highway dipping into pools of warm water where alligators or
worse take the few stragglers of the gathered forces. Warm and muggy the progress is slow,
and while only fifteen miles in length, the soldiers march before light and it is not until after
light that they break the other side. The soldiers whisper grimly of the ancient battle that now
is a watery graveyard for all the souls trapped here, their wailing ululating through the great
coniferous cypress trees whose roots claw from the dark waters like buttresses of some massive
cathedral. No light breaks their ancient canopy and one cannot be too sure if they move or not.
However, once free of the marsh it is soon apparent from the Lords and commanders they have
lost just under one hundred men to the Marsh, some simply vanishing. Greeting the forces free
of the marsh is the bleak and barren Forbidden Ridge, cancelling half the sky from view where
not even Orhan can illuminate. The bay so close, glistening in silvery ripples washes to the
white sand where fish and other sea creatures rot, washed to shore.

Falkenna: (see City Description). The city, however, is empty of its populace save the
roaming Knights of the Eternal Return who appear more focused on the East of the
city. The Knights will see the army and will be met by several of their own inside of
the city. They act much like Xaek, emotionless and short of words. Kitted in plate
over full chainmail, with swords, flails, they inform them that the Sarnaki have left
and if they wish to know more Grandmaster Vedior is whom they should speak with.
Lurayle then picks up his que saying he was the knight who offered support against
Sarnak. The Knights say little more of what happened, leaving it to the Grandmaster.

The Order of the Eternal Return: Vedior has taken residence in the Counts manor
since the Sarnaki withdrew, using his knights to patrol the city for any stragglers or
travellers bringing them forth for execution. The Knights will only allow Lords and
respective allies within the manor, leaving the soldiers to do as they will.
Count Denniks manor has been gutted, the Sarnaki stripped it of nearly all wealth,
leaving only the bare essentials and its poor state is noticeable. More knights guard
the manor and can be found throughout.
They are lead through corridors of empty pedestals and fittings torn from walls
leaving gaping holes. Little of value remains even the carpet is smeared in dirt and
blood; passing rooms torn apart and left displaced. The Knights knock at large oaken
doors that tower some ten feet deep within the castle and then enter with the
assembled Lords, some of the knights waiting outside. These knights barricade the
doors or take care of any of Stjepans men outside. NOTE: These Knights have been
genetically enhanced as Xaek has been, strong with hardy constitution but without
strong freedom of will.
Grandmaster Vedior awaits them in Count Denniks old map room. A large room
without any windows, illuminated by candles placed on the floor and a massive
marble table rectangular in shape. The walls here are of stone and bookcases are
shattered, papers scattered among the fragments of wood. A huge map of Hstra is
carved onto the marble desks top showing in excellent detail from the Forbidden
Hills to Danarchis.
Grandmaster Vedior stands behind the desk his strong weathered hands pressed
firmly against the table. Powerful in stature, his arms ripple underneath the chainmail
stretched to near breaking, a hulking figure he stands to full attention as they enter.
His face is stony, hard worn and heavyset features, shaved bald. A broadsword rests
on the table near him. His eyes are strange, hard to focus upon, one blue the other a
milky green.
Lurayle introduces them all to Vedior who welcomes them to Falkenna and lets
them know that three days past the Sarnaki rounded up all citizens and marched them
to Sarnak, abandoning the city and the mines. Their knights, he says, rose up at the
last moment but were pushed back into the manor. Vedior should appear a little odd.
Xaek stands at the doors with several of the knights knowing well their time is to
come soon. Lurayle, after the introduction, steps back from the discussion making his
way to Bryce where he prepares to kill his old friend.
Vedior begins the end in a similar vein to this;
You may be wondering just how you can stop Sarnak, but you neednt worry, for it has
already begun. It began the very first day you went to Sarnak.
Majel Gavant and Ataniel will be a shock to them all as they literally merge from
the air, and once substantial begin their tirade. Ataniel looks as ever, sickly, dressed in
the same black robe of the Changramai, his chestnut eyes firmly fixed on them all.
Majel stands back from Vedior and Ataniel, dressed from head to toe in fine black
velvet, his hair a match though pulled pack to a small ponytail.
Obviously this moment may seem like a triumph for the characters but they do not
know of the betrayal in their ranks, Lurayle even feigns surprise. Vedior goes silent
though does speak now and then as Ataniel begins gloating in his erudite language
that drips nonsensically. He can be goaded, basically they are here to die, and while it
has been an enjoyment to dance the masquerade of a str uggle with them their time
has come to an end. Some, he will point out fixed on Majel, have had a little too much
fun and immersion in their ways so mortal and meaningless. Ataniel knows they are
to die and may be liberal with what he knows.
Bryce will be the first to die as Lurayle drives a blade sharply through his back
severing the spinal cord, the Counts hand squeezing Celims tightly before he
collapses, twitching in spasms soon to die with him. Now why Bryce? Ventine knows
it is the best way to keep the surprisingly powerful Celim in a state of mind he is
familiar with in his years of watching over her. Ventine is skilled beyond mere
sorcery; he literally sees the code of genetics in the flows of essnce. Bryce is a great
obstacle to his and the Ddekemanis plans to fully succeed in destabilizing all
governments in Hstra that will be unable to unify due to the strong divisions
between them as was Andaras plans. Stjepan is next on their list to kill, but the
added advantage of having Loremasters makes them turn attention to them as well.
If the Loremasters are here they realize that these are what is behind much of their
troubles and they go on the defensive initially, but the Loremasters will take the brunt
of the attacks and will perish before the characters successfully defeat Ataniel or
Vedior. As combat begins, Majel Gavant flees his allies, not staying to fight.
This fight will be climatic, Ataniels power is omnipotent and Vedior is a killing
machine, while Xaek, Lurayle, the knights and eve n Ishraha are used against the
characters, Lords and Loremasters. One of the Loremasters should be removed
immediately, more as a sign of the Ddekemanis power that even the Loremasters
begin to fear.
Ventine (Ataniel), beyond the half-elfs strength and resilience, is still as powerful a
Sorcerer as ever. If attacked he moves with the fluidity of a Changramai, if a little
over confident. His main power is in his spellcasting. Spells like:
Banishment A random portal spell that banishes a targeted victim to a random
plane. The effects of this spell occur with numerous vestigial claws appearing about
the victim, grasping him, squeezing skin and bone, dragging he or she literally apart
into nothingness and they are gone.
Minor Flowstorm a prismatic and violent storm erupts in the immediate
vicinity, stirring up a powerful multi-coloured whirlwind that tears through the room,
quakes shake the floor tearing it apart and stone from the walls sheers away and spins
through the air (luck to avoid) standing is difficult. Spells misfire 20-50% of the
time and magical items may or may not work. Essnce discharges in microbursts and
bolts explode about them.
Ishraha will be used by Ventine, his spines will explode from his body at a given
time that will shear through all and cause immense pain and release to Ishraha. The
spikes will impale those closest to him.
Vedior, is a specialist in physical combat and is literally a killing machine. D4 in all
physical statistics and a D6 in armour make him nearly indestructible. He punches
with the force of a piston with fists like steel. Normal weapons ricochet off the sub-
dermal strengthening of skin he may only be harmed by enchanted weapons. He uses
no weapons just sheer physical omnipotence.
Kedrick Bularis, see Master Atlas.
Inubelle Maulin, the first Loremaster to perish
Ceis, is afflicted by his veins boiling, that they literally see, he screams and uses all
the power he can to halt its progress before he dies and does so, but will be in a terrible
shape, his skin blistered and burnt, shaking and in shock.
The characters will be hard pressed without a doubt. Xaek and the knights beyond
it will be a tough battle.

Strength: D8 Agility: D8 Health: D8
Knowledge: 20 Perception: D10 Luck: 20

Melee: D8
Armour: D8 Chain + Plate

However, the creation of the flowstorm brings into action a force that has not been
seen officially save for few recorded encounters since the fall of the Titans. A Xiosian
intervenes at the last moment, the stone walls exploding inwards.
The Xiosian stands taller than any man, dressed in voluminous robes white gold
and silver that dance about it like flames as it walks the air, brandishing a strange
silvery sword that pulses with a blue halo, the sword barbed close to the gigantic
crosspiece and hilt. Face covered by a sweeping, flanged helmet of the same silvery
metal covering all save for the eyes lost in the halo. Its voice booms and echoes from
within the helmet Dyar Jerak Melvin Farok twists his sword toward the remaining
Ddekemani and a sonic pulse issues along the blade from the hilt erupting forward
and sending shock waves across the room that tear apart stone, flesh and steel. The
Xiosian will then leave, blue smoke coiling about its form until it is a pillar of
ambient haze that slowly dissipates.

Last session saw a convincing victory inspired by many tactics prepared and cleanly executed;
an assassin squad headed by Francesca, Ishraha and hardened mercenaries swooped upon the
castle before predawn slaughtering all within at great cost to their own sides but disposing of
the naphtha, Vedesis leading his rebels swimming down the river to the Galleons scuttling one
and between them and the remaining galleons sunk two before the last of the two retreated
allowing Vedesis to run to ground the Galleon up river in range of the Sarnaki siege towers
and catapults, outside the walls as dawns first light sparkled the steel of the armies they met in
fierce battle on the northern gate a demonically charged Stjepan leading their horde. Success
was inevitable with some Sarnaki conceding defeat. The armies marched on to Falkenna and
none beyond Stjepan, Ishraha, Celim, Bryce, Vedesis, Lurayle, Xaek, Francesca, and the
Loremasters entered the ill-fateful chamber nesting Vedior. Bryce was saved by quick herbal
and magical intervention of both Celim and the Loremaster Kedrick Bularis. Kedricks
distraction proved his undoing as he watched Innubelle torn beyond the Void and Ceis burning
alive and prepared a defence against Vedior concentrating upon him. Stjepan took more of the
demon Hals power from the sword in physical manifestation allowing Stjepan to kill Ventine.
Ventine saw Stjepans power as Stjepan fought him, but more importantly saw the power
of the demon within Hal, a singular demon bound to none with some of the power of a god.
Ventine took that opportunity to die in combat using his powers of transmigration to latch onto
the demon and infest his consciousness. The demon for all his new and unrealized power never
had a chance. Ventine only noticed the demon as it manifested to Stjepans will, as previously
the sword was well hidden something Ventine will take advantage of. Ventine is the swords
new master, one hidden from the eyes of his former master Andaras, with the strength of a god
and a demon, all with the power to act through an influential leader of Hstra Stjepan.
Ventine realizes to his dismay that he is trapped but has the knowledge of the demon Hal.
Majel Gavant was shocked by Stjepans power, a power strong enough to cause their
physical form quick cessation, a form he spent centuries perfecting. Majel chose the easy way
out as both of the Ddekemani fought, vanishing into ether abandoning his kind. Ventine
remembers it but sees Majel as weak and inconsequential to his new found individuality.
Vedior remembers and takes the information back to the Ddekemani making Gavant an
outcast to their community Andaras will find good use for Majel once the Ddekemani
betray the Dart God of Wisdom using him throughout the Second Book as a pawn allied to the
characters at times out of necessity against a common enemy.
Vediors death is absolute. His loss of form through the destruction of the Xiosian causes
him irrepairable change to his parasitical form his hour after his hosts death is his last as his
next form is the last he lives with, a hawk. He flies to Khera and she gains the information out
of him and after considering his usefulness to the community snaps his neck. The Ddekemani
find no need for further interaction, their plans a success.

Celims loss was painfully felt by Kedrick who after heated argument among the survivors
of the battle took Celim and Bryce to the Sisters of Eissa. Unfortunately straight into an
Essnce void, Kedrick barely able to pull them out before he can only guess, and once out the
Sisters too are without access to their Lords summons. Cut off from the remainder of the army
the next chapter begins removed from each other.

b o o k o n e :: s h a d o w o f l o c u s t

You are just not happy because you dont have control over them. Celim to Lord Stjepan
referring to the Loremasters, 20
Spring 6054

Race to Save a Life: Bryce can be saved, and this is the way; Bris, the patron of tragic
and unrequited love can be summoned, but only if Celims grief is of the level
befitting the attention of a spirit of Orhan, her pain so strong and her loss so
unwarranted she is moved to request beyond normal means of expression. This is no
easy matter and if Bris does intervene that does not guarantee Eissas blessing, nor
would Celims own life taken be seen as a form of barter. However, Bryce still lives
trapped inside his body so sustained by the magic and powerful herbs so Bris will
not come to her aid unless Bryce is dead. The essnce void passes after a few days.
Bris walks to reach Bryce and Celim his green eyes brim with tears that seem to
refuse to fall. Melancholic he kneels beside them. An invisible halo broods
melancholic about the spirit of Eissa and Oriana. A broadsword hangs at his wide belt
that holds a short tunic from one shoulder where a vine entwined longbow crosses his
back, where long braids of gold and red flail. He speaks on the verge of an emotional
breakdown. Bris may go to Eissa to cry for Bryce and her decision will be based on
the following things: Celims selfishness if any, Bryces future as a vassal-less Count,
and what Bryce could contribute to the future if he was and if he was not alive. Play it
by ear.

Francescas Gamble: Francesca is not as weak and submissive as Stjepan imagines and
is playing to. Ever since her capture, Stjepan has played the forgiving Katra, a kind
of knight in white armour come to save her from her fellow gendered rulers. She
sees him as something other than that; more a despot with an insatiable lust to control
everything and everyone he touches, one she would never, could never submit to
Francesca duped everyone from the smallest man up to the Katra (nearly everyone
save the last few) and took his life and vanished without a trace able to live life in
security and faith of ability in disguise.
Francesca plays with Stjepan, not maliciously but with an awe-inspired admiration
for his redemptive and noble faade. In her eyes she sees through his deception and
lures him like an arachnid mate to her lair knowing full well his outcome yet always
out of reach until it is too late. For the moment she assures her security to this
incredibly powerful man (god) who is at least realizing something is wrong in
Sarnak. Yet her recent experiences show her it is far reaching beyond Sarnak and
even she does not know her future but she is absolute that it lingers not in Sarnak.
She entertains with him and focuses on the following discussions to lure his
interest and desire for her mark down his general replies well as Francesca is a
woman to remember such things:
He seems so willing to give of himself to the greater good, would he give his own
life in defence of his people?
Why is he without wife still? Does he fear her death or does he fear again the
His family is no more yet he still fights for something, something that must lie
beyond heritage, what does he fight for?
What is Celim to him? (and if Bryce dies?)

Mines of Falkenna: The mines of Falkenna can be found close to the Forbidden Ridge,
a winding stone trail cut through the black and barren rock face. The windy path is a
mile from Falkenna before it exits into a quarry where some twelve tunnel openings
at various levels are spaced about the empty compound. Small wooden and stone
shacks are empty, their doors and shutters banging in the winds that howl into
quarry, kicking up dust from the mining stinging unprotected eyes.
Close examination in the shacks about the mining area holds a few secrets. Of the
seven shacks and stone huts they find traces of recent occupation though much
attempt at covering their tracks has been made. Rotting meat and fungus covered
vegetables lie scattered on the floor of several of these buildings, half eaten and left to
rot (the notable lack of life such as rats or insects will only be noticeable on close
discernment). Ash in fireplaces is still warm, the temperature in the quarry bracing
and reminiscent of post-winter in Pellern. Dutiful examination in the largest stone
buildings fireplace will reveal much paper that was burnt and if they carefully try to
sift through the ash they will find documents that give them some proof finally.
Written in Arlak (Sarnaki tongue) the papers, though burned, hint at experiments in
the tunnels.
Exploring the tunnels will be difficult, but does hold answers. Each tunnel is
packed, not with earth, but with splintered bones and charred ropy tendrils that break
apart like charcoal to the touch the smell of burnt flesh and wood is overpowering.
Close examination will reveal some of these appendages have actually pierced into the
bone of literally hundreds of bodies of varying sizes, weights and races (not
discernable to one who has not studied skeletal remains) and were the cause of the
splintering, yet everything has been burned.
There are no noticeable remains of the unlife or of the essnce used here. A
loremaster would be able to discern the past here if informed of the Mines.

Lord Dall, Princess Jysela, & Sarnaks Troubles: If any attempt is made to contact
Lord Dall they will learn the following;
The Council at Orian recently was visited by one of the Directorate of Sarnak who
asked for their aid. Lord Dall would have brushed her request aside and intended to
imprison her save for her story. She spoke of war coming from the south of armies
amassing in Uj already marching towards the Gap of Uj through the Morbek
Highlands and Forbidden Hills. From what news they have gathered they point to an
army made up of the Charn Raiders who move during the day northward. The
Sarnaki have lost all contact with the twelve Rhiani Tribes and many independent
cities of Uj near the Charn Plateau and the Plains of Uj.
Lord Dall goes on to say that strange lights have been seen on the shores of
Votania once again. Rumours of Xiosians throughout Hstra are only now beginning
to filter in. Navigators have suspended all travel within Uj. Princess Jysela has not
been heard from, nor the Navigator that was guiding them the guilds at a loss
pointing to essnce voids within Uj. The Directorate returned to Sarnak, but Lord
Dall does not know what to make of it all.
NOTE: The Lords of Orian will obey Stjepan if he commands them well, but
Bryces disappearance causes great outrage, especially if they learn he was wounded.
The morale of the armies suffers and many question marching on Sarnak believing it
all to be a trap.

Reanns Arrival: Troubled and uncomforting dreaming, your restlessness drags you through a
colourless vapour that swirls and eddies into a window through which you are cast to a cold
and polished floor of rock. The same ethereal mist drifts across the floor obfuscating hands and
feet. In the distance of the gloom that dresses this place enormous pillars etched with glyphs and
alien designs encircle you, and behind them the trail of a silvery mist that follows the
luminescent horn of the unicorn that moves beyond the pillars circling you (any movement to
follow and Reann appears). A rushing sound like wind through a tunnel screams about the
pillars almost chasing the magical creature.
Reann has provided with Celim with dreams and visions that she, as one chosen
to follow his path, should have attempted more interpretation thereof to gain insight
and understanding. He cannot aid his disciples in personal, daily losses and he too
pains for he fights the war just as they do. Ever since Andaras attacks from Uj
leading to the Wars of Dominion he has remained on Kulthea fighting the Unlife and
the Dark Gods, he has lost far much more than one love, he has born witness to
millions of fading luminaries. He will tell her plainly, should she get annoyed with
him, she can leave him for another at any time, but that if she wants contact, some
answers, and some help shed better turn to the Dark Gods than any other Lord or
power for none will offer their aid to her. He relates she has been gifted with the
blood of two powerful beings, races powerful in their reception of essnce he tells
her it is her own, but just like both of her races she shows traits of both sides of chaos
and order, evil and good. There is fight within her he just hopes it doesnt tear her
apart before she can channel it against those vying and slavering for that very reason.
Reann never brought this on her, she came to him, hes just lighting a torch if she
wants to really see the powers arrayed against them all.
Reanns main reason for the meeting is because as the days get closer to the 18

those associated with the Unlife and especially Andaras are becoming more and more
bold as they prepare for their unveiling. He presents to her another gift that takes
form on her dreamblade in the shape of an eight-spike star with circular glyph marked
with an eye like design. He passes to her a silvered veil and tells her to wear it then
explains she must concentrate in channelling the essnce through the veil to her eyes
so she can see not just in darkness but in darkness within dream she will need it to
best fight any minion. The longer she uses this ability the weaker she will become. A
channelling roll is needed to harness the essnce (the dreamblade can now store
essnce twice without need for channelling takes one hour to imbue the weapon
with Reanns power to be carried out during night hours) with one hour per channel
with no limit.

