Troubleshooting The Flash Programmer: Application Note

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Freescale Semiconductor Application Note

Document Number: AN2980

Troubleshooting the Flash Programmer

By Ron Collins

It is possible that the CodeWarrior flash programmer does not recognize the flash devices on your target, or has a problem with erasing or programming. If so, you should use the techniques of this application note to ensure that basic reads and writes to flash function correctly. If you confirm this, but still cannot program your flash devices, please contact Technical Support at This application note explains how to have your target flash devices display their manufacturer and device ID codes. If the devices can do this, then basic reads and writes to the devices are functioning correctly. This would mean that any problem in programming flash lies with either: The FPDeviceConfig.xml entry for the device, or The flash-programming algorithm In either case, for more information refer to AN3390 Adding Device(s) to the Flash Programmer.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Using CodeWarrior Script Files . . . . . . . . . . 3 Before You Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Command-Sequence Listings . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., 2007. All rights reserved.



Current flash devices use a common method for preventing unintentional programming. A specific sequence of write cycles must precede each flash-programming write cycle, to enable programming of one byte (8 bits) or word (16 bits). These preceding write cycles walk through an internal-state machine that enables the flash for one device-programming write cycle. This write-enabling process is necessary for each flash address to be programmed. It is possible to use this same method to configure a flash device to display its manufacturer and device ID codes: The manufacturer ID code is the same for all devices from each manufacturer. Common codes are 0x01 for AMD, 0x1F for Atmel, and 0x89 for Intel. Device ID codes are unique for each device; each devices data sheet specifies its ID code. Reading these ID codes requires successful write and read cycles to each flash device. This would indicate that any flash-programming problems lie in the CodeWarrior flash programmer rather than in the target hardware. By the same measure, failing to read these ID codes when you use the methods in this application note would indicate a low-level problem with reading/writing target flash. You must resolve such a hardware problem before the flash programmer can work.


The technique of this application note involves using the CodeWarrior debugger and its Command Line panel to write to and to read from target flash. You must be running a debug session to the target before you begin this technique. This technique makes use of the CodeWarrior commands change, which writes to memory, and display, which reads from memory. The general formats are: change p:<address><value><bus-width> display p:<start_address>..<end_address><bus-width> where: <address>, <start_address>, and <end_address> are address values that comply with the CodeWarrior default radix, or with an explicitly defined radix. <value> is a data value that complies with the CodeWarrior default radix, or with an explicitly defined radix. <bus_width> is 8bit, 16bit, 32bit, or 64bit. You use these commands to poke flash commands to the devices on your target, then to read the data that the flash presents. All flash devices use a flash-command state machine to process commands such as ReadDevice ID, Erase Sector, Program, and so forth. Refer to the data sheet for your device for details of its command sequences. This application note presents 21 of the most common command sets for reading manufacturer and device IDs. To use any of these examples, you must change the strings %%% to the high-order starting address of

Troubleshooting the Flash Programmer Application Note 2 Freescale Semiconductor

Using CodeWarrior Script Files

the flash on your target. For example, if your flash base address is 0xffe00000, your replacement string for %%% is ffe. The data values in these examples must remain as listed. Note that these flash base addresses are absolute addresses that the CPU uses; you must consider all aspects of resolving these addresses. For example, Freescales PowerQUICC family uses chip-select registers that assign a base address to the flash CS# signal in a way that permits mapping the flash base address anywhere in the targets memory map. As other memory controllers also assign base addresses to the target flash, another way to read starting address of flash is to read flash base address + offset. To use these command sets: Enter each change and display command exactly as listed, except for substituting the correct high-order address string for %%%. Examine the information you obtain from the display command for the ID codes defined in the data sheet for your flash device. If the manufacturer of your target flash devices is not AMD, Atmel, or Intel, compare the command sequences of your devices with the command sequences for these three manufacturers. Most likely, your device uses the command sequence of one of these firms. Fujitsu flash devices, for example, use the same commands as AMD devices. Sharp flash devices use the same commands as Intel devices. And even if your flash device does not use exactly the AMD, Atmel, or Intel command sequence, one should be close enough for easy adaptation.

Using CodeWarrior Script Files

The CodeWarrior source command reads the contents of a text file as a list of sequential CodeWarrior commands. Accordingly, you may copy the contents of any listing, below, to a text file that has the suffix .tcl. Then, use the source command to invoke this script. Examples 1 and 2 show how to do this.

