Optimal Thinking Financial Protection

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By Rosalene Glickman, Ph.D. probability of failure is high, optimism is cost of duplicating records is not prohibi-
the wrong strategy. tive, it is common practice for companies
Many people jump into get-rich-quick
to establish back up systems. The most
schemes, create ruinous debt, and fail to Optimal Thinkers eliminate unnecessary
prudent companies back up their records
employ solid strategies that serve their best disappointment, because we entertain
and house them in external facilities in
interests. So what really happens to disap- realistic expectations. We accept what is out
case of fire, flood or earthquake. In such
point and frustrate these people? How do of our control, and focus on optimizing
instances, where employees are unable
they sabotage their financial success? issues within our control. We explore our
to gain access to the company’s premises,
options and make the optimal choice from
Many positive thinkers judge, suppress, and damages are significantly reduced.
realistic alternatives. Instead of hoping for
ignore negativity. They may have legitimate When evaluating risk, the probability
the best, Optimal Thinkers embrace reality
concerns about a business venture but and cost of failure (including the ability
and ask: “What are my/our options?”
choose to ignore them. You have probably to cope with the consequences) must
“What’s the best thing I/we can do under
heard these people say, “I don’t want to be weighed against the cost and benefits
the circumstances?” When the stakes are
hear any negativity!” These people are of prevention.
high, we employ an optimal contingency
afraid to face the truth.
plan against the worst-event scenario to min-
Negative thoughts and feelings are not imize danger and negative consequences. ROSALENE GLICKMAN, Ph.D.
resolved when we suppress, deny, or
Have you participated in a conversation is the creator
devalue them. We simply function with
where positive thinking has become wishful and best-selling
layers of unresolved problems and
thinking? Here is an example: author of
compromise our choices, morale,
productivity, and teamwork. Applying Warren: I am having sleepless nights. Optimal
paint over rust doesn’t remove the rust. I’m worried about buying this property with Thinking
an interest-only loan. (Wiley). She
So how can we give ourselves the best
is President of
chance of success? Use Optimal Thinking, Wishful Wendy: Just stay positive and
The World Academy
the language of our best self! Instead of everything will turn out fine.
of Personal Development Inc., a Los
applying paint over rust, Optimal Thinkers
Now let’s experience the difference when Angeles, California training and consult-
acknowledge the rust, treat it, and then
two Optimal Thinkers confront the same ing firm. Dr. Glickman has provided
apply the best paint. We respect negativity,
issue: consultation and training for individuals
seek to understand it, and immediately ask
the most constructive questions in order to Jack: I am having sleepless nights. I’m and organizations including Warner
find the best solution. worried about buying this property with Bros., Johnson & Johnson, U.S. Army,
an interest-only loan. What is the best thing Young Presidents’ Organization, BP,
Do you know people who believe that their Internal Revenue Service, and Bristol-
I can do?
dreams will be achieved by a magical divine Myers Squibb. She has been repeatedly
process that is triggered by the intensity of Ralph: What’s the worst thing that could
honored by the media as “Australia’s
their faith? Armed with unrealistic expecta- happen? What do you think is your best
Most Successful Woman.” She is the
tions, such optimists approach life with a strategy if the worst occurred? How can you
recipient of the “Woman of the Year”
false sense of security, and are ill prepared minimize your risk? What are the most
award for National Business Women’s
for negative consequences. constructive actions you can take under the
Week in Hollywood.
current circumstances?
In today’s heated real estate market, many
investors employ wishful thinking. These So how does Optimal Thinking protect the This Optimal Thinking woman has
optimistic thinkers have convinced them- best interests of businesses? Most compa- been featured on Bloomberg TV, Fox
selves that real estate can be evaluated with nies understand that data loss caused by News Channel, New York Times and
unrealistic criteria. They assume that prop- computer hardware failure is costly and Association Management Magazine.
erties can be bid up to any level, and will can even be catastrophic. The probability For more information, visit
remain there. When the cost of failure or of such failures is also considerable. As the http://www.optimalthinking.com.

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