Oracle Advanced Pricing Promo Modifier

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The setup for creating a simple Buy One Get One Free Modifier is as follows:


Via Oracle Pricing Manager Responsibility

Navigate > Price List > Price List Setup
Verify items (buy item and get item) are on the price list.

3. Navigate > Modifiers > Modifiers Setup

At the header level create a Modifier Type of Promotion
4. Modifier line info should be setup as follows:

Level - Line
Modifier Type - Promotional Goods
Automatic - Checked
Pricing Phase - List Line Adjustment

Product Attribute - Item Number

Product Attribute value - the item that the customer orders
Volume type - Item Quantity

Break type - Recurring

Operator - Between
UOM - select the appropriate unit of measure
Value from - 1
Value to - 9999999
Click on the Define Details Button

Under the "Get" Product Block, enter the item that is free.
Product Attribute - Item Number
Product Value - the free item number
Uom - select the appropriate unit of measure
Get Qty - 1

Get price - select Price List (defaults if only one list available)

Application Method - percent

Value - 100 ( if it is free)


Run QP: Maintains Denormalized Data in QP Qualfiers for this modifier.

Responsibility: Oracle Pricing Manager
Navigate to: Reports.

One is now ready to test this modifier on a sales order.

Enter a sales order line for the Buy Item

A message is shown

A new order line for the get item is created.

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