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Chapter 1: Introduction

Every system has an acceptance depending on its efficiency and effectiveness. In this introductory chapter the system requirement, its goal, objective, scope, significance, advantage etc is briefly described.

1.1 Overview
"A dictionary is a list of words with their definitions, a list of characters with their glyphs or a list of words with corresponding words in other languages." There are different kinds of dictionaries available online, offline (printed version, Desktop) and for Cell phone. Some of the dictionaries deal with the mapping of words from one language to other language. There are also dictionaries that work with in the same language that gives the meaning of a word with another simplified word expression. There are many countries that have their own dictionary to translate foreign language to their local language and vice versa. It helps them to learn and understand the foreign language in an easy way. Therefore, English to English dictionary plays the biggest role in understanding and learning the international language to all the people of any nationality and language. In this age of technology everyone wants to gate a great service from smaller and mobile devices. This is why the size of PCs are becoming smaller and cell phones are becoming powerful almost a PCs. A J2ME mobile dictionary is a process that facilitates translation service using a JVM enabled cell phone. It is typically managed searching environment with a navigation menu and icons giving access to automated tools and content pages. The only thing a J2ME mobile dictionary needs is a JVM enabled cell phone. Therefore, as long as we can get the translation of a word any time any where, there is no need to buy different dictionaries or ask somebody to translate a word. The printed version of the dictionary has the following drawbacks: It is time consuming - locating the required word takes a lot of time and the user has to pass different stages i.e. first he/she has to locate the first letter of the word and then to locate the second, the third till the last letter of the word. Users should have the dictionary at hand; the users should have to carry the dictionary with them. Many people don't feel comfortable time and place to have the dictionary with them. User should have a means to get the dictionary, buy or lend. The dictionary is not available any time any where; availability of the dictionary is limited. May be damaged and unable to find the required word. Some of the page may not be available because of different reason. Using the printed version of the dictionary has been only means of getting word translation, but now it is not convenient means especially in today's rashly world and due to the above mentioned drawbacks. The desktop and online version of the dictionary has the following drawbacks: User must have a PC. For online dictionary user must have an internet connection. Offline or online dictionary software are expensive. The operation speed depends on PC capability and internet connection.

These systems are not always mobile (Movable).

The other means of getting word translation is using Java based Mobile (for Cell Phone) dictionaries. This dictionary solves some of the drawbacks of the printed and online version dictionaries. J2ME dictionaries for cell phone provide the following advantages: Fast searching facility. It is available any time any where. Users don't need to buy or lend. Free from damage unless the system is down. Different means of displaying the meaning of the word.

1.2 Problem Statement

There are many dictionaries available for Java supported Mobile Phones for the translation from English to English. The method of displaying the result of a search word is only using its corresponding meaning text. Most of those have some problems such as searching response time and no result about its similar words. Such kind of problem can be solved if the dictionary has a special searching technique and option of indicating the synonym of the words. Therefore, a dictionary must have the options to solve the problem of the existing dictionaries and helps the user to understand the word and its meaning very easily. The dictionary will have an improved search technique and synonym showing capability in addition with it meaning.

1.3 Objective of the Project

A system is developed to meet some requirement. The system has some general and some specific objective. The objectives are described bellow1.3.1 General Objective The objective of this project is to analyze, design and develop enhanced English to English dictionary for Java supported Mobile Phone. 1.3.2 Specific Objectives To make searching and displaying mechanism different. To make the system effective and efficient. To make the system friendly to the users. To enhance English to English dictionary by adding a special search technique. To provide the corresponding synonym of the word. Optimum utilization of Mobile Phone resources.

1.4 Significance of the Project

Since English is the de-facto international language and Mobile Phone is widely and very commonly used device. This Mobile Dictionary will help everyone from every country especially non English speakers to learn the International Language in an easy way. The dictionary will help users who want to get the illustrated meaning of a specific English word and its alternative words those can be used instead of it. The searching feature of the dictionary helps to search the words effectively.

