De Treville-Contract Farming
De Treville-Contract Farming
De Treville-Contract Farming
Prepared by the Institute for Development Anthropology for the Africa Bureau of the United States Agency for International Development, through the Settlement and Resource Systems Analysis (SARSA) Cooperative Agree ment between Clrk University and tie Institute for Development Anthrop ology, under th3 sponsorship of the Rural and Regionil Development Divis ion, Office of Rural and Institutional Development, Bureau for Science and Technology, United States Agency for International Development. Institute for Development Anthropology
Binghamton, New York
PREFACE This Working Paper is part of a larger research project on Contract Farming in sub-Saharan Africa conducted by the Clark
University/Institute for Development Anthropology Cooperative
Many individuals and institutions have contributed to this
publication by way of discussion, advice, materials, and
encouragement during difficult times. I would particularly like
to thank the following persons: John Abbott, Michael Albin, Paul
Anker, Martin Billings, James Brown, David Glover, John Grayzel,
Karen Keyes, Ken Kusterer, Marianne Maghenda, Shem Migot-Adolla,
Nicholas Minot, Christopher Mock, Christine Oppong, Dianne
Rochelau, Jageish Jasval, Ken Swanberg, Bob Walter, Michael
Watts, and Julian Witherell.
The following institutions have been particularly helpful in
obtaining materials: Equity Policy Center Document Collection
(Washington, D.C.), International Labor Organization Library
(Washington, D.C.), Institute for Development Studies (University
of Nairobi), Joint Bank-Fund Library (IBRD-IMF, Washington,
D.C.), REDSO Document Center (USAID, Nairobi), USAID/DIS Library
(Cairo), USAID/DIS Library (Washington, D.C.), USAID Women in
Development Documient Center (Washington, D.C.).
I would also like to thank the following database services for
granting permission to incorporate several of their entries into
this publication. These entries have been identified by placing
the firm's initials at the end of the relevant abstract:
ABI/INFORM EABI-I]: "the business database, is a copyrighted
product of Data Courier, 620 South Fifth Street, Louisville,
Kentucky 40202. Full-text articles of most ABI/INFORM abstracts
are available from Data Courier for $9.50 each. Call 800/626 2823 (U.S.) or 800/626-0307 (Canada) for additional information
or to order an article."
titles and abstracts contained here [as identified at the end of
these abstracts by DA in square brackets] are published with
permission of University Microfilms International, publishers of
Dissertation Abstracts International (copyright Q 1986) by
University Microfilms International), and may not be reproduced
without their prior permission."
JOINT BANK-FUND LIBRARY (WB]: Internal library of the
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the
International Monetary Fund.
Agency, The Netherlands.
Finally, of course, I accept responsibility for both form and
content of the document.
II. Introduction
A. B. C. D. E. F. Data Sources and Methodology ..................... 3
Persons and Institutions Consulted ............... 7
Libraries and Document Centers Used .............. 9
Database Searches Conducted ..................... 10
Abbreviations in Text ........................... 11
Bibliographic Abbreviations ..................... 12
III. Contract Farming in Africa: An Overview and Interpre tation o the Literature ............................. 14
By Diana de Treville and Michael Watts
IV. V. VI. VII. Annotated Bibliography ..... ......................... 25
Michael Watts
Diana de Treville
The items in both the annotated and comprehensive bibliography
have been selected to represent four basic approaches to contract
farming: agribusiness, agricultural economics, agronomics, and
social science. Criteria for selection have been based, in
descending order, on:
1. Contract farming in Africa;
2. Contract farming in other geographical regions;
3. General pieces on contract farming;
4. Contextual pieces useful for both the study and
understanding of contract farming, including such issues
as: extension, credit, agribusineas,
development issues, state policy impact, labor
allocation (time, gender, age, kin), subsistence cash production interdynamics, nutrition, marketing,
farmer organizations/intermediaries, and technology
5. Major policy statements relevant to the working
environment of contract farming schemes, as prepared
by donors, international organizations, government, and
non-government organizations, which are relevant to
the working environment of contract farming schemes.
The nnotated Bibliography
A Entries specifically on contract farming have been selected with
eye to both providing an overview of contracting in Africa,
and to including entries from the West and from LDCs, so as to
allow for comparative perspectives: for example, Kusterer's
article (1982) on asparagus in Peru, Lance (1981) on broiler
contracting in the U.S.A., Machel (1980) cn cattle contracting in
Scotland, or Laramee (1975) on vegetable contracting in Thailand.
These non-African entries are intended to give a perspective on
the broader universe of CF schemes, in so far as this is a
relatively new mode of production and marketing integration,
having originated in the West and been introduced into LDCs
largely within the past two decades.
The Comprehensive Bibliography
The same criteria have been used in compiling the comprehensive
bibliography, but with greater emphasis on contextual issues that
are important in understanding the place of CF in local economies
Contextual Entries
A number of entries in both the annotated and comprehensive
bibliography are not specifically about contract farming.
However, because so much of the literature hovers eround
ideological concerns or is overly technological for purposes of
.real world" implementation (see Chapter Three),
series a of
contextual issues vital to
more comprehensive and
a empirically/critically oriented approach to,
and understanding
of, CF have been included. Some of the more important issues
Technology transfer
Green revolution scenarios (related to technology tranafer)
Plantation economies
Domestic production
Policy issues (State, Donor, Lender)
Food/cash crop interdependencies and tradeoffs
Intermediaries (Cooperatives, NGOs, PVOs, etc.)
Stratification (socioeconomic)
Labor (domestic, gender, age-based)
Development (as related to agriculture)
Food security
Small farmer incorporation into commercial production
Historical development (post-colonial processes of
Agribusiness (as a development tool)
Private enterprise
Recurrent costs
Entries on such topics have been selected with a view to: 1.
providing in the annotated bibliography a brief introduction to
the topic and its relation to CF schemes; 2. providing in the
comprehensive bibliography a more complete selection of entries
that can be drawn upon for further study. The intention is not
to list what might be considered the most important works on
these topics, but rather to select entries compatible with the
dynamics of contract farming -- especially studies that may not
be as widely known as the "classic" works.
Particularly because there
are as yet no clear-cut answers to
questions regarding the strengths and weaknesses of CF as a tool
in development, or of optimum methods of implementing CF schemes,
such a compilation of contextual references does point to the
variety and complexity of issues that need to be addressed if CF
is to be pursued as a serious vehicle for developmental goals.
Topical indexes have been developed for both the comprehensive
and annotated bibliography, and differ slightly in that indexes
for the comprehensive bibliography are generally more detailed
than those for the annotated bibliography. This is because a
greater variety of topics are covered in the comprehensive
bibliography. Both indexes are organized by theme rather than by
key-word and also contain sections on "Commodity" and on "Area."
Because contract farming is a relatively new concept, these
thematic terms have been specifically developed out of the
literature on
contract farming and not adapted from pre-existing
glosseries or thesauri of key terms employed by, e.g.,
Document Information Service, the World Bank, or
the Library of
Congress. There are
pros and cons to this strategy; it was
adopted because of the difficulty of ferreting out materials on
contract farming from the databases and library catalogs using
the glossaries and thesauri associated with them.
The system
developed here is intended to help clarify both key topics and
contextual issues relevant to contract farming.
Development of the Literature over Time
The earliest itema on CF in the Third World begin to appear
in the 1960s and early 1970s. These entries tend to be "how-to"
in orientation, in the sense of providing technical knowledge on
the running of contracting schemes -- primarily from the point of
view of the firm (Stern 1972; Phillips 1965; Stubbings 1972)
Concurrently, there developed a more systemically oriented genre,
which focused almost exclusively on the technical, vertical
integration aspects of contract farming (Goldberg 1974; Mighell
and Hoofnagle 1972). The next phase of literature, appearing in
the mid-1970s, is associated with
spate of studies treating the
a social context of, and farmer linkages to, CF schemes (Laramee
1975; Development Alternatives, Inc. 1975a,b,c; Barclay 1977;
Halse 1976; 1978 [on co-ops]). Literature treating western
agribusiness linkages to CF, from an
agribusiness perspective,
begins to appear in the late 1970s and early 1980s
1979, etc.; Dew 1978; Scott 1982; Lewis 198.; Williams and Karen
1985; Micou 1985; Jones 1985). At the same time, items that tend
to be highly critical of CF and agribusiness begin to appear
(Collins and Lappe 1977;
Mulas 1981; Anyang 'Nyong'o 1981;
Wallace 1980).
Throughout the two decades from the mid-1960s to the mid-1980s
basic paradigm shift takes place in the literature, from a
primarily technological orientation tc an increasing number of
pieces that are ideologically oriented -- being either pro or con
contract farming
-- and consequently less substantively informed
or informing (see Chapter Three).
In the last few years a small
number of studies have been conducted that attempt to present a
more balanced approach to contract farming based on systematic
fieldwork and related data analysis (e.g., Kusterer 1982;
On FAO's holdings
For copies of documents, references.
International Labor Office, Washington, D.C. Branch
Mabel Shaw, Librarian
For database searches, documentation (see listing
of databases searched)
International Labour Office, Geneva
Christine Oppong, Director, Employment Planning and
Population Branch
Richard Anker, Assist. Director,
Employment ?lanning and Population Branch
- For ILO documentation relevant to CF
Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
W. Albin, Chief of Order Division
On ODI's holdings
On use of Ban% documents, general collection; set up database searches with M6. Karsten, Mr. Lea (see listing of databases searched)
- Projects Database*
- Document Database*
AFR Africa
AFR/DP Africa Bureau/Office of Dev. Planning, USAID,
Washington, D.C.
BAI British Agriculture Internatiojnal
BAT British American Tobacco Company
CF Contract farming
EEC European Economic Community
FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation
HYV High yielding veriety
IDA Institute for Development Anthropology, Binghamton N.Y.
IDS Institute for Development Studies, Nairobi University
IDRC International Development Research Centre
Ksh. Kenyan Shillings
KTDA Kenya Tea Development Authority
LDC Less-developed countries
MSC Mumais Sugar Scheme [Kenya]
NGO Non-governmental organization
PVO Private Voluntary Organization
TA Technical assistance
OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
T&L Tate and Lyle
TNC Transnational corporation
UNCTAD UN Center for Trade and Development
USAID United States Agency for International Development
WFP World Food Program
Bibliographic Abbreviations
the part of both firm and governmen-t has ultimately by the outgrowers.
to be born
Diana de Treville
October 1986
3.Abbott, John C.
1982 Consideration of Alternative Marketing Organisations to
Serve Small Tropical Farmers. Agricultural
Administration 9:285-299. [IDA]
Five different marketing structures serving small farmers are
reviewed, from the perspective of the producer, in terms of their
comparative strengths and weaknesses. The five include: 1.
individual private firms (which may include contract farming
[CF]), 2. transnational corporation schemes (which may include
contract farming), 3. development companies or authorities, 4.
cooperatives, and 5. marketing bonrds/state trading agencies.
These different structures are analyzed with respect to seven
1. Sales position of the small producer vis-a-vis larger
2. Sales position of small farmers vis-a-vis the buyer;
3. Government action required to secure mark eting services;
4. Type of extension assistance;
5. Seed planting materials;
7. Fertilizer supply;
8. Credit and other inputs.
Extension services associated with CF schemes will likely be
superior to those associated with non-CF schemes. Also, the
provision of services by development companies or authority
systems are structurally similar to provisioning under a CF
system, in so far as both systems take responsibility for
providing necessary inputs and for mdrketing the crops.
The author concludes that "none of these alternative marketing
systems quite fits the needs of small farmers." Further, that
establishing special marketing systems for small farmers does not
seem to make sense except in situations where small farmers have
a comparative advantage. Government supervision and regulations
that protect small farmers, together with associated support
services, should be maintained in conjunction with marketing
structures designed to serve both large and small farmers of an
3.Abbott, John C.
1982 then from the point of view of the firm. As discussed in the
introductory essay to this document, most literature on CF is
polarized among discussions that are firm, technology, or farmer centered. Not discussed are periodic and long distance markets
and related merchants that exist primarily outside of capital intensive economies of scale.
See Versel (1984) on marketing
channels used by small farmers in West Africa.
Key Terms: Area -
General; Extension; Intermediaries;
18a.Allen, G.R.,
Malasis, S.
Popovic, & G.
38.Barclay, A.H.
1977 The Mumias Sugar Project. A Study of Rural
Development in Western Kenya. Ph.D. Thesis,
Columbia University. [IDA]
This dissertation analyzes the differential impact of the Mumias
Sugar Scheme Project in Western Kenya on the local population and
economy, focusing on several major areas substantially effected
by the scheme:
1. Creation of a land market, as (a) commercial farming for
the first time gives land in the scheme area a cash value;
and (b) approximately 1000 families are forced to relocate
and buy new land in the area following the forced purchase
of their land by the scheme in order to establish the
nucleus estate;
2. Creation of a labor market, as (a) the nucleus estate
hires locals for unskilled labor, and (b) local outgrowers
hire labor when their family labor is unable to care for the
sugar cane crops;
3. Creation of a cash crop in the area for the first time
- one which is directly and systematically controlled by the
scheme, from soil preparation through marketing;
4. Creation of a new cadre of entrepreneurs and merchants in
the area, associated with the injection of many millions of
Ksh. into the local economy.
The kind and magnitude of impact in these areas is measured by
the author against claims made by the scheme, that "secondary,"or
"spinoff" benefits of a socioeconomic type would be produced,
namely: providing jobs, upgrading skills, providing cash to
subsistence farmers through cash crops, providing modern
technical agricultural methods, improving land utilization,
constructing roads and injecting several million Ksh. into the
local economy -- thereby resulting in ".. .profound effects on the
farmers, their families, Kakamega District and the Western
province" (Feasibility Study 11:67, as quoted by Barclay, p.96).
It is argued that neither the initial feasibility study nor the
World Bank-supported impact study measured "success" beyond the
existence of such empirical indicators as increased cash, more
merchants, jobs available, and so forth. Since none of these
indicators are associated with decreases in poverty in the area,
or with the introduction of basic social services, or with local
investment into growth-related activities, or with improved diets
and educational facilities, the argument is made that locally
sustainable development has, indeed, not taken place. It is
further argued that the feasibility study did not take into
account the possibility that the scheme might have unequal impact
on the local population -- which is, according to the author,
precisely what has happened.
The author makes the following arguments to support his position,
basing his analysis on participant observation, informal
discussions, documentation, and
series of formalinterviews
a conducted with members of the local
participating and
nonparticipating population:
1. The tight centralization of all scheme activities, from land
preparation through account-keeping for the outgrowers, assures a
steady production of
cane for the firm but does not allow for
participation in development by the outgrowers, whose role is
primarily passive.
Their only crucial contribution is land and
labor. Furthermore, it
is not in the interests of the firm to
encourage either the decentralization of firm activities or
formation of worker's coops or other forms of mutual benefit
2. The introduction of this cash crop has both raised the cost
of growing subsistence crops, and increased labor demands on
household unit.
This aspect of the study is not systematically
3. Technology has not been transferred to non-cane crops;
subsistence crops continue to be produced as
in pre-cane days,
and seasonal shortages of food persist. The feasibility study
suggested that farmers would be able to grow surplus crops
sell, but this has not happened. Indeed, it is suggested that
rather than stimulating increased production of food crops, the
scheme has complicated the allocation of
scarce resources in
local agriculture by introducing a new cash crop.
4. A speculative land market has emerged, typified by outsiders
and salaried locals buying land from poorer farmers not planting
cane who, with increasing need for cash, have nothing to sell but
their land. Most of these purchasers intend to plant cane.
5. Basic indicators of successful development in the area have
not emerged, such as: availability of staple foods, increased
nutritional content of foods, adequacy of sheliter, standards of
community health and education.
6. A new market, with shops, has grown up outside of the
nucleus, but these entrepreneural activities have been conducted
largely by individuals from outside the area
and do not reflect
indigenous development of small scale artisanry or
7. There is no formal savings or credit scheme in which cane
crops can be used as collateral. Outgrowers invest their salary
in preexisting ("traditional") opportunities that
are congruent with expectations of the local society. These
investments do not result in the capital formation that is
necessary for locally initiated, sustained development. The
following breakdown shows reported expenditures by a sample of 88
outgrowers, of their scheme-related profits over one year.
Clothing Food School Fees Livestock Gifts to kin Debt repayment 83% 73.9% 67% 44.3% 31.8% 19.3% Consumer goods Rituals, funerals Improved housing Farm Improvement Buying new land Trade or business 18.2%
Analysis: An excellent local-level study of scheme impact on
socioeconomic transformations of the outgrowers and
on regional
A clearer detailing of domestic production
arrangements would have been helpful; heavy reliance on
questionnaire surveys that are not systematically tied to "real"
domestic productive units tends to obscure these productive
relations, substituting in their place synthetic
categories used by the author in the analysis, (e.g., "strata,"
$growers,.nongrowers," etc.).
Particularly interesting
ure the author's suggestions that
1. the scheme has had little real impact on locally sustained
development financed by scheme participators; what local
development has taken place has been promoted by entrepreneurs
conclusion that disagrees with someagribusiness proponents who
assume that participators in
scheme will reinvest capital a in
ways that will facilitate local development (as suggested in the
scheme's feasibility study with respect to
"spinoffs" of the
project, and 2. neither proletarianization, nor the creation of
kulak class of laborers, has taken place -- a conclusion that
disagrees with some dependency school proponents. The article is
usefully contrasted with those of Buch-Hansen and Kieler (1983),
Buch-Hansen and Marcussen (1982),
Herald and Hey (1985), Mulas
(1981), and 'Nyong'o (1981) who also write about Mumias from the
growers' perspective.
Also of particular interest are the data on the use of profits by
outgrowers, and the relationship between these figures and
growth-related activities.
Several points here: Data collected
over the past decade seems to
indicate that heavy expenditures on
daily consumables is generally associated with peasant entry into
capital-intensive activities over the first several years of this
entry and should not necessarily be taken to indicate "lack of
investment" interest in local development. Also, as the author
points out, investments may be made, but in
areas congruent with
"traditional" concepts of what constitutes good investment: e.g.,
expensive dowrys or entertainment of patrons or Significant
Finally, it would be interesting to have those data
broken down according to expenditure by different family members:
who decides on the heavy expenditures for food cnd
clothing, who does the purchasing, and who doez the consuming
within the resident domestic unit?
45.Barovick, Richard L.
1982 A.I.D. Moves Ahead in Support. of Third World's Private
Sector. In: Business America 5(14):12-14. [WB]
The US Agency for International Development (AID) has
a program underway to foster the growth of the private sector in
Third World nations. Through its Bureau of Private Enterprise,
AID is working to strengthen the private sectors of developing
nations and to assist in the involvement of the U.S. private
sector in that development.
A major part of the program is concerned with working with host
governments to provide the environment required for private
enterprise to function effectively, and AID is assisting Third
World governments in identification and removal of constraints to
private investment. Reconnaissance missions are often sent to
the countries to review policies first hand. AID is developing
new financing methods needed to assist private sector activities,
and it hes singled out agribusiness operations as .s major
sectora priority.
It is currently inviting proposals from agribusiness firms and
lending institutions in the US and developing countries, and it
has worked out guidelines on financing terms and conditions.
Criteria for projects and enterprises it will support include:
(I) Projects must meet criteria and priorities developed by AID
for the country involved. (2) Enterprises must demonstrate good
management and profit-making potential. (3) Funds provided by
AID must not be available elsewhere.
Analysis: A good summary of the recent policy reorientation in
USAID towards private enterprise schemes as a way to foster
development. The Agency's focus on adjusting host country
conditions in order to provide a more suitable environment for
successful private enterprise ventures is congruent with policy refocusing by the World Bank.
The Bank has moved beycnd project specific activities, to s ctoral adjustmnents considered necessary
to create favorable project environments. This broader view of
development on the part of donors and lenders reflects certain
dissatisfactions with the project-only approach -- an approach
that can produce enclave situations in which there is little
spill-over to non-project activities.
For another description of the Agency's recent private enterprise
oriented approach see McPherson (1983). For several good "pro private enterprise/agribusiness" arguments written during the
same period see Freeman and Karen (1982) and Williams and
1982 Karen (1983). For an an actual case study discussing why
extensive USAID/private investment in agribusiness in pre-
Khomayni Iran did not live up to the expectations of designers,
donors, or scheme .pa
and Karen
52.Bathrick, K.K.
1981 Agricultural Credit for Small Farm Development:
Policies and Practices. Epping, Essex, UK: Bowker
Publishing Company. (USAID]
The broad purpose of the book is to provide development
professionals in
lower income countries and representatives of
donor agencies with a primer on the operation of small farm
credit programs. More specifically, it: (1) presents an overview
of the current ideas about agricultural credit and development;
(2) describes the credit activities of donor ag-ncies and the
suggestions of those agencies for improving operational
performance; (3)
illustrates the limited appreciation for and
knowledge of operational considerations; and (4) develops an
operations case study from which specific lessons may be
Chapter Two examines the increasingly complex role assigned to
agricultural credit provided to the small farmer and
includes a
justification for concentrating development resources on
smal farm sector. The next two chapters discuss the credit
experience and operational suggestions of the donor agencies.
Chapter Five documents the many complexities peculiar to the
operation of credit institutions for the small farm operations.
Finally, chapter six describes a case study of all major
operational aspects of
an innovative integrated rural development
INVIERNO, the Nicaraguan project chosen for study, is not offered
as a model of integrated agricultural development.
there are some lessons to be learned from INVIERNO, the project
was chosen for the innovative operational and management systems
developed, the high level of professionalism among its personnel,
and its excellent focus
(as identified by outside evaluators) on
the rural poor. Concentration is mainly on the operation systems
developed during the first two years of the Nicaraguan project,
but it is noted that the present government has maintained most
of the operational systems described, expanded areas of field
activities, and has changed the name to PROCAMP.
Analysis: The importance -and difficulty -- of providing smallholders with critical production credit is very well discussed in this publication. Credit may be most successfully
provided in association with a larger, comprehensive program,
such as the integrated rural development programs discussed here,
or in association with specific projects such
as CF schemes.
Whether credit should be linked to technical assistance or the
extent to which it should be subsidized by donor or state could
be more extensively discussed.
Also, critical issues relating to
recurrent costs
53.Bechaux, E.
1977 Developpement de l'economie contractuelle et
differenciations sociales en agriculture: 1'evolution
du sacteur de production et de transformation de la
betterave industrielle dana la Plaine de Dijon 1950 1975. Documents de Recherches No. 14. Paris: Institut
National de la Recherche Agronomique. [USAID]
This study describes the development of beet production in the
Dijon plain and examines how far the ensuing social
differer.tiation is the result of contractual relations between
producers and processors. Between 1955 and 1970 thenup.bers of
producers were halved but cultivated area remained the same:
farms became larger due to mechanization. The policy adopted by
the local sugar industry helped to determine the social
structure: it relies mainly on the larger, better-off farmers and
provides no outlet for small producers, who were often forced to
leave the agricultural sector because of this.
Analysis: The detailed description of the relationship between CF
scheme policy and local stratification, in relation to which
this policy is argued to favor and agrandize large producers at
the expense of smaller produces, is the same argument presented
in several of the studies of CF schemes in Kenya (Buch-Hansen
1980, for example). A systematic comparison of this French
experience with that in Kenya would be interesting. For example,
it may be the case that because of the greater differentiation of
the French economy and associated social stratification,
proletarianization of small growers and their enforced
move out
of CF into other employment may present less problems than the
same process in Kenya. In the latter case, the Kenyan economy is
not as differentiated as the French and therefore will likely
offer fewer opportunities by way of off-farm employment.
Consequently, "proletarianization" and the creation of a freed
labor class in Kenya may be associated with the emergence of a
63a.Berg, Robert J.
and Jenifer Seymour Whitaker, eds.
1985 Compact for African Development. Report of the
Committee on African Development Strategies.
Washington D.C.: Overseas Development Council.
General Background: This policy document briefly details Africa's
drought, famine, and debt problems and offers a series of long
and short-term strategies that should be implemented by donors in
order to address these problems. It is suggested that a Compact
for African Development be formed -- an international body that
America would take a leading role to create and that would
require $3 billion a year in
long-term assistance fr'om the
American public and private sector donations.
Short-term strategies --- the U.S. should:
1. Initiate food-for-work and other food programs to foster
agricultural development and
increased production.
2. Negotiate longer term food aid arrangements, up to
five years at a time.
3. Reprogram debts.
4. Pledge $50m. to the World
Bank's Special Facility
for Sub-Saharan Africa.
Longer-term strategies
-- The U.S. Should:
5. Lead a drive for increased investment in environmentally
sound agricultural development with special emphasis
small farmers and women, who have previously been
6. Launch a major and sustained campaign in research and
training to create conditions for a Green Revolution
in Africa.
