LOS Tool Kit Checklist

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LOS Tool Kit Checklist

Name of I&C Supplier: Circle:
Sr. No. LOS Tool Description Tool Sizes/Type Qty. reqd. per Team

Availabilit y Status Qty. available Remarks

Safety Tools (PPE) 1 Safety Belt 2 Lanyard with Anchor (for Safety belt) 3 Helmet (Hard hat) 4 Safety Shoes Pair ISI mark ISI mark ISI mark -------2 2
One per person One per person 1

LOS Tools 1 GPS Receiver 2 Magnetic Compass 3 Measuring Tape 4 Binoculars 5 Cameras 6 Mobile Phones 7 Digital Altimeter 8 Mirror 9 Spare batteries for Camera & GPS Min.1m size
+/- 3m accuracy

1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2

10 11

NEC-ICN-FRM-QA-015 (1-0)

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