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02 Hot Air Generator

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Bureau of Energy Efficiency

Prepared By Reviewed By



BEE, 2010 Detailed Project Report on Energy Efficient Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr) Chemical SME Cluster, Ahmedabad, Gujarat (India) New Delhi: Bureau of Energy Efficiency; Detail Project Report No. AMD/CHM/HAG/02

For more information Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) (Ministry of Power, Government of India) 4th Floor, Sewa Bhawan R. K. Puram, New Delhi 110066 Telephone +91-11-26179699 Fax +91-11-26178352 www.bee-india.nic.in Websites:

Email: [email protected]/ [email protected]


We are sincerely thankful to the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Power, for giving us the opportunity to implement the BEE SME project in Ahmedabad Chemical Cluster. We express our sincere gratitude to all concerned officials for their support and guidance during the conduct of this exercise. Dr. Ajay Mathur, Director General, BEE Smt. Abha Shukla, Secretary, BEE Shri Jitendra Sood, Energy Economist, BEE Shri Pawan Kumar Tiwari, Advisor (SME), BEE Shri Rajeev Yadav, Project Economist, BEE Winrock International India(WII) is also thankful to Green Environment Co-operative Society, Vatva for their valuable inputs, co-operation, support and identification of the units for energy use and technology audit studies and facilitating the implementation of BEE SME program in Ahmedabad Chemical Cluster. We take this opportunity to express our appreciation for the excellent support provided by Chemical Unit Owners, Local Service Providers, and Equipment Suppliers for their active involvement and their valuable inputs in making the program successful and in completion of the Detailed Project Report (DPR). WII is also thankful to all the SME owners, plant in charges and all workers of the SME units for their support during the energy use and technology audit studies and in implementation of the project objectives.

Winrock International India New Delhi

List of Annexure List of Tables List of Figures List of Abbreviation Executive summary About BEES SME program 1 1.1 1.1.1 1.2 1.2.1 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 1.3.5 1.4 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3 1.5 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 2 2.1 vii vii viii viii ix x

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 1 BRIEF INTRODUCTION ABOUT CLUSTER .................................................................. 1 Existing production process ................................................................................ 1 ENERGY PERFORMANCE IN AHMEDABAD CHEMICAL CLUSTER ................................. 3 Specific energy consumption .............................................................................. 3 IDENTIFICATION OF EXISTING TECHNOLOGY/ EQUIPMENT ......................................... 4 Description of equipment .................................................................................... 4 Technical gap in conventional HAG .................................................................... 4 Specification of existing system ......................................................................... 6 Role in the process ............................................................................................ 7 Need for up gradation of existing equipment ...................................................... 7 BASELINE ENERGY CONSUMPTION OF EXISTING EQUIPMENT .................................... 7 Design and operating parameters ...................................................................... 8 Specific fuel consumption in existing system ..................................................... 8 Energy audit methodology ................................................................................. 8 BARRIERS IN ADOPTION OF PROPOSED TECHNOLOGY/EQUIPMENT ...........................10 Technological Barrier .........................................................................................10 Financial Barrier.................................................................................................11 Skilled manpower ..............................................................................................11 IMPLEMENTATION OF PROPOSED TECHNOLOGY ......................................12 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED EQUIPMENT ..............................................................12

2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.1.6 2.1.7 2.1.8 2.2 2.3 3 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.2 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.2 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.4 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.4.3 3.4.4

Comparison of conventional HAG with energy efficient HAG .............................12 EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATION ..................................................................................13 Suitability over existing system ..........................................................................13 Superiority over existing system ........................................................................14 Technical specifications .....................................................................................14 Availability of proposed equipment.....................................................................14 Equipment providers ..........................................................................................15 Terms and conditions in sales of Energy efficient HAG ......................................15 PROCESS DOWN TIME DURING IMPLEMENTATION ....................................................15 SUITABLE UNIT FOR PROPOSED EQUIPMENT ...........................................................15 ECONOMIC BENEFITS OF ENERGY EFFICIENT HOT AIR GENERATOR.....16 ENERGY & MONETARY BENEFITS ...........................................................................16 Fuel Saving........................................................................................................16 Electrciity saving ................................................................................................16 Monetary benefit ................................................................................................16 ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS ..................................................................................16 Reduction of deforestation .................................................................................16 GHG emission reductions ..................................................................................16 CDMability of the project ....................................................................................17 SOCIAL BENEFITS .................................................................................................17 Impact on working environment .........................................................................17 Impact on manpower skills .................................................................................17 Impact on wages/emoluments ...........................................................................17 OTHER BENEFITS (IF ANY) ....................................................................................17 Productivity improvements .................................................................................17 Quality improvements ........................................................................................17 Reduction of production costs ............................................................................18 Easy operation& maintenance ...........................................................................18

4 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.3 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.3.5 4.4 4.5

ECONOMICS & IMPLEMENTATION OF ENERGY EFFICIENT HAG ..............19 COST OF PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION.....................................................................19 Equipment cost ..................................................................................................19 Other cost ..........................................................................................................19 ARRANGEMENT OF FUNDS ....................................................................................19 Entrepreneurs contribution .................................................................................19 Loan amount ......................................................................................................19 Terms & conditions of loan.................................................................................20 FINANCIAL INDICATORS ........................................................................................20 Cash flow analysis .............................................................................................20 Simple payback period.......................................................................................20 Net Preset Value (NPV) .....................................................................................20 Internal rate of return (IRR) ................................................................................20 Return on Investment (ROI) ...............................................................................21 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS ..........................................................................................21 PROCUREMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE ..................................................21

List of Annexure Annexure-1 Energy audit reports of conventional hot air generator...................................22 Annexure 2 Process flow diagram ....................................................................................34 Annexure-3 Detailed technical assessment report ............................................................35 Annexure-4 Electrical & civil works drawing of energy efficient HAG ................................37 Annexure-5 Detailed cash flow evaluations of energy efficient HAG .................................39 Annexure-6 Details of procurement and implementation plan ...........................................43 Annexure-7 Details of equipment and service providers ...................................................44 Annexure 8 Quotations of energy efficient hot air generator .............................................45

List of Tables Table 1.1 Annual Energy consumption and production...................................................... 3 Table 1.2 Specific energy consumption of a typical unit .................................................... 3 Table 1.3 Specification of existing hot air generator .......................................................... 6 Table 2.1 Comparison of conventional equipment and proposed equipment ..................12 Table 2.2 Technical specifications ....................................................................................14 Table 4.1 Details of proposed equipment installation cost ................................................19 Table 4.1 Financial parameters of energy efficient hot air generator ...............................21 Table 4.2 Sensitivity analysis ...........................................................................................21


List of Figures Figure 1.1: Process flow chart ........................................................................................... 2 Figure1.2 Hot air generator operations at a chemical industry ........................................... 4 Figure1.2: Energy audit methodology ................................................................................ 9 Figure 2.1 Energy efficient wood fired hot air generator ...................................................12 List of Abbreviations MT kWh GoI MoMSME GHG BEE DPR O&M NPV ROI IRR DSCR PBT PAT ID FD HAG DBT SIDBI Metric Tonne kilo Watt Hour Government Of India Ministry of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises Green House Gas Bureau of Energy Efficiency Detailed Project Report Operational & Maintenance Net Present Values Return on Investment Internal Rate Of Return Debt Service Coverage Ratio Profit Before Tax Profit After Tax Induced Draft Forced Draft Hot Air Generator Dry Bulb Temperature Small Industries Development Bank of India