7. Work with International Planned Parenthood Federation
and the UN Fund for Population Activities to institute
Major population programs.
8. Provide technical assistance, improved procurement
pactices and track reforms in order to help unleash
Africa's own private sector.
9. Make a contribution of $1.33 billion annually over
next three years to the International Development
Association, the "soft loan" window of the World Bank.
10. Triple the long-term U.S. finance going to Africa
66.Berry, Sara S.
1984 The Food Crisis and Agrarian Change in Africa: A
Review Essay. African Studies Review 27(2):
59-112. [IDA]
The author addresses the question: Is the food crisis in Africa
due to lagging and insufficient production, or is it a management
problem? There is
an acute scarcity of data on aggregate
economic performance;
many cases attempt tD evaluate food
production issues based on
micro level data. Such an analysis is
not satisfactory since there
are diverse ecologies, farming
sy- ems, and socioeconomic conditions.
The standard paradigms often conceptualize linkages between
micropatterns and macro/national/regional processes in ways that
do not account for African realities.
These kinds of limitations
of standard paradigms of economic and agrarian change hamper
better use of the rich literature on local farming systems end
related socioeconomic processes.
The author concludes that
we are not as sure of the food
production situation as the macroeconomic literature implies, and
that more refined studies of food processing and distribution
systems need to be conducted that are sensitive to such issues as
the problem of inadequate paradigms by which to order and analyze
both macro and micro-level data.
84a.Brown, James G.
1986 Agroindustrial ')evelopment: A Guide to Project Design
and Operation. Washington, D.C.: World Bank. Draft
Mimeo. EdeTJ
General Background: The primary purpose of this guide is to
present the major areas of concern that ought to be addressed in
establishing an agribusiness in an LDC. Part One discusses the
major issues that impinge on the successful performance of
programs and enterprises in agroindustries and Part Two consists
of profiles of the processing of twenty-one major commodities.
(The draft reviewed for this document contained Part One only.)
Development objectives of agribusiness, such as greater food
self-sufficiency or foreign exchange generation, are discussed in
relation to a set of characteristics that are often attributed to
agribusiness: value added and low investment cost per job. These
two sets of variables are then related to specific crops, in
order to provide a general view of the kinds of developmental
costs or benefits associated with each crop.
Raw material procurement, the major section of the draft, focuses
primarily on the relation between an agroindustry and the local
community of growers. It is suggested that the agribusiness will
impact on locals by encouraging changes in their production
pattern, and will also result in employment shifts, increased
land market, increased market dependence, increased need for
infrastructure and financial relationships, changes in trade, and
changes in the social structure. It is important that the firm
recognizes the inevitability of these changes, and that it
remains informed with regard to them, since these changes can
impact positively or negatively on members of the local
community, thus enhancing or detracting from successful firm
operation. In order to secure appropriate quality from local
growers, the firm will have to ensure that the following are
provided: recognizable standards, necessary inputs and
Procurement of crops from growers can be by enterprise
production, enterprise purchase under contract, or by enterprise
purchase on the free market. Production under contract is
suggested to be the most efficient for the enterprise as well as
the most desirable alternative from the grower's perspective. It
is stressed that the firm must become familiar with the
socioeconomic features of the local community, in order to
effectively develop a system that will be responsive to the
strengths, constraints, and needs of both firm and growers. The
major socioeconomic features with which the firm should become
familiar, and how such data may be obtained, are then discussed.
Contracting, as a procurement system, is discussed in detail with
respect to both nucleus estate-outgrower schemes and
84a. Brown
production-contract schemes.
The benefits of each of these two
CF forms is outlined.
For example, the nucleus-estate can
provide constant factory throughput, maintain its own nurseries,
and provide extension and other services to outgrowers. Direct
contracting with growers by
firm includes such benefits over
a direct market purchase as:
reducing product variability,
providing capital assets to producers, and reducing market risks.
Problems associated with both forms of contracting include such
elements as:
leakage caused by (e.g.) market volatility,
coordination problems, and the manipulation of quality standards
by processors in order to reduce prices.
Project Design: With an understanding of local socioeconomic
conditions and how these relate to a system of contracting and
other aspects of the firm's operation, project design can then
proceed to: determine the components; identify producers;
identify intermediaries; determine physical, financial and
manpower needs; determine institutional needs; specify the terma
of the contracts; and prepare an implementation schedule.
of these activities is separately discussed.
89.Buch-Hansen, M.
1980 Agro-Industrial Production and Socio-Economic Develop ment. Case Studies of Sugar Production in Muhoroni
and Mumias, Western Kenya. Working Paper No. 15.
Roskilde, Denmark: Institute of Geography, Socio-
Economic Analysis and Computer Science, Rosilde Uni versity Center.
ThiL report examines the development of sugar production in two
areas of western Kenya. The promotion of sugar cultivation
through such bodies as the Sugar Settlement Association has led
to production increasing from 30,000,t in 1963 to 200,000/t in
1978 and 250,000/t in 1980. Instead of spending Ksh. 120m. a
year (1971-1977 average) on sugar imports. Kenya is now self
sufficient in sugar and likely to become a substantial exporter.
With the new sugar projects in Mumias, Nzoia and South Nyanza
creating possibilities of cash incomes where few opportunities
previously existed, sugar has become an important factor in
national development.
This study considers the differing structures created for sugar
cultivation in Mumias (strong, centralized organization; little
variation in productivity but average of 20t/ha/year for the most
skilled farmers) and Muhoroni (loose organization, variations in
productivity but average of 20t/ha/year for the best farms,
absentee farmer problems) as vehicles of socioeconomic
development. In both areas sugar cultivation has led (for
different reasons) to the neglect of other food crops. There is
a risk that growers' inability in poor yield areas to accumulate
capital for investment and to diversify into other cash crops
could lead gradually to proletarianization.
Attempts by the UK-managed (Booker Mc Connell) Mumias Sugar
Company to avoid differentiation of this type through a policy of
contract farming with encouragement to the small producer might
actually worsen the position of the smallest farmers.
Comparisons were not made between those in the areas studied who
discussed by Scott
1980 of growing concern to some CF scheme managers. On the one
hand managers want to assure sufficient throughput for the
processing facility by means of standardized production
practices, but on the other, they are increasingly realizing the
political volatility associated with "overcontrolling" the
This theme has not yet been extensively treated in
the literat- -e --
but it is quite important, if donors and
lenders are to seriously pursue CF as a i;echanism for local
For without the ability for local initiative to
develop, it is problematic whether diversification and investment
necessary for local development has a suitably favorable
Key Topics: Area
Kenya; Commodity -Sugar; Development;
Intermediaries; Stratification.
2,000 total
99.Butterwick, M.
The Commission initiated a series of six studies on
integration between 1972/73, three of which have already been
published (Informations Internes sur l'Agriculture: No. 106,
German Federal Republic (WAERSA 16,5902); No. 119, Italy (WAERSA
17,510); No. 144, Belgium). This synopsis is based on these
published and unpublished studies, as well
as on such information
as was available about the three new members (German Federal
Republic, Italy, Belgium), including the UK reports on
farming (1972, Cmnd 5099 see
WAERSA 15,2483-4) and is intended to
be read as an introduction to the studies of individual
The final chapter on EEC policy implications of the studies
concludes: Financial assistance from Community or
national funds
should normally be confined to producers' organizations that can
count on a disciplined membership.
The policy objective should
be to build up properly based organizations with adequate access
to capital, but to avoid putting them into a commercial strait jacket by imposing special limitations on their freedom of
action. Aids for the improvement of agricultural marketing
through contracting and the formation of joint ventures should
concentrate on the subsidization of: (i) studies designed to
improve market transparency, (ii) management training, (iii)
detailed examination of projects in this field prior to their
Aids of this kind could be expected to yield
indirect benefits to the sound development of vertical
integration in agriculture.
Analysis: The emphasis of this EEC study on the central role that
farmer's organizations in Europe have to play as effective
intermediaries with CF schemes is in rather glaring contrast to
most technical studies of CF schemes in LDCS.
In the latter
studies, emphasis is generally placed on the concerns
of firm
management -- not on farmer organization (see, for example,
Stubbings 11972J, Mittendorf 119781.) This points out an
interesting and important bias in both the technical and
managerial literature on
CF: Those writing in relation to LDCs
almost unconsciously avoid issues relating in great detail
to the
growers and their self-generated organization, apparently
assuming that since the scheme provides profits, local growers
(or should) be content and accept the firm's dictates. (An
important exception to this skewed, and potentially dangerous
view of firm management is the recent World Bank handbook on
1975 agribusiness scheme management by Brown [1986].)
117a.Chaudhry, M. Ghaffar
1982 Green Revolution and Redistribution of Rural Incomes:
Pakistan's Experience. In: Pakistan Development
Review 21 (Autumn):173-205. [WBJ
The paper investigates the legitimacy of the popular view that
the Green Revolution has led to increasing income inequality in
rural Pakistan. The empirical evidence produced in this paper is
sufficiently conclusive to show that the Green Revolution has
actually been responsible for reduction of income disparity
between small and
large farms, between farm and non-farm rural
classes, and between well-to-do and poorer agricultural regions
in Pakistan. The paper suggests that Green Revolution
technologies should be encouraged in the interest of economic
132.Clayton, Eric
1983 Agricultural Development and Farm Income Distribution
in LDCs. In: Journal of Agricultural Economics
(London University):34(3):349-359. EWB)
There were remarkable and sustained increases in agricultural and
food production in the developing countries over
the last three
But the fruits of this progress were not shared by all,
and many remain in poverty. Some believe this due to the unequal
distribution of benefits and accordingly claim that
agricultural strategy that focuses
on reducing disparities of
incomes, assets, and
is the most important objective for
agricultural development.
This approach is justified by claims
of wide and increasing disparities of income in the agricultural
sectors of developing countries.
This paper finds that such claims cannot be supported by hard
Indeed, the few valid studies of agricultural income
redistribution strategies, especially those aimed at uni-modal
farm sectors, are
rejected as unnecessary, undesirable, and
(without destroying the mainspring of agricultural
progress). On the contrary, it is urged that growth in
productivity, output, and incomes should be the dominant
development objective to encourage,
as many examples show, the
enterprise, ability, and energy of small farmers and their
families. Such a strategy produces a degree of unequal
distribution of benefits that reflects the distribution of
personal qualities and endowments, and acts as an incentive to
agricultural policies relating to pricing, extension, credit,
research, and so on;
it should aim at widening the number of
small-farmer beneficiaries of agricultural development.
Analysis: The down-playing by some agribusiness proponents of
deleterious socioeconomic impacts that are
often times found in
association with agribusiness-CF schemes, is also associated with
many of the arguments that see private enterprise as a cost
effective and secure method of bringing about local-level
development -- the general ideology behind this article.
However, the author's notion of the kind of "hard evidence"
needed to demonstrate mal-distribution of benefits seems to be as
over-empiricist an interpretation of the data,
as anti agribusiness writers' somewhat quixotic notions of "free
enterprise exploitation" seem to be under-empiricist
interpretations of the data.
There are not
Analysis: A good,
"food-first" approach to agribusiness, in that
little by way of systematic, contextualized, empirical analysis
is used. Instead, examples are drawn from in situ studies and
then used as decontextualized isolates to prove a point.
this approach may produce a compellingly emotional argument
against agribusiness, it unfortunately loses legitimacy in
developing a rigorous argument based on case-study materials
-- a
problem with this approach also pointed out by Glover (1984). See
also Berry (1984) who criticizes the facile conjoining of micro macro data without employing sufficiently sensitive paradigms by
which to elaborate and explain these linkages.
Key Topics: Area - General; Food Crops; Policy Issues;
Political Economy.
purposes --
12. Simplicity --
at least in the early stages -is
Kenya Tea Development Authority: The largest tea-growing
organization in the world.
More than one-half of Kenya's tea is
produced by KTDA, with 145,000 outgrowers. Assistance has come
from the Federal German Government, the World Bank, th. European
Investment Bank, and OPEC Fund,
in addition to CDC and the
Government of Kenya.
Over 58,000 hectares of planted tea are
being processed in 39 factories (each separately incorporated)
and providing balance of payments for the Kenyan Government of
some Ksh. 30m. annually. Given an average family size of five
among the smallholders, the scheme directly provides livelihood
for about 725,000 people.
The article presents a cogent, CDC rationale for KDTA
outgrower schemes, and provides data
on CDC's "best of all
possible cases" planning and management agenda. Several of the
generalizations made in the article are in fact important
hypotheses that have not yet been substantiated in the field: 1.
whether core-satellite schemes can
provide substantive assistance
to food production techniques employed by smallholders. This is
an important issue both because of Africa's growing food deficit
and also because of the debate as to whether
western agribusiness
really can address local food production and distribution
problems (see Voll [1980]
for brief discussion of this issue).
a 2. whether smallholders are in indeed
"more efficient resource
163.Deddieh, Cyril K.
The Impact of Contract Farming and Small-holder
Outgrower Schemes on Rural Development in the
Ivory Coast; A Propoeed Study. Program for
International Development, University of Iowa,
Iowa City, Iowa. Mimeo. [IDA]
A discussion of the historical context out of which problems
associated with cash-crop production have arisen, followed by
suggested solutions to these problems that can be initiated by
African states and by the international community. This mimeo
forms the basis for a proposed study of CF in the Ivory Coast.
I. Historical context:
1. 2. Population increases.
Falling international prices for traditional exports
and deteriorating terms of trade.
Oil price increases of the early 1970s.
The rural character of the African economy: 70 percent
of the labor force is rural and is characterized by
decreasing self-sufficiency.
Increasing food imports, the purchase of which
outstrips gains from foreign currency made from
oil sales.
Food imports:
(1) depress price of local production;
(2) create new demands.
Worsening domestic disposable incomes.
Fixed place in the world economy as suppliers of
certain raw goods.
Penetration of European goods, which creates market
demands and an increasing need for cash.
Increasing sale of food-crop land to private hands
for commercial use.
12. European industries undermine local manufacturers.
Increasing investment in the education of youth,
leading to an increased need for cash.
Cash-crop production in the early part of the century
was based on
extensive, not intensive cultivation,
setting the stage for over-exploitation of land 63
3. 4.
7. 8.
9. 10.
n.d.1 resources over the past 20 years.
14. The sexual division of labor traditionally involved
women primarily in subsistence activities. This
appears to be "free" labor, while men traditionally
have been involved in cash-cropping activities. This
has lead to the exploitation of women's labor as "free"
labor on men's land, as crops are increasingly
Community elites both increase their control
over the
local labor force end monopolize links to the outside.
Food-crop production is neglected relative to cash
crop production.
17. 18. Local and regional market linkages are
left to decay.
Cash crops increasingly withdraw land from the communal
Walking distances to food crops increases.
Cash crops increase demands for food-crop labor
Rural-urban migration decreases the local labor force
needed for food-crop production.
High transportation costs exclude food crops (largely
sold by women in local markets) from being marketed
further distances.
African states pay peasant producers less than the
real value of the crop.
African states invest only marginally in research and
development for local food crops.
Peasants lack cohesion to organize demands, in contrast
to urban populations (teachers, military, etc.) and
this may allow the state further to neglect the rural
15. 16.
II. 1.
2. "Top down" training methods need to be replaced by
participatory development techniques involving
3. Old market linkages need to be strengthened.
4. Resources need to be focused on women
5. Fair prices need to be assured.
6. Investment outlets for peasants, beyond
education and housing, need to be secured.
7. Research and development on food crops needs to be
8. National priorities to be shifted to agriculture:
infrastructure, instit!Lional mechanisms, technology
transfer, seeds, etc.
III. Solutions: International Donors:
1. Research:
Key Topics: Area- Africa; Colonization; Food Crops; Food
Security; Gender; Intermediaries; Political
164.Daddieh, Cyril K.
Reflections on Recovering Africa's Self-Sufficiency
in Food and Agriculture. Unpublished Paper, Program
for International Development, The University of
Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. [IDA]
Contract farming relationships between small farmers and
processing firms constitute a rational system for providing
technical inputs and securing a marketing monopoly. Other
advantages suggested by supporters of contract farming include:
Overcoming smallholder land fragmentation, increasing local
literacy, strengthening a market-hold on
local producers,
increasing capital infusion into the local economy, ani
strengthening rural
links with outside markets.
The author concludes by suggesting a series of questions that
researchers studying CF schemes should address:
1. Are peasants more or less indebted as a result of their
participation in a CF scheme?
2. How do peasant relationships to the land change?
3. Are local employment opportunities improved?
4. The implications for rural development and social
5. Who participates and why?
6. Structural impediments to participation?
7. Relative disparities/distrib1,ution of benefits?
8. Degree of political organization of growers? in bargaining strength with state/firm.)
and Southern Africa prior to Zimbabwe independence. Discussions
of contract labor taking place specifically on nucleus estate outgrower schemes is not detailed in the literature. Such
contracting would likely take place in the presence of local
labor shortage (or local high labor rates),
such as on the Mumias
sugar scheme in Kenya discussed by Barclay (1977). However,
Barclay does not discuss conditions of labor contracting per se;
while Mulas (1981) does mention in passing a group of laborers
who "hire themselves out on contract." A research focus on
contract labor would wdnt to examine the phenomena with respect
to its relationship to the emergence of (1) a more generalized
class of landless laborers, and (2) a class of rural labor
contractors, who would service both the firm and
wealthier outgrowers by supplying guaranteed labor inputs. A
system of this kind exists in rural Egypt in conjunction with
contract farming grape crops and certain other commodities.
Key Topics: Area - Africa; Food Security; Methodologies;
Political Economy.
167.Daddieh, Cyril K.
1985 The Future of Food and Agriculture, or the "Greening
given --
but such is not the intent of the article.
good, although generalized descript'ion and analysis
A of the organizational and operational problems at outgrower,
firm, and ministerial levels, as well
as at the level of farmer organization. No specific project data are given
such -as
analysis of labor inputs, tradeoffs with food crops, parallel
markets that surely emerged in conjunction with fertilizer
One, brief case history of a farmer organization is
Compare with Laramee (1975), Kusterer (1982), Austin and
Ross (1979), and Voll
(1980) for other examples of vegetable
schemes gone awry. On the importance of smooth coordination of
vertical production/distribution linkages with respect to
vegetables, see Mittendorf (1978).
The problems of inadequate
management and t ained staff in
government extension is discussed
by Wallace (1961) with respect to Nigeria, and more generally by
Fleuret (1984), Lele (1984) and Mittendorf (1978).
Key Topics: Area - Nigeria; Case Studies; Contracts;
Crop - Tomatoes; Credit; Extension; Government
Policy; Intermediaries; Labor; Management;
Markets/Merchants; Stratification.
180a.Dew, Robert
1978 Tate and Lyle. Harvard Business School Case
Studies No. 4-576-241 (1976; rev. 7/78). Cambridge,
Mass: Harvard Business School. [IDA]
General background: An historical examination of changing
operations and strategies over
the past fifty years of one of the
world's largest sugar-based multinationals, in the context of
changing political and economic relations between the developed
and developing world. During this period Tate and Lyle has moved
from direct ownership of plantations and processing factories to
offering operating and consulting services under contractual
relations for shipping, trading, distribution, and engineering of
lirm/factories. This transition from ownership of productive
resources to vertically-integrated contractual relationships has
been accomplished in conjunction with a rational and aggressive
policy of (i) strengthening their company's communications
network in relation to all aspects of sugar operations world wide, and
(2) seeking to build good, positive relations with both
present and potential partners.
Belize Case Study: Sugar industry in Belize is used as a case
study of this transition.
Forty percent of the country's labor
force is directly employed by the sugar industry, consisting of
approximately three thousand individual
cane farmers who employ
three to four thousand workers during the eight-month harvesting
Tate and Lyle sold nine thousand of its acres to local
farmers and
an equity share of their processing firm to the
A Cane Farmers Association was set up in order to
facilitate coordination of throughput. Price-sharing between the
processing firm and the farmer is based on
percentage of the
a net stripped value of sugar and molasses. The company gives
priority of sale to registered cane farmers with less than twenty
acres, or a cane delivery license under four hundred tons, in
order to create economically-sized production units.
purchased by farmers was paid back
over eight years by means of
deductions from cane sales. The company retains one
acres as a research farm and has a cadre of farm extension agents
who work closely with the Cane Farmers Association. Nationals
have been continuously trained overseas with a view to
increasingly turning
over factory management to nationals.
Grower Impact: The average annual incomes of
cane growers
associated with the scheme are
well above the national average,
and there is concern that this will create increased unrest and
animosity among the rest of the local population. Also of
national concern is the fact that cane farmers are
Other case studies: Less detailed examples of Tate and Lyle's
reorientation from owning the factors of production to
contracting technical assistance and management services, in ways
that would strengthen both down- and upstream vertical
coordination of sugar production and distribution, are given in
Zambia, Zimbabwe and Swaziland.
203.Etherington, D.M.
1971 Interim Report on
the Economic Survey of Smallholder
Tea in Kenya. Staff Paper No. 1. Nairobi: Institute
for Development Studies, University of Nairobi.
General Background:
The author presents preliminary results of
major study of smallholder tea production in three districts of
Kenya (Kericho, Kiambu and Kissii) that he conducted between June
1966 and July 1967. A full analysis of the data appears in
Etherington (1973).
Before starting field work, the author explained the
study --
and the reasons for selecting the 98 households to be
studied --
at a series of barazas (local public meetings) in the
three areas. This greatly facilitated actual random household
selection and data collection; only one family declined to
participate in the study. All participating families received a
survey-map of their land,
an official letter of thanks and a
poloroid photo of the family.
Two senior enumerators, having
prior research experience, and eight ordinary enumerators were
selected and intensive training courses of se'eral days were held
in the study locations.
The first week of data collection was
also considered part of training.
Senior enumerators were
responsible for supervising the data collection of the ordinary
enumerators, in addition to surveying the farms, and for these
tasks they were equipped with a motorcycle. Each enumerator
visited four farms daily and each farm two
times weekly.
Particular attention was directed to time/labor use of different
lamily members.
Provisional Conclusions: The input of labor by tea-producing
families moving into this new cash-crop, and trade-offs with
necessary crop production, is not well understood. Nor
seasonal labor constraints recognized by the government.
Furthermore, new crops imply
new kinds of cropping decisions by
growers who have no prior experience with the crop.
consequently, changes in management decisions may be significant
with respert to the entire farm operation, including labor
It is therefore vital that growers be given information
on reasonable -ombinations of crops in order to meet both
traditional production and on-farm labor constraints. The author
concludes by remarking that, "It seems to me that there is a lot
of lazy thinking on
the labor issue in introducing tea into a
mixed farm economy."
studies annotated in this document if
as thorough a description
of field techniques were given. The issue of labor and food crop
trade-offs raised by the author a decade before these issues
became "front burner" news is interesting and points to the
apparent difficulty of action-oriented research studies to
achieve direct impact on government, scheme, or donor-lender
policy. In my discussions in Nairobi in July 1986 with a Kenyan
tea outgrower (whose wife and children manage and work on
farm, while he works in Nairobi), the issues of both labor
coistraints and trade-offs between food and contracted crops was
chu first issue to be brought up by the farmer. His wife and
children manage and work the family farm while he works in
Nairobi -- a "split-f-mily" situation that appears to be increasing as domestic :ash needs increase. Family labor
invested by his wife and children are not adequate to run the
: arm
and therefore hired labor must be increasingly employed.
This has created yet more problems, since production credit from
the firm does not include hired labor.
Where stuces of CF schemes treat such "split-family" units -s a
"family farm," there are clearly aspects of analysis that cannot
easily be captured by household-focused models of production and
consumption. For some growers -- as a tea outgrower in Kenya who
was interviewed -- the "suc-ess" of CF may be increasingly
contingent upon high levels of off-farm employment.
Unfortunately, more recent studies of contracting have not moved
any Eurther towards unraveling these issues of labor-cash-food
crop demands. For another commentary on the poverty of data on
domestic labor inputs on tea schemes, see Stern (1972). For one
of the few discussions of women's and children's labor on
plantation-style schemes, see Fan (1981).
220.Flaye, Richard
1980 Swaziland Third Sugar Mill. Harvard Business School
Case Study No. 4-580-159. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard
Business School. [IDA]
General Background: This article focuses primarily on the
problems of financing an agribusiness scheme where (1) funding
is to be shared among a large and divergent group of investors;
(2) the project had the misfortune of being initiated in 1976
-when international sugar prices had reached an all-time low;
projected project costs had increased from $138m. to $167m; and
(4) project design and implementation were substantially affected
by contending policies of the Swazi Government and the Swazi
Nation -- the latter, an ethnic association representing Swazi
tribes that is separate from the Nation and owns equity shares in
the scheme discussed here.