Forasmuch as it is mentioned that, this dictionary helps every user to learn the unique international language. The outcome of this project is that, any people can make use of this dictionary to learn international language very easily and able to communicate with each other world wide.

1.5 Scope of the Project

The scope of this project will include the following activities related to the searching, navigating through word list and retrieving the corresponding meaning and synonym. That is, its scope covers: Navigating through a large list of all words sorted in alphabetical order. Searching for a specific word by taking input from the user. Word searching suggestion. Retrieving corresponding information about the specified word as meaning and synonym etc. For this project, an Oxford English-English Dictionary for Java supported Mobile is used as the source of our dictionary data because it has as many words as 17,700. Word categorization and structuring will be adapted from this dictionary. Due to budget and time limitation, only representative words will be encoded to test the functionalities of the system.

1.6 Document Organization ***

This project report is outlined as follows: Chapter 2 discusses related works on English-Amharic, Amharic-English dictionary and Amharic based website on the method of displaying and using Amharic text. In Chapter 3, system analysis of the project is discussed. Chapter 4 discusses the system design of the system, and the proposed system architecture. The tools/technologies used to implement the prototype of the project is discussed in chapter 5. Chapter 6 presents the conclusion, recommendation and future works.

Chapter 2: System Analysis

In this chapter the logical design of the system is described. How the user interact with the system and how the data flows from one sub-system to another in the system.

2.1 Current System

One means of getting translation of English to English word is using the print versions of Amharic Dictionary. Using the printed version of the dictionary has been only means of getting word translation, but now it is not convenient means especially in today's rashly world and due to the drawbacks mentioned in the previous chapter. The other means of getting word translation is using online dictionaries. Online dictionaries solve some of the drawbacks of the printed version dictionaries. One of the limitation of online dictionaries is one has to have a computer and an internet connection other wise it is unable to do the translation of the word. Despite the fact that online dictionaries are better means of getting the translation of the word than the printed version of dictionaries, most of the online dictionaries and some J2ME Mobile dictionaries have the following draw backs: Relatively long search and response time. Poorer search technique. Absence of synonym presentation. Even if the existing J2ME Mobile dictionaries have some drawbacks, it solves the problem existed in the printed version of dictionaries. The J2ME Mobile dictionary is convenient to many people since it is accessible any time any where, many people would like to use Mobile dictionary. This project tries to solve the above mentioned problems of an online dictionary and others to make more convenient to the users and efficient working.

2.2 Proposed System 2.2.1 Overview

The proposed system of a J2ME Mobile English-English dictionary will be available at any time any where and display the meaning of the word with the mentioned facilities. The proposed system will: 1. Do the translation of the word from English to English. 2. Have different means of searching the word. 3. Provide a way to navigate through the list of words. 4. Provide the related word if the searched word is not available in the dictionary. 5. Available anytime, anywhere in Cell Phones. 6. Has an easy interface to make a search. 7. Uses a convenient and efficient search technique for searching the word and meaning. 8. Shows all possible meaning and synonym available.

2.2.2 Functional Requirements

Functional requirements describe the interactions between the system and the users independent of its implementation. The functional requirements of the proposed system are listed as follows: The system should provide searching facility. The system should have the facility to navigate through the list of English words. The system should provide the facility to write English word.

The system should provide the related search result of searched word. The system should provide an appropriate error message.