Winrock International India is executing BEE-SME program in Ahmedabad chemical Cluster, supported by Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) with an overall objective of improving the energy efficiency in cluster units. Ahmedabad chemical cluster is one of the largest chemical clusters in India; accordingly this cluster was chosen for energy efficiency improvements by implementing energy efficient measures / technologies, so as to facilitate maximum replication in other chemical clusters in India. The main energy forms used in the cluster units are wood. Wood is used as fuel in hot air generator for drying process. The cost incurred in the drying process constitutes major portion in the overall energy cost in majority of chemical industries in Ahmedabad cluster. Function of hot air generator in chemical units is to generate hot air to dry chemicals in different types of dryers. It is evident that drying is one of the major energy and time consuming process in the overall manufacturing process of chemical units. Apart from the energy and time, final product quality depends on quality of drying. During energy audit, it was observed that most of the chemical units are using inefficient hot air generator for generation of hot air and it is found that the efficiencies of the existing hot air generator is abysmally low. Implementation of new energy efficient hot air generator (HAG) of capacity 60,000kCal/hr having efficiency higher than the conventional system, will lead to reduction in wood consumption by 1,33,200 kg per year however, this intervention will increase the electricity consumption. This DPR highlights the details of the study conducted for assessing the potential for replacement of conventional hot air generator by new energy efficient hot air generator , possible energy saving, and its monetary benefit, availability of the technologies/design, local service providers, technical features & proposed equipment specifications, various barriers in implementation, environmental aspects, estimated GHG reductions, capital cost, financial analysis, sensitivity analysis for three different scenarios Implementation This bankable DPR also found eligible for subsidy scheme of MoMSME for Technology and Quality Upgradation Support to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises under National Manufacturing and Competitiveness Programme. The key indicators of the DPR including the Project cost, debt equity ratio, monetary benefit and other necessary parameters are given in table: ix and schedule of Project

S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Project cost Wood saving Monetary benefit Debit equity ratio Simple payback period NPV IRR ROI DSCR Process down time CO2 reduction


Unit `(in Lakh) tonnes/year `(in Lakh) Ratio years `(in Lakh) % % Ratio Days Tons/year

Value 4.29 133.20 3.20 3:1 1.34 7.59 55.79 28.31 3.05 7 123

The projected profitability and cash flow statements indicate that the proposed project implementation i.e. energy efficient HAG with existing HAG will be financially viable and technically feasible.

ABOUT BEES SME PROGRAM Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) is implementing a BEE-SME Programme to improve the energy performance in 25 selected SMEs clusters. Ahmedabad chemical Cluster is one of them. The BEEs SME Programme intends to enhance the energy efficiency awareness by funding/subsidizing need based studies in SME clusters and giving energy conservation recommendations. For addressing the specific problems of these SMEs and enhancing energy efficiency in the clusters, BEE will be focusing on energy efficiency, energy conservation and technology up gradation through studies and pilot projects in these SMEs clusters. Major activities in the BEE -SME program are furnished below: Activity 1: Energy use and technology audit The energy use technology studies would provide information on technology status, best operating practices, gaps in skills and knowledge on energy conservation opportunities, energy saving potential and new energy efficient technologies, etc for each of the sub sector in SMEs. Activity 2: Capacity building of stake holders in cluster on energy efficiency In most of the cases SME entrepreneurs are dependent on the locally available technologies, service providers for various reasons. To address this issue BEE has also undertaken capacity building of local service providers and entrepreneurs/ managers of SMEs on energy efficiency improvement in their units as well as clusters. The local service providers will be trained in order to be able to provide the local services in setting of energy efficiency projects in the clusters Activity 3: Implementation of energy efficiency measures To implement the technology up gradation projects in clusters, BEE has proposed to prepare the technology based detailed project reports (DPRs) for a minimum of five technologies in three capacities for each technology. Activity 4: Facilitation of innovative financing mechanisms for implementation of energy efficiency projects The objective of this activity is to facilitate the uptake of energy efficiency measures through innovative financing mechanisms without creating market distortion


Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr) 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION Brief introduction about Cluster

Ahmedabad city and its surrounding areas have various types of chemical SME units like dyes, dye Intermediates and pigments manufacturing units. All these chemical manufacturing units are located at Vatva, Naroda and Odhav industrial areas. There are about 500 chemical units in Vatva, 60 units in Naroda and 40 units in Odhav. Most of manufacturing units in these areas are in operation from last 10 to 15 years. Ahmedabad chemical cluster like many other SME clusters, were in a dire state in regard to the energy efficiency and conservation. In almost all units, whether big or small, there had been no conscious efforts to take up energy conservation and energy efficiency measures as a part of day to day operations. In majority of cases, the small scale entrepreneur are not even aware of the measures that could bring down the energy cost, which will automatically have positive bearing on the overall manufacturing cost. Some of the bigger units had experimented with few parameters to improve the energy efficiency in the units, but the results and outcome were confined to them only. All the units in cluster have been operating in traditional conditions and most of the equipments in cluster were procured from the local suppliers, who are fabricating / manufacturing the equipments on basis of their age old expertise / technology. These units are using various types of raw material such as Sulphuric acid, Hydrochloric acid, Acetylic acid, Chlorine gas, Benzene, Sodium nitrate, Ethylene, Ammonia, Disulphonic-acid, Copper, Chlorine, Ammonia and Potassium sulphate etc, The nature of raw material depends on their final product manufactured in the unit. All these raw materials are being procured from local suppliers/traders or bought from neighboring states. There are various types of chemical products manufacturing in cluster, few of them are DASDA, Alpha & Beta Pigment, Reactive dyes, Acid dyes, and direct dyes. In fact majority of the chemical units in these clusters manufacture two or three different types of chemical related products as per the market requirements. 1.1.1 Existing production process

The main production process used in chemical industry which is followed in the entire cluster with minor changes according to the requirement are shown in Figure 1.1 below:

Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr)

Feeding of raw material into reaction vessels


Energy consuming process Thermal Energy Electrical Energy

Filtration (Notch/vacuum/ filter press)


Electrical Energy

Filtration (Filter press)


Electrical Energy


Energy consuming process Thermal Energy

Homogenization (Ball mill/Blunger)

Electrical Energy
Electrical Energy

Final product for packing

Figure 1.1: Process flow chart

The production process as depicted in the above chart is typical to almost all the chemical units in the Ahmedabad chemical cluster. However, depending on the final product, quality of final product and the attributes of the raw material, the above stated process flow is altered to suit the requirement of the unit.

Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr) 1.2 Energy Performance in Ahmedabad chemical cluster

Majority of the industries located in Ahmedabad are engaged in manufacturing of different types of chemicals. Different chemical units in the Ahmedabad chemical cluster is using the different types of energy sources including electricity and fuels such as wood, natural gas, biomass & coal depending on technology, process requirement, availability, economic and safety point of view. There are two forms of energy used in manufacturing of chemicals in typical chemical units in Ahmedabad cluster; electrical and thermal energy. Electrical energy is being used in operation of equipment & other electrical utilities and thermal energy is being used in process and drying applications. Energy cost is representing around 10-15 percent of manufacturing cost in a typical manufacturing unit, out of which thermal energy costs around 60 percent of the total energy cost and remaining accounts for electrical energy. In majority of the units in the Ahmedabad chemical cluster wood is used for thermal energy generation due to its easy availability at economical cost. Annual energy consumption and average production of a typical chemical manufacturing unit are given in Table 1.1 below: Table 1.1 Annual Energy consumption and production S.No 1 2 3 Particular Electricity consumption Wood consumption Production kWh MT MT Unit Value 130000 350 110

1.2.1 Specific energy consumption Specific electrical and thermal energy consumption in chemical unit is varying on the final product manufactured in that unit. Specific electrical and thermal energy consumption in a typical chemical is shown in Table 1.2 below: Table 1.2 Specific energy consumption of a typical unit S.No. 1 2 Electricity Fuel Particular Unit kWh/kg of product Kg of wood/kg of product Value 1.2 3.0

Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr)

1.3 1.3.1

Identification of existing technology/ equipment Description of equipment

During Energy use and technology audit studies in various chemical industries in Ahmedabad chemical cluster, it was observed that most of the chemical units are using inefficient hot air generator for generation of hot air and it is found that the efficiencies of the existing hot air generator is abysmally low . Detail specification and performances of various hot air generators in Ahmedabad chemical units are evaluated and analyzed and same is presented in Annexure 1.