Kedricks Reticence: More open to those about him of his position of Loremaster he
does not flaunt it, yet he refuses to answer to Stjepan or any of the Lords
accompanying themwith due mostly to Celim and Ishraha, allies he can count on as
they head south. The Loremaster is suspicious of Stjepan, and while he cannot deduce
the source of the Lords power that he used to brutalize Ventine, with the Mynistran
Priests leaving he has his suspicions about the day Mynistra blessed him.

Sarnaki Liaison: Under a flag of parley the Sarnaki make contact with Lord Stjepan
and his armies. Merilenya Indrin, Minister of War no less with her Assistant
Minister, Zr Elahes make the trip froma watchtower close to the Oracle of Syne.
They are escorted by two scouts who are really two Shaitan. None carry weapons
save the Shaitan.
Merilenya is an aged Laan woman, her long black hair gracefully tinged silver
across an elegant and sculpted breastplate of an eagle grasping multiple arrows in each
talon. Her face is long and drawn, wrinkles at the edges, yet her countenance is proud
and fierce.
Zr on the other hand, is shorter than Merilenya, of girth enough to belittle a
Talath Dalesman. Her face is plump and her sneer is barely concealed. She sweats
heavily in her mantle of chain hanging underneath platemail pieces down to spiked
The two scouts appear dressed in white uniforms crested in red fringe, no armour
save stylized helmets of a silvery metal fashioned akin to an eagles head, no weapons
save their pennants on spears white flags of parley snap in the breeze.
Merilenya will not speak in Stjepans tent or encampment, but rather out in the
open where they can be assured of no treachery. The Minister of War does not see the
problem of the Ministry of Agriculture as they do, namely as Khera being the
manifestation of evil controlling the Sarnaki Directorate that she firmly rebukes.
However, Merilenya does point to the surreptitious nature of the Ministry of Security
working with the Ministry of Agriculture has harmed their Ministry. She concedes
there are some peculiarities with Kheras disappearance and especially the Order of
the First Leaf, but the Ministry has undergone reshuffling since her disappearance
of which Merilenya blames on Kheras failure and overreaching with Bentara.
Merilenyas arrival is to let them know they face a greater enemy at this point in time
(not that she believes they can successfully sack Sarnak). Vanda Xanes is still the
Minister of Security, the Directorate not willing to remove her just because of her
association with Khera the Shaitan answer to her and any mention of fear she
shrugs off. She suggests at the Sarnaki Directorates behest that they join forces
against this threat, of which she elaborates upon;
Charn Raiders, primal bestial beings who originate from the Charn Plateau, a
rocky and desolate area where they dwell in honeycombed caverns. Theyve always
been a strong enemy against the Rhiani Tribesman, as brutal as the Lugrki of whom
they vaguely resemble in appearance but little else. A patriarch of scavengers,
however, their reports from the south speak of the entire tribes of the Charn Raiders
having marched upon and slaughtered if not all, then the bulk of the twelve Rhiani
tribes. Sarnak has an ambassador of the Rhiani and he has lost all contact with his
folk and has since grown morose and unhelpful. The Charn Raiders are known for
their cowardice and only the men of their rabble attack Rhiani. Now the entire
communities of the Raiders appear to be moving together and are now heading
northward up the Gap of Uj. She does not know who they worship or any of their
history in relation to the Ktaviiri. Usually such a move would not be a concern, the
Charn Raiders penchant to turn their tail and run renowned. Merilenya sent a
division of cavalry to dispatch the closing Charn Raiders, but out of the hundred sent
none returned and when a second division of three hundred also failed to return
Sarnak was put on high alert.
They have only been able to gain information from their Sorcerers who along
with many scouting parties have not returned. The Gap of Uj is now off limits save
the Sarnaki Watchtowers overlooking it and the Storm Pass to the Emerald Forest.
What few reports they have speak of the Charn Raiders walking day and night north.
There have been some more noticeable attacks by the Murlogi of whose home Murlog
is reported deep in the Morbek Highlands and Forbidden Hills yet they too appear to
be vanishing and avoiding the Charn Raiders (vanishing by new tunnels and waiting
their moment when darkness falls to attack). Scouts sent with airships to southern Uj
cities have found vast camps of the Rhiani, with bones of their animals and their
selves picked clean. Small communities on the plains of Uj with whom the Rhiani
would trade with are likewise decimated, nothing living left save the remains.
Should Stjepan show (assuming he has found) the papers in the Falkennan mines it
will pique Merilenyas curiosity and she says she will investigate the tunnels the
Order of the First Leaf used near Sarnak. If Kedrick is there and mention is made of
the Darkside Zenith and other factors Merilenya tends to sway toward their cause
and it will make their welcome in Sarnak easier to bear. Merilenya asks them to give
her two days to prepare the citizens for what will be a culture shock Merilenya
refuses to give access to the mercenaries under no uncertain terms. They are seen as
supporters of the Katra who intended to sack their city and it will be difficult enough
convincing the citizenry regardless of the hired swords. Their men can either camp on
the north of the city or south of the River Urij, as the city could not hold so many of
them every day though they are welcome to aid the defence of the city when the
Charn Raiders arrive. If they doubt her truth she says they can always validate it with
the Oracle of Syne.
The Mercenaries rebel immediately at any mention to support the Sarnaki against
any other armies. Excellent diplomacy may sway half of them to remain with greater
demands for pay, but the rest will leave immediately taking their monies with them
and heading along the coast back to Falkenna.

On the sixth day of Summer Stjepan remarkably discovers that Ventine is within his sword,
within Hal and that portion of Mynistra so stolen. Stjepan went to speak with the Loremaster
Kedrick and explained to him everything, coming clean on the entity within the sword and
everything it had done. Kedrick wisely decided to take the sword back to the Council to
examine this Ktaviiri they learn much before killing the parasite. Kedrick is eventually sent
back to Sarnak to uncover more about this plant they appear to have been caressing to life.

Nassain: makes his appearance more and more as the conjunction closes. He sees
Celim as his only ally and is grateful that she sees beyond his current state of
undeath. It moves him to tell her so and he remains with an eye out for her where he
can. She treats him as the person he once was and he values that.

Mynistras Awakening: The goddess realizes something is amiss. As she prepares to
manifest to protect her followers against the threats of unlife amassing from the south
she finds part of her wanting that third of herself that is protection, leaving only
wisdom and love, facets not strong enough to fight against the shadows. Why does
Mynistra not realize the loss of the tri-aspect of protection? The Storm Wizards
obfuscation of magic was so intense not even she was able to notice the loss, just as
Ventine was unable to realize until that penultimate moment of his hosts death when
the demon opened itself up using the powers it stole from the goddess.
On the road to Sarnak, the Priests of Mynistra go to Stjepan to inform him they
will not continue with him to Sarnak as Mynistra requires them in Helberna. Many
of the Lords will be shocked at this move and morale again is challenged. If asked,
High Priest Dennelaine says Mynistra is troubled and requires their immediate
presence. They will never make it for the dark armies will swarm over them.

Oracle of Syne: A narrow, twisting path scours a bluff of the bleak Forbidden Ridge.
Horses pace with trepidation and sufficient weight of many riders will cause rocks to
either sides of the ascending path to sheer off and smash their way to black rocky
crevasses. Half way up the bluff and horses balk at the narrowing stone-way leaving
only those bold or stupid to continue. Some kilometre from sea level, with a hazed
view across to the Bay of Izar and along the coast to the distant white towers of
Sarnak the opening is reached.
A small plateau ends the trail, flat and mirrored on all sides save facing the sea by sheer and
barren walls of granite, large dark birds circle the peaks of the Forbidden Ridge. Here a
massive arched doorway has been carved into the rock, as tall as a Titan and as wide as two
horse carts the doorway is shadowy, little light penetrates its grotto. Carved from the same
rock as tall as the archway a statue on each side of a wizened king; their hands reach out above
the arch and touch each other all the while glaring down at you their very eyes brooding and
never leaving your presence. Huge beards flow over carved chain and plated armour, an axe
hefted in the left king and a massive broadsword on the right, their arms carved free of the rock
as if they could be brought down in an instant.
Beyond the doorway the darkness is only broken upon the walls that remain as enormous as
the very archway itself where luminous runes glimmer on the black granite. Cuneiform and
ideograms of an ancient past are scattered in runic stele groupings, while ahead strong light
beckons further down the hallway. After several hundred metres you finally reach a vast
domed hall lit in filtered natural light that showers from a small opening at the apex of the
arched chamber motes are captured in the light drifting down to the centre of the chamber
where a round well rimmed by grey stone descends into darkness.
See the Oracle of Syne p. 98 Emer I

Xiosians at War: Word will get to them either via Lord Dall or through Kedrick who
learn of the troubles building in and beyond Votania. More and more reports come
every day of Xiosians being seen about Hstra, yet their presence is not benign and
everywhere they leave destruction, literally at war with each other the Xiosians are
seen combating one another from the Dales of Bodlea south to Uj. There is some
rumour of discord among the Titans of whom many say have awoken.

Arrival at Sarnak: Sarnak stands proud south of the River Urij, the west road tightening the
coast and the Forbidden Ridge into a vice that are the walls of Sarnak steadied with square
towers furled with pennants of the city and its armies. Behind them the imposing, slag-like
Morbek Highlands tighten Sarnaks defences. The harbour is hidden by the swath of land
cutting into the Bay of Izar forming a peninsula of stone walls and towers sweeping to flank
any advance on the west road. Lavish villas coat the foothills of the steep Forbidden Ridge, yet
none as grand as the Directorates Headquarters whose towers tiled upon four levels of granite
buildings almost as dark and menacing as the landscape it is levelled into. Their dark
immaculacy enhances the feeling of dominance of the cutting black rock of the Forbidden Ridge
protecting their backs.
The sun glistens upon the ocean as it swells in curling lips that snarl inward to the shore,
aquatic birdlife enjoying the abundance of dead fish and shellfish expunged onto the white sands
before the walls of Sarnak. The sea smells of rot and salt, leaving unpleasant tastes in mouths
all round.
The Minister of War, Merilenya rides out with a small garrison of her soldiers to
welcome and escort Stjepan into the city. Undoubtedly Stjepan may be feeling
trepidation at this welcome considering they have been double-crossed often in the
last few months by such meetings. His actions will dictate if it is war or mutual co-
existence they aim for. Merilenya tells him they have arranged for him, his Lords and
his men residence at a place they are familiar with during their last visit the Sun &
Shadow (the name of that inn takes on a certain irony for this entire book).
It is an inn with a strange staff as it is cautious title. Painted in adeep velvetine
blue with gold trim, the building is tall and broad, yet though many storied, low
compared to Miirian standards. The building appears squarer, and minimalist in
design, elegant in its simplicity. Inside men dressed in simple white full tailored robes
attend to the menagerie within; forested courtyards open to the red-bloodied tile floor
of the foyer and main office, attended by three prominent woman of some years, but
strong in greeting and professionalism. Not obsequious, they welcome back Lord
Stjepan and present their inn to his disposal as per the request of the Directorate.
Rooms within the Sun and Shadow are stately and large affairs built on several
layers of marble dividing areas of dining, sleeping, and recreation, an antechamber
with personal heated bath, square and tiled in turquoise, dressed in the vines of a
small creeper at the antechamber window. The balcony is low with chairs and faces
the Bay to the West, of sufficient height to view above the walls and the ocean.
Merilenya asks them to take their time to freshen up and that she shall return for
them after the evening meal where at such time the Directorate wish to speak in
private with him and his closest lords at the Directorate HQ, no less. The Directorate
are shaken by the growing threats that are firmly out of their control. Sure, Stjepan
and his men may fear being double-crossed but it works both ways. She leaves the
garrison of her soldiers as protection at the inn where they remain stationed outside
focusing on keeping down any public resentment as well as keeping an eye on the
Miirian forces.

Sarens Surprise: House Xanaari was less interested in Aria than they were in her
murder by JDiema, their true focus. Saren was given strict orders to return to Sarnak
to meet with Stjepans surreptitiously or not before taking the city or meeting with
the Directorate. As divine as ever she makes her way to the Sun & Shadow, dressed
in a silver gown layered upon with diaphanous vermillion veils that snake about her
with every move. Her black hair is pulled into a bun, pinned with long silver pins
from which a braids fall to her shoulders, framing her pallid, angelic face. Her fingers
are crossed in a multitude of rings and finger guards as decorative as the delicate
strands gracing her aquiline ears.
House Xanaari has a walled compound in Sarnak with whom they have traded
extensively. Sarens orders are clear; use the Houses alliance with Stjepan to draw out
the assassin JDiema no matter how long it takes. Saren goes to see Stjepanand offers
him the support of House Xanaari she lets him known, feigning some sorrow that
Aria has been laid to rest and the House grieved for her departing spirit. She speaks of
the Houses continued loss at the hands of the assassin who for the last few thousand
years has worked against them and lands seeking peace. Eventually she moves to the
topic that House Xanaari wishes to see this assassin captured, dead or alive and they
are willing to offer support for this action. Saren knows that it was Celim who called
him (not factually, but her own blood and events surrounding JDiema and his
association with Stjepans inner circle) she wants to work with him in luring the
assassin out a deal they will seal with gifts. Saren has ten swords of Eog crafted into
magnificent elven blades (actually the most defective blades in the eyes of the prideful
Loari). The blades; thin and slender the whitish metal glistens in oil tapering sharply
near the crosspiece, carved into symmetrical heads of eagles resplendent in silver and
ruby eyes, red leather braids towards the pommel, a dangerous spiked diamond of the
same silvery metal of the crosspiece. Saren will not give them access to the skysloop
for investigation or travel until the final moments when Sarnak comes under attack.
With her are twenty of her crew aboard a variant skysloop that is known as
Ayrohirdhan Pani (Sky sail of silver) it is a fast moving sloop designed for
speed, sleeker than the only airship they have seen. Its hull appears to be of a silvery
metal, riveted in plates curving with the tapering bow to a two pronged stern. Ventral
sails arch back like fins of some gigantic sea creature spread with red and silver sails,
one main mast with spinnaker carries the ship the deck made of a deep mahogany
beautifully crafted and curled angling to either ends, a stern cabin not linear but
curved to best move with the wind. Its insides are no less grand.
Their compound lies on the northern edge of the Bay District a converted
warehouse replete with grounds and berthing for their skyship. Ten foot high walls of
stone encircle an adjoined building; the only entrance a wrought iron gateway leading
to cobbled stones of a courtyard with small stable. The building is split level, the
skyship casting shadow over the stable. The buildings faade is symmetrical with
Corinthian pillars facing metal doors artistically rendered with gold bas reliefs
showing some twenty scenes. Inside, various strains of jasper colour the interior of
sweeping rooms with low ceilings, skirting painted in decorative arabesques.

Meeting the Directorate: After the evening meal as the sun skews violet against the
meagre sliver of Orhan, Merilenya goes to Lord Stjepan to escort him to the
The four interlocking towers glow from the streetlamps of Sarnak and the twilight and
darken as they approach leaving only the menacing silhouette as they approach the massive
courtyard before them. Interlocking for some thirty floors the towers sparkle as they close, the
menace fading as the veins of pale silver that gloss the building create a saltant dance of light
across the architecture. They are dwarfed as they step up the marble steps to the foyer passing
under the armed and armoured Sarnaki soldiers. Merilenya leads them up flights of stairs to
where they will meet with the Directorate.
They finally are ushered onto the fourteenth floor where a large open-plan style room
welcomes them in pentagonal shape. Each wall carries a banner symbols for each of the
elements including spirit and Arlak denoting each symbol red for fire, blue for water, black
for earth, green for air, and white for spirit. The Directorate are within alone. Merilenya
closes the door and waits for them. A large table rings the centrepiece of the room where a
sculpture of a woman standing proud in armour and arms, water cascading down her short
three-foot design into a pool.
The Directorate sit on the opposite side to the door facing them and they ask them
to sit, introductions made. The Directorate are elderly Laan women and it shows
upon them, yet they are calm and wise, dressed in simple, yet elegant robes matching
the elements. Ami Coir, Isil Yasteril, Osidred Indemanw, Adjia Mannas, and
Maredeen Aerond will speak with them on varying matters. They are not br ash, nor
threatening, neither will they lay blame upon their guests. They listen sagely and
enter into discussion. Anything the characters tell them they will consider in great
They know something is amiss with the Order of the First Leaf and Khera. Her
disappearance now more substantiated as proof of betrayal.
Vanda Xanes has done no wrong, and hearsay will not convince them of her guilt
for they cannot risk scandal by denouncing her on the word of those that intended to
sack their city and are still viewed with suspicion by the populace moreover she has
complete control over the Shaitan.
They recognize a great darkness is approaching, yet they are unsure to its full
extent. When they learn of gods interference they initially are doubtful the
presence of the Loremaster adds weight to their veracity but they look upon him with
suspicion also.
Their people are unsure and anxious. Everyone knows that an army is
approaching from the south, strong and in short time shall reach their walls.
They will work with Stjepan inasmuch a partnership they can against this threat
and agree to signing a treaty of peace between Sarnak and his own nation and allies.
They will not take orders from him, knowing full well they can crush his armies with
little casualties if it comes to it. They are not war generals and the Ministry of War is
with whom they shall be co-ordinating efforts their men not allowed in the city and
shipped by galleon to the southern lands before the city where defences have been
established beyond the walls, earthen ramparts and towers.
The Directorate will announce to their people on the morrow the alliance.

Once the basics have been discussed, Kedrick informs them on other matters that
he has kept secret until now.
Andaras is indeed co-ordinating the events that is leading to this invasion,
finishing what he could not some ten thousand years past. However, he is not alone,
seemingly in alliance with the Dark Spirit of Morgu who the Loremasters believe
accompanies the armies.
Morgu serves himself, yet he is often accompanied by creatures known as the
Gogor, beings older than the Dark Gods themselves he considers them his pets.
Reports are many of them amass with him. The Loremaster says he intends on
keeping the demon at bay, using means of the essnce to invoke effects that will
prevent him from attacking.
They believe the Charn Raiders are being led by a man known as Selas Vey, once
a Loremaster, who disappeared on investigation in the City of the Dead.
The Titan, Kio Viax for the last six thousand years has frequented the City of
the Dead. Recently he returned to Votania and there entered into battle with the other
sleeping Masters, slaying the Titans Ria Xian and Xayam Jyax before Titus Hiaz
drove Kio Viax away into another plane of existence where they are locked in battle.
Kio Viax is working with Andaras, the god he once fought and he did not stop the
slaughter of the twelve tribes of the Rhiani, his most beloved people.
The Xiosians appear split between each other and are at war not just with each
other, but those malicious among them have laid waste to certain points of power and
foci about Hstra. As of yet they have not attacked any populace directly.
They can expect little help from the Loremasters and perhaps even the Lords of
Orhan. Kulthea is seeing an increase of activity of dark alliances and factions causing
instability to all locales.

