Glenmont Sector Plan: Preliminary Recommendations

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Glenmont Sector Plan

preliminary recommendations

Glenmont Sector Plan

Tentative Project Schedule
January 26 February 4 February 22 March 21 May 23 Scope of Work Community Workshop #1 Community Workshop #2 Community Workshop #3 Community Meeting: Draft Preliminary Recommendation Planning Board: Preliminary Recommendation Planning Board: Staff Draft Planning Board Public Hearing Planning Board Worksessions Planning Board Draft

preliminary recommendations

June 7

July 19

September 2012 OctoberDecember 2012

Glenmont Sector Plan

Purpose: Identified the areas strengths, challenges and opportunities Began developing a vision for Glenmont Asked questions and received answers
February 4, 2012

preliminary recommendations

Approximately 95 people attended

Glenmont Sector Plan

Purpose: Presented preliminary vision, based on feedback received at Workshop #1 Received input on preliminary vision Began revising vision based on comments received
February 22, 2012

preliminary recommendations

Approximately 65 people attended

Glenmont Sector Plan

Purpose: Presented preliminary vision, based on feedback received at Workshop #2 Received input on Draft Vision Statement Received input on Pedestrian and Bicycle Connectivity
February 22, 2012

preliminary recommendations

Approximately 65 people attended

Glenmont Sector Plan

preliminary recommendations

Glenmont Sector Plan

preliminary recommendations

Glenmont Sector Plan

preliminary recommendations

Glenmont Sector Plan

preliminary recommendations

Principle Land Uses Single-Family Detached Multi-Family Residential Parks Parking and Transportation Institutional and Community Facility Vacant Retail Open Space and Recreation Single-Family Attached Office

49 15 9 8 7 5 3 1 0.6 0.03

Existing Zoning

Glenmont Sector Plan

Demographic Snapshot
12,582 persons 4,486 households Adults between ages 30 to 44: Four and a half percentage points (4.5%) higher when compared with countywide-share (21.6% points) Adults 65 and up: Over one and a half percentage points (1.6%) higher when compared with countywideshare (11.9%) Hispanic population 8.3 percent higher than countywide-share (15.1%) Non-Hispanic Black population 10 percent higher than countywideshare (15.9%) Seventy eight (78) percent of renters pay less than $1500 per month compared to 68 percent countywide.

preliminary recommendations

Glenmont Sector Plan

Current and Proposed Projects
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Grade-Separated Interchange Metro Garage-West Proposed New Fire Station Glenallan Elementary School Bus Rapid Transit Privacy World Rezoning Wheaton High School/Thomas Edison High School

preliminary recommendations

5 6 3 2 7 5 1 4

Glenmont Sector Plan

1964 General Plan and 1969 General Plan Update
Bi-County plan for Montgomery and Prince Georges Counties Wedges and Corridors Concept
Urban Ring around the District with Radial Corridors leading from the center Wedges of low density and rural uses between

preliminary recommendations

1964 General Land Areas Map

Glenmont Sector Plan

1993 General Plan Refinement
URBAN RING Well-established, lively center Strong residential neighborhoods Varied transportation option Relatively dense development Active public and private reinvestments Commercial revitalization SUBURBAN COMMUNITIES Moderate density land uses along transit Increasing transportation options Suburban residential neighborhoods Distinct centers Active public and private reinvestments Appropriate public and private investment

preliminary recommendations

Glenmont Sector Plan

preliminary recommendations

1997 Glenmont Sector Plan

Glenmont Village Center
Mixed-Use Development Georgia Avenue Enhanced Boulevard Pedestrian and Bike Friendly Interconnected Street System

Glenmont Neighborhoods
Stable Residential Neighborhoods Environmental Features as amenities Interconnected Bike and Ped. System

Glenmont Sector Plan

preliminary recommendations

1997 Glenmont Sector Plan

Glenmont Village Center
Mixed-Use Development Georgia Avenue Enhanced Boulevard Pedestrian and Bike Friendly Interconnected Street System