Before You Start

Before you can start diagnosing flash problems, gather as much of this information as possible: Device manufacturer, such as AMD, Atmel, or Intel Device part number Number of devices on your target Number of data bits (8 or 16) each flash device uses Starting flash address on the target NOTE It is possible to use the techniques of this application note without all the information of the list above, but that increases the effort for you. The instructions below are consistent with you having all this information.

Troubleshooting the Flash Programmer Application Note Freescale Semiconductor 3

Before You Start

Be aware of these conditions, any of which could cause your ID-value interrogation to fail: 1. Writes to flash and reads from flash must occur exactly as the manufacturer defines for reading out the manufacturer and device ID codes. Make sure that: a) Your target processor is not using any kind of burst mode, so that it tries to read/write a block of data, even though you specify one address. b) You disable all address-translation and memory-management features. 2. Disable all processor caches. (You must write to/read from the actual flash devices, not a cached copy of flash.) 3. Check the target schematic, to make sure that each WE# (write-enable) processor signal reaches the correct WE# pin of each target flash device. (The target hardware, the target-processor configuration, or both, can disable the WE# signal.) 4. Check the memory-control registers of the target processor, to make sure that flash accesses are not read-only. 5. For a 16-bit flash device, determine whether the processors least-significant address line is connected to the flash device. If so, you can rely on the addresses of the flash data sheet. An example is the AMD AM29LV640D/AM29LV641D data sheet, which specifies this sequence for reading device and manufacturer ID codes: %%%0555 = AA %%%02AA = 55 %%%0555 = 90 But many processors do not have the least-significant address line connected to the flash device, as there is no reason to address individual bytes. If this is the arrangement for your target, you must compensate by shifting data-sheet addresses left by one. This would change the sequence above to: %%%0AAA = AA %%%0554 = 55 %%%0AAA = 90 6. Confirm that data bus least-significant bit of each flash device connects to the least-significant bit of the processor. (The CodeWarrior flash programmer does not support reverse-wired flash devices.)


AMD Devices

Some AMD devices are dual-mode, supporting either 8-bit or 16-bit modes. To determine the mode, check the state of the flash BYTE pin: BYTE = 0 means 8-bit-mode configuration; BYTE = 1 means 16-bitmode configuration. Be sure to disable the Verify Memory Writes option in the Debugger Settings panel of your project. (This prevents your AMD devices from getting confused by memory reads between flash commands.) The exact title of this settings panel depends on your version of CodeWarrior software; examples include ARM Debugger Settings, EPPC Debugger Settings, and SC Debugger Settings. Listing 1 through Listing 9 give command sequences for AMD flash devices.

Troubleshooting the Flash Programmer Application Note 4 Freescale Semiconductor



Atmel Devices

Listing 10 through Listing 15 give command sequences for Atmel flash devices.


Intel Devices

Listing 16 through Listing 21 give command sequences for Intel flash devices. The status-register readouts of these listings is not required for reading out the ID codes. However, if you enter these commands correctly, the status-register results show an operation-successful status or possible chip errors. Some Intel devices are dual-mode, supporting either 8-bit or 16-bit modes. To determine the mode, check the state of the flash BYTE# pin: BYTE# = 0 means 8-bit-mode configuration; BYTE# = 1 means 16bit-mode configuration.


Follow these steps: 1. Open a CodeWarrior debugging session to your target. 2. In Table 1 use the manufacturer and flash-device arrangement of your target to identify the best listing of command sequences. a) If your manufacturer is Fujitsu, use the AMD listing for your arrangement. b) If your manufacturer is Sharp, use the Intel listing for your arrangement. c) Otherwise, find the closest match for your device arrangement, so that you can modify the command sequence as part of Step 3. 3. Use the code of the corresponding listing, substituting the high-order address string for %%%. Either: a) Enter the listing commands one after another, in the debugger Command-Line panel, or b) Copy the commands, paste them into a .tcl text file, then use a source command in the Command-Line panel to invoke the new script. 4. In the output of the display command, look for the ID codes of your flash device. (The devices data sheet specifies these code values.) a) If the output includes the ID codes, you have confirmed that flash-device basic reads and writes function properly. This means that any programming problem lies with the CodeWarrior software, so you should report the matter to Freescale Technical Support: b) If the output does not include the ID codes, you have confirmed a low-level problem with reading from or writing to your flash devices. You must solve this problem locally before the CodeWarrior flash programmer can work. Two examples follow the command-sequence listings.