Vandas Assassinations: On the first day of arrival in Sarnak at midnight over every
respective day, Vanda has her most accomplished assassins murder one of the
Directorates. All guards keeping watch are also murdered along with any witnesses
present. The next day after their meeting as word spreads there is disenchantment in
the city and in the Debating chambers. The remaining Directorate make the
announcement of alliance and it does quell them if only for a short while. The
Ministry of War doubles the guard about the Sun & Shadow as Sarnaki women take
to the streets in protest against Stjepan.
For each succeeding day and murder, the populace grows more and more restless,
violence flares up and guards must guide Stjepan and any of his men through the
streets alone.
The characters may decide to intervene in these murders, but if they are seen near
any of the Directorate they will be implicated the Shaitan leaving witnesses enough
to spread alarm in such a case.
Merchant companies begin to pull out of Sarnak as word of the strange armies
The Shaitan makes sure none are able to get to the mines where the Order of the
First Leaf is.

Poisoning the Water: The Order of the First Leaf uses its plants of the Unlife they
have bred to poison the water, and four days before the Darkside Zenith the River
bleeds black into the Bay of Izar. This shifts panic and aggression away from the
Miirian guests, and there is confusion and chaos. A few wells are all that supply the
city and all water is rationed.

Assassination of Stjepan: On the last day before the Darkside Zenith, Vanda Xanes
herself leads a squad of Shaitan to slay Stjepan and all with him. They easily bypass
the guards, lethargic from the rationing those loyal Shaitan well informed of the
events and brainwashed to serving Vanda.
The Shaitan move silently, their chainmail wrapped in cloth and leathers as they
stalk with poisoned blades (perolk, blackish green paste genetically enhanced by
Khera with nerve effects: mild loss of motor control and thought losing one dice to
all statistics, moderate nervous system shock damage taking one health level
damage and loss of one dice to all statistics, severe suffers a stroke taking 2 health
levels of damage and reduction of 2 dice to all statistics they are not permanent
modifiers). Faces covered with turbans enwrapping everything save their eyes they
stalk the characters and their allies. Twenty Shaitan and Vanda herself.

Strength: D8 Agility: D8 Health: D8
Knowledge: D8 Perception: D8 Luck: D8

Melee: D8
Excellent Armour: D12 Chain & Leather Armour

Vanda Xanes
Strength: D8 Agility: D6 Health: D8
Knowledge: D8 Perception: D8 Luck: D10

Melee: D6
Excellent Armour: D12 Chain

Vanda while an aged Laan woman is in impressive shape, in large part to the genetic
enhancements of Khera. This attack so ordered by Khera is one the Ddekemani
cares little for of the result. Vanda is surplus to her requirements and needs and her
death will do little to impact their plans, the Shaitan serve as a focus to draw away
attention from the mines that have been broached where the Murlogi await the day to
charge forth down the Forbidden Ridge into Sarnak, Falkenna and Vornia.

The Eclipse: The morning breaks to a crystal clear sky, nary a cloud marks the heavens yet
four bodies are discernible, Orhans quarter moon almost a halo about the sun streaming a
silvery light to the lands, Varin too but a sliver near the great moon. However, it is the heavy
and full orb or Charon that bleeds a trail across the sky as it arcs toward the great moon and
sun, its black disc burning with a red luminescence. Everyone watches the sky as the dark moon
draws slowly to the sun and while it crawls everyone continuously watches over their shoulders
at the sky, unsure of what to expect, unsure of the future save for the closing dread of a full
moon coming to eclipse not only the sun, but Orhan itself.

b o o k o n e :: s h a d o w o f l o c u s t

I know why my father kept the sword locked up, he was protecting me.
Lord Stjepan, 6
Summer 6054

This chapter signals the final pages in Book One: Shadow of Locust it has been a
hard and tragic road for the characters used as pawns in a power struggle beyond their
reach or comprehension and while they are aware now of their susceptibility they are
powerless to stop the impending genocide. The Loremasters themselves find their
reaction too little too late, the Ddekemanis plans well ingrained and well organized
despite minimal set backs from the characters. Ventine is no more but the collective
geneticists have already faded from view leaving their creations to br ing about
apocalypse one that even the dark god, Andaras, did not expect betrayed by those he
sought to control.

The evisceration of Hstra (from Sarnak to the Keyten River) is absolute and one
that affects Kulthea. The plant of the Unlife begins to spread slowly but surely taking
root in all living matter rendering them inert. The Unlife spreads over the next year
these poisonous roots living in Hstra will be suicide as the Murlogi sweep through
the plains under an almost impenetrable darkness, clouding the skies of these lands
the spores of the plant like a vast cloud of volcanic ash protecting those in support.
Yet they do not achieve total desolation the Emerald Forest resisting valiantly and
the river Naiad Kellus sacrificing his life to form a wall where the Keyten runs
preventing the spread northward into the Bodlean Dales.

Eclipsing the Sun and Moon: Imperceptibly Charon drags forward chasing the rising sun
that approaches midday while Orhans quarter sliver cuts from the west on angle conjoined to
the orb of the sun. Charon is full, ashen and closer than ever to the lands it will soon cast into
darkness. All eyes cast to the heavens and life within Sarnak has slowed to a crawl, everyone
looking ever upward spellbound and mortified by the closing eclipse. All life appears to notice
the impending change, animals are restless and even the Bay of Izar has taken on remarkable
qualities, a deep fog rolling in tinged in silvery-metal light almost as if tidal forces had created
a great wave pressing against Sarnaks very walls. Charon glows a deep red as it nears its
perigee, near the sun so close. It takes but a few more minutes until the third moons corona
casts a black line across the sun and Orhan. The blinding white light of the sun smears a ruddy
hue and the atmosphere of Kulthea rapidly changes as the moon crawls to cover both planetary
The thick fog sweeping the Bay of Izar turns bloody, the ocean churns and one can literally
hear and see waves pulled by such a massive conjunction crash against the walls of Sarnak,
foaming spray like bubbling blood from a fresh kill. And as Charon crosses the centre of the sun
eclipsing not just the sun but also Orhan, the seas calm and not a sound passes, not even the
breath and life of the city that holds silence close to its heart as day turns quickly into night
but not night of perpetual darkness. As Charon follows both sun and moon a fiery halo burns
and bleeds across the sky in a corona that showers Kulthea in a haze of dark red. So deep are
the shadows that buildings and people fade from view, swallowed by the celestial event with
silhouettes tainted in the uneasy lamination.
Birds and people quieten as the eclipse signals the Darkside Zenith, and as the orb of the
dark moon heralds a new beginning not even a breath or ones own heartbeat can be heard so
total is the cessation of light. Then from far away the sound of the ocean returns, in a fast
rushing, an unleashing of forces an outpouring of noise that builds in a ferocious intensity.
Uneasiness builds within all living things, yet to essnce users it is more terrifying for as
the noise builds so too does the charge of anti-essnce about them. Sickened to the point of
collapse the energy coagulating under the gaze of the dark eye of Charon discharges randomly
striking across the sky in veins of lightning exploding with impact against the Forbidden Ridge
illuminating a dark black cloud rising like the plume of a volcano into the air, but with more
ferocity the storm drives the clouds unnaturally about Charon and spreads across the heavens
blocking the view of the very dark moon itself.
Day turns into nightmare.
Screams are heard before the battle is met, the roaring sound behind them amplified by
Sarnaks position among the mountainous ranges. Before the front line of Sarnak south of the
River Urij portals pepper the ground, opening in black elliptical pools that dance with red
coronas just like the dutiful parent moon above. From these portals step monstrosities that defy
explanation or understanding, vestigial horrors some with forms like man, many without. The
first line of defence are slaughtered, left in shock and disbelief before the parodies of life
twisted in conglomerations; gangrenous flesh oozing acid that, crystalline claws that glow with
inner light, atrocious and aberrant they stalk forward, some as tall as the mightiest of siege
towers built by the Sarnaki, crushing tens of men under foot and tearing down the closest of
defences. Their numbers are not endless and the portals fade and reappear across the land, from
the mountains curtains of red unfurl across the sky, dark shapes witnessed in the distance
descending, hunting for any life.
Those in the city run for their lives, seeking refuge in any building, causing panic in the red
glow of the city. All soldiers meet the demonic charge after the initial shock and the casualties
build as men and women meet the small horde of malevolent entities. The sound of battle
creates rhythm to the ululating outpouring of dark clouds from further up the River Urij,
thickening the air in a membranous web suffocating the sky, closing about the eye of Charon.
Hundreds, if not a thousand troops are lost before the prodigious demons, but their sacrifices
are not in vain as wave after wave hurled at them, not to forget ballista and catapult inflict
heavy casualties unfortunately on both sides. Soon the armies have shattered the initial wave
and the portals are closed behind the putrid corpses of the demons by Sorcerers aligned along
the parapets of Sarnak to the south.

NOTE: Depending on where the characters are placed, they may have to actually
roleplay out their actions due to location. Description is served here for an all
encompassing effect.

Overhead the sky rages in a torrent of red lightning through the ever-expanding cloud that
now even closes Charons halo. With fires raging across the battlefield from the lightning the
strikes downward discharging the essnce silhouettes become phased and strobe from motion to
motion. From tunnels deep in the Forbidden Hills Murlogi stream in their thousands, which
from your distance appear as scuttling rats as they launch an assault planned for years. Some
fifteen minutes and the first of the dark inhumans reach the defences of Sarnak yet for all
their numbers the defences hold as screams and guttural cries fill the air in a new surge of
sound. Again and again, by sheer numbers the Murlogi surmount their own bodies in their
never-ending charge to push through the Allied ranks. Progress is slow and at stalemate,
Murlogi swarm from the north and to the south of the city seeking ingress to the Amazonian
stronghold. Galleons struggling with the storm launch flaming pitch engulfing hordes of the
snub-nosed, foul breeds preventing them from employing ladders and other machines of war
they carry in hurried gangs. From the estuary beyond the lighthouse smaller galleons launch
ballista of hundreds of arrows in each shot over their troops at the depth of the swarm.
After a good half hour of combat that builds mountains of bodies to the south of the River
Urij, the goblins begin to falter their numbers still heavily outweigh the defence yet they seem
to be in rout. Something from behind them cuts a noticeable swath in the lights of the strobing
storm, the noise of the cloud soon eclipsed by a massive sound like a downpour or beating of
many wings.
The Murlogi fall, unable to evade the cloud that swallows them, and soon even the fleeing
soldiers of Sarnak and Miir who run for the War Docks to cross the river, panicked and
terrified as much as those they had just battled. Soon all the soldiers are pushing to get through,
men and women pushed from the bridge to drown in their heavy armour in the River Urij
those lucky. The sound of rustling is louder than the dark ashen cloud that continues to spread
from far up the River Urij, yet the undulating form that sweeps across the recent battlefield is
something far removed.
Soldiers pour through the gate barrelling down the Rose District in utter fear for their lives,
none st opping to let any know what is coming. Then, all at once the seething mass vanishes
leaving silhouettes of a small rabble of some few thousand men, women and children walking
slowly across what is now a sea of bones freshly picked. The cacophony of a milli on rustlings
all but fades back to the shore like roar of the cloud plume. The Charn Raiders walk like the
undead, plodding ever forward with little motion save the determination to advance.
The sky spasms in arcs of red lightning and even the cloud of ash blanketing the sky has new
guests a vast, writhing sky of wormlike creatures with leathery wings fight for the right to
reach Sarnak first. For as far as the eye can see they scour they heavens, this seething mass of
ebon winged beasts. Now and then they descend, fighting with one another for stragglers of the
Allied armies, picking up the lost in deformed claws, brutally tearing them limb from limb in an
airborne fight over the Charn Raiders.
As the Charn Raiders walk slowly through the earthen defences they hold their position on
the trenches muddied not with rain, but with blood. Pitch and magic is used against them, but
the attacks are feeble and have little impact on the few thousand of primitives. Then,
simultaneously they all bring their hands forward to clasp to their chests from what appears in
prayer if only it were. From the smallest babe to the eldest they pry open their chests,
cracking their ribcage open like a book, opening their mouths in silent cry from within the
rustling begins and pours from each of the assembled a vast swarm of voracious locusts ever-
pouring descends upon Sarnak and the sky rains in Gogor.

The locusts will attack and consume those still on the southern side of the bridge
and on the bridge first. The locusts will take ten minutes to devour those there before
continuing to the city. The Gogor hunt men and women throughout all of Sarnak,
picking up victims using their prehensile tails and claws to rend flesh from their kills
that they scatter into the city streets.
It should be apparent that this is a fight that cannot be won, and even Kedrick
flees. The city of Sarnak is gripped in panic as people take to ships trying to flee by
both sea and air; horses carry the lucky few northward of the city. Hundreds of those
running are trampled to death by horses and their fellow citizens it literally is a
selfish scramble for survival.
NOTE: Nassain will be with them in this moment defending and accompanying
them as they flee. Lord Invarath will not have led an army but instead have stayed
with Stjepan to co-ordinate the men. Vedesis and Daemander will be close to Celim.
Chimon, Ishrahas closest ally and friend will be at his side.
This moment should be played out as the Gogor descend. The characters should be
faced with the momentous difficulty of navigating through the city streets evading
horses with and without rider. Do they stop to help the wounded and dying? Body
parts rain down upon them and Gogor will be a real and serious threat as they try to
slaughter without care for status they smell their victims and that is all that matters.
If they dally too long, the Charn Raider, now crossing the bridge into Sarnak provide
the locusts with entry into the city. They attack and burrow into any organic material
with a carnivorous ferocity. The length of an index finger and even longer the insects
soon overrun the city but do not attempt to kill the Gogor.
Whether they head for the Navigator Obelisk that is located near the Directorate
Headquarters or House Xanaaris compound is up to them. The obelisk is far closer
from the south of the city, but as they will find out it is a vast struggle of hundred
trying to call Navigators to escape. After only a few Navigators realize the danger
they will not come when the Gogor start picking off tens of stragglers in the crowd
with every descent. To reach the obelisk they will need to kill other people in struggle
to reach it an action that will require hard emotion. Escape via Navigator to take
them out of reach will be expensive, and would easily bankrupt Pellerns funds, if it
had any.
House Xanaari is further from the south and will be hard to reach. SIGHTS,
SOUNDS, SMELLS, all should play a strong part. Leave no room for complacent or
calm thought those that do should receive harsh result. The characters may die here
unless they are swift and wise.
Saren and her crew are nearly ready to cast off when they arrive, Saren one of the
last to be on the ground fleeing with scroll cases in an open knapsack. She is not cold-
hearted and knowing the need for Stjepan to help the House find the assassin she will
let him accompany and if he asks up to five others. If he pushes the case for others,
delaying their flight a Gogor will descend and attempt to make off with one of them.
More than six extra men will slow the sleek skysloop.

Waves of Death: Fleeing Sarnak on the skysloop will not be as easy as it seems. For
every one man beyond the six extra (including Lord Stjepan) there will be an attack
by a respective Gogor.
The skysloop shoots out on the powerful winds generated in the air by the flowstorm, winds
buffet across the deck making standing impossible for the untrained as the sloop angles sharply
upwards narrowly screaming past the shrieking Gogor carrying screaming men and women
into the sky, torn apart as the Gogor fight to rend and tear. The swarm of locusts below
extends from the southern gates to the Directorate Headquarters, shredding life in its wake.
Ships fighting with the ocean flail helplessly, driven back by the storm onto the walls of Sarnak
crushed helplessly against each other, easy pickings for the Gogor. From the northern gate
thousands stream yet they crawl in comparison to the approaching locusts and Gogor who now
give chase to the many airships finding sail on the powerful winds. The bulky merchant
caravels and airbarges lifting into the sky are haplessly assailed by the Gogor who pluck crew
and tear sails. A massive caravel loses its momentum and with its sails torn and spins out of
control, tumbling its crew overboard the caravel careens and impacts the northern gate, sealing
the fate of those within and under in a hail of rock and explosion. Smaller caravels light with
load power beyond many, but it is the Ayrohirdhan Pani who is the only one to swiftly make
the miles it to the foothills of the Forbidden Ridge with a swarm of Gogor in fast pursuit.
As the skysloop gains height it loses advantage to the descending Gogor who will
attack sails and crewmen without bias. Saren has everyone pay their way, defending
the skysloop as best is possible. Without the extra load, only two Gogor will they
have to face that reach the stern of the ship. Death is expected to be near or greater
than 99% of the entire population at Sarnak. Those lucky to escape via Navigator, and
those on airship are the few who can survive NPCs will be as much targets as the

Strength: D6 Agility: D6 Health: D8
Knowledge: N/A Perception: D6 * Luck: N/A

Claws x 2: D8 Poisoned Tail: D10
Armour: D30 Hide

The poison must be resisted with two successful health rolls at current stat or
until ten minutes kills the character. The poison is debilitating reducing one
physical stat by a dice per round.

The skysloop manoeuvres the treacherous Forbidden Ridge unable to ascend above the
Forbidden Ridge lost in the growing cloud that fills Hstra faster than even the sloop can
manage. It is some eight hours before the Forbidden Ridge is finally to the south of the fast
moving sloop having crossed Falkenna swarming with Murlogi and the Wailing Marsh alight
in strange lights dancing under its canopy. All the while, the sky has been black in low hugging
cloud with no sun or Orhan, even Charon is removed. Beyond the Forbidden Ridge the winds
die down, the flowstorm left behind slowing the sloop.

It takes twenty more hours until they catch sight of Pellern. They may rest and
roleplay in that time, reflect on the horrors they have seen and the knowledge that the
darkness follows them and outruns them.