Figure1.2 Hot air generator operations at a chemical industry From energy use and technology gap audit studies in various chemical units of Ahmedabad chemical cluster, the following were observed/ identified: 1.3.2 Energy efficiency improvement opportunities Environment and safety improvement of workers Design flaws in the conventional hot air generator Operational & maintenance practices in conventional hot air generator Technical gap in conventional HAG

Technology gaps/design flaws in conventional wood fired hot air generator system are identified and described below in detail

Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr) Poor natural draught system Draught is the most important factor in efficient fuel combustion. The conventional hot air generator system operates on natural draught system. The poor design of natural draught system in conventional hot air generator leads to inefficient fuel combustion. Poor design of ash pit and combustion system The grate area of the hot air generator and ash pit below combustion chamber adds to overall resistance to draught system, this makes air flow through the grate more difficult. Due to lack of sufficient combustion of air in the combustion chamber, partial or improper combustion of fuel takes place in the existing hot air generators. Poor heat transfer efficiency Heat transfer between the flue gas and air occurs in the air heating chamber in hot air generator. Due to poor heat transfer area and short time contact between flue gas and hot air leads to poor heat transfer, this further leads to inefficiency of the hot air generator system. Heat loss from charging door The charging door remains more or less open during the entire operation due to various reasons; those are human error and non-compatibility of wood logs in combustion chamber. Grate / combustion chamber is not designed to accommodate wood log size and vice versa. No control on fuel firing In conventional hot air generator there is no fuel firing control in combustion chamber and also proper air flow and pressure rating on blowers are not ensured Poor insulation on HAG In conventional hot air generator insulation provided is not appropriate as per the temperature profile of the hot air circulated in the duct. Temperature overshoots in combustion chamber There is no temperature control of hot air in hot air generator. Sometimes it causes temperature overshoot of hot air, which affects the quality of drying material. From the aforesaid, it is evident that conventional hot air generator has poor performance in terms of energy, environment and social considerations. Existing wood fired hot air generator installed in most of the chemical units has poor energy efficiency, generates more GHG (Green House Gasses) into the environment and also has poor safety in

Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr) operation. Due to the same it is urgently required to upgrade conventional hot air generator with energy efficient hot air generator.


Specification of existing system

Detailed technical specification of existing system is presented in Table 1.3 below: Table 1.3 Specification of existing hot air generator S.No. 1 Details Capacity of hot air generator Units kCal/hr Value NA

DIMENSIONAL DETAILS 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 Diameter of hot air generator Height of combustion chamber Height of hot air generator Number of flue gas paths Fuel used Diameter of inlet pipe to hot air generator Number & diameter of pipes in inside the hot air generator Height of pipes inside HAG Normal size of wood lags in HAG Area of door openings in HAG Type of draught system Distance between in HAG and tray dryer Diameter of hot air transfer pipe to tray dryer In In In Nos. type In Nos. & in In In *In In *In In In 18 14 99 Single Wood 4 8 pipes of diameter 3 inches & 16 pipes of diameter 2 inches 65 18*5 18*18 Natural 180 8

INSULATION DETAILS OF HOT AIR TRANSFER PIPE 16 17 18 19 Type of insulation of HAG transfer pipe Thickness of insulation FD fan control mechanism Percentage opening of damper in ID fan %age In Glass wool 2 Yes (Damper control) 45

Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr) 20 21 Type of insulation in hot air generator Thickness of insulation in HAG No insulation NA


Role in the process

Function of hot air generator in chemical units is to generate hot air to dry chemicals in different types of dryers. It is evident that drying is one of the major energy and time consuming process in the overall manufacturing process of chemical units. Apart from the energy and time, final product quality depends on quality of drying. 1.3.5 Need for up gradation of existing equipment

The drying cost is one of the major costs in the overall production process of chemicals units works out to be ` 3 per kg, this is approximately 30% of overall energy cost. Apart from the energy cost, drying time is one of the major issues in overall production process of chemical units. The existing installed conventional hot air generator has poor efficiency of say around 32%, which leads to large GHGs emissions and also poses safety hazards in operation. Due to all the above mentioned factors, it is needed to change the conventional hot air generator with energy efficient hot air generator technology. Advantages of replacing the conventional hot air generator with Energy Efficient hot air generator are: 1.4 Reduction in wood consumption Improved productivity Reduction in production cost Improves environment and better compliance with environmental regulations Improves the efficiency of unit Reduction in GHGs emissions Baseline energy consumption of existing equipment

Energy consumption in hot air generator would depend on the following: Drying temperature , which depends on product under manufacturing Climate conditions Operational & maintenance practices in hot air generator Quality & contents of wood 7

Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr) Energy use and technology audit studies were conducted in various units of Ahmedabad chemical cluster to establish the baseline energy consumption of hot air generator and the reports are given in Annexure-1. 1.4.1 Design and operating parameters

Major operating parameters to improve hot air generator performance are: Heat transfer area Contact time between flue gas and air Combustion system Insulation system Reducing the resistance in draught system Air flow Temperature of flue gasses.

Average wood consumption of hot air generator in typical chemical industry in Ahmedabad chemical cluster is 36 kg/hr and annual average wood energy consumption is around 130 tonnes per annum. Further, complete design and operating parameters are presented at Annexure 1. 1.4.2 Specific fuel consumption in existing system

Fuel consumption of typical hot air generator of adequate capacity to supply 1794 kg/hr hot air at 112 OC to one tray dryer of capacity 200 trays is around 36 kg/hr i.e. for total heat output of 35936 kCal/hr, 36 kg/hr fuel at 37% efficiency is required. Further, with double the increase in heat energy required, the fuel consumption will also be doubled. Performances of various hot air generators were evaluated and same is presented in Annexure 1. 1.4.3 Energy audit methodology

Following methodology was used for assessing the performance of existing hot air generator which is depicted below:

Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr)

Measurement of dimensional details of hot air generator

Identification of points for taking various thermal and electrical measurements

Onsite study of process and critical parameters affecting the hot air generator operation

Regular monitoring of hot air generator parameters including flue gas analysis

Regular monitoring of fuel consumption rate

Collection of all standard data including technical details of equipment and energy consumption

Compiling the measurements and the data into one organized format

Performance evaluation of hot air generator

Figure1.2: Energy audit methodology 9

Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr) 1.5 Barriers in adoption of proposed technology/equipment

The processes to do with technology and innovations in SMEs are different from those that take place in the context of the large firm. Technology in the SME sector has an increasingly complex or combinative characters as most of the SMEs units of the cluster are regarded for their labour intensive nature and the capability to work with local resources. In the past, SME entrepreneurs have laid more stress on technology to reduce the initial cost of plant & machineries. Major barriers in up-gradation of technology in the cluster are non availability of appropriate technology; distrust on technology supplier, lack of information/ awareness about the energy efficient technologies / equipments / processes among SMEs, which prevents them from adopting the same. Further non availability of skilled manpower and exorbitant cost of new technologies are perceived as barriers. Details of the other barriers in the implementation of energy efficient technologies/equipments in the Ahmedabad chemical cluster are given in the sections below: 1.5.1 Technological Barrier

Majority of entrepreneurs of chemical units of Ahmedabad chemical cluster do not have in depth technical expertise and knowledge on energy efficiency, and are dependent on local technology suppliers or service provider companies, which normally also rely on established and commonly used technology. One of the main barriers that prevented implementation of energy efficiency measures/technology in the Ahmedabad chemical cluster is the lack of awareness and information on the energy efficiency & energy efficient technologies. Most of chemical units in Ahmedabad chemical cluster have been established several years ago when energy efficiency was not important issue for the operation of a plant and therefore they are operating with outdated technology and obsolete technologies. The main concern of the SME owners is to ensure uninterrupted production from the plant by conducting necessary repair work [if required] at low costs, rather than on investing in new energy efficient technology. From the point of view of the SME owners the direct effect on income from uninterrupted or increased production is much more important for the economic viability of the plant, than benefits which may accrue from future savings due to energy efficiency measures. Maintaining the equipment requires additional efforts, organizational capacity and technical know-how which are not related to the core business and hence calls for additional costs / expenses. Therefore, even if they were aware of the benefits many chemical unit owners have shied away from such measures or investments. This short term view is strongly influenced by uncertainties and limited financial resources. Investments in replacing the operational equipment are therefore seen as a rather 10

Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr) unnecessary expenditure, and short-term planning has higher priority than sustainable long-term issues. As the majority of the entrepreneurs in the cluster are not aware of the energy losses in the plant, there may be a strong feeling that the energy efficiency initiatives in manufacturing facility can have a cascading or domino effect of failure in critical production areas directly or indirectly connected if the intended performance of the replaced / retrofitted equipment falls below design values. 1.5.2 Financial Barrier