Scheme history: Sugar production in Swaziland was initiated in
the 1950s, and by 1958 it was playing a key role in the Swazi
economy, employing approximately 8000 people (ten percent of the
wage-earning population). Two outgrower schemes accounted for
total commercial production: One, owned by the Comin.-nwealth
Development Corporation and the Swazi Nation, and Umbombo
Ranches, owned by the Lonrho Company, a British multinational.
The agribusiness project discussed here entails a major expansion
of the Mhlume scheme processing mill.
Third sugar mill project: The Commonwealth Development
Corporation was requested by the Swazi Government to conduct a
feasibility study on the possibility of either expanding the
current Mhlume mill (which the Commonwealth Development
Corporation and certain Swazi Government representatives favored)
or establishing a separate mill (a move supported by the Swazi
Nation). Different ministries became embroiled in the debate
whether to establish a new, larger, more prestigious and capital intensive mill or to expand the existing mill.
Tate and Lyle, a
British multinational sugar company, was then commissioned to
undertake a full technical feasibility study for the new mill.
The project's feasibility was associated with two local factors:
(I) Swaziland is a very low cost producer and therefore profits
would be favorable even in a less cost-effective new mill; (2)
the new mill would boost employment by five percent -- desirable
since twenty percent of Swazi males are migr'ant workers in South
Africa and the government was keen to lessen this dependence.
International aid and project funding: The government sought
funding from a number of sources -- all were interested except
commercial banks, which
saw the venture as not being sufficiently
"commercially oriented."
A conference in Brussels in July 1976
among potential participators in the venture resulted in
tentative agreements to provide finance by the following bodies:
Swazi Government (equity); Swazi Nation (equity); Tate and Lyle
30 16 48 6 100
17 midway: ? 9
Analysis: The only article thus far reviewed that focuses on the
problems of international financing of a scheme in the context of
both (competing) local political agendas and fluctuating world
market prices. While not stated, contracting over fifty percent
of internwtional sales in such a way that the firm was partially
protected from falling prices, should have favorable impact on
price-contracting arrangements at the level of the outgrowers as
well as on labor wages --
providing that these protective pricing
policies were reflected at the level of growers and workers.
Just how the input of all of the participating aid and lender
agencies could be coordinated over the long-run, to the mutual
satisfaction of both the Swaziland government and the different
lenders and equity-holders, would be an interesting study in
Key Topics: Area - Swaziland; Case Studies; Commodity -
Sugar; Ethnicity; Government Policy; Investment;
Management; Risk-Taking.
221.Fleuret, Patrick
1984 Food, Farmers and Organizations in Africa.
Draft Mimeo. Washington, DC: USAID/AFR/DP
General Background: A policy-oriented discussion of
socioeconomic factors and institutional constraints associated
with Africa's food problem, together with
recommendations for future USAID program activity.
Socioeconomic factors: Increasing food production as a solution
to Africa's food deficit is not in
itself sufficient, since the
"problem population" is generally unable to increase its food
This is largely because households within this
strata are characterized as being: (i) landless, or nearly so;
(2) without access to sources of multiple income; (3) principal
child-care givers who have not completed primary education; (4)
headed by single women. The "solution population" that is able
to produce a surplus -- consists, by contrast, of a relatively
few number of farmers. Furthermore, most of these farmers
not producers of surplus; the most successful are reliant on
multiple streams of income into the household whereby wage labor
acts as a hedge against crop failure -- a protection and
enhancement strategy not available to most households in the
"problem population."
In fact, because those in the "pr.Ablem
population" generally cannot risk
new ventures, improved food
technology tends to be adapted by households already well
integrated into commercial and cash-cropping activities. Hence,
unless the population of potential users can be expanded,
research into improved crop production and increased extension
will have little impact on the "problem population." Women headed households now constitute 15-30 percent of smallholder
populations and "are at the heart of the African food problem."
However, because of organizational difficulties USAID can do
little directly to help this group beyond focusing on education.
The "problem population" is much more likely to become a rural,
landless proletariat than a separate, autonomous group of self sufficient farmers --
a fact that policy must recognize. In
formulating solutions, interventions have been designed that are
too complicated and that are based on a simplistic and incomplete
understanding of the population; often with tV-' underlying
opinion that donor and national governments can make better
decisions about resource-allocation associated with development
programming than the farmers.
Institutional Constraints: USAID would best adapt to the existing
complex institutions rather than attempting to change them,
because: (l) Institutions are often set up with the purpose of
expediting funds rather than solving implementation problems; (2)
Institutional perfcrmance is difficult to predict;
(3) We often
employ institutions having proved capability in
an American, not
an African, environment; (4) African institutions tend to be
"proper" technical
"solution population."
245.Freeman, D.B.
1985 The Importance of Being First: Preemption by Early
Adopters of Farming Innovations in Kenya. In:
Annals of the Association of American Geographers 75
Current spatial diffusion theory largely overlooks the frequent
cases of preemption of valuable innovations by early adopters.
Instead, diffusion is generally assLmed to be constrained mainly
by non-receptive attitudes among potential adopters and by
infrastructural factors, especially diffusion enabling
In Third World countries, entrenched elites are thought to arise
when, as early adopters, certain individuals gain large but
temporary windfall profits
or adoption rents from consecutive
innovations to which they have ready access.
The paper
illustrates how early adopters with oligopoly powers are able to
transform temporary adoption rents into permanent excess
through political actions, such as
lobbying for legislation to
prevent the further spr id of new crops or to limit access to
processing facilities.
The concept of preemption rent is introduced, and its
geographical consequences are examined in the diffusion of
coffee, pyrethrum, and processed dairy products in Kenya.
cases indicate that oligopolistic controls to prevent diffusion
s.:ill operate in Kenya,
even though the original white settler
oligopoly has long since been replaced by an
African one.
Diffusion theory should be modified to recognize retention
barriers set up by early adopters and to weigh the geographical
effects of preemption rents.
Analysis:: The important issue raised in this article
-- namely,
the key role played by the political context in which innovations
operate and -e importance of understanding how this political.
is one that
247.Freivalds, John
1981 The Growth and Integration of Jamaica Broilers in
Successful Agribusiness Management, ed. by John
Freivalds. Pp. 63-69. Brookfield, Vt: Gower Pub lishing. [IDA]
General Background: Jamaica Broilers, the largest and oldest
broiler producer in Jamaica (founded in 1958),
began contract
farming at the inception of
the scheme. Farmers are responsible
for building the broiler houses to company specifications,
purchasing the equipment and caring for the chicks during the
eight to nine week growth cycle. By 1981, there were 260
contract farmers with an average of 14,000 heads each and 450
persons employed b-, the scheme.
The company provides feed,
chicks, medications, staff availability (including two
veterinarians), a poultry nutritionist and an eight-person field
Payment to Outgrowers: Farmers are
paid in three ways: (1)
payments for stock based on recorded average live weight and feed
conversion, which reflects efficiency of the farmer in growing
the chicks; (2) rental payments based on the cost of building and
equipping the broiler house;
(this guarantees the grower a weekly
payment whether or not the birds are
in the house); (3)
government payments, which
are related to the pricing policies of
the state such that when the government increases the price of
frozen broilers, a certain percentage is returned to the grower
- as much as $0.90 per bird.
Government Controls:
Foreign exchange problems in the 1970s
resulted in an
agreement with the government whereby allocations
for maize and soya by the government were balanced by
equivalent allocation of foreign exchange by the firm to purchase
the other inputs required by the Jamaica feed mill
(which is
associated with the project).
By 1969, broiler meat was brought
under rigid price control, as a result of which competition
between broiler companies operating in Jamaica has reduced the
number of firms from six to
Employee Ownership:
In 1973 the Jamaica Broilers Employee Trust
was set up to purchase the shares of one of the original owners,
and by 1977 the Trust, represented by direct employees, owned 25
percent of the company shares. A further 30 percenL of shares
were sold to the company by
second owner in order to provide
a equity for contractors of both broilers an,- owner/operators of
contracted trucks used by the scheme.
Over 90 percent of
eligible people participated.
1981 specific information on the contracting process
or other aspects of firm operation. It is not clear, for
example, whether farmers managing flocks of 14,000 are to be
considered "small," "medium" or
"wealthy," nor is the rationale
or operating dynamics of the Employee Ownership aspect of the
firm clearly explained. It would also be useful if the author
discussed the issue of feed supplement shortages (maize and soya)
in relation to balance of
payments problems in importing these
Key Topics: Area -
Jamaica; Case Studies; Commodity -
Poultry; Government Policy; Management.
255a.Fu-shan, L.
1983 Agricultural Marketing Thprovements in Taiwan.
Industry of Free China b0(1):21-34.
in the conditions of agiicultural production in Taiwan and in the
demand situations both at home and abroad.
Emphasis in
agricultural marketing improvem.ent has therefore varied with the
changing requirements of the times.
By and large, in the period
from 1949 to 1961,
efforts were made mainly to renovate and
expand the basic marketing facilities of farmers' organizations,
as to increase their storage and processing capacity and to
reduce waste in manpower and material.
In the decade that followed, the stress was on the institution of cnntract farming and profit-sharing systems to guarantee a reasonable income for the producer. Since 1972, attention has been paid chiefly to i-he strengthening of cooperative marketing,
the establishment of modern electronic and computerized pig
auction systems, and the set-up of teletype market information
systems, etc.,
in order to narrow the gap between farm prices and
retail pri.ces.
Basically, the target is to maintain equilibrium between supplies
of and demands for farm products at stable market prices.
Analysis: It is instructive to compare the staged movement of
agricultural improvements in Taiwan with similar developments in
in Taiwan, CF was apparently not introduced until
several decades of work had been put into ma-'keting improvements,
and establishing infrastructure, including farmer's
In Africa, on the other hand, contracting
generally has been
(and continues to be) applied to smallholder
communities where little, if any, long-term and systematic
efforts have been made by way of farming improvements. A closer
comparative examination of
chis issue could be instructive. It
would also be interesting to know more about both the structure
and role of farmer organizations associated with CF schemes in
Taiwan; this is an area of some difficulty in LDCs, where farmer
groups associated with CF schemes
seem generally to reflect more
the interests of the firm than those of the farmer
-- as
discussed by Laramee (1975) in relation to
scheme in Thailand.
a The problems of establishing agribusiness or industrial
operations in areas that
(unlike Taiwan) have poorly-developed
infrastructures are discussed by Cable and Mukherejee, in loran
(1966; not annotated).
For a discussion of pig contracting in America through the
265.Glover, D.
1984 Contract Farming and Smallholder Outgrower
Schemes in Less Developed Countries. In
World Development 12(l1):1143-1157. [IDA)
Contract farming has great potential facilitating technology transfer and into the national economy. However, needs tc, be questioned:
For example, growers have vis-a-vis the firm?
for rural development in
integrating smallholders
the distribution of benefits
how much bargaining power do
of comjnuters, see Kauffman
Key Topics:
Commodity -
267.Glover. David
1986 Trnsnational Corporations and Third World
Agriculture. In Foreign Investment and
Third World Development. Washington, D.C.:
Overseas Development Council [Forthcoming].
General Overview: A discussion of different forms of TNC
involvement in Third World agriculture pointing out some of
potential benefits and limitations that are associated with it.
The term "involvement" rather than "investment" is used because
many of the transactions involve marketing arrangements and
management contracts that do not entail capital investment.
After providing a general overview of transnational involvemcnt
in LDCs, the author sets out a simple taxonomy of TNC firms based
on three different types of TNC interaction in LDC agribusiness:
1. plantation ownership, 2. arms-length sales, and 3. "a host of
intermediate forms," including contract farming and contract
Plantations: TNC plantations continue to be
important, in spite
o a move to divestment, especially where economies of scale in
production exist. Three TNCs (United Fruit, Castle and Cooke and
Del Monte) control about one-half the international banana trade.
Palm oil, pineapple, and sugar plantations also continue to be
important plantation crops. Diversification among palm oil,
pineapple, and banana production is possible because these crops
share similar marketing techniques and channels and are all based
large-scale tree crop production. Sugar has probably moved
furthest from a plantation model to other forms of involvement
such as contract management. The strongest criticism of
plantation economies relates to their "enclave nature,"
associated with a lack of participation by producers. At the
same time, salaries may be high by local standards, as in the
Central American banana industry, and this had been said to
create a local labor aristocracy that exacerbated social
Arms length sales:
These include an enormous range of activities,
i.e., processing, commodity and futures trading; shipping; sales
of seeds, fertilizer, chemicals, and farm machinery;
and sales of
processed foods and beverages. With respect to commodities, a
recent UN transnational corporation study found that "genuine
arms length sales" were commonly associated with grains, oils,
commodity beverages, and spices; and intra-firm trade with fruits
and vegetables.
Host country welfare can be negatively affected
by arms-length sales in several ways. First, it tends to be
dominated by a small number of firms.
Second, advertising
policies stand to shift consumer demands towards goods in which
the host country does not have a comparative advantage. Third,
the technology associated with these commodities may not be
locally appropriate, and TNCs do nct put effort
into developing
technologies that are locally appropriate.
organization than plantation laborers; there are cases where this
form of contract farming could almost be considered a type of
indirect exploitation. But where TNCs deal directly with the
smallholder, benefits can be accrued to local farmers.
2. Multipartite: The involvement of the government raises the
question: Does this benefit the smallholders? Also, the effects
of public financing in, e.g., other development projects, where
the government invests heavily in
CF scheme, are difficult to
a assess.
Since the most effective schemes are management intensive, and since management is in short supply in LDCs, the
impact on other projects may be negative when a disproportionate
number of local managers are concentrated on a CF scheme, while
other development schemes
are unable to obtain sufficient numbers
of skilled managers.
Foreign involvement and the food question: Several caveats
regarding the criticism that TNC involvement does not contribute
to food self-sufficiency and in fact may undermine it by removing
land from food production:
i. Some crops, such as sugar and palm oil, are destined
for local markets.
2. Local conditions are sometimes more suitable for
export crops than for food crops.
3. The reject rate for fruit and vegetable export is
often 50 percent and these rejected commodities can be
sold on local markets.
4. Food and export crop production can be complementary,
as with some rotation crops.
5. Income is provided for local producers.
6. TNCs are often responding rationally to incentives
embodied in government pricing policies.
The author concludes by pointing out that developing country
policy makers need to attempt to match the form of investment
chosen to the economic and technical conditions of the case in
question. "Too often, in agriculture as in other sectors, new
forms of involvement have been seen as a panacea."
In addition,
government policy should aim to strengthen growers' bargaining
power vis-a-vis the TNC.
Analysis: The typology of TNC involvement in Third World
agribusiness is useful, filling In a gap in the literature and
contextualizing CF in a broader framework.
The article can be
contrasted with Mittendorf (1978), whose typology of agricultural
marketing systems provides quite a different axis by which to
analyze agribusiness and other forms of production and
distribution. The typology can also be compared with that of
Goldsmith (1985), who focuses on the varying forms of scheme farmer linkages. The analysis of different agribusiness forms in
terms of their costs and benefits to host governments is
similar to the approach used by Voll (1980). On the problem of
scarce, host country management being monopolized by the scheme,
see also Wallace's discussion of management problems in Nigeria
(1981). On the transition from ownership to contract management,
see Dew (1978), who discusses Tate and Lyle's divestment of in country sugar holdings.
In enumerating the benefits that agribusiness can bring to the
host country, several caveats could be added: i. even though palm
oil may be destined for local markets, the actual marketing
arrangements may or may not unduly favor certain population
sectors over others; 2. furthermore, in West Africa the large scale, commercial processing of palm oil has removed a major
income source from rural women who formerly processed and sold
palm oil (see Nwabughuogu (1986) on women's riots against
establishing local, commercial oil mills in
eastern Nigeria); 3.
if the reject rate is 50 percent on vegetables, it is an
empirical question whether local marketing arrangements will
result in equity-distribution of commodities or, more likely,
will favor urban over rural areas and richer over poorer sections
of the population -- not that some utopian form of equitable
marketing is ever possible, but problems o distribution
associated with these commodities do need to be taken into
account in order to determine just who does benefit and who does
Finally, the largely ahistorical typology of agribusiness
developed by the author can be supplemented by the historical
analysis of the emergence of different agricultural formations,
including different forms of agribusiness, given by Vergopoulos
Key Topics: Area - General; Commodity - Bananas, Palm Oil,
Pineapples, Sugar; Food Crops; Food Security;
Government Policy; Intermediaries; Management;
Participation; Technology Transfer.
269.Goldberg, R.
1974 Agribusiness Management for Developing Countries.
Cambridge, Mass: Ballinger.
Discusses the fruit and vegetable marketing systems in the United
States, Mexico, and Central America focussing on the potential
for exports from Latin America to the U.S.
Around 70 percent of
the fruits and vegetables pr. duced in the U.S. for canning or
are produced under contract from the procrssor. On the
other hand, contract production is rare in fresh fruit and
vegetable production, although cooperatives are more important
and facilitate market coordination.
Mexican fruit and vegetable production for export to the U.S.
involves close coordination between growers and distributors.
Generally, a contract is involved and the distributor provides
credit, storage and cooling facilities, and market information.
This assistance is particularly important given the high costs of
fruit and vegetable production and the need to meet high product quality standards.
The export of Central American fruits and vegetables is, with the
exception of bananas, much less developed and generally at the
experimental stage.
Problems include cost and infrequency of
ocean transport, jack of established relationships with U.S.
distributors, quality control, and market information.
case studies are provided including one in which cucumber
production was contracted. Sub-standard quality and broker
dishonesty made it unprofitable.
- N.M.
Key Topics:
Area: Central America, Mexico, U.S.; Commodity:
Bananas, Fruits, Vegetables; Case Studies:
Management; Markets.
1 r~
272.Goldsmith, A.
1983 The Private Sector and Rural Development: Can Agri business Help the small Farmer? In: World Develop ment 13(19/11):1125-1138. [IDA]
Reviews the economic logic and empirical patterns of "core satellite farming," in which a food processing facility offers
production contracts to small farmers and supplies them with
credit, inputs, and extension services. Coordination between
farmer and processors has long existed for commodities such as
sugar, coffee, and cocoa, but the trend is toward more formal and
extensive coordination mechanisms L-id their use for other crops,
particularly fruits and vegetables for export and/or processing.
Contract farming is more useful for products that are perishable
(making coordination important), having high value/bulk rations
(making technical assistance useful), require processing
(creating the need for stable supply), and are perennial
(reducing the risk of crop switching). For these reasons, food
grains are rarely incorporated into contract farming schemes.
The author cautions that "there is no evidence that core satellite farming is a feasible means of increasing food
The public sector could facilitate core-satellite schemes by
funding feasibility studies, developing local organizations,
providing public infrastructure including roads and social
services, and promoting complementary food production.
- N.M.
273.Goldsmith, Arthur
1985 The Private Sector and Rural Development:
Can Agribusiness Help the Small Farmer?
in World Development 13(10/11):1124-1133. [IDA]
The author discusses the benefits and costs of contract farming
for the small producer, including w!.ether
anc. how such companies
could become more
involved in promoting rural development. There
are two major schools of thought on agribusiness. The first,
represented by Ray Goldberg of Harvard, stresses that agriculture
is an international system, and that small farmers will benefit
by being a part of this system. The second, opposing school, as
represented by Frances Lappe and Joseph Collins of
the Institute
for Food and Development Policy, holds that the
internationalization of agriculture hurts small farmers by
exposing them to more efficient competitors and by driving them
out of nutritious traditional crop foods.
Core-satellite farming, whereby the processing facility comprises
the "core" of the systems and the small farmers living around it
constitute the "satellites," is the specific contract farming
mechanism investigated by the author. A typology of
corporate/small farmer systems is developed to demonstrate the
relation of core-satellite systems to oth-'r forms of company farmer linkages:
Production Company-farmer Linkages:
Weaker Stronger
---------------------------------------------------------Less Traditional: small Bulk purchasing: firm Integrated traders purchase and buys what it needs distribute crops on open market Integrated Plantation: irm its own raw materials using hired iaYbor Core-satellite: firm uses production contracts with small farmers
test this hypothesis with respect to three factors:
1. Profitability and risk: It appears that core-satellite
farming is a high-risk venture that only large multi-nationals
can afford to take. in most of the case studies, some form of
government subsidization seems necessary as a precondition for
investment. If this is true, then this form of agribusiness
economizes less on public resources than appears to be the case
at first glance, since it is not fully self-sustaining.
2. Rural income: Of the twelve cases reviewed, only two failed
to be associated with increases in local incomes. Where there
were changes in income, the communities generally experienced a
variety of social strains, but the firms did not seem to feel
that these, or other sociail or economic problems associated with
the introduction of the scheme, were their responsibility. The
benefits of growth were shared unevenly.
3. Technology transfer: Introduced technology is not generally
innovative since multinational food companies do little original
research because the results are non-proprietary. There is
little room to believe that agribusiness will provide major
innovations in small farm t.:chnology; it will have to be provided
by the governments as a "public yood."
The following policy recommendations are made:
1. funding bf feasibility studies;
2. land reform in order better to assure equitable
3. effective local organizations to act as intermediaries
for farmers, such as cooperatives;
4. infrastructural improvements;
5. loans by government-backed financing to get core satellite systems started;
6. agricultural research by means of public funding
and financial support from firms;
7. promotion of food production by such activities as
"piggy-backing" cash crop extension services onto
activities directed to increasing local food crop
8. provision by tha government of upgraded social services,
to keep abreast of local increases in incomes.
274e.Graber, K.L.
1980 The Role of Credit in the Development Process.
Development Monograph Series No. 9. Bolivia: Men nonite Economic Development Associates.
Insights are provided into the function and application of credit
in the development process. Credit must be properly combined
with other development tools and can be distributed for three
main types of activity: production, i.nvestment, and consumption.
Evaluation of credit needs is crucial
to effective distribution
of resources.
For the farmer the cost of credit is a vital issue
and the author briefly presents arguments for aid against
subsidized credit for small farmers. Although accessibility of
credit is vital, a formal agreement is seen as essential and can
in itself encourage farmers to use cash flow analysis techniques
in their management activities.
The role of private volunteer organizations in facilitating
credit and encouraging its use is considered.
Analysis: The role of CF schemes in providing farmers with
productive credit is seen to be of great importance from the
scheme's perspective. Not considered in the literature is the
possible use of scheme credit institutions as a mechanism having
wider developmental uses in the community. If CF is to be
treated as a developmental tool, this is a topic in need o:E
further study. The author's suggestion of using PVOs as a
mechanism to develop a credit program, as well as for other
intermediary functions, is also suggested in Williams and Karen
For another examination of the role of credit in development, see
Bathrick (1981).
Key Topics: Area - General; Credit; Development; Intermediaries.,
Study of the Batang Padang District in Perak (1876 1952. Ph.D. Dissertation.
New York: Columbia
Various reasons motivated Malaya in Batang Padang who were
traditionally padi cultivators, forest produce gatherers, petty
traders, and miners to adopt rubber.
The expanding tin mines in
the district polluted padi areas, while financial and technical
aids promised by
the British for their padi cultivation were
short coming. The intrcduction of land regulations and the
imposition of various taxes and fees further curtailed the
Malays' activities in the other occupations. But it was large
profits accrued by rubber as demonstrated by large European
estates that had the strongest impact on the Malays. Hern e the
first decade of the 19th century witnessed the spread of rubber
cultivation on Malay land.
The participation of Malays in the production of rubber had upset
the government's policy to make them padi growers to supply food
for the burgeoning labor population on estates and in mines.
Various regulations and enactments were introduced to
circumscribe the Malays' activities in rubber and to encourage
them in padi planting. However, these did not
seem to deter the
smallholders from continuing their activities in
the more
remunerative rubber production.
By being involved in rubber, the Malays had participated in an
economic activity dominated by large capitalists. In the efforts
to control production to maintain reasonable prices, the
Stevenson Restriction Scheme and the International Rubber
Regulation Agreement were established. These schemes
discriminated against the smallholders in
terms of production and
The situation was further aggravated by the government's
establishment of the Rubber Licensing Board that further limited
the smallholders' freedom in marketing their products.
The post war rubber redevelopment schemes such as the Colonial
Development and Welfare Scheme and the Draft Development Plan met
with limited success because of lack of planning and urgency.
The establishment of the Rul er
Industry (Replanting) Fund B and
the Rural and Industrial Development Authority focused
development plans towards the rural rubber population, especially
the Malays woi- now held the balance of electoral power in their
hands. Like the previous schemes, these agencies failed in the
initial years because of conflicting government objectives and
lack of planning. But because Malays now held the voting
majority, future development programs seemed to favor them.
these TNCs.