Pellern in Flames: The sloop trails the Imperial Highway, once source to all that was peace
and right in Hstra. The dark smothering cloud continues its race, outrunning the sloop,
stretching for miles; no light breaks the dense cover making it impossible to tell if it is day or
night. Miir below is mostly lost in shadow save for the fires that burn scattered in isolated
pockets or the illumination of the storm as it discharges across the horizon. After more than a
day you estimate, you are able to see Chelzaria, pointed out by the crew. It burns. Like an
inferno the city is ravaged beyond compare, Castle Harond burns in a mountainous pile of
rubble and the city spread out from it. The sloop veers to the east to avoid directly passing over
the city but from your height and speed there seems to be no movement, and perhaps that is just
as well given the devastation.
Half a quintar later and Pellern comes into view. Once home, bastion of all that you strived
for, now lays in rubble and fire like in Chelzaria. Black smoke churns in thick, viscous clouds,
silhouetted against the horizon, which for the first time shows a break in the dark storm that
obscures the sky. Castle Pellern does not stand, half of it collapsed off the raised stone
completely upon the Navigator Obelisk. The glow from the flames shows men and women
though, running through the streets and even as the sloop approaches, cries are heard,
gesticulations in your direction. Saren gives order and the sloop sharply veers away from
Pellern striking out northeastward.
Stjepan may disagree and demand to be let down, but Saren refuses and if pushed
she will order the ship to sweep past at maximum speed.
The sloop tilts and tightly curls back to Pellern, descending with rapid speed, increasing all
the while the sails full, bulkhead straining with the downward pressure. Sharply arcing, the
ship veers away yet again as they cut across the eastern parapet of Pellern and for a few
seconds the real scope of the devastation becomes apparent. Thousands upon thousands of
Lugrki hurl spears and rocks as the sloop come s close, screaming like pigs the grotesque and
powerful beings give pathetic chase to the ship. Behind them a city levelled, rows of spears
giving the first glimpse of the real folk of Pellern, impaled and left to die, others cooking over
the massive fires where large crowds of the cannibalistic race fight and kill each other for the
taste of burning flesh of humans.

Race for the Keyten River: A few more hours later and the Keyten River comes into view,
not obscured by the cloud that has lost most of its initial momentum and now crawls its way
northward. Twilight is a blessing from the perpetual night, just to feel and see the Sun and
Orhan lifts a mood of gloom from the crew and ship, basking in the fading light. The great
river that separates Miir from the Bodlean Dales is wide as it is deep, the skysloop descending
low to evade cross currents of strong winds howling from the west around the arm of the
Mountains of Gold. The banks of the Keyten are abundant in life both flora and fauna
florish. The sun sinks far to the west, spreading a violet light across the moors north of the
river where fog rises.
No one is prepared, when the sloop crosses the river, for the being that literally rises out of
the depths before the sloop that Saren calls for immediate halt. A giant of a man forms from the
waters of the river itself, pulling its self up with hangs churning in the translucent element.
Powerful in design the man is one hundred metres tall from the waist up that joins with the
river his voice booms scarring off many birds seeking rest for the evening, flocks of them
scrambling from the nearest trees.
This is Kellus the Naiad, a powerful being of faerie kind. Kellus can see the
advancing cloud and has heard and felt the changes about him. He stops them from
crossing the river, moving faster than they can to intercept Saren will eventually
give up. Kellus demands to know what it is that chases them, what it is that is to the
His body and face ripples in the moving liquid and it is hard to discern his features.
If informed of what has happened and about what the cloud brings he thanks them
letting them pass and sinks down into the river.
As you pass the tributary and strike out across the moors of Bodlea, there is a sound of
thousands of waves crashing upon the shore. Looking back, you see the Keyten River rising
across its length in a vast wall of water that streams upwards into the sky for as far as the eye
can see, the suns last rays catch in the reflection of the waters and as the light fades so too
does your view of the river and of Miir and the lands you once called home.

Denouement: In the coming days and weeks word spreads about Emer of the massive
destruction at the conjunction of the moon Charon over Orhan and the Sun over Hstra. From
Sarnak to Stroane, from Votania to the Keyten River there has been no word and few escaped,
but what few did have carried the tales of the invasion by locusts and Gogor under a vast cloud
of darkness locking the lands in perpetual night. The cloud appears to have stopped its
advances, halted by the Scorpion Ridge and Morbek Highlands to the South and penned into
Miir, Vornia and Stroane by the Mountains of Gold and the Spine of Emer the assault north
would have been successful save for the sacrifice so it is said of the great Naiad, Kellus, who
gave his life to create an impenetrable wall out of the Keyten River.
While Hstra suffered greatly at the alignment of the heavenly bodies, the eclipse was only
in that region and while flowstorms sprung across all of Emer, no genocide in the sense of what
happened passed beyond. People everywhere are stunned by the news and trade from those
lands has ceased with Airships now taking extreme measures to circumvent the barren lands.
No word or help comes from the Lords of Orhan, or the Loremasters, all quiet regarding the
disaster so total in its devastation. Foolish explorers are seen entering the lands hoping for
plunder, but all who enter never return. There is no hope for return, the clouds remain
The locust cast its shadow from the first day you all met in Sarnak, both Khera and Gavant
bidding for perhaps the only thing that could have saved you the eog. It has consumed
everything you fought to establish and nearly all those with whom you allied as friends. Its
deception spanned many thousands of years, yet your involvement was new in its eternal
lifetime. Now, it has no need of you and without ties you are cast to the very winds the elven
skysloop rides, carrying you forward to Sel-Kai.

Celime,, I have taken the liberty of rearranging todays
schedule, adding a few meetings that otherwise would have
been with me. In the rising rate of overland trade, I feel
its wise to let you expand more

Morning Quintar, 2P
P chime: Review days notes and files

Morning Quintar, 3P
P chime: Meeting with Melyra, Secretary
Treasurer, to run through some log information already
compiled by the understaff on the viability of raised taxes to
enter the city in this time of crisis

Morning Quintar, 4P
P chime: prep two understaff to begin the
report on visitor impressions to Sarnaki as a pamphlet for
trade to be distributed in Sel-kai

Midday Quintar, 1P
P chime: Lunch

Midday Quintar, 2P
P ch me: P ra e ac v ty may be down
around Jantanen, but gold and emerald merchant Osmir, has
now even more difficulty delivering his merchandise over sea.
He has t c me th u h Sar ak. He ma be evasive at
first, but he has no legs to stand on. A tariff and trade
agreement should be worked out
i i t ti i
o o ro g n y

Midday Quintar, 3P
P chime: Write up proposal to review
negotiation of trade of acquired Falkennan mines to return to
Ministry of Trade from the Ministry of Agriculture. Note,
make sure to highlight the necessity now more than ever we
must keep all entries into the city monitored by one body,
rather than whoever lays claim. And who better to take an
official stance on this than the Ministry of Trade

Midday Quintar, 4P
P Chime: Convey report to debating
chambers for inclusion in the afternoons sitting.

Midday Quintar, 5P
P Chime: Arrange notes after report from
understaff and prepare for me, on the morrow and deliver
personally to me

Winds of late bring much change, and one can never
battle the forces out of ones own hand now, can one?
Departing whispers on the winds cry for you, but more
importantly you are required to return to whence you
came. All interests are to be discarded like all tools that
have outlived their life. Some are replaced, but the best
need only careful attention and care and their superior
metal shines through, always sustaining. As of now, only
your focus on returning to Bentara should shine in your
minds eye.
Best you travel with the good Lord Stjepan Nemeck of
Pellern. He soon will be returning to his wifes poor
kingdom with his bodyguards shortly, and Im sure he
would not mind your accompanying him, moreover,
bringing him into household for introduction and
hospitality. One should always seek those outside of oneself
for introspection and greater objectivity of situations that
arise, and by meeting those of differing cultures can bring a
richness unsurpassed.
And lest we forget the drifting aptitude for those who
are the creators in this world, such is always their fondness
for seeking escape from the tedium and restraints, care
should be mentioned to the power of induced restraints that
transmigrate across very fractures of existence whose very
thoughts of cruelty cannot be comprehended. Steps must
always be trodden lightly. Threats are always idle, but
contractual obligations with those beyond are eternal.

Good speed

From Vanda Xanes

To the Honourable Shaitan Sunil Intelligence liaison,

As precaution to post-Stroane rumours all records regarding my daughter
Francesca from her service in the Shaitan should be removed and further talk
discouraged lest the flames incite rise to facts that should be hidden in history and
not mired in controversy.

My greetings to thee
Vanda Xanes

7 .c. v . -v.,, ,-c .v, .v.-c. -. . , . -.
,-c .-. -c. .-. -. -. . .. ,-c. ,. - v ,,. -
-..c - - -c .-. ,-..v-, .-. .- ..-
....c ,-c. .-.. v,c . , c..-c,c,, .. v,..,.
.v . .c.-c. v,c ..-., ..v, v,. /c - .
--.,, .v, -. .v, ,- - c. 7. c,.v,, ., v..
-c. .. v,cv v. v,cv - v., -,vc vv. ... -
.v ,- c-c .c - , .v, vc-. ,-. .vc 7,v,v
, .. v,.., c.c - -v. .. .c.-c. ,, v,c
..-., ,c v .v ,-..c - . ,- , .- - .-cc
...v. .c .v . -, .--. . v,c .v .ccc -
..-c-,. - v- v. - .,-, . .v, ,- .c. - v-
v.c,. ., . .c.,c - /,v.v -. .v,, ,v. v.
v..v. . .v , v. - .. .
- v. ,- ..-c -..v-, -. ,-c. cv-,. ,, vcc
c -. .c. ..,. v.,, ., v.. .v,.cvc -
..,, v,c .,c, c,c. . -... . v - .v -
..-.,. ,-c. ..v, ,- .v. .-. ...., - ,-c
.v, - ,- v,c,, .. , /,v.v. -c. .v,-. ,-. ,-
.-. c - .v v..v,,c .. . v,- - -v .v, c,c
- .vc vvv - ,-c , c - ,..v,. . -v
v,-. .v .. -., .v, - c..,,, v - ,- v,c ,-c
,c .v,, v .v,. , .- .
- .-cc -. -. vc-, v,c .-..,c ,-c - -c v, -.
v - -. , cc.. ,, .vc .v,, v, v, v,c ,- ,c ,
/,v.v v,c v - c,c.v,c . .v. ,cc - /v,v..
. c c-, .. ,-c - .v .-c,. v .v,,.v.v .-,-
,- . .-c.-c .v ,,. .. - v,c ..cv-, v,c -.
. --,, v,- .-cc .v ,, , ..-c c. ..
v ,-c.,, v,c cc.

-c, /., -.

With the passing of your father and your coming of age and arranged marriage it
seemed pointless for me to remain in a place without future for me.
Grape grower? A vineyard indeed I look over from atop a small valley of the Blue
Hills here in Danarchis and tending it is simply restful distraction from the turmoils of
Hstra, if only for a short while. I have a large villa here that suits my needs, and
with Artha I have everything and more I could not within Miir. Not that my
time was not enjoyable, just bound by different laws and boundaries.
The flowstorms were disastrous for many a nation and even Danarchis passed not
unscathed. Not the nicest of house-warmings, and yet they continue with fury, if a little
sporadic. Your experience by most accounts seems fortunate. You did survive after all.
In a way it saddens me to find you embroiled in the coils of politics, especially those with
such a proud and rich tradition. Pellern, I would say would be a dour place to suffer
even that burden, yet perhaps your 'occupation' may offer you a freedom you have not
experienced. These Changramai monks impress, Pellern's fortunes must have
changed with haste, and yet safe you must feel with such legendary masters by your side.
The name and man, Magelle Gavant means little to me. I am quite distanced from
mortal ways. Your tribulations in Sarnak seem quite the moment of reflection and
enjoyment through which, I trust you did so with less seriousness that so cages men.
By great sword and armour, you seem to imply certain uniqueness, yet for my some
score years within Alkartek I never once saw your father's arsenal of lasting import.
Come, Stjepan, your cryptic query will not provide the answers you seek, specific nature
being required for specific reply.

- .v .-c,. -,, v,c .v.c c.-, ,-c. .-.c - .vc v,c
v .c. v ,-c. ,,-, v..v. , ,--c vc ..-
-. . - ,. v,, ,,-v-, v ,-c. -, .v -
/.,. - .v .--, - .v,v, ... .-cc , . , -
-.. .v-, .-cc - , , v-, .. ,-c. . --..
.v,.v. - -cc ,c v, vc-. v - c,c.v,c .v . ,.
.vc .-. /., .c .v ..-c,. ., , -. v .
cc - . -., .v,.
7,c v .c. v . vc cc, .-cc -, - ,-c.
. .,c .. , /,v.v .-cc ,-c .c., v,, . --,.
.v, .-c,c . v- . - .v v,c .. v. .- ..-
., ,-c. .c., .v .v.c . ,c-c ,- - .-..
.v ,, .vc.
-c v..v. - .v .c. -, ,-c. .,c v,c .v,, ,-
v, .,,. v- . . v., .-. . v,c -, cv, ..,
/,v.v .v ..-,.c c, .-. . -c -.c. - .v ,- c-c
,-cc .-. v- , -c. ,. 7,,. -..,, - -,-. v
-- . c .v v,,. .v .c v- v,, .v, - .v
/,v.v, .-. ,, v,c . v-v v. - .---c ,-
., v...
- v- -c, .-. ,-c. .v.,,, - . v. --,, .v
. -,-., ,, --.c . .v, - 7,cv.v v,c .v v
-. - ,-, v-vc .. .. , . .v.. . .
.-... - . /v.- --.c - .v.-, ,- .. ,- -,,. c-
.. v .v... /,v.v. .v ,-c v, .v,.
- .. ,-c . v,c . - -. , -c..

-c, /., -.

My days are spent in quiet, and while it may appear that my reply was
n haste, you can be assured its intent was not. i
Your dream is truly intriguing, moreover the sword, of which I now
recall, but not through your fathers hand, of the armour and sword I
believe he did keep it well hidden, but the walls of Alkartek may hold
more meaning for you. For the sword you speak of, if by your description
is accurate is none other than an ancient Yarkbalka, The very sword
wielded by the Ahn Sye Nokora, or if Shay helps, the Order f the
Silver Sword. The very elite of Emperor Aldarons house bodyguard
and the often-recognized upsurgance of the Knightly Order and Code,
you find yourself in possession of a piece of history. You speak of Essnce,
yet I know not of the powers of the Yarkbalka, but be wary of those that
ould wrest it from you. w
As for my distress of your investiture into politics, perhaps I wished else
of you than what I expected your brother Constans to take. With the
many years I have lived, I have seen power wax and wane, and sadly
there has not been a time of hope and light you so allude since the Empire.
Be wary of the wolves in sheeps cloth, assassination is the least of worries
or a ruler. f
The runes upon which you scrawled are indeed ancient, and while I do
not and cannot decipher them, their patterns I know from my studies. It
is the magical language known as Krnyt, a language known only in
glyphs and symbols for the purpose of channeling from the gods. To
translate them you would need the aid of a magician or a priest with
specialty knowledge in the language, as it is not often taught except to those
f exception and with the training of the great libraries like Nomikos. o
Ah, so much in the cloying breeze that stinks of rot and
death prelude to fortuitous proceedings of which you excel so
well, my dear. If only my time were longer and that I may
bask in your glory again as I have for several nights now, but
alas work is pressing and there is much we must accomplish, and
everything is going to plan so perfectly I am somewhat in
rapture, nay, admiration of your continued excellence, that
even without instruction you manage it all.
What more can I elucidate? What more can I offer?
Continued is your heritage that mocks me with such curiousity,
yet I find it in good stead to have such hobbies diverting ones
attention from the now vestigial instigators of all that is. But
the time is growing cold and in those moments our harvest shall
be reaped in skies as black as pitch and teeth as insubstantial as
the veil of life itself.
Remember yourself and obligations, lest they turn themselves
upon you, and even though doubt of your skills is no subject for
consideration, those beyond the pale are without constrains that
we find ourselves often in.

Good speed

-,.,cc - .v v . , ,-c. . .. - v,c
.,. - .-.c .. - c... c ...,, - .v. v,c .-c
. - v-, ... ..-. - .v .v,.
-c .. ,.c , v .- v-, v,c .vc v..v,,.,
., -. /., v,c /,v.v. - v. .vc - v., --.c
,.v, .v-,, . - . .v.. ,c-c v..v,,., .vc
-.v, v,c .v ,-c -- ,c ,-c. .. !- .vc.
- v. ,vc . .v ,-c v. , ,c .--. -. .c-.. -
-..,, ,-c .-cc ... , , . v - .,, .c-. -c
.v v.c - .c. , ..-, - .-,c. - .-cc v-
- ..- -, ,-c v,, .-.. 7-, .v- -c. v,c - -cc
.,- - ,-.,, .-. v,, .v, - -. ,-c . .--, -
/,v.v, 7.vvc-. - /.,. - v c..,, c,c .--,
-, .. ,- ,c .v, c .,,. v,c -.cc - -... - c- ,-
.v . ,., v,c - v, c,c.v,c ..v-,. 7 - v-
.v .v,,v, - . .v-,.. .v,v,c ...-,,
-. . -. - c.
- .. - -cc . .. .-.c , .,v.c - ,-c. .--,
v,c .-c,. - - . c , ., ,v. . -,. .v ccc
. , . .. - . v,c - .- ..- .. - .v,.cv -
..,,. . - .,, - .v . -,-., , v,, c.
.v-, .-cc ...v. ,v,.
. - .v ,- -. ..-,, , v .v,. - c- ,- .v
. .c . .,. - cv - v,-.. c , . c, - ,v-
- ,- ,v.. c - c. .. -c -, , -,. - v. .,
.c., -, , -,.
- .v .c , ,-c vc,.

-c, /., -.


Your coercion needs some work, perhaps a short stay at a Sel-Kai
bank as work as a clerk might earn you that badge to sell. I applaud
your intentions on a university. I am very humbled you have taken your
nowledge to higher levels and not just for the elite. k
Insomuch as offering me this fine position, it is what youre not telling me
that bids me to affirm your desires and make travel to Pellern. The
subtlety of words, Stjepan, was always something you could never hide
from me. As it stands, crows have taken to my harvest and a large
portion of Danarchis, the worst plague of the damn black fliers they say
ver. e
I do not wish to become a figurehead in politics, Stjepan. I will come to
teach and to help you, as a friend and ally, not as a hired employee.
Those are terms of my acceptance, of which if I hear nothing of in the
short will assume that you agree. Its my belief you need as many friends
as you can in this new role.


-c. ,., .v cc, .c v,c .- cc.,,. - c- ,-
.c .v c. v -, - c .vc ,- .-c,. ,-,c c -
v. - .v v.,c .-. cc.,, ,. - v-..v,, ...
.v- ,. ., - . .-c - . , c-, .v
cvc - . . - :v ., ,-..c . -. - .-c,. ,-
.-. - . - .,, v-c ,c - v v. .,, ,-c. .
.., . cc v,c ., ..c .: :-.
- -,-. ,- ..v . .v, c - v. v.v, v .v, ..
c. , -c. ..-. - . v, c- . -,-. - .. -
.v - ,- c-c ., v. .c..vc v ..
- v.v ,-c. c-, c . v . .v v,, -
.c c., .. .--. -. c - .-.- -,...
-c, /., -.


