Halmos - Naive Set Theory

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Paul R. Halmos Naive Set Theory Springer-Verlag New York + Heidelberg + Berlin Managing Editor P.R. Halmos Indiana University Department of Mathematics Swain Hall East Bloomington, Indiana 47401 AMS Subject Classification (1970) 05-01 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Halmos, Paul Richard, 1914- Naive set theory. (Undergraduate texts in mathematics) Reprint of the ed. published by Van Nostrand, Princeton, N.J., in series: The University series in undergraduate mathematics. 1. Sct theory. 2. Arithmetic I. Title. (QA248.H26 1974] 511.3 74-10687 ASBN 0-387-90092-6 Foundations. All rights reserved. No part of this hook may be translated or repraduced in any form without written permiesion from Springer-Verlag. © 1960 hy Litton Fdneational Publishing, Ine. and 1974,by Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Prittted in the United States of America, ISBN 0-387-90092-6 Springer-Verlag New York Heidelberg Berlin ISBN 8-540-90092-6 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York PREFACE Every mathematician agrees that every mathematician must know some set theory; the disagreement begins in trying to decide how much is some. ‘This book contains my answer to that question. ‘The purpose of the book is to tell the beginning student of advanced mathematics the basic set- theoretic facts of life, and to do so with the minimum of philosophical discourse and logical formalism. The point of view throughout is that of a prospective mathematician anxious to study groups, or integrals, ar manifolds. From this point of view the concepts and methods of this book are merely some of the standard mathematical tools; the expert specialist will find nothing new here. Scholarly bibliographical eredits and references are out of place in a purely expository book such as this one. ‘The student who gets interested in set: theory for its own sake should know, however, that there is much more to the subject than there is in this book. One of the most beautiful sources of set-theoretic wisdom is still Hausdorff’s Set theory. A recent and highly readable addition to the literature, with an extensive and up-to-date bibliography, is Axiomatic set theory by Suppes. In set theory “naive” and “axiomatic” are contrasting words. ‘The present treatment might best be described as axiomatic set theory from the naive point of view. It is axiomatic in that some axioms for set theory are stated and used as the basis of all subsequent proofs. It is naive in that the language and notation are those of ordinary informal (but for- malizable) mathematics. A more important way in which the naive point of view predominates is that set theory is regarded as a body of facts, of which the axioms are a brief and convenient summary; in the orthodox axiomatic view the logical relations among various axioms are the central objects of study. Analogously, a study of geometry might be regarded as purely naive if it proceeded on the paper-folding kind of intuition alone; the other extreme, the purely axiomatic one, is the one in which axioms for the various non-Euclidean geometries are studied with the same amount of attontion as Euclid’s. The analogue of the point of viow of this book

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