Glenmont Neighborhoods
Stable Residential Neighborhoods Environmental Features as amenities Interconnected Bike and Ped. System

Glenmont Sector Plan

Proposed Center and Neighborhood Concept

preliminary recommendations

Glenmont Center Enlarge

Glenmont Sector Plan

Draft Vision
The Glenmont of the future will be a walkable, diverse and sustainable community, with services and amenities primarily for the local residents and workers. The redeveloped Glenmont Shopping Center will be the focus of communityoriented activities and services, with a distinctive identity that creates a sense of place. New compact, mixed-use developments, concentrated in and around the shopping center and the Metro station, will offer expanded housing choices for people of all ages and incomes and provide a variety of open spaces. Existing single-family neighborhoods will be preserved and enhanced. Improved pedestrian and bicycle facilities will provide safe and convenient connections throughout the Sector Plan area.
Low-Density Residential

preliminary recommendations

Low-Density Residential

Buffer Zone


Mid-Density Mixed-Use

Land Use Concept

Glenmont Sector Plan


preliminary recommendations

1. Focus growth in a compact building pattern within walking distance of the Metro station. 2. Encourage and maintain housing diversity. 3. Encourage convenience retail and localserving offices. 4. Allow redevelopment of large parcels with appropriate densities and building with transitions to surrounding low density residential neighborhoods. 5. Encourage compact site design to accommodate a variety of active and passive, open green space.
Low-Density Residential

Low-Density Residential

Buffer Zone


Mid-Density Mixed-Use

Glenmont Sector Plan


preliminary recommendations

6. Provide and encourage adequate community facilities for existing and new residents. 7. Increase connectivity by encouraging a layered transportation network.

Low-Density Residential

Buffer Zone

8. Balance the needs of creating a place for local residents with mobility for through traffic. 9. Increase pedestrian connectivity and improve local access to Metro, Wheaton Regional Park, schools, places of gathering, and other local destinations. 10. Conserve and enhance natural resources to provide a healthy and green environment.
Low-Density Residential CORE

Mid-Density Mixed-Use

Glenmont Sector Plan

General Recommendations
Preserve the existing single-family neighborhoods and protect them from the negative impacts of new development. Encourage development of mid-rise housing units and townhouses on redevelopable property where appropriate to diversify the housing stock. Create a grid network of local streets on the Glenmont Shopping Center and other large redevelopable properties to create shorter blocks that are more conducive to walking and biking Retain the 1997 Sector Plans confirmation of the existing R60 Zone for single-family blocks of Georgia Avenue West with recommendation of suitable for RT-15 Consider the feasibility of establishing a parking lot district in Glenmont to create a more efficient parking system to reduce imperviousness and eliminate redundant parking facilities

preliminary recommendations

Glenmont Sector Plan

General Recommendations
Preserve the existing single-family neighborhoods and protect them from the negative impacts of new development. Encourage development of mid-rise housing units and townhouses on redevelopable property where appropriate to diversify the housing stock. Create a grid network of local streets on the Glenmont Shopping Center and other large redevelopable properties to create shorter blocks that are more conducive to walking and biking Retain the 1997 Sector Plans confirmation of the existing R60 Zone for single-family blocks of Georgia Avenue West with recommendation of suitable for RT-15 Consider the feasibility of establishing a parking lot district in Glenmont to create a more efficient parking system to reduce imperviousness and eliminate redundant parking facilities

preliminary recommendations

Glenmont Center Enlarge

Glenmont Sector Plan

Glenmont Shopping Center
Provide east west road through Glenmont Shopping Center connecting Randolph Road to Layhill Road. Evaluate the Glenmont Arcade for potential designation on the Master Plan for Historic Preservation. Create a centrally located open space designed to accommodate major community events, outdoor activities, and gatherings. Encourage maximum heights along Georgia Avenue and the interior of the property. Achieve greater than the minimum required public use space through compact foot print and buildings higher than five story stick construction.

