Development of 1 MW Output Power Level Gyrotron For ITER ECRH System

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Development of 1 MW Output Power Level Gyrotron

for ITER ECRH System
A.G.Litvak, V.V.Alikaev*, G.G.Denisov, V.E.Zapevalov,
V.I.Kurbatov+, V.E.Myasnikov+, V.A.Flyagin
Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences
*Kurchatov Institute, Moscow


The paper presents the approach and results of development of the 170 GHz/1 MW ITER gyrotron in
Russia. The main problems of elaborating powerful gyrotrons are discussed. Results of 170 GHz gyrotron
tests are analyzed and compared with the theory. ITER related 110 GHz and 140 GHz gyrotrons are also
investigated. The possibility to create a 170 GHz/1 MW gyrotron for ITER is proved by calculations and

Gyrotrons are the most advanced powerful sources of millimetre wavelength radiation. They are
widely used in electron-cyclotron-wave (ECW) systems of fusion installations. The ITER ECW system
requires about 60 gyrotron units operating at the frequency of 170GHz with power 1MW/CW per unit.
In the framework of ITER activity the 170GHz/IMW/CW gyrotron is developed at the Institute of
Applied Physics in cooperation with the industrial company Gycom Ltd.
Main problems of a elaborating gyrotrons for ITER are associated with attainment of the
megawatt RF power level [1,2]. A modern millimetre wave gyrotron consists of an electron gun, which
forms an electron beam with helical trajectories of particles (typical gun voltage is 70...90 kV, current
20...40 A, pitch factor l.2...l.4), electron beam tunnel, oversized cavity operating at a high-order mode,
quasi-optical mode converter, output window and collector. At the megawatt power level many of the
gyrotron subassemblies (cathode, cavity, window, collector) have to operate at thermal loads close to
their limits.
Development of the l70 GHz gyrotron is based on the experience of successful elaboration of
long-pulse 110 and 140 GHz GYCOM gyrotrons[3-4]. In particular, a 110 GHz high power
experimental gyrotron model was tested with a single-stage depressed collector (CPD). At the megawatt
power level gyrotron efficiency without CPD is 40% and the enhanced efficiency with single-stage
depressed collector is 65%. The industrial version of the 110GHz/1MW gyrotron produces microwaves
in pulses up to 2 seconds. 140 GHz industrial gyrotrons [4] with output power about 1 MW in 1.5 s
pulses (or 650 kW in 2.5 s, 270 kW in 5 s, 150 kW in 9.3 s) were developed. The gyrotron efficiency is
about 40 %. Also an industrial 140 GHz gyrotron with CPD has been tested with a single-stage
depressed collector and it showed efficiency over 50% at operating regime 800kW/1sec.


2.1 Main features of the 170 GHz gyrotron

The magnetron injection gun designed for the 170 GHz gyrotron forms a quasi-laminar electron
beam with a high current (80 kV, 40 A), which passes through the tunnel to the cavity without
instabilities. This resulted from thorough optimization of the shape of the gun electrodes and technology
of the emitter fabrication.
Stable single-mode high-efficient generation in an oversized cavity at the megawatt level of output
power becomes an extremely complicated problem at high frequencies, especially because this problem
has to be solved within a number of limitations. The most difficult one is limitation of the density of
Ohmic losses in cavity walls since energy removal in the most efficient cooling systems practically does
not exceed 2 - 3 kW/cm2. The mode TE25.10 was chosen as the operating one. Gyrotron operation at

such a high mode in a cavity with novel cooling system provides operation at the megawatt power level.
The converter separating RF radiation and the worked-out electron beam transforms a
complicated cavity mode into a paraxial wave beam. The converter includes a specially shaped
waveguide cut and several mirrors. The mirrors are profiled to provide: low diffraction losses inside the
tube, the optimal RF power distribution over an output window, matching of the output wave beam to
the transmission line after the window.
The problem of the output window is the main difficulty that hinders creation of 1 MW/CW
gyrotrons. Different materials and window designs are under investigation. The most promising
approaches for elaboration of a CW window for high-frequency ECW gyrotrons are associated now
with new materials having low RF losses and high thermal conductivity such as Au-doped silicon and
artificial CVD-diamond.
The collector with dynamic scanning of electron beam by means of additional coils generating
magnetic field of the saw-teeth form is used. The collector is compatible with the CPD regime allowing
high gyrotron efficiency, over 50%.

2.2. Experimental study of the 170GHz gyrotron

Experiments with the 170 GHz gyrotron are carried out typically along two main lines. New
principal solutions in the gyrotron scheme are tested in short pulse prototypes.
Such preliminary short-pulse (50µs) experiments with 170 GHz/1 MW gyrotrons were performed on
the automation set-up and dependencies of gyrotron parameters on the beam current, accelerating
voltage and magnetic field were analyzed. Results of measurements of the output power Pout, and
efficiency η depending on the electron beam current I are presented in Fig. 1. The output power level 1
MW was achieved at the TE25.10 operating mode in design regime with efficiency of 34%. The maximum
output power near 1.3 MW with efficiency 32% was reached.
The same TE25.10 gyrotron was tested also with a single-stage depressed collector. Fig. 2 shows
results of measurements of output power Pout and efficiency η in dependence on the retarding collector
voltage for the short pulse experimental gyrotron. Output power of 1MW/50 µs is obtained at the beam
parameters of (80-40) kV/40 A. The improved efficiency with the use of a single-stage depressed
collector is near 60% and in agreement with calculation.
After these tests of the short-pulse prototypes, a long-pulse industrial gyrotron was designed and
first experiments were performed.