2.2.3 Non-functional Requirements

Nonfunctional requirements describe user-visible aspects of the system that are not directly related with the functional behavior of the system that are listed above. Non functional requirements of the proposed systems are listed as follows: User interface and Human factors: The system interface shall be able to run on a variety of Cell Phone regardless of their screen size, memory etc. The system shall have a user friendly menu driven interface that is easy to navigate with. The greatest degree of user system interface consistency and standard shall be provided for all user interfaces. Documentation: The activities and outputs of each system development stage in the project workflow shall be properly documented for the successful completion of the project. These documents produced at the end of each stage shall be organized and compiled together at the end of the project for future reference, system maintenance, and system support. All supporting documentation or help file for managing the dictionary must have to be provided to the user inside the application. Hardware/Software consideration: The system is expected to be implemented using J2ME (Java 2 Micro Edition), therefore it has to be loaded on a Cell Phone with Java for mobile phone that is KVM (Kilobyte Virtual Machine) support. And the application should be developed with appropriate CLDC (Connected Limited Device Configuration) and MIDP (Mobile Information Device Profile) so that it is supported by almost all available cell phones. Performance characteristics: The system shall perform operations within a minimum amount of time. The system shall be interactive and the user shall get the expected result with in few seconds or the system must enable users to do something else while fetching result for their request to hide response latency. Security Issues: System should be secured in management and maintenance. Training: After the completion of the development of this system, we must consider that a minimum and almost no training have to be taken for operating the system. Reliability: The system shall be uploaded on a reliable machine and there shall be a frequent and reliable.

2.3 Analysis Model

The aim of analysis model is to produce a model of the system that is correct, complete, consistent, unambiguous, realistic, and verifiable. In this section the system is described by showing its subsystems functionality by use cases, its static behavior by class diagram and activity diagram, and its dynamic behavior through sequence diagram.

2.3.1 Use Case Diagram

Use case diagram is the representation of the functionality of the system. This section presents functionality of the system in terms of actors and use cases. A use case describes a function provided by the system that yields a visible result for an actor. An actor describes any entity that interacts with the system (as User). Use case diagram describes the functionality of the system from the users point of view. The following diagram shows the use case diagram of the system.

Figure 7: Use case diagram of the Dictionary System

2.3.2 Sequence Diagram

Sequence diagram describe behavior of the system as a sequence of messages exchanged among a set of objects. It is used to formalize the behavior of the system and to visualize the communication among objects of the system. Following figure depict sequence diagram for the use case.

Figure 8: Sequence Diagram for Input to search for a word use case

Figure 9: Sequence Diagram for Navigate through the word list use case.

Figure 10: Sequence Diagram for Search for meaning use case.

2.3.3 Activity Diagram

An activity diagram describes a system in terms of activities. Activities are states that represent the execution of a set of operations. The completion of these operations triggers a transition to another activity. It is a flow diagram used to represent the data flow or the control flow through a system. Figure 16 is an activity diagram representing activities related to searching Dictionary Words. Rounded rectangles represent activities; arrows represent transitions between activities; thick bars represent the forks of the control flow.

Figure 16: Activity diagram for searching dictionary words

Chapter 3: System Design

In this section the systems is described by defining the design goals of the project, by decomposing the system into smaller subsystems that can be easily realized (proposed system architecture) and by selecting strategies for building the system, such as the hardware/software platform on which the system will run, the persistent data management strategy, the global control flow, the access control policy, and the handling of boundary conditions. The result of system design is a clear description of each of these strategies, subsystem decomposition, and a deployment diagram representing the hardware/software mapping of the system.

3.1 Design Goals Criteria

The system is expected to run on a cell phone. Therefore, the design goals criteria stated in this section consider this fact to determine the performance, dependability, cost, maintenance and end user criteria. Performance Response time: Since the allowed execution time (response time) on any cell phone is limited coding should follow simple, efficient and fast algorithms. Especially looping statements shall be avoided (if possible) or minimized. Throughput: As described above the system mainly runs at the cell phone, therefore the number of tasks it may perform belongs to not only to this system but also to other request coming from other processes. Memory: Memory is required mainly during running the application; because of the limited memory and other resources of the CLDC devices. Dependability Robustness: All user input shall be verified and checked for it correctness and completeness before it is passed as a parameter for further execution, therefore the system can be protected from failures that may occur from invalid user inputs. Reliability: The system shall be tested after and during development process to meet the required services. And also it should give consistent and correct output for various type of input it is given. Fault Tolerance: Error handlers shall be used to handle and tolerate fault that may arise during execution. Security: In order to protect the system from malicious attack the system shall be well protected and secured. Maintenance Modifiability: In order to make the system flexible and easy to modify its functionality some of its feature shall be modifiable. Adaptability: The system shall be implemented by avoiding constant information therefore some features shall be set any time. Portability: The system shall be developed to run on KVM- Java environment therefore it is not portable to run on any environment which is not KVM enabled. Readability: Coding shall incorporate significant and clear comments describing each part of the code what it does and what its purpose is.