1984 unequal or marginalized ways. Finally, there is an implicit
assumption that change (development) can take place without
dislocation; the authors seem to fail to realize that a key
feature of incorporating local economies into economies of scale,
and other related transformations of productive relations -- both
indicative of "modernization" (whether capitalist or socialist) -- constitute an increase in socioeconomic differentiation. The
mechanisms employed both to mitigate the negative effects of
differentiation, and to curtail uncontrolled growth by one group
at the expense of another in this process of differentiation, are
interesting and important dynamics for study -- pot just the fact
that differentiation is occurring, as the authors suggest. It is
instructive to read this article in conjunction with several of
the Harvard Business School Case Studies that treat the
historical transformation from colonial to agribusinesa
enterprise: for example, Dew (1976), Flaye (1980), and Scott
(1982). Also, to contrast the authors' treatment of (i) pre colonial agriculturalists with that of Barclay (1977) and (2)
Western agribusiness impacts with those of Voll (1980), Barclay
(1977), Buch-Hansen and Kieler (1983) and Buch-Hansen and
Marcussen (1982). This article represents but one of a growing
genre of ideological pieces that provide but thin case-study
evidence to buttress their arguments. As Berry (1984) comments,
we really need detailed studies that employ analytical frames
more sensitive to local dynamics than that of the dependency
theory used here.
Key Topics: Area- General; Colonization; Management;
Political Economy; Stratification.
287.Halse, Michael
1976 Operation Flood: An Introduction to the Study Papers
on the Indian Dairy Development Program. Harvard
Business School Case Studies No. 3-577-110. Boston,
Mass: Harvard Business School. (HBS/IDA)
General Background: An account of the historical origins and
development of Operation Flood, a parastatal dairy operation in
India that was established in 1970 by the national Dairy
Development Board
(NDDB) with the aim of replacing the
traditional middlemen dominating distribution of milk to urban
areas by vertically integrating small farmers with urban dairies
through the following mechanisms:
(1) Surplus EEC/WFP powdered milk and butterfat were distributed
to the project through FAO/WFP in order to provide sufficient
quantities of milk for urban-oriented dairies to be able to
establish sustained annual output for sale;
(2) sale of this
recombined milk was
used to support project investments and to
increase the capacities of some of the dairies; (3) as these
publicly owned dairies obtained large shares o& the urban market,
the preexisting informal dairy marketing structures whose
production was seasonal, overpriced, and often watered-down,
would be pushed back into rural
areas; (4) when these urban-based
dairy activities were undercut, the water buffalo that were
brought into the city by urban smallholders to produce milk sold
to traditional merchants would
no longer be profitable, and hence
the slaughter of calves and early slaughter of cows would cease.
This would allow rural areas to build up their own herds; (5)
funds were invested in road and rail
nkers for long distance
t transportation and warehousing.
Institutional Structures:
The Indian Dairy Corporation (IDC) was
set up by the Indian Government and capitalized at $13.3m. in
order to coordinate and administer the activities described
It ultimately became a financing and promotional body
that contracted out to the non-profit NDDB when specific
professional services were
needed, such as the construction of
dairy plants. Input was assured through village milk
cooperatives, of which over 4000 were
established and provided
with extension by the scheme (veterinary; artificial
insemination). Establishing a new project under the scheme
dairy plant with an associated group of village dairy
cooperatives) required that a feasibility study be carried out by
NDDB. This included a study of production, processing, and
marketing, with the aim of making the project self-supporting
within three to five years. Once approved, three of NDDB's
Divisions were
involved in implementation: (1) Engineering-Design
Division, which supervised planning and construction of the dairy
plants and cattle feed plants; (2) Farmers' Organizations and
Animal Husbandry Division, which supplied teams to work in
organizing villag, cooperatives and in providing technical
1976 assistance; (3) Technical Manpower Division, which organized
manpower development programs for personnel both inside of NDDB
and in the dairy projects.
Operation Flood I covered two million milch animals;
Operation Flood II covered another four to six million milch
animals by 1978-9, and by the 1980s a national milch herd, based
on villaje cooperatives, would number 25 million. This would be
matched by an extension of rural and urban dairies.
288.Halse, Michael
1976 Operation Flood II: The Evolution of & Rural
Development Programme.
Harvard Business School
Cane No. 3-578-186. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard
Business School. [IDA]
General Background:
This case study provides a description of the
village dairy cooperative arrangements associated with Operation
Flood I, established in
1967/8 by the National Dairy Development
Board of India (NDDB), as well
as the major design changes
associated with Operation Flood II,
initiated in 1978 to both
expand and reorganize Operation Flood I. Operation Flood I had as
a goal setting up the necessary infrastructure for a national
dairy grid --
a series of coops patterned after the pre-existing
first generation Anand Pattern that had been established in the
1960s. The aim
was to provide milk on a regular seasonal basis
to urban areas. (For a description of Operation Flood I, see
Halse 1976.) The goal of Operation Flood II was to raise
available milk for consumption in India to 144gm/daily per capita
by 1985.
Cooperative organization:
1. Village milk producers cooperative: These are voluntary
associations of milk producers in
village, with membership
a limited to one member from each family who markets the family's
milk through the coop. Coop membership averages 50-90 percent of
villago families, 20-30 percent of whom mey be landless and
another 40-60 percent smallholders with less than 4 ha.
earnings constitute 40-70 percent of all cash earnings for these
two groups. Members bring their milk twice daily to the coop
building where it is measured and recorded. Payment is made at
the next collection period on
the basis of milk quality. The
milk is bulked morning and evening in ans for pickup to the
Union's dairy plant.
At this time milk is also sold at cost to
the local population.
In addition to milk collection, sale, and
bulking, cooperatives sell feed concentrates, and provide
artificial insemination and first aid services.
2. District Cooperative Milk Producers Union:
All co-ops in a
district belong to the District Union, which is
the core of the
It owns and operates a processing plant and often
cattle feed compounding plant; organizes milk collection two
times daily from the co-ops; markets feed concentrates, green
fodder, seeds, and other inputs, operates a mobile veterinary
clinic; trains employees of each coop; and organizes the
production of semen for artificial insemination. The Union has a
Board of Directors, with nine of the twelve members generally
being milk producers and chairmen of village co-ops in the
Operation Flood II Instruments and Targets: Since it was
288. Halse
estimated that by 1985 66 percent of all milk consumption would
come from rural areas, it was decided that rural milk production
should be increased and investments in urban milk
marketing decreased. This meant a large program in both
artificial insemination and veterinary staff expansion.
It was
estimated that the number of milch animals that could be brought
into the co-op program could be increased from three million in
1978 to ten million in 1985.
New Organization:
To increase the number of District Cooperative
Unions from the (then) current seventeen to 150 by 1985, it
proposed to set up fifteen Federations by 1985, each with
average cluster of six districts. Each Federation would be the
responsible "action taker."
These Federations were to ease some
of the resistance, on the part of some government officials,
elite, and merchanta who had interests in the preexisting
marketing arrangements cf milk, against both co-op establishment
and Union ownership of its own dairies. The Federations were to
be "demanders" on behalf of their members in
facilitating these
288. Halse 1978 be useflly compared with such schemes -- especially with respect
to farmer organization and cooperatives and intermediaries. It
is instructive to contrast the "top down" form of co-op
organization described in this article with co-op
organization that is
initiated by the producers themselves, as
described by Truitt (1982). For comparisons with a similarly top down organized cooperative, see de Treville (1986).
This description of co-op organization updates and supplements
Halse's article (1976) on Operation Flood I.
299.Hayenga et al.
reduce transaction costs, and smooth the pattern of short-term
price movements over time.
Analysis: It is interesting to link this discussion of the causes
and implications of thin markets created in relation to
increasing vertical integration with specific CF schemes, where
"price-setting" at the farmer level is in direct
contradistinction to "thick market" transactions associated with
local markets. Farmers' concerns over fair price, in the absence
of a wider (i.e., thicker) market by which to judge a scheme's
payment, is infrequently treated in the literature.
World Bank reports treating CF schemes mention grower dissatisfaction with payments, in
cases where the firm has not
adequately explained pricing structures to their growers.
On the other hand, where thick markets do exist locally (as,
e.g., for CF-produced vegetables or
palm oil that can be sold to
local merchants or processors), the CF prices set by the firm can
be undermined as farmers sell
contracted commodities to these
local sources offering higher prices. Such local-level leakage
to alternative marketing structures has the farmer-perspective
benefit of escaping repayment of inputs and credit that would be
deducted from the firm's CF payment.
This issue is discussed in
Development Alternatives, Inc.
(1975b) with respect to tomatoes
in Nigeria, and by Shipton (1985,,
with respect to tobacco in
Kenya. Leakage is also associated with some World Bank schemes
in both the nucleus estate-outgrower sector, as well
as in more
recent horticultural crop schemes being supported by Bank funds
(discussions with Bank staff, 1985-1986).
Current evidence seems to
suggest that the creation of thin
markets at the local level, by
means of CF schemes, may not be
possible where the commodity grown has a strong appeal to local
merchant-market demands, which the scheme is unable to
Key Topics: Area General; Marketing.
-- or should not --
stop one from suggesting correlations between
305.Heghe, G. van
1976 Modalit~s et organisation de l'int~gration horizontale
339.Jabara, C.L.
1985 Agricultural Pricing Policy in Kenya.
In: World
Development 13(5):611ff. [WBI
Examination of Kenya's agricultural pricing policy, its rcle in
the development of key sectors of the agricultural economy during
the 1970s, and its impact on different classes of producers.
Description of the country's process of agricultural price
deterriination, and examination of trends in
real producer price
indic,!s for selected crop groupings and by size of holding.
It is found that agricultural pricing policy has been used to
create incentives for the growth of marketed agricultural
production, and also to promote the agricultural development of
341.Jaffee, Stephen
1985 The Potential and Benefits of Crop Diversification
and Horticultural Production. Mimeo. [IDA]
Shifts to monocultur. in Africa have contributed to unbalanced
agricultural practices of smallholders. It is argued that
smallholders should diversify their farming activities so as to
include various horticultural crops. This would decrease the
producer's risk, increase the efficiency of the farming
operation, minimize pest and other losses, and allow the producer
to take advantage of new profit opportunities. Horticultural
crops yield high net returns, provide greater income per unit of
land, generate more employment than traditional crops, and
provide a high source of nutrition. Finally, export promotion
associated with the introduction of agribusiness schemes is in
line with government strategies.
346.Johl, S.S.
1975 Gains of the Green Revolution: How They have been
Shared in Punjab. In: Journal of Development Studies
ll(April):178-189. [WB/IDA]
It is fashionable for sociologists and political economists these
days to malign the "green revolution" technology on the grounds
of its effects upon the agricultural income distribution, which
are claimed to affect small
farmers and agricultural laborers
No doubt the income effects of a technological change
should be
valid concern for a society inflicted with mass
a poverty and unemployment, yet to condemn an
improvement in
production technology 61one seems misplaced. Inequality in
income distribution depends not only on
the nature of the
technology, on
its degree of scale-neutrality or labor intensity,
but often arises from resource allocatiois and fiscal policies.
India green revolution technology is unfortunately being
condemned out of all proportion. The policy measures that
emanate out of this thinking
are throttling the development of
the agricultural sector.
This article is an attempt to examine the recent changes in
employment and agricultural laborers and farmaers
in the Punjab
State, which is the
area most favorably affected by the green
revolution technology in India.
351.Jones, Theo
1985 Philippine Nucleus Estate Scheme is Defended as
in the Farmer's Interest in Agribusiness
Worldwide (May/June):14-22. [IDA]
General Background: In 1982 the NDC-Guthrie Plantations, Incorp.
began developing an 8000 ha nucleus palm oil estate on Mindanao
with assistance from the Commonwealth Development Corporation.
Since its inception controversy has raged over the impact of the
scheme on surrounding farmers. The area is one of both
considerable poverty and increasing ecological degradation
related to forest clearing and overcropping. The issue of
whether CDC can design a 6cheme supportive of impoverished
farmers living in an increasingly desiccated environment, as they
have proposed to do, is relevant not just here, but also in other
areas where CDC is involved in outgrower schemes.
Development Objectives: In order tD address the condition of
local farmers, an integrative approach was considered necessary
that included the following actions:
1. Flatlands farmers to increase food production through
extension services;
2. Marginal flat lands farmers to be introduced to better
husbandry suited to fragile lands;
3. Upland hills farmers to replace native trees with tree
4. Earning opportunities to be introduced in the area
through the scheme;
Increased food production in the flat lands would provide food
both for this area and for the upland hill population.
Encouraging the hill people to grow trees for sale would provide
a cash income for them.
Nucleus Estate: A socioeconomic survey indicated that lands to be
acquired for the nucleus estate were mainly uncultivated, and
called "abandoned lands" (logged and left over) by the locals.
A 1983 Parliamentry Human Rights Group Mission determined that
CDC proposals for land purchase provided sufficient safeguards to
the farmers. Choices offered the farmers included: (1) sell
their "abandoned land"; (2) grow the scheme cash crop on their
land; (3) obtain employment with the Company ("with the
I I) C
opportunity of learning a trade"); (4) establish a small
enterprise in the face of opportunities newly opened by the
development coming in the area. Surveys established that people
were receptive to the project and wanted change: "They recognized
that subsistence farming is unproductive and unrewarding and
indicated that they were prepared to work hard to make a success
of any reasonable alterna ive that protects their rights of
choice and their freedom as individuals."
354.Kauffman, D.
1984 An Evaluation of the Potential for a Market in Hog Con tracts. Agricultural E2E.nomics Report No. 462. East
Lansing: Department of Agricultural Economics, Michigan
State University.
Production decisions will
always be fraught with uncertainty: The
potential of a Pork Contracting Market as a way to reduce this
unccrtrinty by improving the market information available to
farmers and improving supply coordination between buyer and
seller is analyzed in this study.
A Pig Contracting Market would connect, by computer, those
wishing to sell and those wishing to buy contracts for delivery
of pigs at some future date. The contract would deal with
delivery of a specified quality and quantity of pigs at a
specified time and place. The contract would not deal with
production methods or production contracting. Knowledge of
futures terminology would not be necessary for farmer
participants. Packers and those further up the marketing channel
would have to be able to estimate approximately the demand they
would face at the time the contrac:t was delivered. Packers and
retailers, being close to final demand, are
in a much better
position to estimate it than farmers. However, if packers and
others lacked confidence in their demand estimates they could
always hedge their prices, risk in the futures market.
Analysis: This article is one of several appearing in the
annotated bibliography that deal with animal protein contracting
in developed countries. Others include: Lance (1978; 1981; 1983)
on poultry in America, Mackel (1979; 1980) on cattle in Scotland;
Millman (1980) on sheep in England; and Rogers (1980) on poultry
in America. The comparative level of technological
sophistication required in
some forms of protein contracting
creates problems in introducing the technology and related
standards of mairtenance in LDCs. Similar difiiculties are
occasionally (though apparently with less frequency) experienced
in nucleus estate-outgrower and horticultural contracting
schemes, which may ultimately spell the demise of the scheme, as
described by Laramee (1975) in relation to vegetable production
in Thailand, and by Development Alternatives, Inc. (1975b) in
relation to tomato production in Nigeria.
The necessity of providing extensive TA in order to maintain
adequate production output experienced by some of these schemes
1984 can be extremely high. Indeed, as pointed out by Cable and
Mukherjee (in Moran [1986), not annotated), chances of success
for TNCs choosing to set operations in LDCs with poor
infrastructure are poor.
Key Topics: Area: United States; Commodity - Pigs
367.Kurian, Rachel
1981 The Position of Women Workers
in the Sri Lanka Plan tation Sector. Work and Development No. 5. Geneva:
ILO. tdeT/WB)
This study examines the different activities undertaken by the
women and the implications of these for the plantation sector and
for the economic development of the country as a whole.
The conditions of the female worker cannot be taken out of the
context of the conditions for all workers on the plantation, a
unique form of labor organization that was introduced under
colornialism. The plantation sector with its main crops:
tea, rubber, and coconuts, still accounts for 90 percent of the
country's agricultural exports and 70 percent of its total
exports by value.
Improvements in living conditions on the plantation have been
introduced to meet mounting labor problems, but these efforts
have been "aegmented." Any strategy concerned with improving the
position of plantation labor must address the specific needs of
Housing and medical facilities could also be improved. A
list of proposals and recommendations is included.
Analysis: Detailed case studies of the impact of cash cropping on
domestic labor are few.
The topic is of central importance in
considering the likely impacts of CF schemes on over-all
development at the local level
as well as issues of equity. See
the Analysis und
Fan (1981) for a more detailed discussion of
r this topic.
Key Topics: Area - Sri Lanka; Case Studies; Coconuts, Rubber, Tea; Gender; tations; Stratification.
Commodity -
Labor; Plan
368.Kusterer, Kenneth
1982 The Social Impact of Agribusiness: A Case Study
of Asparagus Canning in Peru. Washington, DC:
General background: A social
impact study of a new Asparagus
outgrower scheme involving 106 new CF farmers in
Santa Valley, 80
established CF farmers in Viru Valley, and
processing factory
a employing 432 workers.
In addition, since asparagus production
is highly labor intensive, many growers were required to
labor thereby providing work to a daily average of 520 farm
Santa Valley outgrowers were newly-established
settlers in a recent irrigation scheme, and while the project has
radically transformed their life, they have also fallen heavily
into debt because of the scheme. Viru Valley farmers, on the
other hand, had been asparagus farmers in the past and so this
new usiness meant reviving a dying industry. b In both areas the
labor intensity of the crop has not only created substantial wage
labor employment but has also removed "underemployment" frcm the
household, since all able-bodied household members must
participate in the highly labor-intensive cultivation of the
crop, including year-round twice-daily harvests. The firm
maintains a staff of fifteen extensionists in order to deliver
technical assistance to the 106 widely disbursed farms in the
Santa Valley. At the time of the evaluation not only were yields
only 40 percent of anticipated production, but high overhead in
maintaining a necessary level of extension and other inputs
resulted in the firm's continuing to run with a deficit.
Furthermore, farmers were
unhappy since interest rates rose to
almost 50 percent per annum;
they were tied to subsistence loans
that would see them through the three-year production cycle
before the crop began to show a profit.
Firm organization: Initially the firm financed 100 percent of all
costs and promised growers a great deal. However, ensuing loose
financial dealings led to a revised plan with very tight
accountability over the loan program, which was run
by a "highly
bureaucratized staff of twenty."
No new farmers have been taken
on since 1980. Technical assistance is coordinated by six
agronomists and nine farm technicians who also run a much tighter
program since management has changed hands.
Santa Valley: Two types of farmers signed contracts: Small
farmers dependent on family labor and farming entrepreneurs.
Both groups plant approximately one-half of their cultivated land
in asparagus. Impacts on
the farmers of the area have included:
1. The first access to credit through bi-weekly wage-like
loans (which proved to be unworkable - they were to
provide subsistence to growers until
crops matured);
2. Great labor intensity and reduced undereployment;
3. Increased technical assistance;
4. Grower dissatisfaction relating to: Lower than
promised yield, rising debts, over promotion,
company evasiveness, and "agribusiness normali zation" (increasing grower dissatisfaction following
the initial honeymoon period with a project);
5. Founding of the Asparagus Growers Association in
order to bargain for higher prices and to reduce the
length of asparagus spears accepted by the firm;
6. rurning family farmers into family employees,
thereby transforming the nature of the farm enter prise - even the poorest growers had to take on wage
7. Changing roles of farm women who now must spend 5-6
hours daily in the fields and thereby may not only
become more materially dependent on husbands but also
may lose the ability to sell at local markets in order to
obtain their own cash: while the asparagus income
may be more than the market income, "income to the
family and income to the woman may not be entirely the
same thing."
Vinu Valley growers: The scheme had Lhe following impacts on
farmers, who had been growers of asparagus in the past:
1. Reviving an old industry;
2. Less dependence but alc'o less technical assistance
than Rosa Valley growers;
3. Greater grower satisfaction because they think they are
both making a profit and being offered higher profits,
better credit and better administrative assistance
than with other firms;
4. They may still be in the "honeymoon phase," since the
firm only recently established contracts in the area.
Collective farms: The 25 member Amatu Cooperative has 127 ha of
collective land, all planted in asparagus. Scheme impacts have
1. Debt increases because the firm's labor loans have
constituted most of the income of the coop members
since 1979, resulting in a collective debt of
of $132,000 in addition to $100,000 owed the agrarian
2. Requests to dissolve the co-op;
the impacts that such an
action would have on the collective debt have yet to be
Asparagus farm workers:
The largest and poorest group affected by
the scheme. Impacts on
them have included:
1. A tendency towards long term employment rather than
dismissals as normally practiced;
2. Less exploitation than with regular, temporary farm
work because of increased permanency of employment
associated with asparagus production;
3. Easier work than traditional farming tasks;
4. Possible increased employment of women as farm
Asparagus plant employees: Impacts on these over
400 workers have
1. New jobs -- 90 percent being women;
2. Three groups of women employees have emerged: Youths,
experienced factory workers, and first time factory
workers. The greatest adjustment problems and
satisfaction are associated with the third group.
- Household Impact:
- Personal impact:
than farm chores, more structured, and in the company
of friends rather than the isolation of households;
2. Self esteem and independence: expressed by one-third
of the workers; while male workers moving from farm
to factory express reduced self-esteem, it is the op posite for women;
3. Work dissatisfaction: one-fifth are openly dissatis fied and an absolute majority do not feel positive;
a variety of reasons ranging from wages to the system
of work contracting;
Community impact:
1982 (1979), Development Alternatives Incorporated (1975b), Laramee
(1975), and Voll (1980:sectioris on unsuccessful agribusiness
Key Topics:
Area - Peru; Case Studies; Extension;
Gender; Intermediaries; Labor; Participation.
371.Lance, G.C.
1978 Economic Comparison of Contract Broiler Hatching Egg
Production and Housing Systems in Georgia. Research
Bulletin No. 229. College of Agriculture Experiment
Stations. University of Georgia.
Estimates show that more thon 508 contract broiler hatching egg
farms were operating in Georgia on January 1, 1978, with
approximately 4,215,000 hens in production. Cost and returns
presented, with comparisons among three types of housing systems.
Partial-slatted-floor houses with manual egg collection may offer
the best compromise for the contractor and the contract producer,
of all systems studied. Contractors generally preferred this
system because eggs are cleaner and less contaminated, and
surplus eggs are more marketable than from the total litter floor
Returns to the contract producer are the greatest per dollar
invested from this system. Average cash income to
land, labor,
and management was estimated at $8.813 or
$3.70 per man hours of
labor required for a 7600-hen operation when new investment costs
of housing and equipment are amortized over 20 years. Labor
requirements averaged 2,380
man hours per year for a 7,600
breeder hen operation.
The non-cash value of litter from a 7,600 broiler breeder hen
flock was estimated at $4,100 per year ($25 per ton) for
fertilizer or $8,856 per year ($50 per ton) for cattle feed. A
beef farmer would probably need a high level of management to
realize the potential value of poultry litter for pasture
fertilizer or cattle feed.
372.Lance, G.C.
1981 Economic Comparison of Costs and Returns for Contract
Producers in Broiler, Broiler Hatching Egg, and Table
Egg Enterprises in Georgia. Research Bulletin No. 263.
College of Agriculture Experiment Stations.
of Georgia.
The objectives of this study are to:
(1) present capital
investment, labor requirements, and contract production costs and
returns comparisons for (a) broilers, (b) broiler hatching eggs,
(c) manual table egg production systems, and (d) automated table
egg production systems; and (2) present
description of the
a production characteristics of alternative poultry enterprises to
help prospective producers to determine the feasibility of
coordinating contract poultry production with off-farm work and
other farm enterprises.
Results indicate that the highest labor returns per unit of
capital invested from contract poultry production facilities
within the investment range of $56,000 to $167,000
were obtained
from broiler hatching egg operations of 7600 to 23,000 hens.
Broiler hatching egg producers must work full time on
the farm,
and production is usually limited to a maximum of 12,000 hens for
one full-time owner-operator and 23,000 hens if both husband and
wife work full time on the farm. The highest returns per hour of
labor for operation within the capital investment range of
$65,000 to $200,000 can be obtained from contract broiler
operations of 32,000 to
96,000 birds per batch. The highest
returns per hour of
owner labor from larger investments wiLhin
the range of $345,000 to $415,000 were obtained from automated
table egg operations of 78,000 to 93,000 hens.
Cash returns from
manual table egg operations are
the lowest of all contract
poultry enterprises that were studied.
However, manual cage
operations can be operated with the least skilled labor, and
contract producers assume much less capital
investment risk than
producers investing in automated table egg systems.