Troubleshooting the Flash Programmer Application Note Freescale Semiconductor 5

Command-Sequence Listings

Command-Sequence Listings

Table 1 lists many flash-device arrangements, with links to the corresponding listings of command sequences.
Table 1. Flash Device Command Sequences
Manufacturer AMD Devices One 8-bit device One 8-bit/16-bit device, in 8-bit mode Two 8-bit devices Two 8-bit/16-bit devices, in 8-bit mode Four 8-bit devices Four 8-bit/16-bit devices, in 8-bit mode One 16-bit device Two 16-bit devices Four 16-bit devices Atmel One 8-bit device Two 8-bit devices Four 8-bit devices One 16-bit device Two 16-bit devices Four 16-bit devices Intel One 8-bit device Two 8-bit devices Four 8-bit devices One 16-bit device Two 16-bit devices Four 16-bit devices See Listing

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Listing 1. AMD: One 8-Bit Device

# Set device to Read state change p:%%%00000 f0 8bit # Get Mfg and Device change p:%%%00555 aa change p:%%%002aa 55 change p:%%%00555 90 ID values 8bit 8bit 8bit

# Display Mfg ID value at offset 0

Troubleshooting the Flash Programmer Application Note 6 Freescale Semiconductor

Command-Sequence Listings

# Display Dev ID value at offset 1 display p:%%%00000..%%%00002 8bit # Reset device to Read state change p:%%%00000 f0 8bit

Listing 2. AMD: One 8-bit/16-Bit Device, in 8-Bit Mode

# Set device to Read state change p:%%%00000 f0 8bit # Get Mfg and Device change p:%%%00aaa aa change p:%%%00555 55 change p:%%%00aaa 90 ID values 8bit 8bit 8bit

# Display Mfg ID value at offset 0 # Display Dev ID value at offset 1 display p:%%%00000..%%%00002 8bit # Reset device to Read state change p:%%%00000 f0 8bit

Listing 3. AMD: Two 8-Bit Devices

# Set devices to Read state change p:%%%00000 f0f0 16bit # Get Mfg and Device ID values change p:%%%00aaa aaaa 16bit change p:%%%00554 5555 16bit change p:%%%00aaa 9090 16bit # Display Mfg ID values at offsets 0, 1 # Display Dev ID values at offsets 2, 3 display p:%%%00000..%%%00004 8bit # Reset devices to Read state change p:%%%00000 f0f0 16bit

Listing 4. AMD: Two 8-Bit/16-Bit Devices, in 8-Bit Mode

# Set devices to Read state change p:%%%00000 f0f0 16bit # Get Mfg and Device ID values change p:%%%001554 aaaa 16bit change p:%%%00aa8 5555 16bit change p:%%%01554 9090 16bit # Display Mfg ID values at offsets 0, 1 # Display Dev ID values at offsets 2, 3 display p:%%%00000..%%%00004 8bit # Reset devices to Read state change p:%%%00000 f0f0 16bit

Troubleshooting the Flash Programmer Application Note Freescale Semiconductor 7

Command-Sequence Listings

Listing 5. AMD: Four 8-Bit Devices

# Set devices to Read state change p:%%%00000 f0f0f0f0 32bit # Get Mfg and Device ID values change p:%%%01554 aaaaaaaa 32bit change p:%%%00aa8 55555555 32bit change p:%%%01554 90909090 32bit # Display Mfg ID values at offsets 0, 1, 2, 3 # Display Dev ID values at offsets 4, 5, 6, 7 display p:%%%00000..%%%00008 8bit # Reset devices to Read state change p:%%%00000 f0f0f0f0 32bit

Listing 6. AMD: Four 8-Bit/16-Bit Devices, in 8-Bit Mode

# Set devices to Read state change p:%%%00000 f0f0f0f0 32bit # Get Mfg and Device ID values change p:%%%02aa8 aaaaaaaa 32bit change p:%%%01550 55555555 32bit change p:%%%02aa8 90909090 32bit # Display Mfg ID values at offsets 0, 1, 2, 3 # Display Dev ID values at offsets 4, 5, 6, 7 display p:%%%00000..%%%00008 8bit # Reset devices to Read state change p:%%%00000 f0f0f0f0 32bit

Listing 7. AMD: One 16-Bit Device

# Set device to Read state change p:%%%00000 f0f0 16bit # Get Mfg and Device ID values change p:%%%00aaa aaaa 16bit change p:%%%00554 5555 16bit change p:%%%00aaa 9090 16bit # Display Mfg ID value at offset 0 # Display Dev ID value at offset 2 display p:%%%00000..%%%00004 16bit # Reset device to Read state change p:%%%00000 f0f0 16bit