Significant amount of investment for energy efficiency is not commonly seen in SME industry sectors in India. Further, from the business perspective for any industry owner, it is more viable, assured and convenient to invest on project expansion for improving the production capacity or quality, rather than make investment in retrofit and replace options for energy savings. Investment returns on large capacity addition or technology adoption shows up prominently in terms of savings and helps in benchmarking operations. Further, there is a strong feeling among the industry owners that, energy conservation-initiatives of replacement and retrofit nature is not a common practice as it involves large capital investment against low returns. In view of this and given the limited financial strength of the chemical units it is clear that the industry owners would not have taken up the risks and invest in energy efficiency measures. 1.5.3 Skilled manpower

The non-availability of the skilled manpower in the area of energy efficiency and conservation is one of the major barriers in the Ahmedabad chemical cluster. Though, the skilled manpower is available in the cluster, they are not aware of the energy conservation and efficiency and its importance, their prime responsibility is to ensure zero down time and uninterrupted production as per the targets set by the management. Specialized training with the local service providers for better operation and maintenance of the equipments, importance of the energy and its use will create awareness among workforce and these programs are targeted to be organized with the equipment suppliers.


Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr) 2 2.1 IMPLEMENTATION OF PROPOSED TECHNOLOGY Description of proposed equipment

Proposed energy efficient wood fired hot air generator operates on the force draught system, controlled fuel combustion system and improved grate area. This reduces the resistance to the draught system and further minimizes the radiation loses from the combustion chamber. This system has three pass design compared to single path design in conventional hot air generator system which improves the heat transfer area and time, leading to improved heat transfer efficiency between flue gas and air.

Figure 2.1 Energy efficient wood fired hot air generator All the above factors lead to improved drying temperature; which automatically reduces drying time. 2.1.1 Comparison of conventional HAG with energy efficient HAG

Technical, economic, Environmental, safety aspects of conventional hot air generator and energy efficient hot air generator are compared on life cycle of equipment, same is presented in Table 2.1 below: Table 2.1 S. No Comparison of conventional equipment and proposed equipment Details Conventional hot air generator High High (partial combustion & more fuel consumption) Poor High Low Low (Complete combustion & less fuel consumption) Good Low 12 Energy efficient hot air generator

1 2 3 4

Wood consumption Environment pollution Safety of workers Maintenance

Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr) 5 6 Operational cost Availability of local service providers High Yes Low Yes

Technical comparison between convention & energy efficient hot air generators 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Draught system Fuel combustion Control of fuel combustion Temperature monitoring & control Radiation losses Heat transfer between hot gasses and cold air Radiation heat in combustion chamber Fuel consumption ID Fan model ID Fan motor Total connected electrical load Air temperature of outlet Natural Partial No No More Less (Single path flue gas); Heat transfer efficiency is less Not utilized 72 kg/hr NA NA NA 150 oC (Max) Forced Complete Yes Yes Less More (Three path flue gas); heat transfer efficiency is more Utilized in the transfer of heat 35 kg/hr No standard fan 1 hp 6 hp 150 oC (Max)

From the above table it is clear that Energy efficient hot air generator has significant advantages in Energy, Environmental, Economic & safety aspects over the conventional hot air generators. It is therefore, justifiable to install energy efficient hot air generator in place of conventional hot air generator. 2.1.2 Equipment specification

Complete information about the new equipment along with specification is placed at Annexure 8. 2.1.3 Suitability over existing system

The proposed equipment is completely replaced the existing system and suitable with the existing process.


Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr) 2.1.4 Superiority over existing system

The new system has better control than existing system and hence would yield better result in productivity. 2.1.5 Technical specifications

Design specifications of proposed Energy Efficient hot air generator is presented in Table 2.2 below: Table 2.2 Technical specifications S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Name of equipment Model Capacity Blower model Blower capacity Fuel used Fuel consumption ID Fan model ID Fan motor ID Fan control Total connected electrical load Electric supply Hot air pipe outlet dimensions Diameter of flue gas outlet Air temperature of outlet Details NA NA kCal/hr NA hp NA kg/hr NA hp NA hp NA in*in In


Value Energy efficient wood fired HAG AHA-600-C 60,000 25-200 5 Wood 35 22-200 1 ON-OFF 6 AC 3 phase, 415V, 50 Hz 12*12 8 150 (Max)

Scope of supply under the model of AHA-600-C wood fired hot air generator is placed at Annexure 8. 2.1.6 Availability of proposed equipment

The technology identified for implementation is available locally and are indigenously produced. The technology/ equipments will be procured from local equipment suppliers. The proposed equipment is locally manufactured by well known vendor of the Ahmedabad chemical cluster.


Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr) The technology identified is available in the state of Gujarat (Ahmedabad) and implemented successfully in few units in cluster. The investment required for implementation of the identified measures has good financial returns hence the proposed measure is technically and financially viable. 2.1.7 Equipment providers

Technology/service provider selected for implementation of the proposed energy efficiency project is having about 40 years of experience in implementation of energy efficiency projects. This technology/service provider is having in house R&D team to develop the new products, which are energy & eco friendly. Recommended supplier has the trust in cluster on products developed by them. Details of equipment suppliers are furnished in Annexure 7. 2.1.8 Terms and conditions in sales of Energy efficient HAG

The technology/service provider will provide performance guarantee for the products supplied and warranty for a period of one year for any manufacturing defects. The terms of sales from the proposed supplier is given at Annexure 8. 2.2 Process down time during implementation

The process down time for replacement of conventional hot air generator with energy efficient hot air generator is estimated to be one week. The implementation can be taken up during weekly holiday, or other holidays, so that the process down time can be reduced / minimized. 2.3 Suitable unit for proposed equipment

Based on the observations on energy use and technology audit studies it is evident that that proposed energy efficient hot air generator is having capacity of 60,000 kCal/hr is suitable for units having the tray dryer capacity of 400 trays.



Energy use and technology audit studies were conducted in various units of the Ahmedabad chemical cluster to evaluate the performance of existing hot air generator, technical gaps in existing hot air generator and analyzed energy, economic, environmental and social advantages of energy efficient hot air generator over conventional hot air generator. 3.1 3.1.1 Energy & monetary benefits Fuel Saving

From Energy use and technology audit studies it was observed that energy consumption of hot air generator depends on the number of tray dryers operating on a particular hot air generator and their temperature. Analysis of average wood consumption in conventional hot air generator was carried out from various energy use and technology audit studies in chemical units of the Ahmedabad chemical cluster; which comes out to be 72 kg/hr. Wood consumption of proposed energy efficient hot air generator is 35 kg/hr. Hence total wood saving would be 1,33,200 kg per year. 3.1.2 Electrciity saving

Project implementation will not save electricity while its implementation will increase electricity consumption of about 16,000 kWh per year. 3.1.2 Monetary benefit

Annual monetary savings of implementation of energy efficient hot air generator in place of conventional hot air generator is thus ` 3.20 lakh per annum. Details of monetary saving calculation are furnished at Annexure 3. 3.2 3.2.1 Environmental benefits Reduction of deforestation

Most of units of the cluster are using the non renewable wood for hot air generation; by installing the proposed energy efficient wood fired hot air generator in place of conventional generator will reduce consumption of non renewable wood. In the proposed energy efficient hot air generator wood consumption is low compared to conventional wood fired hot air generator, which will automatically reduce the deforestation. 3.2.2 GHG emission reductions

Energy consumption of proposed energy efficient hot air generator is 40% less than conventional hot air generator; therefore it automatically leads to reduction of GHG emissions leads to improved environment and better compliance with environmental 16

Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr) regulations and makes the project eligible for carbon benefit under Clean Development Mechanism [CDM]. 3.2.2 CDMability of the project

The proposed project saves about 133 tonne of wood per year for one hot air generator. This roughly corresponds to 123 tonnes of CO2 emission reduction or 123 CERs. Suppose at the cluster level 200 units apply this technology then the total savings would be about 24,600 CERs per annum which can be a suitably sized small scale CDM project. 3.3 3.3.1 Social benefits Impact on working environment

