1 Heat Balance

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The document provides details on performing a heat balance calculation for a rotary cement kiln, including temperatures, flows, and heat transfers at different stages of the process.

The heat balance calculation is determining the total heat input required to produce clinker versus the total heat output from the process to ensure energy efficiency.

Materials' temperatures are affected by sensible heat changes as they are heated or cooled to different temperatures, as well as heat released or absorbed by chemical reactions or phase changes like evaporation.

Bestway Cement Limited - Chakwal Production Department

Heat balance of Rotary kiln (Dia 4.8m x 72m)with double string 5 - stage precalciner

Data:Ambient Temp C Kiln rated output (tpd) Actual clinker production (t/hr) Raw meal to clinker factor Kiln feed (ton/hr) Moisture in Kiln feed Dry coal combustion (t/hr) Dry coal combustion (kg / kg clinker) Net C.V of dry coal (kcal/kg) Residual moisture in dry coal fed (%) Temp. of kiln feed C Temp. of Dry coal fed oC Preheater exit gases temp ( oC) Temp. of clinker ex-cooler ( oC) Volume of exhaust air from cooler (NM3/kg clinker) Temp. of Exhaust air from cooler ( oC)
o o

30 5700 237.5 1.6 380 0.55% 29.88 0.1258 6000 2.5 70 60 335 100 clinker & dust kiln feed Air water vapour CO2 Exit gases Coal Oil O2 : % CO2 : % CO : % Excess air factor

Pre-heater exit gases analysis 2.6 28 0.05 1/[1-{(79/21)x(2.6/100-28-2.6-0.05)}]=1.16 Specific heat (kcal/kg) 0.186 + (0.00054x100)=1.1914 0.21 + (0.00007 x 70)=0.2149 0.237 + (0.000023 x t) 0.42 + (0.000185 x t) 0.19 + (0.00011 x t) 0.23 + (0.00005 x t) 0.262 + (0.00039 x t) 0.42

1.31 275 Air Page 1 of 4

Density 1.293 kg/m 3

Chemical analysis of clinker at 100 oC Site above sea level Barometric pressure Maximum wind velocity Average relative humidity Grate Cooler TC-12108

Latent heat of water 539 kcal/kg 752 m 936 mbar 40 m/sec

SiO2 % Al2O3 % Fe2O3 %

22 5.26 3.4

CaO % MgO % First 09 fans of first grate capacity (G10 ~ 18) 05 fans of 2nd grate capacity (G19 ~ 23) 03 fans of 3rd grate capacity

65.18 2.54

50% 128.6 m2 (44.32 tpd/m 2)

270600m 3 cooler EP fan /hr capacity 740,000m 3/hr at 250oC, 2119pa and 740rpm 205200m 3 ID fan /hr capacity 132600m R.M. E.P fan /hr capacity

930,000m 3/hr at 325oC, 7157pa and 990rpm 900,000m 3/hr at 12592pa speed=990rpm



Calculation Heat INPUT

Kcal/kg Clinker


Heat of Coal combustion Sensible heat of Coal Sensible heat of kiln feed Total Heat In

0.1258 x 6000 0.1258x[0.262+(0.0009 x 60]x(60-30) 1.6x[0.21+(0.00007x70)]x (70-30) Heat OUTPUT (489x5.26)/100 + (714x65.18)/100 + (539x2.54)/100 - 73 Page 2 of 4

754.8 1.08 13.75 769.63

98.07 0.14 1.79 100

Heat of Clinker Formation



Heat required for moisture evaporation in kiln feed Heat required for superheating of water vapour in kiln feed Heat required for coal moisture evaporation Heat required for super heating of water vapour in coal

0.0055 x 1.6 x 539 0.0055 x 1.6 x [0.42+(0.000185 x 335)] x (335-30) 0.1258 x 0.015 x 539 0.1258 x 0.015 x [0.42+(0.000185 x 335)] x (335-30) ((44/56 x 65.18/100)) + 44 x 2.54/40x100) = 0.54 kg/kg clinker 0.54 x [0.19+(0.00011 x 335] x (335-30) 1.41 kg air / 1000 kcal coal 1.55 kg gases / 1000 kcal coal 1.55 x 754.8 / 1000 = 1.17 kg/kg clinker (1.16 - 1) x 1.41 x 754.8/1000 = 0.17 kg/kg clinker 1.17 + 0.17 = 1.34kg/kg clinker 1.34 x [0.23 + (0.00005 x 335)] x (335 - 30) 0.1 x [0.186 + (0.000054 x 335)] x (335 - 30) 1.0 x [0.186 + (0.000054 x 100)] x (100 - 30) 1.31 x 1.293 x [0.237 + (0.000023 x 275] x (275 - 30) 40 x 0.05



1.29 1.02

0.17 0.13



Amount of CO2 produced Heat lost in CO2 Combustion air required for coal fired / 1000 kcal Amount of gases produced from coal/1000 kcal Combustion gases produced Excess air

38.36 -

4.98 -

100.85 6.22 13.4

13.1 0.81 1.74

Total combustion gases Heat lost in Combustion gases Heat lost in dust Heat lost in clinker ex-cooler

Heat lost in excess air from cooler Heat lost due to presence of CO in PH exit gases Difference estimated due to radiation and convection losses (cooler, kiln, preheater, Calciner and TAD) Total Heat Out

100.98 2

13.12 0.26

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68.7 769.63

8.94 100

Before Waste Heat Recovery Power Plant

S.# A B C D E F G H Description Pre-heater:- Volume of Exit gases from single kiln. Pre-heater:- Volume of Exit gases from both kilns. Volume of pre-heater exit gases at o 335 C and 6000pa from single kiln Volume of pre-heater exit gases at o 335 C and 6000pa from both kilns. Cooler Exit air from one AQC Cooler Exit air from both AQCs Cooler waste air at 275 oC and 350pa from one AQC Cooler waste air at 275 oC and 350pa from both AQCs Calculation 1.29 x 237.5 x 1000 2x306375 (306375 x (1013/273) x (608/996) 2 x 693976 (1.31 x 237.5 x 1000) 2 x 311125 (1013 x 311125) / 273 x (548/939.5) 2 x 673388 Results 306375Nm /hr 612750Nm /hr 693976 m /hr 1387952 m 3/hr 311125 Nm 3/hr 622250 Nm 3/hr 673388 m 3/hr 1346776 m 3/hr 1235000 Nm3/hr.
3 3 3

(B+F) Total volume of exit gases from both preheaters and both AQCs.

With Waste Heat Recovery Power Plant

Description Calculation Results

Pre-heater: - 693976m 3/hr gases at 335 oC and 6000pa after pre-heater pass through PH 1.34 kg flue gases/kg clinker waste heat exchanger and comes out from it with 223 oC and 7000pa. Volume of gases after PH waste heat exchanger = (693976 x 996)/608 x (496/1006) = 560511 m 3/hr

Cooler waste air:- Air 189100Nm 3/hr passes through preduster at 360oC and AQC heat exchanger and leaves at 101 oC with volume


0.796Nm3/kg clinker

2x237500 x [(1.34 x {0.23 + (0.00005 x Total waste heat recovery through pre-heater 335)} x (335 - 223)) + (0.796x 1.293 x { and cooler (AQC) from both kilns. 0.237 + (0.000023 x 360)} x (360 - 101))] = 17590314+ 31057544 Overall thermal efficiency of WHR power plant Power generation at generator terminal 26.5/100 x 56.76

48647858 kcal/hr = 48.65 million kcal/hr = 48.65x1000x4.2/3600 = 56.76 MW 26.50% 15.04 MW

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