Traceability of Requirement: The system shall be developed according to the system analysis and the design specification and it shall not incorporate any thing beyond. Otherwise newly incorporated functionality shall be documented.

End User Usability: The system shall be developed to be easy for user understanding. Especially in developing the user interface it is better to keep the user dictionary in mind.

3.2 Proposed Software Architecture 3.2.1 Overview

J2ME English-English Dictionary is a dictionary system that gives dictionary searching and navigation facilities to the dictionary users. Therefore the system shall maintain a central data store which can be maintained and accessed by a user through the application. Thus the system mainly follows a special type of repository architecture called Local File Access architecture.

Figure 19: Local File Access Architecture In Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) Dictionary, user can access the service readily available on the cell phone. The services are requested from the cell phone via this application by accessing the cell phones local file resource and which will be executed remotely by the Java Kilobyte Virtual Machine (KVM). Once the KVM is done with the execution of the request to access the resource it will return the result to the application who requests the service.

3.2.2 System Architecture

The proposed software architecture is a Local File Access architecture on which all the operations are performed inside the cell phone. The application requests service from the KVM. The proposed system is decomposed in to four main subsystems, namely, the WordRetrieval subsystem, the Display subsystem, the Search and Navigation subsystem and the Meaning and Synonym Retrieval subsystem. Each subsystem has its own function and there is also communication among them to exchange information. The system is decomposed according to the specialized task it

performs to ensure high coherence. The level of coupling is relatively low because the interactions between subsystems are only exchange of data. The major tasks of the dictionary shall be handled by these four subsystems. Word-Retrieval Subsystem Word-Retrieval subsystem deals with the automated and efficient population of the Word-List and activation of Display subsystem facilities of the system during the start of the application. It populates the word-list with all available words sorted by alphabetical order and visible the word-list to the user for search and navigate. Therefore, the Word-Retrieval subsystem provides the facilities Retrieve all words serially from all the word files alphabetically. Populate the Word-List or Word-Manu available for navigation and search. Activate Display subsystem. Display Subsystem Display is responsible to manage, maintain and visualize the word-list, search result, meaning, and synonym etc information. Therefore, Display subsystem provides the facilities Maintain proper user interface for various data presentation. Search and Navigation Subsystem Search and Navigation subsystem is responsible to manage and maintain the searching facilities. It provides the facility to give input and also give the opportunity to navigate through the word list to find users desired word. Therefore, Users subsystem provides the facilities Allow the user to give input using the traditional key-pad of cell phone. Auto navigation facility when user gives input from key-pad. Manual navigation facility to navigate through the word list. Meaning and Synonym Subsystem Meaning and Synonym subsystem deals with the retrieval of all the available meaning and synonym of the corresponding word in the system. It involves accessing of local file resources; as- meaning file and synonym file and identification of the corresponding synonym words. Therefore Security subsystem facilitates to Reading of specific meaning file and meaning words alphabetically to minimize the use of cell phone resource. Retrieval of the corresponding synonym indexes from specific synonym file alphabetically. Retrieval of corresponding synonym words from the word list using the synonym indexes. The Dictionary system with its subsystems is shown bellow-

Figure 19: Subsystem decomposition for the Dictionary System

3.2.3 Hardware/Software Mapping

As described earlier in section 3.2.1, Local File Access architecture is selected for the J2ME Dictionary system. Therefore, mainly the system will be operated by the application with the help of KVM. At the Application side the visual display part is done in association with the KVM. And the major part data access will be done by the application with the help of KVM. The application will request the KVM for data transfer through accessing of local resource file and after the request executed by KVM, it transfers data to the application from the local resource as requested. The process is shown bellow-