Replacement of conventional hot air generators with energy efficient wood fired hot air generators will improve the working condition & safety of workers. 3.3.2 Impact on manpower skills

Proposed energy efficient hot air generator components are procured from other companies and which will generate additional employment during installation and commissioning. Further, the training provided by equipment suppliers will improve the technical skill sets of manpower which will lead to their capacity building and well being. 3.3.3 Impact on wages/emoluments

The awareness created amongst worker and training imparted during implementation of the energy efficient technology project is expected to indirectly increase the wages of the workers as it improves their technical skills of operation and maintenance of equipments. Further, the remuneration will improve in the market or in other companies for the work force. 3.4 3.4.1 Other benefits (If any) Productivity improvements

Due to improved design of hot air generator the productivity will increase as the drying time of chemicals gets reduced. As the drying is one of major time consuming operation, its reduction will improve productivity of chemical units of the Ahmedabad chemical cluster. 3.4.2 Quality improvements

Most of the chemicals manufactured by the Ahmedabad chemical cluster units are temperature sensitive. As inbuilt design of automatic temperature control system in energy efficient hot air generator controls the temperature of hot air in tray dryers, this will automatically improve the quality of material produced. 17

Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr) 3.4.3 Reduction of production costs

Drying is the one of major contributor to overall energy cost in chemical units. Drying cost in typical chemical manufacturing unit of the Ahmedabad Chemical cluster using conventional hot air generator is estimated to be ` 3 /kg of final product. Implementation of energy efficient hot air generator in place of conventional hot air generator reduces drying cost to ` 1.5 /kg; this will reduces the overall production cost significantly. 3.4.4 Easy operation& maintenance

The energy efficient hot air generator is designed in such a way that it is easier for the unit to carry out regular maintenance of the hot air generator.


Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr) 4 4.1 4.1.1 ECONOMICS & IMPLEMENTATION OF ENERGY EFFICIENT HAG Cost of project implementation Equipment cost

Technical and financial quotations of proposed energy efficient hot air generator are collected from reputed vendors. Cost of energy efficient hot air generator having capacity of 60,000 kCal per hour is ` 3.90 lakh only as per the quotation provided at Annexure 8. 4.1.2 Other cost

Erection & commissioning cost is ` 0.39 lakh only. Details of project cost are furnished in Table 4.1 below: Table 4.1 Details of proposed equipment installation cost S.No 1 2 3 4 Equipment cost Erection & Commissioning cost Other misc. cost Total cost Particular Unit ` (in Lakh) ` (in Lakh) ` (in Lakh) ` (in Lakh) Value 3.90 0.39 Nil 4.29


Arrangement of funds

Proposed financing for the replacement of conventional hot air generator with energy efficient hot air generator is made considering a debt equity ratio of 3:1, which is normally allowed by financial institutions for financing energy efficiency projects. On the basis of debt equity ratio of 3:1 the promoters contribution works out to 25% of the project cost and the balance would be term loan from the Bank / FIs. 4.2.1 Entrepreneurs contribution

Total cost (Equipment and erection& commissioning) of project works out to be ` 4.29 lakh. Out of which entrepreneurs contribution is 25%, which work out to be ` 1.07 lakh. 4.2.2 Loan amount

75% of the project cost would be available as term loan from the banks/financial institutions, which works out to be ` 3.22 lakh.


Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr) 4.2.3 Terms & conditions of loan

The interest rate is considered at 10% which is SIDBIs rate of interest for energy efficient projects. The loan tenure is 5 years excluding initial moratorium period is 6 months from the date of first disbursement of loan. 4.3 4.3.1 Financial Indicators Cash flow analysis

Profitability and cash flow statements have been worked out for a period of 8 years, being period, with in which the entire term loan would be repaid. The financials have been worked out on the basis of certain realistic assumptions, which are outlined below The project is expected to achieve monetary savings of ` 3.20 lakh per annum. The operational and Maintenance cost is estimated at 4% of cost of fixed assets with 5% increase every year to take care of escalations. The erection and commissioning charges is estimated at 10% of the total project cost for the plant and machinery Interest on term loan is estimated at 10%. The tenure of the loan is considered 5 years and repayment starts after 6 months from the first date of disbursement of loan in 60 monthly installments. Depreciation is provided as per the rates provided in the companies Act. Income tax provision is made as per IT Act 1961. Based on the above assumptions, profitability and cash flow statements have been prepared. 4.3.2 Simple payback period

Simple payback period of replacing conventional hot air generator with energy efficient hot air generator is 1.34 year. 4.3.3 Net Preset Value (NPV)

The Net present value of the investment on project is at @10.00% interest works out to ` 7.59 lakh. 4.3.4 Internal rate of return (IRR)

After tax Internal Rate of Return of the project is works out to be 55.79%. Thus the project is financially viable.


Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr) 4.3.5 Return on Investment (ROI)

The average return on investment of the project activity works out at 28.31%. Details of all the financial parameters for the replacement of conventional hot air generator with energy efficient wood fired hot air generator are presented in Table 4.1 below: Table 4.1 S. No 1 2 3 4 5 4.4 Simple payback period NPV IRR ROI DSCR Sensitivity analysis Financial parameters of energy efficient hot air generator Parameter Unit Years ` in lakh %age %age Ratio Value 1.34 7.59 55.79 28.31 3.05

In different situation fuel saving may increase or decrease on the basis of this scenario a sensitivity analysis in realistic, pessimistic and optimistic scenario has been carried out which is as under: Fuel saving increased by 5% Fuel saving decreased by 5%

Table 4.2 Sensitivity analysis Particulars Normal 5% increase in fuel savings 5% decrease in fuel savings IRR 55.79% 60.10% 51.47 % NPV 7.59 8.36 6.83 ROI 28.31% 28.44% 28.14% DSCR 3.05 3.25 2.86

Assuming all provision and resource input would remain same during sensitivity analysis 4.5 Procurement and implementation schedule

Total time required for implementation of proposed project is about 13 weeks from the date of financial closure. Detailed procurement and implementation schedules are furnished at Annexure 6.


Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr) ANNEXURE Annexure-1 Energy audit reports of conventional hot air generator Energy audit report of hot air generator report at Unit-1 Hot air generator is the one of the major energy consuming equipments in production process of chemicals in Unit-1. Detailed Performance assessment of the hot air generator at Unit-1 is presented in the tables below. Hot air generator structure study Vertical hot air generator is installed at Unit-1. The following table shows the dimensional details of hot air generator, heat transfer pipes, insulation details and other some important parameters of hot air generator: Details of hot air generator at Unit-1 S.No. 1 Details Capacity of hot air generator Units kCal/hr Value NA

DIMENSIONAL DETAILS 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 Diameter of hot air generator Height of combustion chamber Height of hot air generator Number of flue gas paths Fuel used Diameter of inlet pipe to hot air generator Number & diameter of pipes in inside the hot air generator Height of pipes inside HAG Normal size of wood lags in HAG Area of door openings in HAG Type of draught system Distance between in HAG and tray dryer Diameter of hot air transfer pipe to tray dryer In In In Nos. type In Nos. & in In In *In In *In In In 18 14 99 Single Wood 4 8 pipes of diameter 3 inches & 16 pipes of diameter 2 inches 65 18*5 18*18 Natural 180 8

INSULATION DETAILS OF HOT AIR TRANSFER PIPE 16 Type of insulation of HAG transfer pipe Glass wool 22

Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr) 17 18 19 20 21 Thickness of insulation Capacity of ID fan Capacity of FD fan Is there any flow control mechanism in FD fan Percentage opening of damper in ID fan %age In hp hp 2 NA 5 Yes (manual control of air by valve) 45

INSULATION DETAILS OF HOT AIR GENERATOR 22 23 Type of insulation in hot air generator Thickness of insulation in HAG No insulation NA

Efficiency of hot air generator was evaluated by following two methods Direct Method Indirect method

Both these methods require measuring of a number of operational parameters of the hot air generator. The indirect method has an advantage over the simpler direct method as various heat losses from hot air generator can be quantified and accounted. However, efficiency is calculated using both the methods and the results are presented along with the measured data in the following Tables Measured parameters of hot air generator operation at Unit-1 S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Particular Ambient air temperature (DBT) Relative humidity Moisture content in supply air Density of air @ blower suction Average oxygen level in exhaust Average CO level in exhaust Average CO2 levels in exhaust Exit flue gas temperature Average surface temperature of hot air generator Radius of hot air generator Height of hot air generator


