Micro Strip
Micro Strip
Micro Strip
In this section, we'll discuss the microstrip antenna, which is also commonly referred to as the patch antenna. [Note: I'll use the terms microstrip antenna and patch antenna interchangeably.] The rectangular patch antenna is analyzed, and what is learned here will be applied to understanding PIFAs (Planar Inverted-F Antennas). Introduction, Parameters and Fields of Microstrip Antennas Bandwidth and Fringing Fields Feeding Methods for Patch Antennas Tradeoffs and Design Parameters of Microstrip Antennas Video Simulation of Transient Fields Under a Microstrip Antenna Planar Inverted-F Antennas (PIFAs) Video Introduction and Analysis of Patch/Microstrip Antennas
(b) Side View of Microstrip Antenna Figure 1. Geometry of Microstrip (Patch) Antenna.
The frequency of operation of the patch antenna of Figure 1 is determined by the length L. The center frequency will be approximately given by:
The above equation says that the microstrip antenna should have a length equal to one half of a wavelength within the dielectric (substrate) medium. The width W of the microstrip antenna controls the input impedance. Larger widths also can increase the bandwidth. For a square patch antenna fed in the manner above, the input impedance will be on the order of 300 Ohms. By increasing the width, the impedance can be reduced. However, to decrease the input impedance to 50 Ohms often requires a very wide patch antenna, which takes up a lot of valuable space. The width further controls the radiation pattern. The normalized radiation pattern is approximately given by:
The fields of the microstrip antenna are plotted in Figure 2 for W=L=0.5
Figure 2. Normalized Radiation Pattern for Microstrip (Patch) Antenna. The directivity of patch antennas is approximately 5-7 dB. The fields are linearly polarized, and in the horizontal direction when viewing the microstrip antenna as in Figure 1a (we'll see why in the next section). Next we'll consider more aspects involved in Patch (Microstrip) antennas.
Figure 3. Magnitude of S11 versus Frequency for Square Patch Antenna. Some noteworthy observations are apparent from Figure 3. First, the bandwidth of the patch antenna is very small. Rectangular patch antennas are notoriously narrowband; the bandwidth of rectangular microstrip antennas are typically 3%. Secondly, the microstrip antenna was designed to operate at 100 MHz, but it is resonant at approximately 96 MHz. This shift is due to fringing fields around the antenna, which makes the patch seem longer. Hence, when designing a patch antenna it is typically trimmed by 2-4% to achieve resonance at the desired frequency. The fringing fields around the antenna can help explain why the microstrip antenna radiates. Consider the side view of a patch antenna, shown in Figure 4. Note that since the current at the end of the patch is zero (open circuit end), the current is maximum at the center of the half-wave patch and (theoretically) zero at the beginning of the patch. This low current value at the feed explains in part why the impedance is high when fed at the end (we'll address this again later). Since the patch antenna can be viewed as an open circuited transmission line, the voltage reflection coefficient will be -1 (see the transmission line tutorial for more information). When this occurs, the voltage and current are out of phase. Hence, at the end of the patch the voltage is at a maximum (say +V volts). At the start of the patch antenna (a halfwavelength away), the voltage must be at minimum (-V Volts). Hence, the fields underneath the patch will resemble that of Figure 4, which roughly displays the fringing of the fields around the edges.
Figure 4. Side view of patch antenna with E-fields shown underneath. It is the fringing fields that are responsible for the radiation. Note that the fringing fields near the surface of the patch antenna are both in the +y direction. Hence, the fringing E-fields on the edge of the microstrip antenna add up in phase and produce the radiation of the microstrip antenna. This paragraph is critical to understanding the patch
antenna. The current adds up in phase on the patch antenna as well; however, an equal current but with opposite direction is on the ground plane, which cancels the radiation. This also explains why the microstrip antenna radiates but the microstrip transmission line does not. The microstrip antenna's radiation arises from the fringing fields, which are due to the advantageous voltage distribution; hence the radiation arises due to the voltage and not the current. The patch antenna is therefore a "voltage radiator", as opposed to the wire antennas, which radiate because the currents add up in phase and are therefore "current radiators".
As a side note, the smaller is, the more "bowed" the fringing fields become; they extend farther away from the patch. Therefore, using a smaller permittivity for the substrate yields better radiation. In contrast, when making a microstrip transmission line (where no power is to be radiated), a high value of is desired, so that the fields are more tightly contained (less fringing), resulting in less radiation. This is one of the trade-offs in patch antenna design. There have been research papers written were distinct dielectrics (different permittivities) are used under the patch antenna and transmission line sections, to circumvent this issue. Next, we'll look at alternative methods of feeding the microstrip antenna (connecting the antenna to the receiver or transmitter).
Next: Feeding Methods for Patch Antennas Top: Introduction to Microstrip Antennas
Inset Feed
Previously, the patch antenna was fed at the end as shown here. Since this typically yields a high input impedance, we would like to modify the feed. Since the current is low at the ends of a half-wave patch and increases in magnitude toward the center, the input impedance (Z=V/I) could be reduced if the patch was fed closer to the center. One method of doing this is by using an inset feed (a distance R from the end) as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Patch Antenna with an Inset Feed. Since the current has a sinusoidal distribution, moving in a distance R from the end will increase the current by cos(pi*R/L) - this is just noting that the wavelength is 2*L, and so the phase difference is 2*pi*R/(2*L) = pi*R/L. The voltage also decreases in magnitude by the same amount that the current increases. Hence, using Z=V/I, the input impedance scales as:
In the above equation, Zin(0) is the input impedance if the patch was fed at the end. Hence, by feeding the patch antenna as shown, the input impedance can be decreased. As an example, if R=L/4, then cos(pi*R/L) = cos(pi/4), so that [cos(pi/4)]^2 = 1/2. Hence, a (1/8)-wavelength inset would decrease the input impedance by 50%. This method can be used to tune the input impedance to the desired value.