preliminary recommendations

CR 2.0 C 0.5 R 1.5 H 120

Glenmont Sector Plan

Glenmont Shopping Center
Provide east west road through Glenmont Shopping Center connecting Randolph Road to Layhill Road. Evaluate the Glenmont Arcade for potential designation on the Master Plan for Historic Preservation. Create a centrally located open space designed to accommodate major community events, outdoor activities, and gatherings. Encourage maximum heights along Georgia Avenue and the interior of the property. Achieve greater than the minimum required public use space through compact foot print and buildings higher than five story stick construction.

preliminary recommendations

CR 2.0 C 0.5 R 1.5 H 120

Glenmont Sector Plan

Metro Station/Layhill Triangle Block
Provide transit facilities such as kiss-n-ride, bus loop and parking that does not impede pedestrian access to/from the station. Evaluate the WSSC water tower for potential designation on the Master Plan for Historic Preservation. Evaluate Georgia Avenue Baptist Church for potential designation on the Master Plan for Historic Preservation. Explore Layhill Road Redesign to improve pedestrian and vehicle circulation at its intersection with Georgia Avenue. Recommendations to evaluate include the following: Bifurcation, Partial Realignment and Road Diet of existing alignment.

preliminary recommendations

CR 2.0 C 0.5 R 1.5 H 100

Glenmont Sector Plan

Privacy World
Protect and restore areas of environmental buffer and investigate options for stream restoration through redevelopment. Extend Denley Road east of Georgia Avenue, parallel to and north of Glenallan Avenue.

preliminary recommendations

CR 1.5 C 0.5 R 1.5 H 75

Glenmont Sector Plan

Winexburg Manor Apartments
Require a minimum of 15 percent of Moderate Price Dwelling Units for optional method projects under CR zone. Protect and restore areas of environmental buffer. Preserve as much of existing forested area as possible with a minimum of 25% tree canopy. Provide an internal road grid with the redevelopment to improve pedestrian and vehicular access. Construct a street connecting Randolph Road and Layhill Road, parallel to and north of Glenallan Avenue with redevelopment. Provide pedestrian and bicycle access into the Saddlebrook Local Park.

preliminary recommendations

CR 1.5 C 0.25 R 1.25 H 85

CRN 1.0 C 0.25 R 1.0 H 45

Glenmont Sector Plan

Glenmont Forest Apartments
Evaluate Glenmont Forest Apartments (Americana Glenmont) for potential designation on the Master Plan for Historic Preservation. Require a minimum of 15 percent of Moderate Price Dwelling Units with maximum density. Protect and restore areas of environmental buffer. If redevelopment occurs, provide an internal road network grid to improve pedestrian and vehicular access. The pattern should include the extension of Erskine Avenue, Wallace Avenue and/or Starling Drive. Potential trail connection to Brookside Gardens, if redevelopment occurs.

preliminary recommendations

CRN 1.0 C 0.25 R 1.0 H 45

CR 1.5 C 0.25 R 1.25 H 85

Glenmont Sector Plan

General Recommendation
Historic Resources Evaluate the following resources for potential designation on the Master Plan for Historic Preservation: Glenmont Forest Apartment complex, Glenmont Arcade, Georgia Avenue Baptist Church, WSSC water tower, Montgomery County Police Station Encourage adaptive reuse of extant and potentially historic buildings for benefits of preserving community character and sustaining the environment. Integrate historic resources into redevelopment plans to retain sense of place while allowing for growth.

preliminary recommendations

Glenmont Sector Plan

General Recommendations Parks, Open Spaces, and Community Facilities Encourage new developments with variety of open space such as parks, plazas, linear greens, playgrounds, that encourage community gathering, picnicking, informal play, and passive and active recreation. Allow for the integration of community gardens into redevelopment sites, public projects, and open spaces where appropriate. If the Kensington Fire Station #18 is not built at the WMATA triangle on Georgia Avenue near Glenallan Avenue, it should be built on the old Glenmont elementary school site at the southwest corner of Georgia Avenue and Randolph Road. Every effort should be made to retain the existing ballfield on the elementary school site. Provide connectors to major trail corridors, Northwest Branch Trail and Matthew Henson Trail.