Value 28.50 18.00 0.005 1.16 5.60 1400.00 4.90 321.00 215.00 0.23 2.54

% age kg of moisture/kg of air kg/m3 % age ppm % age

oC oC

m m


Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr) 12 13 14 15 16 Surface area of hot air generator Average air velocity @ blower suction Area of blower suction Volumetric flow of blower Mass flow rate of air m2 m/sec m2 m3/sec kg/sec kg/hr 17 18 19 Outlet temperature of hot air generator Temperature difference Wood consumption
oC oC

4.00 13.00 0.033 0.43 0.50 1794.59 112.00 83.50 36.00


Efficiency of hot air generator by direct method at Unit-1 S .No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Particular Application of hot air generator Fuel input to hot air generator Input air flow feeding rate Inlet temperature of air to HAG Outlet air temperature of HAG Specific heat capacity of air GCV of wood Heat output from hot air generator Heat input of hot air generator Direct efficiency of hot air generator kg/hr
0C 0C


Details Hot air generation, drying the chemicals Wood 1794.59 28.50 112.00 0.24 2700 35963.58 97200.00 37

kCal/kg-0C kCal/kg kCal/hr kCal/hr % age

Efficiency of hot air generator by indirect method at Unit-1 S. No. 1 2 3 4 Particular Measured O2 in flue gas Measured CO2 in flue gas Measured CO in flue gas Temperature of flue gas % age % age ppm


Value 5.60 4.90 1400.00 321.00 24

Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Excess air used for combustion Total air used for combustion Heat loss due to dry flue gas Heat loss due to moisture in fuel Heat loss due to hydrogen in fuel Heat loss due to moisture in air Heat loss due to co formation Heat loss due to radiation Heat loss in bottom ash Total losses Hot air generator efficiency % age kg of air % age % age % age % age % age % age % age % age % age 37 15.18 40.89 5.37 12.30 0.37 2.86 4.32 1.58 67.69 32.31

2.86 0.36 12.30





Heat loss due to dry flue gas Heat loss due to moisture in air Heat loss in bottom ash

Heat loss due to moisture in fuel Heat loss due to co formation

Heat loss due to Hydrogen in fuel Heat loss due to radiation

Percentage of various heat losses in hot air generator at Unit-1 Observations High radiation losses are observed in the Hot air generator and hot air transfer pipe, due to poor insulation of hot air generator and hot air transfer pipe. Heat losses are more in the charging door, because of continuous opening of charging door No temperature monitoring and control system is in operation


Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr) Hot air generator audit report of Unit-2 S.No. 1 Details Capacity of hot air generator Units kCal/hr Value NA

DIMENSIONAL DETAILS 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 Diameter of hot air generator Height of combustion chamber Height of hot air generator Number of flue gas paths Type of fuel used Diameter of inlet pipe to hot air generator Number & diameter of pipes in inside the hot air generator Height of pipes inside HAG Normal size of wood lags in HAG Area of door openings in HAG Type of draught system Distance between in hot air generator and tray dryer Diameter of the hot air transfer pipe to tray dryer In In In Nos. & In In In* In In* In in in in Nos. 18 14 99 Single Wood 4 6 pipes of diameter3 inches & 12 pipes of diameter 2 inches 65 18*5 18*18 Natural 100 8

INSULATION DETAILS OF HOT AIR TRANSFER PIPE 16 17 18 19 20 21 Type of insulation of HAG transfer pipe Thickness of insulation Capacity of ID fan Capacity of FD fan Is there any flow control in FD fan Percentage opening of damper in ID fan % age In hp hp Glass wool 3 NA 5 Yes 100

INSULATION DETAILS OF HOT AIR GENERATOR 22 23 Type of insulation in hot air generator Thickness of insulation in HAG in Glass wool 3


Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr) Measured parameters of hot air generator operation at Unit-2 S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Particulars Ambient air temperature (DBT) Relative humidity Moisture content in supply air Density of blower suction air Average oxygen level in exhaust Average CO level in exhaust Average CO2 levels in exhaust Exit flue gas temperature Average surface temperature of HAG Radius of HAG Height of HAG Surface area of the HAG Average air velocity at blower suction Area of blower suction Volumetric flow of blower Mass flow rate of air Mass flow rate of air Outlet temperature of HAG Temperature difference of hot air and cold air Fuel consumption rate


Value 27.30 59.10 0.014 1.15 4.50 2050.00 5.10 295.00 125.00

% kg of moisture/kg of air kg/m3 % age ppm % age

oC oC

m m m2 m/sec m2 m3/sec kg/sec kg/hr

oC oC

2.79 4.36 18.00 0.023 0.41 0.48 1713.96 122.00 94.70 42


Calculation of hot air generator efficiency by direct method at Unit-2 S.No 1 2 3 4 Particular Application of HAG Fuel input to HAG Input air flow feeding rate to HAG Temperature of inlet air to HAG kg/hr


Details drying the chemicals Wood 1713.96 27.30 27

Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr) 5 6 7 8 9 Outlet air temperature of HAG Specific heat of air Heat output from HAG Heat input to HAG Direct efficiency of HAG

122.00 0.24 38954.88 113400.00 34.35

kCal/kg- oC kCal/hr kCal/hr % age

Efficiency of hot air generator by indirect method at Unit-2 S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Particulars Measured O2 in flue gas Measured CO2 in flue gas Measured CO in flue gas Temperature of flue gas Excess air used for combustion Total air used for combustion Heat loss due to dry flue gas Heat loss due to moisture in fuel Heat loss due to Hydrogen in fuel Heat loss due to moisture in air Heat loss due to co formation Heat loss due to radiation Heat loss in bottom ash Total losses Hot air generator efficiency % age % age ppm


Value 4.50 5.10 2050.00 295.00 27.27 14.60 35.57 5.22 11.74 0.92 3.98 4.75 1.58 63.75 36.24

% age kg of air % age % age % age % age % age % age % age % age % age


Hot Air Generator ( (60,000 kCal/hr)

4.32 1.58



12.3 40.89 5.37 Heat loss due to dry flue gas Heat loss due to Hydrogen in fuel Heat loss due to co formation Heat loss in bottom ash Heat loss due to moisture in fuel Heat loss due to moisture in air Heat loss due to radiation

Percentage of various heat losses in hot air generator at Unit Unit-2


Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr) Hot air generator energy audit report of Unit-3 Details of Hot air generator at Unit-3: S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 Capacity of HAG Diameter of HAG Height of combustion chamber Height of HAG Number of flue gas paths Fuel used Diameter of inlet pipe to HAG Number & diameter of pipes in inside the HAG Height of pipes inside HAG Normal size of wood lags in HAG Area of door openings in HAG Draught system Distance between in HAG and tray dryer Details Units kCal/hr In In In Nos. Type In In In In* In In* In Type In Value NA 42 14 99 Single Wood 4 8 pipes of Dia 3 inches & 16 pipes of Dia 2 inches 65 18*5 18*18 Natural 150 8

Diameter of the hot air transfer pipe to tray In dryer INSULATION DETAILS OF HOT AIR TRANSFER PIPE 16 17 18 19 20 21 Type of insulation of HAG transfer pipe Thickness of insulation Capacity of ID fan Capacity of FD fan Flow control mechanism in FD fan Percentage opening of damper in ID fan % age In hp hp

Glass wool 3 NA 5 Yes (manual control of air) 70

INSULATION DETAILS OF HOT AIR GENERATOR 22 23 Type of insulation in hot air generator Thickness of insulation In Glass wool 3


Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr) Measured parameters of hot air generator at Unit-3 S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Details Ambient air temperature (DBT) Relative humidity Moisture content in supply air Density of air @ blower suction Average O2 level in exhaust Average CO level in exhaust Average CO2 levels in exhaust Exit flue gas temperature Average surface temperature of hot air generator Radius of hot air generator Height of hot air generator Surface area of hot air generator Average air velocity @ blower suction Area of blower suction Volumetric flow of blower Mass flow rate of air Mass flow rate of air Outlet temperature of hot air generator Temperature difference Wood consumption
oC %


