Quadratic Matric

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Vol. 74 SEPTEMBER, 1974 No. 5


Department of Mathematics, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas 791+09

ABSTRACT Necessary and sufficient conditions for the matrix equation XAX = B and for the n system of matrix equations XAX = B, 2 CijXD;j = K,, i=l,2, . . . ,m, to be solvable are proven in this paper. If solvable, all solutions of the equation or system are determined. These results are used to obtain particular solutions of the general quadratic matrix equation XAX+BX + XC = D. INTRODUCTION

Solutions of the matrix equation XAX+BX+XC=D are important in many applications, e.g., see Potter (1966) who has solved a special case of the equation, but the general problem has not been solved. In this paper, additional particular solutions are obtained by the decomposition of D into a sum of three matrices. Unfortunately, there is no procedure for determining every permissable decomposition of D.
DEFINITIONS AND NOTATION The letters A, 13, . . . ,R and X, Y will denote known and unknown matrices, respectively, of arbitrary orders up to the assumption that indicated operations are defined. All matrices are considered to be defined over the field of complex numbers; however, the results are valid over more general fields (Hurt and Waid, 1970). The Kronecker product of A and B, denoted A B, is defined by A B = (aijB) where A= (ay). If B is a matrix, b will be used to represent B considered as a column vector with lexicographic order on the subscripts. Any solution of AXA = A is called a generalized inverse of A, denoted A~. For example, if A= (1,2), then A~ will represent any column vector of the form (l-2a,a)T where a is arbitrary. Any square matrix A such that A2 = B will be denoted B^. For example 0^ will represent any matrix of the form P^1 JP where P is an arbitrary invertible matrix and J contains zeros everywhere except for a one in the upper right position. Matrix J of order two also shows easily that not every matrix has a square root. The reader is referred to articles by Amir-Moez and Symrl and by Dade and Taussky, 1965, for known results about existence and determination of square roots of certain matrices. PRELIMINARY RESULTS

Two preliminary theorems are proven in this section since they are essential to the main results. Theorem 1. The matrix equation (1) XAX = B is solvable if and only if (AB)^ exists and (2) (3) in which case every solution is of the form
^Manuscript received December 18, 1972 (72-59).
THE OHIO JOURNAL OF SCIENCE 74(5): 273, September, 1974



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where U is arbitrary. Proof. Clearly (1) is equivalent to the system AX = Y, XY = B. For each fixed Y, this system is solvable (Morris and Odell, 1968) if and only if AA~Y = Y, BY~Y = B, and Y2 = AB. Thus (1) is solvable if and only if (AB)^ exists and (2), (3). Now it is known (Morris and Odell, 1968) that if the system is solvable, then every solution has the form X = A - Y + B Y - - A - A B Y - + ( I - A - A ) U ( I YY~) where U is arbitrary. Then (4) follows immediately. Theorem 2. The system of matrix equations (5) XAX = B, n (6) 2 diXDij^Ei, i=l,2, . . . ,m, i=i is solvable if and only if (AB)^ exists and (7) (8) (9) where

and for 1=2, . . . ,m,

in which case every solution is of the form (10) X = A-(AB)^+(I-A-A){B(AB) where Ui is determined by (11) U^H.n+J.nU, and U is arbitary. Proof. By Theorem 1, (5) is solvable if and only if (7) and (8), in which case every solution has the form (10) where Ui is arbitrary. Then the system

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(5), (6) is solvable if and only if (6) is solvable for Ui when (10) is substituted for X in (6). This substitution yields
RiUi = pi, i = 1,2, . . . ,m.

But this system is solvable (Morris and Odell, 1968) if and only if (9), in which case every solution has the form (11). A special case of Theorem 2 is presented next, with notation simplified considerably, since it is the basis for the main results of this paper. Corollary 1. The system of matrix equations

is solvable if and only if (ADX)^ exists and


in which case every solution has the form X = A-(AD X )^+] where Ui is determined by and U is arbitrary.

Consider the matrix equation (12) XAX + BX+XC = D. Particular solutions of this equation can be obtained by writing D = D i + D 2 + D 3 where Di, D2, D3 satisfy the conditions of Corollary 1. Unfortunately, the conditions do not give a method for determining every decomposition of D such that the matrix equation is solvable. Six obvious specializations of the corollary which may give particular solutions are now listed. Case (vi) is given in Theorem 3 as an example.



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Theorem 3.

