Redox System
Redox System
Redox System
Covalency, Oxidation Number, and Oxidation State Covalency of an element represents (i) the number of H-atoms with which an atom of that element can combine (ii) the number of single bonds which an atom of that element can form (iii) the number of electrons its atom is able to share with other element. Thus in every case of covalency of an element is a pure number and has no plus or minus sign associated with it. For example covalency of nitrogen in NH3 is 3. Oxidation number of an element is defined as the formal charge which an atom of that element appears to have when electrons are counted. Oxidation number of an atom may be positive or negative. For example (i) oxidation number of K and Br in KBr is +1 and -1 respectively (ii) Oxidation number of N in NH3 is -3. There may be a difference between the magnitude of covalency and oxidation number of the same element in various compounds. For example, in each of the following compounds, since C-atom shares four pairs of electrons with other atoms, the covalency of carbon is 4 while the oxidation number of carbon in these compounds is -4, -2, 0, +2, and +4 respectively. Compound : CH4 CH3Cl CH2Cl2 CHCl3 CCl4 Methane Methyl Methylene Chloroform Carbon chloride chloride tetra chloride : 4 -4 4 -2 4 0 4 +2 4 +4
Covalency of carbon
In ionic compounds, the oxidation state of an element is the same as the charge of the ion formed form the atom of the element. For example in KBr, K said to be in +1 oxidation state while Br is said to be in -1 oxidation state.
Oxidation state of an element is its oxidation number of per atom. For example the oxidation state of al in Al2O3 =+6/2 = 3.
Difference between Oxidation Number (O.N.) and Valency The difference between oxidation number and valency has been shown in a tabular form as follows: Oxidation Number (O.N.) 1. O.N. of an element is the number of excess charges that an atom of the element has or appears to have in its combined state, assuming that each electron belongs either to one or another atom. 2. With O.N. plus (+) or minus (-) sign is attached as it is the charge left on the atom of the element. For example O.N. C in CO = +2 while O.N. of C in CH3CI= -2 3. O.N. of an element varies from compound to compound i.e. O.N. of element depends on the nature of the compound in which the element is present. For example O.N. of C in CH4, C2H6, C2H4, C2H2, and CH2Cl2 is -4, -3, -2, -1, and 0 respectively. 4. O.N. of an element may be whole number or it may be fractional. For example O.N. of Mn in Mn3O4 is +8/3 5. O.N. of an element can be zero, for example O.N. of carbon in CH2Cl2 is 0. Valency 1. Valency of an element is its combining capacity and is expressed as the number of H-atoms or Cl atoms or double the number of oxygen atoms that combine with one atom of the element. 2. Since valency is the combining capacity of the element, no plus or minus sign is attached to it. For example valency of C is 4.
3. Valency of an element is usually fixed. For example the valency of carbon in its compounds is 4, i.e. carbon is tetravalent in its compounds.
4. Valency of an element is always whole number and is never fractional. For example valency of Mn is 2. 5. Valency of an element is never zero (exception is noble gases), since it is the combining capacity of the element.
Rules for Calculating Oxidation Number In order to calculate the oxidation number (O.N.) of an element in a given molecule/ion, the following rules are followed. These are arbitrary rules: 1. 2. The oxidation number of an element in the free or uncombined state is zero. Fluorine, the most electronegative element, has an oxidation number of -1 in all its compounds. 3. The oxidation number of hydrogen is +1 all its compound except in the ionic metal hydrides where its O.N. is -1. For example the O.N. of H in H2O is + 1 while its O.N. in NaH is equal to -1. 4. The O.N. of oxygen is generally equal to -2 except in F2O in which the O.N. of oxygen is equal to +2. In H2O2 molecule whose Lewis structure is
The electron pair shared between H and O atoms is counted with O-atom, since it is more electronegative than H-atom. Therefore the number of electrons counted with each O-atom is equal to seven instead of its outermost shell six electrons. Therefore O-atom in H2O2 molecule appears to have -1 charge on it, i.e. O.N. of O-atom in H2O2 molecule (or its derivatives like BaO2 etc) is equal to -1. 5. The net charge on a given ion is equal to the sum of the oxidation numbers of all the atoms present in the ion. 6. The oxidation number of a neutral molecule is always zero and is equal to the sum of oxidation numbers of the individual atoms, each multiplied by the number of atoms of the element in the molecule.
