Ship Sets, Arrival Sets, Line Sets, Fulfillment Sets

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How are Ship Sets handled in Order Management?

Ship Sets, Arrival Sets, Line Sets, Fulfillment Sets In Order Entry you could put lines in Ship Sets, indicating that they need to be shipped together. Pick Release honored ship sets.Order Management lets you define Ship or Arrival sets. The latter lets you determine which lines should arrive together. (Very Important Fact) Pick Release does not look at Ship or Arrival sets to determine what can be released. At Ship-Confirmation you are informed if your are breaking a ship set (and allowed to do so). If you partially ship lines from a Ship Set, they are automatically dropped from the Ship Set.When any of the lines from a Ship or Arrival Set is ship-confirmed the set is automatically closed. Pick Release does not look at Ship or Arrival sets to determine what can be released. This has changed with the release of patch 1649595. A new parameter 'Enforce Ship Sets and Ship Models' is added under 'Pick Release' tab of shipping parameters (Default set to No). If the parameter is checked (set to Yes) then ship sets and ship models will be enforced during Picking. Also ship sets and ship models will be enforced during backorder release as long as Order Management enforces them In Order Entry when you broke a Line into shipments, the original line was marked as a Shipment Parent Line (line_type_code = PARENT) and ignored from that point on. The shipment lines (line_type_code =DETAIL) were processed by the application. In Order Management there is no Shipment Parent entity.Every Line that is created is a shipment, and has both a Line and a Shipment Number.To break an existing Shipment Line further into multiple shipments you need to Split it. Splitting a Line creates a Line Set, with all the line records that were split from the original line pointing to the Line Set (via the line_set_id). The attributes that need to be common across such lines are stored on the Line Set (Item, Ordered Quantity UOM, Shipping tolerances). Line Sets are only created for outbound top level lines (standard item line, Kit Line, Top Model Lines). Order Entry maintained partial cycle statuses on a line when it was processed partially. In Order Management when a Line is partially processed the application splits it. All the child entities split as well, including the line flow. The fully processed part progresses along its flow and the partially processed part awaits processing in its flow. Partial processing at the following points triggers a Line Split: Ship-Confirmation Drop- Ship Receipt Return Receipt Partial processing of configurations can result in proportional or non-proportional splits. In the latter case the application also creates a remnant set that has both processed and unprocessed lines. Order Management also lets you create Fulfillment Sets. A line in a Fulfillment Set will progress will be marked Fulfilled only when the all the members of the fulfillment set(s) it is a member of have been fulfilled. Set definitions are stored in OE_SETS. Membership in a Line Set, Ship Set and Arrival sets is de-normalized onto the Order Line. Since a given Order Line can be in one or more fulfillment set, fulfillment set membership is stored in OE_LINE_SETS.

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