If AA"0^ = 01A and EE~f = f where

where U is determined by and U is arbitrary, is a solution of (12). Theorems 4-7 yield particular solutions of (12) obtained simply by factoring. However, the theorems are useful in conjunction with Theorems 8-9. Proof of Theorem 4 is given to show the method. Theorem 4. If A is square, BA = B, and BC= D, then X = B is a solution of (12). If in addition AA-C = C, then X = - A - C + ( I - A ~ A ) U , where U is arbitrary, is a solution of (12). Proof. The first conditions permit the factorization XAX + BX + XC D = (X + B) (AX + C). Then obviously X = - B is a solution of (12). Further, if AA~C = C then AX= C is solvable (Penrose, 1955) and every solution has the form X = A~C+(I A~A)U, where U is arbitrary. Again this X is clearly a solution of (12). Theorem 5. If DA = B and D C = - D , then X = - D is a solution of (12). If in addition AA^C = C, then X= -A-C+(I-A~A)U, where U is arbitrary, is a solution of (12). Theorem 6. If A is square, AC = C, and BC= D, then X = C is a solution of (12). If in addition BA"A = B, then X = - B A - + U ( I - A A ~ ) , where U is arbitrary, is a solution of (12). Theorem 7. If AD = C and B D = - D , then X = - D is a solution of (12). If in addition BA"A = B, then X = - B A - + U ( I AA~), where U is arbitrary, is a solution of (12). It is easily seen from (12) that both B and C must be square matrices and thus may be invertible. Theorems 8-11 utilize this possibility. Theorem 8. Suppose det B^O. Then (12) is solvable if and only if (13) YAB~1Y+BY+YC = BD is solvable, in which case X = B~1Y is a solution of (12). Proof. Suppose (12) is solvable. Then there exists D2 such that BX = D2 or X = B~1D2 and X satisfies (12). Then B- 1 D 2 AB- 1 D 2 +D 2 + B-1D2C = D and D 2 AB- 1 D 2 +BD 2 +D 2 C = BD, i.e., (13) is solvable. Now suppose (13) is solvable. Then B-1YAB-1Y+BB-1Y+B~1YC = D, i.e., X = B"1Y is a solution of (12). Theorem 9. Suppose det C?^0. Then (12) is solvable if and only if (14) YC- 1 AY+BY+YC = DC is solvable, in which case X = YO~1 is a solution of (12). The proof, similar to that of Theorem 8, is omitted. Clearly, methods indicated previously may be used to find particular solutions of (13) or (14) which then give solutions to (12). Theorems 10-11 are given as examples. Theorem 10. Suppose det B^O. If C= - A B ^ D , then X = B~1D is a solution of (12). If in addition A~A = I, then X = -BA^+B- 1 U(I-AA-) is a solution of (12) for each arbitrary matrix U. Proof. Proof by substitution is very simple; however, a longer proof is given to show how other solutions may be obtained. By Theorem 6, (12) is solvable

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and X = B-1Yif and only if YAB^Y+BY+YC-BD = O is solvable. Now if C = - A B ^ D , then (Y-D), thus X2= B~1D is a solution of (12). Also if YAB-* = - B , i.e., if A~A= I so that Y = - B A - + U ( I - A A " ) , then X = B~1Y= - B A ' + B ^ U y - A A ^ ) , where U is arbitrary, is a solution of (12). Clearly, other factorizations may be useful in determining other solutions of (12). ] Theorem 11. Suppose det C^O. If B = - D C - 1 A , then X = DC~1 is a solution of (12). If in addition AA~=I, then X= -A^C+(I-A-A)UC- is a solution of (12) for each arbitrary matrix U. The proof is similar to that of Theorem 10.
REFERENCES CITED Dade, E. C, and O. Taussky. 1965. Some new results connected with matrices of rational integers. Proc. Symp. Pure Math. 8: 78-88. Amir-Moez, A. R., and S. Smyrl. (In press). Square roots of a positive matrix and polar decompositions. J. Indust. Math. Hurt, M. J., and C. Waid. 1970. A generalized inverse which gives all the integral solutions to a system of linear equations. SI AM J. Appl. Math. 19: 547-550. Morris, G. L., and P. L. Odell. 1968. Common solutions for n matrix equations with applications. J. Assoc. Cornput. Mach., 15: 272-274. Penrose, R. 1955. A generalized inverse for matrices. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 51: 406-413. Potter, J. E. 1966. Matrix quadratic solutions. SIAM J. Appl. Math. 14: 496-501.

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