-c. ., .-.. , . v -...-,c, . v,
,,, c,,c v,c ,cc -,.,c. .v . .v, ,,
.v, v , ..v. -.. ,cc v ..,,,
..-. , .-.- -,c.,, . .c.v,.
,, - ,., -.,v,c .- - . 7,cv.v
c v-c /,v.v v,c v.- v v. v . /-. - -v..
7.v, . v,c ,- -c -,, .v.c .c.-c. , .,
v., ,v. -. ., v.. cv. v,c .., - --- .
.v v. ., v.. .-,, .,c v,c .-.-, v
..-c ,- -,, . v,v, ,, c -..c v
..- . v-c /,v.v.
- c.- ,, , c... c,c.,.-c,c .. . .v-
c..cv. v. v. .. . -cc ,- ,- v
v c, -, ,,, ., ., c. -,- v , - .v-
v,c cvc.., . - - ... .,c ,. ,. v-c
v,c -.,v ., .. ...,, , . --c v,c -c -
.- v.c - v,.v. ,, v.c ., v,c
..-c ..-- ,, --, c.,c v. ,- .c.v-,.
- -,-. ,- - ,, ,, ,-c , v,, -.,v,v-,
v.,.. - . . v.v, .c v -v., ..-, cv,,
-,, .. .-. .., -. . .vc -. . c- ,- .. v
v .-... /c .- . ,c,c v. v. v,c .c.
!v,, v ,- - /,v.v - .v , ...-,., -. .
v.,v, .v ., c,.-c , -c. , -. -. -c.,
7 c. .v, ,-c .v, c,-. - v- v . - :v
.., . cc. . .v, ,-c -,-. -. c.. - .. ,-c v,c
. --.c ,.v, .. v. v ,-c,, .c. v,c -c.
-.v. .v c. v ,. c.-, c .v ,.-.,, ..
v. cv,.
- .v .. v,v, --,.

-c, /., -.

Lord Stjepan

I have returned to my home of Bornay as I feel that the
death of my wife there leaves me with too many memories

I know of Lord Renham in passing but I have no idea
to what you are referring

I have no plans to return to Pellern

Lord Brage
Lord Stjepan

I write to you with news of which may be of interest to you as I cannot help
but be aware of it.

Men of your brothers lands have been building their forces in the recent
defector Keliirs lands. My men report some two hundred forces have
garrisoned themselves in Keliir, with fifty of those men cavalry. In addition, it
appears many labourers have been called in to Keliirs land and are busy
constructing about Keliirs estate. What they are building my men could not

Beyond that regular patrols along Keliirs border have begun and are carefully
examining travellers who pass through.

Yours truly
Lord Harcas
Honourable Lord Stjepan,

I understand this correspondence, may appear somewhat strange without us
having met, and this being our introduction together. But I have a feeling that this
greeting will lead to great headway for the lands of Hstra.

Let me perhaps introduce myself before I discuss matters further. I am Lord
Imbrus Dall, wife of Corena Dall who is cousin to the daughter of the once
King of Orian. I serve here in the city of Orian as councillor on the board that
governs the city, in absence of a legitimate and strong heir. My job offers me the
chance to counsel with all lords from Relian to Dynax on many a matter and

I write to you to extend my invitation to the once-capital of Orian. I realize your
time is a valued commodity and holidays for those in our position is ill-awarded,
however, may I encourage you. My home is spacious and my household
comfortable and welcoming, especially to those who seek peace. I would wish to
invite you to meet with influential people and businessmen interested in seeing peace
and stability. If anything there would be a meeting of the minds, I would hope.

Before I sign off, you may wish to be aware, your brother Constans has made
show in Orian under the support and banner of Lord Bela, who also sits upon the
council. He made much an impression, and quite a fuss, if I do say so to some of

I look forward to hearing from you,

Lord Imbrus Dall

- v,. - ,-c. .c. --, ,.v, . . v, ,
.-. v, ,.c ..c .v., - v . . v, - v ,v, ..
/v . -,v,c .., v,c - --- -..v.c - cc,,
.v,, - . .v. ccc , . ., -...-,c,.
., ., ,- .v, ,,. v,c . ..-., ..v.

-c, /., -.

Dear Stjepan

How can I write this? What could I Life has
punished me well for my deeds I think. Even as I
pen she moans distant with yo him. He always
comes out on top. Everything I ever wanted, to think
I actually thought but the answer is clear. Forgive
me friend. I never knew a brother, but in some part
I used to think of you as such. We had such good
times when we were younger and now now she
ruts with him licentiously cant stand tHSis, LorDs
of OrHan forigve I i sall I ever wanTed wAs love
and ive lost it all failEd you and PelLern aNd that

To all Lords, Nobles, Citizens of Pellern

Know this, as of this day 1P
P of fall, in the year
six thousand and fifty three of the third era
of ire, Lord Constans Nemeck of Alkartek, first
son to Lord Galrueth Nemeck did marry the
Lady Wintessa, daughter to Lord Dennys of

By ancient laws of the Kings of Orian, all titles
held by former husbands now departed fall to
her current husband, Lord Constans Nemeck
who claims Pellern as is his right. Lord
Constans Nemeck denounces his brother, the
Lord Stjepan Nemeck as false lord to the throne
of Pellern and by law Lord Constans Nemeck
has invoked the right of defence of his lands of

All supporters to the false Lord Stjepan are
henceforth the enemies of Alkartek and Pellern,
and punishment is death.

Lord Constans Nemeck of Pellern and

My dear Celim

To hear you are well of self brings a heart joy, even if once friends can never meet
again due to the leagues between. I still remember the mornings when we would run
into each other, and share what burdens we each carry. I am glad happiness finds you
in your new home, a place to feel safe and welcome is always a haven to treasure.

You speak of war, yet the only war I hear of is disturbances with Alkartek upon
Pellerns door. Sarnaki have not spoke to me about war, nor threat, and you know
my position well enough to trust wholly. To think it has been so long, and already the
trees grow dark here with the coming of Fall and its chill brother, Winter. The
leaves rot and decompose, and I stay often near the warmth of the fire. Your peace of
mind is yours Celim, and I wish you all the best in life.

Francesca Xanes
My dear brother, Stjepan Nemeck

I am glad you understand, brother.
Peaceful discourse you desire, and peaceful
discourse you shall have. I only have one
request of your honesty in these matters
of possible transition. You need not
concern yourself for witnesses, as Lord
Dennys of Bornay no less has joined with
me in kinship, and chelzaria has no
interests. All neighbouring lands are
spoken for.

What is stated, is not falsehood brother.
Here, I am afraid I researched thoroughly,
and indeed it is law and binding to the
Kings of Orian and tradition of Miir. You
shall not have the opportunity to speak
others into submission Stjepan. We are
beyond mere fiction now, this is the real

If meeting it is you wish, I request
without compromise the head of Luse
Invarath sent by rider alone to my tent
in Keliir. Once authenticated you shall
have your meeting, for what good it will

Lord Constans Nemeck
of Pellern and Alkartek

Lord Stjepan

The proclamation by Lord Constans Nemeck is of my attention, but in all
matters of internal and external war, the Bank of Sel-Kai must take
and immediate stance of non-interference, lest the Bank becomes wrapped
up in political affairs, which would severely impact our business not just
in Haestra, nor Emer, but in many continents beyond.

And upon a personal request, I must decline as well, as matters of war
or negotiation are less of my matter than books and numbers. The Sel-
Kai bank takes no stance on other cities incursions or terrorism in any
lands, and shall not enter into any party to. The Bank of Sel-Kai is
well capable of recovering any losses and will always maintain contract
with the current holder of the legal bill .

At this point in time, the Sel-Kai bank has not been notified of any
change of leadership within Pellern and will continue to work on all
matters with its employer.

Elderik Boussaerd
Bank of Sel-Kai Administrator
Honourable Lord Stjepan,

I am extremely shocked to learn of your brothers sudden moves. He is more
brazen than I anticipated. I shall not insult you by offering sympathy, but rather
offer help as you have requested, and some you have not.

It appears that Lord Constans has been thorough. Already there are those at
council rubbing veritable hands in glee of Constans actions. However, on to your
questions - There is no stated law for grieving, for in times of Miirs past often
there has been need for hasty marriage in the face of feuds. Adultery among
Lords is punishable by death, at least to the laws of the Kings of Orian. But
therein lies another problem Lord Stjepan. There is no King, no one to enforce
the old laws, even if they are the basis of our culture and tradition. Murder of a
Lord is again, a crime punishable by death. You speak of reparations and you
speak strongly as there were some body that wielded power.

This is the problem Lord Stjepan, our cities have warred against each other
strongly over the last thousand years, and with the Kings no more, all that is left
is law unchecked. Each Lord is a law unto himself. I believe this is your only
solace, as not even marriage would restore your position according to the laws of the
Kings of Orian. Solace, I say? Constans machinations, built on the laws of
old are just as flimsy as his proclamation, but he is also a law unto himself,

I have heard disturbing noise from Niv, where the Priest Robersin is once again
spewing his flaming rhetoric about the immortal races and in particular your city
Stjepan. I have alerted the others to these matters, and Bryce is sending an aide
to Lady Celim Vortsh who shall act as a bodyguard. Her life in the face of this
xenophobia may be in great danger. Keep close eye to your people Stjepan. Once
you have impressed them enough, they will support you. Dont let them breed
hatred of the immortals like in Niv and in Alkartek. Unfortunately our coterie
has little military presence in Hstra, and little help can be offered, though by no
means are we ignoring our responsibilities to aid each other. Count Hirotha has
secretly of late been marshalling his forces, which though small, could make
sufficient entry into Alkartek if it were struck some harm. The Count fears
involving himself in immediate war. It would be best you contact him via means
not through me, to give the public impression.

I am to speak truthfully, Stjepan, and my words are for your ears alone. I saw
something within you; a strength and power within that I believe can triumph over
Lord Constans. True, he has military might and with him the stronger of Miirs
knights, but he has no concern for his people.

Regardless, I hope these words have answered some of what you seek. If I could
only offer more, I would. I shall be in close contact with you.

Lord Imbrus Dall

. .-.c - .v. .,, -,.,v-, - ., .-c,.. - .v
.--, .. --.c /v v,c . -- c...c , -,v,
v-, v,c vc.c, v .-..c v v. -. ,.v, .-..
.- v,c .- - -.-, ..- -, .-c,. ,.v .v, -
/,v.v. - ..v, - !,,.v .v . ..- /., .-.
v,,.,, - -.
-c .v- - .c,,,, v.v, v,c v-cv, - .- -,., -
..-.v, , - ,-c c- -. ,,c - ,-c.. -. -, ,-c
.v ,- c /., v,c v,-.. , . - v-, v-, v,v,
,-c , . .v ,-c ,. .v, .-. /,v.v. - -c.v,
-. .-. .., v,c . -. v. ,-c,, , - v,c.
-c. .-.c - v -v-, - ,, .. 7-v.- .v, .v
.,. ..v --.c /v v, ..-.c - -.,, .-. .
.-c. - .v. .-. . 7,cv.v vc.c, cc,, -..
--., .v- - . c. - -,c. -v.v ... .., .
-c,. .. . v, - v -, . .v, - ., v,c ..
,- -. . -.. v, ..- .cc - v .v v, .-cc
c., cvc. ., v,v, .-., .-. .v v. .v ,-c,.
. v, - -,.- - :.. v,c cv..v.c v-,.. v-,,
.. 7,cv.v -,c. 7. . ccc, v-, - v, -,, c.,
,-c - -.. ,.v, - .vc v,.., .. . :-,. 7.vc, -
v. , cc-, .. . -.v. -. v . c.-, . c.v -,-.
.. . /.v. -. .- -.,,,. ,-v-, .. .
-.v. v. v.v, .vc,. .. cc.
-c. .-.c - v ,.v . v,c ,-c. v . -, cc.
.. 7 c. - -. - ,-c. . . .v, v,c ,--c .,c
/v.v,c.. - ,.. c. .. .. v,c . v-,, .. -.. .v
v.-,, .- .v ..c . , . - .v cc,. - .
v,.. - ,-c . v,c -..-. -.,, . .v ., . v,c
- v .v ... .v ., ,-c v,c -. . .v c..-c -
v . - ,.-cc-, -. /v.v,c. c - - .c
-,,c - -c. -, ..v ,-c .-- - .,,.
/, v .vc. - , - ,-c - ,- ,.v, v.cv -
-,v,. -c .v- - cv.- . v,c . .-.. - 7,cv.v
-.,c , 7-v.- v,c - v,,- c v,. v,c .,-..
,.v, .-cc ,. v v - .. v. -,, v v v
.vc.. 7,c ,-c .c . .v, -c -,v.v. c.
v,c. .-. . .vv, .v - .-. . ,- -. - . v,c .,
-, ,-c. .v ,.v,c.
,v, ,-c v- - ..v .v- . .. -c. . .,,
-. ,-, .. -c .c c,c.v,c ., /,v.v. -
c..- - .v . - c,c.v,c ,-c. .-, -, , -
.. . -. -c.,. - .c. .c c-,
-. -c. ,. !, . , .v, v. v,-.. -c. - .vc. ,
., v. -, cc-, - ..v. .v ... v- ., .,c .-.
. , .,, . ,-, ,- v -..-, , c,-.c,v,.
!,,.v ..- v,c ,cc ,-c - ..v, - .. .v ,-c c- ,-
c .., . .-,.. .v .-cc v- v.v, ..v . ,.v .

-c, /., -.

To all Lords, nobles and citizens of
Pellern and Alkartek

Let it be known that on this day, the 70P
P of Autumn in the year
6053, Lord Constans Nemeck, true ruler of cities Pellern and
Alkartek and his wife the Lady Wintessa, daughter of Lord
Dennys of Bornay were both assassinated at the behest of the
reticent brother, Lord Stjepan.

As Commander in Chief of the armies of Pellern and Alkartek
I call for the instant arrest of Lord Stjepan and his
conspirators. So a warrant is hereby issued and a reward of one
thousand gold for the successful capture of Lord Stjepan is

Without a ruler, it is the domain of the military to take control of
both lands and proclaim martial law upon the two city states. A
curfew of the evening quintar to predawn is hereby established.

The armies of Alkartek call for men and women to support the
arrest of this despot and tyrant, and for those of Pellern to turn
their backs upon this twisted man who claims himself as Lord of
Pellern. We will not cease until he has been brought to justice.

Lord Daubon

- v. ,vc ,-c .v v.c /v.v,c. .., v,c - .-.
. -- -. .,c v,c ,- ,c ..--. .., ,v., - ,-c.
- v ,--c .v, -, ..- cc -, .,, . .-. cv.- .-c,.
, ,v. .v. - .-. .v ,-c .-cc .. v-..v,, ,-c ..,
. , ..
7 .c. v - v. - v, 7,cv.v . ,-,c v,, .-.v
-. ..-.v -....,-, -c .v,.. , . . .v, -. c
- -.c. v,c .v- .., -. ,.v,., v v - .-.,
c. .. - . .. .v , . . .v , v -cc .. .
-.. cv.- -.c - , ...
. vc -c,c .c, ,.c . .-. ,-c c. . -
.v .v.c - v,, ..v,. v,c .cc. v,c , -,, v
. c ..v ,-c .v- - - .v ,. .v.c , .-., -. -..
- 7,cv.v v . v ,. .c. .v - v. ., -c.
-.v.. .. .c, .v,,c .., v . cv.- -.c .v-c
. v,c , . v. - /-.,-,.
-v ,-c .v..c -,.c-,. - v- .-,c. .-. v,c
.-. - ,-c. v.. v,c ,c ..- . .v. /c ,-c v. .,.
cv.- .-c,. v. .v,. ., .,. c c-., v . .v,, ..
.-. v . .v - -.-..
- v. -c.c , ,-c. .-.c - .,c... - .v .- - .c
v,c ., c.-, v ...c ,. 7,c ,- v.c., .v ,-c.
. .,, c .v....

-c, /., -.

--.c ,.v, .-

. - v. c,c. - ..v . .v,. . . -. - ,-c
v . ccc, v..v - . -.v. -c.v. .-. . , -
-,-/-. - ..-. ., ., .vc v.- ,, c. . .c, - v .
. - -vc, .. . v. . cv, .v-c v,c .vc, v,,,
. ,cc ...
/v . v-. -c.v. , .. c. . . .-.v, .v
,c.c v,c v.c -. .. , . .c.--c c,c. !.
..,v.v. v,c . -... ,,. - .v . ..- v .. -c.
- v. ..v . .v, --.c ,.v, .v .. - . ..
,. - , - ,-c.

-c, /., -.

Lord Stjepan Nemeck, Lord of Miir

I Lord Dennys of Bornay do officially swear my and
my citys allegiance to you and to the right of Pellern to
govern. I ask only that you spare us and allow us to
show you how worthy we are of working with you in
securing peace in our lands.

Lord Dennys of Bornay


/v c,c.v,c .v, v....,-, .., -c - ,-... ..,
., -., ., .vc ,v., ,, c. . v.. -. .. . v..c -,
., ., c--.. ,, . . .v ,cc v ,-c. c. -...v
,c. .c- - ,c.c v.- c.v,cc - ,.v, - -,-. -
..v .v ,-,, -,. - --- -. cv, , ..,,, - . ...v. .,
.-. v. c ,v ,- c..-, -.. .v, . .vc vc ,
..-,, ,-c v,c v .. .v .vc. - v- .v, - cv .-.
..-.v, v , /v.v,c. -. -. ,-c c ,v., v .-.c - v,,
.vvc, -. .-.. v v ,-c .. . . ,,.. vc.v,
- ,-c. v, .v .-. ..
.v ,-c .v- - -c,c... .-,.-c. - .-,c. .-. .c.
--.c ,.v, vc ,-c . v,c -...v v. v ..
. v,c - .v- . . ,c c.vc. v . c. -.
.v v v,, ,c. -.,, ,- v c .. . -. ..
,-.,, .v ,-c .v - -., -. , ., , .-. ..v ,-c
.v vc. - v..v. v -.. .v v-, ..v ., .v, .-.
,-c v,c v., .. .v. c . - v. ,- .c..
v.-.v v,c ,cv.c cv. v - - ..
/v.v,c. .v ,- .v, , . . v,c c- ,- .,- .v
cv, , . .- ,-c .v v-, -. .v ,-c .v .
v-,, ,- ,c - ., c - v - /,v.v. - .. - ,-c
--, v .,, c,c. --.c /v , -.c. - cc . ,.
c., - ,. - -,-. --.c /v .- ,.c , ,.v,
v,c .v .vc . , -, . .- ,, , -. .. -.,, -
v,. - , -,. .. .-... ,.v, .v .., - .. v,c -
v . . ... ..-v.,, . ,,-, , . . .v
.vc. - v. -,,c .v, -... - ..v, ,-c .v
v-..v,, .. , ., ., v,c - .-. ,-c -. -. ,- ,c
,.v, ,-. . .-.

-c, /., -.

Lord Stjepan Nemeck, Lord of Miir

Words need not pass of your innocence. I do not
question your standing on this reprehensible matter and
I wish you all the strength in finding the Assassin. I
heartfelt thank you for your words over the loss of

My time is yours and I am at your disposal.

Lord Dennys of Bornay

Honourable Lord Stjepan,

I am aggrieved to hear of the troubles overrunning your lands of Alkartek, and of
the recent assassinations that are always dark affairs.

I very wish to meet again, Lord Stjepan, and at some short notice have
arranged for us all to convene on the 13P
P fall.