Solved Examples The rules given above can be illustrated by studying the following solved examples. Example 1
Calculate the oxidation number of (a)Cr in Na2Cr2O7; (b)Mn in KMnO4; (c) S in H2SO4 Solution a. Cr in Na2Cr2O7 Let the oxidation of number of Cr in Na2Cr2O7 be x O.N. of Na = +1, O.N. of each O = -2 Putting the sum of the oxidation numbers of the atoms in the compound is equal to zero, we have: 2x1+2x+[7 x (-2)] = 0 x = +6 Thus, oxidation number of Cr in Na2Cr2O7 is +6 b. Mn in KMnO4 Let the oxidation number of Mn in KMnO4 be x O.N. of K = +1, O.N. of each O = -2 Putting the sum of the oxidation numbers of the atoms in the compound is equal to zero, we have: 1 + x+ 4 + (-2) = 0 x = +7 Thus, oxidation number of Mn in KMnO4 is +7 c. S in H2SO4 Let the oxidation of number of S inH2SO4be x O.N. of each H = +1, O.N. of each O = -2 Putting the sum of the oxidation numbers of the atoms in the compound is equal to zero, we have: 2 + x + [4 x (-2)] = 0 x = +6 Thus, oxidation number of S inH2SO4 is +6
Example 2 Calculate the oxidation number of (a)Mn in MnO4- (b) Cr in Cr2O72- (c) S in S2O72-
Solution a. Mn in MnO4Let the oxidation of number of Mn in MnO4- be x O.N. of each O = -2 Putting the sum of the oxidation numbers of the atoms in the compound is equal to -1, we have: 1 x x + [4 x (-2)] = -1 x = +7 Thus, oxidation number of Mn in MnO4- is +7 b. Cr in Cr2O72Let the oxidation number of Cr in Cr2O72-be x O.N. of each O = -2 Putting the sum of the oxidation numbers of the atoms in the compound is equal to -2, we have: 2xx+ [7 x (-2)] = -2 x = +6 Thus, oxidation number of Cr in Cr2O72- is +6 c. S in S2O72Let the oxidation of number of S inS2O72- be x O.N. of each O = -2 Putting the sum of the oxidation numbers of the atoms in the compound is equal to -2, we have: 2 xx+ [7 x (-2)] = -2 x = +6 Thus, oxidation number ofS in S2O72-is +6
Oxidation and Reduction Oxidation is a reaction in which an atom or an ion loses one or more electrons and thus increases its valency, i.e. in oxidation the atomic or ionic system loses one or more electrons and is changed into more electropositive or
less electronegative state. Due to the loss of electrons, oxidation is also called deelectronation. Reduction is a reaction in which on atom or an ion gains one or more electrons and thus decreases its valency, i.e. in reduction the atomic or ionic system gains one or more electrons and is changed into less electropositive or more electronegative state. Due to gain of electrons, reduction is also called electronation. Illustration. The concept of oxidation and reduction has been illustrated in Fig. 1 in which n indicates the number of electrons present in atom/cation/anion. When we proceed upwards from zero valency (), the number of electrons (n) goes on decreasing and hence oxidation takes place. Similarly on proceeding downwards from zero valency (), the number of electrons (n) goes on increasing and hence reduction takes place.