Cash returns from manual table egg operations are the lowest of
all contract poultry enterprises operated with the least skilled
labor, and contract producers assume
much less capital investment
risk than producers investing in automated table egg systems.
Analysis: The detailed treatment in this article of cost-time labor contrasts sharply with the paucity of such data
on CF
schemes in nonwestern countries.
See also Lance (1983), where
the author contrasts contractor-noncontractor costs, and Lance
(1978), where costs and returns are
analyzed in terms of poultry
housing types. Other farmer-oriented analyses (also western based) are to be found in Butterwick (1975), on vertical
integration in EEC countries, Kauffman
(1984), on hog-contracting
1981 potentials in the United States, Mackel
(1979, 1980), on fat
cattle contracting in Scotland, and Rogers (1980),
who focuses on
American farmers' interests in poultry contracting.
Labor; Management.
373.Lance, G.C.
1983 Production Costs and Returns for Independent and
Contract Turkey Growers in Georgia. Research Bulletin
No. 301. College of Agriculture Experiment Stations,
University of Georgia.
Cost-and-return analyses were made for independent turkey growers
and production contract turkey growers in Georgia.
costs for independent operators are highly variable due to
variations in feed prices, conversion rates, and other factors.
Average independent production costs, excluding land,
labor and
management, with feed priced at $200/t.,
were estimated as
follows: (1) confinement toms, S00.43/lb; (2) range toms,
$O0.41/lb; (3) confinement hens,
GOO.43/lb; and (4) range hens, $00.39/lb.
Production contract growers provide land, farm production
facilities, labor and farm operating expenses.
They grow turkeys
for contractors for specified fees.
The contractors provide the
pou.ts, feed, medication and transport of bird to contract
growers. Production contract grower costs, excluding land, labor
and management, were estimated to be $00.36/lb. for confinement
hens and $00.26/lb. for range hens.
Growers can estimate the
turkey market prices that are needed to obtain equivalent net
returns by operating independently as compared to being under a
production grower contract.
Returns to land, labor and management from range hen flocks for
independent operators and production contract growers were
estimated to be approximately equal when feed prices averaged
$200/t and turkey market prices- averaged $00.42/lb.
Analysis: Only
one other article reviewed focuses on a
cost/benefit analysis comparing contractors and noncontractors
(see Subranmanyam 1981).
The profit margin enjoyed by
contractors over independent growers is substantial; just why
growers opt for independent production rather than contracting is
1983 for development in the growers' interests.
A further discussion
of the issue can be found under Butterwick (1975).
378.Laramee, Pete-: A.
signing loan applications. The awkward size and artificiality of
these groups created considerable problems, and so the firm began
working with pre-existing farmer associations -- voluntarily
organized groups registered under the government's Cooperative
Societies Act. These also proved to be unsatisfactory because of
inadequate government support (extension staffing, inputs).
Contracts: Contracts were signed with the Farmer's Group
representatives who were individually bound by the terms of the
contract. The contracts were a general buying and selling
agreement based
on a specific crop. Farmers' responsibility:
Grow crops according to technical instructions; sell all crops to
the company; deliver the crop to the collection agent; harvest
only at the time stipulated by the firm (they would be given
twenty-four hours notification); acknowledge the weighing and
inspection by signing; allow the company to assume care of the
crop if it
was seriously neglected. Company responsibility:
Obtain short-term credit with interest of
no more than 1 percent
per month for inputs; determine the proper time for harvesting;
purchase at a fixed price per kilogram; provide an
agriculturalist; make available to the farmers the necessary
inputs; take title of the produce at the collection point; pay
one-fourth of total price for each delivery within one week's
time of receiving produce and the remainder within fifteen days
of final delivery; first year, provide free seed; give an
unspecified amount of money to farmers in cases
of crop failure
due to natural disasters.
Problems incurred: A number of difficulties set in from the
inception of the scheme, based primarily on 1. an inadequate
feasibility study, 2. inexperience of the firm in working with
small groups, 3. lack of knowledge of local conditions, and 4.
failure to realize the importance of the growers' preexisting
agricultural knowledge and farming-system constraints, in
relation to which the scheme would be operating. Major problems
and confusions were experienced in the following areas: farmer
recruitment, farmer selection, delivery of
inputs, land
preparation, nursery establishment and maintenance, c&re of the
crop, harvesting, and payment. Additionally, the scheme had not
taken into account the following: 1. in computing guaranteed
pricing figures, the pay needed for hired labor that was used by
many outgrowers, so that farmer profits were much lower than
either farmer or firm had anticipated; 2. competition by the
commercial crops with food crop planting, care and harvesting.
Finally, the company had yet to provide farmers with a yearly
package program, resulting in continued misunderstandings on both
sides; neither had extension activities been favorably
established. Furthermore, the
move from farmer-organized groups
to the government-registered farmer,association was
improvement, since these groups received little, if any, support
from government agencies.
A variety of specific examples are
given illustrating these problems.
,13 A
380.Lele, Uma
1984 Rural Africa: Modernization, Equity, and Long-Term
Africa's special challenges: A number of features render Africa
quite different, and therefore not directly comparable, in terms
of development strategies, to Asia.
Some of these features
include: highly diverse ecologies within individull countries;
extensive land use as
result of low rainfall, associated with
a shifting cultivation and widespread nomadism; seasonal labor
shortages -- exacerbated by a low level of technology; over stocking of cattle in many areas;
low population density, which
accounts for inadequacy of transport infrastructure; limited
evo'ution of indigenous technology -- associated with limited
growth of sedentary cultivation. For these reasons, the
challenge of research and development in Africa is the greatest
in the world, and substantial investment in scientific research
at national and regional levels is needed.
administrative capability, along with increased trained
management will
take a long time to develop at national,
regional, and local
levels. Both national unity and conducive
political policy are requisite environments.
Role of Donors: Since the perceived failure of the "trickle down"
approach to reach the rural poor after the Green Revolution, a
broader set of development issues has been addressed:
needs, environmental protection, women's rights, for example.
However, although projects have refocused from export crops to
domestic food crops, to institution-building and strengthening,
to project planning, and to implementing capacities of the
national ministries of agriculture, efforts of aid agents
nevertheless remain largely uncoordinated. Other areas of needed
donor assistance include: 1. increasing efforts to strengthen
secondary and higher education in
order to produce the trained
manpower that is needed in both administration and research
directed to agriculture and other development issues, 2.
substantial investments in physical infrastructures, 3. a balance
between short-term relief efforts aiming to alleviate poverty and
long-term development agendas.
Implications for long-term development: Prospects are good for
turning around the current situation. Attitudes and vested
interests are the greatest problems at the national
level, where
the view of the subsistence sector must be seen
as critical for
economic development. The reordering of priorities
-- by both
1984 between Asia and the Green Revolution experience are useful. The
macro approach used allows the author to explore food-related
problems in Africa with great clarity. However, this macro-view
also obscures some of the more important
socioeconomic factors related to the problems at the micro level
-- such as great variation among strata, the difficulties of
reliably computing subsistence-oriented production and
consumption, and the role of both local and government elite in
exacerbating the maldistrubtion of both resources and
commodities. The articles of Berry (1984) and Fleuret
(1984) are
useful in addressing the problems inherent in macro/micro
approaches to food production and distribution. While the
author's suggested remedies are sound in principal, little
attention is directed to either the difficulties that large
donors (such as the Bank or USAID) have had in actually achieving
formally established goals (or possible reasons for these
or to the impact of larger economic forces on both
the form and direction of local economies: It is not just
government and donors who are "responsible," as the author
suggests, but also these larger economic structures and
associated processes in which all three
-- donors, local
governments, and smallholders -- are embedded as both subject and
Key Topics: Area - Africa; Development; Donors; Food
Security, Government Policy; Policy Issues.
390.Lewis, Robert G.
1981 Contract Growing of Flue-Cured Tobacco in Jamaica.
In Successful Agribusiness Management, J. Frievalds,
ed., (282-188). Brookfield, Vt.: Glower Publications
General Background: The Cigarette Company of Jamaica, an
affiliate of Carreras Group, Ltd.,
itself associated with the
Virginia-type tobacco grown on the Island.
The decision to move
into tobacco production was a result of the government's import substitution mandate.
The country has moved from complete
dependence upon imports of cigarettes and leaf 28 years ago, to
now supplying about 80 percent of its total consumption.
Contracting arrangements: Few farmers had grown tobacco before
the company introduced contracting. There were 54 growers
producing cigar tobacco and six producing cigarette tobacco in
the 1981/82 crop. The growers must adhere
to strict supervision
of their growing practices, and are provided necessary training.
The company provides the seeds (or seedlings), and advances funds
for production, harvesting, and curing processes.
This credit is
deducted from the value of the crop at season's end.
Choices of
farmers are made by a selection committee composed of existing
growers. Production contracts are
offered either on their own
land or as sub-tenants on
land leased from the company. During
the off-season growers are restricted from planting certain crops
their land that might encourage insects or diseases to which
tobacco is vulnerable. Sub-contractors of company land
allowed to plant own-cr )ps for a small fee during the off-season.
When profits exceed costs, additional payments are distributed to
the growers.
Growers' committees: The company encourages growers to form
committees and works with them in training programs,
administration of project activities, and
in giving advice on
technical and operating problems. These ".lected committees
apparently act as informal growers' communication and negotiation
The company's Senior Manager describes this
participation in decisions affecting management, training,
operations, and pricing
."..a positive and constructive
as feature of the project." While this success demonstrates the
ability of
contract farming systems successfully to transfer and
apply modern agricultural technology, these gains should be
viewed with caution since the total number of contract farmers in
the Jamaican tobacco industry in 1981/82 constituted less than 1
percent of the total number of farmers. There are also
"backward" tobacco growers, whose importance has likely been
390. Lewis
1981 Analysis:
very general article: data specific to either A the
firm or the growers are not systematically given. For example,
whet is the organization of the growers' committees and how
they financially supported?
What is their working relationship
with the firm? Are growers small, medium or
large farmers, or a
The author talks about "the farmers in each farming
project..." What is
"farming project"? a Is wage labor or
primarily family labor used?
And so forth. The author's
suggestion that there has been
"successful technology transfer"
is open to debate, since the technology in questicn remains under
the firm's control and is not individually sustainable by the
398.Lipton, Michael
1978 Inter-Farm, Inter-Regional and Farm/Non-Farm Income
Distribution: The Impact of the New Cereal Varieties.
In: World Development 6:319-337. (WBJ
HYVs affect distinct aspects of income distribution. Among
farmers, the technology on
balance most readily benefits the
but public policy -- on prices, credit, irrigation,
nutrients, mechanization, crop-breeding
-- has skewed gains
toward larger owners. Between landed and landless the latter
gain, as HYVs -- unless subverted by inappropriate mechanization
-- raise and smooth wages and employment. The evidence on rich
and poor regions lightens the prevailing gloom; and agronomic
features of newer HYVs fit then
well for some long-neglected,
ill-watered areas.
As for city and country, urban price policies, etc., have
diverted some gains from HYVs toward less-poor urban consumers
(and their employers).
However, natural scientists are
sufficiently independent of policy-makers to produce -- with
proper socioeconomic support -- research that steers benefits
from HYVs toward the natural gainers from more food, labor intensively grown: The rural poor.
Analysis: This article can be compared with the pro and con Green
Revolution articles by Chaudhry (1982),
Johl (1975) and Wills
(1972), which treat the socioeconomic impacts of Green Revolution
technology transfer.
For a discussion of technology transfer
dissemination, see Molnar (1983).
These different arguments are
useful in understanding the complexities that CF faces as a
mechanism by which to transfer technology.
Key Topics: Area - General; Government Policy;
Stratification; Technology Transfer.
406a.Mackel, C.
1979 Contracting for Fat Cattle. Economic Report No. 131.
North of Scotland College of Agriculture.
This regional study is based on
survey of 100 beef farmers in
a the north east of Scotland. The study was funded by the Central
Council for Agricultural and Horticultural Cooperation, which was
particularly concerned about the level of commitment that farer
members felt toward their marketing cooperatives. After a brief
review of recent developments in food marketing and their likely
impact on meat marketing and contract sales, part two presents
the results of the survey, and part three the conclusions.
The survey shows that the majority of farmers sold less than 20
cattle a month and there
were considerable fluctuations in sales.
Those selling less than 300 head
year would find it difficult
a to deliver regular batches on a contract Areement (at present
most animals are auctioned). Larger farr., rs were more ready to
consider change and about 60 percent of farmers had satisfactory
experience of marketing other farm products under contract.
62 percent were members of meat marketing cooperatives, h-ut most
regarded them in the same way as any other commercial marketing
Recommendations suggest how cooperatives could provide the medium
for evening out supply and for exchange of information between
buyer and producer.
Analysis: This detailed case study of CF "armers provides the
kind of data collection and analysis generally lacking in
literature on CF in developing countries.
It is interesting to
compare the author's treatment of a cooperative as a medium
between buyer and producer with the treatment of intermediaries
associated with LDC schemes.
In the latter case, the role of
intermediaries is often seen as
vehicle to enforce firm a centered standards of production rather than as a "medium"
between firm and farmer. Kauffman (1984), writing on hog
contracting in the U.S.,
also treats the contract farmer as an
equal participant in the vertical linkage of production and
distribution. Cf. also analysis under Butterwick (1975).
Key Topics: Area: Scotland; Commodity - Cattle;
Studies; Intermediaries..
406b.Mackel, C.
1980 Is Contracting for Fat Cattle Desirable or Even
Possible? IN: Farm Management Review (Aberdeen:
North of Scotland College of Agriculture) 13:25-31.
Two major aspects of problems of fat cattle contracting are
examined: (1)
the forces of change in the beef marketing chain
that might indicate the need for contracts. (2) farmers'
attitudes toward the contract selling of fat cattle, and the
feasibility of this formalized type of marketing on the typical
The first question was tackled by an examination of trends
in the food industry in general, and the meat sector in
particular. The second was approached through a survey of 100
beef producers in the north east of Scotland.
The survey results are summarized under four headings: market
outlets, the ability to meet contractual requirements, attitude
to change, and existing contracts. It appears that (a) any
contract would have to be seen to be paying a competitive price;
(b) cash flow delays would have to be kept to a minimum; (c) many
farms, particularly those selling less than 300 cattle per year
(73 percent of the sample) would have extreme difficulty in
making delivery of specified numbers of cattle toward particular
market outlets; (d) and conditions more/less favorable to
contracting are apparently not
going to develop inducement to
(e) forward pricing is also important, particularly for
small producers; (f) of those already involved in farm produce
contracting, the main areas of mistrust were concerned with
pricing and grades. The larger enterprises are more open to the
possibility of contracting. Only one interviewee was already
contracting for fat cattle, and he sold 5000-1000 cattle per
Analysis: A further elaboration of the author's earlier survey of
beef farmers in Scotland. See Mackel (1979) and related
Key Topics: Area - Scotland; Case Studies; Commodity
413.Maganya, E.N.
1985 Tanzania Country Paper on Contract Farming and Smallholder
Outgrower Schemes. A paper presented to a Workshop on
proposed research projects on contract farming and
smallholder outgrower schemes in East and Central Africa,
November 27-30. Nairobi, Kenya. Mimeo. [IDA]
General Background: Contract farming in Tanzania is examined with
reference to tea and sugarcane production in the context of
changing state policy since independence in 1961. Because of
state involvement in household production, the definition of
contract farming should, it is argued, be local-level state
agencies and farmers.
Evolution of state policy as it relates to CF: Three phases since
1961 can be identified:
1. Improvement and transformation: (1961-1966). A dual
agricultural policy, in which "transformation" entailed
establishing settlement schemes for producing specific cash crops
-- tobacco being one of the most important. All were abandoned
1966 except for the tobacco settlement schemes. "Improvement"
entailed a continuation of the colonial policy of consolidating
the cash-crop production of rich peasants, from whom the benefits
were to "trickle down" to the less advantaged.
2. Socialism and rural development (1967-1969). During
this period the voluntary formation of communal villages was
encouraged. This was tried because the policies of Stage I did
not appear to be working. But the experiment did not take off,
and in 1969 the first signs of food shortages appeared, in
addition to the emergence of a foreign exchange crisis. These
events precipitated Stage III:
3. Villagization: (1973 - present) Both state intervention
and joint ventures after 1:39 show a preference for large-scale
farming over smallholders and outgrowers. In 1976 intermediary
cooperatives were disbanded and the state took direct control of
production and distribution through state-owned crop authorities.
This both stifled peasant initiative and increased overhead
associated with running the institutions, thus lowering producer
prices, which further discouraged increased production.
4. Post 1980 changes: (1) Rural-based administrative and
marketing institutions are being restored. (2) There is an
increasing emphasis on smallholder agriculture; for successful
local-level farming activities, it is important that these rural nased institutions and smallholders have a certain degree of
autonomy and independence; (3) The 1983 agricultural policy
emphasizes smallholder production and encourages a change in land
413.Maganya, E.N.
tenure practices, away from "socialist" policy (in 1963, the
state nationalized nearly all land)
to a system whereby village
governments would have 99-year leases and would themselves have
the authority to sublease to a peasant for not less than 33 or
more than 99 years.
Stable land ownership is necessary, the
author points out, if stable contractual agreements associated
with contract farming are to be established.
Tea production:
Tea was an estate crop into the late 1960s. In
1965 the Tanzania Tea Authority was formed -- a government
institution that would coordinate smallholder, contracted tea
production and processing. In 1983/84 private tea estates
accountea for 70 percent of the production and TTA for the
TTA owns six factories for processing contracted tea.
The country's smallholder production has been dwindling since
Sugar cane production: Outgrowing is a recent phenomenon in sugar
cane, eccounting in 1984 for 15-25 percent of total
production. Between 1965-1969/70 there was a rapid increase in
contract farming, followed by a decrease, possibly because (1)
most owners were absentee landlords employing wage labor; (2)
labor supply was intermittent
-- locals in tea growing areas were
not interested in the wage labor, and thereore growers had to
rely on migrant laborers. Mitibwa outgrower scheme, started by a
Greek in 1953, eventually was bought by the Madvan Group in 1967,
which initiated formal
production contracts with the outgrowers.
This scheme regulated planting, weeding, and delivary of sugar
cane, and provided outgrowers with services such
as can
Reliable labor supply in this labor-intensive crop is
a problem, and state-outgrower relations have not been good.
Kilombero Sugar Estate expansion program, possibly recognizing
problems of labor-intensity associated with the crop, began in
1978 to offer a variety of incentives to their outgrowers
including (1) soil-field survey; (2) land clearing-ploughing; (3)
organizing the supply of productive units;
(4) drawing up annual
planting programs; (5) organizing cane harvesting for growers
unable to conduct operations themselves; (6) maintaining
outgrowers' transportation roads; (7) organizing repairs and
maintenance of outgrowers' machine
ry; (8) organizing interest-free loans to perform operations such
as weeding.
Tobacco production:
Tobacco farming associated with the
settlement schemes was set up by BAT Tanzania Ltd.
American Tobacco). The administration was taken over
by state
cooperatives and the Tanzanian Tobacco Board, which was formed at
the time. Production has been very tightly controlled by the
413.Maganya, E.N.
cooperatives, and while there are no contracts with the growers,
the arrangement is structurally similar to the sugar cane and tea
outgrowing schemes and therefore should be included in
any future
Field research focus: The following aspects of contract farming
will be examined in the IDRC-supported field work:
1. Technology transfer;
2. Risk allocation;
3. Peasant differentiation and marginalization;
4. Outgrower-state relations and the role of various
instruments of the state in enhancing or retarding
contract farming schemes.
428a.McPherson, M. Peter
1983 Going Private at the Agency for International Develop ment.
In Directors and Boards 8(1):24-27. [USAID]
The Agency for International Development (AID), which administers
most of the foreign aid programs of the US government, has been
viewed as an international welfare program. Actually, the US
economy is helped by the promotion of economic growth abroad.
AID has had considerable successes with
new programs geared for
business development in Third World countries.
Its Bureau for
Private Enterprise exemplifies the significant policy and program
changen taking place in US foreign-aid assistance. The bureau is
a small, business-oriented unit that acts
as a laboratory for
innovative private enterprise ideas.
434.Menegay, M.R.
1985 Improving the Performance of Procurement Systems for Fruit
and Vegetable Processors in Thailand: A Case Study of Up-
Country Picklers and Canneries. Ph.D. Dissertation.
Department of Agricultural Economics, Michigan State Uni versity.
Although the small-scale picklers in Thailand do not contract for
the production of their raw materials, the fruit and vegetable
canneries generally do.
Five case studies of canneries are
provided, all of wnich contract production. The author draws
lessons from the experience of three relatively successful firms,
one facing severe financial difficulties, and one large effort
that failed disastrously. One of the main lessons is the need
for the processing firms to deal with farmers through
"promoters." The successful cases involved plants that purchased
raw materials through a commissioned production organizer who is
trained in the quality standards but who takes responsibility for
organizing and scheduling production, providing credit, and
getting the produce to the plaitt at harvest time. This activity
requires a good knowledge of local conditions and farmer
constraints, making it more appropriate for a local vegetable
trader or grower than for university-trained agriculturalists.
- N.M.
identify with the major economic and social goals of their host
country." More data on socioeconomic impact needs to collected
in order to help demonstrate the positive effects of big
Key Topics:
Area: U.S.; Food Crops; Management.
442.Millman, J.
1980 Sheep by Contract. In: Big Farm Management November:29-30. [WB]
444.Mittendorf, H.J.
Vertical Coordination of Agricultural Marketing Systems
in Developing Countries: Some Empirical Observations.
FAO Working Paper. Rome:
General Background:
An overview of marketing structures focusing
on export and internal marketing arrangements with attention paid
both to
(a) private and government channels and (b) differences
in vertical coordination of production marketing in relation to
both commodity type and firm organization.
Vertical coordination: is
taken to mean "...all
ways of
444.MittendorT, H.J.
1. Multinational and private sector firms: There are two
types. The first type includes the integrated production and
processing and marketing systems typified by plantation schemes
(coffee, tea, rubber, palm oil, sugar, bananas). Examples of
other kinds of commodities include the DCK Production Kenya,
Ltd., which specializes in cut flowers, and the Del Monte Canning
Company in Kenya, which specializes in pineapples. The second
type of multinational private-sector firm focuses on smallholder
production-export marketing schemes. These are
different from
the plantation-type in
that here the small farmer is directly
assisted in agricultural development. The greatest problem with
this system is finding the most suitable coordinator-integrator
who has the necessary technology and managerial skills together
with small farmer support. The two most successful forms of
smallholder production-export marketing schemes include: (1)
Smallholder outgrower schemes associated with established
exporters (BUD Senegal's vegetable outgrower scheme: DCK Kenya's
cut flower scheme; some banana cooperatives). The export conpany
with which the outgrowers are associated plans production
according to market requirements, provides technical assistance
and necessary !mports, and controls quality and packaging. (2)
Processinqn-cLented schemes in which the product must be
processed before being exported (tea in Kenya and Ruwanda, Palm
oil in Malasia, tobacco and cotton in various countries). In
both cases, management skill and technical know how
-- translated
to the level of the farmers' activities by means of extension
-are critical in successfully integrating smallholders into the
production-processing-distribution chain.
The costs of
effectively training farmers may be too high to
justify a scheme,
and this factor may be neglected in the feasibility studies.
2. Government sponsored export schemes: These include
export marketing boards and cases in which the state also
intervenes in pricing policy or export of the crop. Export
promoting and regulating boards provide key market information,
control standardized grades, packaging, and export promotion, and
they promote innovation in production and marketing. The biggest
problems in Africa associated with this form of management
include the shortage of s:illed management, undue political
influences, undue overhead costs, insufficient services, and not
enough marketing outlets.
II. Internal Marketing: The following constraints affect
vertical coordination of internal markets:
(1) Lack of physical
infrastructure, including feeder roads, storage, communication
Tacilities; (2) Lack of market information and training
services; (3) Intervention of the government in food pricing in
the cities to fight inflation; (4) Coordination among different
agencies involved is often cumbersome -- as between Ministries of
444.Mittendorf, H.J.
Agriculture and Trade; (5)
Government interventions in local
marketing systems -- especially with respect to
grain and
There are three kinds of internal marketing:
1. Government-sponsored such
as grain-price
stabilization schemes associated with marketing boards.
the main problems of vertical coordination are associated with
the kind of government intervention: Whether competitive, where
government intervenes only when the pri'-e goes below a certain
level, or whether a monopoly cereals-marketing board, buy'ing
selling at set producer and consumer prices.
2. Fertilizer marketing schemes: Generally fertilizer
import and sale are government controlled in LDCs. Although
vertical integration could be facilitated, mcny suffer from poor
management, inadequate incentives, and so forth.