Figure 20: Dictionary System Structure 3.2.4 Persistent Data Management This part of the document depicts the persistent data management process of this Dictionary project. As described in the previous sections that Local File Access architecture

will be used in this Dictionary System. That is, all the data used in this system will be stored in local resource files. For the simplicity of the project and faster accessing process different file sets will be used for storing words and their corresponding meanings and synonym indexes. To improve efficiency of the system each of the word, meaning and synonym file sets are fragmented into 26 (twenty six) files each of which will store the information of the words those starts with the corresponding letter of the alphabet. That is, the word files named wa, wb, wc wz will store the words those starts with a, b, c z respectively in an alphabetical order. Similarly the meaning files ma, mb, mc mz will store the meanings and synonym files sa, sb, sc sz will store the indexes of the corresponding words in the corresponding word files.

Figure 22: Storage structure of the Dictionary data files inside application The data inside each file is stored separated by a new line character. When there are more then one meaning or synonym for a word are separated by a slash (/) inside the file and left blank when there is no information about the word. And inside the files how data is stored is shown bellow for wa, ma and sa files only (all other files will be like this)-

Figure 23: Storage structure of the Dictionary data inside files 3.2.5 How Persistent Data are used in Application When the application starts it accesses all the word files (wa, wb, wc wz) and stores all the available words in a collection framework of Java called Vector and also records the index of the first word of each file in another Vector for the simplification of the application and to speed up. After storing in vector it populates the word list and makes visible on screen. When user searches or navigates through the word list one of the words from the list is selected and when the user wants to see its meaning and presses show button. Then it scans the first letter of the word and retrieve the corresponding meanings and synonyms from the files named with the starting letter. And it uses the word count vector elements and the index of the searched word in the list to retrieve the specified position of meanings and synonyms in the files.

3.3 System Specification/Services

The system is decomposed into four main subsystems as shown in the system decomposition section of this document. In this section the detailed service of these subsystems and their preliminary interface is presented. Word-Retrieval Subsystem As it is mentioned before that, at starting time of the application the Word-Retrieval subsystem provides the facilities such as activation of Display Subsystem, accessing of local resource word file, retrieving all the words from the files and sorts those alphabetically and populates one of a collection framework element to store those word data to use in the application. At the starting of the application when the Welcome Screen is shown during that time all the word data is retrieved and made ready for use in the application. As shown in the following screen shot.

Fig : Word-Retrieval subsystem when the application is loading word data. Display Subsystem Similarly as mentioned that, Display Subsystem is responsible for managing, maintaining and visualizing all the dictionary text presenting the word, meaning and synonym etc and all the components those contains those texts such as J2ME Forms, Text Field, Word-List, Alerts etc. Especially a thing is emphasized in this systems display design that, there is no convenient way to show the Text Field (with which text inputs are taken) and List (with which a set of text are shown serially) on the same screen using J2ME technology. To solve this problem Custom Item component is used to create and customize the user interface so that, Text Field and List be shown on the same screen. This is described in detail in the next chapter. The screen shot images of the display components are shown bellow-

Fig : Display components of the display subsystem.

Search and Navigation Subsystem Search and Navigation subsystem provides the facility to give input and also give the opportunity to navigate through the word list to find users desired word. It allows the user to give input using the traditional key-pad of cell phone, auto navigation facility when user gives input from key-pad and also manual navigation facility to navigate through the word list. When user navigating the word list manually then it manages the serial and appearance of the word list from sorted word collection. But when user searches through keypad; after every successful key stroke the dictionary uses an especial search technique name Indexed-Binary Search to fine the accurate or approximate word and navigates the selection of the list right there. When the user input is not exactly as the word then it selects an approximate word that starts with the users input word or next to it. The searching technique is described in the later chapter. The screen image of navigating process is shown step by step bellow-

Figure : Word-list navigation process. The screen image of searching process is shown step by step bellow-

Figure : Screen shot of searching a word.

