Corporate Parenting Analysis

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It views a corporation in terms of resources and

capabilities that can be used to build business unit value as well as generate synergies across it units Generates corporate strategy by focusing on the core competencies of the parent corporation and the value created from the relationship between the parent and its businesses

The corporate parent is responsible for making overarching corporate strategy decision. It is a parent which decide what business to support, what acquisition to make, or whether to form joint venture or alliance. It is a parent which determine the structure of the corporation, defies budgeting and capital expenditure process and sets the tone for corporate values and attitudes

There are basically three styles of corporate parenting as follows; Financial Control, Strategic Planning and, Strategic Control.

Under this style the role of the corporate parent is to monitor and evaluate the financial performance of investment portfolio of the respective business units. The corporate managers act as agents on behalf of shareholders and financial markets to identify and acquire viable assets and businesses. However the corporate parent sets performance standards for control purposes

Under this style the role of the corporate parent is to enhance synergies across the business units. This may be achieved through: envisioning to build a common purpose, facilitating cooperation across businesses and providing central services and resources.

Under this style the corporate parent leverages its resources and competences to build value for its businesses. For example a corporate could have a valuable brand or a specialist skill. The corporate parent uses its parenting capabilities to seize opportunities for growth.

There are nine propositions for achieving parenting advantage and, consequently, for successful implementation of corporate strategy. 1. Justifying the parent Since the corporate parent has no external customers for its product/services, it can justify itself if it influences businesses collectively to perform better than they would as independent entities. The challenge for the corporate parent to justify itself is important because it focuses attention on whether and how its activities do add value

2. Parenting advantage Corporate parents compete with each other for the ownership of businesses. Therefore, for keeping their stakeholders (especially businesses), the parents must add more value to the businesses in the portfolio than other rival parents would. This objective, which is referred to as achieving parenting advantage, should be one of the most important objectives of corporate strategy. 3. Value destruction For avoiding value destruction, corporate parents must be more disciplined, which implies avoiding intervention in businesses unless they have specific reasons for believing that their influence will be positive, or avoiding extension of their portfolio into new businesses unless they are sure that they will be able to add value

4. Lateral synergies Since there is existence or potential for lateral linkages between the businesses in corporate enterprise, the main role of parent managers should be to create synergy. It primarily includes their pursuing of real synergy opportunities, and their positive interventions in the lateral relationships between businesses. 5. Value creation Value creation primarily occurs when the parent sees an opportunity for a business to improve performance and has the skills, resources and other characteristics for helping the business to seize the opportunity. This means that the parent enhances both the individual performance of the business and the value of linkages between the businesses, and creates value by altering the composition of the business portfolio performing its corporate development activities.

6. Corporate office and management processes

The importance of the size, staffing and design of the corporate office as well as managing corporate processes are not in question, and managers devote considerable attention to them. But if corporate functions and processes are not developed they may lead to little or no improvement in performance. For parent managers it is far more important to possess the skills that are suitable for the parenting opportunities targeted by the corporate-level strategy 7. Diversity It is a fact that highly diverse corporate enterprises are more difficult to manage than less diverse ones. So a vital managerial guidance for corporate parent is provided by creating valid measures of diversity. In that sense, diversity is best measured in terms of the differences in parenting needs and opportunities between businesses in portfolio

8. Stretch and fit

Corporate parent must realistically consider the speed with which it can build new skills and understand new types of businesses. It is supposed to search for new opportunities continuously and refine and extend parenting skills, which encourage innovative ideas and help eliminate many disasters of excessive corporate ambition. 9. Business unit definition and corporate structure Business units (businesses) represent the basic building blocks in any multi-business corporate enterprise.Therefore, decisions on unit definitions and corporate structure should be determined by careful analysis of their likely impact on value creation. Getting the unit definitions and corporate structure right is an important precondition for a successful corporate strategy.

The following value activities can be achieved through corporate parenting: Envisioning- providing clear overall vision and strategic intent for all its business units. This provides the business unit managers with the focus and motivation for a common unit of purpose Central services and resources- through the provision of central resources and competences, it was able to build up its scale and was able to use it effectively to build up capacities in its business units.

Intervening- Corporate parent can provide central

direction and intervention within its business units in order to ensure its appropriate performance

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