Lord Imbrus Dall

Dearest Lady Celim

Please do not be so harsh with my feelings. I have realized many things have changed and
some not at all. I cannot stand beside this man, Stjepan Nemeck.

Luse Invarath

-c .-c .. , .,. .,v.c. - ,-. ., .-.c .. .v.-,
v,c v.--,.

- -- .... . cv, - . v. ,-c , ., v.. .v.,
.. - v. ,-c. ,c - - . c--.. -c ,c.. c- ,- v.
.-. .. - ,- -,,. -.. ,-c.

-c, /., -.

Dearest Lady Celim

I do not see you as an extension of Lord Stjepan, but I am aware that there are those that
do. You are welcome here in my new home, I look forward to your arrival.

Luse Invarath

- v,,- . .v . cv, . v. - . -,,,,
,c - .v. ,-c. - v,c ,v ,- .- , - ,-c.. - v.
c,c. ..v - v,. .v - - .v ,. -, ..,c
-. v,c v- ., .,c .-. .,, cv.-.
cv, ..-c ,-c v,c .. - .v , .-. c, .v,
. v.v, - ,c ., c.,, - ,-c. - .c -. --,
v,c ,-c . .v . . :.P
P . - - v, .v -
,-c. - -,-. . . -,, - . -.. c .v,,, -
v, c., - .-.- -.v.c .v cv,. - .v v- --.c ,.v,
-. ...-, - ,-c.
. .v.. ,cv , ..,, ..v - .v, - v,.
-- -. .-.c v,-.. .., - .v .v., vc c -
,c ,-, , . - c- ,- .. -. ,-c - - .v vv,c-,c ,-c
v,c , . - cc .v v. .. , /,v.v . cv, ,-c
-. - . cv, - . -,-. , ., .v. - v, --- - v.
cv, v,c v.v- - . .-.,,, ,- .v,, - .-,c. . cv, .
.,, . .v..,.

. v ., .v.
-c, /., -.
Moreover I find nothing to impress the necessity that
Charize deems so important upon Ulyshak as the scum
that he veritably is will never learn temperance

I cannot but wonder of this meetings direction

Majel Gavant as ever determined in his desire to take the
mines Eog be damned we need a ruler of Dreygen blood
and while it may be suitable for an arranged marriage
to consolidate matters between Nemeck and Dreygen one
could care less for their drawn out rivalry

At least there is guarantee in Ulyshaks death and for
that I am happy for the privilege of striking down this
traitor makes a man happy for then will grow a new
land under a banner of tradition

Gavant maintains that even with Ulyshak fallen either
before or after success will be ours yet I cannot but
wonder and distrust my northern partner in this as his
methods are insidious and far from the battlefield

This Amethyst League is widespread so much so I
wonder who among my chattel take from his deep pocket
By all actions I am sure this mans organization
precipitated the troubles in Stroane

I will have his head beside Ulyshaks once this farce is
all over

The support of Lord Bela beside I must wonder about
Orians support of this They are weak and incompetent
yet marriage to the kings daughter could see restoration
of stability and nobility She is a sweet soul and one I
dream of having at my side

Orian is simply to not be trusted the council fractitious
and double dealing Majel recently warned us of the
Sarnaki presence infecting the council and swaying away
the Kings daughter My rage is strong

Tomorrow we ride upon Pellern and may the Lords of
Orhan smile upon us as we face the true usurper Lord
Stjepan Nemeck

Greetings to you lay brother, I bring you news no doubt youve been aching
to hear. I too find nothing but disgust in the redundant barbaric city, we
Founders are pleased that you shall be returning closer to home.

Closer to home, you question. We Founders have unanimously decided
against remaining in Pellern and our interest in its future are void. It
simply is no longer financially viable especially as other means have
opened to us.

You will initiate upon the next perigee the Nighthaunt Strike, and while it
is a premature call, it is a last strike of vengeance to one who is deemed to
fall soon without our intervention. Use the mercenaries to their maximum
brutality. Coin accompanying this note will secure their loyalty for blood.
Extend the killing spree to servants as well, just so that if one of the foul
self-righteous nobles survives, they have to wipe their own arses. We fully
expect ninety-nine percent casualty on our side, for while the fighting is
ensuing, you Jaret, shall take steed north, far away from these lands to your
new home. Meet at the appointed house in Relian of which you are familiar
as soon as you arrive and we shall discuss the future.

Make sure all of our informants have their mouths sealed, in whichever way
you believe is necessary to guarantee silence. Immediately send our
Sorcerers to Relian, they are no longer needed within the village. I want to
make it clear that none are to harm Lady Celim. While she has served her
purpose, we wish to allow her breath. We Founders shall oversee her
development if it is of any interest. I await your arrival


Progress report 6053 / 2 / 10
The task at hand being issued forth, the total and utter control over the harvest
of white eog from the mines of Pellern. In preparation of rejection to
Majels offer Amethyst League now concerns itself with this city of
Pellern. And what a shithole this sad little village is.

Progress report 6053 / 2 / 40
Majel arrived one day before Lord Stjepan and his entourage returned,
new associate in tow. This woman Majel is fixated upon, so much so my
questions to the white eog nearly were unanswered. He reported the deal was
disrupted because of the woman now accompanying them, Celim
Urnchr. I am to watch her very closely and compile a file on her
activities and correspondents. Majel left for the Isle once arranging suitable
coffers of resource. Alert the Founders, Nmar-Tol may be taking interest
in the white eog. Ariahav Shailya Saadia of House Xanaari in Sel-
Kai may be potential trouble-makers. Observation has begun.

Progress report 6053 / 2 / 50
Agent Halek will now befriend Celim Urnchr, using polite and
friendly manner, racial similarities an advantage. His place as owner of
The Hourglass makes perfect vehicle for meetings without suspicion. All
daily conduct shall herein be maintained during day hours when less townsfolk

Progress report 6053 / 2 / 60
Assassination upon Lady Willona and Lord Stjepan not quite the
failure, though death of both was not attained. I place the lack of total success
to the inexperience of Ulyshaks men, whom I recommend we do not use
again for matters underground. Lord Stjepan spares no expense in recovery
by way of Navigator bringing Sisters of Eissa. Castle informants confirm
that Luse Invarath and Lord Stjepan sharing a mutual animosity.
Extortion of Cno Lindur, Chancellor of His Lords Land and Purse
is going well, with little concern for betrayal against us to his master. The
constant presence of this wayward Changramai monk may have to be removed
before successful murder of Lord Stjepan can be achieved.I ask the
Founders for a solution. Celim Urnchr has shown signs of channelling
ability with the Sister of Eissa, Cindel. Lord Brage through our mediator
aide to our closest of allies seems to have swayed Lord Stjepan into a hunting
trip into the Alana Forest. What actions should we take?

Progress report 6053 / 2 / 70
Majels return and guidance is always well received and his orders and
requirements have been noted and are herein discussed. Firstly, delivery of
gift to Celim Urnchr was carried out with success. Ulyshak was
informed of Lord Stjepans hunting trip and arrangements were carried out
for interception. However, Lord Stjepan evaded death by use of sorcery, an
unheard of sword with essnce ability. Lord Stjepan plans with
Changramai bodyguard and Celim Urnchr travel to Alkartek.
Observation has been forwarded and will be reporting back. Our men failed
to keep account of Lord Stjepans party in Alkartek. In their absence
poisons are now being added to food of Lady Willona with depressants to
keep her unapproachable. Cno Lindur is exaggerating Lord Stjepans
expenses to Luse Invarath, who appears malleable to our needs, driven by his
growing hatred.

Progress report 6053 / 3 / 10
Luse Invarath in Lord Stjepans stead has left the castle, our constant
prodding and the matter of Lady Willona strong here. Pellern is empty, the
Lord taking with him volunteers all. Strange he found command for many to
stay, yet about fifteen score gathered with him. He has travelled to the north
and east leading men against forces that may or may not arrive from Lord
Constans of Alkartek. Lord Stjepan has returned, Halek has pushed for
meetings with Celim Urnchr who is amenable to his subtle grace.
Zanarians visiting we have put to the blade within the Alana Forest as per
the Mandate of the Founders. Andaran Priests hailing from the Port of
Izar have arrived, Anath & Kora with obvious intent on investing
theirselves deep into the culture that Lord Stjepan appears to be slowly
building about him, recently gathering the closest lords to a mock council yet
from all informants nothing of merit was discussed and Lord Temeris walked
out, a potential ally. We watch them with care. This surprising young
woman, Celim Urnchr, has retrieved Lord Esov to Pellern and
appear to be starving him of substance. Renham who now has position as
Lord Adjudicator dealt with the sherikaan Lord Esov, and has made it
well that none will uncover his deed.

Progress report 6053 / 3 / 20
Luse Invarath has successfully met and slain near all of three-hundred of
Lord Constans forces not far from Keliir. Changramai monk, Ishraha
has taken to walking the streets, close observation has revealed he may have
ulterior motives in his association with Lord Stjepan. Of note, my agents to
Alkartek have not returned correspondence or themselves. Celim
Urnchr and the young Kuluku priest of Andaras, Kora appear to be
developing attraction for each other. Both priests have insinuated themselves
more deeply in such a short time with Lord Stjepan.

Progress report 6053 / 3 / 30
Smuggling is booming, with Pellerns vast growth the need for material
exceeds supply. We have liberated a warehouse suitable for our operations,
our grant for land passed no less than by Lord Stjepan. Lord Stjepans
expense has exceeded our expectations. The Gorgonn were hired by Lord
Stjepan and have inserted themselves as guards that masquerade a little too
unbelievable. Lord Constans & Stjepan met at Keliir with little resolution
and tension building between the two. This day, this moment as I write this
the report has been confirmed. Pellern castle rose some two hundred yards
above the city and faceted as a fortress. This is a matter for the founders and
I request Majels presence. Luse Invarath has sworn fealty of sorts to

Progress report 6053 / 3 / 40
Drugs and poisons effect upon Lady Willona have caused unexpected and
bonus reaction. She has isolated herself in the Black Tower for a period of
meditative and religious reflection. Sister of Eissa, Cindel has arrived. She
will provide a useful source of needed materials. Lord Vasla arrived, word
sent to Ulyshak to intercept. The escort of Gorgonn my scouts failed to
discern and they shall not have chance to fail us again. We understand losses
on both sides were heavy, yet something perplexes here. Lord Stjepan & his
entourage strangely rode into the forest to return with those Gorgonn sent,
yet none of the militia. They did not reach Vasla and neither was no
mention was made. I leave this to the Founders. Of note, Jarolaime,
former court magician in Danarchis has arrived and taken employment with
Lord Stjepan. Lord Lycus of Alkartek has arrived, exiled by his father
Lord Vaymoris. Matters out of the Leagues hands, a visiting
Changramai monk has been slain as well as Lady Willona. Our reports
are scant. Ulyshak has attacked contrary to schedule. As such internal
discord could not be achieved and attempt of coup has failed. Employing the
more skilled mercenaries who fled the battlefield and shall continue on with the
recovery plans.

Progress report 6053 / 3 / 50
Proclamations by Lord Stjepan reveal much. Concerns of possible
Changramai interest beyond their walls is noted with internal conflict. The
Changramai Ishraha appears by visual description to be deformed now, some
experience suffered because of this infighting? The arrival of four
Changramai masters implies more. We could discover nothing. Majel
arrived and we immediately turned attention toward Celim Urnchr.
Halek was called in to arrange an upstairs meal, drugs arranged by way of
Cindels garden. The cart and four horses ready with riders, Halek and
Majel both carried the Talairi out where she was delivered out to the plains.
Arrival of House Xanaari elf Aria aided in Stjepan, Ishraha, and
the Priest Kora into heading northeast later in evening. Their location was
not discovered yet they return with Celim. I leave this with the Founders.

Progress report 6053 / 3 / 60
Lord Stjepan attempted meeting with Lord Murain we believe was a
failure. The Gorgonn were sent to Lord Motts lands, without Ulyshak
he is of no use.

Progress report 6053 / 3 / 70
Celim Urnchr and Koras relationship is noticeable in public.
Koras reluctance to her suggests that the Priests are involved in something.
Further investigation has revealed the Priests are involved in blood rituals,
killing transients taken from Tent City in some channelling attempt.

Progress report 6053 / 4 / 60
Lycus & Lady Wintessa have wed, this event noticeable for the appearance
of Lord Constans who is warmly appearing as a challenger to Lord
Stjepan. We are taking this moment to embed ourselves in Lord Stjepans
power and culture for maximum effect. A Kuluku native by way of
Navigator has arrived to trade rare herbs with Pellern. Though strange this
will benefit our own needs. His arrival brought swift death to both priests of
Andaras, slain in Tent City. Lord Stjepan has broken his contract with
Sarnak over the white eog it appears on the say so of the Kuluku
representative. I leave this for the Founders. Mott is dead and many of our
isolated groups of men have been killed by the Gorgonn sent to clean up.
We have no agents south of Pellern and north of Bentara. Lord Stjepan
called a meeting of Lords including once loyal Mallion and has established a
council of five, reducing his power. This will give us perfect opportunity in the
future. One of our own was voted on to the council. Lord Stjepans
university and art gallery is proving the perfect cover for twelve of our men
stationed within Eagle Tower. Their access gives them daily portal without
guard overseers in and out of the castle. Lack of communication is due to a
growing presence of this Changramai Ishraha who knows is actively hiring
and arranging for townsfolk to help his attempts at information gathering.

Progress report 6053 / 5 / 10
Lord Constans appears to be mounting a campaign of terror and destruction
against his brother. Lord Lycus is reported dead and Lord Constans
recently married to Lady Wintessa, taking the lands of Esov. War is
coming. We are firmly established. Still unaware of location of Lord
Stjepans visit via Navigator. In ten days battle was met on the plains east
of Jenovar. Powerful Laen Golems on the side of Lord Stjepan
massacred all thousand troops of Constans, and even that Lord is now thought
dead by assassination with his whorish wife. I leave this with the Founders.
Changramai Ishraha now uses Stjepans seal and power of authority within
the city to his own ends. He has been granted some position of trust and uses
it to better build his secret network. Counter agents are in place. Luse
Invarath has left to Vaslas estate and has removed hiself from matters at
hand. Celim Urnchr now has two companions, Lusham, a Nomari
of Ton-Bor & Daemander, close friend of Count Bryce Korel.

Progress report 6053 / 5 / 20
The perigee saw change in the flows about Pellern. Our resident sorcerer
informed us this night a change as great as when last the city rose had occurred.
We are unable to verify any information, yet servants report odd behaviour
from Stjepan and Celim. Lord Stjepan once again used the Navigator
service, taking with him the leader of the Gorgonn, a small portion of who
have been sent into the Grey Grove. The Founders know their fate.
Preparations go well with our miners preparing for the attack, naphtha
sourced and shall be delivered masqueraded as water. Murain arrived and a
council was recalled with a new member elected, Murain himself. The
Gorgonn leader, Nassain has left with his men to the Grey Grove. We
shall strike soon. Two strange ritualistic killings have nightly occurred these
last two days of this report. We have no information. We have reports of a
Quaidu within the city.

Progress report 6053 / 5 / 30
Lord Lamat is closer than he realizes and I ask the Founders to expedite
his accident. Celim Urnchr appears changed since returning with the
Navigator and left to visit Lord Invarath before the murders began. We
are revising our observation of Luse Invarath. Four killings so far, all
pregnant women with little regard for age or race. Agents who broke into
Cindels apartment where the first murder occurred found a message scrawled
in blood Celim, Like Mother, Like Daughter. We were unable to
discover any messages until the fourth victim, where carved into floorboards,
I want the mistake, she who should not be. I want her like the whore her
mother was. Ishraha is busy using his informants to learn more, our
diversions are working well. Reports of a Quaidu remain unsubstantiated.
Pellern Amethyst League Cell


Lord Stjepan

My greetings to you. As per discussed when we last met, I have
agreed to your request for men to join your order of the restablished
Ahn Sye Nokora. As such, I have sent thirty of my best knights to
offer their services.

All details of lineage and duty is documented and in the care of Lord
Joschia, who commands the respect of the knights I have assembled
waiting your inspection.

I wish I could personally attend to personally introduce you to these
men, but difficulties with Murlogi require my immediate presence in
the Mountains.

May Mynistra smile upon you
Lord Murain
Lord Stjepan

As you are aware the City State of Alkartek is no more and
as such many of its Lords are dispossessed without Lord to
govern. I write to inform you that the Eastern Lords of
Alkartek; Lord Palgot, Lord Lyaum, Lord Jorchel, Lord
Demenal, Lord Bosielle, Lord Bevemiir, Lord Assin, Lord
Desdigne, Lord Tudin, and Lord Jarnell have agreed with
formal allegiances signed to support and join under the rule of

With such an alliance trade is of priority to our declining
cities and towns, and as such Pellern who has come to
prominence affects our well-being. I have withdrawn from the
surreptitious gatherings in Orian as our state is now in direct
competition with your own growing lands, Lord Stjepan.

As such we will impose all we can if threatened and wield
competent forces to deal with threats when they impact our
livelihoods. I have informed all Lords of Miir and Vornia
upon this matter, one that is not up for discussion.

Count Hirotha

Lord Stjepan Nemeck

Your presumption is ner forgiven and feelings
less important to we sarnaki

You speak Of peace and indulge war convene
in secret and plot to rule

Men of your ilk are as common as the dirt
we walk and history shows what befalls
man who so strives to indulge himself

Let this be forewarning that sarnak shall
not be fawned into discussion with hypocrites
and incestuous laan nobility

It pleases us gladly that we should send
diplomatic party for at this time be aware
bentara is sarnak

our delegates have every comfort that the
count once had and all desires will be
amended in time

youd best now negotiate with we new rulers
lord of miir for without bentara pellern is
but difficulty and a hazard for trade

good business lord

vanda xanes
sarnak minister of security

JDiema Vsther Cienne
The first observation of the Dyar assassin was noted approximately one-thousand
years into the Third Era of Ire, notably with the murder of Cerehlon Vyashen,
daughter of Kela & Mulair Vyashen, her father of whom was an Assembly member
of Nmar-Tols elected government.

JDiema has been hired by enemies of elves across Emer ever since. During
Aldarons rise he was not considered a prime threat, yet his assassinations continued,
for the most part against minor members of the Aldarons growing Empire. It took
five hundred years and Aldarons resignation from the Empire before JDiema
would become the threat he is to stability.

It is well known his actions during Vanias, Aldarons Daughter and the
Empress, rule helped in bringing about the collapse of human civilization into the dark
age. In 1608 he slew the Prince of Coronan, allowing Driselle to seize power and
begin the reaction against the rule of the Emperor. This very action served to bring
about the Inquisitions leading to the collapse of the Empire some fifty years later.

JDiema is a known Sorcerer with great combatant skill who has the ability to
travel the Chaos lands, call forth demons of the pales and void. Trained in poisons
and all manner of subterfuge his murders are tailored for each situation and he has
never been caught.