Listing 8. AMD: Two 16-Bit Devices

# Set devices to Read state change p:%%%00000 f0f0f0f0 32bit # Get Mfg and Device ID values change p:%%%01554 aaaaaaaa 32bit

Troubleshooting the Flash Programmer Application Note 8 Freescale Semiconductor

Command-Sequence Listings

change p:%%%00aa8 55555555 32bit change p:%%%01554 90909090 32bit

# Display Mfg ID values at offsets 0, 2 # Display Dev ID values at offsets 4, 6 display p:%%%00000..%%%00008 16bit # Reset devices to Read state change p:%%%00000 f0f0f0f0 32bit

Listing 9. AMD: Four 16-Bit Devices

# Set devices to Read state change p:%%%00000 f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0 64bit # Get Mfg and Device ID values change p:%%%02aa8 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 64bit change p:%%%01550 5555555555555555 64bit change p:%%%02aa8 9090909090909090 64bit # Display Mfg ID values at offsets 0, 2, 4, 6 # Display Dev ID values at offsets 8, a, c, e display p:%%%00000..%%%00010 16bit # Reset devices to Read state change p:%%%00000 f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0 64bit

Listing 10. Atmel: One 8-Bit Device

# Set device to Read change p:%%%05555 aa change p:%%%02aaa 55 change p:%%%05555 f0 # Get Mfg and Device change p:%%%05555 aa change p:%%%02aaa 55 change p:%%%05555 90 state 8bit 8bit 8bit ID values 8bit 8bit 8bit

# Display Mfg ID value at offset 0 # Display Dev ID value at offset 1 display p:%%%00000..%%%00002 8bit # Reset device to change p:%%%05555 change p:%%%02aaa change p:%%%05555 Read state aa 8bit 55 8bit f0 8bit

Listing 11. Atmel: Two 8-Bit Devices

# Set devices to Read state change p:%%%0aaaa aaaa 16bit change p:%%%05554 5555 16bit change p:%%%0aaaa f0f0 16bit # Get Mfg and Device ID values change p:%%%0aaaa aaaa 16bit change p:%%%05554 5555 16bit

Troubleshooting the Flash Programmer Application Note Freescale Semiconductor 9

Command-Sequence Listings

change p:%%%0aaaa 9090 16bit

# Display Mfg ID values at offsets 0, 1 # Display Dev ID values at offsets 2, 3 display p:%%%00000..%%%00004 8bit # Reset devices to Read state change p:%%%0aaaa aaaa 16bit change p:%%%05554 5555 16bit change p:%%%0aaaa f0f0 16bit

Listing 12. Atmel: Four 8-Bit Devices

# Set devices to Read state change p:%%%15554 aaaaaaaa 32bit change p:%%%0aaa8 55555555 32bit change p:%%%15554 f0f0f0f0 32bit # Get Mfg and Device ID values change p:%%%15554 aaaaaaaa 32bit change p:%%%0aaa8 55555555 32bit change p:%%%15554 90909090 32bit # Display Mfg ID values at offsets 0, 1, 2, 3 # Display Dev ID values at offsets 4, 5, 6, 7 display p:%%%00000..%%%00008 8bit # Reset devices to Read state change p:%%%15554 aaaaaaaa 32bit change p:%%%0aaa8 55555555 32bit change p:%%%15554 f0f0f0f0 32bit

Listing 13. Atmel: One 16-Bit Device

# Set device to Read state change p:%%%0aaaa 00aa 16bit change p:%%%05554 0055 16bit change p:%%%0aaaa 00f0 16bit # Get Mfg and Device ID values change p:%%%0aaaa 00aa 16bit change p:%%%05554 0055 16bit change p:%%%0aaaa 0090 16bit # Display Mfg ID value at offset 0 # Display Dev ID value at offset 2 display p:%%%00000..%%%00004 16bit # Reset device to change p:%%%0aaaa change p:%%%05554 change p:%%%0aaaa Read 00aa 0055 00f0 state 16bit 16bit 16bit