Meaning and Synonym Subsystem Meaning and Synonym subsystem deals with the retrieval and presentation of all the available meaning and synonym of the corresponding word in the system. It involves accessing of local file resources; as- meaning file and synonym file and identification of the corresponding synonym words. When user wants to see the meaning of the selected word then only from one of meaning files is read and after some calculation it retrieves the specified meaning word or words and same way retrieves the synonym indexes. When the synonym indexes are obtained then after calculation from the word list the corresponding synonym word or words are along with their meaning are shown. If there is no synonym available for the word then only meanings are shown. The interface of this operating subsystem is shown bellow with its screen images-

Figure : Meaning and Synonym subsystem display.


Chapter 4: Software Development

This chapter is one of the important parts for understanding the system development process using some available software tools. In this chapter it is also described the techniques behind the systems operation.

4.1 Programming Tool

Some available software tools are used to develop this system. In the development of this system a well known IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for Java application Net Beans 7.0 and a specific tool kit for mobile application development by Sun Microsystems named Sun Java WTK 2.5.2 are used. Here is some about these software and their capabilities described briefly. 4.1.1 Net Beans 7.0 Net Beans is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) from Net Beans Organization. It provides the facility to develop almost every type of Java Applications. Such as- Java Console Application, Java Desktop Application, Java Web Application, Java Mobile Application and many more. It also supplies all the environments, modules, simulator etc to develop a complete application. In this J2ME Mobile Dictionary application development Net Beans IDE version 7.0.0 with its corresponding embedded environment and SDK (Software Development Kit) versions is used with its embedded Mobility SDK version 3.0 to develop the Mobile dictionary application/system. This Net Beans mobility SDK 3.0 provides Packages for mobile application development, APIs, Mobile device Emulators (A software simulation module to simulate mobile applications and shows to observe how the mobile applications run on the Cell Phones / Mobile Phones). With Net Beans Mobility module Net Beans Java FX module is also used to test with its runtime characteristics and Emulators.

4.1.1 Sun Java WTK (Wireless Tool Kit) 2.5.2 Along with the Net Beans 7.0 IDE Sun Java WTK (Wireless Tool Kit) is also used as third party development software for application development. It an application development tool kit from Sun Microsystems for developing Mobile applications using Java. Mainly to run and check applicability of the system, Sun Java Emulators are used as a third party emulator by attaching it with Net Beans IDE.

4.2. Development Environment

The development Environment that is used in this system is J2ME (Java 2 Micro Edition), an especial edition of Java 2 along with the help of J2SE (Java 2 Standard Edition6). J2SE is necessary because as we know that J2ME inherits a small portion of J2SE or standard Java. Java Editions Let's begin with a quick summary of the Java platforms currently available: Standard Edition (J2SE): Designed to run on desktop and workstations computers.

Enterprise Edition (J2EE): With built-in support for Servlets, JSP, and XML, this edition is aimed at server-based applications. Micro Edition (J2ME): Designed for devices with limited memory, display and processing power. The following figure shows, the editions of Java 2 with types of device those can be programmed using these editions-

Figure : Java Editions (Platforms) and respective devices. J2ME provides a unified Mobile application development model that includes the services necessary to build enterprise-class Mobile applications. J2ME is part of the Standard Java 2 and enables you to take full advantage of the features of the common language runtime, such as type safety, OOP features (inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation etc), language interoperability, security and versioning etc. Since J2ME has too many Mobile application development components that help to create rich, reliable, secured mobile applications and that is why it is selected as the development environment. For creating J2SE development environment JDK (Java Development Kit) 6 (V1.6), J2ME development environment Java Mobility SDK (Software Development Kit) 3.0 is used. And for running JRE6 and Java Mobility SDK Emulator and Sun Java WTK. J2SE in important for J2ME development because, J2ME inharites some features and packages of J2SE. In mobility module of J2ME the device configuration and device profile for Cell Phone CLDC (Connected Limited Device Configuration) version 1.0 and MIDP (Mobile Information Device Profile) version 2.0 is used.

