B Financial Advising
B Financial Advising
B Financial Advising
Accounting Information for Managers This unit provides exposure to financial and management accounting information from a user of accounting information viewpoint. The unit aims to provide breadth of awareness and knowledge in relevant fields of accounting essential to decision making for managers. Introduction to Business Law This is an introductory law unit designed to introduce the fundamentals of law in a commercial context. The unit introduces students to the basic principles of law and the legal system as well as examining some of the major areas of law that impact on commercial dealings. This unit examines the structure of the legal system, the way law is made and the main areas of law relevant to starting and running a business including contracts, torts and consumer protection. Principles of Economics This unit is an introduction to economic concepts and contemporary economic issues. It introduces students to basic concepts such as markets and their operation, the behaviour of firms, the efficiency and potential failings of free markets, the role of government, key macroeconomic variables and problems such as unemployment. It illuminates these concepts via application to contemporary economic issues and debates over different theoretical perspectives. This unit also exposes students to recent developments in economics via presentations by specialist guest lecturers. Quantitative Techniques This unit provides students with a range of basic skills in mathematics and statistics, which are useful in business and the finance industry. After reviewing basic methods of algebra, functions and their uses are discussed in Topic A. The mathematics of finance is covered in some depth, including simple and compound interest, present and future values, annuities, periodic payments, discounted cash flows, depreciation, bonds and debentures are covered in Topic B. Summary statistics, presentation of data, probability and decision making, simple linear regression and index numbers are introduced in Topic C.
Spring session
Financial Accounting Applications This unit gives students the practical skills necessary to analyse the accounting transactions of an entity and then be able to measure and record these transactions in a systematic manner for the preparation of accounting reports to external users.
Management Accounting Fundamentals This unit provides an introduction to management accounting in an e-commerce environment. The interrelations of management accounting to other functional areas, to suppliers, to customers, and to other sources of external information relevant to planning and control are examined. Topics include the development and logic of routine and non routine analysis performed to support management decision making. Law of Business Organisations This unit version replaces 200183 Law of Business Organisations from Autumn 2011. This unit deals with legal issues concerning the creation and control of companies and compares this structure with other forms of business organisations, such as partnership, trusts and sole traders. This unit will provide students with an appreciation of the law of partnership, and companies and, for the sake of completeness and comparison, a brief examination of the law regarding unincorporated and incorporated non-profit associations. Managing Professionals Based on an understanding of the nature of professional work this unit examines challenges that professionals and managers encounter working together in professional environments. Based on the 'community of practice' concept the unit provides students with a learning and teaching approach in which they will share essential knowledge and develop collaborative strategies to analyse, put in practice and critically evaluate fundamental management principles and skills, such as managing decision-making and problem solving. By appraising collaborative approaches to management the unit promotes interpersonal, communication and leadership abilities needed to engage professionally towards a co-operative, ethical and self directed workforce.
Corporate Financial Management This unit introduces the fundamental concepts of finance theory and the tools of financial decision making in the context of the Australian institutional environment. These concepts relate primarily to the time value of money, risk and return, capital budgeting and capital structure. The unit's purpose is to develop an understanding of the basic practices of financial management from the perspective of a firm (both large and small). Students examine the investment, financing and dividend decisions of corporations. One elective
Spring session
Professional Relationships and Communication in Business This unit will introduce students to and assist them in the development of a broad range of necessary skills required by today's professional advisers. Such skills are highly valued, transferable and universally recognised in the world of work and will assist students in managing their day to day relationships with clients and colleagues. Skills include: * Creation and on going maintenance of the client adviser relationship and a recognition of the importance of trust as the foundation of that relationship; * Identification of the broad needs of clients and an appreciation of differing levels of client financial literacy; * Communication and interpersonal skills which contribute to productive relationships with clients and colleagues; * Professional/Academic research and writing skills; * Enhanced team based skills that contribute to productive working relationships and outcomes. And three electives
Financial Services Law This unit focuses on regulatory issues relating to financial services. It covers issues such as financial services reform, retail verses wholesale clients, FSRA, Australian Financial Services Licence, conduct and obligations, impact on investments, statutory regulation of financial markets, ASIC's power, liability and enforcement. Students wishing to follow the Financial Planning Stream must choose Financial Services Law, unit code 200271 . And two electives
Spring session
Financial Planning The unit endeavours to provide students with an understanding of the complex process and contextualisation of the Australian Financial Planning Industry. This unit aims to introduce students to the principles of personal financial planning and the provision of personal financial advice including the preparation of a Statement of Advice (SOA). Topics covered include the current Australian regulatory environment, strategies for the accumulation of wealth and risk protection, retirement planning, estate planning, taxation consequences, debt and credit management and home ownership. This unit meets ASIC requirements (PS146) in relation to both knowledge and skills. Advanced Taxation Law This is an advanced level study of selected aspects of income tax and capital gains. The unit broadens and deepens the student's knowledge of taxation and revenue law by building upon the topics covered in 200187 Taxation Law and 200019 Revenue Law. And two electives In addition to the core units previously listed, students choosing to complete the Accounting Stream or Financial Planning Stream, or streams, must include the specific units listed here under for each stream. It should be noted the tax units required for recognition as a Tax Agent are included in the core units. 200536 Intermediate Financial Accounting is a pre-requisite to study 200109 Corporate Accounting Systems. Therefore this unit is compulsory for students seeking Accounting qualification and accreditation.
Accounting Stream
Corporate Accounting Systems This unit builds on the fundamental knowledge of accounting procedures gained in Intermediate Financial Accounting. It involves the comprehensive study of aspects of
corporate accounting and reporting which are regulated by legislation, accounting standards, Australian Securities and Investment Commission and Stock Exchange requirements. This unit is designed to provide students with grounding in the regulation and practice of corporate reporting in Australia. The major orientation is towards the theoretical and practical aspects or corporate reporting, whilst at the same time exploring the reasons for regulatory disclosures. Systems Design and Audit This unit examines the development and operation of information systems and the subsequent audit of financial information produced by these systems. Advanced Accounting This unit addresses the advanced aspects of accounting with particular emphasis on accounting theories and how they assist us in understanding current accounting practice and accounting standards. This unit focuses on the relationship between the theoretical concepts and current news and events. And five electives
opportunities and outcomes. The unit forms part of the elective stream of a submajor in financial planning. Some issues considered in this unit also have an impact in respect to investments, insurance and risk management, retirement, superannuation and taxation consequences. Retirement Planning This unit aims to provide a study of the laws which impact on advice and decisions relating to retirement planning, with a focus on identifying practical and strategic planning opportunities and outcomes. It forms part of the elective stream of financial planning. Some issues considered in this unit also have an impact in respect to investments, insurance and risk management, superannuation and taxation consequences. And four electives