This document provides the schedule of masses and intentions for St. Columba Catholic Church in San Diego for the week of October 20th through October 26th. It also includes announcements about various parish events, such as a parish photo directory, an all souls day novena, a brunch concert, and encouragement to support the parish through online donations.
This document provides the schedule of masses and intentions for St. Columba Catholic Church in San Diego for the week of October 20th through October 26th. It also includes announcements about various parish events, such as a parish photo directory, an all souls day novena, a brunch concert, and encouragement to support the parish through online donations.
This document provides the schedule of masses and intentions for St. Columba Catholic Church in San Diego for the week of October 20th through October 26th. It also includes announcements about various parish events, such as a parish photo directory, an all souls day novena, a brunch concert, and encouragement to support the parish through online donations.
This document provides the schedule of masses and intentions for St. Columba Catholic Church in San Diego for the week of October 20th through October 26th. It also includes announcements about various parish events, such as a parish photo directory, an all souls day novena, a brunch concert, and encouragement to support the parish through online donations.
October 19, 2014 Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time MONDAY, OCTOBER 20 7:00 amMM Weldon Donaldson
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21 7:00 amMM Donors Intention
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22 7:00 amEC Elena De La Isla
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23 7:00 amMM Elena De La Isla
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24 7:00 amMM Elena De La Isla 8:15 amMM Jan Angel Deutsch
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25 8:00 amMM Peter Nguyen 5:30 pmMM People of the Parish
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26 7:30 amMM Pablito Elias 9:30 amMM Gene Ripley 5:30 pmEC Donors Intention
ECFr. Ed Corcoran, JLFr. Justin Langille, MMFr. Mel Monreal Mass Intentions for the Week Donate Online! In an effort to save on paper and postage, all parishioners are encour- aged to use our online giving pro- gram. Visit our new website: and click Donate Online. Or, scan this code with your mobile device. To have your monthly envelopes dis- continued, please call the office. Stained-Glass Windows Only one window left for adoption: St. Ansgar World Mission Sunday This weekend, we celebrate World Mission Sunday (also known as Propagation of the Faith). This year we are invited to help build the Church in Mongolia, the worlds youngest Catholic Church, as well as other churches in the most remote areas across our world. Please keep the Missions in your daily prayers and give generously in the collection for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. Please make checks payable to St. Columba Church. Parish Photo Directory Have you made your photo appointment for our new Par- ish directory? It wont be complete without YOU! Ap- pointments are available October 23, 25, 30 and No- vember 1st. There are 3 ways to sign up for your photo session:
1) In person, after Mass this weekend. 2) Online, TUESDAYS thru FRIDAYS, by clicking on the Say cheese post on our web site, near the bot- tom. 3) Call the parish office to set up your appointment.
Everyone who participates will receive a free 8 x 10 por- trait and a free directory! For questions call (858) 277- 3863. Gift Basket Project The Men's Club is collecting non- perishable food for the Thanksgiv- ing and Christmas Basket distribu- tion. Please bring your donations to the boxes at the entrance to Church. The giving of food baskets to needy families during the holi- days has been an ongoing sign of the parish's generosity and of Steward- ship in action. Thank you to all for giving now and through the middle of December so we can pass your donations on to those who are less fortu- nate this holiday season. For questions, call Ed Ancmon at (858) 356-8111 or Shawn Quinn at (858) 278-0526. Thanks for your help! Fr. Mel and the St. Columba School Choir will be performing on Sunday, November 9, in the par- ish hall. The Men's Club will be serving brunch from 8:00 to 11:30 AM with the concert starting at 11:00. Tickets for the brunch will be on sale starting next weekend. For more information contact Bob Horn at 619-843-8891. Brunch Concert TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 19, 2014 Elizabeth Ainsworth, Carlos Amaya, Don Anderson, Walt Becker, Kayla Bernabe, Peter Blewett, Michael Blo- cher, Jim Bowerman, Douglas Byrne, Marilou Cabrera, Ruby Convento, Carrie Davis, Elizabeth De La Cruz, Robert & Louise Dennin, Rose Diamond, Karan Ditty, Pauline Estrada, Cheryl Godwin-Do, Lee Howard, Ted Hoyt, Claudia Jarrell, Stephanie Lacemski, Long Le, Therese Le, Liam Macaraeg, Marjean McGrew, Richard Mawson, Heidi Morse, Douglas Myers, Albert Nave, Ar- lene Nave, Marie Nguyen, Doris Oliver, Pat Oliver, Earl Patterson, Melinda Peters, Juan & Glenis Quidachay, Marge Riggs, Griff Rogers, Steve Romero, Madonna Salunga, Gloria Satterwhite, Missy Studds, Sam Suyao, William Toves, Divina Villar PLEASE PRAY for the following who are ill, their families and those who care for them: Like us on Facebook!