1.3 1.3

1.2 0.6 1.2 TE25.10 0.6

TE25.10 80 kV 170 GHz
170 GHz 1.1 P
80 kV 40 A
1.0 P 0.5 1.0 0.5

0.9 0.9

0.8 0.4 0.8 0.4

P out (MW)

P out (MW)

0.7 0.7

0.6 0.3 0.6 0.3

0.5 0.5

0.4 0.2 0.4 0.2

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1

0.1 0.1

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40
I beam (A) U ret (kV)

Fig.1 Output power Pout, and efficiency η Fig.2 Output power Pout, and
depending on the electron beam current I efficiency η versus retarding
for short pulse gyrotrons. collector voltage.

A gyrotron version with a BN window and without a depressed collector showed stable operation
with parameters 1MW/1 sec, 0.5MW/5sec, 0.27MW/10sec. In all regimes gyrotron efficiency
corresponds to the calculated values.

The gyrotron tests were carried out on a special stand at "Kurchatov Institute". Experimental
dependencies of gyrotron output power and efficiency versus beam current are shown in Fig. 3. The
maximum output power of 1MW at 1.0 s pulse length was achieved and it was limited by the collector
(because no CPD used). Maximal efficiency 34.8 % (Pout = 870kW, U = 76 kV, I = 34 A) is in good
agreement with simulating data and results of short-pulse tests.

Fig.3 Output power and efficiency versus Fig.4 Maximum window temperature versus
electron beam current RF pulse energy.

Maximal energy in microwave pulses (2.5 MJ) was limited by the BN window. During tests the
temperature distribution over window surface was measured by means of an infrared camera with
computer data processing. Maximal temperature on the window surface versus pulse output energy is
shown in Fig. 4. RF pulse energy of 2.5 MJ (500 kW/ 5 s 270 kW/ 10 s etc.) corresponds to the window
temperature around 1200°C.
The tests also confirmed reliable operation of gyrotron cooling systems (for cavity, collector,
mirrors, body…).


Recent investigations revealed very attractive features of using CVD diamonds for window
development. In last years rather big (up to 120mm diameter, 2mm thickness) diamond disks with low-
loss tangent were demonstrated. Windows based on such disks may have water edge cooling and very
high transmission capability (up to 2MW/CW). Developing this very promising idea of a diamond
window the following steps were made in Russia:
- measurements of loss tangent and thermal conductivity for several diamond disks in the
temperature range of 20…450°C for various frequencies (Fig.5). In particular, properties of
disks produced in Russia were measured. The Russian disks have diameter up to 70 mm and
thickness up 1.5 mm;
- thorough study was performed for diamond window transmission capacity and stresses in it.
The calculations show reliable transmission capacity over 1MW;
- a high power test was performed. In the test the microwave radiation 110 GHz/0.5MW/2sec
passed through a model of a diamond window with mechanical tight (Fig.6). Disc parameters
such as thermal conductivity (2000 W/m2/degree±10%), relative losses in the window
(2.4×10-4 ±10%) and time constant (0.25 sec), were in good agreement with calculations and
lower power measurement results.

-6 Refractive index
tgδ [10 ]
35 Refractive index 2.400

Loss tangent

30 2.395

25 2.390

Fig.5 Measured characteristics of Russian CVD Fig.6 High power test of the diamond
diamond disk. Diameter 66mm, thickness 1.11mm, window. Window temperature. growth
rate 0.0025 mm/h.
These studies show that there are no doubts in feasibility of diamond window.


The possibility of development of the 170 GHz /1MW/CW gyrotron has been proved in recent
theoretical and experimental studies. Principal steps have been made in solving the most acute gyrotron
problems such as: stable and efficient gyrotron operation at a very high operating mode; gyrotron
efficiency enhancement by means of a depressed collector; output window development. Stable
operation of the gyrotron with TE25.10 was demonstrated. The output power of 1 MW with efficiency of
32 % (without CPD) at pulse length of 1.0 s was reached. The maximum pulse energy about of 2.5 MJ
was limited by temporary used single-disc NB window. Experimental and industrial prototypes of the
170GHz/1MW/CW gyrotron operate at design parameters. These points make a reliable basis for
elaboration of a tube operating in the full-scale regime. An advanced 170GHz gyrotron with a new
diamond window, one-stage depressed collector and CW cooling of all elements is planned to be tested
in December 1998. It is expected to reach 1MW/10-20 s with efficiency over 50%.


[1] G.G.Denisov, V.A.Flyagin, V.E.Zapevalov. Development of gyrotron prototype for ITER at IAP.
Conf. Proc. 20 Int. Conf. on IR & MM waves. Orlando, USA. 197 (1995).
[2] V.E. Zapevalov, V.E. Myasnikov, et all. Development of 1MW output power level gyrotron for
ITER, 22 Int. Conf. on IR&MM Waves. 1997, p. 108-109
[3] V.E. Myasnikov, et all. Long-pulse operation of 110 GHz/1MW gyrotron, 22 Int. Conf. on
IR&MM Waves. 1997, p. 102-103
[4] V.E. Myasnikov, et all. Megawatt power Long-pulse 140GHz gyrotron. 21 Int. Conf. on IR&MM
Waves. 1996.
[5] V.V.Alikaev, D.V.Khmara, V.A.Khmara, V.E.Myasnikov, V.V.Parshin. Output Power Windows
of GYCOM Gyrotrons and their Prospectiv. ITG Conf. Displays and Vacuum Electronics. Garmisch-
Patenkirchen, Germany. pp. 357-362, 1998.
[6] V.Parshin, V.Ralchenko and V.Konov. Diamond for High-Power Gyrotron Window. The 23th Int.
Conf. on IR & MM Waves. Colchester, England, 1998.

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