Joao Beirao CV
Joao Beirao CV
Joao Beirao CV
Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s)
Address Telephone(s) E-mail(s) Nationality Date of birth Gender
Work experience
Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer 01/03/2012 Freelance Copywriter Creative Writing Advertising 30 June 2012 - 15 August 2012 Marketing and Communication Assistant Marketing plan, image rebranding, sales, events and campaigns Yamaha Lisboa (Portugal) 25/06/2011 - 12/09/2011 Receptionist Black & White Hostel
01/09/2011 - 20/07/2012 Copywriter Radio, Television, Press, Outdoors, Digital Advertising, Creative writing Lisbon Ad School
Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Name and type of organisation providing education and training
Listening C2 Proficient user C2 Reading Proficient user C2
Spoken interaction Proficient user Spoken production C2 Proficient user C2
Proficient user Basic User Basic User
B1 Independent user B1 Independent user B1 Independent user B1 Independent user A1 A2 Basic User B1 Independent user A1 Basic User A1 Basic User A2 (*) Common European Framework of Reference (CEF) level
Driving licence(s)
A1, A, B