Search for our blue logo. New comment forms have been placed near our Sugges- tion Box at the back of the church. We encourage you to submit comments, questions and suggestions. Your feedback is welcomed by the Pastoral Council. Suggestion Box Religious Education Classes If you still need to pay for your registration fee, you may do so online through our website. Go to stcolum-, click Donate Online, and look for the Religious Education tab. Scan the QR code with a bar code app on your mobile device.
Or visit: Check Out Our Website! RCIA Do you want to know more about the Catholic Faith? Do you want to receive the Sacraments? Classes are Sundays, 10:45 am in the Ministry Center. For more in- formation contact Mike Conroy at (858) 278-1507. On Sunday, November 9th, at 11:30 a.m. (following a parish breakfast) there will be a meeting of St. Columba Alumni in the Parish Hall. This will be our first official meeting to discuss the development of an Alumni Foundation that will help support tuition as- sistance. Please spread the word to fellow alumni. Attention St. Columba Alumni Readings for the Week Mon: Eph 2:1-10/Ps 100:1-5/Lk 12:13-21 Tues: Eph 2:12-22/Ps 85:9-14/Lk 12:35-38 Wed: Eph 3:2-12/(Ps) Is 12:2-6/Lk 12:39-48 Thurs: Eph 3:14-21/Ps 33:1-2,4-5,11-12,18-19/Lk 12:49-53 Fri: Eph 4:1-6/Ps 24:1-6/Lk 12:54-59 Sat: Eph 4:7-16/Ps 122:1-5/Lk 13:1-9 Sun: Ex 22:20-26/Ps 18:2-4,47,51/1 Thes 1:5-10/ Mt 22:34-40 We have a new drop-off point for aluminum cans and plastic bottles (sorry, no glass). Just drive up to the large storage structure on the west end of the gravel lot. Thanks for supporting our school and Youth Group. On Thursday, Oct. 23rd, Fr. Mel will give a teaching at the Prayer Meeting at 7:00 p.m. The topic will be "The Old Testament-The Torah" based on the first five books in the Bible. As Directory Pictures are being taken in the Ministry Center, the Prayer Meeting will be held in the Daily Mass Chapel. Everyone is invited to join us. Seniors Club Thursday, October 23, 10:30 a.m.
Lunch ($5): Grilled chicken, mashed potatoes Program: Mini-Strings Theme: Halloween Prayer Meeting Special Guest Youth Group Bake Sale Today! Recycling Program Please stop by after Mass this morning to pick up some goodies on your way home. The Youth of the parish appreciates your ongoing support. All proceeds to benefit Youth Group programs throughout the year, including giving back to the com- munity. Thank you for your support! PTG Gala Bake Sale Next Sunday, October 26th After the morning Masses All Souls Novena A Novena for All Souls will begin on All Souls Day, Sun- day, November 2nd. Offering envelopes will be available in the church next weekend if you would like to make a donation in memory of a loved one. The envelopes with the names will be placed on the altar during Mass throughout the nine-day Novena.