Listing 14. Atmel: Two 16-Bit Devices

# Set devices to Read state change p:%%%15554 00aa00aa 32bit change p:%%%0aaa8 00550055 32bit

Troubleshooting the Flash Programmer Application Note 10 Freescale Semiconductor

Command-Sequence Listings

change p:%%%15554 00f000f0 32bit

# Get Mfg and Device ID values change p:%%%15554 00aa00aa 32bit change p:%%%0aaa8 00550055 32bit change p:%%%15554 00900090 32bit # Display Mfg ID values at offsets 0, 2 # Display Dev ID values at offsets 4, 6 display p:%%%00000..%%%00008 16bit # Reset devices to Read state change p:%%%15554 00aa00aa 32bit change p:%%%0aaa8 00550055 32bit change p:%%%15554 00f000f0 32bit

Listing 15. Atmel: Four 16-Bit Devices

# Set devices to Read state change p:%%%02998 00aa00aa00aa00aa 64bit change p:%%%01550 0055005500550055 64bit change p:%%%02aa8 00f000f000f000f0 64bit # Get Mfg and Device ID values change p:%%%02998 00aa00aa00aa00aa 64bit change p:%%%01550 0055005500550055 64bit change p:%%%02aa8 0090009000900090 64bit # Display Mfg ID values at offsets 0, 2, 4, 6 # Display Dev ID values at offsets 8, a, c, e display p:%%%00000..%%%00010 16bit # Reset devices to Read state change p:%%%02998 00aa00aa00aa00aa 64bit change p:%%%01550 0055005500550055 64bit change p:%%%02aa8 00f000f000f000f0 64bit

Listing 16. Intel: One 8-Bit Device

# Set device to Read state # and clear status register change p:%%%00000 ff 8bit change p:%%%00000 50 8bit # Get Mfg and Device ID values change p:%%%00000 90 8bit # Display Mfg ID value at offset 0 # Display Dev ID value at offset 1 display p:%%%00000..%%%00002 8bit # Read and display status register change p:%%%00000 70 8bit display p:%%%00000..%%%00001 8bit # Reset device to Read state change p:%%%00000 ff 8bit

Troubleshooting the Flash Programmer Application Note Freescale Semiconductor 11

Command-Sequence Listings

Listing 17. Intel: Two 8-Bit Devices

# Set devices to Read state # and clear status registers change p:%%%00000 ffff 16bit change p:%%%00000 5050 16bit # Get Mfg and Device ID values change p:%%%00000 9090 16bit # Display Mfg ID values at offsets 0, 1 # Display Dev ID values at offsets 2, 3 display p:%%%00000..%%%00004 8bit # Read and display status registers change p:%%%00000 7070 16bit display p:%%%00000..%%%00002 8bit # Reset devices to Read state change p:%%%00000 ffff 16bit

Listing 18. Intel: Four 8-Bit Devices

# Set devices to Read state # and clear status registers change p:%%%00000 ffffffff 32bit change p:%%%00000 50505050 32bit # Get Mfg and Device ID values change p:%%%00000 90909090 32bit # Display Mfg ID values at offsets 0, 1, 2, 3 # Display Dev ID values at offsets 4, 5, 6, 7 display p:%%%00000..%%%00008 8bit # Read and display status registers change p:%%%00000 70707070 32bit display p:%%%00000..%%%00004 8bit # Reset devices to Read state change p:%%%00000 ffffffff 32bit

Listing 19. Intel: One 16-Bit Device

# Set device to Read state # and clear status register change p:%%%00000 ffff 16bit change p:%%%00000 5050 16bit # Get Mfg and Device ID values change p:%%%00000 9090 16bit # Display Mfg ID value at offset 0 # Display Dev ID value at offset 2 display p:%%%00000..%%%00004 16bit # Read and display status register change p:%%%00000 7070 16bit display p:%%%00000..%%%00002 16bit

Troubleshooting the Flash Programmer Application Note 12 Freescale Semiconductor


# Reset device to Read state change p:%%%00000 ffff 16bit

Listing 20. Intel: Two 16-Bit Devices

# Set devices to Read state # and clear status registers change p:%%%00000 ffffffff 32bit change p:%%%00000 50505050 32bit # Get Mfg and Device ID values change p:%%%00000 90909090 32bit # Display Mfg ID values at offsets 0, 2 # Display Dev ID values at offsets 4, 6 display p:%%%00000..%%%00007 16bit # Read and display status registers change p:%%%00000 70707070 32bit display p:%%%00000..%%%00003 16bit # Reset devices to Read state change p:%%%00000 ffffffff 32bit

Listing 21. Intel: Four 16-Bit Devices

# Set devices to Read state # and clear status registers change p:%%%00000 ffffffffffffffff 64bit change p:%%%00000 5050505050505050 64bit # Get Mfg and Device ID values change p:%%%00000 9090909090909090 64bit # Display Mfg ID values at offsets 0, 2, 4, 6 # Display Dev ID values at offsets 8, a, c, e display p:%%%00000..%%%00008 16bit # Read and display status registers change p:%%%00000 7070707070707070 64bit display p:%%%00000..%%%00004 16bit # Reset devices to Read state change p:%%%00000 ffffffffffffffff 64bit


Example 1: Four 8-Bit Intel Devices

These example flash interrogations are for three common target boards.