From here on lists some 3000 important individuals in positions of power in stable
civilizations that JDiema has slain.
Lord Stjepan

Ive discussed with my Lords and advisors regarding your
recent correspondence. I do not wish to appear so brusque,
and so I thought best to discuss with my supporters a mutual

We have no desire to reclaim any of old Alkartek that is
deserted, for such lands are not along any trade route of
importance save that between our own cities. However, the
possibility of trade with Pellern for Eog and Herbs is
foremost in mind, as no doubt, horses, high-quality armour
and arms are of interest to you. So perhaps we can do
business after all and arrange a peaceful treaty and mutual

Bokpentok has no desire to clear out the Barrow Wights
that roam the wasteland of Alkartek and we can offer you
nothing there as we have no means to combat such evil.
Bokpentok will not deal with the problems of other city-states
and we shall offer no troops to bringing peace to Miir.
Bokpentok is my first priority.

I propose to send envoy to your castle to discuss matters of
politics and business. I am unable to leave, but I have an
ambassador in mind. However, I would require absolute
guarantee of his safety from those who would harm such a
proposition within and without. If you can do this, then by all
means I will send a party forth journeying via the southern
arms of the Alana Rivers three tributaries to arrive at
Pellern - a journey of some twenty days.

Count Hirotha

Lord Stjepan Nemeck, Lord of Miir

As always, Lord Stjepan you have Bornays support,
especially against the foul women of Sarnak that would
do such a heinous action against Bentara. With
Chelzaria our only bastion before our doors, I offer
two hundred men immediately if you will have them to
aid with strengthening the borders.

I can rally more men to your banner, but this would
take time. I have asked Lord SamatMenat to lead
this force of two hundred to you. We await your

Lord Dennys of Bornay

Honourable Lord Stjepan,

I understand your frustration and desire to rectify the problem with Sarnak, but
I am afraid we have been struck on all sides. Sarnaks new conquest caused an
immediate stir in Orians council, yet I am afraid no force will be offered nor any
aggression made against. Lord Bela has grown stronger than ever, his
supporters make a majority. He sought peaceful accord with Sarnak and they in
turn assuaged his fears, but not mine.

I was surprised to say the least when Count Hirotha sided with Sarnak, but he
has always been a Lord first and his people have been suffering at your increase in
trade. I do believe his stance is unwarranted, but you both hold the only key routes
to the south. With his new Alkartek Lords he has formed a strong defensible and
safe passage from Relian to Orian.

Lord Lystor has declined to attend any more meetings or correspondence in the
face of the danger from the Wyrm and Bokpentoks new status of which he seems

Difficulties face us on all sides. Baroness Midenna is involving herself with the
growing dissent in Dynax we can expect little to no help from her against
Sarnak, for not only are her forces engaged around her own city in defence but also
in Dynax.

ever, especially in the face of
Sarnak. The Mynistran Church will resist the any northward invasion should
Sarnak deem to do so, for their culture is atheist and domineering.

Myself, I am on a backfoot, support has waned within the council and I fear for
my own position, though not for my life. What information we received from
Sarnak was that Bryce was captured and arrested for conspiracy against
Sarnak. Many of his aides and men were cut down. The force that struck
Sarnak as I understand it came through a diplomatic party sent with your letter,
gaining admission within. The slaughter within the castle as I have heard was on
a large scale, and I can assume the merciless Shaitan were those who
masqueraded themselves as peace-mongers. Offshore, hidden by powerful magical
storms the Navy swept on to Bentaras shores and some three-thousand of their
Amazonian warriors took Bentara swiftly. None of these forces have been
withdrawn and Sarnak has expanded its borders indefinitely. The Port of Izar
will surely suffer under such regime as Sarnak will undoubtedly direct all trade to
their city and not the port. This will change the face of trade across all of Hstra.

These women are not to be underestimated Stjepan. Watch your back, they
already view you as an enemy if not openly then surreptitiously. I fear they would
send assassins after you - take care my friend. I wish I could offer you more, but
I have nothing that could aid you now. After so many years to have our meetings
come to a close like this makes a man humble indeed.

Lord Imbrus Dall
Winter locks Pellern now, the new year of 6054 of the Third Era of Ire little to celebrate.
The shadows did not die they linger.

Three weeks, thirty days of blindness, only to find sight slowly returning, yet everything
hazed your only sense sound. Somewhat ironic as you begin to remember more of your
past, as a babe with your mother focusing on sound, using it to guide you when it was
dark, be your eyes and now? Why it has returned you are unsure, but it has, and while
your eyes do not speak words, you have been traumatized by being able to feel your way
with concentration. It unnerves and disorientates, always resulting in head trauma that
lasts for days.

You cannot shake sadness. It keeps with you always, from the last moment on the
battlefield to now. It seems to take any and every good news and shake free the glitter to
show it for what it really is. Word of Bryce is his cell is the deepest in the Directorate
Headquarters, yet they stall on his trial under pressure from their own public, groups
within Sarnaks Ministry of War challenging what appears to have been the work of the
Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Security in collusion for their own strength.
The letter from Vedesis was short and begged destruction lest it fall into hands that could
use it as a reason to march north, a situation that seems stronger he said a summer to

Pellern is in misery, Tent City a ghost town, only the last stragglers barely clinging for
life, the rest dead or fled into the snow that has sunk the city into an island, stranded from
the world. Many townsfolk starve, food desperately short. What is worse are the wolves,
black and almost as large as horses said to roam and stalk the outskirts of Pellern feasting
on the unfortunate and even guards and knights sent to deal with them.

The last day of 6053 is marked by the holy day, Death of the Last Breath. It truly feels
like that.

Winter locks Pellern now, the new year of 6054 of the Third Era of Ire little to celebrate.
The shadows did not die they linger.

Celim has been withdrawn, now blind, she speaks to few. Stjepan is preoccupied and
often angry at the lack of money and the deterioration of Pellern.

Pellern is in misery, Tent City a ghost town, only the last stragglers barely clinging for
life, the rest dead or fled into the snow that has sunk the city into an island, stranded from
the world. Many townsfolk starve, food desperately short. What is worse are the wolves,
black and almost as large as horses said to roam and stalk the outskirts of Pellern feasting
on the unfortunate and even guards and knights sent to deal with them. It is far worse
than the first day you and Ataniel came here.

Crime is great, people kill for food, do anything to survive. Yet that is the last of your
worries. The Black Dawn has killed more than half of the remainder of your security
force and every time they elude you. Cheons defences at the Headquarters keep your
men safe, but it is when they travel out that they are targeted, and not just slain, but
butchered. People fear you, running from the sight, and many of your own men look at
you with the same horror they do Cheon, though they are loyal and honest. Is it because
of the fear?

The last day of 6053 is marked by the holy day, Death of the Last Breath. It truly feels
like that.

Winter locks Pellern now, the new year of 6054 of the Third Era of Ire little to celebrate.
The shadows did not die they linger.

For three weeks Celim has been blind, withdrawn and silent, unreachable. Luse refuses
to see her after a few visits and works hard on his problem with Murain, who in a surprise
move pulled his knights of the Ahn Sye Nokora back to his castle and ceased contact with
all parties of Pellern. Moreover, scouts sent to his region have been disappearing. The
battle proved a loss perhaps not worth taking.

Pellern is in misery, Tent City a ghost town, only the last stragglers barely clinging for
life, the rest dead or fled into the snow that has sunk the city into an island, stranded from
the world. Many townsfolk starve, food desperately short. What is worse are the wolves,
black and almost as large as horses said to roam and stalk the outskirts of Pellern feasting
on the unfortunate and even guards and knights sent to deal with them. What is worse is
the Sel-Kais strong demands for payment for loans owned, what money you had spent to
try to feed whom you can. The party from Chelzaria brought back no good news, empty
news, Count Harond already in touch with envoys with Sarnak.

Youve not seen Wintessa or your brother since.

The last day of 6053 is marked by the holy day, Death of the Last Breath. It truly feels
like that.


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My Lord, Stjepan Nemeck

Majel Gavant did not have far to go to get to his lands. We met up with the Ahn Sye
Nokoroa that escorted him, they were turned back at Sourel. At my request I have
asked them to remain with me at my location at the small keep in Lienne overlooking Sourel
to the East and Aldonen to the north.

Good news along the way was Lord Radomiir with thirty of his men ready to join with us
at the ford near the empty Vaymoris estate. I do not know if he is mad or not, but he speaks
few about fish save lamenting it.

We will hold Lienne, a vital position and observation point. I am riding with small escort
to Vaymoris, then Dasek and Temeris a trip that should take six days. You will hear
from me then.

Luse Invarath
Fortunes smile on those who seek truth unclouded by
personal desires, emotions and motivations of greed and
hunger, lest of all hybris. Recent discussions in shadows
speak of a resurrection of an order founded at the height
of civilization. Let there be no pretence, this entitlement is
erroneous and should be reconsidered. Reason alone be
the example, and proof considering this in Ardania, all
but one sword of the Ahn Sye Nokora rides among the
golden lords quest. Yet that one sword is more unique
than them all, closer in heart to us, and furthest from our
beliefs at the same time. Lay not claim to that which may
or may not exist. The past is not the idle ground for the
clouded to rape and pillage, through blood or not it is
always easily spilled.

Fire will devour what you read upon the final word, so
take your time to reread what must be firmly impressed.
Deter this use of name at all costs, for the costs will not
be ours to pay. Be relieved that this is contact. Your
competence is proving itself, if only you had the proper
tools for your operations. The parcel within is for Savon.

Learn your skills strongly Ishraha, they will determine
your stay of life in the closing shadows that summer will

Lord Stjepan
Firstly I would ask that this be the end of this forgettable matter, I trust
you will make no efforts to contact my wife or my child about this.
However, one has duty to past. Vilan Xevekiir was presented to me at first
from whom I deemed shady of character as someone to contact that would
not be affected by any tricks of the mind or politics subtlety engaged in
defence. Needless to say I was not impressed until suspicions became aroused
sufficiently to warrant investigation.
I contacted the authorities of my suspicions and found myself tangled. All I
will say is this - Vilan is a very unique individual in this world and I have
come across few with his determinacy for order, law, and justice
Officially the mentalist with whom you speak of yet hesitate from naming
and therefore so shall I was never convicted and cleared of wrongdoing but I
am eternally grateful for Vilan and what he did for our family.
l thank you for not writing to me again.
Lord Votaine

My Lord, Stjepan Nemeck

I have not been able to make Dasek nor Temeris, however I have sent men and expect
word in the next few days. At the Vaymoris estate we were met with Lord Vaymoris and
his men, and after negotiation agreed to talk further. He has some three hundred knights at his

Word from Radomir is in the following castles Bokpentok amasses its troops in Sourel,
Aldonen and Etrin. Estimates at this time are two thousand with daily arrivals.

Luse Invarath

Celim Senayre

I am surprised and sorry this inference you have taken has caused you so much rage and pain.
Never would I treat or look at a woman like a whore. I bid you the best of days free from
this pain when Bryce returns to you. You can be sure Pellern will be safe from war.

Luse Invarath
Celim Senayre

I do not know what to say, for I never once expected this moment, never once
expected to hear from you ever again. This I was resolved to, and now I find
I tremble and must steady my hand to write.

What can I possibly say to you, my misdeeds I can explain easily by telling
you of the past but you speak of wishing to know me now, and have nothing to
do with past. Before your letter hope felt forever removed, and now, it scares me
to know I may lose that feeling one more time. All I ever wanted was your
freedom, and I may have gone to extraneous methods to secure your freedom
from Ventine, but he is no normal man. If anything we both know that.

This feels like a curse he knows he has purposefully played on both of us, our
misery so separated yet intrinsically linked. Perhaps if I leave your pain too will
cease, Ventine will never again look toward you not to forget the peace of mind
your allies will have in my absence.

You are welcome, I would welcome you gladly for any moments I could spend
near you. Who am I? That, I do not think I could answer. I fear what I
might say I have become, but I will never hurt you. No matter what you hear
or what you may think, I shall never harm you. I will wait for you until this
Star Day when I must leave Bokpentok and attend to matters closer to your

with love
Majel Gavant

Lord Stjepan

Apologies for the lack of communique my Lord
but you will be pleased to know the repair is going
well despite this cold winter

I foresee the walls will be strong by the summer
but with your generous grant to strengthen the
castles I will call on more workers from Relian so
that the castle can stand proud as soon as possible

I have had contact from riders under Luse
Invarath who has informed me of the situation with
Bokpentok and you can be sure my men are on

I have sent riders to Lord Lona to advise him too
of the situation

Faithfully Yours
Lord Dasek
,IL> 3ND?J;H

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) ;G ;Q;L? I@ NB? >C@@C=mFNC?M 0?FF?LH @;=?M HIN DmMN

=IGG;H> @IL ; J?LCI> I@ IH? NmLH I@ /LB;H\ )@ SIm =;H

,IL> 4?G?LCM

My Lord, Stjepan Nemeck

Word has successfully reached Dasek and he informed me he will contact you shortly. For
his part he is increasing scout patrols to the East. Lord Vaymoris has agreed to aid us here
against the growing armies of Bokpentok.

Sourel, Aldonen and Etrin are hives of activity. We are preparing to defend Lienne in
the following weeks, if not days.

Luse Invarath

My Lord, Stjepan Nemeck

Lord Vaymoris I believe can be trusted. He cares only for what is left of his lands and
people my lord, as do we all. He did not wage war on Dasek, though had the opportunity but
chose against it. We are five hundred strong in knights and we will call upon the mercenaries,
but I do not believe more pay will get them here faster.

We have not yet heard back from the Grey Grove.

Luse Invarath

Lord Stjepan

Your letter was pleasant distraction from a harsh and
particularly land locking winter.

From my memory the Amethyst League did hint at having a
base of operations in the Ash Woods. I know very little, my
Lord, as it was less than open and favourable in my minds
eye. I never fully supported their actions, it was just theirs
pointed in my own misguided ones at that time.

I know of this place because Ulyshak did mention of it, I
never heard of it directly from the visiting League. I hope
that is of some help. I thank you for your blessing and as
soon as the spring melt is upon us would like much to meet.

Your servant
Lord Mallion

Lord Stjepan

Mynistra has indeed found this letter to me well, but not
the boy sent to deliver it I must inform. This winter has
been hard with wolves plaguing us day and night. Their
howls encircle our castle and we keep the peasantry within
our walls. It appeared they had left until this letter arrived.
It may be a while yet before we are free of them.

My knowledge of the Amethyst League? It is scant and
based on common street hearsay.

(what follows is a list of military strength positioning of the
requested Lords with mention they all once supported the
Nemeck line and if swayed once, could most easily be
swayed again, the Lords fought against the Katra until
such a time that it was inevitable to switch allegiance and
pay tax)

Faithfully and Loyally
Lord Lamat
Lord Stjepan

Tovor has repeatedly faced the onslaught of the drake during this cold
winter feasting upon our livestock and upon two families

I thank you for the concern to our tribulations and your offer of help yet
I fear the drake is too strong a beast for weapons to cause harm

The eastern alliance from what I have learned which is little is that it is
based on fear with weekly tax collections by Amethyst League members
who have somehow swayed a once good friend and ally Count Hirotha

Lord Lystor of Tovor

Dearest Celime

I am so glad to hear he is safe and well, happy for both of you, and I
too could not fault his freedom.

I would wish most heartily to come to Pellern and if the political
situation was any different I would accept without question. However,
my absence would leave Gelbentex open to the dangerous elements of
Dynax no matter how small. Beyond that, Sarnak, I am afraid is
already readying itself.

We have recently heard word, word that I ask you to convey to Lord
Stjepan, Sarnak is increasing its defences across its lands in
preparation for war. I have not yet heard of what is happening in
Bentara. Vedesis saw Daemander off before he left to go there.
Lurayle once he heard of Bryces extraction rushed into Sarnak and
has not been heard of since. Daemander is and has been riding to your
side so I have been recently informed.

Most of all, I wish I could help his scars that trouble you so. I would if
I could, but responsibilities in these growing times of political tension I
fear are stretching my resources. I only have so many hands. As soon
as I am able I will make time to come to do as you have requested. I
too am overjoyed he is alive.

Your friend
Baroness Midenna
Falkennan observation post. 16P
P Spring 6054

Progress on beta chambers one to three shows
clearly without need of future test aversion to
the antimatter. As such communication with the
ordainer of gorlhach should include capture of
this metal from the citadel.

Progress on beta chambers four to six as
control tests show minimal growth in sunlight
and increased yet ponderous development on

Progress on beta chamber seven reached unexpected
potential. Initial observation proves inclusion of
additives of multiples of life to nests expediates
with perigee to degrees as of yet unrealized. Test
subjects in the nest were processed before the
moons wane and no occurrence of unwanted
symbiosis leaves this process on schedule.

Progress on beta chambers eight to twelve with
racial dissonance placebos shows tendency toward
the purer of forms. Hence Laan and Loari prove
to be the strongest generators to be attuned
to future processes.

Falkennan observation post. 40P
P Spring 6054

Progress on beta chambers one to three highlight
resistance to laen however over time the
material proved sufficient to slice growth.
Recommend additives for final test.

Progress on beta chambers four to six continue
to disappoint with proclivity to shadow in face
of light. Suggestions from First Leaf novices are to
be rejected and concentration on generation of
perpetual nigritude must remain our focus.

Progress on beta chambers seven to twelve are
now modified for inclusion of multiples of racial
types. Namely Laan Loari Linaeri Shay Thesian and
Anzeti. Results vary with Laan and Loari proving
suitable habitation for generation of spores.

Falkennan observation post. 64P
P Spring 6054

Final Progress on beta chambers one to twelve
continue to show adverse reaction to multiples
of enchantment. Addition of multiples of hosts
Laan and Loari show increased strength and
resilience to enchantment. The beta observation post
is no longer necessary for research. Orders to
flame the tunnels have been performed and
withdrawal of the Order of the First Leaf of
Unlife has been made in preparation for the
darkside zenith.

c h a p t e r o n e :: s h a d o w o f l o c u s t

House Xanaari agent, who is eventually forced to work for Nmar-Tol as a spy

Race: Loari
Appearance: Short of height, yet not of beauty. Raven black hair carefully tied with
neatly woven silver ties pulls back showing graceful pointed ears. A teenage radiance
and youthful mien, silken features and hands.
History: Born a plebian some five hundred years ago in Nmar-Tol. To forever be
under the thumb as a servant, something that took marriage and an affair to break to
be shipped to Sel-kai and with some luck secured continual work with House
Xanaari for the next hundred years, securing an education unrivaled. Now she works
as one of the many trade negotiators for the House, securing their interests across
Roleplaying Concepts: Speak with an accent (slightly masked French), always
remember names and listen intently, using flirtation and good looks subtlety.