No. of Electrons in Atom/cation/ anion (n 4) (n 3) (n 2) (n 1) No. of electrons (n) (n) (n + 1) (n + 2) (n + 3) (n + 4)
Decreases (loss)
Valency Atom/cation/ anion + 4(A4+) + 3(A3+) + 2(A2+) + 1(A+) 0 (A0) - 1(A1-) - 2(A2-) - 3(A3-) - 4(A4-)
Increases (loss)
Increases (Gain)
Decreases (Gain)
Fig.1. Illustration of the concept of oxidation and reduction. n indicates the number of electrons present in atom/cation/anion
Redox Reactions and Half Reactions Since loss or gain of electrons are relative terms, the gain or loss of electrons takes place simultaneously in a chemical reaction. Thus the oxidation (i.e.loss of electrons) and reduction (i.e. gain of electrons) reactions go hand in hand and such reactions in which oxidation and reduction take place simultaneously are known as oxidation reduction reaction or redox reactions. For example the reaction between Zn and CuSO4 solution shown as: Zn + CuSO4 -------> ZnSO4 + Cu or Zn + Cu2+ -------> Zn2+ + Cu is a redox reaction, since Zn atom (valency=0) by losing two electrons is oxidized to Zn2+ ion (valency=+2) while Cu2+ ion (valency=+2) by gaining the same number of electrons lost by Zn atom gets reduced to Cu atom (valency=0). Thus we see that a redox reaction consists of two reaction-one involves oxidation (e.g. Zn 2e- ----> Zn2+) and the other involves reduction (e.g.Cu2+ + 2e- ----> Cu-). Each of these reactions is called half reaction. The reaction showing oxidation is called oxidation half-reaction while that representing reduction is called reduction half-reaction. Thus the two half-reactions of which the redox reaction (A) is composed of are: Zn 2e- -------> Zn2+ ( it is called as oxidation half-reaction) and Cu2+ + 2e-------> Cu (it is called as reduction half-reaction)
It may be noted that the number of electrons lost or gained in two opposite half-reactions of a redox reaction is equal and the reactions mixture of a redox reaction is electrically neutral.
Oxidizing agent (Oxidant) and Reducing Agent (Reductant) An oxidizing agent (atom, ion or molecule) is that substance which oxidizes some other substance, and is itself reduced to a lower valency state by gaining one or more electrons while a reducing agent (atom, ion or molecule) is that substance which reduces some other substance, and is itself oxidized to a higher valency state by losing one or more electrons. Examples:
a. If an element M gains one electron and is converted into M- anion, the element M is said to be acting as an oxidizing agent, since it is converted into a lower valency state by gaining one electron. Thus: M + e-------> MOxidizing agent [valency = 0 (lower valency)] [valency = +1 (higher valency)]
Similarly if an element M loses one electrons and is converted into M+ cation, the element M is said to be acting as a reducing agent, since it is converted into a higher valency state by losing an electron. Thus: M e-------> M+
Reducing agent [valency = 0 (lower valency)] [valency = +1 (higher valency)]
One Pair
Reduction Zn
(Valency = 0) Reducing agent
+ Cu2+
(Valency = +2) Oxidising agent
(Valency=+2) Oxidising agent
+ Cu
(Valency = 0) Reducing agent
One Pair
When we consider the left hand side of the reaction we find that, since Zn metal reduces Cu+ ions Cu metal and is itself oxidized to Zu2+ ion, Zn metal is said to be acting as a reducing agent. Now we can also say that Cu+ ion oxidizes Zn metal to Zn2+ ion and is itself reduced to Cu metal and hence Cu2+ ion acts as an oxidizing agent. Now when we consider the right hand side of the above reaction, we find that, since Zu2+ ion oxidizes Cu metal to Cu2+ ion and is itself reduced to Zn metal, Zn2+ ion acts as an oxidizing agent. Similarly, when Cu
metal reduces Zn2+ ion to Zn metal and is itself oxidized to Cu2+ ion, Cu metal acts as a reducing agent. On considering both the sides simultaneously we conclude that each side of a redox reaction consists of one oxidizing and one reducing agent as written below each of reactants and products. The following points may be noted: 1. The oxidizing agent has higher oxidation state than its counterpart reducing agent lying on the other side of the redox reaction. For example in the above redox reaction Cu2+ ion (oxidizing agent) is in +2 oxidation state while Cu(counterpart reducing agent) is in zero oxidation state. Similarly Zn2+ ion (oxidizing agent) is in +2 oxidation state while Zn (counterpart reducing agent) is in zero oxidation state. 2. The oxidizing agent is obtained when its counterpart reducing agent loses electrons. Similarly a reducing agent is obtained when its counterpart oxidizing agent gains electrons. For example Zn2+ ion (oxidizing agent) is obtained when Zn (counterpart reducing agent) loses two electrons and Cu (reducing agent) is obtained when Cu2+ ion (counterpart oxidizing agent)gains two electrons.