3. Marketing perishable foods: Vertical coordination can be
facilitated by improving marketing mechanisms at both assembly
markets in
rural areas, and at wholesale and retail markets in
urban areas. Both are main transfer points.
Also, by improving
pricing conditions through promoting standard weight, measures,
quality standards, better market information, and by enforcing
rules and regulations. And finally, by working toward
a package of support services for the producer by coordinating
marketing, inputs, credit, and extension.
The key issue in promoting all vertical find the right coordinator or integrator who managerial skill and marketing organization, relation to cooperatives --
which have often research and training needs to be focused
that service both small-scale farmecrs
coordination is to
will have necessary
especially in
failed. More
marketing systems
"...the rapidly
This excellent overview of vertical coordination
provides a well ordered typology for different forms of
production and firm organization (private/state;
smallholder/Plantation or
TNC), including several forms of
contract farming. In all cases, key factors for success are
related to "good management and a well-coordinated system." By
focusing on vertical coordination as a paradigm by which
production and distribution can be explained, the author
elegantly transcends domestic production and related systems of
While this elegance allows one to contemplate and
understand the system without these "lower-order" interferences,
by so doing the producer's perspective and own production and
444.Mittendorf, H.J.
marketing rationale are also removed from consideration;
marginalized; logically subordinated to the well-integrated,
vertical system. This aptly illustrates a major difference in
approaches between the discipline of agri-economics and agri business on
the one hand, and social science perspectives, which
are concerned with "lower-order" units of production and
distribution, on the other (domestic production and periodic or
long-distance markets, for example)
-- between small-producer
strategies where market logic is imbedded in domestic relations
of production, and large, agribusiness strategies, where market
logic is imbedded in vertically-integrated systems.
There is an inherent, structural opposition between the
logic of these two
"systems" of production and distribution.
Just how much
room there is for overlap -- for negotiating mixed
strategies that combine domestic and capital-intensive systems of
producLion and distribution -- seems to be a moot question at
this point.
Consider the American "family farm": can it
continue, as a dome tic-based unit of production, in the face of
systems-based agribusiness? Perhaps it is in some gray area
between the two paradigms that a compromise of sorts will be
worked out; a strategy to humanistically associate domestically organized smallholders (including American farm families) with
agribusiness. Or perhaps both LDC smallholders and (authentic)
American family farms will be utterly subordinated to the logic
of vertically coordinated systems, whereby the human factor will
ultimately be rendered into
(mere) factors of production.
This article can be contrasted with discussions of domestic
production by Fleuret (1984),
also with Versel's discussion of
marketing channels in Niger (1984).
For a blow-by-blow account of
what goes wrong when the production-marketing chain is not well
coordinated, see Austin and Ross (1972). For an example of a
450.Moghadam, F.E.
1985 An Evaluation of the Productive Performance of Agri business:
An Iranian Case Study. In: Economic
Development. and Cultural Change 33(4):755-776.
The paper compares the productivity of four agribusinesses and
five villages in Iran.
It examines both the purely technical
input-output relations and the impact of the social organizations
of production on output and efficiency.
The agribusinesses were inefficient both in
terms of their own
productive potential and relative to the productive performance
of the farms in the five village case studies. It is
demonstrated that material resources were
not the limiting
The model presented suggests that differences in the
were responsible for the differences in productivity. It
is hypothesized that, given the existing socioeconomic and
historical conditions in Iran, corporate management and wage
labor in agriculture would be
likely to produce inefficiencies.
In addition, the bulk of the labor force in the companies
consisted of the original peasant holders of the areas, who had
been forced to sell their lands and become wage laborers. It is
also hypothesized that forced depeasantization is likely to
produce further inefficiencies, that the specific resource
allocation policies in Iran were wasteful, and that a more
favorable approach toward the traditional sector would probably
have resulted in significantly higher growth rates.
The findings imply that large-scale corporate-managed
agricultural systems in underdeveloped countries are likely to
produce resource waste.
Analysis: This case study of the failure of agribusiness in Iran
can be instructively compared with the pro-agribusiness arguments
presented, for example, by Freeman and Karen
(1982). It offers
an excellent example of why detailed case studies of the
interactions of agribusiness schemes with host country
socioeconomic processes are necessary in order to begin to
understand the reasons for scheme difficulties. Over-focusing
on scheme management to the exclusion of these larger, contextual
issues is a general problem associated with both pro agribusiness and technological literature on
CF, as discussed in
the introductory essay to this document.
Key Topics:
Area - Iran; Case Studie-; Management; Economy; Stratification.
457.Morrissy, J.D.
- N.M.
Key Topics:
Area: Central America, Mexico; Commodity: Fruit,
Vegetables; Management.
460.Mulas, John
1981 The Politics of a Changing Society: Mumias. Review
of African Political Economy 20:89-107. [IDA]
General Background: The author discusses political and economic
responses of outgrowers to the Mumias sugar scheme in Kenya.
Major points of the article are that: 1. The tightly centralized
administration of the scheme, necessary in order to secure
maximum control over production and therefore high output,
disallows farmers from participating in, or becoming a part of
the scheme. 2. Subsistence production has suffered since the
introduction of the scheme, with large amounts of food
commodities being imported from nearby districts.
Hence, farmers
have become increasingly dependent on sugar revenues. 3. At the
same time, however, the company's monopoly over purchasing cane
crops means that farmers are totally dependent on the scheme. 4.
Lack of real barqaining power by farmers had led to various
threats by farmers and by government officials speaking on their
behalf. 5. A land market has developed in the area only since
the introduction of the scheme.
Labor: In a sample of 160 outgrowers studied by the author, 46
percent used both family and hired labor, 20 percent used only
family labor, and 36 percent used only hired labor. Those
depending on hired labor primarily have non-farming jobs. There
also exists a group of workers who hire themselves out on
contract. In 1979 the scheme employed 4500 unskilled workers,
300 of which were permanent.
1981 and it is unfortunate that the author does not go into more
Does he mean a specific category of contract labor? See
"Analysis" under Daddieh (n.d.2).
Barclay (1977) talks about
casual labor being employed by the nucleus estate of Mumias, but
not about the emergence of formal labor contracting relations.
See Clarke (1974 - not annotated) for an excellent historical
analysis of the relation between contract labor and large-scale
commercial farming in pre-independent countries of southern
Africa, focusing on the Rhodesias.
485. 1981
'Nyong'o, P. Anyang
The Development of a Middle Peasantry in Nyanza in
Review of African Political Economy 20:108-124.
485. 1981
'Nyong'o, P. Anyang
493.Oculi, Okello
1984 Multinationals in Nigerian Agriculture in the
1980s. In Review of African Political Economy
31 (87-91). [IDA]
This essay criticizes joint-venture activities in Nigerian
agriculture, arguing that the American investors (International
Harvester Beatrice Foods, and Top Foods, among the largest)
retain control of the necessary technology and financial
management, while at the same time creating a new social category
of businessmen, civil servants, and military and rural elite
-- a
non-agricultural elite class that cooperates with TNCs as
co partners in food production. It is argued that self-sustained,
agroindustrial economic growth cannot be achieved through such
joint-vcnture activities, since the industrial link with
agriculture continues to be controlled by TNCs. On the contrary,
these activities serve to facilitate control from the outside
over indigenous production and related economic activities.
514.Payer, C.
1980 The World Bank and the Small Farmer. Review 32(6):30-46.
In: Monthly
It is argued that the World Bank and most other unilateral and
multilateral development agencies
are a major part of the problem
of rural poverty. The real purpose of their policies and
projects is
not the abolition of poverty, but the appropriation
of the land of
poor people to serve the rich markets of North
America, Western Europe, Japan, and the elites of their own
capital cities.
The new wrinkle in this modernization strategy is the
appreciation by international development policy makers that it
may be more efficient to allow small farmers to remain on their
land as supervised, unfree labor, than to run
large farms and
plantations with a hired labor force.
Analysis: This anti-Bank, anti-donor argument is elaborated in
recent book by the author entitled The World Bank: A Critical
Analysis (1982).
While many of the weaknesses and unanticipated
results of development programs that are discussed here do result
from donor-lender aid programs, the author's attribution of
deliberate causation obscures real processes of evaluation and
debate within these agencies by both staff and consultants
attempting better to understand the complex relationships
involved in project activities. Payer's work should be read in
conjunction with Ayers' book on
the World Bank (1983, not
where a more balanced effort is made to understand
Bank involvement in development and poverty-oriented programs
over the past decade. Walton
(1984) also offers a more balanced
treatment of Bank operations.
Key Topics: Area - General; Development; Policy Issues (Donor;
Lender); Political Economy.
521.Phillips, T.A.
1965 Nucleus Plantations and Processing Factories: Their
Place in the Developmant of Organized Smallholder
Tropical Science. Pp. 99-108. (IDRC/
General Background:
The author provides a systematic and detailed
description of the organization and operating procedures of the
Commonwealth Development Corporation (CDC) oil
palm nucleus
estate-outgrower schemes. The favorable aspects of outgrower
schemes include: 1. providing the small farmer with the same
level of efficiency as the large estate plantations in a way that
generally is not possible only when working through government
extension services; 2. contracting, which allows small growers to
participate in production, extension, and credit activities in
disciplined fashion, resulting in coordination, concentration,
and increased production.
Estate/firm management: Estate functions include:
1. Providing basic throughput for the processing
2. Providing managerial and agricultural know-how;
3. Arranging the supply of the planting material
for smellholders;
4. Forming the chanoel by which foreign capital can
be brought in;
5. Providing management and labor for the actual
clearing, planting, and bringing to bear of the
snallholder oil palm acreage;
6. Providing some of the finance for the company;
7. Providing various services on
contract to
smallholders, if possible.
Factory: High quality production and extraction rates are
possible only with a factory, although small
hand-presses do
exist, for example, in the area of Mostyn Estates in Malaysia.
Transporting fresh crops is problematic due to sterilization
needs, and therefore it is desirable for smallholders to be
concentrated near the scheme.
Smallholders' relationships to the nucleus estate and factory:
For large numbers of settlers a Smallholder Control
Authority executive staff is needed to channel finance to
smallholders for developing the lands.
2. Land tenure:
Smallholders can either be tenants or purchasers on CDC lands.
3. Smallholder agreements: Agreements between the Authority and
the smallholders must be clear to the latter so
that they are
aware of their obligations. Also necessary are agreements
between the :epresentatives and the factory regarding crop
collection, processing, and marketing agreements, all of which
are tied to price agreements.
Government contributions: The government should be able to
provide basic infrastructure and social services. Examples of
various kinds of government support are given from schemes in
Malaysia, Kenya, Malawi, and Swaziland.
The individual holding: The size should correspond to what a
family can manage. On the Mostyn Estates in Sabah, for example,
twelve acres are for oil palms, two acres for food crops, and
one-fourth acre for a house.
There is debate as to whether
houses should be free-standing or grouped together.
523.Ping, Ho Kwon
1980 Why Pineapples, Chickens and Bananas Give Much Food for
Thought. In:
ASEAN Business Quarterly (Singapore)
Export orientation is applicable to other sectors of the
Association of South East Asian Nations' (ASEAN) economy, in
addition to manufacturing. The luxury-foods export agribusiness
is a logical corollary to the industrialization growth strategy
that has been embraced by ASEAN governments.
There has been a relocation of luxury food transnational
corporations (TNCs) to Asia,
and Japan is the largest importer of
ASEAN food products. Arguments in favor of luxury foods export
include provision of employment for the rural surplus workforce,
earning of foreign exchange, and diversification of the
agricultural base. However, some disadvantages accrue, such
increased TNC control
over world marketing and distribution of
luxury consumer food exports, rising domestic food prices due to
scarcity of exported products in
the local market, and dependency
of small farmers on TNCs.
The dimensions and character of the export agribusiness in the
ASEAN region are
illustrated by such diversified areas as: 1. the
pineapple industry in Thailand, 2. the Charoen Phokphand
(business conglomerate) chicken empire in Tha:iland, 3. the
Philippine banana export industry, and 4. the fisheries industry
in Indonesia.
Analysis: A balanced, general discussion of pros and cons of TNC
involvement in food industries in Asia, written by
an insider to
the region and to the food industry. Compare with the more
technocratic piece by Thosanguan (1983).
Key Topics: Area - Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand;
Commodities: Bananas, Fish, Pineapples,
Poultry; Development; Food/Cash Crop Exports.
540.Rama, Ruth
1986 Do Transnational Agribusiness Firms encourage the
Agriculture of Developing Countries?
The Mexican
Experience. In: International Social Science
Journal 37(3):331-344. [SUNY-B/IDA]
A case study of
the impact of TNCs in Mexico on food production
and food supplies. The focus is on the collapse of local food
sufficiency in maize and other staple crops, as
TNCs iivolved in
poultry and pig farming encouraged farmers to switch from these
staple crops to producing soya and sorghum for the feed
concentrates needed in these new agribusinesses. In this way,
since the mid-1960s, a major change in Mexico's crop structure
There appear to be few examples of where TNCs actually encourage
agriculture directed to food crops for local consumption.
CF is particularly favorable for production by TNCs of primary
products needed for processing. However, this success appears to
be asnociated with increasing economic differentiation, as
schemes support more dynamic and larger farmers who are more
willing to diversify (i.e., take "risk") with new cash crops
-- a
process encouraging differentiation.
The impact of 'NCs, the author concludes, "...will depend on
their strategies (technology policy, supplies policy, etc.)
the economic policy and conditions in agriculture in the host
country." It is necessary that most countries recognize what the
impact of TNC,: on
local food chains will be -- priority should be
given to TNCs that do not detract from attaining food security
and that whereas TNC schemes may create modern production of
(e.g.) sugar, they have little impact on food technology. And,
in the case of CF, that although it offers a positive method of
incorporating certain farmers into economies of scale, it also
seems to be associated with increasing socioeconomic dislocation
with the sales of lands by the smallest holders to more
successful farmers.
542.Rama, Ruth
1985 New Forms of International Investment in Developing
The Contract Farming, a Methodological
Document presented to the Development
Centre, OECD/IDRC. Ottawa, Canada: International
Development Research Centre.
The author provides a checklist of key variables of contract
farming schemes that should be studied:
1. Profile of the foreign investor
2. Profile of the local partner(s)
3. Elements of conflict and common
interest between
4. Criteria influencing the choice made by foreign
5. Previous situation in the region
6. Contract farming versus other forms of supply
7. Characteristics of the contract(s)
8. Impact of contract farming on local agriculture
- Individual growers
- Cooperatives or associations
- Public agricultural company
- Proprietors
- Land Reform Law beneficiaries
- Tenant farmers
- Latifundia
- Large-scale capitalist farming
- Medium-scale capitalist farming
- Modern family agriculture
- Traditional peasant agriculture
by using the
564.Rogers, G.B.
1980 The Structure of the Poultry Industry: Contract Grower
Equity, Bargaining Position have Decreased
as Poultry
Unit Sizes have Increased. in: Feedatuffs 52(19):
Contract grower equity and bargaining positions in the US poultry
industry are discussed. Market eggs, broiler, and turkey units
are described on the basis of typical farm budgets, and a
"before" and "after" sequence is employed to illustrate the
changes that have occurred in size, functions, investment, and
resource requirements. Contract grower and producer unrest is
attributed to a lack of growth in basic payment rates although
costs are rising.
Analysis: A good example of the difference in treating the place
of the contract farmer in the west
-- as opposed to in LDCs. In
the latter case few writers have focused on the active role of
farmers or their own interests and concerns. Kusterer (1982) and
Barclay (1977) are two important exceptions. For a further
discussion of this issue, see Butterwick (1975), Kauffman (1984),
Lance (1978,1981,1983), Mackel (1979,1980), and Rogers (1980),
and associated Analyses.
Key Topics: Area -
United States; Case Study; Commodity -
Poultry; Management; Marketing.
568.Roy, E.P.
1972 Contract Farming and Economic Integration. Interstate. [IDA]
Danville, Ill:
583.Scott, Brian
1982 Booker Agriculture International, Ltd. Harvard
Business School Case Study No. 1-5798-184 (rev. of
1978 ed.). Cambridge, Mass: Harvard Business
School. CIDA]
General Background:
Booker McConnell (Booker Agricultural
International (BAI])
was approached by the Kenya government in
the mid-1960s to design and develop an outgrower sugar scheme
that would address both increasing national needs for sugar and
also community economic development at the local level in the
Mumias region "j" -- an area of underemployment and under use of
land. BAI drew up a project consisting of a 3300 ha nucleus
estate, which would handle:
20 percent of the can requirements,
outgrower component in which farmers would be resettled near
the scheme, a central processing factory, and labor-intensive
cane harvesting and transport methods.
BAI's initial caution in
entering the arrangement was in part based on the
lack of
infrastructure in, and remoteness of,
the Mumias area and the
associated possibility of coordination problems with the
outgrower scheme. Nevertheless, Booker agreed to proceed with
the scheme, providing 5 percent of the equity capital and
assuming the role of managing agent. Work began in 1967 with
feasibility and cost-benefit studies that were
completed by 1979.
Operations began in July
1973 and full plant production was
reached by September 1973.
The scheme supplied 45 p-!rcent of
Kenya"s sugar in 1982
Problems -State Policy:
postponed to accommodate it. BAI was
unable to exert sufficient
influence on other components of the Kenyan sugar industry
commodity system to mitigate these difficulties.
Problems -Outgrowers:
had drawn up the following list of criteria considered minimally
necessary for successful nucleus estate-outgrower scheme
1. Project design must meet political and social as well
as economic objectives of the client/host government.
2. Each technical, agronomic and organizational aspect of
the project must be tested as work progresses.
3. Local farmers and community leaders must be involved in
the project from the start. Pre-project trials are
useful in gaining local acceptance.
4. Close contact must be maintained with all involved
agencies and agreements obtained from each before work
begins on critical stages of project work.
5. Training is critical;
there must be an agreed schedule
for indigenization of the scheme.
G. Host government must be closely, continuously, and
discretely involved in policy formulation: especially
important as regards labor matters.
7. Economic incentives for all participants should be
established when possible.
8. Management team should, if possible, be a cohesive
unit before the scheme starts.
9. Control over outgrowers' performance must be carefully
gauged: too much is destructive and too little results
in failures of crop flow to the factory.
10. An internal or external market for the scheme's
output must exist.
11. Personnel procedures and systems must be thought
through anew for each scheme, although certain basic
models can be used.
An excellent discussion of the problems associated with
both the management and contracting aspects of firm operations.
This agribusiness-oriented article is
one of the few that takes
into account the constraints and perspectives of the outgrowers
when discussing firm management, and in this respect is similar
to the discussions by Brown (1986) and Phillips (1965). The
African standards."
The agents were given motorcycles, which
instantly transformed them into village notsbles.
They are,
however, closely supervised by BAT, who requires them to visit
each farmer at least once fortnightly and enter remarks into
notebooks which could be checked.
BAT provides all necessary
inputs. Only in-kind loans are given
-- for seeds, pesticides,
and other inputs. Farmer prices are determined by the grade of
tobacco produced; there are considerable pricing differences
between the fifteen grades. Credit is deducted from the price
paid by BAT to the grower. Agents are responsible for estimating
the amount of harvest of every outgrower's field in order to
secure near
100 percent sale of the crop to BAT and to discourage
sales to local merchants, by which strategy the farmers are able
to avoid paying back their credit to BAT. Farmers caught doing
this are publicly disfranchised by BAT -- a strategy that is
apparently successful (for BAT).
The farmers: Tobacco production is both capital and labor
intensive, requiring for the "average" farmer about four times
more capital to plant one-half hectare of tobacco as one-half
hectare of hybrid maize or cotton, and between 2.6 and 4.2 times
more labor per hectare of tobacco. Profits are greater than
agents, by
594a.Shiras, P.
1978 The Political Economy of Smallholder Agriculture: Cur rent Proposals for the Third World in Historical Pers pective. Cornell Agricultural Economics Staff paper
No. 78-5. Ithaca, NY: Department of Agricultural Eco nomics, Corneil University.
The scope for building agricultural development around the
smallholder is examined.
First, the historical perspective is
provided by an examination of agricultural development in four
developed countries: the UK, the USA, France, and Japan.
Constraints on the development of smallholder production in
developing countries
are then discussed, particularly in relation
to the adoption of tech:'ical change. These are found to be
connected mainly with difficulty of access to ii puts such as
credit, water use, fertilizer, and seeds, but the argument that
small farmers cannot take advantage of economies of scale is
found tc, be irrelevant. It ia shown that the small farm can
produce more per ha and create more employment than the large
farm sector.
Paddy rice production is particularly well suited to a small farm
system, but the situation in all non-paddy systems is complicated
by the need to develop appropriate technology.
Analysis: A g.Dod
discussion of problems associeted with
development programs focusing on smallholders, offering important
correctives to less-critically grounded articles, such as those
of Freeman and Karen (1982).
Technology Transfer.
596.Siamwalla, A.
1978 Farmers and Middlemen: Aspects of Agricultural Marketing
in Thailand. In Economic Bulletin for Asia and the
Pacific 29(1):38-50. IUSAID/IDA)
A comparison of marketing structures for various commodities in
Thailand as
function of "shifting cost," the difficulty of
a farmers and buyers to shift to other sources of supply or other
Argues that high shifting costs (sugarcane)
encourage the establishment of contract production while low
shifting costs (maize, cassava, kenaf, and rice) make it
unl.'kely. Leakage of pineapple to the fresh product market
caused the collapse of a contract system. Commodities like
tobacco and eggs that require a high proportion of purchased
inputs are also likely to develop contract production schemas.
Also argues against the prevailing idea that middlemen offer
credit in order to control the marketing of output, saying that
in fact credit will not be offered unless the flow of the
marketed output can be controlled, such as by having only
processing facilities in the. area.
609.Stern, N.H.
1972 An Appraisal of Tea Production on Small Holdings
in Kenya. Paris: OECD, Centre Studies Case
Study 2. (USAID]
This is a social cost-benefit analysis of the Kenya Tea
Development Authority scheme
(KTDA), based on the methodology
developed by Ian M.D. Little and James A. Mirrlees in
Social Cost
Benefit Analysis (OECD Development Centre, Paris [1969), Voluma
II). The evaluation is based on the Third Plan,
as outlined in
Report on the Operations of the KTDA and its Proposals for
Further Development, London: CDC (October 1967), from 1968/69 to
1972/73. The Second Plan expanded smallholder tea production
from the original 12,300 acres established in 1963, to 25,614
acres established by 1968.
The Third Plan was initiated in 1968
under an agreement with the World Bank and CDC for financing
35,000 additional acres. These
were to be included in the Third
Plan, with an average holding each of 1.09 acres. All three
plans have been successfully completed by KTDA, with respect to
projected planting and processing schedules, associated
infrastructural arrangements, and recruitment and appropriate
extension training to outgrowers.
Tea cultivation i, very labor intensive, requiring 2000 hours an
acre per year, as opposed to maize, which requires approximately
300 hours of labor yearly. It takes four years for tea plants to
mature; plants will produce for upward of 60 or
70 years, if
properly cultivated. The heavy work of planting is done
primarily by the men, while 60-70 percent of the picking is done
by the women. Labor inputs show cycles of one year of heavy work
(planting and associated care) followed by three years of light
work before picking begins. Hours per acre per year show
regional variations: in some regions 50 percent higher. The site
having the highest labor input averages 2.2 thousand hours for
the peak year, while for the low year of the cycle the average is
1.0 thousand hours. Between 30 percent and 75 percent of
required labor is hired and variations in the percentage of hired
labor are site-specific. The main data constraints in this
study, according to the author, are related to labor
input at the
farm level and variations on labor input by different sites.
Producers had been subsistence farmers prior to the introduction
of the KTDA project. In order to assure that outgrowers continue
to have enough land on which to plant food crops,
less than an
(or less than 25 percent) of a producer's holdings is put
into tea. These outgrowers are not the poorest in the area.
Returns to the growers averages 13.9 percent; return to the
project as a whole is 38.8 percent. The author concludes that
the project is valuable, with this "social rate of return" of
38.8 percent.
He argues that the savings of an individual is not
as valuable as government income, since 1. these farmers
are not
among the poorest of the population (he computes farmer income
after charging for land and family labor),
and 2. the extra
savings in
project such as this, by means of decreased labor
a wages, facilitates extra investment by the government and by the
firm. The author argues that aince the government will be able
more effectively to invest profits from the scheme than will the
producers, a continued rate to growers of only 13.9 percent is
611.Stevens, M.L.O.
618.Stubbings, B.J.J.