Changramai Monk whose mind was merged with the parasite/ddekemani, Ventine

Race: Ta-lairi
Appearance: A look of utmost alertness carved into his face; sallow of colour, a light
olive yet sickly, deep chestnut eyes slanted to nicked and scarred ears. A black robe
covers body and hoods over his roughly cropped sable hair.
History: Ataniel was a stolen child and has remained in bondage in one form of
another since his mother sold him. He remembers a dusty stall and his mother taking
money, talking to him crying, not out of sadness or regret, but for fear of life. The
hands of a strange man, smiling on his shoulder, outside the sound of creatures like a
thousand wolves teeth crushing bones descending upon a womans scream. Being
turned away into a small room.
From there the deal was developed, that he would train at Changramai Monastery
to be released early at their expense to become a perfect weapon. Debt was duly
impressed upon the young five-year old for a period of no less than six months of
The monastery saw those chains break though. In the protective realm of the
monks, Ataniel felt at peace and out of the reach of his so-called masters. Soon he
developed not just physical potential but the potential to wield the essnce through
mentalism. Ataniel took seventy years to reach the maroon veil (6
) but most of it
has been in hiding. As he aged, the weight of his masters played upon him. His
release paid, Ataniel declined issuing to work the required years and pay his 50,000
gold required, something which took him twenty-nine years. The last ten years spent
in the monastery have been building up his reserves at a frenetic pace, so much he has
nearly 20,000 gold himself, all the while trying to avoid leaving in the face of his
former masters.
What Ataniel also knows is that his masters surely had his mother killed and that
they are nothing purely physically dangerous. When out he has faced on more than
one occasion, invitations to discussion and more testy encounters usually with the
threat of more is to come.
Roleplaying Concepts: Ataniel prior to his control by the Ddekemani Ventine was
quiet and reserved, cautioning in his work yet not smothering. Expressionless, he
cared little for making friends. With the psychology of Ventine, Ataniel takes on a
more malicious front. Gone is the lavish and embellished Sorcerer Ventine. Ataniel is
cold to the point of ice, your body is a temple of genetic engineering and it shall
become an ultimate vessel.

Count of Bentara

Race: Laan
Appearance: Handsome youth with a determined countenance. His demeanor easily
singles him out as leader. Penetrating green eyes and short dark hair and hawk-like
appearance, a person who looks like he takes control of any situation
History: The son of a father strung like a puppet by a powerful and dangerous sorcerer
with a lust for power. Bryces mother, Shaliya, was unlike most ladies, Bryce
remembering her to an age of seven she expressed herself unlike other women,
unafraid and somewhat wild but life with his father was too imprisoning for her
spirit and eventually that caging broke her and she flew away, leaving Bryce. To
avoid the lecherous magician Bryce sought allies in those about him of his own age
from an early beginning. His maturity came quicker than most and by the age of
thirteen was plotting with his friends, Daemander, Atrius, Lurayl, Kimesha,
Yasmine, and others on how to wrest control from Ventine. In all their years it took
the arrival of Vedesis a sword-ar m from the Dales to convince Bryce in what needed
to be done. The discussion on the murder of his father had always been at the barbed
end of evening discussions that would be left without resolution. Often they would
convene in surreptitious meeting places and times to plot and weave against Ventine
whose arms stretched far and wide. They watched his chief and most active pawn
Celim from a young age, and when Ventine had the gall to introduce her as a
visiting Danarchan merchant, Bryce could not but help to play his gambit in speaking
to her repelled and attracted. After meeting her, his attraction proved distracting to
the matters at hand and emotionally unstable Bryce came to a decision. Bryce agreed
in the end after thrice trying to get through to his father, the third time dangerously
coming close to Ventines eyes and ears that he should meet with accident on return
from a trip to the Port of Izar. Ventine would be dealt with thereafter. It proved more
difficult, yet the young Count had power and began with his allies a cleansing of the
cities corrupt nobility.
Roleplaying Concepts: You are strong and determined. You give your all for the people
and the city so mired in self-indulgent control. You are just and quick to deliver,
refusing to let one person attain positions of absolute power. You are more the equal
of any Lord or ruler in all of Hstra and you are hopelessly (and dangerously) in
love with Lady Celim.

Loyal Friend of Bryce Korel, and Minor Noble

Race: Laan
Appearance: By appearance and demeanor, Daemander is quiet and friendly, of calm
enough spirit yet fierce and intelligent loyalty. He is unthreatening in his dress,
usually of his station, always a dragon mouthed sword at his side, enchanted and
ready to defend. His hair black, eyes a warm, deep and green, he wears a black cape
embroidered with a dragon upon the back to upper hip, under which stylised leather
armour of grey covers his well-built frame.
History: Daemander grew up in court with Bryce Korel, not related by blood, but
through a complex line of marriage. Regardless, the two became friends, Dae mander
tolerated by all as a proper associate for the young Count to be with. Daemander
never attempted danger, always followed, always listened, and participated more in
Bryces stories than of his own making. Some sixteen years and the pressure was
rubbing off on Bryce and his associates. They took matters into their own hands and
with Bryces consent planned and executed the murder of Count Korel effectively
cutting off the power hungry Sorcerer Ventine.
Roleplaying Concept: You believe in honour and defending your friends. You may not
be perfect in what you do but your duty is strong. Conviction in your beliefs of
honour dictate your actions and you have found peace in that, for there has only been
a few years of peace in the service of rule to your Count.

Assassin of the Katra, Shaitan of Sarnak

Race: Laan
Appearance: Beautiful and well rounded, Francesca is buxom with straw coloured hair
down to her waist, often braided.
History: Vanda Xanes groomed her daughter well for upbringing, so much so it was
an entrapped childhood of rules and goals. Failure was not tolerated. When it came to
the growing threat of the Katra and the decision of assassination was broached there
was no question that Vanda believed would be best suited. Francesca did succeed in
murdering the Katra, but not before she was raped. Strong as a warrior she fled on
that fateful night that so undermined Andaras plans for Hstra. Her return to
Sarnak brought her mothers promotion to Minister of Security and Francescas own
promotion. But the claw of her mother remained tight ever about her.
Roleplaying Concept: You are at odds internally. Tormented constantly by the brutal
rape yet stuck within such a cosmopolitan city, with a mother ever present and
watchful of every action. You are alone and must not show weakness. You tried once
to reach out that hand was slapped Celim.

Majel Gavant, co-ordinator of Amethyst League, is the current host of this Ddekemani

Race: Ktaviiri
Appearance: Shoulder length black hair, shadowing the sides of his dark and alluring
eyes. His face an appearance of omnipotence, somewhat distant his dress matches
his demeanor, with every pride in appearance put. His clothes are tailored specifically
for him and by the best designers money can buy.
History: Ddekemani, his history is as the dust he feels liberated from. The City of
the Dead proved a foul resting place for those of their mien. Majel rejoiced in the
forms within all mortal and immortal kind, keeping Andaras more than happy even if
his methods pushed the boundaries the rest of the collective frowned upon, but to do
so openly would admit their ties to the Unlife.
Roleplaying Concepts: You are immaculate. Charismatic, people flock to you not for
power but for personality. Yo u prefer playing the game of the mortals for fun. Your
actions are to prepare Hstra for invasion, nothing less.

Rogue Dyar Assassin

Race: Dyari
Appearance: White skin and long white hair, braided from the roots with black beads
a checkerboard of hair, pulled back over his head revealing strongly pointed ears.
Aquiline features with a somewhat pointed and hooked nose. His eyes are black,
disturbingly empty and lifeless, or seemingly.
History: JDiema was already highly trained as a warrior of the royal guard under
Prince Quentar Daal, trained in all manner of defense, offence, subterfuge, and
murder. When the Dyari left their homeworld JDiema naturally accompanied his
fellows to Emer where they would descend into the Mountains of Gold and create a
kingdom unto themselves. Yet this new world did not do well for JDiema. Plots of
his own people brought him down from grace to the gutter, almost literally. Infuriated
he sought retribution yet his rage took the better of him, slaying the mistress of a
royal family member brought swift retaliation, yet JDiema was already well on his
way to the surface, escaping the defenses of his people, at that time nothing like what
they would become. As the Empire of Aldaron grew, JDiema was forced more and
more underground, finding work in what he could do best Murder. The work was
always available and well paid. He had found his calling.

Lord Adjudicator of Pellern, Hero of Pellern

Race: Laan
Appearance: Luse is every inch a Laan noble, tall and powerfully built with nobility
that a Shay could never match. His long black hair is marked with a white strip at his
right side, his face handsome in its strength, rigid jaw and penetrating blue eyes.
History: Born in Pellern, raised by his Laan parents until the age of ten when his
mother had an affair with the Lord Adjudicator. His father, Captain of the Guard at
the time flew into a rage and attempted to murder the man. Both the Lord
Adjudicator and his mother were expelled in shame from Pellern and went to live in
Bornay. His mother was already with child, Luses half brother, Stevars. Luse lived
with his father, growing ever more distraught, yet the perfect model of a knight.
Loyal unto death, which came at an early age for his father, Luse himself not much
older than his father (some 49 years). Luse was taken in by Lord Dreygen and trained
and groomed for knighthood, proving a diligent and studious learner with a mind as
well as blade. By the time Luse was nineteen he was leading men into battle. The next
sixteen years saw Luse travel the lands of Pellern aiding its Lords where commanded
and generating a reputation for honesty and commitment wherever he went. Luse had
already taken the role of Captain of the Guard as he watched Lady Willona develop
from babe to beauty, and his love for her though he knew it wrong was
overwhelming, proving himself to be her most valued ally and support before and
after the death of Lord Dreygen. Becoming both Lord Adjudicator and Captain of the
Guard was not something he expected, but one that came during the Katras invasion.
Luse was steadfastly against giving in to the Katra and was heartbroken when Lord
Dreygen conceded. Luse took part in early battles against the Katras men and he
always believed they could have successfully defended the land against his incursions.
Roleplaying Concepts: You are honourable and noble. Polite, etiquette is a way of life in
your position, treating those in their stations with the respect so earned (not given).
You do not judge on appearance, and your quickness to anger is something you
repress and control. The perfect gentleman, you would lay down your life for any
lady insulted.

Lord Chancellor of Pellern

Race: Laan
Appearance: Dressed in silver trimmed black robe wearing a newly minted seal in
silver of the Pellern crest of a pickaxe over a golden mountain. His white beard
disappears into his equally long well groomed hair.
History: Mandrodor has lived in Pellern all his life with his role as Lord Chancellor
groomed with his childhood friendship with Lord Dreygen. The two grew up in
relatively peaceful years.
Roleplaying Concepts: The Katras attack and Lord Dreygens death have played on
your mind and sanity. You have noticed that you are forgetting things, and you so
much do not wish to be evicted from the castle by Lord Stjepan. You are terrified he
will notice your inconsistencies.

Servant of Ddekemani, Knight of Stjepans Ahn Sye Nokora

Race: Shay/Laan
Appearance: Xaek is young, rough dirty blonde stuble covers his face, handsome and
pensive. Hair unkempt to chin, he is never without his sword retained within an
impressively decorated scabbard of arabesques.
History: Born in Falkenna, an orphan who was taken in by the local blacksmith, who
strengthened and tempered Xaek into a man during his teens. After coming of age he
sought out becoming a squire and joined the Order of the Silver Heart. After six years
he joined the knighthood only to face dishonour when Sarnak invaded. The Order of
the Silver Heart faltered badly on the battlefield not through Xaeks trying, but he
faced the same embarrassment at the hands of the amazons. The Order of the Eternal
Return called to Xaek as he was courted for initiation. Then along came a fly Lord
Stjepan, whom Vedior, Grandmaster and Ddekemani. Vedior quickly took control
of the young Xaek who had contact with Stjepan and pushed for the knight to join
them further along the road north to Pellern the Grandmaster spent a night with the
young knight genetically modifying his dermal density, coordination, and strength.
He waits in service.
Roleplaying Concepts: Do your jobs as Lord Stjepan has asked of you as Commander of
the Knights of his own revived Ahn Sye Nokora. You are unwavering in your
loyalty, but when Vedior demands you will leap into action.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
12 13 14
21 22 23
32 31
61 62
63 64
54 53
43 44
33 34
65 66
46 47
67 68 69 70
58 59 60
SHADOW WORLD CALENDER year reckoning month
moon day
fire day
water day
earth day
air day
dark day
star day
cloud day
sun day
wind day
Market Day
Market Day
Market Day
Market Day
Market Day
Market Day
Holy Day
Holy Day
Holy Day
Holy Day
Holy Day
Holy Day
Holy Day
Holy Day
Holy Day
Holy Day
Holy Day
Holy Day
Holy Day
Holy Day

For the purpose of definition more suited for Shadow World, this system has been
tailored from information from The Window rpg core rules and from the Atlas
Addendum of the Shadow World Emer boxed set. Some information is repeated and
expanded upon.

The Essnce upon Shadow World, while originally one force, is compartmentalized,
into Channelling, Essence, and Mentalism. These form the core paths of those with the
potential for magic (one in every ten on Kulthea) follow. Further
compartmentalization exists to further separate each group, but for the most part
those are without rules.

Magic use is defined in action without time constraint unless in combat. When in
combat or a time requiring observation, magic is two actions, the harnessing of the
Essnce (requiring a statistic roll suitable see below) either prior to use or during its
use. The second action is spent on the formulation of the spell and discharge/effect.

All notes from the Shadow World Atlas (3
edition) regarding learning, spellbook,
essnce languages can be related with common sense and require no rules.

At any time rules slow down effect and description, they should be dropped for
common sense.

The statistics determine the potential accessed by the essnce user, notably how
proficient they are in the varying talent they have. These are treated as statistics with
special clauses only those with potential to be an essnce-user can have these
statistics and only after they have been schooled or taught in the varying area.
Descriptions of these can be found in the Shadow World books. No reference to
Rolemaster was used, nor is fully needed.

Channelling - Prayer, communion, religious fervour in the heat of the moment,
generate for those that rely on a deity for Essnce. Great spells require ceremonies
and the direct approval of the deity in question.

Essence - Sorcerers wield the Essnce from without, harnessing exterior foci, artefacts,
and flows.

Mentalism is the realm of Essnce within.

Mysticism - is known as Hybrid and while scorned upon Shadow World, with
Mystics known more or less as how the Christians treated those following less pagan
beliefs of occultism and science (witches) in our own history. Mysticism hails back to
the time when the three realms of power were one, to the times of the Lords of
Essnce themselves. One uses it to draw from two realms, but the Mystic has an ace
up his/her sleeve, being able to draw from multiple sources, though not necessarily as
pure as one of those who follow the three core realms. As a source of interest, certain
skills are available as extra to those usually associated with each of the three realms
(see below).

There should be a limit to spell casting and this can be determined for every spell cast
requires a Health roll. Failure results in exhaustion much like damage that can be
tabled unto unconsciousness.

Essnce harnessed prior to use of spell can be stored for a one-shot attempt next

Purchase of these statistics and skills are done in the manner of The Window, but
should not be all encompassing the points themselves serving only as a guide, not as
a definitive determination of essnce-users power.

Each improvement for skills must be accompanied with one months solid study of
that subject with a successful roll in that statistic related to desired skill increase
rolled (target 6). Failure means one cannot increase the statistic. Luck can be used

Considering magic is a difficult school to learn, the cost reflects this a modified
table of The Windows exp. increase is below;

Purchase D30 = 3
Improve D30 D20 = 6
Improve D20 D12 = 12
Improve D12 D10 = 15
Improve D10 D8 = 18
Improve D8 D6 * = 21

* The D4 is left for those beyond mere mortal ken. Humans and mortal races may
only progress to a D8 under GM control. Study can push beyond D8, but would
require a lifetime of research, status as a Lich, or some other essnce based anomaly
or benefit.

These represent the knowledge of each avenue of formulating the spell, and not the
inherent knowledge of Essnce and ability to draw it from oneself, objects or foci.
Each skill is based upon a statistic, and only through knowing that statistic may one
learn the corresponding skill.

In Rolemaster, spells are broken into lists. For the sake of ease, only the core class
groups are being used, with common sense generating effect or output.

Descriptions of the manifestations for these are taken from the Shadow World books;

Defensive (Essence) - As these spells usually generate some form of barrier to inhibit or
deflect an attack, the spell generates either some sort of shimmering shield or aura
about the caster; or, if it is similar to deflections, the casters hand glows for a moment
as he deflects the attack.

Elemental (Essence) - The results of these spells are obvious and often ostentatious.
When such a spell is being prepared, the casters hand will glow, and the chosen
element becomes visible as a whirling mass about four inches in diameter, cupped in
the casters palm. The spell is then shot or hurled when ready.

Force (Essence, Channelling, Mentalism) - Hard to hide, these spells include everything
from repel undead to shapechanging to teleportation to spells which affect the
elements. Exact manifestations might vary with realm and nature of the spell, but
spells of Essence might involve the tracing of runic pattern of glowing lines in the air.
Repulsions might summon actual misty rays of light which fan out from the casters
hands against the targets. Telekinesis would cause the target item to glimmer.
Teleportation and Long Door would cause the target to glow with an aura of light,
then perhaps fold or collapse prismatically as they vanish.

Healing (Channelling) - The wound, and healing hands (if appropriate) would glow
with a dim light.

Informational (Mentalism) - This is a type of spell which would almost certainly have
no visible manifestation.

Mental (Mentalism) - The nature of Mentalism would suggest that any visible
manifestation would be subdued. Mentalists eyes have been known to sparkle

Passive (Channelling) - Like Informational spells, Passive spells (such as Presence) do
not betray their caster.

Subconscious (Mentalism) - These unusual spells will sometimes bathe the caster in a
faint light as they activate, but it is often subtle and can optionally be completely

Utility (Essence) - Spells which affect the caster such as Haste, Leaping, etc., are
usually accompanied by a faint aura of light which dissipates as the spell duration

Ritual (Mysticism) - Spells that include warding and summoning raw tapping of the
Essnce that is more than often raw and uncontrolled.

Dream (Mysticism) - A realm that is known little of, and those Mystics that delve are
often mad.

Success with use of these spells results in the success of the effect desired. It does not
guarantee reaction or effect on another. The colour of the spells as per Shadow World
is more a moral guide, than a determination of alignment as per other rpgs. It should
be used as an objective determination fully in control of the GM.

Ritual and Dream spells are considered dangerous and often are associated with the
Unlife. Such is why Mystics receive a lot of bad press.

Celim facing the Barrow Wight digs deep within herself, harnessing the essnce within her
form and spirit as well as taking from about her. She has D20 in Mysticism and rolls an 8
failing to harness the power, and suffers no ill effects other than staring horrified at the smoky
vestigial creature of the Unlife. She flees, gaining ground and then attempts again this time
succeeding with a 5 (6:default required), and has the Essnce primed and ready.

She then prepares her next spell, a form of spirit bonding (Ritual spell), to wrap the Barrow
Wight and symbol bind it to a rune she has prepared. Tracing the rune on the stone in the air
with stone before her, she recites the necessary phrases in Logos (magical language of
mentalism used in substitute here), and rolls her Ritual dice (D12) and gets a 3, succeeding in
the spell effect.

As the Barrow Wight fractures, displacing and warping into the runestone, Celim feels the
effects of the spell as it passes through her and makes a Health roll with her D10 dice. She rolls
a 9 and fails, taking one level of temporary Health damage.

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