preliminary recommendations

Glenmont Sector Plan

General Recommendations
Connectivity Improve the function, safety and quality of sidewalks through street trees, sidewalk green panels, quality pavement, pedestrian lighting and buildings with ground floor retail where appropriate. Confirm the existing master plan ROW of Georgia Avenue and Randolph Road adequate to accommodate future bus rapid transit operation, currently understudy. Preserve restricted access into the singlefamily neighborhood west of Georgia Avenue, at its intersections with Urbana Drive, Judson Road and Sheraton Road. Utilize urban road cross sections from the County Road code for new roads to reduce pedestrian crossing and maintain lower design speeds.

preliminary recommendations

Glenmont Sector Plan

General Recommendations
Connectivity Improve the function, safety and quality of sidewalks through street trees, sidewalk green panels, quality pavement, pedestrian lighting and buildings with ground floor retail where feasible. Confirm the existing master plan ROW of Georgia Avenue and Randolph Road adequate to accommodate future bus rapid transit operation, currently understudy. Preserve restricted access into the singlefamily neighborhood west of Georgia Avenue, at its intersections with Urbana Drive, Judson Road and Sheraton Road. Utilize urban road cross sections from the County Road code for new roads to reduce pedestrian crossing and maintain lower design speeds.

preliminary recommendations

Glenmont Sector Plan

General Recommendations
Connectivity Discourage widening roadway intersections to accommodate through-vehicular traffic. Provide enhanced pedestrian crossing opportunities on Georgia Avenue, Randolph Road, Layhill Road and Glenallan Avenue where appropriate. Seek state designation as a Bicycle and Pedestrian Priority Area. Request that MCDOT perform a Traffic Signal Warrant Study to determine if a traffic signal and crosswalks can be installed at Livingston Street and Randolph Road. Designate Glenallan Avenue, as a modified Business District Street with parking on both sides and a Dual Bikeway (including a shared use path and bike lanes).

preliminary recommendations

Glenmont Sector Plan

General Recommendations
Natural Environment Protect Areas of contiguous forest and minimize fragmentation.

preliminary recommendations

Glenmont Sector Plan

General Recommendations
Natural Environment Protect areas of contiguous forest and minimize fragmentation. Protect and restore stream channels and environmental buffers.

preliminary recommendations

Glenmont Sector Plan

General Recommendations
Natural Environment Protect Areas of contiguous forest and minimize fragmentation. Protect and restore stream channels and environmental buffers. Increase tree canopy cover by planting trees in parking lots, within roof and terrace plantings, unused right-ofway and publically owned properties. Incorporate trees into stormwater management Best Management Practices (BMPs).

preliminary recommendations

Glenmont Sector Plan

General Recommendations
Natural Environment Reduce stormwater runoff by decreasing the amount of impervious surface and maximizing infiltration of storm water Impervious areas should be shaded as much as possible to reduce heat island effect

preliminary recommendations

Glenmont Sector Plan

General Recommendations
Natural Environment Reduce energy consumption through site and building design

preliminary recommendations

Glenmont Sector Plan

General Recommendations
Natural Environment Reduce energy consumption through site and building design. Maximize renewable energy production.

preliminary recommendations

Glenmont Sector Plan

Implementation Mechanisms: State and Count CIP, Private redevelopment per zoning and other regulations, public-private partnerships, community influence and design guidelines The CR zone requires public benefits under optional method development. In Glenmont, the following public benefits should be given priority to achieve incentive points for optional method development: Through-block pedestrian connections Public parking Way finding Affordable housing Care Centers Dwelling Unit Mix Historic Resource Protection Public Art Public Open Space Tree Canopy Vegetated Roof Habitat Preservation and Restoration Advance Dedication

preliminary recommendations

Glenmont Sector Plan

preliminary recommendations

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