The Freescale MPC8260ADS and PQ2FADS evaluation boards use four 8-bit LH28F016SC Intel-format devices, on a 32-bit bus. These devices have manufacturer ID 0x89 and device ID 0xAA. The highorder flash base starting address begins with the three digits ff8.

Troubleshooting the Flash Programmer Application Note Freescale Semiconductor 13


For the arrangement of four 8-bit Intel devices, Table 1 says to use the command sequence of Listing 18. Follow these steps: 1. Copy this code into text file check_flash.tcl, making the code a script. 2. Substitute the string ff8 for all instances of %%%. 3. Use the source command to invoke the script. Listing 22 shows the resulting code. NOTE The comment lines in Listing 22 and Listing 23 are for clarification in this application note. The CodeWarrior source command, however, discards comment lines, so you will not see such comments in your Command window.
Listing 22. Example 1 Results
%>source check_flash.tcl # Set devices to Read state # and clear status registers change p:FF800000 ffffffff 32bit change p:FF800000 50505050 32bit

# Get Mfg and Device ID values change p:FF800000 90909090 32bit # Display Mfg ID values at offsets 0, 1, 2, 3 # Display Dev ID values at offsets 4, 5, 6, 7 display p:FF800000..FF800008 8bit ff800000 $89 $89 $89 $89 $AA $AA $AA $AA ........ # Read and display status registers change p:FF800000 70707070 32bit display p:FF800000..FF800004 8bit ff800000 $80 $80 $80 $80 .... # Reset devices to Read state change p:FF800000 ffffffff 32bit

The results of the first display line do show the manufacturer ID code 0x89 (as $89 $89 $89 $89) and the device ID code 0xAA (as $AA $AA $AA $AA) for each of the four devices. This confirms basic read/write functionality of the flash devices.


Example 2: Two 16-Bit Intel Devices

The Freescale MPC8560ADS evaluation board uses two 16-bit IN28F640J3 Intel-format devices, on a 32-bit bus. These devices have manufacturer ID 0x0089 and device ID 0x0017. The high-order flash base starting address begins with the three digits ff0. For the arrangement of two 16-bit Intel devices, Table 1 says to use the command sequence of Listing 20. Do the following: 1. Copy this code into text file check_flash.tcl, making the code a script.

Troubleshooting the Flash Programmer Application Note 14 Freescale Semiconductor


2. Substitute the string ff0 for all instances of %%%. 3. Use the source command to invoke the script. Listing 23 shows the resulting code.
Listing 23. Example 2 Results
%>source check_flash.tcl # Set devices to read state # and clear status registers change p:FF000000 ffffffff 32bit change p:FF000000 50505050 32bit

# Get Mfg and Device ID values change p:FF000000 90909090 32bit # Display Mfg ID values at offsets 0, 2 # Display Dev ID values at offsets 4, 6 display p:FF000000..FF000007 16bit ff00000 $0089 $0089 $0017 $0017 ...... # Read and display status registers change p:FF000000 70707070 32bit display p:FF000000..FF000003 16bit ff000000 $0080 $0080 .... # Reset devices to Read state change p:FF000000 ffffffff 32bit

The results of the first display line do show the manufacturer ID code 0x89 (as $0089 $0089) and the device ID code 0x0017 (as $0017 $0017) for both devices. This confirms basic read/write functionality of the flash devices.


For most flash devices in use today, programming involves state-machine-like cycles of multiple writes that must precede the final write cycle. To diagnose flash-programming failures, you must determine whether the cause of the failure is in target hardware or flash-programming software. The general method of this application note lets you make this determination through simple, low-level writes and reads, without the use of expensive and complicated logic analyzers. If these reads and writes fail, the problem most likely is on the target. If these reads and writes succeed, the problem most likely is in the flashprogramming software, so please contact Technical Support at support.

Troubleshooting the Flash Programmer Application Note Freescale Semiconductor 15

How to Reach Us:

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Document Number: AN2980 12 January 2007

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