Equivalent Weights of Oxidizing Agents The equivalent weight of an oxidizing agent (molecule or ion) is its that weight which can take up one electron, i.e. the equivalent weight of an oxidizing agent is equal to its molecular weight or ion weight divided by the number of electrons gained by its per molecule or per ion. Examples: a. In the reduction of Fe3+ ion to Fe2+ ion as shown below: Fe3+ + e- -------> Fe2+ Fe3+ ion gains one electron and hence the equivalent weight of Fe3+ ion (oxidizing agent) is equal to its ion-weight, i.e. equal to 56 gm. Accordingly the equivalent weight of FeCl3 in its reduction to FeCl2 is the same as its molecular weight. b. Sn4+ ion gains two electrons for its reduction to Sn2+ion.
Sn4+ + 2e- -------> Sn2+ Hence the equivalent weight of Sn4+ ion is half the ion-weight of Sn4+ ion. Accordingly the equivalent weight of SnCl4 is equal to half of its molecular weight. c. MnO4- ion in its reduction to Mn2+ ion in acid solution gains five electrons. MnO4- + 8H+ + 5e- -------> Mn2+ + 4H2O Thus the equivalent weight of MnO4- ion is one-fifth of its ion weight, i.e. (54.9 + 64)/5 = 23.8 gms. Accordingly the equivalent weight of KmnO4 = (39.1 + 54.9 + 64)/5 = 158/5 = 31.6 gms. d. The oxidation reaction of Cr2O72- in an acid solution proceeds with the gain of six electrons as shown: Cr2O72- + 14H+ + 6e- -------> 2Cr2+ 7H2O Consequently the equivalent weight of Cr2O72- ion is equal to (5.1 x 2 + 16 x 7)/6 = 35.9 gms. Accordingly the equivalent weight of K2Cr2O7 is equal to (39 x 2 + 51.9 x 2 + 16 x 7)/6 = 48.9 gms.
Equivalent Weights of Reducing Agents On the basis of the similar arguments as used for oxidizing agents, the equivalent weight of a reducing agent (molecule or ion) is its that weight which can loss one electron i.e. the equivalent weight of a reducing agent is equal to its molecular weight or ion weight divided by the number of electrons lost by its per molecule or per ion. Examples: a. Oxidation of Fe2+ ion to Fe3+ ion. The conversion of Fe2+ ion into Fe3+ ion is represented by: Fe2+ e- -------> Fe3+
Reducing agent Oxidizing agent
Thus the equivalent weight of Fe2+ ion (which is a reducing agent in this reaction) is equal to its ion weight. b. Oxidation of Sn2+ ion to Sn4+ ion.
The oxidation of Sn2+ ion involves the loss of two electrons as shown below: Sn2+ 2e- -------> Sn4+
Reducing agent Oxidizing agent
Thus he equivalent weight of Sn2+ ion is equal to its ion weight divided by 2 because it loses two electrons to convert into Sn4+ ion.
It should be remembered that the equivalent weight of a particular oxidizing agent is not a constant quantity. It may change depending on the nature of oxidation-reduction reaction. For example, the oxidation reactions of KMnO4 solution in acidic and alkaline medium are shown as: MnO4- + 8H+ + 5e- -------> Mn2+ + 4H2O (acidic medium) MnO4- + 2H2O + 3e- -------> MnO2 + 4OH- (alkaline medium) The medium reactions show that the equivalent weight of KMnO4 as an oxidizing agent in acidic medium is equal to one-fifth of its molecular weight while its equivalent weight in alkaline medium is equal to one-third of its molecular weight.
Auto-oxidation There are substances like turpentine, olefinic compounds, phosphorus, and some metals (e.g. Zn and Pb) which have a tendency to absorb O2 from the air and then become active. These active substances can oxidize other substances which are not normally oxidized by them. Examples: a. H2O in presence of lead is oxidized by air to H2O2. Pb + O2 + H2O -------> PbO + H2O2 b. When a dilute solution KI mixed with a small amount of turpentine is allowed to stand in an open vessel, a small amount of H2O2 is formed which is indicated by the liberation of I2. If starch solution is added, it turns blue.
