Questionnaire On Satisfaction On Social Life in College
Questionnaire On Satisfaction On Social Life in College
Questionnaire On Satisfaction On Social Life in College
We would like to find out how satisfied you are with social life at college. Please take this brief survey to give feedback.
2. If yes, Are you satisfied with these activities (price, organizing, quality, time, etc.)? a) Yes b) No
4. How do you rate social life in our college compared to other colleges? a) Very good c) Moderate e) Very bad b) good d) bad
5. Mention one doctor you like most to attend his lectures: Name: ____________________________
6. What are the aspects of your daily life would you consider as contributing to your social satisfaction? (You can choose more than one answer) a) Your profession (being student in our case). Family c) Your social circle Facebook and twitter. b) Your
7. How satisfied are you with the way your life is shaping up? a) Very satisfied c) Somewhat satisfied b) Satisfied d) Not satisfied at all
8. Do you agree that you enjoy your life? a) Agree c) Disagree b) somewhat agree
9. Will you ever try bungee jumping from any of these places?
The Eiffel Tower The Leaning tower of Pisa Mount Everest Burj Khalifa Cairo Tower
Thank you for taking our survey, all of your responses will be confidential and will only be reviewed in aggregate.