4.3 Techniques and Features used in this Project

In this project several techniques and features are used to process the stored data and to present to the users accurately and appropriately. Some of the major techniques are presented bellow4.3.1 Customized screen As mentioned before briefly that in J2ME platform it is not possible to show a List component and a Text Field component on the same screen. But, in this project we need such a thing so that user can give input using key-pad and can see the list of words at the same time. To achieve this goal, Custom Item is used in this project. Custom Item is not a component rather then a way to achieve components as user requires. Using Custom Item component it provides developer some geometric shape drawing methods such as methods for drawing Characters, Strings, Images, Points, Lines, Triangles, Rectangles, Round Rectangles, Circles, Ellipses etc. And also provides some methods for event handling using key stroke. Using these methods the dictionary main form is crated to provide the users the facility to give input, navigate through the word-list and see the status at the same time. In this form the Text Field we see is not a text field really, it is a Round Rectangle with a string (Input text) is drawn inside it very carefully. And the list we can see is also false, it is just a set of Rounded Rectangle with the word text is drawn inside these very carefully after a set of complex pixel based calculations. Most of the event handling is done in a customized way using the methods provided by the Custom Item Class.

Figure : Custom Text Field and custom List made up of geometric shapes.

4.3.2 Indexed Binary Search Indexed binary search is modified version of the traditional binary search where some indexes are used to search the words instead of searching the entire collection of data. In this search technique system searches using binary search within a range indicated by two indexes. As in our dictionary project all data are stored inside the file in a ascending sorted order and we are reading the files in alphabetical order so our entire word list will be a sorted list. We know that, Binary search is efficient for sorted collection. So, we will use this binary search in our application in a different fission that is we will use Indexed Binary search. The searching process is shown bellow with flowchart-

Figure : Flowchart of the Indexed-Binary search. In this dictionary project, at the starting of the application when the word data to be loaded from the word files in alphabetical orderly and storing in Java collection framework called Vector named Word-Vector then the index of each first word of the file is recorded in another Vector named Index-Vector. The Word-Vector is used to populate the word list to visualize to the users and this Index-Vector is used for this searching purpose.

Here the searching strategy of the word joy is shown with the following figure-

Figure : Step-by-step searching process for the word joy. When user types something for searching, then in this searching process it extracts the first letter of the word and retrieves its value from the Index-Vector that is the index in the Word-Vector and the next the next value from the Index-Vector if any otherwise the last index of the Word-Vector. These two values are used as the FIRST and LAST index in traditional Binary search. This feature helps us to find a word in a shorter time then Simple Binary search. And then using the file fragmentation feature (described bellow) and the Index-Vector; that is subtracting the index of the word in the Word-Vector to the FIRST we get the position of the word in the word file and so in the meaning and synonym files. Then searching up to this position from meaning and synonym file we can retrieve the meaning and synonym easily. 4.3.3 File Fragmentation As described before in the system architecture section that the persistent data for this dictionary application will be stored in local resource files. And it is also shown that a set of separate file groups are used to store words, meanings and synonyms. This is advantageous in a way of accessing the files to retrieve the information from these files. That is, we do not need to retrieve all the data from all the files. As, when we are about to search the wordmeaning of the word fortune then we do not need to search all the files. According to our storage structures the word fortune must be in wf file as it starts with the character f and its meaning and synonym will be mf and sf files respectively. And also the meaning and synonym will be at the same position of the word in the word file. Then we have to search only up to that position to retrieve the meaning and synonym. This technique will reduce the search time and make application faster.

4.4 Summery of the Operation Procedure of the System

********figures & step-by-step working procedure***********

5 Conclusion and Recommendations


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