In both the examples given above the formation of H2O2 by the oxidation of H2O is called auto-oxidation.
Explanation of auto-oxidation In order to explain, the phenomenon of auto-oxidation, Bach suggested that the other substance is supposed to combine with O2 to form an unstable addition compound, called moloxide which then gives up oxygen. This oxygen is used up by H2O to form H2O2. Bach called lead an activator, since it activated O2 to combine with H2O form H2O2 and water was called an acceptor. Thus the formation of H2O2 can be represented by the following mechanism: Pb + O2 -------> PbO2
Activator Moloxide (unstable addition compound
The turpentine or other unsaturated compounds which act as activators are supposed to take up O2 molecule in the form of OO at the double bond position to form the unstable peroxide (moloxide). RHC CHR + O2 -------> This moloxide gives up oxygen which is used up by H2O molecule or any other acceptor. The bleaching and disinfecting action of turpentine are due to the formation of H2O2.
Induced Oxidation It has been observed that if a solution of Na2SO3 is exposed to air, it gets oxidized to Na2SO4. But, if a solution of Na2AsO3 is exposed to air, it does not get oxidized to Na2AsO4. However solution of Na2SO3 is mixed with that of Na2AsO3 and then the mixture be exposed to air, both undergo oxidation. Na2SO3 + Na2AsO3 + O2 -------> Na2SO4 + Na2AsO4 Thus we see that Na2SO3, while undergoing oxidation on exposure to air, also brings about oxidation of Na2AsO3 which itself cannot oxidize when exposed to air. Thus: The phenomenon in which one substance while undergoing oxidation itself on exposure to air brings about oxidation of another substance also which of itself cannot take up oxygen is known as induced oxidation.
Explanation of induced oxidation Induced oxidation can be explained by Brodies theory and by Bachs theory. 1. Brodies theory. According to this theory H2O2 is formed which brings about the oxidation of Na2AsO3 to Na2AsO4. Na2SO3 + O2 + H2O -------> Na2SO4 + H2O2 Na2AsO3 + H2O2 -------> Na2AsO4 + H2O _______________________________________________ Na2SO3 + Na2AsO3 + O2 -------> Na2SO4 + Na2AsO4 2. Bachs theory. The theory is based on the formation of moloxide by the reaction between Na2SO3 and O2. Na2SO3 + O2 -------> Na2SO5
Na2SO5 + Na2AsO3 -------> Na2SO4 + Na2AsO4 ___________________________________________________ Na2SO3 + Na2AsO3 + O2 -------> Na2SO4 + Na2AsO4
Balancing Redox Equations by Oxidation Number Method This method is based on the principle that any increase in oxidation number must be compensated by decrease. This method consists of the following steps:
1. 2.
Note the elements which undergo change in oxidation numbers. Select the suitable coefficients for the oxidizing and reducing agents so that the total decrease in oxidation number of the oxidizing agent becomes equal to the total increase in the oxidation number of the reducing agent.
Solved Examples The following examples illustrate the above method Example 1 Balance the following equation by oxidation number method. CuO + NH3 ------> Cu + N2 + H2O Solution: the given equation shows that the oxidation number (O.N.) of Cu decreases from +2 (in CuO) to 0 (in Cu) while that of N increases from -3 (in NH3) to 0 (in N2) and hence: CuO + NH3 ------> Cu (Cu = 0) + N2 + H2O
(N = 0)
In order to equalize the total increase in O.N. (= 3) to the total decrease in O.N. (= 2), we should have three atoms of Cu for every two atoms of N and hence the equation should be written as: 3CuO + 2NH3 ------> 3Cu + N2 + H2O Now in order to balance O-atoms, we should add 3H2O molecules to the right hand side. Thus: 3CuO + 2NH3 ------> 3Cu + N2 + 3H2O This is the balance equation.