Value 28.50 18.00 0.005 1.16 3.20 2450.00 4.50 249.00 112.00


kg of moisture/kg of air kg/m3 % age ppm % age

oC oC

m m m2 m/sec m2 m3/sec kg/sec kg/hr

oC oC

2.79 9.40 8.44 0.023 0.19 0.23 812.04 98.00 69.50 22.00


Calculation of hot air generator efficiency by direct method at Unit-3 S.No. 1 2 3 Particular Application of HAG Fuel input to HAG Input air flow feeding rate kg/hr Unit Details Used in drying the chemicals Wood 812.04


Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr) 4 5 6 7 8 9 Inlet temperature of air to HAG Outlet air temperature of HAG Specific heat of air Heat output from HAG Heat input of HAG Direct efficiency of HAG
oC oC

28.50 98.00 0.24 13544.16 59400.00 22.80

kCal/kg-oC kCal/hr kCal/hr %

Calculation of hot air generator efficiency by indirect method at Unit-3 S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 Particulars Measured O2 in flue gas Measured CO2 in flue gas Measured CO in flue gas Temperature of flue gas Excess air used for combustion Total air used for combustion Heat loss due to dry flue gas Heat loss due to moisture in fuel Heat loss due to Hydrogen in fuel Heat loss due to moisture in air Heat loss due to CO formation Heat loss due to radiation Heat loss in bottom ash Total losses Boiler Efficiency (Indirect Method) % age % age ppm


Value 3.20 4.50 2450.00 249.00 17.98 14.00 33.20 5.11 11.73 0.25 5.32 16.62 1.58 73.80 26.20

% age kg % age % age % age % age % age % age % age % age % age


Hot Air Generator ( (60,000 kCal/hr) Percentages of various losses in hot air generator have been plotted graphically in the figure below. The following pie pie-chart represents the various losses in the hot air generator at Unit-3.

16.62 33.2 5.32 0.25 11.73 5.11 Heat loss due to dry flue gas Heat loss due to Hydrogen in fuel Heat loss due to co formation Heat loss in bottom ash Heat loss due to moisture in fuel Heat loss due to moisture in air Heat loss due to radiation

Percentage of various heat losses in hot air generator at Unit-3


Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr) Annexure 2 Process flow diagram Process flow diagram of chemical industry in Ahmedabad Chemical cluster is furnished in figure below

Feeding of raw materials into reaction vessels



Major energy consuming process

Purification & Filtration

Reduction (Exothermic reaction)

Filtration (By using the filter press)


Major energy consuming Drying process

Final product for packing


Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr) Annexure-3 Detailed technical assessment report Most of the chemical industries in Ahmedabad chemical cluster are in unorganized sector with low engineering, limited technology innovation and poor R&D base as well as low level of human resource on knowledge of technology, operational skill etc. This sector also faces deficiencies such as the lack of access to technology and technology sharing and the inadequacies of strong organizational structure, professional attitude etc. Comprehensive Study conducted at various chemical units in Ahmedabad Chemical cluster to assess the technology gap in different processes and utilities. Following technical gaps are observed during our study: The technology of the unit for some of the equipments installed is poor as compared to technologies available in market. Various technological gaps were identified in chemical units and these may be due to lack awareness on the technologies available, quantum of energy loss and its monetary benefit, lack of awareness among the workforce etc. There is a tremendous need for this cluster to modernize/upgrade its technology and adopt energy efficient technologies in some of their operational areas. Further, the management based on discussions, are interested in improve the efficiency of the plant by adopting this type of technology instead of going for retrofit options in the existing equipments. The various factors which influence the management towards implementation of energy efficiency and energy conservation projects in chemical units in Ahmedabad Chemical cluster are: Energy efficiency and energy conservation is a low cost investment option which reduces energy consumption Low capital investment The energy efficiency improvement will enhance the plant management to be competitive in local and global markets by reducing production cost To conserve depleting fossil fuels The energy efficiency and conservation reduces GHG emissions because of low carbon dioxide and particulate emissions Energy efficiency and conservation is a viable strategy to meet future energy needs of the expanding plans in the industry The return on investment is attractive with lower pay back periods. 35

Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr) S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Parameter Present wood consumption of existing hot air generator Operational hours Operational days per annum Wood consumption of energy efficient hot air generator Reduction of wood consumption Cost of wood Annual wood saving Total connected load Total electricity consumption Cost of total wood save Cost of electricity consumption @ 5 `/kWh Monetary benefit Total investment Simple payback period kg/hr hours Days/annum kg/hr kg/hr `/kg kg/year HP kWh/year ` (In lakh)/year ` (In lakh)/year ` in lakh ` in lakh Years Unit Value 72 12 300 35 37 3 1,33,200 6 16,000 3.99 0.80 3.20 4.29 1.34


Hot Air Generator ( (60,000 kCal/hr) Annexure-4 Electrical & civil works drawing of energy efficient HAG AG



Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr) Front & side view of energy efficient wood fired hot air generator


Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr) Annexure-5 Detailed cash flow evaluations of energy efficient HAG Name of the Technology Rated Capacity Details Installed Capacity No of working days No of Operating Hours Proposed Investment Cost of plant & Machinery Erection & Commissioning (10% of plant machinery) Investment without IDC Total Investment Financing pattern Own Funds ( Internal Accruals) Loan Funds (Term Loan) Loan Tenure Moratorium Period Repayment Period Interest Rate Estimation of Costs O& M Costs Annual Escalation Estimation of Revenue Wood savings Cost Electricity consumption Cost St. line Depreciation IT Depreciation Income Tax Energy Efficient Hot Air Generator Unit kCal/hr Days Hrs. `(in lakh) `(in lakh) `(in lakh) `(in lakh) `(in lakh) `(in lakh) Years Months Months % %( on Plant & Equip) % kg/hr `/Kg kWh/Year `/kWh % % % 60,000 kCal/hr Value 60,000 300 12 3.90 0.39 4.29 4.29 1.07 3.22 5 6 66 10.00 4.00 5.00 133200 3.00 16000 5 5.28 80.00 33.99 Basis Feasibility Study Feasibility Study Feasibility Study Feasibility Study Feasibility Study Feasibility Study Feasibility Study Feasibility Study Feasibility Study Assumed Assumed Assumed SIDBI Lending rate Feasibility Study Feasibility Study Indian Companies Act Income Tax Rules Income Tax Act 2008-09

Estimation of Interest on term loan Years Opening Balance 3.22 1 3.10 2 2.62 3 2.02 4 1.30 5 0.50 6

` (in lakh)
Repayment 0.12 0.48 0.60 0.72 0.80 0.50 3.22 Closing Balance 3.10 2.62 2.02 1.30 0.50 0.00 Interest 0.37 0.29 0.23 0.17 0.10 0.02


Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr) WDV Depreciation Particulars / years Plant and Machinery Cost Depreciation WDV Projected Profitability Particulars / Years Revenue through Savings Fuel savings Total Revenue (A) Expenses O & M Expenses Total Expenses (B) PBDIT (A)-(B) Interest PBDT Depreciation PBT Income tax Profit after tax (PAT) Computation of Tax Particulars / Years Profit before tax Add: Book depreciation Less: WDV depreciation Taxable profit Income Tax Projected Balance Sheet Particulars / Years Liabilities Share Capital (D) Reserves & Surplus (E) Term Loans (F) TOTAL LIABILITIES (D)+(E)+(F) Assets Gross Fixed Assets Less : Accm.depreciation Net Fixed Assets Cash & Bank Balance TOTAL ASSETS Net Worth 1 1.07 2.22 3.10 6.39 4.29 0.43 3.86 2.53 6.39 3.29 2 1.07 3.83 2.62 7.52 4.29 0.86 3.43 4.08 7.52 4.90 3 1.07 5.23 2.02 8.32 4.29 1.29 3.00 5.31 8.32 6.30 4 1.07 6.67 1.30 9.04 4.29 1.72 2.57 6.46 9.04 7.74 5 1.07 8.14 0.50 9.71 4.29 2.15 2.15 7.57 9.71 9.22 6 1.07 9.67 0.00 10.74 4.29 2.57 1.72 9.02 10.74 10.74 7 1.07 11.20 0.00 12.27 4.29 3.00 1.29 10.98 12.27 12.27 8 1.07 12.72 0.00 13.79 4.29 3.43 0.86 12.93 13.79 13.79 40 1 3.20 3.20 0.17 0.17 3.02 0.37 2.65 0.43 2.22 2.22 2 3.20 3.20 0.18 0.18 3.02 0.29 2.73 0.43 2.30 0.69 1.61 3 3.20 3.20 0.19 0.19 3.01 0.23 2.77 0.43 2.34 0.94 1.40 4 3.20 3.20 0.20 0.20 3.00 0.17 2.83 0.43 2.40 0.96 1.44 5 3.20 3.20 0.21 0.21 2.99 0.10 2.89 0.43 2.46 0.98 1.48 6 3.20 3.20 0.22 0.22 2.98 0.02 2.96 0.43 2.53 1.01 1.53 7 3.20 3.20 0.23 0.23 2.97 2.97 0.43 2.54 1.01 1.53 1 4.29 3.43 0.86

