B CPE 201 Corewar
B CPE 201 Corewar
B CPE 201 Corewar
Back in the good old days. . .
binary name: asm/asm, corewar/corewar
repository name: CPE_corewar_$ACADEMICYEAR
language: C
• The totality of your source files, except all useless files (binary, temp files, obj
files,...), must be included in your delivery.
• All the bonus files (including a potential specific Makefile) should be in a directory
named bonus.
• Error messages have to be written on the error output, and the program should
then exit with the 84 error code (0 if there is no error).
The binaries must be found in their respective labeled folders, both compiled by a unique
Makefile at the directory’s root.
The coding style will be checked on all the files that you deliver, including the currently
non-compliant op.c and op.h.
Authorized functions: (f)open, read, write, getline, lseek, fseek, (f)close, malloc, realloc, free, exit.
Corewar is a game. A very special game. It consists of pitting little programs against one another in a virtual
The goal of the game is to prevent the other programs from functioning correctly by using all available
The game will, therefore, create a virtual machine in which the programs (written by the players) will face
off. Each program’s objective is to “survive”, that is to say executing a special instruction ("live") that means
I’m still alive. These programs simultaneously execute in the virtual machine and in the same memory zone,
which enables them to write on one another.
The winner of the game is the last one to have executed the "live" instruction.
The virtual machine executes machine code. But in order to write the champions, we will be using a simple
language called “assembly code”. It is made up of one instruction per line.
The instructions are composed of 3 elements:
• An optional label, followed by the LABEL_CHAR character (here, :) declared in op.h. Labels can be any
of the character strings that are composed of elements from the LABEL_CHARS string, which is also
declared in op.h.
• An instruction code (called opcode). The instructions that the machine knows are defined in the op_tab
array, which is delcared in op.c.
• Instruction parameters.
An instruction can have from 0 to MAX_ARGS_NUMBER parameters, separated by commas. Each parameter can
be one of three types:
• Register
From r1 to rREG_NUMBER
• Direct
The DIRECT_CHAR character, followed by a value or a label (preceded by LABEL_CHAR), which represents
the direct value. For instance, %4 or %:label
• Indirect
A value or a label (preceded by LABEL_CHAR), which represents the value that is found at the parameter’s
address (in relation to PC).
For instance, ld 4,r5 loads the REG_SIZE bytes found at the PC+4 address into r5
The assembler takes such a file in assembly code (the champion) as parameter, and produce an executable
for the virtual machine by converting its assembly code into machine code.
This executable begins with a header, defined by the header_t type, which is declared in op.h.
The virtual machine is BIG ENDIAN (like the Sun and unlike the i386).
∇ Terminal - + x
∼/B-CPE-201> ./asm -h
./asm file_name[.s]
file_name file in assembly language to be converted into file_name.cor, an
executable in the Virtual Machine.
Each instruction is coded through 3 elements:
• the parameters
1 byte for a register (its number in hexadecimal),
DIR_SIZE bytes for a direct (its value in hexadecimal),
IND_SIZE bytes for a indirect (its value in hexadecimal).
Those examples are only valid when none of the parameters are indexes
Instructions will sometime describe the parameters they take as indexes. This does not change the rules for
the description of the parameters type but the size of the parameter itself might change.
Indexes’ size will always be IND_SIZE bytes, even when the parameter is a direct.
Read the Machine code section carefully to identify the function that have indexes as parameters.
The virtual machine is a multi-program machine. Each program contains the following:
The machine’s role is to execute the programs that are given to it as parameters, generating processes.
It must check that each process calls the "live" instruction every CYCLE_TO_DIE cycles.
If, after NBR_LIVE executions of the instruction "live", several processes are still alive, CYCLE_TO_DIE is de-
creased by CYCLE_DELTA units. This starts over until there are no live processes left.
The last champion to have said “live” wins.
∇ Terminal - + x
∼/B-CPE-201> ./corewar -h
./corewar [-dump nbr_cycle] [[-n prog_number] [-a load_address] prog_name] ...
-dump nbr_cycle dumps the memory after the nbr_cycle execution (if the round isn’t
already over) with the following format: 32 bytes/line
in hexadecimal (A0BCDEFE1DD3...)
-n prog_number sets the next program’s number. By default, the first free number
in the parameter order
-a load_address sets the next program’s loading address. When no address is
specified, optimize the addresses so that the processes are as far
away from each other as possible. The addresses are MEM_SIZE modulo.
Beware, your virtual machine must be able to be built and run without a graphical envi-
A number is associated to each player. This number is generated by the virtual machine and is given to the
programs in the r1 register at the system startup (all of the others will be initialized at 0, except, of course,
the PC).
With each execution of the "live" instruction, the machine must display “The player NB_OF_PLAYER(NAME_OF_PLAYER
)is alive.”.
When a player wins, the machine must display “The player NB_OF_PLAYER(NAME_OF_PLAYER)has won.”.
In order to pass tests in the autograder you must respect these messages precisely. Also,
the virtual machine’s options presented before will be used.
Every “variables” (RED_NUMBER, CYCLE_TO_DIE, CYCLE_DELTA, MEM_SIZE, . . . ) must have the same
value as the one in the given op.h file.
The Virtual Machine simulates a parallel machine.
But for implementation reasons, it is assumed that each instruction executes entirely at the end of its last
cycle and waits throughout its entire duration.