1972 Esta',lishment and Management of Nucleus Estates in
Developing Countries in World Crop6 (May/June):
120-122. [IDRC/IDA)
General Background: This paper is restricted to an examination of
managerial and administrative problems associated with nucleus
estate-factory-outgrower schemes. According to the author,
operational criteria for stich
schemes differ from schemes such as
the Kenya Tea Development Authority and Commonwealth Development
Corporation tobacco smallholder schemes in Malawi and Zambia by
virtue of more complex and larger managerial responsibilitie:s and
investments associated with a nucleus estate-factory complex.
Such schemes are especially suitable for crops that must Le
processed quickly and that requ-re capital outlays beyond the
means of smallholders.
Estate/firm management Building on discussion by Phillips (1965)
of the seven functions of the nucleus estate (compare abstract of
Phillips article), the author suggests that to these seven
functions could be added two more:
1. Providing storage facilities for smallholder
2. Providing marketing services.
other key administrative features include:
(a) selection of
smallholders must be done with care;
(b) land tenure security for
smallholders will be a powerful incentive;
(c) soil fertility of
estate and outgrowers' land6 must be the same;
(d) uncontrolled
expansion must not be allowed in the face of transport problems
that generally exist in getting crops from field to factory.
3. Finance: In
matters of finance (payment of outgrowers,
credit) a suitable corporate unit representing outgrowers must
exist. Methods of arranging purchase, which need to
be discussed
early on, include: (a) purchasing unprocessed crops; (b)
providing factory facilities at
an agreed upon fee, the processed
product being the property of the outgrowers' organization
(cooperative, etc.); (c) purchasing and marketing on behalf of
the smallholder.
estate " on normal efficient commercial lines..." latter "...does not have to
contend with outgrowers."
since the
A systematic description of scheme organization, where
nucleus estate-factory is the major project component.
article, in conjunction with Commonwealth Development Corporation
(1984), Laramee (1975), Phillips (1965), and Scott (1982) provide
good agribusiness views of the inner mechanics and related
rationale of outgrower schemes, written by technical experts with
specific, empirical knowledge. They are therefore more useful in
understanding the mechanics of scheme operation than the
agribusiness approaches used by Freivalds (1981) and Lewis
(1981), which are largely descriptive and non-analytical.
Key Topics: Area - General; Contracts; Development;
Intermediaries; Management; Participation.
619.Subrahmanyam K.V.
1981 Marketing Fruits: Self Marketing vs.
Contracting. In
Indian Journal of Marketing (Bangalore) 11(17):13-17.
This brief study examines the economic rationale of the practice
of selling orchards to pre-harvest contractors and also the
reasons for the difference in the profits made by contractors and
those who take up self marketing. The study area was the Coorg
district of Karnataka Statu,
where a large area of mandarin fruit
was grown as an inter-crop on coffee plantations. The study
reveals that the incentive for self marketing is not great. The
pre-harvest contractor can
make as much profit as self-marketers
because of better contracts, diversification of produce to
different markets, and the large quantity handled.
Analysis: This interesting analysis of contracting and rnon contracting fruit production
can be compared with a similar
article by Lance (1983) focusing on contractors and non-contract
growers of turkeys in Georgia.
Key Topics: Area - India;
Case Study; Commodity Markets.
- Fruit;
636.Thosenguan, V.
1983 Contract Farming in Thailand: Tobacco, Sugar Cane, Pine apple, Poultry.
Paper presented at the International Work shop on Agricultural Markets in the Semi-Arid Tropics,
ICRISAT, 24-28 October 1983, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh,
India. [USAID/IDA]
Discusses various aspects of contract farming in Thailand
including the nature of the contracts, the role of the contracts
in the marketing system, and policy measures to improve the
system. Argues that contracts are economically convenient when:
1. 2. 3. Large-scale processing is involved;
Production requires large amounts of specialized inputs;
Production requires close
uality control.
642.Truitt, G.A.
1981 Multinationals: New Approaches to Agricultural and Rural
Development. New York: Fund for Multinational Management
Education. [FMME/IDA]
A report of a 1981 conference on the potential for multinational
firms to participate in rural development, focusing on the need
for intermediation between the firm and small farmers.
intermediation by a farmers' organization, a consulting firm, a
non-profit institution, or a public agency can provide needed
services not normally provided by private firms, improve
communications between the firm and farmers, facilitate the
delivery of inputs and services from the firm to the farmers, and
facilitate the arbitration cf disputes between the two or with
third parties.
Twelve case studies are considered:
1. Coopezatives played a role in Hanover Brands production of
frozen vegetables for export in Guatemala. Problems in cluded overproduction and corruption/theft among field
2. Nestle worked with Mexican government to improve "ejido"
milk production, apparently as public service. Initial
problems resolved.
3. McIlhenny produced chili peppers for export in Honduras
with 300 small contract farmers. A religious training
center was intermediary. Successful project for the firm
and for farmers, but no broad impact.
4. A U.S. non-profit organization was contracted to promote
crop diversification in Costa Rica. No multinational,
unsuccessful project.
5. In Honduras, a cooperative aerved as intermediary be tween small banana growers and Stanard Fruit. Strong
farm leaders helped make project a success and the firm
has since organized other outgrower schemes.
6. A Mexican construction firm carried out successful
project as a public Service.
7. In Lesotho, a UN-financed cannery using contract pro duction of export asparagus was unprofitable. More
funds and private-sector interest suggested.
8. The Kenyan government with management consultants
initiated contract sugar production with 13,000
growers. Successful in income generation, but
alcoholism and other social problems resulted.
9. A Commonwealth Development Corporation scheme produced oil
palm in Papua New Guinea using nuclear estate scheme, that
is a central estate owned by the firm with smallholder
contract production as well.
10. Shell developed and implemented diversified rural develop ment program in Uboma, Nigeria, working through traditional
11. A mining company in Liberia hired a
U.S. non-profit organi zation to carry out regional development project in mining
12. Cadbury produced tomato paste using contract growers in
Nigeria. FAO advisor acted as intermediary but problems
with leakage to local market, nepotism among village
heads, and lack of coordination.
- N.M.
645.Truttt, George A.
1982 Guianchias. New York: Fund for Multinational
Management Education. Mimeo. (FMME/IDA]
General Background: In the mid-1960s in Honduras a group of 85
farmers began to organize a cooperative after losing both their
work and subsistence plots on United Fruit Company's Guianchias
Plantation when United Fruit discontinued banana production. The
idea to form a cooperative came from a social activist ("social
promoter") at the Nati-c,.al Autonomous University in Honduras, who
also encouraged one of the farifters to get a grant and go to
Israel for six months of training in cooperative organization and
They also received assistance from the Directorate
of Cooperative Development, a government agency, in drawing up
the legal documents.
Early scheme history: The first harvest of
corn was produced in
1965, with a $600.00 loan for seeds from a
local merchant. They
then convinced the National Agrarian Institute to guarantee a
$6000.00 loan tu
buy a tractor and food until harvest. This
second harvest was judged unfit for human consumpticn, resulting
in $25,000.00 payment below what was anticipated. The
cooperative therefore decided
to pay themselves the minimum one
dollar each, and to reinvest the remainder in a down payment for
a second tractor. The cooperative was legally established in
1966 with a charter stipulating that 10 percent of future profits
be assigned to a reserve fund, 5 percent to an educational fund,
and 5 percent to a social assistance fund. The remaining 80
percent was to be either distributed among members or reinvested.
The cooperative member who had gone to Israel for training became
the first manager. In 1968 the cooperative signed a buy and sell
contract with Standard Fruit, which assured a guaranteed price
for bananas and also technical inputs.
Later developments: By 1979 approximately $100,000.00
was being
distributed as dividends to the members.
At that time there were
123 members and 327 hired laborers -- mostly relatives of
mc.mbers. Members' wages were $3/day while hired labor received
the prevailing wage of the region.
Food security and diversification: The cooperative began to
diversify operations in the 1970s, entering cattle, egg, and hog
production. Diversification was encournged by 1. the probable
inability of cooperatives to continue to negotiate high prices
for bananas to meet production costs, and 2. increasingly high
prices of food purchased locally. These activities were not yet
great successes
at the time of the writing of the article, but
were apparently not operating at a loss.
Social and welfare activities: In 1970 the cooperative starteL a
housing project of 150 homes for its members on land donated by
INA and the National Autonomous University of Honduras, which
also tssisted in various design and construction activities.
Food and basic commodities were sold at, two cooperative stores
that extended credit to
members, with repayment discounted from
wages. Since the store operated at a 5 percert margin, products
were generally cheaper than in local
stores. A physician and two
nurses were hired by the cooperative, and in 1973 a six-grade
school was built with funds set aside over the years.
Company experience: By 1977 Standard Fruit
now a subsidiary of
-Castle and Cook -- produced 24m. boxes of bananas while
contractors of Standard Fruit were
growing 40m. boxes. The
ini' ial infrastructure of roads, warehouses, railroads, nnd port
facilities had been established at the beginning of the century.
Since the government had little presence at that time, Standard
Fruit became a quasi-government establishment, building schools,
medical services, roads, and so forth.
The company worked to
divest itself of these social infrastructural responsibilities,
donating the hospital to the community in 1924, and later turning
over the transport infrastructure to the government. By 1968 the
company felt that divestment also of much of its plantation land
was desirable because of increasing sensitivity to foreign
ownership, and because the political climate was adverse to these
traditional, monolithic plantation structures.
Standard Fruit
therefore moved in the direction of contracting arrangements with
individual growers.
Government policy and farmer cooperatives: Government policy
favored cooperative formation for smallholder production and
marketing and this support was particularly strong in the
National Agrarian Institute (NAI), whose Director was convinced
that the best strategy for the numerous smallholdings that had
been created as a result of the Land Reform of 1963 was
to group
these parcels into larger schemes. The production cf these
schemes would then be organized through cooperatives formed by
smallholders. He contracted with the International Development
Foundation, a New York non-governmental organization specializing
in rural training, to set up a training department focusing on
IND's personnel, with emphasis on a marketing approach to small
farmer organization and development. IND staff focused at the
community level, convincing farmers of the benefits of
cooperative organization. In 1979 INA brought together the first
assembly of Reform Cooperatives with eleven cooperatives and
twenty-two pre-cooperatives. The Federation of Agrarian Refo:m
Cooperatives was formed at
that time, with the Director of the
Guianchias Cooperative being elected
as its first president. By
1976, 82 cooperatives were affiliated with it.
For a brief
period (1971-1973) the government de-emphasized agrarian reform
and agricultural cooperatives in favor of individual farms, but a
reverse in policy followed, which increasingly emphasized
production cooperatives.
entering cooperative-based banana production during a period of relative expansion in the 1960s, associated with a laissez-fare attitude of the government toward self-initiated cooperative formation and operation at that time -plus pre-knowledge of plantation operation by the growers -- were critical variables that were not available to cooperatives or their members a decade later. The director of the cooperative suggests that their success resulted from the amount of "sacrifice and hard work"
that initially had to be invested by members. This describes the
process, but does not explain why members of this particular
cooperative (in contradistinction to members of other
cooperatives) selected "hard work and self-sacrifice" to assure
the success of a form of farmer organization, the cooperative,
the future benefits of which must, at the time, have seemed
dubious to mur.y of those where were "working hard."
Key Topics:
This article presents a fascinating historically-based
analysis of agriculture, aqribusiness, and biotechnology, which,
in its sweeping ability to synthesize the changes that have taken
place from agrarian to capital production both over time and
across space, is comparable to Wallerstein's (short) essay
describing what he calls "the commodification of everything" in
Historical Capitalism (1983). Mittendorf's excellent, but
(necessary for his approach) static and decontextualized analysis
of vertical coordination
(1978) can be usefully juxtaposed to
this historically-generated analysis of the
same institutions.
Compare also with Glover (1986) and Goldsmith (1985), whose
(ahistorical) typologies of agribusiness schemes take on a new
dimension in relation to Vergopoulos' historical discussion. For
an elaboration of the author's theories regarding the place of
peasant production in the larger (capitalist) scheme of things,
see La question paysanne et la capitalisme, which he co-authored
with Samir Amin (1974).
Key Topics: Area - General; Development; Markets.
668.Versel, Malcom A.
6. The project must be located near sufficient supplies
of labor. Projects sited in unpopulated areas have
generally been unable to attract an adequate labor
force because of their remoteness.
7. The company must expect to train nationals for the
skilled, supervisory, and management levels of its
labor force anH assume that. almost all of the
foreigners initially recruited to staff the project
will eventually be replaced by host nationals.
8. The project must avoid alienating large numbers of
people from their land.
9. Project designers will have to exercise extreme
care to assure that the physical capital is
appropriate to the productive capacity of the
10. Planners must assure that incentives for efficient
management are incorporated into tl.( project's
design. This is most easily provided by the stipu lation that the managing company invest some of its
own funds in the project.
11. The host government must appreciate that contracting
a foreign company is not a substitute for the cons truction of a local infrastructure, the provision of
social services, or the organization of rural ex tension work."
The form of agribusiness most suited to satisfying these eleven
criteria is the nucleus estate-outgrower model. As the social
context changes, the model can be reorganized in three different
directions: (1) subsistence food crops can be promote: by
government agricultural offices through the network of extension
services established by the scheme; (2) as the standard of living
increases among the outgrower population, the nucleus estate can
use more capital-intensive techniques, thus reducing its reliance
on hand-labor; (3) as outgrowers decide they want greater control
over the production and marketing process, the nucleus estate outgrower structure can be transformed into a cooperative.
Finally, it is suggested that employing western firms cannot be
looked on as offering a short-run solution to Africa's balance of-payments and food problems.
676.Wallace, Tina
1980 Agricultural Projects and Land in Northern Nigeria in
Review of African Political Economy 17:59-69. [IDA]
The author argues that large cari and irrigation schemes supported
by the World Bank and local states negatively impact on local
producers. The increased penetration of commercial farming
forces peasants to use land primarily for making money, as
intercropping is dropped in favor of monocropping of
HYVs that
produce only with lrge amounts of fertilizer, water, increased
weeding, and so forth. Small, poorer farmers (under 30 acres)
are unable to provide needed inputs for these crops end
ultimately forced to sell or rent to larger farms -- a
group that the Bank recognizes is favored by agro-cropping
schemes over poorer, smaller products.
The socioeconomic and ecological dislocation that these large
schemes cause
to small farmers is discussed. Most of the cash
crops being grown are not for local consumption but for urban or
overseas exports. Consultants to the Bank assume, it is argued,
that peasanLs will be able to purchase rather than grow their
food needs and will be able to provide the additional necessary
labor from the household for the commercial schemes. The author
concludes that the resulting competition between food crops and
cash crops, associated with increased risks and increasing inputs
(fertilizers, extension, equipment), are all risks that only a
small percentage of the better-off peasants can afford
-- or
urban-dwellers who buy up local land from indebted small-holders
and grow commercial crops as absentee landlords.
677.Wallace, Tina
maize instead, because its timing coincides with that of guinea
corn. If farmers resist and attempt planting guinea corn, they
are seen by the management as stubborn and against the efficiency
of scheme.
Labor power: The scheme planners assumed that there was both
underemployment and seasonal unemployment in the area.
Both are
untrue. In the wet season there are
often shortages of labor and
it is only during the dry "slack" season that farmers are able to
complete other necessary tasks, such as
house repair, or pursuing
a second, minor occupation -- both of which are
key to long-term
survival. Secondary occupations provide important sources of
re venue, constituting alternative domains of nonagrarian economic
and social activity that are vital to overall-subsistence. As
for underemployment in the household, this also is untrue.
concept of an "average farm" used by planners obscures great
variations in the actual size -if household labor pools.
Irrigation productivity and rural welfare:
The main aim of the
scheme was to provide grain and vegetables for urban populations,
and this it is doing, albeit not up to anticipated levels of
But while massive capital, technology, and
technical assistance have been pouring into this scheme,
wet season farmers in
other parts of Kano State have received very
little, if any, technical assistance from the state.
Furthermore, erratic water control
nd high labor costs have
meant that profits in 1977 -- an expected good year for tomatoes
-- were very low. While an elite, largely urban-based coterie
are benefiting from the scheme as renter., the poor may
eventually be forced off their land.
The scheme is costly and
whether it will benefit increased production more than a similar
input into wet
season agriculture would, is questionable.
Analysis: This overview of the deleterious impacts of a cash crop oriented irrigation scheme on food production and on
socioeconomic and political condition of the farmers highlights
several points made by Fleuret (1984) regarding the danger of
designing overly-complex integrated rural development projects
(or any projects!) without either a
better understanding of the
area or
adequate institutions and recurrent-cost capabilities.
Also, as
Fleuret, the author points out the problems associated
with building elaborate institutional structures that are
designed to give "them" what
"we" know "they" need, thereby
disallowing farmer feed-back or participation. This one-siPed,
top-down management approach to development takes all too
seriously the admonitions of Mittendorf
(1978), whose excursus or
vertical coordination and agribusiness continuously stresses the
677.Wallace, Tins
critical role played by "good management" and "a well-coordinated
system" in securing a
successful operation. The results of this
attempt to
integrate vertically have unfortunately resulted in a
very top-down approach to management, by a group of largely
inexperienced managers who, given the problems of securing the
necessary inputs for the project in a timely way, in order to
facilitate vertical coordination, have certainly not been able to
institute a "well-coordinated system."
The dangers associated with pushing poorer farmers into cash-crop
production, who do not have the
resources to fall back upon in
case harvests are poor, are obscured by the scheme plan, which
assumes that management and technology are sufficient
to increase production for all peasants. As Fleuret points out,
the "worse off" peasants do not,
as a group, have the multiple
income strategies available whereby the risky venture of
forms of cash cropping can be tried (1984). This is a lesson
apparently learned on some other CF schemes, such as the Kenya
Tea Development Authority, where smallholders are allowed
participate only if their holdings
are sufficient also to grow
food crops (Oevelopment Alternatives Incorporated 1975c).
is, of course, a "no win" situation for real smallholders wanting
to increase their incomes by cash farming, since they
apparently "damned-if-they-do-and-damned-if-they-don't"
grow cash
Better-off, diversified smallholders seem to have
decided edg-'.
The formation of an
urban-based elite whose accumulation is
achieved at the expense of poorer farmers from whom
they rent or
buy land is comparable to the argument made by 'Nyong'o (1981)
for Niyanza, Kenya.
Barclay (1977) also mentions the existence
of an urban-based, land-buying group associated with the Mumias
scheme in Kenya. The difficulties of sustaining such ark
ambitious scheme, in the face of
a national deficit of trained
technicians, is a
key factor in Lele's policy-oriented article,
which argues strongly for donor assistance to education and
training schools in
Africa (1984), as does Fleuret (1984). A
more detailed description of the problems inherent in
contract farming on irrigated land in Zaria, Nigeria, is provided
by Development Alternatives International (1975b). Finally, this
article is a pleasure to read next to Wallace's 1980 article
where, as
pointed out in the analysis of Wallace:1980, the author
attempts too much in
too few pages. Even in this article, there
are many generalizations that cry out for better linkages to the
data-base as, for example, better details on
who these new urban
elite really are; come from; buy from... and details on the
smaller farmers from whom they buy.
Key Topics: Area - Nigeria; Case Studies; 218
Maize, Tomatoes,
77.Wallace, Tina
1981 Wheat; Development; Food Crops; Labor; Management;
Participation; Political Economy; Rural Economy;
Stratification; Technology Transfer.
678.Walton, Christopher
Lessons from East African Agriculture: Progress Report
on African Development. In:
Finance and Development
2(March):13-17. EWB/IDA]
The World Bank has played an important role in agricultural
programs and projects in sub-Saharan Africa.
It is the largest
exter'nal donor and devotes about a third of
its lending to this
sector from 1972-1982.
A review of projects over this time
period shows mixed results.
Outcomes have U1lounted to less than
the situation demanded, and
most of the lending has been either
directly or indirectly in support of the small
farmer. The
strength of technological innovations, such as
the use of
fertilizer, were
generally inadequate to overcome inherent
structural weaknesses.
The Bank has observed a
trend away from the single crop approach
for projects in favor of
investment addressing total needs of
farm. It has issued a progress report on Accelerated Development
in Sub-Saharan Africa:
An Agenda for Action. Two primary
conclusions are highlighted: One, that many nations have
initiated policy reforms critical of their sustained improvement
and two, that their eventual
success depends on higher levels of
foreign assistance than are
now available.
An excellent, critical analysis of Bank performance
over the past decade, by a Bank staff member, which can be
compared with the critical assessment of Bank operations by Payer
(1980), and associated Analysis.
Key Topics: Area - General; Development; (Donor,Lender).
Policy Issues
691.Williams, Simon
n.d.1 The Agribusiness Potential for Participation in
Rural Development Worldwide. Mimeo. [IDA]
The indirect benefits of agribusines investment filter too
slowly, or not at all, to the poor. To help the world's hungry,
agribuiiness must realize that traditional methods of investment
are not sufficient.
Reasons for weaknesses in public sector investment include: (1)
Nationalism: encourages local people to reject the good will of
donors; (2) Cultural resistance: response to change is often
discussing firm oper&tion vis-a-vis the interests of the
multinational -- not with regard to firm responsibilities to
local development. Williams' approach raises an important
question: Given that local-level (and national) socioeconomic
conditions are considered primarily from the perspective of the
needs of the agribusiness concern -- e.g., as factors of labor;
favorable business conditions and so forth -- that perspective
will encourage firms to seek to hold CONSTANT forms of local
social organization that are beneficial to firm profit
Do they have perspectives to systematically
factor local socioeconomic needs into their operations? The
history of modern corporate activities suggests the opposite
-that in the absence of adequate checks and balances set up by
government regulatory bodies, unions, or advocacy groups, the
logic of the market place will encourage corporate interests to
"hold constant" both socioeconomic and environmental conditions,
focusing instead on profit maximization. That such profit
maximization may impact negatively on environment and society is
not (logically) a concern of such a profit maximizing approach.
Key Topics: Area - General; Development; Investment;
Management; Methodologies; Technology Trans fer.
692.Williams, Simon
n.d.2 New Approaches to Agriculture and Rural
Development. Mimeo. [IDA]
The author critiques two papers presented at the Mohonk
Conference in
1980, which brought together institutions and
government organizations interested in agribusiness. Both papers
are by George Truitt, one on nucleus estates as organized by
Commonwealth Development Corporation methodology, and the other,
a case
stuuy of nucleus estate production of palm oil in Papua
New Guinea, organized by CDC. The following remarks are those of
In other CDC nucleus estate projects -- such as those established
in Kenya and Swaziland -- CDC relctionships with smallholders are
much tighter both organizationally and in terms of management
structure than is the case
in the palm oil outgrowers' scheme in
Papua New Guinea. The relative 1 )oseness of this scheme may have
contributed to both production and management problems.
Furthermore, the inherent pateonalism that formed the basis of
both production and management operations deferred temporarily
695.Williams, Simon
1979 A View from the Village. Issues Paper prepared for
the Presidential Commission on World Hunger and
Nutrition, submitted March 5. Mimeo. n.p.
For successful economic and social development, the following
factors are necessary:
1. Long-term assistance, in order to overcome the
resistance of rural people to accept the means
of change.
2. Good rural development managers: Being an agronomist
(etc.) is not enough.
3. Coordination of agricu'ltural research centers inter nationally.
4. Replicate successful agricultural projects -- focus
on tre SUCCESSFUL not the failed projects.
Development; Management.
Boulder. Colorado:
701.Williamscn, O.E.
1971 Vertical Integration of Production: Market Failure con siderations. In: American Economic Review 61(May):
A classic paper in the institutional economics literature that
attributes vertical integration to the costs and risks of
reaching agreement on a market transaction. Key problems with
mar] et transactions are said to be the imperfect information
available and the tendency to "behave opportunistically," that is
to mislead the other party or withhold relevant information,
combined with the costs of negotiating an agreement and the risks
of contract violations or differing interpretations. The author
argues that firms may wish Lo integrate upstream or downstream.
- N.M.
02.Williamson, O.E.
1979 Transaction-costs economics:
The Governance of Contractual
Relations. In:
Journal of Law and Economics (Oct):233-262.
The author compares vertical integration with various forms of
contractual relationships between firms.
Argues that an
important variable is the degree to
which one firms's assets lock
it into e relationship with one firm.
The greater the "asset
specificity" of an investment, the
more likely a contractual
relationship will be a precondition to the
realization of chat
Compares three types of contracts: the classical
that attempted to cover all eventualities, the neo classical
contract that includes the option of external binding
arbitration for conflict resolution, and the "relational"
contract that is more open-ended and depends on the mutual desire
continue the commercial relationship.
- N.M.
Key Topics:
703.Wills, Ian R.