Example 2 Balance the following equation by oxidation number method. K2Cr2O7 + H2SO4 + FeSO4 ------> K2SO4 + Cr2(SO4)3 + Fe2(SO4)3 Solution: the given equation shows that O.N. of Cr decreases from +6 (in K2Cr2O7) to +3 [in Cr2(SO4)3] while that of Fe increases from +2 (in FeSO4) to +3 [in Fe2(SO4)3] and hence: K2Cr2O7 + H2SO4 + FeSO4 ------> K2SO4 + Cr2(SO4)3 + Fe2(SO4)3 (Cr = +6) (Fe = +2) (Cr = +3) (Fe = +3)
In order to equalize the total increase in O.N. (= 1) to the total decrease in O.N. (= 3), we should have one atom of Cr for every three atoms of Fe or two atoms of Cr for every six atoms of Fe and hence above equation should be written as: K2Cr2O7 + H2SO4 + 6FeSO4 ------> K2SO4 + Cr2(SO4)3 + Fe2(SO4)3 In order to balance Fe atoms, we should write the above equation as: K2Cr2O7 + H2SO4 + 6FeSO4 ------> K2SO4 + Cr2(SO4)3 + 3Fe2(SO4)3 Now in order to balance O-atoms we add 7H2O molecules to the right hand side and to balance H-atoms, we write 7H2SO4 in place of H2SO4 on the left hand side. Thus the equation in its balanced K2Cr2O7 +7H2SO4 + 6FeSO4 ------> K2SO4 + Cr2(SO4)3 + 3Fe2(SO4)3 +7H2O
Balancing Redox Equations by Ion-electron Method By the Use of Halfreactions The various steps involved in the method are as follows:
Break up the complete equation in two half reactions, one for the change undergone by the reducing agent and the other for the change undergone by the oxidizing agent.
Balance each half reaction as to the number of atoms of each element. For this purpose: a. Balance the atoms other than H and O for each half-reaction by using simple multiples. b. In neutral and acid solutions, H2O and H+ are added for balancing oxygen and hydrogen atoms. First balance the oxygen atoms. For each excess oxygen atom, on one side of the equation, add one H2O to the other side. Now use H+ to balance hydrogen atoms. In alkaline solutions, OH- may be used. For each excess on one side, balance is secured by adding one H2O to the same side and 2OH to the other side. If hydrogen is still unbalanced, balance is secured by adding one OH- for each the excess hydrogen on the same side as the excess and one H2O to the other side. c. Equalize the charges on both sides by adding electrons to the side deficient in negative charges. d. Multiply one or both half-reaction by a suitable number so that on adding the two equations, the electrons are balanced. e. Add the two balanced half-reactions and cancel any terms common to both sides. Also see that all electrons cancel.
Solved Example Various steps of the ion-electron method can be illustrated by considering the following examples: Example Balance the following redox reaction by ion-electron method. Fe2+ + MnO4- + H+ ------> Mn2+ + Fe3+ + H2O Solution: obviously the given redox reaction takes place in an acidic medium and can be broken into the following two half-reactions: MnO4- ------> Mn2+.. Reduction half reaction
For reduction half-reaction a. For balancing O-atoms add H2O to right hand side to get: MnO4- ------> Mn2+ + 4H2O b. For balancing H atoms add 8H+ to the left hand side to get: MnO4- + 8H+ ------> Mn2+ + 4H2O c. For balancing the charges add 5e- to the left hand side to get: MnO4- + 8H+ + 5e- ------> Mn2+ + 4H2O For oxidation half-reaction Balance the charges on both sides by adding 1e- to the left hand side to get: Fe2+ or 5Fe2+ ------> Fe3+ + e------> 5Fe3+ + 5e(2) (1)
On adding equations (1) and (2), we get: MnO4- + 8H+ + 5Fe2+ ------> Mn2+ + 4H2O + 5Fe3+ which is the balanced equation.
Galvanic Cells A galvanic cell consists of two electrodes dipping into solution of the two electrolytes with electric contact between the electrodes and electrolytic contact between the solutions. It may also be prepared by placing the solution of an oxidizing agent in one vessel that of the reducing agent in the other, the electrolytic contact being maintained with the help of a salt bridge (Figure 2).