The instructions beginning on the same cycle execute according to the program’s number, in ascending
For instance, let’s consider 3 programs (P1, P2 and P3), each comprised of the respective instructions 1.1 1.2
.. 1.7, 2.1 .. 2.7 and 3.1 .. 3.7.The timing of each instruction being given in the following table:
The virtual machine will execute the instructions in the following order:
During cycle 21, the machine executes 3 instructions in the following order: 1.6, then 2.5,
then 3.6
The machine must recognize the instructions below (any other code have no action aside from passing to
the next and losing a cycle).
The number of each instruction’s cycles, their mnemonic representation, the number of
parameters and the types of possible parameters are described in the op_tab table in
0x01 (live) takes 1 parameter: 4 bytes that represent the player’s number.
It indicates that the player is alive.
0x02 (ld) takes 2 parameters. It loads the value of the first parameter into the second parameter,
which must be a register (not the PC). This operation modifies the carry.
ld 34,r3 loads the REG_SIZE bytes starting at the address PC + 34 % IDX_MOD into r3.
0x03 (st) takes 2 parameters. It stores the first parameter’s value (which is a register) into
the second (whether a register or a number).
st r4,34 stores the content of r4 at the address PC + 34 % IDX_MOD.
st r3,r8 copies the content of r3 into r8.
0x04 (add) takes 3 registers as parameters. It adds the content of the first two and puts the sum
into the third one (which must be a register). This operation modifies the carry.
add r2,r3,r5 adds the content of r2 and r3 and puts the result into r5.
0x05 (sub) Similar to add, but performing a subtraction.
0x06 (and) takes 3 parameters. It performs a binary AND between the first two parameters
and stores the result into the third one (which must be a register).
This operation modifies the carry.
and r2, %0,r3 puts r2 & 0 into r3.
0x07 (or) Similar to and, but performing a binary OR.
0x08 (xor) Similar to and, but performing a binary XOR (exclusive OR).
0x09 (zjmp) takes 1 parameter, which must be an index. It jumps to this index if the carry is worth 1.
Otherwise, it does nothing but consumes the same time.
zjmp %23 puts, if carry equals 1, PC + 23 % IDX_MOD into the PC.
0x0a (ldi) takes 3 parameters. The first two must be indexes, the third one must be a register.
This operation modifies the carry.
ldi 3,%4,r1 reads IND_SIZ bytes from the address PC + 3 % IDX_MOD, adds 4 to this value.
The sum is named S. REG_SIZE bytes are read from the address PC + S % IDX_MOD and copied into r1.
0x0b (sti) takes 3 parameters. The first one must be a register. The other two can be indexes or registers.
sti r2,%4,%5 copies the content of r2 into the address PC + (4+5)% IDX_MOD.
0x0c (fork) takes 1 parameter, which must be an index. It creates a new program that inherits different
states from the parent. This program is executed at the address PC + first parameter % IDX_MOD.
0x0d (lld) Similar to ld without the % IDX_MOD. This operation modifies the carry.
0x0e (lldi) Similar to ldi without the % IDX_MOD. This operation modifies the carry.
0x0f (lfork) Similar to fork without the % IDX_MOD.
0x10 (aff) takes 1 parameter, which must be a register. It displays on the standard output the character
whose ASCII code is the content of the register (in base 10).
A 256 modulo is applied to this ASCII code.
aff r3 displays ’*’ if r3 contains 42.
Champions are written thanks to the assembly language, described in the The Assembler section.
When the game, and therefore the virtual machine, starts, each champion is going to find its personal r1
register (the number assigned to it by the Virtual Machine).
All of the instructions are useful; all of the machine’s reactions that are described in this project description
are able to be used to give your champions more life, and to find an efficient strategy to win!
The fork instruction for instance is very useful to overwhelm your opponent. But be careful, it takes time
and can become lethal if the end of CYCLE_TO_DIE comes without the machine having been able to terminate
and be able to perform a "live"!
Another example: when the machine runs into an unknown opcode, what will it do? How can you reroute
this behaviour?
If a champion makes a live with a number other than its own, too bad.
At least it won’t be ruined for everyone. . .
# zork . s for corewar
# Bob Bylan
# Sat Nov 10 03:24;30 2081
. name " zork "
. comment " just a basic living program "
l2 :
sti r1 ,%: live ,%1
and r1 ,%0 , r1
live : live %1
zjmp %: live
∇ Terminal - + x
∼/B-CPE-201> ./asm zork.s && hexdump -C zork.cor
00000000 00 ea 83 f3 7a 6f 72 6b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |....zork........|
00000010 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
00000080 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 17 6a 75 73 74 |............just|
00000090 20 61 20 62 61 73 69 63 20 6c 69 76 69 6e 67 20 | a basic living |
000000a0 70 72 6f 67 72 61 6d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |program.........|
000000b0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
00000890 0b 68 01 00 0f 00 01 06 64 01 00 00 00 00 01 01 |.h......d.......|
000008a0 00 00 00 01 09 ff fb |.......|
For the rest, think about it and read op.h and op.c.
If ever something is unclear, ask the assistants and/or the unit coordinator for more precise directions.
Please verify that your programs are completely up to the coding style.
Concerning the output messages, they are not expected to be an exact character length, but they must be
relevant. Ideally, reproduce reference binary behavior.