1972 Projections of Effects of Modern Inputs on
Income and Employment in a Community Development Block,
Uttar Pradesh, India. In: American Journal of
Agricultural Economics 54 (August):455-460. [WB)
While the green revolution has increased food production, its
effects on rural employment and income distribution are causing
This paper presents empirically based estimates of the
impact of new technology on employment and incomes at the local
Results indicate that although adoption of new seeds,
fertilizers, and irrigation increases employment and agricultural
wages, it also increases the disparity between incomes of farmers
and agricultural laborers, a disparity that will
increase further
if labor-saving machinery is introduced.
New technology will reduce the disparity between incomes of large
and small farmers if credit and fertilizers are distributed
according to area operated.
Analysis: The negative socioeconomic (and by extension,
nutritional) impacts of Green Revolution Technology argued
this article are similar to the negative effects argued by
critics to
take place in relation to CF and its technology. The
issue is further discussed in the Analysis under Chaudhry (1982),
who provides a pro-Green Revolution argument.
Key Topics: Area - India;
Case Studies; Development;
Stratification; Technology Transfer.
See: Management
See: Management; Private
1. General:
Abbott 1982
Allen et al. n.d.
Barovick 1982
Brown 1986
Clayton 1983
Collins and Lappe 1977
Corporation 1984
Dinham and Hines 1983
Freeman and Karen 1982
Glover 1984; 1986
Goldsmith 1983; 1985
Graber 1980
Hayenga 1979
Lipton 1978
McPherson 1983
Micou 1985
Molnar 1983
Mittendorf 1978
Payer 1980
Phillips 1965
Rama 1985
Shiras 1978
Stevens 1985
Stukhbings 1972
Vergopoulos 1985
Walton 1984
Williams n.d.1;
n.d.2; 1979
2. Africa:
Berry 1984
Committee on African
Strategies 1985
Oriaku 1985
Truitt 1981
Wallace 1980; 1981
Dew 1978
Flaye 1980
Williams n.d.2
Williams and Karen 1985
Maganya 1985
Dinham & Hines 1983
Dew 1978
Dew 1978
Bathrick 1981
Kusterer 1982
Phillips 1965
Halse 1976; 1978
Johl 1975
Subrahmanyam 1981
Williams and Karen 1985
Wills 1972
Ping 1980
Haji Salleh 1985
Fan 1981
New Guinea:
Truitt 1981
Williams n.d.2
Chaudhry 1982
Jones 1.985
Ping 19808
Williams and Karen 1985
Sri Lanka
Kurian 1981
Fu-shan 1983
Laramee 1975
Menegay 1985
Ping 1980
Siamwalla 1978
Thosanguan 1983
7. Europe
General; EEC:
Butterwick 1975
Heghe 1976
Millman 1980
Bechaux 1977
Mackel 1979, 1980
Case Studies
Austin and Ross 1979
Barclay 1977
Buch-Hansen and Kieler
Buch-Hansen and
Marcussen 1982
Chaudhry 1982
Free Enterprise;
Glover 1986
Goldberg 1974
Ping 1980
Truitt 1981; 1982
Bechaux 1977
Mackel 1979; Coconuts:
Kurian 1980
Dinham and Hines 1983
Freeman 1985
Williams and Karen 1985
Halse 1976; 1978
Truitt 1981
Williams and Karen 1985
Ping 1980
Fruit (Gen.):
Goldberg 1974
Menegay 1985
Morrissy 1974
Subrahmanyam 1981
Williams and Karen 1985
Truitt 1981
Wallace 1981
Williams and Karen 1985
Palm Oil:
Glover 1986
Jones 1985
Phillips 1965
Williams and Karen 1985
Fu-shan 1983
Kauffman 1984
Williams and Karen 1985
Glover 1986
Frievalds 1981
Lance 1978; 1981; 1983
Ping 1980
Rogers 1980
Thosanguan 1983
Freeman 1985
Shiras 1978
Haji Salleh 1985
Fan 1981
Kurian 1981
Millman 1980
Buch-Hansen 1980
Buch-Hansen and Kieler
Buch-Hansen and
Marcussen 1982
Dew 1978
Dinham and Hines 1983
Flaye 1980
Glover 1986
Maganya 1986
Mulas 1981
'Nyong'o 1981
Scott 1982
Thosanguan 1983
Truitt 1981
Williams and Allen 1982
Williams and Karen 1985
Buch-Hansen and Kieler
Buch-Hansen and
Marcusen 1982
Development Corp.
Alternatives Inc.
EtherLngton 1971
Kurian 1981
Maganya 1985
Stern 1972
Williams and Karen 1985
Buch-Hansen and Kieler
Alternatives Inc.
Lewis 1981
Maganya 1985
Shipton 1985
Thosanuan 1983
Williams and Karen 1985
Incorporated 1975b
Truitt 1981
Wallace 1981
Vegetables (Gen):
Austin and Ross 1979
Goldberg 1974
Kusterer 1982
Laramee 1975
Menegay 1985
Morrissy 1974
Truitt 1981
Versil 1984
Williams and Karen 1985
Wallace 1981
See: Management
See: Intermediaries
Bathrick 1981
Development Alternatives
Inc. 1975a; 1975b
Graber 1980
Commodity; Food/Cash Crop
Exports; Food Crops
Allen 1975
Barclay 1977
Barovick 1982
Bathrick 1981
Buch-Hansen 1980
Buch-Hansen and Kieler
Buch-Hansen and Marcussen
Carey 1983
Clayton 1983
Committee on African
Development Strategies 1985
Fleuret 1984
Freeman and Karen 1982
Glover 1984
Goldsmith 1983; 1985
Graber 1980
Jabara 1985
Lele 1984
Maganya 1985
McPherson 1983
Micou 1985
Molnar 1983
Oriaku 1985
Payer 1980
Ping 1980
Raveed 1980
Shiras 1978
Stevens 1985
Stubbings 1972
Truitt 1981
Turner, Bryant and
Fitzgerald 1984
Vergopoulos 1985
Voll 1980
Wallace 1981
Walton 1984
Williams n.d.l; n.d.2;
Williams and Allen 1982
Williams and Karen 1982
Wills 1972
Ecology/Resource Management:
Lele 1984
Wallace 1980
Food Crops:
Barclay 1977
Berry 1984
Buch-Hansen and Kieler
Chaudhry 1982
Collins and Lappe 1977
Committee on African
Development Strategies
Daddieh n.d.l
Etherington 1971
Fleuret 1984
Freeman and Karen 1982
Glover 1S86
Haji Salleh 1985
Jaffee 1985
Johl 1975
Jones 1985
Laramee 1975
Lele 1984
Mighell and Hoofnagle
Mulas 1981
'Ngong'o 1981
Oriaku 1985
Raveed 1980
Truitt 1982
Wallace i980; 1981
Voll 1980
Food/Cash Crop Exports:
Dinhant and Hines 1983
Ping 1980
Rama 1986
Food Policy
See: Policy Issues
Government Policy
Food Security:
Economic Differentiation:
See: Stratification
Flaye 1980
Export Crops:
See: Food/Cash Crop
Abbott 1982
Buch-Hansen and Kieler
Development Alternatives
Inc. 1975b
Kusterer 1982
Laramee 1975
Shipton 1985
Voll 1980
Family and in-kind Labor:
See: Labor
Farmers' Organizations:
See: Firms:
See: Manaqement
Berry 1984
Committee on African
Development Strategies 1985
Daddieh 1985; n.d.l;
Fleuret 1984
Abbott 1982
Barclay 1977
Buch-Hansen 1980
Butterworth 1975
Daddieh n.d.l
Development Alternatives
Inc. 1975a; 1975b;
Dew 1978
Fu-shan 1983
Glover 1986
Goldsmith 1985
Graber 1980
Halse 1976; 1978
Kusterer 1982
Laramee 1975
Lewis 1981
Mackel 1979
Menegay 1985
Phillips 1965
Scott 1982
Stubbings 1972
Truitt 1982
Voll 1980
Williams 1979
Williams and Karen 1985
Investment; Reinvestment:
Barclay 1977
Dew 1978
Flaye 1980
Stern 1972
Versel 1984
Wallace 1980
Williams 1980
Irrigation Schemes:
Oriaku 1985
Wallace 1980; 1981
Oculi 1984
Stern 1972
Barclay 1977
Buch-Hansen and Kieler
Buch-Hansen and Marcussen
Stern 1972
Stevens 1985
Thosanguan 1983
Truitt 1981
Vergopolous 1986
Voll 1980
Wallace 1981
Williams n.d.1; n.d.2
Williams and Allen 1982
Williams and Karen 1985
Williamson 1971; 1979
Markets: Merchants; Marketing:
Abbott 1982
Brown 1986
Allen et al. 1975
Austin and Ross 1979
Butterwick 1975
Daddieh 1985
Development Alternatives
Inc. 1975b
Fu-shan 1983
Goldberg 1974
Halse 1976; 1978
Hayenga 1979
Heghe 1976
Mittendorf 1978
'Ngong'o 1981
Rogers 1980
Siamwella 1978
Subranmanyam 1981
Thosanguan 1.983
Vergopoulos 1985
Versel 1984
Williamson 1971
, Methodoloqies [for studying CF
and Baseline Studies]:
Brown 1986
Berry 1984 L
Buch-Hansen and Kieler
1983 ,
Buch-Hansen and Marcussen
Collins and Lappe 1977
Daddieh n.d.2
Rogers 1980
Roy 1972 Scott 1982
Siamwella 1978
Etherington 1971,
Glover 1984 .
Goldsmith 1985
Maganya 1985
Mulas 1981
Oculi 1984
Rams 1985
Williams n.d.1; n.d.2;
Mixed Farming:
Etherington J.971
Jaffee 1985
Non-Government Organizatons
See: Intermediaries
Political Economy:
Buch-Hansen and Kieler
Buch-Hansen and Marcussen
Collins and Lappe 1977
Daddieh 1985; n.d.l
Dinham and Hines 1983
Fan 1981
Glover 1984
Haji Salleh 1985
Halfani and Baker 1984
Mcghadam 1985
Mulas 1981
"Ngong'o 1981
Oculi 1984
Pajer 1980
Wallace J.980; 1981
Private Enterprise
Barovick 1982
Freeman and Karen 1982
McPherson 1983
Pelosky 1983
Private Voluntary
See: Intermediaries
Production Factors:
See: Credit; Extension;
Food Crops;
Technology Transfer;
Production Systems:
See: Food Crops;
Food/Cash Crop
Resettlement Schemes:
Williams and Karen 1985
Flaye 1980
Goldsmith 1985
Wallace 1930
Rural Economy: Rural Income:
Technology Transfer:
Chaudhry 1982
Fleuret 1984
Freeman 1985
Glover 1986
Goldsmith 1985
Johl 1975
Lance 1978
Lewis 1981
Lipton 1978
Molnar 1983
Oculi 1984
Oriaku 1985
Scott 1982
Shiras 1978
Turner, Bryant and
Fitzgerald 1984
Wallace 1980; 1981
Williams n.d.1
Wills 1972
Goldsmith 1985
Wallace 1980
Rural Production Systems:
See: Food Crops
Sex Roles:
See: Gender
Small-scale Enterprise:
Barclay 1977
Barclay 1977
Bechaux 1977
Buch-Hansen 1980
Buch-Hansen and Kieler
Vertical Integration:
See: Markets
1.Abalu, G.O.I.
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Prepared for the Symposium on Agricultural Policy and
African Food Security: Issues, Prospects and Constraints
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2.Abbott, John C.
1972 Marketing of Fruits and Vegetables, 2nd. EUSAID]
1982 Consideration of
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Serve Small Tropical Farmers. In Agricultural
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21.Amorin, Cesar
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22.Andrews, D.J. and A.H.
1976 The Importance of Multiple Cropping in
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23.Anker, Richard
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23a.Anyang, 'Nyong'o P. See 'Nyong'o, Anyang P.
24.Ardener, E.,
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25.Arhin, Kwame
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26.Aricanli, T.
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27.Ariza-Nino, Edgar J.
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1970 Labour Supplies in Historical Perspective: A Study of the
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Journal of Development Studies 6(3): 197-234.
32.Aylemba, Elias
1974 Intercensal Population Change: A Comparatie Study of Cane
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33.Ayres, Robert L.
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34.Ba, Thierno Aliou and Bernard Crousse
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38.Barclay, A. H.
1977 The Mumias Sugar Project. A Study of Rural Development in
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Ph.D. Thesis, Ann Arbor, University of
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38a.Bardha, P.
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47.Bateman, M.
1969 Supply Relations for Perennial Crops in the Less Developed
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49.--- 1981 Market and States in Tropical Africa. University of California Press.
56.Beckman, BJorn
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-Qualities in CF related to technical
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- Agribusiness cannot be expected to focus on
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This is an area of "public good," which will have to be
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Detailed study of the sugar multinational Booker
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VII. 1.
Key Topics:
Key Topics:
Contract Farming
256, 344, 347, 368, 369, 378, 378a, 434, 457, 596, 602, 604, 619,
622, 625, 636, 642, 6-14, 644a
Nucleus Estate-Outgrower Schemes
19, 32, 38, 78, 83, 84a, 89, 90., 91,
92, 142, 143, 160a, 198,
220, 246, 265, 276, 300, 302, 322, 330, 351, 356, 400, 404a,
407, 438, 460, 484, 485, 486, 487, 488, 489, 512, 521, 550, 571,
583, 584, 588, 618, 627, 642, 646, 648, 649, 679, 699
See also: Vertical Coordination/Integration
Plantation Tree Crops (non-nucleus estate)13, 83, 89, 92, 176,
178, 203, 204, 205, 206, 285, 301, 358, 370, 390, 391, 438, 47G,
505, 510, 522, 594, 603, 609, 610, 626, C42, 645
Contract Labor 130, 131
See also: Labor
See: Intermediaries
Core-Satellite Schemes
See: Contract Farming Schemes
Credit 3, 44a, 45a, 52, 71, 232, 274a, 387, 526, 594
See also: Intermediaries
See: Agribusiness; Cash Crops; Commodities Section; Contract
Farming; Food Crops
Development - Agricultural
Donors/Donor Assistance
- Donor.'Lender
Ecology/Resource Management
Economic Differentiation
See: Stratification
Key Topics:
Farming Systems
See: Peasant Agricultural Systems
See: Labor; Peasaant Agricultural Systems
Farmers' Organizations
See: Intermediaries
See: Agribusiness
Food Crops 16, 34, 46, 63a, 66, 66, 87, 98, 196, 200, 213, 219,
267, 279, 280, 412, 428, 464, 559, 570, 578, 615, 667, 676
Food Processing
See: Processing Firms
Food Security 1, 22, 36, 63a, 66, 98, 107, 144,
167, 195, 196,
197, 229, 243, 250, 289, 291, 336, 337, 376, 381, 401, 411, 412,
436, 459, 496, 500, 559, 590, 657, 667
Free Enterprise
See: Private Enterprise
Key Topics:
Key Topics:
Policy (cont.)
Donor/Lender 11, 12, 45, 63a, 132a, 141, 142, 143, 144, 168,
186, 198, 221, 228, 229, 230, 255, 263, 327, 336, 337, 339, 379,
380, 403, 428a, 433, 446, 503, 504, 524, 567, 598, 622, 650, 654,
651, 652, 653, 654, 657, 714, 715, 716, 717
Government 46, 49, 50, 51, 103, 105, 107, 184a,
185, 289, 328,
335a, 339, 357, 401,
408, 413, 447, 461, 470, 497, 499, 504, 517,
532, 548, 550, 589, 622, 665, 722
Political Economy
See: Historical Development; Development - Critiques of;
Agribusiness - Critiques of; Stratification
Pricing Policies 339, 359
Private Enterprise/Private Sector 45, 193, 246, 273, 360, 365,
428a, 483, 497, 503, 650
See also: Agribusiness
Private Voluntary Organizations
See: Intermediaries
Processing Firms 4a, 246a, 275, 430, 457, 528a, 479, 575, 598,
See also: Agribusiness; Contract Farming
Recurrent Costs 125, 611
Research 100, 113, 140, 141, 194, 655, 705
Risk 71
See: Labor; Peasant Agricultural Systems; Contract Farming
Schemes; Agribusiness and Smallholders
Social Differentiation
See: Stratification
State Policy
See: Policy - Government/State
Stratification 42,
68, 73, 80, 91, 92, 93, 107, 117a, 132a,
134, 152, 155, 162, 169, 213, 225, 239, 225, 277, 286, 302, 311,
346, 359, 363, 394, 398, 421, 474, 485, 536, 538, 552, 615, 620,
621, 680, 703, 719
See also: Peasant Agricultural Systems; Historical Development
Subsistence Agriculture
See: Food Crops; Peasant Agricultural Systems
Technology Transfer 6, 100, 117a, 144, 161,
194, 213, 245, 255,
323, 346, 398, 452, 455, 479, 496, 562, 572, 586, 591, 594a, 638,
641, 684, 703
8 Vertical Integration/Coordination 38a,
46, 99, 305, 362, 364,
374, 426, 429, 432, 440, 441, 444, 469, 558, 571, 591, 701, 703
See also: Agribusiness; Contract Farming; Marketing
WID (Women in Development) and Agriculture , 11, 74, 79, 88,
187, 232, 237, 283, 284, 432, 433, 449, 453, 462, 519, 580, 660,
705, 606, 607, 608
Zee also: Development; Labor - Gender-based
General 1, 12, 20, 36, 49, 50, 62, 63, 63a, 64, 65, 66, 69, 93,
97, 115, 126, 133, 135, 137, il, 144, 148, 163, 164, 167, 181,
182, 183, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 213, 216, 219, 221, 228, 229,
235, 236, 281, 282, 283, 284, 286, 309, 316, 320, 329, 337, 352,
379, 380, 385, 393, 395, 401, 408, 412, 428, 436, 446, 447, 456,
459, 481, 492, 499, 516, 526, 556, 559, 561, 567, 5'70, 579, 592,
601, 633, 642, 647, 655, 657, 665, 671, 689, 690, 709, 714, 716,
Central Africa 154
East Africa 8, 16, 134, 140, 154, 162, 180, 381, 421, 499,
582, 624, 570, 674, 678
Sahel 135, 147, 243, 688
Southern Africa 130, 180
West Africa 25, 147, 227, 280, 313, 314, 315, 318, 536, 553,
576, 667
Bama;io 560
Botswana .1a, 77, 237, 246a
Buganda 555
Cameroon 24, 70, 88, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 149, 150,
172, 279, 306, 349, -50, 384, 453, 477, 478, 631, 632
Chad 4E, 227a
Ethiopia 233, 424
Gaibia 110, 682, 684
Ghana 4a, 5<, 125, 166, 218, 277, 278,
289, 312, 313, 314, 519,
527, 534, 566, 593, 641, 660, 686
Ivory Coast 46, 94, 119, 170, 222, 223, 224, 303, 417, 483, 653
(enya 4a, 5, 8, 17, 19, 32, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 57, 73, 78, 83,
85, 89, 90, 91, 92, 95, 100, 123, 129, 132,
136, 145, 146, 152,
153, 155, 156, 178, 179, 203, 204, 205, 206, 208, 231, 245, 286,
296, 298, 300, 301, 302, 303, 30r, 308, 310, 317, 220, 321, 322,
339, 341, 342, 343, 345, 348, 35,, 357, 358, 361, 363, 365, 366,
370, 375, 382, 392, 393, 394, 402, 403, 414, 423, 435, 449, 458,
460, 464, 469, 473, 474, 475, 47u, 482, 483, 484, 485, 486, 487,
488, 489, 494, 498, 501, 502, 504, 507, 508, 535, 547, 5-..9, 569,
583, 588, 569, 595, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 620, 621, 622,
626, S27, 634, 642, 651, 663, 679, 680, 699, 700, 704, 706, 707,
711, 722
Lesotho 642
Liberia 15, 161, 214, 512, 630
Malawi 115, 124, 415, 505, 510
Mali 387, 389, 533
Mauritania 4a
Mauritius 419
Mozambique 719, 721
Niger 116, 355, 546, 581, 668
Nigeria 29, '5, 60, 68, 157, 173, 176, 177, 233, 330, 404a,
420, 455, 479, 480, 491, 493, 495, 500, 509, 518, 598, 675, 676,
677, 681
Rhodesia 28, 130, 131, 418, 685
Africa (cont.)
Senegal 34, 160, 184, 184a, 185, 407, 422, 529, 530, 531, 532,
580, 654, 660, 664, 720
Sierra Leone 76, 406, 518
Sudan 26, 43, 44, 246a, 708
Swa2'iland 4a, 220, 646, 700
Tangcnyika 87
Tanzania 4a, 8,
13, 75, 87, 328, 411, 413, 459, 470, 538, 544,
Togo 548
Uganda 8, 490, 629
Upper Volta 225, 226, 635, G73
Zaire 353
Zambia 180a, 191, 319, 462, 539
Zanzabar 146,
Zimbabwe 120, 340, 360, 461, 463
See also: Rhodesia
General 246a, 251, 642, 523
Bangladesh 451
India 4a, 117, 174, 287, 288, 346, 432, 468, 619, 649a, 659a,
700, 703
Indonesia 4a, 235a
Japan 594a
Malaysia 4a, 6, 207, 285, 400
Nepal 102
New Guinea 158, 427, 642
Pakistan 117a
Philippines 212, 256, 351, 628, 700
Sri Lanka 274, 367
Sumatra 613, 614
Taiwan 255a
Thailand 4a, 378, 378a, 434, 528a, 596, 625, 636, 700
Viet Nam 45a
Europe; EEC; UK; USSR
General 99, 362
Belgum 305
England 442
France 53, 594a
Scotland 406a, 406b
UK 594a
USSR 246a
Latin America
General 21, 31,
96, 171, 254, 266, 294, 326, 430, 480, 528,
542, 558, 585, 683, 693, 705
Caribbean 55, 159
Central America 121, 457, 545, 603
517, 575
North America
United States 246a, 253, 271,
344, 354, 364, 371, 372, 374, 440, 441, 467, 520, 564, 568, 591, 594a, 605a
Animal Protein
Cattle 4a, 227a, 246a, 406a, 406b, 649a
Dairy 4a, 27, 246a, 287, 288, 468, 596, 642, 649a, 659a, 700
See: Poultry
Fish 4a, 15, 94, 184, 235a, 529, 531, 660
Lobster 4a, 246a
Pigs 255a, 354, 700
Poultry; Eggs 247, 249, 371,
372, 373, 523, 564, 636, 638
Sheep 442
Shrimp 4a
Bee Keeping 578
Cassava 246a, 404a, 596
See: Grain
Cocoa 125, 246a,
277, 280, 290, 303, 312, 554, 600
Coconuts 466
Coffee 40, 41,
95, 109, 145, 217, 275a, 414.600, 656, 674, 700
Cotton 26, 43, 44, 384, 415
Feed Concentrates 4a, 246a
Flowers (fresh) 201, 246a, 342, 343, 473
Flowers (dry) 4a
Forestry 246a
General 2, 7, 224, 306, 341, 342, 343, 434, 457, 529, 528,
619, 628, 669, 670, 700, 704, 722
Bananas 269, 294, 425, 523, 602, 643, 645
Limes 4a
Orange Juce 4a, 246a
Papaya 604
Pineapples 4a, 256, 267, 378a, 523, 596, 622, 636, 700
Prunes 4a
Strawberries 211
Grain 61, 98, 129, 213, 236, 246a, 398, 560, 676
Kenaf 596
Maize 596, 642, 676, 686
Oil Palm 246a, 2Cn7, 330, 351, 400, 479, 512, 540, 576, 581,
Potatoes 347
Rice 110, 161, 235, 246a, 349, 350, 355, 594a, 596
Rubber 6, 29, 148, 207, 207, 214, 285, 581, 596, 613, 614,
Seeds 347, 544
Sorghum q49, 686
Soya 246a
Sugar 19, 32, 38, 78, 79, 90, 91,
92, 179, 180a, 208, 220,
246a, 267, 276, 300, 322, 325, 356, 413, 419, 423, 460, 484, 485,
486, 487, 488, 490, 583, 584, 588, 596, 626, 627, 635, 636, 642,
646, 679, 699, 700, 708
Tea 83, 89, 92, 142, 178, 203, 204, 205, 206, 216, 301, 358,
370, 390, 391, 413, 438, 490, 505, 510, 522, 600, 609, 610, 622,
636, 672, 700
Commodity: (cont.)
Tobacco 13, 75, 92,
176, 413, 594, 596, 700
General 2, 7, 30, 74, 116, 192, 224, 341,
342, 343, 344, 368,
374, 434, 457, 529, 619, 625, 636, 642, 668, 673, 700, 704, 720,
722 Asparagus 4a, 369
Beets 53
Lettuce 480
Onions 147
Peas 649a
Peppers 4a, 644
Tomatoes 177, 246a, 252, 253, 642, 676
See: Grain