What Is A Regular Polygon

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What is a Regular Polygon

What is a Regular Polygon In geometrical mathematics, a polygon can be defined as a geometrical shape or figure that is enclosed with straight lines. In a simple mean we can define the polygon as a closed figure that are made up of several lines segment that are interlinked to each other. In the shape of polygon the interlinked sides neither are nor intersect to each other. In the mathematical definition we can say that a polygon is popularly known as plane figure which is enclosed by closed path. In the shape of polygon different straight lines are interconnected to each other, these sides are popularly known as edges of the polygon. The word polygon come from Greek word polusgonia, which is formed by two words polus and gonia. Here the word polus refers to the many and the word gonia refers to the angle. The polygon can be considered as a basic shape of the geometry that is formed on two dimensional plane. These are shape that is formed by the straight lines but the sides of the polygon must be connected to each other.

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According to properties of the polygon we can categorize the polygon into three different categories. The most popular types of polygons are given below: (A) Regular and irregular (B) Convex and Concave (C) Simplex or complex A polygon can contain at least three sides to form the geometrical shape because the numbers of sides less than three are not able to form the polygon is not possible. On the basis of number of sides in polygon, we can categorize the polygon into different number of category on the condition when the polygon is of regular type. At this time question arises in our mind that What is a Regular Polygon? To understand the concept of regular polygon we need to perform the study of regular polygon which is given below: A regular polygon is a polygon that ha the concept of equilateral or equiangular. Here the word Equiangular refers that when all the angles are equal in measure. In the same aspect we can say that the word equilateral refers to the shape that has all sides are the same lengths. According to the above given properties we can easily define the regular polygon as the shape where all the angles are equal in measure and all the sides are the same length. It means to say that regular polygon follow the concept of equiangular and equilateral. There are some of the examples given below that are able to understand the concept of regular polygon.

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A) Triangle: triangle is a geometrical shape that can be consider as regular polygon when all the sides and all the angles of the triangle are equal in measure. (b)Square: square is the most basic mathematical shape which is formed by four straight lines that are equal in shape and it also contains the four right angles into its four corners. Thats why the geometrical shape square can be considered as a regular polygon with four sides. (c) Regular hexagon and Regular octagon: The hexagon and octagon are the geometrical shape that six sides and eight sides respectively into it. In both shapes of the polygon all the sides and all the angles are equal in measure. So we can say that hexagon and octagon are the regular polygons.


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