Figure 2. Patch antenna with a quarter-wavelength matching section. The goal is to match the input impedance (Zin) to the transmission line (Z0). If the impedance of the antenna is ZA, then the input impedance viewed from the beginning of the quarter-wavelength line becomes
This input impedance Zin can be altered by selection of the Z1, so that Zin=Z0 and the antenna is impedance matched. The parameter Z1 can be altered by changing the width of the quarter-wavelength strip. The wider the strip is, the lower the characteristic impedance (Z0) is for that section of line.
Figure 3. Coaxial cable feed of patch antenna. The position of the feed can be altered as before (in the same way as the inset feed, above) to control the input impedance. The coaxial feed introduces an inductance into the feed that may need to be taken into account if the height h gets large (an appreciable fraction of a wavelength). In addition, the probe will also radiate, which can lead to radiation in undesirable directions.
Figure 4. Coupled (indirect) inset feed. The advantage of the coupled feed is that it adds an extra degree of freedom to the design. The gap introduces a capacitance into the feed that can cancel out the inductance added by the probe feed.
Aperture Feeds
Another method of feeding microstrip antennas is the aperture feed. In this technique, the feed circuitry (transmission line) is shielded from the antenna by a conducting plane with a hole (aperture) to transmit energy to the antenna, as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5. Aperture coupled feed. The upper substrate can be made with a lower permittivity to produce loosely bound fringing fields, yielding better radiation. The lower substrate can be independently made with a high value of permittivity for tightly coupled fields that don't produce spurious radiation. The disadvantage of this method is increased difficulty in fabrication.
Tradeoffs and Design for Microstrip Antennas Patch Antenna Menu Antennas List Home: Antenna Tutorial
All of the parameters in a rectangular patch antenna design (L, W, h, permittivity) control the properties of the antenna. As such, this page gives a general idea of how the parameters affect performance, in order to understand the design process. First, the length of the patch L controls the resonant frequency as seen here. This is true in general, even for more complicated microstrip antennas that weave around - the length of the longest path on the microstrip controls the lowest frequency of operation. Equation (1) below gives the relationship between the resonant frequency and the patch length:
(1) Second, the width W controls the input impedance and the radiation pattern (see the radiation equations here). The wider the patch becomes the lower the input impedance is. The permittivity of the substrate controls the fringing fields - lower permittivities have wider fringes and therefore better radiation. Decreasing the permittivity also increases the antenna's bandwidth. The efficiency is also increased with a lower value for the permittivity. The impedance of the antenna increases with higher permittivities. Higher values of permittivity allow a "shrinking" of the patch antenna. Particularly in cell phones, the designers are given very little space and want the antenna to be a half-wavelength long. One technique is to use a substrate with a very high permittivity. Equation (1) above can be solved for L to illustrate this:
Hence, if the permittivity is increased by a factor of 4, the length required decreases by a factor of 2. Using higher values for permittivity is frequently exploited in antenna miniaturization. The height of the substrate h also controls the bandwidth - increasing the height increases the bandwidth. The fact that increasing the height of a patch antenna increases its bandwidth can be understood by recalling the general rule that "an antenna occupying more space in a spherical volume will have a wider bandwidth". This is the same principle that applies when noting that increasing the thickness of a dipole antenna increases its bandwidth. Increasing the height also increases the efficiency of the antenna. Increasing the height does induce surface waves that travel within the substrate (which is undesired radiation and may couple to other components). The following equation roughly describes how the bandwidth scales with these parameters:
Feeding Methods
On this page, I will present a movie showing the fields under a microstrip antenna. In this numerical experiment, a short pulse will be launched from the end of a microstrip, which will travel towards the patch antenna. Some of the pulse will radiate away, and some of the power will be reflected back down the microstrip line. This type of simulation gives a little bit better idea of what is going on with a patch antenna, specifically when short pulses (short waveforms, or brief applied voltages) are incident upon a microstrip antenna. Specifically, consider a patch antenna that is mounted on a ground plane, with a dielectric with permittivity equal to 2.2. The thickness of this dielectric is 0.795 mm (millimeters). The patch antenna will be 1.25 centimeters wide and 1.56 centimeters long (you should be able to tell what frequency this antenna will radiate well at - if not, see intro to patch antennas page). The microstrip antenna will feed the patch offset from the center, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Offset feed for Patch Antenna. The transient pulse will be of the form given by exp(-(t-T0)/T )^2, where T0 is the time delay and will be 45 pS (picoseconds, 10^-12), and T is a parameter that controls the rate of rise and fall, which is 15 pS. This function is plotted in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Incident (transient) pulse fed to a Patch Antenna. In the following video, we will view the z-directed electric field, immediately below the patch antenna. Note that the surface of the patch is normal to the z-axis. We can clearly see the incident pulse propagate down the microstrip line, be disturbed by the microstrip antenna, then some of the fields are reflected, some radiate away, and some stay resonant below the patch and eventually radiate away or reflect back down the microstrip line.
Patch Antennas
A simulation of a patch antenna fields are shown; particularly a broadband Gaussian pulse on a square microstrip or patch antenna is shown. This video shows a Gaussian pulse travel down the microstrip. Some energy is reflected back. Incidentally, taking the Fourier transform of the incident pulse and the returned signal and taking the ratio would give S11 (return loss) as a function of frequency for this antenna. If you would like to see how this numerical electromagnetics simulation was developed, see the patch antenna numerical example page.