` (in lakh)
2 0.86 0.69 0.17

` (in lakh)
8 3.20 3.20 0.24 0.24 2.95 2.95 0.43 2.53 1.00 1.52 Total 25.57 25.57 1.64 1.64 23.93 1.18 22.75 3.43 19.32 6.60 12.72

1 2.22 0.43 3.43 (0.78) -

2 2.30 0.43 0.69 2.04 0.69

3 2.34 0.43 2.77 0.94

4 2.40 0.43 2.83 0.96

5 2.46 0.43 2.89 0.98

6 2.53 0.43 2.96 1.01

` (in lakh) 7 8 2.54 2.53 0.43 0.43 2.97 2.95 1.01 1.00

Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr) Debt Equity Ratio Projected Cash Flow: Particulars / Years Sources Share Capital Term Loan Profit After tax Depreciation Total Sources Application Capital Expenditure 0 1.07 3.22 1 2.22 0.43 2.65 2 1.61 0.43 2.03 3 1.40 0.43 1.83 4 1.44 0.43 1.87 5 1.48 0.43 1.91 6 1.53 0.43 1.96 7 1.53 0.43 1.96 2.89 2.44 1.88 1.21 0.46 0.00 0.00 0.00

` (in lakh)
8 1.52 0.43 1.95

4.29 4.29 4.29 -

0.12 0.12 2.53 2.53

0.48 0.48 1.55 2.53 4.08

0.60 0.60 1.23 4.08 5.31

0.72 0.72 1.15 5.31 6.46

0.80 0.80 1.11 6.46 7.57

0.50 0.50 1.46 7.57 9.02

1.96 9.02 10.98

1.95 10.98 12.93

IRR Particulars / months Profit after Tax Depreciation Interest on Term Loan Cash outflow Net Cash flow IRR NPV Break Even Point Particulars / Years Variable Expenses Oper. & Maintenance Exp (75%) Sub Total(G) Fixed Expenses Oper. & Maintenance Exp (25%) Interest on Term Loan Depreciation (H) Sub Total (I) Sales (J) Contribution (K) Break Even Point (L= G/I) Cash Break Even {(I)-(H)} Break Even Sales (J)*(L) 1 0.13 0.13 0.04 0.37 0.43 0.85 2 0.14 0.14 0.05 0.29 0.43 0.76 3 0.14 0.14 0.05 0.23 0.43 0.71 4 0.15 0.15 0.05 0.17 0.43 0.65 5 0.16 0.16 0.05 0.10 0.43 0.58 6 0.16 0.16 0.05 0.02 0.43 0.50 7 0 1 2.22 0.43 0.37 3.02 2 1.61 0.43 0.29 2.32 3 1.40 0.43 0.23 2.06 4 1.44 0.43 0.17 2.04 5 1.48 0.43 0.10 2.01 6 1.53 0.43 0.02 1.97

` (in lakh) 7 1.53 0.43 1.96 8 1.52 0.43 1.95

(4.29) (4.29) 55.79% 7.59

8 0.18 0.18 0.06 0.00 0.43 0.49

0.17 0.17 0.06 0.00 0.43 0.49

3.20 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.07 3.06 3.05 3.05 3.04 3.03 3.02 3.01 27.58% 24.89% 23.27% 21.25% 19.03% 16.46% 16.09% 16.23% 13.59% 10.88% 9.22% 7.17% 4.91% 2.31% 1.90% 2.00% 0.88 0.80 0.74 0.68 0.61 0.53 0.51 0.52 41

Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr) Return on Investment Particulars / Years Net Profit Before Taxes Net Worth 1 2.22 3.29 2 2.30 4.90 3 2.34 6.30 4 2.40 7.74 5 2.46 9.22 6 2.53 10.74 7 2.54 12.27 ` (in lakh) 8 2.53 13.79 Total 19.32 68.26 28.31%

Debt Service Coverage Ratio Particulars / Years Cash Inflow Profit after Tax Depreciation Interest on Term Loan Total (M) DEBT Interest on Term Loan Repayment of Term Loan Total (N) Average DSCR (M/N) 0.37 0.12 0.49 3.05 0.29 0.48 0.77 0.23 0.60 0.83 0.17 0.72 0.89 0.10 0.80 0.90 0.02 0.50 0.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 2.22 0.43 0.37 3.02 2 1.61 0.43 0.29 2.32 3 1.40 0.43 0.23 2.06 4 1.44 0.43 0.17 2.04 5 1.48 0.43 0.10 2.01 6 1.53 0.43 0.02 1.97 7 1.53 0.43 0.00 1.96

` (in lakh)
8 1.52 0.43 0.00 1.95 Total 9.67 2.57 1.18 13.42

0.00 0.00 0.00

1.18 3.22 4.40


Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr) Annexure-6 Details of procurement and implementation plan Procurement and implementation schedule of energy efficient hot air generator in place of conventional hot air generator are presented below. Activity 1 Energy data reconfirmation Technical discussion & finalization Collection of vendor quotes Order placement Material receipt Installation & Commissioning Measurement of savings Certification of savings 2 3 4 5 6 Weeks 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr) Annexure-7 Details of equipment and service providers Name of company Name of contact person Address of company Contact no & Fax no Contact email ids Company website Aero Therm Systems Pvt Ltd Narendra Vadher Plot No: 1517; Phase III; GIDC, Vatva, Ahmedabad 079-5834987,5890158 &079-5834987 [email protected] www.aerothermsystem.com

Name of company Name of contact person Address of company Contact no Fax no Contact email -id

Energy Machine Mr. Sharad Amin 444, G.I.D.C., Phase IV Vithal Udhyog nagar Anand, Gujarat-388 121 +(91)-(2692)-232662/ 236210/ 2323309 +(91)-(2692)-233472/ 236478 [email protected], [email protected]

Name of company Name of contact person Address of company

Double Ace Engineers Mr. M. B. Gupta 1/ 3, Sidhartha Nagar 3rd, Next To Oshiwara Bridge, S., Bridge, S.V. Road, Goregaon (West)

Contact no Fax no Contact email-id

+(91)-(22)-26762288/ +(91)-(2525)-270878 +(91)-(22)-26762288 [email protected], [email protected]


Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr) Annexure 8 Quotations of energy efficient hot air generator


Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr)


Hot Air Generator (60,000 kCal/hr)


Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE)

(Ministry of Power, Government of India) Ministry 4th Floor, Sewa Bhawan, R. K. Puram, New Delhi 110066 Ph.: +91 11 26179699 (5 Lines), Fax: +91 11 26178352 Websites: www.bee-india.nic.in, www.energymanagertraining.com

Winrock International India

788 Udyog Vihar, Phase V Gurgaon 122 001, Ha Haryana Tel: +91-124-4303868 4303868 Fax: +91-124-4303862 4303862 Website: www.winrockindia.org

India SME Technology Services Ltd

DFC Building, Plot No.37 No.37-38, D-Block, Pankha Road, Block, Institutional Are Janakpuri, New Delhi-110058 Area, Tel: +91-11-28525534, Fax: +91 28525534, +91-11-28525535 Website: www.techsmall.com

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