Flow of electrons takes place when external contacts between the two electrodes are made. A sensitive voltmeter in the external circuit of the cell gives the emf (electromotive force) of the cell operating on the chemical reaction, for which the two half-reactions are Zn <======> Zn2+ + 2eCu2+ + 2e- <======> Cu
As the cell potential, zinc metal should go into the solution, increasing the concentration of the Zn2+ ions, whereas the deposition of the copper at the other electrode should decrease the concentration of the Cu2+ ions. As in all ionic solutions, the sum of the negative and the positive charges should be the same. If the migration of the ions is not allowed, no reaction takes place at all. The salt bridge provides for the transfer of the ions between the two solutions, so that the ionic charges in each solution remain balanced. The potential difference between the electrodes in a galvanic cell depens upon the following factors: 1. Oxidation potential of the half-cell reactions, i.e., the single electrode potentials of the half-reactions. 2. 3. Nature of the metal electrode, if metal enters into the chemical reaction. Concentration of the ions of the metal in the solution, the half-cell potentials being given by this equation E = E0 4. 5. Temperature T of the solutions. Liquid junction potential ej. i.e., the emf at the liquid-liquid junction of the two cells, which is reduced to a negligible quantity by using a salt bridge.
The Cell EMF and Standard Electrode Potential The potential difference of two half-cells, each at standard states is expressed as Ecell0, whereas the potential difference of half-cells not at the standard states is denotated by Ecell.
The voltage of a galvanic cell is the potential difference of the E0 values of the two half-cells. The half-cell potentials cannot be added directly unless they result in a complete reaction. Consider the reactions Ag+ + e<======> Ag E0 = +0.80 V E0 = +1.50 V Au3+ + 3e- <======> Au
in which the more positive Eo value for the Au3+ Au couple indicates that Au3+ can oxidize metallic silver to Ag+ ions. This is seem more clearly by subtraction for the cell reaction Au3+ + 3Ag <======> 3Ag+ + Au and the cell Ag Ag+ (1 M) Au3+ (1 M) Au with the cell potential Ecell as shown below Ecell = E0right E0left = +1.50 (+0.80) = +0.70 V The driving force of the cell is therefore +0.70 V, and the reaction proceeds in a direction in which the cell potential or cell emf is positive.
Convention Regarding Cells In galvanic cell, the oxidation and the reduction takes place at the different places (at different electrodes), so that as already stated, electrolytic conduction must be possible internally and metallic conduction externally. In some systems, electrolytic may be the same throughout the cell. For example, the following cell can be written, Pt H2(g) H+ Ag+(aq0 Ag for the reaction H+(aq) + e- <======> H2(g) E0 = 0.00 V Ag+(aq) + e- <======> Ag(s) E0 = 0.80 V ______________________________________________________ Ag+(aq) + H2(g) ------> Ag(s) + H+(aq) E0cell = E0right E0left = 0.80 0.00 V = 0.80 V
A cell is so written that in the process at the left hand side, electrons are always liberated at the electrode (i.e., the oxidation takes place at the left hand electrode). The emf of the cell is taken as positive when the spontaneous cell reaction is such as to produce oxidation at the left hand electrode and recuction at the right hand side electrode. Calculation of the Cell EMF The electrode potential data can be used to calculate the emf of any cell. Consider, for example, the cell Cd Cd2+ (1 M) Br- (1 M) Br2 (l) Pt This can be written as the two half-reactions Cd + 2e- <======> Cd Br2 + 2e- <======> 2BrOn substraction, the cell reaction is obtained as Cd + Br2 -------> Cd2+ with the cell emf Ecell as Ecell = E0right E0left = +1.70 (-0.40) = +1.47 V As cell emf Ecell is positive, the cell will function as written. Cadmium will get oxidized to Cd2+ while bromine will get reduced to Br- ions + 2BrEl0 = -0.40 V Er0 = +1.70 V
Madan, R.D., 1997. Modern Inorganic Chemistry, S. Chand and Company LTD. New Delhi.
Manku, G.S., 1980. Theoritical Principles of Inorganic Chemistry. Tata McGraw Hill Book Co of India.